International Women’s Day of Prayer March 5, 2011 “A Promise is a Promise” Written by Erna Johnson Women’s Ministries Director South Pacific Division

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International Women’s Day of PrayerMarch 5, 2011

“A Promise is a Promise”

Written byErna Johnson

Women’s Ministries DirectorSouth Pacific Division

of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Prepared by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist

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Women’s Ministries Department

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

About the Writer 4

Children’s Story 5

Sermon 7

Women in the Bible: Hannah and Me 14

Prayer Walk Activity 16

Prayer Cards 17

Prayer Door Hangers 19


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My Dear Sisters:

The time has come once again for us to focus on the importance of prayer in our lives and in this ministry. This packet, “A Promise is a Promise” was written and compiled by Erna Johnson, Women’s Ministries director from South Pacific Division.

Ellen G. White writes “Praying together will bind hearts to God in bonds that will endure…” Testimonies for the Church p175. In these days of uncertainty, trials, fear, and turmoil; prayer has become vital to our daily existence and peace of mind.

As Women’s Ministries Leaders the task is yours to encourage your sisters to have a deep and meaningful relationship with God. And what better way to begin than with prayer. The task we have been called to do in touching hearts and telling the world about Jesus is great and it is only by binding our hearts to God’s heart will we receive the power we need for this time.

This year we have a Prayer Walking Activity and we encourage all the women to be involved. The purpose is to go into the communities and pray for the families. In the package you will find the resource material to be used in this activity. We believe if we women pray for the community around us something will change. Sister White reminds us: “Let us pray. God will give a rich experience to you both. Prayer unites us with one another and with God. Prayer brings Jesus to our side, and gives to the fainting, perplexed soul new strength to overcome the world… “ Christ Object Lessons, 250.

This year we are asking that you pray for your sisters in the South American Division, the South Pacific Division and the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. In particular we seek your prayers in the areas of family challenges, single women, single parents, and widows. You can visit our website at www.adventistwomensministries.org and find out more about the work in these and other divisions of our world church.

Blessings and joy to you,

Heather-Dawn Small


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About the Writer

Erna (nee Guðsteinsdóttir) Johnson grew up in Iceland and is a third generation Adventist. She has a passion for what Women’s Ministries can do to help women reach their potential. She believes in the equality of all God’s children. She and her pastor husband Eddy have worked for the Adventist church all over the world. They have two children, Terry and Vanessa. Erna has been involved in Women’s Ministries since 1997 when she started WM in New Caledonia. In 2002 she became Director of WM at the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference. In 2005 she became WM director at the Greater Sydney Conference, and in 2008 she was named Director of Women’s Ministries for the South Pacific Division.


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CHILDREN’S STORY“The Man Who Walked In Front”

Long ago in the country of Kenya a teacher was traveling from Kissi to Kamagambo. “I do not want to walk all those fourteen miles,” said the teacher to himself. “It is late in the afternoon, and down by the river there are lions and hyenas. I can never reach home before dark.

“I am also afraid of the people down there,” the man continued, “for I have heard that sometimes they kill people who walk by. Surely there will be one more bus today. At least one more bus. If I can get that bus, then everything will be all right.”

So the teacher stood by the road and waited for a bus to come. He waited and waited and waited. But no bus came. He listened closely, but he could not hear any bus. The sun was going down behind the hills, and the birds were going to the trees to sleep. Still the teacher waited.

At last he said to himself, “I am only one man. But I must go alone to Kamagambo tonight. I cannot wait until tomorrow. It will be very dark by the time I get to the place where the lions and hyenas are. I will not be able to see whether anyone is coming to hurt me or not. But I must go anyway. My God is strong. My God is alive. Surely He will help me as I go.”

All along the path the teacher prayed to the great God in heaven. At last he reached the river. He had come seven miles, and now it was so dark that he had a hard time seeing the path. “I must kneel here and pray,” he said.

“Oh, God, my Father in heaven,” said the teacher, “I am your servant. We have known each other for a long time. Now go with me while I am in danger. You know I am traveling because I have work to do for You. I thank You for taking care of me. Let us go together now. Amen.”

Then the teacher got up from his knees. As he looked ahead he saw someone walking. That person was dressed in white clothes and was about fifty feet ahead of the teacher. It was very easy for the teacher to see the man, even though it was very dark.

Oh, thought the teacher, I must hurry and catch up with this man. Maybe he is my friend. Maybe we can walk all the way to Kamagambo together. I wonder who he is?


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So the teacher walked faster, but the man ahead walked faster too.

“I will run,” said the teacher. And he did. But the one ahead stayed about fifty feet in front, no matter how fast the teacher walked.

Even though the teacher could never walk beside the person dressed in white, his heart was filled with courage anyway. He was very happy to have someone nearby and he was not afraid at all in the darkness.

Time seemed to go very fast. Soon the teacher found that he was close to Kamagambo. He and the person dressed in white had come about seven miles together. Suddenly, as the teacher looked ahead, the traveler disappeared. “Oh!” cried the teacher. “Surely God must have sent an angel to go with me! What protection! What joy!”

In a few minutes he came to his own house. The first he did was to kneel and tell God how thankful and how happy he was for His care.

Told by P. M. Ombuy Evangelist, Kenya


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SERMON“A Promise is a Promise!”

By Erna Johnson

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 1:10-11

“In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord. And she made a vow saying, ‘O Lord almighty, if you will only look upon your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of His life.’” 1 Samuel 1:10-11 (NIV)

How many times have you given a promise to someone, a promise that you really meant to keep? But somehow you didn’t keep your promise. Sometimes we give our word without much thought and then find that it really isn’t possible to keep our promise.

Or we may make promises to ourselves. Many of us start the New Year with a promise to ourselves—to get more exercise, get rid of clutter, spend more time with our Bibles, or less time with the TV. Yet we often fail within a month, or even a week!

Biblical Example

Although we don’t often think of the Bible as a story book, there are stories in the Bible that are absolutely amazing. Let’s explore one of these stories today, a story about a woman whose faith was unshakable!

It’s a familiar story, and you probably know more about her son than about the woman we will focus on, but no doubt the son turned out so well because of this remarkable woman. She was a woman of God. She believed in prayer. Hannah also had a heart to ask and receive, because she knew the Lord had a heart to give.

Today we can learn much from this woman, an excellent role model, whose belief in prayer was phenomenal. She had no doubt that God was able and willing to answer her prayers. She was also ready to make a promise to God and keep it.

We read in Patriarchs and Prophets that she was her husband’s first wife and had been childless for quite some time (p. 569).


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“She was a woman of fervent piety, gentle and unassuming; her character was marked with deep earnestness and a lofty faith.”

Her husband, who was evidently quite wealthy, loved and feared God. They had everything they could want, everything except a child. In those days, not bearing a child was considered a terrible shame for the wife. But her husband reassured his wife that he loved her even though she bore him no children. His kindness was perhaps unusual in those days when a barren wife was often cast aside.

Even today in some parts of the world, a man can divorce his wife if she’s barren. Some years ago newspapers carried the story of the Shah of Iran divorcing his wife because she gave birth to a daughter, not a son! The same thing happened in Bible times. Childless women often had a sad life.

Finally, in order to perpetuate his name, the husband took a second wife. Ellen White tells us this was due to his lack of faith. It certainly caused much heartache. Over the years, the second wife bore many children, but the joy and happiness of the family was destroyed because she missed no opportunity to taunt the first wife about her barrenness.

Hannah, as Elkanah’s first wife, bore this trial with uncomplaining meekness, but she was crushed, and life seemed to have no purpose.

Because Elkanah feared and served God, once a year he took the whole family to Shiloh to worship God. As a Levite he was required to help out in the Temple if needed. After offering the required thank offering, the family, according to custom, had a feast. At this feast the husband used to give gifts to the members of his family—to Peninnah, the mother of his children, a portion for herself and for each of her sons and daughters. But because he loved Hannah, he gave her a double portion, telling her that in spite of the fact she hadn’t given him any children, he loved her with all his heart.

One year, Peninnah taunted Hannah more than usual. Because Hannah was in anguish, she wept, but spoke to no one of her grief. She carried her burden quietly by herself. She could share it with no one but God. She knew that if her barreness was to end, it must end by the hand of God. That is why she brought her barrenness to the Lord.

What a lesson for us today. If only we would do that when we feel burdened! When we feel discouraged, do we take it to God in prayer? Hannah knew she could do so.


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The Prayer

After the feast, she went to the temple and there poured her heart out to God. “O Lord of hosts,” she began her prayer, thereby recognizing Him as ruler of heaven and earth. Her words expressed her faith in His power and might.

“In light of God’s majesty,” she thought, “I am nothing.” She prayed silently, just moving her lips, tears streaming down her cheeks, all her sorrow pouring forth. Earnestly she pleaded with God to take away her reproach and grant her the precious gift of a son. In turn she promised God she would faithfully nurture and train her son to serve Him.

Hannah didn’t ask for a small favour. No, she asked for a miracle! There was nothing vague in her request! She made sure there could be no mistake about what she prayed for. She was specific. She said, “God, I want a son! Then I’ll give him back to you for all of his life.”

Here again we can learn from Hannah. We are not to pray vague prayers. Be specific with God. Yes, He knows what we are going to ask for, but He wants us to talk to Him, to share our joys and our sorrows. He wants to be our best friend. What an incredible opportunity He offers us!

Ellen White says, in Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing:

“Prayer is not an expiation for sin; it has no virtue or merit of itself. All the flowery words at our command are not equivalent to one holy desire. The most eloquent prayers are but idle words if they do not express the true sentiments of the heart. But the prayer that comes from an earnest heart, when the simple wants of the soul are expressed, as we would ask an earthly friend for a favor, expecting it to be granted—this is the prayer of faith” (p. 86-87).

God wants us to approach Him in faith, assured that He cares for us.

But let’s get back to the story. At that time the people had become corrupt, wandering far from God. Even the priests, the sons of Eli, were corrupt. But Hannah’s faith was pure. She believed her nation needed an upright man, one who could become a link between God and His people. Was Hannah crying only for herself, or did she weep also for God’s people? Perhaps because of her burden for her people she decided that the son God would give her, she would dedicate to His service. This son would belong to God Himself. He was to do God’s work. He was going to become a link between God and His people.


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While she was praying, Eli, the high priest, saw her and thought she was drunk. Having little compassion, he scolded her. But Hannah assured Eli that she hadn’t touched wine, saying, “I am a woman of sorrowful spirit. I have drunk [no] wine, but have poured out my soul before the Lord…Out of the abundance of my grief I have spoken” (I Sam. 1:15,16 NKJV).

The high priest, deeply moved, blessed her and told her to go in peace. He assured her that her petition was granted! Hannah believed that her prayer was answered. As we read in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (NIV)

SLIDE: [photo of woman and baby]

Hannah got up from her knees, and you know the rest of the story. She went back home with her family, and a year later her baby was born. She named him Samuel, a name that means either “Asked of God” or “Heard of God.” What an appropriate name!

The Promise

During the short time Hannah had her son with her, she dedicated herself to preparing him for the service of God. He was her only son, a special gift from heaven, but she had received him as a treasure consecrated to God. She would not withhold her gift from the Giver. She poured her whole soul into raising her son in the fear of the Lord.

Ellen White tells us that the mother’s power for good is the strongest power known on earth. “The mother is the queen of the home, and the children are her subjects. She is to rule her household wisely, in the dignity of her motherhood. Her influence in the home is to be paramount; her word, law. If she is a Christian, under God's control, she will command the respect of her children” (Adventist Home, p. 232).

Hannah took her responsibility very seriously. Her care reminds us of what a responsibility we have as parents.

Her prayer was radical in nature. So was her dedication. Prayer, faith and dedication continued to characterize her life, for Hannah knew that a person who gave all to God would receive more in return.

After a few years passed, once again Hannah traveled to Shiloh with her husband, but what a difference! This time she brought her beloved little son, probably only about three or four years old. At the tabernacle she took him to Eli, explaining who she was and why she brought


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her son to him.

If I had been Hannah, I might have thought twice about giving my little treasure to Eli. As you remember, he had not done a good job of raising his own sons! But Hannah did not hesitate. A promise was a promise! God would take care of her precious son Samuel who had been dedicated to the Lord even before he was conceived. How happy she was to be able to bring her son to serve God.

I imagine that she must have had an empty ache in her heart when she went back home, but she didn’t dwell on it. God had given her a son, and she had kept her promise and given him back to God. God gave Hannah many more children after Samuel, but Samuel was special, her miracle child.

Hannah’s story probably reminds many of us of a time we have taken a son or daughter to boarding school for the first time. It isn’t easy to leave them. In fact, we may cry a bit even though we know they will come home for Christmas and each vacation. Hannah was leaving her little son for good. He would never again come home to live with her. But Hannah was keeping her promise to God. He had answered her prayer, and she kept her promise. She wanted only that her son might honor God and bless his fellow men.

Her faith lived on in her son. Samuel, who was born in answer to prayer and whose name constantly reminded him of that, became a man of prayer himself. In just a few short years Hannah had fashioned her son’s character in such a way that he became a blessing for the whole nation. God conversed with this little boy from his early years and throughout his life. What a man of God he became! Hannah took her ministry seriously. She made certain that her son knew, even as a little child, who he was, why he was alive, and who he was to serve. During her yearly visit, she always reminded her son that he had been promised to the Lord. She took her promise to God seriously and taught her son to do the same.

What about you and me? Have we made promises we haven’t kept? Our promises to each other should not be made unless we mean to keep them. And our promises to God are even more important.


As we close the service this morning, I would like all of us to think seriously about any promises we’ve made recently. What have we done about them? Have you made a promise you haven’t kept?


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What about your promises to God? Have you promised Him your life? Your whole heart? Can you give Him your most loved treasure, as Hannah did? Would you like to renew your promise to the Lord as we finish this morning’s service?

As we close, please listen to the words of a beautiful, familiar hymn—but don’t think of it as a hymn but rather as a dedicatory prayer, our promise to our Heavenly Father.

While I read it, would you close your eyes and silently renew your promise, your pledge to the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Father who loves you and will keep His promises.

Take my life, and let it beConsecrated, Lord, to Thee.Take my moments and my days;Let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Take my hands, and let them moveAt the impulse of Thy love.Take my feet, and let them beSwift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice, and let me singAlways, only, for my King.Take my lips, and let them beFilled with messages for Thee.

Take my silver and my gold;Not a mite would I withhold.Take my intellect, and useEvery power as Thou choose.

Take my will, and make it Thine;It shall be no longer mine.Take my heart, it is Thine own;It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love; My Lord, I pour12

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At Thy feet its treasure store.Take myself, and I will beEver, only, all for Thee.

-Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)

May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him each day of your life.


Thank you for all the prayers you’ve answered during our lifetime. You’ve answered small prayers and big prayers, evening prayers and morning prayers, soft prayers and loud prayers, anxious prayers and peaceful prayers. May our own prayers be shaped according to your faithfulness, becoming less selfish and frantic and more calm and trusting with each day that passes. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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Women in the Bible: Lesson 2Hannah and me

Fulfillment and Joy


We find many examples of answers to prayer in the Bible. The story of Hannah is proof of the power of prayer. When God met Hannah in the temple in Shiloh, He not only answered her prayer for a child, He answered her prayer for comfort in her misery.

Hannah was the mother of Samuel, the first great prophet after Moses. Hannah had a worthy son, but she was also a worthy mother. She represents the ideal of godly motherhood—humble, consecrated, and loyal.

Waiting for things is not a curse. In fact, God can use it to produce a blessing if we remain faithful to Him. Keep trusting God. That is one lesson from Hannah’s story. God is willing to meet us as He met Hannah.


* Her Deep Heartfelt Desire* Her Faith* Her Skill as a Mother

Going Deeper

1. What was the situation in the family of Elkanah? (1 Samuel 1:1-8)

2. What did Elkanah do each year?

3. What step did Hannah take in her sorrow? (Verses 9-11)


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4. Who came to her while she continued to pray? (Verse 12)

5. What did Eli think was the matter with Hannah? (Verses 13-14)

6. Hannah poured out her heartfelt pain in what words? (Verses 15-16)

7. Once Eli understood why she was weeping, what words of encouragement did he give her? (Verse 17)

8. Hannah was blessed with what joyful experience? (Verses 19-20)

9. What were the changes in her life during the next few years? (Verses 19-24)

My Prayer for Today

O God, how much we too desire to bring our children up in Your Word so that they will be a blessing to the world. Help us, day by day, to be a blessing and a gentle guide to our children.


Every woman is able to reach out to children and touch their lives for good. We may not all have children to whom we have given birth, but every child in our sphere of influence is someone we can bless with our time and encouragement. Our love and tenderness will give them hope and a desire to live better lives.


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Prayer Walk Activity in the Community for Sabbath Afternoon(Someone Cares – Door Hangers)

Project developed by Donna Jackson

Prayer walking is the practice of praying on location, a type of intercessory prayer that involves walking to or near a particular place while praying. Prayer walks are taken by individuals, groups, and even whole churches. They can be as short as a block or as long as many miles.

Purpose: the main purpose for prayer walking is to get women involved in prayer for the community.

Preparation for Prayer Walks: Be open and ask God to give you His heart and eyes for the area you will be placing the

cards and the door hangers.

Have a plan before you begin walking: Map out the streets close to your church that you plan to walk and have a picture in

your mind of the buildings, houses or other objects that are along these streets. Take the door hangers and the cards with you and leave in the doors, mail boxes and

places you find it can be seen. Ask that God will use us as initiators of change in this community.

Organizing the women:

1. Team: Go two by two.

2. Time: An hour is the best.

3. Topics: “Someone cares” door hangers and prayer cards.

4. Territory: Ask God to guide you. Aim to cover a small area. Residential areas, markets, and places where women like to go: (hair salons, small shops…)

Follow up: after two weeks go back to the houses you have left the door hangers and cards and ask them if they need a special prayer.

This activity will help the community to get acquainted with you “the one who cares” and also to start a relationship that will help you to invite them to the church for a special program.

Enlist other praying people to join with friends to cover special areas. Pool your insights to


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ascertain whether God is prompting a repeated focus on particular areas. Eventually aim to cover your entire community.


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Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in My name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in my name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in my name willby no means lose his eward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in my name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in my name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in my name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in my name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ

Whoever gives you a cup of water

to drink in my name will by no means lose his reward.

~ Jesus Christ


Page 19: A Promise is a promise - Seventh-day Adventist Church€¦  · Web viewSometimes we give our word without much thought and then find that it really isn’t possible to keep our promise

Jesus said,"Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall

give will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall

give will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever

drinks of the water that I shall give

will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever

drinks of the water that I shall give

will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever

drinks of the water that I shall give

will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever

drinks of the water that I shall give

will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever

drinksof the water that I shall give

will never thirst."

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever

drinks of the water that I shall give

will never thirst."


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If you have any special needs that you want us to pray for, please feel free to contact us


God can do anything – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in

your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us,

his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Your home was prayer for today by

Someone Cares

If you have any special needs that you want us to pray for, please feel free to contact us


God can do anything – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in

your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us,

his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Your home was prayer for today by

Someone Cares

If you have any special needs that you want us to pray for, please feel free to contact us


God can do anything – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in

your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us,

his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Your home was prayer for today by

Someone Cares

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If you have any special needs that you want us to pray for, please feel free to contact us


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Your home was prayer for today by

Someone Cares

If you have any special needs that you want us to pray for, please feel free to contact us


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Your home was prayer for today by

Someone Cares

If you have any special needs that you want us to pray for, please feel free to contact us


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Your home was prayer for today by

Someone Cares