Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Line That etains Epithelial Characteristics After Prolonged Culture berta A. Davis,*~\ Paul S. Bernstein,X Dean Bok,% James Turner,^ Maurice Nachtigal,^ d Richard C. Hunt*\\ Purpose. A spontaneously arising, apparently transformed, cell line has been cloned from a primary culture of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and has been subcultured more than 200 times. The similarities of these cells to human RPE cells in vivo have been determined. Methods. The structure of the transformed cells has been determined by light and electron microscopy and by immunocytochemistry using antibodies that detect cytoskeletal and other proteins. The ability of the cell line to bind and phagocytose photoreceptor material has also been assessed by fluorescence and electron microscopy. The metabolism of all-<ra?i.s-retinol has been investigated by incubation of the cells with 3 H-all-toms-retinol and analysis of the metabolic products by high-performance liquid chromatography. Results. The transformed cells possess an epithelial cobblestone morphology with intercellular junctional complexes containing N-cadherin. The cytoskeleton of these cells comprises cyto- keratins that are characteristic of epithelial cells, together with actin, spectrin, and vimentin. The keratins expressed are those typical of RPE cells. The cells also express cellular retinalde- hyde binding protein and retinol dehydrogenase activity but do not express retinoid isomerase or lecithin retinol acyl transferase activities. These cells also exhibit phagocytic activity. Conclusions. This cell line retains many of the metabolic and morphologic characteristics of RPE cells in vivo although there are some differences, particularly the loss of some enzymatic activities and cytoskeletal polarization. These cells should be useful in further studies of RPE cell metabolism and other functions. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1995;36:955-964. he retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells of the hu- n eye constitute one aspect of the blood-retinal rier. 1 " 3 As such, they control access of blood-borne bstances, including nutrients, growth factors, and rmones, to the neural retina. Retinal pigment epi- lial cells participate in the visual cycle as the loca- n of synthesis and storage of retinyl esters, isomer- tion of all-/ran^retinoids to 11-ds-retinoids, and the m the * Departments of Microbiology and Immunology, ^Ophthalmology, and hology, University of South Carolina Medical School, Columbia, South olina; the \Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Jules Stein Eye Institute Brain Research Institute, UCIJi School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California; the fDe/mitment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, North Texas Eye Research ute, University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, Texas. orted by National Institutes of Health grants EY06164 (RH), EY00444 and 033I (DB), and E>'04377 (ff), and by the Retinilis Pigmentosa Foundation ing Blindness (DB). DB is the Dolly Green Professor of Ophthalmology at A. mitted for publication September 14, 1994; revised October 5, 1994; accepted ber 16, 1994. rietary interest category: N. int requests: Richard C. Hunt, Department of Microbiology, University of South lina Medical School, Columbia, SC 29208. conversion of retinol to retinal. 4 9 In addition, th and the Miiller cells synthesize cellular retinaldeh binding protein (CRALBP) involved in retinoid tr port in the retina. l0 Retinal pigment epithelial c also carry out phagocytosis and digestion of m branes shed from photoreceptor cell outer ments. 1112 Extensive investigations of human RPE cell st ture and function have been limited by the neces use of primary cultures that rarely survive more t eight to ten passages and that, moreover, may be c taminated by other cells. In addition, primary cult of RPE cells frequently take on an altered morphol and, in some instances, lose their characteristic k tin-containing intermediate filaments, synthesizing stead intermediate filaments that are more charac istic of cells of mesenchymal origin. 1314 In view of the disadvantages of short-term cultu and the shortage of human donor eyes, a continu cell line would be most useful for studies of RPE

A Human Retinal.pigment Epithelial Stem Cell

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  • A Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Line ThatRetains Epithelial Characteristics After Prolonged Culture

    Alberta A. Davis,*~\ Paul S. Bernstein,X Dean Bok,% James Turner,^ Maurice Nachtigal,^and Richard C. Hunt*\\

    Purpose. A spontaneously arising, apparently transformed, cell line has been cloned from aprimary culture of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and has been subculturedmore than 200 times. The similarities of these cells to human RPE cells in vivo have beendetermined.

    Methods. The structure of the transformed cells has been determined by light and electronmicroscopy and by immunocytochemistry using antibodies that detect cytoskeletal and otherproteins. The ability of the cell line to bind and phagocytose photoreceptor material has alsobeen assessed by fluorescence and electron microscopy. The metabolism of all-

  • 956 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, April 1995, Vol. 36, No. 5

    function and the purification of enzymes unique tothese cells. In this article, we report the cloning ofsuch a cell line, D407 cells, that has now been main-tained in culture for more than 200 passages. Thesecells retain their epithelial morphology, forming ahexagonal cobblestone layer with intercellular junc-tions, and possess a keratin-containing cytoskeletonalthough they also synthesize vimentin. Moreover,these cells make CRALBP and have retinol dehydroge-nase activity, both of which are found in RPE cells invivo.10'15 However, they do not exhibit the extremepolarity of RPE cells as judged by their organization ofspectrin, a submembranous skeletal protein associatedwith the apical surface of RPE cells in vivo,1B and theyfail to make some other enzymes found in these cellsin vivo.


    Cloning and Growth of D407 RPE CellsCells were trypsinized from the globe of the eye of a12-year-old white male child within 12 hours of deathand cultured as described." After nine passages, fociof rapidly growing cells arose in this culture. Thesecells had a cuboidal morphology at the center of themass of cells. They were cylinder cloned and main-tained in high-glucose Dulbecco's minimal essentialmedium containing 10% fetal calf serum, penicillin(100 U/ml), streptomycin (100 //g/ml), and 2 mMglutamine. The cells were subcultured at a ratio of 1:5every 4 days, and the serum was reduced to 3%, inwhich they are maintained. All medium constituentswere obtained from Gibco/BRL (Grand Island, NY).

    The tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki werefollowed, and institutional human experimentationcommittee approval was granted for these studies.

    Fluorescence Microscopy

    Cytoskeletal Elements and N-cadherin. D407 cellswere grown on glass coverslips, fixed for 5 minutes inice-cold methanol-acetone (1:1), and rehydrated inDulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Theywere stained for keratin using AE1 and AE3 (Boeh-ringer-Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) monoclonal an-tibodies, for vimentin using anti-vimentin monoclonalantibody (ICN, Irvine, CA), for glial fibrillary acidicprotein (GFAP) using monoclonal anti-GFAP (Boeh-ringer), for actin using fluorescein isothiocyanate-phalloidin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO), for spectrin usinga polyclonal anti-spectrin antibody (R. Hunt, unpub-lished data, 1982) and for N-cadherin using a poly-clonal anti-N-cadherin antibody (kindly donated by T.Borg).

    CRALBP. Cells were fixed in freshly made 4% para-formaldehyde in PBS and washed in PBS containing

    50 mg bovine serum albumin (BSA) per milliliter. Thecells were then incubated with 0.5% Triton X-100 inPBS-BSA. CRALBP was detected using a polyclonalantibody (kindly donated by Dr. J. Saari).

    Factor VIII. Cells were fixed in freshly made 4%paraformaldehyde in PBS and washed in PBS-BSA.They were then incubated with monoclonal anti-Fac-tor VIII antibody (Boehringer).

    SV40 Large T-antigen. Cells were fixed in absolutemethanol at 20 for 5 minutes and rehydrated inPBS. They were then incubated for 1 hour with mono-clonal anti-SV40 T-antigen antibody (culture mediumfrom PA 101 hybridoma; ATCC, Rockville, MD).

    In all cases except for the detection of SV40 Tantigen, in which the culture medium was used undi-luted, primary antibodies were diluted 1:100 in PBS-BSA and incubated with cells at 37C for 30 minutes.After incubation with these antibodies, the cells werewashed in PBS-BSA three times, and bound antibod-ies were detected by incubation with the appropriatefluorescent second antibody (diluted 1:250 in PBS-BSA) for 30 minutes at 37C. The cells were washedin PBS-BSA and observed using a Biorad (Richmond,CA) MRC600 confocal microscope system or a Nikon(Melville, NY) Microphot FXA fluorescence micro-scope.

    Binding of Retinal Rod Outer Segments

    Rod outer segments were prepared from pooled hu-man neural retinae using gradient centrifugation, asdescribed.18 The second band from the top of thegradient that contained rod outer segments waswashed free of sucrose using PBS and was labeled over-night at 4C in 1 ml PBS containing 500 //g 5-(4,6-dichlorotriazin-2-yl) aminofluorescein (Sigma) permilliliter (added as a X10 stock solution in dimethylsulfoxide). The labeled rod outer segments werewashed three times in PBS and resuspended in 1 mlPBS. D407 RPE cells were grown on glass coverslipsand incubated with 100 fil rod outer segment suspen-sion per milliliter PBS at 37CC for 10 minutes. Thecoverslips were again washed in PBS at 4C and wereobserved with a Meridian (Okemos, MI) InstrumentsACAS 570 adherent cell cytometer in both the confo-cal fluorescence and phase-contrast modes.

    Electron Microscopy

    D407 cells were grown on laminin-coated (Collabora-tive Research, Bedford, MA) culture well inserts(Costar, Cambridge, MA) with 0.45 /j.m pores or onlaminin-coated culture ware (Costar). In one experi-ment, cells on culture ware were also incubated witha crude retinal homogenate at 37C. The cells werefixed with 2% glutaraldehyde in Sorrensen's bufferand processed for electron microscopy as described.17

  • A Human RPE Cell Line 957

    Processing of 3H-all-/ra7ts-retinol

    Confluent cultures were rinsed in serum-free mediumand scraped into 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH 7.3). The cells were sonicated (10 seconds, 100watts) with a probe sonicator, and cellular debris wasremoved by centrifugation at 600gfor 10 minutes at4C. The extract was then centrifuged at 100,000gfor1 hour at 4C. The supernatant liquid was discardedand the pellet rinsed three times in phosphate buffer.The pellet was resuspended in phosphate buffer withbrief sonication, and this membrane prep;.-ation waseither used immediately or stored frozen. The proteinconcentration was 3 mg/ml to 5 mg/ml.

    One hundred microliters of membrane prepara-tion were incubated at 37C for 2 hours in the darkwith 100 ^1 1% BSA (fatty acid free; Sigma) and 0.5/zCi3H-[ll,12]-all-/ran*retinolin0.5/jlethanol(NEN,46.2 Ci/mMol, confirmed to be >99% *H-a\Urans-retinol by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)). In some experiments, a X20 concentrate ofNAD+ or NADP+ was added to a final concentrationof 1 mM. The reaction was terminated by the additionof 600 /J.1 67% methanol. Radiolabeled retinoids wereextracted into hexane containing 0.1 mg butylatedhydroxytoluene per milliliter to inhibit oxidation andisomerization. The extract was supplemented with anisomeric mixture of retinol, retinal, and retinyl palmi-tate standards.

    One hundred microliters of hexane extract wasinjected onto an isocratic, normal-phase HPLC systemconsisting of an 8 /xm silica gel column (Dynamax-60A; Rainin, Emeryville, CA) eluted with 8% dioxanein hexane at 1 ml/minute. Detection was by ab-sorbance at 326 nm and liquid scintillation countingin which the eluate was mixed with an equal volumeof betafluor scintillant (National Diagnostics, Atlanta,GA) and passed through an in-line /?-RAM liquid scin-tillation counter with a 1-ml flow cell.

    Chromosome Analysis

    Semiconfluent, logarithmically growing cells were in-cubated with 0.01 /ig colcemid per milliliter (Gibco/BRL). The cells were detached with trypsin/ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid solution (Gibco/BRL), centri-fuged, and resuspended in hypotonic medium (3 partsdistilled water/1 part complete culture medium).After 30 minutes at 37C, the suspension was centri-fuged at 800 rpm and fixed in glacial acetic acid/absolute methanol (1:3 vol/vol) at 4C. The fixativewas changed five times. Chromosome preparationswere obtained by dropping the cell suspension on wetglass microscope slides. The slides were dried andstained with 10% (vol/vol) Giemsa solution in water.


    The Morphology of D407 CellsPrimary cultures of human RPE cells grown to conflu-ence exhibit a "cobblestoned" epithelial morphology(Fig. 1A) similar to cells in the retina. Areas of theculture are devoid of pigmentation because culturedRPE cells, unless they are obtained from fetuses, gen-erally fail to synthesize melanin, and the original pig-ment granules are divided among the daughter cells.The highly pigmented cells in Figure 1A are thosethat have not divided in culture.

    D407 RPE cells were originally grown on laminin-coated plastic in 10% serum in which they form acontact-inhibited cobblestoned monolayer (Fig. IBshows cells at passage 6). The serum was reduced to3%, and laminin was omitted. The cells have contin-ued to grow with the same morphology after beingsubcultured 200 times (Fig. 1C shows cells at passage114). They have lost pigmentation but otherwise havea morphology similar to early-passage RPE cells.

    Electron Microscopy

    Late-passage D407 cells were seeded onto filters con-taining 0.45 /xM pores (Fig. 2A) or onto plastic culturedishes (Figs. 2B, 2C 2D). The cells at passage 80formed monolayers with tightly apposed membraneslinked by intercellular junctional complexes (arrow-heads). Associated with these junctional complexeswere cortical microfilaments running parallel to theplasma membrane (Fig. 2C, arrow). Numerous shortmicrovilli were apparent on the apical surfaces butthese were considerably shorter than those of RPEcells in vivo.

    The Cytoskeleton of D407 CellsMost cells of epithelial origin contain keratin interme-diate filaments, and these proteins are considered di-agnostic of epithelial cells; in contrast, cells of mesen-chymal origin, such as fibroblasts, contain vimentinintermediate filaments. When subconfluent D407 cellswere permeabilized and stained with a mixture of twomonoclonal antibodies that stain a range of epithelialkeratins, a typical keratin intermediate filament net-work was observed (Fig. 3A). When the cells reachedconfluence, the keratin filaments formed a networkthroughout the cytoplasm (Figs. 3B, 3C, 3D).

    The intermediate filament system of RPE cells invivo contains keratins characteristic of simple epithe-lia, i.e., keratins 8 and 18.'s When cultured in vitro, amore complex spectrum of keratins is observed, andkeratins 7 and 19 are also found.'3 Western blot analy-sis (data not shown) indicated that D407 keratins aresimilar to those of RPE cells in primary culture, i.e.,they contain keratins 7, 8, 18, and 19.

    Actin forms a cortical web of microfilaments that

  • 958 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, April 1995, Vol. 36, No. 5

    FIGURE i. Morphology of human retinal pig-ment epithelial cells in culture. (A) Retinalpigment epithelial cells growing in primaryculture. Some cells retain their pigmenta-tion. (B) D407 cells after being subculturedsix times. Apparently transformed foci ofcells arose at passage 9. (C) D407 cells afterbeing subcultured 114 times. The cells wereobserved using Hoffman contrast modula-tion optics.

    interacts with junctional complexes near the apicalregion of the lateral membranes of many epithelialcells, including RPE. In addition, actin-containing mi-crofilaments are found throughout the cytoplasm.Confocal microscopy showed that a tight cortical layerof actin filaments bounds the lateral surface of D407cells (Fig. 3F). These filaments were much moreclosely apposed to the lateral membrane than the in-

    FIGURE 2. Morphology of D407 Cells. D407 cells (passage80) were grown on membrane niters (A) or laminin-coatedtissue culture ware (B, C, D). The fixed monolayer of cellswas sectioned vertically (A, B) or en face (C, D). Arrowheadsindicate junctional complexes close to the apical surface ofthe cells. These are associated with a layer of submembra-nous microfilaments (arroio). Original magnifications: (A)X4320; (B) X7700; (C) X30}000; (D) X6400. Bars = 1 /im.

    termediate filaments (see Figs. 3C, 3F). In the apicalcytoplasm, short actin aggregates rather than fila-ments were observed (Fig. 3E). These may be concen-trated in the short microvilli of D407 cells, althoughRPE cells do not exhibit the paracrystalline array offilaments seen in the microvilli of some other epithe-lial cells.19

    D407 cells stained positively for vimentin (Fig.3G), which is also found in cultured RPE cells of vari-ous species.20"22 These cells did not contain GFAP(Fig. 3H).

    Spectrin, a high molecular weight component ofmany cell cytoskeletons, exhibits a highly polarizeddistribution in human RPE cells in vivo and is highlyconcentrated under the apical surface.16 This proteinwas found as a filamentous web throughout the cyto-plasm of D407 cells and appeared to be more concen-trated at the basal surface (Figs. 31, 3J, 3K).

    On the lateral membranes of D407 cells was a beltof N-cadherin (A-CAM)-containing structures (Fig.3L) that, at higher magnification, had a punctate ap-pearance (Fig. 3M). This suggests that the array ofjunctional complexes seen in electron micrographs ofen face sections (Fig. 2C) extend as spot welds aroundthe circumference of the cell.

    Expression of CRALBP by D407 Cells

    CRALBP binds 11-m-retinal in RPE and Mttller cellsof the retina10 and was found in D407 cells using aspecific polyclonal anti-CRALBP antibody (Fig. 4).

  • A Human RPE Cell Line 959

    FIGURE 3. Confocal fluorescence microscopy of the cytoskeleton of D407 cells. (A) Subcon-fluent cells stained for keratins. (B) Confluent cells stained for keratins. Confocal opticalsection near the apical surface. (C) Confluent cells stained for keratins. Section near themiddle of the cell. (D) Confluent cells stained for keratins. Section near the basal surface.(E) Confluent cells stained for actin. Section near the apical surface showing concentrationof actin in short microfilaments. (F) Confluent cells stained for actin. Section near themiddle of the cell showing cortical microfilaments. (G) Confluent cells stained for vimentin.Section near the apical surface. (H) Confluent cells stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein.(I) Confluent cell stained for spectrin. Section near the apical surface. (J) Confluent cellsstained for spectrin. Section near the middle of the cell. (K) Confluent cells stained forspectrin. Section near the basal surface. (L, M) Confluent cells stained for N-cadherin. Allcells shown in this figure were from passages 18 to 25. Cells at passage 89 were similar inappearance (data not shown).

    Binding of ROS by D407 CellsA major function of RPE cells is the uptake and degra-dation of shed membranes from photoreceptor outersegments by what appears to be a specific receptor-mediated process.1123'24 To test whether D407 RPEcells are capable of rapid binding of photoreceptorfragments, the latter were fluorescently labeled andincubated with D407 cells at 37C for 10 minutes, fol-lowed by extensive washing. Figure 5 shows confocalfluorescence (panel A) and phase-contrast images(panel B). In panel C, the phase-contrast image ismerged with the fluorescence, which is shown in blackfor better contrast. It can be seen that within the 10-minute period, the D407 cells bound a considerableamount of the labeled material. Further incubation(data not shown) showed continued accumulation offluorescent vesicles by the cells.

    D407 cells were incubated with an homogenate

    of neural retina to investigate their phagocytic activityfurther. Retinal material was found to be associatedwith a thickening of the plasma membrane (Fig. 6A)or engulfed by microvilli after a 10-minute incubation(Fig. 6B). After a further period, numerous inclusionsthat were often darkly stained were observed (Figs.6C, 6D).

    Processing of 3H-all-frans-retinol by D407 Cells

    D407 cell membranes were incubated with *W-a\\-lrans-retinol, after which radiolabeled retinoids were ex-tracted and analyzed by HPLC. This allows the identi-fication of three enzymatic activities characteristic ofRPE cells: (i) lecithin retinol acyl transferase (LRAT),which esterifies retinol with long chain fatty acids, typi-cally palmitate; (ii) retinoid isomerase, which convertsall-iran^retinoids to visually active 11-ris-retinoids; and(iii) retinol dehydrogenase (RDH) activity, which oxi-

  • 960 Investigative Ophthalmology &: Visual Science, April 1995, Vol. 36. No. 5

    FIGURE4. Detection of CRALBP in D407 cells. NonconfluentD407 cells were stained with a polyclonal antibody againstCRALBP (A) or with nonimmune rabbit serum (B). Cellswere at passage 100. CRALBP = cellular retinaldehyde bind-ing protein.

    dizes retinol to retinal. Figure 7 shows a typical HPLCchromatogram of the retinoids formed after 2 hoursincubation of 3H-all-toms-retinol with D407 mem-branes. A major peak was observed at the positionof all-tarns-retinal, indicating RDH activity. Typically,approximately 50% of the substrate was oxidized toretinal in a 2-hour assay (Table 1). Some isomerizationto 13-os-retinol and 13-aVretinal was observed, but thishas been attributed to nonspecific thermal isomeriza-tion during the assay and extraction process,25 and,indeed, 13-d.wetino] was found when the incubationwas carried out in the absence of membranes (Fig.7). Although 11-d^retinal and 13-ds-retinal are notadequately separated on this HPLC system, analysis ofthe extracts in 4% dioxane in hexane, which separatesthe two isomers, revealed that the small peak is exclu-sively 13-ezs-retinal (data not shown). RDH activity was

    FIGURE 6. Binding and phagocytosis of retinal material byD407 cells. D407 cells (passage 191) were incubated for 10(a, b) or 60 (c, d) minutes with a homogenate of humanneural retina. The cells were then fixed for electron micros-copy, (a) Engulfment of a retinal fragment by microvilli. (b)Thickening {airoxviieads) of the plasma membrane beforephagocytosis, (c) Darkly stained phagosomes {mroioheads).(d) Lightly stained phagosomes. Original magnifications:(a) X3O,OOO; (b) X45,000; (c) x22,500; (d) X22,5OO. Bar= 0.5 fxm.

    significantly enhanced (P < 0.05) by the addition of1 mM NADP+, whereas NAD+ had no significant effect(Table 1). In the absence of membranes, no aN-trans-retinal was formed (Fig. 7).

    No esterification of 3H-alRram-retinol or forma-tion of 1 l-ds-retinoids was observed (Fig. 7), showingthat LRAT and retinoid isomerase activities are unde-tectable. The lack of these two enzyme activities wasconfirmed in an experiment in which D407 cells were

    FIGURE 5. Binding of fluorescein-labeled rod outer segments by D407 cells. D407 cells (pas-sage 89) were incubated for 10 minutes at 37C with fluorescein-labeled rod outer segmentsand observed by confocal fluorescence microscopy (panel A) and phase-contrast microscopy(panel B). The fluorescence and phase-contrast images are merged in panel C, in whichthe fluorescence is shown in black.

  • A Human RPE Cell Line








    2/3 A

    3 6 9 12 15 18 21MIN

    24 27 30

    FIGURE 7. Metabolism of 3H-all-frans-retinol by D407 cells.Membranes from D407 cells at approximately passage 100were incubated with 3H-labeled all-frarw-retinol. The reti-noids were extracted and analyzed by HPLC. (A) Ab-sorbance (at 326 nm) profile of standard retinoids. 1 =retinyl esters; 2 = 13-cw-retinal; 3 = 11-cw-retinal; 4 = 9-cis-retinal; 5 '= all-tarns-retinal; 6 = 11-cis-retinol; 7 = 15-cis-retinol; atr = all-Jrani-retinol. (B) Radioactive retinoids pro-duced after a 2-hour incubation of D407 cell membraneswith 3H-all-fras-retinol. (C) Radioactive retinoids after asimilar incubation in the absence of cell membranes.

    grown on Millicell filter supports and 3H-all-ram-reti-nol was delivered to cells in association with retinol.binding protein (data not shown). Additionally, ex-periments on D407 cell membranes using an ll-cis-retinal substrate demonstrated that these cells lack 11-cis specific RDH activity (data not shown).

    Karyotypic Analysis of D407 Cells

    A karyotype analysis showed that D407 cells are ofhuman origin and, therefore, are unlikely to be de-

    TABLE l. Retinol Dehydrogenase Activity inD407 Cell Membranes

    % Conversion toRetinal*

    Control D407 membranes 46.4 (15.5)D407 membranes + 1 mM NAD+ 53.5 (6.9)D407 membranes + 1 mM NADP+ 76.6 (8.0)|

    * Mean standard deviation (n = 3).f Significantly different from control (P < 0.05).Membranes were prepared from D407 cells and incubated withsH-all-tra?w-retinol for 2 hours. The products were analyzed byhigh-performance liquid chromatography.

    ft IIK ma3 b4 b 5

    cSx cl2



    16 118


    FIGURE 8. The karyotype of D407 cells. A representativekaryotype of a Giemsa solid-stained D407 metaphase, includ-ing 71 chromosomes. Most chromosomes were distributedin the classical alphabetic groups of the standard humankaryotype. Two chromosomes designated, ml and m2, couldnot be assigned to any group and are considered markerchromosomes.

    rived from contamination by other epithelial cellsused in these laboratories. In early passages, the cellsshowed a modal chromosome number of 44 2. Thechromosomes were distributed according to the stan-dard human karyotype (data not shown); however, bypassage 52, the cells showed a near triploid modalchromosome number (70 4). No diploid or neardiploid metaphases were observed after screeningover 50 metaphase spreads. Analysis of the metaphasesshowed that almost all the chromosomes could be as-signed to the A to G groups of the human karyotype(Fig. 8); however, some chromosomes in each spreadanalyzed did not match the morphology of normalhuman chromosomes. An extra long submetacentricchromosome was observed in almost all metaphasesexamined and was classified as a marker chromosome.

    Other Characteristics of D407 Cells

    D407 cells did not bind antibodies raised against Fac-tor VIII, indicating that they are not of endothelialorigin2627 (data not shown). These cells synthesizeS100 antigen (data not shown), which has, hitherto,been reported to be absent from RPE cells,28 and theyalso secrete apo-lipoprotein AI into their surroundingmedium. Because SV40 virus has been used in theauthors' laboratories, the cells were stained for SV40T antigen and found to be negative.


    Cultured human and other mammalian RPE cells havebeen the subject of many investigations of the blood-

  • 962 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, April 1995, Vol. 36, No. 5

    retinal barrier, especially with regard to the transportof circulatory molecules into the neural retina. Suchstudies have necessarily been carried out on primarycultures or cells that have been subcultured a limitednumber of times. Large numbers of bovine or chickRPE cells may be obtained under such conditions,but human RPE cells pose the problem of limitedavailability and heterogeneity of human donor eyes.Moreover, human and other mammalian RPE cells,under conditions used in many laboratories, fre-quently lose many of their epithelial characteristicswhen subcultured. For example, melanin synthesisceases under most culture conditions, and the polar-ized cobblestoned epithelial morphology with junc-tional complexes between monolayer cells is lost. Thecells become fusiform and often form multilayers ofcells with sporadic, disorganized junctions. In somecases, the cells lose their keratin intermediate fila-ments, characteristic of epithelial cells, and synthesizevimentin-containing intermediate filaments,13 whichare more characteristic of cells of mesenchymal origin.

    For these reasons, continuous cultures of RPEcells would be useful, and several lines have now beenestablished. Human29 and rat30 RPE cells have beentransformed using SV40 T antigen, adenovirus E1A,or cellular oncogenes such as c-myc and Ha-ras, andsome of these retain their epithelial characteristics, asdo recently reported spontaneous rat transformants.31

    Human spontaneous transformants have also beenreported, but they have received less characteriza-tion,32"35 and, where their morphology has beenshown, they appear to be flattened rather than cuboi-dal, with cellular extensions overlying other cells andrather sporadic intercellular junctions.33 For studiesof the metabolism of the human eye, an RPE cell linethat maintains a high degree of epithelial morphologywould be useful. We have attempted to transform RPEcell cultures with plasmids expressing the SV40 largeT antigen and have obtained transformed cells ex-pressing the T antigen, but they lost their characteris-tic morphology (Davis and Hunt, unpublished data,1989). However, a clone of cells from an RPE cellculture has been obtained that appears to be sponta-neously transformed in the absence of any viral trans-formation vector. The cells, D407, have now been sub-cultured more than 200 times. Such spontaneoustransformation seems rare; we have only seen it onone other occasion during the culturing of cells fromalmost 2000 pairs of human donor eyes. By passage52, almost all cells examined had approximately 70chromosomes and at least one marker chromosome,suggesting that out of the initial diploid cells, a near-triploid clonal population has emerged and prevailed.It appears that the rearranged human genome meetsthe requirements for unlimited replication under theconditions provided by in vitro culture.

    Naturally, the question arises of whether thesecells are indeed of RPE origin or whether they arosefrom a small number of non-RPE cells that contami-nated the original culture of highly pigmented cells.Clearly, the cells exhibit a typical cobblestoned epithe-lial morphology and, at die back of the eye, only thepigment epithelium contains such cells. D407 cells donot express GFAP, indicating that they are not of glial(Muller) cell origin and do not express Factor VIII, amarker of endothelial cells. They do express vimentin,a protein characteristic of intermediate filaments ofmesenchymal cells, but many epithelial cells in cul-ture,36"39 including RPE cells,13'21 also express this pro-tein. Keratin is the only intermediate filament proteinfound in human RPE cells in vivo or in most otherhuman epithelia, and this is expressed by D407 cells;indeed, D407 cells synthesize keratins 8 and 18, typicalof simple human epithelia.13'4

    Spectrin (fodrin) is a submembranous skeletalprotein that is associated with actin and transmem-brane proteins. In vivo this protein in RPE cells ishighly polarized and is found on the cytoplasmic sur-face of the apical plasma membrane, where it mayinteract with the highly polarized Na+,K+-ATPase sys-tem. 16 In D407 cells, spectrin is found in associationwith apical and basolateral surfaces, indicating thatthe extreme polarization of this protein is not retainedin these cultured RPE cells. Loss of polarization incultured chick RPE cells also has been observed,40'41

    suggesting that polarization in vivo may reflect theinteractions of RPE with surrounding cells and theirextracellular matrices.

    In addition to their epithelial morphology andtheir expression of keratins, D407 cells have otherproperties that suggest their RPE origin. At conflu-ence, the cells form a belt of junctional complexeslinking adjacent cells by N-cadherin (A-CAM), a pro-tein characteristic of junctional complexes of a num-ber of epithelial cell types.42"44 In vivo RPE cells carryout phagocytosis of shed photoreceptor outer seg-ment membranes,"12 probably when the latter bindto a specific receptor on the RPE cell surface,23'24'45

    and a similar process may occur in D407 cells. More-over, CRALBP, which participates in the transport ofretinoids from the circulation to the retina and isfound in RPE and Muller cells of the retina in vivo,10

    also is synthesized by D407 cells.The D407 RPE cell line exhibits the ability to me-

    tabolize vitamin A in the form of 3H-all-rans-retinol.However, only the RDH activity was observed, whereasfreshly isolated RPE cells also express LRAT and reti-noid isomerase activities,8'9 and primary and second^ary cultures express LRAT but not retinoid isomerase.9

    Nevertheless, this appears to be the first continuousRPE cell line for which any retinoid processing capac-ity has been reported. Although D407 cells possess

  • A Human RPE Cell Line 963

    an RDH activity that can metabolize added a\\-tmns-retinol, they lack a comparable activity that can usethe 1 l-cis isomer. In vivo both the RPE and the rodouter segments possess the all-irans-specific RDH,'5

    whereas the as specific RDH is thought to be uniqueto the RPE."M7 The z\\-trans specific RDH in the rodouter segments is considered to be an integral enzymein the visual cycle required for the conversion of all-frans-retinal to all-tran.s-retinol after bleaching of rho-dopsin and before transport to the RPE. This enzyme'srole in the RPE is not well defined because these cellsare thought to be supplied with exogenous vitamin Aexclusively in the form of all-Zram-retinol. It is possiblethat the all-iran^retinal dehydrogenase activity mayform part of the cells' pathway for generation of reti-noic acid that occurs as two steps, during which retinolis converted to retinoic acid via retinal.

    Other characteristics of D407 cells not addressedin this article seem to be those of RPE cells. LikeRPE cells in vivo, they secrete basolateral extracellularmatrix molecules and matrix-degrading metallopro-teinases. In addition, they release iron that they havetaken up from diferric transferrin in a low molecularweight form that has been shown to be characteristicof primary cultures of RPE48 and other barriercells.49'50 These cells should prove to be useful in otherstudies of the biology of pigment epithelium.

    Key Words

    human pigment epithelium, transformed cell, cytoskeleton,phagocytosis, cell culture


    The authors thank Dr. Robert Price for his generous helpwith the electron microscopy and Dr. Walter McConathy forthe Western blot analysis of secreted lipoproteins. They alsothank Drs. T. Borg and J. Saari for antibodies and Dr. Wil-liam O'Day for culturing the cells for the retinoid experi-ments. Human donor eyes for retinal pigment epithelial cellculture were kindly donated by the South Carolina Lions'Eye Bank.


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