A Saga of Manzoor Hussain Parwana

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Manzoor parwana chairman GBUM was arrested by Pkaistani forces in Gilgit last year .

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GILGIT Baltistan movement leader arrest by Pak army

PTI | Washington | Jul 31, 2011 PRINT SHARE COMMENTS

Manzoor Parwana, Chairman of Gilgit Baltistan United Movement (GBUM), has been arrested for demanding withdrawal of Pakistani forces and supporting the refugees from Ladakh in the region, an advocacy group here claimed today.

Parwana was held during a concerted operation of Pakistan's law enforcement, Pakistani Rangers, Khyber Rifles and secret service personnel on July 28 when he had just finished addressing the annual convention of Balawaristan National Students Organisation (BNSO) in Gilgit, the US-based advocacy group 'Gilgit Baltistan National Congress' said in a statement.

According to the FIR, he was arrested for expressing support for the refugees of Ladakh in Gilgit Baltistan who want opening of the Line of Control and demanding reinstatement of State Subject Rule in the region, withdrawal of Pakistani security forces from there and basic human rights for the people, it said.

The GBUM headed by Parwana demands a fully autonomous state consisting of Gilgit and Baltistan, also known as the Northern Areas.

Filed On: Jul 31, 2011 13:31 IST , Edited On: Jul 31, 2011

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Gilgit Baltistan: Opposition Leader Arrested At Student Rally


August 4, 2011

Chairman of the Gilgit Baltistan United Movement, Mr. Manzoor Parwana, has been arrested by Pakistani security forces without obvious charge following a speech to the Balawaristan National Students Organisation, Gilgit City.

Below is a Press Release from the Balawaristan National Front:

Manzoor Hussain Parwana, the Chairman of the Gilgit Baltistan United Movement has been arrested by Pakistan Rangers, FC and Gilgit City Police commandos after his speech in the convention of Balawaristan National Students Organization on 28th July 2011. He was already framed in sedition charges by the occupation regime of Pakistan, because he was exposing Pakistan Forces and their intelligence agencies’ illegal activities in Gilgit Baltistan, a newly created province of Pakistan.

It is reported that Mr. Manzoor has been taken to Inter Services Intelligence service (ISI) Centre at Sonikote Gilgit, where he will be interrogated by ISI, MI and other forces. It is obvious that he will be tortured and will be framed in any fake case to malign the nationalist movement in this disputed area, so the attention of arrest of ISI agent Ghulam Nabi Fai by FBI in Washington is neutralized. Mr. Fai was arrested in the USA on the charges of being a spy of Pakistan.


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He was the editor and publisher of a weekly newspaper the Kargil International was banned few years ago when he published interviews of the Northern Light Infantry (NLI) soldiers who were used as mercenaries against India in Kargil war in 1999 by the former General Musharraf, by terming them as Mujahideen (holy warriors) and he (Musharraf) himself confessed that misadventure by giving awards to those who were killed on Kargil mountains. In that war he did accept the dead bodies of some Pakistani but denied to accept the dead bodies of the soldiers of Gilgit Baltistan in spite of the offer by government of India to take the dead bodies of NLI soldiers, whose bodies have been buried temporarily on the mountains of Kargil

Gilgit and Baltistan are treated as Pakistan occupied areas, where pro-Pakistani political parties and religious parties are free to address the public while nationalist parties who oppose the Pakistani occupation are under serious threat and their right of speech and free movement and political activities are restricted by all cruel acts. In the last elections of 2009 for the so-called empowerment package, the candidates of GBDA (Gilgit Baltistan Democratic Alliance) were arrested and some were sent exiled by force, while the pro-Pakistani parties were freed to right on their will.

We appeal for his immediate release and the withdrawal of all charges against him. The people of Gilgit and Baltistan should be allowed ascertain their right of self determination. We also appeal to the UN and Human Rights organizations to take urgent action to save his life.

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August 1, 2011

Manzoor Parwana arrested for expressing support for refugees of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Below is an article published by Balawaristan National Front:

Manzoor Parwana, the Chairman of Gilgit Baltistan United Movement (GBUM) was detained during a concerted operation of Pakistan's law enforcement, Pakistani Rangers, Khyber Rifles and secret service personnel on July 28, 2011 at approximately 2 PM when he had just finished addressing the annual convention of Balawaristan National Students Organization (BNSO) in Gilgit. Later he was shifted to an unknown place by the secret service personnel for interrogation. According to the FIR, he was arrested for expressing support to the refugees of Ladakh in Gilgit-Baltistan who demand opening of the line of control; demanding re-instatement of State Subject Rule in the region; demanding withdrawal of Pakistani security forces from the region; and demanding basic human rights for the occupied nation of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Right after his arrest, Advocate Ehsan Ali, President of Gilgit-Baltistan Bar Association, Engineer Amanullah, Chairman of Gilgit-Baltistan Democratic Alliance, Safdar Ali, President of Balawaristan National Front, Ghulam Shehzad Agha, General Secretary of GBUM, Babajan Hunzai, Coordinator of Progressive Youth Front, and Tauseef Hassan, President of BNSO held press conferences condemning the incident and termed it an attack on freedom of expression and political activity and illegal interference of Pakistani security forces in a UN-declared disputed region. They stated that his arrest was an effort of Pakistani occupying forces to promote state-led terrorism in Gilgit-Baltistan; derail India-Pakistan peace process and defame the nationalist forces, which demand complete withdrawal of occupying forces from their land.


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Safdar Ali stated that Manzoor has been charged under section 123A, 124A and 153A of Pakistan penal code, which is an immoral and illegal act of the law enforcement agencies since these sections do not apply to the permanent residents of a disputed territory which lie outside the constitutional boundary of Pakistan. Pakistan is a signatory to the resolutions passed by the United Nations Commission on India and Pakistan assuring withdraw of her forces and citizens from Gilgit-Baltistan and other parts of Kashmir. However, it has continued military escalation, amassing more than forty thousand personnel in the region, which is a clear violation of international laws.

Babajan Hunzai has demanded release of all political prisoners of Gilgit-Baltistan and an end to apartheid era in South Asia. Similar appeal has come from political activists of Kargil district in Indian Ladakh, requesting opening of the line of control and reunification of Gilgit-Baltistan with the rest of Ladakh.

In his press release, Ghulam Shehzad Agha said, “Detention of political activists continues in Pakistan and its occupied regions despite assurances of the prime minister to the international community of upholding democracy and freedom of political activity and expression. People of Gilgit-Baltistan cannot be booked for treason since they are not citizens of Pakistan. If supporting the refugees of Ladakh to promote their birth right of free travel, and socio-economic activity is a crime, then GBUM will continue to commit it. GBUM will support rally of the Ladakhi refugees towards the line of control even after the arrest of Manzoor Parwana.” Agha also condemned Pakistani establishment for awarding illegal mining licenses to the Chinese companies, who have their eyes set on uranium rich mineral deposits of Gilgit-Baltistan.


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Manzoor is currently fighting a sedition case for criticizing Pakistani military for their misgivings during the Kargil War of 1999. His publication called Kargil International Magazine was also banned during the same time for exposing military crimes. He remains vocal demanding freedom for Gilgit Baltistan which remains in Pakistani occupation since 1947.

In support of local political parties; Gilgit Baltistan National Congress (GBNC) condemns abduction of Manzoor Parwana who is a seasoned politician and voice of the two million voiceless people of occupied Gilgit Baltistan.

GBNC requests International Human Rights organizations including Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International to take immediate action. GBNC also requests the United Nations, American Congress, the European Parliament and SAARC to take immediate notice of the failing human rights situation in occupied Gilgit Baltistan.

GBNC calls for demilitarization of Gilgit-Baltistan, promotion of genuine autonomy and democracy, withdrawal of extremist elements, re-instatement of state subject rule and people to people contact between Ladakh and Gilgit-Baltistan. It asks the United Nations to play its role in empowering local political institutions and ensuring freedom of expression and political activity.

Senge Sering

Gilgit Baltistan National Congress

1831 Belmont Road NW

Washington DC, DC

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GILGIT JAIL: Manzoor Parwana letter to his son Manzoor Hussain Parwana is charged for sedition and detained in central jail, Gilgit-Baltistan. Recently he wrote a letter to his three years old son, Anchan Sengge, which is reproduced here.

Dear Anchan Sengge

My earnest apologies for staying away from you all and failing to arrange a medical checkup for your five-month old sister, Tongo Zazo. For all these ten days, I didn’t have access to the phone either since I am detained in a jail in Gilgit.

Your father is struggling for socio-economic and political rights for the disenfranchised people of Gilgit-Baltistan. Pakistani authorities use brutal force and colonial tactics to suppress such movements. On July 28, 2011, they had once again planned to create bloodshed and mayhem in Gilgit-Baltistan by arresting the political workers. However, your father and his colleagues exposed their conspiracies by remaining peaceful.

Dear Anchan!

On that day, I was invited as a guest speaker to talk to the students of Gilgit-Baltistan. During my speech, I talked about corruption, financial embezzlement, nepotism and social injustices which the colonial apartheid regime promotes in the region with impunity.

I demanded power to the people, genuine autonomy and a governance system based on justice and therefore I was abducted by the security forces.

I demanded re-instatement of State Subject Rule and cancellation of mining licenses to foreign companies including Mohsin Industries and desired locals of Gilgit-Baltistan regaining control over our land and resources and that is why they arrested me.

I demanded cross-LOC trade and travel between Gilgit-Baltistan and Ladakh which could also help ten thousand divided family members and they implicated me for treason.I demanded provision of adequate health, education, drinking water and jobs for the local youth and they put shackles on me. My demands offended Pakistani military establishment, bureaucrats and security service agents and they decided to shut me down.

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My son!

As I was coming out of Palace Hotel, peaceful and unarmed, hundreds of para-military and police personnel lurking on the streets encircled me and put me in the ISI detention center to prove their valor and loyalty to the occupiers.

You continue questioning your mom about my whereabouts. May be the concept of jail will become clearer to you once you grow up. It is like a state guest house where no one enters and exits with free will.

Hopefully one day, I will reunite with you, the way Ladakhi refugees of Gilgit-Baltistan will reunite with their loved ones. For the time being, just know that your loving father is in custody of an unjust apartheid regime, which has no constitutional rights to be in Gilgit-Baltistan in the first place.

I will continue to oppose state-led brutality and occupation. I intend to help natives of Gilgit-Baltistan gain freedom from militancy, extremism, terrorism, slavery, religious and ethnic discrimination, corruption, poverty and injustice; and have already placed the burial shroud on me. My path is challenging and long and the destination awaits us impatiently. In this struggle for rights for our nation, we will be victorious.

I expect you and Zazo to receive me with garland of flowers and optimism as and when the opportunity arises.

With Love,

Your FatherManzoor Hussain Parwana

Central Jail, Gilgit

August 6, 2011

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GILGIT: In order to conceal its own failures and misdeeds and afraid of the rising popularity of nationalist parties, the government of Pakistan is perpetrating injustices on the people of Gilgit-Baltistan and arresting local leaders without any justification.

This was stated by the participants of a meeting attended by leaders of the Balawaristan National Front (BNF) and the Balawaristan National Students Organization (BNSO) here.

The meeting said one example of the arbitrary and illegal actions against nationalist leaders in the region was the arrest by elite police and Rangers of Manzoor Hussain Parwana, the chairman of Gilgit-Baltistan United Movement in Gilgit the other day.

The participants of the meeting said that the only crime Mr Parwana had committed was that during his recent public meetings he had spoken in support of the affected people of Kargil and Laddakh and demanded immediate withdrawal of mining licence awarded to Mohsin Industries in Gilgit-Baltistan.

The participants of the meeting demanded that Mr Parwana should be released without any delay otherwise the government would be responsible for any untoward incident.

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The participants of the meeting said that the only crime Mr Parwana had committed was that during his recent public meetings he had spoken in support of the affected people of Kargil and Laddakh and demanded immediate withdrawal of mining licence awarded to Mohsin Industries in Gilgit-Baltistan.

The participants of the meeting demanded that Mr Parwana should be released without any delay otherwise the government would be responsible for any untoward incident.

Speaking on the occasion, former chairman of the BNSO Khurshid Alam said that Pakistan had continued its injustices with the two million people of Gilgit-Baltistan. He said the people of the region were even not allowed the right of expression and their resources were being plundered by outsiders.

The participants of the meeting warned the government of Pakistan to mend its ways otherwise the people of the region, especially the youth, will rise against it.

Meanwhile, people of Rondu held a protest gathering and deplored the arrest of Mr Manzoor Parwana. They asked the government to release the nationalist leader otherwise the masses would take to the streets against the blatant violation of human rights and illegal act of the rulers.

They said that Mr Parwana had been raising voice for the rights of the masses and the registration of a concocted case against him was an insult with the peaceful people of the region.

They said that if Mr Parwana was not released immediately, the people of the region would launch a movement for safeguard of their rights and against government’s continued violations of human rights.

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APNA CONDEMNED ARREST OF MANZOOR PARWANAThursday, 25 August 2011 00:00 Rawalapindi, August 25: The leadership of All Parties National Alliance (APNA), an alliance of nationalist and progressive elements, groups, organizations and political parties of Pakistan-Administered-Jammu Kashmir (PAJK) and Occupied Gilgit-Baltistan (OGB), Mr. Sabir Kashmiri, Advocate, Mr. M. Iqbal, Advocate, Mr. Shahid Hussain, Advocate, Farooq Niazi, Arif Shahid, Prof. MARK Khaleeque, Mirza Nadir Hassan Khan, Mr. Mehmood Baig, Advocate, Wajid Ali Wajid, Advocate, Mehfooz Tahir, Burhan Ullah, Safdar Ali and some others have, in a joint statement, highly condemned the persecution and arrest of Engineer Manzoor Parwana, an activist and leader of APNA, at the hands of agencies, while speaking in a function arranged by the BSO at Skardu (OGB) a few days ago.

They said that Mr. Parwana was just giving voice to his conscience regarding the political, economic, social and human rights of the people of OGB and was not involved in any subversive activity. The leadership of APNA said that OGB, being disputed territory like other units of Jammu Kashmir, could not be considered part of Pakistan and hence its citizens could not be treated like that by the institutions of Pakistan and its puppets at OGB. Any citizen of OGB had a right to speak for and protest against the deprivation of the people of this territory, they said. They demanded immediate release of Mr. Parwana and an impartial inquiry into his persecution and arrest which is quite illegal and unconstitutional.Issued By APNA

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GBUM will continue struggle for free Gilgit-Baltistan: Manzoor Parwana

The Chairperson of Gilgit-Baltistan United Movement (GBUM), Manzoor Parwana, has vowed to continue the struggle for freedom of Gilgit-Baltistan. He was talking to the media from the Gilgit jail, where he is being held indefinitely for demanding cross line of control (LOC) travel and trade between Gilgit-Baltistan and Ladakh and withdrawal of Pakistani security forces from the disputed region. Gilgit-Baltistan is a UN-declared disputed territory which remains in Pakistani occupation since 1947.

He criticized Pakistani rulers for suppressing the voices of local people who have been demanding their constitutional rights since last six decades. He said, "Our freedom struggle will remain peaceful despite government's intentions of using brutal force against us. Our goal is to gain fundamental human rights including political emancipation. We are fighting against an apartheid regime and will be able to liberate this last surviving colony of the world". He thanked his party workers and friends for supporting him and braving Pakistani brutality.

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Manzoor Parwana released from jail on 29 August 2011