A Process for Management Writing

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  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    A Process for Management


    Prof Uma Bhushan

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Importance of planning



    Civil engineers Teachers

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Plan considerations



    Exploration what ideas should you consider? Patterns and outlines how can you best

    arrange your ideas

    Details and examples how can you supportyour points?

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Persuade Inform


    Purpose of Business


  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Understanding your purpose

    Why are you communication?

    What do others expect you to accomplish?

    What do you expect to accomplish?

    What do you want your audience to know?

    What do you want them to feel?

    What do you want them to do?

    What situation, circumstance, attitude or event will beaffected by your communication?

    What people, other than audience will be affected byyour communication?

    Will this serve more than one purpose?

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Understanding your audience

    Who is your primary audience?

    Who is the secondary audience?

    Is the audience homogenous?

    How big is the audience?

    What do they know about you

    What do you know about them

    How can you increase your credibility

    What do you need to learn about them

    What is your plan for feedback

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Exploration: what ideas should you


    Two phases of the idea-design process

    (1) Exploration finding and creating ideas

    (2) selection and organization (choosing andordering ideas that facilitates understanding)

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    How to generate ideas

    Idea Circle

    Write the topic on a sheet of paper and an

    idea circle with as many wedges as you want

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    The Idea-circle for marketing vinylzed


    Easy clean-up with



    Full range of

    bright colors



    Application by


    Safe for children (nolead)

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    Ad copy

    Brighten up your kids room this Saturday with

    the rainbow colors of Vinyl-Brite. This one-

    coat, lead-free, all-purpose interior paint lasts

    for years. Handprints wipe off with a sponge.Worried about that painting mess? No

    Problem Vinyl-Brite rolls on, and cleans up

    with water. Hurry! IT is on sale now for Rs 99 alitre!

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    How to organize ideas

    Good business writing lies in finding the right

    pattern to make sense out of the data

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    A business application

    Rahul was given a chaos in a basket. Unusually

    high run of resignations in the past six months

    12 in production, 6 in accounting and 3

    among supervisory staff. HE got to analyse allthe exit interviews and asked to write a report

    on the `whys.

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    Rahuls organisational listing

    My goal : to explain the unusual frequency ofresignations

    Needs: What data do I want?

    Resources: Are the data available? Where? Input; Read all available data

    Evaluation: Locate common factors and themesamong resignations

    Organization: order my points with appropriateevidence

    Presentation: write the report in an effective way

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    Rahuls organisation of reasons

    The most common reason: Cost of living in theregion is too high in relation to salary

    Significant minority reason: Poor chance for

    advancement Isolated reasons: Spouses relocation, illness,

    taking up further studies

    Rahul got his evidence from the interviewrecords but the organisation pattern camefrom his own thinking.

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    Sixteen patterns of organization

    These are more like recipes they suggest a

    way but not the only way

    Change these patterns or invent new ones

    according to

    Audience, situation and purpose

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    How to use these in all kinds of

    messages short and long

    When organising sentences into paragraphs

    Use each step in the pattern as one or moresentences in the paragraph (examples follow)

    Paragraphs into longer documents Use steps in the patterns to form topic sentences

    in consecutive paragraphs

    In very long documents, each step can be amajor heading in the report, proposal ormemo or letter

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    1. Time


    In the past

    At Present

    In the future

    Example (From an annual report)

    In the past, we supplied

    local retailers with

    prescription pharmaceuticalarticles. At present, we have

    expanded our line to

    include toiletries. In the

    future, we want to break

    into the OTC sales.

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    2. Space


    Far away (at a considerable


    Close at hand

    Right here

    Example: from a Sales Letter

    For busy brokers in Trent, Timemeans money, especially inchoosing an escrow company.Twenty miles north in Atlantaare the old-name escrowfirms. Closer at hand, but stilltwenty minutes by highway,are their branches, offeringlimited services. However,beginning, January 1, JensonEscrow is pleased to open afull-service office right here inTrent.

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    3. Cause


    Situation A caused event B

    Event B can be described as

    Event B can beundone/repeated/furthered


    Example (from a claims letter)

    Misdirections in theinstruction manual toaccompany my Moped caused

    an expensive mishap. Becauseyou neglected to specify thatoil had to be mixed in with thepetrol. I had to pay Rs 800 tohave the frozen enginerepaired. Please send me

    reimbursement for thatamount. May I also suggestthat you issue an amendedcopy of the instructionmanual.

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    4. Emotion


    Once I felt

    Things changed

    Now I feel

    Example (from a resignationletter)

    As an engineer here at CLT

    sinec 2004, I felt that my

    work would earn merespect and financial

    rewards. However, twice in

    the past three years, I have

    been passed over for raises.

    Therefore, I resign effective

    Dec 20.

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    5. Logic


    All A situations have B


    C is an A situation

    Therefore C has B

    Example (from a memo)

    All new accounts feel

    hesitancy as new hands take

    over the books. Our latestnew account, Winston

    Lumber, is no different. We

    must try to be sensitive to

    Mr Wingstons initial

    hesitancy to show all hisfinancial dealings


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    6. Relative Significance


    What matters most

    What must also be

    considered What we can safely ignore

    Example (from a letter ofrecommendation)

    Above all else, Jain can sell,as demonstrated by herstellar track record inwholesale hardware sine2003. She has alsodistinguished herself as anaccurate record keeper andfield supervisor. The factthat she has little formaleducation interferes in noway with her productivity.

  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    7. Hidden Significance


    A has obvious


    A also has seeminglyinsignificant characteristics

    Why this seemingly

    insignificant characteristic is


    Example (from an internalpersonnel Memo)

    Certainly, Mr Lance Nashpresents himself in an assured,groomed and socially

    comfortable way. I noted,however, his passing remarkthat his college grades werealways right up there. Histranscripts reveal only a C

    average. This slip, I think, cutsdeep into my favorableimpression of Mr Nash as acandidate for head teller atthe bank.

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    8. Perspective


    One way to look at the topic

    A second way to view it

    Finally, a third revealingview

    Example (From a proposasl)

    We all agree that L & MAuto needs more exposure.The sales staff recommends

    a highway sign. Ouradvertising consultantfavors a flyer tucked in withthe daily newspaper. Theapproach outlined heretakes a new tack: a huge hotair balloon tethered to theroof of our dealership.

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    9. Doubt


    Others say that A will


    We doubt that A willhappen

    Heres why

    Example (From a real estatesales letter)

    They are singing the oldlament again: housingprices are bound to fall, so

    wait to buy. At MertonRealty, we just dont believeit. We point out that land,materials and labor costscontinue to rise at 13% ormore per year. A better buynext year? Dont bet yourmoney on it.

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    10. Contrast


    A is not like B

    A has _______, but B has

    ____ Only A has ___________

    Example (From a relocationreport)

    Seattle differs from LA in

    several ways. In Seattle,

    commercial office spacerents for $1.10 per sq ftt in

    LA, comparable property

    rents for $1.85 per square

    ft. Only Seattle offers clean

    air, reasonable housingcosts and all the rain you

    will ever wish for.

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    11. Comparison


    Both A and B have _____

    Neither A nor B has ______

    Only A has _______

    Example (From the samerelocation report)

    Both Seattle and Spokane

    have a variety ofcommercial banks. Neither

    has a region stock exchange.

    Seattle, however, does offer

    an international airport andharbour.

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    12. Reputation


    A is reputed to have ____.

    In actuality, A does (does

    not) have ___________ As reputation is

    deserved/must be adjusted

    Example (From a consumerreport)

    A new pain reliever, Loado,claims to provide fourpotent painkillers in

    addition to common aspirin.Our laboratory analysisreveals only the presence ofinert dyes in addition toaspirin. Loado offers morehype than common aspirin,but nor morepharmaceutical power.

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    13. Variety


    Item A comes in these


    Example (from a health clubpromotional letter)

    Beauty comes in different

    forms: first, the irrepressible

    natural glow of the teen;next, the warmth and fire of

    your adulthood and finally,

    the cultured radiance of


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    14. Opinions


    Some people say

    Others claim

    But most will admit

    Example (From a sales report)

    Some of my clients feel thatit is a mistake to restockinventory during the next

    quarter. Others claim thatprices will fall still lower inthe coming months.However, most will admitthat all retailers will have tomake major purchasesbefore the traditional Diwalirush.

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    15. Preference


    We see the merits of A

    We also recognize the

    merits of B But we prefer C (because)

    Example (from a GrantsCommittee report)

    We admire the fine workdone by Dr Merricks teamat Mayo clinic. We also have

    the highest respect for MITcomputer simulation ofinheritable diseases. Wechose, however, to awardthe 21009 Research Grantto Boston Hospitals heartteam for its advanced workin cardiology.

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    16. Likelihood


    A is possible

    B is likely

    But C is certain (because)

    Example: (from a reply to anorder)

    While truck express may be

    able to deliver your parts by

    April 4, a somewhat laterdate is more likely.

    However, air express could

    guarantee delivery in time

    for your assembly deadline.

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    First fill an idea circle

    Find or invent a pattern to organise your ideas

    Next write down your pattern of ideas as a

    rough working outline

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    Outline Example: Master Pattern

    Topic: Changes in How We Communicate

    Past I Fastest forms of communication over longer

    distances survived slower formsA The natural world

    1. Carrier pigeons Vs human runner

    2. Visual Signals (Smoke, etc) Vs voice

    B The technological world1. Telegraph Vs pony express

    2. Telephone Vs telegraph

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    II. New fast modes now compete with familiar

    slower modes

    A what we sent and receive

    1. Word processing Vs typing

    2. Computer modem vs. traditional mail

    B What we store and retrieve

    1. Computer memory vs. file drawers

    2. Database vs. book like directories

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    III More speed lies ahead, with inevitable changes

    in how we communicateA How messages are generated

    1. Artificial intelligence devices that helpus find appropriate words

    2. Model documents stored in computerfor our use

    B How messages are transmitted1. Satellite networks for worldwide

    communication2. Speech-driven computers to free us from the


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    Details and Examples

    Develop `hidden persuaders to support yoru

    major and supporting points

    Three roles of details and examples

    Toprovide information

    To verify(show the truth of) an assertion

    To illustrate (give an example of) an abstraction

    (an idea, concept or principle)

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    A trip report includes details fo who visited

    whom, when, where and what was said

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    Hard work pays off

    What is meant by hard work?

    What do I mean by Pays off?

    More clear with example: At Jackson Engineering, hard work pays off. 31 of

    our 90 engineers worked at least 20 hoursovertime per month for the last year. All 31 men

    and women received a 14% pay increase inrecognition of their commitment to the companyand its goals.

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    What were the inaccuracies in the last


  • 7/31/2019 A Process for Management Writing


    Spot the overclaim in these


    If Brighto can clean this brats clothes, it can

    certainly get your wash spring fresh and super


    More than 100 dentists of trhose surveyed foundstiki-sweet perfectly safe for childrens teeth.

    You can trust your home to General Insurance.

    Our local agent, Mark Tiers, pitched in to rebuildthe Boys; Club in Lincoln, Nebraska, when the

    building was lost to fire last summer.

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    Insert qualifying remark (underlined here). A

    qualification maintains your integrity and

    credibility that your example is not to be taken

    as universal proof. Morgan Trust protects your money. Although our

    money market accounts are uninsured, our

    passbook savings account are backed FSLICinsurance for up to $ 100,000.

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    Illustrate an abstraction

    Relatively small towns usually can supply a

    wide variety of talented personnel.

    (Illustration) When our drilling project began

    in Marysville last year, we were able to hire allour secretarial help, half of our labourers and

    more than one third of our white-collar staff

    from among the townspeople.

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    The example does not prove but creates an

    impression of proof.

    To formally prove - ???

    The writer trades on trust not fact

    Illustration can replace proof if the communicator

    has established credibility

    If communicators integrity is doubtful, we dont

    allow illustration to take the place of proof.

    The employees in this company have no sense of

    loyalty. Last week, XYZ quit without giving even a

    weeks notice.

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    Four ways to get readers to believe

    your message

    Be specific

    Be clearly understandable

    BE Brief

    Be focused

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    Be specific

    Vague: Some classic automobile shave risen

    steeply in price in recent years

    Specific: Such auto classics as the gull-winged

    Mercedes, the MGTD and the Porsche

    Speedster have risen 400 percent in real dollar

    value since 1965.

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    Be clearly understandable

    Difficult, unfamiliar: Our galaxy, a protracted

    spheroid mass of stellar bodies and vaporous

    amalgams arranged primarily along a single

    plane, revolves in space.

    Understandable: The Milky Way, its countless

    stars drawn together into a shape not unlike

    an immense fried egg, revolves in space.

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    Be Brief

    Too Long: Sine her promotion to night shfitmanager, Barbara Conway has stolen 32 dresses,16 pairs of jeans, 42 blouses, 12 belts, 18 pairs ofsocks, 2 ski jackets . All details of investigation

    and arrest etc Brief: The night manager in Womens Wear,

    Barbara Conway, was arrested in mid-October forstealing clothing. She stashed dresses, jeans and

    blouses worth more than $2,000 in trash bagsbehind the store. After closing, she picked upthese valuable trash bags. Prosecution is pending.

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    Be Focused

    Aimless: Few coal miners participated in theGrants-for-Education program. I worked until sixO clock every night. Saturdays, we drove to myparents house. Sundays, I watched football. I

    didnt have time, thats all. Focused: Few coalminers participated in the

    Grants-for-Education program. Bret Jolleson, 29,explains why he turned down a $2,500 grant: I

    worked until six O clock every night. Saturdays,we drove to my parents house. Sundays, Iwatched football. I didnt have time, thats all