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de Barthelemy (Anatole). Notesur les Loiigostalates, peuple gaulois. Paris, 1893, Imprim. nationale, 6 p. So.

Beaujeu (Maurice). Une Btude de mBdecine legale d a m I'histoire ; pycliologie des y r h i e r s C6saig. Lyon, 1S93, 54 p., 1 tab. 4".

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Gould (George M.) The meaning and the method of life ; a search for religion in biology. N. Y. cUr Lond., 1893, G. Y. Pritnain's Sons, 297 p. 8".

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2 PI. 4".

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Ladd (G. Trumbull.) Psychology, descriptive and explanatory : a treatise of the phenomena, laws, and develo ment of human men- tal life. J e w York, 1894, Scrib- ner's Sons, 11 -1 676 p. So.



Lagneau (Gustave). Une uestion d’agsistance. Les meres dA?aides, Maternitbs-Ouvroirs. Extr. du Compte Rendu de l’Acad6mie des Sciences morales et politiqiies, Paris, 1891. 8O.

Leron-Beaulien (A.) Die Inden und der Antisemitismus. Israel unter den Nationen. I n Deutsche iibertmgen vop Carl von Vicenti. SeparatcA hdruck RUB dem “Freien Blatt,”OrganzurAhwehrdesAn- tisenlitismus. Wien, 1893, xv, 349 p. 8’.

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Papns. Le plan astral. L’Ctat de trouble et 1Vvolution posthume de 1’8tre humain. Tours, 1894, Arrault et Ce, 20 p. go.

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Pilloy (Jules). Note sur des dpul- tures du iv’ rti2.cle h Clmtres, can- ton de SaintSimon (Aisne). Paris, 1894, Leroux, 6 p. 8”.

de Quatrefages (A.) Les Bmhles de Darwin. Pdc6d6 d’une p&- face par M. Edmond Perrier . . . et d’une notice sur la vie et les tmvaux de M. de Qiiatrefages par M. E. T. Hamy. T. 2. Paris, MJ4, F. Alcan, 296 p. 8O.

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Stirling (J. H.) Darwinianism, workmen, and work. Edin- burgh, 1893, Simpkin, 370 p. 8 O .

Suicide and iusanity. A physiological and sociological study. London, 1893, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., vi, 1 I., 228p. 120.

Thomas-Marancourt (Ed.) 0s- suaire de Cannes-Ecluse. Fon- taineblean, 1893, Bourges, 12 p. 8 O .

Toutain (J.) Fouilles 3. Chemtou (Tunisie). Paris, 1893, Impr. na- tionale, 25 p. 4O.

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Waille (Victor). Note sur une pat&re d’argent. decouverte en Al- &ne. Angers, 1893, Burdin & Ce, 8 p., 1 pl. 8O.

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erations. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 4-6. - De Munck. Observations nouvelles sur le qna- ternaire de la legion de Mons-Saint- Lyniphorien-Spiennes. (Resum6.) Bull. Sot. d’anthrop. de BNX., 1892-3, xi, 19Wm.-Deschamps (E. 1 De quelquea a s d’albinisme observ6s B Mah6 (c6te de Malabar). Anthropologre, Par., 1893, iv 535- 538.-Dillon (E. J.) Eccle&s)iastes and Buddhism. Contemp. Rev., Lond., 12394, Ixv, 153-176.-Dim- mock (H. P.) Introdiictoryaddress on the application of the study of cmnprrrative evolutioii to the medi- cal sciences. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1893, i, 659-W.-Discus- sion de la communication de M. Jac U P ? Bur le type anthropologique des%uifs. Bull. Soc. d’anthro . de BNX., 18934, x.ii. 233-239.-bol- men de Vauxrezis. Bull. SOC. d’an- throp., Par., 1893.4. s., iv, 601-604. -Duncan (L.L.) Folk-lore in wills. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1893, iv, 513-517. -Durfee IW. J.) How theanrienta moved heavy m k e s . Engineering Mag.,W. Y., 1893-4, vi, 811; 793.- Edson (C.) The evils of early mar- riages. N. Am. Rev., Imid. &-N. Y., 1894, clviii, 231-234-Erreur (Une) judiciaire; les effets de la torture morale. Awh. de I’anthrop. crim., Par., 18W, ix, 119.-Felkin (R. U‘.) Notes on the Wanyoro t,ribe of Central Africa. Proc. Roy. Soc. 16dinb. (1891-2), 1893, xix, 136-192, 1 pl. -F&6 (C.) Note sur le rapport de la Ion iieur du troiic B la taille. Gnthrop&gie, Par., 1893, iv, 697.- Ferrero (S . ) Theproblem of womaii from a bio-sociological point of view. Monist, Chic 0, 1894, iv,. 201-274: -Ferri (E. ) P‘Hnchiesta Svizzera sui delinqiienti incomggibili. Scuola F i t i v a , &ma 18!)3, iii, 838-843.-

ewkes (F. d.) and Stephen (A. M.) The P&lii-lii-kofi-ti ; aTusrryan ceremony. J. Ain. Folk-Lore, h t . R N. Y., 1893, xxiii, 269-282.2 p1.- Fewkes (J. W.) On certain person- ages who appear in a Tusayan c e r e mpny. Am. A n t h r p ,Wash., 1894, vii, 3232, 4 p1.- illmore (J. C.) A-roman’ssongofthe Kwakiotl In- dians. J. Am. Folk-Lore, Boat. C N. Y., 1893, xxiii, 285-2o.-Fornasari

di Verce (E.) La criiriinalittl e la vicende economiche d’Italia dal 1873 a1 18‘30. Arch. di psichiat.,etc., Tonno, 1893, xiv, 365 ; 536 ; 1 diag. -Fotheringham (J. T.) The rite of circumcision aa practiced by the Hebrews of bday. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 18934, xxvi, 202.-Gard- ner (W. H.) Human sacrifice. Open Cot~rt, Chicago, 1894, viii, 3991; 4Oc).--G)arOfdO (R.) Influenm sul diritto pcnale degli studii di an- tropologia e sociologia criminale. Scuola positira, Rome 1893, iii,

on deformations of the genital orgcms, practieed by the natives of Australia. Med. Pressit Circ., Lond., 1894, n. s., lvii, 189. - GaskelI (Ludy C. M.) Old Wenlock and its folk-lore. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 18‘94, xxxv, 2.59-267.-Gat- schet ( A . S.) Songs of the %doc Indians. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1894, vii, 2&31.-Gerber (A.) Uncle Renius traced to the old world. J. Am. Folk-lore, Bost. B: N. Y. 1893, rxiii, 245-257.- Giglioli d. H.)

etnografica fxtta durante il terzo via io di Cook e conservata sin da lgf ine del secolo scorso nel R. M u e o di Fisics e Storia h’aturale d i Firenze. Arch. per I’antrop., Fi- renze 1895, xxiii, 173-242, 5 p1.- Godden (Mk G. M.) The sane- tuary of Mourie. Folk-Lore, Land., 1893, iv, 498-508, 2 PI.-Gwnner. Das Verhiiltniss des Schiidels der Mutter zu dem dea Kindes und desseii geburtshilfliche Bedeutnng. Cmr.-Rl. f. schaeiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1894, xxiv, l’i.--Oouser (J ) Ta- toueurs et tntooCs maritimes. A r c h .

771-7~.-~0arson (J. Ct.1 NOW

Appunti intorno ad m a co \ lezione

de l’antiirop. crim., Par., 1894, ixj .33-0.1.-Hmy (E. T.) CrAnes nib- rovinpiens e t carolingiens du Bou- lonnais. Anthropologie, Par., 1893, iv, 513-53-iU.-Harreaux. ktude de l’jris RU g i n t de vue anthropolo- . ull. Soc. d’anthro de PE?l~93,4. s., iv, 62(~25.-hart- land (E. S.) Pin-wells and rag- bushecl. Folk-Lore, Lond., 1893, iv, 451-m.- Haycraft (J. B.) The Milroy lectiim on Darwinism and mce progress. Brit. 31. J., Lond., 1894, i. 348; 402; 459. Also, in :



Lancet, Lond., 1594, i, 3 3 ; 453 ; 320. -Hewitt (J. X. B.) Era of the formation of the historic Icz~gne of the Iroquois. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1894, vii, 61-67.-Hind (W.) Some points in the osteology of quater- nary man. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1894, xiii, 21-24.-Holmes (W. H.) Musiwl instruments of Chiriqui, Colombia. Great Divide, Denver, 1894, xi, 35. - Caribbean in- tlurnce in the prehistoric art of Southern States. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1894, vii, 71-:9.-Howarth (0. H.) On the rock inscriptions of Sinaloa (west coast of Mexico). J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 18‘33.4, xxiii, 225-232.- Jacques (V.) Les ju- melles xiphopages du MusCe du Nord. Brill. Soc. d’anthro de ~ r u u . , 1892-3, xi, 1oS-11s.-kirn. Ueber den gegenu irtigen Sttrnd der Criminal-.~nthropolo~ie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 18934, I, i(hi-i13.-KunrB (R. E.) Entomological inateria niedica. Tr. Nat. Eclect. 31. Ass., 1893, Orange, N. J., 1894, xxi,525-542.- Lang (A.) Cinderellaand the diffusion of tales. Folk-Ime, Lond., 1893, iv, 413-433. -Lapicque (L.) Sote sur le rGgime alirnentaire des hlalais. Conipt. rend. Soc. rle biol., Par., ISM, 9. s., vi, 103-105.-Ledouble, Les anom- alies du miiscle grand dorsal. Rnll. Sw. d’anthrop. de Par., 1893, 4. s., iv, 626-653.-LefBvre (8 . ) La th6- ogonie d’H6siode. Rev. niens. de I’Pcole d’anthrop., Par., 1S94, iv, 48- (%.-Legrain. La mCdecine legale dn d6gCndi6 Arch. de l’anthrop. crim., Par., 1594, ix, 1-26.-Lenotie (G . ) Le service anthropomPtrique de Paris. Rev. de mCd. leg., Par., 1S93-4, i , 3S-42.- LBonova (0. V.) Anendphalie totale comhinCe arec line amydlie et un rhachiwhisis totaux chen un enibryon huinain. Bull. SOC. imp. d. nat. de MOSCOU, 1893,191-198,l p1.-La Plongeon ( A h . A. D.) Customs and supersti- tions of the Mayas. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1893 4, xliv, 661-670.- Letourneau (C.) Croix de pierre avec inscriptions B Carnac (Mor- bihan). Bn11. Snc. d’anthrop. Par., 1893, 4. s., iv, 606-609.-LiIly (W. 8.) The philosophy of crime. Con-

tcmp. Rev., Lond., 1894, lxv, 21;- 24l.-Lindorme (C. A. F. I Where the newborn baby learned tomilk. St. Louis M. 8i S. J., 1894, lxvi, 73- 81.-v. Liszt (F.) [Influenza sul diritto penale rlcgli studi di antro- ylogia e sociologia criminate.]

cuolapositiva, Romn, 1893, iii, 792- 805.- Lombroso (C.) Su alcuni caratteri virili della criminale. Ibid., 769-771. - I tatuaggi iiei crinii- nali e nei yazai sccondo nuovissimi studi. Arch. di psichiat.,etc., Torino, 1893. xiv, 578-581. - Das Weib als Verbrecherin und Prostituirte. Vorwort zu dersoeben erschieiienen gleichnamigen Schrift des Verfas- sem und 0. E’errero’s. Wien. med. BI., 1593, xvi, Gl.i.-Lydston (J. A . ) A petrified eye. Bled. News, Phila., 1893, Ixiii, 731-733. Abo, Rq)rinI.-von Lysc han (F.) Jews and Hittites. Science, N. Y., 1894, xxiii,21.-McOee (W J ) The body of Pixarro and its identity ; record of the removal of the remains of the conqueror of Pen1 and founder of Lima, Don Francisco Pizarro [Con- tains report of Dr. M. A. Muliiz, Surgeon General of the Peruvian Army.] Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1894, vii, 1-25. - Primitive tre- phining, illustmted by the Muiiia Peruvian collection. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bqlt., 1894, v, 1-3.-Macdonell (Blanche L.) Su- perstitions of the French Cana- dians. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1893-4, xliv, 520-525.-Man (E. H.) On the use of narcotics by the Nico- bar Islanders, and certain deforma- tions connected therewith. J. An- throp. Inst., Lond., 1893-4, xxiji, 2.2-240. -Mantegaaza (P.) L’in- chiesta aniericaiia sull’ iiomo ideale. Arch. f. l’antrop., Firenze, 1893, xxiii, 245--255.-Martin (E.) Les ;iCpultnres dans 1’Extrhe-Orient. Rev. scient., Par., 1893, lii, 753-756. -Matthews (IV.) , J. L. Wort- man and J. S Billings. The h~]- man bones of the Hemenway col- lection in the United States Army Medical hluseum a t Washington ; with observations on the h wid bones of this collection. 3lem.kat. Acad. Sc., Wash., 1893, vi, 141-286, 59 PI.-Mercer (H. C.) Indian



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