A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national self-determination, but NOT the Irish, Ukrainians, Kurds, Arabs, Indians, or Africans. The status of the Soviet regime was determined through the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920. Poland’s eastern border was determined through the Russo-Polish War of 1920-21. Italian nationalist volunteers seized Fiume in September 1919; their Free State of Fiume merged with Italy in 1924.

A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

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Page 1: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national


Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national self-determination, but NOT the Irish, Ukrainians, Kurds, Arabs, Indians, or Africans.

The status of the Soviet regime was determined through the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920.

Poland’s eastern border was determined through the Russo-Polish War of 1920-21.

Italian nationalist volunteers seized Fiume in September 1919; their Free State of Fiume merged with Italy in 1924.

The borders of Turkey were only defined in the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922.

Hopes for the spread of democracy were disappointed.

Page 2: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Sir William Orpen, “The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors,

Versailles, 28 June 1919”

Page 3: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Delegation of French wounded at the signing ceremony for the Treaty of Versailles

Page 4: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

European language

groups, 1910

European borders, 1922

Page 5: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

“Red Parliament! Vote Social

Democratic” (Budapest, 1919)

Bela Kun led theSoviet Republic of

Hungaryfrom March to August


Page 6: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Hungarian nationalist poster from

1919: The red worker

is horrified because his uprising has

smashed Hungary to


Page 7: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Admiral Miklos Horthy,

“Regent” of Hungary,


Page 8: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

The Russian Civil War, 1918-


intervened from Odessa; Britain from Murmansk & Archangel; Japan & the USA from


Page 9: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

“Be Vigilant!”(1920):

The threats include

capitalist minions in

Finnland and the Baltic

Republics and Ukrainian


Page 10: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Field Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, Polish chief of state, 1918-

1922; dictator, 1926-1935

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Polish peasants with their scythes volunteer tofight in the Russo-Polish War, 1920

Page 12: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

The front line in the Soviet-Polish War in June 1920,at the height of Polish success

Page 13: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Gabriele d’Annunzio, the Italian poet and war hero who led volunteers into Fiume in September 1919, the first


Page 14: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Benito Mussolini(1883-1945):

school teacher,revolutionary

Marxist, editor of the main

Italian Socialist newspaper, 1912-15.

Page 15: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Mussolini as a volunteer in the

Italian army, 1917.He founded an interventionist

newspaper in 1915 and then served

bravely at the front for nine months.

Page 16: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

A modern reenactment of a procession of lictors,who carried before the ancient consuls of Rome the

fasces that symbolized their authority.

In Italian fascio can refer to a bundle of sticks or a band of men.

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Fascist Black Shirts March on Rome, October 1922

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Mussolini served as Prime

Minister of Italy, 1922-43, and suppressed all other parties in

1924/25.He advocated

rule by the “aristocracy of the trenches.”

Page 19: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national


Hussein bin Ali, Emir of Mecca since 1908, self-proclaimed King of the Hejaz, 1917-24

Faisal bin al Hussein, elected King of Syria in 1920; appointed King of Iraq, 1921-33

Abdullah bin al-Hussein, Emir of Transjordania, 1921-46, then King of Jordan, 1946-49

See Israel-Arab Reader, pp. 11-12.

Page 20: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Lt. Col. T.E. Lawrence (1888-1935) and “Emir Faisal’s camel-mounted irregulars” (photos in the British

press, 1917)

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The British military commander of Jerusalem, Borton Pasha, on December 11, 1917

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Emir Faisal’s delegation to Versailles (with T.E. Lawrence)

Why did Faisal seek agreement with the Zionists?See Israel-Arab Reader, pp. 17-20.

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Theodor Herzl at the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903 and his famous book published in 1896, The Jewish


See Israel-Arab Reader, pp. 9-10.

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Arthur James Balfour: PM 1902-

05; Foreign Secretary 1916-19

Balfour’s advisor, Leopold Amery, became Colonial Secretary, 1924-

29: “I was keen on an advance into Palestine on military grounds, and

the idea of establishing in Palestine a prosperous community bound to

Britain by ties of gratitude and interest naturally appealed to me. I

already had doubts as to the permanence of our protectorate in


See Israel-Arab Reader, p. 16.

Page 25: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

THE BALFOUR DECLARATION(from a letter of November 2, 1917, by Foreign

Secretary Balfour to Lord Rothschild and the Zionist Federation)

“His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

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The Sykes-Picot

Agreement of 1916,

which conflicted

with Britain’s promises to

the Hashemite

Arabs in 1915 and the Balfour

Declaration of 1917

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Prime Minister Venizelos and “Megali Hellas” (1920):Lloyd George encouraged the Greeks to seize


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General Mustapha Kemal

at Gallipoli in 1915,

later known as “Kemal Ataturk”

Page 29: A PEACE TO END ALL PEACE? ISSUES LEFT UNRESOLVED AT VERSAILLES  Poles, “Czechoslovaks”, “Yugoslavs”, Lithuanians, Latvians, & Estonians gained national

Turkish cavalry moves toward the front in theGreco-Turkish War of 1919-1922--- 1.5 million Greeks

fled Asia Minor, & 500,000 Muslims fled Greece

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The Partition of the Ottoman Empire

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Abdulaziz ibn Saud (1876-1953), of the “Wahabi” sect of Islam, meanwhile ignored the British as he gained control of the Arabian peninsula by 1925

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1918/19: Lenin imposes one-party state with powerful secret police in the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (which formed the USSR in 1922).1919: Military dictatorship in Hungary under Horthy.1922: Fascists come to power in Italy and by 1925 suppress all other parties.1923: General Primo de Rivera dissolves Spanish parliament and rules in the name of King Alfonso XIII.1926: Pilsudski imposes strong-man rule in Poland and suppresses parliament in 1929.1929: King Alexander I of Yugoslavia suppresses parliament and imposes royal dictatorship.1931: Military leaders gain power in Japan. 1933: Nazi seizure of power in Germany

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King Alexander I ofYugoslavia (r. 1921-34),

who imposed royal dictatorship in 1929

Assassinated by a Croatian separatist in

Marseilles, 1934

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Czechoslovakia was the only successful new democracy (the arrival of Thomas Masaryk in Prague, December 21,


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Already by 1922, it was clear that only the green countries supported the Versailles settlement