A pattern for a listening session Pre-listening While-listening Post-listening

A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

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Page 1: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

A pattern for a listening session

Pre-listening While-listening Post-listening

Page 2: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

Pre-listening work can consist of a whole range of activities, including:

- Looking at pictures and talking about them- Looking at a list of items / thoughts etc.- Making lists of possibilities / ideas / etc.- Reading a text- Reading through questions to be answered- Completing parts of a chart- Predicting / speculating- Pre-viewing language- Informal teacher talk and class discussion

Factors which affect the choice of pre-listening activities:

- The time available- The material available- The ability of the class- The interest of the class- The interest of the teacher- The place in which the work is being carried out- The nature and content of the listening text itself

Page 3: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

While-listening activities can be shortly defined as all tasks that students are asked to do during the time of listening to the text. The aim of the while-listening stage for students is to understand the message of the text not catching every word, they need to understand enough to collect the necessary information. While-listening exercises should be interesting and challenging, they should guide the students to handle the information and messages from the listening text.

Matching pictures with what is heard Storyline picture sets Putting pictures in order Completing pictures Picture drawing Carrying out actions Arranging items in patterns Following a route Completing a grid Form / chart completion Using lists True / false Multiple-choice questions Text-completion / gap-filling Spotting mistakes Predicting Seeking specific items of information

Page 4: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

The post-listening stage comprises all the exercises which are done after listening to the text. Some of these activities may be the extensions of those carried out at pre- and while-listening work but some may not be related to them at all and present a totally independent part of the listening session. There are a few tasks which teachers may do in the classroom after listening to a text:

Problem-solving and decision-making Interpreting Role-play / simulation Writing summaries Form-chat completion Extending list Sequencing / grading Matching Extending notes into written responses Jigsaw listening Identifying relationship between speakers Establishing the mood / attitude / behaviour of the speaker Dictation


Page 5: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

I. Pre-Listening Exercises 1. Answer the questions:- Look at the picture and guess where these people are?- Why do many people prefer travelling by plane?- What documents should you have ready?

2. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences. attend (verb): to be at or go to - I'm planning on attending a language class before I go to China. book (verb): to make arrangements in advance - You ought to book a room at least a month in advance. luggage (noun): bags used during traveling to carry your things - You are only allowed two pieces of luggage on this flight. belongings (noun): your personal property or possessions - Be sure to collect your belongings before you leave the plane.3. Fill in the missing words Staying belongings attend book luggagePlease be sure to take your _____________ with you, including jackets and glasses, as you

leave the plane. I will ____________ a business convention next week. Let's pick up our __________ at the baggage claim area. You should _________ a hotel before you start your trip? Where will you be __________ during your trip?

Page 6: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

II. While-listening Exercises 1. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

Immigration and CustomsCustoms Officer: Next. Uh, your passport please. Woman: Okay. Customs Officer: Uh, what is the purpose of your visit?Woman: I'm here to attend a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I

plan on touring the capital for a few days.Customs Officer: And where will you be staying?Woman: I'll be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week.Customs Officer: And uh, what do you have in your luggage?Woman: Uh, well, just, just my personal belongings um, . . . clothes, a few books, and a

CD player.Customs Officer: Okay. Uh, please open your bag.Woman: Sure. Customs Officer: Okay . . . Everything's fine. [Great]. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit

to the country?Woman: Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my parents were working in the

capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back since then.Customs Officer: Well, enjoy your trip.Woman: Thanks.

Page 7: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

1. Where will you be _____________ during your week-long vacation? In a hotel downtown? You can find some great accommodations there.

a staying b shopping c renting2. Please be sure to collect your __________________, including any small electronic devices

and clothing, before you get off the plane. a belongings b luggage c mail3. What is the _______________ of your visit to the US? Business or pleasure? a meaning b design c purpose4.Could you open your ______________? Our x-ray machine shows that you might have a

small knife and bottle inside . . . things you can't take on the plane. a luggage b pocket c wallet5.I will _______________ several business meetings while in the US. We will be reviewing

the future plans of our companies. a test b discuss c attend1) A 2) A 3) C 4)A 5) C

Page 8: A pattern for a listening session Pre-listeningWhile-listeningPost-listening

2. Listen to the recording once more and fill in the gaps in the table below.

Customs Officer: Next. Uh, your (1) please. Woman: Okay. Customs Officer: Uh, what is the purpose of your (2)?Woman: I'm here to (3) a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan

on touring the capital for a few days.Customs Officer: And where will you be staying?Woman: I'll be staying in a room at a hotel (4) for the entire week.Customs Officer: And uh, what do you have in your (5)?Woman: Uh, well, just, just my (6) belongings, um, . . . clothes, a few books, and a CD

player.Customs Officer: Okay. Uh, please open your bag.Woman: Sure.Customs Officer: Okay . . . Everything's fine. [Great]. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit

to the (7)?Woman: Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my (8) were working in the

capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back (9) then.Customs Officer: Well, (10) your trip.Woman: Thanks.

III Post-Listening Exercises1. Make up your own dialogues and role-play them in pairs. Use these questions: What advice would you give a friend when preparing to pass through an airport in

your country (e.g. what documents should you have ready, can you buy souvenirs at the airport, where you need to go to find public transportation into the city, etc.)? What things can you carry on the airplane and what are the size requirements?