: tol . i /'■%" 8 '• -•• | i u u 8 , UBWSHBD lyJO lY AFTERNOON. 1 v |K0Q;*«r is*wn,.Jn advance, BtagUflople* & cente ^Tlv York f?«|ekly Befbnner every » eo ^ yeir^ 1 ± o m o u x lT io N i ^ . HaUyVJICKft; . . . . Widikly.3,300. ,, - 5c K ttW orAATIftlllltV for ont wreck wlU be taken 1 10 por.Mot, lew than Uwj,Km/of tie rat*s. IN O lU ll * BIOJBI.CW ygauiBhns. 10 LtkMNonparell maksa Sqsaia. lSkj Adayw 9d«yd s —— iyk •w’ka Thrsep^are* .... Joluaji. . OaeBstann.'.'^.'.' 2aS |3D0 t oo 900 10 oo • 1QU 190 490 700 1100 1 EO M0 6 00 llto SSiiL-: SSS88 aft A 00 800 asoo aof O u iU r Column... m IUBD. i g*g“ v T 00 too 1000 woo ia> 100 11 00 14 00 IS OO 96 00 60 00 7 00 93 00 90 00 (0 00 38 no 00 m . »j» ♦000 70 00 1 JO 00 900 00 'MDIfOktU. u d EOCSAij NOTtOKB IB ccait per Use. 8PBCIALS to por cent, tddod to regular rate*. Mo adTtrtiieniyat* running over one month will r i Inawril in Hill 1 cftamtr u u every*toer day. 'Pot Bm5»I Oratrseti,*ppty at tie oflfce,tlo.8A1 - ~g~v WATERTOp, MARCHM . 18ft B . ■* ... . W - , .■ ,■ : .............................- u - ilinfS. , i . L COJLB*- Ema they are Caught and horn Ikhtj are- * Dr. Byrnes Thompson, Professor ot ftM - cine s t . G r ^ w a j f r U ^ e , JjOnftou, bpis re- dfatl^l delivered W-V'Sreihkm -Xtotnre” on «tchm g colds. l ’bc followiog extracts will ho of interest to- our readers:— The. prevention of colds ia to be ''ac complished by keeping tne ikinin a healthy and vigorous state, so that it may a t once .resume ita proper and moral condition! when chills have been suddenly applied to it j then the internal congestions are avoadod or removed simultaneously with tho extern al contraction' and stagnation. The habitu a l use of cold bathing lii early morning is oyerfpl means 69 this a n d , it Uongf* chilj. The relaxing influence of over-healed apartments should be avoided, because .that sapa the power of vigorous rt- actioo | j-»jiut ip cold weather, >ihp ktnxott care should bo taken to have the entire skin •fiiciontly protected by warm cloth inu. Thu pawersOf thQ-systcm iu periods prOne to the production of cold9 , a,pd most ospocial ly when the temperature of the cxterbal air is between thirty-two and forty degrees ot Fsrenheit’s heal scads (for that is tht cou- diticn iu which the danger is found.to be Residence, Jackman House, Room No. ?7,! the mpat certainly incurred), should ho 8d floor. Residence of Son, No. 7 Good&lo most carefully maintained by -tlie judicious street. OctSO.dtf j use of sustaiung food, and by the pvoid- " | ence of every fond of injurious dafange- i mentor exocas. When ouco ipterpuj com geadcu hap been set up, and been ‘-caui' mediately tion and exhalation in ibe sicto. ThciTurk- iah bath ia one ot tbo moat convenient and certain of all cnutrivanmt for ioauitg tbia ooject: in ita absonco the vapor tjalh, or hot air bath may be employ ed. Tho action oi tho bath ii to bo reintorcstV by tho s d .XXBXOAW BOTSL, A* -ffSS-jp w. v. ^l2sjtitt$^PrttprieU >r. Jayl, 18SS.0U______________ ________ ot»»crr house . WATKKTOWH, N. 1. triad ap sad will bo kept Btrtclly s i a BPOK a SANQKH. Prop. jyackman House, WA TSB10 WN, If. Y. ED. W. PETERBOE, to Goo. Vi. Jones. latefproprJlor. K d, Pwrnaow, win slwsys ba 1 hi, p(d triends, snd with s cordial I 1 ir o lh ls hots) ( btUl polntl. W~ fore- COnlratod stsllUstms. Au-t-dlV nnssK^ 'Atomatio Jsliier of Bhubwlj, A.eeruta csn of Dysjxpsn, Dlsn-bres, pyscitery. aoSliltsaBy os vsas i f o b r Ul* Wkolassli sod OVeshoani tm* S to in l b o a • to B p. s . ■>< iaaat«sss^r“ IW” AU bins is* wImd the psUaot Is dltsslisad ofcygsariptlos* gmss bs paid ft* os daUvarj. JEFFERSON COUNTY BONlfi, 70WB OF WILNA Vfstertowr & Ejnie KailroaB Bondi, ft. Tork & Oswego M idlandfU)Sands Ixt-rwt 7 cct(. TKijnhis bemi annually. tllON PACIFIC R . R. RONDS, Interest Oner tent, in gold, payable ami- annually. ! JfiB8onri Valley Railroad Bonds, Interest 7 per cent. gold, payable semi annually. ClfiOAOO, DAMVILLJS <t VJECBWH'M It A IL HOAD B0m>8. Jnterest 7 per cent, in gold, payahli sem i annually. Southern',Oeatral R- £ . of Sew York Interest annually. & S IR > hnosi A T1RST M0RTG4GE BONDS )■ ' . - "ioW -W iS ' ^ CMcago, Danville aad; m£BESTi& FRESHEST B A ^ X tO & J D . slss*Ss«ut tobe iMUeA, (t li^kiiiektisiatir. ii -Kdtsl «spll -»m*s*s«ic«sft«r»*«<i(i«ia.) i sou ooo SOOOQCI io n uao j ■ruiaststsd rarsnwpsishnam.a «ao n>« ; IN ttS u silssu ltw> A u d u n s , 8 to 70S 2^ds**r^r^ Vs r |No 5VWashiD^tflnHall” ,Block itklt 1 1 7 * ' . . * A Aixw um tft h iim w t m in u s , A|noutaM,0f Met Ssr*tut« per mile, U 783 : 1 iso i -i TtolSUuw follow ttif! cwaplotioi, Ot Die Koul— Issio the Truathonuiisnj, of N. V. sa Uial CXBclSl Hegllfof snd Trs»ii|or Accnt—and arc nolil s S p r u o ^ l t 9hiisdsptiiioA Interest. 7hpyi)«U t)tshilnitlo'li dh^ Compsrlson, tibtter, tt s bollerodjl thin s a y OthsV how tjoforb tlmpuhlic, in -Cteddsed e n d uadmngcsblc Cleraentd Sajtbi, Smrit hjr. tnd f*roJtt, -Tliey Oesfaood latercsl-Beven percent. Gold ior ftulyyesxa—ud snsoeoxed by a BMlng Fuad, tod FAnl Hottftig*opon the rose. Its ootllt.’ind net in cost necklace, lad til preeent sad Ititare so imind iiropntr ottpe Company, I ’They depend upaw 110 sow o r bsltsettled territory ftwi 'otusiswae w JSV ,ll»lr VUureJt,, hat opou an old well lotti^d, sod ptodbctlse wautry i-sssnOIng iivsi, rfo^fidbattt thfoosh th, hjsctpritteh s te- gtcxioffir*,bjlller p>c0rl(yjcitbplii7,i<<rwlfli|£/ Prln- cignl uisn.» had to betulit Ih rough the UMt htfibly Interest 7 per cent, in petd, payablejAomi- pxrtoOa) wjldetnesa or.epsr,otjr MtUcd territory. ^m.,77,1 . ' I M lV1'4Lm ^ ,S _s>. — ..... s_ ALd^kfal mJt All of tho shore MCatUM lor u ie spot tb e I ptxrUrV ; ___ aluBUadickM !<»« of vhls*ei ssd oltfformliio MCST FAVORABLE TPRHSi 1 Mfo" kfctoit ponton or OwBtsto oi 'T* F “' nOM W e s ttrit* nssr to deport UTor Irou Oro of gneat extent sod mane, i*d over brosddUds ot lhe snd lent cooitintly ao hand fo r tmmedlste delivery st tlie tt; G ». &BMXBS, M. D. ■AOTiATl f r o u t i l French School o f XodU- ednt ssd buswry, ▼ ictorls TXnivorsity, M ontreal, ^Osastt* Mcdtcslc** snd Secretary of Iho , Mulfoo Chlrerytcal pocnvy ol aooursi. OTYIOt—Ftnt door. Sd door Artsds Besldsoc*. OfiymBri'NksndCtofMm^t^a, Pfa.ursoww, N.M. HUBBAR D & WEIGHT ASSonsevs ssd 0*«*a«U*ns ss law , OMS oe«r Ko. I WsshUuWo atnwt, WsUrtowB. Hot Tack. 0 . m> w m * . c. p. wkioht. ■MU0SD ft WiaSLCW, UW iM jr ssd Cosnsclore st lew , M lu or*, Md. 10#iikm ftoB BA Wsurto-w*. N.E. • • HAmfOMD. BItADUY WlHoUCW. ______________________ t»dly jgigu, tn m dSIRCY AMD Xntelligronco Offlco. Clark Wilson's Block, Public Square. tnodtss^lcnta Par,Isltd to thoie ronorinf m dty. - Met* piouued u d illsslkmi ohtslaed (or bolls afoasadleulo. rsrtlsa hsrtsg Uowsee to “tat" or sell will And tt ioUMbsdraatuito lear* terms and descrlnuop od pnariassetthisofficc. r . 8. SLXrte. J. D. DODGH], M OITY MARKETy s e . mgASSXHALS?, MHOIULE AND RETAlls M e n In sn kindso^Fsxai A Ssnr Bss.ts^Bsw A Bsooe, Botmooa* M Hm Astmsot*. faxu AAurt W a m Fisk, Otszxss A GAS* « tstb ssseow Ordsra promptly Attandsn to, DccsuacrtagT._______________________ _ |s ioca uvk m a im TlwEmpireStateL ife InsuranceCo. o r n s a MANY 6UPKEIOR JADVAKTAQE! , TOJTHOafi WTiO.WfoULD Xnsure Their L iv es I offioe - WAsamoroh ball , W ATM TOfrcr Ms Tt. GEO. B, FTUEI.P8, Proaldcnt. U PADDOCK, lit Vloe Pres’t, KZBA. CDBNKhU 74 " Kxtnlser. 4 4. F. KEABBVCK Coonsot.__________lonrtsod ministration of, moat aaobg food. There ia opc axpedient both for prevent ing and curing “colds," which was hot al- ;writer less an Which j won described shdib -ttisy bo dxswu upom Id cltcuinatsucbr when those plsnt Cannot I bi adapted, in oouaeqaenae o f tk s suflhrera | being compelled by tho exigencies to continue to moot exposure to chilling wfla odcca ‘This is abstinence (rom drink apef liquid df ifly kjnd, tuktil the irftexih 00a gcstion is rcmovod. Thr rcmodxsi ,g(tion tnrough ths skin dossils work, by djswing sway tho nuptrabuodanco of the drcolsting fluid from tno ovcrchsrgod part. B ut this dcsLr&hhs result ia aveq mores cerxsinly insured if the g e w sl bulk oi tho ctrculstloB fluid; or1 blood, W-auuiiflBhed b y wltfcolding supplies of tbs more liquid, or w&tary I h g m u n t , which may bf done where tho digestive power is unimpaired. Without lo any way diminishing tha richer or more immediately ooarithb.g portion. The instant the general bulk oi lap drcmlst- intc blood is diminished, tha ekecea con tinued iu the congested and ovcrchsrgod members is withdrawn end tha coll is re lieved. Somewhat- severe thirsAeote in, but curiously enough siriyiltanboaaly with the occurrence ot this thirst, tha oongsitod internal membranes grow moist, and 03- hilo gently and nntursllj in consequence of th* relief of tho overcharged vcsaijy. All thst ia then necessary is to keep tbe supply; of drink down to ths point which enables somo measure of thirst to be maintained, nsd during ita maintenance, the re U not tho slightest chance of tbo occurrence ol Uio coltL Tb* </ ud*st SBTTUaorST rs tub U nited States.—A Bt. Augustino corresjiondont writes : Most ol your reaper* will rcmoqilwr that this is the oldest settlement in tbo .United States. The order js, fit, ’Augustine, IMS, Jamestown, J 607/Albany in Now ... 1030. Spain first two huo- yaara ; this UU ths aucssss of our Revolution made it poor wopefty for Eng land, and it was transferred to Spain again : then •‘manifest destiny” mido it poor prop- ertj for Spain, and shB sold the peninsula to us in 1821. Tbe Spanks marks aro ol course found ever^whe-c, in the eld Fort in Uie Cathedral, in tho walla, In ths narrow alloy like streets; and in their names, and' in the stylo of tho honsca with balconies projecting over tho street The prop at and thpefbra much abused tdjacUvo to ' do- scritied it all is “quaint” Everybody calls it k . This ia ono of ita special charms to Northern visiton. J gQTCTuyrat BocortUa* takea k* Jfichaage ;l*r Do Highest New York QuctatitH is On tAettv of (ale. We wtih to call ttaa aitvatlaa ol ttusM SaalrlBg to;cxckaigt, o r tuntns MONEY to INVEST To th* net UuaJt w* are olwlig ttc,aboro (Scarttla* L o w e r R a. ti€i » RAILROAD BOOTS, Offcrodln the market aad can laiaUh thaw Ssatiort notice, TH i « H IG H E S T M A 1 1 K E T 'I > m C E PAID FOB Gold Coupons, Coin, AND Canada M oney ! ! ror*i|A Jkafli fo l»l* oa all tk* difkrant G lt* a * f M arcp** 3. r. m m r t . obiUk. 1 .19 dAw jj^Nwr W »aJrrxiTMtY.~ •Pie patast ofDt, TwtttteB, which ascara co ihc»<WTU thclhrcoloOoirliiJ aeavantagwa onr a ll oihqr rahbar plalea: i Ul—’Win kid eoftfoit'W nuuta or a eoSt, nhbcv lining o n I thoenUro twrficc In contact wrth tbo'a-w •ed enwa*. 56— A prrfact auction, milmac rUgca Or c ti^pn lornod. Into thn llrtnjtiaaaoato lacaiala M v rt- late the jiw and make ap for dcfocta In Uie Bt 0( (b e plrlo. 3d-Thrro la no preparation a t Qttcxasr ta WBB llelDg u l n oihor raDhvr. henoe tho irritation Sor- (trtng cn nnvatlQB, aeca tn a o aany aesalUve ooouia wearing Che ardtcai y nlatea, la cntliwly tww nmad. Iha following cartuioatr. anozur olhera ol iba u a s twport. apaaka (Or Itaelt, aiStcr a trial of tw o rcari atari 1 kali) In the ummcr and Call of lfitl X hid U>< bcwrt coal l a tkndtata—whtch cnlnlog Utcrcits arc 111 awawir- Afo(l>artifoi^lp<^*a*#chcrha«fii« ttUBa iwnred. tiwre will do attracted to thli roaAlke eottkWerabla triBc atrcadr aptiriiliirap •‘From It* taXBH to iheUilh^avwtUi tta bonUwm-CiBtectloiiy It foamas JtawkUa* «p O » atwter iha*»nJ othw fottKalcqmChlago to NuhvlUa, Tkauf fkaidi ire therefore VAiedutfota 1 Bcallty ud 1 Baaiariaathat a Sir yaart aaat-lnvetlabli dooXrij-ao* coapetontJn4«cB aay uoblo-ia value. ffoeemrowaO Klllraj while the price k htghpav wrll Ifp o t Into Gkett'Bauis. and Trust ir Estate yir/uli m u « i put foto n o r m s o bkttbb . rmunptcta. With I f apa. etc., On hand far dlatrfbu- lloaa- Band naaar be had dlncll/ ol o a orofoor Agcat In Watciwwu. TH* KZROUABTB UAJ9K, F . BAILEY LANG- A CO ,, M OlhlfrBTRERr, NKW YORK, Acwstt for Ua uid o»tha Boada H s s s a a B = H = a E = s ^ ^ 3 iS w JU ^ ,.-1. J. 1. TIioaobacrilKr taa.'Jnit returned fkem New York, wilh a HtocK of of tho Cfaolceatl Groceriaw, inclwllag riA8, COFFEES, SPICES, MAISIM, sue Am, STEVES, CA.MBH m u m AND PICKLES, AN O ALL ECIND9 OF ram lljr ProviiBioiiB! nr arrondiw iC A flK tt-jw gur co ld , w a s W S r S ^ K ' ^Parsels put . Small advance - i »:n>- - . a . ' inw to om W i g 1 0 m m iW m L . or* Fnees. '' ® “ Tljisii‘GratG clmaccfcir tljpEo wlioWisl/to' lay 'jr-tiIgixsis-tiheikp stock oi Grocenos, * r A"* • 'k eA l-4~±. ANf> Bewdiig' H&aMnes! KEErtNO Bog errs P resr.—If oar lady reader* wish to keep a boquct fresh, let them drop a table spoonful oi powdered Charcoal into the water mteBdcd for flow er stalks and they will keep their fresh ness and pwrfmno for BajeraljdB^AnicI look and smell the bame as those jhat-gkih’cred. The charcoal settles to tho bottom ot the vase, tho wAter remaining clear. Por Sole. X H I NSW AND SPLENDID NOUS! on Waatv taartpn wore Into; hia Bakafj lenpw ready to . ., atir. Oik. and Gaa FTxtttrc*, Nur. aMBasadwrerytbUg modara, li ia 010 ot ttn lAoit aahtUolially bnilt honsca Ih the city, ffood drain age, 7 fool cellar ntdcv wholo bousn, large lot, coi'J l^ *SSbu ' dcelttfvtf ___________ WATERTOWN GENERAL r ,„ . BEEBEE, Agent. m itikrttarri;— tbfrtford 60 yeara eaeceaaloibni- ............. !M«4,»»-I rifotd...,, .... i,sse.<HK -fofit.v« ........................ |JM || iso.ooi msE*p| j*goi«n4,j»o;«oi J-MH onitsifo tnstt*« (teak om ,4rti*lM rsKt' " "OoijpMiek. jwar.l^- A .ib n ' 0 CRANE’S BALSAM. The Elixir of Stengih. A sure ana epeedy cure /or all Diseases q/ th e Kidritys, Inflatitation or Irritation of the B la d d e r , Non-retehlion or Incontinence of Urine, Oraval or Brieh-Dust Deposit,. StUeous Discharges, lertcorrhea, A»d a ll O i s e a *.o o f th e OrinarvGrg’ank lUcltAfcr Halo o ' Fhata.0 , (Wm Whatever ca, oTigjnatieg, atidao utattercf.hOWlMfc etaadtnr. Pkb^OP'--') coptalM '■ j i i r ' no Uaa KroKxre and AAi constitution leaa.iuid Mbafon^ tone am om any derangement of the Krenra. 11 la lnvaluAWo. - . For Loueorrhca or Whltoe, it It tho beet- ___ ov« yevprcepntpd to thoee Bnfoi ing with this most uoublvsorirr^tqdibifo kwridktro to cflcci weptoay- ^wSdM^ttl^ffi'aaccMtry to raterto o n r Very nUmsrOTie cerilftcaloi, aa wo ero well aaaorcri that, li triod.lt will recgnfkivnl itaeV beyond ail otter'' pti^lfeic^Xor^ctlfotcriajfocddle (wsoe. Nqrrf&Ivyflin A B CHITBCXtn. LXW1B A Co., WholoealoAgenta. krror Kw ill wrocka. Dorloitliiai *lae t . led Um« times tad tail to n s ola y teeth. fISoekvi- ate thdaioH I had recourawtnthe ataata] arL tnlAK rpmo og ike best danUsW oTamoat dltlikgiiahaa 1 MUestttW lty atytom Fonoldteamta t S w o t ofNow Mo j w tnuM irani m u iuock ! i WHOLESALE & RETAIL liH ’L lW HD FANG! H it y Goods, H A T 8 . B O N N E T S , R IB B O N S . F L O M E R S , F E A T H E R S , A N D L A O E 8 . R arrli gemmiloii Kid Qlovea tor Ladies, Klakcii ud (3«sta. Jklio. Children's Eld Qlovea. IMF Wc a r* Itlllar * ipori Kid Glora for larila HI* Silta< A M l Uao ol Xalrasn P n f s , Oollara mni 1 Iu fc fltn d iib < I l o o M E a n , IORIBYa mU 0X0YJH' A ' M W [SUPPLY OP NUBIBS, Jut RetsIrcA- The largeit asaortmintor I K B E I R W O R S T E D S , In the cHy.'Alu, Shetlaid, Baxouy land; Berlia laria- xwr- E ta. WTtSQOSQN and MBA BHIGGB'_dM Etthooilor Dreaa Haktng. |W~ Flrticolaf Attestirih paid to Orders. B. 9a H A M ftS A 0 Cclia.rKv - - i > 1. l.yerm _ .. f l A W S G | ^ t p y i D , Q ^ n ® ) S i , yj) No 9 Washington. Hall Blb^tj <D»tU w p bsvo room to keep a larga atock Of . ilnstnuaeixts. a&d 8Elklcti^3 tiitliaixdiioT cunstanUy o a bftid.' wo t n n te #orold pilroBiB iod ill lnT.trflaVd. v U u b c 1 o purchaM Eomic orHoalcai Irutnkentr *0 dire S i a call, m i exaimlc* oux afockqol F lirt oiks* Pianos Oraaa, Mdodwsii -SfeMt Hhair' y ia f o Blrins*.tfe;which we Kaepto * e etr, a l WWoi*ito aad Rltspl, ' Tl 6 9 - ;jii » .t L . o»< ^ V nTTi . n o w J—.- . ^_A-f —- »■*. - - . • • a-' A. i . .Illl.jfh !(it^ i e.t 'l : *e. ~ W --X*, * i e ,ASSORTMENT OF1 twur a h S ,q t w 19 W t outlet tfUf SoSHpOt-C til «- But, With Ihwtr bewtrifortt ^adH dl^ ikco tteo aate aaa tha g asa, i frays irloKercry (at tention and device that pronuttd tbMoit, %nt wttla jidlffe**1 mcceaa. I aavaial two or tb^aplate* ■vUh’fee-IIOdWi rubber adr dhambmx. I barer had two ___ - _ hadtwo ctFolaosa'c patent, hut I Aavelpuarinona tnht hear sty cowrartiaon in wvnrtrag, is rrwardom (roaa Imts- tlon uuAanaonncs, aad to fiidneas or adkiettoe to lit pateaat itDtc Twitches, I caaetder t v (ar th* morl perfect invention in tiro Dental art that I bar* met triad, and complete Im all Ihoea polnta allndW to In th e toreKOlBR circata t. J b jA H n to o tia u a , PUtDT Congregational Church, Fwlariri, S , l-_ Late o d RatlaAA, nV . Tho uxiiorzigncd lure porctLtaedlhe exclnilv* light for Ue ccKmtyol Jeflaraoe. WM* nkcaaiao to «u patron a more perfect, eweri aad hotter Itt- ttagptato than canbeaade hy ascf other metkad, and as -wo do onr own vrorr a# apeak Vs-itk cond donee. Prices the lame a s den)UCa charge for tkrir oldetylo ol work. ’I .( K L. SAJtGIKT*. Iro* Block. i m Borrow Btcrg? ptrsem feWiiljf ii’ Sinning Macklne, Bhoalri HUBUU llio j W h««lai|t filio a Ore ptnrchiri Vig. tillT sir pfotod iliclf tcrtie (ar the Best Raotiiafi in ihe World. LFP TBI MCCPta iAilJwifcn/ ', | (her 430,OOO alteadj in uso-Over 80,000 ' iimiZc tn I8 6 0 . flCAB T t* FOUoVUlQ I Yu t h a tcrtlsmohy h e fa o tke-s Oommtimloacr a t repairs. T ................... - ^*r The amir Uolri H«hl CarUtemanolictUR foctioa m Imbw kirtetnri ita Fitloif- : cblsee waliwmMcd to Xeure. Wheeler i ofHew T o rt . BntarF. 9. x>;Ar.rtiirT:, Member ud Sepoflex- nl tho fbteniuloamJ Jury. Mcetrm. ffhe^for t Wlleou, 6*5 Brtsiway, N. Y., recelvwd tha Sca.nll*epu, aEH' Vtb 't)ktxr. O n , twnrdcA foi Diet molt pcrlect Belting MlCfrlia U d Aitton-frole Machine exbthltM i tu l Part* Unlvcr- a> IxpoBltion- . J.C.hKMt, ' (I. B; O etn il A^ent for the Exposition. mi mtmwt b o u A***e*Kni Tho marjunlaen If a almplt dnlce ittaclied to sn chvo-plate hi tt» Watklnt. ‘ which Is readily * .c r s u .. -------------------- -tkypitte. AN b A A .B O U ntfoO X 31 Areenil rtccot, WmfottQWiU N. Y, fsw tom 1 v a m w khat Over Soanilng Sew ing M achine COMBINED. FOR SALE KT . 3B&5 P e r 3?oriv ALSO-CASH PAID FOR OATS, At Uie Old Hall Koad t^rehoueo UlonUhUethAt ' * - ofV.” '-'trt’S© lf i i DOFTBur im pi you ism iti: t . t - «niBBnlO €o|jd ttrjet. WA(TBRTDWN, N. T. in‘frrfo,tai7ed'itfotchcnd.lB a ■esttT.:acndrepiAlykade. tt the Dai hold an horn. I i ll adapted to I manofactiircttnjlho ^ B ^ iangootj^irpotc^ SSrcJIyjK w ri a x - ___________ brolderirigindttBBfillki bolefT-a mfou of nnalitiM WtSdlri ih ocher machine In the world. 'toore ar*tlthe^atWk*t«eU (or special purporct. tf 'vj.y ir .> *4* Au'ir »W Jbusu * d i « i » ’hi^i»asih>l-*^iiiHh|i(f .. EYer Exhtbifbd 1 11 .tbfc u ty , iTucm goodKiMro'i'Ne'vviiihttotfhtiMt, ioA ; through tlio OustyipJSoGijc,,a^l ^jll,Jjjj CmNA. IRON 'STONE "CHINA; GLA8S 'MAJBE. I.AMP» t$BAN- DELIERS, SILVER HfA’TE,, Knirca atid F6tI;s,::,rca 'Eriiys t^q.. nh'til after tlio Holi?layal4iitXE^S..j!iiin G0U>-FBIOliS^ Mct .--,i/ -y.i i-ra w v .'» t Ploaso call and oxftuiinihb'iir gooclB-aiud 'priecfti'-s-^’ y-e^ crre.SaywBptl^lj^rr W .ttrt.™ , Doc 11,180# t cd |^ d f, -w ^ y^ix. c i 0 , m o n t h L I A im ! — . *!-l I, ‘-V, ,'}J|)1 .- , f :tL •re4 wrivdAt-j *b - ’li • « ! '->,S5jtV- I t C«si,-*i#'Coife I , ^ - . I-..-.' • S'l'l J r,*r & Great Sale of D ry^ G ^ is! , er -i> i L jivr-ebt GOODS, A l COST, to closedown Tliisi6 a rare cliartoc.to^l)iirfigoo^« CHEAP, aa my goods «ro eotir sly now the past pear. t r i I am dstermmedt FTcdifeO f tat *» I -ft r.ri;r|jr a iff tn MotTDCsuua *acures thick alto : ■MnSf^i.Ta.viA*. W Viro«Sfirdt»i.YU. . IH R 1 E , * W A - f B hM A IS, , _ Ofts6rai4^Qsl8a ahd will sell yon goods chfakper thih jdlreim ^*CALL AUlJ SEffeb^ January lOtli 1870 Jill) < *3VA*iMr»» If ,, Cram tba city of WktefYhdnK ima d> mllea Vw: Vluct:nt,)ed near iho n iu g s ot Three ^ — ikdortbririnfittbont * ' W m , darikjfo | | V W B O d x a . ^ FOR HAL* BY . * Hanroi’d Ac Mdt^d, IN N O C E N T S ABROAD. . ; J A G K E S A N D T JU . L tTTBM K lT v >- U T T X E WOMJKS. liikomiiiijdoti lfiA trB Y T 'k *.‘» H i * 1 1 KB, Aodktyon. jV O .. JmM® TBfeBKhkKHIBS M'BItOADWAY, J THI FAMILY ANt)Tlie<Clii/HCir ■ H it& r fia Y G cd D L w iso 4B B jB ^ «TnLTk4rtA c n a i ;i ^ t YOHRSELVES' K . E ltEEkJU JJA flW t # * ’" ' TI7NOCKN3TB A * « # A » ^ iC ffy ^TJiia&INfJfo«QSroil AlrifO — Ifi ;3 * * ^ AN O KO ^Y^OO liB ’ ;. itUYBTTHKFIBK,..,hSYM»i|iN^W! v jUBpftUBMtqt , KABPfCiT,’ b y GcorgC.BtkXi.:-., w Ct - 4i sum ftess* * r i8 M et 0-%> k h tj-- „ -_.ij -- YTKKCHAivars, - A . T I ’E T M T l O l N 'i Hkvteit ^«Jt.'pr)ic(.cd asoeia'tb'ybolcrt a tha ■tm rwfrrtNHll«'8fclflM«4Wk»k. •L”«i M d am #a m mm*. I *«'J 4|3*/A*fUY AND V* , ..-.1 ,0 »"■ la i plekvat ' thoM«Ktei*iwwtort)^riiMi(ipuifMiWxlitM^k^ WIMCUMin k u u m sU W k d it Ady*J)(kfotittlfo*yi|Be^.Mililr t 4 i n’t fo HuU .-rwrpa -£S|dL^ttiiI||^

A S I R - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035540/1870-03-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · care should bo taken to have the entire skin ... triad ap sad will bo kept

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: t o l . i/'■%"

8 '•

-•• | i u u 8,


|K0Q;*«r is*wn,.Jn advance, BtagUflople* & cente ^ T l v Y o r k f ? « |e k ly B e f b n n e r

every » eo ^ y e i r ^

1± o m o u x l T i o N i ^ .HaUyV JICK ft;. . . . W id ik ly .3 ,3 0 0 .

,, - 5 c K t t W orA A T Ift l l l l t V ■

for ont wreck wlU be taken 1

10 por.Mot, lew than Uwj,Km/of tie rat*s. ™ I N O l U l l * BIOJBI.CW

y g a u i B h n s .

10 LtkMNonparell maksa Sqsaia. lSkj Adayw 9d«yds——i y k •w’ka

Thrsep^are*.... Joluaji..


2aS|3D0 t oo 900

10 oo

• 1QU 190 490 700


1 EO M06 00

l l to ’ SS





8 a f t A 00 800

asoo a o f

O uiU r Column...mIUBD.ig*g“ v

T 00too1000wooia >

10011 00 14 00IS OO 96 00 60 00

7 0093 00 90 00 (0 00

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. » j» ♦0 0070 00 1J O 00

900 00

'MDIfOktU. u d EOCSAij NOTtOKB IB ccait per Use. 8PBCIALS to por cent, tddod to regular rate*.

Mo adTtrtiieniyat* running over one month willr i Inawril in Hill 1 cftamtr u u every* toer day.

'Pot Bm5»I Oratrseti,*ppty at tie oflfce,tlo.8A1-

~g~vWATERTOp, MARCH M. 18ft

B . ■* ... . W - , .■ , ■ : .............................— — - u -

ilin fS ., i . L


Ema they are Caught and horn ’ Ikhtj are-

* Dr. Byrnes Thompson, Professor o t ftM - cine s t .G r ^ w a jfr U ^ e , JjOnftou, bpis re- dfatl^l delivered W-V'Sreihkm -Xtotnre” on « tch m g colds. l ’bc followiog extracts will ho o f interest to- our readers:—

The. prevention of colds ia to be ''ac­complished by keeping tne ik in in a healthy and vigorous state, so that it may a t once .resume ita proper and moral condition! when chills have been suddenly applied to it j then the internal congestions are avoadod or removed simultaneously w ith tho extern­a l contraction' and stagnation. The habitu­a l use o f cold bathing l i i early morning is

oyerfpl means 69 this a n d , it

U ongf* chilj. The relaxing influence of over-healed apartments should be avoided, because .that sapa the power o f vigorous rt- actioo | j-»jiut ip cold weather, >ihp ktnxott care should bo taken to have th e entire skin •fiiciontly protected by warm cloth in u. Thu pawersOf thQ-systcm iu periods prOne to th e production of cold9, a,pd most ospocial ly when the temperature of the cxterbal air is between thirty-two and forty degrees ot Fsrenheit’s heal scads (for that is tht cou-

d iticn iu which the danger is found.to beResidence, Jackman House, Room No. ? 7 ,! the mpat certainly incurred), should ho 8d floor. Residence of Son, No. 7 Good&lo most carefully maintained by -tlie judicious street. OctSO.dtf j use of sustaiung food, and by the pvoid-

" | ence of every fond of injurious dafange-i m entor exocas. When ouco ipterpuj com geadcu hap been se t up, and been ‘-caui' mediatelytion and exhalation in ibe sicto. ThciTurk- iah bath ia one ot tbo moat convenient and certain of all cnutrivanmt for io au itg tbia ooject: in ita absonco th e vapor tjalh, o r h o t air bath may be employ ed. Tho action oi tho bath ii to bo reintorcstV by tho s d

.X X B X O A W B O T S L ,A *- f f S S - jp w . v.

’ ^ l 2 s j t i t t $ ^ P r t t p r i e U > r .Jay l, 18SS.0U______________________

o t » » c r r h o u s e .WATKKTOWH, N. 1.

triad ap sad will bo kept Btrtclly s i aBPOK a SANQKH. Prop.

jyackman H o u se ,WA TSB10 WN, If. Y.

E D . W . P E T E R B O E ,to Goo. Vi. Jones. latefproprJlor.

■ Kd, Pwrnaow, win slwsys ba1 hi, p(d triends, snd with s cordial

I 1 i r o lh ls hots) (bt Ul polntl.

W~l »

fore- COnlratod

stsllUstms. Au-t-dlVn n s s K ^

'Atomatio Jsliier of Bhubwlj,A.eeruta csn of Dysjxpsn, Dlsn-bres, pyscitery.

a o S liltsaB y os vsas i f o b r Ul* Wkolassli sod

OVeshoani tm* S to in l b o a • to B p. s . ■><

ia a a t« sss^ r “IW” AU bins is* wImd the psUaot Is dltsslisad ofcygsariptlos* gmss bs paid ft* os daUvarj.



Vfstertowr & Ejnie KailroaB Bondi,

ft. Tork & Oswego MidlandfU) SandsIxt-rwt 7 c c t ( . TKijnhis bemi


tllON PACIFIC R. R. RONDS,Interest O n e r tent, in gold, payable ami-

annually. !

JfiB8onri Valley Railroad Bonds,Interest 7 per cent. t » gold, payable semi­


C lfiO A O O , D A M V IL L J S < t V JEC B W H 'M It A IL H OAD B 0 m > 8 .

Jnterest 7 per cent, in gold, payahli sem i­annually.

Southern',Oeatral R- £ . of Sew YorkInterest


& S I R> hnosi A

T1RST M0RTG4GE BONDS■)■' . - " i o W - W i S ' ^

CMcago, Danville aad; m£BESTi& FRESHESTB A ^ X t O & J D .

s ls s * S s « u t to b e iMUeA, ( t l i ^ k i i i e k t i s i a t i r . ’ ii

-Kdtsl « sp ll-» m * s * s « ic « s f t « r » * « < i( i« ia .) i s o u o o o

SOOOQCIion uao j

■ ru iaststsd r a r s n w p s is h n a m .a « a o n>« ; I N t t S u s i l s s u ltw> A u d u n s, 8 t o 70S

2 ds**r r Vs r | No 5V WashiDtfln Hall”,Blocki t k l t 1 1 7 * ' . . *

A A i x w u m t f t h i i m w t m i n u s ,

A|noutaM ,0f M et S s r * tu t« per mile, U 783 :1 i s o i

-iTtolSUuw follow ttif! cwaplotioi, Ot Die Koul—

Issio the Truathonuiisnj, of N. V. sa Uial CXBclSl Hegllfof snd Trs»ii|or Accnt—and arc nolil s S p ru o ^ l t 9hiisdsptiiioA Interest.

7hpyi)«U t)tshilnitlo'li dh^ Compsrlson, tibtter, tt s bollerodjl thin say OthsV how tjoforb tlmpuhlic, in -Cteddsed end uadmngcsblc Cleraentd Sajtbi, Smrit hjr. tnd f*roJtt,

-Tliey Oesfaood latercsl-Beven percent. Gold ior ftulyyesxa—ud snsoeoxed by a BMlng Fuad, tod FAnl Hottftig* opon the rose. Its ootllt.’ind net in c o s t necklace, lad til preeent sad Ititare so imind iiropntr o ttpe Company, I

’They depend upaw 110sow o r bsltsettled territory ftwi 'otusiswae w JSV ,ll»lr VUureJt,, hat opou an old well lotti^d, sod ptodbctlse wautry i-sssnOIng iivsi , rfo^fidbattt thfoosh th ,hjsctpritteh s te- gtcxioffir*,bjlller p>c0rl(yjcitbplii7,i<<rwlfli|£/ Prln- cignl uisn.» had to be tulit Ih rough the UMt htfibly

Interest 7 per cent, in petd, payable j Aomi- pxrtoOa) wjldetnesa or.epsr,otjr MtUcd territory.^ m . , 7 7 , 1 . ' I M l V 1 ' 4 L m ^ , S _s>. — . . . . . s _ A L d ^ kfa l mJt

All of tho shore MCatUM lor uie spot tb e I ptxrUrV ;___ aluBUadickM !<»« of vhls*ei ssd oltfformliio

M CST FAVORABLE T P R H S i1 Mfo" kfctoit ponton or Ow Btsto oi'T * F “ ' n O M W e s t t r i t* nssr to deport UTor Irou Oro of

gneat extent sod mane, i*d over brosddUds o t lhesnd lent cooitintly ao hand fo r tmmedlste delivery st tlie

t t ;

G». &BMXBS, M. D.■AOTiATl fro u t i l French School of XodU-

ednt ssd buswry,▼ ic to r ls T X nivorsity , M o n tr e a l ,

^Osastt* Mcdtcslc** snd Secretary of Iho , Mulfoo Chlrerytcal pocnvy ol aooursi. OTYIOt—Ftnt door. Sd door Artsds Besldsoc*. Ofiym Bri'NksndCtofMm^t^a, Pfa.ursoww, N.M.

HUBBAR D & WEIGHTASSonsevs s s d 0*«*a«U *ns s s l a w ,

OMS oe«r Ko. I WsshUuWo atnwt, WsUrtowB. Hot Tack.0 . m> w m * . c . p . w k i o h t .

■MU0SD ft WiaSLCW,U W i M j r s s d C o sn sc lo re s t l e w ,

M lu or* , Md. 10#iikm ftoB BA Wsurto-w*. N.E. • • HAmfOMD. BItADUY WlHoUCW.

______________________ t » d lyj g i g u , t n m d S IR C Y AMD

Xntelligronco Offlco.Clark Wilson's Block, Public Square.

tnodtss^lcnta Par,Isltd to thoie ronorinf m dty.

- Met* piouued u d illsslkmi ohtslaed (or bolls afoasadleulo.

rsrtlsa hsrtsg Uowsee to “tat" or sell will And tt ioUMbsdraatuito lear* terms and descrlnuop od pnariassetthisofficc. r . 8. SLXrte.

J . D . D O D G H ],


s e . mgASSXHALS?,M H O I U L E AND R E T A lls

M e n In sn kindso^Fsxai A Ssnr Bss.ts^Bsw A Bsooe, Botmooa* M H m Astmsot*. f a x u AAurt W a m Fisk, Otszxss A GAS*

« tstb ssseow

Ordsra promptly Attandsn to,DccsuacrtagT._______________________ _

| s i o c a u v k m a i m ■

TlwEmpireState Life InsuranceCo.o r n s a MANY 6UPKEIOR JADVAKTAQE!


X n s u r e T h e i r L i v e s Ioffioe - WAsamoroh b all ,

W A T M T O f r c r Ms T t.GEO. B, FTUEI.P8, Proaldcnt. U PADDOCK, lit Vloe Pres’t, KZBA. CDBNKhU 74 "

Kxtnlser.4 4. F. KEABBVCK Coonsot.__________lonrtsod

m inistration of, moat aaobg food.

There ia opc axpedient both fo r prevent ing and curing “colds," which was hot al-

;w rite r less an W hich

j w on described sh d ib -ttisy bo dxswu upom Id cltcuinatsucbr w hen those p ls n t Cannot

I bi adapted, in oouaeqaenae o f tk s suflhrera | being compelled by tho exigencies to continue to moot exposure to chilling wfla odcca ‘This is abstinence (rom drink apef liquid df ifly kjnd, tuktil th e irftexih 00a gcstion is rcmovod. Thr rcmodxsi ,g(tion tnrough th s skin dossils work, b y djsw ing sway tho nuptrabuodanco of the d rco lsting fluid from tno ovcrchsrgod part.

B u t this dcsLr&hhs result ia aveq mores cerxsinly insured if the g e w s l bulk oi tho ctrculstloB fluid; or1 blood, W-auuiiflBhed by wltfcolding supplies o f tbs more liquid, o r w&tary Ih g m u n t, which may bf done where tho digestive power is unimpaired. Without lo any way diminishing th a richer or more immediately ooarithb.g portion. The instant the general bulk oi lap drcmlst- intc blood is diminished, tha ekecea con­tinued iu the congested and ovcrchsrgod members is withdrawn end tha co ll is re­lieved. Somewhat- severe thirsAeote in , but curiously enough siriyiltanboaaly with the occurrence ot this thirst, tha oongsitod internal membranes grow moist, and 03- hilo gently and nntursllj in consequence of th* relief of tho overcharged vcsaijy. All thst ia then necessary is to keep tb e supply; of drink down to ths point which enables somo measure of thirst to be maintained, nsd during ita maintenance, the re U not tho slightest chance of tbo occurrence ol Uio coltL

Tb* </ud*st SBTTUaorST rs tub United States.—A Bt. Augustino corresjiondont writes : Most ol your reaper* will rcmoqilwr that th is is the oldest settlement in tbo .United States. The order js, fit, ’Augustine, IMS, Jamestown, J 6 0 7 /Albany in Now — . . . 1030. Spain

first tw o huo- yaara ; this UU ths aucssss of our

Revolution made it poor wopefty for Eng­land, and it was transferred to Spain again : then •‘manifest destiny” m ido it p o o r prop- ertj for Spain, and shB sold the peninsula to us in 1821. Tbe Spanks marks aro ol course found ever^whe-c, in the e ld Fort in Uie Cathedral, in tho walla, In th s narrow alloy like streets; and in their names, and' in the stylo o f tho honsca with balconies projecting over tho s tre e t The prop at and thpefbra much abused tdjacUvo t o ' do- scritied it all is “q u a in t” Everybody calls i t k . This ia ono of ita special charms to Northern visiton.

JgQTCTuyrat BocortUa* takea k* Jfichaage ;l*r Do

Highest New York QuctatitHisOn tAettv of (ale. We wtih t o call ttaa aitvatlaa ol ttusM SaalrlBg to;cxckaigt, o r tuntns

MONEY to IN V E STTo th* net UuaJt w* are olwlig ttc,aboro (Scarttla*

L o w e r R a. ti€i »

RAILROAD BOOTS,Offcrodln the market aad can laiaUh thaw Ssatiort notice,

T H i«

H I G H E S T M A 1 1 K E T ' I > m C E


Gold Coupons, Coin,AND

C a n a d a M o n e y ! !r o r * i |A J k a f l i f o l » l * oa a ll t k * d ifk ra n t G l t* a * f M arcp * *

3. r . m m r t . obiU k.1.19 dAw

jj^ N w r W » a J r r x i T M t Y .~•Pie patast ofDt, TwtttteB, which ascara co

ihc»<WTU thclhrcoloOoirliiJ aeavantagwa onr a ll oihqr rahbar plalea: i

Ul—’Win kid eoftfoit'W nuuta or a eoSt, nhbcv lining o n I thoenUro twrficc In contact wrth tbo'a-w •ed enwa*.

56— A prrfact auction, milmac rUgca Or c ti pn lornod. Into thn llrtnjtiaaaoato lacaiala M v rt- late the jiw and make ap for dcfocta In Uie Bt 0( (b eplrlo.

3d-Thrro la no preparation a t Qttcxasr ta WBB llelDg u ln oihor raDhvr. henoe tho irritation Sor- (trtng cn nnvatlQB, aeca tn a o aany aesalUve ooouia wearing Che ardtcai y nlatea, la cntliwly tww nmad.

Iha following cartuioatr. anozur olhera ol ib a uas twport. apaaka (Or Itaelt, aiStcr a trial of tworcari atari 1 kali)

In the ummcr and Call of lfitl X hid U><

bcwrt coal la tkndtata—whtch cnlnlog Utcrcits arc 111 a w a w ir - Afo(l>artifoi^lp<^*a*#chcrha«fii« ttUBa iwnred. tiwre will do attracted to thli roaAlke eottkWerabla triBc atrcadr aptiriiliirap •‘From It* taXBH to iheUilh^avwtUi tta bonUwm-CiBtectloiiy It foamas Jtaw kU a* « p O » atwter iha*»n J othw fottKalcqmChlago to NuhvlUa,Tkauf fkaidi ire therefore VAiedutfota 1 Bcallty

u d 1 Baaiariaathat a Sir yaart aaat-lnvetlabli dooXrij-ao* coapetontJn4«cB aay uoblo-ia value.

ffoeemrowaO Klllraj while the price k htghpav wrll I f p o t Into Gkett'Bauis. and Trust i r Estate yir/uli

m u « i put foto n o r m s o b k t t b b .rmunptcta. With I f a pa. etc., On hand far dlatrfbu-

lloaa-B and naaar be had d ln cll/ ol o a orofoor Agcat In



Acwstt for U a uid o»tha Boada

H s s s a a B = H = a E = s ^ ^ 3 i S w

JU ^ ,.-1. J. 1.TIioaobacrilKr taa.'Jnit returned fkem New York,

wilh a HtocK of of tho Cfaolceatl Groceriaw,inclwllag

r i A 8 ,




sue Am ,S T E V E S ,


ram lljr ProviiBioiiB!n r a r r o n d i w i C A f l K t t - j w g u r c o l d , w a s

W S r S ^ K '^Parsels put . Small advance

- i » : n > - - . a .' in w to


W i g 1 0

m mi W m L . ■

or* Fnees. ' '® “Tljisii‘G ratG clmaccfcir tljpEo wlio Wisl/to' lay 'jr-tiIgixsis-tiheikp stock oi Grocenos, * rA"* • 'k eA l-4~±.


B e w d i ig ' H & a M n e s !

KEErtNO Bog e rrs P resr. — If o a r lady reader* wish to keep a boquct fresh, let them drop a table spoonful oi powdered Charcoal into the water mteBdcd for flow­e r stalks and they will keep their fresh ness and pwrfmno for BajeraljdB^AnicI look and smell the bame as those jhat-gkih’cred. The charcoal settles to tho bottom ot the vase, tho wAter remaining clear.


taartpnwore Into; hia

Bakafj lenpw ready to. ., atir. Oik. and Gaa FTxtttrc*, Nur.

aMBasadwrerytbUg modara, l i ia 010 ot ttn lAoit aahtUolially bnilt honsca Ih the city, ffood drain­age, 7 fool cellar ntdcv wholo bousn, large lot, coi'J

l ^ * S S b u '

dcelttfvtf ___________


r ,„ . BEEBEE, Agent.m itikrttarri;—tbfrtford 60 yeara eaeceaaloibni-

— —............. !M«4,»»-Irifotd...,,.... i,sse.<HK-fo fit.v « ........................ | J M | |

is o .o o i

m s E * p |j* g o i« n 4 ,j» o ;« o i

J-MH o n i t s i f o tnstt*« (teak om, 4 r t i * l M r s K t ' "

"OoijpMiek.j w a r . l ^ -

A . i b n ' 0

C R A N E ’S B A L S A M . The Elixir of Stengih.

A sure ana epeedy cure /or all Diseases q/ th e Kidritys, Inflatitation or Irritation

of the B l a d d e r , Non-retehlion orIncontinence of Urine, Or aval

or Brieh-Dust Deposit,.StUeous Discharges,

lertcorrhea,A » d a l l O is e a *.o o f t h e O r in a r v G r g ’ank■ lUcltAfcr Halo o ' Fhata.0, (Wm Whatever ca,

oTigjnatieg, atidao utattercf.hOWlMfc etaadtnr.Pkb^OP'--') coptalM

■ ' ■ j i i r ' noUaa KroKxre andAAi constitution

leaa.iuid Mbafon^ tone amom any derangement of the

K renra. 11 la lnvaluAWo. - .For Loueorrhca or Whltoe, it It tho beet- ___

ov« yevprcepntpd to thoee Bnfoi ing with this most uoublvsorirr^tqdibifo kwridktro to cflcci weptoay-^w S d M ^ttl^ ffi 'aaccM try to rater to onr Very nUmsrOTie cerilftcaloi, aa wo ero well aaaorcri that, li triod.lt will recgnfkivnl itaeV beyond ail otter'' pti^lfeic^Xor^ctlfotcriajfocddle (wsoe.N q r r f & I v y f l i n

A B C H I T B C X t n .

LXW1B A Co., Wholoealo Agenta.

krror Kw ill wrocka. Dorloitliiai *lae t . led Um« times tad tail to n s ol a y teeth. fISo ekvi- ate thdaioH I had recourawtnthe ataata] arL tnlAK rpmo og ike best danUsW oTamoat dltlikgiiahaa 1 MU es tttW ltyatytom Fonoldteamta t S w o tofNow Mo

j w t n u M i r a n i m u i u o c k ! i

W H O L E S A L E & R E T A IL

l i H ’L l W H D F A N G !H i t y Goods,

H A T 8. B O N N E T S , R I B B O N S .

F L O M E R S , F E A T H E R S ,

A N D L A O E 8.

Rarrli gemmiloii Kid Qlovea tor Ladies, Klakcii ud (3«sta. Jklio. Children's Eld Qlovea.

IMF Wc a r* Itlllar * ipori Kid Glora for la rila H I * S i l t a <

A M l Uao ol Xalrasn P n f s , O o llara mni 1 I u f c f l t n d i i b < I

l o o M E a n ,

I O R I B Y a mU0 X 0 Y J H '

A 'M W [SUPPLY OP NUB IBS,Jut RetsIrcA- The largeit asaortmintor

I K B E I R W O R S T E D S ,

In th e cHy.'Alu, Shetlaid, Baxouy land; Berlia laria-

xwr- Eta. WTtSQOSQN and MBA BHIGGB'_dM Etthooilor Dreaa Haktng.

|W~ Flrticolaf Attestirih paid to Orders.B . 9 a H A M r « f t S A 0o «

C c l i a . r K v

- - i >1. l.yerm _ ..f l A W S G | ^ t p y i D , Q ^ n ® ) S i , y j )

No 9 Washington. Hall Blb tj<D»tU wp bsvo room to keep a larga atock Of

. iln s tn u ae ix ts .a&d 8Elklcti^3 tiitliaixdiioT cunstanUy o a bftid.' wo tn n te #orold pilroBiB iod ill lnT.trflaVd. vUubc 1o purchaM Eomic orHoalcai Irutnkentr *0 dire S i a call, m i exaimlc* oux afockqol

F l i r t o ik s * P i a n o sOraaa, Mdodwsii -SfeMt Hhair'y ia fo Blrins*.tfe;which we Kaepto * e etr,a l WWoi*ito aad Rltspl, ' Tl

6 9 -

; j i i » . t L . o » < ^ V n T T i .

n o wJ— .- . ^_A-f —- »■*. - - . • • a-' A. i . .Illl.jfh !(it^ i e.t ' l : *e. ~ W --X*, * i e

, ASSORTMENT OF1tw u r a h S , q t w 19 W t outlet tfUf

S o S H p O t - C til «-

But, With Ihwtr bewtrifortt adH dl^

ikco tteo aate aaa tha g asa , i frays irloKercry (at­tention and device that pronuttd tbMoit, %nt wttla jidlffe**1 mcceaa. I aavaial tw o or tb^aplate* ■vUh’fee-IIOdWi rubber adr dhambmx. I barer had two ___ - _ had twoctFolaosa'c patent, hut I Aavelpuarinona tnht hear sty cowrartiaon in wvnrtrag, is rrwardom (roaa Imts- tlon uuAanaonncs, aad to fiidneas or adkiettoe to l it pateaat itDtc Twitches, I caaetder t v (ar th* morl perfect invention in tiro Dental art that I bar* met triad, and complete Im all Ihoea polnta allndW to In th e toreKOlBR circa tat. J b

j A H n t o o t i a u a ,PUtDT Congregational Church, Fwlariri, S , l-_

Late o d RatlaAA, nV.Tho uxiiorzigncd lure porctLtaedlhe exclnilv*

light for Ue ccKmtyol Jeflaraoe. WM* nkcaaiao to « u patron a more perfect, ew eri aad hotter Itt- ttagptato than canbeaade hy ascf other metkad, and as -wo do onr own vrorr a# apeak Vs-itk cond donee. Prices the lame a s den)UCa charge for tkrir oldetylo ol work. ’I .(

K L. SAJtGIKT*. Iro* Block.

i m Borrow

Btcrg? ptrsem feW iiljf ii’ Sinning M acklne,

Bhoalri HUBUU llio jW h « « la i |t f i l i o aOre ptnrchiri Vig. tillT sir pfotod iliclf tcrtie (ar the

Best Raotiiafi in ihe World.LFP TBI MCCPta iAilJwifcn/ ' ,

| (her 430,OOO alteadj in uso-Over 80,000 ' iimiZc tn I860.

flCAB T t * FOUoVUlQ I Yu th a tcrtlsmohy hefao tke-s Oommtimloacr a t

repairs. T ................... - ^* r

The amir Uolri H«hl CarUtemanolictUR foctioa m Im b w kirtetnri i ta Fitloif- : cblsee waliwmMcd to Xeure. Wheeler i ofHew T ort . ■

B n tarF . 9. x>;Ar.rtiirT:, Member ud Sepoflex- nl tho fbteniuloamJ Jury.Mcetrm. ffhe^for t Wlleou, 6*5 Brtsiway, N. Y.,

recelvwd tha Sca.nll*epu, aEH' Vtb 't)ktxr. O n , twnrdcA foi Diet molt pcrlect Belting MlCfrlia U d Aitton-frole Machine exbthltM i t u l Part* Unlvcr- a> IxpoBltion- .

J.C.hKMt,' (I. B; O e tn il A^ent for the Exposition.

mi mtmwt b o u A***e*Kni Tho marjunlaen If a almplt d n lce ittaclied to sn

chvo-plate hi tt» Watklnt. ‘ which Is readily* — . c r s u . . -------------------- - t k y p i t t e . —

A N b

A A . B O U n t f o O X31 Areenil rtccot, WmfottQWiU N. Y,

f s w t o m 1 v a m w k h a t

Over SoanilngS e w i n g M a c h i n e

C O M B IN E D .

FOR SALE KT .3B&5 P e r 3 ? o r iv

A L S O - C A S H P A I D F O R O A T S, At Uie Old Hall Koad t^rehoueo

UlonUhUethAt' * - ofV.”

'-'trt’S© l f i i

DOFTBur im p i you ism i t i :t . t -

« n i B B n l O € o | j d t t r j e t .WA (TBRTDWN, N. T.

in‘frrfo,tai7ed'itfotchcnd.lB a ■esttT.:acndrepiAlykade. tt the Daihold an horn. I i ll adapted to I manofactiircttnjlho B ^ iangootj^irpotc

S S r c J I y j K w r i

a x - ___________b ro ld e r ir ig in d ttB B fillk i bolefT-a mfou ofnnalitiM WtSdlri ih ocher machine In the world.'toore ar*tlthe^atWk*t«eU (or special purporct.

■tf ' v j . y i r . > * 4 * A u'ir » W J b u s u * d i « i » ’h i^ i» a sih > l-* ^ iiiH h |i(f ..EYer Exhtbifbd 111. tbfc u t y , iTucm goodKiMro'i'Ne'vviiihttotfhtiMt, ioA ;

through tlio OustyipJSoGijc,,a^l jll,Jjjj

C m NA . IRON 'STONE "CHINA; GLA8S 'MAJBE. I.AMP» t$BAN- DELIERS, SILVER HfA’TE,, Knirca atid F6tI;s,::,rca 'Eriiys t q.. nh'til after tlio Holi?layal4iitXE^S..j!iiin G0U>-FBIOliS^ Mct .--,i/

- y . i i - r a w v . ' » tPloaso call and oxftuiinihb'iir gooclB-aiud 'priecfti'-s- ’ y-e

c r r e .S a y w B p t l ^ l j ^ r r

W .ttrt.™ , Doc 11,180# t

c d | ^ d f , - w ^

y ^ i x .

ci 0 , m o n t h L I A i m !— . ■ * ! - l I , ‘ - V , , ' } J | ) 1 . - , f : t L

• r e 4 wrivdAt-j *b - ’l i • « ! '->,S5jtV-

• I t C « s i , - * i# 'C o i f eI , ^

- . I-..-.' • S'l'l J r,*r &

Great Sale of D ry ^ G ^ is! ,er -i> i L j i v r - e b t

GOODS, A l COST, to closedown Tliisi6 a rare cliartoc.to l)iirfigoo^« CHEAP, aa my goods «ro eotir sly now the past pear. t r ’

iI am dstermmedt FTcdifeOf ta t *» I -ft r.ri;r|jr a iff

t n MotTDCsuua *acuresthickalto

: ■MnSf^i.Ta.viA*.W V i r o « S f i r d t » i . Y U . .

I H R 1E , * W A - f B h M A I S , , _ O f t s 6 r a i 4 ^ Q s l 8 a

ahd will sell yon goods chfakper thih jdlreim^*CALL AUlJ SEffeb^January lOtli 1870 Jill) <

*3VA*iMr»» I f ,,

Cram tba city of WktefYhdnK ima d> mllea Vw: Vluct:nt,)ed near iho n iu g s ot Three

^ — i k d o r t b r i r i n f i t t b o n t * '

W m ,

d a r i k j f o

| | V W B O d x a . ^


H a n r o i ’d Ac M d t ^ d ,I N N O C E N T S A B R O A D . . ■; J

A G K E S A N D T J U . L t T T B M K l T v >-

U T T X E WOMJKS. ■l i i k o m i i i i j d o t i

l f i A t r B Y T ' k * . ‘» H i * 1 1

KB, Aodktyon.j V O . .

Jm M ® TBfeBKhkKHIBS M'BItOADWAY, J THI FAMILY ANt)Tlie<Clii/HCir ■ H i t & r f i a Y G c d D L w i s o

4 B B j B ^ « T n L T k 4 r t A c n a i ; i ^ t

YOHRSELVES'K . E l t E E k J U J J A f l W t # * ’" ' •

TI7NOCKN3TB A * « # A » ^

iC f f y^TJiia&INfJfo«QSroil

AlrifO — Ifi

; 3 *

* ^

A N O K O ^ Y ^ O O l i B ’ ; .

itU Y BTTH K FIBK ,..,hSY M »i|iN ^W ! v

jU B pftU B M tqt ,KABPfCiT,’ by GcorgC.BtkXi.:-., w

C t

-4i sum ftess* * ri8 M et 0-% > k

h tj-- „ -_.ij- -


- A . T I ’ E T M T l O l N ' i

Hkvteit ^«Jt.'pr)ic(.cd asoeia'tb'ybolcrt a tha

■tm r w f r r t N H l l « '8 f c l f l M « 4 W k » k .


M d am # a m mm*. I *«'J

4 |3* /A *fU Y AND V*

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la i plekvat 'thoM«Ktei*iwwtort)^riiMi(ipuifMiWxlitM^k^

WIMCUM inkuumsUW kditAdy*J)(kfotittlfo*yi|Be^.Mililr t 4 i n’t fo

0±H u U.-rwrpa

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