A SNAIL’S PACE RUNNING CLUB ALL CHAPTER NEWSLETTER SNAIL TALES May 2016 Issue 02- 50 Best Running Stores Nominations 03- Reduce Inflammation for Optimal Health by Raymond Bunch, D.C. 04- Summer Pub Runs schedule 05- USAT F Masters Indoor Championships by Gilbert Salazar 07- Staff Spotlight, Steven Gibson 08- Ninja Runner / MV Summer Style Forecast 09- On Pacing By Rick Green, Fountain Valley 10- Snails in B oston 11- B rea Chapter News 14- Fountain Valley Chapter News 19- Mission Viejo Chapter News 21- Monrovia Chapter News 22- Snail’s Cup OC Full/Half/5k Update 23- Snail’s Cup T op T en Update 24- Club Financials 25- Membership Updates 29- Good Form Running Clinic 27- Club Race Schedule 30- New Balance / American Made Shoes 28- Saucony Ride 9 31- Memorial Day post-race BBQ/Pool Party CALL FOR NEWSLETTER ARTICLES! Articles and or photos (decent quality resolution) of your recent running adventures or events for the newsletter are encouraged. Pleasesubmit any material that is inspirational,scenic, unique, fun, or just worth mentioning to your respective chapter’s newsletter editor. Brea – Kristin Guth / [email protected] Fountain Valley – Richard Green/ [email protected] Mission Viejo – Bob Morris / [email protected] Monrovia – Jenny Welch / [email protected] This month’s head editor - Bob Contributing editors – Kristin, Jenny, Richard . ASP Footwear Buyer, Jen Serna wins the Tinker Bell Half Marathon Photo: runDisney

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May 2016 Issue02- 50 Best Running Stores Nominations

03- Reduce Inflammation for Optimal Health by Raymond Bunch, D.C.

04- Summer Pub Runs schedule

05- USATF Masters Indoor Championships by Gilbert Salazar

07- Staff Spotlight, Steven Gibson

08- Ninja Runner / MV Summer Style Forecast

09- On Pacing By Rick Green, Fountain Valley

10- Snails in Boston

11- Brea Chapter News

14- Fountain Valley Chapter News

19- Mission Viejo Chapter News

21- Monrovia Chapter News

22- Snail’s Cup OC Full/Half/5k Update

23- Snail’s Cup Top Ten Update

24- Club Financials

25- Membership Updates 29- Good Form Running Clinic

27- Club Race Schedule 30- New Balance / American Made Shoes

28- Saucony Ride 9 31- Memorial Day post-race BBQ/Pool Party

CALLFORNEWSLETTERARTICLES!Articlesandorphotos(decentqualityresolution)ofyourrecentrunningadventuresoreventsforthenewsletterareencouraged.Pleasesubmitanymaterialthatisinspirational,scenic,unique,fun,orjustworthmentioningtoyourrespectivechapter’snewslettereditor.Brea– KristinGuth/[email protected]– RichardGreen/[email protected]– BobMorris/[email protected] – JennyWelch/[email protected]

Thismonth’sheadeditor- BobContributingeditors– Kristin,Jenny,Richard


ASPFootwear Buyer,JenSernawinsthe TinkerBellHalfMarathon


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50 Best Running Stores Voting Starts NOW!


as One of the 50 Best Stores in America!


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Reduce Inflammation for Optimal HealthIt’s implicated in a range of health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. You may not even know you’re living with it. What is it? it’s inflammation, and in its chronic form, it can wreak havoc on the body.

What Is Inflammation?Inflammation has been defined as “A localized reaction that produces redness, warmth, swelling, and pain as a result of infection, irritation, or injury. Inflammation can be external or internal.”According to nutritionist and dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD, temporary inflammation is our body’s way of fending off sudden injury or infection. When inflammation becomes a chronic issue, however, “the immune system mistakenly attacks normal cells, and the process that ordinarily heals becomes destructive.”

Foods That Cause and Reduce InflammationDo you have inflammation-causing foods lurking in your pantry or fridge? Culprits include white sugar and flour, dairy, alcohol and foods fried in trans-fats. Along with reducing or removing these damaging foods from your diet, consider adding inflammation-fighting foods to help stave off illness.•Fatty fish•Nuts including walnuts, cashews and almonds•Berries•Orange and yellow fruits•Dark leafy greens•Avocados in small amounts•Extra virgin olive oil•Ginger, saffron, garlic and turmeric

Natural Chiropractic Care for Better HealthIn addition to making smart dietary decisions to reduce inflammation, we encourage you to visit us for regular chiropractic care. Keeping your spine aligned and your nervous system in check may help reduce dangerous, disease-causing inflammation.

Dr. Raymond Bunch, D.C. "Improving your health so you can play a better game“ Bunch Chiropractic, Inc. 1131 E. Main St., Suite 106 Tustin, CA 92780 phone-714-751-8570 www.bunchchiropractic.co

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OnMarch5,2016,IcompetedintheMastersIndoorTrackandFieldChampionshipsinAlbuquerqueNewMexico.Thiswasthefirsttimecompetingonanindoortracksince1995duringmycollegedays. IhadbeenplanningacompleteSpringtrackseasonfor2016andseveralearlyoutdoor1600metereventswerethebuilduptocompletingthe1500meterindooreventinAlbuquerque.

MywifeLucyandIflewintoABQandrentedacartogetaroundeventhoughourhotelwasonlythenextblockoverfromtheconventioncenterandcompetitionhall.Therewereplentyofshopsandplaceseasilywithinwalkingdistance. Imustmentionthattheairportitselfwasquiteinterestingandhadwehadmoretime,justwanderingtheterminalshopsandarestaurantortwowouldhavebeenworththeeffort.Amongtherestaurantsthatweenjoyed,ElPinto,Rudy’sBBQ,TheFrontier,andGarcia’sKitchenwereyummyandofferedgreatselectionsoftraditionalSouthwesternfood. Ourfour-daytripdidnotofferthetimeneededtomakeatriptoSantaFeordrivetothesummitoftheSandia’sforanicerun,butwedidmaketimetovisitfriends. MyfriendChokri ownsasmallmarketinthenortheastheightsareaandisalsotheheadcoachfortherunningprogramatElDoradoHighSchool. HehasmanyofthefastestrunnersinthestateandoneofthestrongestteamsintheentireSouthwest. VisitingwithhimbringsbackfondmemoriesofwhenIusedtotravelouttherejusttotrain.

Beforetheactualrace,athleteshadthechancetopracticeontheactualtrackwhichwas200meterslongallweatherbankedsurface. Therewasaseparateroomthatathletescouldwarmuponjustpriortotheirevent. WhenIfirstviewedthetrack,IthoughtImighthaveproblemswiththeslantofthetrackduetoIhadbeenhavingsorenessissueswithmyfootalready,butthroughouttheeventIhadnosuchissues.TheonlydiscomfortIhadduringthesevenandahalflapswaswiththeelevationwhichaffectedmehalfwaythroughmyrace. Iwouldrecommendtrainingalittleatelevationifyouplantoraceatelevation(Downtownisabout5000feet).

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ThemeetwasexcitingtowatchaccordingtomywifeLucy. Shewasunabletocompetethisyearbutwasreallymotivatedtotryandrunthemeetnextyear. Lucygottoenjoyseveralheatsofthe1500meterevent(8men’sand4or5women’s). ThereweremanyathletesfromSouthernCalifornia(SoCalTrackClub),andtheyplacewell. Manyagegroupathletessetworldrecordsincludinga98yearoldwhohimselfwasrunningthe1500meterevent. Therewerealsosomeformerprofessionalsprintersrunningthe60meterevent. Tolistenandseemanyoftheathletesinteracting,youknowthattheserunnerscompeteyearafteryearandhaveestablishedawarmfamiliaritywithmanyoftheiragegroupcompetitors.

Trainingandpreparingfortheeventbyrunningothersmalltrackmeetswasfunandquitedifferentthanroadracingorevencrosscountryracing. Theearlymeetsweredominatedbyhighschoolagedrunnerswhichwasquiteachallengeforme. IwantedtorunabitalsowhenwearrivedinAlbuquerquebecausethetrailsaresonicethere. OneinparticularthatIcouldrundailyiscalledtheEmbudito TrailjustoffTramwayandMontgomery. ThistrailprovidesgentlyrollinghillsandgreatviewsallfromthebaseoftheSandiaMountainswhichborderAlbuquerquetotheEast.Theelevationthereisabout6000feetandincreasessteadilythefartheroutyougo. AnotherniceplacetorunisatthetopoftheSandiaMountainsjustover10000feet. TheLaLuzTrailisalsoachallengingtrailalongTramwaythatisscenic. RunningaroundtheAlbuquerqueAcademyisagreatplacetotrainwhendoingtemporuns,orhillrepeatsorevenhittingthetrack. Manyprofessionalsfromaroundtheworldcanbeseenhereattimes.

TocompeteintheMastersIndoorChampionshipsisnotdifficult. Thequalificationsweresimple:beamastersathlete30yearsorolder,andamemberofUSATF. Therewasnotimestandardandtrackshoeswerenotrequired. Ibelievethecostwas$75. Thevenuechangesevery2– 3yearsandnextyearwillonceagainbeinAlbuquerque;however,for2018themeetisalreadyslatedtobeinMaryland.IdefinitelyrecommendthiseventandwouldlovetoseemoreSnailscompetingoutthere.


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Whatareyourcurrentrunninggoals?My#1goalistocompeteinasmanySnailCupracesasIcan,alongwithmyfavoriteotherracesontheside,liketheHollywoodHalf,SanDiegoRnR Marathon,LasVegasRnRHalf.


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Steven Gibson (continued)




BRMgr. MichaelFlowers,2ndMale.ASPFootwearBuyer,1st Female.

ASPscores attheDisneyTinkerbell Half


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Thank you for the opportunity to run as the 5:10 pacer at the OC Marathon this morning. It was aninteresting experience. Please recall our conversation three weeks ago, when I volunteered to pace the fullmarathon. I assured you that 5:10 is well above my marathon personal best of 4:37:59 that I set onValentines Day at the Los Angeles Marathon. What I didn’t tell you is that for the last three months, I’dbeen basically sitting on my tail eating Doritos. Like snow under strong sunshine, all of the fitness I’dgainedfrom training for LA had evaporated away. The last time I ran more than 10 miles was the Los AngelesMarathon on Valentines Day. I’dbe pacing theOCMarathon basically untrained.

Even untrained, you’d think running well below one’s potential would be easy, right? Not so. Pacing isharder than it looks. A five hour and tenminute marathon is an 11:50minutemile pace. That assumes a 26mile and 385 yard marathon course. Since running the tangents is a myth and course measurement is notalways accurate, Huy my pacing partner and I attempted to compensate for the additional distance wewould cover. I set my Garmin Virtual Running Partner to an 11:40 minute mile pace.Huy had a stopwatchand a pace band that assumed a 26.8-mile marathon. Neither of these methods worked very well. Whenwe hit the 20milemarker (that point of the race where you just want to put the hammer down, pick up thepace and get it over with) we found that the error in our methods had compounded across the last fourhours to the point where we were severalminutes ahead of our advertised pace. We had to slow down, notspeedup.

Finally, It’s difficult to describe the reaction we received from my fellow runners and spectators. On thefront half of the course, wewere greetedwith cheers (Thank you for pacing!) or looks of bemusement. Fivehours and ten minutes is an odd time to pace. The back half of the course was a different experience. AsHuy and I passed sweat-soaked, shagged out participants who were running faster in their heads than withtheir feet, reactions ranged from a dirty look to being viewed as the angel of death, coming to claim theirdreams ofmarathonglory.

All thing considered, I think I did a pretty good job. Huy and I finished the OC Marathon in 5:10:03. I willstrive todo better next year.


Rick Green, FountainValley

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Brea Chapter News

Brea Chapter Monthly MeetingTuesday, 04/05/16

Tempo Urban Kitchen

Taco Dinner

Welcome and Introduction of New Members

Upcoming Club EventsClub Events

Powder Canyon Away Run (Sat 5/21)Mizuno Pub Run (Wed 5/25)Snail’s Cup Race – Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half/10k/5k (Mon 5/30)10% discount code: ASNAILSPACEJune Meeting (Tues 6/7)Tink

Club RacesOC Marathon/Half/5K (Sun, 05/01)Laguna Hills Half/10K/5K (Mon, 05/30)

Treasury ReportBalance - $1,117.22Expired Memberships

Tim CroghanMichael LohseJamie BrownEmily Israel

Newsletter UpdateRace Results

Meetup UpdateNon Club Races

Tinkerbell Half (Sun 5/8 Disneyland)AIDS 5k Run/Walk (Sat 5/14)Anaheim Semper 5k (Sat 5/21)Fontana Days Run (Sat 6/4)Taylor’s Wish 5k (Sat 6/4, Anaheim Hills)5k RunMania Run/Walk (Sat 6/4, Orange)

Social Chair’s ReportApril 2016 Spirit Points Recipient – Angelo Aquino Raffle

Open BusinessAngel Game (Sat, 07/16)Ideas for Away Runs (Last Saturday of each month)

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Brea Chapter News

Name Event Time What You Liked What You Didn’t Like

Yen Darcy OC Marathon 5:23/pacer Backyard marathon 2nd half of course

Becky Bell OC Half Marathon 2:40:12 Love the course I didn’t sleep the night before-bad run

Jimmy Andres Bahamas Castaway Cay 5k 22:00 The course was perfect, has Disney stamp None!

Derek Alcorn Bloomsday 12k 39:37 The course The heat

Keven Williams Big Sur Marathon 3:28 Views Head wind!!

Angelo Aquino St. Louis Marathon 4:03 The course Some wind

Jose Rojas Randy Simmons Run 5k 21:48 The competition The hill up Dodger Stadium

Fred Pollard OC Marathon 5:29:30 It being over Too many miles


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Brea Chapter News

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Fountain ValleyChapter NewsFountain ValleyChapter News

Monthly Meeting Notes

May 11, 2016

Round Table Pizza

• Welcome the following new faces: Laura (from the Academy) Joanna & Hanna

• Upcoming club races: City of Laguna Hills Half & 5K 5/30; Anaheim Downtown 5k 6/11; La Palma's 2016 Fitness Run For Fun 7/4

• Other runs:

- The Ekiden XXV 5/22 See Ad Below

- Pub Run, First Tuesday 6:00 pm from ASP FV Shop to The Slice (next door to the shop)

- ASP FV Store Staff Run Every Thursday 5:30 pm

• Weekly runs (See details and RSVP on FV Chapter Meetup site):

– Tuesday Night Speed/Hill Training at Fairview Park by Coach Fier. Warm-up @6:15pm.

– Wednesday Night Fun Run at Roundtable Pizza in Fountain Valley @6:15pm.

– Sunday Morning Cameo Shores Run @8:00am. Lead by Dave Parsel and Pat Copps.

– Good Form Running Clinic – 1st Sunday of the Month 11:00 am ASP Fountain Valley Store

• Treasurer’s report: Account balance is $1,507.06 with 105 total members. See Club Financials and Membership Updates for details.

Congratulations to:

Spirit Points Winner of the Month: Richard Green

Log Your Points at http://www.snailspacespirit.com/

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Fountain Valley Chapter News

Name Event Time Comments

Rick Noer Costa Mesa Community 5k/10k Long time Last race, moving to VA; 1st in AG

Kristen Morris OC Marathon Full #4Nora Mullen Big Sur MarathonNora Mullen Tinker Bell 10K & Half MarathonBob Norton OC Half Marathon 2:58:55 3 hour Pacer with Bobby PorterRob Sternburg OC Half Marathon 1:55 Great Race!

Marie Puffpaff OC Marathon 6:27Than Duong OC Half Marathon 2:48 Nice RaceThan Duong 10K Boy Scouts Laguna NiguelPam Belasco OC Half Marathon 2:31 Rah Rah!Teri Magnanson Rock It Racing 10K 1:27 First Trail Race 2nd AGKevin Mullen Boston Marathon 3:24:33 Qualified for Boston

Kevin Mullen Big Sur Marathon 4:50 FinishedKevin Mullen OC Half Marathon 1:34:50 PRSheri Wilson OC Half Marathon 2:25 PacerLuis Gasca OC Half Marathon 1:53 PRRod Robey OC Half Marathon 1:59:14 PRRod Robey Tinker Bell Half Marathon 2:08James Howarth OC Marathon 5:33 PRRobert Mingosa OC Half Marathon 2:55:17 PacerJenny Gardelle OC Half Marathon 2:5 PacerRichard Green OC Marathon 5:10:03 Pacer


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Fountain ValleyRaces and Places

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Fountain ValleyRaces and Places

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Fountain ValleyRaces and Places

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Mission Viejo Chapter News


Quote: “Themiracleisn'tthatIfinished.ThemiracleisthatIhadthecouragetostart.”―JohnBingham,NoNeedforSpeed:ABeginner'sGuidetotheJoyofRunningWelcomingnewrunnersGreg– VicePresidentpresentsupcomingClubmonthlyrace,weeklyruns,andotherevents:ClubRaceforthemonthofMayAcknowledgerunnerswhoranOCMarathon,HalfMarathonand5KMay30thMonday-MemorialDay:LagunaHillsHalfMarathon,10Kand5KNonClubRaces:✪May7thSaturday– CureMelanoma5k✪May8ThSunday– TinkerbellHalfMarathon✪May15thSunday– TheGreatDonutRun5Kc.ClubRuns:✪ SaturdayRun– QuailHillTrailRun(NewRoute)✪ SundayRun@StarbucksFootHill– TrailRun✪ TrailTuesdaysHappyHourRunOtherEvents:May10thTuesday– PubRunMay19th– SummerStyleForecastandFashionShowMay25thWednesday– GarminweartestspecialnightKarineMeetupGurupresents:TheimportanceofSigninginMeetUptokeepupdatedwithallraces,localruns,andevents.Marina- SocialChairOfficerpresents:a. HowtologintoTheSpiritPointProgramandhowitworksb.April2016Snail’sPaceSpiritPointsWinnerc.PinsandBarsWinnersd.MonthlyBirthdaysThan– TreasurerpresentsClubExpensesSandraacknowledgerunnersandgoalsachievedduringthemonthofAprilMeetingDismissed

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Mission Viejo Chapter at OC



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Monrovia Chapter News

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Snail’s Cup Series 2016 Update OC Marathon/Half/5k Results

CLUB Chapter OCTotal

Enrique Santoyo FV 872Greg Beck MV 834

Kristine Miller MV 821Tom Frost MV 819

Kevin Mullen FV 817Pamela Wusthof MV 800Meri Smalstig BR 794

Katharina Menzel MV 786Doug McKay BR 744

Jose Vara MO 740Sandra Wendler MV 738

Coleen Reinertson BR 737Ann DelFosse MV 726Fred Pollard BR 726David Burnell FV 724Mike Bertram MV 723Luis Gasca FV 716

Jimmy Andres BR 711Robert Sternberg FV 708

Chris Barrier BR 703Tina Ingegneri MV 701Todd Crozier MV 691Sandy Draper FV 686Pam Belasco FV 684

Andrew Calasanz BR 683Dennis Chang BR 673Mike Schwartz MV 672

Rod Robey FV 671Linda Price MV 671

Ardy Azadgan FV 657Kyra Ytzen MV 656Yen Darcy BR 656

Raymond Valencia MO 652Lillian Bertram MV 646

Andrew O'Bannon MV 645Mike Ong FV 644

Faith Morris MV 632Karen Burgess MV 632

Troy Brown MV 631Than Quan BR 619

Natalie Baptiste MV 619Sue Sternberg FV 617

Lindsay Koeppen BR 616Anita Power BR 614

Oscar Huerta BR 612Linda Jung MV 609Grace Innis MV 604Becky Bell BR 583

CLUB Chapter OCTotal

Sheri Wilson FV 579Benjamin Read MV 575

Ed Monsour MV 571Ashley Macey MV 570

Kristin Guth BR 555Richard Green FV 541Tanya Mansell MV 534Bobby Porter FV 529

Jenny Gardelle FV 527Adrian Mauricio MV 525Kristin Morris FV 513

May Fong-Chih MV 512Darrell Summers BR 510

Than Duong MV 464

STAFF Chapter OCTotal

Bob Morris MV 911Steven Gibson MO 757

Bob Norton FV 604Robert Mignosa SCP 600

ELITE Chapter OCTotal

Julie Ertel MV 980Sue Davis FV 958

Nick Mosey BR 934Angel Echevarria MO 832

Karine Parry MV 827

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Snail’s Cup Series 2016 Update

Top Ten Cumulative results

ELITE Chapter Total Total Average So. Cal. Surf City Marathon Brea Spirit RunCarlsbad OC

Races Ran Points Points Total Total Total Total Total TotalKarine Parry MV 6 5077 846 887 780 884 829 870 827Julie Ertel MV 5 4943 988 990 1015 929 1029 980Sue Davis FV 4 3832 958 942 958 974 958

Nick Mosey BR 4 3805 951 971 954 946 934Erik Tavera MV 4 3730 932 949 817 1006 958

Roberto Chavez MO 4 3557 889 918 790 902 947Gilbert Salazar BR 4 3537 884 767 908 912 950Kevin Broady BR 3 3085 1028 1037 1032 1016

Mark Donaldson MV 3 2929 976 966 970 993Juan Ramirez MV 3 2928 976 996 997 935

CLUB Chapter Total Total Average So. Cal. Surf City Marathon Brea Spirit RunCarlsbad OC

Races Ran Points Points Total Total Total Total Total TotalGreg Beck MV 6 5352 892 908 912 938 844 916 834Kyra Ytzen MV 6 4139 689 728 681 697 679 698 656Tom Frost MV 4 3286 821 819 793 855 819

Jenny Gardelle FV 5 3195 639 627 669 667 705 527Pat Herr MV 4 3155 788 808 830 745 772

Mike Schwartz MV 4 3114 778 706 867 869 672Lillian Bertram MV 4 2999 749 731 779 843 646

Luis Gasca FV 4 2938 734 711 692 819 716Rod Robey FV 4 2612 653 708 522 711 671

Richard Green FV 4 2502 625 578 686 697 541

STAFF Chapter Total Total Average So. Cal. Surf City Marathon Brea Spirit RunCarlsbad OC

Races Ran Points Points Total Total Total Total Total TotalSteven Gibson MO 6 4716 786 775 728 791 798 867 757

Bob Morris MV 5 4525 905 926 839 927 922 911Michael Flowers BR 5 4391 878 879 787 864 926 935

Jenny Welch MO 5 4041 808 841 738 793 779 890Paul Beckwith MO 4 3534 883 871 863 865 935Ariana Selix FV 4 3471 867 868 845 880 878Bob Norton FV 5 3460 692 674 709 739 734 604

Robert Mignosa SCP 5 3281 656 676 568 700 737 600Jen Serna BR 3 2551 850 899 859 793Jim Beck MV 3 2420 806 821 819 780

Store Total AveragePoints Points

BR 21,071 4,214MO 19,643 3,929MV 14,405 2,881FV 13,130 2,626

SCP 12,892 2,578

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Club Financials

May 2016ASPRC Membership

BR 98FV 105MO 40

MV 201

Total 443MeetUp Membership

BR 726FV 705MO 344MV 865

Total 2640Treasury Report

BR $1,117.22FV $1,487.06MO $3,043.46MV $4,782.67

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Membership Updates


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Membership UpdatesSoon to Expire


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F o u n t a i n V a l l e y ⬥ M i s s i o n V i e j o ⬥ B r e a ⬥ M o n r o v i a

ALL Races and Dates are tentative, and subject to revision.Email suggestions for additional Club Races to: [email protected]

Look for the ASP Club Canopy at each Club Race (usually near the Finish Area). Warm-up & -down with your ASPRC Teammates. Bring a chair and some refreshments to share! Have FUN!! Don’t forget to write down your finish time on results clipboard at the canopy.

ChapterSponsor Date Race Location

MV MAY 30th City of Laguna Hills Half Marathon/5k Laguna Hills

BR JUNE 11th Downtown Anaheim 5k Anaheim

BR JULY 4th La Palma 5k/10k La Palma

MO AUGUST 6th Pride of the Valley 5k Baldwin Park

FV SEPTEMBER 25th Race for the Cure 5k Fashion Island

FV OCTOBER 8th & 9th Long Beach Marathon/Half/5k* Long Beach

MV NOVEMBER 24th Dana Point Turkey Trot 5k/110k Dana Point

MO DECEMBER 3rd So Pasadena Tiger Run 5k/10k* South Pasadena

MO DECEMBER 10-11th Holiday Half Marathon/5k Pomona


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The Ride 9, now with EVERUN has more energy return than ever before.

This update truly makes every mile feel as

effortless as your first.

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NextGFRClinicsBRStore– June4,9amMVStore– June5,9amFVStore– June5,11amMOStore– June5,11am


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There’sbeenalotofnewslatelyaboutbigbusinessbringingmanufacturing backtoAmerica. Someofthosebusinesses areevenourcompetitors. Youmightthinkthatwouldmakeusnervous.But,tous,Made inAmerica isn’taboutcompetitive advantageormarketingtactics. It’salwayssimplybeen theright thingtodo.Wehavebeencommitted tocraftingqualityproductsinAmerica, strengthening theeconomyandcreating jobsalong theway– Evenwhenitwasn’ttheeasiest decision forourbusiness.We’re proudofthequalityoftheshoeswemakehere intheUnitedStates,whichiswhythisyearweexpect toexport over1million pairsofshoesmadeintheUSAacross theglobe.NewBalance istheonlymajorcompany tomakeorassemble more than4million pairsofathletic footwearperyear intheUSA,whichrepresents alimitedportionofourUSsales.Where thedomestic value isatleast70percent, welabelourshoes,“Made intheUSA.”

ASnail’sPacecarries the990v4(picturedabove),fullymade intheUSAinfactories throughoutNewEngland.The990continues its30-yearlegacy ofgreatperformance andiconic style,andistheperfectcombination ofcushioning andstability, wrapped inalook thatwill lastforever.

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