Delft University of Technology A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate the effect of healing particles on the overall mechanical response of a self-healing particulate composite Ponnusami, Sathiskumar A.; Krishnasamy, Jayaprakash; Turteltaub, Sergio; van der Zwaag, Sybrand DOI 10.1111/ffe.12929 Publication date 2019 Document Version Final published version Published in Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures Citation (APA) Ponnusami, S. A., Krishnasamy, J., Turteltaub, S., & van der Zwaag, S. (2019). A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate the effect of healing particles on the overall mechanical response of a self-healing particulate composite. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 42(2), 533-545. https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.12929 Important note To cite this publication, please use the final published version (if applicable). Please check the document version above. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download, forward or distribute the text or part of it, without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license such as Creative Commons. Takedown policy Please contact us and provide details if you believe this document breaches copyrights. We will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. This work is downloaded from Delft University of Technology. For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to a maximum of 10.

A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate the effect of healing … · 2019. 3. 29. · A computational fracture analysis is conducted on a self-healing particulate composite

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Page 1: A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate the effect of healing … · 2019. 3. 29. · A computational fracture analysis is conducted on a self-healing particulate composite

Delft University of Technology

A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate the effect of healing particles on theoverall mechanical response of a self-healing particulate composite

Ponnusami, Sathiskumar A.; Krishnasamy, Jayaprakash; Turteltaub, Sergio; van der Zwaag, Sybrand

DOI10.1111/ffe.12929Publication date2019Document VersionFinal published versionPublished inFatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures

Citation (APA)Ponnusami, S. A., Krishnasamy, J., Turteltaub, S., & van der Zwaag, S. (2019). A micromechanical fractureanalysis to investigate the effect of healing particles on the overall mechanical response of a self-healingparticulate composite. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 42(2), 533-545.https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.12929Important noteTo cite this publication, please use the final published version (if applicable).Please check the document version above.

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Page 2: A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate the effect of healing … · 2019. 3. 29. · A computational fracture analysis is conducted on a self-healing particulate composite

Received: 17 July 2018 Revised: 28 August 2018 Accepted: 3 September 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ffe.12929


A micromechanical fracture analysis to investigate theeffect of healing particles on the overall mechanicalresponse of a self-healing particulate composite

Sathiskumar A. Ponnusami1,2 Jayaprakash Krishnasamy1 Sergio Turteltaub1

Sybrand van der Zwaag1

1Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, DelftUniversity of Technology, Delft, TheNetherlands2Solid Mechanics and MaterialsEngineering, Department of EngineeringScience, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

CorrespondenceSathiskumar A. Ponnusami, Faculty of

Aerospace Engineering, Delft Universityof Technology, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS,Delft, The Netherlands.Email: [email protected]

Funding informationDutch Government's IOP Self HealingMaterials , Grant/Award Number:SHM01021; European Union's seventhframework program (FP7) - NMP SAMBAproject , Grant/Award Number: 309849


A computational fracture analysis is conducted on a self-healing particulatecomposite employing a finite element model of an actual microstructure.The key objective is to quantify the effects of the actual morphology andthe fracture properties of the healing particles on the overall mechanicalbehaviour of the (MoSi2) particle-dispersed Yttria Stabilised Zirconia (YSZ)composite. To simulate fracture, a cohesive zone approach is utilised wherebycohesive elements are embedded throughout the finite element mesh allowingfor arbitrary crack initiation and propagation in the microstructure. The fracturebehaviour in terms of the composite strength and the percentage of fracturedparticles is reported as a function of the mismatch in fracture properties betweenthe healing particles and the matrix as well as a function of particle/matrixinterface strength and fracture energy. The study can be used as a guidingtool for designing an extrinsic self-healing material and understanding theeffect of the healing particles on the overall mechanical properties of thematerial.

KEYWORDScohesive elements, fracture mechanism, fracture properties, healing particles, self-healing material,thermal barrier coatings


Self-healing materials can be classified into two broadclasses, extrinsic and intrinsic, depending upon thehealing mechanism and the healing agent involved.In an intrinsic self-healing material, the healing agentis contained within the host material as its integralconstituent. In other words, the healing action is dueto the physiochemical nature of the material itself.1

When damage or cracking occurs, one or more con-stituents of the material act as the healing agent,

which upon completion of the healing process aid inthe recovery of the mechanical properties. Such intrinsicself-healing mechanisms can be found in several materialclasses that include ceramics,2,3 cementitious materials,4

and polymers.5 In the second class of self-healing mate-rials, the extrinsic ones, the healing agent is not partof the original material itself, rather a discrete foreignmaterial constituent is added to the host material dur-ing the fabrication process.6-11 This class has been apopular approach in the early stages of the field ofself-healing materials development as it favours incor-

Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. 2019;42:533–545. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ffe © 2018 Wiley Publishing Ltd. 533

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porating healing mechanism into any class of materialsystem that does not inherently possess a self-healingcharacteristic. One of the widely used techniques underthis category is encapsulation of the healing agent anddispersing the healing capsules within the host mate-rial. When a crack appears in such a material, it inter-acts with the healing capsule, followed by its rupture orfracturing.12-15 Upon opening of the capsule, the healingagent flows or diffuses into the crack eventually leadingto crack filling. Such a healing process involves a sequenceof steps starting from crack-capsule interaction, ruptureof the capsule, followed by the release of the healingagent into the crack, and finally formation of the heal-ing product through a chemical or a physical reaction.The resulting healing product, in turn, binds the crackfaces together and restores the mechanical integrity ofthe material.

From the perspective of (extrinsic) self-healing materialdesign, the properties of the healing particles in relationto the host matrix are very crucial for successful realisa-tion of a self-healing material system. In particular, forthe selection and design of healing capsules, the follow-ing two requirements have to be met to result in an idealself-healing material design:

• In order to enable activation of the healing process, themicrocracks in the matrix material should get attractedtowards the healing particles and break them, insteadof deflecting away from the particles that would preventhealing activation.

• The introduction of healing particles into thematrix should not deteriorate the mechanical prop-erties of the host matrix material. In other words,the structural integrity of the material should notbe compromised with the dispersion of the healingparticles.

The above two requirements are often contradictoryas promoting particle fracture for healing is likely todegrade the composite strength, in general. Hence, foran optimal design of the self-healing material, a bal-ance between these two requirements has to be achieved.This, in turn, lies in a careful selection and design ofthe healing particles in terms of their geometric andmaterial properties and their spatial distribution. Thefirst requirement is dealt in detail,16 whereby fracturemaps distinguishing the fracture mechanisms are gen-erated through extensive two-dimensional analyses on asingle-particle matrix system. In this current work, theprimary objective is to address the second requirement,whereby microstructure-based two-dimensional finite ele-ment fracture simulations are conducted for the quantifi-cation of the effect of healing capsules on the mechanicalproperties.

Microstructure-based finite element simulations havebeen conducted in the literature to analyse fracture anddamage in particulate composite systems.17-25 For exam-ples, microstructures representing a random distribu-tion of irregularly shaped SiC particles in an aluminummatrix were simulated using two-dimensional linear elas-tic approach involving stress intensity factor as the crackdriving force parameter.17,18 The effect of particle cluster-ing was quantified, and the resulting crack paths werecompared with experiments. In a different work,19 anactual microstructure of a particulate composite was mod-elled by mapping the scanning electron microscope (SEM)images onto the finite element mesh. They investigated theeffects of pore defects and residual stresses on the crackpath by employing Griffith energy-based fracture mechan-ics approach. An elastoplastic finite element analysis wasconducted on an SEM-based finite element model, andthe stress-strain response was reported as a function ofmicrostructural features such as particle clustering.20 Acomprehensive investigation of the effect of distribution,size, and shape of the particulate reinforcements and inter-phase properties on the fracture behaviour of a Al2O3/TiB2composite has been conducted.23,24 Employing a J-integralconcept and using a cohesive zone approach to simulatefracture in the matrix, the particle, or the interface, theeffective fracture toughness of the composite was quan-tified. The abovementioned analyses were performed ina two-dimensional framework. Some efforts have beentaken to conduct three-dimensional crack propagationanalysis in particulate composites,26-28 but the computa-tional cost associated with such simulations limits thescope of such studies in terms of number of particles thatcan be analysed. Further, the computational intensity pre-vents the possibility of conducting a series of parametricanalysis to explore the effect of microstructural featuresand the influence of constituent properties.

In the context of self-healing particulate compositesystems, a limited number of modelling studies havebeen conducted in terms of quantifying the effectivemechanical properties and crack path predictions.28-33 Forinstance, efforts are taken to estimate the effective elasticproperties of self-healing particulate composites, wherebythe effect of dispersed healing particles on the elastic mod-uli of the host matrix material is quantified.30,31 Crack prop-agation studies were conducted in an idealised healingcapsule(s)-matrix system, and the effects of geometric andmaterial parameters were analysed using cohesive zonemodel and extended finite element method (XFEM).28 Inparticular, a self-healing concrete in a three-point bend-ing test set-up was utilised to evaluate the influence ofparameters such as number, size, and position of capsuleson the mechanical behaviour of the concrete. This wasthen followed by modelling an idealised single healing

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capsule-matrix volume element, whereby the influenceof interface properties and capsule volume fraction onthe effective strength was reported. Nonetheless, for fur-ther material development, it is important to determinethe expected performance under actual conditions. Cor-respondingly, the objective of the present research is tostudy the crack propagation in a real microstructure of aself-healing particulate composite, followed by the quan-tification of the effect of the healing particles and theirproperties on the composite mechanical behaviour. Thisis achieved through numerical analysis using a finite ele-ment model generated directly from an actual microstruc-ture of the MoSi2-YSZ composite.34 The motivation isto reveal the roles of these parameters to experimentalresearchers, which could be helpful in the design anddevelopment of self-healing systems with least compro-mised mechanical property values of the original intactbase material.


An actual composite microstructure is shown in Figure 1where the MoSi2 particles, which is the discontinuousphase, are randomly dispersed in the YSZ matrix. Thenominal volume fraction of the MoSi2 particles is 20%.Additional information of the composite material such asmanufacturing process and details of the material con-stituents of the composite can be found elsewhere.34 Thegeometry of the microstructure shown in Figure 1 wasgenerated through postprocessing of an SEM image of thecomposite cross-section, which is then translated into afinite element mesh; see right side of Figure 1 showing apart of the mesh. A small initial precrack of length equalto 0.025 mm was included on the left side of the composite

specimen. The length and the width of the model are equalto 0.7 mm and 0.4 mm, respectively.

In the present work, cohesive elements are employedfor analysing fracture in the particle/matrix sys-tem, whose behaviour is governed by the bilineartraction-separation law.35 The microstructure is meshedusing two-dimensional three-node plane-strain elements(CPE3) for the particle and the matrix phases, to modeltheir bulk constitutive behaviour. In order to simulatefracture, the initial finite element mesh was modifiedusing a Matlab pre-processing script to include four nodecohesive elements (COH2D4) throughout all the interele-ment boundaries in the finite element mesh. This processof embedding cohesive elements throughout the meshintroduces potential crack faces necessary to simulateall the relevant fracture mechanisms such as interfacedebonding, particle fracture, and matrix cracking. How-ever, such an approach naturally triggers the issue of meshdependency in terms of the artificial compliance and theconverged crack path. This aspect has been taken into con-sideration and subsequently resolved using the guidelinesderived from the mesh dependency study.16 The result-ing finite element mesh consists of about 106 elements,of which approximately 60% are cohesive elements andthe remaining 40% are plane-strain bulk elements. Forthe bulk elements in the particle and the matrix phases,a linear elastic and isotropic constitutive behaviour isassumed. For the cohesive elements, the bilinear cohe-sive relation (described below) is utilised, through whichcorresponding fracture properties (strength and fractureenergy) are assigned for failure modelling in the particle,the matrix, and the particle/matrix interface.

Note that the microstructure considered in the analysisis a cross-section of the particulate composite. Hence, thetwo-dimensional finite element model of the microstruc-ture does not entirely reproduce the microstructural

FIGURE 1 Microstructure and loading conditions of a self-healing particle-matrix composite system. Finite element mesh was generatedafter processing an SEM picture of (MoSi2) particles (lighter phase) embedded in yttria stabilised zirconia (YSZ, darker phase). A part of thefinite element mesh is shown on the right. Cohesive elements of zero geometric thickness were embedded along all interelement boundariesin the finite element mesh. A small initial precrack of length equal to 0.025 mm, schematically highlighted as a notch for better clarity, wasincluded on the left side of the model. The length and the width of the specimen are equal to 0.7 mm and 0.4 mm, respectively [Colour figurecan be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

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FIGURE 2 A bilinear traction-separation law, ie, with linearsoftening. The arrows show steps such as loading, damage,unloading, and reloading

features as the three-dimensionality is naturally lostin the model. As a matter of fact, the finite elementmodel assumes that the cross-section of the particles isextruded in the third direction representing cylindricalinclusions rather than the actual particles. Despite theselimitations, the microstructure-based fracture analysis ina two-dimensional framework is undertaken to revealqualitative and some quantitative information in terms ofthe fracture mechanisms and the mechanical propertiesof the composites. Two-dimensional fracture analyses canbe effectively used as a pragmatic approach to understandthe effect of properties of the constituents (particle, matrix,and interface) on the crack path, a crucial information forself-healing material design.

For completeness and in order to introduce the requirednotation, the cohesive zone model used in the present anal-ysis is briefly summarised below.16,35,36 The cohesive lawillustrated in Figure 2 corresponds to a bilinear relationbetween T, which is a scalar measure of the traction ttransmitted across the cohesive surface, and Δ, which is ascalar measure of the cohesive surface opening displace-ment vector 𝜹. The traction T increases with increasingcohesive surface opening displacement Δ up to a maxi-mum value given by the material fracture strength, 𝜎c,and eventually decreases linearly to zero, at which pointthe cohesive zone is fully separated. The area under thetraction-separation curve, which represents the total workper unit area expended in creating a fully separated crack,corresponds to the fracture energy Gc of the material.

The traction-separation law relates the traction t act-ing on the crack faces, with components (tn, ts), to thecrack opening vector 𝜹, with components (𝛿n, 𝛿s), wherethe subscripts “n” and “s” refer to the directions normaland tangential to the crack face, respectively. An effectivecrack opening Δ can be defined as

Δ ∶=√⟨𝛿n⟩2 + 𝛾2𝛿2

s , (1)

where ⟨·⟩ = (· + | · |) ∕2 refers to the Macaulay bracketand 𝛾 is a non-dimensional mixed-mode parameter assign-ing weights for the modes I and II contributions, which isdefined as

𝛾 =𝛿n,0


where 𝛿n,0 and 𝛿s,0 denote, respectively, the crack openingat the onset of failure for pure Mode-I and pure Mode-II.Denoting by tn,c and ts,c the corresponding values of thenormal and tangential cohesive strength, then tn,c = K𝛿n,0and ts,c = 𝛾2K𝛿s,0. This will yield Δ0 = 𝛿n,0 = 𝛾𝛿s,0, andusing the stiffnesses K and 𝛾2K in modes I and II, respec-tively, then 𝜎c = tn,c = ts,c∕𝛾 . Complete loss of cohesionoccurs for pure modes I and II, respectively, at 𝛿n,f and 𝛿s,f,with Δf = 𝛿n,f = 𝛾𝛿s,f.

In order to determine whether the crack opening isincreasing or decreasing due to the external loading pro-cess, the following loading function f d is used:

𝑓 d = 𝑓 d(Δ, 𝜅d) ∶= Δ − 𝜅d , (2)

where 𝜅d = 𝜅d(t) is a damage history variable that, at agiven time t, corresponds to the maximum value attainedby the equivalent crack opening during a process up to thattime. The loading and unloading conditions correspond tothe Karush-Kuhn-Tucker relations; see Figure 2.

The equivalent crack opening Δ is used to compute theequivalent traction T as

T = T(Δ, 𝜅d) ={

g(Δ) if 𝑓 d = 0 and 𝜅d > 0,g(𝜅d) Δ

𝜅d otherwise, (3)

where g is the effective traction-separation law and ��d

indicates the (time) rate of change of the damage historyvariable. The upper and lower expressions in (3) providethe equivalent traction during, respectively, crack growthand unloading/reloading. Alternatively, one could workwith a damage variable 𝜔 and consider a “damaged” stiff-ness such that (1−𝜔)K = g(𝜅d)∕𝜅d as indicated in Figure 2.The specific form of the effective traction-separation lawused in the present work is a linear softening relation (seeFigure 2), which corresponds to

g = g(Δ) = 𝜎c⟨Δf − Δ⟩Δf − Δ0

. (4)

The initially linearly “elastic” loading up to the fracturestrength in a bilinear law can be reproduced in Equation 3by assigning an initial damage 𝜅d(0) = 𝜅d

0 = Δ0. Theparameter Δf is chosen such that the integral of T fromΔ = 0 to Δ = Δf equals the material fracture energy Gc,i.e., Δf = 2Gc∕𝜎c.

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After evaluating Equation 3, the normal and shear trac-tions can be computed as

tn =


T if 𝛿n > 0,K𝛿n if 𝛿n < 0,

ts = 𝛾2 𝛿sΔ

T ,


ie, for 𝛿n ≥ 0, one has that t · 𝜹 = TΔ.The finite element model is subjected to a global Mode-I

loading by prescribing displacements on the upper andlower edges of the specimen, which contains a small edgeprecrack on the left as shown in the Figure 1. With ref-erence to the literature,37,38 the elastic properties used forthe particle and the matrix are as follows: Young mod-ulus of the YSZ matrix is taken as Em = 150 GPa andthat of the MoSi2 particle is given as Ep = 450 GPa. Pois-son's ratio of the particle and the matrix are kept equalto 0.25. In the related literature, a significant scatter wasobserved in the strength and the fracture energy of thematrix and the particle and they depend on various fac-tors such as temperature, manufacturing technique, andchemical composition.39-42 So, in the current study, a para-metric approach is taken, whereby a range of relativefracture properties are considered and their effects on thecrack path and the composite properties are quantified.The strength and the fracture energy of the matrix aretaken, respectively, as 𝜎m

c = 300 MPa and Gmc = 0.1 N/mm,

whereas the strength and fracture energy of the particleand the interface (𝜎p

c , Gpc , 𝜎i

c, Gic) are varied with respect to

the corresponding matrix properties for the analyses. Thedetails on the fracture properties of the particle and theinterface and their variations are specified in the relevantsections. All the analyses were conducted in Abaqus usingimplicit Newton-Raphson iterative solver. A sufficientlysmall value of viscosity equal to 1.0 × 10−6 is used in theanalysis to deal with convergence difficulties encounteredduring the simulations, which involved multiple crackingand coalescence in several cases.

The approach of the study is to conduct a series ofparametric studies and to derive the composite specimenstrength from the resulting load-displacement responses.It is to be noted that the term specimen (average) strengthis used instead of effective strength, as the objective isnot to derive homogenised composite properties, rather toreveal the role of fracture property mismatch on the globalmechanical behaviour. The term “average” represents thenormalisation of the load by the area over which the load isapplied and the displacement by the corresponding lengthin the loading direction for the stress and the strain, respec-tively. However, the specimen properties obtained from theanalysis would become the effective properties of the com-posite if appropriate measures are taken while applying theboundary conditions and if the specimen size is ensured

to be sufficiently large to be considered as a representativevolume element (RVE). For convenience, the average spec-imen stress and the strain in the composite are denoted by𝜎c and 𝜀c, respectively. The results obtained from this studyare presented in terms of normalised values of the abovemeasures with respect to the corresponding values of thehomogeneous (matrix) specimen.

In the next two sections, the effect of fracture prop-erties of the particle and the interface on the compositeproperties is investigated, for which a stiffer particle caseis considered, by fixing the modulus mismatch ratio asEp∕Em = 3, in accordance with the particulate compositeconsidered for the self-healing TBC.


The influence of the fracture properties of the particleson the specimen strength is analysed in this section. Thevariations in the crack path are reported for two repre-sentative cases, one corresponding to weaker particles andthe second corresponding to stronger particles reinforcedin the matrix material. Subsequently, a range of fractureproperties (strength and energy) of the particles is consid-ered to study its effect on the mechanical response of thecomposite.

3.1 Crack trajectory for particlesof different strengths3.1.1 Weaker particle caseA simulation is carried out with the properties mentionedin Section 2 for the particle and the matrix, except thatthe strength of the particle is reduced by 25% with respectto the matrix, resulting in a strength mismatch ratio,𝜎

pc ∕𝜎m

c = 0.75 between the particle and the matrix. Thefracture energy of the particle and the matrix are kept thesame and equal to 0.1 N/mm. The particle is assumed tobe perfectly bonded to the matrix, which is achieved byassigning a very high fracture strength for the interfacewith respect to the properties of the particle and the matrix.The simulated crack path through the microstructure isshown in Figure 3 (indicated in white). It can be observedthat the propagating crack finds the weaker path by frac-turing all the particles that are in the neighbourhood of theadvancing crack tip. In this case, particles fracture despitethe fact that the healing particles are stiffer than the matrixby a factor of 3. Thus, the mismatch in the fracture strength(making the particle weaker) has a stronger effect in decid-ing the crack path when compared with the effect of themismatch in elastic properties. This result is relevant for

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FIGURE 3 Simulated crack growth on a particle/matrix systemwith relatively weak particles given by the strength mismatch,𝜎

pc ∕𝜎m

c = 0.75 between the particle and the matrix (propagatingcrack path is from left to right). Perfect particle/matrix bonding isassumed in this simulation. A stiffer particle case is consideredgiven by the elastic mismatch ratio, Ep∕Em = 3, between theparticle and the matrix. The fracture energy of the particle, thematrix, and the interface are kept equal to 0.1 N/mm [Colour figurecan be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

a capsule-based self-healing mechanism since it indicatesthat healing activation can be achieved even if the parti-cles are relatively stiffer than the matrix and crack-particleinteraction is in principle deflective.

3.1.2 Strong particle caseThe second case of interest is the situation when thestrength of the particle is higher than that of the matrix. Inthis section, the simulation is performed with the materialproperties indicated in Section 2, except that the strengthof the particle is increased by 25% as compared with thematrix strength, which corresponds to a particle strengthmismatch ratio, 𝜎p

c ∕𝜎mc = 1.25. The fracture energy of the

particle and the matrix are kept the same and equal to0.1 N/mm. Again, the bonding between the particle andthe matrix is assumed to be perfect. The resulting crackpath is reported in Figure 4 (indicated in white). From thesimulated crack path, it can be observed that the crackpropagates preferentially through the matrix, thus, in gen-eral, avoiding the particles. However, on a few occasions,particle fracture did occur, when the particle is directly infront of the approaching crack. A similar observation hasbeen made in the literature.23 Such instances of particlefracture despite its higher strength can also be attributedto the irregular shape and clustering of the particles (ie,local stress conditions occur such that particle fractureis favoured). Furthermore, in these particular cases, pre-vention of particle fracture would require an unrealisticdeflection of the crack tip. As a general conclusion, acomposite with particles of higher strength precludes frac-turing of the particles. Such a scenario is unfavourablefrom a self-healing materials design viewpoint as this frac-

FIGURE 4 Simulated crack growth on a particle/matrix systemwith relatively strong particles given by the strength mismatch,𝜎

pc ∕𝜎m

c = 1.25 (propagating crack path is from left to right). Perfectparticle/matrix bonding is assumed in this simulation. Fractureenergies of all the phases are kept the same and equal to 0.1 N/mm[Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

ture mechanism would prevent triggering of the healingmechanism.

3.2 Effect on composite strengthTo analyse the effect of the fracture properties of the parti-cles on the composite strength, a range of values of particlestrength ratios are considered, given by 𝜎

pc ∕𝜎m

c = 0.05,0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.75, 1, and 1.25. For each of the abovestrength ratios, three different fracture energy ratios of theparticles with respect to the matrix fracture energy are con-sidered and are given by Gp

c∕Gmc =1/5, 1, and 5. The results

of the simulations are summarised in Figures 5 and 6.Figure 5 shows the average stress-strain responses for someselected strength ratios, which provide the insights into theresponse history of the composite. Some important obser-vations can be made from the plot. Firstly, the strengthof the composite specimen decreases with decrease in theparticle strength. The strain corresponding to the peakstress (or strength) in the stress-strain curve decreases withdecrease in the particle strength. It can also be noted thatthe point at which the curves deviate from the elasticresponse decreases as the strength decreases. This is anindication of the onset of damage prior to the peak load.

To summarise the results of all the simulations for vary-ing particle strength and fracture energy, Figure 6A showsthe variation of the resulting strength of the compositespecimen with respect to the particle fracture properties(strength and energy). As discussed before, the resultsclearly show a strong influence of the particle fractureproperties on the mechanical response of the compos-ite specimen. From the plot shown in Figure 6A, it canbe observed that decreasing the strength of the particlein relation to the matrix strength severely decreases thecomposite strength. For instance, the strength of the com-posite is decreased by 25% with respect to the reference

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FIGURE 5 Effect of particle strength on the normalisedstress-strain response of the composite specimen. The fractureenergy of the particle and the matrix are kept the same. Perfectinterface bonding is considered

homogeneous matrix specimen strength, when the parti-cle strength is reduced by 50%. On the other hand, increas-ing the particle strength above the matrix strength does notimprove the strength of the composite as observed from theresults. On the effect of fracture energy, a similar effect isi.e., decreasing the fracture energy of the particle reducesthe composite strength as shown in Figure 6A. However, ithas to be noticed that the effect of fracture energy ratio ispronounced only in the intermediate ranges of the strengthratios. In other words, when the particle strength is higherthan that of the matrix or very low, then the compositestrength is insensitive to the fracture energy of the particleas observed from the Figure 6A.

3.3 Instances of particle fractureA parameter of interest for a particle-based self-healingmechanism is the percentage of fractured particles, pwhich is defined as n∕N × 100, where n is number ofthe fractured particles in the simulated crack path and Nis the number of particles encountered or traversed by acrack if the crack path were a perfect straight line origi-nating from the initial crack tip. Through postprocessingof the fractured microstructures for various particle prop-erties, the percentage of fractured particles is determinedand plotted as the function of the fracture properties of theparticles in Figure 6B. As a general observation, decreas-ing the strength of the particle favours particle fractureas observed from Figure 6B, a requirement for healingactivation. However, the maximum number of fracturedparticles saturates when the particle strength is reducedbelow the strength ratio, 𝜎p

c ∕𝜎mc = 0.6, and is around

160%. This indicates that the crack traverses the material

preferentially through particles located above and belowan ideal straight path. On the lower side, the percentageof fractured particles reduces to just 10% if the particlestrength ratio is increased to a value beyond 𝜎

pc ∕𝜎m

c = 1.The fracture mechanism is very sensitive to the mismatchin the strength of the particle especially when the particlestrength ratio is perturbed around the value of one.

When it comes to the fracture energy mismatch, theeffect is less pronounced as compared with the strengthratio, which is consistent with the observations reported inthe previous work of the authors.16 Increasing the fractureenergy does not reduce the percentage of fractured parti-cles significantly, although reducing the fracture energy ofthe particle has a more pronounced effect as observed fromFigure 6B.

The two plots showing the variation of the compositestrength and the percentage of fractured particles, withrespect to particle fracture properties provide an insighton how to achieve a balance between the two contra-dictory requirements for self-healing material design. Forinstance, the objective of particle fracture (or healing acti-vation) can be achieved with healing particles that areonly slightly weaker than the matrix. For example, for thestrength ratio, 𝜎p

c ∕𝜎mc = 0.833, a high percentage of frac-

tured particles can be realised with just 5% reduction incomposite strength; see Figure 6B. Thus, if the healing par-ticles can be engineered such that their strength is slightlylower than the matrix strength, a successful self-healingsystem can be achieved in terms of healing activationwithout significantly compromising the fracture proper-ties of the composite.


Another important feature that governs the globalmechanical behaviour of the particulate composite isthe interface between the particle and the matrix. Inthe context of self-healing materials, the requirementon the interface properties is not straightforward. Anideal combination for a robust self-healing system wouldbe a relatively weaker particle perfectly bonded to thesurrounding matrix material. In that case, high inter-face strength is advantageous for efficient load transfer,whereby both the particles and the matrix are load-bearingconstituents in the composite. However, if the particle isstronger than the matrix, particle fracture is less likelyto occur, which, in turn, does not activate the healingmechanism when required. In such scenario, a relativelyweaker interface could help in facilitating debondingbetween the particle and the matrix and expose the heal-

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(A) (B)

FIGURE 6 Effect of particle fracture properties on the composite strength and the percentage of fractured particles. The particle strengthis varied over a range, whereas for the particle fracture energy, three different ratios are considered as shown in the plots. A, Variation ofcomposite strength vs particle fracture properties. B, Normalised percentage of fractured particles vs particle fracture properties

ing particle to the crack. It is important to emphasise thatthe term “interface” used here refers to a discrete zerothickness layer between the particle and matrix with itsown fracture properties. In some practical cases, encap-sulation of healing particles are done leading to a thinthird phase (interphase) layer between the particle andthe interface.14,43 In such cases, the results obtained fromthe current study should be interpreted in the context thatthe failure of the interface would mean the failure of theencapsulating interphase layer.

To investigate the role of interface fracture properties,a series of simulations are conducted for varying inter-face fracture properties, while fixing the stiffness mis-match ratio between the particle and the matrix, given byEp∕Em = 3. The strength and fracture energy of the parti-cle and the matrix are kept the same and are given by 𝜎

pc =

𝜎mc = 300 MPa and Gp

c = Gmc = 0.1 N/mm, respectively.

Firstly, the crack path corresponding to a representativesystem with a weak interface strength is discussed, fol-lowed by detailed quantification of effect of the interfaceproperties on the mechanical response.

4.1 Crack trajectory for an interfaceof low bond strengthThe crack path resulting from the simulation with an inter-face strength mismatch ratio, 𝜎i

c∕𝜎mc = 0.75, is shown in

Figure 7. It can be observed that the crack predominantlydeflects its path towards the particle/matrix interfaces.Crack advancement occurs primarily through debondingalong the interfaces between the particles and the matrix.Nevertheless, at few instances, it is observed that particlefracture occurs when the particle is directly in front of theapproaching crack or when it is relatively larger in size,making it difficult for the crack to circumvent the inter-face. From the perspective of successfully triggering the

FIGURE 7 Simulated crack growth on a particle/matrix systemwith relatively weak interface given by the strength mismatch,𝜎i

c∕𝜎mc = 0.75 between the interface and the matrix (propagating

crack path is from left to right). The fracture energy of all the phasesare kept equal to 0.1 N/mm. The strength of the particle and thematrix are kept equal [Colour figure can be viewed atwileyonlinelibrary.com]

healing mechanism, a weaker interface is in general notpreferable as it does not necessarily lead to particle frac-ture. However, interface debonding could be consideredas the second favourable fracture mechanism after particlefracture, as the probability of exposing the healing agentcontained within the particle to the crack is likely to behigh, potentially leading to healing activation.

4.2 Effect on composite strengthFor detailed quantification of interface effects on themechanical behaviour, the average stress-strain responsesof the specimen with four different values for the inter-face fracture strength, 𝜎i

c∕𝜎mc = 0.01, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 are

reported in Figure 8. From the figure, it can be seen thatan interface that is perfectly bonded (or at least havingequal fracture properties as that of the matrix and theparticle) results in a higher overall strength of the speci-

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FIGURE 8 Effect of interface strength on the normalisedstress-strain response of the composite specimen. The stiffnessmismatch ratio is Ep∕Em = 3 that corresponds to a stiffer particle.Fracture strength of the matrix and the particle are kept the same.The interface fracture energy is fixed and equal to that of the fractureenergy of the particle and the matrix, Gi

c = Gpc = Gm

c = 0.1 N/mm

men as compared with the other responses correspondingto lower interface strengths. This is an expected outcomeas stronger interface leads to better load transfer betweenthe matrix and the particle, resulting in higher strength.However, it is worth noting that higher interface strengthor perfect bonding leads to a relatively brittle response inthe considered set-up. As the interface becomes weaker,interface debonding is preferentially activated and intro-duces an additional energy dissipating mechanism. This,in turn, leads to enhanced energy dissipation and “ductile”behaviour of the composite, albeit with a reduced compos-ite strength. Such a scenario is often useful in compositematerials with brittle-brittle phases whereby engineeringthe interface aids in introducing ductility in the compositematerial.44 The term “ductility” is used in a general senseimplying a non-abrupt fracture process and does not meanany plastic deformation. In the present context, it can bequantified as the ratio between the fracture strength andthe fracture energy.

The results of several simulations are summarised inFigure 8 in terms of the normalised stress as a functionof the strain for various values of the interface strengthand in Figure 9 in terms of the composite strength as afunction of interface strength and fracture energy. A cleartrend is observed revealing the improvement of the com-posite strength with increase in the interface strength. Thestrength of the composite specimen saturates when theinterface fracture strength is increased beyond the strengthof the particle and the matrix, as seen from the plateauregion of the curve in Figure 9 for 𝜎i

c∕𝜎mc ≥1 . On the other

end, when the interface strength ratio is reduced to a value

FIGURE 9 Effect of interface strength and fracture energy onstrength of the composite specimen. The stiffness mismatch ratio isEp∕Em = 3 that corresponds to a stiffer particle. Fracture propertiesof the matrix and the particle are kept the same

equal to 0.01 (interface strength is 100 times lower thanthat of the matrix and particle), the value of the compos-ite specimen strength reaches a lower limit approximatelyequal to 40% of the homogeneous matrix strength. This canbe viewed as the strength of the composite with particlesreplaced by loose particles (or pores in the limit case) asthe interface hardly plays any role in load transfer betweenthe particle and the matrix. Such an explanation is appli-cable and valid only for tensile strength, but for the samecomposite under compression, the completely debondedparticles would still contribute significantly to the loadcarrying capability through contact and frictional forces.On the effect of interface fracture energy, increasing thefracture energy of the interface by a factor of 5 does notsignificantly influence the strength of the composite, butdecreasing the interface fracture energy by a factor of 5reduces the composite strength as observed in Figure 9,which is a similar trend as seen in the effect of particlefracture energy in the previous section.

4.3 Effect of mode-mixity on compositestrengthWhile analysing fracture in composite materials (partic-ulate or fibre-reinforced), mixed-mode fracture is a com-mon phenomenon occurring in the failure of such mate-rials. Mixed-mode fracture arises from two main sources,one being the applied boundary or loading conditions insuch a way that fracture evolves under globally appliedmixed-mode loads. The second source is the inherent het-erogeneity of the material microstructure that leads tolocal mixed-mode fracture conditions in the vicinity of

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the interfaces between the particles (or fibres) and matrix.This is often the case in composite materials, wherebyeven when the structure or the composite material is sub-jected to global Mode-I loading conditions, local stressfields in the crack vicinity are influenced by the presenceof particles or fibres (and their interfaces), resulting incrack evolution under mixed-mode conditions. For manymaterials, the fracture properties are different for differentmodes of fracture (normal and tangential). More impor-tantly, the fracture properties of an interface between twomaterial phases are found to be significantly different inopening (normal) and shearing (tangential) modes of frac-ture. Thus, it becomes a natural problem of significanceto address the effect of varying interface fracture proper-ties in normal and tangential modes on the mechanicalbehaviour of the composite material.

In this subsection, fracture analyses are conducted con-sidering different values of the interface strength in Mode-Iand Mode-II (normal and tangential strengths), and theeffects are quantified in terms of the resulting compositestrength. To this end, three sets of analysis are conductedto address the above problem. Firstly, the interface frac-ture strength (and the energy) is kept the same in bothmodes (𝛾 = 1). In the second set of analyses, the interfacestrength in Mode-II is taken equal to 10 times higher thanthe strength in Mode-I (𝛾 = 10, Mode-I dominated frac-ture). In the third set, the interface shear strength is reducedby a factor of 5 as compared with its normal strength(𝛾 = 1∕5), enabling us to model an interface, whichwould easily yield to local Mode-II deformation field. In allthe three sets, the interface normal strength is varied overa wide range, and the shear strength varies accordinglyin the three different sets of analyses described above.

The results of the simulations are obtained in termsof the effective composite specimen response. The resultsare summarised in Figure 10 in terms of the normalisedcomposite strength as a function of the interface strengthratio, 𝜎i

c∕𝜎mc , for three different values of mixed-mode

parameter, 𝛾 . The ratio of the interface shear strengthto the normal strength of the interface is specified bythe mix mode parameter 𝛾 . From the results, it can begenerally observed that increasing the shear strength ofthe interface with respect to its normal strength (ie, withincrease in 𝛾) increases the resulting composite strength.For the mixed-mode parameter 𝛾 equal to 10 (higher shearstrength), the composite strength is increased by approx-imately 8% with respect to the baseline case (𝛾 = 1) formost of the considered interface strength ratios. However,once the interface (normal) strength is increased beyondthe matrix strength, the interface mixed-mode parameterdoes not influence the composite strength. This is becausethe interface debonding is automatically arrested when theinterface (normal) strength is higher than the matrix (and

FIGURE 10 Effect of interface mixed-mode strength ratio onstrength of the composite specimen. Fracture properties of thematrix and the particle are kept the same. The interface fractureenergies are kept equal to that of the fracture energy of the particleand the matrix, Gi

c = Gpc = Gm

c = 0.1 N/mm

particle) strength. Any further increase in shear strengthof the interface with respect to its normal strength will notaffect the strength of the composite.

On the other hand, for the mixed-mode parameter ofthe interface equal to 0.2 (lower shear strength), theinfluence on the composite strength is very strong asobserved from Figure 10. The resulting composite strengthis drastically reduced as compared with the strength inMode-I dominated case. This shows that though the pre-scribed boundary condition is globally Mode-I loading,local mixed-mode effects can play a significant role, espe-cially if the strength of the interface is different in normaland shear modes. In particular, the strength of the com-posite under Mode-I loading is reduced by 30% for someof the interface (normal) strength ratios considered. Fur-ther, in the mixed-mode case with 𝛾 = 0.2, the reducedshear strength of interface affects the composite strengtheven after the ratio of the interface strength ratio, 𝜎i

c∕𝜎mc ,

is increased beyond 1. From Figure 10, it can be observedthat saturation of the resulting composite strength occursonly when the interface strength ratio is increased to2.5 (or even above). Thus, the The mixed-mode fractureproperties can become important for composite behaviourespecially if the fracture properties are significantly differ-ent in normal and tangential modes despite the loadingconditions being pure Mode-I or Mode-II.


In this study, micromechanical fracture simulations wereconducted taking a real MoSi2 particle-filled TBC matrix

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microstructure. The results obtained from the analysesreveal that the mismatch in fracture properties of theparticle, the matrix, and the interface has a significantinfluence on the resulting crack path and the mechanicalproperties. From a self-healing viewpoint, the propertiesof the healing particle and the interface can be tailored toachieve the healing activation; however, on the other hand,such an approach affects the overall macroscopic strengthof the resulting composite, which becomes detrimentalto the material system. Care must be taken in order toachieve a trade-off between the resulting initial compositeproperties and the healing activation as it is naturalthat both the requirements could be contradicting inmany practical self-healing materials. From the extensivefracture analyses on the composite microstructure, thefollowing conclusions were arrived at:

• The mechanical properties of the composite (thestrength) are significantly influenced by the fractureproperties of the particle. The effect of the particlestrength is more pronounced than that of its fractureenergy in determining the composite properties.

• The percentage of fractured particles in the resultingcrack path is very sensitive to the fracture strength ofthe particle. Particles that are slightly weaker than thematrix can trigger particle fracture (hence the healingmechanism), importantly without compromising thecomposite properties noticeably.

• Interface fracture properties have a dominant effecton the composite properties. In case of interface-dominated fracture, mixed-mode fracture properties ofthe interface play a crucial role on the resulting compos-ite strength.

The results and conclusions from the microstructure-based crack propagation analyses can be used to getinsights on pathways to achieve an optimal self-healingmaterial system, ie, a design with the capability to triggerhealing process but one which does not significantly lowerthe structural integrity of the original unfilled matrixmaterial.


This work was funded in part by IOP Self-Healing Mate-rials (Agentschap NL, now Rijksdienst voor Onderne-mend Nederland RVO) through project SHM01021 and inpart by the European Union's Seventh Framework Pro-gramme (FP7) through the NMP SAMBA project (grantnumber 309849). We thank the IOP Self-Healing Mate-rials and the Seventh European Framework Programmefor their financial support of our research. We thank ourcollaborators Xun Zhang, Justyna Kulczyk-Malecka, and

Ping Xiao at University of Manchester for providing themicrostructure. We extend our sincere thanks to our col-laborator Prof W. G. Sloof for his valuable support andinteractive discussions.


T effective tractionΔ effective opening displacementt traction vector𝜹 cohesive crack opening displacement vectortn, ts cartesian components of traction vector𝛿n, 𝛿s cartesian components of cohesive opening

displacement vectorK initial slope of cohesive law𝜎c cohesive strengthGc fracture energy (toughness)E Young's modulus of the material𝛾 non-dimensional mode mixity ratiofd loading function𝜅d damage history variableg effective traction-separation law𝜔 damage variableΔ0 equivalent crack opening at onset of

damageΔf equivalent crack opening at complete

failure𝛿n,0, 𝛿s,0 crack opening at onset of damage for pure

mode I and mode II respectivelytn,c, ts,c cohesive strength for pure mode I and

mode II respectively𝛿n,f, 𝛿s,f crack opening at complete failure for pure

mode I and mode II respectively𝜎

pc , 𝜎

mc , 𝜎i

c cohesive (fracture) strength of particle,matrix and interface respectively

𝜎pc , 𝜎

mc , 𝜎i

c fracture energy (toughness) of particle,matrix and interface respectively

Ep,Em Young's modulus of particle and matrixrespectively

𝝈e effective (or average) stress in the composite


e effective strain in the composite specimen𝜎m

c effective strength of a homogenous matrixspecimen

𝜖mc effective strain corresponding to the

strength of a homogenous matrixspecimen.


Sathiskumar A. Ponnusami http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2143-8971

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How to cite this article: Ponnusami SA,Krishnasamy J, Turteltaub S, van der Zwaag S. Amicromechanical fracture analysis to investigate theeffect of healing particles on the overall mechanicalresponse of a self-healing particulate composite.Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. 2019;42:533–545.https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.12929