A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

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Page 1: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines

Mark R. Waser

Page 2: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Either ethical percepts, such as justice and human rights, are independent of human experience or else they are human inventions.

E. O. Wilson

Centuries of debate on the origin of ethics comes down to this:

Page 3: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

In nature, cooperation appears wherever the necessary cognitive machinery exists to support it

Vampire bats(Wilkinson)

Blue Jays (Stephens, McLinn, &


Cotton-Top Tamarins (Hauser, et al)

Page 4: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Be nice/don’t defect Retaliate Forgive

Axelrod's Evolution of Cooperation and decades of follow-on evolutionary game theory provide the theoretical underpinnings.

“Selfish individuals, for theirown selfish good, should benice and forgiving”

Page 5: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Assuming that ETHICAL ACTIONS are defined as those which are the necessary basis for optimizing cooperation

Acting ethically is an attractor in the state space of intelligent goal-driven systems. (assuming they interact with other intelligent goal-driven systems on a long-term ongoing basis)

Page 6: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Optimizing Utilitarianism

So why do the vast majority of people believe that it is unethical to grab

someone off the street to serve as an involuntary organ donor for six dying


Page 7: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Ethics is as mucha human invention . . .

Natural physical laws dictate the design of the optimal

steam engine

. . . as the steam engine.

. . . and the same is true of ethics.

Page 8: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

ONE non-organ donor

SIX dying patients>


unbroken principle Credit to:

Eric Baum What Is Thought?

Page 9: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines

• Not innately inimical (unfair to humans)

• Not a push-over (unfair to itself)

• Not unfair to others(which could save us)

Page 10: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

A sense of fairness also appears wherever the necessary cognitive machinery exists to support it

Dogs (Range et al.)

Monkeys (Brosnan & de Wall

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(the fastest, safest route to ethical warbots)

Page 12: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Baar’s Global Workspace Theory

• Most of cognition is implemented by a multitude of small, local, special purpose processes, that are almost always unconscious

• Coalitions of these processes compete, whenever necessary, for conscious attention (access to a limited capacity global workspace)

• Attention then serves as an INTEGRATION POINT that allows us to deal with novel or challenging situations that cannot be dealt with efficiently, or at all by local, routine, unconscious processes

(Also Perlis 2008)

Page 13: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Sloman’s architecture

for ahuman-like agent

(Sloman 1999)

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• Simple,

• Safe,

• Stable,

• Self-Correcting, and

• Sensitive to current human thinking, intuitions, and feelings

Page 15: A Safe Ethical System for Intelligent Machines Mark R. Waser

Next . . . .

A Safe Motivational System for Intelligent Machines

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