October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 35 A model and data visualization framework for clastic rock properties, Clastics Graphic Synthesis Model (CGSM), was developed to cost-effectively identify fractured/fracturable, unconventional targets previously missed within active and inactive wellbores, fields and plays. CGSM provides the framework to empirically interpret under-utilized, relatively inexpensive X-ray diffraction data (matrix and cements) from well cuttings, sidewall cores and cores. Porosity data, thin section information (point count) and geochemical data (total organic carbon) are also integrated into the CGSM model. The lack of full utilization of X-ray data for petroleum exploration and develop- ment has been due in part to the absence of a proper visualization frame- work that integrates interrelated rock properties data. CGSM is the initial step of a process to define fractured, tight sand and shale producibility models for individual wells, fields and plays. A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets for Exploration and Development Through Integrative Analysis of Clastic Rock Property Fields by Frank Walles P.G. #1980 Advanced Interpretation Consultant Cuttings are often available and now, through the application of the Clastics Graphics Synthesis Model, can be readily used to help identify potential fractured completion zones. A New Method continued on page 36 Figure 1.

A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets for

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October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 35

Amodel and data visualization framework for clastic rock

properties, Clastics Graphic Synthesis Model (CGSM), was

developed to cost-effectively identify

fractured/fracturable, unconventional

targets previously missed within active

and inactive wellbores, fields and plays.

CGSM provides the framework to

empirically interpret under-utilized,

relatively inexpensive X-ray diffraction

data (matrix and cements) from well

cuttings, sidewall cores and cores.

Porosity data, thin section information

(point count) and geochemical data (total organic carbon) are

also integrated into the CGSM model.

The lack of full utilization of X-ray data

for petroleum exploration and develop-

ment has been due in part to the

absence of a proper visualization frame-

work that integrates interrelated rock

properties data. CGSM is the initial step

of a process to define fractured, tight

sand and shale producibility models for

individual wells, fields and plays.

A New Method to Help Identify UnconventionalTargets for Exploration and Development ThroughIntegrative Analysis of Clastic Rock Property Fields

by Frank Walles P.G. #1980Advanced Interpretation Consultant

Cuttings are often available and

now, through the application of

the Clastics Graphics Synthesis

Model, can be readily used to

help identify potential fractured

completion zones. A New Method continued on page 36

Figure 1.

36 Houston Geological Society Bulletin October 2004

A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets continued from page 35 ___________________________

Petroleum geoscientists are increasingly faced with identifying

unconventional/overlooked targets within active and inactive

fields and plays, sometimes with complex data sets, or with

limited data sets. These targets are often fractured carbonates,

fracturable, tight sands, and fractured shales.

Identifying open fracture systems or fracturable zones within

reservoirs can be difficult and expensive, and many new tech-

nologies ranging from borehole imaging to 4-D seismic are now


The conventional approach for direct/indirect detection of fractures

utilizes wellbore wireline tools including video, image logs (FMI,

FMS), whole cores, sidewall cores, full wave sonic and tempera-

ture logs. Each of these tools has limitations.

X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from well cuttings, sidewall cores and

cores is an often overlooked and under-utilized for several reasons.

A primary factor is the lack of a rock properties field framework

to synthesize and analyze this detailed data set. This article will

provide this framework. Another factor is that the project geosci-

entist often overlooks XRD data because it is often requested by

another project team member, such as the reservoir engineer,

petrophysicist or petrographer, for observational determinations—

such as reservoir fluid compatibility or capillary entry pressure


The CGSM approachThe CGSM provides a technique to assist in the identification of

brittle zones occurring within the reservoir. The purpose of this

rock properties model is to help identify zones with the highest

potential for fractured reservoir development. The focus is on

physical rock properties and their susceptibility to brittle rock


The CGSM (Figure 1) graphically illustrates the multi-dimen-

sional fields for fractured reservoir potential through the rock

property inter-relationships with derived axes of percent and

type of cementation, rock composition (through ternary-based

QFL diagrams), and by percent


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A New Method continued on page 41

Figure 2.

October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 41

fine matrix material. Capillary entry pressure and rock mechani-

cal data are also directly inferred from this model.

The advantage of the CGSM is integration of XRD data (actual

physical rock properties) with porosity and permeability (P&P)

data and thin section point count data. XRD data and thin-

section point count data can be readily obtained from cuttings,

cores or sidewall cores. Because well cuttings are often available,

the derived data can be readily used to help identify potential

completion zones.

Most unconventional, fractured plays are not simple petroleum

systems. In these types of plays, industry often implements pilot

programs that are utilized to gather data as well as to experiment

with the most effective completion programs.


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A New Method continued on page 43

A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets continued from page 36 ___________________________

Figure 3a.

Figure 3b.

October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 43

A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets continued from page 41 ___________________________

A number of controlling factors (ellipses of focus) make a well,

field or play economically viable. This approach will build upon

the initial focus of this article—the investigation of the inferred

rock properties fields that can be derived from the traditional

cost- effective data sets such as thin sections, XRD (matrix and

cement), porosity and basic geochemical data.

The Producibility Model PerspectiveAs a first-order understanding for the basis and origin of

unconventional targets, the field and play data sets need to be

integrated and synthesized to determine the primary driving

factors that define a field or play’s hydrocarbon producibility.

A useful approach involves the building of producibility mod-

els for shale gas and tight gas sands. A producibility model

defines the ellipses of critical drivers within a well, field or

hydrocarbon play.

An illustrated producibility model (Figure 2) can be useful

because primary drivers are visually highlighted and therefore

prioritized within the petroleum systems analysis. Developing a

competitive edge within a field or play requires recognition of the

underlying driver and therefore requires an increased effort to

prioritize the understanding of those drivers or combination of

drivers. Understanding the rock property heterogeneity and how

it is controlled is also an element of the producibilty model.

Within combination fractured shale gas and fractured/

fracturable tight sand systems the identification of brittle zones

as well as non-brittle zones is important. Non-brittle zones often

form the seals that retain the economically recoverable gas satu-

rations occurring in the brittle zones. Seal zones are also critical

for managing the fracture stimulation programs whereby vertical

fracture growth is inhibited and horizontal fracture growth is

developed within the more brittle reservoirs.

Seal zones (typically more ductile shales) within shale and tight

sand targets may have a simple key XRD derived factor such as

calcite percent being greater than 5%. Reviewing the XRD data

carefully and calibrating to log information is an important part

of understanding particular drivers in wells, fields and play

trends. The CGSM is designed to visually bring out these compo-

sitional variations from the XRD data with inferences to

potential seal or reservoir rock.


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A New Method continued on page 45

Figure 4.

October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 45

Another critical factor within shale gas systems is the variability

of adsorbed gas. Adsorbed—or bound gas (vs. free gas)—is often

a function of total organic carbon within the shales. The

methane or longer chain hydrocarbons preferentially adsorb

(through weak Van der Waal forces) to the surfaces of available

carbon atoms within the system. Adsorbed gas content within

shales often varies from 10 to 100 standard cubic feet/ton

(scf/ton) depending upon percent TOC.

Increased percent TOC typically influences the brittleness of the

shale section inversely. Therefore within the producibilty model

it is located on the opposite side of the ellipse associated with

brittleness. The percent TOC is included in the CGSM as part of

the percent fine matrix axes.

Building the CGSMThe initial data focus for building the framework of the CGSM

includes developing knowledge of where a particular sample fits

within the standard quartz, feldspar. lithics or labiles (QFL)

ternary diagram. The QFL ternary diagram and rock classifica-

tion framework were initially developed by Dott (1964) and

further refined by Raymond (1995) and others. The basic Dott

framework for sedimentary rocks is still valid and serves as a

long-lived, basic siliciclastic classification system. To the QFL

ternary diagram Dott added a percent fine matrix axis. The

CGSM builds upon this original classification by adding another

axis: the cementation axis

Many sandstone classification systems have since been proposed (50

since 1955). However, the Dott/Raymond series appears to be the

most basic and compelling for siliciclastic sediments. Lindsey (1999)

published an evaluation of many such classifications and included

an analysis utilizing variation scattergrams for classifications.

Another reason the QFL ternary diagram has been utilized by

geoscientists is that it can be used to interpret provenance of the

clastic sediments. Understanding provenance helps predict

subsurface diagenesis and maturity level of the clastic sedimentary

rock sample. The ternary diagrams (Figures 3a and 3b) illustrate

two concepts—the first, the provenance inferences, and the

second, the subsurface diagenesis models illustrating the effects

associated with subsurface diagenetic fluids (carboxylic- and

carbonic acid enriched fluids).

The position of the data within the CGSM is referenced within

the ternary diagram with respect A New Method continued on page 46


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getsA New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets continued from page 43 ___________________________

Figure 5.

46 Houston Geological Society Bulletin October 2004

A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets continued from page 45 ___________________________

to the total percent of the rock sample of each of the QFL com-

ponents. The data utilized should be consistently used between

wells or field areas. A good approach is to utilize thin-section

point count data if possible. If that is not available, the XRD data

can be utilized to determine related cement volume among QFL

percentages. For quartz, silica cement would be added. For

feldspar, feldspar-related cements (i.e. illite and smectite, kaolin-

ite) would be included. Most other cements (i.e. pyrite, calcite,

dolomite, ankerite, and siderite) would be included within the

lithics proportion.

Silica cement is most susceptible to brittle failure without rapid

re-precipitation and re-cementation. Enrichment in primary and

secondary quartz or silica cement is often associated with the

optimized fractured shales and tight sandstones reservoirs.

In the subsurface, multiple processes can affect the precipitation

of secondary quartz cement. Styolite surfaces are often good indi-

cators of significant alteration and re-precipitation of these

quartz cement fabrics within normal-pressured environments.

Within hydrocarbon-generated geopressured environments the

inhibition of significant grain-to-grain contact and resulting lack

of dissolution often reduce the volume of silica cementation.

This will be reflected within the CGSM and will indicate a posi-

tion within a less ideal brittleness field.

Figure 3b illustrates the most common diagenetic pathways for

specific fields of rock suites with subsurface diagenesis. The

prevailing mechanism for this alteration is the introduction of

acids, both direct and indirect, from kerogen catagenesis and


The acidic character of subsurface diagenetic fluids are most

often influenced by inorganic and organic acids created from

kerogen maturation (Surdam et al., 1984). Each kerogen type

produces a specific suite of carboxylic and carbonic acids for

each maturation level. Each of these acids degrades specific rock

components. (Surdam. et al., 1993). Therefore, timing of occur-

rence of these acids within the subsurface system affects the

timing of rock brittleness characteristics. The full producibility

model should take into account these critical timing elements

Degree of cementation within a clastic rock is a critical compo-

nent of the rock properties associated with its strength. The

CGSM utilizes this cementation component as a separate axis.

The cementation axis is defined by the percent reduction of the

original pore fabric by cements. Figure 4 illustrates this axis and

the empirical formula utilized.

Thin-section analysis can also provide information about cemen-

tation history and sequence timing for the development of

brittleness rock property characteristics. Cementation history


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Figure 6.

October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 47

within fracture zones is especially useful. Fluid inclusion analyses,

as well as isotope evaluations, are additional data sets that can be

incorporated into the producibility model.

The percent fine matrix axis of the CGSM (Figure 5) is utilized to

differentiate the mud matrix (percent fines) and the grain size

matrix. When a clastic sedimentary rock varies from a pure grain

(0% fine matrix) composition to a mixed composition (varied

percent fine matrix) to a pure fine matrix rock (pure shale –

100% fines), the rock changes from an isotropic material (by

grains) to an anisotropic material (mixed grains) and then to an

isotropic material (all fine grains), respectively. This does affect

the strength of the material. The apparent change in rock

strength is characterized by varying values of Young’s modulus E.

The need to characterize changes in rock strength as a function

of anistropy is the basis for the importance of percent fine matrix

axis of the CGSM.

When the three basic elements of the CGSM are integrated (the

ternary QFL diagram, the cementation axis and the percent fine

maxtrix axis), the expected brittleness field can plotted with

respect to each of these axes. The “Best Properties Field for

Fractured Reservoirs” defines the rock property suite that has the

greatest inferred rock strength and resulting potential for main-

taining brittle behavior in the subsurface. Figure 6 illustrates this

field and the combination of axes, creating the framework of the


Illustrating the visual position of data points within the CGSM is

best handled by use of “tadpoles” (Figure 7). Geoscientists have

successfully utilized the tadpole concept in dipmeter logs.

However, within the CGSM, the tail of each of the tadpoles is

placed at the tie point to the plane created from the cementation

axis and the percent fine matrix axis. The “head” of the tadpole

lies in the position referenced within the associated QFL ternary

diagram that is placed at the end tail location. Figure 7 illustrates

the position of a series of tadpoles within the CGSM model and

how their position are illustrated with respect to the Best

Properties Field for Fractured Reservoirs.

SummaryThe GCSM is a novel visualization tool that utilizes data previ-

ously not effectively utilized in identification of targets within

fractured shales and fracturable tight sands. The purpose of this

rock property model is to help visually identify zones with the

highest potential for fractured reservoir development.

The model graphically illustrates the multi-dimensional fields

for fractured reservoir potential through the rock property inter-

relationships with derived axes of percent and type of

cementation, by rock composition


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A New Method continued on page 49

Figure 7.

October 2004 Houston Geological Society Bulletin 49


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getsA New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets continued from page 47 ___________________________


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(through ternary based QFL diagrams) and by percent fine

matrix material. This model utilizes QFL ternary diagrams in

multi-dimensional space so that primary inter-related data can

first be mapped and then layered into additional planes.

The advantage of the CGSM is integration of XRD data and thin

section data with P&P data from cuttings, cores or sidewall cores.

Cuttings are often available and now through the application of

CGSM, can be readily used to help identify potential fractured

completion zones. Alternatively, rock mechanical data usually

require whole core or sidewall core material and are often much

more expensive to obtain. ■

Biographical SketchFRANK WALLES is a geological consultant specializing in advanced

interpretation techniques encompassing petroleum systems

evaluations, producibility model development, and identification

of missed completions. International and domestic corporate

experience has included Tenneco Oil Company, British Gas E&P,

Union Pacific Resources, Anadarko Petroleum, Kerr McGee,

as well as joint venture teams with Shell and Mobil. He can be

contacted at [email protected].

BibliographyDott, R.H. Jr., 1964, Wacke, greywacke, and matrix—what approach to

immature sandstone classification? Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 34, p.


Lindsey, D.A., 1999, An evaluation of alternative chemical classifications of

sandstones, USGS Open File Report, 99-346.

Raymond, 1995, Petrology: The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

Rocks, Wm. C. Brown Communications Inc., Chicago, 742 p.

Surdam R.C., Boese, S.W. and Crossey, L.J., 1984, The chemistry of secondary

porosity, in McDonald, D.A. and Surdam, R.C. eds., Clastic Diagenesis, Amer.

Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Memoir 37, p. 127–150.

Surdam R.C, Jiao, Z.S. and MacGowan, D.B. 1993, Redox reactions involving

hydrocarbons and mineral oxidants, a mechanism for significant porosity

enhancement in sandstones, American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Bulletin, v 77, p. 1509–1518.