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A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

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Page 1: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some ChildrenInoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in PembrokeshireAuthor(s): Evan DavisSource: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 38 (1733 - 1734), pp. 121-126Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/103836 .

Accessed: 28/06/2014 18:29

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Page 2: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

( 1z1 ) 1^ Mlles diflrant frotn llis HouSe, that they were greatly amazed with tlle Appearance of an extraordi- nary Brightnefs in the Zeazitob, refembling Flatne, wzilich continued for about S MinutesX and then the imat,1nary Guns were fired trenty or tllirty tilnes, which fo diIturb'd tlle AttnofphereX that the Birds loIt the IJre of tloeir Willgs, and fell to the Ground in great DiSorder. This BIoiCe was heard about fifty A1iles eacll Way) frorn tlle brigllt Appearance afore-

faid. ChgsJar tbe CZaptaxn.

I heard tlle Noife (as tnofl: People did) but faw notthe Brightnefs at PatSsko, beingabout60Miles frotn the Captains Haufie. I wastold tllat theSllock, occafiond by tlle Noife, threw down Pewter tllat was fet todry againA tlae Side of a HouCe. Asths in fotne zanner refe1nbled an }3artllquake (wllich 113S fcarce

ester before diRurb'd our NorthernWorld) I thould be elad to know your Opinion Gf fuch Explo&ons. t rotn your llutnble Sersrant)

RGhard LevsB

| . l.

IX. X Letter trozn Mr. Eran Davis to Adr. John Eames, F. !&. S, concerning Jozne ChilZ dren inoculared with the Small-Pox) wt Flaverfiord-TeR in Pembrokethire

SIRX AD I knonrn in tlle Beginnillg of lall Spring 11 that an Account ofthe Succefs of Inoculation in the Small-Pox, praEtis'd here about tllat time, would be agreeable to youR as you fignify in your laIt, I


( 1z1 ) 1^ Mlles diflrant frotn llis HouSe, that they were greatly amazed with tlle Appearance of an extraordi- nary Brightnefs in the Zeazitob, refembling Flatne, wzilich continued for about S MinutesX and then the imat,1nary Guns were fired trenty or tllirty tilnes, which fo diIturb'd tlle AttnofphereX that the Birds loIt the IJre of tloeir Willgs, and fell to the Ground in great DiSorder. This BIoiCe was heard about fifty A1iles eacll Way) frorn tlle brigllt Appearance afore-

faid. ChgsJar tbe CZaptaxn.

I heard tlle Noife (as tnofl: People did) but faw notthe Brightnefs at PatSsko, beingabout60Miles frotn the Captains Haufie. I wastold tllat theSllock, occafiond by tlle Noife, threw down Pewter tllat was fet todry againA tlae Side of a HouCe. Asths in fotne zanner refe1nbled an }3artllquake (wllich 113S fcarce

ester before diRurb'd our NorthernWorld) I thould be elad to know your Opinion Gf fuch Explo&ons. t rotn your llutnble Sersrant)

RGhard LevsB

| . l.

IX. X Letter trozn Mr. Eran Davis to Adr. John Eames, F. !&. S, concerning Jozne ChilZ dren inoculared with the Small-Pox) wt Flaverfiord-TeR in Pembrokethire

SIRX AD I knonrn in tlle Beginnillg of lall Spring 11 that an Account ofthe Succefs of Inoculation in the Small-Pox, praEtis'd here about tllat time, would be agreeable to youR as you fignify in your laIt, I


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Page 3: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

( 1t2- ) -would not have del<ayed fo Iong to colutnuniJcate Jt.

If tlle Accourlt had tllen been taken witll a View of fendtng itabroad>it would probably harre been Inore filll and particular in folne GirculnRances relating to tlaefeveral Stagesand Appaarances of rllat DiRemjper in ttize CaCes of thofe who were inoculated xfiritb it, than collld now be recolledel at tllis Di{iance of tirne; yer;I hope nothing onaterial llas been otnitted9 rllat lnay be necefEary fQr f5rnzing a Judglnent on thofe Cafes xvhicll stou llave here related. Tlle M¢afle; onw terfering svith tl1e inoculated Stnall-Por, and prolozg ng tlle tinle betvveen tlle Ineculation and tlIe Erupw

tion of this lettter fo lnuch T)eyond wllat otherxvi1^e was uEual, as you svill obServe belosr it did in esrer3z otle of tlle Indances luentioned) had, I -tlIougllt, fotne tllint, in it tilat xnras pwculiarand urlcoanmonX and tlaerev f(re uIlat lnigllt deCersre yotlr Notice I his was tllO

Iecond Oppoltunity tha£ 11SS been taken to praAiCe tlais Idetzod of Itloculation in tlais Town and lVeigh betrlaeod. It \\rSS fitR introduced llere abouten 5 t>(nUS ago) by the itlgenious and learn>d Dr. Pge^}^t A>IZiAws, wtho tllen linZed in tllis Town, and 11ad praAisd PllySck tior zeveral eYears itl tllis (:ountry with etnirwent SucceX b but is &nce rernosted to Loxtd>?, t-le laad tllen his osvn Ctxsildren ineculated among fome vf the firR OI1 w-lzoln tlle Experitnent was made? and (^if I forgct not) Sent- an Accotint of ttllat Matter about tll.at tilne to your Society, vvllich was afterutards publiflled by IDr. 7Xs^ii7.

O ur Inoclllatots are two Surgt onl; of good Note and repute itl tllis r5oWrn (wl; tilfo lieep APvthecaries

Shops) and are tlle only i'erSczas tIlottI Izear of intl<.fie i)arts arllo Xe co me into tw>>at PlaAice. Upan [By ret


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Page 4: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

t 12#3 ) queRing it, I received from theln thls 1aI:} WeeR the Account following.

Some little titne before lat} Cloril1naSs the SInaIS Pox appear'd in this Town, chiefly of the conQuent kind: Some had it witll Purple-Spots9 and other violent Sy1nptotns, whereof feveral died. Towards tlze Spring, the MeaIles became more EpidemicalX and alfo more fatal, tloan tlle SmallwPox. Some of the 5ubjedrsthat had been vi&ted ttElt a little titne before with the StnalloPox, and uoon their Recovery had their Bodies purged, yet died of the violent Cough whicll attended andsfucceeded tlle Meatles, wlaich afw terwards feized them. The Meailes continued to rage 'till allnoR all the Subjed?cs in t]lis Place were vi&ted with them, the Small-Pox continuing aLlfo during the whole titnezyet making but a Ilow ProgreSs; and to this titrle it las not left us.

About the End of Febr?zary laR, Mr. FrancisMey Zer inoculated his own Son, near tllree Years old, from a Child of about the fatne Age, who had the di(tinA Sort ozf Small-Pox, but the PuItutes ftnaIl. He tnade a Digllt Incirson on both Legss which took only in one: After follr Days a PuItule appeared on the Part wounded but did not mucll iinflame it, nor make tnuclI Progrefs. Ontlle 7til1Daythe Cllildgrew feveri{h, anc: on the 8tllX or towards tlle gth Day (in- fieadoftheintended Slnall-Pox) the Meailesappearsd all oxrer his Body;> attended with a Gougll; at whicll time the feveri(E DiCorder abated, 'till the Iltll or szth Day: Then he grew feveriSh again, and to- wards the x4th Day tlle Small+Posappeared a finall diRin-Sort, and few in Nllmber After tlle LEruptiorz was fulJ3 11e grew hearty, and fo continueda not being

,, sriElted

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Page 5: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

( I -24 ) -titzited with a fecond lSenrer. - After t}lis Mr.MeJ)ler lnoculated tmrootllerChildrenfroln his own Son) lJy applying the MatterX after a ilight Incifior to both +S;-e Legs of eacll of thetn, but it did not fiacceed. Al33uF the falne titne lle in.ocultated two other Chlldren, a little XVay out of Town, firom a Netghbour's C-llild, but neitller of tllem were infeAed. Its rlot uccce2- ing 11e knows not what to impute to ; wtlether tO tXlO SlightneXof tlle Incifon, or to the wantofaSufEi ency of Matter to infed?£ Wit5, Qrto the want Gf a DiEpoEltion in the-Subje&s to be infec*^ed

About tlle latterEnd of Mvrrh laS lAfr, Risktx>^d grxght inoc?alated a Daugl1ter of lJho. Kywe) lE;<q, of thisTorvnXbetween 3 and 4 Years of ̂ AgeX fron another Chld of about the fatne Age wllo had a di fin& kind. TIle klatter was applied to one of her Arms7 the Incifion being made- pretty deep. TIae Inflainmation thereof began about the 4th or stlzDayX and afterwards-appeared confiderably great. SIle po ceededuntil the 7th Day in a very 11eart5t and briiLt State, at wllich tilne Ihe began to grow heavys fickg and very filreri(h. Then arl Eruptiorl of tlle Stnall- lSox was expeded; but 11er Feverincreafed, atd tilC next Daytherewere Eralptions Seen all over her Bodar9 which proved to be tlle reguIar Mealles Sae svas treated accordingly and grewwellX excepting a pre.ty fevere Cough Ihe had) and tllls Cough contin?ued through the wilole C:ourfe of tlae follorvina Su,sllZ i'ox. Altout the tzth Day Ihe rlcken'd nag<LlnX and about the sXtll tlle Small Pox appeared the didinEl fort,and veryEasrourable, tlley came OUt, fill';3) and dry'd auray very kindly, axld wrere attended svitll very little of a fecond F7everF Slle went through rlle Di


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Page 6: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

(1tS ) fiemper orith a great deal of Cizearfillnefs* S1ie was purged afterwards, and feemed very well; but i£1 a little titne after) a Boil catne on the lower Part of the Shoulder-Blqde of the rame Arln wherein nle s:TaS inoculated, xnrllicll wasvbrought to falppurate and was l<ealed in a common Alanner.

Frotn ttilis SubjeA la{t lnentioned Mr. AYrigDt inw oculated two Daughters and a Son of Nicbo;s RoGhx Efq; at his SCdt3 about five Miles diCant fro2n this Toxvu. TheSe three Children were aged from 3 to 8 Years.TIle Incifion xvas luade in oneArlr] of each Child; it produced the falne EffeEt on every one of the-1n as it did on Nlifs Kyger ; viz. the Mea{les on tlle 7tll or Sth Day, and the Stnall-Pox of tlle diItinEt fort on the x4tll Day. Tlley went all three very well througll every Stage of the DiRemper; the fe condaryFesrerwasbutIligllt. One ofthefelladthem fotnexvllat thick, and the otiler two l1ad a pretty tnany of the Pox appearing oNrEr tllean likewife; but they thorougllly recover'd all of tl1emX and have all f1nce continuedin a good State of HealtI1.

Thus, Sir, you laave this Affair related by tl1e InoZ culators above namedvin a faithfuleand impartialMan_ ner. You tnay be aIfured, tlloLlgh perlaups not folarge-

as you luight expe&, for the Reafon before alledg- ed: But if there Ihould be Occaflon for explaining themfelves in any Particular, ttiley NYill readily do it srllen defired I know of notlling I lzave to add be_ fore I concludey unlefs it be tny good Withes, that urherever this PraAice takes it tnay be attended with the fame Safety and vuccefs that it has hitllerto Inet with here ; xvllicll Seelns to trAe tO reCOmlBeIld it as an happy Expedient tl1at Providenke 11as kindly direded

R ^ to,

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Page 7: A Letter from Mr. Evan Davis to Mr. John Eames, F. R. S. concerning Some Children Inoculated with the Small-Pox, at Haverford-West in Pembrokeshire

( 126 ) te, in order to guard againflc the In juries and Dangers of one-of the moll dreadfill and deAruStive Direafes in- cident to Mankind. I llave ju CauSe, IconceiveX to incline me to think stery faxrourably of this Method, from what I have tnyfelf obferved of its Aderantages. In the Beginning of tllis Year I loR one Cllild out of five I had, by the- Stnall-Pox in the natural \ATay > and Ihave feen what greatSickneSs and Mifery the otller four fuffered, who all of thetn had the confluent fort, in Cotnparifon with what tlle Inoculated undervent. One Boyoftnine particularly, between 7 and 8 itears of Age, had it fo violentlyX tlzat his Life fir0, tllen llis Litubs, Senfes, and Intelleds were endangered by it; and he ls not yet fillly recostered from tile Effed?cs of it to his fortner good Healtll and Strengtll, though he had it in Dec. and 9tan. Ia§, among tlaoSe who firlt fell into its whetl it eatne this laR titne to this Place.

W@g. 1 8, 1 732.

P. S. Concerning tlle follr CIlildren above tnen tioned, on whom the Operation did n3t fucceed, but retnained uninfeAed after tlle lrariolous Matter was applied in tlle ufual \Vay to thetn. Tlaey have a11 of thetn fince eScaped the Meaflesa tlaougll moll otller Cllildren about thetn llad 'em, and none of VtheLn have yet 11ad tlle Small-Pox) thougll it flil-l continues in the 'rown. Tllere are not tuany nor ttlat are fick of itX but it is of the ba(l confluent kind, attended with Purpie-Spots, and watery Blad- ders that are mix'd witn tlle Purples. It is obSersred, that moll of tloefe whohaveof late been sifited wtith it, have died thereof. This probably will incline fotneto uSe Inoculation again, and to make tllatPrac. tice under Providerlce, tlleir Refuge.

I a£, Sir, 1v'Qurs, E, *s, X7ffi2, Evax Davis.

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