ARCHITECTURAL glass perspective

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a r c h i t e c t u r a lglass perspective

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316 S/S Nautech Side Fix StrutFixed at 1000mm Centre (Max 1300mm panel width per two strut postsFixing: 4x M10 x 100mm Stainless

Coach Screws per Strut

2 x 50mm Timber boundary stringers with

adequate fixing back to deck structure for load

as specified on attached producer statement.

e x p e r i e n c e

s e r v i c e

u n i q u e

s t y l i s h

M e t r o F r a m e l e s s G l a s s s y s t e m s design and manufacture the highest quality stainless steel, brass and aluminium frameless glass fittings. From balustrades, to frameless sliding doors, to canopies, if you’re designing your bathroom, living space or outside area, these unique innovations are practical and stylish.

With many years experience, dedication to service and the highest quality products, there is only one name for all your frameless glass hardware needs, Metro Frameless Glass Systems.

* Hardware images shown in this brochure are not necessarily to scale

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Unit 13/205 Port Hacking Road Miranda NSW 2228

P 02 9522 3983F 02 9522 4102

E [email protected] www.mfgs.com.au

Frameless Glass Showers

Frameless Glass Fixings

Frameless Glass Pivot Doors

Frameless Glass Sliding Doors

Frameless Glass Folding Doors

Frameless Glass Stacking Doors

Frameless Glass Canopies

Frameless Glass Balustrade & Pool Fencing

Frameless Glass Pool Gates










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Quality Heavyweight & Lightweight

Frameless Glass Shower Components.

Consult with your Frameless Glass Shower

Installer in the early stages of bathroom

construction, as it is important that

relevant trades understand the design

requirements of a Frameless Glass

Shower Screen. Including wall & floor

levels, tap & shower head placement

in relation to door position and

whether to have a drop down into

the shower area or a raised hob.

F r a M e l e s s G l a s s s h o w e r s

E l i t E H i n g E s

Custom Ang les & F in ishes Ava i lab le










▪ mbr90 bkts, delta handle & mf1-l hinges

▪ mb10 bkts, mk25 knob, mf2-135 hinges & mggb-135 brace


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Custom Ang les & F in ishes Ava i lab le

C r E s t H E a v y w E i g H t H i n g E s

E l i t E B r a C k E t s



















CH2 CH2-90




Brackets below also available in Round, Square & Button styles

A lso ava i lab le in Sa t in Chrome & Po l i shed Go ld▪ white cs15 channel, mk403 knob & ch2 hinges

▪ mbs90 bkts, mf150 handle, mf2 hinges & gs200 / gss200 shelves


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C r E s t l i g H t w E i g H t H i n g E s

P i v o t / s l i d i n g d o o r P r i v a C y l a t C H E s

















C r E s t B r a C k E t s

Also ava i lab le in Sa t in Chrome & Po l i shed Go ld ▪ overweight door requiring 3 x mf1-l hinges

▪ fixed & swing bath screen with mbr90 bkts & mf2-bf bifold hinges

Also ava i lab le in Sa t in Chrome & Po l i shed Go ld4

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t o w E l r a i l s( g l a s s & w a l l M o u n t E d )

t o i l E t r o l l H o l d E r s( g l a s s & w a l l M o u n t E d )



















MTRL2 ▪ mbr90 bkts, delta handle & mf2-135 hinges

MTRH1 a lso ava i lab le in Sa t in Chrome & Po l i shed Go ld

▪ cs15 channel, delta handle & mf2 hinges


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r o B E H o o k s( g l a s s & w a l l M o u n t E d )

C H a n n E l s / w a t E r s E a l s / w a t E r B a r s





























MWS10-13Some watersea ls ava i lab le fo r 6 & 8mm g lass▪ cs15 channel, mk403 knob & mf2 hinges

▪ mbr90 bkts, mk25 knob & mf2 hinges


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k n o B s

H a n d l E s












Curve210 Wave210






▪ cs15 channel, mf150 handle & mf2 hinges Ava i lab le in severa l f in ishes

Some ava i lab le in severa l f in ishes , leng ths & mater ia ls


▪ fixed & swing bath screen with cs15 channel & mf2 hinges 7

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g l a s s w a l l s H E l v E s / B r a C k E t s






Glass MountBackplate

g l a s s C o r n E r s H E l v E s




GS200/250 & GSS200/250 a lso ava i lab le in U l t ra C lear




Some bracke ts ava i lab le in var ious f in ishes▪ mbr90 / mbr135d bkts, ms500 handle and mf2-135 hinges

▪ sliding shower screen with sdfp70 finger pulls


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F r a M e l e s s G l a s s F i x i n G s

Covered CSK Bushes & Setscrews

Buttonhead & Thread

Covered CSKAnchors

Double Buttonhead& Thread

Buttonhead & Lagscrew



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F r a M e l e s s G l a s sp i v o t d o o r s

Create the feeling of space

Metro Frameless Glass Hardware is supplied for custom designed

refurbishment and new developments. The seamless look of frameless

glass will enhance any environment by adding extra light and a feeling of


Generally pivot doors operate on floorsprings which provide controlled

closing and a 90 degree hold open option.

A variety of pivot hardware can be used from patch fittings, door rails,

pivot poles, and spider pivots. All frameless glass assemblies should

be manufactured from 10mm, 12mm or 15mm toughened safety glass.

▪ patch fittings / locks, mfd500 handle, cs25/40 channel & floorspring

▪ 451 spider pivots, patch locks, md600 handle,channel & spider10

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P i v o t P o l E s & C o n n E C t o r s

s P i d E r F i t t i n g s






445/44 Way Glass

& Fin Connector

446/44 Way GlassConnector

446/22 Way GlassConnector

451Bottom Pivot Spider

446/4/904 Way 90 degree GlassConnector

443/44 Way Glass Connector

for small elevations

445/22 Way Glass

& Fin Connector

452Top Pivot Spider

Many o ther sp ider f i t t i ng var ia t ions a re ava i lab le


P a t C H F i t t i n g s

MP20Top Pivot Patch

GP90Wall/Ceiling Fixing

GP84Two Panel Wall/Ceiling Fixing 08

MP10Bottom Pivot Patch

MP311-1Bottom Offset Patch

MP34Hilite Pivot Patch

MP326-1Hilite OffsetPivot Patch


Pivot Patch

MP61Hilite/Sidelite Patch

MP22COC Patch

MP312-1Top Offset Pivot Patch

MP40Hilite/Sidelite Pivot Patch


Offset Pivot Patch

MP70Hilite Stop Patch

Ava i lab le in Severa l F in ishes

▪ pivot poles, connectors & spiders


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d o o r s t o P s

MP28Glass Transom

Mount Stop







Ava i lab le in Severa l F in ishes

E l E C t r i C l a t C H E s / s t r i k E s

MES8070Electric Door Latch for

12mm Glass

MES1000Electric Door Strike

MDBP2655Drop Bolt Keeper

MEML2600Electromagnetic Lock

MES2002/2008Multifunction Electric

Door Strike

MDBP2654Electric Drop Bolt

MEML2618Glass Bracket

MES145Electric Door Latch for

12mm Glass

Var ious o ther types ava i lab le ▪ top / bottom patches, floorspring & fineline handle

▪ top patch, locking bottom door rail, patch lock / keeper, cs25 / 40 channel, floorspring & mb450 handle12

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374Slide on Plunger Bolt

MP65Slide on Lock

MP700NSlide on Patch Lock

456Profile Plunger Lock

MP300/320Bottom/Centre Patch/Lock Keeper

P a t C H l o C k s / l a t C H E s

MP100FSecurity Lever Lock

MSL-1/2Sliding Door Locks

MP100KGlass Keeper

LLJ01Lever Lock

MP3582Security Lever Lock

MP300-H/320-HSliding Door Lock / Keeper

LSG08Glass Keeper

MP3582KGlass Keeper

MSL-3Sliding Door Latch

Some lever & pa tch locks a re ava i lab le in severa l var ia t ions & f in ishes

FP150Sliding Door Pull

MP100PBottom Patch Lock & Keeper

MP100Bottom Patch Lock & Keeper

MK240MP100 Keeper

MK590MP300/Door Rail Floor Keeper

▪ double pivot doors with patch fittings / locks, fin root bkts, 445/4 spiders, md600 handles & cs25 / 40 channel

MP200/220Centre Patch Lock/Keeper


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F l o o r s P r i n g s / B E a r i n g s

P u l l H a n d l E s

Metro Floor Springs100kg Capacity

MP26Floor Bearing Pivot

MP26 P5 & P10 Packers

GEZE TS500NV150kg Capacity

MP25Top Pivot

MFX5,10,15, etc.

MP24Top Pivot

GES5, 8, etc.

GEZE TS550NV300kg Capacity


MCR300 MFD300/450/500




Metro COC’s100kg Capacity

Some i tems ava i lab le in o ther var ia t ions ▪ locking door rails, patch fittings & fineline handles

▪ door rails, md600 handles & floor springsMany o ther hand le s ty les ,

var ia t ions , s izes and f in ishes ava i lab le14

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P u l l H a n d l E s







M750/1250/1750Icon Handle


▪ DOUBLE PIVOT DOORS WIth patch fittings / locks, square fineline handles & cs25 / 40 channel

Many o ther hand le s ty les , var ia t ions , s izes and f in ishes ava i lab le


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F r a M e l e s s G l a s s s l i d i n G d o o r s

From Geze Rollan 80 to Metro MF250 we have a sliding door system to suit almost any requirement. These various door systems can take weight ranging from 80kg to 250kg.

▪ aerolan - wall mounted

▪ aerolan - ceiling mounted for aston martin car showroom

g E z E a E r o l a n ( 1 0 5 k g C a P a C i t y )




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g E z E g E o l a n ( 1 3 5 k g C a P a C i t y )

▪ geolan - ceiling mounted for wardrobe doors

▪ geolan - close-up of track & wheels

▪ geolan - wall mounted with double doors & fineline handles


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▪ perlan 140 - hidden wall mount

▪ perlan 140 - ggs hanger

▪ perlan 140 auto with clip panel cover removed

▪ perlan 140 with clip panel cover

▪ perlan 140 - hidden wall mount

g E z E P E r l a n ( 1 4 0 k g C a P a C i t y )g E z E r o l l a n s i M i l a r w i t H 8 0 k g C a P a C i t y


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▪ levolan - wall mounted with fineline handle

g E z E l E v o l a n ( 1 5 0 k g C a P a C i t y ) 19

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▪ mrs90 - residential observatorY

▪ mf250 with extra large single door , fineline handle & continous top / bottom rail

▪ vetroslide - rollers on glass track

M r s 9 0 B o t t o M s l i d i n g d o o r sMRS90 bottom sliding door system with maximum door weight of 180kgs. All of the load is carried on the floor not the lintel. The bottom track is solid brass. The rail finish is natural anodised, stainless steel or powder coated and the bottom rail can have a lock incorporated into it.

M F 2 5 0 t o P H u n g s l i d i n g d o o r sThe MF250 is ideally suited for extra large manual sliding doors. Maximum door weight is 250kg per door panel. The load is carried at the head so the head which will need to be specifically designed to take this weight. The system can be designed to accommodate single doors, double doors or multiple doors.

g E z E v E t r o s l i d E ( 8 0 k g C a P a C i t y )20

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This is possibly the most interesting manual frameless sliding door hardware available today designed for panels up to 250kg in weight.

The bottom roller wheels are fitted directly through the glass. The stainless steel wheels have a black acetal tyre so the operation on the aluminium track is smooth and silent.

All of the weight is on the floor so the transom does not need to be constructed to carry the full weight of the door as is the case for top hung manual sliding doors.

153mm Ø or 100mm Ø stainless steel wheels.

Suits 10mm and 12mm glass.

Recessed or exposed head channel guide.

Aluminium floor track.

* RequeSt An emAil veRSion of the 3D AnimAtion *

Creative technical intelligence

l i n E a r 1 5 3 l i n E a r 1 0 0

▪ linear 153 on conference room doors with m1750 handle

▪ linear 100 wheels on kitchen pantrY doors with finger pulls 21

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An effective room divider

maximum door height 2700mm.

maximum door width 900mm.

Glass type 10mm toughened.

Can be locked with a slide bolt or key turn.

Suitable for room dividers, meeting rooms, pantry doors, wardrobe doors & servery windows.

All components are corrosion resistant and satin silver finish.

the hanger wheels are fitted with double sealed precision stainless steel bearings to ensure a long life and smooth operation.

* RequeSt An emAil veRSion of the 3D AnimAtion *

F r a M e l e s s G l a s s F o l d i n G d o o r sThe MF75 GlassTech Folding Door System is ideal for internal installations. With the full frameless effect this system is not only an effective room divider, it is also a stunning design feature when used with

different styles of glass. MF75 is very versatile, being able to fold doors from two panels to six panels in one direction. This means that up to twelve doors per opening is possible.

▪ single pivot door with 5 bi-folding panels

▪ doors stacked in open position22

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Geze develops, manufactures and supplies manual sliding wall (MSW) systems as transparent room dividers using 10mm or 12mm

toughened glass movable elements.

F r a M e l e s s G l a s s s t a c K i n G d o o r s

▪ msw stacking doors in parking baY

▪ msw with ggs hangers

▪ msw with decorative panels

▪ msw with integrated pivot door 23

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F r a M e l e s s G l a s s c a n o p i e s

Frameless glass canopies can be achieved using a variety of support systems ranging from stainless steel rod systems with profiled stainless steel glass fittings to spider fitting canopies to standard disc anchor systems.

All systems can be designed for commercial or residential applications.used in conjunction with heavyweight toughened glass.


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F r a M e l e s s G l a s s B a l u s t r a d e a n dp o o l F e n c i n G

n a u t E C H s t r u t P o s t

Most unobtrusive due to their slim profile of 160mm H by 16mm W.

Spaced at 700mm to 1000mm centres depending on application.

Simple installation—no holes required in the glass.

Allows both horizontal and vertical adjustment.

Available in side fixed and base fixed options.

Tested to AS/NZS1170 Occupancy A.

Our various balustrade and pool fence systems will showcase exceptional views and extraordinary landscaping.

Please enquire with your glazier regarding the best system to suit your requirements.

▪ side fixed nautech strut post

▪ base fixed nautech strut post


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▪ cbs250sm surface mounted spigots

▪ cbs250 grouted spigots& dress rings on stairs

▪ aga stub posts surface mounted & grouted

▪ cbs250 grouted spigots

▪ fbi spigots grouted with dress rings

▪ fbi spigots grouted intoconcrete slab below timber deck


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B a 1 1 2 / B a 1 3 0

M E C H a n i C a l

B a s E / s i d E F i x

B a l u s t r a d E s y s t E M

Fully adjustable for glass alignment.

Easy re-adjustment if deck moves.

Grout free installation.

All fixings concealed.

Time saving one stage installation.

Standard 20 micron natural anodised & powder coated finishes available.

Timber, concrete or steel installation.

Base fixing allows for installation inside the deck.

Base fixing covers can be slotted to allow drainage.

Non toe hold design.

Designed for use with 12mm and 15mm toughened glass

Ideal for all situations* RequeSt An emAil veRSion of the 3D AnimAtion *

▪ ba112 base fixed to first floor timber deck

▪ ba112 base fixed into steel beam

ba112 base fixed

ba130 side fixed27

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n Double DiSC AnChoRS fixeD to Double timbeR bounDARy joiSt

n Double DiSC AnChoRS DRilleD AnD tAppeD into Steel▪ balustrade with mb50 anchors

▪ balustrade with mb50 anchors

▪ balustrade with mb50 anchors & square covers

M B 5 0 a n C H o r s a n d s q u a r E C o v E r s This is a proprietary system using 50mm diameter 316SSS anchors. The standard anchors have a 30mm long body which helps with water drainage and cleaning. Anchor fixed balustrades are suitable for external decks and stairs as well as internal landings and stairs. They can be fixed directly to concrete, timber and steel and fixing details are available on request for each structure type. The disc fittings are generally positioned at 300-400mm centres horizontally and 100mm vertically apart. Producer Statements can be provided.


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PF150 (Double Pivot Fixing)

PF150 (Single Pivot Fixing)



P F 1 5 0 d o u B l E a n C H o r s y s t E M B a l u s t r a d E a n C H o r s & H a n d r a i l B k t s

Some o f the above ava i lab le w i th var ious body leng ths

▪ balustrade with pf150 double anchors & hb50/s/90 handrail bkts 29

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M B 1 0 0 s i n G l e d i s c a n c h o r s

Versatile sophistication

The 100mm diameter 316SSS disc anchor is designed for positioning in one

single row.

For installation onto timber, steel or concrete decks or stairs.

The anchors are fixed at 300-400mm centres with M12 threaded rods. A 30mm thick

spacer separates the glass from the structure for water flow and cleaning.

▪ mb100 fixed to concrete slab using 15mm toughened glass

▪ mb100 fixed to concrete slab using 15mm toughened glass▪ mb100 disc anchors used in balustrade& full height glass panel installations30

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B a l u s t r a d E & g l a s s

a l i g n M E n t C l a M P s

MBC626/8/10/12mm Glass

to Flat Surface

MBC556/8/10/12mm Glass

to Flat Surface

MBC476/8/10mm Glassto Round Post

MBC666/8/10/12mm Glass

to Round PostABC60

10/12mm Glass to Round Post ABC55

10/12mm Glassto Flat Surface

BC5090EExternal 90º Glass to Glass

BC5090IInternal 90º Glass to Glass

Channel Handrails

Handrail Joiners

Handrail End Caps

Double/Single Recessed Tube

Adjustable Post Handrail Brackets

Handrail Post Brackets

Tube End Caps

Balustrade Posts

MBC606/8/10/12mm Glass

to Round Post

MBC506/8mm Glass

to Flat Surface

BC50-180180º Glass to Glass

MBC456/8/10mm Glassto Flat Surface

Some ava i lab le in o ther s ty les & con f igura t ions

Adjustable Tube Bends

Tube Joiners

Post Side Mounts

Handrail Wall Bracket

B a l u s t r a d E P o s t & H a n d r a i l F i t t i n g s

Most ava i lab le in sa t in & po l i shed f in ishes ▪ BALUSTRADE POST & HANDRAIL FITTINGS WITH abc55 clamps

▪ BALUSTRADE POST & HANDRAIL fittings with mbc52 clamps

MBC526/8mm Glass

to Round Post


Page 34: a r c h i t e c t u r a l glass perspectives3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...g l a s s w a l l s H E l v E s / B r a C k E t s MB10-B MB10 MBS10 MB10-3 MPASB20 Glass

F r a M e l e s s G l a s s p o o l G a t e sMFGS pool gate hardware has been designed to comply with pool fencing requirements. Gates are designed to be self closing and self latching.

MFGS provide three system options for frameless pool gates:

1. Metro Elite Floorspring method which is ideally suited to a concrete/tile or timber deck.

2. Biloba Hydraulic Hinges are unique as they are self closing, with adjustable closing speed.

3. The economical Slimline range of sprung hinges and latches.

Available in Satin & Polished Stainless Steel Finish or similar, also some in Natural Anodised.

▪ POOL GATE WITH PGA-1 TOP PIVOT ARM, 2 X MP20 TOP PATCHES, mp10 bottom patch, mfx840wnho floor spring & pgl latch

▪ SH-071 GLASS TO FLATwall / post biloba hinges

▪ POOL GATE WITH PGA-1 TOP PIVOT ARM, 2 X MP20 TOP PATCHES, mp10 bottom patch, mfx840wnho & pgl latch



Page 35: a r c h i t e c t u r a l glass perspectives3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...g l a s s w a l l s H E l v E s / B r a C k E t s MB10-B MB10 MBS10 MB10-3 MPASB20 Glass

P a t C H F i t t i n g , F l o o r s P r i n g C o M P o n E n t s & B i l o B a H i n g E s

MP20Top Patch

PWA-1Glass to Flat Wall/Post

PWA-2Glass to Flat Wall/Post

PWA-3Glass to Ø 50mm Post

PGS-75Glass to Flat Wall/Post Latch

PG-180180ºº Glass to Glass Latch

PGH77LGlass to Flat Wall/Post Hinge

PGA-1180º Patch to Patch

PGA-2Glass to Patch

PGA-390º Patch to Patch

PGR-75Glass to Ø 50mm Post

PGC-9090º Glass to Glass Latch

PGH77Glass to Flat Wall/Post Hinge

PGH77EMGlass to Ø 50mm Post

PHO1Glass to Glass Hinge

PGL-PFGlass to Flat Wall/Post


SH-070 SH-072 SH-071

PGL180º Glass to Glass

MFX5/10/15Extended Spindles

PGL-PGlass to Square Post

MP10Bottom Patch

PGL-PRGlass to Ø 50mm Post

GFSSCSealing Compound

PGL-9090º Glass to Glass

E l i t E & B i l o B a l a t C H E sE l i t E P i v o t a r M s

s l i M l i n E l a t C H E s & H i n g E s

BGL-PGlass to Square Post

BGL180º Glass to Glass

Glass to Wall / Post Biloba Hinge

Glass to GlassBiloba Hinge

Glass to Wall / Post Biloba Hinge 33

Page 36: a r c h i t e c t u r a l glass perspectives3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/resources.farm1...g l a s s w a l l s H E l v E s / B r a C k E t s MB10-B MB10 MBS10 MB10-3 MPASB20 Glass

Unit 13/205 Port Hacking RoadMiranda NSW 2228

Unit 13/205 Port Hacking Road Miranda NSW 2228P 02 9522 3983F 02 9522 4102E [email protected] www.mfgs.com.au

Your local approved glass company is:

Unit 13/205 Port Hacking RoadMiranda NSW 2228P 02 9522 3983F 02 9522 4102E [email protected] www.mfgs.com.au