A NEW AND EXCITING AND WONDERFUL WATERLESS BAPTISM new and... · 2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 3 ... for here Paul is writing ... your left hand and one

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Thought for the book taken from the

Message delivered on January 18, 2015

Dawsonville, Georgia U.S.A.

©2015 by Ben Howard

All rights reserved. This book cannot be sold,

nor in any way be used for the soliciting of funds.

All scripture quotations are taken from

the King James Version Bible

Published by the Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.


[email protected]



First of all, I want to greet each one of you in the name of our

Lord Jesus Christ. Please turn in the Word of God to 1

Corinthians, Chapter 12; we are reading in Verses 12 and 13. The

title of the message is, A New and Exciting and Wonderful Waterless

Baptism. That’s quite a title, isn’t it? A waterless baptism; no

water involved. So let us just give thanks to the Lord in a word

of prayer.

Heavenly Father, we come thanking you, and praising you, and

giving you honor for leading us and guiding us up to this point, just

before the translation of the saints. Lord, I pray that you will help us

to be all that you have ordained for us to be. And, Lord, help us to be

obedient to thy Spirit, the anointing, as we minister the Word. I pray

that you will also bless the hearers; may each one receive that which

you are giving for the glory of God, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray.


So we will be talking about a baptism here that no man can

perform. I realize that some of you might not have heard about

a waterless baptism before, but you are going to today. We are

reading in 1 Corinthians 12:12-13. It says, “For as the body is one,

and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being

many, are one body: so also is Christ. (Now we are not talking about

Jesus here; we are talking about Christ, which is the anointing.)

For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body (There’s our

waterless baptism.), whether we be Jews or Gentiles (That doesn’t

matter.), whether we be bond or free (And that doesn’t matter.); and

have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” Yes, we are baptized

into that spiritual water. This is the same type of water that Jesus

Christ was talking about when He said in the Book of John 7:37-

39, “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried,

saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 2

believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow

rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that

believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given;

because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)” So we have read about

being baptized into the body of Christ and rivers of living water

flowing out of you, and it’s not natural water in either case. But

it is scriptural spiritual water that we are baptized into and it is

this spiritual water that we are drinking as the scripture clearly


Now let’s go on to Verse 14 in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12. It

says, “For the body is not one member, but many.” There is a good

lesson to learn in this scripture. Recently, someone made a

statement about an individual, saying, “This man is actually

Christ in the earth.” That statement has an uncertain sound to

it, because the body is not one member. There is no one person

that can say, “I am Christ,” other than our Lord Jesus Christ,

who became the Christ when He was anointed. But it takes all

of us together to be the body of Christ, which is the wife that’s

baptized into His body; thus making all of us together the Christ

in the earth, the wife of the Lamb. We find this in Verse 27; it

says, “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.”

Members (plural); that simply means no one person alone can

be scripturally called the body of Christ, which is now known as

the wife of the Lamb. So together we give praise and honor to

Him, our Husband and King, and He in return honors His lovely


In the Book of Revelation 11:15 it talks about the Lord and His

Christ, saying, “And the seventh angel sounded, and there was war

in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms

of our Lord and his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Here

we see the King and His Queen, all of us together. And there’s

not any big I’s and little you’s in the body; although each

member has a different function to fulfill. But when it is all said

and done, one member is just as important as the other. Paul

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continues in Verse 15 of 1 Corinthians 12:15, “If the foot shall say,

Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of

the body?” Then in Verse 21, “And the eye cannot say unto the hand,

I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of

you.” Paul is saying that we are one in Christ, and we are

baptized by one Spirit into the one body of Christ. Now that is

the wife who is also the body of Christ. In this hour of the

sounding of this last trump it’s all the same.

In Revelation, Chapter 10, Christ came down (not the man

Jesus Christ) in the form of the Mighty Angel, and that is the

body that we have been baptized into, thus becoming the end

time Christ. I want you to notice, I’m not speaking of the gift of

the Holy Ghost; although the Holy Ghost was Christ in the first

leg of His Spiritual coming, which was first seen on the day of

Pentecost (Acts 2:1-8). Here I want to say that the Holy Ghost

alone is not enough to be the living wife of the Lamb, because

there are two legs of the spiritual coming of the Lord. There’s

one foot on sea and one on land; this is the fullness of Christ, and

that wasn’t to be until now as we have arrived at the very end

time. This spiritual coming is what Paul was prophesying about

in Ephesians 4:13, saying it would be a certain way till we reach

the fullness of the man Christ Jesus. And the fullness of Christ

is both legs of His Spiritual coming. That’s when we get the

understanding of Ephesians 4:5; for here Paul is writing about

the one important baptism for the end time. And by revelation

we get the understanding that he is not writing about water

baptism from this point; but spiritual baptism into the fullness

of Christ, which has become available to us (the living part of

the His wife) at this time. This baptism was not previously

available, so the members of His wife that have already departed

in death will also get all that the living part has obtained at this

time of fullness, because they went into the grave looking for it

and believing for it, and now here it is. They overcame with the

hope of being the wife, and God didn’t disappoint them.

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So I am in Ephesians, Chapter 4, and I want to read just this

one verse here. It’s a short verse, one that we can know by heart.

Paul says, Verse 5, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” One

baptism; now what is this one baptism? Is it water baptism? No.

When we look at this subject of baptism, here we find Paul was

talking about a baptism that didn’t involve water. Also, looking

to the time of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, He spoke about

baptism in a way that would not require any water. For when

the mother of two of the disciples asked Jesus for a favor, saying,

“Lord, I have a request of you; I want one of my sons to sit on

your left hand and one of them to sit on your right hand,” Jesus

bypassed the mother and looked at her sons and said to them,

“Can you be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized

with?” He was referring to the baptism of persecution and

death. And they said, “Yes.” Then Jesus said, “You will indeed

be baptized with this baptism. But to sit on my right hand and

left hand is not for me to give.” Here we are showing that many

times baptism doesn’t refer to water at all. However, when we

begin searching the scriptures on the natural physical water

baptism, we don’t have to look any further back than to John’s

baptism. John is credited with the introduction of water baptism

as he was the first to baptize the people. But as John was

pointing them to water, he was also pointing them to a greater

baptism in the Spirit.

In Acts 1:4-5, it says, “And, (Jesus Christ) being assembled

together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from

Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye

have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be

baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” In Acts, Chapter

2, the Holy Ghost came upon and into the Jewish believers. Then

when those of the Jewish nations heard and saw what was

happening, the predestinated amongst them wanted this same

Holy Ghost. Here is the Apostle Peter introducing water

baptism as an outward sign to the Jews, saying to them that their

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sins would be remitted if they believed upon the Lord Jesus

Christ and were baptized in His name; and it happened just as

Peter said. (Acts 2:38)

First they were baptized in water by the hands of the apostles,

and then they were baptized by Christ Jesus with the Holy

Ghost. Then they went forth as a witness of the resurrection of

our Lord Jesus Christ. And when it came over to the Gentiles,

they picked up the same gospel that the Jews preached there on

the day of Pentecost, which was relating to receiving the baptism

of the Holy Ghost. But as we will see later on in this message,

there would come a time in God’s plan that just receiving the

Holy Ghost would not be enough; for after the Mighty Angel

came down from heaven there is more. And now in order to be

the wife it takes receiving the fullness of Christ; and that’s both

legs of His Spiritual coming as seen in Revelation, Chapter 10.

And as a prelude to the introduction of this end time working,

God sent us the prophet, Brother William Branham, with a

message to the seventh church age, who (first of all)

spearheaded a great revival of much healing and many miracles.

This messenger then finished the mystery of the church ages and

the seven seals. This was necessary in order for the wife to see

the whole picture of how we arrived at this end time move of

God as is contained in the scripture. Now we can believe and

not be ashamed. (Romans 10:11)

Here’s what happened. First there was a great revival called

the ‘Holy Ghost deliverance revival,’ which started in the 1940’s

and came on through the 1950’s; but by the time we got into the

1960’s it began to die away. This was a time when there was

much healing and speaking in tongues and rejoicing. And by

this time, many of the Pentecostal people had picked up the

doctrine that unless you spoke with tongues you didn’t have the

Holy Ghost. And in some circles that is still taught even to this

day. But those that heard the seventh church age messenger

were enlightened to the fact that they were in error, and they

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forsook that teaching and accepted truth. It was during the latter

1950’s and early 1960’s that the messenger began to point us to

Revelation, Chapter 10, as a chapter that would be very

important in the time of the spiritual coming of Christ. The

messenger connected us with what the Apostle Paul wrote about

the coming of the Lord, and he began to tell us how it would be

at the end time. He sent us back to Paul’s writings who

explained to us many revelations about the saints that had gone

before us; telling us that they would rise from the dead and how

that the living would be changed before the catching away


I want to bring in some of the things in Paul’s writings of just

how it would be at the time these things came into being. Many

began to get troubled as time kept going beyond what they had

planned. So in 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2, Paul began to show

that certain things were to take place before this event would

happen. That’s recorded in Verse One and 2, “Now we beseech

you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our

gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be

troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as

that the day of Christ is at hand.” Many of the saints thought the

Lord was coming in Paul’s very day. But Paul began to show

them that it couldn’t take place right then because something had

to happen (which now has already happened). He said in Verse

3, “Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come,

except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed,

the son of perdition:” Now that has already happened, showing

unto us that the rapturing of the wife will take place soon.

Here Paul felt it was necessary to enlighten us more about the

man of sin in Verses 4 and 5, saying, “Who opposeth and exalteth

himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as

God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (He

is picking this up from the Book of Daniel here.) Remember ye

not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?” Paul

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reminds them of what has been said, “Don’t you remember what

I told you? Have you forgotten? Have you let it slip your mind?

Just look at yourselves; you’re troubled. You’re all tore up.”

And they were, because many of the saints had died and gone

on. Paul had told them about this in 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 4,

how that the dead would be raised first and then we would be

changed. But they were troubled, so he is writing and telling

them about how there would be a resurrection and how it would

all happen, letting them know that their dead loved ones would

raise before the rapture. Then Verse 6 says, “And now ye know

what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.” Paul was

saying, “There’s something holding this thing back.”

There were two events that had to happen before the man of

sin could be revealed. Number one, the whole Gentile world

had to reject Christ (the Word) after God warned them to repent

through the mouth of the prophet, William Branham, at the end

of the Gentile age. (And they would not repent.) Number 2, the

man of sin could not be revealed until Christ, the Mighty Angel,

came to earth after the church ages rejected God. At this time,

God called His Son’s bride out of that last church age to give

unto them the pure Word—those that would love it and move

on with the revelation of it as they heard this last trumpet

message that has now gotten us married to the Lamb. Both of

these events has now happened. So now the antichrist is

revealed. And our marriage has taken place. Watch this. There

is now on earth a people who have been baptized into the spirit

of iniquity and are one with the man of sin in their marriage to

him. Also, now we have been married to our Lord Jesus Christ

by being baptized into the fullness of Christ. We are bone of His

bone and flesh of His flesh by being joined unto Him and having

the fullness of His Spirit. And since we have been married to

Him, there’s nothing to hold back this spirit of iniquity as it

manifests itself in the man of sin. Now, since we have been

married to our Lord Jesus by our spiritual baptism into the body

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of Christ, all this false religious world is baptized into the spirit

of the antichrist and has become one with it, thus becoming the

wife of Satan. (Revelation 17:1-7)

Now in Verse 7, Paul is telling the saints about how the man of

sin is going to be revealed and also about that which witholdeth.

“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: (That’s what he told

them when he met the elders in Acts, Chapter 20, “When I am

gone, men will rise up.”) only he who now letteth will let (In other

words, “You don’t have to yield to that spirit of iniquity. You

can stand right firm for the Word of God.” But then watch what

he says. This is a very important verse here. He who now letteth

will let until – watch until.), until he be taken out of the way.” Now

the mystery of iniquity cannot fully work until ‘the restraining

power’ (the Spirit of God) be taken out of the way. The Holy

Ghost power for a Holy Ghost revival has now been lifted.

So the Holy Ghost has been holding this thing back. And it

couldn’t happen while the Holy Ghost revival was going on and

while people had a heart towards God. While God’s Spirit was

here in that manner, the man of sin could not be revealed. There

was a restraining power. The man of sin could not be revealed

until ‘only he who will now letteth,’ until he (the Spirit of God)

be taken out of the way, then he turns it over to the antichrist.

That’s what Paul is saying, and it has become very clear to the

wife. Now, I want to say something, “In this hour that we are

now living in, please wake up and open your eyes. Look

around; the revival is over, except for in the body of Christ,

which is soon to be raptured.

Back in the 1950’s and coming into the 1960’s I could put up a

tent and have a meeting almost anywhere, and people came out

and many ran to the altar and repented. But now that spirit of

conviction is lifted and gone. Since this revival spirit lifted, the

antichrist has come on the scene and sealed the wedding with

his wife. Now watch as we read. Verse 8, “And then shall that

Wicked be revealed,” When? When the Holy Ghost is taken out of

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the way; when God takes the Holy Spirit anointing away.

Understand here that we are not saying that no one can be saved

or anything of that nature. But ‘the day of whosoever will, let

him come’ is now seen only in the days of past history. This is

because the spirit of revival is taken away. “And then shall that

Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his

mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:”

Verse 9 says, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan

with all power and signs and lying wonders,” Now watch; listen to

the Word. Verse 10, “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness

in them that perish; (Notice, the same thing that caused the man

of sin to be revealed is the same thing that caused people to reject

the things of God.) because they received not the love of the truth,

that they might be saved.” God said there would come a condition

that would cause the Holy Spirit to be lifted off the people.

There is an environment amongst the people that allows this to

happen, because they don’t love truth to begin with. This

condition foreshadows the opening of the bottomless pit as

spoken of in the Book of Revelation 9:1-12. The door is open in

part here, as it says in the Book of Revelation that an angel comes

down from heaven and is given a key and he opens the

bottomless pit and there will be locusts come out on the face of

the earth. It is demons going forth. And then in the middle of

the week, Satan will be cast out of heaven and into the earth to

take over, and he will do basically as he pleases for that

tribulation period until God stops him in his tracks at the coming

of ‘the Lord and His Christ.’ But before Satan can do his damage

in the earth to God’s natural people Israel, he has to deal with

Michael and his angels.

The Book of Revelation talks about it, and also the Book of

Daniel. The Book of Revelation says, “There was (is) a war in

heaven. Michael and his angels fought against Satan and his

angels. (Revelation, Chapter 12) And Satan prevailed not and

neither was his place found in heaven anymore, but he is cast

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down into the earth, knowing that he had but a short time to

work.” He works with great wrath. And what you are seeing

now in this pope (man of sin) that looks so good and so sweet is

not going to last. Just watch; he’s going to turn into a real

monster in the days ahead of us and begin to persecute the saints

and cause them to be put to death for not accepting his ways,

especially his liberal theology. Again, Paul is saying that the

Holy Spirit will be taken away and then the man of sin will come

and do his thing. And it is already happening.

Verse 11 says, “And for this cause (Now watch.) God shall send

them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” They can’t help

it. Why? You might ask, “Would God really send them strong

delusion?” Yes. Now let’s ask ourselves, “Why?” Because they

love not the truth that they might be saved. And because they

don’t love it they reject it; that’s why God has let a strong

delusion come upon them and they believe the lies of this spirit

as it has embedded itself in modern religion; and they all will be

damned in the end. Remember the Spirit has been lifted because

they received not the love of the truth, and another spirit came

right in (the spirit of delusion) and they believed the lie that this

man of sin is Christ, the anointed of God. And that is the day

and the hour that we are living in.

So while the Lord Jesus Christ has married us (who are the

wise virgins of Matthew 25:1-13) by spiritual baptism into His

body, for this cause we have become one with Him, His flesh

and bones, as His one and only beloved wife. At this time the

antichrist has sealed the vows with his wife as she willingly

yields herself to him in marriage; she is the great whore that has

become his wife. (Revelation 17:6)

Well, the point I am making here is that the Holy Ghost came

on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached, “Repent, and be

baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the

remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost;”

and there was a great time of revival in and around Jerusalem.

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But sadly it only lasted for a few years before the Jewish church

began to fall away. And then the Gentiles which had accepted

the gospel of the revelation of the Holy Ghost had a revival for

a few years also and then they fell away. From here the Jewish

church (for the most part) went back under the Law of Moses as

they fell from their Holy Ghost first love. And as the Gentile

church did likewise, they went into the church ages, and Christ

Jesus said, “Thou art fallen from thy first love.” Then after this,

the Holy Ghost wasn’t even seen anymore like it was in the Book

of Acts. But we do see Christ Jesus as High Priest walking

among the seven candlesticks, making intercession through the

long time of the church ages of about two thousand years.

(Revelation, Chapters One through Three)

So what we are learning today is that after this it came time for

God to begin to restore the church back to what it was at the

beginning. He restored back the doctrine of the Word, as well

as the Spirit of the Word. This included restoring the baptism of

the Holy Ghost as it was at the beginning. This restoration

started in 1906 in the city of Los Angeles, California. That’s

when it began to make a big impact on the world. And although

there were a few isolated cases before then, it did not make a

lasting impact until this time as the people began to pray and

seek God and they began to speak with tongues. And as they

looked back in the Word they said, “The Bible says to speak with

tongues.” Then it was on down the road, maybe ten or twelve

years later, people began to say, “In Bible days, they baptized

using the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, instead of saying,

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” That’s when the Jesus name

people began to baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Then the trinity folks began to persecute them for their new

revelation, but they stayed with the Word; although they kept

their doctrine that one had to speak with tongues as proof that

they had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost; and some

Pentecostals still teach that even to this day.

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Paul in speaking of the Holy Ghost said that there would come

a day when He will be taken out of the way. This is speaking of

the Holy Ghost being lifted, which was providing the Spirit for

the people to have respect for God and His Word. Another way

of showing this is the fact that the gospel angel leaves the Gentile

world and is seen of John coming into Jerusalem, bringing the

Spirit of revival to Israel; just as this gospel left Israel and came

into the Gentiles in the days of Paul. This in no way means that

an individual who is born again will lose the Holy Ghost or that

someone God is dealing with as an individual is cut off from

receiving salvation. But there has been another spirit that has

been turned loose, and that spirit works in that fallen realm with

all deceivableness. For God has sent a strong delusion, and the

reason He sent a strong delusion is because they didn’t love the

truth that they might be saved. Do you see how important it is

to love the truth? The Holy Spirit has been lifted in this hour;

especially on the fallen Gentile church as well as this world. But

even in this sad condition, the wife is baptized into the body of

Christ and has become the wife of the Lamb.

Now we understand that an important thing has happened in

this last day as we have witnessed the first leg of His spiritual

coming being restored back. God did this just before the Mighty

Angel (Christ) came and that completed the two legs of His

spiritual coming. This was for our engagement and marriage.

That’s why we can say we are the wife of the Lamb. Please

remember here that Paul’s part of this was only to get us

engaged for this marriage. And so the engagement had to be re-

instated before our marriage, which is why the first leg had to

be brought back just before our marriage which takes place after

the second leg of His Spiritual coming. So now let us rejoice for

the marriage has taken place! And now the Gentile part of this

body (wife) (Ephesians 2:14-18) has re-introduced this gospel to

the elected in Israel that are ordained to be a part of this last

trumpet message which is to the wife of the Lamb. This is now

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taking place, just before the two prophets of Revelation, Chapter

11, begin to prophesy as the 70th Week of Daniel begins.

When we read about the time that Peter went to the Gentiles’

house (Acts, Chapter 10), we find they were baptized with the

Holy Ghost without any water involved at the beginning,

because while Peter was preaching the Word of God to them, the

Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word. And the

Jewish brethren that came with Peter were so shocked, because

God had baptized these Gentiles with the Holy Ghost just as He

did the Jews on the day of Pentecost. So what could they say,

except to give them the instruction that Peter gave on the day of

Pentecost. So he asked the brethren that came with him, “Can

any man forbid water that these should be baptized?”

Remember here that they had already received a waterless

baptism, see, so the brethren took them and baptized them in

water. But Paul taught that in the end time there was going to

come another baptism that was going to be so great; for we

would be baptized into Christ, becoming the very body of

Christ, the wife of the Lamb. He didn’t teach, “You’ve got to be

baptized in water to get this.” It’s the same thing in this hour,

because baptism for us in this hour is similar to what

circumcision was to the Jewish believers. For some of the Jews

were saying, “You’ve got to be circumcised or you can’t be

saved.” (Acts 15:1)

Paul told us that circumcision was a type of the cutting away

of the flesh, and among other things is a reminder of where

having trouble in the flesh usually begins. The Catholic Church

tried to deal with the subject of having trouble in the flesh by

forbidding their priests and nuns to marry in order to stay clear

of the sacred relationship that God ordained for only man and

woman in marriage. Paul said, “It is the circumcision of your

heart that is important.” In other words, get the lust out of your

heart and you won’t have any trouble with your flesh. The

circumcision of the flesh has nothing to do with it. Circumcision

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in that day was similar to water baptism in this day after we

have come out of the church ages. Paul said in 1 Corinthians

1:17, “God did not send me to baptize, but He sent me to preach

the gospel.” Paul brought us revelation about a baptism that was

greater than water baptism, because he said when you are

baptized into the body of Christ, you become a member of His

body. You are part of Him; you’re His flesh and bones! And

then he says in 1 Corinthians 6:17, “He that is joined to the Lord

is one Spirit.” You’re a member of the body of Christ, and since

we have Christ in us, we’ve been created and made new.

Ephesians 4:22-24, “That ye put off concerning the former

conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful

lusts. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind: And that ye put on

the new man (being baptized into His body), which after God is

created in righteousness and true holiness.”

I’ve been in services where the Spirit of God would move and

almost everybody would seem to be slayed under the anointing.

I’ve seen them laying in the floor quivering and shaking in the

Pentecostal revival. Well, that’s what they did on the day of

Pentecost. They really got baptized. But here we are talking

about a double portion, more than just getting baptized with the

Holy Ghost; because we are dead and our lives are hid with

Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3) And the Word says that we are

translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son. (Colossians 1:13)

This is only for the wife in this hour. This is the last will and

testament of Christ the wife. For where a testament is, there

must also of necessity be the death of the testator. Therefore, we

stand whole-heartily with Paul on his statement, “We are dead

and our life is hid with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3) Then in

Romans 6:7-8 it says, “For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if

we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.” A

testament is of force after men are dead; now because we receive

the full results of what Jesus Christ did at Calvary, the law of the

Spirit of life goes into force on our lives when we are dead and

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 15

our life is hid with Christ in God. Otherwise, it is of no

strength—unless there is a death. We overcome death because

we died with Christ and now ‘live with Him’ goes into force.

This is according to Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ:

nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which

I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved

me, and gave himself for me.” Then in Revelation, Chapter 7, it

shows the saints of the tribulation period have to give their lives

to activate their last will and testament to bring it into force.

So what I’m saying here is that if you are filled with the Holy

Ghost in this hour, the next step for you is to be baptized into

the body of Christ by receiving the revelation of this last trump

message; then along with all the other members you will see the

same thing in the Word. That is going beyond Ephesians 4:13.

It is said that the church will be this way till we reach the fullness

of the stature of the man Christ Jesus. This makes the waterless

baptism simple to see by revelation; and again, the natural water

baptism becomes similar to what circumcision was in Paul’s

day, because there if you were circumcised that was all right and

if you weren’t it was all right. So here’s how it was in the

beginning. Sometimes they were baptized first in water, and

then received the Holy Ghost. Then at other times they received

the Holy Ghost, and then were baptized in water. But now, not

any of that matters as we are talking about a waterless baptism.

Keep in mind that God didn’t send Paul to baptize. He’s the one

that began to prophesy about another baptism, and now we

have it.

Now here’s one thing I want you to notice. Paul was sent to

call out a people to eventually become the wife of the Lord Jesus

Christ. And they would come from both the Jews and from the

Gentiles. The wife comes from all nations. And being baptized

with natural water is not mandatory in this hour of taking and

eating the little book to be the wife of the Lamb. But being

baptized into the body is a necessity to put you inside the body

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 16

(inside Christ). In Ephesians, Chapter 2, Paul began to tell about

the making of a new man (that’s the body of Christ). Ephesians

2:14-16 says, “For he is our peace, who hath made both one (Jews and

Gentiles), and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between

us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of

commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of

twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both

unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby;”

What brings us into one body? There is a message! It brings our

minds, our hearts, and our souls together. That’s what the

waterless baptism is all about. Verses 17-18 says, “And came and

preached peace to you which were afar off (Gentiles), and to them that

were nigh (Jews). For through him we both have access by one Spirit

unto the Father.”

Now I want to go to 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10, to show you

about another baptism. I’m telling you about a new exciting and

wonderful waterless baptism. That’s the baptism for the wife.

Even in the Old Testament as Moses brought the children of

Israel through the wilderness, they also had a waterless baptism.

They didn’t baptize a single person in water, but they were

baptized unto Moses by a message. Verses 1-4 says, “Moreover,

brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our

fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; (Now

watch.) And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;

(Moses brought them through the sea on dry ground and

through the wilderness where there was a cloud by day and fire

by night throughout the entire journey. They came through the

wilderness but there was no water baptism seen.) And did all eat

the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for

they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: And that Rock

was Christ.” Now watch. They were baptized unto Moses; and

there wasn’t one baptismal service ever done.

John was the first one that came baptizing. And Jesus said,

“John came baptizing with water.” Acts 1:4, “And, being

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 17

assembled together with them (that’s Jesus meeting with the

disciples), commanded them that they should not depart from

Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye

have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be

baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” Now being

baptized with water and being baptized with the Holy Ghost are

two different things. And the baptism of the Holy Ghost was

leading up to the baptism into the body of Christ. By one Spirit

we are all baptized into the body of Christ; meaning we have

been put into the body of Christ.

Now you can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost and even

believe in a trinity. Most folks I knew that claimed to have the

Holy Ghost believed in a trinity. Most of them belonged to a

denomination. Now some of the Catholics are saying they are

getting the Holy Ghost because they can speak with tongues.

But the Holy Ghost is given to lead us and to guide us into all

truth—to lead us to a place where we are baptized into the body

of Christ and become His wife. There is a marriage that has

taken place. What I’m talking about is not baptism into a church;

that is not marriage to our Lord Jesus. And the Word of God

says, “His wife has made herself ready; and she is clothed in fine

linen clean and white, which is the righteousness of the saints.”

And we depend one hundred percent on His righteousness.

And because we are created in holiness and righteousness, that

is our life; that is what is in us. And by our being baptized into

the body of Christ, we are dead and our life is hid with Christ in


Again, I want to highlight what Colossians 1:13 says, “We have

been translated into the kingdom of light, into the Kingdom of

His dear Son.” That is not what we see out here in the church

world today. That is not what we see among the Pentecostal

people today. Yes, some of them have received a baptism as God

poured out His Spirit. He poured it out for a season to wake up

a people. But now He has lifted it and that left the people

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 18

wondering what has happened. But the wife knew that there

was another step to go on to, but the foolish virgins don’t see it.

There is another step which baptizes one into the body of Christ.

And once we get there, according to the Book of Revelation, we

go no more out; because that is the city Heavenly Jerusalem

that’s in the Book of Revelation, where we go in and we go no

more out. (Revelation 3:12) In other words, we are not in one

day and out the next. That’s what many in this religious world

do today.

Paul tells us that right at the end time the Spirit is lifted, the

man of sin will be revealed. But the Spirit of God will be here to

provide the overcomers with grace to stand in that hour. But for

us there’s Revelation, Chapter 10; the Mighty Angel came down

and brought us the little book that has set our hearts on fire—

and that is our tree of life! We took it from the angel’s hand and

immediately ate it up. All the saints of the other ages ‘ate of it’

in their time period. But we take possession of it. Yes, we take

the little book and eat it up and are translated. We are changed

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, to be caught up to meet

the Lord in the air, just after those that died in the Lord are

resurrected! Amen, this is Christ, who is the wife of our Lord

Jesus Christ. We got baptized with a waterless baptism into the

body of Christ and that shows our marriage to the Lord. This is

where we have one mind; it’s the very mind of our Lord Jesus


Looking at Ephesians 4:13 again, we see that the church was in

the virgin stage coming up through Verses 11 and 12 bringing

us to this place in God’s plan, “Till we all come in the unity of the

faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto

the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:” Now here’s what

we are looking at—the wife expressing all the things that Jesus

Christ would express if He were here as a man. We’ve reached

the fullness of Christ. So if we saw Jesus Christ standing here,

what we are doing and what He would be doing would not be

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 19

different; because we are expressing the fullness of the stature of

the man Christ Jesus. That’s because He sent His Spirit down to

us. That’s when Christ came in Revelation, Chapter 10—the

Mighty Angel roaring! And we are baptized into Him and we

are the very Christ in the earth—just as Paul said, “Ye are the

body of Christ.” He didn’t say that we would type it out, or that

we would look like it. No. He said, “Ye are.” And we have been

baptized into Christ, how? By one Spirit we are baptized; and

that is the waterless baptism. So that out-strips all these other

baptisms. So here again, just like circumcision was, when they

came to Paul’s message, whether they were circumcised or not

didn’t make a bit of difference.

So when it comes to being baptized into the body of Christ,

whether one is baptized in water or not, or whichever way one

may have been baptized, it doesn’t make a bit of difference. For

now it’s a waterless baptism. It’s a message that is sounding

forth. It’s the sounding of the last trumpet. (1 Corinthians 15:51-

52) This is the same as it was with Moses’ group; not a one of

them were baptized in water, but Paul said they were baptized

unto Moses. Read the Old Testament and show me where

anyone was baptized of Moses’ group. No, they believed Moses.

They followed Moses and God brought them through. We don’t

follow a natural man now, but we follow the Lord Jesus Christ,

who is our Moses; and He sets in the church ministers

(leadership) to assist us in our moving into the mind of Christ.

That’s the way we have the very mind of Christ. And we don’t

say, “Well, I don’t know about this.” Well, we have the mind of

Christ, and we do know! It’s not something that we debate. We

are no longer tossed to and fro, and we edify one another in love

as we grow up into Him.

So Christ, the Mighty Angel, came down in Revelation,

Chapter 10; the second leg of the coming, which puts the whole

spiritual body here. He put one foot on sea and one on earth.

“Remember the feet!” That’s what the voice said in the dream

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 20

that I had, “Remember the feet!” When this took place, we

didn’t ask, “Were you baptized in the name of the Father, Son,

and Holy Ghost? Were you sprinkled? Did a priest pat water

on your forehead when you were a little baby?” Well, that’s

what some are still doing now, and it’s all a futile exercise. There

are even some that are baptizing their babies, and there is no

scripture for it. And as far as salvation is concerned, the Holy

Ghost will quicken that seed if there is one in there to quicken.

Otherwise, you get to speak in tongues, you get to shout, you

get to run the isles, you get to roll in the floor (of course, we don’t

see that anymore), but then when He lifts the Spirit off, you go

back and be the same person you were to begin with. I’ve seen

it over and over, through the years.

I’m going to read that in Verse 24 of Ephesians, Chapter 4, one

more time. “And that ye put on the new man, which after God is

created in righteousness and true holiness.” When we were

baptized with our spiritual baptism we were re-created. We are

not the same person as before our baptism. We became a new

creature in Christ Jesus. Remember, Paul didn’t condemn water

baptism, but he said, “God didn’t send me to do that.” He said,

“There is another baptism; and this baptism is a waterless

baptism where we are baptized into the body of Christ.” That is

marriage. That’s when we became bone of His bone and flesh of

His flesh. Amen. A waterless baptism—that is the only one that

counts. Whether someone was baptized in this church or that

church or how they were baptized has nothing to do with it. Just

like you coming in here shouting and dancing in the Spirit; that

has nothing to do with it if it doesn’t get down into your soul

and change your life or if He doesn’t create you a new creature

in righteousness and true holiness.

This is a new and exciting and wonderful waterless baptism

for our day and has brought to pass the marriage. Paul saw it

coming, but the church fell away. But God said, “I will restore.”

He restored it back and brought it back, and not just the first leg

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 21

(the Holy Ghost), but here came the fullness of Christ Himself.

And that is 1 Thessalonians, Chapter 4, “The Lord Himself shall

descend from heaven with a shout.” We know what that is. A

message went forth calling a people out of all religious systems

and churchanity. That was the first phase of His Spiritual

coming. Then the second phase of this coming came with the

voice of the archangel. And now the third phase of the message

is the last trump of God, which is what we are hearing and

reading now. And the dead members of the wife are going to

rise, and we which are alive and remain are going to be changed.

By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. We could say,

“By the baptism of the Holy Ghost ye all spoke with tongues and

went out and formed your churches. But we have been baptized

into the body of Christ; that’s why we have the same mind and

we are not tossed to and fro. We have received our spiritual

baptism and both legs of the spiritual coming of Christ.” Let us


Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word. And I pray that you

will take this Word and that you will use it for your glory. And may

the people receive the things that have been said today as the Holy Spirit

reveals it to each heart and each soul. May each one realize this is a

new exciting wonderful waterless baptism. We thank you now, Lord,

and we praise you. Have your way now with this message. We pray

in Jesus Christ’s wonderful name. Amen.

2015 A New And Exciting And Wonderful Waterless Baptism 22


All sermons by Brother Ben Howard are recorded on Cassette

tape, CD's, DVD's, and Mp3 formats. Also, there is a collection

of published books that are available for download or by

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