A New Urban

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  • 7/24/2019 A New Urban





    To the extent that identity is derived from physical substance, from the

    historical, from the context, from the real, we somehow cannot imagine

    that anything contemporary made by us contributes to it. But the fact

    that human growth is exponential implies that the past will at some point

    become too small to be inhabited and shared by those alive

    - Rem Koolhaas, Generic Cities

    AIDAN HOGAN 40100974 Words: 983

  • 7/24/2019 A New Urban


    1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Koolhaas argues that the evolution of architecture is inevitable.

    Why are we so afraid of change that every contemporary build is met with criticism

    Fig 1.The Generic City: a place where the sentimentality of identity is no longer allowed to

    restrict the citys evolution.


    and dismay? In S,M,L,XL, Koolhaas proposes the idea of The Generic City, comparing

    the contemporary city to a contemporary airport, designed with the goal of universal

    familiarity. 2.1 Koolhaas hopes to distinguish OMAs CCTV building,

    Beijing from the usual towers designed by high-proile architects, claiming that it is:

    not the predictable 2-dimensional tower soaring skyward, but a truly 3-dimensional

    experience, a canopy that symbolically embraces the entire population an instant icon

    that proclaims a new phase in Chinese conidence. (2004, pg. 349)

    Fig 2.CCTVs unusual form on the Beijing skyline.

    Fig 1a. The past will at some point become

    too small to be inhabited and shared by

    those alive (Koolhaas, 1995)

    Fig 1b. The city liberated from the

    straitjacket of identity. (Koolhaas, 1995)

    source: skyscrapercity.com

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    2.2 In Generic Cities, Koolhaas describes a desire to emancipate urban

    design, expressing his distaste for the sentimentality shown towards a

    citys character. He suggests that a city devoid of individuality would be

    liberated...from the straitjacket of identity. (1995, pg. 1249)

    an urban scale. The design strategy taken by Koolhaas is fuelled by the idea of

    liberating the television industry from its slow and over-cautious evolution. Koolhaas

    claims that the form of the building has a deeper meaning than to become an icon:

    Fig 3. Instead of replicating the existing model for television towers, Koolhaas

    aims to design for, and inspire, a new generation of television technology.

    Historically, the television industry has not provided change. Due to TVs

    dependency on fail proof technology, allowing it to broadcast around the clock,

    the medium has evolved in small increments. (Daalder in Koolhaas, 2004)

    2.3 In The Enemy (2004), the arrangement of reviews from selected positive critics,

    accompanied with the careful language used by Koolhaas, suggests an intention

    (through his work on the CCTV building) to inspire a new way of designing at

    The consolidation of the TV program in a single building allows each worker to be

    permanently aware of the nature of the work of his co-workers; a chain of interdependence

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    Fig 4. In a conventional tower, aspects of research and business are traditionally

    detached, but in the CCTV, each department is joined in a closed-loop system.

    promotes solidarity rather than isolation, collaboration instead of opposition. (Koolhaas,

    2004, pg. 489)

    3. DE BOTTON 3.1In The Architecture of Happiness, Alain de Botton displays a more

    sensitive approach to the design of cities, stating:

    Architecture should have the conidence and kindness to be a little boring, (2006, pg.183)

    in regards to the growing boldness of contemporary architecture, criticising the insensitivity

    in the development of Londons skyline. 2.2 In School of Lifes How to Design an Attractive

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    the sameness of cities is a problem, because it reveals just how far each must be from

    engaging with a speciic character of its own place. (School of Life, 2015)

    Fig 6. With 3 of Beijings 12 tallest buildings dedicated to television, what

    effect does this have on the inhabitants of the city? De Botton believes

    that the towers we build are shrines to unworthy causes. Towers should be

    representative of our best ambitions and long term needs. (School of Life, 2015)

    Fig 5.What happens when a city loses its identity? With next to no restriction, Londons

    skyline has become a competition between developers for the most impressive and bold form.

    City, de Botton approaches a citys identity conservatively, suggesting methods of preserving a

    citys character. He explains that

    source: skyscrapercity.com

    4. A NEW NEW URBAN 4.1 Through writing, Koolhaas proposes a freedom from the

    restraints of identity, but in practice this intention is lost. He solves the issue not by rethinking

    the way we design, but by proposing a new identity instead. Koolhaas justiication of the

    CCTV buildings function becomes irrelevant, as there is no denying that its primary function

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    is as an icon. The CCTV building adds to the Beijing skyline, it makes it distinctive and deines

    an urban fabric of its own - traits Koolhaas argues against in The Generic City. 4.3Koolhaas is

    correct, however, when he refers to the past becoming too small to inhabit. Change is often met

    by fear, but we must acknowledge the many advantages offered by an evolution in design. 4.4Is

    the generic city the correct solution? Should every city sacriice its individuality in an attempt

    to achieve liberation? Vernacular architecture does not come from a pre-conceived attempt to

    deine a city: it is predominantly determined by local climate and the availability of materials.

    Fig 7. The CCTV building is ground-breaking in its form, but not in function. The closed

    loop has not been done in such a format, but can be achieved through more eficient, less

    extravagant means.

    Fig 8a. Locally sourced


    Fig 8b.Windows utilising

    scarse sunlight

    Fig 8c. Terraced housing

    helps to insulate heat

    Fig 8.How context has shaped the Irish terraced house

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    4.5If it were agreed that Koolhaas proposal was justiied, it could be argued that he should have

    gone further. The liberation from identity does not have to be limited to form. It could provide

    an opportunity to implement schemes overlooked for being too bold. 4.6 Koolhaas dismisses

    sustainable architecture, claiming

    but sustainability on an urban scale becomes more sincere. If a city were liberated as Koolhaas

    proposes, it would be free to make a genuine difference. Proposals for a fully-pedestrianised or

    zero-commission city would be far more justiied than designing a 44-storey loop in an attempt

    to revolutionise the television industry.

    its become an empty formula, and because, for that reason, its getting harder and harder

    to think about ecology without becoming ironic, (Koolhaas, 2008)

    Fig 9.What if the New Urban were not to build towers in a new style, but to produce bold and

    meaningful spaces that change the way we live?

    source: fickr.com

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