A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host Restriction Stefania Spanò and Jorge E. Galán* Unlike other Salmonellae, the intracellular bacterial human pathogen Salmonella Typhi exhibits strict host specificity. The molecular bases for this restriction are unknown. Here we found that the expression of a single type III secretion system effector protein from broad-host Salmonella Typhimurium allowed Salmonella Typhi to survive and replicate within macrophages and tissues from mice, a nonpermissive host. This effector proteolytically targeted Rab32, which controls traffic to lysosome-related organelles in conjunction with components of the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelle complexes (BLOCs). RNA interferencemediated depletion of Rab32 or of an essential component of a BLOC complex was sufficient to allow S. Typhi to survive within mouse macrophages. Furthermore, S. Typhi was able to survive in macrophages from mice defective in BLOC components. T he bacterial pathogen Salmonella enterica comprises thousands of serovars (i.e., var- iants that can be distinguished by their surface antigen composition) that as a whole can infect a large number of vertebrate species (1, 2). Some serovars can infect a broad range of hosts, whereas others are extremely host specific. For example, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) can only infect humans, although ex- perimentally it can also infect higher primates (3). S. Typhi causes typhoid fever, a life-threatening systemic disease that every year kills 200,000 people worldwide (46). Although the genome sequences of several host-specific and broad-host Salmonellae are available, the molecular bases for this host adaptation are unknown (7, 8). It is believed that genome reduction most likely played a central role in the narrowing of S. Typhis host range (9). This host restriction is also manifested at the cellular level because, unlike human mac- rophages, S. Typhi cannot survive within macro- phages of mice, a nonpermissive species (10, 11). The interaction of S. enterica with host cells is largely determined by the activities of two type III secretion systems (T3SS), which deliver bac- terial effector proteins into host cells to modulate a variety of cellular processes (1215). Differences in the assortment of the T3SS effector proteins encoded by S. Typhi and S. Typhimurium result in differences in the composition of the membrane compartment that harbors these bacteria (16). Whereas vacuoles containing S. Typhi recruit Rab29, those containing the broad-host serovar S. Typhimurium do not, because Rab29 is de- graded by the T3SS effector GtgE, absent from S. Typhi (16). We hypothesized that the presence or absence of a Rab guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) in the vacuoles harboring S. Typhi or S. Typhimurium must translate into fundamental differences in the intracellular biology of these pathogens, poten- tially influencing host-cell restriction. We expressed the S. Typhimurium T3SS effector GtgE in S. Typhi and examined its ability to survive within primary bone-marrowderived macrophages (BMDMs) ob- tained from mice, a nonpermissive species (17). Surprisingly, expression of gtgE significantly in- creased the ability of S. Typhi to survive within mouse BMDMs (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Whereas very few bacteria were recovered from mouse macrophages 48 hours after infection with wild- type S. Typhi, large numbers of bacteria were re- covered from macrophages infected with S. Typhi expressing gtgE. Indeed, the number of colony- forming units (CFU) recovered from macrophages infected with S. Typhi expressing gtgE were equiv- alent to those recovered from macrophages in- fected with the broad-host serovar S. Typhimurium (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Thus, expression of a single effector protein from broad-host Salmonellae allows S. Typhi to overcome host-cell restriction and survive in a nonpermissive host cell. To investigate the consequences of overcom- ing host-cell restriction for the ability of S. Typhi to replicate within a nonpermissive host, we in- fected mice with the S. Typhi strain expressing gtgE. We found a significantly higher number of bacteria in the tissues of mice infected with S. Typhi expressing gtgE compared to those in- fected with wild type (Fig. 1, B and C, and fig. S2). Thus, expression of gtgE allows S. Typhi to overcome some of the host restriction barrier. Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale University School of Medicine, 295 Congress Avenue, New Haven, CT 06536, USA. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] Fig. 1. GtgE expression limits host-cell restriction. (A) Survival of S. Typhi expressing GtgE in bone-marrowderived mouse macrophages (BMDMs). Macrophages were infected with S. Typhi (Ty), S. Typhi expressing GtgE (Ty GtgE), or S. Typhimurium (Tm). Cells were lysed at the indicated time points and CFU enumerated. Values are means T SEM of three independent mea- surements. P values (for the difference relative to values obtained from cells infected with S. Typhi) were determined by the Students t test: *P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001. (B and C) CFU recovered from the spleens of C57BL/6 Nramp +/+ mice infected with S. Typhi (wt, wild type) or S. Typhi expressing GtgE (GtgE) 4 days after intraperitoneal (B) or oral (C) inoculation. Horizontal bars indicate the means. The P value was determined by the Wilcoxon rank sum test. 16 NOVEMBER 2012 VOL 338 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org 960 REPORTS on August 17, 2016 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host

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Page 1: A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host

A Rab32-Dependent PathwayContributes to Salmonella TyphiHost RestrictionStefania Spanò and Jorge E. Galán*

Unlike other Salmonellae, the intracellular bacterial human pathogen Salmonella Typhi exhibitsstrict host specificity. The molecular bases for this restriction are unknown. Here we found thatthe expression of a single type III secretion system effector protein from broad-host SalmonellaTyphimurium allowed Salmonella Typhi to survive and replicate within macrophages and tissuesfrom mice, a nonpermissive host. This effector proteolytically targeted Rab32, which controlstraffic to lysosome-related organelles in conjunction with components of the biogenesis oflysosome-related organelle complexes (BLOCs). RNA interference–mediated depletion of Rab32or of an essential component of a BLOC complex was sufficient to allow S. Typhi to survive withinmouse macrophages. Furthermore, S. Typhi was able to survive in macrophages from micedefective in BLOC components.

Thebacterial pathogen Salmonella entericacomprises thousands of serovars (i.e., var-iants that can be distinguished by their

surface antigen composition) that as a whole caninfect a large number of vertebrate species (1, 2).Some serovars can infect a broad range ofhosts, whereas others are extremely host specific.For example, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi(S. Typhi) can only infect humans, although ex-perimentally it can also infect higher primates (3).S. Typhi causes typhoid fever, a life-threateningsystemic disease that every year kills 200,000people worldwide (4–6). Although the genome

sequences of several host-specific and broad-hostSalmonellae are available, the molecular basesfor this host adaptation are unknown (7, 8). It isbelieved that genome reductionmost likely playeda central role in the narrowing of S. Typhi’s hostrange (9). This host restriction is also manifestedat the cellular level because, unlike human mac-rophages, S. Typhi cannot survive within macro-phages of mice, a nonpermissive species (10, 11).The interaction of S. enterica with host cells islargely determined by the activities of two typeIII secretion systems (T3SS), which deliver bac-terial effector proteins into host cells to modulatea variety of cellular processes (12–15). Differencesin the assortment of the T3SS effector proteinsencoded by S. Typhi and S. Typhimurium resultin differences in the composition of themembranecompartment that harbors these bacteria (16).Whereas vacuoles containing S. Typhi recruit

Rab29, those containing the broad-host serovarS. Typhimurium do not, because Rab29 is de-graded by the T3SS effector GtgE, absent fromS. Typhi (16).

We hypothesized that the presence or absenceof a Rab guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) inthe vacuoles harboring S.Typhi or S.Typhimuriummust translate into fundamental differences in theintracellular biology of these pathogens, poten-tially influencing host-cell restriction.We expressedthe S.TyphimuriumT3SS effectorGtgE inS.Typhiand examined its ability to survivewithin primarybone-marrow–derivedmacrophages (BMDMs)ob-tained from mice, a nonpermissive species (17).Surprisingly, expression of gtgE significantly in-creased the ability of S. Typhi to survive withinmouse BMDMs (Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Whereasvery few bacteria were recovered from mousemacrophages 48 hours after infection with wild-type S. Typhi, large numbers of bacteria were re-covered frommacrophages infected with S. Typhiexpressing gtgE. Indeed, the number of colony-forming units (CFU) recovered frommacrophagesinfectedwith S.Typhi expressing gtgEwere equiv-alent to those recovered from macrophages in-fected with the broad-host serovar S.Typhimurium(Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Thus, expression of a singleeffector protein from broad-host Salmonellaeallows S. Typhi to overcome host-cell restrictionand survive in a nonpermissive host cell.

To investigate the consequences of overcom-ing host-cell restriction for the ability of S. Typhito replicate within a nonpermissive host, we in-fected mice with the S. Typhi strain expressinggtgE. We found a significantly higher numberof bacteria in the tissues of mice infected withS. Typhi expressing gtgE compared to those in-fected with wild type (Fig. 1, B and C, and fig.S2). Thus, expression of gtgE allows S. Typhi toovercome some of the host restriction barrier.

Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale University Schoolof Medicine, 295 Congress Avenue, New Haven, CT 06536,USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

Fig. 1. GtgE expression limits host-cell restriction. (A) Survival of S. Typhiexpressing GtgE in bone-marrow–derived mouse macrophages (BMDMs).Macrophages were infected with S. Typhi (Ty), S. Typhi expressing GtgE (TyGtgE), or S. Typhimurium (Tm). Cells were lysed at the indicated time pointsand CFU enumerated. Values are means T SEM of three independent mea-surements. P values (for the difference relative to values obtained from cells

infected with S. Typhi) were determined by the Student’s t test: *P< 0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P < 0.001. (B and C) CFU recovered from the spleens of C57BL/6Nramp+/+ mice infected with S. Typhi (wt, wild type) or S. Typhi expressingGtgE (GtgE) 4 days after intraperitoneal (B) or oral (C) inoculation. Horizontalbars indicate the means. The P value was determined by the Wilcoxon ranksum test.

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Page 2: A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host

Furthermore, the inability of S. Typhi to replicatewithin nonhuman hosts appears at least in partdue to its inability to survive within macrophagesof the nonpermissive species. However, addi-tional factors must contribute to host restriction,because the virulence of S. Typhi expressing GtgEdid not match that of S. Typhimurium (18), whichis highly virulent for mice.

To gain insight into themechanisms bywhichGtgE allows S. Typhi to overcome the host-cellrestriction barrier, we examined the effect ofdepleting Rab29, a target of its protease activity(16), on the ability of S. Typhi to survive withinprimary mouse BMDMs. Surprisingly, small in-terfering RNA (siRNA)–mediated depletion ofRab29 had no effect on the ability of S. Typhi tosurvive in nonpermissive macrophages (fig. S3),which indicated that GtgE might have an ad-ditional cellular target(s) for its protease activity.We therefore examined the ability of GtgE to tar-get other Rab GTPases. Despite the broad con-servation of residues surrounding theGtgE cleavagesite in several GTPases (fig. S4), GtgE could onlytarget Rab32 and Rab38 (Fig. 2, A to C, and fig.S5), which are the GTPases most highly relatedto Rab29 (Fig. 2D and fig. S6). However, GtgEdid not cleave Rab23, the next most highlyrelated GTPase, nor did it cleave other GTPasesphylogenetically close to Rab29, Rab32, or Rab38(Fig. 2, A, C, and D, and figs. S4 to S6). Rab32

and Rab38 (but not Rab23) were cleaved in cellsinfected with S. Typhimurium, which expressesGtgE, but not in cells infected with S. Typhi,which does not (Fig. 2C). Thus, GtgE is a spe-cific protease that targets a very restricted sub-group of highly related Rab GTPases.

Shortly after infection, Rab29 is recruited tothe S. Typhi–containing vacuoles and remains as-sociated with these vacuoles for several hoursafter infection (16). Like Rab29, Rab32 andRab38 were recruited to the S. Typhi–containingvacuole with similar kinetics (Fig. 3A). Similarobservations were made in cells infected withthe related human-restricted serovar SalmonellaParatyphi, which, like S. Typhi, does not encodegtgE (Fig. 3B). In contrast, Rab32 and Rab38were not recruited to the S.Typhimurium vacuole(Fig. 3B), consistent with the GtgE-mediated deg-radation of these GTPases in infected cells (Fig.2C). Similar results were observed in mouse pri-mary BMDMs (Fig. 3C). Thus, there are markeddifferences between the composition of the in-tracellular compartments that harbor the human-restricted S. Typhi and the broad-host Salmonellaesuch as S. Typhimurium, which may contributeto their differences in host specificity.

To ascertain which of the GtgE targets re-stricts the survival of S. Typhi within nonper-missive macrophages, we investigated the effectof siRNA-mediated depletion of Rab32 or Rab38

on the ability of S. Typhi to survive within pri-mary mouse BMDMs. Depletion of Rab38 hadno effect on the ability of S. Typhi to survive innonpermissive macrophages (Fig. 4A and fig.S7). However, depletion of Rab32 significantlyincreased the ability of S. Typhi to survive withinmouse macrophages, essentially phenocopyingS. Typhi expressing gtgE (Fig. 4A and fig. S7).Thus, GtgE confers on S. Typhi the capacity tosurvive within mouse macrophages by degradingRab32.

Rab32 andRab38 have been implicated in thebiogenesis of specialized compartments distinctfrom lysosomes that are collectively known aslysosome-related organelles (LROs) such as mela-nosomes or specialized granules in platelet and Tcells (19–24). Rab32 and Rab38, in conjunctionwith BLOC-1, -2, and -3, coordinate the deliveryof specific cargo to LROs including enzymesrequired for melanine synthesis or a variety ofantimicrobial proteins (20, 23, 25, 26). Intrigu-ingly, the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV)exhibits features of LROs such as the presence ofthe lysosomal glycoprotein 1 (Lamp-1), the ab-sence of lysosomal degradative enzymes (27, 28)and, as shown here, the presence of Rab32 andRab38 (fig. S8). Rab32 may therefore restrictS. Typhi growth in mouse macrophages by deliv-ering an antimicrobial activity to the SCV. If thishypothesis is correct, interfering with components

Fig. 2. Rab32 and Rab38 are targets of the GtgE protease activity. (A) GtgE cleaves Rab32 andRab38 in cultured cells. COS-1 cells were cotransfected with plasmids expressing the indicatedgreen fluorescent protein (GFP)– or red fluorescent protein (RFP)–tagged Rab GTPases and wild-typeGtgE (wt) or a GtgE catalytic mutant (GtgEH151A) (cat). Twenty-four hours after transfection, cells werelysed and samples were analyzed by Western blotting with a rabbit antibody against GFP or against RFP. (B) GtgE cleavesRab32 and Rab38 in vitro. Purified maltose-binding protein (MBP)–tagged Rab32 or MBP-tagged Rab38 were incubated withMBP-tagged GtgE, separated by SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and stained with Coomassie. (C) GtgE targets Rab32and Rab38 during Salmonella infection. COS-1 cells expressing GFP-Rab29, yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)–Rab32, YFP-Rab38, or RFP-Rab23 were infected withS. Typhi (Ty) or S. Typhimurium (Tm). Two and a half hours after infection, cells were lysed and samples were analyzed byWestern blotting with a rabbit antibody againstGFP or against RFP. (D) Phylogenetic tree of the human Rab and Rab-like GTPases. The locations of Rab29, Rab32, and Rab38 within the tree are indicated in red.

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Page 3: A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host

of the BLOC complexes should allow S. Typhito survive in mouse macrophages. Depletionof HPS-7 or HPS-6, essential components ofBLOC-1 and BLOC-2, respectively, did notaffect the ability of S. Typhi to survive withinmouse macrophages (Fig. 4B and fig. S9). Incontrast, depletion of HPS-4, an essential com-ponent of BLOC-3, allowed S. Typhi to survivewithin mouse macrophages (Fig. 4B and fig.S9). Furthermore, S. Typhi survived in BMDMsobtained from a mouse (pa/co/le) simultane-ously defective in BLOC-1, -2, and -3 (29–31)(Fig. 4C). Thus, S. Typhi restriction in cells froma nonpermissive host is due to an antimicrobialactivity delivered to its intracellular vacuole bya machinery akin to that used in the genesis ofspecialized compartments such as melanosomesand T cell granules. The rapid loss of S. TyphiCFU after infection of nonpermissive cells (Fig.1) suggests that this activity must kill S. Typhirather than restrict its growth. Perhaps differencesin the antimicrobial activity of human macro-phages may have relieved S. Typhi from the needto acquire (or retain) gtgE, thus contributing to itshost specialization.

Rab GTPases are highly conserved across ver-tebrate species (32). However, Rab32 exhibitsrelatively more amino acid sequence variationacross mammalian species than most other mem-bers of this family (Fig. 4, D and E). This var-iation may have been driven by the action ofvirulence factors that, like GtgE, may target thishost-defense pathway. Mutations in the compo-nents of the machinery involved in melanosome

Fig.3.Rab32andRab38are recruited to the Sal-monellaTyphi–containingvacuole. Henle-407 cells(A and B) or mouse pri-maryBMDMs (C) express-ing YFP- or CFP-taggedRab32 or Rab38 (green)were infected with S.Typhi (A and C), S. Para-typhi (B and C), or S.Typhimurium (B and C)expressing mCherry (red)and imaged at the indi-cated times (A) or 2hours(B and C) after infection.The images shown repre-sent maximum intensityprojections of Z-stacks.Bars, 10 mm.

Fig. 4. Rab32 and BLOC-3 are required for S. Typhi host-cellrestriction. (A) Intracellular survival of S. Typhi in BMDMsdepleted of Rab32 and Rab38. BMDMs from mice were trans-fected with a nontargeting siRNA smart pool (nt) or siRNAsmart pools targeting Rab32 or Rab38. Three days after trans-fection, cells were infected with S. Typhi and then lysed at theindicated time points after infection, and CFU were enumer-ated. Values are means T SEM of three independent mea-surements. (B) Intracellular survival of S. Typhi in BMDMsdepleted of BLOCs. BMDMs from mice were nucleoporatedwith a nontargeting siRNA smart pool (nt) or specific siRNAsmart pools targeting HPS7 (subunit of BLOC-1), HPS6 (sub-unit of BLOC-2), or HPS4 (subunit of BLOC-3). Three daysafter transfection, cells were infected with S. Typhi and thenlysed at the indicated time points, and CFU were enumerated.Values are means T SEM of three independent experiments.(C) Intracellular survival of S. Typhi in BMDMs defective forBLOC-1, -2, and -3. BMDM cells from mice simultaneouslydefective in BLOC-1, 2, and -3 (pa/co/le) were infected withS. Typhi and then lysed at the indicated time points afterinfection, and CFU were enumerated. Values are means TSEM of three independent measurements. (D) Alignment ofhuman (h) and mouse (m) Rab32 shows sequence variationin the N-terminal and C-terminal regions. (E) Heat-map ofthe degrees of identity of the human Rab GTPases with theorthologs in three mammalian species: Pan troglodytes, Susscrofa, Mus musculus. Black represents 100% identity, andwhite 75% identity. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001(Student’s t test).

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Page 4: A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host

formation such as the BLOCs or a geranylgeranyltransferase that modifies Rab32 lead to a varietyof pathologies such as Hermansky Pudlak syn-drome (33, 34). These deficiencies lead not onlyto albinism but also to other clinical manifesta-tions, including increased susceptibility to infec-tions (35). Deficiencies in macrophage microbialkilling functions may contribute to the observedincreased susceptibility to bacterial infections.Indeed, a recent genome-wide association studyhas uncovered a genetic polymorphism in Rab32that is linked to increased susceptibility toMyco-bacterium leprae infection (36). Furthermore,Rab32has been reported to be present in the Myco-bacterium tuberculosis–containing vacuole (37).It is thus likely that the mechanism describedhere may be important in the control of otherintracellular pathogens that, like Salmonella, residein this specialized membrane compartment.

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Acknowledgments: We thank W. Mothes for providingprimary bone-marrow–derived macrophages from pa/co/lemice, which had been provided to him by R. Swank. Wealso thank C. Roy’s laboratory for providing various Rab GTPaseconstructs and members of the Galán laboratory for criticalreading of the manuscript. This work was supported byNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases grantsAI079022 and AI055472 (to J.E.G.).

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/338/6109/960/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S9Table S1References (38–42)

3 July 2012; accepted 26 September 201210.1126/science.1229224

Salmonella Inhibits RetrogradeTrafficking of Mannose-6-PhosphateReceptors and Lysosome FunctionKieran McGourty,1 Teresa L. Thurston,1 Sophie A. Matthews,1 Laurie Pinaud,1*Luís Jaime Mota,1† David W. Holden1‡

Salmonella enterica is an intracellular bacterial pathogen that replicates within membrane-boundvacuoles through the action of effector proteins translocated into host cells. Salmonellavacuoles have characteristics of lysosomes but are reduced in hydrolytic enzymes transportedby mannose-6-phosphate receptors (MPRs). We found that the effector SifA subvertedRab9-dependent retrograde trafficking of MPRs, thereby attenuating lysosome function. Thisrequired binding of SifA to its host cell target SKIP/PLEKHM2. Furthermore, SKIP regulatedretrograde trafficking of MPRs in noninfected cells. Translocated SifA formed a stable complexwith SKIP and Rab9 in infected cells. Sequestration of Rab9 by SifA-SKIP accounted for theeffect of SifA on MPR transport and lysosome function. Growth of Salmonella increased in cellswith reduced lysosomal activity and decreased in cells with higher lysosomal activity. Theseresults suggest that Salmonella vacuoles undergo fusion with lysosomes whose potency has beenreduced by SifA.

Lysosomes are membrane-bound acidicorganelles that contain over 50 differenthydrolytic enzymes. In the trans-Golgi net-

work (TGN), the majority of newly synthesizedhydrolytic enzymes bind the cation-dependent(CD-) and cation-independent (CI-) mannosephosphate receptors (MPRs), which then deliverthe hydrolases to endosomes. Endosome acid-ification dissociates the hydrolases from their

MPRs, which recycle back to the TGN. As earlyendosomes mature into late endosomes, the hy-drolases are converted into their active forms andtransported to lysosomes (1). Lysosomes fuse withvacuoles containing microbes and other exoge-nous material, causing their degradation.

Salmonella enterica proliferates within mam-malian cells in membrane-bound compartments:Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCVs) (2). SCVs

interact extensively with the endocytic path-way, resulting in acidic compartments (3) whosemembranes are enriched in lysosomal membraneglycoproteins (4, 5) and which remain accessibleto late endosomal and lysosomal content (6).However, the CD- and CI-MPRs, as well as theirassociated hydrolases, do not accumulate inSCVs (4, 5, 7, 8). To investigate this paradox, westudied the consequences of Salmonella infec-tion on the distribution of MPRs. Human epithe-lial (HeLa) cells were infected with wild-typeS. enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salmonella),and the amounts of TGN-localized CD-MPR andCI-MPR were quantified by three-dimensionalconfocal microscopy. In uninfected cells, the pro-teins accumulated as expected at theTGN (Fig. 1A).In infected cells, the CD- and CI-MPRs weredistributed diffusely throughout the cell (Fig. 1,A and B), whereas the localization of other TGN-associated proteins was unaffected (fig. S1, Aand B).

Salmonella translocates effector proteins acrossthe SCV membrane via the Salmonella pathoge-nicity island 2 (SPI-2)–encoded type III secretion

1Section of Microbiology, Centre for Molecular Microbiologyand Infection, Imperial College London, Armstrong Road,London SW7 2AZ, UK.

*Present address: Unité de Pathogénie Microbienne Moléculaire,Institut Pasteur, 25–28Rue duDocteur Roux, 75015 Paris, France.†Present address: Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica,Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Avenida da República, 2780-157Oeiras, Portugal.‡To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

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Page 5: A Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to Salmonella Typhi Host

(6109), 960-963. [doi: 10.1126/science.1229224]338Science Stefania Spanò and Jorge E. Galán (November 15, 2012) Host Restriction

TyphiSalmonellaA Rab32-Dependent Pathway Contributes to

 Editor's Summary

   Typhi expressing this effector was able to replicate within mice, a nonpermissive host.

S.human-exclusive pathogen to survive within macrophages from a nonpermissive host. Furthermore, in S. Typhi, allowed thisSalmonellasingle type-III secretion effector protein from a broad host

(p. 960) found that expression of aSpanò and Galánwithin macrophages of species other than human. Typhi is unable to surviveS.humans. The host restriction is manifested at the cellular level because

Typhi), the cause of typhoid fever, can only infectS. serovar Typhi (Salmonella entericaexample, Some bacterial pathogens exhibit exquisite host adaptation and can only infect a single host. For

Removing Typhoid Restriction

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