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A Social Capital Framework for the Empowerment of Low-status Youth

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Drawing from empowerment theory in critical social work, the prepared talk initiates a discussion about manifesting one’s capacity as an institutional agent in ways that not only entails providing key resources, but also that enables the authentic empowerment of the student or young person. Influenced by Freirean philosophy, the article makes a critical distinction between “widening the pipeline” and “changing the world.”

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TALK(CUE)Oct.27,2009 1

A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents & of the Empowerment of Low-status Youth—

(by Ricardo D. Stanton-Salazar, Ph.D.)



Presented October 27, 2009 (revised August 24, 2011)

Stanton-Salazar, R. D. (2010, December). “A social capital framework for the study of institutional agents and of the empowerment of low-status youth.” Youth & Society, 42 (2).

http://yas.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/10/05/0044118X10382877.abstract Stanton-Salazar, R. D. (1997). “A Social Capital Framework for Understanding The Socialization

of Racial Minority Children and Youths." Harvard Educational Review, 67 (1). http://www.hepg.org/her/abstract/232

In an essay published in 1997, I introduced a number of sociological concepts that seemed to catch the attention of educational scholars interested in the schooling experiences of minority youth:

1) “institutional agents” – a term I invented in order to bring attention to the role of non-family, adult actors embedded in the social networks of children & adolescence—and particularly how opportunities to develop supportive relations with RESOURCEFUL non-family, adult actors might differ depending on whether one was upper-middle-class or working-class;

2) “social capital” (drawn from the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and economic sociologists such as Nan Lin)


3 major questions have guided my career:

How can the tools of ‘social network analysis,’ combined with theories of social capital and class reproduction,

1) inform our understanding of how class, race, ethnicity, & gender function to socially construct the lives of working-class minority youth largely by determining the COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE, & SOCIAL DYNAMICS of their social networks:

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2) and [in turn], how the COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE, & SOCIAL DYNAMICS of their social networks operate in ways that ….complicate and undermine their social mobility and educational experiences of— …while the COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE, & SOCIAL DYNAMICS of the networks of middle-class youth operate in ways that ensures their success in the educational system and the attainment of middle-class status in adulthood.

particular (attention): Latino youth from immigrant families

SOCIAL NETWORKS: [focus] • relations with non-family adult actors in the school and

community; • access to a whole array of resources and social and “institutional

support” [make reference to handout on “institutional support”]

3) Intellectual Agenda II: How can the tools of ‘social network analysis,’ combined with theories of social capital—help us understand those countervailing processes that enable some working-class youth and students to experience success within the school system and social mobility into the middle-class.

4) Intellectual Agenda III: How can the tools of ‘social network analysis,’

combined with theories of social capital, inform how we can programmatically intervene in the lives of working-class minority students….?

Purpose of Manuscript/Essay Institutional agent: 1) ”position” in social hierarchy of an institution—access to resources attached to that position (e.g., school principal, Dean of College): “positional resources” 2) “personal resources”– individuals with high degree of human, cultural, & social capital

• resources conceived in terms of “institutional support”

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Institutional support: the concept of institutional support, which refers to key resources and forms of

social support which function to ensure children and adolescents become

effective participants within institutional spheres that control resources and

network pathways associated with different forms of empowerment, during

adolescence and early adulthood, including school achievement, class mobility,

and self-determination. The school system is, of course, the most important of

these institutional spheres.

Forms of Institutional Support Institutional Agent: Roles Transmission of Key Funds of Knowledge Knowledge Agent Network Development Networking Coach Evaluation, Advice & Guidance Advisor Bridging Bridging Agent Institutional Brokering Institutional Broker

(an amplification of ‘bridging agent’)

Coordinating Coordinator (an amplification of ‘institutional broker’)

Guided Cultural Exposure Cultural Guide

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[Institutional Agents Across the Class Hierarchy] • Within the upper strata of society, institutional agents are identified as

those societal actors who act to maintain the advantages of other actors and groups who share similar attributes, high-status positions and social backgrounds (e.g., executive members of a corporation; the leadership of upper-middle-class associations; upper middle-class high school students); such ‘inclusion’ however, operates in the context of societal and institutional forms of ‘exclusion’ (e.g., residential and occupational segregation by class and race).

• Upper-class and upper-middle-class people, and some middle-class individuals, are able to construct cosmopolitan networks, a set of relationships with a diverse constellation of people that include different kinds of institutional agents who can provide privileges, institutional resources, opportunities for career mobility, wealth creation, political empowerment and the school achievement of children.

o The higher the class position of the individual, the more likely he or she is embedded in social networks that afford high levels of accessibility to institutional agents with high degrees of human, cultural and social capital, and who are situated in high-status positions characterized by highly-valued societal resources. (see Figure 1)

• Institutional agents also work in institutions, schools, organizations, community installations, and positions that primarily or exclusively serve a diverse spectrum of middle class individuals and populations, providing valued ‘connections’ to resourceful networks and key forms of ‘institutional support’ (Ianni, 1989; Lareau, 2003). They can render services for payment, or as part of the infrastructure of middle-class communities, including educational institutions and youth-serving organizations and installations (Kozol, 1991).

• “Gate-keeping agents,” in contrast, work in institutions, schools, organizations, community installations, and positions that serve a mixture of people and communities differentiated by class, race and ethnicity. Whether consciously or unconsciously, such agents are oriented toward rendering services and providing institutional support to those privileged by class or race, to those who exhibit cultural capital, and to those who demonstrate institutionalized symbols of merit and ability

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• Among lower-status members of society (e.g., youth from working-class and ethnic minority communities), access to institutional support is usually an extraordinary phenomenon, and happens through involvement via relationships with committed institutional agents through special school and educational programs, social service agencies, different and effective intervention and mentor programs --social capital for purposes of intervention or empowerment

• ….educators, social workers, intervention program staff, and similar others become ‘institutional agents’ when they mobilize or directly provide resources and support to a student or youth that significantly enables the latter to effectively navigate and exert control over the principal environments within which he or she is embedded; o first and foremost, to safely navigate the potentially oppressive

ecological aspects of neighborhood, community, school, and society, while reaping the benefits of those ecological aspects that are developmentally empowering

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The Motivational and Ideological Characteristics of an Institutional Agent

1) “Sociological theory is often developed by shuttling back and forth between abstract sociological insights and empirical evidence.” 2) Characteristics conceived in terms of attributes long a continuum.

Whether they actually assume the role of institutional agent on behalf of low-status youth-- on a regular basis depends, in large part, on at least five characteristics:

(1), the degree to which they are aware of the social structural forces within society and within their institution that function to problematize the success of low-status students (e.g., low financial resources, lack of recruitment and retention efforts); (2), on their level of critical awareness that the success of low-status students or youth within the institution is contingent on their receiving systematic and tailored provisions of ‘institutional support’; (3), on their willingness to not act on the established rules of social structure that serve the purpose of consolidating resources within the upper levels of the hierarchy (e.g., advocating only for students in advanced placement courses); (4), on the contents of their identity and their ideological commitments—particularly, on whether they identify themselves as one of those agents responsible for advocating on behalf of the low-status students and for providing them with varied forms of ‘institutional support’; and (5), their motivation and willingness to be identified by the larger personnel community that they are an advocate and an agent for low-status students. It is important to realize, however, that other tacit or explicit ideological agendas may motivate actors to assume the role of institutional agent. • Void of ‘critical consciousness,’ adult actors may become quite devoted to

providing ‘institutional support’ to low-status youth as a means of enabling them to uncritically assimilate into the status quo. There may

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even be some consciousness of social structural forces within society (e.g., institutionalized racism) and within their institution that function to problematize the success of low-status students,

• …but the emphasis is on “widening the pipeline” rather than on ‘changing the world.’

Critical consciousness, conscientization, or conscientização (Portuguese), is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian pedagogue and educational theorist Paulo Freire, grounded in Marxist critical theory. Critical consciousness focuses on achieving an in-depth understanding of the world, allowing for the perception and exposure of perceived social and political contradictions. Critical consciousness also includes taking action against the oppressive elements in one's life that are illuminated by that understanding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_consciousness

* * * * SOCIAL WORK: In wanting to elaborate a notion of “institutional agent” as someone who empowers others, I turn to the literature in the field of social work:

• full range of organized activities undertaken by public and voluntary agencies that seek to prevent, alleviate, and contribute to the solution of a selected set of social problems;

• these activities are carried out by “social workers” and by volunteers with some accumulated knowledge about how to help people

Empowerment Theory: “critical social work” (Solomon; Gutierrez & Lewis, 1999) • RSS: the emphasis in the progressive sector of the field is not necessarily

to solve people’s problems, but to ENABLE people to “empower” themselves and to change the world they live in----and thus, you find here a theoretical discourse on “empowerment” – and the emergence of “empowerment theory” –with it’s emphasis on “social justice” and the fair distribution of societal resources (e.g., like quality schools, income, and health care)

• attraction: the emphasis on “enabling” is on: o providing institutional resources o helping people to learn how to access the resources in their own

community and the resources controlled by different ‘institutions” (e.g., governmental bodies and agencies, a school district, foundations, etc.)

o natural linked to social network-analysis and social capital frameworks – which also emphasizes ACCESS TO RESOURCES

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Moving from institutional agent to “empowerment agent”

‘Decoding the system’ ----------- “empowerment”

• an awareness of what resources and funds of knowledge are needed to achieve within the system at a precise moment in time,

• while envisioning a different social order, combined with understanding of what structures ultimately need to be dismantled.

• ‘Decoding the system’ entails knowing which actors and organizations in the social universe control key institutional resources, and which actors and organizations are the most predisposed and committed to the empowerment of low-status individuals and communities.

• ‘Decoding the system’ also entails the political and networking skill-set

that enables young people from oppressed communities to enter into resourceful relationships with these actors and organizations that may not have an empowerment agenda and any particular commitment to low-status youth or students.

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Evaluating the Structure, Resources, and Resourcefulness of an Agent’s Social Network Personal and Position Resources Positional resources are those that are linked to an advantageous position within a hierarchically-arranged organization, network, institution, or social system. As Lin states, “the occupant of a position may change, but the resources are attached to the position” Personal resources are in the possession of individual actors who can use or transmit these resources “without needing to receive specific authorization or be accountable to other actors” or to the rules inherent in certain positions within an organization (Lin, 2001, p. 42). The capacity of such agents to empower youth and other actors is dependent on three primary factors:

• first, on the resources they directly possess and on the institutional support they are able to directly provide;

• second, on the resources attached to their position; and • third, on the resources and support possessed by other agents, but whom

they are to mobilize on behalf of the youth they are aiding and supporting.

Their capacity to provide this third and indirect yet effective form of support is dependent upon the structure and quality of their own social networks. We begin to identify distinctions in the capacities of institutional agents by examining this third factor.

• first, in their enlightened “network orientation,” that is, in their critical awareness that empowering another can be accomplished indirectly, through actors and resources embedded in their own social networks;


Work in Progress: [see next page]

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Work in Progress: Accessing “System Knowledge” & “Insider Knowledge” in Coping with Challenging Life Events & in Attaining Life Goals: Building a Task Force & Research Teams (Grant Pre-Proposal, August 9, 2011) The “problem” begins with the person’s entrée into a system (e.g., the legal system, educational system) and the issue of whether the individual has the “Problem-Solving Knowledge” appropriate to that system, and the knowledge, which for most people, is the most difficult to attain: “insider knowledge,” (e.g., questionable or unfair practices in that system). In most formal systems, professionals or service providers, typically, have no incentive, to provide the client with knowledge regarding how the system works internally, and how it often works, hegemonically, to keep the client uninformed, vulnerable, easily manageable, and if the professional or service provider desires, exploitable. [from Prospectus]: CRITICAL EVALUATION OF, & ENGAGEMENT WITH, A PROFESSIONAL or SERVICE PROVIDER, or INSTITUTIONAL AGENT

1. knowledge of how to evaluate whether a professional or service provider or institutional agent is the most appropriate one, given one’s needs; 2. knowledge of how to conduct a efficient and thorough “background check” and history of a particular agent, professional, or service provider (formal, internet-based, and informal networks) 3. knowledge of how to engage or interview prospective professional or agent (in a manner that is assertive, self-empowering, relationally engaging, and that communicates to the agent or professional that you are coming from a place of confidence, knowledge and power); 4. knowledge when services and treatment meet basic professional standards, and when the professional, service provider, or agent is “exceptional” (services & treatment way above basic standards) (e.g., professional or agent educates & informs while giving service or treatment)