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A LAYMAN’S GUIDE TO HOUSE PLANTS This!!document!is!confidential!&!propriety!to!Treemendous.in! Why to keep plants in your house? Bring more greenery and less stress into your home

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Why to keep plants in your house?

Bring more greenery and less stress into your home life!

Houseplants do more than just beautify our indoor space. Research shows that

keeping plants inside our home can bring a host of physical and mental health benefits. Once

we learn more about the therapeutic nature of plants, we'll be inspired to get house plants.

Indoor air quality is an increasing health concern because indoor air is 12 times more

polluted than outside air. Don't be frightened get some plants. NASA also confirmed that

plants eliminate harmful gases from the air. NASA findings showed that houseplants were

able to remove up to 87 per cent of air toxins in a 24-hour period. The NASA researchers

recommend one potted plant per 100 square feet of indoor space.

Health benefits

1. Plants reduce indoor pollution

2. Plants Make You Happy

• Increased self-esteem.

• Improved mood and sense of well-being.

• Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.

• Increased feelings of calm, relaxation, and optimism.

• Increased sense of stability and control.

3. Plants Enhance Cognitive Function

• Improved concentration.

• Improved memory.

• Better goal achievement.

• Heightened attention.

Workers who were in a room with two potted plants and a bouquet of flowers

generated 13 per cent more ideas than workers in a room with sculptures.

4. Helps to fight against cold

Indoor plants have been shown to reduce cold-related illnesses by more than 30%. This is due

to their effect of increasing humidity levels and decreasing dust.

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5. Cooling effect

6. Helps to prevent allergies

7. Reduces insomnia

What are the most common houseplants you can keep?

Plant name – Aglaonemas

Scientific name – Aglaonema spp

Common name - Chinese evergreen.

Origin- Tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea


Aglaonema is a perennial evergreen plant. The

Aglaonema is a highly decorative plant with several interesting

varieties. Aglaonemas are wonderful low light houseplants and

are among the easiest to maintain. They are one of the only

plants which can survive long periods of time in poorly lighted

and badly ventilated areas. The name Aglaonema comes from

the compound Greek words aglos means bright nema means

thread. Aglaonema have been hybridized to produce interesting

variegated leaves. The Aglaonema commutatum in widely

available, in both the Silver Spear (variegated) form and a green


The number one rule to remember with Aglaonema is

this keeps them warm and moist. If you do this, you'll be

rewarded with a long-lasting, stable houseplant that will not

soon outgrow its pot.

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Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

Almost all Aglaonema are variegated to some extent.

Keep in mind that the variegated types need more light than

those with little or no variegation. Typically, the lighter the

color of a plant, the higher the light levels it needs to maintain

its color and variegation. Aglaonemas will survive in low light

but for a nice looking plant, try to provide bright, diffused

natural light. Aglaonema does well under artificial fluorescent light also.

Water requirement: Medium

Water thoroughly in summer. During the winter, reduce watering but do not let the

plant dry completely.

Growing medium:

A well-drained potting soil is perfect.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Slow-release pellets or liquid fertilizer once in month.

Pests & Diseases:

Aglaonema are prone to scale and it is one of their most

serious problems. Indicators of this pest include a weak

appearance despite regular watering and small disc-shaped

insects on the undersides of the leaves. For a light infestation

isolate the plant and apply a pesticide that is absorbed through the roots.


Aglaonema only need to be repotted once every two or three years, as they grow

slowly and prefer to be slightly root bound.


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Aglaonema is considered a highly toxic plant when ingested. Keep Aglaonema away

from curious pets and children.


It emits high oxygen content and purifies indoor air by

removing chemicals, such as formaldahyde, benzene (a

carcinogen, cancer-causing substance associated with most

chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing) or other toxins.

Plant name – Anthuriums

Scientific name – Anthurium spp

Common name - Flamingo lily and pigtail plants

Origin- Tropical America


The Anthurium genus contains

more than 800 species of plants. In

Greek, the name Anthurium means tail

flower. They vary in size and produce very beautiful flowers that

last up to eight weeks and even when not flowering they work well as foliage

plants. Anthurium plants are durable, relatively easy to grow and will survive as an indoor

foliage plant for a remarkable period of time. With the proper care and environment, they can

produce long lasting flowers all year round.

Being popular foliage plants, anthuriums are grown for their attractive flowering

bracts which are popular with the cut flower trade. Most common colors of anthuriums are

red, orange, white and pink.

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Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

Place anthurium in areas with partial shade outdoors or bright, indirect sunlight

indoors, such as 5 to 8 feet from a window. Avoid direct sunlight.

Water requirement: Medium

Water the anthurium thoroughly, but allow it to dry slightly between watering’s.

Over-watering causes root damage and yellowing of the leaves. Soil should be dry to the

touch before watering again.

Growing medium:

Any high-quality organic potting mix with good aeration.

Fertilizer Requirements:

For healthy anthuriums that flower continuously, it is

best to apply a dilute solution of fertilizer at every watering

time. Use a low nitrogen fertilizer.

Pests & Diseases:

Aphids, mites, scales, thrips and mealybugs are very

common insects in anthuriums spray all parts of the plant thoroughly with insecticidal soap

once a week.


Repot anthuriums as needed when the roots fill up the container. Use a pot with

drainage holes, and increase the pot size by 1 or 2 inches at a time.


All parts of the anthurium plant, are poisonous. If ingested, may cause mild stomach

disorders. The anthurium plant's sap can cause skin irritation.


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It is one of the plants listed in the NASA Clean Air Study as effective in removing

formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and ammonia (carcinogen, cancer-causing substance

associated with most chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing) from the air.

Plant name – Areca palm

Scientific name – Dypsis lutescens

Common name – Bamboo palm, golden cane palm, areca palm, yellow palm and

butterfly palm

Origin- Madagascar


Areca is one of the world's most common palms as a

result of its extensive use as an indoor 'plantscaping' specimen.

This palm does best in warm, humid conditions. A popular

houseplant, the areca palm is fairly easy to care for as long as

you don’t over-water it. Although it is a heavy feeder, its leaves

may yellow if it is over-fertilized.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

Very dark shady areas and constant direct sunlight need to be avoided. The best

location is by placing it in a bright spot which receives no direct sunlight or only small

amounts either in the morning or evening.

Water requirement: High

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Water the areca palm until water drains from the bottom of the pot. Water the palm as

soon as the soil feels dry a little below the surface. You can go slightly longer between

waterings in the winter months.

Growing medium:

Prefers well drained soil. Best grown in deep fertile soils that have good water

holding capacity.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Every three months, except during the dormant winter period. Use a balanced

fertilizer and apply it according to the manufacturer’s directions.

Pests & Diseases:

Leaf spot-Spray Carbendazim (0.11 %).


Palms do not like constant root disturbance so a lot of regular Re-potting can cause

damage and stops the growth. Repot once in year.


It is known for being one of the better performers in purifying the air.

Plant name – Bamboo Palm

Scientific name – Chamaedorea sefritzii

Common name – Reed Palm, clustered parlor palm and cane Palm

Origin- Mexico and Central America


Bamboo Palm is a useful indoor palm because its adaptability to

the environment, exotic look and anti-pollutant abilities. It is very

common in malls, offices, homes and courtyards. The slow-growing,

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small palms are ideal for shaded borders and as indoor potted plants. The bamboo palm

provides attractive foliage for outdoor beds and borders.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

These palms are best in medium light. In high light these plants can sunbleach. It will

do well in medium light and even low light.

Water requirement: Medium

Keep the bamboo palm moist but never overwater. Soggy soil leads to root rot, so

water thoroughly to keep the soil moist. Water only when the soil feels dry and allow the soil

to dry out in between watering in the winter.

Growing medium:

Bamboo Palms need a basic well-aerated potting soil that drains quickly but still

retains water.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Fertilize the bamboo palm using a slow-release or diluted liquid fertilizer, but only

during active growth.

Pests & Diseases:

Scale insect is common it is control by spraying malathion.


Repot only when its roots have completely filled the pot and then move it into a pot.


According to NASA, it removes formaldahyde (carcinogen, cancer-causing substance

associated with most chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing) and is also said to act as a

natural humidifier.

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Plant name – Cast iron plant

Scientific name – Aspidistra elatior

Common name – Iron plant and ballroom plant

Origin- China and Japan


Cast iron plant is an extremely hardy houseplant.

Growing cast iron plants is especially favored by those

who don’t have a lot of time for plant care, as these

plants can survive even in most extreme conditions

under which other plants would shrivel and die.

It is an old-fashioned, tough, leathery foliage

house plant. An ideal houseplant for cooler areas. Apart

from dark green leaves variegated variety of cast iron

plants are available.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low

It will be able to deal with any light given but not direct sun light.

Water requirement: Low to medium

Water them initially to help them get established. After that they'll be quite drought-

tolerant, though they will perform better if watered periodically.

Growing medium:

It requires well drained soil

Fertilizer Requirements:

Require regular fertilization but will respond well to

feeding in spring or summer.

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Only repot a cast iron plant occasionally. It dislikes disturbance at its roots and

frequent Re-potting will kill the plant. For young plants this should be no more than once a

year and for a mature Aspidistra you are looking at once every three or four years.


It is known to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like Benzene, Toluene,

Octane, TCE, and a-Pinene (carcinogen, cancer-causing substance associated with most

chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing) in small amounts.

Plant name – Croton

Scientific name – Croton spp

Common name – Croton



Croton houseplants are one of the more colorful

indoor plants. The croton plant is often grown outdoors

in tropical climates, but also make excellent houseplants.

Crotons come in a wide variety of leaf shapes and colors.

Leaves can be short, long, twisted, thin, thick and several

of these combined.

Colors range from green, variegated, yellow, red, orange, cream, pink and black to a

combination of all these. There are nearly 750 species of this plant in the world, because of

their unique foliage. The most used Codiaeum variety is generally the Croton petra or


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Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

Crotons like neither too bright nor too dim light,that is filtered sunlight.

If they have plenty of light the leaves will have more variegation and the colors will be


Water requirement: Medium

Crotons need to have their soil evenly moist at all times, they tend to wilt

easily if the soil is too dry. On the other hand if the soil is too wet the leaves will

turn brown on the edges.

Growing medium:

Peat moss based potting mix is good for croton plants.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Feed every 2 weeks from early spring through summer with a balanced liquid

fertilizer diluted by half.

Pests & Diseases:

Mealybugs, mites cause the leaves to become curled or speckled.


Don't cut or tease out the roots and handle it gently to minimize the risk of shock and

causing the latex sap to bleed.


Croton can be used as both indoor and outdoor plant.

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Plant name – Dieffenbachias

Scientific name – Dieffenbachia spp

Common name – Dumb Cane

Origin- Central and South America


The Dieffenbachia plant does well indoors. Dieffenbachia plants

are beautiful and many home gardeners choose them for their homes.

These plants are often grown because of their unique, striking foliage.

This plant is also known as “dumb cane” on the market. The

name comes from the plant’s toxic sap. Keep in mind that ingesting it

can cause a temporary inability to speak.

There are many varieties of “dumbcane” on the market, ranging

from some small almost dwarf type varieties to the large like

Dieffenbachia amoena.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Bright light, no direct sun light. It will do well on a

kitchen window.

Water requirement: Medium

Water thoroughly and allow soil to dry out a bit between waterings.

Growing medium:

The Dieffenbachia plant likes a well-draining soil. It’s best to use 2 parts peat moss

and 1 part perlite.

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Fertilizer Requirements:

Feed spring through summer every 2 weeks with a liquid fertilizer diluted by half. In

fall and winter, feed monthly.

Pests & Diseases:

These plants are very susceptible to bacterial diseases. Spider mites, mealybugs and

aphids are more common pest use sprays designed to control the insect pests such as

malathion or neem oil for plants.


Plant can repot at any time of the year but do with

caution. The first is purely a safely issue because you are

more likely to damage the leaves and release the sap

when you are Re-potting. Consider wearing gloves or

make sure you wash your hands as soon as you've



Besides absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, it

also eliminate significant amounts of xylene and toluene

(carcinogen, cancer-causing substance associated with most

chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing), being on the first

list of air-filtering plants compiled by NASA as part of the NASA

Clean Air Study.


Contains unidentified volatile compounds that are highly irritative or corrosive. Keep

away from pets and children’s.

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Plant name – Dracenas

Scientific name – Dracena spp

Common name – Dracena

Origin- Africa


Dracaena is grown for its dramatic foliage and

carefree nature. This large group of plants includes

many species that can grow up to 6 feet tall with long,

strap-like leaves, often with red and yellow


Dracaena is an undemanding plant that tolerates low light

and low humidity and it will forgive the occasional missed

watering. As the plant grows, the lower leaves drop off and the

trunk scars over, creating an interesting pattern of markings.

Dracena fragrans, which is the familiar corn plant and Dracena

marginata, commonly known as the rainbow plant, are two of the

more familiar Dracaena species.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Dracaenas flourish with constant, low-intensity light. Do not place them in an area

where the sun strikes directly, especially in the afternoon, but keep

them out of dark corners. Likewise, low-intensity fluorescent

lighting is ideal for dracaenas, more intense and direct light may

damage the plant.

Water requirement: Low

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Because of their low water needs, it's important not to over-water dracaenas. Water

the soil about once a week; wait until the top of the soil is dry to the touch before watering

again. If you are in a dry or warm area, you may need to water more regularly. Do not over

water it.

Growing medium:

The growing medium should be light, rich in organic matter and well drained.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Fertilize the plant with a liquid houseplant fertilizer, mixed

according to the package instructions, every two weeks in spring and

summer. In fall and winter, feed monthly.

Pests & Diseases:

Mealy bug is common insect in dracaenas keeping the leaves

of a dracaena plant clean and dust free helps prevent houseplant pest



Repot dracaena plants every other year into a pot 1 inch or so larger than the current

pot. Remove as much of the old potting soil as possible without damaging the stiff roots.


It is said to be a good overall air purifier, removing most air pollutants. It is known for

removing benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene (carcinogen,

cancer-causing substance associated with most chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing)


Plant name – Ficus

Scientific name – Ficus spp

Common name – Weeping fig

Origin- Southeast Asia and Northern Australia

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Ficus trees are part of a classification of woody fig trees

that exist naturally in trophical or temperate climates. Ficus spp.

are evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and vines.

Ficus spp are a common plant in the home and office,

Ficus trees are one of the most popular decorative trees grown

indoors mainly due to the fact that they look like a typical tree

with a single trunk and a spreading canopy. Their lush-richy

coloured foliage, along with the fact that they are easily trained

into desirable shapes, makes them one of the most common

indoor tree varieties. The weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) is one of

the most popular species.

Caring for ficus trees requires constant vigilance because these plants can be very

sensitive to environmental conditions and changes. Properly cared plants will easily flourish

and can provide years of beauty to complement.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium to high

Place the ficus near a window in a room that gets bright

light in the summer with more moderate light in the winter. Turn

the plant occasionally so all the growth does not occur on one side.

Water requirement: Medium

Water weekly during the summer with room-temperature

water. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering’s. If the

leaves turn yellow and begin to drop, you may need to increase or

decrease the amount of water. Check the root ball. If the roots are soggy water the plant less

often. If they are dry, increase watering.

Growing medium:

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Plant the ficus in a well-draining potting mix. Use 3 parts loam 1 part peat and 1 part

sand for a well-draining mixture.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Fertilize during the active growth period in summer. Use a general-purpose fertilizer

diluted to half strength and fertilize every three or four weeks until the active growth period

ends. There is no need for fertilizer during the winter.

Pests & Diseases:

Pests such as red spider mite, mealy bug and scale insects are very common.


A healthy ficus will rapidly outgrow both its pot and your house. Repot only every

other year to slow growth and keep the plant a manageable size. When Re-potting, always

use high-quality potting soil.


Ficus Benjamina is known to remove common airborne toxins and increase oxygen


Plant name – Lucky bamboo

Scientific name – Dracaena Sanderiana

Common name – Lucky Bamboo, Ribbon Dracaena, Ribbon Plant, Belgian Evergreen,

Chinese Water Bamboo, Friendship Bamboo and Water Bamboo

Origin- Cameroon in West Africa


Lucky bamboo charmed its way into the hearts of plant lovers

because it requires only basic care to thrive. Just stick the stems in

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some water, surround them with pebbles for support and watch them grow. The one

complaint about lucky bamboo is that its leaves tend to develop dead, dry and unattractive

tips, or tip burn.

Although many of common names contain the word

bamboo, Dracaena sanderiana is in no way a member of the

true bamboo family. Dracaena sanderiana (Lucky bamboo) can

be grown hydroponically or in soil. When growing a plant in

water place small marbles, pebbles or stones in the container to

give the stalks added stability. It requires little maintenance and

no fertilizer or pruning, so it's ideal for people who want a no-fuss plant that provides

distinctive beauty.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Lucky bamboo prefers bright and filtered sunlight. Avoid

direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves. They are more tolerant of

too little light than too much.

Water requirement:

In water:

Fill the pot or container with fresh, distilled or bottled water. Change the water once a

week, and ensure that there is always at least 1 inch of water in the container or vase.

In soil:

Soil should be kept moderately moist. Lucky bamboo does not like to be soggy or dry.

If soil feels dry, water. It is very important for lucky bamboo to have good drainage good

drainage when planted in soil. Lucky bamboo in soil will need to be misted every couple of


Growing medium:

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In water:

Fertilize lucky bamboo every couple of months. You can use a little dirty aquarium

water or a diluted (tenth of the normal strength) water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. The best

time to fertilize is when you change the water.

In soil:

You can fertilize with the same type of fertilizer as above, however you will need to

fertilize once a month. Just replace one of your regular water cycles with the diluted water-

soluble fertilizer.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Lucky bamboo doesn’t require much fertilizer and can survive in pure water for quite

a while. When you bring lucky bamboo home don’t fertilize it for a couple of weeks

Pests & Diseases:

Aphids and spider mites are most common


The plant's use in feng shui is to bring a sense of safety and well-being to a room or a

home by creating a sense of balance. Lucky bamboo is often used for decoration. Lucky

bamboo thrives in water as well as in soil, making it a suitable aquarium plant. It aerates and

oxygenates aquarium water, which benefits fish.

Plant name – Money plant

Scientific name – Epipremnum aureum

Common name – Devil’s ivy and Golden pothos.



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Money plant is considered as a lucky plant which

brings wealth, health, prosperity and happiness in the house.

There are many facts about money plant that you

must know. For example, money plant in feng shui is

considered to be a lucky plant that brings monetary gain and

good fortune. However, the money plant is also grown in

the house as an indoor plant to add to the decor.

There are only really two cultivars of Epipremnum

aureum grown as house plants. The most popular

is Aureum, this is a mid-green and mustard variegated plant

which is the most tolerant and adaptable of the two. Being

quite hardy and taking poor light and erratic watering for

quite some time, it also has another special trait; unlike

almost all other variegated plants if you put pothos in low light conditions it will still hold on

to its variegation well. Marble Queen is the second cultivar of pothos.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

Average light would be best for pothos. Growth will be slow in dark spot; this will

also create sparse "vines" with leaves quite far apart. Very bright spots will eventually

destroy the plant.

Water requirement: Low

Water the pothos regularly during the growing seasons and less in winter. It won’t

mind being under watered but over watering needs to be avoid because of root rot. The soil

should never be soggy or wet.

Growing medium:

Best in any humus or organic-enriched potting mix that holds moisture, yet well-

drained and well-aerated.

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Fertilizer Requirements:

Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer, meaning one that contains equal amounts

by weight of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.

Pests & Diseases:

Pests and diseases are very rare with the pothos plant. It is generally very healthy but

mealybugs may be a problem.


Repot pothos only when the roots are so congested. The most obvious sign of this is

when the leaves are drooping despite being well watered or the plant isn't growing any more.


NASA considered this plant one of the most effective choices for eliminating

benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene (carcinogen, cancer-causing

substance associated with most chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing). It doubles as

an effective eliminator of carbon monoxide as well.

Plant name – Peace lilies

Scientific name – Spathiphyllum spp

Common name – Peace lilie

Origin- South America


Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are a popular choice for

offices and homes. When it comes to indoor plants, peace lily

plants are some of the easiest to care for. But while peace lily

plant care is easy, proper growing conditions are still important.

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Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low

Peace lilies love shade and some indirect light.

Water requirement: Medium

Peace lilies like to be watered a lot at once, but also need a chance to dry out


Growing medium:

Peat moss-based potting mix.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Spring and summer, use an organic fertilizer to help your plant bloom. Keep in mind

that peace lilies are sensitive to chemical fertilizers, so organic options are best.

Pests & Diseases:

Mite and aphids are most common pests use insecticidal soap to control.


When your plant’s roots show or your peace lily seems

to be drinking up all its water within a few days, re-pot into a

larger container.


One of the best plants for improving air quality

indoors. Spathiphyllum species are known for removing

benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and

ammonia (carcinogen, cancer-causing substance associated with most chemicals, plastics,

cigarettes and off-gasing). It is also remove mold spores in the air, making it great for

bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms; purifying the air of trichloroethylene; removing

alcohols, acetone and formaldehyde.

Plant name – Philodendron

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Scientific name – Philodendron spp

Common name – Philodendron

Origin- West Indies and Central and South America


Philodendron houseplants thrive indoors year round

without complaint, but they enjoy an occasional stay

outdoors in a shady spot when the weather permits. Taking

the plant outdoors also gives you a chance to flush the soil

with plenty of fresh water and clean the leaves. Unlike most

houseplants, philodendrons don’t experience as much stress when moving from indoor to

outdoor settings.

There are 200 varieties in philodendron they can be further classifies into two types

vining and self-heading. Vining varieties are climbers, whereas self-heading produce leaves

from their base.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Most varieties of philodendron grow well with lower

levels of light. In fact, direct sunlight may cause sunburn spots on

philodendron leaves. Ideally, keep the plants in an area of

indirect or curtain-filtered light, with a mix of fluorescent and

incandescent light if you are growing them indoors. Some types, like the heart leaf

philodendron (Philodendron scandens), will remain healthy even in very low light


Water requirement: Medium

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Water philodendron plants frequently to ensure that the soil is kept moist but not

soggy. Allow the soil surface to dry to the touch between waterings.

Growing medium:

Whether being raised as a houseplant or planted directly in the ground, philodendrons

require loose, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. If soil is not well-drained, several problems

can occur including root rot.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Indoor plants, which grow in lower-light conditions,

require fewer feedings than philodendrons kept outdoors.

Frequent feedings with water-soluble fertilizer are


Pests & Diseases:

Philodendron plants are susceptible to attack from

several insect pests, including aphids, mealybugs, scales

and spider mites. Use neem or pyrethrins for effective pest management.


According to NASA, it is among the best types of houseplants for removing

formaldahyde, especially higher concentrations (80-90%) (carcinogen, cancer-causing

substance associated with most chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing).

Plant name – Raphis palm

Scientific name – Rhapis excelsa

Common name – Lady palm

Origin- Southeast China

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A Lady Palm is an elegant durable palm that can

adapt to almost all conditions. The best variety to use as a

houseplant is the Rhapis Excelsa. This is a multi-stemmed

dwarf fan palm from Southern China. Lady Palms are quite

cold tolerant and will grow well in frost-free temperate

climates. They are most successful in semi-shaded parts of

the garden and indoors.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Bright and indirect light. Too much sun is not good.

Water requirement: Low

Keep soil evenly moist in spring and summer. In winter allow the top 1 inch to dry out

between waterings.

Growing medium:

Peat moss based potting mix.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Feed monthly in summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Pests & Diseases:

One of the main rhapis pests is scale.


The Lady Palm is slow growing and so can remain in the same pot for many years.


It is said to be a versatile and effective filter for multiple indoor pollutants.

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Plant name – Schefflera

Scientific name – Schefflera spp

Common name – Umbrella tree

Origin- Australia and Pacific Islands


The schefflera houseplant is a popular plant and

comes in many varieties. The most well known are the

umbrella tree and the dwarf umbrella tree (Schefflera

arboricola). One of the reasons the plant is popular is

because schefflera plant care is so easy

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Choose a position that offers good light without

direct sunlight

Water requirement: Low

Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Yellow leaves are a sign of

overwatering. Drooping leaves usually indicate that the soil is too dry.

Growing medium:

Schefflera grows best in well-drained sandy loam soils.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Pests & Diseases:

When grown in proper conditions,

schefflera rarely develops pest or disease

problems. Spider mites and scale can

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occasionally become an issue for indoor schefflera plants, but insecticides are available for

these pests. Outdoor plants tend to be fairly pest-free, although excessive water can cause

root rot and make schefflera more susceptible to infestations.


They do need to be repotted every two or three years.


It can be used as container or above-ground planter near a deck or patio; it is suitable

for growing indoors.

Plant name – Snake plant

Scientific name – Sansevieria spp.

Common name - Mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue and snake tongue.

Origin- Tropics of West Africa


Sansevieria is an ornamental foliage plant. It's an ever

increasingly popular indoor plant and an excellent houseplant

for beginners to gardening because Sansevieria is very tolerant

to less care, less fertile soil, do not require heavy light and

thrive without much water.

There are more than 50 species of Sansevieria among

them mothers-in-law tongue is most common variety because

of its yellow-striped leaves and it is called as mothers-in-law

tongue, because of the sharp point to the leaves. There is also

Sansevieria that form a short rosette of leaves and these are

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often called birds nest Sansevieria. All Sansevieria are very adaptable and easy to care for.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to medium

Place Sansevierias in moderately bright or filtered light. Good locations include a spot

in front of a bright, sunny window. Although the plant tolerates low light, bright light brings

out the colors in the leaves. However, intense light may cause the edges of the leaves to turn


Water requirement: Low

Water once a week during the growing season. Allow the soil to dry out between

watering. Water once a month during winter. Over watering causes the plant to rot.

Growing medium:

Grows best in well-drained soil, though adaptable to any kind of soil. Sandy soil is the


Fertilizer Requirements:

Apply a balanced fertilizer (20-20-20) at half strength once in every three months. Do

not fertilize during winter month.

Pests & Diseases:

No serious insect or disease problems. Overwatering often causes root rot. Watch for

mealybugs and spider mites.


Sansevierias have a small root system and do

well in the same pot for years. Repot only when



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Sansevieria are believed to act as good air purifiers by removing toxins (such as

formaldehyde, xylene and toluene) from the air, thereby gaining a reputation as a good cure

for sick building syndrome. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night.

According to NASA, this plant absorbs toxins such as nitrogen oxides and

formaldahyde. Sansevieria is able to absorb 107 types of toxins, including air pollution,

cigarette smoke (nicotine), so it would make a great refresher.

Plant name – Spider plant

Scientific name – Chlorophytum comosum

Common name – Spider plant

Origin- South Pacific and South Africa


The Chlorophytum comosum is one of the most

common yet popular houseplants. It is also one of the

“Top Clean Air Plants”. Spider plants are one of the

easiest houseplants to grow and they are almost

impossible to kill. Spider plants make excellent hanging

baskets and their ornamental features add a great deal of beauty to a home.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

Give your spider plant lots of bright light. A spot near a sunny

window is best, but don’t expose the plant to direct afternoon sunlight. If

formerly bright green and variegated, lack of adequate light will cause

the plant to lose the attractive variegation and turn dark green. In a home

or office where a sunny window isn’t an option, give the spider plant 14

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to 16 hours of artificial light daily.

Water requirement: Medium

Water the spider plant two or three times weekly throughout the growing season.

Moisten the soil thoroughly but not so much that it’s soggy or wet. Allow the surface to dry

slightly before watering again. Don’t allow it to dry out completely, which will cause the leaf

tips to brown and the leaves to crack down the center. Water once weekly during the winter.

Growing medium:

Any good potting mix.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Feed every 2 weeks spring through summer with a liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Pests & Diseases:

Yellowing leaves and brown tips. Trim the affected leaves out at the base of the plant

with clean and sharp scissors.


Divide and repot the spider plant in the spring. Repot it again in the fall if it becomes

extremely pot bound and threatens to break its container. While they like being a little

crowded, spider plant roots can fill the pot to the point that water won’t soak into the soil

because of the tangled root growth below. Remove the plant from the pot. Cut off some of the

fat white rhizomes on the surface with a strong serrated knife if they are overcrowding.


NASA places Chlorophytum comosum among the top 3 types of houseplants that are

great at removing formaldehyde (carcinogen, cancer-causing substance associated with most

chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing) . It also removes carbon monoxide and other toxins

from the air.

Plant name – Syngoniums

Scientific name – Syngonium podophyllum

Common name – Goosefoot Plant and arrowhead plant

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Origin- Mexico to Panama.


The plant is a great container plant for shady

balcony gardens that don’t get much direct sunlight.

syngonium leaf color varieties vary from dark green to

highly variegated dark and light green but the leaf of

each syngonium variety will always have that interesting arrow shape.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Medium

The syngonium plant should receive bright light but not direct sunlight.

Water requirement: Low

The syngonium plant should have moist potting soil and dry out slightly between

waterings. Add less water in fall and winter.

Growing medium:

Fertile soil with good drainage.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Use a half dose of a balanced houseplant fertilizer each month during the growing


Pests & Diseases:

No serious insect or disease problems.


Repot the syngonium plant every two years in the



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Syngonium vine may be planted with different types of ornamental or flowering

plants, where it will droop attractively over the side.


All parts of the Syngonium plants are poisonous if eaten.

Plant name – Zamia

Scientific name – Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

Common name – ZZ plant, fat boy, aroid palm, golden money plant and eternity plant.

Origin- Eastern Mexico


Also known as ZZ plant, Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

is an interesting plant that stands up to challenging conditions, including

drought and low light. Also known as aroid palm, fat boy or golden

money plant. Zamioculcas is suitable for growing outdoors as well as

indoor plant.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low

Bright to low light. Keep it out of direct sunlight which can scorch its leaves.

Water requirement: Low

Water thoroughly and allow the top soil to dry out between waterings. Soggy soil will

cause the rhizomes to rot.

Growing medium:

Fast-draining medium works best to avoid root rot. Mix 1 part good-quality all-

purpose potting mix and 1 part sharp sand or perlite. Cactus mix works well, too.

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Fertilizer Requirements:

Feed 4 times a year with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Pests & Diseases:

No such serious pest and diseases.


Repot if needed in spring / summer.


It is great at removing volatile organic compounds and is

hard to kill.

Plant name – Cactus

Scientific name – Mammillaria spp

Common name – Globe cactus

Origin - Mexico


Desert cacti are reputed to be impossible to kill as indoor plants, presumably because

of their desert roots, it is crucial to work with their special natures. With prickly thorns and

thick outer skin, many cactus varieties are perfectly suited for a harsh, arid environment.

With proper care, cactus is a fascinating plant that adds colour and interest to the indoor


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There are several varieties of cactus which can grow indoor. Cacti come in all shapes

and sizes, textures and flower colours. There are two main groups of cacti the desert cacti

(usually covered in spines) and the jungle or rainforest cacti (often without spines and most

are epiphytes).

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low to high

Most cacti will need as much light as possible, while some others a bit less, yet others

needing more than average.

Water requirement: Low

Water cacti when the top 1/2 inch of the soil is dry to the touch. Water the plant

thoroughly and allow it to drain when watering. Do not leave the cacti constantly sitting in a

dish of water, as this encourages rot.

Growing medium:

Pot a desert cactus in a mix of 1 part peat moss, 1 part soil and 1 part sand, or a pre-

packaged mix designed specifically for cacti.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Fertilize the cactus once or twice a year using houseplant food with nitrogen and

phosphorus. Dilute it to half the recommended amount before using and apply it to the cactus

in the spring or summer months.

Pests & Diseases:

Scale insect and mealy bugs are common insects.


They don’t need Re-potting often but once in a while for soil

replenishment and when the plant needs a larger pot.

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Benefits: Thrive best under indoor conditions.

Plant name – Orchid

Scientific name – Phalaenopsis spp

Common name – Moth Orchid



Orchids have long been a symbol of love and beauty.

Grown by enthusiasts for their sheer elegance and

fascination. With over 750 genera of orchids, over 30,000

hybrids and more introduced every year, there is a huge

variety of orchids to choose from for the orchid

enthusiast. Orchids are unique, unusual, gorgeous and very

special. Since most orchids are epiphytes or air plants, their

culture requirements are different than other plants.

Plant care:

Light Requirements: Low

Phalaenopsis are ‘low’ light orchids.

Water requirement: Low

If it is potted in bark watering once a week is generally sufficient. If plant is potted in

moss, water when the top feels dry.

Growing medium:

Phalaenopsis orchids can be planted in quite a wide variety of materials, including fir

bark, sphagnum peat, tree fern, charcoal, sphagnum moss, perlite, coconut husk chips,

diatomite or any mixture of these materials. Coarse-cut materials are generally used to

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promote proper root aeration, water and nutrient retention, and root drainage. Stability,

weight, consistency and cost are other considerations when mixing orchid potting media.

Fertilizer Requirements:

Any balanced orchid fertilizer (look at the numbers on the container, 20-20-20 etc.)

can be used to fertilize your orchid. Feeding weakly (half strength) weekly works well. Once

a month.

Pests & Diseases:

Phalaenopsis suffer from the same problems as other orchids,

including mealybug, slugs and snails.


Re-pot only when the roots have filled the pot, using a container that is only one or

two sizes larger. Do not try to bury the aerial roots in the compost, as they may rot.


With its beautiful flowers, this plant will surely enhance the beauty of the home and

also purify the air inside the house. It said to remove volatile organic compounds and

formaldehyde (carcinogen, cancer-causing substance associated with most chemicals,

plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing).

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What do you need to start?

Garden accessories

Pots and planters

Most houseplants are sold in standard plastic pots. Usual people prefer to replace

these pots. They choose from pots that come in an almost-infinite variety of materials, types,

sizes, and colours.

Tips to choose pots and planters

• The container should match the size of the plant.

• Pots should have holes in their bottoms for excess water to drain out.

• Because of these holes, each pot needs a plastic or clay saucer underneath it to prevent

excess water from spilling on the carpet, floor, or furniture.

Types of pots and planters for houseplants

Plastic pots

The most popular container today is the plastic pot. Plastic

pots are light-weight and low-cost, making them a popular choice for

indoor gardeners. It comes in an assortment

of colors and is lightweight (plastic is an

excellent material for hanging baskets),

easy to clean and inexpensive.

One major advantage of plastic over clay is that, because

plastic does not absorb moisture from the soil the way clay does,

plants in plastic pots don't need to be watered as frequently. Normally, plastic is quite tough,

but it can break in cold weather.

Self-watering planters

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As the name indicates there is no need of water your

plant regularly because you pour water into a pipe at the top of

the pot or through a hole in the side of the pot to fill the

reservoir. A wick draws water up from the reservoir and into

the dry soil so you don't have to

water as frequently. The biggest advantage of self-

watering planters is moisture conservation. With a traditional

container a lot of water is lost through the drainage hole. It not only conserves the water but

also encourages the healthy root growth and reduces the nutrient loss.

Ceramic Planters

Ceramic pots are more decorative. They

also hold less moisture, which is best when plant’s

soil should be kept moist but not wet. They are

better for larger plants because they weigh more.

As plant grows heavier on the top, ceramic pots

can counter the weight, making them less likely to topple over.

Terracotta Planters

Terra cotta pots are porous, allowing moisture to evaporate

from the soil so that roots can get the oxygen they need. New terra

cotta pots are so dry that they can steal water from the soil you put

in them, leaving the plants thirsty. It's a good idea to soak the pots

overnight before planting in them. This type is ideal for house

plants that don't like a lot of moisture in the soil, such as cacti and

other succulents.

Apart from above mentioned pots and planters there are several planters which you

can use for your indoor house plants to beatify your house. They are hanging pots, plastic pot

bowls, net pots (for orchids), fibre reinforced plastic pots and planters and vertical wall


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Garden tools

If you are a beginner at gardening this helpful list

with pictures will explain basic gardening tools and

equipment available and their uses.


A tool for cutting down grass and tall plants, consisting of a long curved blade and

a handle


A small tool with a curved blade that is used for digging small holes or digging plants

out of the ground.


This is a short handled dual head tool suitable for use on smaller areas to break down

large clods of earth when preparing garden beds.

Pruner Scissor

Used for making sharp clean cuts on plant stems.


Transplanter helps to uprooting and replanting the plants.


It is helpful to remove weeds either with a tap root or a fibrous root system.

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Sprayer is used to mist the plants during winter season to

raise humidity. It is used to mist the plants regularly to make

plants looks better by removing the dust on house plants and

misting plants regularly will helps to control mites. We can also

use this for spraying pesticide to control pest and diseases.

Rubber hand gloves

A pair of gardening gloves is a must to keep your hands

protected from cuts and abrasions. There are many varieties available

from light-weight cotton gloves to thick waterproof heavy duty


Seeds and bulbs

With good quality of seeds and bulbs you can decorate your garden with colourful

flowers or grow your own fruit, vegetables and herbs with ease at affordable prices.

Growing vegetables from seed may take a little effort, but there are several

advantages for the home gardener. They include:

• More varieties are available as seeds than from full-grown plants.

• It’s cheaper compare to full grown plant.

• You will get known quality of plants, when you grow your own plants.

But the thing is germination percentage may vary by several factors like viability,

temperature, moisture, soil type and moisture and days taken for germination of seeds and

bulbs also vary, and it depends on type of seeds and their varieties.

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Vegetable seeds

Vegetables can be easily grown in terrace, balcony and backyard of the house. There

are some easiest vegetables to grow in container for beginner gardeners. They are beans,

carrot, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce and other greens, onion, peas, capsicum, potato, radish

and tomato etc.

Flower seeds

Zinnia, chrysanthemum, rose and hybrid sunflower, marigold, dianthus, portulaca

grandiflora and bougainvillea etc.

Flower bulbs

Gladiolous and lili etc.

Tree and forest seeds

Peepal and neem etc.

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Growing medium

Nutrient rich soil

Houseplants need a good place to set down roots. A healthy soil that fits each plant is

the key to a lush indoor garden. Most houseplants grow best in nutrient rich, well-drained

soil. The mix should be porous for root aeration and drainage, and able to retain moisture and



This is made from coconut husks and has absolutely no nutrition in it, but has

excellent water retention capacity. It is added so that the container retains more moisture for

the plants and it reduces the weight on balcony/terrace. Cocopeat is available in a few forms.

1. Compressed block

In 1/2/5 kilogram blocks, it looks like a solid brick. Soak it in

water, it expands in size and it becomes powdery. It’s easy to


2. Loose, uncompressed powder

Difficult to carry as it is sold in about 25 kg bags.

3. Cocochips

Lasts longer than bark with no degradation (5 plus years).

Very clean, uniform and no wastage. Wet coconut husk chips hold

water and air like a sponge.

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This is a broken down, decomposed form of kitchen

waste, dried leaves, cow dung, and more. The process of

decomposition takes about 6-8 weeks. When this breaking

down process is done with the help of a specific breed of earth

worms (common name: Red Wiggler; scientific name: Eisenia

fetida or Eisenia andrei) the end result is called vermicompost.

It contains water-soluble nutrients; vermicompost is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic

fertilizer and soil conditioner.

Neem cake

Neem Cake is an organic by product of neem seed oil production. Neem cake is used

as a natural fertiliser.

Benefits of neem cake

• Neem cake can be used as fertilizer.

• Neem cake helps to control the pests.

• Improves earthworm activity.

Pebbles and stones

Pebbles and stone have several uses in house plants

I. A layer of stones in the bottom of pots will improve

drainage and keep the soil from spilling out.

II. Pebbles and stones can be used as mulch and decoration

in house plants. Advantages of mulching.

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• Give a clean appearance by hiding the soil. This is

especially important for plants in the kitchen and those used as

decorative focal points. Plants may be growing in dirt, but they

don’t have to look dirty.

• Prevent weeds from germinating in the pot.

• Keep soil from splashing out when watering plants.

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Three locations are coming in our mind i.e. Balcony? Ground space? Terrace ?

• Any location which gets at least 2-3 hours or more of direct sunlight.

• Adequate waterproofing has been done to terrace.

• There must be a water drainage outlet system in balcony.

Still you are thinking, where to keep house plats? / do you have

limited space for house plants? Go through below images

definitely you will get an idea to decor you house with plants.

You can use a wide array of pots and planters to spruce up your living space Hou

House plants on wall

Near window side

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Apart from above mentioned house plants herbs can also be grow well near the window


On terrace

Vegetables are most suitable for terrace gardening

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Terminology Balanced fertilizer

Balanced fertilizers contain equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, such as

10-10-10 or 5-5-5.


Carbendazim is a systemic broad-spectrum fungicide, used worldwide against various

fungal diseases of plants.


Completely decayed organic matter used for conditioning soil. It is dark, odorless and

rich in nutrients.

Deep fertile soils

Soil that is fertile and it is able to support the growth of large number of strong healthy



Disease is something that causes interference with the plants so the plants do not

reproduce or die slowly.


Drought tolerance refers to the degree to which a plant is adapted

to arid or drought conditions.


An organic or synthetic material added to the soil or the plant that is important for its

nutrient value. Fertilizers are available in both solid and liquid form.

Foliar Fertilizing

A technique of feeding plants by applying liquid fertilizer directly to plant leaves.


Compounds used to prevent the spread of fungi in gardens and crops, which can cause

serious damage to plants.

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The beginning of growth in seeds, the action of sprouting, budding or shooting, above the

soil. This occurs whenever a plant or seed begins to vegetate into leafy young plants. The

breaking of dormancy in seeds or the sprouting of pollen grains deposited on a stigma.

Growing medium

The medium that your plants grow in is called the growing medium. Through growing

medium plant roots grow and extract water and nutrients. Different ingredients are used in

varying combinations to create growing media. By understanding the functions of growing

medium, you can evaluate the qualities of individual types and select which ones might work best

for your house plants. The choice is very important. Growing medium should be free of disease

and weed seeds.

Heavy Soil

A soil that contains a high proportion of clay and is poorly drained.

Insecticidal soap

Insecticidal Soap is made from naturally occurring plant oils and animal fats. Insecticidal

Soap can be used inside or out to kill aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, whiteflies and more and

leaves behind no chemical residues


A substance used for killing insects.

Liquid fertilizer

Liquid fertilizers are concentrates or water-soluble powders of synthetic chemicals that

contain a mix of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. They are easy to apply to lawns and



Malathion is a man-made organophosphate insecticide that is commonly used to control

mosquitoes and a variety of insects (Aphids, thrips, spider mites, lace bugs, adult Japanese

beetles, tent caterpillars, soft scale, whiteflies, mealybugs) that attack fruits, vegetables,

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landscaping plants and shrubs. It can also be found in other pesticide products used indoors and

on pets to control ticks and insects, such as fleas and ants.

Nitrogenous fertilizers

Fertilizers that contains nitrogen in it.

Neem oil

Neem oil is an extract made from the pressed seeds of the neem tree. Neem oil is used to

control infestations of pests and diseases. It effectively controls the spider mite, white flies, scale,

aphids and mealy bugs. It also controls root rot diseases in house house plants.


An abbreviation for the three main nutrients that have been identified as absolutely

necessary for plants are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). These three are also

known as “macronutrients,” and are the source of the three numbers commonly found on fertilizer



Refers to something derived from living organisms and is made up of carbon-based

compounds. It is also a general term used for a type of gardening using no chemical or synthetic

fertilizers or pesticides.

Organic potting mix

It is organic and it contains compost, worm castings and live micro-organisms.

Peat moss based potting mix

Peat moss is brown colour it looks like soil; it has a different texture and weight. It's light

and spongy. It is often added as an ingredient to potting soil to lighten the soil and allow it to hold

moisture better.


Perlite is the snowy white granular particles that look like small pieces of styrofoam in

potting mediums.The principal value of perlite in any potting medium is providing aeration and

improving water drainage.

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Pests are damaging crops in the roots, stems, leaves or other plant parts, so the plants

cannot grow properly or die.


A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or

to animals.

Pests and diseases

Pests and diseases, both of which are the cause of the damage. However, when viewed

from the causes and results of its work, then between the pest and disease have differences.

Potting soil / potting mix

Potting soil is an essential element in any garden container. It is lighter and airier, so

helps to keep water moving from top to bottom and keep plant roots as healthy as possible.

Composition – 1:1:1:1 proportion of peat moss, perlite, compost and good garden soil.

Plant sap

Plant sap is the life’s blood of a plant.


Pyrethrins are pesticides found naturally in some chrysanthemum flowers. They are a

mixture of six chemicals that are toxic to insects. Pyrethrins are commonly used to control

mosquitoes, fleas, flies, moths, ants, and many other pests.


Transferring a plant from one pot to another pot especially in larger one.

Slow-release fertilizer

Slow release fertilizers include products in which the nutrients contained within the

product are slowly soluble, slowly released, or held in a natural organic form.


Process of converting organic materials into worm castings by earth worms.

Well drained soil

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Well-drained soil is that which allows water to percolate through it reasonably quickly

and not pool.

Well-aerated potting soil

Potting soil which drains well but still hold moisture.

Water holding capacity

The water holding capacity of a soil is a very important characteristic. Soils that hold

generous amounts of water are less subject to leaching losses of nutrients or soil applied
