A Little Bird Told Me

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Worth a Read.Intriguing

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A little bird told me "" EAST :Aries, Leo,Sagg. SOUTH: Taurus, Virgo, Capr.WEST:Gemini,Libra,Aqur. NORTH: Cancer,Scrp, Pis. Take Planets in the rasis and group them as East, South, West and North.East means 1 house, beginning of life, first half of life, spiritual, traditional, poor, ego, self important, giver.WEST means 7 house, end of life, the other half of life, mundane,rich money minded,others are important, taker.SOUTH means 4 house, inner aim, secret, home, lazy, comfortNORTH means 10 house,outer aim, open minded, away from home, active,trying to maintain position etc.The Planets in each sector will play role in those activities:""my note...ex.late smt Indra Gandhi had lag lord MOON, SUN, MER in the North thats her outer aim, check like that.

If the D10 Ascendant lord is placed i)in the 6th house of D1 chart/ii)placed in the star of the 6th lord of D1 chart/iii)is conjoined with 6th lord of D1 chart/iv)directly becomes 6th lord of D1 chart-it clearly indicates that the native would be involved in service.If the 2nd lord of D1 chart has some connection with D10 Lagna lord and fulfils one of the conditions mentioned above,it unmistakably shows that the native would earn through service.

A little bird told me " Mesha.. MALE concept, and Tula Female concept.Mesha..( asw/bhar/ krith) Ketu...male sperm .( thin, long) then Ven..sukalam - Semen, then Sun..Agni.. fire power to create. now to Tula ..(chit.swat,vishk) Mars first 2 pads in Kanya ..virgin no sex, female cycle of 25 =28 days first half 13 is not for creation, the portion in Tula is good, (The best children or conceived in the middle portion of female cycle). Next Rahu.. FELOPAN tube..then Jup. the EGG for creation..in female affl. of Rahu of means the mouth ie Felopan tube is affected. if Jup. affl. then the Egg is not good and so on.."

A little bird told me " Mesha.. MALE concept, and Tula Female concept.Mesha..( asw/bhar/ krith) Ketu...male sperm .( thin, long) then Ven..sukalam - Semen, then Sun..Agni.. fire power to create. now to Tula ..(chit.swat,vishk) Mars first 2 pads in Kanya ..virgin no sex, female cycle of 25 =28 days first half 13 is not for creation, the portion in Tula is good, (The best children or conceived in the middle portion of female cycle). Next Rahu.. FELOPAN tube..then Jup. the EGG for creation..in female affl. of Rahu of means the mouth ie Felopan tube is affected. if Jup. affl. then the Egg is not good and so on.."

A little bird told me" if you want know if two persons had any connection/sharing in their past lives take the Rasis where the RAHU and KETU are located in one chart then go to the other chart find out if SUN or MOON is in one of the Rasi , then these two had shared something in their past lives, may be journey,food, stay, bed , work etc. ex. R/K IN MESHA and TULA, in A chart, check if SUN or MOON is MESHA or TULA. in B chart."A little bird continues with the fresh students..."You must know the difference between GRAHA CHARm and GO CHARm. the first is transit of all planets with respect the natal chart and the position of Planets in it. this is used both in Astrology and Jyotish, where as the second one is transit Planets with reference to natal position of MOON only. Aspects are taken in the first one and NO ASPECTS in the second one. GOCHARm is the results from Past birth. it s known as AHDRIDHA KARMA meaning its not fixed like Dasas ( DRIDHA). hence Sade sathi is not always bad it depends on your past life karma. its like Income Tax raid. if your accounts are ok no problem some times you get refund. person got married in Sade sati.you can find even good transit of JUP.gave bad results. Saturn takes away what is not yours by right. more again"A little bird told me 'we start our life in WATER -our Mothers womb, come to EARTH , breath AIR, and go into FIRE. It means Water is Past, Fire is the Future and Earth and AIR are Present. If Lagna Lord is in Water Rasi the native Past oriented , if in Fire Rasi the native is Future oriented, if in Earth Rasi the native is present materialistic oriented and if in Air Rasi the native is Present attachment oriented." Pl.check it. (my note if your lag lord in water rasi when you are married to someone else you will find difficult to forget your LOVER.)A theory of numbers in astrology.a union (sex act) between a man and woman creates a child.- 5 house.a man must a capacity to perform--8 house,he must have a partner--7 house.he must have a chance to perform--12 house.he must perform with vitality-- 3 house.we know that 3,6,10 and 11 are upachaya meaning growth rasis..now we find 5 house is 3 to 3,5 house is 6 to 12,5 house is 10 to 8and5 house is 11 to 7.hence 5 house is one of the growth rasi of 3,7,8 and 12it means 3,7,8 and 12 houses have a role to play in getting a child.