4° Pa|ittrs Page 7. A HINT. Botftfta * 1. ^OCOCX, OUTFITS. I^OUEEH'S ROAD, HAtTIHM. dealing to satistj yom.'* Saitw, Costa, Tronaexs, Mseki. ■sod Girl** Ck>ciiut^, Ladtnl 0O«4 lOT«r3rduugr Gai&t’a and. Ladiaa'O^&der- b^, Oid JewsUeiT, I n s t il I Lmeft, ererytbiof Biaukets, Cutlazy* I Ooina, Tnuka. sZkd B a ^ - PraeCia^ ^ ---- ^ brinff tu, Oid «st»Ob^ed.^ FEED SMITH, EIDKOBE DKAI.EH, tEN 8 EOAO. HASTINGS. Good i»xtc«i KiTen tor LsAtaS*. Heii'tt Otet-oC CLOTHING. CoftsiLS% PsrodLa TSiued sud xcooey xeM nU ' on raeaipt of Potiesrd. E1D._ SfatsbGastasd S3 y a s * . BEEN ET, LCR, GORDON VILLAS, BATTUl WARDS, will bod priew for Ics', Grnttlwjiona, and CT»i:drea*i ING APPABKL of e^err deacristjc^ [>NLY.OK.T': ADQRBSd. . U1 eoviimoaicstioDo ahovld be muS Villa, BattJe-iosd, ^ LeonsTda. ^Tompcly atLcndad is. DialSBoo ap oojoci. )US ARTICLES—WANTEa ^Heini<.:taad«treet, A^for^Kent.— hishost vsiiie; promid eett lemonte. ' __________________________________ ' Jd% tERS want-jd for oasli.—I^taiasnT^ - \ ______ o37 IL IN G .—M ij. MMhnist, l»or*r- luya Lidjeo’, Gout'e, aiki Cbildiftiv's ^ e : cftrria^-Q fo rward.__________ | ^llery. Ourioi^tieFs asd Wardrote i ■oea; '9Shie eent P.O. by remrn o( 1 ^&d SOI, QoeepWd., Haatiar^. tcl# j 5H EO S •wana-fjd; any Bize above H I ^ wbore seen to W. R o^ Heriin ____________________ -> ol8e ! i®*—W asted, Ofioers' Ontflta. \ r a w ; slao l3sdW tad Qtfldren.'d ' TeetiL^OM JeeeBecy, Omm * i BiasAefea. Coitains. Tnxass. ' >ewi&r Hsobisaa. Pzaettcsl ValtMoi. better Efofy atte»- 1 fict!e,~aaa» BOTTLES.—Flint. IML I _________ ! _______ ““ Jayinf the Ucbeck * W, Station-nJ., AsMerd. and I.e Blond ‘ Colour PrintA.— 1 ExBreae," Iiewos._______________olSo SOPSi <iBaiititT; ur clw . Bin. loBff bT 3'.n. diaznoter tbinnaih meter end oseardj.—Blactman, 43. :_____________________ ____________ ___ W31 «. ear Qmstitr « wast H Kwoo^ boob, ledcne. boek£' VIKON Ud MCTAU; uy qnuT *® »»T tkiid Biitr Moorii« k * JsdBK>A. Ltd., Xion' sad» fntwboTT Telo r?t beknett : oir«r a Cwturyt 3tors & Masons I South Coast. O FnCE.! — rsON STREET, tSTINQS. BmrHTi.Ti. bmgkton . ~GE W E lia , Mid CHI- f b u •I n r tlin* kr knelak- ^ages, and Deaths. B. DEATHS. IN MEMORIAll %i. Cd. for fosr liuea or laa% (ioosl liiie. be kuadine. mnat be prepsid, at |vK l be <^reed. i*r tku hea4ijir m-nst be esderasA ddres o< Adrerticer. 33 in Birth Annowaa*- ^dding Cards eaa bs I J. Parsons, Ltd:, 14, ont, Hastings. lABRIAGE. -On October 7th, at St. P-frter*® by , eiiefial licence, Alfred iliott. L'n.y son of ,Mi. Alfred iBexIiil!, SignaUcr, Royal Su-'aeX pidert 4iaii3nt«T of Mr. aiid Mie. pk-road, bi. L:omrds-on-Sea. OoUiber 6th. 1917, at 9^ I IjOU<i<’ n, W .C ., by this Ijy, Fred»Tici: Goode, on actire land Mn». Wdlimi Goode, ot to Malxl Origp, s. and GeOrje Grip?, ,cf UTS. SifHecx. tR.—Ou 0,-uAr2r 7th. 1917, Vf »7, 253nrl Canadian Rcrinseni, M TTJohn B;*mt>ajr, of Qnceoe* Kmily, yomi.eert Aiughicr c< er, of 6, Ho?ntye*road, O n SeplPinber ‘iSiMi. 1917, at St, jeh, by the Rev. A. Jiiiuiescn, eon of tho lat^ Edivarfl AlN^rt 1 , of WepT Manna., to Annie, .bo Jate (fdCTge ToTirle end « ^ Sejrtrfmbcr lJ9th, 1917, at Iby Rer. Aniwtron?. WiClmw |eoQ of tb# late Mr. C. PitrJier, TO EdiMi Lydia. Fcconii ^Irs. H. G. Hunt, of 39, Sodkee* terlrili.' I eaths - gth. 1317, at Pfcifp^-'t nmf, >itfcer. Tvidow of the Jc^a jy Bway. In Iwr 81^ yao.r. bait., SpriciT&cld-road, Geosps l9th, 1917, .it 189, London rfjo^ Ajjfvl 69 yeem. Fuzeerfl |ran;5s OTasr-tory. S^'ld’-tuMOor 2»)th, 1017, a t t l , |l.».'r.na.:isK)a-S?j^ after mueb art, lAUr R.N.V.R., bclored I Mrs. Park'6. Atfcd ICl yessre. EMUUXAH. memory of Latu^MTkiTpcctt 3.<Miidrru Riie Bn^^de, und-airc-T, youDcost and dearly Jl. L. Davia and Mr<&. Dari^ |bc-;cad iTonh., 9i. IrffAnurde. at Lo Tnintdoy. October burhtfcw in the wert; 1 worrioM ix/uaen tlicir net. i Paradiae tbe blest; AUdoiAl memory of .Secsoa^ nore Gxcmian. Kinj.''s‘ Lirer- Jiliiti, dearly loved and youn^yesid ■reniian, 53, Porensey-road. S t po, France. Otoh^-r 12tb, 191S. memory o? Rifleman Alb^ |fr»r Kis fwiun-ny (.u ricptc^jibec y^hrules Jinks, wiic tra^ kiilei pit'..' aut laiiiitry. thoir hrariciieg we?#, ■ns an*} h;( tlj<>r6, 1 silcnc -’ravtts; Their lost f-irereell, lir hands to uoao; ll»ofofe thry Vneir I n s TveTP '_’ODc. ptbsT, bist/ rs, and Brotine^ memory of our dear so% na‘.-«d away 0>-tobcr 18th, t«adly inisssed.” Patber* . of I^nrrMiJoTporal Quaifit, Iwlso Was killed in E^ion. <m pl'd h'R duty.” uc: meruoT>’ of ‘/.ingtori Park, who iTiawe< I' GohA but ner^r fi-cgtytten.* lio ry of OUT dr>rhjiir C h « ji# , ^.3th, 1915.. A««d;,19. po9h:d. bis6 hrm : ^as dear to-day ho went away, by Mt 22 b 832d Dad, Sfartm mory of my dear bimbaa^ Jc.Ttfd into rest ' October 8tlw Ibut still to mciaory dcar^ litaPaMofiD F . J', Pmrmoaa. it, Basttaffs. LTiON. ( cemetery. at Modamte Bai«L ^7 forms. A9 ply to TMM . « m » ticry CO., m». |S.C. (YbL a ty rS74. ^ SON, InuRtental Mabant. HASTINGS, Tele. No. 73 I. SONS. sas. lOAD, ami ID, CLrVE V /tL i 103. >iw. - Onrsr «< *—*k W a f. me No. 3131 f tttsM ani .< tk. S ..w tf F«r4 t ( OA m m • W e^iupc. I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1917. f Ta.ro.HoNB ' .. ... .. ... i» I I Pest free St. Sd- per qearter. j THREE HALFPEWCB When considering your Laundry for the Winter remember the “RIDGE” SPECIALISE IN WOOLLENS. Write to the Manageress RIDGE LAUNDRY ST. HELEN’S HASTINGS. Public Notice. (yAiETY T heatre , H astings . ISBMfer; MR. H W. ROW1.AND. Resident Mamicer. MR. G SCUTT. 0( TOBVR 'JCtth, a t l’-39 b id 5 »-DAY (SATITPJ)AY Licit. PerfoTmarw'iV of fh^^ | CHARMING MILIT\RY COMEDY DRAMA, “ JB o OTLE’ s jB aby KasmUcenf-. UiafoTuiK of the 0':d Army, New Sooney • ainf MONDAY, OCTOBER 23n-i. SIX NIGHTS at 7.^S, aid A MATINEE ON SATURD-W at 2.30 — MESSRS. HORSFIELD AND WOODWARD p389but» by arian^icmenf with. -Muis <»lAdys Oocpei Mr. Frank Curzon, THE SUCCESSFUL IWRCK’AL COMEDA', ** "W^ANTED,'A husband .” Bj CYRIL HARCOURT. K*. KEGINAI.D D.LNCK a» CAPTAIN CORKORAb Boon. <»en 7.U. T W . 617. C'Cnuuencd 7.45. Price. 4s. to 6(. Public Notices. W hist D rive in ooi5»ttectic*n. w ith THE HASTINGS sSYMPATlIKTIC ELE\ EN, wait b© held a^' the Q ueen s D otel On WEDNEvSDAV. OCTOBER 21th. Play to ccaainence S 45 tharp. m c - mr . L- h . glenister . Ti-kAt<;. !n ^-rh. to M .bed at.„Cures' UbTorw. Oneen p Road. Hiwtin*©: 48. Kings Mrri. Hon^mond. i‘a . Queen'B Hrtstuws, Norman Road, St. ; Rmd ^ Uo.. ilobcTlton Sfcn»t; or any Member cf Coiramttce. |-lASriNGS JPlER. OCMBal Ma;ia^er-MR. CII.VRLES HAWKER. Wtkk : .commencing M onday , octobes . tsbiI n ra C E DAILY", St 3 and 7.30. iu ttis SHORE PAVILION, POSITIVELY THE LA.ST WEEK | of ti;oio F.-imoua En.ertaincra ; — ■T h e A -RIS t o c r a t s . SkAST SIX MATINKCS: LA>T SIX NIGHTS| Bock your Seat® in a.lvance to av. id dic-'nppointinenr. Afternoon Teas and Rofrer-braonte at pi^pular prices. Bon Bail Aikyi!. lliirh Diving, eto. A.NGLO-A.MERICAN FRIENDSHIP A LECTURE w ill be ftivon on 8.ATURBAY. OCTOBER 57fb, flt tho ALBANY HOTEL, HASTlNOa, By DR. WILLIAM BL'TTRICR, —on— PALACE PIER, ST. LEONARDS. MANAGER-EDWARD VAN BISNE. TO MOB ROW s r X D A Y i, at 5 p m. IN MF.MORY OF SAILORS AND SOLD1KR9 HA^^: FAT.I.LN IN THK WAR. A MEMORIAL THE RLRAL SERVICE. BEAN AND RECTOR W IT.l. O FFIC I .VCF,. THE MAYOR.'? AND MEMBERS OF K.^PTINGS AND BEXHILL CORPOBATIOXB WILI, ATTEND. JSUNDAY" EVENING, at S r-m : - Sacred Concert. 1 MISS VERA COI.EMAN. M1^U DORIS LINFO<W. MISS AGATHA GRAY. MI s £ g F.BTRUDI; <iLNT, MISS FLORENCE MOORE, 1(1Rl J. B. WALDEN, THE LADIES' ORCHESTRA navy kindly- offered to .iR^Wtt. » 39, COMMENCING MONPAV. or rOBFR EVERY DAY, at. 11 til' 12.45, 3 ^in 5. 7,19 fill T H E iI'iADli:?! ) ■ W inter Orchestra. Conductrew; ., MIPS ITV GOr^DON. ALL 5EAT8 FREE. - riEn TOI.l, TWOPENCE SEASON ;riER TOL.L1 TICTCFTS AT GRFATI.V REDUCKD RATES. SPECIAL WEEK-EMO CONCERTS. Educational. L adies ' E stablishments . ROLLER skATING, DANCING, FISHING. H TW IN TER o r c h e s t r a for ST. LEONARDS. j4_MERIC a s S tORV >9 C inema D e L uxe , HASTINGS. SO>9AT (SATUP-D.AY!. L-ud. twii appearances of ERIC DROOKS, at 3 and 8. JfiOKDAY. TUESnAV, ouii W/IDNESDAY, OCTOBER fiad. f3rd. and 24th: — Powerful 5 part Tr:anj!o Drama. “ P ate s C .'R os S R oads .” Pa«tnie in the Air,*’ “ Cnrid i*omo Now Dope *’ (CtaiedyJ. Path« Gazette, and 3-part. Fox Ccojcdy: — " T he R oman 4J owboy .” 8SIW»8DAY;- " PEARL OF THE ARM'!',” No. 6, " -MAJOR TREN T’S FA ILD R E. " Pjns NAUGHTY THOUGHT, ' Triable Kergtone. P lr o a '. Mixed Motor Matu-h ” i.l./cnesioaie Lake), “Safety Piret ” tSidn«3 ’ Drew*, Bairasfather’e Cartoons, Pnthc GazL'tte. Ckw^ovons 3 ^ to 10.30. MB.’^WAU-ACft CAB.TFR. Kon. Nationol War AI em Ccmmiittee.' Recrew’‘y cf tho ’ wi.l be present. The Chair will be taknn by SIR H EN R Y LU'NN at 8 p.ra. Public Notice. HASTINGS, ST. LEON .ARDS mSTEICT AND A lbany M otel iHASTiis'cs. MISS HAMPTON'S ORCHESTRA PUAY3 DAILY frun i to 5.50. G rocers * & P rovision M erchants ’ A ssociation . A MKKTTNG of the obove Trade w-H ho held, at the suggestion of the ( hwir- man oi the 'ITibunai, at the Town VlaU, Haustings, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEK 2Uh, at 6.Z0 p .m ., to discuss' a scheme of co-operation with a view to rclea.sing men for Active Service, and to render cfiecUve assistance to those whoso businesses might otherwise be closed or endangered through their staff l-*eing called up. this matter is of vital importance, all traders in their own interests are urgeutl}* requested to attend. Scats Bookedi No CJ entral P icture T heatre . (THE HOUSE OF QUALITY). HASTINGS. ttOHDAY, aiad OCTOBER, for THREE DAYS: — “ M is P koike rs W ife / ______A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE BLACKWELL. ”THE PURPLE DOMIHO/’ XpiMde 7 cf the Gr«ir Tmrrf^At'fUitic Rprial, AND PHIL “STAR” PROGRAMME. OSotinvoTK pcrfbnriancc. Uc?nal popular pric«. fHTJRSDAY NEXT;- PAYING THE PRICE,” An ezedtiog Naval Drmrta in 4 portf. E mmanuel , (J hurchi WEST HILl., H.L8TINGS. - SPECIAL PAROCHIAL MISSIOM, OCTOBER »th to 35tl). MISSION PREACHER:— ^ . R ev . R . W ood -S amuel of the Chapel Royal, Bavey. LIST =^RV1CES. TO-MORROW, SDNDAX, OCTf>A>.;R 21M. 8. 0. Holy Communion. 11. 0. M<^rDuic* Servino only and Sermon. 3. 0. .^drlrow to-'Children. 6.30. Ev*^nin7 Prayrr and Sermon. Short Afler-SoTTir<v mkI Addre**- And on Week-Days -texoept Sntnrcc.y) at 3 (Spirimel Life/ and 7.30. P rotestant R eformation S ociety . On MOND-t-V AI'Tl^lNOfiN' NEXT, OCTOBER 22:iC. Mn. WALTER MAYO n-jU riw- .» ].*i.tu:c. * ntK.<d •‘ TTTF lilBl.C AMJ llir la S‘. \»-->. V, I Ei'rVsh IJ.- up . Ko-id. Cl;ai)c.'m-PT:V. \V. G. UPIDtlKS, M.A. 1*0 ' ir.r.'* ;i< 3 o k. ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. Educational. L adies E stablishments , 59,'CIDKJ.F.3 road . CPPEU*^ ST.^ONARDS-ON SEA. Prinriia'.; MlSS AMY’ TAYl.OR. BOYS anG OIIH.3 tliofoiiglily piouude'i iu ail Bracohei ;i r</M 4-. a'Ntrioti‘ urul p i’^paind fcj iTtuer folh-o# .'.vitimvi T»ci:i <Hi;uiut*i:<?ei Tuesdk.v. ^I'ptenibrr. 18 V. EJtMOUTH HOUSE SCHOOL, FOB GIRLS AND KINDERGARTEN. Presaaboir for Boya. EXMOUTH PT^ACE. H,^TINGS. Sound CTenero-l Ednoafion at raodarate faee. Conrae of Inrftmcftion, cx5mpri*'?Ji English Snbjeota. FTtsneh (eanver- aaktonaU. Phyvioal Drill. CI sm Sinctne; Drawing, Painting, etc. Preparation* for • Oxford and Ombridge X/O m Is , CoLe?e of Preeertore, NeodJework, and Aaeoeiated BoAid Exitns.*. Prin-ripal - MISS HAYITURST. Muft« Mifttiea* - M RS. EVEIA’N MASON, L.R.A.M., L.T.C.L. FEBM IIK, HOLLINGTOK PARK. ST. LEX>NARDS-ON SEA. Frijwunal - _ » - ^ MISS PEAT, BOARDING and DAY ^KOOL for Girla from 4 to 14 yeaie of age. Katiio fJaaeo of ch.ildJ'^n .whoso parentu ar* abroad. Dancine CiOjivaa open to oul'iide papiU Friday after- noons. G entlemen ' s E stablishments . ' UNITEBSITY Principal: HASTINGS. B.A. ^ T he P ublic M all C inema . MXMORLAL, HASTINGS. Talepbona: Hac.^in«B, S3J. 9 M A Y {SATTTRDAY):— "THE WHITE RAVEN/’ A rtroo^ Drama in 5 purls. BS9WDAY, OCTOBER 23ad: — “ U ltus .” AMD THE THREE BUTTON MYSTERY. A poworful ^Meotive Drama, featarin^* AUREI.E STONEY. QnjRSDAY. OCTOBER 25th: — “ "L ove in the W est .” M hk I« Drama in 5 parte, fcattmns B ESSIE LO VE. AND FULia****OGRAMME. ST. PAUL’S CHUHCH. ST. LEONARDS-ON-SSA. THE H arvest R estival viU he held on SUNDAY, OCTOBER Met. SPECIAL MUSIC AND HARVEST HYMNS. Toiire' Choral Celebration in C. lAatiem, " Y» that iIttpI; in thi, Land" (SUioerl: j:%:k6TO’s To DeuW .ijLT- . , visrroits welcomed . - BiioSo provided . ]^Ew q''H0UGHT C entre . WAVERLEV HOTEL, HAVIXOCK ROAD. Pnu'lar Servi<-<^ w ill b*- hK<l lep.'ul.'ir’iy. v.-i:lx nddroisca by •.•»i?:ueiu feiRNiker*. «-Ani:u:*iw“inL* .Stuidav, 1130 U2 d 6.30, Mi<fB Miirv C I jo<L» u, exf New Life' C*‘titre, lit-ud Stnot. 11.30, The N^'iv Tix^n^ht Afnv.^111 **!!^. 6J0,' P«*Ti‘L»nol Poyi^iir Ex^wiecictfsi. Monday. 2Snd, a C<'.ur*w' ni ChiKsPa will be d?en. Sinule ti* Is. 6d.; a rourw, 16(1. 3.30, Comjvtrative Iwclisiitm* uiul the Mcbi whr> bnvi. infinonf'etl the R a» s». 4.30. Eiwreuiiri and SV'lectirin. 6.30, n^'u.lth and Hewlhif. Embr.u »nc Anatomy, Biolo«:y, Phyi-hclrwr, B r’atliinc:. .“Yud tho tlir«c Schools cf Healing:, Physlisd, Moma', Sj»\:itwl. 8 oVlork, Thn Oriwi-n •\f Lif% O. G. Miller, P h .D . ■'J'nwsday, 8 o^J.k>t■v, Loct.nm '»*4- TJ*- .VnukiilA .SyMtam <if Rf-ilinL*. iii'^Lidm? tho h r.'f by on.-' w ho h»tf' :>r't:r(>«»sc*d-fivoY i.** heuith, Tigoiir, and yenrtii, I-l. J . Htimminr. Soatft Fret. Silver Collc^-tiOTi. S t . C lemfnts C hurch , HA-STTNGP. THE RCV. H. t. MARTLEY IDi/thoii's Merfswryst'r, 1916, wiU proocl) on SUNDAY. 21a£ OCTFOBriR. at II a.m. a"^l 6.30 T>.m. H oly CoTHiTiaot''Wi 8 an4i 11.*d a.m. Mcrninc 11 a.ni. Evwijnir Prure.r' 4 i«.m. Min.'Jion .S^rrft i* 6.30 CdieoiiotBs for Rishcp cf ChicAosrerV Diocesita r-ind. SCHOOL MR. ALEXANDER MILNE, Assisted by RE3IPEXT UNXVKItsrry graduates iht l>ROKE8Sloyg 5 B ^ |M K < ^ A ijMcUl f«4nte in the dskuoi Ooursi ta la s LaedOB -UriiTsrsilr MstariSQ- lAtion KxAmination. : NltaKPribno boys hare passed this direct from .the. Bc^ooL Oheinieal. Laboratory,. Mnseam. Osipeater's Workahop. Gnanasiam, Open and C ove^ Pla.t^'r.iuud, atr.. tApa alt tlie appoina^nts of a well- e(j!iipp«i school. >*Tbe p.ayinv fields sre B^irtifnl'y fituaiec. Great attention is pa.d to Physical Deielop* ment. Cadet Corps atta^ed to the Rciyal Kcgineera, ( GUNVy A L U S m an school , T'dp axd KiNDEPC.M’Trx, f «/l? V\\ .\M IS O.VHDirNS, liASTINCS. n m iss I 1: riJCQ aad MIS.S B.VTf;s. L I.A ., U.'u. - .. . . Andi'-'Tr. \V>>meii> Hifilier C'ambiidge Cr«n'flc3tp, etc. -'Lad ViKitinc Sfeiff. A THflROf GH .MOnURN UDl’CATION and Car*f»il l''a.;'.;ri«'. U.-itidc.rt R-eewr-’d . Piepaiacion lof Public l*L-'Lnu;\.V.!' Qi- Ji'^sirn. Mir ;ii:j ui/.;ht by Mis* V. V. Bolingbroke -Ipupil of .M:ulis:iic O ir.cri). D U ’SMORE SCHOOL. 1C7, L O N D O N R O A D . nOAKDING AND DAY SGHOOJv FOR GIRLS. Piiucipate; THK MISSUS WAYMOUTH. Aa*i«t©d by itn Kfiicy^Tit Staff of English and Foreign Mi#drei<s6s and Visiting ProlMwors. ConTtmient, Well-Vonrilated Rooros. Thoroach Mixioru Eilucation, with Preparation for Oxford and Cainbridce L wa .Is, Coiloge of Prceeptors, Matric'jUti m, A^fl^x'iated Boeros, etc. I*ro«p..-ctnti on cppli'-ation. C!nr.s fer Boys. WINCHESTER HIGHLANDS LANE, HOUSE SCHOOL. PT. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. PRINCIPALS: MIB3 ^GNV.S BOOTH AND MISS LILIAN STRATTON. Bnfttdin;: Schorl lor Geut'eir.en*. D.:utiitoTe. * Money. T he K inema P alace . IMRMAN ROAD, 8T. LEONARDS. TehTjhflme Haetinge 181. JfCNDAV, *2nri OCTOBE k TT ot THREE DAYSt- **M y F ighting G entleman .” In 6 parte, featuring W ILLIA M RUSSKId.,. tHUP.SDAY. 2&rh OCTOBER, for THREE DAYS; — M asks AND F aces .” iin fi rnrtflj, Btarnns all the of thn Sti*-:. Woffinflton .. Tr^ne \'Anhrng}i. ^TvxfW var.e, .. Dt-nnis N'p’i ecn. Turrv. Vane .. .......................... fil.icra #>x)rer. Bir Gbar:^ Pomander ,, W»d^«ter. TtipJet ..........................S?T Jo1»nsir;n Forhed-Rol»*itEon. ^in Ritdi K.iCty Cli'*" .. C-'-r^ Cipiv'r P»irdivk .'Ern'‘'’'«t VQT>.e'* ftprrant) Hnr.frioTj (PauiaiuJ‘'r'5 sorvax't, L .veil d^». Mrs. TVipIet .. Orlandrr .. -. ^L-tr'. * ^ .. ^ Dame Mr., V'uTV^V po^^talnrrr. Fiddler at Covtint (.^rrlou Tbeat: Fec.'iiii? Master A T3f:n.ll«dy « Prrr»p'*y Mw&l'cr* cf Hivh'fi C.-niinny E. M. Lo*"n*‘. Playfair. Lil)-ih M’**Car6bT. Di^'n B* in*”i»'«Pili. H'mry Vihflri. fi^T^'A du Mn.iiri^T. IViDoH Ca.ltlj<ir]». IVinjfod F,Tn<*r . K. B. rrr-.rb J. Fi9*h»^ Whit-r. .. T.yail S htw.'. HiAl<*n Hayr.. ^fa■r»'^ Rii»!e<»n. \V.:wl<*vn Grrift-wnith. .. <',F.rald Amew. .. MiT-r BTr»T»3:l». Phy^lie Han. rJo.wtrT»d»» E l l i o t ; . Lilian Brait.bwnit'', I/C-ltie Venii«=’. *l'i. St>-Ha Ciimpl»r«r. _ dn. .. V jola. Trf^*. a Chi d ,, « .. Ri^ny-e May<rr. I''ftb!a Drc.lr*'. do. ......................... .Toon. Bix-krTWiwtr*. dr>- ........................... ri. H. Rowxon. PEARL OF TWF ARW'V,” MwiaJ',. S. •• 'O M E W H E T IF , IX GRA ma .D A ,’ .\MMATEO HISTORY OF THE GREAT W A.jr. No. 5. PoYAL A cademy of M usic . YORK fi.XTE. ROAD. T^ONIMIX. 'f A RVT.KBONr N W.l. lfcPW!iU>»ted I* ? ? . ImornATa.tiNi hy Foyai! C^harf.'*:. 1830. THE METROPOLITAN EXAMINATION --f*f -- MUSICAL COMPOSERS. PERFORMERS A > TEACHERS. Booy'T^’ifnl r’l-trl'idatr’i ;r#. UlCEN'TTATF,S. f-' f>v» TtOVAI./ A C .\D E M V or M U S IC , and hiT.* fliu Milo fi-ht of aop^nd'nt.' t h'' T,.R, \.M. *r, t.l'oir V.:c-»jirnn1iojiT. ;jr*’ held ilininc tlv- an<l <!7hTTf?tin».t V.tiTVtionfl. La',"» d'ly ♦or r.ntrv V't i.ho C7in>tt- Ex,Tnii*><it!o*i. N-*Xf':n'.> r l.Lh. F.niri*'* Ceo-*iTcd until N'.vr'mlvc 30^1. ''•n •p''.TTnf’ t,i .jf a lat^ ic:t=- erf 'll-. •1 fuThh^r inforrvi*.iMn non 1.0 T.EONARD 10. M.-ART^vvrci^ terract :. st . i. vvil R.< pr5=’Ontat-.Ti*, or 1" th<* S t . L eonards C ongregational C hurch . 54th CHURCH ANNIVERSARY. S U N D A Y . O C T O B E R htat, 1917, THE RT. HON. SIR JOSEPH COMPTON-RICKETT, M.P. ;Parni«ro«r.GenorBl. H.M. Forres:, MORNING at U.O. EVENING st 6.38. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24th, S E R V I C E aJ 3.15 p.m. Dr * H* F* M orton , m . a . (of HejQpHiteflid!|. LE<3TURH at 6.1.8 p.ra. by DR. HORTON, ” RECONSTRUCTION. ’ A L F R E D N EW H A M . Beq., will premde. Special Offertori*^ for Charch Fundp* VISITORS KEARTTlsY INVITED. S t - M arv - in - the -C astle P arish C hurch . PenfUf»a8 w ill he proaolwri fcrt* the COLONIAL & CONTTNUNTAL CHURCH SOCIETY at the at*ovft Chnrch, on SUNDAY. OCTOBER 3W. by the RCV. J. O. MULLINS, D.D. (Gener.'il fW.rcta?^ of th^ Sr»'4r.fy,, A\ both Sememe, 11 a.rn. and 6.13) p.m. Hate T^■»I rcl^tiyc* in or fr'-.ra the Coknieef Y-^n w ill l»2 int'er'.et'-'d- C ..!‘.o-.»ir.’ae for t'vft f^cirt.r, F airlight C hurch . HARVEST FESTIVAL. SUNDAY. OCTOBER :ir‘. WiO N E Y. FROM £10 to £1,000. Anyone Teriniriiur Tranporory l-oene ean hnre imin* St feir rate of internet: alao Bills of Sale arranged. Apply Lond?r’e LocftI A^mta: — MESSRS. COHEN A COHEN, 3J, WESTERN ROAD, BEXRILU ROSE AND BATES, PAWNBROKERS 46, Iiondon Road, St. Iieonards C ASH ADVANCES made on Diamond and other Jewvllery, W atches and Chains, Antiq-ae and Moticrn Silver I’lated G<X)ds, Curios, etc., on the following rates— JE3 lent for one sJhilling per month. X20 lent for five shillings per month. jBlM lent for .£1 per month EVERT ARTICLE ENTRUSTCD TO OUR CARE IS INSURED AGAINST AIR RAIDS AND. BOMBARDMENT. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The Beaufort Finance Go., Ltd. Has removed it.s OfRce to 6, TRINITY STREET, HASTINGS. And is under entirely New Management. Prompt Attention viU he paid lo all appITca-Hons for loons, whether SM.4LL or LARGE. .tpply in confidence to the Manager, fi, TRIN ITY STREET, UASTIN l IS. I’ rv/mmuni'V.v Morniurr ficrT;;T 1^30. ,\ftorn<x»D !^fTi-T5 3 i*.m. P'^D, h- -- R K V . (\ ASKWTTH JltYitor < ’'f >'^t. .N4;>UCi*3iy'<i., F ish 5 rmen s C hurch JSFRVX.r.'? r^JR SiTP.'DW. OfTORKR ZUi ,.\NMVr:RS.VRY OK TRAFAT j CAR). U a.nv w-ta A/*'Inw . ”Tb© BrlofM Phya<-ian.” *. '"•it'h AdihTW , tbafai /; ar and to -day . ’ Th^ '••ffcri/'T civfMi tn-tbe f^hipwreckM Mariners' Rrttb AdilT'^Jui'N* bv T H K L A N RI l .ADKR, On Pii-jaar, <"X<-tot,rT 29tl-. Ily, Iter. A. H. H a iz h , '■? th.n Vlt. Arifl'row s WatcraitV. Mifwioti, will prow',., at 3.3<i p.m. ]VoTICE. MONEY LENT. £10 to £5,000. A DV ANCK,'^ pi-ido a( a few hours notice upon Simple Promissory N«to.s to ;.ll responsitilc .Applicants. .STKKTEST PIMVACV ASST'REO. No Kecis Ciiargcd or Sureties Required. Apply in olriet. confidence to the old- eistaidis'hed firm of M essrs M. BARNARD ft CO. i. BANK BUILDINGS, HASTINGS- M anager ,oH.-ui!s i>er:-aniallj every W ednes- rlay 11 .o.m . THE TOWERS, BATTLE. rrincitij'.—ME3. JUTSON. BOARDINC SCHOOL FOil THE DAUGHTERS OF GENTLEMEN. PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION. WELIINGTON COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL IGR GIRLS and KJNDEBGARTEN 3 and 4, WELLINGTON SQUARE. Hrad MISS HELEN BATHGATE. UoasB Mitluws—MISS EW.1LY L. BATHGATE, whe TeceAtua a f^w RuHitleDt Pdiiils. Dining Iloom for Day Boarders. Fermaneut Staff of ^ereo Fully Qualified Teaoberi. VwltiiK; Staff: — GYMNASTICS-Stafl- 8br4 W*uit Moatf. AUT-ktia* N«tru»di, A.IX.D.S. iB. of E. Cart. Art Mietross;. ; SOLO SINGING AND PIANOFORTE — M tL Walger, of KulUck's Academy. ELOCUTION Mit» D«:»rc41iy StereoFcr, L.R.A.M. (Gold Modcjliot). SHORTHAND-Mi^a K. RoeTeF. F.Mc.S.T.. >(c. Sound General Education, teeiod by Puh.io Kum ica- tic*n. %;th tpi-cial preparation for Artif-i-ic, Conuiwircial, Literary and Secretarial Careers. 1916, 113 cai>lidat^ IW paaee*, 42 iu honount. in toe follov nv Eximinatione: CainbridfO LocaJa, Royal Drawing tioiiety. College of Prci'eptora, A««ot. Beard. R.A.M . and R.C.A nnd Lon- don Lncfitnte (or Neerllework. Prise list. Terms irednced tor faai5.iftf a.i^ Scholarship hoiderb; on applicutiou at the Oon«*». ChiHTtinas Terra be/jv* Thibsdsy. Beptember 3fith. Entrance Exaiuiuatio*-, 'i u«day, Saptemb^ 18ih, 10- 12 o.m- HAST06S 6BAVHAB SCHOOL. ' Headiua.t»t: P. 8. BARLOW, .M.A., B.So. tCaplai i. 6th Batcailion Royal Sueaex KeTiment). Aciin«t» H^edmoster: REV T. J. THORBURN, D.D., LL.D ., Chaiste College, Cumbridga. THOROUGH MODERN EDUCATION, Prf*paratiop lor the Unl'rerritioF and all Examination* Vfliuai)le L E A V IN G E X H IB IT IO N S to all Uxmerritfeai Army. Medical, etc., Of>i''»ffen of total an anal talua 4C240. BOARDERS TAKEN BY HEADMASTER. Prospectus, etc., from Ileadciaeter; or from P, W. Colee, »Q .. 1, Bank Buildings, Haatirxe. COUNTY BOROUGH OF HASTINGS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. SCHOOL OF ART, BRA8SEY INSTITUTE. Aetisc Head: H..TICKNER. Paintinc Maater, ©to.: E. L. BADHAM, R.B.A, SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, BR.433EY INST. AND GEORGE STREET INBT. H»dmarter: G. P. FURNEAUX, M.A., F.C.B. PtMpwtni ftoa Bn mr , IiM tiiiit, or PHILIP O. BUSWEU,. 18, W^iincim 8ww«. HASTING8. nas just what a lady needs most for stormy weather, in Waterproof Hats, Mackintoshes and Trench toats in all th^ best makes from 16/11 ; also a beautiful range 6f real Velour Hats from 21/9, thick Blanket Coats and all wool .Sports Coats for the bright cold days. INSPECTION INVITED, SATISFACTION ASSURED. A. H. Hall, 33, 35 & 37, Lendoi St. Leonardo m MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC POWER PLANT; X-RAY & ELECTRO MEbiCAL APPARATUS. . 'PERIODICAL D^PECTIOKS n Personal Supervision-^ F. T. *PHONE 902. S-t. Leonardlta. ■lifa MUBBOW P U P I L S , Boarder© MR. R RECEIVES © Limited Number and Day Boye. Preuaration for the Uaireraitiee, Locel, and other PttbUc Exuninaticna. dpevUl AttentioiL to Backirard and Delicate Boyi. IVY BANK, 56. SPRINGFIELD ROAD, ST. LEONARDS. Next term becrias September 2 ^ . Profpeotna and Itat of aucoeea©© on applicatioa. PjaiTATE TUTOB. MR. E. H. B LO M FIIU I IneM m d nsdro tfc. (M u in Counoii, M ven. ftth,' IttS) . Tiatt©'''or xeeetvee PvaUt to prepare lor the Ualreputita, London MeericulsUea, Oxford and CaEmbridge LooaVi, Aemy, Navy* Hedieai «•© other Bxaauustloaa. CSaaeea teken in Sebook either feiBporarily oi pc^risanoaUr. papcvially. eaeoeaetnl with backward and ^aliret© pvpik. Highwt reierencee. BexhilL oral neirbbourisc tovna ritaterl. Apply: — UPPKR PARK ROAD, ST. LEONABDS- ON^STA. 11^ III- .... •||lltall'liJ.|liiiM<,llilllH,»>l«|-| ....................... 34, .BOLin^OOl} SCUOOL. BEXHILIrPN.SEA. Headmairter: MR. A. F. SRYAN. R.A., Inter. Loud.. Aaeisted by a Strons Stuff 61 Reeietared Maetera. PREPARATIEN for the Unirereitiee, Profeeaimw. Public SobooU, etc. tipecisl Attemtion ffiasn to Modern Ln.niruacea. Cheinical and Phyc-ical Laboratory, Gym- aaeium, ote. The aehool arends in it© own croand© oi t«ven aer«i. Cadet Corps at4nohed to the let 6ui©ex Royal Enginoen. IMoetrate:! Prospectus on application. The Hastings and St. Leonards Ladies' College, DANE ROAD «tul CUMBERLAND GARDENS. 8T LEONARDS-ON-SEA. Ratios: THE I.OR.D BISHOP OF CHICHESTER. CbaitinAn of Ceiuncil: SIR W. M.VCKWOBrH YOUNG, K.C.8.I.. M.A.. JP PRINCIPAL: MISS C. E. BA1TYE (Final Honour Sebool of Natural Scienre, Oxford; Late AnsiiriAnt Mie- Weaw of tho Olapiram Hieh School for GirU, Londons Lato Lceturer UniveiKlty of Loudon). The Roeular Staff ino.nd«*; — MISS FLEM IN G, B.A., Loudon (with Londem Tearlma’ DiplomA). MISS M. G. M ARSHALL, B.A., London. Final Honour School Hiatory. MISS W ILLIS. Modem I^nxua^ Tripos, GiiJon CoUece, Cambridge-' MISS A. M. W EATHERUP, Higher Certificate, N.F.U. MADEMOlflVLLK PETRY. MADAME B ALEXANDER. A.R.C.M.. L.R.A.M.. nnd MISS D. QUICK; L.R.A.M ., Piano, Harmonv, Sing, inr. Bjirtraining. nod MuaifAl Appreriatioru’ MISS HELEN MAOORECJOR-Viotm (Pupil of Yanve). MR. H / tR O L D , R A V E R Y —Olaiet MR-S. B K R N IE R —Elocution (Pupil of MIm Fojferty). There aro Viailing Tencber* for Laasuaces and Special Siibjec;tH. Tnero i« a Preparatory Departnaent for little ehildreo, to wKidh boyt, under eirtit ar^ admittM. opf'D to CTomide pupile arc:- DfllcT07.o Eurhytbmios, Dancing and Gymnnst.Ica, E'.ocuiiciu. Glw^&eH for Sborthsnd and Typewriting may be AXTADircd for the AnfrOinn Sneion. Ihipila can din j «fc the Collcfe lUily at a moderate *^^T^ Cfmnrir* Boordluff H cuim, lAane f.o<tac. adjedns, aurt- ii under tbe e*tJTO anporvieiw. of the PrtJWJpal. TTi© OoUeco ie wilUnjc to make pT4Dri«ion for the moep- tion, fc»T ahork periode. of Pnpila (D*y or Bonrderri, unable. cTtiug to the War, to return to their Schc»le on the Continent. Next Tanu bognna Septembor Iftth. The Prineipoi will he at the Co’Ji’.oe on the 14th and fcHlowuJtr de>^m to «©• ViBitora by appointment. AU Parfv.riara cAc be ohlained from:— HENRY G. BAILY, BeeTeUtr, U, Worrior Siinare,- St. Leocarda. ST. LEONARDS COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. ELLENSLEA ROAD. THOROUGH ^REPARATION FOR ALL PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. OUl-^vtAldiahed. Vary eacc«iafal. Highctt Refarenoee- Largo Covered Gyxnnaeitim. Raere- atioD Ground, five, acrea.- Bpeeial atteation to delicAtc and backwerd boya. Entire Charga of Indian and Colonial Ohjldren. __ Principal-HENRY KING, A.C.P. Headmaater—W A LLA C E H. K IN G , B.Sc. (I^oitd.), L.C.P. A«ctat©d by an Effieient Staff of Reeidont and Viaitiag Mactera. Cadet Cerpa sttaobed to the 2nd Home Couuiiea Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Next Term oommanoes September 2ffth. Music. 3 TON MOTOR L O R l^ FOR For/arther particulars apply— 18. SKINNERS, Western Ro£bd| St. Leonards. jp>f»cMn»-/tanuaj : AT ~ A ’—^ ROYAL MEWS, CAMBRIDGE ROAD, HASTINGS. TELE. 7S6. . 7 li^schimry of «n kinds supplied and fxed and repaired. Shafting Bear ing. Belting, Ptilics, Stcaiii, Gas, Oil, Electric Rt power. tH6V T,l. ft' 16 » HOT WATER AND STEAK KEATING. hot and COLO WATER SUPPLY. BCHLEBS. PIPES. AND RADIATORS. _______ , BATHS AND AIRING CUPBOARDS. EITCH^ERS. large SIOCK. PIPES and FITTlNGs! **7- EatasrotM d m . PERFECT VOCAL CONTROL. XB. FORD HAMILTON, th« rotr.r««ful T.ONDON PKOFTWPOR .Old Ifalinr tiojru, Lf-inyv^:, oitf-.j, Pnpi'i, 1,o wr^klj at Bcihil] nriii S(. I.<ranaiC9. .ApTilr fni Term., T-^t.imonia!., etr., in. flrrt inft«Df.t- C m« of S. HERMITAGE t .SON. ST. LEON.ARD.S ROAD. BEXUILUON SEA. •PKoae 387. 66, M fioit Read, CHre co^ 7 Robartsoo St, Hastings ,Cbeapg4» R<L» St Lewards llobn^w-. -•'fitr'- »>aT h-- ri’r n v N O P . !r/-q.. LEON.M^nSU Hon R.y'rrt.ir.v to ibe R.A.M. f'.7Ttl, .' i 'kI S ussex S oldieps ' < ’^ igarette AND C omforts F und . la-ttitutert Orloher. 191L (Reg. War Cbariticfi ,Act, 1916j. BMOKES. SOOSR. nnd other O-mjfortB ^reut weelrW 1» the T*iir.;v BattaluciA of Tl:e Jl-oy%i Re^ritrent, En?:in<*<»-rR. ar.d Su.v<?;: Moa nf-Trin* in rrthei ' flficslmcuU. Only ibeee ca aoitiro fi^rrica enpplied. 2 :2 5 .'> .4 9 0 W-FBT! TWO Mnr.ION AND A OTTAnTERl ClCAREUrCS ALREADY SENT. DwiatK-T., Clmrpt-ti... and otfcnr G ift, for th. Sum «x Soid'Inr. -,nd flailo:,, :no.t rrP.tnfuTy rftc«|T.d by; — KlifS OERTUUDE ADAMS. Hon. Snc.. MlfiS HARDY, non. Trm ., 15, EVETlSFIEf.n PLACE. -ST. LEONARDS. T h e E> i .ST .S7\S»E.V .Vi;Hn'VETT;Rj\I, ii.\?:rrTivp; rrtM M nTUE h.ivp. b.r rirtue of Po'.i-nr.s conferred upon thorn hr tliR Boartl of Airrii n ll’irp under " The Cultiv.nt.ion of I.jindy Order, KfIT" ( iN'o. ;T), i.'iken iK-ySAes:5irm o f :ti>P'‘OAim n.le-Ic fiO Aorns of LA.nd krMV.vn a.s part of the Clialloner.s, lloUingdrAn, IngeMier with a further iv.riinn r.i , mI>: u I K i A mtk adioitong Sl._Mar>’s Home, I.’ottinpide-.in. Ttiii: I-Konfl is the.refoT-e to l>e Ijet.^ t’e.iiioulars eoru’e m in c Terms of Lettirig mav be oblainod from the follnwin" Tjirid A ij'^ . tiV a : - AlfToSSR-S. rO W B I .r , A N D '■<>., t .E W ES. MKSSR,-^. .1. R. ’I'H O P .V rO N AND CO,, I.ETVK.S. i.lfliees of t.lie E:k5t .‘^nseex AgnriiUnral Kxecii'rive Committee, ^tounlfield Ffoufie, Lewes. I.R-der. L. P. EDWARDS, Seoretar-v. GASH ADMASGEG To any Amount in STRICT PRIVACY on NOTE COUXTY BOEOUGH OP BASTINGS EDUCATION COMMITTER. SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ST. H EI.tN S. Head MintKPis: M IM N. C L A R K , B.A. A SOUND GENCBAl- EDU2ATIQN lor Girle from Ifl to 18 .T«ar» *^1 urovlalou c*f tnrt hooks, #t«liunerv. a.-id tram tokonu, a: a low incliwiT(» fw*. iindei . of Ednewtoon’e Regulfttioue. Sehr»ol h-ultJiilf ’ stlnat^. D»i tnuii lontA. lArgiD. a iry ciaFe-TO<nn«*, | jwo large I'xlla. eingle d©*>«. '“Viftnoe rxihoTotory. cooleery three aepbcht ormrts. bo«:kny. hal’, <*„■ t;n»nn. '•>- lTi» Im cij at a wiiall ohorg*?. fiteff all irraAno^** ho!din« Toack:Tig DipTomaa. Sret'amatio fog I/or.don Metri'-nlalinn, UniraTsifT, 1 x :ctiI and Knliraaco deholajahip Examination. ExteliOB* Rufcoaaou. from the u « d MbUreae, ou tho Clerk to ine Gorornore, 18, WoHixgton Square, Hastinga MISS MArD CHASEMORE, PROFESSOR OF VOICE PRODUCTION AND SINGING {Italian Metbodb R E C E IV E S P U P IL S on F R ID A Y S , aleu otb©r days by appointment at- 3«, ROBERTSON STREET. HASTINGS (Meuare. Kisrmitago and Semn, Ltd.), Brevlrjig for Delioftle Children a Speciality. Hotels, &c. of HAND only WITHOUT or Fee*. urcties SOMFRVII-IiE CC-MBEULA.ND r.AKDK.NR, L-PPEB .ST. HOUSE LEWIS P&ilLLSra, Garrer Street, London, W.G. LEONARDS ON SEA. UCf©MvM to PRINCIPAL; MISS .JOHNSTON V.. MISS CUPPER. HIOxI (7LAS3 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. THOROI'On KDUCATIOV 4 iq "Mcdefn Pre- piratmii rviiuinatifTi/i whan deoir^i. Larjpa and highly qualifled R«ndnnt a'.id Viajftms SBiff of Teacher*. C astle H otel , WELLINGTON SQUARE, HASTINGS. FA M ILY -A.ND COMMKHCIAL. eWrFET. ROOJtia. WHITING ROOKS. DILLJARD AND S-MOKING ROOMS. SSCELIX.NT STAJU.ING AND GARAGE: BAjaKIAGES AND OMNIBUSES MEET ALL TBAINS. NIGHT PORTER. OA8TIX HOTEL A8SEMBT.Y ROOMS. fy-Bag d -hotx . bally , U. id. LUnOHIOlC. BOROrGH OF HASTINGS. MAljiAGEBESS. COMMENAL KITCHEN.' HE THOMAS RELFE WALTER M. SKINNKR, Snrc«iw:,r. TIVOLI NURSERY, HOLLINGTON. OARDHN8 LAID OUT and PT..A.NTED. Impcrten cf DUTCH B U L B S tin l offc^r Rnota. BLOOMING PLANTS at ail ommiu . TfBim from Mamcrial atop at Narnery. In3i>©rtion IwTlWd. Tel. W Jjr LATON HOUSK SCHOOL. LATON HOAD. HASTINGS. ' FOR YOUNG LADIES. PRINCIPALS: MISSES KIM. and DEW. Highect Teatiinoniala and Heferenoi*. Superjar Eidunation on McdrMn Priacip:©*. F\ipw* luepatad for Public Exatnisataonoe KINDERGARTEN. SEPARATE DF/PARTMENT FOR BOYS-SwcAA Drill. Owiiisr to Incrcjiaft of Pupila. a Urge Scboelxocmi. mectiuR the rt*^uir«m.cn*a ot Lh© Educutional Bye Lawi, hs»^ boen opoziad. N>xl. Term. Tuonday. Srpteinbar 19th. H. PHILLIPS, PIANOFORTE TUNER. REPAIRS or EVERY DffiJCRIPTION. BexhiU, and Diatriet riiibed. 18, EDMUND RD., CT.IVE VAT.E. HASTINGS. FKANR MTLLEIT. 2?, HAROLD ROAD, HASTINGS. PIANO AND aTfNFR Urom Iy>adr>ni. AU kinds of ts nud^akan. Egtiroatcsi gircii frs^. A poateard i’ll! tc« vcv© immciiiate altciitjV.i). LONDON. WILTON • HOTEL. r^pcioite Rtnticm. Victoria, ord one mlaute from IluderAround- Etattkrin Rnitwuy, girin^ access in © fnw iuinula« to aF p»rta of Lon^ u indi Subuihs, Biicldnn*- hum Palaca. Wcotwiituttcr Clorhodiai. Honaea of P,?.r!lv Tuent. St. •lames' G tcot and Hydo Park. PieciidiUy axd f{!har;cg Crots. Rixtooi Streat, iind PrirD^pni Slityp*. ono penny 'bo* rid®. fCiljr 33 niimiles by Electric Railway. This llotcl i« we»U-ap0oint©d aial inaiy.«r,siT» {Bfid.-ooma t."om ^ .i. Toe ProTioiofva, M ilk, ^tr.. Tw^d ar» fr«i/n tbo PropriPtor’a Fam i in Doreetihira. ami the Vaenum t'o.'i M arhinarr i» inatalled on tb** yreaaiaoa. by which aU diMt is reinoTXd dally frooi the rooLU©. T*«;rp>>onA .'*91 Rn .Penc.iou Terms ir>r lone star. Tariff on applioition. TelciTarr.©: Tuffaio, J..ondirr.. Professional. UNDER ROYAL PATBONAG*. I DANCING AND ELOCUTION. , MISS ELEANOR RATCLTFP*, |l0 years aBaLsduns t o _ M r s , Wordswortih) H ill Iwr at ALBANY HOTlfc, ............... _..V. Baby Claes 3.39. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBP'.R 27th. at 3.M. Farjcy iZhOcins 4.4o. .^ddrco.s; — ALL.A.NDALE, COOMBE ROAD. CROYDOV. MR. REGINALD E OROTE l S. A.B.C.M., A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., OFcanist ojwl Director nf the Choir. Ali SaiivU’' Chuifth. Hasting©; Cor.dnc^cr of the MAdrixal Smie.ty- Profeeaoi c-f Mijnc. Srieniabirt in ArUsttc Voir© Froiiuction. LEJ8SONS ’p. Orcan and Piarntfort* Playing. Sinfimj, y?,rt©utioD txd Tvlusival fl^ritation. Ha.menT, Co^ter- piMnt Theory and Practi. o of Teachins, ®t«. Addreps; — ROSEBANK. PBIORY AVENUE. HASTINGS. HOTELS UNDER THE DTRECTTON OF SIR HENRV LUNN .Chaimian) and MR. W. nOLDSWORTH LUNN (Mano^ins Direefor). HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS, The En^'.iah Biamtx. Perfect Climate in Gre-it Britain. In on’id weather sh%Hj©ied from Norlb and F-act. In wamt weather op»a to W'ftsterly and SocthcTu Breezaf. Ftinfall sinpu'arly low. Orr-UBd driea qui^’kly. Suneliine reconis abnoraof^l? high. Superb Climate, Sceoerr. and Hiaterlral Aeaceiatinua ALBAKT HOTEL, from 10s. ppr dar. I CROMWELL HOTEL, from Ss. 6d. pai- day. ATHOtU PAI.ACE HOTEJ... PITI OGHRY, the Finwt Botol \Ti' Seotland- Rato* from 8* per day; Summer, from Ita. pfr day. ALLAN WATER HOTEL. BRLDGF-OF-ALLAN, the Scottish Ririera. From. 8e. per day. MISS CLARICE HABBADIKE Tc>Bcber of. DANCING AND GRACE CULTURE. 1 C’a«icaJ, Operatic, Fancr and National DaB0 «». All the. Lst-esi Ban-roocn Daa©Mk Sr:*5rv»U risitod. PriTa+-<i L msomb arransed at acy tiaMk Ch.ildiau’s O.neoap- be!d at tbo Grand Hotel. A n tum Tenu ccnaijancen Saturthiv, September at 2.S0 v.m. For Particu.an TUll STUmo. 35, ■feOBERXaOM S T llE a t, HAsfelW T HK (■■■ilOD CONTROL in O lfi ai>ph<:atione> iwrsf nm for the position the Commm'ul WesI I'iOMMITTEf:, from saitabio' • of Mnnagorpfis of ------------------ - ^ KiL-.heh aA Emmanuel-road, j ij,tabli*b«d 1821. Insurance Not ices, HiU. Hastings. TliW ner.son appointed -will be required to take general chiirjre of the Kitchen under the j snpe; inlendenoo of the t.k)mmitlee or a pen^n.^ n-:tmina.ted by them, flours'ot dntv, 3 ii.kn. ; to 3 b.m. on everv weekday. - 1 Applioat.ion.s, slatinit ape, qnalificatlhns. and ailarv required, should bo addres.sod to: the 1 pdersitmed and delivered under cover, \ Paid UP LapiUll e n d o ‘tied “ Manaeereoe,” on or before 12 1 o’oloi L Nf>on on Wcdno.sd.T n est, the 2-lth GUAE D I AN GLEB VIEW SCHOOL FOR (;lEI,a AND KINDERGARTEN. MOUNT ROAD. R«raoT«fl from EdicranA Ro*d tn larjrer prem ia.. THOHOUC h L v SOUND EDUCATION, yrttk Pre- MISvS K. P COXETER. F E C-0 Or^TAfiMd of rixT® V b I® CoB^ragntionnl Church. HacrinfP, VISITS and RECEIVES PUPILS for Organ, Pumo fi>n«, Singing, VoTCs P/oduntion, Hsnnosy, Connbsjpoint, etc. Prnparatien for Exarainationx. Addr©«. — •• G LIO N ,” ST. HELEN'S PARK ROAD. ] j HASTINGS. PAI-ACE HOTEL. MONTANA-SUR-SIERRE. Open terc Pren-ib MUriaxy ConTale*c«nt8. Now PALACE AND MURBEN. GRAND HOTEL DES ALPB8, tuT C>©mhn^e Lrtca!©. OoUeci Hivv'ai Drewinc ‘Sociott.v. Ionian Inatltuta fc« Varatiou Hr»va. wci k. Octdl>oii instant. PERCY IDLE, Town Clerk. Executive Officer. T o ^ Hall. Haetaica. 1 th October, 1917. ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ............ £1,000,000 Total Assets (over).......... £7,267,000 'rW COM.PANV tranmet© *11 tb« princi- pal C lM M t of iDffDrftDCO. Full information mat b© obiainod upon Appiication to tho Branch OfBcO:— tte SX&T STKKSl, BBlGHTOrf. of Prtcwptoi©, ............... • f« Needle- uud AMoriated Beard Kxiuninaridae. IVoiqiaotrio on ;flppli«atiop. Prinoipa;: MISS E. WALMSLEY’. MOUKTSIDE—HIGH SCHOOL 11. LATON ROAD. HASTINGS Prianiual MRS. F. O. COOPER. THOROUGH EDUCATION on Modar© Line* ai miolarate t©eo- Fubliv. EiXanUDetiona it d^r^. Horn© ^ m t o r t « for Boardeiw. Kindercarton. Special atrerutipn ci^en to miuic. modem taMaaffMi dTavriaff, paisriux. a*d phynicos curinre; bww© wvUi ex- ceffent f^nitation, stivnoinp in iU own kTwnsda- Aotnm n Term befU)© &ap4cimber 39U. Sepiesober IfiibL Boanl«si rctom MISS ALICL JfeETON. L .B l.M , A.B.C.M. Viffiita aad Receireo Pupil© for PIANOFORTE. SINGING. VOICE PRODUCnON, HARMONY, E4«. Rpeeuil Coachins for Ti.R.A.M., A.ILC.M ., and A©0 (>> datiefi Boeirta Exam#- Inrcriably Sizoeenfni. 29. MAGDALEN TERRACE, ST. LEONARDS-ONvSEA. .Fn’l pariiaolar© from tbe Manager of eaeh Hotel. lUnatcatori BooVlat Free oi- aH the Hoteta fmai—Th© S«<MCmry, 6, Eadsleixh Gardes©, Looden, N.W. SKINNERS, JOBMASTERS. of every ELDRIDGE AND SON, COirrEACI^M, SAKITARY PLU1CBXB8. AND DECORATORS. GAB, HOT WATER. Ete. 13, prospect ' place , HASTINGS. Paperhaiifiar WanbCNta©. ioWfioff W«cfc fwuimaj atkmdti ta. H OBSBS And CAEBUGES deseription. Private Motor and Tasi-Caba FOR HIRE. OffiOMi— BOXAL MEWS. CAJMBBIBSE BOAD. HASTIKOS. Telepbcoie 7SS. A»<1 a t WXSTBBN ROAJ>, ST. LBOMABBa XekshoM MB. Hastings Pirmanenf Building Sociiti THE I,ARGEST IN SUSSEX. RF.SF.R.VU FUND .......................... £15.CM UNDISTRIBUTED SURPLUS jBas'fliO Unusaal Opportunity for luTostOB Conunwe Lb© Veer by taMrjj oce rtt metm InTestinic in the Society a* Tem ShilUuse T>ar naccr.th m reel^ for II year* amount. ......................................... Interest at 4 uer c*ct ’IVTTH B0N-U55‘*I'Y ADDITION, Onr only offico*: — AND 2. BOLTON CKAMBEP3, EASTBOUR.1 tm' t t HAVKLOCK ROAD. HAfiTISGS NE. ' Shipping Notice. BIBBY LINE. First CIMS Twin 8 « « r Mail St«aaia*.i ForlnicltftT Senrie#. CEYUON, BURMAH,: .Brit SOUTHERN INDIA. Apply te BtBBY BROS, and CO., M, Chapel Sfcrea*. t.i»OTp«^: or M and 11, M indps lam a Loodot^ E .0 4 . in fw. M e^DAMES ( j .REENAWAY i 40. R O R E R T B O M STREET noRBetir of W aBi^ioK Plaoal- CM>I.FINe and OTCRJtiG' OOB8ETB. AKnnlrrroan. CUOTHme. I ^ unifroro ot£2 «* «w* reaidM**. Droaro hr M t Mntva m a n * Mlrwilai

A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE

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Page 1: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE

4° Pa|ittrsPage 7.

A HINT. Botftfta* 1 . ^ O C O C X , O U T F IT S .

I^ O U E E H 'S R O A D , H A t T I H M .dealing to sa tistj yom.'*

Saitw , Costa, Tronaexs, M seki. ■sod Girl** Ck>ciiut , L adtn l 0O«4 lOT«r3rduugr Gai&t’a and. Ladiaa'O^&der- b ^ , Oid JewsUeiT, I n s t i lI Lmeft, ererytbiof Biaukets, Cutlazy*I Ooina, T n u k a . sZkd B a ^ - PraeCia^

^ ---- brinff tu , Oid «st»Ob^ed.^


t E N 8 E O A O . H A S T IN G S .Good i»xtc«i KiTen tor LsAtaS*.

Heii'tt Otet-oC C L O T H IN G . CoftsiLS% PsrodLa TSiued su d xcooey x e M n U '

on raeaipt of P o tiesrd .

E1D._ SfatsbGastasd S3 y a s * .

B E E N E T ,

LCR, GORDON VILLAS, B A T T U lWARDS, will bod priew forIcs', Grnttlwjiona, and CT»i:drea*i ING APPABKL of e^err deacristjc^ [>NLY.OK.T': ADQRBSd. .U1 eoviimoaicstioDo ahovld be muS

Villa, BattJe-iosd, ^ LeonsTda. ^Tompcly atLcndad i s . DialSBoo ap


) U S A R T I C L E S — W A N T E a

^ H eini< .:taad«treet, A ^ fo r ^ K e n t .— hishost vsiiie; prom id eett lemonte.

' __________________________________ ' Jd%tER S want-jd for oasli.—I^taiasnT ^— - \ ______ ■ o37

I L I N G .—M ij. M M hnist, l»or*r- luya Lidjeo’, Gout'e, aiki Cbildiftiv's^ e : cftrria -Q forward.__________ |^ l le r y . Ourioi^tieFs asd W ardrote i ■oea; '9Shie eent P.O. by remrn o( 1 &d SOI, QoeepW d., Haatiar^. tcl# j 5HEOS •wana-fjd; any Bize above H I ^ wbore seen to W. R o ^ Heriin____________________ -> ol8e !i® *—W a ste d , O fio e rs ' O n tflta . \

r a w ; slao l3 s d W t a d Qtfldren.'d ' T e e t iL ^ O M Jee e B e cy , Om m * i

BiasAefea. Coitains. Tnxass. ' >ewi&r H so b isaa . P zaettcsl ValtMoi.

b e tte r E fo fy atte»- 1

f ic t !e ,~ a a a » B O T T L E S .—F lin t . IM LI_________ !_______“ “ J a y in f the U cbeck

* W, Station-nJ., A sM erd .a n d I .e B lond ‘ C o lour PrintA .—

1 ExBreae," Iiewos._______________olSoS O P S i <iBaiititT; u r c l w. Bin. loBff bT 3'.n. diaznoter tbinnaih m eter end o se a rd j.—B la ctm a n , 43.

:____________________________________ W31« . e a r Q m s titr « w a s t H • K w o o ^ b oo b , ledcne . b o e k £ '

V IK O N U d M C T A U ; u y q n u T *® »»T tk iid B i i t r M o orii«

k * JsdBK>A. Ltd., Xion' sad» fntw boTT Telo r ? t

beknett :

o i r « r a C w t u r y t

3 t o r s & M a s o n s I S o u t h C o a s t .

O F n C E . ! —


BmrHTi.Ti. b m g k t o n . ~ G E W E l i a , Mid C H I-

f b u

• I n r tlin* kr knelak-

^ages, and Deaths.B. D E A T H S . IN M E M O R IA l l

%i. Cd. for fosr liuea or laa% (ioosl liiie .

b e kuadine. mnat be prepsid, at | v K l be <^reed.

i* r t k u hea4ijir m-nst be esderasA d d re s o< A drerticer.

3 3 i n B i r t h A n n o w a a * - ^ d d i n g C a r d s e a a b s I J . P a r s o n s , L t d : , 1 4 , o n t , H a s t i n g s .

lA B R I A G E .-O n October 7th, a t S t. P-frter*®

by , eiiefial licence, A lfre d il io tt . L'n.y son of ,M i. A lfred

iB e x Iiil ! , SignaUcr, Royal Su-'aeX pidert 4iaii3nt«T of M r. aiid M ie. pk-road, b i. L:om rds-on-Sea.

OoUiber 6th. 1917, a t 9^I IjOU<i<’ n, W .C ., by thisI jy , Fred»Tici: Goode, on actire l a n d Mn». W d lim i Goode, ot

to M a lx l Origp, s . and GeOrje G rip ? , ,c f

UTS. SifHecx. t R .—Ou 0,-uAr2r 7th. 1917, V f »7, 253nrl Canadian R crin sen i,

M TTJohn B;*mt>ajr, of Qnceoe* K m ily , yomi.eert A iughicr c<

er, of 6, Ho?ntye*road,

O n SeplPinber ‘iSiMi. 1917, at S t, je h , by the Rev. A . Jiiiu iescn ,

eon of tho lat^ Edivarfl AlN^rt 1, of WepT Manna., to A n n ie , .bo Jate (fdCTge ToTirle end «

Sejrtrfmbcr lJ9th, 1917, at Ib y R e r . A n iwtron?. WiClmw |eo Q of tb# late Mr. C . P itrJier,

TO EdiM i Lyd ia. Fcconii ^Irs. H . G . H unt, of 39, Sodkee* te rlr ili.'

I e a t h s -gth. 1317, a t Pfcifp^-'t n m f , >itfcer. Tvidow of the J c ^ a j y Bway. In Iwr 81^ yao.r.

b a it., SpriciT&cld-road, Geosps

l9 th , 1917, .it 189, London rfjo^ Ajjfvl 69 yeem. Fuzeerfl

|ran;5s OTasr-tory.S 'ld’-tuMOor 2»)th, 1017, at t l ,

|l.».'r.na.:isK)a-S?j^ after mueb art, lAUr R .N .V .R . , bclored

I M rs. Park'6. Atfcd ICl yessre. EM U U X A H .

memory of Latu^MTkiTpcctt 3.<Miidrru R i i e Bn^^de,

und-airc-T, youDcost and dearly J l . L . Davia and Mr<&. D a ri^ |bc-;cad iTonh., 9 i. IrffAnurde.

at Lo Tnintdoy. October

burhtfcw in the w ert;1 worrioM ix/uaen t lic ir n e t . i Paradiae tbe b le st ;

A U d o iA lmemory of .Secsoa^

nore Gxcmian. Kinj.''s‘ L ire r- Jiliiti, dearly loved and youn yesid ■reniian, 53, Porensey-road. S t po, France. Otoh^-r 12tb, 191S.

memory o? Riflem an A l b ^ |fr»r Kis fwiun-ny (.u ricptc^jibec y^hrules J in k s , w iic tra^ k i i le i pit'..'

au t la iiiitry .thoir hrariciieg we?#,

■ns an*} h;( tlj<>r6,1 silcnc -’ravtts;

Their lost f-irereell, l i r hands to uoao; ll»ofofe th ry Vneir In s TveTP '_’ODc. ptbsT, bist/ rs, and B ro tine^■ memory of our dear so%

na‘.-«d away 0>-tobcr 18th, t«adly inisssed.” Patber*

. of I^nrrMiJoTporal Quaifit, Iwlso Was killed in E^ion. <m pl'd h'R duty .”

uc: meruoT>’ of ‘/.ingtori P ark , who iTiawe<

I ' GohA but ner^r fi-cgtytten.* l io ry of OUT dr>rhjiir C h « ji# ,

.3th, 1915.. A««d;,19.po9h:d. •

bis6 h rm :^as dear to-day

ho went away, by M t22b 832d D ad, Sfartm

mory of m y dear bim baa^ Jc.Ttfd into rest ' October 8tlw Ib u t st ill to m ciaory d ca r^

litaPaMofiD F . J ', P m r m o a a .

i t , B a s t t a f f s .


at Modamte B a i« L

^7 forms. A9 ply to TM M. « m » t i c r y C O ., m». |S .C . (YbL a t y rS74.

^ S O N ,InuRtental Mabant.

HASTINGS,Tele. No. 7 3 I.

S O N S .sas.

lOAD, ami ID, CLrVE V/tLi 103. >iw.

- O n r s r «< * — * k W

a f .

meNo. 3131 f t t t s M a n i .< t k . S . . w t f F«r4 t( OAm m • We iupc. I S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 0 ,1 9 1 7 . f Ta.ro.HoNB ' . . . . . . . . . . i» I

I P e s t f r e e S t . Sd- p e r q e a r t e r . j T H R E E H A L F P E W C B

When considering your Laundry for the Winter remember the “ R ID G E” SPECIALISE IN WOOLLENS.

W rite to the M anageress RIDGE LAUNDRY S T . H E L E N ’ S

H A S T I N G S .

Public Notice.

( y A i E T Y T h e a t r e , H a s t i n g s .IS B M fe r ; M R. H W . R O W 1.A N D .

Resident M am icer. M R . G S C U T T .

0 ( T O B V R 'JCtth, at l’-39 b id5»-DAY (S A T IT P J )A Y

Licit. PerfoTmarw'iV of fh |C H A R M IN G M I L I T \ R Y C O M E D Y D R A M A ,

“ J B o O T L E ’s jB a b yKasmUcenf-. UiafoTuiK of the 0':d A rm y, New Sooney

• ainfM O N D A Y , O C T O B E R 23n-i. S I X N IG H T S at 7.^S, a id

A M A T IN E E ON S A T U R D - W at 2.30 —M E S S R S . H O R S F IE L D A N D W O O D W A R D

p389but» by arian^icmenf with. -Muis <»lAdys Oocpei M r. Fran k Curzon,

T H E S U C C E S S F U L IW R C K ’ A L C O M ED A ',

** "W^ANTED,'A husband.”B j C Y R I L H A R C O U R T .

K * . K E G IN A I .D D .L N C K a» C A P T A IN C O R K O R A b

B oon. <»en 7.U.TW . 617.

C'Cnuuencd 7.45. P r ice . 4s. to 6 ( .

Public Notices.

W h i s t D r i v ein ooi5»ttectic*n. with

T H E H A S T IN G S s S Y M P A T lIK T IC E L E \ E N ,

wait b© held a ' the

Q u e e n ’s D o t e l

On W ED N E v S D A V . O C T O B E R 21th.P lay to ccaainence S 45 tharp.

m c - m r . L - h . g l e n i s t e r .

Ti-kAt<;. !n ^-rh . to M .bed a t .„ C u re s ' U b T o rw . Oneen p Road. Hiwtin*©: 48. K in g s Mrri. Hon^mond. i‘a. Queen'B Hrtstuws,Norman Road, S t. ; R m d ^ Uo..ilobcTlton Sfcn»t; or any Member c f Coiram ttce.

| - l A S r i N G S J P l E R .OCMBal M a;ia^ er-M R. C I I .V R L E S H A W K E R .

W t k k : .c o m m e n c i n g M o n d a y , o c t o b e s .tsbiIn r a C E D A IL Y " , S t 3 and 7.30. iu ttis

S H O R E P A V IL IO N ,P O S I T I V E L Y T H E LA .S T W E E K |

of ti;oio F.-imoua En .erta in cra ; —

■ T h e A - R I S t o c r a t s .

SkAST S I X M A T IN K C S : L A > T S I X N IG H T S |B ock your Seat® in a.lvance to av. id dic-'nppointinenr.

Afternoon Teas and Rofrer-braonte at pi^pular prices. Bon B ail A iky i!. ll iirh Diving, eto.

A . N G L O - A . M E R I C A N F R I E N D S H I P

A L E C T U R Ew ill be ftivon on

8.ATURBAY. OCTOBER 57fb, flt tho

A L B A N Y H O T E L , H A S T lN O a ,By D R . W IL L IA M B L 'T T R IC R ,



T O M O B R O W s r X D A Y i , at 5 p m.IN M F .M O R Y O F S A IL O R S A N D S O L D 1 K R 9

H A ^ ^ : F A T .I .L N IN T H K W A R .



T H E M A YO R.'? A N D M E M B E R S O F K .^ P T IN G S A N D B E X H I L L C O R P O B A T IO X B W IL I , A T T E N D .

JS U N D A Y " E V E N I N G , a t S r-m : -

S a c r e d C o n c e r t .1 M IS S V E R A C O I.E M A N . M1^U D O R IS L IN F O < W .

M IS S A G A T H A G R A Y . M Is £ g F .B T R U D I ; < iLN T , M IS S F L O R E N C E M O O R E , 1(1 R l J . B . W A L D E N ,

T H E L A D I E S ' O R C H E S T R A n avy kindly- offered to .iR Wtt.

» 39,

C O M M E N C IN G M O N P A V . o r r O B F R

E V E R Y D A Y ,at. 11 t il' 12.45, 3 ^in 5. 7,19 fill

T H E iI'iA D li:? ! ) ■

W i n t e r O r c h e s t r a .Conductrew; „ . , MIPS ITV GOr^DON.

A L L 5 E A T 8 F R E E .

- r i E n T O I . l , T W O P E N C E S E A S O N ; r i E R TOL.L1 T IC T C F T S A T G R F A T I .V

R E D U C K D R A T E S .

S P E C I A L W E E K -E M O C O N C E R T S .

Educational.L a d i e s ' E s t a b l i s h m e n t s .

ROLLER skATING, DANCING, FISHING. H T W I N T E R o r c h e s t r a f o r S T . L E O N A R D S .

“ j4_MERICa’s S tORV >9

C i n e m a D e L u x e ,H A S T IN G S .

SO>9AT (SATUP-D.AY!. L-ud. twii appearances of E R I C D R O O K S ,

at 3 and 8.

J f iO K D A Y . T U E S n A V , ouii W / ID N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R fiad . f3rd. and 24th: —

Powerful 5 part T r :a n j!o Dram a.

“ P a t e ’s C . 'R o s S R o a d s . ”P a « tn ie in the A ir ,* ’ “ C n r id i*omo Now Dope *’

(CtaiedyJ. P ath« Gazette, and 3-part. F o x C co jcdy: —

" T h e R o m a n 4 J o w b o y . ”

8 S I W » 8 D A Y ; -" P E A R L O F T H E A R M '!',”

No. 6, " -M A JO R T R E N T ’S F A I L D R E . "P j n s N A U G H T Y T H O U G H T , ' T r ia b le Kergtone. P l r o a ' . M ixed Motor Matu-h ” i.l./cnesioaie Lak e), “ Safety

P ire t ” tSidn«3’ Drew*, B airasfa th er’e Cartoons, Pnthc GazL'tte.

Ckw^ovons 3 ^ to 10.30.

M B .’ W A U -A C ft C A B .T F R . K o n .

Nationol W a r A Ie m Ccmmiittee.'

Recrew’‘y c f tho ’ w i.l be present.

Th e C ha ir w ill be taknn by S I R H E N R Y LU 'N N at 8 p.ra.

Public Notice.



A lbany M otel iHASTiis'cs.


P U A Y 3 D A I L Y

f r u n i to 5.50.

G r o c e r s * & P r o v i s i o n

M e r c h a n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o n .

A M K K T T N G o f t h e o b o v e T r a d e w-H h o

h e ld , a t t h e s u g g e s t io n o f t h e ( h w ir- m a n o i th e 'I T ib u n a i , a t t h e T o w n VlaU , H a u stin g s, o n W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E K 2 U h , a t 6 .Z 0 p .m . , to d is c u s s ' a s c h e m e o f c o -o p e r a t io n w i t h a v ie w to r c le a .s in g m e n

fo r A c t iv e S e r v ic e , a n d to r e n d e r c f ie c U v e a s s i s t a n c e to th o s e w h o s o b u s in e s s e s m ig h t

o t h e r w is e b e c lo s e d o r e n d a n g e r e d th r o u g h

t h e i r s ta f f l-*eing c a l le d u p .

t h i s m a t t e r i s o f v i t a l im p o r t a n c e , a l l t r a d e r s in t h e i r o w n in t e r e s t s a r e u rgeu tl}*

r e q u e s t e d to a t t e n d .

Scats Bookedi No

C J e n t r a l P i c t u r e T h e a t r e .(T H E H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y ).

H A S T IN G S .t tO H D A Y , a ia d O C T O B E R , fo r T H R E E D A Y S : —

“ M i s P k o i k e r s W i f e /______A g rea t P h rt« v p U y in 5 p a r ts , fo e tu rin c* E H E L C L A Y T O N a n d C A R L Y L E B L A C K W E L L .

” T H E P U R P L E D O M IH O /’X piM de 7 c f th e G r« ir Tm rrf^A t'fU itic Rprial,

A N D P H I L “ S T A R ” P R O G R A M M E . OSotinvoTK pcrfbnriancc . Uc?nal p opu la r p r ic « .

fH T JR S D A Y N E X T ; -P A Y IN G T H E P R I C E , ”

A n ezedtiog N aval D rm rta in 4 p o rtf .

E m m a n u e l , ( J h u r c h iW E S T H I L l . , H .L 8 T IN G S . -

S P E C I A LP A R O C H IA L M IS S IO M ,O C T O B E R » t h to 35tl).

M IS S IO N P R E A C H E R : — .

R e v . R . W o o d - S a m u e lof the Chapel Royal, Bavey.

L I S T = ^ R V 1 C E S . T O -M O R R O W , S D N D A X ,OCTf>A>.;R 21M.

8. 0. H oly Com munion.11. 0. M< rDuic* Servino only and Sermon.

3. 0. .^drlrow to-'Children.6.30. Ev*^nin7 P ra y rr and Sermon.

Short Afler-SoTTir<v m k I Addre**- A n d on W eek-Days -texoept Sntnrcc.y) at 3 (Sp irim el Life/

and 7.30.

P r o t e s t a n t R e f o r m a t i o n

S o c i e t y .On M OND-t-V A I'T l^ lN O fiN ' N E X T , O C T O B E R 22:iC.

M n . W A L T E R M A Y O n-jU riw- .» ].*i.tu :c. * ntK.<d

•‘ TTTF l i lB l .C A M J l l i r l a S ‘ . \»-->. V, I Ei'rVsh IJ .-u p . Ko-id.

C l;a i) c .'m - P T :V . \V. G . U P ID t lK S , M .A .1*0 ' ir.r.'* ;i< 3 o k.

A L L A R E C O R D I A L L Y I N V IT E D .


L a d i e s ’ E s t a b l i s h m e n t s ,

59,'CIDKJ.F.3 r o a d .CPPEU*^ S T .^ O N A R D S - O N S E A .P rin r iia '. ; M lS S AM Y’ T A Y l .O R .

BOYS anG O IIH .3 tliofoiiglily p iouude 'i iu ail B racohei;i r</M 4-. a'Ntrioti‘ urul p i ’ paind fcj iTtuer folh-o#

.'.vitimvi T»ci:i <Hi;uiut*i:<?ei Tuesdk.v. ^I'ptenibrr. 18 V.

E J t M O U T H H O U S E S C H O O L ,F O B G I R L S A N D K I N D E R G A R T E N . P re sa a b o ir

for Boya.E X M O U T H PT^ACE. H ,^ T IN G S .

Sound CTenero-l Ednoafion at raodarate faee. Conrae of Inrftmcftion, cx5mpri*'?Ji E ng lish Snbjeota. FTtsneh (eanver- aaktonaU. Phyvioal D rill . C Is m Sinctne; Drawing, Painting , etc. Preparation* for • Oxford and O m brid ge X/Om Is , CoLe?e of Preeertore, NeodJework, and Aaeoeiated BoAid

Exitns.*.Prin-ripal - M IS S H A Y IT U R S T .

Muft« Mifttiea* - M R S . E V E I A ’ N M A SO N , L .R .A .M ., L .T .C .L .

F E B M I I K , H O LLIN G TO K P A R K .S T . LEX> N A RD S-O N S E A .

Frijw unal - _ » - ^ M IS S P E A T ,

B O A R D IN G and D A Y ^ K O O L for G ir la from 4 to 14 yeaie of age.

K a tiio fJaaeo of ch.ildJ'^n .whoso parentu ar* abroad. Dancine CiOjivaa open to oul'iide pap iU Frid a y after­


G e n t l e m e n ' s E s t a b l i s h m e n t s . '

U N IT E B S IT YP r in c ip a l:

H A ST IN G S.B .A . ^

T h e P u b l i c M a l l C i n e m a .M X M O R L A L , H A S T IN G S .

Talepbona: Hac. in«B, S3J.


" T H E W H IT E R A V E N / ’A rtroo^ Dram a in 5 purls.

B S9W D A Y , O C T O B E R 23ad: —

“ U l t u s . ”A M D T H E T H R E E B U T T O N M Y S T E R Y .

A poworful ^Meotive Dram a, featarin^*

A U R E I . E S T O N E Y .Q n j R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 25th: —

“ " L o v e i n t h e W e s t . ”M h k I« D ram a in 5 parte, fcattm ns B E S S I E L O V E .

A N D F U L ia * * * * O G R A M M E .

S T . P A U L ’S C H U H C H . S T . L E O N A R D S -O N -S S A .


H a r v e s t R e s t i v a lv iU he held on

S U N D A Y , O C T O B E R M et.


Toiire ' C horal C eleb ra tion in C. lA a tie m , " Y» th a t iIttpI; in th i , L a n d " (SU ioerl:

j:%:k6TO’s To D e u W .ijL T - . ,

v i s r r o i t s w e l c o m e d . - ■ B iio S o p r o v i d e d .

] ^ E w q ' 'H 0 U G H T C e n t r e .W A V E R L E V H O T E L , H A V I X O C K R O A D .

Pnu'lar Servi<-< w ill b*- hK<l lep.'ul.'ir’iy. v.-i:lx nddroisca by •.•»i?:ueiu feiRNiker*. «-Ani:u:*iw“inL* .Stuidav, 1130U2d 6.30, Mi<fB Miirv C Ijo<L»u , exf New Life' C*‘titre, lit-ud S tn o t. 11.30, The N 'iv Tix^n^ht Afnv. 111**!! . 6J0,'P«*Ti‘L»nol Poyi^iir Ex^wiecictfsi. Monday. 2Snd, a C<'.ur*w' ni ChiKsPa w ill be d ?e n . Sinule ti* Is . 6d.; a rourw , 16(1. 3.30, Comjvtrative Iwclisiitm* uiul the M cbi whr> bnvi. infinonf'etl the R a»s». 4.30. Eiwreuiiri and SV'lectirin. 6.30, n^'u.lth and Hewlhif. Em br.u »nc Anatom y, Biolo«:y, Phyi-hclrwr, B r ’atliinc:. .“Yud tho tlir«cSchools c f Healing:, P hyslisd , M om a', S j» \:itw l.

8 oV lork, Thn Oriwi-n •\f L if% O. G . M iller, P h .D . ■'J'nwsday, 8 o J.k>t■v, Loct.nm '»*4- TJ*- .VnukiilA .SyMtam <if Rf-ilinL*. iii'^Lidm? tho h r.'f byon.-' who h»tf' :>r't:r(>«»sc*d-fivoY i.** heuith, Tigoiir,and yenrtii, I-l. J . Htim m inr.

Soatft F re t . S ilver Collc^-tiOTi.

S t . C l e m f n t s C h u r c h ,HA-STTNGP.

T H E R C V . H . t . M A R T L E YIDi/thoii's Merfswryst'r, 1916,

wiU proocl) onS U N D A Y . 21a£ OCTFOBriR. at I I a.m . a"^l 6.30 T>.m.Holy CoTHiTiaot''Wi 8 an4i 11.*d a.m. Mcrninc 11 a.ni.Evw ijn ir Prure.r' 4 i«.m. Min.'Jion .S^rrft i* 6.30

CdieoiiotBs for R ish cp c f ChicAosrerV Diocesita r-ind .



RE3IPEXT U N X V K Itsrry g r a d u a t e s

i h t l> R O K E 8 S lo y g 5 B ^ | M K < ^ A ijM cUl f« 4 n te in the dskuoi Ooursi ta la s LaedOB -UriiTsrsilr MstariSQ- lAtion KxAmination. : N ltaKPribno boys hare passed thisdirect from .the. Bc^ooL Oheinieal. Laboratory,. Mnseam. Osipeater's Workahop. Gnanasiam, Open and C o v e ^ Pla.t^'r.iuud, atr.. tApa alt tlie appoina^nts of a well- e(j!iipp«i school. >*Tbe p.ayinv fields sre B^irtifnl'y fituaiec. Great attention is pa.d to Physical Deielop* ment.

Cadet Corps a tta ^ e d to the Rciyal Kcgineera,

( GUNVy A L U S m a n s c h o o l ,T 'd p a x d K iN D E P C .M ’T r x ,

f «/l? V\\ .\ M IS O .V H D irN S , l iA S T IN C S . n m i s s I 1: r iJ C Q aad MIS.S B .V T f;s . L I . A . ,U .'u. - • • .. . .Andi'-'Tr. \V>>meii> Hifilier C'ambiidge

Cr«n'flc3tp, etc.-'Lad V iK itinc Sfeiff.

A T H f lR O f G H .M OnU RN U D l’C A T IO N and Car*f»ill''a.;'.;ri«'. U.-itidc.rt R-eewr-’d . P iepaiacion lo f Public l*L-'Lnu;\.V.!' Qi- Ji' sirn.

M ir ;ii:j u i/ .;h t by M is* V . V . Bolingbroke -Ipupil of .M:ulis:iic O ir.cri).

D U ’S M O R E S C H O O L .1C7, LO N D O N R O A D .

n O A K D IN G A N D D A Y SGHOOJv F O R G IR L S .P iiu cip ate ; T H K M IS S U S W A Y M O U T H .

Aa*i«t©d by itn Kfiicy^Tit Staff of Eng lish and Foreign Mi#drei<s6s and V isit in g ProlMwors. ConTtmient, W ell-Vonrilated Rooros.

Thoroach Mixioru E ilucation, w ith Preparation for Oxford and Cainbridce L w a .Is, Coiloge of Prceeptors, M atric 'jU ti m, A^fl^x'iated Boeros, etc.

I*ro«p..-ctnti on cppli'-ation.C!nr.s fer Boys.



P R I N C I P A L S : M IB 3 ^GNV.S B O O T H A N D M IS S L I L I A N S T R A T T O N .

Bnfttdin;: Schorl lo r Geut'eir.en*. D.:utiitoTe. *


T h e K i n e m a P a l a c e .IM R M A N R O A D , 8 T . L E O N A R D S .

TehTjhflme Haetinge 181.

J fC N D A V , *2nri O C T O B E k T T ot T H R E E D A Y S t -

* * M y F i g h t i n g G e n t l e m a n . ”In 6 parte, featuring W IL L IA M R U S S K Id .,.

t H U P .S D A Y . 2&rh O C T O B E R , for T H R E E D A Y S ; —

“ M a s k s A N D F a c e s . ”iin fi rnrtflj,

B ta rn n s a ll the of thn Sti*-:.

Woffinflton . . Tr^ne \'Anhrng}i.^TvxfW var.e, . . Dt-nnis N'p’i ecn. Turrv.

Vane . . .......................... f il .ic ra #>x)rer.B ir G b a r:^ Pomander , , W»d^«ter.TtipJet ..........................S?T Jo1»nsir;n Forhed-Rol»*itEon.^ i nRitdi K.iCty Cli'*" . .C-'-r Cipiv'rP»irdivk .'Ern'‘'’'«t VQT>.e'* ftprrant) Hnr.frioTj (PauiaiuJ‘'r'5 sorvax't,L .veil d ».Mrs. TVipIet . . —Orlandrr . . -.^L-tr'. * ^

. . ^ „DameMr., V'uTV V po talnrrr.Fiddler at Covtint (.^rrlou Tbeat: Fec.'iiii? Master A T3f:n.ll«dy «Prrr»p'*yMw&l'cr* cf Hivh'fi C.-niinny

E . M. Lo*"n*‘. Playfa ir.

Lil)-ih M’**Car6bT. Di^'n B* in*”i»'«Pili.

H'mry Vihflri. fi^T^'A du Mn.iiri^T.

IViDoH Ca.ltlj<ir]». IV in jfo d F,Tn<*r .

K . B. rrr-.rb J . Fi9*h» Whit-r. . . T.yail S htw.'.

HiAl<*n Hayr.. fa■r»' Rii»!e<»n.

\V.:wl<*vn Grrift-wnith. . . <',F.rald Amew.. . MiT-r BTr»T»3:l».

Phy^lie H a n . rJo.wtrT»d»» E llio t ;.

L ilia n Brait.bwnit'', I/C-ltie Venii«=’.

*l'i. St>-Ha Ciimpl»r«r._ dn. . . V jola. Trf^*.

a C h i d , , « . . Ri^ny-e May<rr.I''ftb!a Drc.lr*'.

do. ......................... .Toon. Bix-krTWiwtr*.dr>- ........................... r i. H . Rowxon.

P E A R L O F T W F A R W 'V ,” MwiaJ',.S. •• 'O M E W H E T IF , IX G R A m a .D A , ’

. \ M M A T E O H IS T O R Y O F T H E G R E A T W A.jr. No. 5.

P o Y A L A c a d e m y o f M u s i c .Y O R K f i.X T E . R O A D . T^ONIMIX.' f A R V T .K B O N r

N W.l.lfcPW!iU>»ted I*??. ImornATa.tiNi hy Foyai! C^harf.'*:. 1830.

T H E M E T R O P O L I T A N E X A M I N A T I O N--f*f - -

M U S I C A L C O MP O S E R S . P E R F O R M E R S A > T E A C H E R S .

Booy'T ’ifn l r ’l-trl'idatr’i ;r#. U lCEN 'TTA TF,S. f-'f>v» TtOVAI./ A C .\ D E M V or M U S IC , and hiT.* fliu Milo fi-h t of aop^nd'nt.' t h'' T,.R, \ .M . *r, t.l'oir

V .:c-»jirnn1iojiT. ;jr*’ held ilin in c tlv- an<l<!7hTTf?tin».t V.tiTVtionfl. La',"» d'ly ♦or r.ntrv V't i.ho C7in>tt-

Ex,Tnii*><it!o*i. N-*Xf':n'.> r l.Lh . F.niri*'* •Ceo-*iTcd until N'.vr'mlvc 30 1. ''•n •p''.TTnf’ t,i .jf a lat^ ic:t=-erf 'll-.

• 1 fuThh^r inforrvi*.iMn non 1.0 T .E O N A R D

10. M.-ART^vvrci^ t e r r a c t :. s t .i . vvil R.< pr5=’Ontat-.Ti*, or 1" th<*

S t . L e o n a r d s C o n g r e g a t i o n a l C h u r c h .

54th C H U R C H A N N IV E R S A R Y .S U N D A Y . O C T O B E R htat, 1917,

T H E R T . H O N . S IR J O S E P H C O M P T O N - R IC K E T T ,M .P . ;Parni«ro«r.GenorBl. H .M . Forres:,

M O R N IN G a t U.O. E V E N IN G s t 6.38.

W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 24th,S E R V I C E aJ 3.15 p.m.

Dr* H* F* M o r t o n , m . a .(of HejQpHiteflid!|.

LE < 3 T U R H at 6.1.8 p.ra. by D R . H O R T O N ,” R E C O N S T R U C T IO N . ’

A L F R E D N E W H A M . Beq., w ill premde.Special Offertori*^ for C harch Fundp*

V IS IT O R S K E A R T T ls Y IN V IT E D .

S t - M a r v - i n - t h e - C a s t l e P a r i s h C h u r c h .

PenfUf»a8 w ill he proaolwri fcrt* the C O L O N IA L & C O N T T N U N T A L C H U R C H S O C IE T Y

at the at*ovft Chnrch , on S U N D A Y . O C T O B E R 3W .

by theR C V . J . O. M U L L IN S , D .D .

(Gener.'il fW.rcta?^ of th^ Sr»'4r.fy,,A \ both Sememe, 11 a.rn. and 6.13) p.m.

H ate T ■»I rcl^tiyc* in or fr'-.ra the C o kn ieef Y-^n w ill

l»2 int'er'.et'-'d-

C ..!‘.o-.»ir.’ae for t'vft f^cirt.r,

F a i r l i g h t C h u r c h .H A R V E S T F E S T I V A L .

S U N D A Y . O C T O B E R : i r ‘ .

W i O N E Y .FROM £10 to £1,000.

Anyone Teriniriiur Tranporory l-oene ean hnre imin* S t fe ir rate of internet: alao B ills of Sale arranged. A p p ly Lon d?r’e LocftI A ^ m ta : —

M E S S R S . C O H E N A C O H E N ,3J, W E S T E R N R O A D , B E X R I L U


PAWNBROKERS4 6 , I i o n d o n R o a d , S t . I i e o n a r d s

CA S H A D V A N C E S m a d e o n D ia m o n d a n d o t h e r J e w v l le r y , W a t c h e s a n d

C h a in s , A n tiq -a e a n d M o ticrn S i lv e r I ’la te d G<X)ds, C u r io s , e t c . , o n th e f o l lo w in g r a te s —

JE3 l e n t fo r o n e sJh illin g p e r m o n th .X 20 le n t f o r f iv e s h i l l i n g s p e r m o n t h . jB lM l e n t fo r .£1 p e r m o n th



A N D . B O M B A R D M E N T .


The Beaufort Finance Go., Ltd.H as rem oved it.s OfRce to

6, TRINITY STREET, HASTINGS.A n d i s u n d e r e n t ir e ly N e w M a n a g e m e n t .

P r o m p t A t t e n t io n v i U h e p a id lo a l l appITca-H ons fo r lo o n s , w h e th e r S M .4 L L or L A R G E .

. t p p l y in c o n f id e n c e to t h e M a n a g e r ,

fi, T R I N I T Y S T R E E T , U A S T I N l I S .

I ’

rv/mmuni'V.v Morniurr ficrT;;T 1^30.,\ftorn<x»D !^fTi-T5 3 i*.m.

P'^D, h- -- R K V . ( \ A S K W T T HJltYitor <’'f >' t. .N4;>UCi*3iy'<i.,

F i s h 5 r m e n ’s C h u r c hJSFRVX.r.'? r^JR SiTP.'DW. OfTORKR ZUi

, . \ N M V r :R S .V R Y O K T R A F A T jC A R ).U a.nv w- ta A/*'In w . ”Tb© B rlo fM Phya<-ian.”*. '"•it'h AdihTW,

’ t b a f a i / ; a r a n d t o -d a y . ’Th^ '••ffcri/'T civfMi tn-tbe f^hipwreckM Mariners'

Rrttb AdilT' Jui'N* bv T H K LA N R Il .A D K R,On Pii-jaar, <"X<-tot,rT 29tl-. Ily , Iter. A . H . H aizh , '■?

th.n Vlt. Arifl'row s WatcraitV. Mifwioti, w ill prow',., at 3.3<i p.m.

] V o T I C E .

M O N E Y L E N T .£ 10 to £5,000.

A D V A N C K , ' ^ p i - i d o a ( a f e w h o u r s n o t i c e u p o n S i m p l e P r o m i s s o r y N « to .s t o ; . l l

r e s p o n s i t i l c . A p p l i c a n t s .

. S T K K T E S T P I M V A C V A S S T ' R E O .N o Kecis C iia r g c d o r S u r e t ie s R e q u ir e d .

A p p ly in o l r ie t . c o n f id e n c e to t h e o ld - e is ta id is 'h e d f i r m o f

M e s s r s M. B A R N A R D f t CO.i . B A N K B U I L D I N G S , H A S T I N G S -

M a n a g e r ,o H .-u i!s i> e r :-a n ia llj e v e r y W e d n e s - r la y 11 .o .m .

T H E T O W E R S, B A T T L E .rr in c it ij'.—M E 3 . J U T S O N .

B O A R D IN C S C H O O L F O i l T H E D A U G H T E R S O F G E N T L E M E N .



3 and 4, W E L L IN G T O N S Q U A R E .H ra d M IS S H E L E N B A T H G A T E .

UoasB M itluw s—M IS S EW .1 LY L . B A T H G A T E , whe TeceAtua a f^w RuHitleDt P d iiils .

D in ing Iloom for Day Boarders.Ferm aneut Staff of ^ereo F u lly Qualified Teaoberi.

V w ltiiK ; Sta ff: — G Y M N A S T IC S - S ta f l- 8br4W*uit Moatf.A U T - k t ia * N«tru»di, A .IX .D .S . iB . of E . Cart. A rt

Mietross;. ; •

S O LO S IN G IN G A N D P IA N O F O R T E — M tL Walger,of K u lU ck 's Academy.

E L O C U T IO N — Mit» D«:»rc41iy S tereo Fcr, L .R .A .M . (Gold Modcjliot).

S H O R T H A N D -M i^ a K . RoeTeF. F .M c .S .T .. > (c .Sound General Education, teeiod by Puh.io K u m ic a -

tic*n. %;th tpi-cial preparation for Artif-i-ic, Conuiwircial, L ite rary and Secretarial Careers. 1916, 113 ca i> lid at^ IW paaee*, 42 iu honount. in toe follov nv E x im in a tio n e : CainbridfO LocaJa, Royal Drawing tioiiety. College of Prci'eptora, A««ot. Beard. R .A .M . and R .C .A nnd Lo n ­don Lncfitnte (or Neerllework. P rise list. Term s irednced tor faai5.iftf a.i^ Scholarship hoiderb; on applicutiou at the Oon«*».

ChiHTtinas Terra be/jv* Th ib sd sy . Beptember 3fith. Entrance Exaiuiuatio*-, 'i u«d ay, Saptem b^ 18ih, 10-

12 o.m-

H A S T 0 6 S 6 B A V H A B SCHOOL.' H ead iu a .t» t: P . 8 . B A R L O W , .M .A., B.So.

tCaplai i. 6th Batcailion Royal Sueaex KeTiment).

Aciin«t» H^edmoster: R E V T . J . T H O R B U R N , D .D ., L L .D . , C h a is te College, Cumbridga.

T H O R O U G H M O D E R N E D U C A T IO N ,

Prf*paratiop lor the Unl'rerritioF and a ll Exam ination* Vfliuai)le L E A V I N G E X H IB IT IO N S to a ll Uxmerritfeai

A rm y. M edical, e tc ., Of>i''»ffen of total an an al talua4C240.

B O A R D E R S T A K E N B Y H E A D M A S T E R .

Prospectus, etc., from Ilead ciaeter; or from P , W. Colee, » Q . . 1, B ank Build ings, H aatirxe.



A e t is c H e ad : H . .T I C K N E R .

P a in t in c Maater, ©to.: E . L . B A D H A M , R .B .A ,


H » d m a rte r : G . P . F U R N E A U X , M .A ., F .C .B .

P tM p w tn i f t o a B n m r , I iM ti iii t , o r P H I L I P O. B U S W E U , .

18, W ^iincim 8w w «.H A S T IN GG 8.

nas just what a lady needs most for stormyweather, in Waterproof Hats, Mackintoshes and Trench toats in all th best makes from 16/11 ; also a beautiful range 6f real Velour Hats from 21/9, thick Blanket Coats and all wool .Sports

Coats for the bright cold days.


A. H. Hall,33, 35 & 37, Lendoi St. Leonardo




Personal Supervision-^

F. T.* P H O N E 9 0 2 . S -t . L e o n a r d l t a .


M U B BO WP U P I L S , Boarder©

M R. RR E C E I V E S © L im ite d Number

and Day Boye.Preuaration for the U airera itiee , Loce l, and other

PttbUc E xu n in aticn a .dpevUl AttentioiL to B ackirard and Delicate B oyi.

I V Y B A N K , 56. S P R I N G F I E L D R O A D ,S T . L E O N A R D S .

N ext term becrias September 2 ^ .Profpeotna and Itat of aucoeea©© on applicatioa.

P j a i T A T E T U T O B .

M R . E . H . B L O M F I I U I In e M m d nsdro tfc. ( M u in Counoii, M v e n . ftth,' IttS) . Tiatt©'''or xeeetvee P vaU t to prepare lo r the U a lrep u tita , London M eericulsU ea, Oxford and CaEmbridge LooaVi, Aem y, Navy* Hedieai «•© other Bxaauustloaa. CSaaeea teken in Sebook either feiBporarily oi pc^risanoaUr. p ap cv ia lly . eaeoeaetnl with backward and ^aliret© p v p ik . H ighw t reierencee. BexhilL oral n eirbbourisc tovna ritaterl. A p p ly : —

U P P K R P A R K R O A D , S T . L E O N A B D S - ON^STA.

— 11 III-.... •||lltall'liJ.|liiiM<,llilllH,»>l«|-| .......................


. B O L i n ^ O O l } S C U O O L .B E X H I L I r P N .S E A .

Headmairter: MR. A. F. SR Y A N . R.A., Inter. Loud.. Aaeisted by a Strons Stuff 61 Reeietared

Maetera.PREPARATIEN for the Unirereitiee, Profeeaimw.

Public SobooU, etc. tipecisl Attemtion ffiasn to Modern Ln.niruacea. Cheinical and Phyc-ical Laboratory, Gym- aaeium, ote. The aehool arends in it© own croand© oi t«ven aer«i.

Cadet Corps at4nohed to the le t 6ui©ex R o ya l Enginoen. IMoetrate:! Prospectus on application.

The Hastings and St. Leonards Ladies' College,

D A N E R O A D «tul C U M B E R L A N D G A R D E N S . 8 T L E O N A R D S -O N -S E A .

R a t io s : T H E I.O R .D B IS H O P O F C H IC H E S T E R . CbaitinAn of Ceiuncil:

S I R W . M .V C K W O B rH Y O U N G , K .C .8 .I . . M .A .. J P P R I N C I P A L : M IS S C . E . B A 1 T Y E (F in a l Honour Sebool of N atural Scienre, O xfo rd ; La te AnsiiriAnt Mie- Weaw of tho Olapiram H ieh School for G irU , Londons

Lato Lceturer UniveiKlty of Loudon).The Roeular Staff ino.nd«*; —

M IS S F L E M IN G , B .A ., Loudon (with Londem T e a rlm a ’ DiplomA).

M IS S M . G . M A R S H A L L , B .A ., London. F in a l Honour School Hiatory.

M IS S W IL L I S . M odem I^ n x u a ^ Tripos, G iiJon CoUece, Cambridge-'

M IS S A . M. W E A T H E R U P , H igher Certificate, N .F .U . M A D E M O lf lV L L K P E T R Y .M A D A M E B A L E X A N D E R . A .R .C .M .. L .R .A .M .. nnd

M IS S D. Q U IC K ; L .R .A .M ., P iano, Harm onv, Sing, in r . Bjirtraining. nod MuaifAl Appreriatioru’

M IS S H E L E N M A O O R E C JO R -V io tm (Pupil of Yanve). M R . H / tR O L D , R A V E R Y —OlaietMR-S. B K R N IE R —Elocution (Pupil of M Im Fojferty).

There aro V ia ilin g Tencber* for Laa su aces and SpecialSiibjec;tH.

Tnero i« a Preparatory Departnaent for little ehildreo, to wKidh boyt, under eirtit ar^ adm ittM .

opf'D to CTomide pupile arc :- DfllcT07.o Eurhytbm ios, Dancing and Gymnnst.Ica,

E'.ocuiiciu.Glw &eH for Sborthsnd and Typewriting may be

AXTADircd for the AnfrOinn Sneion.Ih ip ila can din j «fc the C o llcfe lU ily at a moderate

*^^T^ C fm n rir* Boordluff H cuim , lAane f.o<tac. adjedns, aurt- i i under tbe e*tJTO anporvieiw. of the PrtJWJpal.

TTi© OoUeco ie wilUnjc to make pT4Dri«ion for the moep- tion, fc»T ahork periode. of Pnpila (D*y or Bonrderri, unable. cTtiug to the W ar, to return to their Schc»le on the Continent.

Next T a n u bognna Septembor Iftth.The Prineipoi w ill he at the C o ’Ji’.oe on the 14th and

fcHlowuJtr de> m to «©• ViBitora by appointment.AU P arfv .ria ra cAc be ohlained fro m :— •

H E N R Y G . B A I L Y , BeeTeUtr,U , W orrior Siinare,- S t. Leocarda.


T H O R O U G H ^ R E P A R A T IO N F O R A L L P U B L IC E X A M IN A T IO N S . OUl-^vtAldiahed. V ary eacc«iafal. H ighctt Refarenoee- Largo Covered Gyxnnaeitim. Raere- atioD Ground, five, acrea.- Bpeeial atteation to delicAtc and backwerd boya. E n t ire Charga of Ind ian and Colonial Ohjldren. _ _

P r in c ip a l- H E N R Y K IN G , A .C .P . Headmaater—W A L L A C E H . K IN G , B .S c . (I^oitd.), L .C .P . A«ctat©d by an Effieient Staff of Reeidont and V iaitiag

Mactera.Cadet Cerpa sttaobed to the 2nd Home Couuiiea

Brigade, Royal F ie ld A rtillery .N ext Term oommanoes September 2ffth.



FORF o r/a r th er particu lars apply—

18.SK IN N E R S,Western Ro£bd| St. Leonards.

j p > f » c M n » - / t a n u a j : A T ~ A ’—^


li^schimry of «n kinds supplied and fxed and repaired. Shafting Bear ing. Belting, Ptilics, Stcaiii,Gas, Oil, Electric Rtpower. — ”

tH6VT ,l .

ft'16» H O T W A T E R A N D S T E A K K E A T IN G .

h o t a n d C O L O W A T E R S U P P L Y . B C H L E B S . P IP E S . A N D R A D IA T O R S .

_______ , B A T H S A N D A IR IN G C U P B O A R D S .E I T C H ^ E R S . l a r g e S IO C K . P IP E S and F IT T lN G s !

**7- EatasrotM d m .

P E R F E C T V O C A L C O N T R O L .

X B . FO R D H A M ILTO N ,th« rotr.r««ful T.ONDON P K O F T W P O R .Old Ifalinr

t io jru , Lf-inyv^:, oitf-.j, Pnpi'i, 1 ,ow r^klj at B c ih il] nriii S (. I.<ranaiC9.

.ApTilr fn i Te rm ., T-^t.imonia!., etr., in. flrrt inft«Df.t-

C m « of S. H E R M I T A G E t .SON.S T . LEO N .A R D .S R O A D .

B E X U I L U O N S E A .

•PKoae 387.66, Mfioit Read, CHre c o ^

7Robartsoo St, Hastings

,Cbeapg4» R<L» St Lewards

llobn^w-. -•'fitr'- »>aT h--ri’r n v N O P . !r/-q.. L E O N .M ^ n S U Hon R.y'rrt.ir.v to ib e R .A .M .

f'.7Ttl, .'i 'kI

S u s s e x S o l d i e p s ' < ’ i g a r e t t e

A ND C o m f o r t s F u n d .la-ttitutert Orloher. 191L

(Reg. W ar Cbariticfi ,Act, 1916j.

B M O K E S . S O O S R . nnd other O-mjfortB ^reut weelrW 1» the T * iir .;v BattaluciA of Tl:e Jl-oy%i Re^ritrent,

En?:in<*<»-rR. ar.d Su.v<?;: Moa nf-Trin* in rrthei' flficslmcuU. Only ibeee ca aoitiro fi^rrica enpplied.

2 : 2 5 . ' > . 4 9 0W-FBT! TW O M n r .IO N A N D A O T T A n T E R l

C lC A R E U r C S A L R E A D Y S E N T .

Dw iatK-T., Clmrpt-ti... and otfcnr G if t , for t h . Su m «x Soid'Inr. -,nd flailo:,, :no.t rrP.tnfuTy rftc«|T.d by; —

K l i f S O E R T U U D E A D A M S . Hon. Snc..M lfiS H A R D Y , n o n . T r m . ,

♦ 15, E V E T lS F I E f .n P L A C E . -ST. L E O N A R D S .

Th e E > i .S T .S 7 \ S » E .V . V i ; H n ' V E T T ; R j \ I ,

i i . \ ? : r r T i v p ; r r t M M n T U E h . iv p . b .r r i r t u e o f Po'.i-nr.s c o n f e r r e d u p o n th o rn h r t l iR B o a r t l o f A i r r i i n l l ’i r p u n d e r " T h e C u lt iv .n t . io n o f I . j in d y O r d e r , K f IT " ( iN'o. ;T), i . ' ik e n iK-ySAes:5irm o f :ti>P'‘O A im n .le -Ic fiO A o rn s

o f L A .n d krMV.vn a.s p a r t o f t h e C l ia l lo n e r .s , l l o U i n g d r A n , In g e M ie r w it h a f u r t h e r i v . r i i n n r.i ,mI> :u I K i A m t k a d i o i t o n g S l . _ M a r > ’s H o m e , I . ’o tt in p id e - .in .

T t i i i : I-Konfl is the .refoT-e to l>e Ijet.^ t ’e . i i i o u l a r s e o ru ’e m i n c T e r m s o f L e t t i r i g

m a v be o b l a in o d f r o m t h e f o l ln w in " T j i r id A ij' .tiVa : -

AlfToSSR-S . r O W B I . r , A N D '■<>., t . E W E S .

M K S S R ,-^ . .1. R . ’I ' H O P . V r O N A N D C O , , I . E T V K .S .

i.lf l ie e s o f t .lie E :k 5 t .‘ n se e xA g n r i i U n r a l K x e c i i ' r iv e C o m m i t t e e ,

^ to u n lf ie ld F fo u fie , L e w e s .

I.R -d e r.

L . P . E D W A R D S ,

S e o re ta r - v .





Head MintKPis: M IM N. C L A R K , B .A .

A S O U N D G E N C B A l- E D U 2 A T IQ N lor G irle from Ifl to 18 .T«ar» * 1 urovlalou c*f tnrt hooks,#t«liunerv. a.-id tram tokonu, a : a low incliwiT(» fw*. iindei .

of Ednewtoon’e Regulfttioue. Sehr»ol h-u ltJiilf ’ st ln a t^ . D»i tnuii lontA. lArgiD. airy ciaFe-TO<nn«*, |jwo large I'xlla. eingle d©*>«. '“Viftnoe rxihoTotory. cooleery

three aepbcht ormrts. bo«:kny. hal’ ,<*„■ t;n»nn. '•>- lTi» Im cij at a w iiall ohorg*?. fiteff all irraAno^** ho!din« Toack:Tig DipTomaa. Sret'amatio

fog I/or.don M etri'-nlalinn, U niraTsifT, 1x :ctiI and Knliraaco deholajahip Exam inatio n. ExteliOB* Rufcoaaou.

from the u « d MbUreae, ou tho Clerk to ine Gorornore, 18, WoHixgton Square, H asting a


S IN G IN G {Italian MetbodbR E C E I V E S P U P IL S on F R I D A Y S , aleu otb©r days by

appointm ent at-3«, R O B E R T S O N S T R E E T . H A S T IN G S

(Meuare. Kisrmitago and Semn, Ltd.), B re v lr j ig for Delioftle Children a Speciality.

Hotels, &c.

of HAND only WITHOUT or Fee*.

urctiesS O M F R V I I - I i E

C C -M B E U LA .N D r .A K D K .N R ,L - P P E B .ST.


LEWIS P&ilLLSra,G a r r e r S tr e e t , L o n d o n , W .G .

L E O N A R D S ON S E A .

UCf©MvM toP R I N C I P A L ; M IS S .JO H N STO N V..M IS S C U P P E R .

H IO x I (7LA S3 B O A R D IN G A N D D A Y S C H O O L F O R G IR L S .

T H O R O I 'O n K D U C A T IO V 4iq "Mcdefn Pre-p iratm ii rviiu inatifT i/i whan deoir^i. Larjpa andhighly qualifled R«ndnnt a'.id Viajftms SBiff of Teacher*.

C a s t l e H o t e l ,W E L L IN G T O N S Q U A R E , H A S T IN G S .

F A M I L Y -A.ND C O M M K H C IA L . e W r F E T . RO O Jtia. W H IT IN G R O O K S .

D I L L J A R D A N D S-M O KIN G R O O M S . S S C E L I X .N T S T A JU .IN G A N D G A R A G E :

B A ja K IA G E S A N D O M N IB U S E S M E E T A L L T B A IN S . N IG H T P O R T E R .

O A 8 T IX H O T E L A 8 S E M B T .Y RO O M S.

f y - B a g d -h o t x . b a l l y , U . id . L U n O H IO lC .


M A lj iA G E B E S S . C O M M E N A L K I T C H E N .'


T H O M A S R E L F EW A L T E R M. S K IN N K R , Snrc«iw:,r.T I V O L I N U R S E R Y , H O L L IN G T O N .

O A R D H N 8 L A ID O U T and PT..A .NTED. Im pcrten cf D U T C H B U L B S tin l offc^r Rnota.

B L O O M IN G P L A N T S a t a il o m m iu .

TfB im from M am crial atop at Narnery. In3i>©rtionIwTlWd. Te l. W J jr


F O R Y O U N G L A D IE S .P R I N C I P A L S : M IS S E S K IM . and D E W . Highect

Teatiinoniala and Heferenoi*.Superjar Eidunation on McdrMn Priacip:©*.F\ipw* luepatad for P ub lic Exatnisataonoe

K IN D E R G A R T E N . S E P A R A T E D F / P A R T M E N T F O R B O Y S - S w c A A D rill.

Owiiisr to Incrcjiaft of Pupila. a Urge Scboelxocmi. mectiuR the rt*^uir«m.cn*a ot Lh© Educutional Bye Lawi, hs» boen opoziad.

N>xl. Term . Tuonday. Srpteinbar 19th.

H . P H IL L I P S ,P IA N O F O R T E T U N E R .

R E P A I R S o r E V E R Y D ff iJC R IP T IO N . BexhiU , and Diatriet riiibed.

18, E D M U N D R D ., CT.IV E VAT.E.H A S T IN G S .

F K A N R M T L L E IT .2?, H A R O L D R O A D ,

H A S T IN G S .

P IA N O A N D a T fN F R Urom Iy>adr>ni.

AU kinds of ts n u d ^ a k a n . Egtiroatcsi g irc ii frs^.

A poateard i’l l ! tc«v cv© im m ciiiate altciitjV.i).

LO N D O N .

W IL T O N • H O T E L.r^pcioite Rtnticm. V ictoria, ord one m laute from IluderAround- Etattkrin Rnitwuy, girin^ access in © fnw iuinula« to aF p»rta of L o n ^ u indi Subuihs, Biicldnn*- hum Palaca. Wcotwiituttcr Clorhodiai. Honaea of P,?.r!lv Tuent. St. •lames' G tcot and Hydo P ark . PieciidiUy axd f{!har;cg Crots. Rixtooi Streat, iind PrirD^pni Slityp*. ono penny 'bo* rid®. fC iljr 33 n iim iles by E le c tr ic Railw ay.

T h is llo tc l i« we»U-ap0oint©d aia l inaiy.«r,siT» {Bfid.-ooma t."om ^ . i . Toe ProTioiofva, M ilk , ^tr.. Tw^d ar» fr«i/n tbo PropriPtor’a F a m i in Doreetihira. ami the Vaenum t 'o .'i M arh inarr i» inatalled on tb** yreaaiaoa. by which aU diMt is reinoTXd dally frooi the rooLU©. T*«;rp>>onA .'*91

Rn .Penc.iou Term s ir>r lone star. Tariff on applioition. TelciTarr.©: Tuffaio , J..ondirr..


U N D E R R O Y A L P A T B O N A G * .

I D A N C IN G A N D E L O C U T IO N . ,

M IS S E LE A N O R R A T C L T F P * ,|l0 years aBaLsduns to _M rs, Wordswortih)

H i l l Iwr at A L B A N Y H O T lf c ,..............._..V.

Baby Claes 3.39.T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B P '.R 27th. at 3.M. Farjcy iZhOcins 4.4o.

.^ddrco.s; —A L L .A .N D A L E , C O O M B E R O A D . C R O Y D O V .

M R . R E G I N A L D E O R O T E lS .A .B .C .M ., A .R .C .O ., L .R .A .M .,

OFcanist ojwl Director nf the Choir. A li SaiivU ’' Chuifth.Hasting©; Cor.dnc^cr of the MAdrixal Smie.ty-Profeeaoi c-f M ijnc. Srieniabirt in A rU sttc Voir©

Froiiuction.LEJ8SON S ’p. Orcan and Piarntfort* P laying. S in fim j,

y?,rt©utioD txd Tvlusival fl^ritation. H a.m enT, C o ^ ter- piMnt Theory and Practi. o of Teach in s, ®t«.

Addreps; —R O S E B A N K .

P B I O R Y A V E N U E .H A S T IN G S .

H O T E L S U N D E R T H E D T R E C T T O N O F S I R H E N R V L U N N .Chaim ian) and

M R . W . n O L D S W O R T H L U N N (Mano^ins Direefor).

H A S T IN G S A N D S T . L E O N A R D S ,Th e En^'.iah B iam tx .

P erfect Clim ate in Gre-it B rita in .In on’id weather sh%Hj©ied from Norlb and F-act.

In wam t weather op»a to W'ftsterly and SocthcTu Breezaf.

F t in fa ll sinpu'arly low. Orr-UBd driea qui ’kly. Suneliine reconis abnoraof^l? high.

Superb C lim ate, Sceoerr. and H iaterlral Aeaceiatinua

A L B A K T H O T E L , fr o m 10s. pp r d a r .I C R O M W E L L H O T E L , fr o m Ss. 6d . p a i- d a y .

A T H O t U P A I .A C E H O TEJ... P IT I O G H R Y , the F in w t Botol \Ti' Seotland- Rato* from 8* per day; Summer, from Ita. pfr day.

A L L A N W A T E R H O T E L . B R L D G F - O F - A L L A N , the Scottish R ir ie ra . From. 8e. per day.


D A N C IN G A N D G R A C E C U L T U R E . 1 C ’a« icaJ, Operatic, F a n c r and National DaB0«».

A ll the. Lst-esi Ban-roocn Daa©Mk Sr:*5rv»U risitod. PriTa+-<i L msomb arransed at acy tiaMk

Ch.ildiau’s O.neoap- be!d at tbo Grand Hotel.A n t u m Ten u ccnaijancen Saturthiv, September

at 2.S0 v.m.Fo r P a rticu .a n

T U l l S T U m o .35, ■feOBERXaOM S T llE a t ,

H A s f e l W

T HK (■■■ilOD CONTROL i n O l f i ai>ph<:atione>

iw r s f nm f o r t h e p o s it io nt h e C o m m m 'u lWesI

I'iOM M ITTEf:, from s a ita b io ' •

o f Mnnagorpfis of ------------------ - ^K iL -.heh aA E m m a n u e l-r o a d , j i j , t a b l i* b « d 1821.

Insurance Not ices,

HiU. H astings.TliW ner.son appointed -will be requ ired to

take general chiirjre of th e K itchen under th e j snpe; inlendenoo of th e t.k)mmitlee o r a pen^n.^ n-:tmina.ted by them , f lo u rs 'o t dn tv , 3 ii.kn. ; to 3 b .m . on everv weekday. - 1

Applioat.ion.s, s la tin it ape, qnalificatlhns. and ailarv required, should bo addres.sod to : th e 1 pdersitm ed and delivered under cover, \ P a id UP L ap iU ll e n d o ‘tied “ M anaeereoe,” on or before 121 o’oloi L Nf>on on Wcdno.sd.T n e s t, th e 2-lth


GLEB VIEWSC H O O L F O R ( ; l E I ,a A N D K IN D E R G A R T E N .

M O U N T RO A D .R«raoT«fl from EdicranA Ro*d tn larjrer p re m ia ..

T H O H O U C h L v S O U N D E D U C A T IO N , yrttk Pre-

MISvS K. P C O X E TE R . F E C-0Or TAfiMd of rixT® V b I® CoB^ragntionnl Church. HacrinfP,

V I S I T S and R E C E I V E S P U P IL S for Organ, P um o fi>n«, Singing, VoTCs P/oduntion, H sn n o sy , Connbsjpoint, etc.

Prnparatien for Exarainationx.A ddr© «. —

•• G L IO N ,” S T . H E L E N 'S P A R K R O A D . ] jH A S T IN G S .

P A I- A C E H O T E L . M O N T A N A -S U R - S IE R R E . Open terc Pren-ib MUriaxy ConTale*c«nt8.


P A L A C E A N D M U R B E N .

G R A N D H O T E L D E S A L P B 8 ,

tuT C>©mhn^e Lrtca!©. OoUeciHivv'ai Drew inc ‘Sociott.v. Io n ia n Inatltuta fc«Varatiou Hr»va. wci k.

O c td l> o ii i n s t a n t .

PE R C Y ID L E , Town Clerk.E x e c u t i v e O f f ic e r .

T o ^ Hall. Haetaica.1 t h O c t o b e r , 1917 .


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Total Assets (over).......... £7,267,000' r W C O M . P A N V t r a n m e t© *11 t b « p r in c i -

p a l C l M M t o f iD ffD rftD CO .

Full information mat b© obiainod uponAppiication to tho B ranch OfBcO:—


of Prtcwptoi©,............... • f « Needle-

uud AM oriated Beard Kxiuninaridae.IVoiqiaotrio on ;flppli«atiop.

P rin o ip a ;: M IS S E . W A L M S L E Y ’ .


P rian iua l — M R S . F . O. C O O P E R .T H O R O U G H E D U C A T IO N on Modar© L in e * a i

miolarate t©eo- Fubliv. EiXanUDetiona itd ^ r ^ . Horn© ^ m to rt« for Boardeiw. Kindercarton.

Special atrerutipn ci^en to m iu ic . modem taMaaffMi dTavriaff, p a isriu x . a*d phynicos cu rin re ; bww© wvUi ex- ceffent f^nitation, stivnoinp in iU own kTwnsda-

Aotnmn Term befU)© &ap4cimber 39U. Sepiesober IfiibL

Boanl«si rctom

M ISS A L IC L JfeE T O N . L . B l . M , A.B.C.M .

Viffiita aad Receireo Pupil© for

P IA N O F O R T E . S IN G IN G . V O IC E P R O D U C n O N , H A R M O N Y , E4«.

Rpeeuil Coachins for T i.R .A .M ., A .IL C .M ., and A©0(>> datiefi Boeirta Exam#- Inrcriab ly Sizoeenfni.

29. M A G D A L E N T E R R A C E ,S T . L E O N A R D S -O N v S E A .

.F n ’l pariiaolar© from tbe Manager of eaeh Hotel. lUnatcatori BooVlat Fre e oi- aH the Hoteta fm ai—Th© S«<MCmry, 6, Eadsle ixh Gardes©, Looden, N .W .


o f e v e r y

ELDRIDGE AND SON,C O i r r E A C I ^ M , S A K I T A R Y P L U 1 C B X B 8 . A N D

D E C O R A T O R S . G A B , H O T W A T E R . Ete .

13, p r o sp e c t ' p l a c e , HASTINGS.P a p e rh a i if ia r WanbCNta©.

ioW fioff W«cfc f w u i m a j a tk md t i ta .

H OBSBS And CAEBUGES d e s e r ip t io n .

P rivate Motor and Tasi-CabaFOR HIRE.



Telepbcoie 7SS.A»<1 a t


Hastings Pirmanenf Building SociitiT H E I ,A R G E S T IN S U S S E X .

R F .SF .R .V U F U N D .......................... £15.CMU N D IS T R IB U T E D S U R P L U S jBas'fliO

Unusaal Opportunity for luTostOBC o n u n w e Lb© V eer by taM rjj oce rtt metm

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Shipping Notice.

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F o rln ic ltftT Senrie#.CEYUON, BURM AH,: .Brit SOUTHERN IND IA .

Apply te B tBBY BROS, a n d CO., M, Chapel Sfcrea*. t.i»OTp«^: or M and 11, M in d p s la m a Loodot^ E .0 4 .

in f w .


40. R O R E R T B O M S T R E E T n oR Betir o f W a B i^ io K Plaoal-

CM > I.FIN e and O T C R J t iG ' O O B 8 E T B . A K n n lr r ro a n .

C U O T H m e . I ^ u n ifro ro

o t £ 2 «* «w * reaidM **.Droaro h r M t M n tv a m a n * M lrw ila i

Page 2: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE

H ' ■ ^

H A S T IN G S A N D S T . L E O N A R D S O B S E R V E R , S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 20, 1917^




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SEA HARVEST.-------- :0;--------



On Sunday a t the F ish erm en ’s C hurch opecial services of thanksgiving to r the tru its « the sea and of th e land were held, and a t­trac ted very large congregations, 'i'he morn- ipg service was conducted by the Lay Reader { ilr. J . W . E. Chubb), who gave a very ap­p ro p ria te address on ‘‘O ur B lessings.”

In the afternoon th e fu ll festa l service was held , and th e choirs of A ll S a in ts’ and the Fislxermen’s C h tuch m arched in prooe^ion from th e E lm s singing th e processional hym n, "Come, ye th a n k fn l people, com e.” T he decorations were com prehensive. Vari- <rtis fishes were introduced into th e nets th a t fiorm sneh a pictuxesque addition to th e Church w alls, and th e re xvas a p len tifu l dis­p lay of fru it, flow ers'and vegetables.

In addition to th e Lay R eader th e Rev. E. III. Penson and th e A rchdeacon of BtM tines, Canon H oskyns, took p a rt ' in the service, th e Ja tte r delivering the-eerm efr' T aking fo r h is text a portion of th e leSiSon ; ".Vnd when they h ad b rought th e ir ships to land , they for-fleeh and f<dh>MLed Him,” the Archdea-

oon pointed o u t th a t th e m en who were chosen for the g rea t work of the Church to act as disciplbs and evangelists were fisher­men, who by th e ir very cailing -wore brought close to th e h e a r t of God. A t H is suggestion they le t drrwn th e ir nets, and. were duly re­warded. I t would be well to r all to-day if they followed th e in junctions of the laird in the sam e way*, and got rid of the idea th a t Gotl was c a re l^ s about th e ir every day Lives. I t was a mi-stiike to keep th e ir rehgion .siiuL up in a xvjiter-ftight com partm ent and not ap­peal for direefion to God. T here were risks ia the life o r la fi.shoraiaii, or indeed any,xne connected w ith th e sea, which seemed to im­p a r t a w onderful nearness to hi,s vision, about th e real th ings of life and death . I t seemed to give h im in add ition a kindly heart as well as conijage and. faithfulnes.-. ,\I1 these th ings were renn ired now more than ever be­fore, an<i he appreciated th e g rea t and good work w hich was being c a r r i^ ' ou t in soch mission eburepes as they were in th a t a f te r­noon, w ork th a t was as noble as th a t in any ca thedra l 4

M any hymnk were sung by the combined choirs, nndei j th e direction" of Mr. R. E. Groves, and th e offertory was in aid of tlm Disririct N nrpes' Association. T he cross fRearer was an) o lif'cSoir boy, P rivabs Jam esJtoiSoo. T he.b ifertM T «atoaq t«d to ,£3

The H astings T ribunal m et a t th e Town H all on Tuestiiiy mornixig.

C ouncillor D r. G. Cl. G ray, ,I.P ., pre- sideii, aaiil th e re were also p re s e n t; The Kev. T . W. Cook, .Uclnnnan E . A. Hocking, .I.P ., M r. 'B lackm an ,t.I.l '., Mr. F . M iller, and C ouncillor 1 . B. M anningtou, w itli the C lerk (M r. Percy Idle) and th e M ilitary R epresentative ( i i r . N athan ie l Lloyd).

The list contained 19 ca.ses.i and four ap ­plications were made for hciiring in cam era: Denny, Adams, W aterhouse, an.l Allen.

.MORE TRA D ES W ARNED.'Mr. Lloyd in tim ated , at th e ojxeuing of

the proceerlings, th a t th ere iveie th ree classes of trad e rs he w ished to bisug before the Tribunal th a t day m onth. He reLerrod to butcher.s, greengrocers, and dairym en. I t was not necessaiw fo r him to adil any th ing to his rem arks of la s t xveek concerning the grocers. I f there should be any hiuefship en tailed by these men Jiaving to jo in the .■\rmy, th e nespon.sibilit.y ■would re s t w ith th e ir fellow trad ers should they fail to com­bine to ass-ist them . In o ther towns these men had com bined, and he hoped th e men of H astings would lio th e .siime.

The C hairm an stated th a t w hat he said last week about the grocers aiiplied in Ihis instance. The anuouncenient had B’eu made th a t ilie ea.se.s would come foi-ward in a m on th ’s lim e, and th a t they would have to u tilise th a t porio.l in coining to an a r ­rangem ent to enable as many a.s could 1m' spared a-iitl sufficient, men retained for t lie iitxiRssary reiiuircrnents of (lie to a ii., 'Those mein releu.sed for the Colours in the in- leixvsts of the nation*siiouhl not suffer in the least ,so fa r as i t was in the ixiwer of co­traders to prec’en t it?. if he could do any. Ihing, as he had done in th e case of the bakers, he would be glftd to do so if the nam es of I lie whole of the men engaged in the trades m entioned were irixen lo the 'Tcrwii Clerk, so th a t a m eeting might l>e called for tlyi purpose of appoin ting a Commirteo to go in to the m atte r.

Bt>YS O F LIG U'TEK N .The ca.se of Donald H. Savers, 18, Vd to

th e makaug of some in teresting statem ents.-Applicant sta ted tha t having had tra in ­

ing in th ree C adet Corps, he nimlcs app lica­tion to en te r the .Artists’ Rifle Corps, and had been accepted sub ject to passing a Moli- cal Board C lass -A. H e now asked ihe 'Tri- bi nal to g ran t h im a medical exam ination .

Mr. Lloyd said th is xwas a case in which there had been some m isapprehension. ,Vr> youth could join a sixecial u n it in the wav •suggested; they m ust in all cases go into th e tra in in g reserve a t 18 yesir.s am i eigl,t m onths, and no exception on any m count was made. liu r in g his iMr. L loyT si ab­sence a sim ilav ca:e; hud been brouglit fo r­w ard, in w hich the T ribuna l were inisleiid.

T he Q ia im ia n — We had the s.a.me s ta te­m ent then a.s we now have, that a rran g e­m en ts had been made for en tering tlie .^stis ts’ Rifles.

Mr. Lloyd— The in.stmction.s were i.isued in Septem ber.

- \p p lic an t—1 m ade application a t end of A ugust.

Mr. Lloyd—T bad a le tte r th is m orning in­s tru c tin g me to repo rt the o ther ease to vlio W a r . t)ffioe. .\ mi.'+ako may have i>’"ii m ade’ by the A rtis ts ' Rifles Corp.s. 1 e.-xn- not niake any s ta tem en t on it.

The C hairm an— IVe kniow nothing .xbonl. th e O rder; we have not got a copy of it. I t is certa in ly m isleading to us.

Mr. Lloyd asked th a t the application m ight be refused. I t wa.s obviously u n fa ir tiiat one m an shouli 1 be given e.\eniption for a special purpose and oithers refii.sed.

The Towfi Clerk—'We had a w ritten sta te ­m en t from th e C orps in th e o ther c.-ise.

Mr. B lackm an deprecated :in a ttack in the P rres ui>on th e T ribuna l in the o th er case. The evidence then before th a t body fiillv justified the action they iook. I t was a m a tte r tha t, could have been dealt w ith it th e M ilita ry R epresentative had been pre.spnl. A\Tiy, he iviked, shoiiVl in s tru c­tions be given to the A lilitary R epresentative and not to th e T ribuna l ?_

The 'Toivn C lerk said th a t it rlid not m a tte r w hat in s truc tions the W ar Office pave to th e ir officers; they did not concern (he T r i­bunal, who were uuder the Local G overn­m en t Board.

Mr. Lloyd—T here are nmny Army Council In s tru c tio n s issued, some thousands of them . You are 'much better xvitbout them . The T rib u n a l is not interestetl a.s to w liat regi­m en t h e is posted.

A lderm an Hocking— No, only in Ih is ca.se i t ■wa.s said th a t th e m an had been aoesnted fo r th e regim ent.

'The Town C lerk—The T rib u n a l say th a t the national in te rest rlid not suffer by a m an 'being given two- m onths to get into a special coi-ps.

Mr. Lloyd—-The T rib u n a l was m isled, and th e re was nobody to correct them .

In reply to th e C hairm an, ap p liean i said be sent b is acceptance in the t i 't ic ts ’ Rifles to th e R ecru iting Officer a t B righ ton , bu t he would no t nefiijn it. H e was accepted on 1+th Soptemlier. The M ’litiirv Represen- tixtive’s c lerk told h im to send (he le tte r to B righton on 18th or 19th Peptcm l'^r. He could not produrp a le t te r lc‘ had received frpra the R ecrn itihg Officer at B righton be­cause lie answered it on ii space provided a t the side of the le tte r on th e same page. The le tte r and answ er were th u s together.

Mr. Lloyd handed in the in struct ion, and sla ted (h a t evervyoung m an m ust pa.ss through the d is tr ic t where he'-wa.s reg"',steriil. m an niii-st go to O 'ie lieste r. where he would he p o s te d -to a negin'xeni by tl.o Po-ding Officer fo r th e area, and no o ther course could l>e followed. Tlxe man m ust go lo th e T ra in ing Reserve, and conirl no t go

s tra ig h i from th e T ribuna l to any special rogim ent. Thev were appealing .against the T rib n n a l’.s decision given in the previous ca.se.

The C hairm an said th e Tvihunal would .odioiirn the n ros ''iit ease u n til such th i e as they m igh t receive Ihe r e 7essary renlv fr.om the Tsx'a.l G overnm ent B oard, aiul in the m eantim e ar.plieation would be m ade to the m ilita ry au th o ritie s to send anyv uer'pss-arv rsiixers for th e nurivolie of n u ttin g the im int before the T.'ieal G overnment Tein’d. .\pp li- eant woiilH have potiee when the e-ise ea.me up again, ft would he not onlv for the giiid- ;\eee of the 'Trihnnal .'d p resent, huf :u aiiv o ther eares tha* mi'^ht come Ixdore them . CHEMT;8TS a n d THETR ASSISTANTS.

H arohl Edgar Skyrnie, ('ll. clieinist. wa.s represented hv Mr. F. U'. Morgan, imd was granted conditional exem ption w ithout t m e lim it, and to con tinue siiecial constalm lary work.

'Tliom.as March (Mr. H. C. T'xlward.sl, repre- wmiivl by Mr. F. AV. Morgan, was granted conditional exem ption w ithout tim e lim it.— Mr. T.loyd suggested th a t the m an should do some public service, and sairl th a t t he F ire B rigade was sh o rt of m en.—Mr. E d­w ards: 'This man weighs ]7 or 18 stones. tl,aughter.)— The Town C lerk : He would i*i to stand on the hot tom of the ladder.—No condition was made on Ib is l ead.

George W . Barden (.Mes.srs, Neve and C<i.). Two m onths.H orace Weav*ers (Messrs. Neve ani] Co.).—

Exem ption w ithdraw n.H erb ert Ei'lnmrds (Mr. H. C. E iiwards).—

C onditional exem ption w ilh n u t tim e lim it.■Albert Phillipis (M essrs. Neve and Co.).—

C ertificate w ithdraw n.■Tohn T iscom ia (Mr. II. C. Edxvardsl.—

E xem ption w ithilraw n.Thranas AYharton, 31, A (Mr. C. .A. T lm r’.e), iflne m onth.H arry Hudson (Mr. H. C. Edw ards).—Cer-

tifiea.to w ithd raw n; two m on ths’ condi­tional.

Sit.anliey OeraM C ourt, 28, A. eliem ist, Geopgf^street and St. George’s-ro:id. was a case for review bv i h '

M ilita ry , and his exe’iiption was urged by the N'atin'>i-,1 C om m ittee.reprew 'uted by Mr. 1 The busineiss in Geo rg<v-sl reef. it wasstatexl, had been estahlishivl ever .W years. Tf he had to go in tlie .Army l>e m ust efnse both , as he could not get them carried on. He was to ta lly re jecio i in 191.'), hut twelve m onths ago was i.assed for general sei'vir-e. He produced a eertiffrate from Dr. Cliristo- phersmi s.a,vipg th a t be was only fit for seden- t,arv work.—’Tlie 'Tribiiiiai eonfii'med th e ir previous liecision of conditional exem ption.

O TH ER C.VSES.AVilfrcid H arold Aloore, C3, was. on Ih** ap ­

plication of Mr. H. D avenport .loiies. give'i perm ission to go to the special Medical Board.

.lames .A.des, 23. C2, eivrnian to Mos.srs. T. H. T horp , L td ., coal m erchants, was elaimeil by Mr. C. I,. G lenistev, the local m anager, who a.sked-for exem ption in the naliomU in­terest. The case had Iveen adioui-ned fob a wnhstitu+e to be found, b u t one had not been forthcom ing. Tlie Coal Controllei- had asked th a t these men sliouhl lie s|)ared ,as fa r as possible. The man was ca rte r and earm ark T here were n ine horses and nine carrnen, only one being of inilitRiUi- ago.—T hrei' m onths’ conditional, anil to do Reil f ross work.

.A. Cnnstahle. ca rte r, anrl carm an.— I'liree m onths' eonrlitional.

H arold R. Tom kins, ‘2tl. t 1, m anaging clerk to Mr. A. M. E llio tt and Mr. I . F. Manding, soilM-itors. on service in France,, was repre­sented by M r. F. W. Atorgaii. -ro iid ilin n a l exem ption, and to do Re<l Cross work.

Frrvik. Bounds, in the emplo.v of Mr. S,aIuM\ bu ilder.—Condition,a I exem ption for si.x m onths. t

Oil W ednesday a t th e To'wn H al! there was a b itting of the E ast Sussex Appear 'Ir i-bunal. ■ 1 1 'M ajor R. L- 'Ffcornton, J'.B... presidod. i T here wore also presouL; .Mr. D. JI Birke.tt, J .P . M r. J . Adams. J .F ., Lieut.-Coloncl Pelham K- Papiiloii, .I.P-, and Mr. r . -I- H ug g e tt: w ith M r. (la in (acting as Secre­ta ry ), and t.Iie Jfilititry Repro.-entatives, iii- cludiiig M ajor W. W . G ran tham , Mr. N a th an ie l I.loyd, C ap ta in B rand re ih G ibhs, Colonel Brooke, and Mr. George C ariicii.

BOYS AND SPE C IA L REGLVUvNTS.*A. J . Gallop, clerk . 18—G allop was .shortly

jo in iug a p a rE cu la r regim ent and irvas trau i- iiig a wounded soldier lu the m eantim e, ’riic case wad before ttle lAical 'T ribunal on the Ibth Septe.mtier. 'th is was a m ilita ry appeal.-—Mr. Lloyd said I h a t there had Ireeii a m i - lake or a m isunderstand ing somewhere. No m an of G allop’s age could be posted d irec t to a ba tta lion , as wxis suggested. W hether such an offer to h ike him wa-s o u t of date < r a m istake had been made he was not prepared to say. On.-the la te s t in structions no excep­tion could be m ade, and such men were posted to a Ju n io r T ra in in g Reserve B a tta ­lion. It was im possible to lie posted as sug­gested, and therefore the question could i.ut be before the Loc;il T rib u n a l.—.A le tte r was pul in by Gallop, signed by J ta jo r 1). 11. Wal.soii, on behalf of liie D irector of R ecru iting , and dated W ar Office Anne.xe, Ctctolier 9.tli, 1917. inform ing liini t l ia t lie was to rel>0)'t ini' service w ith the A rtis ts ’ Rifles

on .November 9lh at (lie C cn traL R ecru itiiig De|X)t, Ureal Scothm d Y ard, and oficlosing a railw ay pas.s.—The C hairm an ; More it i« ■signed by somebody “ for D irector of R ccru il- ing .'’—The ('h a irn ia ii (to Mr. Lloyd);We shall allow your appeal and say:'• To roqiort. on ihe 9tli Novembm. ” — .All concurred in th is, and i ho ( .'hairman rem arked: ” Evervihruiv's .satisfied-''—.Mr.Daveu)xirt Jones: "Except: Iho ' 'H a s t in g sO bsen'or. "

O TH ER CASES.J . O 'B rien , gram ophone dealer, 40.—JIT. C.

\ . Vvhiticave, solicitor, Ha.stings. represented 0 '.B rien.—l l had been suggested th a t O’B rien shoiild get m unition work, and he had got it to r .p a r t tim e, lie was p;issed B2, He did 22'. hours a week on im m itioii work.—The ca.s'.' wa.s ad journed f o r a m onth lo r the attpii- dauoo of th e employer-

U. W. .1. S trudw ick, clerh, ffl.—T he Tri- biiual g ran ted six m on ths’ conditional ex- eiiijilioii in th e . ease of a c lerk in the Borough A ecountant'.s Office.

W. H. P ringle, da irym an , 3.8. imw pa.sred (.'3. -.Mr. H. li;iveiij)orv Junes, sxilicilor, H;is- tings, reprcs. iited I’riiigte, who wa.s a special coii-iiable,—Three loontlh.s, conditional.

i-. .'.pp-s, iru n c : e r's im inager. 2;i.—T his was a u iilita rv review .—,.App:s was employed by hi.s fa iher. -T he esrse had liceii adjourned tor a iiir tlie r m odim l pxa.miiiat ion. - -'The jjiLlier .Saul he did not know wlial caiegory his son was (>;issed i> in Seplenih, r . --The C liiy rraan : ifoii't you know th a t il a man cannot produce his cla.ssitication he is taken io l>c A : --Mr. .App.s, jun ior, jm iduced a cjinl dated June . He said he had not heard again and so he did m.t go ‘ ip Septem ber. .Ad­journed to next s iltin g for anoth.M' medical exam ination . -Iliis tim e at B righton.

O. F. T aylor, grocer. 3li, B l.—T his was .an application for fiirih e r tim e.—J tr . H. l.'aveii- poi't Joue.s represented. Taylor.--.A le tle r f;om the Federation of Grocer.s’ .,V.ssoi‘iation was put in .—.Mr. Davenjxirt Jones aaiil the grocers were to mes t anci confer, a.nd he understood o th er ease's would lie taken to- getliei'. —Mr. Llo.vd agreed that. Ihe ca.se should 1)0 ad journed till it came iij) with tile o th er grocers.-—Ca.se rem itted to the isjcal T ribuna l accordingly.

F. R. Bain.s, sale.sinan, 3(1, B E—Bains asked for fu r th e r tiua*- Tliern were m atte rs i:ii regard to th e p reservation of fru it wliieh re- qaireil learn ing . He had been teach ing a man for four h o u rs 'a d ay .- 'T o reixjrt m two m onths.

E. II. L.ade. bu.leher, 3-5.—Ijiide was now jiassed B2-—Ca.se re in itti'd to the laical T ri­bunal w ith the o th er bu tchers.—The Cba.ir- raaii: T am glad to see H astings is getting on w ith eo-cmerat ion.

AV. J . T om lin, iiriiitor, ^0. CL—Tom lin ivob a foreimvu ami was in (lie F ire B rigade.— Mr. F. W. Sfoi'gan represen ted the em ployer, Jliss C lark .—Mi:ss C lark said the Labour Exchange had no one.—Mr- IJoyd sugge.sted th a t Miss C la rk ,jgnitd manage (he staff.— Mis.s C lark .said JW could n o t.—Two m onths, final. '

.A ,E. .Easton, sm ith , 20, C2,—Ea-ston and his em ployer Ith:' fatUerl app lied .—By Mr Jlo rgan , solicitor, to r the apiH 'llants: T he ir business was at Ore and extended into G uestling , F ett. and p rac tica lly to B attle. They did ag ricu ltu ra l work. T he elde.st son was in tlic .Army.— Mr. Lloyd s.nid Ihese nun were w-inted verv m uch in the Royal Fiving (,'orp.s.—To report on the 17th November.

W. C. Sm ilh , (la irrm an , 3t, C l.—R em itted lo come up w ith othei- dairym en.

F. H. K innersley. lia ird resse r’.s a ss is tan t, ,39, C9.—Thi.s was an appeal-by the em ployer and Kinnevsley. K innerslov w,as in ihe St. John .Ambulance.—Mr. D avenport Jones .supported the app lica tion for fu r ih e r tim e. — K innyrsley said no haird ressers coulil be got.—-Appeals rbsmkssed.

C ) .Is

C ) r in k C o f f e e f o r


B r e a k f a s t .

D U R I N G t h e n e x t f e w m o n th s t h e r e m a y p o s s ib ly b e a s h e f f ta g e o f T e a . I t is o n e o f t h e l i t t le in c o n v e n ie n c e s w e m u s t s u f f e r o n a c c o u n t o f t h e w a r , b u t t h e

d if f ic u l ty c a n b e o v e r c o m e b y d r in k in g C o f f e e i n s t e a d o f T e a .

Pure CoffeeD e l i c i o u s a n d R e f r e s h i n g .

Pure CoffeeA n I d e a l B r e a k f a s t B e v e r a g e .

SUGAR DISTRIBUTION.The official Sugar Cards should be distributed to houschoiders before Oct. 26th. When you receive your card, if you will bring it to us we shall be pleased to arrange for your supply of sugar in accorchmce w ith the Governmeat Scheme.



I. S. IftO.

0 ^ -V

!■ «:

■ I 1 lb . is cq^





(In Sunday special sermon.v were preacbevl th roughou t th e town ami collections taken on liehalt of the E ast luondon C hurch F und .

-A public m eeting wigs lield in the C hris t C liiirch Ba'rish Room on Monda.v afternoon. The chair' was taken by th e R ural Dean (the Kev. 'T. W. Cook), supported bv th e Rev. 11. A. E . iStandfa.st (SiHiretary E-L.C. F im d), the Rev. .A. M. B a ttv (R ector of W est Hackne.v). (ho Rev. If. E . B ird (A'icar of SI. o h n ’s, S lanjford H ill), and the Rev. G. AV. Doii.gla.s (R ector of Clhri.st C hurch , St. Leo­nards). The local H,on. S ecretary , the Rev. Dudley C lark , was unable to be present.

'The flr.st speaker was th e Rev. .V. AI. B a ttv . Avho said th a t they nil knew th a t the W ar had tau g h t (hem m any lessons, and no hoiUHl th a t th e C hurch had no t been slow in learning some of them . T he W ar had tau g h t them to take a wider and h igher view of th ings, and they had to sen th a t the C hurch was one. T h is g rea t conflict was to give a g rea t im pulse to C h ris tian ity th ro u g h o u t th e world. 'They had also learned a great man.v lps=ons in adap ta tion . .Another Ie.s.son was th a t there wus reallv work fo r a ll if nnlv all were w illing. In th e p resent tim e work in E ast London was very difficult, b u t in .spite of them he fe lt su re good was com ing in th e fu tu re . 'The E.L.(*.F. did no t en­courage idlcno.ss, b u t helped those chiiix'hes who were not en titled to help fr<im o th er societies and funds, and y e t were in serious

need of assistance to keep th e w ork going. In h is p a rish the.y could no t go on w ith o n t tbe help of the Fund . The w ork was really w orth it , and although some of th e parishes m ight no t be surrounded w ith th e rom ance of poverty like B ethnal G reen, yet they needed help as m uch, if no t m ore, th a n those well-known d istric ts .

The Kev. H. E. B ird said they had m any thing,s to encourage them a t th e pre.sent tim e, and gave a l i t t le idea of th e C h u rch ’s answ er to the new call in th e disi;-ict where he was workin.g. Fir.stly, am ongst th e ch il­d ren , they were asked to come into church Ix'fore school and p ray fo r th e ir re la tives wlio were away fight; ng on sea and land. -Anyone who had any experience w ith young ch ild ren would know th a t it was no-easy task to get them to school by n ine o’clock, and he thoug'nt i t was g rea tly to th e c red it of ch ild ren of E a s t London th a t they m anaged to a tte n d church before th a t tim e. -At fir.-t abou t h a lf a dozen, came, h u t g radnallv tlie num ber increased’,: u n ti l th e lialf-ho'crlietween 8,30 and 9.0 a.m . was th e happiest tim e of hi.s day. I t was a l i t t le th ing , bu t w ortlj the d o in" because it tayight th e cliil- d ren tlie real use of th e chu rch , fo r it was 1 lie hoirsp of pra\*er, and no t only g irls bu t boys cam e in before school to say th e ir p rayers. I t was found th a t th e attendance a t th e evening service was decre.'v-sing in ­stead of increasing, and a .sr.stem of v isiting was arranged w hich had proved very suc- ces.sfiil and helpful. T here was not reason for discouragem ent because th e re were dilfi- cn ltic s ; th e work was m ost difficult because it w,a.s m ost Jiles-sed.

A collection was taken for th e F und .


ESBER.ANT.A. ASOCIO.La u n y a grupkunveno de la 'v in t r s sesOM

okazis M.a,rdon pasin tau ce la E .ir.J .V .’* F a ra b ra n . ( tni e lek tis la je n a jn ofiiistoja: 1’rezidan‘to, Sr'i. J . .1. Boutw ood; Aaeprezi- daiito, )llro. .A. .1. A dam s; K asistu, Sro.F rbkonsi lanto .1. K. K elly ; Libroteriistinoi, Siiio. \Viid:.-;h: kaj Sino. A llison ; Sekretaria, Srn. ,1. 'Ju rno r.

In te re s i prcjgraino estis a rang ita venoiitaj kunsidoj, k in entenos lud peron, .sqnpreparitajn jvaroladajn, pralegoja kun lum ^ildo j, te a tra je to jn k .t.p .

T,a kunvenej havos lokon dusem aj Sro. T u rn e r. .57, F riory-avenue, llastingsi plezure skirbos c iu jn d e ta lo jn a l tiu j kiuj in teresigas pri E speranto .

15a, GEi 21, QU|

17, LONl

por Inn V09-

:ie kaj

T ranslatiA ii;—E SPE R A NTO SO CIETY. |

Ttu’ first group m eeting of the w inter sor. took pjace la s t T uesday a t the R-oom.s. The foliowing offioers were efc ted* Pr©ci<ient, Air. J . J . Boutwood; V icelPresk den t, Mr. A. .F. T reasu rer, Mr. Couzufillo r J . E. Kf’lly ; L ib ra rian s , M rs. W ildish; rind >frs. .Allison; Pporetary. Mr. ,T. T um er. J

An in te restin g program aip was arran?W for th e coming m eetings, w hich will include a game.s evening, im prom ptu .speeches, le(:tures w ith lim eligh t riew s. p laylets, etc.

T he m eetings w ill take place fortn igh tly , and Mr. T um or, 57, Priory-avenue, will wriliingly give a ll d e ta ils to those int-w-


ST. P A n / S R E O T O R 'S T l I O P G I f T S .

ON T H E S T R I C K E N B A T T L E F I E L D .

The )iev. Jl. J . Boyd. R ector of St. P a u l’s C hurch , St. Leonards, who is on duty in F ian ce as a ch.uUain to the Forces, ha.^ sent duolhev of his in te resting and thoughfu l le tte rs to h is pari.shiouers, a iw rtioJi of wiiicli wo re-y-ro<iiJce a.'' iollow s:—

1 w r i t e to you from the s<nue fii*ea f ro m whicli Illy last l e u c r was I t is oneI’l oiu w h ich th e tide* of w a r ha.s recetled so

! t h a t we he re cun l e a l iz e a ll t h a t a w a r of I in v as io n n u 'a i i s , an d of eour;yf* i t is its I uI’p a r c n l ly u U e r de.sti-iiction w h ich is th e

d o m in a n t im p ress io n . H e re , a,s I wirite to you, th e g u n s a i e t h u d d in g , a n d th e r e is a lu i iy s so m e th in g n u m ac in g ami t e r r i b l e in i h e i r note. All fhe sound.- ot \sinr a re d e s l ru c t iv f^ de,;).dly, ap}>aiing, a n d it h a s a m u sed me of ten to My lo h u d th e ln t.erpre- tal.ions of In e i r tones. “ ilis-s^n blood I ” de ina i ids the l>oml) “ 'Tui yon, *lis you, ’t is you 1 ” is Ihe f r 'g l i f i 'n l c rescendo of tiie a p p ro a c l i in g shell. B las t y o u ! ” i t b u rs t s .“ Rat-ta t- l 'a t ; ” is the i m p e r a t iv e sUiccato of l lie m ac liine gun . “ ()pon th e door of life to MU', (iuickly, ((uickl.x, for I am D u a t h . ” “ H u s h ! ” c r ies th e Verov l igh t , “ to r 1 show to Cod w ha t you have done. ”

B ut i t is riol only in sonml b u t in s ig h t t lm t the aw fu l Avuste 15. a p p a r e n t . 1 under- s ta n d beit»M’ now why' Ih is ( o u n t r y luis bci>n so o f ten . 'poken of as “ Uie fail' land of | Franr-e. ” \'-'V m u- 't liave been som e­th in g ve ry f a i r an d g r a r io u s in Cii.-. g r e a t [ hosiim of im tu re , since so m uch Ina.uty is i s t i ll left, it is w ith a st'Use of sliaine it h a t one looks upon i t . ]t is tin* b eau ty of a. lovely Woman oul r ageousjv ii.-'Orl. It is j t.f‘aut> u n ro b ed , \ i o i n l . -tl. ami in th e riol of i t r a i l i n g w(‘cd a n d p ro fu s io n of wild Eoaacis | It is a.'- if benciLfh h e r I leuses .-die wamo seek-

to hide lior i-cars ami 1) r a n i l i ; - 1 io n .I stood tin* o t l ie r ilay oh the site of a ;

v i l lage, a n d by the a id of a l i t t le imagin;;- \ t ion I trie<l to rvoons icm ’t the seem? as i t ; must have apt '-are-.l r a t h e r h iore t h a n a I y e a r ago. ft s'aimls upon a s l ig h t cmitieuee | ; ami* ei*:umamls a view o1 the spac ious un- 1 5

d u la ta n g p h i in s to r m ai iy m iles ai-ouad. | T h e eoitago'-, n e s t l in g ben ea lh i Il sh ad e of | (all f lees , m us t have containc«l a b o u t th re e ' h iiudrod pecvsams. Eiu h dw el l ing hatl i ts \ l i t t le g a rd e n of f r u i t a n d fiowers. J l e re | Klood the v i llage e l iu rch of (ioli i io a i ( d i i - | tr-eture. ’D ie re a t the eros.; roa.d.a theway-sitie (dtiu .sry. C h i ld re n danced ami lai* upon the roail , Ih e ir s.d; .'.s c i a d e i 1 1 0 / mi ; the pave. (,;Id folk s.at (l iidr cottagedoors an d bn.hike ) in the hitio.

Now, th e liOi hku'ttiug 1; ■'; lh of w a r ha.s i h lo '-ii up.on it, a n d all is l u in . J ap-pioach. it s c r a m h i iu g th ro u g l i b a ib o d wire eutangh-- lucn ts ami t re n c h e s whicli cut hti-aight i th r o u g h the hearl; of tlie Tiih-ge. W h ere honsi'o once stood a ; e now ouiy lieaps of ; rul)hle. A few c e l la r s on ly r e m a in an d have been u.-»ed as dugouiFi—beam s a n d r u b b i s h ! piled over- them to alford a d d i t io u a t i>ro- '

! fection. In t h e t r e n c h e s and ilueor.lr. t l i e ie ‘ is a n i r .d e -ci'ibii'blo l i t t e r of tr-cach boots,

Tnsuranc*-* i s l id 1-ca.ses, b(riubs. di,-cai c lo th in g —W . M organ , (.fovmon, I’' r e n c h an d EngliTtli—t.‘‘l l ing i ts

an d re -c a p tu re ami change




i l <

U '






O M O B L £ A <

A S I T W A S !

^ ¥ ^ H E R E arc ^ h o u s e w |

n o w a d a y s aure in a positi^ b le a c h clothe th e o ld -fa sh if w a y —b y ex i t o c o u n try adi e v e r y hous< c a n g ive h e r t h e s a m e w h ite n e s s b y 1 O M O .It does in the tub—indoors, in moments—wbnt| viously took hot do out of doors. I T BLEACHES AS I T 1

Put the while things into c with OMO, bring them to I let them boil for half~an~ho

and hang to dry.N O T F O R C O L O U R S , W C

O R F L A N N E L S .

In 3d. and Id. Pa everywhere.

OMO !• aad« bT Hmd*on'u a name 1 hoLXtboM,


ft. ft VUMOK UMITCD. Uvcr*(Ml. Wd B


' t a lc of capt n rc of oceupali i

1 idagger oul of a dugoul h a l f surfocnlcd by a foul o d o u r 'a iu l kici; asith' a, h u m a n fool, the bout-bu'i’s c a re fu l iv lied. an dth e re , j imtMiver the pc.rapet, a l i l t ! ' ' w h i le c.i OSS h as been p laced, m a r k i n g (he sha.JIow g ra v e of a ta-Hen (o n i rad e . t 1 h<‘ ))ollom cd' a ti-enidi lies the c h u i ’cli Ixdl, criicked an d d u m b fuT- eve.F. 7’he t rees s l a n d l ike spec tres gua.ut, and lifeless, some have been b u r s t a.sundM' l>y a d i r e c t h i t . the st^eins sp l in te re d invo fib rous t.iuiglo; in o th e r s the sp e n t she l ls have s tu c k and sti ll p r o t r u d e . '.At my ff*ct lies t.hc ( ' a lv a r y , topp led over, lying in the du.-t .' T h e figure of the I'diridt has been ro ugh ly carved —the art. is very c ru d e .

And one is t em p ted ip a ll th i s to see the symbol ot' a g r e a t e r o v e r th ro w . Love, joy,

'-pence, the f r u i t s of th e S p i r i t , t r a m p le d ru th le ss ly down a n d th e C h r i s t a n d a l l t h a t Be tau g h t o v o r lh ro w n .

Let look w ith e a re a n d yo!i will see t h a t a lread.’V • these sh i i t to red t ree stcT-v. a rc p u t t i n g fo r th leaves, an d wild fluwurs c lu s te r a ’H-uml Hic -diel) Iioles, a n d ( r a i l i n g p h in ts lay a l ig h t a n d teudei \ o u c h on tbe w ounds of Mih r iven e a r t h . .Mready. T am told, p lan s a r« l.jcing d i a w u up for th e r e s t o r a ­tion ot th e v i llage, a n d ( h r is i in J'’r a iu e has no t been o v e r th ro w n , foi- a new an d .More I ’hrist .ian F r a n c e is a w a k e n in g day by. d a 3*. P e r h a p s th e <-o*iceptions of r e ­lig ion wore false, the s tandard .s of life u n ­t ru e , and th is r a tn e ly sm is not in rea l i lv dcslr i j ' t ion, b u t ev o lu t io n , in which Hu' rilil and e r ro n e o u s a r e los t on ly t h a t the new a n d t r u e m av tr i i r tupli .

B H A I I F O I l i l SL A U K H H Y ,BEKHILL m A B ,S T . L E e R A R E i S - d K - S E A .

B e s t L a u n d r y in t h e D is t r i c t , ‘

B e s t W o r k a t m o d e r a t e P r i c e s .

F a m i ly & S c h o o l W o r k a S p e e a 'a li th

O u t d o o r D r y i n g f a c in g t h e S e a .

V a n s c o l l e c t a n d d e l i v e r d a i ly .

.T e lep h o n e N o. 325,

‘Tbe Cook’s Best Friend.’


M OUNT Bl E.ASANT SIST K U H O O D .- Mrs. Samson pret.i<lecl l . t Monday ex'enin" o rer a good aiKlionce, and a cap ita l address was given by Miss Dew on “ SearchlLghts ” Mrs. Duke rendered solos. N ext M onday Cap. t ^ n ^ r g a s s will give aJi address. T he '"N ew Year'* of th e Sisterhood w ill commouce on N ovem bw 5 th , aztd a very w arm welcome will be eztaoded to aU "S b te re ” over th e a se of IJ M wnlx to ioin.



OLD CARPETS, OLD ROPE & CANVAS, etc., etc.E nqu ire ou r prices before selling elsewhere.

H ighest prices given a t our New S t o r e s : - 69, GEORGE STREET, HASTINGS.

T . W a B ^ H ^ E S & O O a e * ® e n « r a l^ Kercbaxits,E stab lished over 75 years.

Head Office. -TelofA cne 197 H sstittgs.

C hapel S treet, B R IG H T O N .

B O N E S & S O N HA8TIHG8,O L i O V J'X l T I M B E R M E R C H A N T S , e t a

rp iK B E R cL oil klre*, IV•vlfilfltt, Skfrllets, GrtenheuM aed Franc ^ Timber Ftepared en the Prem im . Speciai aSentiM eftan

x^Arahltecte ewn d e e i |^ PtiONJE, M l

Insurance Notice.

288tlj 3fe«tr erf the 1


FO U N B E D m e .

The Oldeat Inaozsif* Office in 'the 'Werid.

iB earaaces oSeetod on ik e ioQewdag riake.

F I B £ DAXA jO E.R em H airt Liosi of K eat a n d Pnffiie.

Bmployers' IdabiliiT a n d W o r k m a a ' i C a m - pensstUHi, iaelndiac

Actideota to Doneetie Servaato.

Penonal Aceidant, Siekneae'end Dieeae%

F ide lito Q aaranton B n sria iy .

P la te eOaaa.

Brighton Btoesak:—I. PRENCB’S FLACB. NORTH

J. W. L. BBNATQN. Dictrict

B etter in fiat B etter i n s i z e l B etter a l l - r o u n d l

u i a i i a n y o t h e r Bij t h e s a m e pri<j

I EXTRA LARGE (Cre\Virginia Gigare/

1 0 ' “4 iB L .A C K C A T M e d i u m

l o lor 3^d.lthe bi rirest andb«si value at the price q

•The Food fo r’ a ll War ^

D e: o I D e N—B E F O R E W IN T E R C O M l

four home healthy by I t prereetB anri cured Cold'in . the H e a d ! Sore Throat, and lafluenza. Y o u -o a n C kftd months well and E ip p y wirh • N o s t ro lin e .’ so get “ NVetnuine ” no W ioe Is. ..‘V p--«t 1a oJ .;, from A . E . E dcs, H astii::* '; H . P . W h ^ , L

Page 3: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE




It isbut the

I. S Iftft.


;ta Asocio.ly en o <ie J a ' v i n t r a sesoB* p in tan Ci' la K .U . ,I .V .’» Victis la j e n a jn o f i t i s t o j a : | J . B outwonfi ; V icp rez i-

\ciiinas; K a s is to , Sro. K f j ly ; l i i h r o t e a i s t i p o t

Sinot A llisoli; S ek ’r e t a r i a ,

<^tis arajigift;! p o r In Ik i i i en ten o s luclan ves- I p r j>aroiadajn, p re le g o ja jajetofp k . t .p .I s loxon dusepaain^- ka j Vriory-aTcnue. l ia s t i i ig a . I n d e t a l o jn a l t iu j k i u j Vantsi-.—■

rO S O C IE T Y .e ting of tk p ■s'int.er !.e»> ^Jesday a t th e T .M .C .A .

Jig pff.ccrs w o re .e lec te d • Boutp'C-xi: V ice-Pre .sv

I s : T r e a s u r e r . M r. C ou!^ l i b r a r i s n s , Mrs . IV i ld ish I c r e t a r v , Mr. ,1. T ur-per . p.amme wi\.« a r r a n g e d for

w h ic h will inc lude « b m p tu >peer.hes, lecttfres I p lay le ts , etc.[_take p lace fo r tn ig h t ly ,

r io ry -a ren u e , H a s t in g s , |1 d e ta i ls to those i n te r .



D .


is equal to 5 FRESH FRUIT.


o m jB :TOXSES^

J H p i \ e e i * 3 t o f * P o p \ i l a i r




" 701 H a s t in g s . ’


: s .

| c .



m * .

liBee i n Um W o r td .

O M O B L E A C H E S A S I T W A S H E S .^ ^ H E R E a r c f e w

A h o u s e w i v e s n o w a d a y s w h o a r e in a p o s i t io n to b l e a c h c lo th e s in t h e o ld - f a s h io n e d w a y —b y e x p o s u r e t o c o u n t r y a i r , b u t e v e r y h o u s e w i f e c a n g iv e h e r l in e n t h e s a m e p u r e w h i t e n e s s b y u s in g O M O .It does in the wash* tub^—indoors, in a icw moments—what pre­viously took hours to do out of doors.IT BLEACHES AS IT WASHES.

P at the while things into cold water with OMO, bring them to the boil^ let them boil for half-an-hoar^ rinse


OR FLANNELS.In 3d. and Id. Packets

everywhere.AMrt ■.>«.<» b7 Uud«oB'», * name Inmesv ia «v«.ry



PURIFIER.S. aUDSOM UMTTEO. Lt.«r«oel. We»t Sramvleb C L«Md^


I M P O R T A N T N O T I C E .

Our for V.dW.e aad." D'.5tri''t is MR. .1-H. <»IBSON. wh<‘ wiil t>c vrlad to r<n:<*ive infonnstitub 'd puuijo^tion (•f DoT-ioas of nieotaupi, andfce vri.' i>’rr4on}il!T altf^nd and r^’'.'n enj;u?PiueiitsS iu .\SHBURNHAM, BATTI.E, BODIAM. BRIfUfT LINi;. BrRWASH. CATSFIELD CROWHVRilT. DALLI.NIJTON. E W H U R S T, MOUNTFIF.LD. NETHER FI ELD. NINFIELD. SEDLI’:,SCOMI5F.. ST.A.PLliX'K’OsS. WESl'FIELD, and WHATLINGTON. All fotrjmuiiicaticni sh' tiJd be sent t .> the "Ob«:erTer'' OClio. l 4 , Ka tinips.

Onr rl:>ad--rs slimild rnrite ilMt onr Correenendent for ROBFRTSBRIDOr. and SAT.EHrRRT Mr. W.POrrER. Bobfrr.-brids'-M i-.'T ETCHlNCilfAM Mr. SMITH, N>Tvs.ua:*nit. Ktobin^^ham; and f .u GFEKN Mt.. ,T. HA.SKE\S', Hurtd Gro^n, to iThoai Siuulaj CotL'o.s fr«r th<=«n ».hAn'd ho cent.

0 o f Pfitables. dosi>'io G o v e rn m e n t ^flour,j w i thou t samjiHiLcr r>')ine oC tbo «;o 'aI ih in ^ s . j \va^ UkhI fnv tlie b r u m ))rovidofl as1 woll as .-u. 'torianir I'or t h e Inxly in t h e >hapo I of fort une tolliDj; {wUioli was not. i». cont ra v rn - f ti,>n of iuiy Aci, lieraus-'* each per.son spIocIck)

lii> <»\vn Dart ifu l:ir l u t n p o . unH] a v.^ry ri«.'vrr h r t e \ h i l i i l i r ’1 . niu] ind on ly < U*vpr. but in- >tru<-1 ivtu and U'> one c unu' (un but was wiser I ,f lii. <*N n<‘.rioufi‘. “ T'oe r e lu rn from lh** |

V.',!- a '.rear. rn>vi- inn hi\<l |1 Iv-.-n mado bu- i 1h« >)>ei .d o t i.ir by jiro 'i i 'l in 'j

b ran lul)-. ju in p im r ttali- . and 7 <.tin>Mhin;r very min h a k in !«» r<oih-:ip. \ l irau l . i fnny j

dc»il .-'oM U'l.' a >ii;lliir.r !■> roim'- ■nne whi> u.i's in po'.-e.-.-.ion o.i a I ekr t 'sil.h a | '•orl-'i,!!! lUiUibrr «->u it, a j id v a n o u s a : l i ' ' 'o .s i were u Imi di.si>-’sed nf in a s im i la r wa> . In t h e aH erim nn p ’opro^a \ \as d i th e u l l . tor the attpiiflaiH'o ; o larj^e th a t o n ro in^ido oTieh a d I'v J b l U>n I h e < r o\<l u n i . i l t h e r x i l . reached , l or tho.'e inrlTneH a h n e “ h o p l a ’’ s ta n d h a d )>een ere^-ted, a u d wa-.n L*arti‘ U- l a r ly well i ja tron ised .

SAM': Mi' S r o G K .At d o*' 'lork tlio >-alc "f live tc<.A and

life (’o innienced. a n d ftiis ^onducie-d by | . luction. I.a.dv Lriina D y t l io ha^l very k ind ly 1

<Huisnn1e<! L> a l t ‘‘‘nd lo open ( )i i •< ivaif '•!' the , da.v’." atul 1 i* 1 lu> ” reat. d e l i 2:ld. <-if. i»he a>>emhlv -lu ' -old the h.l. 'I'lii-v m as ,a. pedi.;;n'e 1 ! ol.'-i o in - 1 rief-i.ui Inilt ■'•alt, vvinvh -h e i l r s r r ib ed N\it)i a flow -'I Ian- I j ;ua ‘4 e wiiirli manv .♦ A '-ofe.^pmnal kniirht <>i I du ' h a m m e r mii^hl < nwy. Diddin.^^r wa^ tii-.-t. j a n d tilt' aiiint.i] w a-,jk *d (hos n for I h o ivery sa 1 1 s t aei nry prietl -d Ivirnty-one ;ruineas. 1

!li*i' Ui(ly>hiji oN pre '-ed ijm p l e a su re il {ijaeo | h e r io he pr».--etit. a n d how ;rbvd hw> was l<-i j -en -o lat’K!' '‘' ’HtimBlJ'. e n d she 0 T)ioine<l t l iem t<» -I'OImI lh-‘' i r money ireely a.Tul bid fu isk lv .fo r if via- ;t ver\ pt>'n{ is.iuse to v\bieh jin ' pineo('<l> ^v<>uId ’n‘ \ lVo<»rtyvote <«: 1 i»anl\s to l-adv Idma. wa.- e a r n e d by a<vlamali(»n. on th e ]iroi>»‘r>il :on «'f M W . ( in ld -m i th , . l . lh . and )n'.i>*t.v c-lov*r^ wei-e :.;iven a• '•h.o teft tlm he 'db »rrow whieh dul d u ly for a. losi r tnn.

T h en tbo enn ipauy d iv id ed , the s.il“ of t.he 1 our-fi.>ottHl b'i> -j. K-k biMii|;r rtuuluele.rl t)\ Mr.S. M o m e n t- m ih e m ark e t rin^j;. -ind themis(.‘elhinooU:' artiele< l>v .Mi. 1 1 . I l a rd im a n . T hese i'wo ;;ent .en;en lijul ac ted as Hon. Seeret .Tries, and io t h e n it* no --nnill m easu re is due the acluwrabie a r ranoeu ien I s by which th e <«dleetion of ^/o'al.s were <iisposed of, not on ly to th e e<vrrUort of tiu ' Imyers . but rosult- iti'j: iTL very jrond prie.Cs lH'in;r ohlamovl all r>wnd. Mr. t ' lenv i i i .s <ltspose<l of ,i he ife r , t a t and s iiekler calves, ipii lo a thn'k of xheep, pigs, goa ls , and <h’gs of v a r io u s ages ami bre\?ds. T h e inijoiniiig meaflotv was lull or o th e r lot.s. w h ich wrrt ' dost rd ied in the eala- loguos “ a most va-^ie-d n d h e tion «.fhiHlitar- lan a r t ic le s to suit, a ll p u r c h a s e r s . ” 'To m en ­t ion b u t a few, th e re were potatoes.^ app les , ches t of d ra w ers , oi l i>aiii lings. C h ip p e n ­d a le c h a i r s , vases, g u n s , p lough , h a r ro w , in- e u b a to r , pouU rv . r a b b i t s , curtaiiL£', and s t r a n g e s t of a l l , a p u lp i t .

•\ g rea t d e m a n d bail been made- for lo tte ry t icke ts for a va lu ab le bullock an d a t a t >\eth('r, th e i lraw for th i^ re su l t in g in Mr. W . W ib ley . of G u n House, N e th erf ie ld , \yin- n ing th e l>ullo<k and M r. Bolton , ot ( ’ad- boro*, Bye. tlu^ slu'et*. AVo under.- tam l that: bo th flies(' f o r tu n a t e genileiue-n mavle a very ]ianiT~<'me ilonalioii to th e t iind a l t e r lea rn ing of t h e i r siUHe-s.

th ie of th e most e n te r t a in in g i te m s intleed in t h e p ro g ra m m e or' e n te r t a in m o n t s was the very graeetr.J d a r n in g <d’ a l i t t l e hwly. who a p p ea red fo r the occasion on ly in th e cos tum e worn by h e r gresit g r a iu h n o th e r on her wed-, d in g day , d''l\e ^'ffect was rea l ly c h a rm in g , h u t th a t m o re r<eoni was necessOTv for the moveJnent-S of a lady at t h a t fierkal t h a n is tiio case to-<l}3 y w i s fu l ly <.}rnionstrated.

\V(‘ lea rn from Mt-. AV. D hvih, who us the Hon'. SecT'efary of l.hv' Bed (^ross, anil in th a t eapae.itY h a s hrid bus l iands m o re t h a n lull in couneetion w ith t h e Drill H a l l p a r t of th e d a y 's proreediTTgs. t h a t t h e magnificeid sum

Itlv. v.as real ised in th a t d epar tm en t , alone. 'I'ho i iem s a r e : ( 'anic 'en Xn.'S TSs. Id . , fancy sta l l .d-olt TJs. 7Vd., grocery £17 as. Ikl.. toys cTlI 2 s. dd-, mir.ine.ry c£S lOs., ])lain Tiefxllowork . £ 2 1 4s. Idd., j r u i t an<! v e g e ta b ’e.'

2.S. 4d., side show.s, concerts, <-te,, S.-.7^d. ■ ’This "Um is Tint s'ubjee* to any ^icKlue- tioiT lor exrs'nses. all these Ix'ing Tnef by the kindness of d<uior> of money and kintl. d'ho ad in s tm en t of the final aecounts will neces­sarily tak e some little tim e. >o th a t we nro unalTle to sta te lo-rl>iy the to tal .sum reali'-tHl by the s:ile, bu t ba^o vloubl it will ap­proach ‘d:si.H).

CHILBLAINSis a euro for Chilblains — cures Chilblains, broken lo bathe the'part in hot water

a t t h i s t i m e o f i h c y e a r a r c b e g i n n i n g t o m a k e t h e m s e l v e s e v i d e n t — a n d i t i s j u s t a s w e l l t h a t v o u s h o u l d k n o w t h e r e

SHURZINE ANTISEPTIC OINTMENTor unbroken, and tlie best way to use it is

dry, and apply llic ointment treeh'.

anf! tM.WO .'f ly r -rfv* Tins S H U R Z IN E A N T IS E P T IC

^Idjorfci, anid ha^o .re..idT f' 'f'='w TTinrfi tho’if^nd^' r'ea-89 ; i r r b to ?

O IN T M E N T hr.<*nSailerts acd

tin .Large Tins sold a t 1;3 per



a THEGREY” BLOUSE SHOPA t l l i i s p e r io d o f t h e y e a r o n e is c o m p e l le d b y n e c o s s a r i n e s s t o Lh n k of

'^■prmer g a r m e n t s . Y e t i t is d i f f ic u l t t o s e c u r e o n e ’s r e q u i r e m e n t s o n ly by payinj^ h ig h p r i c e s . T h e i m p o r t s f o r A u g u s t a n d S e p t e m b e r b e in g g r e a t l y r e d u c e d f r o m t h e p" 'ev ious y e a r , m e a n s a s t i l l g r e a t e r d i f f i c u l ty in t h e c o m i n g m o n t h s .

H a v i n g f o r e s e e n t h i s a n d p la c e d c o n t r a c t s f a r a h e a d ’.ve a r e a b le lo o f f e r y o u o n e of t h e b e s t s e l e c t i o n s in H a s t i n g s a t l e s s t h a n “ t o - d a y ’s ” c o s t . i


1 2 .

C P ro p r ie to r . H.AKOLD E . S K Y R M E ). M A M O F A O T U ft IN C C H E M IS T S ,

W e l l i n g t o n P l a c e , H a s t i n g s . F K O H e

regTftf th a t ot\ iTig to 1 ho <-biftf pari of mi'- slaff ii-dving ioincH up x p a»'e. com • liptllod to clo!?r th.is J^ha.rmuxa for mouls hrt w-omi ) an<l 2.1.5 p.m. k o r i i rg e n (. orderp r ing th ^ night Vis'll. (M h rr (*rdors if plrfVfvl m D U r r b"X will }h. a t lvudod lo m due

V >;ir-f'.

<h‘oea^e<l liu^l r.•‘ i(h'd iu l.lu’ ^i^^rt•,».blr numhf t* vear**. (<* I bo <bMl.li o! lii- wl'iN(U>U' llii fM' yoa r.s avn. lo* ]> ^penIl I 1)0 r fm an n u ; ;

I llago lor il. aml ,wti b--i*u tu*n I pr<’<io<’a;i.-od him (I thn village* ti*

i.r- -'t a gi a Oil obi ag<' in l .omlou. I -

hos iu tile lo.-al bno-ia.l grrHiml; Hud n prcfi.iid ' > ]'!>. mmu.'i-y <ninouuo*--, hi>. olio b u ml rod yoa i>.


1 K i l l I o u t \ H Y P S I W M lN h KWit 1|fu f-ll MT*I a blot a.go av

H \ K V i : S T T i l \ N K S < ; i V l \ l T I'bo b a i- m.*tI lo>l.ival H-’0 ’r*lohrn Uv! in llo* t 'h u ro l i oti S u n d ay , tinn - utuiv >voatlo'r iMuinil ting a l a rg r com <n j o 1 \vorship)>or- a t I he ovrn ing h.orvir('. Tin* Mj.m'ULar\ w ;u-> verv lw;i u f ii u.t I v an?j tastefuDv dp(‘oral.o^l wiiii h bugo a r ra y Oi f ru i l . t low rr- , ami vcg^'1 ablo^. rMin.indirg <»riM nt GotTri boiJntt''>us gift.- t l 'o o.irlli. Giv.'al i rodit is <]iifi to tloit-o j a d i o Who s<)

a rrangci) the g ’Vt-. Mr-, '1‘. U<;rn- IdoAvor u?ol th e Mi.'sos hTis^ell kimllv a7>i7b*iil jn th is \sork. 'I'bc hc \ . Gauon Ihdihingtou preacduNl mvirnin.g an d ovoning.' v b N K U - U , Glk Mi:. H. WKEU:. I'ho

l uncrn.: took place - n k r iday lab* of Mr. 11. W obb in th e Pai-isli <'lnir« h>a.rd. / H im ,Iu *v.( ’a n o n I jobh ing toa cfinductoul iho sof-vu t'. 'I'lo' <iec-OvKsed w as a. well-known ami re.*'p<‘Cjed m e m b e r of t h e <N-»miDnmty. d’ho w e a th e r wa.- very 7'ough a n d m an y w'oro t l iu s ^letcrred frt^ui jo in in g th e sy m p a th e t i c a.<seml)ly. n 'he m o u r n e r s w ere : ' (‘ho widow an<l son, Mrs. M'liig am i Mr. AVohb (s i f te r a n d brol.)i€*ri, Mr. W e b b aiu l Miss S. K em p , Mrs. \^'e.ston. Mr-. HotV, Mrs. Ka-tvvood. d'heTe v\ere m any he.au- f’lu l floral t r ib u te s , in c lu d in g 1 )u>sm from “ i raiik and Ty<lia,” ‘‘K,j.te, Fieil , b’h a r l j e a n d A l f , ” Mr-. Daync. Mrs. BotV, Mrs. llowar<i, "Mrs. Cheeseiner, Miss K om p, Mrs. Weston a n d Mrs, i'histW'hofl.

T h e ' ' ■ r CI O -i'\ cr,dliasT. .Su->‘-*\ .Xj'peal T \V<‘dn c -d ay . Maj<U' jit'Csided,

T i l l : GVT:-In a.ii ♦ inph*;’ er-.'

b’ura l ' i 'n b u u a j for ; \c. . rkcr, A If T’Mfi D n||o. m iU od Ibat: Bod hi v, a h ad been d isf-hadgcfl

Ikill lc case,-, before th eri)>un;'l af. H'asUng-, onl: . I.. '.I'li'>nii*)ii, J . P . ,


H U R S T G R E E N .• : 0 :


B A T T L E .

r u : r \T T T .I - : M A llK B T .—On Alon- tTuues ^\<>(K•lhaa)^ iind Son broke

■>rds at t l ie ir m a r k e t , bo th b . r a t t e u d - ikI prices. T h e >iile sLarlod an hour

to albov for th e au c t io n of tlie Bed ot-. Kuyeis were vciyv Mager. b idd ing

: -rt icu la rly b r isk , ami th e e n tr ie s w<m-o ly nuLiier<tUs b u t of a .-ifecial^y high-

BATd a y M- a l l rec ance ear l ie r Cross was I n o t on q u id i ty .

I OO !.'BA 1.1..KITS ]\ i : T r KN. —'i 'he po im lar t<X)Iba.] c a p t a in . T'oin V u l ie r . now a Lanec- (Aorj/orLil, is homo fo r a tew -days’ leave, aiitl looks ijn q u i t e g<H;d cond it ioo . l lo has seen nm re : | t i r r in g sight.-, siiicf' Ikt 7vent o u t lo 1 rancf i i than he ever saw<.tu. th e luotba l i field,

. but gives Us the asMirance t h a t al- oiir jirugres.', may Ik* sl ov we si i( k to

get in -p i le of all th e enem y m ay <lo. IW III^T' DIM VB. - Kig luy w h is t le a v e r s Imd I

en.i \ a b l e Lwenjug a t Die Irmlit ii te <in | day , an d th e fuml> ot’ <>ur S a i lo rs ’

! l>cncfit by th e i r u tb 'n d an c e . Such ime was sp<*ni Dial tlio m an a g em e n t

ell j sk e d lo hold dno!‘jo*r d r iv e in a n s t (a d of w a i i in g th e usua l to-jr

'Hie w it iners war*: Tadie.s—MisS3, Air-. T h o m a s 2 2 2 . and M r ' . >a'*h m d lc m e n —Air. \ . J o n u f r and Mrs.

as gentlcQKini tied with 2 :.t2 , was a g'xjd U u id w i ih 2 :i0

tX>M M IT 'TKK’S T H A N K S .

It is w ith great p lea su re that, wu* rep o rt th e most s a t is fac to ry finam-'al result i»f .i:215 UK. iakoii a l tho* V a ir he ld on Afomlav, O c tober I.>Lh. in th e D r i l l HaB, Batt^le. in con n ef t io n w ith t h e " 7 'a rn ie r s ’ Sale ’’ ami

(Bn* Day ** B ed Gross Bunds. AVe d-'^sire ofler lo aU who, by t h e i r g enerous 'lona-

lions at'i'i g i f ts tu k in d , also bv [Personal serv ice s > u n s p a r in g ly g iven , c o n t r ib u te d to the grea.f success oF t h i s u n d e r tn k in g , thus enahlt'Kl Us to rea.lise the above siim w ithou t an v ih 'duc t ion for expenses.

Sigiieil. on bebiilf of tho Tadios.* Commit* lee,

ID A B. S M IT H B ,C’h a i r m a n .

T 'm ; H O S P i T A l - -T he c liurcli f)ffertory t. Su n d a y in a id of th e Ba*t Sussex H o s­

p i ta l a m o u n te d to' Tfi 3s.1:G( i S I'l iR T T IK W O U N D E D . Twelve

eggs WLTo all t h a t could he m u s te re d th is week to r t h e boys in F ran ce .

,IM:D (TrOSS.—‘T>ur D a y ' ' was k e p t on W edn esd ay . T he ladies were liu-y ail th e m o rn in g selling ilagts. a n d a success fu l ju m b le sale was he ld .m th e I n a t i i u to in th e a f t e r ­noon.

B,-VKX.\RDO'S M(.>MES.*- D u r in g th e ab ­sence ot the V iea r the Kcv., F . \V. U u in n , of T unbrif lgo Well.-, took th e Su n d ay servit>es. Aiipealing ' fo r the D r. Harnard'.>k Homes, :t)ie rev. g e n t le m a n d e t e n b e d th e w ork douo in th em . ’

T H K I'^LEET. -The x hotjl c h i ld ren h ave o pened the .reason ag a in fo r send ing h a r d fruit, an d vegetab les to o u r su b m a r in e chaser#? a.nd m in e swoapei>. T h ey h ave ,iust de- :-putcbed a h u n d re d w c ig i i t of app les and some fine vogelable imcrn»w-s. A tew day.s pgu th e y received t lm 'e pos^tcards f rom o u r boys “ Som ew here in Egypt.’’ to t h a n k th e m lo r t h e nice pa rce ls lhc>t were t^ent ou t .

ifOM.E A t iA T N .—p r iv a t e George C roft , wT.io jo ined u p at t h e beg in n in g of t l ie W a r , lias been home for t h e first t im e. E tir ly la.-t year ho lost a leg. an d wa#s oUierwise wound.eil. Vie went to Ueice>ter to he t a u g h t a t rad e , in wiiich he has J>ec<»me q u i te effic-iem. T’hi.s week ho is to be tiUpd w ith an arti f ic ia l l im b. Always cheery , he has l)oriie u p well (hr^TU'yh all liis t roub le , and', u.s iivoof tlmt. he ho- net. loet any of lii« p lu ck , be is alKuit to c u te r l!ie bonds of m a l r im o n v .

hethough VVhrlV V'

W i l lvery

Wedifcr J- iimi a hapiA- h .iv M lu't lortirigpU, weeks.M iic7>22tb

M'\ar<] (playing Olid Allf. K em pp'>inl:r.

OV F ( dork , hisdu ly t( wo‘b om ‘unfit ov e r tlib t liat dc Ki itr.’r, abyul pi be mis.’ferl. la^ioro again .’ »1 t ie m ajo r i rji,' Won't hiiHg \ f*r


Mr. T.( oiivevs

ciga.re1.te^c o n d i t io n a n d v<‘ry “ h;i. Ikcu m a rk e d

<lon*i a c tu a l ly go


I 'H F T(>I’. - - I d d loll or rJaio<J l l l l i inst ., J a c k Bene

thaukf^ for a n o th e r pan-^*l of han<i in goo<l

H e .-^avs lie ml nO a ll hought.tp wv a.re not f a r I jahiml the lx>y-, ami (]t-op in i'or a f a i r raticjii of

-hoiF.. J was very -hocked to hex.r jor ol‘l .lo.-h. N on a re I'iglit, ho will

L (h.'n’l t h in k it will l>o long have (he b'*y> rofrij-d th»‘ coijiU^'t

J 'm Mire w e’re a ll of u-. both ,-ide> wate*!, read y for a n d tho

ih i- .-.ide -eeni confideiii tha t it .-1 th ro u g h tl)M wirdc!'. We a re loiv-

•ent w ea lh e r .d lo r a g<_>od d<.*tr0

B R IG H T L IN G .___________

H AB.VKeiT T H A NIvS( i l V I NG. - The a n ­n u a l Ihauk.-g iv ing ^ervi<■e^ fo r t h e h a rv e s t were held in t h e c iu irch on t.Lu' 1 1 th ^n^t. at h.tii.i. 'I’he i-hiircli hml boon most t a s ie n i l ly d eco ra te d w ith a. T-rofvi>i-*n ' ‘f f r u i t , vege­tab les , corn and iloweT-*. liv* Hector ami Mr>. O ’F e r r a l l B i n g a b ly a.’=-sisted by Air-. H a v i ’.and ( j)ulpit) , Atiss (.VK.>per (font>, Mi-s W in c h e s te r , Miss (> a rn p . ' Mis< M epham . Ali* ! es AN'irMiie and ( 'a->y Hunt. Tlie (p ia ld y a n d qua.i ii ity of f ru i t a n d vegetable-, could . '-canelv '-uri'>as>ed. T'he service wm- con- <hieted by th e Hector. I.e-son^ wen* read by F am m Ib*owuing (Canon ot F ly) and fite .-ler- inori was p reached l«y the Hev. II. ( i r a h n m e t larke , V'lcar <»f Healhf lc ld , Tlu* special Hsahns , liynm.- and V in e ’s a n lh e iu . “ Hrai>e. U H ra i-e Mur ( mhI.” were escee^lingiv well rendered by th e choir , a n d tlu^'. serv th ro u g lu tu t wa.s b r lg lu an<l h e a r ty . T'here was a very good congregatic 'ii . T'lic serv ices weipi c o n t in u e d on S u n d ay , .md were a l l con- duMod by t.lie H ic to r . viz.. Holy Ceinm iin ion a^ ‘s a .m . aiul a f t e r m a t in - , even.-unc at. ib.’k) In t l te evouiug tl'.erc was a very large con­g rega t ion . ami an a p f i ro p r ia te sermon was p re a c h n l bv ihe i :ec tor. T h e col leci ions were b ir t.iie lc '>al A gr ic i i lh i ra l B e n e v d e n l in.-i:- t u tk 'n , and the t rn i i and v e g e tab le , have b. en -cnt. tcM he Jumi Sus"e.\ a n d .Buchanan lb .;pitai:7>. Ing.-.


M O U N T F IE L D .

F<TR r iT ] , R E D (T^.tASS. - A whii>t v* .'i.s held at th e .Vlonntfield and District . \ ’ luge t ’ln b ,,y tlic K)ih in;d. . re su l t in g m a d o n a t io n of j ; 2 .A-. In'ing sent to the i:,e<I Gro.j;s S/)ciety. TTiis (.Tuli c o n t in iu v to atl '*n;t new monihcrs. A lii l liard tab le lurs Kmui la te ly a(lde<l. W a r Sav ings ( 'e r t i f i ra tea h a v ‘* be-en p u ’rc'luu'^ed out ot llie CIuli lu n d s , unrl th e r e is a su l js tan t ia l biLlaiice in han d . T he svwond a n n u a l mtHding to iield iKuvlmon( lx.

R O B E R T S B R ID G E .

B U R W A S H .

p . u H s n ( ' i i n ? i ' u . --Tiu' M‘ivtl.l-' ’.vetr i)V Mu* ilov. K.w il l . ]iroiK'!i.'.'d I n .

1 . \N iJY I'A-ii; AND S’]'U('K' SALL.

'i‘ti. .1 tlip AvoiiUi.'i- "II .Vtond.iy, Mlii.'h luinl ...>) k iiTiil ;tnx-

p I'li-

faH o w isg r i a h i .

a t a n d P n ^ t e . personal AceidoaiL

e e ' a a d DiaeaM^QnankBtMh

B a c g la iy ,F te te GBe*.

B etter i n f l a v o u r ^ B e t t e r i n s i z e —a n d B e t t e r a l l - r o u n d v a l u e

t h a n a n y o t h e r B r a n d a t t h e s a m e p r i c e .

E X T R A L A R G E (G re e n 'Band)

Virginia Cigarettes.

f o r

H L 1A .C K : C A . X M e d i u m C igare t te s ,

1 0 for 3 ^ d .the bijrtfcst and best value at the price on the market

. T h e F o o d B e v e r a g e for all W ar W orkers.


Itoe® your liomf* hea:ttiy I'y naiijr “ M O S T R O L IN E .’* I t preYftDtK iind cures CJoid m t.i:e IIea>i. Ncdal Catarrh , flore Tliroat, and loflucuza. You coii throiyrh ■tlie feed nioathd -w-eE and lmj*ov wiUj Iv lp cf• N ostioline, ■ 60 ’ now. O f Cbam isu ,■ric^ B- ‘M .cv Is, 0.!.;. from A. K . Bo!«iuiw, "Wliit© S o ck . H.ast.n:'-v; H . i".-Wfi^te, L SiicLe&i«r R4Wd* Sp iiinwurflr nn

I ' u*l'lu H I C'l Y tor <'11 c.. iijtC’Uidit it^n.s d'c, ijcftci t c wa.*5 I I tod.ty .m irh ich IJ icty of [-cvoral ( .onuniU(•ic-c. Toa.i ' l the J>rn;-h I ' a f u ic r - ’ Hr<! ( ' 'ro-- }-'iuja] jOi n g i icu l iu iH l j u m b le - hjo had heep .ii'rartgqd it> takt^ place .m tlui, day in the u;eaxiow[ adi<uning llu* BriHh* Drill jlwH atid Markoi, and v>*ry h ap p ilv Dm* 1i>ch1 nicrn.b *! -,<U t h e b*<uj ( ' 1 and ( tn* i a r i i ic r - ’ viv**- h.i'J Joirn'd h a m l- vsitli ih c I a.Tiuci>.’ (.Vuh, and - , 0 in cnii.iunct lou u n h l!i“ Mpcm.jir -ale in iln. mcadmv t.hc D rd j H a ' t v,a- lurm-fl inuj u gi.ganti': b-rizaar, e v e r wha It the Jadie.'.C K iC f i.

e n m r o since,-- a r I'angcmon l s Imd boon niatlc witli More th a n m il i fa iy j)rf*<-i-ion. TJicrc \‘ cro al Ic-a.-i.iwo met liod'.s liv v.,hi<li u w;j-> ivu-'ib 'o to a n g in m l tin* Ib-d (>-►-.> iuruD ami t))f-c w.*ro by cojh*. t mg a n d in\ it iiig ,-<TTpt ion,> Ml money or kind , or b , t h . , do fliM Ihorough/A- A\;t- a huge n m lc r ta k in g tor cv-n >ticli dU cn t h ir- l;od\ a> l.ho H attief a r m o r - ’ ('! u h, bii I. bv -u b-d’' i.-i-m il v a - c a r ­ried out v i i h -iirJi A^omh-rfill -inT(;s.-i lha.f ix >Ulii w as plac.cd in llio bank Ix 'birr the groat. da>, whn II pi. i i - ' b Ya,-. a n ilnbio achiovo- m o n t .

In cac.h p a n - h ».’f t h e di.-irn l a Gr.nmvH- Irn vV/Ls a|»5M)inU’d with pow.-r t.n app iv for rnouoy o r nionoy'-, w /o ih , am! tho (.Tiairmaii «.*t I flat ( >1)1 1!) 11 ic. - sa.l, on ! in' (Ir.ncral ( orn-mil.lpo. , - 0 thal, c '.ery meinlv*!* kmo\ o \ ; m i 1vtlic idan of cainpai'gn. (b n c k ly liio umnoy cnU.iIlH’Uooti 1" roll in. doinii lolls <tl va.riou- dimciiidoii- . but all cquall.v a fU • n*:-la 1 pr] unlcoint*. a r n v . d ly pn-t o r D 'rough t b** i'.cl.iM’s, arnl the ,uii''.- < f ariicp',- madA- up a «’a t a Ic'gUP .1 ha 1 wa-, a- co m p i el -1 \-f> ,1 . .inv lo U. found in I jm c.,nnlj 'v. B> ih ts rca.dv W'spon-<5 to Hm call for linam iai h'*ip: ii;.. oj- gani.-cr'* wen* -aved a con-irlero Idt- aiu- im* of an x ie ty , and in'-fp.a.il of the Ihnv <;t -/ood-i .-h'lwitig any d im in u t io n n,-. Un* tirin' for tin* sa le a d v an ced the ofjcr ol .all so r ts of th in g s ihc.e increas-"'d.

Nor wore Iho ladio- bv an y m eans br*hind in the Tna.'Ltor ot <'olie''i.ing^, a,!-) (ho stryck V. lin-li they ga,t,hered 1< i- t h m r I'aiU y b.air can b.e a\>ih <ie-( ril.'<-'d a s )iT*^digioij-. 'Tbev Worked on cxr.e'dv llio sam e p lan as t h<- 1 arniers* ‘ Ini). a?ul m d wit;h oven morf' - m - ce-*.*,, )oi*it v.n- fennd th a t ih e i r ptacliA-al anl in I ho mi ni.-f I at ion i ) the <-omfort of the w ounded m ade a, <lcmiind upon the -ym pa- fiiios fh a f to re.fuse t h e m a l i f t le holi> urcs al)-ol uf ply 1 m po--i Ide.

IiojHjris i rom iht* G enera l t 'o m m i l tc e were so e n co u rag in g tha t a wondi^riul suec-e.'- w as ]>ractu:all> as.surcd - i l , and it, wa- <1. big i f - tlio w e a th e r wa- 1 av < uir.i blc. d h e r e were m an y an.vi ‘Us be.ir ts on S u n d a ' nig).p, wIk u l a in was d<‘scen<lirvg in .in u n c e r ta in m an n e r , but b i r t imaLciy .M onday m o rn in g !'r«-ko (dear a.nd su i tuv , an d llii ojghoui tlo' v. hole of the dav th e re \ ' a - n o th in g Im l the uiu-1. genial c l im a t ic I ' jm li l ions .

AT T’HK D K ib l . HA M ,..At elovoiJ o k 'o v k Ihe p roceedings cr,rij-

mericed at th e J>ri!l H a l t , aTnl bu^llll■ss at oM * -YurW’>d,. W hen it 1.-, inpler-iood tliaf e v c rv th in g t h a t ilic Imil cont.vine<t lfa<l been giveii f ,r ihe go.al ca u - c - I he re wa- n o th in g of the on a p iu o . b u - in c s s - in ' fo d u c e d -it w a ­n t onco real ised xvith w hal u n r e m i t t i n g /.cal ihf* la<li(.*s h ad worki 'd. I'aich .-tall vvas.care- lu l ly g raded , and th e gixids m ad e a very t^isfeful and e n t i c in g d isp lay . T'hcre wau'C s ta i i s I'or hardwuire, g r o c e ry , mLiluierv, fon- thor.'-,- fancy nepfllework, iay.s, vegetables , f r u i t f l o w e r s , home, produce, a n d a m p le piT- vis ion for obv.aining r e f ro - lu n e n t . T’hi.s la-- t e r was called “ T h e C a ii lo en ,” a n d seldom in­

deed d id a j u v b i t o r u a is llie t e n ip t ic g a r r a y

on Sun- T . ' H nil,

t i r m ig -eriinm>. He nui- dcred tin* l ,iian> at nivuning service wiMi niarke^l express ion , a n d if it was u-iiaHy re- peatciJ ps v'-ell congregali '.uis W' uld have no c a m 'll to r i - o m id .u u t .

l l d A n ; FHOM T H B I- H n N T . 1 ran k H opr. A.h.C.. son ot Mr. am i Mrs, W il iu u n fb.'jje, h.l- b ‘cn hom e <;n leave the tiont.a l t e r hr-in;; out over a y e a r and a ha lf . Ho lias had considcrah ie e.\))crienL*<-‘ a t A']'rc.-. ..iml o th e r pla<-'’s. He r e tu rn e d on T h u i - d a y . P r i v a t e W . l uHer. a tm il ie r local lad , c.'ame liouii* troni I lie I m ni on 'l iic-d.iv. Serg'-ant \V. H . M m ver amt P r iv a te 1 rank I ullei liave a l-o been home for a - lo i i t t ime. .Mr. and Ml-. I b ’pc h ave two mci'e .-oils who ing tb

A S K ld 't fM E H * )Al Iv. - Pri val e. Ib-giiKtM; Jiilies. h’oyal Sussex, an ,l (kirpYual F. W es-i tcm. H.l‘'..-\.. a re lx)th enjoy ing a sliorL respite f rom th e \V estern F ro n t .

P K l S O N B l i O F W'Ai: IN G F H M A N V . - M r. Tra.vton B ckiUi , of .High-'?treel, i^oberts- br idge, h a s reeo!ve<i a. iiosicard from hiri son, l^rivafe N'cwtou UiKith. Ibiyal AVest. Kent Ib 'g i tuenf , p rev ious ly rcp<uted m iss ing , th a t he is unw on n d ed a n d »i pi Doner of war.

A N O T H E H L A S T A E T V . - M r s . W . SU-tip. of P r in c e -Vlbeit-terra(.-e, h a s received news t h a f h e r hnsla ind . Lance-Corpoi-al Slone, Ib m ie ( ’om it ios H..E., lia.s bt>cn w ounded l*y g u n sh o t in tin* n g lB a r m , and is in ln » p i ta l a I Ala m b c?'I e !•, 1 >a nce-(^orpora 1 .Si one, \vh<»was Tni’v iouslv in Hip. H u -sa rs . wa- a Ive.-eivi.-t. at tlu* b eg in n in g of the W ar . and was cal led up , going o u t to P ra n c e in .\]>iil, 1015. He h<is twice been I'omo on lea^'c. P r io r to the. o u tb rea l : of w a r hp ua.*. in ti>e e inplovineiit of A1es-r.-. J avIih Stenningi an d Son , t imliei' merchant.- , Jb ibert sbridge. He i- i h e eldest -on of M r. (> li\er Siono, ui MouiUiield.

1 A'l M IN ES.alu>c*al from Bat.He

, sk i l led g|vp^'^n m in c l In, 1 lie oL-riployers suh-j

-i on ly na |s tkl (' 2 , a n d 1

j ro m th e i joya l E n - 1

giiieers as fuixlically unfit. . j'!’ti(* Dn-ai 'i’r i b im a ’ -aiij I hp! m an was on-j

ga'ged m t i a m m in g , an d d. was d o u b t fu l i t ; h is wh 'du t in t ' ' wa*- <‘iigaged in tho m ine . 1

tiy AH’- h • W- Abu'gan, &o| ic i lo r , ’ H ast ings , l o r t h e em ployers Ijodie w*ent haek to the m ines a f t e r bt ing d i sch arg ed i r o m th e l ioyal l-liiirineers. 'I'Ik ' i i ’u n in i ln g w ork w as as m uch 7 kll!ed ius llie m in e r s ’ w<uk. At. p re­se n t he was engaged in m in ing . H e had been a m in e r fo r i4 years .

B o d le produeial a m edical cer t if icate f ro m D r. K en d a l l . His eyes ig h t was defective . TJ.o gave h is whole t im e (o t h e g y p su m m ines. H e liad so m e land of h i s own, which h e evorked on n ig h t s a n d m orn ings . Ho b a d cows a n d n m d e butUu*.

Air. H. \Ak K e m p , m a n a g e r a n d sec re ta ry of t h e (dypsum M ines, gave evidence as to the q u a u t i t v of g y p su m fro m t h e m in es each Wfadv'. I t w a s . used fo r p la s te r o f Pa r i s , im m u re , a n d in F o r t i a n d cem en t . In a r t i ­ficial m a n u re s i t was UKod as a d r ie r . I t was akso app lied d i rec t to the land . They .supplieA.1 K ent , ■ S u r re y , a n d »Suc,sux w ith gypsum . I t was used ex tens ive ly in p las te rs , and they had m i l i t a r y a n d naval o rd e rs for d o ck y ard s a n d cam ps, and iu re g a rd to b u i ld ­ing (Ottages for m en emph^yed in a new ain. cru! 1. fac to ry . Two p e r cent, of g ypsum Wits a lw ays p u t in I ’o rU and cem ent.

M r. Alorgan ])rodnced a l e t te r f ro m the M in i s t iv of M uii i t ious , w r i t te n in Bep- teml.-)cr, a^ki^lg for an a n a ly s is of tho gyps 11 m.

By th e C h a i r m a n —-W hen Bodle c a m e back f ro m th e A rm y he w e n t un t ram ^ i in g . He a lso d id b las ting .

B y Mr. M organ—T h e effect if Bodle went would be to reduce t h e o u tp u t . I t lyas diffi­c u l t to ge l orcUnai’v la lx ju rers io go dowui a m ine .

B y ihe C h a i n n a n - - T h c o t h e r m in e rs took t u r n s at traii ii i iing.

ii.v Ificul.- ikilonel P a p i l lo n — T r a m m in g wa.s very heavy work.

T'he G h a in m m sa id t h a l if t h e Alin is try of A lun i tions considered g-ypsum so im p o r ta n t they could keo)) t h e m a n on there-

Ail. H . AV. K em p said th e gy p su m was p ra c t ic a l ly a l l used fo r G o v e rn m en t work 2no p r i v a t e h o u ses ,w ere l>eing b u i l t .

T h e ( ’b a i r n i a n sai<l t h a t if t lie G overn ­m e n t th o u g h t i t so i m p o r t a n t t liey h ad only to r-a.v t h a t tho m an should s to p there .

Mr. M organ sa id t h a t th e m in es h a d lost ' a. n u m b e r of men who had jo ined up . .

.By Atajur G r a n t h a m —T’ra m m in g was no t a rort i t ied o ccu p a t io n . T.'liey h a d 2 2 m en em- ployc<l below g ro u m l a n d 40 alcove. T'hey (X)uld no t got Hie inon above g ro u n d io go dow’u below. T h e wages w ere b e t t e r dowui below g ro u n d . AATien B<i<lle was serv’iug in Hio A rm y th e y h ad n o t lost so m a n y men.

'I'he ap p ea l was allow‘ed. T h re e months* co n d i t io n a l cxempliAm wuis given.

A W E S T F I E L D B A K E R .T'ho A'.aso of AA*. R. A rcher , b a k e r , 20, of

AVp7 tfiel<l, was a n -a p p l ic a t io n b.v th e m il i tu ry 1*ir review.

.Archer sa id h e wuls passed (• T, a n d was I ' in g le . H e had six w i th h im self , in c lu d in g

d r iv e l two ^i^te^s a n d a lad.Afajor G r a n t h a m asked fo r a t im e l im i t ,

j Bv th e (T ia i rm a u —A rc h e r h a d bi^ugUt a I business a t Tell iam ., ]?(*du< ed to six m o n th s in place of ^.poiuli-

t iuna l e x e m p t io n w i th o u t a. t im e l im it .T H E A P P E A L T H T B U N A E K I G H T .

AA'itii r e fe rence to T’h o m as J a m e s E r n e s t (Tiin. i iiarkel g a rd en e r . Afajor G r a n t h a m ‘•ailed t h a t a t t h e p rev ious s iU in g la n 4ippeal by th e e m p lo y e r wa,J dusmissed. certific'ute lui-d b»K*n g ra n te d by th e Agric.ull u i a l E x e c u ­t iv e ( . 'ommittee , but w h e n , th e fact-s h a d been <*xplaincd to tb<* C o m m it te e by tlie M i l i ta ry I’e p rc -en ta l ive t h e cert if icate was w i th d ra w n , and th e nia.n was I’cleased fo r service.

'I’lie < T ia in n a n —Th ey t h i n k wo a r e r igh t r M ajor < r ran t l iau i • A'es. sii'.’I'he C iia iruu in ( . s m i l in g ^ -T h a t is very

s a ! isKiv'lorv.

()'*ra. ortab!'; a*:U Durat'!''* py.lAtilAS ui orfiam. W:n^*- ctl? Porkef/'-. Cx/Mar, Cn&St

trimui'^1 Pink aii<l Blue., i-.il Pri'.-o, 7pl.

Dainty CAMISOLE, trttnmcd and ribbon, S.-’ll},

Very finf* quality stockiftreitt^ XNICKER, fie<>cy lin^, iu all colours. Splcn-iid Y alue* 3/6**


Sper.iaJ T.itieTan, FJeTL*r,

Suei . Gjor««. a.ibd Gicy. 2. 1*,

C H O I C E S E L E C T I O N IN N E C K W E A R .

Tic 7erv «.wle in Hea^jCrPTie'de Chin© tyoues.

Special Pnc'.:, 17,11.


Fine <Tuality Craaan 'Wii>cerett« NIGHTDRESS., trimmed ^ril^

©Tnt'Toidsrod sflt. To-day’fi vahift, 911.

fcpeuial Price, 6 /ll«

Dajr.ty N<sfc FTGHU rn and Lace-

r« i«

. r*<X’.ial shenr cf Daiutr Lar^. .'tad Cirtn*© d© Ghuie

Bl'ms.-’e.. A.q c#tt dt*eicTT.'. WTp/krful Viihic-

Black Ga*hiEiare H O SE . SpecinJ wid© tops, dnnbl© sukcftd t''*'* a.nd \Wi: worth ?/il.

P©r Pair, 1/11*,

A rtific ia l Sillc S O A R Y 'E S .’TOk>IVT#i.

R©markabl© ValiL“ . 1T1L SroclaJ ranco of etripgd art fl- r ia l S i l k ‘S C A R V E S , in a ll

newest shades, 6^ 1 .

T Vi


i n K.''!' T lv \D E b .M £ .V .


( lose 7 o ’clock S a l im lay s . P r o p r i e t o r ; E D W A K D E O G E R S .

I 1

■\ M lting of liiinnl fo r liio Wediiesda.v i i ionm i tin;.;'-. .Major U.. L.

Hio Pa:?f Sir^.se.v .‘\i>po;il ’I'ri- I'ki.'lciM District , was licKI on

a t I lie 'i’own H a i l , T luu-nton, iJivsiUcd,

d<-■ir i'it

P A L L IN G T O N .V\()t NiH-!!:. I’rivHt.! -I. Dalhiwa, ' . <*f I he

Au.srrali-»u I m i r r i a l 1 u r r . i- j- 'i^irlcd wouti- d e d .

(iN l , r . \V I . - (I' l'Mier II. .M .b d rn ami 1 ,a n< ('-<'o' pi IiM.. . I-ih'M> ( lb »\a 1 Su>.-oxj have been <ei Jvav

W m S ' I ’ DhH\ i;. \ '.Hii.-i d r ive a r r a u g 'dUv il.,. ' ftmuiH I'-**. Mv«^-r,-. d. M.ev.c»ii, ju u . . An . .1 . I’u^:-cll. \ \ . d. I 'cp inr . aiul V. -I. A*.ik, w ,i •. lu'ld in t h f (»1.| Schoid (Ui AS <mIue>.ija \ t veiling. I>e--p.li' the «!ark in^lemeni nigli l ••■onu’ •■‘I pla.ver.- i<M*k pari in ihe. ]«? oe^ - l mg-. 'I'he jirize ' 'viniK’' - vvepe. l a ld ’o- -Dl, Al'k.r* Heplc 2 inl M o- difeks«in. G enllen ien I-I M’ . I . W h ite . 2nd M'-. t'liflviril K«'ele_\. Mr* . ! 'a 1 k ‘*n-tei n ])re-e!ited. ‘ lie and

j 1 he I’riveerKl- uiU be given, di Da '! 1 iiigt(.m “ tli ir j Dviy’' b u n d lor the h’*'d Fro-.-.

w k s ! t :v \ n II a HVi-:si ' t h \ n k s g i a '-IN(r. 'The iiiinual - e i ’ it-A’s cu I ban k-giv ing

rjud i V'ei’e liei'] «>u Suiiilay. I.lie '.•ha]t<'’! vvij*- Ip'^tu- t i f u I ly <1*.M <»ra ie<l by d f - . Boiith and lad:

S A L E H U R S T .P A R I S H Y O U \ ( ' l l . - M r . I.. .1. Ikil.o

ine^ idcd o v e r tb: q u a r te r ly ;ii*v>tiug on jT'uef-tluv, 7>ui)porii^l by Me^;^^-. \ \ ‘.i ters. T\ |J . B arnes . ]•'. H i ld e r , a n d d. M fw r t t an i i A. \A'. Siuif.s (c le rk ' . 'J'ho only bu'-ines'^j was in eonncciioii w i th .Allotinenls in |F a i r IHeld. Mr. Hodron re.i>uited i h a t ^^e^■'^^. i l . t ' . B u r i ’a and Ib inh tp . the- bnlv- ( ‘oy;iiuit ttm u]»iH>inletl by Hu- ( 'e u u tv Foun- « il with M r. in g r . im , land agen t , hud V ic\ve<l th e proj)f»'-ed "ite en S a t u n l a ; . d 'hey had a.l.so v is i ted a i io t lu 'r sugge-ied - i te in r.itHe Bui) F ie ld , and. in q u ired ilMuit ttm .Alloimeuts fo rm c r lv lei b \ t h e la te Mr. AA . I,, ( ’h r i s t ie on th<‘ Hug’->eli Ik-taie, and wiail'! ivport In Hit' t*t>urt.v < niiueil at the next ’le.eeHng nt tin- Sm all Holdin'g.-> aU'l A)h*t- Tuents ( ’t)i 11 nii11e<’‘. A discn-;sinn «>n-.ued. in u h le h if w IS fell Hial it \ ' a - rn iub bell i '! to -e ’;ee: -ueli a fi'*bl tlmn a b ieger nie*. (hat tl)t^ d em an d v.nuhl be g re a te r th a n Hie unm'- b e r who iuid alread.v given in t h e i r names, iwj 'lve. ;ind Hial suflieient r^*nt wonl,] b-;. eharge .l to i lei l a v e.xiieiises iuvolvcil in * h ir - ing.

WAR AfiRlCULTURE.; o :--------

EAS'h ^ l :^S K X E X F d 'U T lA 'i ; M ) M A U 'm : K .

S U T M H S O!’’ h 'F H T I I T S F h ’S.

I lie e. .iig'a gat.imi, a u<| I h lug.s - .1 f r u i ' . flower- ami W a- a hi rge entigr^.gal i Ui i col 1 M I inn- w e^e I M a el m|( >tt \'v e-dne-dav ' here

’ n;j t hr

re were m any nfi - r-Vt'gelahle-, T lo ' ie

a I lie evening. T’lm t he T'rusl I' iind".

'V a . a

M r bb H . Ih d e sent an imiMutantof HmSuppl le<U tlie Du''tri«'lnanviis,-. a.s l.irtlu ' d is t r ie t in t 1 i>ei r upplies H is }>oin1 ed I (ip.i l m a n u rc - <l II r ing

’I.'h(' m ,!<r«K-ee(lI und.

I'll! hi ren sang ■t ;‘i.l Ue-, V, ei' . jlie lagh i irig .

ami icfileto b i . a ihI ' hnd Clea tun

E T C H IN G H A M .‘ I ' l l A - Y K S . M r - . U oi>l> in r .i S »u f i c s i r o 1.i

l l i i i i i k t l 'c H ' i i i a o v I n c n d s . to r q-icot k in d iK - s s .^ lioH ii l l i c i u ( lu i u iy : M r . W c l ih ' . , |o ri;r i in . lu a i i Y i i l I l i n c r - , iH id l l u i r s u l ' - r ( | i io i i l . >;k 1 ls - r c ; iM ’i.n p n t , -u ii l t o r t l . j \ r c i - - c i j l .

| ' K ! Y \ T U r . W ATKIN'S . In - ni report >lalc,i I Im I . ■■ I’l r, a; c I . M as a I la' Iicd 11 > f ln' m otor Ichcr Is I nmt l-.p h l i ichau i ,

I lie Roja] SMss^.^ ' —

I a si, w e. -1\ 11 w .1 ■W atk in s , ol^ 15,^0.'’ I ra n . 'i iorl . 'I'h — .-i ami i.- allaelipti l<

( I M ; | ; \ I . d I' MR. . lO IIN HKAD.Tue-ila.v llie Inntrta l Inol-, place cif Mr. H ead , lale ol th e pari.sh ol Kltli i no|i,i n.




p u c s F L £ A .S » L O T

TSno»p y e r y -

•sp. K \e . ‘i i t i \ e (Iftiee!. lm.s e 'lmiunnK-ation on hpha lf

Ud-t Sijsse,\ . \e r ie n l t iiral ITAceiitivc*; Snh-*'omnii I K-e t“ Ihe sr-efelat tes

<'o inm it lees askinp; I hem lo as pos.>iih!e e.\eiv f a rm e r tn

,t<lei t,i indiiep them lo ol>l.itu ol lei- l i l ' -ers im media I el.v.

Ill lliat slip-plies of Ihe p m i- ,ire eNlvemel.v s i a r e ' ami

ItlMl" p'-tlie llieie will he I lie.......... lltl ielll tles in seciir iiio ailer|ll»le

' i ;ppl;e-a mil onl.v lieean-e oj t lo ‘ sliorl.ipe of e r i l . i in fet I i l i s e i I m l iieiaiisi- al Dial i>eiio,l of III" y e a r there will lie siie.li eoiip ' . ' l ion al Ihe w orks t h a t il wiM he inijios.-dh'ie fur the m ak e rs lo ileal wit.h th e ori le is . 'I'lio resii',i, will he- Dial fa rm e rs wlm have ne;.:leele(l In tei-iire t l io ir supp l ies will not ohlai i i them - iilheienllv eart.v to ap p ly th em to Ihe x a rm n s prop... a n d ih e l ia r \e s l of P IS will i orres- poTplinglv .siill'er-

T h e Siijiplies S'ih-< nn in i iU re a re \ e ’,y s t ro n e lv OI I h e o p in i o p th a t Ihe food prodiie- linii 7 :om the evistinr; a r i h l e land la i i he pi e a l lv inei-e.iseil il ru i ta h le ferl ih.ser,- a re enijilo'yeil. H is most iinport.uiL lo r l . i r m r i s to i-ea'hse thill in Diis way a. s'real i n e n a s e of tnoil iiia.v he ohiaineil w i thon i ii,ii\ preat. e x p en d i l i i r e ol lahonr . ,\ . i “pa ri|s sn lp h a le of amfnoin.i . nriler.s should he placed at onee if supp l ies a re to he -eeu ied in Ihist Si-se.x.

I’olassir t i r t i l i - e f s . w hi i l i in iii.'iiif ilisiriel.s a re u roe ii t ly iicerled itiee k a in d has h.-en I i i ioblaniahie sim e He- eoiiuaem enieiil of the Wav, I an on ly he siijrplied th rough Hie Sii |ip lies Suh-t oin.mitlee. T he Siip |i l ies f'lih- I '-uiimiftee Iritsl th a t I 'very f a rm e r who e.v- pevieiires d i lheuHy iti see.iii iuj,' supp l ies ol fe r t i l is e rs will i mmed lately in lorru th em . Hill fo r 111' e \ t r i n i e ui'oem-y o f-H im addi- lioniil work whieli the D is t i iH I ' . imiuiHees a re now hi-iti^ .iskeil to ilo, t hr' Siijiplu 's Suh- I'oi.nmittt'i Would he.~ii.ile lo iiiak.' sueli a ir-qiiest. hut ~i.ue' the m a i l e r is of siieli v i ta l in iporta iiee to Ihe (pieslion of food jirodue lion H ip <'niiimi11e«' p o in t <'ul t h a t no work o f {rrealcr i ia t iona l inip'irla.iK-e is-uild ho done at t h e pies.,’nf l inio hv th e pa r ish i-ppresen- hi.tivos I l ian to urRe fa rm e rs to o h ta in su p ­plies imrueiliate lv . T h e Supp l ies Sub-1'i iu- rnitfets also t r u s t t h a t w here possihlo fa ii i ie rs will eo-operate au.I p u re h ase t ru c k h iads r.f eu lp b a te o f a m m o n ia a n d o th e r m in i i r e s in tirdpr tUiiL th e m os t ecciDDtiiic.il use riia.v f'e ma<lo of t i o l im i te d aanount of t r u c k s avaul-


a n d th e re were also pioseiil : Mr. D. M. J h r k e i t , .t.R.. Air. .). .-Vrlarns. ,1 .1 *., Uieuteiiati t- IMIoui'l I ’e lh a in R. J’apiU on, ,1.1’., anti Ylr. 1. .1 . H u g e e t i ; 'with Air. U arn (.aetiug as Seerc ia ry i a n d Ihe Ali l i lary R epfosi 'n ta t ives .

11 U K ST ti R KEN B U T fJ IK K ’S.T h e quest ion of a r e a served by Ij-udesmeii

a ea in eam e up w h eu T r a n k B links , b u leh e r j UV. a-keil loi f u r lh e e t im e as he had on ly a! lad w ith h im to c a r ry on the business- Hd helieveil a ii i ither b u le l ie r jo ined tip I b a t iiiOri'iiie. He (Mr. B l i i i ’hst was Jiassed B]., T Ikto were j-io o lhei ' b u tch e rs iu H u r s t (Jreoif Iinw. TlierC! was ouc al; K teh ii ioham a'lil th e re were llirou a t J I a w k h u i s t ; nolle a t I'lin-iW I'll. T he Mteli iugUam one would be ibe ueaiTest it he eloseil.

.!;’>• M ajo r ( i r a n t l i a n i—'I'lie olhoi' l iu te lier lia,d m ade .some a r ra i ig c m e u ls for h is business lo be ('arrii'ri on.

'f lip t 'h a i r in a i i .said lii.s im press ion had been t h a t the o th e r h u lc h c r had closed ami that, if a p p l i c a n t wi'iil, awa.v tho n e a re s t bi i ie lier would be (wo inile.s awa.v.

.Applicant, e x p la in ed th a l in a n sw e r in e as he, had ilonu ho th o u g h t Iho T r ib u n a l was a.s-iiiniu" Iba t if the othei- b u le l ie r a n d he but h elo~ed the neai'i'sl would Ir- al B tehm g- iiam,

'f'.'j rijiori. on tin ' I.-it tfcecmber.H t l l T T tJR iiK N BLM LUi:i ; . '

.A H iir- t ( ireen b u i ld e r , ('. H. I 'a r ley . 10, oiiK iiially re jeeted, su b seq u e n t ly pas.-eil B l , and now I't*. a |)plied. lie .was n ia r r io d am i bail fo u r e li ih lr ' 'n ami lii.s wife wa-~ in ileli- ea le l iea lfh. He s ta le d he was a h n i ld e r an d ;;i'.neral r e n a in r in a d i s t r ic t of a. ra ii ius of Ih iee lo lo u r nide.-- I rfun H u rs t ( i reeu .■ Hy Mr. D.iveiiporl .)iine>, s id ie i tor , Ha.s-

liiiS:'. ;wh'i repre:o-n h'd a p p l i e a n i—Ho now enqilo'. i d l i \e uu'ii. Iw'lorp (ho AA’a.r ho om- pl.' jeil Iw e h e . Ho h i m s e l f did b r ick lay in g . 'I’li' i e I 'a s p h ' id y of work , chiefly rep a i r in g , ami w.iler .-iippl.l b., i'arni,~, e(e. .Up was also r"pai ing e li im neys and roofs.

By the < U a in n an - 'I’lievo was on ly one olli.-'r johiiing b u i ld e r a t H u r s t Green- 'T h e r ewa. s one b u i ld e r at K le l i ingham , wlio e m ­ployed aliiiiit the .~.;mo, n u m b e r of men as a iqd iea t i l .

By Air. I>aleiipoll Jo u es -.Applicant h a d Irii-rl lo sell h is business, f ie .siilTeretl f rom heart t rouli le and had ,i eei 'l lHeate tro-m Atr.

i t 'c e l l ( l ir is loplie rson, wlio wa.s in charge of niaii.y v oiimled sohli-'i--.

Ity Alajoi- ( f ran l l i i im -The. l a in t in g tits only la - led hall o r t h r e e - q u a r t e r s of an h o u r ; - u m ' l i n v ' s longer .i 1. nig'lil. He had Ciicm lu . i .i.r th ree tii iies a week. H e did mil doa ll, I riordin.ii' .v ani uml. of lad d e r work, l ie had had a p ln n ib e r In-lpinjf h im for a b o u t l liree weeks.; the jiluuibci ' h a d helfieil h im lictore.

Alajor G r a n t h a m asked w Ii.v a p j i l ie an t jire- \ i i iU 'iy gave th e n u m b e r ot th re e m en as em ployed bj l " m , a n d apparen tl .v forgot iho

tlie I'lrni.■--He v.a.s n o t w o rk in g fo r me

11>pi n inlier

Air. T arh 'v Ihell,

.A p)ilii aid ;one p l ' in ibe r , lo u r o th e rs , weld ilown w

-aid ids sla.tf now eonsisteil of wlio.se nam e was Russell , a n d

Kuss-'ll o r one »'f tlo ' o th e r s ells when i t was neees.sarv.

;o down well.-. * sa id he th o u g h t appli- e.'.eniption bolore. largel.v he h ad to a.t tend to deep

.Ajnilie.int did iiol iMa ior Gi a id ' la in

cant hail a;d,e.i dll-O’l life gl-oiiud tll.it '.veils dll' farmer-..

.AnplieanI saiil I f rli I jki( th in k he had niaili' Hie - uggesi ion.

Alajni- G r i in lh a m - nggested l l i a t - t l i e wells n e i ’f' a " vvasli-iiid..." (t 'onHiii iing'i—A-Vho is Ihe |v;-r~iin wlei al lipids (o the deep wells f

.Agipli'.-lid - AA'ell, 1 suppose (he.v would lia' e^d i get - 'inelMuly t r'-im awa.v.

1 a n e v .'i.iiil h" had t r ied several m en round I” see it Ihey eiiiild c a r ry on h is biisi- III ~s wiili Ihe help of h is wife, or if Hiev woiilil buy d , b u t lliey alisolulel.y re jected I ’ll' Sllgge-IMII-

Tlio ' r r ib u i ia l gave fou r m on ths .

i i

‘A n Apple a day keeps the

Doctor away

I t ;’ H E R E i s n o b e t t e r p r e s c r i p t i o n f o r g o o d h e a l t h t h a n o u r j u i c y E n g l i s h a p p l e s a n d B I R D ’S C u s t a r d .

E v e r y b o d y - s h o u l d e n j o y t h i s p e r f e c t f o o d c o m b i n a t i o n , d u r i n g t h e s e a u t u m n w e e k s w h i l e a p p l e s a r c s o c h e a p .

A p p l e s b r i n g c l e a r s k i n s , b r i g h t e y e s a n d h e a l t h y c o m p l e x i o n s . B i r d ’s C u s t a r d s u p p l i e s t h e a l l - e s s e n t i a l n o u r i s h m e n t w h i c h a p p l e s l a c k , a n d m a k e s t h e m p e r f e c t l y d i g e s t i b l e f o r y o u n g a n d o l d ; w i t h o u t B I R D ’S C u s t a r d t h e ' - a p p l e g o o d n e s s i'’ l a r g e l y l o s t .

H e r e ’s a n e w n o tio n fo r b a k e d a p p les !T a k e 6 g o o d C o o k in g A p p le s . A l i t t l e R a s p b e r r y J a m . K p ln t o f B I R D ’S C u s ta r d .

Peel the apples, keep them whole but remove the cores. R o ll up an apple paring and plane in the hole in each .nppic. Take a deep pie dish, put in the apples, adding a iaU.->poo!iful of cold water. Cx'xer •with another dish to keep in the steam, and bake m iiii Jcntlcr for about y j ininute>«.

l're,>arc i-pint of B I R O'S C U S 1'A R D ; lift the apples carefully on to a hot dish I take out ihrf apple parii’ *;, f il in g the h o Ie\\i:h raspberry jam . Then pour over the B ird's Cu>iard und serve the whole piping hot.

S te w e d or b a k e d a p p les n e e d no su g a r i f se rved w ith

i r d s

N u t r i t i o u s . G u s t a r d .In pkis, boxes and large tins.


i i 1“


t h e N e r v e sT O - D A Y , w h e n n e r v e s

a re r a c k e d b e y o n d e n ­d u r a n c e — w h e n w o r r y a n d o v e i w o r k a re t a k i n g a heavy* t o l l— a t o n i c a n d s t r e n g t h e n e r is. nAore t h a n e v er , n e e d e d . N o th in g so su r e ly m e e t s t h e n e e d . o r i s s o p e r m a n e n t in t h e goo d it d e e s , a s H a l l ’s W in e .C o u n t le s s n u m b e r s b a v e 'b e e n h e lp e d to s t r e n g th a n d e n e rg y — le t i t h e lp y o u a s well.




Y lie S u p r e m e R e s t o r a t i v eE x t r a L a r g e S ize, 4 / 6

S m a t lc r S iz e . 2/9

0 / W ins Jderckants, liesnsed Croesrs, de. Stephen Satth * C a .. Ltd., Bev. Ltmdoci, E . 8


M I L I T A R Y B O O K S «>f a i l do&sriptiane now in s ^ c k a t F . J . P a rso n s , LttJ., “ O b a e r re r” 0 £ a e , E eu t in g * .

To-dayYou m ust feed the b irds well if you want eggs, w ithout eggs you cannot m ake a profit. Experienced poultry- keepers . use “ COCK

O’ THE WALK” Laying Meal because it gets the eggs and

m akes profits possible*

" C O C K O ’ T H E W A L K ”

p r o d u c e s l a r g e r i c h - y o lk e d e g g s w h e n a ll o t h e r fo o d s fa i l . B e in g

v e r y - e c o n o m i c a l in u s e . i t is t h e c h e a p e s t p o u l t r y fo o d o n t h e

m a r k e t .

'FEEDING FOR SUCCESS and Samples are post free.



6, RYE, Sussox.l

Page 4: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE

5 ^ ’

i !

.? *


■VIg: > ■ I

r «;• •






!t r i i - ’

t :t n

Ilf*?{ f'y



.A uction Sales.

Mr . WALTER PARKS,P . A . S . I . , F . A . U

O f th « la te F irm o f W ooi>h \ i is , Son, An> P abks, estab lished a t address below in


A u c t t o n e e r . v a l u e k .. s t j u v e t o b . EANT> A G E N T .




VALTTATTONS O F F R O P R R T T for llort|ra4re. Purposes or E s ta te D u ty , V alua­tio n s of F u rn itu re .

K eal E sta te ,

f l A i S ^ N a S O B S E R V E R S A T U R D A Y , O C T 6 B ^ * 20 , ^ 9 1 ^

Auction a s

P E E C T W OODHAMS, F .S .I ., F .A I.M M ^ S WOODHAMS & SON,(C*f tihe la te firm rtf W oodham s, Son, and

P arks).E stab lished 1860.



LEPHONE No 37 B a ttle .T elegeams : "WooPHAMS.” B attlb.

SALES B Y A UCTION of F u rn i tu re , o r o ther Effects.

e s t a t e s o r . S iN O l.E P R O P E R T IE S 0arefu lly m anaijed and R en ts collected.

SURVEY'S for D ilap idations or R epairs.IN SU R A N C E S of a ll k inds effected.

A G R IC U L T U R A L WORK' OK A LL K IN D S SP E C IA L ISE D I N . __________

S h o rt Notice of Sale.TU ESD A Y . OCTOBER I'.ntli. 1017.

“ T H E SCKAYS.” W H A T L IN G T O N (M r. R ound's Sliopi.

• -APITAL four-wheel Van, lig h t Dung

Auction S ^ es .

Carl, Hand T ruck, Haruesso.s, L adder,! W iWire N ettin g , Haud 'lool:,,

60 H E \ D O F R O r i . T K Y ,ASd su m lry iniloor a d d o u tdoor effects,


MR WALTER PARKSHs.<) roc<^ivpH i nsl ruotitin-:: to SR M - T^VAT’CTFON on Ibo alv'*vt* promises and da te f o r Mr. .1. tf. P o m id . iv'lio tuc: disposcfl of h i s gr.ioeT-r b usiness lo Mr. T. .1, ('ollin.^,

\ T I.3fi R R K .r ' lS E M - Onta logues can dc o lu a m e d at the place of

sa le or .it Hie .Auc(ioncci 's (>flicOR. .'il, ILivo- loeli-road. H:>..,tings.

P re lim in a ry .Anuouucemenl of Sale.Y H E FR E E H O L D PROPERTY '.“s itu a te at

N IN TTELD , SUSSEX.C om prising


8 Sots o f S ta 'd ing , Poultry R uns. Pigger.v. 2 Orchard.s, 3 Paddcck.= , in .all f t acres, w ith w ate r from the m ain auppl.v, w-hich

MR. WALTER PARKSH ae received in.structions from Air. Sm ith to BELT, BY AUCTION , a t th e D EV O N SH IR E H O T E L. B E X U IL L ,

F u ll p articu la rs will he annoulxced in due eoui'se.

A uction Offices: 61, H avelock-road, H ast- iage.


f j l O BE L E 'r. Fu rn ished , for 1-2 month.;.charm ing Residence, dcliglitfiilK- situa te ,

•o tnprising 4 bedrooms, m aid 's rixim. b.ath- room , 3 reception-rooms, billiard-room , and

food domestic offices. G arage and stabling.Iverv convenience.- -.Apply for full p a rticu ­

la r s to Ylr. W alter P ark s , ,')1, Ilavelock-road, H astings.




O C T O B E R .2 4 th , I!>tT.U P P E R H E M M I N O F O E D F A R M .

B A T T l.E .Two miles I roiu B altic and Tliree front

S i . lo-uiards.T H E < API r.Al, H E R D of

1> U R X C(A\VS AND H E IFF /R i! , a ll lug tiallies, a n d , deep milker.s, w i th

c r l f al fool . , in calf, aiul in profit.11 JA 'ST Y YOUNT.- U E H ’E R S A N D

S T E E R S ,G^>0D r e d L I N t O E N B I EI.. 2 vears old,

3 ( a !;t vm k s k s ,IM>NV GFA.DW r,^

« \ ( n r \ l > M lU v p (A ll. Mmvinj' Maidii,fo>N. Hoy 'i'edfltM,1 i£j R.inp. Ho^^o H«»ty Milk Viui( liain DnMgo, l>rivinij, (^hioileT'. C’h a m aiKl M )\vin4; llarno.sso:'. T*r>n\ f ! hrTiost , ( ob-.^ize . I'oe.'H-'. f*onv ( ' a i t . Ptitr ( 'a r t , ("ornRiapini^ Machine. Two Soi> Qiiodor Hanios.",

N.'t \ \ Hiirne-^f, Hin.-wlioal Sn.t'.'OX-'(ip C a r l . Uiiiff (h i t te r . Rout

I ino'orvr. J).Yrim < ream Soparn tor , J l a lh - l.rid-nvov and Harrel ( b u r n . B u t le r

>rke», Railvviiv ('biivn--, ^TMi\ (.kDilev, and

D Y E R S t C A L L A W A YS. BERTR.VM: D Y i Ir , F .A .I A. W. CtAJvLAWAYX F .A .l.

(Agents to the Official; R eceiver in B ank i uptcyi).



AUCTION' SALES of c.verv description. EX PU IM ’ V .U T IE R S for 'all purpose,;.

ESTA 'rES JlANAGET). Rents Collected. PR O PER TY ' R E G IS T E R and M AP (gratis).


(Telephone 661),66. MOUNT ROAD, CLIV E VAI.E.

Auction Sales.

M E S S R S . D A W S O N & H A R D E N(E. H . flAKDilN, I'.A.T.) ,,

A u c t i o n e e r s , h o e s e a n d e s t a t eAGEN'l'S. V A l.PE R S , A SURA EY O R s.

48, M A RlN .^,ST. L E O N A R D S -O N SEA.

Tedephono 19.v.IT U bli- ihed O 'e r 80 years .

of Mirs Pori-op


Have recei'c'd iii;-triicl mns I ' SE I.t. BY a u c t i o n . a(, the t'A S" U HOTEI,,HASTI m ; s . oil TUESD AY , NOVEM BER 1.3th, 101 r, (he following

F r e k m o i .d a n d i .e ' s u i m i . n p n o .P E R T IE S : 0 Oa Ob. 10, 10a, 101

CASTEKDOWN ,\V U \U K . 0. W ESI G.IKDK.NS, (D, lOAUMANUKI, ROAD, ami 3.1, iH \ s T 1N (,s ' ' ’ T ER R A t E, lo ita-T

Auution tuid E sta te OtKces as above.

11 V A : '\'i ltd).

*p! lancf'.-., 'Uid Kl'ft u hi< h

and liiG Usual a.^sortment r(:-, also a q u a n t i fy oi


i.l. P. W o O D i l A 6 B...1

'Air. K. S. \lilK , in I he ib.^eiice of Mr .1. P.)A .[H'alllallm .>ii M .liMrv Scevite , will kimliv copijticl llie \ui- l inni hacc imc.uv.Nl i i i e ln u - lioki- f rom -ill. .1. H. I’l Ik iiigloii, who is-on M i l i t a iv Servwc, to SKUl, tl)" .XUt 'TU iN , wiilimit leservc, on th e a b o \o Pi 'cmisas a n d Dalte.

The Sale will commence at One. o'clock eh.arn.

tjalaloguos can tio otitained a t . th e Place of i '

A u c t i o n e e r , ami v a l u e r of P ro ­perty for A R B IT R A T IO N . PR O B A TE.






Inventories m ade and checked. Telephone i Hasting.s No. ?!3. Telegram s; ''B ra y , St.

Leonaicls-oii-Sea. 'Also a t B E X n iL L .

Special Lists of P a rticu la rs of HOUSES and FI-.ATS. Best M ap of the Towns.

IN S U R A N C E ^ F ire . Life, Accident, G lass,

Bv O rd e r of I)ie K.vir llaw cs, deceascrl.


D A W S O N ^ H A R D E Nin ■'I rurforl (n S h i . I . A B< M (> ^ .

WET>XF>SI)AV. <v(T(>BKK-:U8 i, d hJ o ’r lo rk ,

A n 'H Q 1' B A M ) A1 n ! > I: i; N 1' I ' u S 1 -T U K K . inr-ludnif’ i ron a.nd u.ulv )>rd-

ist’rvirU an d luvldin^, h lankots . l inon,old lalllitiv an<I o th p r c br*,>-l.-; oi dni.wpi's,Inpr tiililys, wasb^ti inds un<! sot> o| u a rp , tnilol,

roinmiMbv. invnlidN lalilo,drou^^lil s<TtH‘ns. Bims.-sOlN <ind .Vxmin'^lur

j rurpolri, biMirtru^-', bnokts fij’e' 'txs iiri(( foudcfN. ‘ < iis s lovo ’ . (hxnvin^ and d iTnnfr-rt»om suilo>. in

ij 1 I I 'va lnn t nnd malio«;uiy, diniru^r ami < k'-c as i<-» mi I ” ‘ ! 1 alde>, walnrd ami inarli li '- top o.hrffoiiinr,

)>ooku;L<(i‘s. am i about I.V) v,d«s. of p ianofo r lo by B ioa i luood . in

rw^owiK^d <a'-o, Yvludnot.-,. unlic}iu*. sucrolairc* rh r^ l of tlf'awors, I 'knly (i'iM)r^;ian n d la r e t t n , in a rb b '- lo p ivalnui hiidf lablo, obi oak c o r n r r cup}v»ard. Siboraton o a id lablp, a jVw m n a - uuMils, fo u r u'atr.r radours liv Borrow. N-ow Zoaland an<l oilu*r o u r i iv , MU’viur* of (ablo ( b i n a and gla.^s, tdocl ro-plalo, a n d o i l ie r

(in V'iow Day P r i o r lo Sale.( 'atakijjuos at iS, M arina, Si. BeonarHi>-on-


S-\ LE.

W ar and Servants.

B om bardm ent, and Domestic

oi .\if'ri.>r>. E, linNf ; nr ai i bo ii is?lm<.i 1 ool. Ha 11 lo.

'[k.d'-'vdiono ; Lkitlio

Mills and Sou, Sarub Auclioneei^ ' (Offices



(,T. P. W O n u i I A M S i

W ILL H.vld the ir YlARb'U'l' on the

riM rrN iG H T i.Y .'iliovo da te , which

" i l l inc lude the usual .>;up!'li o f : - -U.AT \ .\ D .STi.KK BK.'.Sl' (.special provi­

sion to r the l.itle r',DAIRY COWS AND HETFEKS,UA'l' .SND srO R K .^Ill.K P A M ) LAMBS. CAT AND .STORK. PIG S,Se\ er.i I Pen- c PK I \1K K.Vl' .SHEEP, UAt.A KS, P( )U I .IR. Y. ■ Some Light and

S p « klcd Sii-^i'v ( -a keivls.AI.S.1 -lime Ksefiil T ilO l.S .Tile Sale will coinm eiue at II o'clock sharp ,

and t liciiU- arc piiiGculai'H lequested, as the ila.vs arc getting shorter. In see tha t Strsek'is in the M arket ami penned bv 10.30 to ensure the Sale s ta rlin g piiiu'l iiallv.

.NOTH..- H orse- cannot be o ffered-for Sale 111 the M arket miles-- th e Ow ner h as first ublainrv] a licence.

.Aticli.iu Offices: 27, H igh-sfroet, B attle .. Telephone: B attle 37.

R E E V E & F 9 N NH IG H S't'RKKT. RYK. SUSSEX, and


A u c t i o n k k r s . l a n d , iio t t sk a n dESTATE AGEN TS. 'TEN AN T R IG H T

A N D TIM BI; R V A lA,' E RS.E sta tes and Propi’riy m anaged and R ents

Collected.Valuation.s to r alt purj'OfW's carefully

made. R egister of E sta tes. I'arm.s, Houses ( t 'n fiirn ish ed and I urnislied) kept.


MA.GDALEN ROAD, ST. LEONARDS.- (^n v eu ien t F irs t F loor F lat ; 1 bedroom. I Bitting-room, k itchen , and s'-uller^ ; low ren ta l.

EM M A NU EL ROAD.—Four bedrooms, two reception-rooms, ll.s, per week, inclu.si'e.

BT. M ARGARET'S TERRACE. ST. LEO N ­ARDS.—Five Iiedroom.-, two i-eceptlon, bathroom , etc. U'36 per annum .

DOIVNS ROAD. H ASTIN GS.—Four Ired- rooms, two sitting-room s, bathroom , nice gajden . dC43 p.a.

PRIO RY ROAD.—J u s t re-decorated- Four b ^ ro o m s , two reception-i-ooms, batltroom , k itchen , soullery, garden, conservatory, etc. .£40 p.a.

SM ALL F U R N IS H E D HOUSES and FLATS to lie Jxit.

A pply to M r. W alle r P a rk s , 51, Havelock-|« a d , H astings.

. IN ABOUT 75 LOTS.The O utly ing Portions of the

FA IR L tG H T HALL ESTATE. Covering an area of some


^ H ASTIN GS, ad jo in ing W IN CH ELSEA an d also RYE, and including m edium and •m a il H oldings in, 17 DAIRY', M IX ED AND M ARSHLAND

FARM S, as u n d e r ;—

W arrenW aits.C herrv Gardens. S tonelink.Lower Stoncliiik. 'W akehams. i Maxsltam.Two Sawyers.I n FV irl ight.

E ren rh Court. Knights.Kims.I 'a r te rs .Pinnol.G a te h u r s t .Eun.-ford.In P e tt.

Holl'ords and H arbour in Icklesham .600 ACRES O F MARSH PASTURE

1b large and sm all parcels a t I ’e tt Level and Icklesham .

W OODLANDSo f Mixed T im ber and Underwood.s and


Very m any Ton.; of V aluable


Car cw istructional purpose,; ( home foreign),


w ith early reversions





W IL L hold th e ir iixual .8.VLE in B.YTTLE CA'l-l'LE A K i'T lD N M ARKET on

th e .above date , amJ w ill be plea-etl to receive i particiiliirs of E n trie s in due course.

A u c tio n O'ffii k; ; 27, H ig h -s t re e t . BatUsu

Vor Sale by P rivate T realv.GE ES 1 L l N G.


Cottages, being GrcMor'.- and General Shop and Post (tffice. ad jo in ing Gue.stliiig Green, and let at the low- aggre.gate ren t of £51 12s. per annum .

Apply ; Jam es W oodham - and Son, B attle.


27. SA LlSlH iR Y ROAD.

M R . B R A \W il l S E L L BY AU( T IO N , th e ab.-.vo

F R E E H o UD h o u s e s , ai the DEVON­SH IR E IIO T u e , B E .\H 1L 1^;'.\-.s j ;a .

on W ED N ESD A Y , O C IO B E R 31st, a t 4.30 p.m.

P articu la rs and Conditions in due oour.-e.

72. W A R R IO R SQUARE,S I’. LE', >.N.\ RDS-O.V-SEA.

H IGH LY SUPK.RHM; H o lS E H -o L D F U R N IT U R E AND' G EN ERA L E l-I E d 'S ,

whichM R . J O H N B R A Y

H as rtv'civci-l i.n.sl riiction,-: to SELJ, BY\ y C T in X , on tiu ' pi-viuisPN on 'J'HUKS- U-V \ N ( )V I. M B I’-R Uit, 1917, - comm encing 11.30 a.m . precisely, the' |D X( ELJ.E'.XT .VNI) W LLL-A PP01N T.ED -H i K U .RXl'I't.'RE, com prising: Koiir ALilio- .giinv an-i I'n laid , nl.-o Bra.— .aiul iiniss-

Moiinle:! Bedsteads auil- Bedding, W ire and Jio-x S ;inng , l i a i r and AVool .Mattresses,

Blanket.--, Fine Br, Iroom T oilet W ares, T u r­key .Y.vminster, Bj'U,ssels and o ther (.'arpels, good cpialiiy lyinolciiius. Rug-. Hca rt liriigs and Mat.s, Satinivood. W alnu t, anti o th er Bedroom Suite-, KINK OLD POLE.VRD UiA K SI DHBClAKD'. Bronze, ( 'liina. Glass, anti o th e r O’riialiients. Mahogany and Inlaid B ureau, Dining, S u therland , la —, Occasio-ia 1, H a'I an<r E:iiicy Tables, E.ncpIUmu C hina t ’abiiiet. W alnut Dining-room Suite in LeaDier. W alnut Kranie Draw iiig-i'iv,m Suit,, in Tapp.-try (spring and h a ir stufipip, Oil

lings. V aluable W ater t'ldn iirs and i E ngravings, sp'-oral t a r v o l Wa-’nm Over- D nantels, Eull-Com pass Cottage Piaiiofo'-te lin W'alniit Case, (Ara-iidfa* her CUw'k. i-'iiie Draw ing-rorun and o th e r Clocks. Lined c h in tz . Face and W in ter C u rta in s and W indow Draiicrie.-, B ra-s Eenrlevs an.', E ire Im plonients, C btna. Glass. l.liil.iPry, Kilclien T a'ile . and .Vpi.onitnier.ts.

On View Dav P rio r to and M orning of Sale.

( alivlociies of th e .\iictioneer. 13. Snnlh Colonnade. St. Leonards, and 5, Dcvoiisliiie- place, Be.\hill.



O C T O B E R 2 t th . -S 'J 'K E E T KAR.M. N E W - C H U R C H , Live an<l Dead F a rm in g Slock.

OC'l 'OHER 3I-t . —R Y E MVRKU.T. Open S.ilo f r Raiu:-, Sb.re Siiceii, Lam bs, and Beast:;.

NOV'E.MBEi; 2 i i d . - - m DG E F A R M , IVY - C H t R C H . E i ' o :uid Dead Stoek,

.Vuclion :ind V:ilu:iiioii (Phee - : 27, High- street and .Vliirk.'t-r.ii.'d. K ie , Su.-.-o.vi and C..)-\cll tl'.'Us;', l.vvid, K in l .


R E E V E & F IN Nr e c e i v e d I .n s 1 KUCTTONS toH


W hat are Your Eyes W o r t h t o Y o u ?

not worth thlei h

A re theytrouble of having t h e m examined, and if glasses ar required the little expense o|f them compared to their value

to you '? 1

You can have tested free by

your eyefe coming t i

A. MILES, iO p h th a lm ia O p t i c i a a ,

,by Kx.imiatt.ti')".-,



H A I R L O T IO N .Nnoirtrout unsolir lo’-i tE»*timoiiittlfA by the

Proprietor prove that it is ono of the heart tonic lotions (OT wuak and failing hair.

PRICE; lit. (by post, lii. M.}.SHIPMAN, 66, HIGH STREET. HASTINGS.


\\ i .O S F t i D .W , 2U\x U l ' l U B K R , 1 ok-iocL, the

L I V E A N D D i ; . \ n r .U I M l X G STO C K , inuludirYk,': -

- :M.'-U;T U t iK S E S .3 Wa^pfons^ Duii^ C a r l - , .Milwaukee ^tow- inp: Miiuhiue, ^Iilw aukfo Reaper and nm rlc i,•f !ior>e l/a laiH‘(' l’lou;^h, Surew 'I'ine See^l H a rro w , B o n la lT s JL’oad Sh a re , . lack P lo u g h , | 5 'I 'ine Hor.so Hoe, 1 E xparuU n" ]iean Sh im s, j Screw T m o Hook Hai row. Screw T ine 4 - i horse H arro w , p a ir Screw 'I'ino V'Yrk I I a r - ( F'lws, a Sliart* ( 'o rn J)ril! , 4-lioi>e X idge t , li-i c y l inde r Iron Uoli, ChalT ( 'u t te r , Oat and I Kean Mill. 2 'T u rn ip Seed S!r<J^es and Sails . I \\'a;.;p:iin S t ra w Sail, B ilaix-e Scales aiul • \Vv*i>;ht.s, C h a in a n d Harne^aes,Pl'ocjjh Ciniins. BilieU.s, e(e., ote,

r u r t h e r p a r t i c u l a r s of the Auct ioneert?, Rye and L vaIcI.

qufvit.ion may serm (») he nee.dle.sbirio repH u m a >

appear, ihore are nncuherloss people ' ho rt'Ouire to he rem indeii to take ca re of th e ir h ea lth ! Ilosv nianv a re (hero, fo r exam ple, who .ire apt to trea t .lisihlly .s’lch an aiiinen i as indigestion.^ 'i'hev need to rem em bor (hat. num erous form s of ill-liealth can be Iraccsl. dire< tly or indiret tie . to defective di;eeslioii and 1 he eou'ceonon 1 im perfect jassi- in ila iion ot food. 'I’o anyone who is threoteneri wi^h a tta ck s of jv dyspeptir n a tu re tin s f|ues(ion. ‘A \ou ld y*>n he \ie ll . '’' should a rre s t a tten iion . They will ac t wisely

THEN TAKEnecessary steps to rem ove (ho frophle.

A merlicine to he recommended in the early stages of diseo'tive trouble.s is th a t poj'Ular p^reparulion known ' as B eechnm ’s Piills. d’his is a rea^ody wliich lias brougrht a.n iramenae nm ounf of benefit to an enornpyus num ber of people. T hree suer-e>f.-jive trenera- ( ion« of men and women have experienced the beneficial effects of th is unrivalled stom ach and liver m edicine. W ould you be wellP AVould vou foei well and Ibok well? Then lake


Sold everyw herein boxes, labelled Is. 3d. and 3s. Od. ;

Xocal m cw 0.

Co rrp.-ponfl price o r e t h e r m a t ' e r in te n d e d fo r inse r ti rm in t h is j o u r n a l fhn i i ld Iv.' a d d ressed to t h e ‘‘E d i t o r . ’’ a n d a d v e r t i s e ­m ent.; , e tc ., to ‘the F i ib i leh cr .

H igh W.^'if r io r tiio week com m encing S a tu rday , i Icto'oer 2flth, 1917.

S.atiirday 1'2 I 11 : W ednesday 4 14 4 4.V.'iKida.v I I 33 I .o l'T hunsday •"> 32 «Mond.ay 1 2 bv '2 3'.t' F riday -. 7 4 7 .MI'liesday '3 '■) 3 41 |I.iGHTiNO-CP T jmt"S 'for Cycli'-’ts a n d o th e rs , fo r week co m m en c in g O c to b er gOWi, 191.,S a lu rd ay Siinda.v . . Monday T u esd ay

i) 26 !, 24.s '22 0 -20

W ednesday T hursday F riday . .

5 IS

„ 0 14

P hases of the Moon.O ctober 23rd, 2.38 p.m .—F irst Qu a bteb . O ctober 311th, 6.19 a .n i.—Fnim Moon. Noverubor (itli, 5.4 p.m .- L aR'i Q u a rtee .

N o v em b er 141b, 6.29 p .m .- N ew Moon. N ovem ber 'Jl-I,' 16.29 p .m .—F irst Q t-arter ■NovemT'icr 28th. 6.41 p .m .- I im n AUion.


12,''’ CLAREM ONT, H ASTINGS.M E S S R S . T . R . H A R D E N & C O .

lA R TH U R D UN K)W ill SELT, BV AUUTI ON on H’lTERSDAYi,O C T O B E R '2501, 1917, al 1.36 o’clock sh d ip .

H o u s k h o e d k u r m t u r k a X dE l'E E t'T S , in -liid ing E xw llen t Ihill

( amphsA-'t'ollage Riiuiolnrtc in W alnu t Uase. (.Iraiid R ianoioric iii Ro-A>’.vfvid Gave by I'ollaixl ii);id I'n llarrl, Hand.-diiie Carved (lak W ritin g ' irable, " U 'eniinglon’’ T ypew riter, Rih'v'.- 6'it. I:y t i l . B illiard Table and .Vcces-orie,-, B ikiI nui.k,cr’.- .Sewing M achine, Uarp*'ts. and ii'im eioii- oilier Effi'cts.

U.it.ilfisup- m ay !«■ obtiUiierl when ready of th e .Atu ii.ineci'S, 12, I ' l a re n io u t , H a s t in g s , an d B u iw a ih .

B E X H IL L .


P L E A SE NOTE'. COM MEN i d', A'L'

T H E M A R K E T M I L E f) 'fT ,OC K , AND AEl,

STOCK .\U .ST B E RENNiKD ,\'T 16.30. K U B E K T S B R ID G E AUCXf-aN C A T T L E

M A R K E T ,M O NDA Y, OC'IOBER. 22n<l. 1917.

M E S S R S . E . S. M I L L S A N D S O N

B KC t o A N X n i N('K t h a t (he iip\( M.\KKV;T will bo hold on (ho aloivu

d a te a n d will iriclmlo l ' , \T ,\NI> .s 'iflHK BHVvSTS, C M A 'K S , S H K K P . Hl(JS, Ktc., a l o a SPKCLVI.. ST O K L S'r(.)CK SA l.EW I L L i h ; . h i : l i ).

lbar’i.tv .l']utiio> ;no Milicited th a l .-ufrieiont Pon.-i ma-y be pi’o\idoi].

M E S S R S . J O H N B R A Y & CO.

W ill O FU ER BY A U e n JN .

A t the



At ■







P.xrt ic ii lars of the , \n r ) ioncerf , Devonsh ire- ' siiuare, Bexhil l .

RYK M A RKE'I.3 U t l iC T l in K R . 1917


H .W K IHtLX K.-WfU I?Ln ivitb in^lrui*- lo S,LLT, HV A LCTIU X m the

above M arket at 10.00 oTdoek,2 0

KAAfS AND RAM TEGS I'-ir Air. AY. B. Smith.


1 Ml- Air. .Arthur I'inii.2 0

RAMS AND UAAI TEGS from o th e r weli-knoivii F locks in the di .- lrirU

K iir lhe r K n l i io - n-sjiecU iilly su liciled to the A u c l ionc‘.'i's, Rv*- and I,.Mld.


£4,500U R G E N T L Y R E Q U I R E D F O R N E W


The Hastings and St, Leonaras









florae and

sV I D L E R & C O .


TOCK SOLD in Rye M arket


kinds of Sales

on M arket

I 'nderlaken .


with extensive Sea Views, which

M E S S R S . J O H N D . W O O D & CO.

W ill SELL BY AUCTION a t the UAS’TLE a O T E L , H ASTIN GS, in N O V E ilB E R .

L»,nd .\gent.s; Messrs. .James W oodhams and bon, 27, H igh-street, B attle . Aiiction- M fs’ Offices; G, M onnt-strcct, London, MM.

f P i C O N S E Q U E N C E O F T H E AVAR.)


(P rop rie to r: A LBERT NEVE). N O TIC E.

O W IN G to tho W ar and g rea t shortage of la ib o u r throughout, the C ountry, 1

havte decided, a ffe r caredirl considieration, no t 3o hold ray .Arrmial Auction Sale ot N u rse ry Stock th is .Autumn, a fte r an un­broken reirmd of 44) ye.ars.

I do, how ever, most respeetJiilly appeal to m y n iim eroiis Sale and oiheir C ustom ers and frien d s who have so generously supiaarted m e in th e past to coni-imie th e ir kind en­q u ir ie s for <‘-atalogue-s, irnotatioii.s, etc., and I so licit th e i r Kdrid onders fo r t)ie. approach-

p lan tin g season.A pereonal v is it to th e N urseries will lie

irelcom ed, or correspondence w ill receire joiom pt atbd courteous reply.

f r a n k SHOBBMITH & GO.



t , B C H /rO N <m A jaB E B S, EASTBOCTENE, 3 n d A^emcieg.

T O A ira: SSDBBM TTH AND Oo. possess MTirinl faciH tiee f a r dikipoeiwr of a ll k inds

23rd n c T i iB E R . iT U K SD .f ' i .NEXT). ORE U A ' r n . E M A R K E T . Sale ,.f Uai liea.-ls, Shf'cp, U a h e - , Rig-, an d oi lier Stock, al Two o'-clo.k. ■ Two Fat H e ife rs an d Two P o r k e r - a rc en tered .

Remorerl lor conveii ien .e of taifc frimi THK 1,1 IDG E, KEAYDEN.

A n t i q u e i m i m o d e r n u u r m -'J'URK o.ikI c IVcO:-.. inc lud ing C arpe ts

and Rug,;, I 'u r b - , I cn<le.|-.; and Kirciidii- , W A L N U T AND s r A l N K D BEDROOAl S U r i K b MMTIl BKO STKAD S T o MAnY'It . D re - - in g Ta-blc-;. W'asli-ian.K. Toilet, M'are, Clie-ts of Drawers, Toib 'l (lla-,;e-. Iron Bed­stead,; a n d Bedding. OAK SIDKIKUARI) D R E SS K R , OAK D R 1> SIN '(! r i lK .S T . AN TIQl E C A R V E D OAK U lIKST. MiiliogaJiy a n d oi la>r Table,; and t ' lu i i r s , Gliina, Gill.-;, an d C u l in a ry lUen.-ils , etc., w liieh

M E S S R S . V ID L E R & CO.w i l d . SKUl, BY A I U T IO N a.) (be AUC- 'J 'lON ROOMS. RVK. on 'I'UKSDAA', 30th

O U TO B ER , 1917, at 1 o ’clock.<'a,(alohue;, of I Ity .Aiiclioneers, Aiarket-

roa 'l. R.ite, Sussc.v.



T elephone: N drih iam 13.


Regi.-'ei kcjil ot L,.\ Nd) a n d HO LSE.S T t) L E I ' u r FOR, SALK.

OCTOBER 2H h.- NORTHIA.M. al 11 a.ni. I .N(' I ' ji A'1'0RS O C yplier;. 3 P h iops, 2 T am lin i, !-'OS'l'ER M ( >'l'11 K IKS (I ( V-oiler-, 2 I 'b inp -i. 6 S1I,\'K R H EN S, a G REEN H O U SE i,30ft. by 15ft. by lO.Ml.i. KE.N r K.VMS from E. E. Seluie;, E-q.. and ntbc'r Mcil-knowii lireiHl.q s, .ST()RE SIIEK R. STORK l.AM BS, S'l'Ob’KU . y r n ; , a n d d a i r y S 'IO C K : and al,.Nooiiday .sharp, UAI.VKS, VU.IS, a n d lu 'imo S H E E R a n d B U L L O C K S .

OCTOBER, 31st. -R Y E. SALE of STORE u..\TTEE, to include 10 Ilead Irom E. J. Haie-, E.-q.

iR SALK' AT V E R Y UOW P R I C E S , I’H R E E I .E \ S E H O I , I ) H O U SE S

Braytirook '. '- terraee a n d L o n e r Ruik-road,W("Hasl.ings, w ill Lei.

Appl.v Mr. T. If. GodrUird, a ; ahore.

EsL.ablielied 1873.C O U S I N S &

Tele.D E B E N H A M



AUUOUNTA NTS,B ailin’; under the I,aw r-f Di.stress. Insiiranciv id' ev.'iy D escription.

E.cnert A 'a luer; and Aiir-lioiieer; (o th e l ) n n i i n g . .Neiv-paper, S la l io n e ry

Bnokaclling T rad e - .iiiid

40 Y'car-' KracDcal Kxperieiire a:, T ra d e V aluer; and ,-\ iiftionoer-.

Agents fou the Ui .n' mio .csn other Stfamkhh ' l.iN'E:;.


T he sn n O T IN l,- over OLD S-\ ,N I )H U R.ST, ;iboul 766 .Acre;,


roa 'l. R.^e

R Y E U A T T r,E M A R K E T .M E S S R S . V I D L E R & C O .

M E S S R S W . T S M I T H a n d S O N(W. T . SM ITH F..X.I.).

M ember Susc-ex V aluers ' Afsociation U C T I O N L K R S, SURVEYORS


T H E STATIO N LODGE. RYE.Saleoi and V aluations of a ll k inds under­



W IL L SELL BY PU B1,I(' A liCTION Jiin i o ther goods.


M E S S R S . W . T . S M I T H a n d S O NW ill SELL, a t 1.30 p.m. p rom pt. 2,50 Lots ot

F u r n i t u r e a n d e f f e c t s , includingQiiee.n .Anne Reproductions, a vfiliiahle

antiCfiie settee, two piaiio.s, w alnu t draiving- rnom and oak bedroom suile, some silver, and

Die iiiiiiilc’i- of app lica tions for coUeeting ■ard; i- iii- ignific.int. We w;iiil l l ii ; stale ot alT.drs changed, and we anpeal to ourreaders lo a.-si-l us in doing il. It. m ust berem embered Unit I he SecreUirv of the AA'av Ulllii'o h:i; annoiiiieed that <'dir-.;tnia.s li ii’cel; toi- the troop; in Kra.iiie u h n h are to b,» seni nlirough ( he M ilitarc Korw ard ing Office, '■■hdiild be desf.ileheil as carle as )iO"sibIe.■Hiid III no cii.-o' la ter tliaii December 1st, and lie iidde<l that d 1he\ are despatched la te r dplivorv by ( b ristn ia- w-ill not be proballle.

"S.U^ES BY M 'C 'T lnN cf I'icei-v D e-crip tion I There is. tlierefore. no tim e to lo.se. Weell M nderale Te.~iii-i. IiiCT e only si \ Mise.ks in wliieb In raise the

inAiiey r e o led for the- pnfts we wani to sencl

M E S S R S . B E A C L E Y SE S T A B l . I b l l E D I8.’)6.

A u c t i o n e e r s , v a e i e r s . h o u s eami ESTA TE ,\C E N T S, SUKVEYORB

Term -iN’aluahion.s ami S u n e y - for all P uiiigso; .

In v e n lo r ie s Made and ( heekei-l.R E N T S ( ' .O EE K 4T E D ,VN|) E S T A T EE

M.\N AGED.INSURANA'ES lor 1 ive. Kite. \<i-.iden1, eaiinof intend

Buiglari", P la te tJbiss, V. orkiiipn's Onni- , 1 Iiniigh they- ■ pensalioii .Yet. effeclod < 'ompaiiies.

with ilio leading

Illu s tra led Register, wiUi Map, issued Free. 27, GRAND R.A HADE,

ST l,EON ,\ RDS-yi.N-.SEA. (Tel. 3.59.

I he above Ma.rkef. on W EDN ESDA Y,! 3kst OC'l'OBER, 1917, af. 9.30. aliout

300K EN T S H E E P .

Includ ing a CapHal Run of l.’iO W E T H E R TEG S,


RAMSFrom Mr. R ichard P iiv r 's old-eetablishe<l

U l'xk ,10


From Mr. .lohn Bui I's -well-kTiow n Flock BEASTS. UAT.VES, eic.

F u r t h e r EAREA' E n tne .s -oliciled, which, to be indluded in tbe, ( 'alalogiie.. ,-hoiild be sent, in before I-’rida,y . 2 (illi (AriebAr.

A uction Office;; M avkel-rnad. R;,c, Su-sev.

W . N , O L D H A MSncroissoT to Mew.srs. Breeds and Son.

(Esfa.bUtJlod nearly a, ('entury'i.

A u c t i o n e e r , v a l u e r , s u r V e y o r .BLOUSE AND ESTA TE AGENT



Oil View Atlerncxm before and M orning of Sale.

'I'H E B RIA RS, RYE.M E S S R S . W . T . S M IT H & H A N B Y

W H I T E ,H aving sold the propert.v.


Th e A PPO IN T M E N T S of 2 S itting and 3 Boflrooiu;, K itchen, ami C ulinary

T 'tensils, and a, large aesortm ent of G arden Tooif*.

Auction Ofhees: l-lye.

S T A N L E Y T . W E S T O N & S O N3, H AV EI.O ' K ROAD; S


R ents Collected. V aluations for P inbalp . Et'-.

Sharer, in fiocal Comr»an;es Roug'ht, Sold,

H E N R Y B A K E R■ HOUSE, b.ANT) aivl EST.e.Tr, AGENT,-


e s t a t e ; managed and DENT,- nOLI.ECTKD at Modftraitp Cbargee PromptlD T « rto ri« «Dd ebiicked hv exi«ri«nccd Qeiii.

its Pio^sto, «te.


(Established 1877).M R . J . H . B O H U N , F . A . l .

I S PR E PA R E D to unde ifake SALES BY AIJCTION of Freehold and Leasehold

P roperties, Stock, Shares, F'lirniUire. and Stock-in-Trade, a t a fixed scale of Coioniis- sion. t.ontri (Tolleoted. Eetales jMniiaged Surveys Made. V aluations for P roba te an J o th er iiar])Osi«s. inven to ries Taken and Checked. House aud E sta te Agency in aal its b randies.

P a rticu la rs of Freehold and Leasehold G round R ents, House and Shop P roperty . Businec-es and Boai’ding Houses for Sale, wanted ior im m ediate investm ent.

M ortgages effected. £10,000 available. Certified Bailiff lo L ery Diatresho.5 i.n

England and Wales.“ A gent to th e leading F irs , l i f e . A ccident. P la te O iass, and b u rg la ry Iu.-urance Com- paniee

S H IP P IN G AGENT AND PASSAGE BROKER under M erchant Shipping Acts b-/ appo in lm en t to the ’'U nion Ca.stle.” "N ew /.eaJand,’ ''O r ie n t,’’ " H oiilder." ‘ R .M .S.P. C o;" "N elso i.," ■ I.e.,vlaud,'’ "W h ite S ta r, ■’ ‘‘A m erican,’’ "W h ite S ta r D om inion,’’ "A dlan," "C anad ian .Pacific,’' "C u n a rd ,’' ’■Royal,’’ and o ther lines.

W E,'-I,E5' GU .I ED. - The tir-l me.eling "f Ills Wtv-le-,' G iiilil, W'o.-lev Chai'-el, Ikuinie- -fi eet. ila,-l ing;, w-;-is held on \\ etlnc;(l.-i,v

lei v senMhle person would of coiirro reply ‘’' ’i- '''’ig. T here 'w a,- a large attend.'incc. 'J’lift Ihe affirm .ilive. Vel -traiigo us u ma'v meeti iig look I ho Inrm of a " dev.ataona I e ven-

ing. " and (lie Rev. U. C. R aynor, th e m iiii-le r of the cliiircli, gave an a d d re ;; on " llliis- ira tcrl T exts of th<> B ible," com paring tho Greek fo rm u la w ith th e E nglish on the block’ooa rd,

E M M A N U EL M ISBIO.N.—Tho F-ev. R. ood-Sam uel, from I be t'lu ipol Ro.ya],

.Siii-o.v, icill conduct a. .Mi;.-ion at Em m anuel UliUi-cIi fi'c'i;! Sunday, (ictober 2Is1: to 28th. SiTi ice- (III Sunday w ill be a t 11.0 and G.34I; ch ild ren at 3.0. and on ucekdaj.s a t 3.0 'S p ir itu a l Eiit'i, and 7,30, Miskion Ser­mon. The R c r. I\. WiKid-Samiicl is an earaie-t mj,;.-iun preacher, and i ; well know n to mnn.v in the Ixiroiigh. Tie many tim e ; fireac.hed lo t

M- late Canon Hodges a t B lackland.;.AN ENGAGL.UI-,-M . Riavuto A. E. Col­

vin, of Si , Leonard;;, and Ali-s G oodall, of Surri'.v. P riv a te I'o lv in has hc-en in F rance ,-itjrc i9 ’ t; also aw arded M ilitary Meda).

I’HE B O K O FG H D lS T R K .'l' N F R S IN G AS.stu lA'J’K.i.N has rocei'/ed th rough Air. Chiibb the sum of .4:3 5-. cciilectcd af t)-io1-i.;hcrme.ii';'' C hurch last .Sunday, Icgether v.itli a gc.adiv s.upply of g ilts in k ind. The (.’omniitfI e of the .-\;.-ociation de.-ire lo ex- pre.-s tiie ir cor-lial th a n k ; for thi.s ier,y wel- c-'iuo coni ri hut ion, '1 h ", Ircnk on il a..s a most graiit.ving and encouraging token ot the. high c.-tei'iii in w hich th e n u rse ; a re hcql 'ny the 1 isliovmen of Ha-iiiig,-:, and of tlic apprecia- lion oi the w-nrk done am ong I'noir tam ilies by th e .Y;;-:Ociation.

UHUR.CH M E E T IN G .—.4 m eeting of the o ln m li official; and tvotkor; was ludd at L ourne Si reel Uliurch on Wednersday. Kepre- senl.'ilive; of th e l l io i r , Siinday Sclio;-il, 4Vo,-,ley G uild , and B aud of Hope were pre- ;cn(', , includ ing tho Jy-vider.- and Society S lew ard ; i'Ait-.->r;. E . H. Hole aud TV. I . Dahsoii;. The Rev. F. • R aynor opened up a discussiou on " flow to do ihe Church W ork." A vo.ry proSlable lim e wa; spent, and plans were laid ou t for th e w inter work. T he rev. gen tlem an said he intended con­ducting a young yieople’s t;ervi< o next Siinchiy evening, ami lie hoped th is would eiK-.uirago the young people to tak e a p art in the cliurch work.

SPE C IA I.IST S FO R .ARTISTIC H EA P r t lA E R IN G S.—'Tho Jlanson Beuhow. 26, c irand-parade, ; ; renowned for tir-t-c las; woi liiuanslli 1 p and m oderate charges. Larges,! l la ird re sing Rooms on South Coa-st.

BOROUGH AS.Nljt’lA T lO N .— the, Hnn. Sec.ielarv, Mr. 1'. .Morgan, 26. llobertson- -free l, aoknov.-lefigo; the tollow-ing subscrip ­tio n ; w ith th a n k ; :—T ram w ays Company, L td .. £10 1(1; . ; H enry J . Kmg, Freem an, H ardy and W illie. L td ., A ler-andra H otel, tieo. H. H all and Son, Sidue.v W ildi.-h, l ir in n l's Income, Ta.'c Re'-'overy .Agonry, Col. F . S. W. ( '()rnw-a.!H-, J .P .. O oddard llros., .Me.;;!-;. Skinners, Cave, .Tustin and I'o .. L td., and Boots, llio Cliemisti;, £.5 5s. each ; A ih' 1 and Co., .44 4-s.; C entral P ic tu re 'Theatre, Mi's. S. .1. Lddlcsten, .-T hierm an t l i ester field, J .P ., W ilson tfrewilson, J .P .. T h ea tre ( oiu- paiiy. L td .,-and T. .4. Rix and Co., £2 2s. each; F. .4. B atem an, L td ., L adies’ College, L td.. Ain's- Stone, .4. .E. Boishaw-, Henr.v K ing, A.C.I’., S tew art aud Lerecnley, L td ., .Misses Bigglestone. iloU ing ton Steam L aundry, .Vlderman B. H . A\'. Tree, J .P . , A'..M.C.A., and Dr. Mansell, .t.P .. £1 Is, each ; M r;, and Ali:-s (lien , Ali;« B. AiC'lniol h, K astniau anH .‘ n (Dyers). L td ., A. H. and ( ’o., nndBrown and W^nxlley, lOs. 6d, ea<rh; l)v. W ank H. J>?wis. and Miss L ia n a Sni^^e-man, 11>>. oacdi.

liAKLY CL(JSIN G .—From Monday next, <’>utobei’ 15t!i, and u n til i'lirlhor no* ice, Messrs. Bryant, and Sims (t-t. -to. and S7, Q ucen '.'-road} and Mrs.»r.s. Jfoldoway and ( o. (i!li2 ar.ii *J03, Q neen‘,--ro;Ml' will o lo e th e ir ])reniisSes an MoiKlays, Tne.-sdays.J'lnirsdr.ys and F ridays at six-p .m .. nn V.'ed- nrsdays at one p m., and on Saluvdays at seven p.m.

L F c t r K F S T o ( i n LDIJKN.- U nder (ho aii<pic('s of th e H actii\ss Mnspuni .Association a series of ]f<‘tn res heinuf i,'iv(*n twice weekly, on 'rue.sday.-s and 'l'bur.7<lavs. a( tho l)ras”iev In s tiln te , (o pn«i]> of the Tdemen- tnry Day ScIichjIs of the l»or<m<;h. The lertwros .ireprivcn hy well-known huuil people, and the suh.ir^'Js inchido n a tu re , (ravel, h is to ry , and kindred snhiort>. hhudi Ifv'tniv* la.sU a.lxd one hoivr, ami a reo f io n ilin.-^trafod: The fiivtof the series was ‘;iven on 'riu\>rlav hy Mr. A \. .1. Lewis Aldxitt. who dealt w ith ‘‘ 'The* Ho{?inninKs of C’ivili.;,a( ion .” Afr. .^Vbhott’s rem arks were followed w itli jrreal in terest by his youthful aiidien-'‘o, who were much iui- pre^j^ed l>y th e exhibition of a lar^t* set f»t' the works op m an from the very earliest known to (he close of the ]>re-lustonc period, and a lx i a numbe]* of pliotuxranbs. On'n n irsd a v Mr. H<ira<-e I'. ('bo'.bir<\ (he

iL‘''rdu^l\ Analvf-j. Icciured, and gave donum- js tra tio n - on ‘"Ifow P lan ts Fe^'d." 'Theseries close <in Novem ber LMb. and then prize-, will beaw arderl (o (be sclunnis supply* ing (])e 1h‘s( piocie*; of Ibo loeturos.

HASTTNdS m s T O L Y . In (he irotir.'O A an articl,v on Bookri and^ \A'riter>..

11. in a ooiinly c.i.iii(orn|>orary Na>>;—“ H ast Mips ha.s n a tu ra l ly foniied •ubjeef ot iiuuiy ixsiks, for it.s histi.ry nr,*- VH ii elt»>i'ly link'.'t) w ith iinjvu’tan r nati<mal event*. '(’he earliest guide was S te l ls oriiUiNl in l/oudon in I'dtl and illiu-i i-a(od ''■ith plattHs by (v. Sborfor, oi' 1 lax*l .tr.is, i bouyn M. S k innner harl priven a tupi-

descr«.pfi'on (if tb e (own in (be. hmileinan'iS M agazine’ for Aupru-l. 178d.

I'icU ’s C'Opyrig-bt war-: inn'cbr.M^d jiy B arr.\, \.'bo rf^>>oierJ tlhe work ui K(>7, 180J, 18b') 1S21. Of Pov-'eH’s sci'ies of (b iu les, t.’ie tii-sr dauio oil! in 1813. and tlip lifUi i*dii*ion about

F . AA*. L. Stcx'kdale'j: ‘( ’onoi.*o blistory a|nd 'ro)K)grapl).(Mil S ketch ,’ whii'Jh onihodied ai.su l\vo ami \V inoiieK'ea, wa.b sent cu( b,v Lowell in 1817. Seven years la te r AA’. (L •Ailoss's Mlistj'.ry and A nt.uunties’ appea.ipd, and num erous o ilie r issue.; luuo followed l>u(. vpi'.c few- (if them ;us' of Hiiy ta liin lo t p aiit:if|U8ria6. T he mot;t p re ten tio n ; work of la te r yeflrs i« the la te C liarle; Dawsoti'.; 'H a - tin g s t'a.sUe,' two volume.-. 1916, a work whidli con ta ins a. va.sf amoiiiil of luo leria l, not altvay.s aceura te , the au th o r d isplaying ra th e r m ore ind iis irv (haii


1 3 , 0 0 0

C O P I E S W E E K L Y .

T E L E P H O N E S :— ’

181, Atfvertlscniont Dept, only, 1S2, Extensions to all tepartments.!


SATFRD.XY, O CTOBER ’20:11, 1917.


.A f< w VvP’“‘ks. woAri iclo if in o 1 jHMip S\is..t'\ rso't Ir on .

•"D''n w IS r.roiMjUcd

kad1 -Mir L^'etling fore/-'i4‘U tin

•(.l (' •u'rvu’c. 'J'iic by lir-k "r -.1

fund whiiM hii.s foi- its objectf vcinforts (tj th'>s(' brave rie.n

n j^ inr'n is, Wu find inf-lined (|uestu»i, tor Wf‘ atv' bnuiul to

1 he excolluri f (he sendiir.; of t !)(' Su.s't' l;u rcpcaJ th ,rnnlc-.-*' th a l (ho ('» <uir apjaud cfiu r in ig l it agii ini' su b sc r ip t io n s (t-i tli<* ( 'h r i s l - tna,-. (.ritt.-'i I und we have u u d e r ia k en to ra iro in I'oiij 11 iict ion with tbe Sussex Soldiers Y’lg a re t le aiul ( ’om forts Fund (.'nmmittec is not very g ra l i fy in g . Wlurn we te rm in a te d o u r aj peal lor sii bM-r i pt ion s to (be IMuiu Puildin^- I 'u n d la s t , y e a r we were able to pf‘in t 44 i I h j list i fill (de pi 'tde tt) the re iuark- a b l \ “ jj^ond 11‘sui* ''1 otii' «‘ffoi1*'. iinu! wo

I offri-t .1 sinc.ua> com^rat u!nt .on.s anrl h e a r ty ib a n k - (o o u r i-’adurs lor e n ab l in g ns to

I jdav -O Imnour.ible a pan. in th a t \ e i y pnpu- ! Ini ' iuoxoment. AN'e a re not w ithou t hoped h a t 44*' s'.iviii. b(*fore t h r i d m a s , b,' placed i i / a siiiiiku- hapi V posUioii in conneciioi. w ith th e Fu))d V... a re mwv he ijubg t<» o rg a n ­ise. but It (his is lo be the - asD o u r re ad e rs will have f') b u r rv up with t h e i r su n p o r t . At pre^voiu t lie subs' n \ i t ion list is sm a ll , atul




BRANCITF.k Bou‘T e * a i .P e r t J in o n tb , Farchoin. Chic .c«:v*r, WorMrsj. S«lift-ary KacJtlycnrise.anil BnshtoD Bajtrs under GoTtmment Penmt, No.

to Snssf'y soifliers and tv> dospaheh fhem M) that, they ma4 I.e enjoyed on ( 'h ristm as Day. Surely the people of H astings wi^' not fri'at t.hi.s appeal w ith indifference. They

to allow i.t In bo siiid tha t e lil>eral enough in support­

ing funds not diroi-tly associated 'vit.h (lie town anrl d is tr ic t, the''" derdino to lu'ln effort for g i'dng a liHle jihEisur-e at < h rist- loas to th e ir 'twn mei'i in tlie Hs'liting lin»\ AVhen we aj'<'i'pted hhe inv ita tion to help in tills spetrial appeal we thnuglji that being for Sussex soldi'ers it must reach Ihe hearts and hx^sen the pursTvstrin^Ti^ of e^e^yl■Kldy in the (own arui neighhourhood. an ! even w ider afield in Susm-'X. Perha.p.^ it has done so. TVrhiXps the pr(\se,nt low slate of the Fund is not due lo any in ten tion to ignore the appe:».l, hut to p rocrastina tion foste.i>ed by lh “ t.hought, that there is p lenty "f tim e to ‘ mlisi'rilie, and it can bo done later. AVe hope th a t the infnnna,lioM we have given aci t*i the uecessifv for com pleting the work in the next inomh 4vill remove thi.s feeling, hut: it furflu^r incentive i,s needed we would .osk*

jou r reader's lo rem em ber (hat first iinp re— jsions mean a greai (ba.l to such an ap fea l, ,anH if we can iie.xt week report the r<veipt jnf a rc.-^iK'diiilde sum , made uo of d on .itkuis j from a large m im ber of subseribers, the ro'-f of the Work of carry ing the Fund to a suc-

ices^rful i<sne will be <'ompa ra t i vel y easy. We I want a be tte r s ta r t, and wo confidently ask i” ( )bserver readers to g i\e it du ring the ,<^usuing week. eiOtev bv suhsc»ubing to the Fund o r bi uiu-i'-rtaking to collect subsm im im ns it be rem em bered th a t he who

serrice tbe j gives ^'urtlvv

inufw ard and visible proof of adm ira lm n of lou r SussfvT, soldiers and fheir m ighty .a'ed*' 'u K v n p t'io n s can be sent direiciU to tirejF-bt;.-'. or gtvrn U* any of ) lie ailthoi-ised I ‘ ol b-rU)r.-. anrl crdle<-inig cards tan lx* »»1\-ibunod at die “ O bserver *’ '('Hbee or bvw nfing to Afiss ('Jorf.rude A«lams, 1.’», LVers- fiebl-pleue, S t. T/eonard.s. the hon. secretary to I !ie F n n d .

AVe h ’ivp tneonned tha t t.he ap p aren tlebiela.nee r>f j-^eople to respond to th is <tiv- real is iue to fv.-o Th\ng>i: first, the c<>m-oetit.inn set up b\ th e Meyor and th e St. 1/N>nard« Fber (''tvunaiiv in am iealinc b'o> >iiV*scnnno-ns to a M'ounded Sitldiers’ l*un<I. and second .m im pression th a t rhe Su.s'e\- y ild ie rs’ a.piv^al is onlv for rnor-e mone4- for the ordirm ry w r k o( ».he Sovji.ex SoMie.»“s* ficaret'* ''' "nd Tom forts Fund. to ifiefirat. of id'-eise rna>sO-TYs. We will on.ly

V ig ilan t liAs a sug^estdon u i one of h is

j gives rfni:’k1y rem ier.^ spf>cin1 serr I Fund, and he 4vbo w<'»rk.s for if gi\

N otes oil Page six of th is issue w liich we th in k is w orthy of consideration . W ith regard to th e o th e r obiec.Uon. we can do no m ore th an rep ea t th e statem ent, we have alreiuly m ade th a t th is is nof a coUeidion for (.he o rd in a ry work of the Coniforks !'‘und, but. is for a special effort by th e “ O bser­ver arh'l the (,’on ifo rts F und to send ( ’h ii> t- m as giftx to Sussex soldiers f»n active ser- viee. 'The ordinayv^ w ork of th e (.'igarotle aud ( 'on ifo rts Fund (whicli Ave may obseru'* cieser\es aill the suppo ii it gets and a. good more) will lie proceeded witji as before, and w ithout encroaching on th a t io r tbe ( 'jn js t- m as (r if ts Kunul. All the money raised by tb e p resen t appeal will be n<ed for tbe pur- ].*ose T ia m e d -T b e jiuvcdiase and dpH]‘atch !if riiri.st.m as gift's to the brave soldiers of Sns-4'v who are doing so much to help win the AA’ar fo r f'Jreat R ritn in and it Alhe,-.

r_ offering a la rio a e le c t^W in ter CoaU, O

Mill nery jus.t receive<!, {tnd par.is^on. Closed a t six o’clock eight) o’clock.

iv \ |s r s r s s E x h o s f i t a lIn n tia u d vegetables (ospeciallv pu 1)0 vd'rv gratefully riMauved al ;1.

H IS 'I'l N dS HDO'rHFKHDMD* Jyrk,pa trick wa.s in tlic 'h a i r a day A meeting. The addre.s^.

aelectioa and

itiviU's com, baturduys

—(rifts ^

Mr.ui-n1 Sun,

Caplfiiii BurKPs;. „t Vha ' (^,1:1'I ' k , ; - ^ ",ii-«' iRs -.1.. T•'■'ll'"'is; or ;j,ii-,. I he

1 Ijill ER.M EX ’.S ('H U R l.’IT — (Siitula.O, T rafa lg ar D ai, Uier.- ’

11 .a-lii. n-11 h arirlrr-.-, ’"] Kivi'-ician. Spofial r-ervii’e wjlli "T rat.ilg .ar a iri 'T ( i - r | . i \ a t . 3.36 ad 'tr r-s h;,* the Lay Rn.ai-’iei . T' lyill Jill gu-eii lhf> Klu|iivrPik''r| S.-a-uilv. 4 i.-.itor- :i re ../jn-lisllv Siiiulay, 't ' loh.'i- -jsih. I Im Rev. \<6 ttije SI. \iuli-ov-’., 4Y.iler;i'-|r prf.ich .at 3.;16 p.m.

K R n 'I' i; S T \ N 'I

T<-ia:,ir.sB.ill Iv. -er,

111., V. ,lh 'jt)-’''FtcTy

line,! a* itb'it-vi. ,-w

H. Ilaigh.■ i"ii, m il


SI )Cf.ET4'v.lll Ih


R K F "I .’MATJI!^ril ,) m;tn’.\l .Mr'iul«\ a flfiiv i 3’ ur(

in.-U, ill SK \ i i t i r rM '; Ka,ri;li I.’ikiHi . lai’iren’ ro.a<l,lat Ih r tv (Ti h;.!,. T h e .. i e,:li' 'i’ ^m II Im M r. iV a l t f r Mavn lErxal 51j.- -n;; .SsrrrtriryY a.lld Ijl.e rhaii- v.ill he f.lkoil h;, the Rnv. \V G. Briilgc;. 'The - i ih iec t- iiu liah ' “ 'T)i" Hihl^ anil the <'l:iii'<.|i." ’"The liiiile anil l l i e s t a l r '^ "Th..., Billie am! the K ings ," ainl "T h e Hihi,, am i jlie I-'misre Eii'e." 'The lirsl, ‘Irolins iviDi it he fniiinl.iti .n ; <if i a i lh , ■■.in h..V, i th lne\t .Mi.iiihiy. ,\ii a.ds e i l i-i nieiil givea ot h e r Ipart it i ih ir;. '

S E R V U ’K I ’ROTRACTORS foS M,’.||ary U.siV can he e .b tau cii ,11 ; he "iOh-“ rv9 t -Office! H asting?.—.'J “ ees from hid. each,.

( l . \ | ,T O N BAKTlS 'l ' M ISSID V -. T h u r-H ay evoiiiiig the f i r . ’, raeeliiig ,,t' fhg v.illt 1! _,«‘-.-inii Was held in enniie m n with i li* 2iid iji j.-liiigs U.iiiipaiiy G i r U ’ Uih) I'.ri.gitfle, The. ifev. L. Harlow pre-ir!e;l. T|ir (.Itii-.rj i r: -eiill, were : ( aiplaii i St-iiigi') , l,|( ',ileiianti,•\ rbev.l- a lid W h ite , liyhibiiion... o r I p ,i •u.j were given bv m em l’e>rs oi the Krigiule iindef th e di|reet.i .ic <d .Nnise WarrI, al-.'i fhie djjiQ a l l ’! silgna I ling, u n d e r Tiooiir i Kidijie, o- || ,j IloiJ.-ehold 1-ingade i late, iiisi nie:.. . , i . rgiiaU l ing 111 the G i r l s ’ Brigmlei S'lng.- (•-re i,.u. dei-ed ibv -Mr. V ie '- ir W'ehh. I Ije a' .-;ni. [i;itiisl:|i wer*.. Mrs. W ebb an.-l Niir./.; Hard.

n U l ; D E F E N D E R S ON SE.\ \N D 1,.\ND, ■-Tile Mli-h'ip -if B arking earne ill .li.peiii* for gltjt; of liioiiry. Iio.iks, maga:-itp'., illuj. (ra te d , pupev.-. eio th ilig . woidi''M yoiliforls, m ine-sit.lepers’ glov.<-;i, (.'h ri-tm a- puddiiig,^ and hdiaceo for ihn w in te r’.; work ai llie vari­ous poi-:.- amoii'g th e hrave toiler.- i * iho -ea ongugep in sweeping th e seas, brii giieg mir food uild )>atroUiiig o u r coasts. .W’oi iiiU.<l seU dior-; in a g re a t maii.y of o u r hospital; hav« received large ouaiiUriee of literalurj;., .-mokei and games. LeUe.rs of g ra te fu l thank.; are eonstuu 'ly ro'-eivod from our Sailorsland S .U diers. |.4il g if t ; shrnild be addrK?.’Td tn B ishopjof B ark ing (t 'h a irm atih St. Andrew’* Water.-iide U hiireh AUs.sion for Sailors, 65, Feiichiirch-sfreet, Loudon, L.C.ii.

KOYI.4L ACADEMY O F AIUSIC. — Thw ■semi-annual M elropolifan exam ination of m usira j composer.?, perform ers and peachers will hfl Ijeld a.t the ..Ve.adcniy dnp iig the f hristilaas vacation. iSiicre. sfnl caiidKlates a.re crejited L icenuatos oi the Royal .yadem y ot Miiijic, and have th e exclusive righ t of ai>p.-iLdpg Ihe letter-; E.R-.-Y-Yl. to (heif nam e-.I D uring (he hast ten years 1),845 can. dirlates.hovp presenterl fhem;elve.s lor the ex. am im itioii, .'if whom 3,617 have p'asfc-1, or an average rd ov.-r 36 jier cent. T he la.st day tor eiitrv Tor the forthcom ing exam ination is November 131 h, o r u n til Novem lier fWth, on payment of a late fee of 5s. Syllabus, enf-y form, and li ir th e r in fo rm ation maw be o i t,iine<l from the S-ecretary. Royal .4ca(1emy of

Alii.sic, ^ larylebone-road, London, K .w .l.SERVjlCE PRO TRA CTO RS fo r i l i l i ta ir

U-o call bb ob tained a t th e "O bfervet" Office, Ijlaatings. P rices from 81d |earii,

GOLV.—AH hough the golf world i,- .-cmo- what d o rm a n t. there a re a num ber oi players past, prpseiu and fu tu re , who wiU inler- e.-led m some recent test.; carried out by tk* D unlop -Rubber t^ompany w ith the famous D unlop “ 29" and Dunlo)) "31’’ balls. The d riv ing m achine w a; used for these test.s, aud lim e all iT tim e Ihe "29’’ covered lUt) fed from I lie te,- to the pite.h, as against th e 623 feet of t.lio cciupetilivo ball, am t th e “ 31’’ in i s turn a regu lar 612 loot a,s against a com petitor’s 663. T h" w.Mther conditions were norm al, a sligh t ero?.; wind moving. 'th e hull- used were sam ples taken from a ronsignm ent Ix.-iind to r F ra n c ,. Golf has been found a wondertiil resto ra tive to r jagged nerve?, and m any ,-if o u r a ir p ilo t; a t tho iront gel m ental re.-t and physical hea lth from a round on on* or o th er of the cour.-es w hich have been laid out to r th is ve: y purpose behind the T aes. ■

A. H A L F-PR IC E CLEARANUE,—Oa several prev ious occasion; we have hat, idea, su re in d irec ting the a tlen tio n of our rCuier* to some exceilenf bnrg.sius a t th e e-schlish- meiit of Mr. John alackay. 25, Loiidoi:-road, tho home of artistic , furni-hing.-. W'a|r con- d itio iis. and th e fact th a i he is single-lii-inded in h is business, have cause^ Air. Alucltay to decide to finally reUni)ui,;h h is deparnnent of fanc.v fu rn i'h inv t gtod.?, cushions. Itrim - niiiigs, etc., and he w ill give his vii.sthmerg th e benefit of ob ta in ing these good-, of jyliicli bo has a lu-Ige and a rtis tic stix-k, at. real i>ar- gain prices. In fu tu re he- w ill devolg hi* business to the m ore essential side ot f iiruisO.- iiig, and will keep the usual up-to-date js'aK’k of a ll tile Ix’-t articles. T he goods he is l-iciM- ing a re on .sale to-day iind riail.v u n tif ilia, po.-od of. ■ They shuiild be Ixuight at once, as a t a ll previinis sales it has taken only a few days to clear out. ’.The goods now offered in- eliide table covers, cushion lops, gim p, fringe, otlilmenlsl cartaiiis-. lasdspreads. cretonnes, etc. U urlher de tails as to c tuantities and prices a r f given in aji advertisem en t ia ano ther eldiimii, and they will all he found in.irkecl in p lain figures at Mr. Mac K a y p r ^ iiiises. Thi- is a chance to olitniii d a in ty good; al ijeallv r id iru lo ii; prices, :ind :t jvisit .'dioiild ho land a t oneji to 25, L .'iidon-roatl, t» secure tlui best iiargaiYis.

V ilU l NiTEER D R IL L O R D ER S.—Kunday, (.)ctol>ei' 21st. -N b-. 1 and 2 I ’latoon.-, 'Tiltyer l.’oad D rill I la 1!, 16.i5 a.m . Dayoncl .tigliling, under .Sergeant ShoeHridge. s. 3 tind 4tPlatoons. Mid<lle .sliix't J.i'iii H all. 2.:!6 p m ., under Sefgeant .''hoe'oridge. I ji.liorui o r b r.i-sard . jvf.-mday. No-. 1 and 2Jil’laL ona, 'Tower Ro:bl I.fiiri Hull, -3 p.m. -Nji. :t ..’’lae Imm-. Grove tt.sid D rill H all. .3 p .m .. ur dar R.S..\l. B.nklerson. No. 4 P la to ji) , M iddia S treet D rill H all, -3 p.m. W ednesday.—No. 3 I'latooii, I Grove Road D rill H all, 3 i .m. 'T hursday.-sN o;. I and 2 I ’latoons, Towor K.sa<l D rill H all, 3 p.m . I,(H'ture o rd e r K.S..\I. Baldcr.stiii. .No. 4- p la to o n , Afiuiilfl S treet Dril|l H a ll. S _p.m.- .|~Undev C.S.I.AL ’.I’om lin. iUriday.—Nos. 1 and 2 Fhito'fiia* Tow er Road D rill H all, 8 ]i.m. No.1o>n, Grove Koail D rill H ali, .3 p.m . I n C.t^l.AI. Tom liii. No. 4 P latoon , Alid S tfei|t D rill H all, S p.m . S a tu rd ay .—N1 ail'd 2 P latoons, Alimaliir.? shooting

ji ffspuent in its eompilat.ion. HenryU iiisins’ 'H asting .; of By-gone Da.y;’ (1911 is a largo collection of in terestingm iile ria l."

TVElvUO.-VTS. -l-adie.s’ winteir coats aroO '«■ ill sUxik and 1 hold a select lot o.f p it te rn s for M en’,; Bespoke trade , j .M udo iigall, !, D evonshire-road, H astm gs.

t h e WOR-JjD W -4 R .’'--O ii Alouday evening the Rev. U. E. tTliavlesworth dr- lit erecl a lecture en titled " In th e 'Track of ti l l W'orld Whir," to a. very laJge aiidience, a t (hy W ellington Square B ap tis t C liiireli, at wl iidl tile re t . gentlem an wa.; lo r some years m in ister. The ch a ir was taken by th e Rev. K. Barlow. 'The lecLiirei divided his addrres i i to throe sec tions: (1) W hy -were they fight- ■■ f (2) W hom were thev fig h tin g ' a iid (3)

w were thev fighting!' and d ea lt w ith each a ra to ly and in an eloquent m anner. Re­ring to the g rea t preparedne.ss of G er­

m any. he said th a t no jieace must, be con- e lid ed u n til th a t coun try , so dom inated by

ita rism , was com pletely ernehed. The <|p\lastation of Belgium . F'raneo, and Se,rbia wao described and shown bv num erous bea.ii- lifiil slide.;, and th e deed ; of lieroism of our IriMix; and oiir Allies sent a th r ill th rough all who listened. T he siieaker referrcMi also to Ihe m agnificent work of the Navv and the M e x h a n t ,Sertice. to whom they owed so grejit a dehl tha t it could never ho paid. 'I'lie liniitalitv of the H un lyitli on land and sea would never he forgoUen. and still th e ooiin- Iripf- fought on. w hispering th e p rayer, ‘'How long. () Ixird. bow long:'" In a lliance w ith Ger^nanv were the A ustrians g,nd th e T urks, and also the B u lgarians, a ll s c h o o l^

th e art o f h ru ta li ty and deva.sta- T be lec tu re r cm cluded by speak-

„ ■ of th e m agnificent response thet'o lon ies had given to th e call ofIho M other i d im try . They had nof onlv . ivfn th e ir sons hut th e ir produce for the bell- of E ngland. Tl was im possible to say tcsr m uch in praiee of the i-plendid A llies of BritHiii. all of whom had enfiered severeJv, andU.h'owii the gieatost. heroism and daring . T h e 'e tn ’oodiment of the sp ir it of th e Britisli .Nai’y IT as fouud in .4dniiral Jelltcoe, and the sp ir i t »>f t.be titvops bad been shown by Uap- ta in B aarnfifather ■' h is hum orous caitoons.

Tower Road Drii'l lii iil. Irom 7 p.m

,3GOt"T N OTES.—St. Matthew':-. 'Tropp. Ord.M-s for week ending t'et-'ihor 27|th,•Sixiuts tlotailed for Re-l Cross w crk 'lo p a n d a a t iteadquiirte i's <iii Siinda.v in 'o in g (it ti lo) at 9.1.5 a.m , Monday, T roop d rill night a t 7.36 p.m .. utuler D rill in s tn ie l'o -. Thiir-d.i.V, 'Troop night al 7.36 )i.m. .411 Scout.- I'clopg-iiig l.c tills T roop a re lequesled t,i a lliiid iiiiiforiii oil K ith of I hese n ights. - The H tings B-P. Scouts AVediie.'da.v ' I .t'. were have sta rted th e ir seaiou w ilh a matloh against one (if llie K.F.C. (Ua^letsl .VI.' \Vednesday.l hu t owing to iililitaey diilic;' R.U.U. Ua;l Jo seratc.li th e m atch at, the l< m inu te . ;-o flhey kindlv let th e Scout- liiv, practice on th e ir g raund . in v.Tiicti the CaJP" ’.a ril’s te.-lrudieat th e Vivfwt’.aplaiiTs b.v -t odd "oai.—2nd H asting^ "f 'a lv e rt ’ 'T r'op Tuesday at ;7.,'t0. hand praeiie.e. under t direction of| Roy Ilickm o tt. T hu rsday , »,I 7.:i0. palro t d rill and gymiias-tie.-. i:ii'l,-r ip- sl.rnction of Pat.rol L eader CharUv Rumnieriv. Siindo.v. a f 9.30. S eou l;' • >wn in C hurch \'ci», try . Sunday. D rlotier ’Aktli, c.hiireh iiaradfc Trccop will ajisemble. a f H eadquarte rs .if 10.Ip.

M ILITA R Y BOOKS of a ll deecrip tioM now in etdek a t F. J . P arscus, Ltd,*

O bserver Office. H astings.PILC .RIM A tiES IN FIL4N CE. In aid

tlie C nivev;(fiiv M.i,s.s’on lo C en tra l .\fi-iey an e x e o lle n ia n d highly int*v.xv;fitig lecliirpwas given li.-' C hrist Chur u.fleiiioon. I

ml ixilcst

the Ri'v. F',. F . K.iissoll ill ill* ll P arish Room oo 'Tue-.1:.J luler th e title- i-d’ " The E.vilio-J ilgriniages in F’eaiice. Rm i.im'

dour and Lo irdes,’’ F a lh e r ItiLs.soll te l 'l lii(t la rge audience the Ijeimlif’ul aiMl appealing .story of the vonderful and m ii'aculoiis ciiii’j at i,.oiidres o rig in a tin g tliiTOiigli B enuide’Soiiliirmis, 11 am tie.! of

yotuig i»easant g irl, who had iscions. He also t'dil of tl’j

m illions ot li lg r im s th a t cam e to Ri.na.m:d clour, yvhich yvas one of the eia,rli"3t lilac in P rance lo be v isited by pilgrinu;, and th e lieau titiil jou rney to th a t lovely litU village w ith ijts num erous sanefu-aries. tvliu b wais b u ilt on! th e side of an alm ost i>ei [: diciilarr rock.. T he lec tu re tvas illusfraieil by a la rg e |nii.m.l>er of m agnificent slidi-iti, w hich showed th e beau ty of th e country th rough w hich tlicise. pilgi:ini»i(jes were made. a.ud I'O absorbing was t.ho story that one forgol for a.! li t t le w hile th e horrors and flisl ressing circum stances of p resen t confl et, luul a gi-eat Icjiiging to travel in th is d-vlight till d is tr ic t possessed overyone.


Sergea.nt H: B ryne, of the 44th Co. of R oyal E ng ineer;, te lls a rem arkab le s l 't i j . H e suffered fi;om exerueia ting pains in i'O back, due to 1 kidney (rouble. .41 la;t he got- So bad th a t he yvas obliged to go into hosp ita l, wherle he lay in eonslant pain tor 42 days. H e poyv write;'.; " I have not teen troub led w ith m y -baek isince tak ing BaU r'* B arkactie P e lle t; . A ltogether 1 was in ho^ v ita l 42 days, !buf I did not im prove iiiitU I took th e firs t box of B aker's Backache P e lle ts . 1 yvas -out of hospil.al four ilava a fte rw ards. I was complefel.v cu red , and never had tc> take a.u.v m ore ." B aker’* Biaokache P elle ts are a positive cure for Ttaik.ache, Tainlbago, .Sciatica, E heum atism , G ravel, Dizzinhes, an d a ll K idney Tvonblea, G et a box to-day. Can lie obtained al JL O E dw ards, I7, Q neen’s-ro ad ; F. 4V . G coit m an . T he P a rk P h arm acy , Ic, E lp h in sto n ^ road, and B ools’ 5.55 B ranches. Is. 3d. pW box, nr post, free, in p lain w rapper, rlireoB from B ak er’s Ijledicinp Co., L td .. 1, South* am pton-row , liondfai* YV.C


OFFICIALUnder the St

Sugar Registration to the Tradesman November 5th.

The Food Cc disturbance as possin the Public are at pre

Members of the their Customers will with whom they havj firms a t the earlie( received.

Under the ne-\ take place than A D V A N T A G E S B Y A N Y O N E

AMGORE a n d s u n . la , kIB A L D IN G , 1'. \V.. 72. Man! BAKJIK. G„ '-’5. M ount Fled CAVE. A U bT lN AND Co.. D 4N N . E., All'-.. I 'r io l DRAA'C'UN, \V \E T E H . C aJ E.M ERS0N , ,i. < 116. i.‘ld JF l l.ilE R AND SW.ATI.AN]

263. JTai'old-road, Clive 1 2.5<1, Cld 1.0 nd .'Ill-road, 01 23, K ing’s-road. St, Leol

G R E E N . AU L CamJiridge-gl H4T.E. E. H .. 317. Old l-ontJ HOAVARD’S STORES, .57. Qi RRA'ILI. AND Co., 16, 44 ellir RIIBTE. E. 4V.. 2. B raybrookl

.54. H igl'-stn^q'. H,a'stjngs. East SAi-;ex Supple .Stored

T H E ru A II ’F .T P nV K STOEJ ST ANGER, E .. .57. H igh-strJ TAA’ UOR, U.. U- Genrge-sfredTURK S \N D I <>., 252. O ld f ■Vf-HITEHI HST. IT.. "O ld C.AY'E, AUSTIN AND Co.,

41, M arina . S t. Ijeonarda 6 t. Uversfiefd-place, S t. 1 26, N orm an-road, .St. l,co |11, Ixin don-road . St. Lee

CH 4PA L4N , G. J . , 8-5-87. Be COUCH, ft. D ., 41. SalisbuH D4A4'SON, GKO., 399. Ixm dl DRAY'CON, AA'ALTER, GenJ EDDA', 4 \ ., .59. G cnsiiig-road

77, N nrm aii- f . iad , St. Le,4 GODDBA-i. 1 - UK. A lariiia, SI HOAVARD’S STOKES, 6.9, f

45a. Springfield-r:iad,^ Sfi ■ 31-33 B exh il l - road . St. L

MIT.LEST, F. '2.57, Ixm dol PA RSO NS, CITAS., 67, Loii'^ r ’OOTS, G. K . , .59, SedlescomI SJ’RAY. 1 . t!.. 46, Battle-roa4 W H IT E . H ., 3, H atherle.y-rd DRAYC'.AN. 44’ A LTER. Devij GAMAION. A. T .. 'JU St. Le GOBT.E. C. A.. .53. H aveloct H U N T E R . E. G ., 6, U evonsl

94. S ta l io n - ro a d , B e x h i l l . I AleGREGOR, D. B., 67, S taff PHTLCOX. J . T'U. ffi B it

S.aokviUe G ro cery S tn resl PRATT.EY:. E. H ., 2. Devon^ H U T C H IN G S. J . . Lydd. CROUCH. A. E ., Brede.

FORa n y q u a n t i t y ,


1 . O L D N E l

2 . O L D M AC A T A

3- O L D LEI^

4 . C O R R E S P

5. B R O W NA ll w aste is sen t to t l

pu lp fo r rema»E a c h c la s s of p.apep m u s t l

e a se of c o r r e ^

S a c k s a r e lo an ed on ap p ll

O n re c e ip t of p o s t c a rd oC of n o t le s s t h l

N O T E . — O w i n g ( a k e t o c o l l e c t “ Wl

b u t T u e s d a y s ,


1 4 , C L A R



T ha clim atic conditions yestet favourable for the annual thr. Angling Fcsitival, whicli opens com petitions in Ixiats and frofl P iers.

A good en try h as lymn secu boats.- but. there w oui I he room tliP P iers. Anglers from l.ondo places a re here in largo number; fiiue wea.ther is necessary in ord a successful F estival. 'The e eluded I'eprefem atiaes of thoA.ngil©r?. th e Ure.adnoughts, and o orgam sationr-. and ooiiiivetitiKS

a ll part.? of Txindon a.n*. Aletrbpr B arnstap le , ATarket D rhyton <Sa end-on-Sea. W esfcliff, R am sgate gate , Dover, B righ ten , E astho’■bridge 4Vells, and other;'p laces, nough ts have arrived ^ dozen rnolnde Mr. F.. L an iheri, Ypion lope angler. Mr. G - M i mancler, and Mr. J . G modore. -4 feyv- enlTies P ie rs to-day on npplient Cbai-ge. • ,, , ■ ■ i '

T he prize.; in th e th r fe 'lays , t lv a i will Ise, presented % the Mr concert in the Council Cham tier a H all i n Monday evening. T p a r i in the concert include

■known artiste,;, and th e hiimoro ■will be provide. 1 by a (lomdicnn- oom edians.i T hen there- will in tyvo lady singers, and .d r. i*. w ho is d irecting the m usical at

On Tuesday convalescent tvoim ftt tthio .(local miUtfary hospitab Angling com3>etitions a vaAtiable F f of prizes

P alm er,| m ay he nn to tlie l

the P.l given hy lvaHTiariie lei oi s* - '.-

pub lic , and tea w ill be provided■* . 1 y —:i't crr\p o rt aecorded will ensu th e Tommies. n i e P errin s) is, chairm an of - - _ Tnittee, and A lderm an C. H . B all liefary.

re a goo(| Mayor tfio -FePl

jaOOTBALI;.—A t Bexhill on b«rd fough t game H astings UVednesday h .C. and B ^ tarns. T he home team w as » heav ie r, h u t the v isito rs played nr eom binarion of the forw ards, baci a good line of halves, being worthV. M ention m ust also be m« splendid p lay of the H astings fence, in w hich th e can ta in , rl-o ttevy DTominent pa rt. The gaiue ft well-desftrved ^ o d n e^odd goal in seven. TU lster 2» Sellens ?nid Mercer, ta rn s "Rt. C ^ine, V. Waghom© found fbe net.


a s th e cheapest and c leanest me—.fo r th e com ing w in ter.

WE WANT YOURO ^ly so th a t in s ta lla tio n ipay 'be I

befoire th e ra s h comes. Catalogues on a ^ l ic a t io p


i t , K is s ’s B ead , Sk. Leon

Page 5: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE

1 Castle-s<T*i*k -W m tLr C oals, Costum e" anJ

e u a t Six o c lo ck ; Satvirtiaya

tE X H U S P IT A I ,.-G if t sWe.s (especially Dolatoost wiU

|ll.v veeeyeil ip--^RO TH E i; W )p .D .-A {/" ':'. ;!•V i'* " 'V ,' ois'i, Sun^

r i ie nildres;. -,v;is Kiven IvrliVe "oio,^" t ’a d ^

] ; s - 'IVMuornovllg a r , I)av there xvin l'.-> .,ej^

no-ce.r, atI ^'''’•Tier. The r,ffe,-tovy ■> the ,Muiiwre, lo'fl M firm eii?

> .il'P. e-oi'iiially mv\te<l ■->_ •-S.h th e Rev. \ , ft,

J .m .' M i'-i-.u . -rt,n

t-1' \ X 1' K r.i'i >1-;M _ \'f ir itj■ t ' ' ' ' ieetiivMl(?Xi 'i'^iuhis ;i 11 1 ;11Trerv-s l',.r,,--h

■■'leaker w ,ui " ' - I , .'secretary)l u l Im' IsiKoii iv. i!io l*<>v \ y *V V ,:-)''' ' : '■'■’''e K ih iiI I tip 1m!i1p pihI \ \\o Stafp **

th e K in y rT .net •'T he H ib i,, IJ'e hr>i.

I t i 'n - , ei le iili, -e,li•»- Ati ao-, ertiM-uietit p-ivafi

H A S T I N G S A N D S T . L E O N A K D S O B S E K V E R . S A T U R B A V 6 b T O B E E %|if 'f* '>

lO T K A T T O K S fo r MiXAary kl 1 tilt' Oi I"**’

S. ",-es t ro iu 8U1. eilcJi.i r n - s r m i s s i o n .; t*i.‘ t ir - t mt'piinn; r.t'l-eM :il r e a n e I u n u h l tin

luiiuiTu- t f u - C I •!,. l-tr:e;i,i^- Iriev. jiiv-ifle I. 'i'll,- ..(fi,.-,-,* Ip le l l t S l .u ig e l . l.U".ll-'i,.njt.ale. J.?. hi hi: I, 111,- el f ,I m l -'v- th e f tr le .a ip uueier

tint; d r iH|l - le r K '. i i l ie , ei tl-,^

P ,'iV. e r e ' r e i i .| i e ' . a \V,.biv T h e

W i-ea .ii'.i N i : r -e u rf,-,;|i:i;s (IN si-: V \M,| t■ Harkfiig l arne-tl,-. a jpe i ,

■, h" 'k> , niaita ■me-., i);,,^, .thins' , ae..l ,- -„ o in if . i r t s , ive.., fhv i> t in .i - in idd ings ,

le, ivniler e i v n k al ilu- v ,ir i. t h e h r a ie luiler,-- et ihe sea

iii ig The M'iLS, tii i iieing o a f : -Oiir e.-ast". \Voni,(!r,| so!,-

l a n y of o u r h o sp i t a l s hav» [ntitu 's of litPiMturo, .-uiakei prs of g r a t e f u l t l i a n k s ; r e

t ro m o u r S a i lo rs a n d S ,i, "houhl he arklre.-spil to ( t ' l ia iru ia i iR St. A n d r e w ’« Mis.sion to r S a i lo rs , 6&,

|Loiid-jii , li.C.l).2MY O F A i r s i C . - Thw

^op■^liTan p x a m m a t i i in oP f, p e r fo r m e r s a n d t e a r h e r s | t h e Aeadeniv d u r .n i ; th e hn. Sucre >fi]l l■.•Ult!ldatof^ Kates ol the'R.-i.v.il Aradeu.iy | v e t ile exila .- ine r ig h t of p t te r r .M. to ihoi.r

las t t.eii v e i l s ean=rtpel Hiem-elves to r t h e ex .

A.filT l u n e passt'-d, o r a a ■r com. T h e la.st d ay ! ,o p

I th ro a i i i ig ex .u i i iu a l io n jit T u n t i l Xovenilser :Wlh. <-.q ( fee of- .IS. .h'-llabu.-, e i i f ’-y

inferm.-itioi! ma.i' he ..olv o re ta ry . R ly.o; .Arademv <vfl-road.' London , X.iAM'. fR A C T O l lS fo r i l ' . l i t a r j " ued a t t l ie server*^

[ P r ic e s f rom S ;d ench.file goif IV,-.r!,-! i.- ....me.

| e a re .r n u m iie r oi ; ,a.vero i tu re . who \i iti tie i n ie r -

test> c a m e t l o u t by i k a | lu p a i iy ivitli th e tanioiig ju n h .n ‘'iJl ' ' b a i l s . T iie L use-:t to r these test,", a n d ■2tf” covered ifki fyet. i ro ia

I a s a g a in s t t h e icj:t feet o£ an<t th e ". 't l ' ' in it> t u m

Its ay .t’iisl a . om pei ;t.>r'.s ondiHoyis wcic n o r m a l , « lioving. 1 tie liail- ii-ed

t'y.ni a I i in s ig n n ie a t Golt has heeu i,ound a

fe for f.aggeu n e rv es , a n d ■ a t re . ' ■.tout get m e n ta l

ilUi i roni a lo u n d on one vvhic.'i h ave been la id

| r p o s e behinvl th e l ines . ,L L E A R .V X i 'K —O a

i.sions we hav> had idea, a t t e n t io n o f o u r v-arter*

bargain.^ a t t h e e.-aiiii.-uh. jilaoka.v. Lond.in-i 'o .e l,

.furm.shing.". t \ ' a r con. t h a t he js singic-liar.- 'led

le caused Mr. ,i 1,m ka> ,o | i n ' i u i s h h i - . i e p a i t n ie n i

good.s, vusli. m s . i.ribi- '.vill g ive h : - c u - t . tn u u 3

[ng these good ' , or v. h ic i i r t i s t ic ate, k. at. re.ji istr*

l u r e he wil l dev,-jie h ia le s so n tu i l side ,-.1 iurui-ci.-

UsMial up'-ln-d.itf sto kT ile gi'od.s lie is

i l ly a n d d a i ly u iil i l dis- |tUI h-e liought at once, a j fit lias tak e n onlv .i fevy file goods DOW oSered iii-

shion tops, g im p , t ru ig e , le'd.-proads, c re to n n es , as to i iua i i t i t ie - a n dan adver t ;.-euient in fhe\- will ,il| I'o fo u n d

Ire.s at Mr. M a i x . , , . p r a - P h an ce To oht.i in d a i n t y jiilous iirict's. ae , | a vi^at I® to -a, L uidon-road, CO |iAis.ILL O R D L R S .—S u n d a y ,

and 1! I’lato-in-, •a.m . iJay met i.-giii ii-g,

' t ru i . ’c. ,;ud ift 11 ' ' ;i H ail . 'J,:! ' , -ta. , j-briilgc. I i i i io '-n o r

|X‘,i'. 1 „.,e(l J I'laUorus, lal 1, X p'lii. No,I'ill. ita.Ii. -s |. .m ., iindor No. -t Rl.'ito I). .Middia

1p.m. W eilnesda’ . - had Drill ( lall , s t '.m . ad d Plato,U 1 -, T o ’ver

p .m. Lis-tiii'e -u n d e r [No. t ]'l,it...in, ,\I..i(ll« Ipi.m. I ’Mler ('..S. I.M.. |o.s. 1 and J I'l.iio-uiag i ll , n p.iii. .N,i. r i a e

jjl J la l l . ■- luni. t i ider Co. t Piat.'-'in, Mi.h'lio I p .m. S a t u n ln y .—Nos. »wei- R-a , | D i i l t l i a i l . bm 7 ]).in.f t . M - T r 'Ol>,pnHitiS ' i<:t--ih'T -Tth.

(.'n»*-s \vi • r fs t ■) p;j: .i»i<3b|m la y m ' i i f i r h no)

'I’r--np (li'ijl ni'^ht a t |! n.'l ru f j • It . 'I’ll n I'A']lo>' t.-iL'h* liiU'.-WH,. !

rlNC'U W.lll: a :. M G.tlft. IJt'i (’

| i }h‘ m aifh /tl)pf‘ 1 1m-

.J' 11 iicl I a T il-. tvor,' to

n alt'hN1. ' -n’ I] 1 - «})Ai'll,. Uat |. ! V.* IV '

!'k n» v. bii 'i t'-.rh',' Ihn

,S “ i Jj)vp;-1 ‘ r r ''p .' It-r. II rt '!•■'r i hio

\n io tt. T itiir-diiy. a t ... 1 n,i

Per r i i .iH t- [t'n•nfiM i'v. j < >V.'n in I Vi U ! I 11

rliiir thl-lo-Klcf’i.iVini - »i Kyl.'S.

of all rir^icnpt io»j<v J . Parsons,

stings.f*'RANVl:j. I 11 rttrj r/f

i .» ( d-nf f ..j \ I firvT,ii) 1 lip ! » Tl r-9

lIT I-. I :i IJ l'-oo?ii . h T r > [,lit 1-. cii ■■ 'lllu I,

m J iNLiH*-. i: l lm f i;>sf] I ji' l l ifij| .IIHV ;if ;iLtnl tmnif

f im A-. I ■! ha/l o.ti. I TLft

J-t CO-Uit' ll. |?<>laiTli:'l- Hk’ pla/T^ I>iI;rniiU'. fHiM

Lliat lorniy IitUft i a.nctij-arif . u li ■/ h an .i-lmu*-!H 11! :;>f r;n oil magn itioo n i. r 'l i d

(h( t.'l'o <ount.r7 nnLi*(.;o.r. wojTt inai|ft» ■’6 story i.hat on«

ihn liori(»r.-' a nd of p!Nvonl. runfiifte.

|Lvr>l in i]u- ^tyone.


the, t-lih Co. a t r e m a rk a b le s to ry ,

la tin g p a in s in i no luble , ,\i la.tp he [obliged I,, g,:> in to

const ant n-.'iii to r 1'T 'hai'c not been

Ince taking rifil- r '* It.her I was m hon- In o t im p ro v e u n til T llaker's, Riickiicliis hofipil.al fo u r (lava pletely c u re d , a n d

m o r e . ” Uakcr 'B sitivp cu re f,ar

flea , E h e u m a l i s m . K idney T ro u b le s ,

o b ta in e d at H . oad I r . M'. (Tcod-

Ic . E l p h i n s t o n ^ nebes.. Is. pe^

w ra p p e r , direofc f.. L td .. 1, Sow41l-


OFFICIAL SUGAR DISTRIBUTION SCHEME.Under the Scheme the public will now be receiving their

Sugar Registration Cards, these must be returned by the Customer to the Tradesman from whom supplies are desired, not later than November 5 th.

The Food Control Authorities are anxious that as little disturbance as possible shall take place in the sources from which the Public are at present being supplied.

Members of the Association express the earnest hope that all their Customers will fill m their cards with the names of those firms with whom they have hitherto dealt, and return the cards to those firms at the earliest possible date after they have been received.

Under the new plan a much more equitable distribution will take place than at present exists. N O G R E A T E RA D V A N T A G E S O F A N Y K I N D C A N BE O F F E R E D BY A N Y O N E T H A N T H E S E F I R M S C A N G IV E .

.VMoOR.R AND S U \ . Li. l^lllel■^l^Ul->t r e e l , Hajtiiigi,.I ! . \ I . I I | \ G , T . \ \ ., 7l’, M.iilioi-io.ifl, Hu,-,lingm.HAtCKlL G.. Mount l’le,i-uul-roii<l. I Le-1 iiig,-.r W L , . t l l b T I N AND I'-'.. L h l . , t 'a^l ler^Uept, Hast ings .O W N . K., Mr>., l'ri-,r.\-roa-,l. H as i in g s .O R \A ’C(A . \ , \ V \ L r i ' , R . t ' a - i l e Si r."!'! St. ire,., (i. C ast le -s tree t , ILi.-tiiigs.L \ I K R S l ) N . .L ( .. Mil. ( 'h i Uiiuhn-i 'oai l . lla.-t.iugs.I T J . l . L R .-VN.M S W . V r i . A M ' . 4-i'a. Rliih iUslul ic-fuaJ, Hustins- '

70:1. 11 a t , ,1,1-read. t ' i i i e \ a l e . H a sd n g s .7.Nh. ( '!d I .-utd-m-toad. Ore . l la sd i ivs .70. K i i ig ’s-ioa<l, Si. 1 inavfls-on-Sea.

GRKKN . A.. 1, t - 'ambn,tge-ga vdeiis, H a s t in g s .U.-U,E, L. H .. 017. Old Londoii-inad. Hast lu g f . '■H O W \KOhS ST O R E S, .',7. Quei'nV-ro.id. H a s t in g s .R E V I L E AND Co.. II', AVetliKgt.'Ui-place, l lastongs.E r O I E . K. AV.. 7. Hr.a> l,ro -ke-ii'ad. IListing,-,

.">4. IL.g'.i , H ast ing- .East Sii--ex S u p v l \ Store-., All Sam is '- s t re e t , H as t in g s .

T H E C( >M R K T C n VI, STtARES, IC-hemia.ST \ .VGV.K. E . , .>7. H lgh-s i iee t . l l . is t ings . .T A ' l ,( )R. O .. 17, George-slveei. I l . i - tm g-.

T f R K s. \ .N i> ( ,,.. 7.')7. ( 'll! Eoiidoii-r.-.ail. H.istings.AV H ri 'E M C KS’l', H.. " O ld I ' lw n S;nre>," 17s, All S.i I nO'-sf r e e l . H as t in g : .C-AA'E. . t C S IT N ANTI Ce., I.,t,l.. R'. G ia n d -p . i fad e , St. Leona i-.ls-ou-So.'..

41, \ r ac in a . St. la 'oiiaid,—on-.Sea.fit. Evei-sfi»ld-pinee. St. Leonards-on-Sea.70. Norm .m -r, ,ad , S t . I .eotiards-.m-Soa.11. Loiidcin-i'oad. St, Leoiiards-ou-Sea.

C H A I ’M.AN, t i . .L, S-S-S7. Hexhill-ro .id , St: I ,epnards-m -Sea . r o r c i l . G. n . , U. Salusbury-r,y id. St. 1 a' o nards-on-Sea.D.AWSON. G E i l . , Al'fl. 1 ,oiid<ui-read, St. 1 .oonards-en-Soa.ORA YOO X. \ \ .\T.TKK. Genstiyg Hall .' tore;-. 37, K ings '- road , St. Leonards-on-Sea , E l 'D Y , W .. .lO. Gensing-road , s i . Lo'umr<l.s-ou-Sca.

77, N oi-inaii-r'iad, St. L eo n a rd —on-Sea.G O H O E N , 177. Ar.ai iii.i, SC Leenards-ou-Sea.HOAA'.AKIVS ST O R E S. tO. N 'd lescouilx '-ruad S., St. Leonards-on-Sea.

46a.. S p n n g h e l d - r - a d . SI. l .conards-oii-Seu.,31-3.3. Rexhill-rond, SI. Leonari!s - ; i i -Sea .

ALI.T.LKST. F. ( ' .. 7.'i7, London-v-iad. St. Tx'onai;d.s-on-SeX ,PAR.SOXS, CH.-AS., 07, L-imdon-road. St. Lisiitards-on-Setw iRi'tATS, ti. K . . .'i!'. Sedlescomb(^roa,l N . , St. L ^n a rd s -o n -S c ik S P R A Y . 1'. 40, R a ti lc - ro ad , St. T,eonavd.s-oti-Sea.W H I T E . H.. 3, Hatherlpv-i'OiuL S i . E eona rds-en -Sea . riR.AA^C'.AX, A\'ALTER. Dev,sii-hive-ro,-id, B exhill.GA.MAfO-N, -\. X.. '77. SI. l.-pouavi'ls-v-iad, R e x h i l l ,GORT.E. A'. A.. -iS, Havel '-vk-ro.ad, Re.vhil'..HT 'NTF.IL E. G., 0. O ov ,m sh ire - road , B e x h i l l .

04, St.it lon-ro.td , P>exhill.MeGRElvtAl’ , D. B., 67, S ta t io n -ro ad . B e x h i l l .PH TL C O X . J . E.. S. B u e k h u r s t -p la e e , Rex'hilt . -

S.iok\ ille Crroeery Stores. U , ' S a e k i -.I h - r o a d , Boxhill .P R ATT.EA'. E. H., 7. 1'evon.-htre-road, R e x h i l l .H E T O H I N G S . ,1;. Evdd . r K O E r j I . A. E ., Brecle.



Tiio (I'eilif^litful HDiry of ** H ioUps* Rally is Ijpin;; ittUl al H as f iu g s Uaip ly T h c a i ro t h i s i \ r e k by Mr. Uc p iI B a r t lT s vorv oa.pal>le C o m p an y .

.(oliii Slraiiy-o M 'in lo r . in ihi.s aHniirablf ' n u l i tav v ( Inuna . ftlkni lif*.r c lia rac trr f t full of lif<' am! loiMin-. 'I’lirro is no m orn oharm -

incicjcMi t h a n th o fU8(.‘overy of Mig’iioii as a. sm a l l b aby in t h e m om (»f C a p ta in AI',minon ror.vprs al F-Uankha m p to n Bar- rai-Ks. \ a i i i r a l ! \ he is non p lu ssed , b u t uioaii;.. a ro io u n d for ;Hlo[iting 1 ho younj^sfior as l-he ppt Um‘ i'e'jri?nf>ni. 'D iero is a, t^tory Ill'll ol i n b o tv t t'O ilii' aud ionco lo li'U^n In, a n d all tbri'up;h i>i a very tharnun .TId l lo b u l l . 1 her*' a re s-auK* hi|^hly Im m a- tn- lOnmerd '. a n d aC o rich crifuody in Ih.is t iinul ' .ar I ' c r k , lucli nennly evervbtuly has read mo!v lh a n “ m o . To' m akt '' i ts irc-a * r[Uaiiilanrf’ at. th e T h e a t r o is. a voi'y plea- SO! al'lo* I'xperiei.CO. i<vp{«e)aU\ whojl it. is

l!> '-*nte ! i»\ -I '«w>d a u . ,n ip an y of a r t i s t e s .Mr. r*-rev « )Mkm!o > is e . x c o l h u i a sBrndlos.*’ i\T»d hm frion*], f 'a i i la in Cuey,

j'llayed 1\' [’o|ri |,.i M alco lm , is nun.It'jus t iho briy^ht, Inoezy, c l ia rac l-T if should Iv. Hootios lia'' inm h <'''altiiv.r to )>ut up with b\' tfio a p[H*,i ra 1 1 c*t‘ of tin* b a b \ . an 1 f a l ' l a in I . ;ny is < ne of th'^ utAjvt. of h is to r- menlops. a n d it i-* t in s real s i inly of e h arac - te;- w h n h yivcs ih e plav inneli i f i ts tdiU'in. Miss Joyce (i-ordon, a> “ Mi’ ^non " iBooUcvs'/ B a b \ ) p la \u t l wUli t)ie i^^eafesl' possil)lo am o u n t , of nat;uratl ih i l d i s l im v s , a n d h<*r

w insctuie wa.\s a n d th e los»i sin' a.roiised in h e r f o u n d e r ’.** peneroiis In 'a rt nu*i a syni- p a t i ic t ie ( hi>rd in e v e ty pa.:-! of th e aiidi- eiu'p. I 'h e iiitlit's of tin* (*o:upany— Mi:*s T h ere sa 0 - ;ho rne as Mrs . S m i th . Mi .-s H i ld a Moss us Lrtiiru N o r r i s , Miss Eoila T’ussell a s HuinjiLy ll innptN. a n d Miss .Nell Giirte.r us H.ilen Griiee—all lu-lpe.l to m ak e th elUiM-e .1, siiecs'sS

'I ' l ie ie will lv> Iwo perforiiiu neft- lo-d;\y tS a tu rd a y ) al 7.30 and 7.4.‘i. , .

AV A N T E D . A m SH A X D ,'\ \ l-'.EK.



Enquiries InvitedT H E


u OVALSalso for

W E L S H S T E A Mand

A N T H R A C I T E C O A L .

BLACKMAN & CO.COAL FACTORS, g o v e r n m e n t c o n t r a c t o r s .

^3, K in g ’s R(L, St. Lootmrda. Phone 427. And GO, Coal Exchange, Ijondon.


------ ;0;-------P R O G R E S S t ' F T H E S P E C IA L G I F T S



1 . O L D

2 .


W A N T E D : —

N E W S P A P E R S .O L D M A G A Z IN E S , P A M P H L E T S ,

C A T A L O G U E S , E T C .3 . O L D L E D G E R S .4 . c o r r e s p o n d e n c e !.

5 . B R O W N P A P E R .A l l n a s t e i s s e n t t o t h e M i l l s ( G e v e r n n j e n t C o n t r o l l e d ) a n d t u r n e d in t o

p u l p f o r r e r n a n u f a e tu r e w i t h i n a f e w h o u r s o f a r i ' i v a l .

E a c h c la s s of p a p e r m u s t be tie d u p S E P A R A T E L Y a n d n o t m ixed . In th e e a se of c o rre sp o n d e n c e th is shijjuld be p laced in a S ack .

Sacks a re lo an ed on a p p lic a tio n a t 6d., wibitsh a m o u n t is re fu n d e d in fu ll on 'r e tu r n of sack .

'■ \O n re c e ip t of p o s t c a rd o u r van will ca ll a ^ soon a s p o ss ib le a n d co llec t lo ts

of n o t le ss th a n 561b. an d v am jian wiill p ay fo r sam e.

N O T E . — C w i n g t o s h o r t a g e o f S t a f f w e c a n n o t u n d e r ­t a k e t o c o l l e c t “ w a s t e p a p e r ” a ln y o t h e r d a y o f t h e w e e k b u t T u e s d a y s ,






1 4 , C L A R E M O N T , H A S T I N G S .

Lnndcin’> *’ W a n te d , ’.\ Iliifi-b a u d / ' npf'ns at. tho Uahfing.^ i J a i r ty 'I'lioaLro noxt \scM-*k.

Mi^^ ( «-l:ulv>'<. iitvpt'r and .Mr. V: iik 1 urzou havt* mkmIc :irranirt'iiu'Mt.< \\t «1i .Massrs. I I uT'- ficld aufl \\<M>dwanl, who " [He.-pnt *' tha

, p b u . to lo u r t lu n r *’Tiorinoiis ssuco.-'S. j Mis-* (tladyT- m adp h e r a,p]:>oaram.oa t HastiiiL's T h e a t r e un.-ter th e m ana;^ement of Me-*r-rs. M u r r a y Kiui; and fdairk in the d e l ig h t fu l “ Blue BeV’ in I’a i ry lam l ” p la y ; sineo tiien she h a - m ade \vo!id*>rful pm;;rfs.-, and now lier j-uveessfu! eome<ly come> to tiio Ga ie ty fo r a week.

’I'he (MBf inehirle.> Mr. Reo^inald r>aiice as |Oa]>tain t 'o rk o ra n . l a k e :\?.] M r. I 'y r i l B a r - I iv:>nrt.’N [davs, it io )ii.'.rb sp i r i t s . .«uiartly

w r i t ’ten . a n d inpenirhusly const.Tuo.tod. a n d I i ’ 1ms beon ] layed at tlu* PhiyuoU'*' Theatr;» t'* a con tinuo im r ip p le of l a a ^ h ta r . I t i.s full, of th a t k ind of lau^^Hb'v that, aloiu', f a n reli-cve th e n e rv o u s tiens'on of these days.

T h e enpatjem ent i«5 fo r six nii^hts at 7.to, w i th one m atiiieo ou boMirday at. ‘J.30,

‘'F . A T E ’-S ( ;R 0 S S KO-M'is ” AT TTIE F'l V [-:\f A T) E I A X F: . If A STT N G S .

To-fiiiy (b a tu r d n y ) , last appo<!.ra nre> of k n e Brciok*. at ,‘t a n d S.

“ I 'eafl of the A rm y .” No. a. “ Som ewhere in G r iL nad i .” i s' a ivsttuu ka.b') v sti-nu^ and m y s t i fy in g episode. T,;n=t- Hm.'s fo-d-ay,

Ou 'Monday anrl two fo!lowir,Fr day.-i. the s t a r d r a m a will K--* a t ive-pai t T r ia n g le “ T a t e ’s Cro-^ IhLads,” th e >tc.iy cif a yo-'d w«vna.n’-' inHueiKo on a bad ma.n. T h eiu v a H d ’.< n iT - f* . one a.mlMtn'n wa.> to hni>h his p i n lire ot ■'T.ik !f':’r " l>'4 oi'e he flird. e n d he *-ould not find a s.it i ' f a c lo ry model for T,urifer. ^Vl on he wa. . mdr-red Y.'o^t by hi*; doc tor , he >a'v his do . ii in a fa rod ea le r in an Ariz-ona V'.>rder t->wn. T i em an refi isM to ]>ose iinMl he wa,« urged to <lo so by th e a r t i s tX wife. Rut' t h e w.often- in;r influence of a "ond wo-man m ad e h im los-r h is Satanic express ion , and th.e .aiii-^t disfovercyl riuU on ly when he in<ulle-d h i" wift' dirl th e sarrlonii.' h'M'k re! u’rn 1i> the mortelN fa re . the work piM.gre.'f.seil. t h<*ar t i . ' t ;?rew weaker. Fie wa.s nr<lerpd to the

j m o im ta in s . but r e f u n d to *;o i in ' i l th*'' “ ileviT** d o u b le ” p m m i"r : i to a e ro m p an y h im . W h e n ■ ( he ex-oul la-.v could utv lx'‘a r a n y lou^-^r to l iear th e w om an he had come to lr)\o i n tu i t e d , he loft the *arnp. b u t h e s i ta ted on th e roa< I. and deeulivl tha* ho cou ld n^'t leave her a< th e tnerev of the monomania.*-. Ho iv tn rn e d , ' to find tho a.rtisl m u rd e re d , - h is j i ie tu re sb'v=bod to r ibbons , an d th e m u r d e r e r s eiiuin,g f a rd s for th e possession o f h is wife. FT--' k’dlnrl the m en a n d e a r n e d th e uncou'^eious wom an to ci eave. T he shock h ad i untied l-er bra.m, an d be ca red fo r h e r u n t i l a n o th e r ."hoek— da iiger f rom a ra t t l e s n a k e —c.lfva.rtxl herm ind . T h e n he offered h e r a f ree < hmee of m a r r i a t ^ or a r e tu r n (o t h e K as t—and slip' left the chok-e to h im . “ 'Flie R o m an < ow- l>oy,*’ one of t h e T o \ two-)i..irt <ome<^lies wliifdi have become >o hiydily jiopula.r. an d ” ( 'u p id Gets Some New l)o[>e’ will >upply tho h u m o ro u s e lom eut, a n d “ F u tu r e in tho .Air” a n d the B a th e tTa/.aMo intov*^ting films.

On T h u r s d a y . I ' r id a y a.iid S a tu r d a y “ P e a r l of th e Arm v ” 'N o . 6K “ M ajor T r e n t ’s F a i lu r e , ’’ H a i m s f a t b e r ’s ( ‘-art oolus. th e B a the G aze t te , and p len ty of com edy iu “ Safe ty Fhrs t” (S idney D r e w ' . “ Luke's Mixed M oto r M a tc l i” (lAurr'^tuiie Luke), and two-i>art ' I 'm ing le Keystone, “ His N a ii^ li ty T h o u g h t,* ’ a, filrn of in t in i le je-"t, iK*rtra.ying >ome oiugina] iiiethr.ds of foo*l pvi.t itet'riug, jUInI te l l in g th e .sad s to ry * f a m an v.ho died tbr*>irgli ei’i t iug a.t h.X own r*'>lauivait.

On M<Hulav. Oclohei- 29th, t h e gro-*.t play, of wliich 009 iK 'iforniances were given at Ihe pAiyalty T h e a t i e , London , “ Milestone.s .” by .Arnold B enne t t a.nd E d w a rd *1. K nolW .k , will la* prcMPUteil. It is an a l l B r i t i sh pr*,v du*;tion. and w ith a v ;i>t se ldom, if ever, pf|Ua1le<]. W h en th is film aunounce<l a-scom ing in th e n e a r f u t u r e e .neuir ios u e re lUiide as d-> t h e da te , iand ^eats i iu jued ia te ly lx)ok*“l. ’Phis looks l ike Lffr hu'-iurr»", .>o we \souId advise o u r rea^lers D> “ Ix' in t im e . ’’

been I’onlribnt.od , hut. iio hoped that, th e re u o u ld Ixi m an y m ore sulusci ibeis, an d t h a t I ho amount, would f a r exceed a l l aiiUcipa- tioiis. No p ra is e could be t*io lii^jh for th e *-on'*crl.'.,. wiiicli gave tlio greatctsL plensu ie .1. nder l lu ‘ m os t able coiidue lorshiri of Miss l i v Gfiidou th e L ad ies ’ nr<'h*.'stra renilered e.\(*‘p t io n a l lv u e l l fine se lections , .su*h as * t a r in e n " (,Bizet.i, “ Maid <jf flip. M o u n ta in s ” (lyra'*ir-Siui.'-*>ny, “ d'he M ik a d o ” (^SulIi^an^ ” ( 'ava lleri<» Ivust icana” ( Masca^un). and “ l ’au.sB’ iG onuod i . I n s t r u m e n ta l solo.s were a sp*x;ial f e a tu r e ; ’*-el]o solos by M isS A g a tha G ray a n d v io lin s*.)los bv Miss GertnuU* f ien t gave th o greates t, p h a s u r e . lioth tlu^se larlios be ing apiciulid artiste.-', an*i g iv ing sk i l fu l and elVo'-iivo ren<lerings of s'^'vcial tine solos. Mi.cs Fbu'cnce Abuire sang w ith mu*li cli**ct. 'I’he .>iiMci])al v o ia l i s l was Mjs.s Ida t ooper, a be .m tjf j i l s-opiauo, wb*»se i'.V(|uisi1.(' voi*M« drc'W f 'T tli m uch a d m i r a l io n a n d a p p ia m c , eu ll iu - siasH'- encores being uwaialcd. E q u a l ly suc- *'c-i~lul v.a- Ml. .Lied A'oriciiiS, th e lav u u r i to ba r i to n e , w bo sang in bi.s u su a l fin*‘ si vie. ami gavi* th e u tm ost enj(*ymeni to a ll l is teners .

D ' l n n g I be \\cek Ziihv.Mxl’'-O f in p a n v is p re sen t in g a sp lend id , al>.-'olutely n e \ i , a n d o r ig in a l d r a m a , “ 'I’iic Brok*'ii J to sa rv .” Thi.-i fino play is ♦'•xcccdingly wcD enac ted ])v ;t tii*ist-cla.s.s C om pany . '1 be loiol is tak e n by Miss Lydia. .Andro as kSecred., who gives a c lever a iu l appi*aling in t* 'rpreta- t loai of the c h a ra c te r . Ati-s Ilotlde Zillwood is a sweet M o th e r S u p e r io r , a n d Miss Ik l i th Gre.gorv e n ac ts ilio p a r t o f G e r t ie Strang*.*- way.s to ix>rfecUon. Mr. E rn e s t b a re h a s m R a lph F a u l k e n e r a c h a r a c t e r which su l t^ him IH'ufect Iv, while Mr. D av id I>a\ics is a fine hero u n d e r th e n a m e of Steve t io rd n n . T h e comedy elem*’u t . wiiich is a lw ays so ace rp t- eble. i.s i i i t rodueed bv Mr. A Igicy Spa Iding as B illy 'I ' iddler a n d Miss E t t a S pa ld ing as .^Tvna .^lugg. Alany a gm^d laugh is evoked by thoM' roaljv c lever artisl(*s. wh*'j livo l lic ir resp^'ct Ive part.s. 'J’he rem ailu le r of the <ai"t 1 1 in »uost cap ab le hands , aiul th e whole fno- duct.iou IS exccdlentlv p^e^eIlted. 'I'he.re will L ' p«^rfr>nn'a.nce..' ili is ( F i i d a v ) a n d Sa tu r- d a r c ven iags a t 7.45, a n d on S a tu r d a y at

'I'heve h-p.-i nl>o been a fishing <*omp^titinn in progres> th is w^'oR. 'The vpiry inclem ent w e a th e r marie it un idea.-ant to r feeaugh-'r-. but m an . ' have re m a in ed a t th e i r IXR'ls in sp i te of all th e wind aiul ra in .

'ro - im urow 1 S u n d a y ) , a t 3.0. a m em oria l :5M>rvio' will be lu 'ld, at which the Mayoi*- ‘ff H a s t in g s anri B*'xhill, a lso monib-ors of tlie two ( o ri iova tinns have p r o n m e d to b'- pro-o.n1. A s i lver collection will be raado for th.e fund . In tlie even in g a g ra n d vocal unci i n s t ru m e n ta l concert will be held.

T H E F I R S T JT S T OL S I 'B S C R I P T I O N S .

A\ e give below the first list o f su b sc r ip t io n s to thp fund \v» a ro o rgan is ing , in c o n ju n c ­t ion w i th the Sussex Sol'Cliers’ Gig-aretle a n d C o m fo r ts FAmd *o, to send siiecialgift.-. !i) Su.->“cx tKddicrs on ac t iv e serv ice a t Ohristma."'. «

ft Avill be noticed t h a t th e l is t inc ludes a cont r ib u t io n trom the riii CTos F u n d , a h d a n o ­t h e r from Mr. G a r d n e r ’s P a lace Bier F u n d , tlie l a t t e r being sent, by th-o Mayor. His W o rsh ip als-,* .-eat th e folio-wing l e t t e r ; —

“ D ear Miss Arianis ,— 1 have-rau<';h p lea su re in to rw a rd iu g to you h c h eq u e fo r throe* g u i ­neas from the fund w-hirh. h a s Iv-en placed a t my dispof^al by Mr. J - H . G a r d n e r . t:he M am tging D irec to r M th e St. Leonards i 'a iace B ier Gom pany , for y o u r Sussex Soldiers ' C h r i s tm a s G i f t s F u n d .

T h e g en ero u s a n d unselfish w o rk of Miss H a rd y a n d yoursielf on Iv 'half of Sussex S*il- d ie rs m u s t com m end itvselt to a.ll w'ho a r e able to he lp , a n d J. t r u s t the m a n n e r in w h ich y o u r noble work is being ass is ted by th e ‘Ob.servcr’ will be p ro d u c t iv e of a su b s ta n t i a l response to your joint. app<:''als fo r C h r i s tm a s comforts .

W i t h all good Avisiies,l^ouis very t r u lv ,

W. P E R R I N S ,M a y o r . ’'

W e inv ite i-mr readers to read o u r re m a rk s ou th e t iind in o u r leading a r t i c l e to-day, a.nd a n*Uo by “ V ig i l a n t ” *n» page fi, dea l ing w'jlh th e c o u n te r appe.)! by l.lie t>'. l.<*om'H*ds Bier.

^\ o a re a^vkefl hi s la te th a t the r u m o u r t h a t th is i.G an ciid..'‘a v o u r to '-c'lul p lu m p u d d in g s to Sussex S 'jh lie is is har<lly correc t. ' 'I’be exac t n a tu r e of th o *‘‘»ntents of th e par- «‘ol wliic.b wdll he sent, hns n o t yet l»o*‘n decideri. because the o rgan ise rs *>t tlie luud a re s t i l l :««gotiating w ith mami- tii( t i i re rs *»t a c e r t a in c iass of food veYy pop u ­la r wjili th e so ld iers ; b u t th e in te n t io n .is L* send In each m an an t-atable, a n a r t i c l e of c lo i l i ing , and a sm all porstuial gift.

We wi.d; to emnhasi.^e tho s ia te raen t t h a t thj.-' is not Ihe o rd in a ry , collection for t.he Sussex S c ld ie r s ’ ( ’ig a rc t t e an d C om forts i'’i;!id. It i- an e n ti re ly rli.-tinct effort to ob­ta in uu>n**y to ^end Uh^i^Una■^ g i f t - to Sussex Sn.^iicr.-, ;ind every i-enny ^u b -e n h ed will be used l' ;r th a t purpose . Snb^G l ipt i"Ms can be sent diroc.l in tlie FklBer, ‘G larem iu it , Has-

>g'. ‘■»r 1‘) Miss G e r t ru d e Adi1 lU^, 1>, JAu'rs- l ield-pUce, a?'d collect i?ig ca rd s can be oli- tam e d at eitli-.T Ibcst* addrc"ses bv any- bmly w illing Ui he lp th e effort in th is way.

Next week we inieutl lo p u b l ish a detaiUM subscnpiir>n li.-t I* da le . T b c tollowing shows th e p resen t s t a te of the f u n d :

t'nllec.ted by AG>s E. B o t lr iB , iu »c k 1 c-a, Mil ward - r*.) ad , 11 its-tlllgS ....................................................

b ir .Arthur du C ros’ I'und for the g»'neral w elfare of theBor (Ugh .......'....................................

Mr. tia rd n e r 's Palace P ier Fund l'»r \\dmmletl Sailors and Sol-<Itevs ( [v r th e Mayor* ...............

C'dIeiUcd by L-'ouncillor J . N. t'nlins

Mr. V\ . and Air. H arryBro»lie. Glive T/odge. St. Leo- naids. -eacli ; Mr. t!rodiereiU ark ing : “ I wish the pitnlI lie h'- st of I lick ” ....... ..................

(.o IIocD'M'J b,\ Mrs. (,'loke, P e l t .......<MlUx:(erl bv Mrs. .A. Mikstead....Mi's. TtiM.pnham .............................C o’levterl by M o rjo ry R y m il l .......O illected hv B eriio .RyniiU ..........Mr. -I. Hopos. tr im DlirG .1. M. ^Vvhe. Vn, G ros\ enor-erf-s'-rnt, St. r,e''‘ naP'-F. an*l .M.r.

X s. <1.

12 10

5 5 0

3 3 0

15 0

A ll ied E.' Uu.-bndge


4 0

31 J9 1


OPBNvS T O -D .\Y .

EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL.y i: M IS r R g fin r l y n e e d k d ,

L*ir the we^'k ending 13ih Ortr.her. -Case-' admit-te^l. JL)- nuiulx 'r in BospiUil, GO; nnni- ber <)f oui-pat irinf rUtendaneos,

Thft 111 e t

-Dr. $ rar1yu \ \ .■'triTXfi-i n-<Mr.s. Box

M r>. ( d iv e r .....Miss ! L. Kenton <*'. .L W i11 iuinson M. f iavid P h i l l ip s

Ison t .‘I'nirc h

Th0 clim atu ' conditions; y*isterda,v looked favourab le fo^ the annua! threi-* days’ Sea A ngling F'o.stivai, whi<-b opens tz-sdriy w dh rompettf:*')ns in Ixrat.s and from ilm tsso

P iers.A goo‘l e n t r y h a s bf»en sedurorl fV.i- tfi,,

brvatys, hut. thero wou!il be rrx>m for mor-' .*i.Piers. \ n g l c r s from l,ondon «n<i *itiu'r

pUv-es, a re here in la.rg'e n u m b e rs , an d only ifiiip wv^a.lhv'r is iief'*=*'s.sary in o id o r I'o en su re fit successful re .s t ivai . ITic e n t r a n t s in ­c luded r*^pr«sentati\'es of th e Bri tysh l-'oa

Angile.r?. th e f l readnough^s . and ot.her n n g l in g j Mrs. Ha orga jnsa t io r> v an d *'om.jv>tib^rs iiaii f ro m ; Rnrst : G reen < b u r r h

! 1l part-F of Tyondon an*d M e tro p rd itan a rea s , |T1-jo ly->i.gue of M erry B a rn s ta p le , .Market D ray to n LSalopb S o u t h - ; rW im orc C h u r r h end.-on-Sea, W esl'diff , liamsejat-o a n d M a r - I GriftL in k ind. -L ruM gat.o. Dover, B r ig h fo rc F jastbonrne. T u n - 'br’dgp W ells , a n d o th e r piac-e* . T h e Dread- nouglris h a v e a r r iv e d a dozen sG'ong. and rnelufle M r. E . I.»ambert, ib is y e a r ’s *'ham- pion lope an g le r . Mr. <L V. M il le r is Tnart'ler, >ind Mr. d. G. P a lm er . A'let^-Uom- enndore. \ few e n t r i e s m ay be m ad e at the pfoKs lo-day on a p p l i c a l 'o n to th*-* Stv''w'iird m C l 'arge ,

Tlie prize.4; in the t h ie o i lav" ' gen4*'al fe.-- HvaJ w'lll b - pr'*seiited hv th* Mayore«5s a t ;i

<V»mmittee acknowledge with th an k - nllov.-inj; iiiui f|..n;i.lnniM

Y s. (I,

tin-;tnd v*sge.tat)le,s f rom

I'ollfAving H a rv e s t T’h a n k s g i*. ing Sei- viee*-; --W 1 n<-lu'U.ea P a r i sh < 'h u rcb , Neth*M- fielH ^■hiirrl'i, I'a.LsfieUi ( 'l iun*h, St. Jo l in 's . H* piling ton . ! )all i ngt i>n ( 'h n re b . i-kis* Guldc- 1‘>;ri '< l iu rch . Holy ' r n n i f v G liu rch , Hast- ings. INd-iertshri Igs*' t ’ongrega iiona I < d iu r r li, B rede < hurr-h. St. M ary Magdalen <‘hui'**h. St. Ix'onai'fls, ■''aieburst UbuTch, Newend' n G h u n ib , N o r th ia m Gb;i{-,th, M ountf ie 'd G h u n th , a.Hfl F d in io re Ghui 'f 'h; faidv ^rfiibet]e lOgerton, f ru i t and veg e tab le s ; Mr. Tree:

crne-erl iu the <'ount.il t ’ham ber at the 'rnw u anj>le>f; Mr. Sk inner, f n i i l ; Airs. Newman. H all (D Mey^iday evening. 'rhotsf? tak ing g rapes; Mrs. Samson, old linen ; l..afly H um -■par4 in ♦ he concert inelm le r/^'veral we)! phrev, f ru it, <igarett»*s, eU*.Vnowii artiste.^, >ind th e Imnior 'iiw *-l*un*’i;t . . i ■■ i»

11M 1 t \M »Every HouBewIre her owa Food

vrPI I've p rov ifk i l by a conidfcnn** ami tv.i* ooniedians. 7’heii t iiere will in a*lddi*in be two lad^■ singers , an d Mr. !• red Aeireil*-, Vrbo i«; d i r e c t in g th e rnusi<*al arrangement.- '.

On Tuetsriav convalescent w-oinKWl -oliljei.- a t . fibo T'oea.] m il 'ta ry h'>Kpitals w ill have angling com petitions at the Fbrrs for a vatlTjable l t of prizes given by th e local public, and t^a. w ill be provided. T he sup­port. aeeomled will ensure a good t.ime for ♦be Tommie^. Tlie M ayor (ro n n e illn r "Perrinsi is i-bair-man .of tbo FeMival l.'nm- ■mitbv*. and .Alderman G. H . B all, hon. se*-- peitarv. _____________

Controller.”A'f»u can m ak e a n endless \'ariet;v of m ilk

p u d d in g s , savourie'-. baked pud i i ings . «l<'. v.-jlth “ .Vrt.lRA ” ShreddfHi Suet, a n d the rn-e, Haked n m iz r , orjfnieal, len t i ls , peas, b f a n s , etc , adviscu! by th e f o o d Mini'^-li-v fo r sa v in g whea.l flour. “ ATOR.4 ” m akes I>uddiugs ve ry l ig h t a n d \ e r y j lo n r ish in g . F r i t t e r s m ad e of th ese c e re a ls should be t r ied in “ A’r o b ’A " Flook Suet . ‘ .AT()R.A” i- sold liy a l l grc»ceis in lib. l70.\cs I.-. 5d, 'lb. 9d.

” r i / n ^ S A M ) T H E T H R E E B i:T T G N MYSTERY AT T H E P F B L U ' HALL.la irge and delj.gliled audiences 4.*ontinue to

vi.-,it th is verv pouular p ic tu re res'>rt, w here a i-itrong program m e, con ta in ing tir.'ii-rate dramaci and m any m irth-provoking films, i .'ihvnys screened to perfe<*l)on. .\p])i\»priato mn.-ic rendered by very capalile m usiem ns add t*i the general onj*iyinent, and th*' rich tones of the organ •ac<*on'ipaninu‘id to some of the p ic tu res excellent. 'rb e enter])rising .Maimgeuieiit‘s juot rew ard i.s exceedingly good busimv-s.

’n»c list for to-day L'^aturdayi im ludes “ 'I'In- Wliit-e F’uven ” (a fine d ram a). “ Luke. Patient PiovitleG* (*omed\», “ Scenic J a p a n ” ‘ int»*n>sl}, “ T oilers o) the S*'a“ td ram a), “ Prim e Minist**!' C h arlie .” P a rt Z (comedy;, and the G aum ont (rra-pbi-c.

An (‘M thra llm g d ra m a . “ L lt i is an*! the Tlireo lLitl*>n .M>s.U;‘y ’’ i> l<* be ibg b*adiilg p ic i in e I 'lr Mundav, 1 i je sd a y . and \Vodner-day *>t next w**ek. it is an a lL B r i t i s n prodin t ion, full of >etisatinna! eviisO^ler-. and fea tu res Aur*'lc Svrlnc.v. Gfiarles ILm'K, and Maimra Shaw. I b u s has a verv *-|ever \ iH a in t*» tack le in i )erw ent . a secret t^erv ir-' ag'uit ‘'I' t lc ' ciKuny. U I-, H *H"** of -diamond cut d iim inhd, and m any " f the* s'-eiuv a re vc» v cx<-i1mg, a n d full ')} th r i l l - . . 'I'o sui.'pnr*! |h!> tliore v\ill I'*' “ t'p<*4'd ;{iid Su-(>i< i-'ui( 'om*‘*l>). “ Life in a T r a ’*’’!!ing ( i tcus ' i n t v r e . - i a i i f l “ I'hal J)<»wgone D*'g I *'*)m*''fl V /.

A < harm ing l<»ve stofv of the lum ber *oim- try . “ Ui\'(' 111 the VA'*'.-t.” fealuring Bessie l.^'ve > Io| Wiifvori Tai.ae, ’.\i)I make it-. api'C.tl fnr the Inst ihrce rlavs of th'.' wcels. \u - f iu , the <‘f Hie. cam]). I'ad, for gor.d r*>as''Ps,;ol'*i)t*'d N ettles wlu'U her fallier *ji*n1. Sjie I'ecann^ the jk** of the camp, and luo’ great pal wn-' .Ih4-K. .\n--tin'f- neohew . Iht fiiins in I»c sh iwii ai*f' ” t neasv M “ lva**ui<! k e i ( '-irtoMTis.”G i ri ■’ (<'onied \ i . , “ 'I'h*'.'1 d I'.i ma ). ■ ‘ T rio ' t ]i mim

a -ce n i 'o an.'l “ (•a.uuiont I'lom i ! \c r y wherei.

; r a e m r n i c i p a t , o r c ii e s t r a .'J’ho < I**meiils h ave been g rea \ jy aga ins t all

f-Tin., of oui-iloo!* a t t r a c t io n s just la te ly , b u t w h e n o \e r th e re h as beon a few hours* ."un- .''hirie an i tine w ea th e r llie sp lend id M unic i­pal < trclios! rri h a s a lt iac tc^! vPitor.-- and re­s i d e n t i n coti7 idem ble n u m b ers , and they have fouu*l t.he - h e l t e r s v e r \ com fov lab ie and th e u iusic d e l ig h tfu l .

T h e S u n d a y evening concer ts in th e Ginema de L u x e am* e n o rm o u s ly successful, vast hoiiM'.s being rocorcied ea*-li weak. I ' t ie pro- gr-imm es a r ra n g e d by M r. l l j i a m Hent- 'n give great. s-itisUact :on, and t.he o r c h e s t r a ’s •Mteriv'ciatio!] nt evto'y i tem is excellent.

Some tine se lec tions l ike “ C arm en*’ (Bizeti arc rmuei-ctl o* peric*ction, and voriloroiis a p ­p lause Is given a t the la s t *'hcrd. Sp lend id pieces in the li.st were “ D om ino N o i r ” (Aiihcr), “ B a b y ’s Sweet h e a r t ’* (Oorri), “ Es- [H'ignol” (Dcsoimes), a n d F a n ta a i a on song> po im ln r w ith o u r g a l U n t soldier.s.

I n s t r u m e n ta l solos by m em b ers of flm o r ­chestra. a re also ver.v accejitable, and the mur-icians a re a lw ays w a rm ly received. On Sum lav NIr. G. A. .Andrews (Royal .Marine Haiivl, Deal) gave a b e au t i lu l ■’cello solo, ■■'The P h a n to m M elody’’ (Ket('U)y), and was e n th u s ia s t i c a l l y a p p la u d e d fo r h is sk i lfu l an d r e n d er in g o f l l i is well-kmovncomposit ion .

T h e vocalis t vva.s P r i v a t e J o h n H a r d a k e r , a very fine temu-, who .-cored a great success vyith “ T he C a l l ’’ ((.)livor) a n d ‘"M ounta in L ' lv e rs” (W. H. Sn u ireb

F o r to-moi-row i l i s s Zloe (.’ovner a n d Mr. B e rn a rd Knowles, the h igh ly p o p u la r meiu- biu'- *>f “ T h e D re am e rs .” liave l>oeu engaged, and girod b i i^ in o s is a n t ic ip a te d .

“ 'i l l E \ R I 8 T 0 g 1;.A'I’.S” a t T H E .^HOKE P A V I M U N .

A\ it.h the rat id a iip roach *>f vvinter (he se»a-> s<*in of the>e rou )wne<i e i i t c r t a in e r s is g r a d u ­ally sliMwing t«» a ch')-e, l)ut iu no wis*'. i.s t h e i r p o p u la r i ty de<Toasing, ami a t every per- lorimvnce a. large ami eiiVhu>ia-"tic au d ien ce csin be found in''i*h> th e Shore Pavilion .

I ’he new n u m b ers th a t h a v e recently been in t ro d u ced have won higii lav o u r , and a re h e a r t i ly ap]ilande4l. T h e concerteri i tem s c o n i ih u o to give <lelig!it, a n d th e d u e ts a re rfH'civtvl w i th entl iusiusi i i . M i r th a n d mehidy a r e the f j 'a tu res of th e show, Air. Ln. il M i ln e r 'd n ' in g p r in c ip aU y Tosponsible

, tor th e form erj J 'h i s t ru e arti=-i<’, wlmse im- pors. j i ia tions a rc so 4*h‘ver. is awaivled t h u n ­

d e r s of a]>plnu.se, wiie h is4»nly his rigli t . He is assii^tc'd by the ir re '‘ist ible Mr. Bert W a l ­te r s in lu s ‘hroozy son«gs win-, w i th hi.-, infec­tious good l ium oiir , wins h is e n t i r e lUidie.nce. Mis> 'Lina I ' r a n k , a c h a r m in g com edienne , a'lso a(Ms to the geneia) m i r th . Lroin tlm <iainly .v/ubrette , Mis.s Clari.sso Flciiey, -wo hay«‘ th e m ehxly in h e r fa sc in a t in g s«uigs will' ll she sings Ml cfft'ctively. Mr. H e rb e r t \ \ ’i l l iam s, th e imigniticont ba r i to n e , and Aliss M argare t Hrnlon, Hi*' swcH’t- soi>rano, al-^j conu‘ um ler Hiis h i 'ad ing, and a re reeipient.' of mu<*)i a ' l m i r a t ’!.!). Ms a jiianis t ami ac- '•(*ni[ian i s t . M.-s N i la G r a h a m excells, whilj’ Mi.'-, H:iy*lee l iov-l . ' i i , \iva*-ious {|nd ex<-ee*i- ingly '-l^ver -iiancer. is *Ie)'; iu ing of Hie lngli- e.-st p ra ise which she receives In u u all fjuar-ters.

“ T h e .A ri^ t .icra.t s ” give Hieir en iovuhle cii- t e r t a in u u 'n t twice. <lailv at 3 ami 7.33.

Afj-'.s Fk^ttrill do. 'orves special menti«'m for h e r sp lend id sUarf. AVho ivjlj t ry to *lo yis well? D e ta i ls of (he arMive coIleH ion.-, in-

ud ing th e n a m e s of a ll Hio subscr ibe rs , will bft given in o u r issiio next SHtur*lay. T h e re ­a f t e r wo s.ball ])ublisii full d e ta i ls of tl ie col- le:■tion^ wfH'k by week. Lvery su b sc r ip t io n will be acknowledged in ♦his ]vaper.

W f received th e appoiidod let tor on T hursday . No doubt th e V olunteers ar* w orthy of I'eeognition. but we e;mnot imlud^^ them in th e pix'-.'^ent effort, which is to raise money fo r Cliristmas; g ifts foJ* men on active service only. Vrvlunteors hnd soleliotvS at ho.nie can get C liri-tm ae cheer w ith com parative <so,se. 'fh e fighting men Itave to rely on th e ir friend,'^ to send th.em gifts. T he w rite r of th e le t te r -is wrong in sta.ting th a t ouv ai-m is to send ci.goret.t:'s to th© 'soldiers. C igarettes will be sent in th e crdinai'T w ay: the pree-?nt appeal isfor nioney for special C hris tm as g ifts a p a rt from i cigarettes. However, here is th e le tte rT ^

S i r .—T notice your w orthy m ovem ent to enipoiy our b rave Suis.sex me.n fighting fo r n.s n.t Hie F ro n t w ith eiigarettcs?; th is C hristm as, h u t ha/s it never struck you th a t , a.part from the aforesaid ♦'Effort, no recognition has ever l>oen tniken of ou r V olunteers and thei.r tim ely services for th e ir coun try , and who not only give th e ir tim e l>ut forego m any pleo'^ures they otherw ise m ig h t have, and, <loiibtIe.ss a re akso pu t to financial exnen.se which they cannot well afford, and all fo r the sa.ke of help ing th e ir coun try in its hour of u e d r ’ I would-M iggest. as a snm ll effort in th a t d irection, th a t a “ C igarette F u n d ” should be ra.isecl for them also.

Al. W A D D T N G T O N .

ANGLING JOTTINGS.--------:o :—------



'S?i;“ ' r d l .M*'rg.uiN

Pr'<*‘ **f I'uineb Nnrth W I.lrs. •

I H a p h i r ■’ i News

“ m s iH H n ’HF:iG> w i f e “ v r ' i j u : G FN 'rR A l. P lG 'rG R E THLATKF..

'I’o-il.iv iS::lU’fbiyl (Im'I** will Iw ^ho«vu ;»t.Ihii^ jx)])U!;•.?■ Ih 's itre ;i “ Blurbji*]” ma>ler- I>r*He iu fiv<‘ r*’»J.-,. “ 'I’lu* l at-ul < in liifl-.’*

ll Is Hie >ti)ry <i| a wuvvvar*l ami v\ilful J wi t ia i igh te r wlm i> bronglil In repentam*** hbi'oiigli h e a r in g tlie j-tory o)’ ;j lH*aulifuI Mv''H‘'. wh') **m;i!oy... lier oc iu l l powers for her own gra l ittcat.ion. and lining-' t rag ic con

FrVOTBATJ..- A t Bexhill on We^inesday a bfird fo im h t g a m e w as played between th e

■ H a s t in g s “AA'ednesdiiy F.C. an d B ex h il l B a n ­t a m s . T h e hom e t.eam ■wa ' !>y t a r th e h e av ie r , but, t h e v is i to rs ])layed un well, the c o m b ’u a t io n nt th e fo rw a rd s , hacked U(i bv a good linxv />f h a lv e s , be ing wspecially uole- wortliv . M ention ' m u s t also he ma*(ie ol Hio splendid pinV of t h e H a s t in g s W ed'nesday de- fcTH-e.. in w hich t h e canto-in. IF/ok^ took a w r y n rn m in e n t p a r t . T h e e-ame refmltfvl in 1. 'well-Tlesorve'd ■w’in th e TV csine.sda.v Iiy t.ii© ndd goal in seven. T h e i r scores were: B a n ­n is te r 2, Ftellens e n d Mercer. Fo r t h e B a n ­t a m s R. G.nine, V. W a g h o rn e a n d T u r n e r found th e net.

WE ADVISE a n t h r a c i t e STOVES

a s th e cheapest and cleanest m eans of hea t for th e coming w inter.

WE WANT YOUR ORDERQ^rly so th a t in sta lla tion m ay be com pleted

before the rush comee.Catalogues on app lica t ion .


tfSb K issr’s E oad, St. L eonards.

DEA'PH O F MRS. C. \ . F o Y .S T E R . - ' r i i n iipws (-if Ilu* flAatl) .(ji Mr*-. (I. . \ . T'()-vslf*r,wliirlt look Tiliu’o oil ( ii-l ohf-i-.l7t ii. will hn-n-- t-.-'n i*d bv oil w ll * i-pnipinbpr 1 h r (^'roal intor-

-ho '•■'ok for -o m a in yi-ar- in I ho p.ansh u o r k of ,-\l1 Saint:-’. Sho was tlm widow <*i'I h<* latil Rov. t ; . A, F oy- to f , h’-oohir of t h a t I'liiiroh u n t i l 1304, whon ho roinovod with his laniilv to (l inso lloiiso. \ sti1-ov (fnis*-. .Hodi''*rds'hiro. Tho di''-oa:-p<l la-dy had h(u-n in tailii iK Jioallh fo r somo linio pa.sl, but hor I *)ndifiojii harl only boon oonsidorod sorions a tow wf*oiKs. I lor a'j|(‘ a a s 74. Th-' in lonnon l look jilaioo. Of I ho l.ath inst ,il .4pslfv (>nis<-.

SA riA lG LING ST O B IK S: A LETTER,EBOM A DI'LSrEXD.ANT. Mr. Monry (''r>ii,sia.s w rilos: “ Tlte im idon' rofei-rod lo in my las t sl/Ory whioh anpoarerl in tho ' Ob- sorve.r ’ of !a„sf -woo.k, ‘ t.'lhor m inor affrays fook pU 0.0 on .la.miary ,'Jrd, 18.31, two niilos >5a.s( of Ma-sfinKS, when two of the ■smut'Ki.-rs, W ilhaiT I "nitteiiden and .foseph Jla rrod , wore shot, oload,’ has brou^rhf me a, le tte r from a lady wdiose fath i-r wa,*- a, sm nc^ler, and w.a.- ivil.h (.he ahovo-mon1.io,noil W-ilfiam G nirtehllen wlioli ho was s lid .at Cliff's End, and whd oarrierl him ’ off th e field of h a ttlo ,' when CThitlondon him to leave him l/jdie alonb, and fo save h is own life, whioh he dioi. Cri|tteTiden'.s dead Ixvly Ireing found the nex t row ning , and was hiiriod in -Ml SaiiUs’Chui-ohjjEthi.-- ftgV eha.l 1 I'M*

anrl. .Tohn B a n k s m a d e m o n tio n of t in h is hook ou ' .‘Smuggling. ' f triad to h e a r f rom of.hor oorrespon

ledge ofdenhs w io oan- spoak from personfll knoiv-

w niila.r even'to-'

sp i |nencr- in the imd. 'T h o lir-i Eo is *do <if ! 'ho (ho groal T ran sa f lan I i i - s n rp r i -o s o n a l . " T h o Voii-i’ on Ihe \ \ n o , " < nnrmoiiioxi on T h u r s d a y , an d from all p a r i s h iph a.pprc- r ia l ion h as boon afforded.

(''f.ho-r p i f ln r o s Jn-flay \vill ho " Doomed "( Im p dr . i raa) , "M 'hon Uio C.aCs .Awav" iN'es- tn r i.-omcd.v), an d "f-oft in flic S o u p " (Jo k e r c o m e d y ).

On M onday . 'Pue-day, and W odmvda.y a filni of o.yc-opi ional intorosf will lie sh m in nr t h i - Ihf'a.tre. onDllod " H i- H ro thor 's W ile . ’’ f( is an o rig ina l oonrop lion of n s( roiyg m a n ’.- love for hi-* h ro C io r’s wife a n d of his nohh- -aorifico foj' lii*r sak<*. Also Episo<h»7 of " T h o I’n rp lo f 'oni .ino ," wh 'oh is rj,o-f o.vcit.in," and Ih r i l l in p . O th o r p ic lu ros will inc lude " Tho H u n lo d M a n ’’ ( I m p d ra n m ) , " ( j a p l a in . l inks lUm'-olf" fVit .agraph oomoily '. " T h e l.osf Tpi>etiic’’ ( Nosfor (o m ed y ) , oli-.

■’ COMMEMOK.VTIC.N W E E K ' .A'P T l l f l P A L A C E P I E R .

I 'n e q h a l le d in ouier]ir ise, I ho .Management of (h e P a lace P ie r , Si. l..e<mards, a r e now ho ld in g a spooial *,.’om m em or:i( ion Woek, w h ich o o m m e m e d on the aruiiver.sary o f t.he m o rao rah le B a tf lo of Ha.stiiigs.

T h e schem e p ro p o u n d ed hv M r. V a n Bione a n d Mr. f j a r d n o r is f*.r tho benefit of Ihe fu n d fo r w ounded .sailois and so ld iers in Ffastings, and the whole o f 1he week’.s proliU- will he devoted fo th is inob le cause. T h e proceed ings a re u n d e r t h e 'p a t r o n a g e of llie Mayor (( ' 'ouncilor W. P e r r in s i , who ha-d-re- cfii.veii -£17.’i before Ihe week .commenced.

On S u n d a y t.wci cxcellehf, concorls were ig iven , a.nd in (he a f te rnoon llie Mayor an d a k i /ge p i im h e r of ( iivio d ig n i t a r ie s were, nre- senf. D u r in g an in le rv a l h is 'W orship gave an elociuent speech, in rvhich he accenii iafed ( he oli)e<:its o f fhe ( o m m e m o ra t ic n W eek, anej re fe r red to iho sp lend id in sp i ra t io n of the Alanagemc'iil , w h ich deserved th e u tm o s t su p ­p o r t of every res iden t of t h e bo rough , a,-, well a« t h e M sitors. A la rg e su m h a d a l re ad y

" M A S K S \ v n F A C L S " A3 K I N E M A I’ALAFE.

Tli-r* n iilh iir-t of a.pipla-.ise a( I he conclu­sion of a film I- a fine ((Viimonv thal tlie a,fill *if (he Afanagcmeni (o proeent its p.afrons wit I, I lie hesi p id u re s has Ik-oiiacs'omrdi-liod,

■\t Ihe higlil-,- p o p u la r ha ll I he learhng fej'ifiiio.s liol'l (lie aiid'ionoe tro-ni beg in n in g (<i end, an d m nch ap p la u se is a lw ays g i ic n . lot- to-dn\ - 1 Sal n rd a y 1 t h e p ro g ram mo will '-(impi'ise " \ lio-.al A c r i .b a l ." .i. I h r i l l in g d ra m a , fo a fn r in g "Finffa lo ,’’ IFalv's .-trongo-( m a n : Episode 4 oi " P e a r l of ihe\ r i n y ; ' ’ i Ik- <'raii,nion( G r a p h i c ; and Em.sisle 4 of I’a f l ic ’s " lli.slory of Ihe t l r c a t vV a r . ’ '

'I'ho ,'i| i,r ' I r a n i . 1 for Ihe fir.-t h a l f of nect w ('.-V: u-ill la- " M \- F ig l i i ing G e n i le m a n ,"icaliiiiiig W illiam .ll.n.ssell, 'G-.irs ami hnighlcr a lio rn a lc anil mingle in Ibis new .-.::d s<-nsationa! (ihol'i-dni.nia ; i( is a story of re: on-1 riici ion days following t hi* \ iic’iir.c i ('rvil W.-ir lha( m ake, fts aptH'iiI

at i-n-.-o ,(** c-*i-ry**m*. .T o supnorf lliis there lo a fine iwi'-piirl dram a, o n li l’cil

".\nH*rica (lei-. Rr'adv.’’ and a di\oi'tin.g iinedy " How 's 4'niir Poor W tfe :’’ P a rticu la rly a tfi-ac tiie is (hi* program m e

t f-*r T hill—d ia..; F ridav and S atn rdav . when

Some, good fish have been ticken d u r i n g the pa-i week i rom Ihe P a la c e Pier . T h e onset- tlix! rough w e a th e r h a s boon th e m ea n s of b r in g in g sonip spec im ens in.shore. ( '-ui have lx*en well in oviiicnco, th e be.sf. being one o-f lijil)-. ilc.-'.s. talv?ii bv Mr. I’c a n n a in , while ot.lieis of Pills. '7a?.s., ,Slhs.. a n d fiib-. Iflozs., U) .say n o th in g of severa l belcw Bibs., have been hroug lu lo th e deck.

Bas.s have a-lso been a b o u l , bu t n o th in g over alioiit iHhs. h a s been Ipiidocl.

D abs h ave lu e n .palchy, ear ly m o rn in g still be ing Iho l>e--t timi* to get flats, and sflver w h i t in g h a v e boon cm th e feed .sh.yly d u r in g Uh* day , bu t bo lder when darkiie.ss h a s fa llen .

■\t the t im e ot w r i t in g 1 h a v e no r e tu r n s fo r th e special a ng ling co m p e t i t io n for Ihe “ H u n d r e d G u in ea ( 'b a l len g e T r o p h y ," so -will give full p a r t i c u l a r s next Meek, th e n th e local .Festival will a lso be over. Eiitrie.s I'.ve c-o-m- ing a lo n g well for th e lat te; ', a n d il is to he Imped t h a t sport will be good a n d fish p le n t i ­ful.

lioa-l a n g le rs -when ab le to get o u t , w hich h as biien seld-.m dtir i i ig t h e past teiv days, h a v e had a d isa p p o in t in g l im e , th e caleuos brought a.simro have lieeTT sina.ll.

Don'I forget an y d o n a t io n s . Iiowover sm all , o r jir izes for the wounded so ld ie rs ’ c-vvmpi- 111 toll next Tupsday , will ly* t l ia n k fu l ly re­ceived hv th e l inn . S ec re ta ry , Si. I.e-oha.rds Sc.i , \ng !e rs , c a re of I’alaa-e Pier . T h e .sol­

d i e r - will ho jirovided w ith a gocal toa, a n d it Is Imiusl t h a t everyone of (h em will he sent away w u h some tan g ib le proof of the. gdixl V. islmr, Ilf Ihe m ru ib c rs , so t h a t any he lp to th is end u'ill he very accep tab le .

';''-,c Hon. S ec re ta ry -will also bp glad (o h e a r ( rom a n y la-dio-s w ho u i l l be w illing to come down on'TupsdcV.v t ro m . say, 3 p.m. to B |i .m ., to help look d t e v t h e 'g u e s t s of (be Club. Vocalists will be hea.rfily welcomed.



Mr. T. Matih.ew.s, of I jondon, a n d Mr. Lar- dolli the* o th e r day c au g h t n ea r ly a h u n d r e d ­weight of w h i 'm g a.nd d a b s in fou r hours.

Mr. II. R e tL h a s landed a conger of 721Ks..Mr. S. H. Dyer. **ff th e G oa t Rook, h ad the

-ati-.fact ion of c .i lch ing a 101b. rod.' T IG H 'r L IN E .

Idea l" pn''l(in* play "M asik«iind Fa.i-e-’’ will l-.r- -f re''!>'*d. 'riie c.a.sle is unequalled for the niiiylie*r of leailers of the. stage th a t are-included noiablv, ATisn Irene V anburnh , Mr. H. 13. Irving. Mr. Dion B iucir.anlt, Mr’. rV nnis NoiLon-Torrv. S ir Johnston Forbe.s- R obertion. Mi.ss (.rorlrucle EllioH . Afi.ss G ladys Coopp-v, Miss Lilian I5rii.ithw aite, ,\fr. G.’vald du Miuinier. Air. Weednn G rossniitli, and m any others. II is a. lalo of Ihe love and k ind liearf *if Ihe fa,mous actress and lieauty. Peg AVoffiiigton. (ho d a rlin g of (he Ihoatre.s. .a.nd of I Im gallant.' of her day. I t is a hom-i'ly B ritish drama- tha l ha,s -atini-cfed ni.a.ny t'-f I h-e luosl em in en t jilayers. but rarely , if (*'*,-er, has iiniie such a.n a rrav of .aH.i.st.s ixirformed in it as apjiear.s in Ihe


t e n a n c y .N EW


8 , Grand Parade, St. Leonards,From MONDAY, SEPTh.MBFlR. 3rd, onw ards will *iffer a l.ARGF, SHOCK of GEMS. .fE W E L LE R Y , W ATCHES, S lE V E li. AND ELECTRO -PLA TE, removed from ano ther

estab lishm en l.


Many pernple a re charging double for every­th in g , these- will he offered for some tim e a t pr&-wa.r prices, and less! .''eeure these b a r­gains w hile you can.

r H * R( H .V N \ IV ERSA R.Y.—To-morrow(Sumhiyi the -Mt.h a n n iv e r s a iy of the S1. Le<.)- iKirds CongvcigatiapaI C h n re h w il l he ob- .-erved. wlieu th e R ig h t H on . S ir Josexih 1 bmpl*in-KickeU, M .P. , will pi-eacb al U a n d (i.3i). Oli W ednesday th e re will lie a f n r i h e r cele.brai ton, the Rev. Dr. R. F’. H o r to n bejiig annownceri to p reacn a t 3.l.i, a n d to lec tu re al B.1.3 on ’’ Re-c'Oiist r u c t io n . ' ’ i l r . A. New­h a m will preside. Siieeial offertorie.s will he asked for the c h u rch fu n d s . V is i to rs wil l Ih- luvirl i ly wek'iimed.

H O J.EIN GTO N W ESLEY A N P .S .A .—Mr. H. B rignall was the siieaker a t H ollingtou W esleyan P.S.A. on S unday , and hi> subject was " F a i lh .” He stated that, every man had to excrci.se fa ith alm ost w ithou t knowin.g it. W hen you Ivoarded a ■tramca.i- you had fa ith in (he d riv e r th a t he. would bring you to your destina tion .safely. W hen you tak e a .ioiirney by (rain you m ust have, fa ith in the en g in e .d riv er, Ihe signalm an, and the m an IVho m anipu lated tho jioints, as all thc.se have your life in th e ir hands. Then a m an m ust iiovc, fiiilh in his b.a.ker. a.s it would he an easv ran H er to underm ine a m an ’s digestion wi th had bread. B ut most im jio rtan t ii was for a m an to have fa ith in religion, and to tie prepared to act up to that, fa ith . .4 mere historical fai th was not enough. maniniisl have a fai th that, b rought fo rth re­ligion : (hat w as p a rt of a. m an 's life. The world iH'lievcfl in a p ractical religion, th a t Mould sland th e wear and te a r of everyda.v life; (hat would help a m an to face death in Iho treuclies, and th a l would help him to lace the Iriala of Hte. The C hairm an ' was .Mr. ,1. (^much, and Miss Marc-hant and Miss Fllhel ( roiieh reiidere<l solos. N ext Sunda.v th e speaker is the Rov. W. Yeoman, and th e C hairm an Mr. G. Facer.

p ictu re vereion. “ M.a-sks and F.-wies’’ was lirsl acted at th e Ha.v-marker T heatre in 18-37. and has. been produced a t various dates by g rea t stage; not.orities. No one should mis,' I he opportun ity o-f seeing th ie film, and seats should he booked early to avoid dis­appoin tm ent. Episodes .3 of th e two g rand serials. "Peiarl ot th e A rm y" and (Rathe’s "H is to rv of the G reat W a r," w ilP be ppceented. ' ;

Monday, fictober '29th. wall see the! first epis.-Kle of an o th e r th r il lin g serial soreened. "T h e Secret of the Bir'bmaxine." fea tu rin g Miss Ju a n ita Hiuiisen, will be shown every Monday, Tnaeday and W ednesday. F 'n rther p a rticu la rs w ill be gi'ven n ex t week.

T O IL E : t fi‘5 0 L L S ,

A t 6 / 3 , f i / e i , 7 / 9 p e r d o z e n .

1 S. F. Wi\LLEYTelephone 855.

1 9 1 , QUEEN’S ROAD,


THE F U L L n o O N : - ^ ■‘t h EY 5 E E M T O

L IK E M E O N S T L E O N A R D S P I E R ”

The Man m the Moon shines* on St, Leonards Pi and helps us to enjoy life there. His light shines Rink and Dancing Saloon, whierein find real enjo

ment. No Hun Raid can disturb our pleasure.

Com e to the Palace P ie r to-day and to -m orro Benefit the Wounded Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Lo



1(or thereabout^) of


F i n a l l y R e l i n q u i s h i n g t h e s e D e p a r t m e n t s .

John M ackay will sell Surplus Stock a t R eakB argain Prices. All goods marked in plain figures for ready m oney only .

TABLE COVERS.0 dozen as?ovte*d a r t p rin ted ^ ^Covers, fa.' t cMonr, lycl. 1 / Q i s(iuare. F su a l price 2s. lid . ■*■/ a each. each.ALL OXE P R IC E TO CLE^VR.

CUSHION TOPS.56 Silk Brocade C ushion ^ »Squares, cream ground w ith pink rosebuds. U sually 4s. (id. each. ,-.ra l l o n e B R IC E TO CLEAR.

GIMP.Jo b L ot of upho lslerers’ Chai r 1 J ?

Gim p. Shop soiled. U sual X U .lirices 31d. to GJpi. yd.ALL O NE P R IC E TO CLEAR.

FRINGE.,\ssort(xl lot of Cr-etonne Edging Ball Fringe. P lain I f jam i Fancy. Very large assortm ent. vd*


ODDMENTS.Co?y Covers, l>ide Cloths, 1 j i C ushion Siiuares, A ntis , X / "©1c., etc. ea.ch.


TABLE COVERS.60 (assorted) Art P rin ted Taffeta and Linen Table Covers. Viu'.y choice Goods, f' -^ual prices 3~- Hd. to os. each, l id . each.


1 0 / .each .

5 j-p a il

l i fyd

CUSHIONS.39 b eau tifu l Chishioiis in best q u a lity Silk T apestry .F siia lly ISs. 6d., ’21s., 33b. each'.


CURTAINS.IS P a irs AVhite F rilled M us­lin Cijirtains, 3yds. long.F su a l price Gs. l id . , Ss. l id . ,10s. Gd. per pair.


FRINGE.1.500; yds. (more or less)Fancy M ixture liVool TMnge. U sual prices Lid. and 6;d.


! CUSHIONS.20 T apestry Cushions, p ink , Ablue, and green. P la in TSaterin back. U sual prices 6s. l id . each. '


^ E D S P R E A D S .8 Lace Bedcovers. Single and ! double bed. Usual pricek 12s. Gd. to 21s. eaoW.


CRETONNE.300 yds. (assorted) best O Jq ua lity Creionne, old .stock pa tte rn s. U sual pri(»s ,L . Old. to Is. l id . yd.


T i

7 / 6

T H E A B O V E G O O D S OW S A L E T O -D A Y A N © D A IL Y U N T I L C L E A R E D , B E IN T I M E . :

JOHN MACKAY,2 5 , L O M D O M H S 9 ., S T . L E 0 B 1 A R D « '



By J. W. GERRARD( L a t e U .S .A . A m b a s s a d o r i n B e r l i n ) ,

His Authentic book will give extraordinary revelations about the German Empire and the Kaiser.

WILL BE READY SHORTLY, AND WILL BE IN VERY GREAT DEMAND.C a ta lo g u e w i t h t e r m s o f S u b a a r i p t i o n f r e e o n a p p l i c a t i o n .

QROWN & WOODLEY’3Il i b r a r y .I

2 7 , w h i t e : r o c k , H A S T I N G S .

1 -’1

■ f i

The “SW AN’’ FOUNTAIN PENA N IN D ISPE N SA B L E C O M PA N IO N . l » G r o t t V a r i e d 1 0 / 5 1»42^.,

> .u i

Page 6: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE


'■i mi. I

Wl-i t i


i i

M '


m x ;



Uric Acid is the cause of rt|orc human suffering than any other constituent portion of! the human macTiincw It fs deposTted in. the blood by weak kidneys, or kidneys temporarily out of order through colds, etc. An, excess oi Uric Acid means Rheumatism, which can only be cured by the removal of tins insidious scourge.The true scientihe expeller is

Ewbank Smitli’s “ APCEL,”W hiA effects a permanent ctrre without harming any other portion of the s j^ e m .

40 dOM M 0 e 3 / - , fey past 6d. ex tra . 80 dose bottle S / - , by post 6d. extra.S u p p lied o tiiy hy tk t M aker—

H. E W B A N K S M IT H ■i {Chemist to the Buchanan Hospital) 5 , NORMAN ROAP, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA.


flotsam anb 3ctsam.I f t SUCCESS COM ING TO T H E


t h e D ire c to r of R e c r u i t in g in yon n f i .G a l lo p ’.s l a s e , by wliioii boys of t l i is iige a re allowed U) enlist in any rofciinent whk-li wiill bave tJiem a n d th u s escaiie th e t r a in in j ' camp.'i; tp stay n o th in g (<1 g a in in g a couple of

1 II. • 1 a 1 ' i tionUis’ e x em p t io n whihst w a i t ing for theA l t h o ^ h th e r e IS a goml deal ot torce regrment to receive th em . 'Wlmch

t i in s t a t o m ^ t h a t n o th in g succei 'ds l ik e , |S i i n c ^ prom otere of ente_n;i^r.ses w u .Atilitarv Kep.-esenta,live, H.e .i,kvi.,^iryon piiblio support, fo r sustenance know tlia t i i .i i .i , . . i ' i , kth e f i r s t - t h i ^ t o do is to efier som eihing '’b A '- them sehes o is,uow hich d e se rv S to succeed. T h is i.s w hatnow being dnne a t th e Palace .Dior, St. W ;A f^ J . ' t o ,vtu k to th e .\in iy n a rd s . I t is an open secret th a t m any ^^^'W'V,' i d ruction and m ake a ll boys go.p e o ^ th in k no th ing w n be m ade to succeed ‘be 1 ra in ing T v e . - i^ Im t it the ,^ S d k j P i w . b e c a i ^ of it-s position. “ 11 i s : "<>‘ 'o '>e ollmveil it exceptionstoo f a r W e s t " is th e cry one alw ays heivrs ■ »o T ''.. ‘'.T 'wheai.a'-new a tte m p t i.s made to secure popu- | ‘fniod ‘hi n ivei-y b<\> should bt K’'<;n 'h e l a r i t j lo r th e Ih er. W ell, I have heivrd of ; f ‘P ‘‘ ‘o v la.im admission o the b ranch of • i i ^ a r cries in connect-ion w ith V entures | ‘ -^rviec he tavoius^ In >hm l all Imys #ldewhese, axid th en oue fine moTning tho , pi^iced on the >aiue level w ithh a r^ a e d prgaiausers of th e efiort have exceptions \^^.at^wel■.*tti> t<xfcbcf^t3^t;at las t pjublic approval is w itl\ . o, - - k i - . r - « « r,. ^ .th am , a n d sueeoes is visible in th e oifing. i ,

n o t going to say the piNipriotovs andjnam tger of tho <St. Ijeonards P ie r have j ,, ,, NEED FOR ECONOMY,reached, th is stage, bn l they a re eeria iidy . new s o t any^ movement bv the Har- HUUxilillg'-towards i t . Tliey a re m aking tho i^*k« ’ rootl (<\ntvol Com m ittee. A jparen tly P ie r a re a l a ttra c tio n , and in vv;e.lcctiiig th e j aslo*!), and ha> torgotteii th a t it was ai>- s^ivkr&^rnmAnt^>.fnr th e p\lblic, tllOy ai’C show- i P^ Htwl to wat.rll tlie iuUATOsts 'd tile injf ra re sk ill and d iscernm eiit w hich should | n?rs aud encourage the practice pit tood 'brtafT t ]iezQ .,a r ic h rew ard, Oiu>i of tlie m any i • Many people a ie asking it it iri-xtezB>8 on th e ir eixtensive and varied p r^-t to .tvllrere to th is policy ot^ina< tion l>e-*^p:sLmine is tho W in te r O rchestra, w hich ( it tears j*enewal ot the ciilici.sm ot Usw ill begin i t s pefrformanoew in th e P a v il io n . , Othei*^ want to know how it isn e x t M onday. Socno in form ation of th is von-: yhat one of its legal rtiemhers d•fH•lHi■ed th a t turorT&-eivOTi in an o th e r colnm n of th is issue, ; l. lo power to tix or roduce prices ot ar-b u t L .sbail be pardoned fo r calling a tten tio n li^h's ol lixwl whe.n s im ila r ('om niittees m'fift tbe^intM itioii of th e M anagem ent to ru n a otlMer tow ns have reduced s<imi' ot the lu-ice.- , first-c^ass o rches tra in a scientifically heated ' such redim tions have liml to .^land• a d ooQ ^prtably fniriicihod jiavaiion, 1 . opJ)o^itiml. food controlwfainH .seafs.w ill be f r ^ , except, in th e rase., many part> ot the• f eomes^pecial week-end <x>noei*ts ioid a few j country are doing s)deiidkl work <>n hchali of fixturres. ]^ r th e r> -a g rea t reduction is being | and in cTu-.ouraging t lie prac-

in th e p ric e o f th e P ie r to ll s?eas>on j tx-miomy. Wliy .vlu/uld H astings u a itr '^ ck o ts ,.a itd arTangements<hav© been m ade for i )iast week the (.'haii'inan or the•opplyingkdainty tea*iand liffht refreshm ents. I j ri>n<l Conlrol < Vnninittee ha,*' received

Bx»w i s th is done?*^ I cannot say. Ali'i im{x>rfant le tte r Troin the food (on lro l-*dvice-to . intfudaitive readers is : go to th e ' (ihuiKlda. May oim ask what heP ie r fl.nd. in terv iew Mr. V an B iene on t h e , to do with, it." Not im m him did Isub jec t. T hey w ill find in h im a i-ou rteons: tiiOj iiu o n n a tn m tbal t!ic h>iter hadSentleiaazi,. r^fedy to imp>art a ll neceesary in - ! rtx'oivtxi: nor Irom any me.mlxT<>t thelo rm atk m , a M a t th e sam e tim e capable of j E''on.mittee. That w.mM 1*av.' hecn in di>- •how ing w hy th is St. L eonards place of jgmnaetEziient should now be recognised | worthy#ofi«s«pport by everylx>dy intei'ested

w elfare-o f th© borough.

with Hu S0*'lTlHut

(»CN‘n '!»1 11 i >-’th ' <is whu ■1. Ih-ehe le tter in thehr M a/'r! '. atul a

it V. ill

1.- C o r p o r a l S. Cloke, D o rse tsh ire R e g im e n t . 1017. Son of Mr. and Cloke, H o u seI 'vtvatc Jo i ' Spice. Royal Sus;c \ . Died ■" \voinni?

of Mr. a n d Mrs. Spice, -2. (did II nriiphrey s-

TCiliod in action on Sen 'em her 1st, ;i7d. Old Domh o-ruiu'i. H nsting ''. 2. Lccoivetl 4vn Srptotnher I t th . !0T7. Son

.AM Sa i n t . t r r e t . Hastingo*. 3. • of-M r. and Mrs.Simih-'n k i r! . 'a HI Hi-lion on ‘Ma rr-li bill., llHi:. \ uoHk-t- son o f -Mr and Mr,^.

S n i k . -t.. tsorgei^mt FrocU..n,'k UowIi.„. Ilo.vol S u .s -x . K uled m a r t uin on be p mo bo r llLlnil. l•^,>Tmrr!v einployod at tho I n i f ; s I-.’ iuUvu.v t-(ation. .'^nn oi Mj . anil Mi.'. Hon to,', r>7. I’avnf<ui-n>;iii, S i lvorh il i . SI. U-unaras . .'i. ('or,>pial T. C. . lo l in s ton r , < ana ihrm . Wonmloil. ii.'iw in ho sp i ta l at liiisoin. I 'm Ir of Mi<..i <■- <.ia.,.s,ui. -0, bou t l i - l i . r ra r i ' . Ih i i lon . Ha. 'fmps. 6. Uom b a r d lor J . W. Kuwlor, R . l l . . \ . . bad .y w ou’.ulp.'b mov in h osp i ta l at, ShoffirhI. (Milv son of .Srrgoant-Maj.ii- ami .Mi-'. Fr.w'.-i-. •’. So i i to w alr r - rm id . b t . f.po- n a - fb . 7.- C o r p o r a l C. W. Fvneh , IfovivI Sa.ss-N. In h o -p i la l in 1-ranre snlTrmiig Irom sholl .shwk. S>n of Air. ami Airs. T. I.vncli. 11 nplifi idon-roml, HastinK.s. s . - l ' r u a t o

P e r n Fynch . Royal Sussex. Died on Soiiloir bar IM>th. iD17, Morn wonmls received on beli- IcmlK-r -2ml. . \n o tb e r io n .:f Air. ami Airs. T. l..-.-nch.

mennex t


I t i* & p ity .th a t th e appeal fo r subtserip- tio o s to th« W oiuided Soldiers’ F und is run- p ing coun te r -to th a t fo r C hris tm as g ifts fo r Snsoez soid ieis a t th o F ro n t, b u t I am cer­ta in th a t Uiis -ia s no t th e in ten tion of Air. Oazvfaier and tho S t. Leonazda P ie r Manage- menit -viien they set o u t on th e ir com m end­a b le efiort. E vidence i« to hand , however, t i ia t th e S t. X eonards P ie r appeal is Iraving m, d e tr im en ta l effect on th a t fo r Ghri.stmas | n f ts 'fo r-S u s se x soldiers, and .seeing th a t th e to t te r «Bort m u s t be com pleted quickly, v h e n e a e -^ e W ounded Soldiers’ F und is of a m ore pM m aaen t n a tu re , I v en tu re th e sug- Sestioa H ia t M r. G ardner and hi.s friends ehcn l^ ho ld u p th e i r appeal u n ti l a f te r DeeendBT 1st, leaving th e field c.lear fo r the C hrietonas g if ts endeawour. T here m igh t •iven be-Jm am icab le arrangeim ent, by which th e TTOrkora fo r th e SL L eonards P ie r effort .would help to m ake th e C hris tm as G ifts j F u n d • Buccees. and th e organ isers of th is F u n d w ould reciprocate by assisting Air. G ta d a e r-a u d h is fr ien d s a f tw D ecem ber 1st. ,In th ie w ay bo th endeavours could reg ister ,a suoeees. T he ex is ting com petition m akes ' th i s dicesittble censom m ainou som ew hat do u b tfu l. M ore abou t th e Sussex Soldiers’ C hristnuie-G dfts Ik ind a p p e ^ in th e Leading Actidlw,of -this iasne, and in a rep o rt of th e •tB iew fi th o F u n d on page five.

perusal of the lol .'hoii- Hial il IS of g ivat iiuportanoi,, ami o.ills iij.io 1 the Fommiite*’ to take proiujit and de- finita action in the aH-iniiiortani work ,-f -t- curi ig fcKxl .economy. W hat doc,- the Mayor intepd to do w ith it ? .Amongst _,'tl\er-things

is le tte r Lord,R hondda sa.Vs :—“ The iiar-in t lve.stj. of the world wil l not m eet th e roquire-

-s of o u rre lves a n d o iir .Allies d u r in g th e twelve m o n th s un less ■nir p resen t ra le

of comsumption is m a te r i a l ly rediteeil. i ' l io necxl fo r th e s t r ic le s t economy is intens.itied by tjhe steps which th e ( rovernm ent lieve tak e n by red u c in g th e {ir'c., oT essentia l food- stufi's. Unless these plain t a c ts can lie b rough t hi->me pmmpl.Iy to every housohold, th e to m in g w in te r will Iw, a t im e ot the gravest anx ie ty . 1 s.'x' no a l t e rn a t iv e kv'tween a ihdid economv v o ln n ta r i ly effected and a romiluIsorT system of ra tion ing . I tlierefo'rc in v i te ViUir C o m m it tee to take ilio in il i . i t ive by a p p o in t in g irnmniiaUiy a Pood F.eonoUiy Comij-iiittee w i th |x>wor to apix i in t one or m ore bulvC',rmmittee.s to u n d e r ta k e ih e iir-.isccution ol .a f c a l economy caminiign t i i ro n g h o n t th e i r a rea . TIio l ines on w hich th is c a m p a ig n can bfs.st Ih' conducted m u s t largei'v be deter-


M r. G- ColeDtan, la te of th e 2nd B atta lion W il t^ u s e Riegimeut, now discharged from th e A n a y , wpite»::—“ -Seeing in y«ur paper aboufi -the R oyal Sussex Booreation Boom ha-ving'been-closed, I w ould like to ask xyhat a b o u t fi>e'dia^iai:ged'’8ol«tiers of H astings? I t •b o o ld bfr..uMido.kaaeorn t h a t th e re is no such •OBOPenieBce in . the . tow n fo r these m en, and th e i r p w a b e r i s increasing. ^ - e we to be

T h e C onunittee k ep t tlie Club open..{or -wponded aol<fiers, why n o t keep it fmr '-na? Wt^.-have edl been wounded, a n d 'a re aU-SaaaeT-men,.,9aBd, w hat’s m ore, have done « u r b i f * T ho answ er, ao fa r as th e Com- sm S bb « f th e Bnbertsem S tree t R ecreation

; SoamB,<iS‘COBoeEned, h as already been given, i T h e dtoizsion to close th e room,s was onl.v «w na, to a f te r -*©rv ea rn es t and carefu l th ^ g f a t , an d a f te r consu lta tioh w ith th e ■ o litazy an flio n tie s . T he Com m ittee could 'mob y>0 W0 coB-Gnued th e room s fo r th e con- ▼enHBcee o f disebateged m en because i t had n o aiEthcMstw fo r s u ^ m i undertak ing . T liis BUiei ito t. however, be taken as in tim a tin g th a t th o G m nm ittee h a s no sym pathy w itii dischazBad soldiers. O n th e con tra ry , each m em ber o f -that C om m ittee w ould, 1 am fp n te oectatn, be delim ited to take p a r t in an. ■ effort to PBOvide R ecreation Koom-f-for th ese m en . T h is m u st, however, be aw en- tt r e lv sep a ra te un d ertak in g and would ' re- « a ir » a now s t a r t -with fresh funds and a d v iH a a C om m ittee ready to give to the w ork t h e ,necessary tim e and a tten tion . I t w ill be undeirshoed th a t i t -would differ w saterially from th a t w hich has ju s t ended in RiohertBen>streot, seeing th a t th is was for -nndischaxtged soldiers, who were, therefone, nndo r d ire c t m ilita ry control. I f rooms are ■provided fo r discharged soldiers th e m ilita ry «lton«at wDl be e lim inated , ami th e Com­m itte e m u s t find an o th e r way to p.xercise Boffinent contro l to keep the-p lace in order. Howervw. th is 'is a difBcuIty w hich can ea.sily he sarm onnted . 'The question is ; Is there a peal dem and fo r such room s? Tf i t can be show n th a t th e dem and ex ists I have no d o u b t th e necessary organisation and money ean be obtained. Personally T shall be only too glad to ass ist in such a "movement.

“ A U T T L E B IT OF HOM E.”P r i v a t e H , O. D e n m a u , of the, .A.S.C.,

WritcB:—“ I a m o n e o f t h e old Hasting.s boy,s m a n y m iles f r o m hom e, a n d .vet I h a v e a l i t t l e b i t o f hom e sen t to mo every week in ■Hio gtxid o ld " P ic to r ia l A d v e r t is e r . " 1 « n io y look ing a t t h e p ic tu res , a n d I see aeve ra l o f m y m a te s ' p o r t r a i t s in y o u r Roll o f H o n o u r . 1 wish t h e p a p e r t h e l>e,-t of l u c k ; i t is th© becit p i c tu r e p a p e r I h a v e .vet ©pm©-across.'*

by lot-al o p p o r tu iu tk 's a n d D-<iil "Whilt' su^iAStinj;, t l io rn 'o ra . th a t l.ho mt'in-

p of the I'kAonomy C*ommilU‘o uii;wi:ht fonVeni-e-ntly ho re^-'trictod in tho first iiistaiU'o to tT\|elve m em bers . m<a.ny o f w hom should no dcjiibt he c.hosen f n u n ou ts ide th e Fried C on trb l ( ’.ommiMee itself , ( do not proiKise to lii ilil s t r ic t ly th<‘ n u m b e r of luembei's wli.o should he aprxiin ted . 1 ulesire, liowevcr, to suggrei^t th<at no C o m m it tee will W in a posi­t io n mAke th e uniyersa-l ap p ea l w h ich flie jjravitjy of (he o<-<.-osion dom ands . iinle^..s th ey a r e ini th o widest soniR‘ r e p re se n la t iv e of a i l t l ie clIaH jes to whom it muj'f ho ad-dressed, i n p a r t i c u l a r I w ould ur^o tin* necpvssity of secu rin g th e coutidence aiid li«]p of lab o u r o rg an isa t io n s , of t h e c/>-oporative m o vem en t, of a ssoc ia t ions re p ra -v n ta t iv e of w o m e n 's in­te res ts , of t h e w luca t ion a n th o r i t ie s am i of teacher 's, in c lu d in g teach e rs of dom es tic science, of the re lig ious bodies of a l l dcnoiu- iu a t io n s . ^md of ov’orA* o th e r oi'g-anised asso­c ia t ion t h a t is w i l l iug to jo in irit l i th e m in b r in g in g hom e th is appea l . Youd <ommiUee- wilT recognise t h e specia l v a lu e i >t' the Iwlp w h ic h th e P ress a re in a posi t ion to afi'ord t h e m . ’* Does ,the H as t in g s* I'oixl Contro l ComBiittce in te n d U* t a k e any notice of th is letter*' jVnd if si> Imw long a re w<* to w a i t before we- sh a l l Iv- iKM*niitLed-H-• know w h a t it: t h in k s alxiiiL i t? N o te Hie word “ im m e­d ia t e ly ” in tho Food C o n tm l l e r ’s let ter , ' t h e l e t te r was sent o u t a week ag >, but. up to tlio p re sen t t h e me-iiiliers of the h e a l F’ood t ro l C o m m it tee h a v e m ad e no Mgn t h a t i ts rec'oifit h<is dUturbo<l tlu>ir s lum bers .

BY T H E WAY.More h in ts fo r tho honie;-—To remove d i r t

w rom w h i le p a in t , u-io wa-ter in whii.-h two o r thrf^e onions h a v e )jorn Iv'dled. To m ak e m ilk piwlding ricli and c ream y , sp r in k le (diop- pe<l siix t on tho top. To preven t g reens from .smelling when (‘i >!»kiu<r, put a piece of d ry to a s t in a m u s l in Ixig in the w a ter .

H a v in g bfMOi obliged (o lem ove from the F ilsliani Pa.ik ('onveni- in to now premisev; in Danc-roa-d, t h e Ked Cro.' .'- H osp ita l c a r r i e d on w ith so m uch success a t tho fo rm er p lace j> now in need of m an y tlr ings fo r i ts new liome. .-Vu ap]>eal apixuirs aTiiongi-vt o n r W a r news to-<l-ay. i \h ich sIiouM c-ommand th e a t t e n t io n an d b u p p u r t of “ O b se rv e r” reader?.


M F . .AMI AIRS. V1-:RM>.\ D A R E.

Tn the Di\i.ir';c J>T\ision un 'rucsda.V he to re Mr. d iis iic i’ H o i r id g e , the laisf-s P a r k i n v ibT.rkin ( K in g ’s P ro c to r show ing *an.>w‘P Mnr^hen-Sinit h Ma.rsH*’n-Snii I h (K in g 'sP ro c to r sh o w in g cruise). < nm<' np, ih e K in g ’s PrvK'toj’ in te rv e n in g 1<> resvin^l th<* (.h“<i-fH\s nisi on tho g reurn l in e.ich <ns*' of tho pot it iomu's* a d n l t e r \ .

M r. J . IlarvHV M u rp h v , lo r the K i n g ' ' ProctO!'. -a id (h a t Ihe tv^n ea^cv n-oio nr less o v e r la p p ed , a.s was a lleged hy I}-,h k i n g ’s [‘rn r tn r t h a t Mr. I ’a r k i n t jo in rinly. ptO.S. (ill , Inne, IDl-t, harl c-omiiMilcii ann lic i^ 'witli Fh rcuee l’' j t: :gera)d w ith wluun ite liiu! lived u n d e r the n a m e oi Mr. ami Mrs. V e rn o n Dare at H a s t in g s a n d n'.E.or p)ae'*s. I ' l o m .Inue. adnltor.'. was a lh g e d be-l\M‘eo Mr. P a r k in ami \ t ) s . M a rs.h*n-S ;ti i IU at varioM'. piaeO'. in V nrksli i re, d a r i n g llie t im e tluit he lu'hi a com m ission in the u;vbei land i l i r r " , an d sirjei- }p' had i e-limpushA’d tliat <oni :u t s s a m . No answ ers had Imhmi hied. Im t \ t r . Pnrk-in iuul re -e n t ty w r i i te i i .1 h ' t t e r . v, h ieh In* <h*-Mreil tn 1h> revid, a n d in whii'U in' den ied iulul 'iery. lin t iu p u i r c s at tie* a d d re s s f rnm wiptli t)ia.t lot.t'.'r was w r i t t e n .sliowod t h a t he wa-' l iving t lu ' ie isitii M is . Mnrsch^mSmith a . m an a n d wife at the tinn*.

Counse! m en t io n ed t h a t , while th e pioil- i c n e r sva.s l iv ing w ith t h a t woma.n at ihe t im e he held a eo n m ii 's io n . he ivas given a Mcdding pres-ciit b\ (he oftieets of h is r.*gi- m en l , as lu' liad pretv 'iulcd Ilia! he h ad ju s l bf'cn rna i rie<l to he r .

M l. .D:*sli.’e l lo r r id g f t h e re u p o n rA'.seimh I th e fh'('rce% nisi , d i s m i ^ e d the pi*titions, an ’d eon<l(‘nuied th e pcMitioners in th e costs i.t t h e K i n g ’s lT\>etcr.


Coiui.i>d hy Me.“»rii. Djcr ard liaUn-way, 33, Hurelocl. R.<xi<i. Uax-'tia 's, aud CG. Mciiat Poad, Clive Vaie.X £Ass(?Tut»..v llfiomfl aiai Arcade .................. . i' to K.Uaiei;j>'s " U " Sl'arrs ................................ Uj lo 11.Dan :.iy‘s t iiiik. " A ” SA full-, paid .. 71, (o 7'

VViit-nr 7ind 10 pi.d- Feu- Milvuuilui 10 to l;i\\Hi<*r and CUis 7 per OFnf. Ma. imur3 8 to 10

Ca-'il..: D. d (\ nn:iF.A r-.vil, ........................... ‘22; t-o (iJa-UDi's cy.rperiuiu-i b:C<*k ........................ 0f> to bJlUw!; i Riw niiii I coua!rd«- 3i par ceut

(■-.» V,'1 t**d 5Pcr\i ....................................Ha>i iLi-''* i'Hil •■St. Ucoai'-rd'.' tj.-i -j pt=T rout

5 i>er ceiit.xl

lla.'‘UTii:.> .laU rSt. Leo-’iiiuJa.\dd;tim;.al dtoc'-c ...................................‘ asiiL-s anti ? t. l eonaisU Cina 3i per oont.J.)*-.n*ril;:i-A .S;f>ek .....................................................

mid iSt. Lecmirdis Ua~s < per cent.UorantGif ........ .............................Haestiru's ii’id D. t'ici. UI'kItw Train? prrcent. LV'liC lUiT-.* SUH*k .....................................

Hiistu.'-'S lJ:-Uic: hanUrM' Trams Hc**ni. (aim. .....................

ITfieiuiiti I’i.r C-.iy.i'i-O' ..................TL'umv'H Cairm;'* IiiiprciTr‘nu'Dt Society

58 to 627 m ?2

d r

lo 7'50 (0 5i60 to 6‘«50 to 55

1/6 to 11,c £ ‘J to ill

£12 to £15 10/- to 20/-.............. m 24;

'J .MuL.iiii! Dank .................. 7|| te 7Ji.'Ui \V<‘ctl«,-ni Ita’ilr .......... 12* ie 131.)t'i nii*j S'-.iith l.-':iAst Railtray........................... ;.<!j to ece«%-u;v,n* l.rr-'-rT'-l - : liarik

id. I -•...................................Ouliinrr I'l enLT.iioa

THE TRAMS.it ;!-; w i .kk 's i-’P ii hk.



e 2f'14:: f' !‘> I 25/- TO :in' I

29 1r 2Hi P/9 to pi/; 1 13/9 to ll>/1

:u TO 4

Itr -hix Ha*-

0";V mV W-: r<te.d..•,dnul.iy. 2-1.893;


On MONDAY NEXT and Following Days,i

Will offer an important part of the Stock of>

THE BUCKINGHAM FUR Co., C ou rt F urriers,Buckingham Palace Road, ,

recently purchased by public tender at a discount that enable Philpots to sell them at exactly HALF PRICE.

The Furs are of exceptionally Fine Quality and in the latest styles, the most fashionable and favourite Furs are all included in Muffs, Stoles, Capes, &c. Russian and Canadian Sables, Lovely Skunks, Finest Blue Wolf and Blue Lynx. '

Black Wolf, Black Foxes, Sitka Foxes, Silver Cross Foxes, American Opossum and many other choice Furs. Considering the

% great demand for good Furs, and the advance in prices, we need not emphasize the importance of this Sale to all who are desirous of purchasing really good Furs at Half the usual prices.

The splendid selection of Fur Coats and Fur trimmed Coats are alone worth a visit of inspection, but an early visit is advisable, as when this stock is exhausted it Mill be quite impossible to obtain such value.

P H IL P O T & S O N S ,S p e c i a l i s t s i n F u r s ,

3 7 & 3 8 , T H E C O L O N N A D E ,

IT. L E O N A R D S - O N - S E A .

Elstablished 1836.’Phone 35y.And at Tuntaridge Wells.


FO R 1 9 1 T - IS

O M E S H S L L S I M G .




P O L lU L C o r i i T M IS S IO N ON A DIS- Q U lR ' l ' lN O I -F A T U R E .

F I N E (lECOK.D O F lAM Ali W O R K .

T h o (uiinia! iiies'lniq ol t h e H a s t in g s aii ' l M. l/i-'onards, B raL fh of the Polirp. C o u r t Mis,.iion was li«-*lrl nii T h u rsH ay afterinx>ii iu tho C h r is t ( ' l ii in-h Dari.*-)! Koom.

d'he c l ia i r wa-- t a k e n by tiie liorcl Bis.hop of Lewes a n d amf>ngsl o th e r s prosenl wore: th e F u r a l Dean {dev. '1'. \ \ . Cook), i ’a p t a i n Colvile. ,LP. (C lia irnr.ui) ' Mir-~ Nf. I'oiviMo (Kon. Secre ta ry ) , C o m m a n d e r i ll . J . fU\l- tield, R .N ., J . l ”. (Hun. Treaj?urei^b M rs ’, a n d Mi>s Oolviie,' t h e M a y o r <Coum iUor M - lVrr^n^), tiio I tevs . Kden K ing . ILTfarloe P fuh l is . C. A. S tu rg es Jo n e s , a n d C. W . Dongla-s. I'oum-ilio-r H i l l , Mi D. J\. \T . Owen. Mi.'ts P i e r p o in t . Miss Luc.v Haze-

ley, laeiiteuant-Colt>ue1 Hla n s l ian l , < ’olanel VVard. Mrs . Kenyon , Mi^•^ Idovinan-Hoyinan , Mrs. Huglie-. ^i i^‘. A>hdown, }<^\. \V. C. and Mi>. BiiUoyk. etc. .\|Mlo.gies fo r ab.senre were i w e i^ e d from the KVv. H u m e Siinnson, Mrs. D ym ond anti Mrs. Savor Mil ward.

'Idle U cu . S ec re ta ry read (lie report which s ta te d t i ia t t h e out,s(aiuii im fealuriTS th is .voar were, (.at <>Tily o n e m an received info Dn- H om e: a n d th is om* not a new case, but th e i>lpa.«:-i.ni’t visit <«f an ohl f r iend on leave from hi.s shi]). (b) -\ great ile- L Ft'aso* in t li<‘ m n n lx ' r <d' nn'ii T*risonc*r4 \i>.ited in th e celD. u-/ Ver>' sal i'^tao'oi.v' rfdjorls f ro m old casep> noi '’ se^^■ing ih e i r oonTitrv a n d >erving he r W(dl. in th e Na\ .v

i and r m \ . 'Phe p lea sa n t , g ra te fu l ]etler'=i ' t rc-m (he*<o men a r e a real enconnvgenient 1 lOvUie Nfi>sionarv a.nd lo v onr * nmmiMee:! and an eloaiuent t^ '^tinlonial to the tn<‘t tha t I t'> m an y ]:uik, th.-v I d i l e house i ’i S ta t ion I Road h as be<'n a real liome. (d) T he largo

Dove, and Miss Sydney, and adding in th e ir place the L'ev. K. .\. Denson, and Miss H. Vi ha rt. T he Miij'or seconded the proposal w liich '^'as ca rried w ith applause.

Sj'rgeant-M ajor I . IL M orley, Ex Ixvndon. JhC.M ., who has served in th e p resen t w ar and is now }*.C.M. a t W oolwich, gave a very

Jnteresiting address,was to divided in to two <*lasses of people



HaThe halt-yearly m eeting of tho1 he world, he said, : D is tr ic t A ncien t O rder o f Foresters wjas hi__

f"-'' classes of people, on Tuesdav everting a t th e C larence H ot^, Uic nialefa<-hirs ami th e benefactors, and i t j M iddle-street, Uafitmgs. |-ft-fis th e P .e .M . w orkers th a t were the lieno-I B ro th er W . R ussell (D is tric t Su|b-Chief fac to rs who to<sk care of the m alefactors. R.aiiger) presided, supported hy B ro ther W. T he P.U.M. was sta rted abou t in years ago J . tdone (D is tric t Secretary) an d T>thera. and the work that, had lieen accom plished B ro th er H erb e rt H u n te r (D is tric t Treasurer) v.as full of hope a.nd g ra titude . 'Fhe w ork w rote reg re ttin g absence. B ro th e r Bj J. 0. <;t the Poliip ( Kiurt M issionary was divided P ra t t , D is tr ic t C hief R anger, w as on active info th ree part.-, (he juven ile co u rt, fo r service a t Salouika. H e is fo rtunate ly in <-hildron lictween .) and Ifi, th en Ijetweeu IB good h e a lth , a n d w ro te w ith good wishes for and 13, a m ost criliw il class, and from 29 D istric t. \upw ard which were fa ir ly easy lo deal w ith , j T he folio-wing dekgtates -were p ie re n ts -

S. M. Morley gave h is opinion of th e B ro thers George B lac tw e ll, A. B. Edwards, causes of juvenile crim e and c ited m any and George Siiipp ((3ourt “C inque Ports,” case.s where the P.-C.M. had atepiied in a n d 2i)83). IT ederick C a tt and A. J . Watson the offender had W i i reform ed, and h a d (C ourt “ P rinoe of W ales," 5,622, Bohemia),

doim miignififtntly, several _of th e boys * —v , , ^ — ,, — ~i .mnkiiur the supremwn.- hiirhly in te re s t _ __ _________ _____ _____ ___________ _ir.nde ,ul p resen t desirous of d o in g ' th e i r 8.332), and A lici W o o ^ a n d ^ G l^ y s V erc^ >erv best for such a g rand work. j (C ourt ‘"Pride of H a s t in g ,” 9,469), 'and A

.A vot»» ot th an k s to th e ( ’K airm nn c o u -] num ber of B ro thers iro in I l is t ii ig s , S i. Leo*

irwii o-pu iiacr v*-ourt x 'nnoe o t w a ies , oonemiai,nen tly , several ot th e bo.vs Amos G ladm an an d T H. W ells (Court “ l i line sacrifice. T he accoun t La. W a rr ," 7,122, B exh ill), S isters H . E] Tork psting and ap|KVilitig, an d and H . A. P r a t t (C ourt ^'Hope of Bexhiil,"

<“]aclerl th e meetinj 5


nantis and -Bexhill. ,Among those p resen t w ere B ro th er CaveU,

a very old Forester from D eal. !The financial position w as sum m arised M

follows: W orth of F u n e ra l F u n d .£10.162 Ito.

a n d of yoimg wnnion umI n u m b e r of fxiy^.......... . .e irls who np.’d ih e hein of the Mission, j ji^,. g irls who become th in and

I T he im leose in tin niimbei- of w-lrl. iimtis- | pale, tired worn ciplined young g irts, wlm come before th e i,-, s treng th , O I'onrt -or th e ft, nnd are e tien in -fhe griivesl ) ide-il Ionic.

Can be obtained of all Booksellers, or of the


T ile neenark by th e C hairm an of th e East Snesex Appeal T rib u n a l at, th e (xmclusion o f th e case of th e boy of 18. who bad been rivipn exem ption by tlte H astings Local T rib u n td becanse lie Tiad been accepted by file .Artists Rifles, was a s inaccu-rate as th a t « f I f r . D avenport Jones. T he C hairm an, a f te r announcing th a t th e .A.ppeal 'r iib u n a l a lh w e d th e m ilita ry appeal but ordereil 11 e boy to rep o rt on th e 9th -N'oreniber which yras th e date to w hich the Ixx-a] T ribunal ba<J.gi-ren h im exem ption, rem arked ‘'EveTc- body’s satisfied.” and Mr. Jones added — E xcep t th e ‘ H astings Oljseiwer.’ ” .B oth w ere wrong. Tlrere is q u ite a large ninmber « f interested people fa r from satisfied a t the in«mn©r in which th is case has Vr-en deal I vrith. F irs t, th ere is the M ilita iy Repn-sen- -tabive wdio, in view- of ti e f.-ud (bat o ther 1oc.al bove a re try in g to esea'ptr m ilita ry <luly In th e T ia in in g Reserve by following vnun

Hastiii,g.s m an w i th the Forces of ll-p F r o n t sends, .some verses whii-h iviU Im pu le li shed -as soon as possible in t.bis p a p e r : a.n<| wil.li (.he ver.-es is a, le t te r , in w liidi lie .say.s:—‘‘W h ile in an olvseiire Frenc li village I noticed (be words ' Ein.ii iainiel-road ‘ on a piece of j iaper on th e g round . Looking f a r t h e r f rea.d ‘George-st i-ect,’ an d ‘RhilfKit an<( Co.’ T h e n cam e recogii it ton. W elt , i t ' s a fa r erv troni ( lare inont to l.lii.s spot, hO th e old - O b s e n e r ’ niiLst be, p o p u la r . ”

“ I.e J o u r n a l de R o i ie i r ’ ol tin- Lttli iiist. r e la t in g th a t a le t te r of svm patl iv b ad Vieen .sent bv the Vjee-I 'resident of La Musk|U/: M unie ipa le de b’oueii to the family .o' the late Ma.voi-. . \ ld e rm a n Hut!:bings, ' a n d ( he Mnnieipn-lifv 'if H ast ings ii|Jon th e loss ot all nffic-ial of sii<-ii i-are iiM-ril, .and whose disap- IK-aram-r* h as been a ve r itabh- iiKiuniirig toi- i ts c-itizeos. and Ihe e n t i y i,f -nch leUer in the Pub l ic Records, sfute.s: ‘*\\*e see bv l.hisfac t how nineli th e a u th o r i t i e s and popiihi- t.ion ot H as t in g s rem a in .simsi l>lo o t a.Il emir- t iams and .symp:U h.»t ic reniark.s l l ia t oouie t rorn Rouen. It i,- th u s th a t a f te r a iieri^al of ] i years the first pnb lie m anifestati-ou is given of the E n te n te I 'o rd ia le w h ich h a s lic- eonie the , \ l l innee between th e two tow ns."





Couinienping n e x t .\feiula.y, th e augm eii led L ad ies ’ U;re,htoti-.a, w h ich lui:t proved .so p o p u la r d itr ir ig t h e season ju s t l inisli iug, w ill


P u b l i s h e r s — w m m


m m w

Food is as im p o rtan t to the sick person 44<h, Manag.ement F 'und .£1 Is. 5Jd., Aid Fund as inedR.ine, m ore so in most ea-ses. A £-37 10s. 8d.—T otal £10,201 to. ,Ou[Moxt-badly < hosep diet m ay re ta rd recover.v. g-Mte ,£9,122 10s., W ar L oans £910 10a. S(L, in

In health th e n a tu ra l appet.tte is the best Fost Oflice Savings’ B ank £29 3s. !M., in guide to follow ; in sickness th e ap iie tite is London Count.y an d W estm in ste r B ank £138 ojig.’l fi< kle and depraverl. l"s. ad .-^T otal £1J),201 3s. 6d. Increkae

I ’m iuT food and a good tonic will keep Slock £507 3s. l id ,most people in goc<l health . D r. AVilliains’ T he D istric t .^ecretar.v m entioned thaj: th«>pink pills for pale jaKiple a re the most p ipu- iiow had £10,000 in th e ir F u n era l la r tonic m edicine in the world, harm less, .S.inee 1911 they had had £1,834. 19s. 9d. jinter-non-ulcoholie, and cert;\in in (he ir ac tion , est, in the F u n e ra l F u n d , an d had paid £1.707w hich is to build up the hlcMxl an d to res to re f” i' funera l claim s. U nfo rtu n a te ly they had

i ta li 'v to the run-down system . F o r grow- lost 26 B ro thers on ac tiv e service, andj £364 ) become th in and .irale, for had been i>aid on th a t account. They y o u ldm en . for old people who fa il have the m agnificent to ta l of £491 19^. 9d.r. W illia m s ' p ink pills a re a n beyond th e liab ility . P rac tic a lly th e ;^hol*

I con tribu tions paid by th e C ourts in to the



Satuj-day, N o v e m b er 3 rd .—George H o te l , H a i is h a m . , ,

T u esd ay , N ovem ber Gth-—L-oyal Oak, E g vGiijSoy •

S a tu rd a v , N ovem ber lOtb .—>S»ekville Fari-.i, i le r s tm o n c e u x .

Tnesda.v. November 13tli.—Stones Cross.S a lu rd a v , N o v em b er 17th.—C row n H ote l ,

H a i ish am .T u esd ay . N o v e m b er 20th.—W a r t l i n g H i l l .Saturda-v, Novem ber 24tti.—H o rse Eve.'iuesdav', Nuvemlxu- 27tb.—Pevonsey S tation .S a tu rd a y . D ecem b er I s t . - C h u i y l i E a rm ,

Henstm onceux .T u esd ay . Uccembor . . l l h . - J u m - t i u u H o te l ,

Polegatc.S a tu r d a y , D ecem ber 8tlj .—Rickney .T ue^a.v ' . .December 1 I t l i .- -B ore t ia in .S a tu rd a y . Docemiicr 13tb. Red Linn. Mag-

h am Down. IT uesday , D ecem ber 18th.—Red Lion, M illing-

S a tu r d a y , D ecem ber 22iuL—R o y a l Oak, ! Pevensey . :

Wednesil.-iy, Decem ber 2G (h .-G eo rg e B 'd e l . ; Hailsliaii i . . -

.Saturday, December 29th.—Rui-sells in Iha-M arsh.

Meet a t 11.1.3 ti.m. each day.N on-subsc r ibe rs caiiped 2s. (xl. each day.

m oral Tlanger. i.- a verv di-^quieting I'eatiire. j To enable tho.se who give those p ills a i F-mieral F und were absolutely c lea r. b&ide« The rem.'dv is often found in the term s of | p, o-hserve in te lligen t care in th e d ie t, close on ,£5Cfl balance from th e In te re s t Ao-ttie ir p robation , viv... to -pend two years in l i j ,e D r. W illiam s’ M f^icinrt Co. w ill send count. He th o u g h t they were in a position a Home. F or sim ilar eases whieh have not , o:i renue-st free a diet Ixiok. "W h a t to hatt. to re-model th e ir con trib u tio n s for fu n era j t,..on ell-arsed. but for w hom Hie ! am! How to E a t." I f is full of (useful in - j benefit.M issionary 's help bas fipen asked, ihe sam e | fo rm ation , and w hether you a re -well o r ill. B ro ther W. R ussell (Court “C inque Ports**) reniedv is o’ten needed. b’eiMirl of ihe j if is a good licok to have. Send for ,d eop.v, ! was olectoel D is tric t Chief R anger and BiilK

addressing a imst card to Ofrer Deirl., 4ti, lloUvorn V iaduct, Ixindoii. E .(M .

Von w ill do well to 1)e-rin Dr. W illiam s ' p ink pills t.v-rla'-: an.v dealer can siipplv you, but see th a t vou ob ta in Dr. W illiams*.


A iXL\ CA r^L.

'i lir 1 liMiiTiuui i S i r I hort |iip l, K .t’.'|irp<i'}r(( ill tile AHc1ihp1ui<i>5 LLicirtor !SpM?-'iA)ns I r tlio (o u n tv o i J'lj-hl wliicli Aserpiu'Ifl i.iM T'ucMlay a t llio (,’innit.y H all, Levve>.

UAH ASSUClA ')10^\S.AJfrcil Laurt-nre, JO. a h ibuun i\ ivas in-

dictcfi ]ti]- lu’tak in ;; ami antprin^' iVm (Jv\oll- u\' tuMi’Da Kphij) anil ,-t.caUnij: '*no

w atch. h('hin;,xin‘i to W illiam Jau ias .ieTmiii^^>,, •arul l.Wd coins, (lu‘ proiKM-i.v ah' \n ii Koiup, at ] ll'illiiiL'^Ioir (K’u ia li, on .lulv IGUi. |

nee*n>o.('■•'iionarv : to F^olif * C ourts, 32t>; to

('’elL . 91. Inl<*rvicws w ith piis<>n<»rsLi ('ells. LU. vi/,.. w ith men. -V*. w<»tuou, -M. bo.vs. IS, I 'i r ls . I n t e r v ie w w ith cas(><.aiifl lvien,,ds <»1‘ cases, in the Po]it*e ( a>\itIs anfl (••Lowlikire, \ isits nnid I.IGO,v i/.. 4S3 to c-ase>; 02-i to friends of ea'=es; 21 to rlrrir\n ie il ; 18 to t*nir>Inyei >. \ isit.s

fnibour Homo. vi?;.,7'M from oaso,«-; 48f5 from triends of i*asos: 108 frfun narenU ; 10 fi-cm clerp:rmen : |0from emidovcrs. Hol|) iriven to 16ti, viz.. ciUM\> .Tinijiliod with food or ladp:inff op dis- tdiaPRo from i>iison. 11: o ther <-ases supplied witli food or loiltfiti^. : wit li GG;wit.h slock. 2; with tools. 2. Fares jiaicl for 2a; ren t paid lor 1. HeUK'd into sih ia tions. H ; into emjilovivient, 48. .Kmplovnieii t saved fo r fi. IMcdpi's faken . F4*. L e t t e r s V. r i l f cn . L297, \ iz . , to oas<‘s, aP.'); to f r ien d s of ^•a^es. GH-t; lo e le rg>m en, aS. 1.o t te r s re ­ceived. I . iXj T. \ i / . . from c.h->,cs. Lad; from f r iends <vf cases, (>0-t. (^uses recoiv<.‘d in to l^abour Home. 21. viz.. 1 m an , 7 women. 2 Ixivri, 11 : : i rL ui' whom 11 cam e f rom tlio

'I I I inLirii^oico, «iim iiiLiinoiitii; ^; a n o th e r 1 0 . ^ 0 nemlin ; ' uLiuinsl “ a-<Lim., s. a n d l>v arranj^cmcnl Homer?.^ .1, 1 ■ • 1 : I__ 1 : . 1 If h V

I -Mr. J . L. Ihivcii lU'osK'ulcfl, a n d menUoned (hat l l im e \va prii-oncr at H• Ills uiis alrio (alvcn int.o <-onsideration.

I '.I '. .MiLdiall -viiifl dial th e lad , wh<^ is a. ‘ r ipple , l i\c tl IP \ c r y had mi i ron ndiny:^. I lioii.^li it cn j ip lc . he wab very ac t ive , an d

a ;,;iio(I hoy' jo \' .oik.Me \\a,^ riOnlcMcfd to m \ ucek.'-' l iani labour ,

th-' t . 'hainii.in ri.i\iii^ tha t he Ijnpc.ii tha t Mic end <ii ih.'.l tu n c mc-ui^ wuuhl l>c lournl to icinove him f:<>m In- had a^-'-ocialc.-..

j a new season as a Win'un- OrG allop 's exam ple, cannot allow the^ mat te r i elm stra^at the Lalaco L ier, Si. Lex.inards, to rest. TheJi th e re i.s the .Advisorv ( 'o......... ....... , Miss Ivy (hirdoii will eontim ie t.o comiur-lm attee. on wdio-se aniviw th e appe^il vtajh • d irect th e Orche.strn, and a m im her ofm ade, actini^ on an infftnietion from Hie j well-known ccmcert a rtU tes have been en-A rm y O uuieil th a t all youths from 18 to i anill will appear from tim e to iiino,Ifi an d 8 montibe mni^t l>e to a Trp.qn- j w hilst a fea tu re will be made of week-endIxu R/eserro o.nd th a t a ll Dostin^rs o ther th an pi'0{?rammes.in aecordane.e >vdth thv= iiKstniction are for- i . Ihiyilion is havinc: now h ea tIddden and “ no esroefption on any a<xonnl wKai.eve^ is te be madie.'’ And ln.< b u t not leafit th e re a re th e boy.s of 18 who oit maJein.;? application for penmistfion to join a •petrified rejOJ^ient o r b ranch of th e sf*rvV*e iKSve beeti inform ed th a t it is not allowed *n d ith<Ty irnust "o in to th e Trairaimr KcKterre.I t is iCTfumfestly u n fa ir to these boys th a t •xcep tions shcrald bo itKwIe. At th e same tjm e> it .maot 'be-adm itted th a t 4t-woubl have -been difficult for th e Appeal T rib u n a l to iri-ve ajiy o th er derision in Ga.Tloip’fi case in (he face of th e lettier w idch he p u t in from th e USrector of R ecru iting gi-ving him per- Bifiision to rep o rt d irec t -to tine Aa-tiste Rifles »n N ovem ber 9tb. TKjs-wae a>bomb«hell fo r file M ilitar.v R epresen tative, an d he had to tn b m it to th e T ribunaJfs decision w ithout protest. B u t th e m a tte r canno t bo alloweil to- rem ain in th is vm y unsa tisfac to ry sta te .D ither 'boyn -are to fee alkrwetd' to choose th e ir •egim-ent o r b ranch o f th e gervioe oi- they • re no t. -All m-nst go to the Traini-ng Resentie o r «tU m n s t be -permitted to choose •Biother b ra n c h fo r th e ir tra in in g if tbey WTiSi it. A t p resen t th e A rm y Counoil and I h e . D irec to r of R e o rn it ii^ a re apparen tly • t lOQgOEboadfi on -the sub ject, fo r th e la t te r eivee a. hoy perm isaion to do th a t w hich the fo rm er says m n s t n o t be done. In justioe to tbp la ig e nmnrhar of fe o ^ Jhroughout th e •onrftry ’ ’ ' ‘ - ’ ■” ” ’ '

iug appai-atiis iii.stal|pd, aud a very tine organ has lii'cn pfir'^fiased, and will doubt le.--- prove very popular both for .solo and oiThestral vi'ni'k. I

In the.se (la.v.s ot high price,s and taxes, it is .i-il.v a w onderful innovation th a t—e.\-

cept in th e case of some special week-end concerts, aiid a few fixUire.s—all liic seat.s in the Pav ilion will lio absolutely ii-pc. F u rth e r than th is, ,a very groat reduction is heiiig made iu ihd m atte r of P ie r toll .soa.son tickets for any perc<( from a week to three niontli.s o r longer, uid these sciusoii tickets, wiiich w ill be iiSBUPsl a t any tim e trom <late to date, will give iihlim ited adm ission to tho F ieri and a.s the Pavilion seal,s wil] all be freei they should find a ready dem and. 'They inai- beo b ta in ed on application to Mr. V an liicnp1"r,c ..7.* .1.-. 1 .1 1

•p m A ry drneotly inte*vst»d in th is lo a tte r f te s e tw o awnm riHcs should matloB u p th e ir ■rinds -wfeach coqibo is to be followed, t l 'u t feff w hich affl '“P to 18 and 8 modtehsm n« t go to a ifra-fawng- R eserve “ w ith no

9T t]> ,gaiK‘ti()n^ by

th e JIanago fam ilios fui niaile.

Teas and

of th e Pier , a n d in the case of thei- biiocial reduct ions will be

igb( ,refrPtihineri(.s will lie served a t any tim e, w hilst a da in ty oJIcrrioon tea a t sixpence w ill be ,ser\cd in the P avilion from four Ip five each day.

The hoursjof perl'ormancc;., will be 11.0 till 12.45, 3.0 t i ll a.fl, and 7.30 till On Sun­days the poAiilur concerts a t 3.0 aud 8.0 wiil be given, aild l-.olders of season tickets are to be ad.mittipd to an.v special concerts wheie an-adm ission is chapsed a t ha lf rales

bt. Leonarps has long clstmounxl fiir giKsl m usic at cheap rates. _ \Vc suggest that the R e r M aniigejnent is doing m ore for the W est End b.v tliisj W inter O icheetral .Season tbim has h itherto been attem pted , and we hope the greaeet p o s ^ I e success w ill attend th e ven- tu r* . I

BOOKS FOR THE MILLION, i......... :u :- - 1

KociMiUv Hk; fii'iu "i' Alo-:ir'.Son-, ami Co., Lul. , •I-', Iku i NLik, ( rkif.'vA, Mi 'lUjurnc, ii>ml A u fk lam l, lia i Ihmhi \».‘rv siu’Ci^^stul m i>iil>)i^liin;; m.tw ^tamlarfl iscrk.-: and ticMun m liiiiuly nt t-ix sliillmK^*

I not. (.nm o)' Hir <.»t li'v-o. jw “ J-'n lds of' t i i o i*'at,lmrU'>.>.'’ I*y Joan I*'-.'. T Iumi' i.x a ' vnt'v o r i ’ inai flavour alKinf llris s to ry with an 1 inic-onvnnlional im xtiiry ol' Iris-ii ami Svotrh 1 c h a ra c te r s and scenes, o.uriously u n l ik e the I sterootyiHMi no\i*l of tlu* k.ind. ami well w or th j reudiiiy: h>' tho.-ye wlK) wi^h lo I'Ul, r,f ilu '' i.ieatiMi track m fiction. ' 'I N ext comes “ 'J ur;^enev,'’ a stndv ol the ' ;?reat R ussian iioveli.-l )iy iaiw arri O arueit ' ( wliuse w ife’.s traiislaU oiis ol Rus.suin fictkai ju re fauiDUsi. Joseph ( ‘on ra il’s loreword I poiBls out. th a t tho iiist stirrin\.?s. the first ■ p:h'aiu.s, of thp forces which have .-.ince luoveii ’ .Kuhsia a re found ainiost. in every -pa.oo i.*i'I T u f f 'en o v ’s novcL. 'I 'hr analy>!s of Ihe : novelis hy .Mr. G arnef t i-< w or thy of the ; si.’holarrtliip assoni-iled witli his n am e , and ' t h e doli.neat ions <if the c l ia rac lo rs would lie ;ui a-dmirabk* ini riK.lucl.ion to the s tu d y -of t h e novels themselves .

C ontroversy over the mei it s of H oilty Jarnois h a s b roken o n t a.l resU wit.li lh.e 7>ubUca1 ion, b]rtc. >, h i s dea t l i . of h is latecsl works. I t is kai>pv moment, to r t h e issue c>f “ T h e Middle N e a r s , ” a phuisc of th e life ef H e n ry Jami.’s in th e world <*f L-ondon. Tl\o roi-ollections a l e iii terestinp:, an d th e s ty le of writins: will Tin nish a. battl«^*^ro\ind fo r th e ad m ire r ; and th o c r i t i c s of the a u th o r .

j'Y>LNn D A Y .- 'rh e annual F-*ound XFay for th e kVnivalesre.nl Home fo r the Hlind, St. F'eter's-roaiL St.. 1/esonivrds, was held <i;s u.snai on th e 181h. Iveinp: the a.nnivn'sary ot ilie <'Poninic of th is valuable in s titu tion . ^’ho Hon. Seoretary and M atron a re iiuiebted to kind friends for about ISO pounds of j^oodto, for which thev are extrem ely thankfu l. H uiintr thee^ diffiriilt tiicu-*s the ^i.ft,s weire esvHM:-.iaUy aci'-eptablo, aud an increase in th e airm ber of >*-nnual sub-^crlbers would ho ^raf.cfTL]1y weloomod. T he -Home 'has opened ite doors to m any blind people who a re siiffer- insr from a ir ra id &hx>ck, and in those h rig h t

cQHtitojrtahte houdee . tb ^ s tx m recorer.




O N L Y .

Estabd. half a Century.e y u R i

THORP’SCelebrated Double Screened


Polivo C o u r t - . 2 were bro-.ight by t lu ' .Piilii-e, from I lie s trcp ls . 2 f ro m o th e r t ru m frieuris. I f rom a. slyip. Of

8 wore ro-storofl to I'rioiul^, 7 ?<'ut to o th e r Homes, 6 i ien t in to s i to a l ions. 1 was sent (o tile w orkhuuse, 1 to p rison. Six r e ­paid a l l th a l was spent on th em , < rpimid p a r t . Cases at tended to T>y M a g i s t r a t e s ’ request . .59. Cases rep o rted to < |enrvm en and o th e r f r ien d s . US. ( ases on p ro b a t io n iindei- the .Missionary's superv is ion , qi.I l is rharge il o.x-eoni ict.s plaeefi u n d e r Ills ,'ii|-«'rvision. Ei..’,-hl men and voiiUrs Here* employed in tlie tealKigr Vard : o f Ihese. t

e re diaehargtvl tliise.bh.d s*jldiers. N u m b e r -.f d i l l s ' work d')ue in the Lab.our A'urd, 29(-. ' tuiir lles o t firowi.od marie. ■!7i,258. B u n d les I'l firewood srdd. U.8.VI.

j rim Hoii T r e a s u r e r p resen ted Hie fitian- j i:ial - la l .em rnt which slidwe^l an o v e rd ra f t

.1*. Hie lyiiik i;.} £1S 8:s. ,d. on th e G en era l F u n d , iiiid £ t r l.’s. hrl. on (he L abour .\c(NHinl. hiiL in sp i le ot th ii t he t h o u g h t

had done very Hell.


I D i r e c t f r o m th e C o ll ie r ie s a t l i r s t c o ^ t

Sole Agents for theECei G 0 F G M L S

and the Genuine OriginalE m E K ^ m ^ L s .

best gas c o k e , block fuef OAK LOGS, &c.,tVc.

.\gents tor all the leadin,g Collieries(IfSces-17, K ing s-n'iad. St. Leonaida.

45, Robertson St., Hastings.CII.ARLES L. G LE N IST E R .

Phonas 83 ajid 301. G enera l M anager.


Tlu'. I’rfipJdonI of tho < >re and C’livo VuJe .Bowks ( h ib , Mr. V. W. Verrol'is, to comme- inoratp ( ’oun<’iU<»i* K em p's rin k w inning th e final and j^aininp: tlu* f 'u p , worth tw enty guiheas<, and Iwolvo «»uii)oas as .prize money, invited tho Lomm.irteo and his personal irionds \<> d in n er on W etluteday ovonitig, a t lh(» ('live Valo H<.*to!.

Idle IVtNsidont wa*s sup iun tt'd by Mi;. ,\. l^bjckman. J .P .. t'ounoiJlors CL I'ox and J . Kemp, Messrs. J . H. (luy . H. Hodden, A. CL SmalJ. H. Sales. I*. Haw.son, W . L . Sinis, A. tTrovntl, H. H ills. H. H aste. JT. B r it t , J . W liite, M. 'Ik Ponlton , T. A lcG iath. I-'. H. J . Beenov, .1. Lenor.^on, AV. T . Jenno r, \V. i:'. W hitfield, etc.

< o u iu ’iljor < ex pmjKtscvI th e toas t of *‘' rh o Minnins^ T e a m . ' ’ He sa id th e i ’o wore m an y lhiuj;"s he cKiuId nol i in d o rs te n d . a n d ho vtas not q u i te E*loa.r how t ’live. Valo won lh(* t ’up. He had no j^ lon" lioon a e q u a in lo d I ' i th i)io team , bui jp Mr. Sm all th ey ha^l a P hmI .s|x)rlsmall s t^^dy yoim;? m a n ;also M l . P . Daw,S4m ^^as hold in th e highest n\c.pp,u l»y all 'ihe b)wIort>; of the tow n . Mr. Sales Lkunbr idgo W e l l sk th o th i r d m an , would a lw ay s roootve a very h ea r t s welcome amopej Kiwlor.'i. Ak fo r l.ho sk ip . ( o i inc i llo r K em p, ho had a lw ay s io u n d h im a, a:ood sp o r t a n d a K'W.lor, w ho on h i s dav rtKiiiired a g re a t 4 bni1 of Iveatiiig. Tile shot h r n i a d r iv b m lie k n n rk rd th e s p r a k r r a n d h is p a r tn e r out. of t h r "pa.ir;i;’' was fiyi a fliikr. but a sh o t worth a m r i ium puiii teiwler. He ' .lul not irndi'rstanil Hu- siu-risss i>t (.■otim-illor Kem p 's r ink ; ii was duo to a.bsoliilr harm.onv and u n i ty a in n rg Hie fo u r plnyer.s, a n d Hia.t was will Ihc-y won (tie t r o p h y , a n d ho rOTigratu- hiipfl Hirm on w in n in g t h e Cup.

1 biiiii illot. Krrnp reptievl for his rink , and said some niiglil say ttii'rv w.os lin-.k in win ning', li’ii th-vy pn! up a good fight, getting the l-rst out oj' ravli nh rr , never lost, then-

, - , hrails, and nevi-i' grum hled. They all aetedpatien re and symyiaUix. His work j toge.l h r r. His advir.. (o Ivywlers when plav-

Mas si.reiiuou.s and not ra.sy. and ho was ' iiig th e gainr was to put th e ir whole life intonext, year .

th e r F. C'att (Court. "P r in c e of W ales” ) Dis> tr ie t Sub-C hief R anger.

I t was decided do hold th e n ex t ha lf-yearly D is tr ic t M eeting in A pril a t B ohem ia.

A re.s<>lution was carried th a t on. th e re ­tu rn of B ro th e r R. J . O. P i-a tt h e should re­ceive a P a s t C hief R an g er’s neck ribbon a t th e first D is tric t m eeting he a ttended .

-t vote o t sym pathy was passed to P.D.t.'.B. B rother P a ris , who w as ill in hosp ita l, and harl .sent h is rem em brances to th e meeting.

A m eat te a followed. .V vote of th an k s waa pa.s.-ed to th e H ost and H ostess (M r. and Ml*. Or a ml.

theIhe Bishop o! Fewes niuicd Ihe H,ihiption

III' the reiairt and halancc .sheet, and said tha t it an i tiling was iieedeil to I'omiiieiid the Work o( Hie Pr.liee 1 ourt Mission Hint vepirt. would Ih- sufficieiil. The siu-eess of Hie work was due to tho m issionari ; he had to he iii.st the right sort of m an w ith plenlv of (ai-k. ■■ ■ • — ' .

siiie t h a t in t h e i r uresent in iss ionar . i , Ha.-f- j iC Tils rinly d id no t exiiecf to winI T H 1 .T rl vi « I r. r> cl irl ix-» .. 11 •« -1, .. .. i- C ■ ■ .. j i i. i t *i . i , .Iiad a sp le n d id m an who, a.ive ol .....lipst to the work . H e would like- lo I'oii- gi-atiil.ete Hie w r i t e r o f (he report . C-iui- ti'niiiug. h is Ivordship sa id t h a t th e P.ilw-e Court Mission had a .great e la ini at Hie p resen t t im e, especiall.r in d ea l in g with Ihe pi'oblem ol .luveniie r.rime whu-h w a . so dis- ' tressing. T-lie ra i ises ot t h is were verv \-arted, hiu a , great, deal was d u e to the ' l a th e rs being a w ay from hom e a n d the m o th e r s being pre-necupio-rl maii.i wUti work of n . i tm n a l importa.m e. .-\rintber im- pnrta j i i m a t t e r to he conbiderori, .is a eau.se, was Hie genera.I unre.-t whu-li wa.= fe lt b.v one am] a i l . Prevention, was b e t t e r Iban f-iiro. hut it th e v were u n a b le to p reven t th is evil the P .C .M . b a d to work th e c ine . T h e v h ad a sp lend id c h an ce and it suniild no t be overlooked. H e was very surpiu.eed tha', in a w eatthy p lace l ike H a s t in g s a n d tit. I ieonards t h a t such a good w ork siiould b a v e an o v e rd ra f t a t t h e b ank , a n d he t ru s to d t h a t i t w ould soon be wiped off lie.

b u t (hc\ would flo th e ir lie.st, to re ta in the < .'up.

Mr. .'Mireii B lackm .in. .I.P .. proposed "T he health of the P re s id e n t. '’ Ho csmld qu ite understand w hy he was such a, pj'oud m an : his- t Ini, w inning .such a glorious' trophv. I hose who watched theg.i.m e saw m ost of it ; ho hail grea.i plca-sure from th is p a rt iru la r one., and was proud th a t local Ixuvlers won. i lie ImiwIovs of th e town, jq h is opinion, bad

•made gi-cat irapvovem enl. and bowling had now become a fino Tlioy tvoiti .ra-i>a.hlenow ot boldm c th e ir n-w n on open howliru? ;TTP4Mis. Ibohe anIio luid vvntohixl th e develop- ine.nl <>t the Ha>l'iiv*;s T ournam ent; from u sm all be^inninj; shonhl no-w be. proud to I be rink ’’arnr won by a local team , am i ano- i.hte* cup w here one local took p a rtw’a<a Kitined in tbf* pair>. H was a feingplar Ibinc: th a t the < iup hy a foroner I’Tosi-d en t «>f Iho (h e and C H 'e \"ale f 'ln b (Mr. Woodrufi^ SvhoTiM now Ire broup;ht. hark . T here ^ a s pjent^' o1‘ te.Ient m th e town. Tn bowlirur

B e l l ’ s S e l v e n eC U R E S


cau.se (hey ™’i^ y n o t h inder the ^work of Hie Hiev found m od fellows, fr iendsh ip , juid . . .. r.. . . ,T . , oi-iabilitv. T h a t all onhancevl and tostererlSociety through lack o*' funds He apimalerl

■to them to give," tirsHy, „n p-.itrioHc grounds, that. <xMild not be resisted liecause everyone was anxious to m ake th e ir nation g re a t; and secondly on G liristian grounds, which were the highest o f all claim.s. 'I'lie (Tiairrnaii concludefl by urging liis heare rs to give the w ork th e ir synypathetic, gener­ous. and hearty s n p p n l .

The Rev. (.1. 'M'. Douglas secoiuled the niotiou which was unanim ously carried .

Tile. Rev. T. 'W. (.'oek propased l-he re- election of the officer.s and com nuttee om it- tinx Uto same* of Miae Blaxisfiftnit. Mr.

good tfsiling, and h<. was sure th e ir P residen t did all he conhl to r h is Club.

Atr. Guv resiiondcsj fo r t.he P residen t. H e w'a.s su re th a t his firs-t. yertr o f pretddency showed cohesion and u n ity , and th e re w as a bright, fu tu re to r th e Club. On behalf of th e P res id en t he offerixl a <Jup to be-played fo r by the m em bers.

'I'he miisic4il a rrangem en ts w ere iu th e liaud t of th e P res id en t’s son. 'Mr. F. V'erreiLs,, w ho w as assisted by Mesers. A. GrrevatL, J , C ornelius, kV allett ^ t t , an d J. B. Chur,

SoifttioA, Lubs- 6ags>, Stiff J o in ts , 'Sprains. Bruises,

Sore T hroat, & all muscular comchdnts.A little lu ll 's bolvnne

arofied to stiff and aching joints qnickl-y

soothes the pain, loosens the joints, and te d u o a the

painful swelling. Don’t upset your stomach w ith harmful

drugs— use B ^ ’s Solvene and •pply it wbere^the pain is.

Von i ^ d ho t suffer from those sharp stabbing p a in sa m om eattooger if yo“

buy a Lottie of Bell’s Selvene and uselt.C u r e d a f t e r y e l t r

o f s u f f e r i n g .W.rdour Houst, Pstuutnes.

I praetiedUy cured m old person teHh Sebiene, who had swoOsn joinis and rheimiaiism; I may

say who had been treubUd for years.— Vewis truly, J.H.J.

B six ’s SoLVKKB wiU cure you just as e a ^ y .

Sold in bottles, 1 /3 , p e s / j tree 1/7, o r th ree tim es , th e size 3/*, post 3 /5 .


s J . B e l l 8 t O o . p2 2 R o b e r t s o n R t r e e t g

H A S T I N G S .

ST. F A F L ’ti HARVF/ST ITCSTIVAL.— (kpeyial T hank-g iv ing .vcrvioo.s fo r th e harvest will be beld at S t. P a u l 's C hurch to-morrow (Sunday !. H oly C om m union w ill he. icele- brn led al e.igbt a..m.. m orn ing pra.ver a t 10.30, Sung Euchari.vt, w ith procefs-iou and sermon, a t Il.Ki, ch ild ren ’s gift service a t 3 p .m .j and . Foistal Evensong, w ith procession, a t 6.30 Ths servico at 11.1.1 will Vie sung in T ours ip C. -Vn an th em , Yc th a t dwell in th e lajnd ” (S ta ineri. and Jackson 's Te Deum in I . -will lie su n g a( th e evening sorvioe. The Rector H he Rev. H. ,1. B<iyd) is expei ted home from >>anre to-day. w here be has been seiving a* C hap la in to th e -Vnibala C avalry Field Am- buLance. He w ill proliably p reach a t; tho Jiuirning service, and Hie. Rev. G. H erbert p’raw er a t Rx'en.-ong. Books a re provided for v isito rs,,w ho w ill lie welcomed.



■ I H J S O RG A N IC P H O S P H I , a c t u a l l y C O N V E E T E W


iphe ra p id increase in th e aicians and nerve speo ia 'ists of | « e rv e b u ild in g and easily b h a te know n am ong druggiM l P h o sp h a te , is due alm ost e n ti l re m a rk a b ly favourab le re su lts * specia lists of world-wide fam e tioii- therefove only .11docto rs th ro u g h o u t th e c o u n try u rged w herever possible to pre^ P h o sp h a te in s tead of . n a rco tic i h .abit fo im in g d ru g s o r alcohoj tio iis tb th e tr e a tm e n t of n n eu ra s th e n ia , sleeplessness, nervj lafik of energy, m en ta l depressioiL

B eing a food w hich, acco rd iu | nn d o th e r I 'rc n c h authoa-itles -s s in iila ted and converted in to tissu e . B itro P h o sp h a te , w h ich ! ob ta in ab le of any chem ist in M

-5 g ra in 'tifblcts, is sti’ongly fo r th a use, no t only of those w l indicated, a,bove, b u r also to thoe* to in crea .-e i'h e ir nerve s tre n g th , ' v ita li ty aiid pow ers of endura especially yalualile to av ia to cs.l g u n n e rs arid m en in th e varirim of Hie a rm y am i navy, w here strf n e rv es are: of v ita l irripot-tance d ru g s and ' alcoholic, stiraU lan ts.| 5 g ra in ta b le t of B itro P h o sp h a t m eal an d note hew qui ikly >mur i begins to overflow w ith th a t vm » n d vitakity -which m ake life tir liyin 'J




A public m eeting u n d e r th e B rit ish Ump-ire U n ion w as M

Tow n H a ll on T uesday afteiT ftttraicted h- good a ttendance .

In th e unavoidab le absence-of th e c h a ir wAs tak en by M ajo r] iD aveniiort and .supporting h im ’ c illo r Foivvtb (of Folkestone),H . . S a m s o ^ i , 'M > s . A n so n ,M r H ocking, Miss Lllm-an, Mis&T ris tram :,; M r. A. J . . G. gecmetai-y), and M r. K^ng.

T he C hairm an, explained th a t E m p ire U nion was founded for 1 o f incu lca ting p a trio tic p rin 6 ip les | aaember.s. It had no axe to ’grind to a ll creeds, classes, and shades - opinion, ivho were -prepar-ed t(ri bfforts to coun te r Germaui attackia

> oomnie.rc-e land in d u s try a f te r tha tom ed a t ' in jcreasing, tihe p rodd

•' am ploym ent by m aking th e Eg B u w io r ti^ .

C ouncillor Samson said th e p je d g ^ to ex tingnish root, b ra n p l th e G erm an m ilita r ism wlwoh, * ad tem pted to b r in g the., whole u n d er its -rule. A l te r ' th e M 'ar

^ no doubt b u t \yhat they would treacherous policy of commeroi^ to gain aecees to those maj-kets pad fa iled ; to reach bv tiie swora tio n requ ired giieat attention,, m eans (.be c b i ld r ^ could be eqa th e com m ercial fight and be pr^ th e fresh resjionsih ilities an d lap tand ties of th e fu tu re . j

Couincillor F o rsy th a n n o im c ^ t l witlKii-awn . from th e Ea.st Iftling'

* ®8 h e liad touiid th e progi-amr bated wad adopted by an o th e r cand lie had no; desire to sp lit th e vd hear). He ciune to them w ith ! m es i-^ e from H eadquarters, a n d j to ufgT' tiie necessity of en ro llin d mcimbers as possible. --Is dndividi m ig h t n o t be o f m uch u-^e, b u t e n d wlicre; organised th ey h a d I (rin-engtb.l .\ t , th e p resen t m oraen tj BO politics, -with h im i t wsis couT »nd seciond. and a ll th e tim e ,^(i They m igh t th in k he was speak iiy b u t he b ad h eard th e guns bark pushed all o th er considerations tha on one side. In E nglajid a t th e pr- fclueire w ere 32.000 frerman.s w ander 5,000 of tliem of m ilita ry age London. Six hund red G erm ans h4 pe:Tmits to en te r p roh ib ited areas j ( l i m a n s were bak ing breaA in L I E ng lish people. D id such a /s ta te ] ex is t in B erlin? And tluat -was years of -war. T he people o f tb iJ h a d given of th e ir best (five of h | -irere in khak i) and they -were eay to th e ru le rs “ 'We are no t safe ■what you are doing.” . E very c j polic-v and every advance h ad foIl<] side "^pi-essuiv. 'Cottoaii w as alloy in fo G erm any u n ti l th e people P re ts dem anded i t should be sto^ a n E ast Coa-st to-wn h e -knew Gem

' nesses w ere open th e day a f te r a r» id an-d th e p roprieto rs were Ing th e flies off , the' w indows t a d happened. Ever.y Genma!|i. ought to .be closed down (H ea i fh ’eiry person of enemy o rig in sn in te rn ed and deported a f te r th e hear). I f th e ru le Was to ob ta in w ere going back to th e old s ta te w h a t -were., they fig^itmg fo r ? F r h e h a d seeii he knew th e people J co u n try a ll r i g h t ; i t wase ien s whoiy-were wrong. In C ouncil to-day w ere men of i f they wni» naturali.eed so m uch tS Ho ■ assured h is hearers th a t ' f^ rm lin s ” jn an in te rn m en t London were allowed to go to t e j nesses tw o afternoons a w-eek! n o t so fWio-ji.s a m a tte r i t woul Bcrenming fa r te . No person of] onigin Should be allowed, to en te r . of th e E m pire u n t i l ten years a f te r ■(a vo ice : “ 100 years ,” and ■ a p p la u ^ G em m n goods should be absolub i ib i t e d fo r a r im ila r period (He N o G em ran sh ip should be allowed'J o r coal a t any B ritish p o rt fo r b (H ea r, b ea r) . No more d u m p in g - goods w hile m en w anted work, fo r t.he B ritish and plen ty , of w ork l Tluose were th e th ings they o « g h t | themsolvpc; f.h^ t ^ k of im pressing ru le rs . fVhen tire boys cam e he peace celebrations were held w hat th in g i t would be if they a t 'h o m e : h ad no t done i l l they could -to sh o | 'Wo.r. Mr. F orsy th th en gave some j evidence of w^h«t he h a d witnessed bombiardm ent and announced hime strong advocate of rep risa ls (Head ’TJiov w an ted ; roprisnls, bo said, a n d l would s'hort.cn th e 'W ar by one d a y f th e life of one soldier, le t u s hav (aoplause).

. Yotos o-f (hanks to th e speakers yi po-ed bv. G eneral S trange and seoo5 M l . F . W. 'Maggs, and to th e C b aiif th e proposition of Commandieir H . field, seconded 'by Miss E llm an . A | N ationa l .Anthiem h ad been sung •erred , (by in v ita tion of tb e -Co

1YASTE NE'VYSPAPERS. — MessJ F a rso n s , L td ., “ O bserver” (Dffice, CliL H astings, are prepared to give top p | ■waste new spapers. Any q u an tity frer w pw ards is purchased. To trad es^ in tim a ted th a t th e firm specially _ p u rch ase old disused ledgers, w hicbl S«;troyed in customer*s presence, if r • t th e “ O bserver” 'Works. Old m a pam phlets , correspondence, and brov are b o ugh t also- E ach class o f papa, be k ep t separately , an.d,sacks fo r th e ! a re loaned a t a fee ojf M . each, w h id funded on re tu rn of s ick . On rece l postcard .a van w ill call and collect ■ot-less th an 661bs„ and pay fo r ther'

T H E COLONIAL CHU RCH .—Senm 'be preached to-m otrow (Sunday>| M ary-in-the-G astle C hurch for the and C ontinen ial C hurch Society by .. J . D. M ullins, D .D.. th e general seed th e Society, a t 11 and 6.30. These L ■will be of special in te rest to peoplel

-Telations in th e Colonies, and th ey I ffially inv ited to be present. 'The col tr i l l ibo fo r th e -work of th e Society.

W« a r t opsn to

eniqniriK for —



A lso th e new


W R I G H T &

COLWERY AGENT26, Havelock Road.


Page 7: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE




[ P h i l p o t s

l e l a t e s t

J u d e d i n

L o v e l } ^

F o x e s ,

H n g t h e

i e e d n o t

r d u s o f

be a l o n e

|is w h e n

v a l u e .

W e H s .


ilS T K IC T ’S S T B O N a O SITIO K .

I m eeting of th e H a s tin e t &rder of Poresters was held Ttg a t ' t h e C larence H o t^ ,^tings.iissell iD is tr ic t Sub-Chief I supported by B ro th e r W.

Secretary) an d o thers, lu n te r ^D istrict T re tisu re r; Ibsence. B ro ther B. J . U. lie f B anger, was on ac.tive |a . He is fo rtu n a te ly in rro le w ith good w ishes fox

Belegates w ere p re s e n t:— |la c tw e ll , A. B. B dw ards,

(C ourt “ C inque P o r ts ,’' C att and A. J . W atson I W ales,” 5,622, B ohem ia),

T . H. W ells (C ourt "D e ^ i l l ) . S is ters H . E . York; p o u r t "H ope of B ex h iil,” Woods am i G ladys Verooe I H a s t in g ,” 9,469), and a

from H astings, St. Leo-

sent w ere B ro ther CaveU.' J from Dea-i.g ition w as sum m arised am

funera l F nnd ilO ,I62 lia . fu n d .£1 Is. a id .. -Aid F und l.£10,201 On M ort-t a r Loans ,£910 lOs. 6d., in | s ' BanL X29 5s. 9d., in

W estm inster B ank i;l38 1,201 3s. 6d. Increase <rf

tta ry m entioned th a t they [in tJieir Knneral F'antl.

ha<i ,£1,834 Ills. 9d. in te r- ?un<r. and had paid Ji:l,70!f

t n fo rtunate ly they 'had ac tive service, and ,£364

i a t account. T h e r w ould |n t to ta l of A;t91 ‘l9s. 9d. r. P rac tica lly the wholn I b\- the ' ou r ts 'into th e

absolutely c lear, besidefl [ice from die ^in^terest A«-

tHey were in a position bontributt^ ns for funera l

111 (Court "C inque P o rts" ) Chief Flangei- and Bm -

"P rin ce of W ales” ) D ia­ler.

Ilioid the nex t half-yaarljr 1 -A-pri! a t Bohemia.J carried th a t on th e m - |1- O; P ra t t h.'- should re-

ian-ger’s neck ribbon a t p in g he attended .F- wa,s passed to P .D .C .tt.I was ill in hosp ita l, and pancc.s to th e m eeting.Id. .'i vote of 1 hanks waa |d Hostess (Mr. and Mrp.

I.BVES'1' I 'E S 'I'IV A i..—,ervicx.s for th e h a rre a t

l a u l ’s -(’llurcl) to-m orrow lunm union will be. celo- Im orn ing p rayer a t lO.M, !• pioce.ssioii iind serm on, |f t se rv i 'f a t 3 i>.m.. and Ji. pnriess’on. at 6.3d. T he |1ki Mimr 111 T o tr s in C. pi dwell in - tlie f.and " r.s Te Oeum in F . w ill ig SOI ■ 11 e . ; T h f: Rector

is (>x)x'i te<| boiop from I be has berm serving a8 la I a, ('avd lrv Kit Id Am- [*ol>ahly prejif li al th e

l.he Rev. C. H erb ertBraiks a re provided fo r


I r e s

I v e n e

ATISM[ Lnoi.’ Joints, 1 iniises,

At, & all Im p J ^ ts .I s bolvene J stiff and | s quickly

loosens |reduees the

Don’t upset rith harmful Solvene and

I pain is.I those sharp

lo o t iooger U you Jiolvene and usolt.

t«r y e a r |r ln ff.”

s^^P *m anu, an lold parson

swollan I may

I troubled for«<y. J .H .j .

will cure [easUy. ; ^1/3, p o s / j

) t im e s . » t 3 / 5 . ,BY

> n S t r e e t ,

‘ I G S .





The rap id increase, in th e tu=e by ph.v- jjcians a.nd nerve speciuli.sts of th e o rgan ic ^ r v e build ing and easily a ss im ila ted phos­phate known am ong d rugg ists as B itro phosphate, is duo a lm ost en tire ly to the Teinnrk'>'’l'y favourab le re su lts obtained by epccialists of world-wide fam e and re p u ta ­tion. II th e re fo re oiil.v logical th a tdoctors th ro u g h o u t Hie cm iiilry should be urged w herever’ possible io inescribe Bit.ro phosphate iiistosid ot narc-vtic or stin iu la iit habit forniing d ru g s or alcoholic pvepara- ticius ill the tre a tm e n t of ucrvoiisuess, BPurasthcidr, slec])lc.s.,uess, n e r \o u s deb ility , lack of energy, iiic'nlal deprestsion, etc.

Being a food w hich, according to Robin und o ther F ren ch aiii.hoyites is ac tu a lly assimilated and eonverfod in to liv ing nerve tis.siie. P i 'ro -I’liospliate, w hich i.s read ily obtaiiialile of any chem ist in th e fo rm of 5 grain tab lets, ' is strong ly reooniinoiided foi' th.3 use. no t only of those who suffer as iniltciifcil .iliove, bu r also to those wlio wish in inereaso ‘heir nerve s tre n g th . vim , v igour, rita iity and powers of oudurance*. I t is espC'Cially valunble to av ia to rs motori.sfs, giiiiiicrs and m en in the various b ranches of 'he arm y and navy, wlici'c strung , steady nerves a rc of v ita l im porta lice. C ut ou t di .igs .and alcoiliolir stiiiu ilan ts . T ake one 5 grain tablet cf E itro I’liospliale w ith e.ach ir ca.1 and note hrw qiti -kly your e n tire being begins to overflow witli tb iil vim , v igour, and v ita lity whieli m ake life t r u ly w orth liring ______________________



ATMS OF 'I 'llE B R rr iB H E M PIR E U -M U .\ HASTTNGti.


m o m 'd 'ia r —Rivers. CKik w.i.s resTHlTl: ibh o ther cas'e lieiiig disinissiil

A publie nnvliiig .under the ,T.uspice.s of -‘"tile B ritish Empire^ Uni'On was held a t the

Town H ail ou 'I'uesday aftem)oon and atlTiiflcd a- gtVKi attendance.

In tiie unavoitUiii’.e iitoeU'ce of th e Mayor, the ch a ir v,,aa taken bv M a)or C. T albo t Daveii[mrr and supporting h im were Coun­cillor Foi'-ytii |oi' Foikestonoi, C ouncillor E . Nam -ui. .1.1’., .Mas. Anson, Mrs. Arm'itage Ho' lciivg, .Viiws L llm an. Miss Uairtness, Mi>s T ris tram . Mr. .A. ,1. . G. .\nson (lio n .Sei re ta ry i, am i Mr. Iv^g .

The C hairm an explaaneil th a t th e B ritish Em pire Fnion was founded for th e piu'poso of ineiile.it ng ,ia trio tic p rincip les among its member.s. Ii had no axe to g rind . vva.s open to all e.it'eds, classes, and sdiades of political opinion, wlio wot<'■ prejmi’ed to ii.se Uieir efform to couiiior ( rerm an a ttacks upon o u r. oommeree and indti.stry a fte r tlie W ar. I t sanifsi at. Iiiicrea.sing the p>roduetion and «mploym ent by m aking the Em pdie scli- Bupporting.

Coune.illor Sa,meon said th e F n ion wa,s p ledgxl to e.vtingriish root, b ran ch and seed th e G ernian niiliUrrism wh.ic.h, was being 30 i‘iriipt.,',l to bring tlie whole of Euippxv nO'iler i‘s viilo. .-Ifter the W ar there waa

' no fkuihi but w hat they would pureite a trevu'lieroiis policy of oontmeroial w arfare

‘ to gain access to those iipvrkets which t.hev faildd to roach bv the sT\‘ord. Educ-a-

tion required g rea t attanG bii, fo r bv its me.aii.s the cliildron could be equipped for tlie conimeix-.ia.l figid and be prepiarod for the fivv-vh rosjionsi bill ties and largca’ oppor- teiiiiiti-ps of rile furiire.

Councillor l-'orsyth annotincod th.nt be hod withdrawn f ’-ont th.e F ast l.s'ingtoii election

* ee he. Iiuil teinul the program m e he advo- oated wa,s aduptixl by anotliei‘ cand ida te and i e had no desire to .split th e vote (.Hoar, he.nr). 1];- ciuiie to tlicm w ith a d irect ines.-ag'- I'rom H oadquarte is . and th.at was to ui'.re the iieces.sity of en ro lling ,o.s m any

. jnembei's n£ possible. -Vs in d iv idua ls they might not bo of niueh use. b u t collectively end whore organised they had immense 'jti'ength. Vt th e pn^sent m om ent lie knew t»o politics, w i th h im it wa.s eoiinti-j' fiist,

■ Bud ,secy>nd. anil a ll th e lim e (a.pulau.sv>).They might th in k he w.a.s sjxLiking strongly but he had heard th e guns bark , and he pushed all o ther c.or.sidenvuions th a n coun try ; Ireeri' fitus'l on one side. In E ngland a t Die pie-sent tim e there were 22.000 tFoi-man.s w.aiideriiig about.5,000 of them of m ilibu-y age Ixving in London. Bis hundred G ernxins bad speci.ul perm its to en ter prohib ited areas, and 200 Gm-mans wcie lx\.king bn-sid iii dkindon fe,r .Eirgli.-h pxiple. D id such a. s ta te of th ings exist in Berlin.^ .Vnd th a t wvs a f te r tbreO .ven.rs of w ar. T he people of Ib is eoiint.n- hed given of th e ir b c ^ (five of h is Lasmily ■were in khaki l and they -were en titled to Bay to th e rnle.i-s “ 'VYe are no t satisfied with ■wihat ,vou arc doiiig ." E very ch.mge of pol-icy and every adv.ance had followed out- Plde pi-'Ssiiiv. CottoJii was allow ed, to go jnt-v Gerra.anv u n til th e people .and the Bre.'ss dcinianderl iti should be slopped. In an Ea-st C.si.st town he knew G erm an busi- BOfpes were o;jen Die day a f te r a g rea t a ir ra id and th e proprietors were calrixly dust­ing; th e flie> off th e windows as if n-othing had happened. E very G erm an busfness ough t. to be closed do'wn (H ear, h e a r ) .

. E% ■Bi-y pemon of enemy o rig in shoiihl Ixi interncvl and deported a f te r th e ’tVar (H ear, hear). If th e ru le was to o b ta in th a t they were going back to the old s ta te of th ings, w hat were they fighting fo r? 'F ro m w rhi^ be had neen be knew th e people of th m l «50imtry were nil r ig h t ; i t was the politi- eipns who w ere wrong. In th e Frivv'Council to-day w ere men of G erm an orig in , if they were na tu ra lised so mue.h. th e worse.He assured h is hearers th a t certa in Geimfins In .an in te rn m en t cam p near London were a llo w ed -to go to th e ir biisi- i('mi Frederic nes.sps two afternoons a week! I f i t weie not so >erion.s .a m a tte r i t would l»e - .a scream ing farce. No person of enemv .onipqn should be allowed to en te r .onv t"nrt

Monday.—Before .Llderm an B. H . W . T ree (in th e chair) and M r. E . H . H arden .

ON A D O O RSTEP AT M ID N IG H T .Mari.a D ear, an eM erly woman, was charged

w ith sieeping out. She said she w ent to sUx'p fo r a low m inutes on a step, as she had walkeii 16! m iles.—Police evidence showed th a t she wjts .sitting on a step in Yoi'k-gar- (Unis a t m idn igh t. She was w et th ro u g h , and very cold. The con.stable advised her to go away to the Old Town, w here .she could get lodgings. She had a loaf of bread and Pd. in copiiers. Tw enty m in u tes la te r .she was found asleep ou th© footpath a t B reeds-place.—P ri- .soner said sh e wa,s bound for R eading. 8he had lived in New Zealand. H er hn.sband " a s in .Vniencn. She had been w orking on the, land all the snm nier a t W isbech, pickin.g’ I t ii i t . She h.'id been haw king since—po.st- vards. etc. She had no licence, and n ev ir had one. She Ixnight them honest and sold them honest. She often made Sd. for id . selling ix>stcai'ds " liicli she bought a t th e I ’oniiy Buixiiir a t six a i>enn.v. She asked the Bench if tliey could find lier an old UsiU as she had lost hers.—'I'he fh a irm a ti; 1 d o n 't snppoise my onp would fit you.—T he con.sUihle .said he could find h e r an old bap.—Prisoner was dischiU‘ged on prom ising to leave th e lo" n.

ANOTHER. SERV A NT IX TRO U BLE.Em m a Harrus was charged w ith stealing a

gold bracclel and a gold ring, of the value of £ti, tile p rojierty of Miss Lowes.—Pr-.isccu- tr ix , housekeeper a t 8S, M arina, said the .1' I a les ■ were her property . She had them sale on the ith inst., in a box in her Ixsi- rooni, w hich was not. loi'ki'tl. On Sunda.y evening pi o.s<xui n y went lo Her lx>x a t eight o'clock, h u t tile ring and bracelet were not thciip She also mixsed a. i.xiund no te which had bceit in ano ther li t t le bo:., " h ic h was lockml, hut had been unfastened somehow. I’li.soiier hiul lx‘en employed for 21 years.— IX 'toctivc-Sergeant D ibley said he arrested |o Goner the iirevion.s evening at 88. .M anna, , when ahe a m v e d home. H e told her b is | hii.sitiess, and lie pulltnl nn her righ t sleeve 1 and said “ T here is the bracM?let,*’ nnd point- ' iiu; to OTIC of her linj^^ers siiid, T here is th e r i ll" . '' She donie-d haviucr luid the currency noic o r any loose silver. W hen told tha t she ■would be c-har<>:(Mi she said, “ If 1 "Ot over th is I 'll Hover do any th in 'r like it She had 5s, 61(1. on her.—P risoner pleadedj;u ilty .—Th(' ( 'hieL Consiahio said tha t th is

n clim ax tc» a Toivff series of ix 'tty thefts. She went from her situ a tio n on .Saturday to

fit Eve o ’clock in tlie evening, and did not come bauk u n til Sunday n i"h t. She (lid her work (‘Xcollent.ly, l)ut she ’ vas not honest, and her em ployer could no t se<» her " a v to have h(»r.^"lack.—Rem anded for a ■vvei*k on bail lo see if’i anythiiiir could be d<me bir h(M'. Mr. (-’un n ih ^ to a bein^' a^ked lo look a iio r her.

T i

S T O N E ! G R O U N D

STANDliRD GOUNTIIY FLOURmw mw mw mw mw mw «

T 1 ^ y o u a r e d i s s a t i s f i e d ■ w ith t h e f l o u r . y o u a r e u s i n g , ^ o r s u f f e r i n g a n y i l l e f f e c t s t h e r e f r o m , t r y t h e

a b o v e : i t h a s a n n t t y f l a v o n r , i s s n s t a i n i n g a n d a ] i p c t i z i n g , o 'w i n g t o t h e s t o n e g r o n n d p r o c e s s o f n i a n n f a c t n r e , i s e c o n o m i c a l f o r h o m e b r e a d m a k - i n g — a s t h e y i e l d i s f a r i n e x c e s s o f t h e o r d i n a r y r u n o f f l o n r — a n d i s t h e G E N U I N E S T A N D A R D F L O U R r e c o m m e n d e d s o e x t e n s i v e l y i n t h e P r e s s a f e w y e a r s s in c T i.

S o ld in I S a c k s (20 g a l lo n s ) , J S a c k s (1 0 g a l lo n s ) , o r in 6 lb . S e a le d C o tto n B a g s , a n d is S to c k e d a t p r e s e n t b y >

FULLER & SWA'TLAND a t th e ir 'various depots^ E. STANGER, High S treet, J. & J. CHRISTIAN, K orm an Road, F. CHAPMAN, 235, London Road, H. J. KING, Robertson S treet & London Road,E. C. SMITH, 263, London Road, St. Leonards, ALLWORK & SON, Battle, and THE NEVILL

BAKERY, Bexhili. •

nam ed a f te r th e donor? A g if t o f ^£25 would e n ti tle th e donor to th e p riv ilege of nam ing a w ard.

I f th is he lp is forthcom ing—and i t is no t doubted th a t i t w ill be, fo r th e care of o u r m en lies very close to th e h ea rts o f a ll—tlie w ork of rem oval ^1 1 s ta r t ir ith o u t a heavy b u rden of financial unce rta jn ty , and the energies of those connected w ith th e H osp ita l w ill be fre e r to cope w ith any difficulties th a t m ay arise.

Offers of help , by money, en terta inm en ts, o r in k in d , w ill be m ost g ra te fu lly received by th e D eputy-P residen t. 17, Eversfield-place, S t. L eonaids; o r by th e tlom m andan t, Sussex 16, i 'i lsh a m P a rk H ospital.

H O ^ I T A L O F ST. JO H N .T he following donors a re g ra tefu lly

th an k ed :—T he Rev. R. T albo t, M rs. G aler, Mrs. Holm es, C ustom ers of M r. Festing , R. Box, M adam e Sem adeni, Mrs. Sims, Mr.s. W illiam s, D r. Kemp, M r. and M rs. N orton, Rol)ertson S tree t (Congregational C luirch, F ree C hris tian C hurch , Mrs. Fegthorstone, E m m anuel Sunday School, M iss W itherby , St. M atthew ’s, M rs. P ryo r, per Miss B ates, A3 Is. 8d.

CORRESPONDENCE.-------- :o :--------

“ O UR DAY.”SiB,—On behalf of the R igh t 'W orshipful

th e M ayor and. th e m em bers of th e F lag D ays’ (jom m ittee, I beg to acknowledge w ith th an k s th e following con tribu tions in a id of th e funds of the B ritish Red Cross Society and th e O rder of St. John of .Te.rusalem.

G. R. BUTTElLVi^ORTH, H on. T reasu rer,

F lag D ays’ Com m ittee.

Esq., .£1 Is., R ichard Box, E sq., .£1 Is ., Col B. H. Mel-ville .£1 Is., th e Misse-s B. and M A. Lock £1 Is., M rs. E. E ..T o tten h am £ \ Ls., M rs. k . M. M onro £1 Is., Miss C. L. Home- wood dSl Is., Co. A. 'Vallings £1 Is ., th e Misses H arvey i£I, E. A. L ockhart, Esq., 10s., Mrs. A.. H erb ert 10s., Mrs. IT. B. C alvert 10s., Mr. and M rs. C. P in n e ll 7s.—T ota l d£439 Is. 4d.

^ ■


A . T H O E F E & SONS, M illers, R y e , Sussex.( u n d e r g o v e r n m e n t C O N T R O L )r

X O T F.—Breaxl niiiilo w ilh ih is F lo u r cun be obl.iined ( HAPM.AN. 11. ,l; K IN G , uud the N F V IL L BAKERY'

from Messrs. F. as above.


I wt‘111 •■-H *' li iinnn-! 1 •|;(i lull M..' iuUil at

.1- U oiincuU.r.'KSDAY.—FVforf> ('apTainl Colvilo (in the i naii'b Mr. .1. J . "BinitwooH, and L'ounciiKu* Ji. Sauison.

T .lC K X S lN i ; .I iie 1'ro n ’'K? ol’ iho N orm an ITotA l wa.'i tra,n<-

ferr<\-I from Mr. Wrig-ht to Mr. \V. Snibbti (>vho h<ul l)oIid a in l.o!i<ion)

a s c e n f :.illiam , MoUlopd^ oj lUiyal (7arri>on

A rtil.o ry , cha.r^t\l n'illi lioing an ahs4>nrDi the fl(K’k prisoTM'r b»U

in a fit, <im*in.;.;,whK'.h Ha atteiKii'tl hv the pouc-e. -As he rem.a.ine4l in a h o lp lr^ ronrii- tboii lo r jMjine tinH' t l u ' \ ’«h.‘NO wnis rioi into.T he oit1oiv<1 him lo l)c hano^’Nlover to an om.*oiT.

T h v r s d —Hef(>'ro t h e ^fiiyor (('’o i in r i l lo r\y . IV rrin^b i'ouiuo]].'-r D i. Ci, O. Hray, ( a t t a i n I'rvhile, A lderm an H. 'U. Uicrbtim, Mr. ( lia.'. r.tfjton, AUlormaM K,. A. IliK’k- in;:, and t\Iflenm ui U. H. \V. Tree.

T ()0 M IT H TJO HT.U1iarl(»( te ](Jain ■w.-t- >mnna)ried for ne«jlort-

in.j' tv) obsciire a lig-lir a t 1* . Cauibridiro-gT^r- ilens.—Ebnel TJl Is.

^faHe] Iv-a ikin a?ul FAbol U ivers wero sam - to a li^Mit a t 5. 'ri;u l.aw n.

Ve>ter(lay il- 'riday tlof the abtiVf An.si

tin- Hratvey I n s t i iu i e , ill W’. I’ermiri) presiditi;^.

'File ( 'lia irm an .''airl i hat alihou-i^h the pre- .si'JU a t t ‘‘iu iam e wa.s ii'T iai'.U‘v’. i !ie . I’u •' itie work ilone ilurinj? the y.M” w i" v» i-'.'.. rat ityiRft. an<l sti<Mve»l \e i‘y » ' ne'u.-ive.y l). ti. a lte r afi exif^ionce of a ouarttN’ m ,i ( C’ln .ry (be Mu-eLini wa- very mm-h apiirc! ia 'ed.

.^l^. .\. Uell U lnn . Sivcvotaiy) v.-ud tlu« r»^ p Ti a.iui b ab in w ’-.slioet, wlueh S 'l i tu l (hat •Ti.DttG piNiph* [\iXA.{ thu Mi’-vp ;je ilanr.^ 'The ami th a t a Mibstaii i iai n-ilant'-e \va."in h a n i l . A not !u>r s o v iu ' ill' KM-' 111-,-. 11 u'. 1■F'l'Ua r r :u i^ t ‘r l. ;i U(l w e 1*0 n^‘" n i ' L-C' " - \ n r 1 lu^pupiL-^ to!’ U u ' L 'd o u if'n ta rv S ' h • «*!>. . k 'iiop n !‘l M);ul e ri-t'u re iiU ’e lo ih .o 11.11 ani< • u n l

! w o r k <1 n 7 U'’ I:>y I h r l a l o ' ,1 : . \S . V . C ' , ik o .\vl\0 YVil’' iK ik iu ; ; tu r w U. Y ''' .m d !n*-an .< k)tX t t 'U i l ll'II' >ph t>r*‘ o l n s e i u 1.U'ri., . 1' 1 , ,.x 1 Jr* ‘ i -l u t i o n . <»w III 'j; U y l i i - m i l ia : 1 ' 1* a

'\ I.-:! hs,--

11 >n nl' l lk! ( io r t n .m K!i/> . 1.., ‘ 0 i> n a

lu u l h fi'H >#N'.urcd. a n d tho-M’ W V*.re ‘ ic i \ii; i lm -1»\- .Ml-. l \ a v , a iu l w ii(Mid p n o (' r.t t lie

i.n U ' iv s t tl'' n k p r r . n t' 1 Um'U 1 -ilV. i i r - . .

H u * C l li i i l 'U l. in iu o v i\ i t i ’.i.• iu lo n U i i n '*1 1 h e

J-'rtnle n e t flonieri th e r haill at. his in<t.—A po l:j:lit wa

I'L'port..‘V'Um* i h e ni>lion Ua4 been r a r r i e d

T H E W A R .---------: o : --------

C A r ' l 'A lX . \ . \ I )F l i .S O .V i !F I{ R V. r<’’sn*i it) Inive In I’mM’d the iloatn in

aet inn ,<>|' ( 'a i) ta in l)jivi<{ .VmlorvSOP-|■‘e ll• \ . only ssij) ami Mirvi’» mg- ulii L-l e f Dr. an.:! Mr-. .Vjiilf r-nn-H'-i r \ , lo rm i’r 'y of >it. l.eo!i;ii’(l-, ami \v^*H-kn.>wr: in HevliiU.

'I'll.' iG\e U'aptain was o> th e l«*oyal Scot- i llr-y iihir . \ r m y ) . ami tell on the niunnn;^ of

' j iiernber 26lli, whilsi ; ;a lla iit ly Itsuiing men to \ letory in FlamiiM's. He wji.s the Nth t ) a \ i d , wa.- tlie eldoht a n d oTtly survivinjg won, ami t e n - an (Ud Ac'ols iam ily ha.- bt--n b rought (a an abrnj»t eml. De was kilk-d by a ’wluvh lounrl hi.- h e a r t , ami he Jellliea.l vuKli-n?,ured.

i l iv L oaimaiu.lin^ (JUicCr — Hie (.'olonel <»f t iu* 1-la laboii - w r i t e s th a t “ Y our ve?*y j ja l lan t .-on itdi in act ion wTiiUt lea<liag liiji men to vietoTv. In out to i.ake a ’pill-lw):-;’ah'Ud haif-pa.i l six on th e irKirnin^ of the 26t li »SepttH'i!ln*j, lie was tiie first, over tiiO im rapet , amt in act ol ch ee r in g liis men on , h<' wiis -tN'ir i.o W’luMi reax’-ljed ho w as tbund (obe de.nl, a p p a re n t ly shot }>y a -rupej-. Hi- nu-n. who wor.-hii^peci Jiim, rushed oJi, tak in g Ih e ‘p i ll -box .’ “

'J’iicir .Majesties the K in g an d Queen have very gra> iously sent his m otlun ' a n d latlKT

a me-s<ige <V <oinforl , w l iu h they g rea t ly prize , ns well as t h e m an y messa;»t'- uf syni

at t h e house , ^Rdm.ittf^l she -ind was fine-i XI Is . , th.e

• la s . N 'o t io y , 3 . A V li ito T 'o e k , lle ;.T a fio n o f a l i r i i i h t Ii;^ ht in t h e h o u s e o n i l i e n i^ rh i o f t h e 151b

lo e r o n - b a b le « r,id t h a t t h e h a l l m fle.-] r e d . aT o l i n l i is . o p in io n it

would be s(cn a! st 'a .—T h e ( 'h io f C onstab le sa id Afr. N' v ious occas

.'Mfrc'd iTijoen. for Cambridge-]

.-Cl 11s. 6.1.T'VTMXMHTFUUn

ulev ln \i br\'ii fieorl on two pre- ons.—Fined t2 12.-.

ilinear riffenco a.t 1, <ar<iens. Tbi.s . (ieforidant bad (>n one prc'vioiis ot'c-asioii.—rin e (l

•Tosenb l\i on bnsinf>t .s ton v.'ithout! Ibio Town on ted, a-nd ■'.vere •un(l«'>’r

:^rPTAL DFAUEU.)!ey was su m m o n ed fo r carrvipq:

a d e a le r in otlcl m oia l at Hal- i be necies.'a!*y rei^-i-ttration,- -

C lerk (M r. Pe rev Idle) prose- explainofl th a t the procefnlin^.s the P u b l ic H>'0 lt!i Act. Tt w a-

m ost im por tan+ t h a t all r;iaT‘’ne store dealer?(should be i e?istered.

i’ av f* e v id e ic - e t lm tjon several o a t HaHon Town ('Terk refused to th e premise} a 'Iniye acci sented to h pocket for 5;ent' awav.- rran could < It

-K iii2 (1 nsperdor) (h'fimdant

'^ sions in reference to b is store Ho advised flefenidaiit to see the and register, but be absolutely

omply. He foum! old iron <m A week ago th ere wa.s ouitc

m nbition. H efendant bad repre- m th a t he ba.l a cbeoue in bis 10 tons of iron , w bieb be ba<l n e fen d an t contended th a t to

-intend th a t old iron was m etal! was u.'='ele-'s to ask the w'i1ne'-s iinv ques­

tion, as Av la.t he saul was law .F He was o n lr puilD- if buvimr a few and o therth in jrs.—T hd Town C P rk ; M’hv d,, vou sav

oti ron IS not t a i n t !—The rners, do you rollecf; if'fui Mafjistr.ates

nietal r— P o fen r lan t : Hecause i t Town C le rk : Y 'U d o n ’t cal] i t -— L)r.frvr>riant: Xo, n o r bones. T -The' M avor told defe»ulant tht^- o n - id e red the offence a serious

CH H rnest C1u

worlci n

one. H e wAuhl l>e fine<l f"2 2<.P G K O F C P T 'E U T Y . rlfN Ashton wrs sum m oned foror-e -wliilst in an un f i t sta^«, X Svvnine ■vva« su m m o n ed ns th e

o ' ^ e r . — PoHfje-constahle !\ril ton proved s top­p ing the horso, whir l i was a t t a c h e d to a f r i jr -w hee l van laden Avith b re ad . On examining? ^he animail he fo u n d a larpre

.of the Empine un til ten yea.rs a f te r th e W a r I en th e v.dthers w hich th e eoMar rubbed, (a voi-ce: *^100 yearF»/' and appla.'ii<ae), and l^^nder th e pad h<* saw a-notlmr lar^re «sore. CePmau floods should tx absolutely pro- jT he bor.se al'so had broken knees, whieh bad.hibitfy] for a sim ila i’ period (H ear, boar). No CTerra'n.n sb.ip should be allowesd to entor on* eoa.l a t any B n tisb po rt fo r ten years (TTear, hesir). Xo more dumping- of ehe«.p fzrood’ v.bile -men w anted work. B rib u n f-iT* the FUitish and plenty of work fo r all. Tl'iose wore (he th ings tb-ey ought to sot tberaselvo.^ i]iQ task, of im pressing on th e ruler^. Vv'hon tl>e boys carm' borne nnd pe<i,ce eeleVii.'Nit Ions were held w hat an awful thin.;;? it would if they a t hom e felt had pot done all they eould to shorten thh W;'Mr. Afr. F'i>rsvth t.hen gave some persomH evideno'^ rd wluH be had witness'xt from a ir hom'i'»ardTnen I and annou.iK-ed hiirtself a,s a fstrous- advocate of respri^ ls (H ear, hesir).

wanted re»pripal«, he said , and if they wniHd shorten th e W,ar by one' dav or save fbp u-f.. of one soldtier, let us Itave them (aunlHUseb

VoG*< of th 'u ik s to th e epeaker.s were pro- pr\^od St ricnf'Tal S trange and seconded by M-. P. W. ^fn.gp:s. and to th e C hairm an, on •'he P’'ojx*eition of C om m ander H . J . Old- fiHd. s«M.‘.onded by Mi«« E llm an . A fter th e Na.tional .Anthem had been snng fryi wa.s tOTTed (by in v ita tio n of tl-pe C om m ittoe).

WtASTE N EW SPA PE R S. — Messrs. F . J . P rr^ons, L td ., ‘ 'Observer'^ Office, C larem ont, Ha.-tin gs; a re prepared to give top prices for ■waslf new spapers. Any q n a n tity from 56Iba. Wpwar^.s is purchasiyl. To tradesm en i t is intim.it-rd, th a t the firm specially desire to pnrf hase old disused ledgers, wliich can be destroyed in custom er’s presence, if desired, a t the “ O bserver” 'Vi’orks. Old m agazines,' pam phlets, correspondence, and brovrn paper are 'bmight a la^ ., Each class o f paper •s'honld be kept separately , ami, sacks fo r th e piirpo.se are loaned a t a fee of M . each, whioh is re funded on re tu rn of saick. On receip t of a po 'tcard a van will call and collect lots cf aol less th an 561bs., and pay fo r them .

T H E C OI/Y NiAL CHURCTL—Serm ons will he preached to-m orrow (.Sunda.y) a t St. Mary-in-the-(Yistle C hurch for th e Colonial and ('Vmt.inenial Ch'uisih Society by th e Rev. J . D. M ullins, D .D .. the general .secretary of the .Syciety, a t 11 and fi.SO. The.se serm ons will he of special in te rest to iieople hav ing

•relations in the Colonies, and the.v a re cor­dially invited to he r>reecnt. 'The collections trill be for th e w ork of the Society.

W a are open to racalvs

enquiries f o r --------------



Also th e new


W R I G H T &


26, Havelock Road.-PHONE CM.

bf'f Ti co-vorpcl' wiDi b lack T h e con-iflHiou of t h f auim.-H v.-.'m vor^ poor. Ho aftp-rwan!s w r u t to CasftV Hill-roarl in com­

p any until .-Vdum'^, B.Si.F.O.A..who examinpyl ibe hor?5c in fb^ prciseuco of Swain-p-. 1’tc la.ttcr, wLcn to1H ho -woulrl bo reporter!. Fa irl : " T tolf! th e m an to r e t some new paH<. T am too buFv in th e bakehouse, pnd i'lr»n’t tin-jo to look a f t e r tb e horses .’* —ProFF-examilnefl : T h e re ivas sometbinc- onth e knee-.; wljicli n a s b lae k , a-? if T>nt (bore 1o hirle the blo-orl.— .Ashton rlcniofl t h a t an y q^rtasc Njul H-e” m u on th e krN-»e.'=.—In sp e c ­to r .*• flams. U .S .P .F .A . , "Tvin" evit lenre, cM'-l t*i;»t avfl^’itfo,] hp wa^’ T*espon-s iH e f(iv hor-'-e b 'i V-T M v.-er-k. Tlieanirm-I baO Forc.'. a.- rlesz-HFod hv the^ enu- sD'^ble. anfl ’wa« wrvak: br\th kiice-j wereb ro k en , anr] t h e ho?*-.:?:* wa^ riuit<> unf i t F.x worker!.—Sw aine exnre^so'l r e ^ e t , ai'rl said he hft-H on ly been ’v*orkin," v»anafrer for two m o n th s , an d owin^r t(» FUortiO''' of lab o u r he bar] her] to Hp exfirn work. H o barl aK-o lo-t a otahle-man r'^eently. H e bait now <mt a I p ra e ' i c a l s ta b le m a n , ami un^ler h i s vHrectiV.nj t h e h o rse wa.s now q n i t« transferTiief]. H “ | f a r t h e r Fuarfre-sfrvl ih n f t h e r -n an t i tv f)f food ! allo'W'^1 fo r be»*«:e- bv tbo rj-evuT-n-rnent was n n su fire ieiri t .—T h e BepeU fir<-rl Sw atne 2 k ’..! anrl Ashton I0«. 6«b—T h e Ma-ror exorr^teeH th e view t b e t A.sbtnn sbou!''! h a v e reporter!

u"^y in w h ic l i l i i e C u r a to r (Mr. B u t te rw o r t l i ) rarrif^il out flu* d u t ie s if Ins oifico..;uHl t h a t p f 'n t lem an l a te r ■explained a nund»er ot e.\- h ib i t s which had been added dur'Ti^ the year.


Cor.'. They arc both too heartb roken to ac- knowknlgc thc-e vci.

Inti,Ml th a t an apprecia!ion nl the work done |)a‘.hy from friends in iiianv iia r tso f the Uing- hy the laic Mr. IV. X. C rake, v h o had been lion. S;'cri-1 ary to ihc .\ss. cUU ion since its I o.'niut ion, and was its fiitlior and t-nimler, sbonld be cnierixl on the miiuiLcs. was pm- ]H>soil by Coum-iilor Or. G, G. G ray, ,1.1*. it iva,; ivith the ileetost regrid th a t they recor- dtal the loss of iui i.dd and vaiue<d trieiKi, bu t S i long a.s th a t bliilding stood hi.s sciwiecs weiild not be fergotten.

Mr, T. I’a rk in si'C-. inle<l !he rcsohiiion . say­ing th a t be \va.s (he oul:'.-l t id«*iul e! .sir.C rak e , whom he a lw ays regarded w.tli Ihc groat esf ail eel ion. l ie read an cx lra e f Iroiu l ’'e “ O b s e iv e i " of O c tober l illb, wbii l i

-r'.qstrted a m ei 't ing lii'ld (Itat week, a t whieU Isd h be anil Mr. C rak e were pi 'esenl, when it was ri'.-ulveil (hat Hs-slings should liave a Muscmiiu. Only th re e p re x 'n l a t t h a t meet- wi ix- now a live am t in t h e (own; they were Mr-. 'I 'uhbs, D r . G ray , and h im self ,

’I'he rasolution was passed by there prosi'nt sUunling.

The Fivsirlcnt, Vi<‘e-P residen t and officers were rr-<‘ler‘iecl. tlie Ma.vor being elected C hairm an of the A.s.s-.cia'tion.

It was u n a n im ^ M is ly re.solvLsl to en te r on the m i n u t e s an ai>tireciation of th e lulm iralile


O ur Special C hris tm as G ift F und fo r the Suesex soldier.s is now fa irly s ta rted , ajid a lthough a g rea t num ber of cards have been given o u t, a m uch larger lis t o f coUeotors is needed by th e E d ito r and ourselves. 1 shall be glad io forw ard cards io persons w illing i o liel p on th is good w o rk ' tindertaken for the ilu.sHex tqen, a.s tim e is flying la s t, and w<- eannot afi'ord to allow il to get away from ns in th is case. So we w ant all the heli>ers po.seibte, and at.oiM-e.

( 'o lio lions for ordin.ary Fund : C orporation employos, per Mr. G'a.sson, 2d.: .May ti-as- son, 2s. ^1. Giil.s cf hooks and magazines have i>eeu receivol frotn Mi’s. M urrow ; a handle of “ F u n c li.’’ Ylr. J . B ushridge; two pairs m itiens, Mrs. T ay lo r; and 23.'5 cigarettes, Mr. and Mrs. A.vre-s, R am sgate (its no ad<l‘.e«s wtia enclo«ed 1 .un only aljle to th an k those k ind friends llirough th e Pre.ss, and i do so m ost heartil.yi. Dona­tio n s ; Mr. Ben Meadows, Mr. Hope, MisS E llm an , and M r. A . J . Cave.

E -ite rs received: C ap ta ins IV alter (I'Jtli Sussex) and B allard (7th Su.sse..x), L ieut, H u n t, vSergts. C. 4(riarke and Tomlin.son, Cor- jw rals Ylander and Fold, Lance-Corporals H all and P orring , Riilemeii Bi-shop and C’a rey , G unner J . K inn is, Sappers H u n t, M iller, and C hapm an, D river F. C. Freem ;in, P riv a tes D eadm au, J . Bency, P . Beney, G ander, Joiiea, Cloke., F oskett, K iUk-.v, Cam- pa.i-.v, and ('. Collins.

Tlip tollowing Imve been supplied w ith sniokes. etc. :—Corp<')ra!s I’ay. P a in , and W. Funnell. ljance-('orporals Hush, ( 'a i t . M ar­lin. W. Sm ilh , iv’ld ’ idgp. Shiilt-y. (,'<-sik, am i llanim und. .Second-Corporal Read, Shoeing- .Smii.h \V\xxl. Priv;ilps G. M ood. Bene.', Sa.lo, luul K.ill>ey.

la ttle J iu k Murrow (wlin has been, unfor- tum iloly, unable to colleid th is week, hu t hopes to he back <m du ty in n d;iy or two) has had th e follo.wing delightfu l le t te r from Lance-Corporal ('. Saxhy. 1st (rlouceister Regi­ment. (a Hasting., man). He sa.vs;—'( D ear .link .--1 have r« e n tlv receiverl ano ther is.sue of ciga.rettes from the S.S.C.C.F.. mi having

few sp;ire moments I thought 1 would w rite a few’ lines to you, expressing my gr.atitude for (lie splendid work whioh you have so long hin-n doing for th<* ix-ys out here. 1 am sure, hilt lo r you, m any <iS us out here would have lioeu m iserable, hul really (he cigarettes nivirly alw ays come along ;U the right tim e, and you qfteii he.ar (he rem ark, ‘ \Vill you .save my lire;-' Then the o th e r chap will say, ■ H o w .’ .ynd (he answ er will he, 'B y giving men. fa g ! ' So I should th ink von have s.aved !i good many live.-! I am sure if (Ite people know whiit a ‘ B lighty W oodbine ’ is lo a Tommy ou t here, (hey would con trihu te lo your l.-ox m ore freely, hu t, dear Jaek , you have done woiiderfull v indeed in yOiir t-ollec- tions, and 1 hope you will c-ontinue lo do your b it uu til wo have finished o u r h it he re .”

E . G ER T R U D E ADAMS. Hon. Secretary , 1.5. Evei'sfield-place, Si. Li-oiuuds.

I " F o i* their B l o o d I s t i e ' L i i e l ”

j i f I t i s a n y s u c h D i s e a s

ANGLO-AM ERICAN F R IE N D S H IP .Sir ,—I have j.nist learned w ith g rea t g ra ti­

fication th a t D r. 'W allace B iittr ick , who is v isiting th is coun try a t th e u rg en t inv ita tion of ,the G overnm ent, conveyed th rough bi.s in ­tim a te i>ersonal friend, the .-Vmerican -Ambas­sador. has kindl.v consented to come to H as­tings on Satui'ilay week, flie 27th, and speak in th e haJI of the A lbany H otel a t 8 p.m . ou ‘‘-America’s S tory .”

H astings m ay consider itse lf fo rtu n a te in riK-eiving a v is it from D r. B u ttr ick a t the coinroencoment of h is cam paign. He is re­garded by his fellow' countrym en a.s one of I heir gro<i,test, educational experLs. and in h is w-ork he has had the supixirt of Mr. John D. K-ockefoller. H e is 1‘residen t of the General I'kiiicat'on Boar<l and a T rustee of the Ri'cke- te lle r Foundation . .A. well-kiiown, .Ameriturn now in Jyondon sa.vs of Jir. H u itr ick : ‘‘Ho is nm king h is to ry in the I nited S tates, and it is in a seo.se the h istory of t}ie fu tu re .” He i.s of pu re English descent on both sides. On h is m other’s side he descends from R ichard IV arren . who sailed in (he ‘‘May-flower” in 16^. .His fa th e r’s ance.stor, W illiam litii- tr ick , w ent to .f merioa in 16.3.5. The first b a t­tle of the A m erican Civil W ar, th e b a ttle of Concord, was fought on a farm w hich W il­liam B u ttrick pnreha-sed, and whioh is still in th e posses-sion of the fam ily, being the hom e of Mr. S tedm an B u ttr ick , a hanker, of Boeton. Ylass.

_Dr. B u ttr ick w ill he accom panied by Air. W allace C arter, Hon. Secreta.i-y’ o f the ‘‘N ationa l AVar .Aim.s C om m ittee,” and I shall hope to preside over th e m eeting.

-As th e h a ll will only acoom raodate about tw o-hundred people, those who ilesire to Ire p resen t should kindly apply’ to th e M anager of the .'tlbany Hotel fo r tickeUs. There w ill be no charge for admission and ho collection.

HENRY’' S. L L N N .

» E ceem a , S e rc fid a , B a d LTge, a F S A btceteee, U leere, Q la n d m a r

Sw elling* , JBoile, P m p le t , S o r t* la n d E ru p tio n * . P ile s . S h e n m a tism , G bnt, \<tc., don’t w»*te your tima and money I lottona and ointments which ceQpot.gBt.tx'I the su rface ot th e skin. 'Vrhat you w a n t I what you most baye is a m ed icin e th a t I thorougbly free th e blood o t 'U m ]I matter w h ic h a lo n e is th e tm e c w _ .I .Tonr suffering , Clarke’s B lood IC x t o r e i o ___[such a medicine. I t is eomposed ol ingn- I disnts which quickly attack, ovMjeome and I expel, the impurities from the rdbod, that I why so many truly wonderfal enpa-stand j its credit.

Over 50 years* su ccess.

I P le ssa n t to take.


j Sold by all Chemists

I and Stores J/S per bottle.

Rvfuse All I 8ubstltut«s,

C l a r k e ' s B l o o d

M i x t u r e

TT kX xavy u A rwn.it. DiAJUU XlHALiTJ

V E T A R Z OT ria l Bottle either Bemedy 3s.. laadlas Vetarxo Remtdtes Co.. Gospel Oak. N.W.5,

A N D B E C U R E D .

<‘ E V E R Y B O D V ' i f B L O O D P U R i r i E I L *

WTTHOT7T BTTBB BLO O D H B A L T H 18 nCPOSSllB Bi;001> K B D I O X K B . i .-----

(.'olamhiis sa id t h e uorUI was t o u i k I , h a t nobo-dy h i iu , u n t i l he h a d pi 'ovid it.Tlire^.* yearfs a^iO Ml■ . C. W a l t e r , of Ifi, W el­d ing lon-.s<[U a iv, told how' Doan s Dills had eiir»‘d her k id n ey t roub le . Ueiiig^ a ^la^tings w om an he r word was a ccep U ^ , u-nd to-day Ffie gives i-hnie y e a r s ’ prool .1 a las t ing cure , fco that, d tm b t i,> qtiiU' iiuiKtssihle.

U a J u n e (itii, I'JKF M.is. W a l te r s i i id :— “ Twelve y e a rs is a long l im e to snfror wiv-h rlieiAraati.‘>ai, b u t I ^\as h a rd iy e*ver li'ee f rom j i l (ruring tls-* whole of t h a t lU'-n-Kl. I t I e ta rU 'd long Ix-iore 1 cam e to Ha^stings, an d a.i’tor 1 canie to l ive h e re 1 fo u n d it v e r j - t r y ­ing tacL im g the bill.s. I was in con.stajit


Second-L ieutenant C hris topher l‘'ran k K ir- shaw Fierson, .R.F.C., killed on OcUdier lOlh, was the youngest son </i‘ tlie Kev. Kir.-liaw ’V: Ibor.-ion, form erly of (.‘hertTcy. and Mrs. Pier- >ui, of d’iie 1 Jrom pians, Ha.sting;^.

l!orn in lie. was (Hlue^xiod a t 1st.rT<N'»!';je*s. W i.nd'Or, ami a t Cliri."f’.s Hos]u(al, H orsham . He wa.s tram fsl in the C-<id--'*t (.'- rps at .Ioniis College, < >xf'>rd. and was gazet1(Hl la.st ,\j>ril, ivnd flt once iJi’oceeded lo th e front.

Hi^ s([na<lrou ermunandei* w rites :—“ lie went U!) w ith L ieuf/’mvnt Marsh as In', oh- seiwer to u tr rv out observation ('ll a Gorman l-»aHory and p«>t(ition. He left tlie ground a-ud roM'* to about (FO feet, witein lie m ade a sharp tu rn , and jusj a.s ho was tin n in g his engin-e m ost })‘i\(* laiiiMl, as iiis niachinc iiose-divfMl and rra.slie,! lo e a rth —Ixith lie atid t.ho ol> server were k i'led . I t is very difficult to ex- pi;, in I hi* acriilcn l, as your son was a most vibh- a n ! relRi!):e pilot, and T can only th ink tlu>( hiv migine fa'iled just as he was »)n ;i tu rn , wlHoh would explain the smldeii fall. You?* son wa- one of iny best otfirers, niul liad ahvjjys dom* his work well and ch eenu lly . Ih-sides Uong a good a rtil- liei*Y *J)server am! brave to a fa tiit, he was siK'h a charm ing boy and most ix)pular in th-'i squadron. S -me tim e as youknow, his ol>se?'v«i>r was killed by boytile an ti- a irc i'a ft fire. W ith the greatest, presence of m ind , your son ilew to the h(>>pitAl and landed lii- in.u-lnm* iuM on the .side of the l)uiidiTig. andi liad his oljf-erver carried in.Many oifie much older tlian vou.r fk iiwould Imvo lost th e ir nerve a fte r th is , b u t your MUi carried out his work as well nnd as bi’avelv as h*ere^ofoie. T c’ln ’l tell you liow surrv we ell <m*o to lose him , an<l I \>"ish io t^xjire-^ on be!?iilf of all 4he siiuadron the very .•‘iiu'ere sym palliy tlia t we feel for you in your g rea t lo>s.’*

O V E R F I F T Y Y E A R S *

D R . D E R O D S ’ S S i ta*K>2?Gra«i._____


T o o L a te f o r C la s s if ic a tio n .H U N T E R B R O S , are now lunkiSf t l i S r Y X p p S S

SH-jton of Ali31int3T>', S lm iscs, Fiuce, Lac© 6cr***“et" ii-t old priews; rOifr^d ‘v____in a»-43. 10 . IM .—HupUjr B ros., 9-10, Trln U y-i* ,,Roli**rtton-At., IlaKtiixrs. . '

MMi.-e.jpE REPAIRS.-Barkcf, STTCVat,0],1


S ir ,—Yoti will notivf- from nn ailveriise- m en t in th is papi*r that; I uir, ronip^pllpil io rli'.se th is I ’haihiac.v fo r lupal lim e onch

B.v arrangenipnl; w ith iho Alilitaf.v a ijth- oiIH p.s th e grp,a(‘p r pari, of O k- rpiim ant nf mv staff has jo ined up. 'I’h is a.rrangpm piit was comp lo sim ply beranse ono realized the necessity of every m an availab le for Ihe w ar. I t i.s u tte r ly inn>oBsihlp ^\ith the s(.af{ I have left and w ith oonsidpration io (lie n a tu re of ou r w ork to avoid ib is sligh t brojik o n h day. and i feel su re (ho P ub lic w ill help hv giving th e ir o rders early and and allow ing us fa ir tim e fo r o th er th a n u rgen t o rders.

A fter a ll th e beastly H im h as to he wiped 'o n t a t a ll costs, a li t t le inconvpnicnco here doo.s not count.

HAROLD E. SKY’RME.12, AVellington I ’lac;,-.

l^ 'P R O T E C T E D H IG H PA V EM EN TS.BiK .^A 't ab o u t six o’clock la s t evening,

my wife and 1 w ent for an in land stroll, as i t was loo boisterous ou the F ron t.

I YVe erdsaed from a in’am she lte r to . the Ollier side of tlie road to a level pavem ent

J l S’l ' l C L I OR ’! H E SJI.V I'.R B.YDGL ATF/N. japparen tlv , anrl walked a feiv steps, whenSill,—T here ’ ’ ' ....... ............ — . . . . . . _ .

pas-ed in These mencases ou t of a hund red th e ir wounds are no t I very m uch. Fortuna'tely no vehiou-

rU h i H r, b Jj.v I'.it .ts.APMor, .viJMN. japparen tlv , amd walked a few' steps, when 'here is a large am oun t of critk-.ism | th o u g h t th e pavem ent looked w ider on regard to on r silver barige<l men. tiie o th er .side; my wife stepned off and fell,

en have done th e ir h it , and in 9ft , fallowed, and also fell. ' AVe hurt- our-

of an outside show.I passi-sl a gentlem an (h is m orning on our

F ro n t, whom I know by sigh t, and he has an a rtific ia l leg. A m an rem.irki-sl (o m e; “ 1 woTuler if th a t bloke has ever seen the fight­ing line, anybody can p u t a silver badge on b is coat.”

1 told him if he asked th e silver badge m an th a t sam e qiie.stion be would no d oub t go hem e wet th rough .

T h is same gentlem an has seen splendid ser- v iio , and m igh t show his wound and decora­tion tx) OUT critics.


la r traffic was atKuit a t th e moment', bu t a lai'ly w lieeling a bike and ano ther lady—one of whom said she fell from t.here twelve fuon ths ago. Asked w here we were, we were inform ed ‘‘ M ount P lo asah t,” P rio ry-

I road.] ;\s a resailt, my wife is in bed to-day, andhad a very bad irigh t w ith severe pain and swollem jo in ts ; my ank le and shoiililer a re sprained, and mv knuckles dam aged. Aly gloves are ru ined , and our o th er garmenlis si>laffhed w ith blood and spoiled,

j T he i.'lept.h of fa ll is q u ite four feet, and jit is a mercy no lim b yyas broken.

T H E STRA N GERS IN OUR AllDSY' Trn.sting fhe an th o ritie s ■will deem i t ad-Siii,—F or several month.s we have had a visable to p u t a h an d ra il to this and o ther

bo.v, who is wounded, in hosp ita l in the raised piiths, a.nd th u s p reven t th e possi- ex irem e n o rth of Enghand, and our g rea test h ility of repetition of accidents ’which these

roR .PG R A L w . G. i / x : k e .Corporal W illiam G rarp Locke, 'rrench

A foitar B attery , .second .son of Mr. George „ „ Ijocke, Af.R.C.S., was k illed on Octoher I th

pain , am i if I walkc<l any ^Ikstanee hiui lo be hv a shell. ’rosl.ng evt ry few m inutes. I could scarcely l i e was a m em ber of th e I-oiidon U niversity maiutgc to c lim b the .steps to my luTiise, m.v and of (he Aliddle 'I'emplo, ;\ml a A lilitary legs got so weak, lie.sides (he rheum atism 1 M edallist, was in agony w ith backache; tliere wereobvious sigii'i of kidney w eakness, and oc- cipsionally swellings appearetl.

P R IV A T E J . SPIC E.Air. and Mrs. Spice, 22. Old H um phrey ';

■‘ If was a cuslomen who first in troduced avenue. Old Town, have had the m isfortune D oan 's backitche kidnev pills to me. 1 m ust -to lose a second son in the ■nm.r. confess I was sceptical, tliough I m ade up The sad news has come to hand th a t Pri- my m ind to give the m edicine a tr ia l. I t v a le .Toe Spice, Royal Sussex R.i'giment, has w asn’t u n til a t'ler the second box th a t I fe lt dietl of wonnds received a( the fron t on Sei>- any better. Then the pain gr;;dually dim in- tem her Mill.isliod un til a f lc r five boxes niv luick was Tlie C aptain of (he Conipfiny, .jvritiug to thecoaiio rtab le . and every trace of th e rheuina- mol:hpr, said (h a t death followed (he full of tisni Inul disaiqx 'arcd. 1 can m anage to a bomb from an enemy iieroplune. The clim b (.he h ills uiov w ithou t the least fatigue, w rite r felt (he loss pprsoimllv, as the late (or iloan 's p ills qu ite cured me. (Signed), P riv a le w;l.s hi.s se rvan t du ring the whole ofYV a lte r ,”

Op Msy 13th, 1916—nearly th ree years la te r—Mrs. VValtcr sa id :—” 1 don’t get rheum atism now like I used to, th an k s to Doan's p i l ls ; I find a doso or two in the d.S'mp w eather p revents me getting any re tu rn of the old tro u b le .”

I ’ric aciil ]>oi--on left in th e sy.stem hv weak kidneys causes lum bago, rheum atisin , gravel, u rin a ry d iso rders; mako.s yon feel dull, lu'uvy, tired and inise.rahie, atKl leads to fata l disease if m 'glected. D oan’s backache kidney nil Is ac t d irerfly on the kidneys and bladdoi b ringing quick relief, and eii-niring the [K>i- aoDons n'ric aoiil and w aste w ater being re- inoviHl before ihey h a ’-’c time' to set up di.seas*,-' o r irrifafion i.n th e bodj’.

't f all dealers, o r 2s; 9d. a Ixix, from Fosier-

lu 'l w ilder, and (hal m ade h is sym pathy wil.h the paren ts ail (lie deeper. He was a g<'iod, w illing, cheerful lyiy, ;'iid a good sol­dier.

.A. U. Stephen Sriico, ano ther son, was killed in action on N'ovemher 13th, 1916.

eonifort in th is troub le has been to hear from him of th e m any kindnesses he has been continually Receiving from th e residents there , who are total strangers . , ,

These ac ts of kindnes.s include regu lar v is its to th e hosp ita l, p resents of luxuries, and , since he has been ab le fo get aliouf, m otor lude.s, v is its to pla<-es o t am usem ent and in terest, and week-end v is its fo homes, ■where he has had th e g rea t p leasure of again enjo.ving fam ily li'fe. These unknown friends have even gone fo (he trouble of ob ta in ing o n r address and w riting to us fu ll accounts of the hoy’s progres.s.

1 have a young friend in a s im ila r sitna- iion in a ho.spila! in Y 'orkshirp, and he w rites me io th e effect tlm t he is m eeting w ith the same kindnc'^is there , and it has oecnrrpd to me .since 1 have been receiving tlu\se acts of Chri.s-tian kindnes.s from perfect strangers, fo r such actionvs are q u ite as m uch, and possilily more, appreciated hv th e paren ts as l)v th e patien ts, lo question w hether we are ex tending the same tre a tm en t to th e lads who are in hospital here, fa r awa.y from th e ir home.s.

To tho.se who have lived in th e N orth and M idlands it m ust' be obvious th a t, possibly owing fo the g rea te r strugg le for existence, hosp ita lity as known in those p a rts of E ng­land is not practised here, and I am w riting ib is th ink ing tlm t d irec t testim ony from one concerned, showing the tre a tm e n t ou r own Imvs a re receiving from s tran g ers in o ther p a rts m ay buck up those who are in a posi­tion to extend dhe sam e (reafm en t to the strangers in the same position am ongst u,s.

Some iim e ago .you published weeklyj a list of towns and d is tric ts w hich th e p a tien ts in th e various hosp ita ls in ih e town cam e from, b u t fo r Lsome reason th is ha,s been discon­tinued , althniigh a t the tim e i t s tru ck me as being an excellent idea in ra ising an in te rest in Tiarticniar men. especially so as (h is is .such a cosnioj-KiIitan com ninnjty , probably m ore than half of the in h ab itan ts no t being natives of th e (own.

E .H .A .

ROAIBARDIER, J . YV. F0YVLF;R. Bornbardii'i- J . YV. Fow ler. R o jn l Horse

•Artiller.v, only son of Rcgirnental-Sergeanl- Alajor and Mr.s. Fow ler, of 2. Soulhw ater- ro.-ul. P(. T.eonards, was seriously wounded a t N ienport-Les-B ains on 20(h Sioplember.

He was before en listing a mem ber of the Tlastings Gi-ainmar School, an,] joined the Golonrs in 19H, and wont to F iunce in Alay las t, ;it (lie age of 19, where he has rem ained th rough all th e he.-ivy fighting of late, up to

AfcClellan Co., 8, YY'ells-sireet, O xfonl-streo t, th e tim e of l>eing wounded. .At present he is

th e condition of tPe b- Oy IPlVT! r)"Or.

COUNTY BENCHSaturo.vy.— Before A dm iral E. St. John

G arfo rth (in the chair). S ir Mackwo-rth Young, Messrs. F . B. Lewis, and A. D. Snow.


Tondon, YY’. D on’t ask for backache or kidney J i l l s —ask dirtinoUy for Donn’s backache

ney pills, the same as Airs. YA'’a lle r hadpiMk id i

in hospite.I a t Cros-swell, n ear Sheffield, where ho is progressing favourably,

’ELSH O P’S A1 E SSEN G ER .—The Rev. II . L. AI;irtley. Bishop’s Messenger, is anuoune<-d to preach a t St. C lem ent’s C hurch to-morrow (Sunday) a t 11 aad 6.30. T he servioes in-

1 elude akso Holy Com m union a t 8 and 11.30, I and evening prayer a t 4- o ’clock. 'rile collec-

, , , , ,1. i. lions will lie for the B ishop of C h ichester’sfh e ra te books were signo-t to r (he to llow -; I’lind.ing parishes:— F a ir lig h t, at 2s. lO d.; F c tt,2,-. Cd.; Ore, >3s.; and G nostling, 2s. 6d.

N O W OVER AGE.The adjourned sum m ons again.st Alice

Osborne fo r ir reg u la r .school a ttendance of lier child was fu r th e r d ea lt w ith . No ovi- iiencci o f operaition on the ch ild ’s tonsils wa.s fim heoraiug, and i t was s tak 'd the a.<rnliniLk h ad now’ been reach ed . I ' n r t h e r ad- F A iR f - I G H T C H U R C T l.—T h is p ictnr-jo ii rncd fo r in q u ir ie s . , csqiielv s i in a lc d c h u rc h is wdthin ca.sy walk- a l th o u g h .severely

L O N D O N TTMF;. I ' " g d js tn n cc of t h e Ore t r a m ju n c t io n , and

W H IS T DRTYD,—T he H astings Sym pa­th e tic Eleven will hold a w h ist d rive a t tho O n w n ’s Hotel n ex t YVcdnpsday. a t 6.15. Mr. E. H. Glc.nister will act as Af.C., and tickets can he obtained of m em liers of (he Coni.- initteo whose nam es a re given in an advor-

i tisem en I .

T H E V IC TO R IA CROSS..Among th e nam es of those who have

gained by th e ir -splendid heroism tho V iefnria <’ross and were gazetted on Oeinher 17th is I.ieu tenant llard.v Falconer P.arsrms, la te G loueestershirb R egim ent, agi'd tw enty years. He was th e son of th e Rev. J . Ash P arsons (YY'esleyan m in ister), nephew of the late M r. F. .1. P arsons and cousin of Mr. Joseph Parsons, o f H astings.

TIis galla.ntr.y is th u s sta ted in the snpplem ont to (he "T/ondon G azette .” ;— ‘‘T.ASec. Lt. H ardy Falcnner P arsons, la te Gionc. R. F o r m ost conspicuous bravery during a n ig h t a ttack by a strong p a rty of the enem y on a bom bing post held bv his com m and. The bom bers holding the block were forced back, h u t See. F t. Parsons re­m ained :il his mist, and singl<*-handed, and

scorched and b u rn t b.v lin iiid fire, he fnnliiinefl to bold u p (he

F. II. .1. B‘'Ciiev was sum moned for havin;*! "m H arvest p’estival services are nolts) for enem yW ith bom bs un til severely wonndod.no ligh t on a m otor eai- on the YY'liite H a rt H 'eir liri;''litm\ss of character. I he .services H ill at 6 28 on Uia evening of Ihe 2nd Onto- f" r to-morrow (bunday) a rc ; Holy Commn- ber, and pleaHed th a t be had seen the light- <‘’1 « moiming service at 10,30. anding-np tim e in tho paper a t 6.30. T h is wa.s .u T '’''!'’ ^ ^ ‘ Rev. C.the Lomlon lim e for ligliting^,- and did not ' "HI preach,apply in ih is and he was ordei'od t o /pay th e 2s.

Gnr.AULS, X-OT CYliNKKRS.BerGe Crostliwailo, (H), Vie.l(»r L aij (111,

and Johj) GriffLlis (12) were stimmoned for .stpalinsf growing grape*?, valued a t L’is., Ihe p roperty of Jameri xSi^i.iiden, anri b reaking \ gla^s to the same valii'f*. They admittei-l stealing ihe grapes, b u t no t tho dam age to t])R gljuss.—Jam os S tanden. Ccoretakor a t Monadews. St. R elerrs, • said he anw the Ixiys crossing the l<\wn bn 23rd Sep-tember, and upon cabling out Cro.sthwa.ite cAine ba(*k. H e had a ba>g, wliieh containrx! apples and ( grapes, nnd showed witnesss how he gol on ! the prem ises, and told him the nam es his com panions.—P.G. C urtis said -when he 1G riffiths wMh th e 'su m m o n s he said i 'a l t broVf' th e grlass, and t.ook somo grapps.— G riffiths sai<! thev s ta rted out lo get rhest- n u ts for m unitions.

T he p a ren ts J?ave th e !)oys excellent characters.

Tlie G hairm an ordered th e !>oys to pay Ifis. for th e liroken glass. 10s. for the gi-apes. and a fine of 7«. in addition .



T h is vei'.i- g a lk in t act o f ,‘self-aacrifice and ilevulion to dutv undoiihtedlv ileluyed (he enein.v long enough to allow’ c.f the organi- s:Hion of a Ixmibing party , which succeeded in d riv ing back th e enem y before the.v could en te r anv iKution nf the trenche.s. T his g a lten t officer succum bed to h is w ounds.”

YVOAIEN’S P..S.A.—Airs. Tiippenney pre­sided over tile m eeting vm SnnVla..v, supported by M rs. Sargent, who led th e S crip tu re read­ing. Alise Eaglea spoko on the l.B .R . A. topic for th.p week, th e re tu rn from their captivity .' Miss Eic-gers is expected to give th e address to-morrow (Sunday).

ftR.ITASH R ED CRrOSS H O SPITA L.W e g ra tefu lly acknowledge the uudeim eu-

tionod donations, v iz .;—St. Leonards Palace P ie r Fund for W ounded Soldiers, per h is W orehip th e Ma.vor: YVest Dene H ospital

i -210, Bannow H ospital JilO, Old H astings I House ,£10; fu r th e r proceeds of G arden F ete , i Old HasUngB llotiae, £ M ‘, p<>r Miss M. L.

Uliri.st (Jhurch Girks' .School, lOe.: Jll 8s. G ifts sent to

cap haniLiges; M issIHirtion o f Bones. F a t o r G rease ofI lin en ; Muss K. C- G enner, 1 p a ir socks, 1 p a ir

mitten.s.AN A PPEA L.

Owing to the g rea t dem and and necessity Camper, Cliri.st (m urch of glycerine i t is eclectic and to the m .tion ’s YVorkrooru collection, £ in te re s t th a t th e tiouc.ewifo should no t H epot; Miss T horlby , 6 wa.s’.e.. a iHirtion o f Bones, F a t o r G rease of ^ v-s..„nr j. ta, a tw, any kind.

I f jjoople wl'.ose ej’e tlhis should mi’e t will nly take notice, inform t!;e ir f r ie 'id s and ake care to save even the .smallest qnantil.y f such m ateria l rdferred lioroof, they wi'I e ansksting th e in te rests and benefit o f the a tion iu a way by ’providing an a rtic le 'for

onlytake care to save even the .smallest qnantil.y

■ s u c h m ateria l rdferred liorcof, th e y wi'Ibenation .. i,- , .Hie ex trac tion ot glycerine, which i.s a most im p o rtan t co n stitu en t in tlhe m anu fac tu re »d' inainitions. They w ill also lie in a poeition to o b ta in c u rre n t ‘‘M arke t P ric e ” by ad<iressing a post card to

W. E . BLIZARD.W inding .Street,

H astings.

Before m aking th is appeal, Mr.s. E bden; D eputy-Pre.sident of th e H astings and Bt. Toonards D ivision of th e B.R-C.S., luid the V..A.1)., Sussex 16, wifffi to acknowledge w ith th e u tm ost g ra titu d e th e (fcbt the.v owe to th e C om m unity of S isters a t F ilsham P a rk Convent, whose genero.sity in giv ing u p a large p a rt of th e Convent for a I W Cross J lo sp ita l has edabled th e D etachm ent to

I ca rry on steady and continuous w ork fo r I th ree years.

Now, from force o f circum stances, and lack j of sixice, i t has been found neoessary to move 1 into new prem ises, w hich have been secured ■ in D ane-road, and th is rem oval en ta ils a

ROY'AL SU S S E X : 1914- 17 .In M em oriam .

“ IF7;o’s fo r England in her need I”’M en o f Bailie, Hurstmonccu.x, Etchingham and Gucslling, Ion, Bodiani, Burwash, Hastings, Hooe,

B ye, and W inckslsea and Bred*.Hear ihe ral-a-talting drum,H ear Ihe bugles calling "C om e,‘ ‘ Come, come, come and folloiv on,‘ ‘ Follow where ihe brave are gone, " F a l l in , follow, follow o n ."

From th e dow nland and th e wold.Leaving sheep and pen and fold.B avin cu tte rs from th e copse.S u n b u rn t harves te rs of crops.D ropping sickle, scy the and share.E ’en th e poacher from his snare,Flowi’ry m illers sto p th e ir sails,B andy ostlers d rop th e ir pails.B ooted fishers from th e sm acks,Scaley tan-sm ocks on th e ir backs.P a in ted follies on th e t>each Cease th e ir song and p a tte r speech.H eed th e bugle, hark to d rum ,K a t-a - ta t i t ’s u rgen t, “ C om e! ’*

H om eland breezes tw ine as w rea th .Scent from posted dow n and hea th YA'hcre th e up land dew d istils—T heir m onum ent, th e Sussex hills.Callant m usic o f the Dead..

A lcn o f Cro'ivhurst, Rock-a-Nore, Ickleshani, I-'airlight and Ore,Sidley, Sedlescombe, Old Roar,

Pevensey and Beachy Head.M uffled rub-a-duhbing drum,Choslly bugles calling "C om e,‘ ' Come, come, come and follow on,' ‘ Follow where the brave are gone, " F a l l in , follow, follow on ! ’ ’

L . S. • SU LL IV A N . B .E .F .l o j i o ’i j .


Saw a race oi bl x»'l-stained p ira te s going trem bling to its doom.

And th e p a tte in m arked q u ite p la in ly on the M aster W eaver’s loom ;

Saw th e nations spen t w ith w arfa re marcihing firmly to the end.

W ith 'th e w ill to conquer strengthw jod, and a ru ined world to m end;

Saw how b rig h te r th ings -were com ing, an d a sm iling, happy land

YVould rejoice when w ar was finished, and all fighting ever banned;

Knew 1 glimpsed a w ondrous fu tu re , though no Ihn it could I place.

On the tim e to work th a t wonder w ith the com ing hum an race;

Sensed a host of splendid tr iu m p h s for the be tte rm en t of m an,

YVhen a w orld shall find sa lvation in a know, ledge of G od's plan.


d ark n ig h ts assisit..FRK D K . J....RBSTALL.

P R O H IB IT IO N .SiK,—r have followed w ith in te re s t th e

correspondence in your colum ns on th e abqve subject, and am w ritin g to p o in t o u t th a t M r. .Albert Thom as, in h is le t te r of lAst xveek, failed to do ju s tic e to e ith e r th e mem­b e r fo r D erby, Air. J . H . Thom as, o r to the ‘‘D aily C hronicle.”

Y our correspondent quoted from th e issue of th e ‘‘D aily C luonicle ,” on A ugust 14th, 'but he om itted to s ta te th a t tw o days a f te r th e sam e paper s a id :—‘DVe m uch re­g re t th a t , owing to a m istake bv an am anuensis, M r J . IT. Thom as, AI.P., in the a r t ic lg wbicR appeared in tho ‘Dail.y C hronicle’ * on T uesday, was m ade to ex­press th e view thaC th e existing d isconten t am ong the w orkers ■was due to th e res tric ­tions on tlo> qu an tify of beer now- avail­able. T liis is q u ite con trary to th e opinion w hich Mr. Thoma,s has alw ays held, and we reg re t th e e rro r w hich crep t in to th e a rtic le .”


Alteration in Advertising Rateuj

P R E P A ID A D V E R T IS E M E N T S , fuoh to ^'WANTES“ TO LET,” ojxd “ FOR 6 A U i,” ©tc., &r© ioMTUd the toilo^ULS FIRST CLASS WEEKLY 9EW BPAPE1

for ONE CHARGE O N ttS i—, • j -B A S T I N G S k S T , L E O R A E D S -d liS in iT S M


1 2 W ORDS (1 iiucrtion) „ 1 / -1 2 WORDS (3 insertions) . . 2 / 6

h iin in ium , 12 w ards l/>Id. F O R EVERY A D D IT IO N A L W O R D . S * a iMt^nuM foil longer pericxiii Cardto tile PiiblifiAing Offlo*. - _

No omouais leat bjr post of nsdex Sa.- 6d: ftn nimnE (edged lukteat tiie eo»t cf go dotag ia inoluded in - t t e laaiiittance. -

AdrftruMsn«c4i to be ioaerted in A U i Che alK66 papers must be eent to tiie Pablishing Ofiiee not lUtM u a n ftffft poat os 'Hiurcdaf.Otfic* lor .

RepHee to adrertieemoQie are reaaired at tbe IMNs of tbe abore paprra FREE OF CHARGE, but oasiMfe be fonraxdfid luUeei a lee of id. p er. week {aoi reioxi^ abie) hea bees prepaid bj ibe AdT«rtie6r. 'A '

A4reiriaemeiit« inast be WRITTEN FLAlFfliY em one aide o i th o pape' onlf, or otberwiap np .reaibB ^ bihty will be t a ] ^ for titeir eorrect ineartiaik \

Tbe Notice of isdrertit^rs U drawn .to tbe foUiiwtwa P o^ Office Regnlations'—LetlMra or pacoala .addnfnOT to Initiala or fictitione names, or to a' Ckiiittstk Aaai6- wflhoQt a rursame, are not to be fa^bea’ - in ~ a* Ifeeto Reytejite. bitt are at onee eent to 'tfea 'RwtEXBod LdBttaB

Voaoker eopies poet frea on r e o e a p t i w w i f t extra. \ '-A' : •

Pnblialung Office: 14. OLAREUONYr S i^ m S O E .Teiephozie 135 H*bI6bs» - . - .

SITU A TIO N S VACANT—LADS,A BOY abimt 14 wanted fox bgkt work; boom «m j[i

wa^ee 7s. weekly.-^Ewbauk Smirkr. 5, Noznaui-Fd.;,Leonards. ______ __ _________________ tkM

BOY wanted ix> help frard^er.—Apply Uxa. Bartow^ Anoa*#t€r House, Haetkoee-id-, BexiulI-oa-Sea. t^ .

B U T C H E R .—W anted L A O to aeelM 'jx oeaiU y.'-'A pp liltValker, 17, Sedleseombe-r^, St. Leooiitf&r

BOY wuntftd, e ^ n t 14; ooe joet I<aft acbcxvl preferred —MiinageTs VV. H. Smith and Son, BAHSa^r

v-7:.i 'LAO ffbont 15.—-AppiT 'ProwdSEnit’a18€. __

tiee.—Appiy Obnen^ ” O ^e,S T R O N G L A D TeQtdied ae P o s ^ and Her bIk p .

A p p ly W iKacd, Tpiwnonger, EcuCraaceoit* 6br Le o rK id s;r - - -H:20rW A N T E D , a :itewindiio; Boy.—Apply^ -'HiaiM |

ELinem» Palace, Konsan-id., St. Leooaidfi. Y W A N T E D , L A D , W3th experietnee of

and Cycle and Motor M echanic.—Apply Wjftard, a«c.eiit, S t. Leowaids. —opO

SITU A TIO N S VACANT—M A tt .buT U H eR m ated ; cacaMe seooa^r AdOie^ Maoa^r, 11, HiEtl-st,, DoSfiL BOOT REPAIRER.—Womed. good

Army Boots; g^xid vogco g itea ; aee. ..Moore Bros., 15, FtnVie ftt ._qrtinlTia,rr.‘'

CARMAN wanted.—Apply G le a N te d S ix ^ ^ S o lHa.;tiueB, boforo 12 o'clock______ ” ' . ’'DRIVERS reqLLrred lor Steam and

orer miiitary ago. exempt, or' diaitbbrgadFt.au Maelmaoa and Co., Ltd., Hytlie Brewery, ;Ka«t.

E X P E R IE N C E D M A N lineligible) to drlTe p au tand aaeist load on Hoaaeboid UetneTsts.; good .v and e xp en ses .-W rite fu lly .to J . W ilkinscsi andISuneat-on.____________ ________________________ _____________ ol$<

P L U M B E R S wanted; pennanant joh* to good A<iame and Ja rre tt, NonBius-rd., jSt.^ Leonards. —nS

G a B d E N E R wanted. wLo understands flowers an d Td tables.—Apply to H . B u z , “ OiOTelly,"'.-^i1raii4U S t. Irfunards. ’ 0*4]


SrR,—'The R oyal H orticu lU ira l Society have offered th e H astings, Ea.st Sutssex and M alta H erb D epot a series of free magio la n te rn lectu i’ee by well known London,

men on h e rb grow ing in a ll its branches (as ane of th e m ost necessary industries to

be un d ertak en by th is counti-y). food pro­duction , food economics, edible fungi, eto., etc.

l u view of th e u rgen t necessHj' (h a t the people in English towns and villages should be given th e best in s tru c tio n in a ll these questions olf th e Iiour will not someone come forw ard en d offer a room w here these lec­

tu re r could be given th is airtumin in tliis to tm ?

I. G IB E R N B STEV EKINGH astings, I la s t Sussex and Y lalta Herb

Depot, 9, K in g ’s-road, St. Leonards.

T H E BAND Q U ESTIO N .S i r ,—As a residen t, interested in th e pix>

gress of m a tte rs m usical m H astings, m ay I com m ent on th e following parag raph appear­ing in .y d u r ‘G jeador” on the m uch discussed band question?

Y o u 'say : "W e w ill no t deal w ith th e un- e.omplimontary rem arks by I'esidents because in o u r opinion th e only real test of th e Use­fulness of a band in th e u'ork of a ttra c tin g T isito is is t.ho rep u ta tio n i t holds outside its own tow n.”

M ay I suggest th a t how ever excellent a band m ay bo, a poor program m e will nu llify th is. Two item s in a m orning i>ei-formance one day la s t week were ‘‘T he Stephanie G avotte” and “ T he C horisters’ YY'altz.” ■While no boub t excellent m usic of its k ind, it is hard ly likely to im press onr first v is ito rs from th e M idlands and the N orth , w ho a re generally good judges m mu.«ic, o r to give the band a rep u ta tio n outsi<lc th e town.

AN IN T E R E ST E D R ESID E N T.3, W arrio r-gardens,

St. Leonards.

M A N UH<1 W IF E iraiitfHl; inxm to n n i electric li^ht and werk in. kitebe-a garden; ''••wife to 1__ luuiadry work for owner' ijous©—Apply to L ie aL*O o iQ jl^ H . F . Cam pion, Newtek P a ;k . near L e wes,. Suaaer. olft

T R A C T O R D R I V E R lor A re liiit; aaid, JP orter^ ^ i engine; good wages; bonus and beerAppry Lcney and Co., l)oTOr»_________________’• • ‘

TO B R E A D B A K E R S .- W a n te d , , ,wageji.—(Apply Manager, F e a isU ’, ;^iq^ii8K8.-|

T U A O T O R D R IV E R S retio iifd for ton A yeline l P ^ ie r Tiftottirs; gcx>d waged, \rax boDfftt. 'and. a lly an ce; diiTons able, to tooie each ni^lif.—A p p ly Lej^and Co., Brt'wers, DoTer._________________________________

V A N M A N 'w a n te d : re liaK e m an w it i good leferen —Ap^ly MaD<t?er, Foai^tH’, Bilkers. Hiistings.

W A N TED ,"rtesid y D R IV B B for Ford T a x i ;W5u;<\* niKt com.—T r r n li , Siltf-rhiU. St- Loouards. ' —o2r

W A N T E D , M EN tor FotiUo D iig in g ; 5s. da.v.— ApHotxien, W hydown, B e x h ill .__________________ __________- •

W A IT E R , for Conuiiercuil Room , 'wanted a t oniO^'^ A pi'ly BOory, R^yrd Oak H o ld , Hastings. ..ttQ"

W A N T E D , a C A R T E R , to b e ^ lioreei^—XBeckett, 6. QiKvn's-rd., Ha#>

W A N T E D , E N G IN E D R IV E R S for^ tbfSO ii^ ^ po wages.—BnI(l’ffii^Iiix>s.,_^Lt(l.,_VVudlmTtYt.' ““i

"w a n t e d , ~a~~Btvcn'g M.in for m ilk muWd; incM gibi —Apply VVnit.ft and Wajybt^urn, CfluruJi Farm . I ja i r

B .’xhiU.,_________________: —oMMW A N T £ D , B O T T L E W A S H E R ; wapea g ir

—Apply l i . O. Olttnxau’i , ‘Jli, W hite Rook, a Lday boloro twolTp. . • —n2?i

“W A f it E D , M A N .imilu-iblo) lo r t r u i f ie r t OreeMcrrooers, used to hc»rs '*4 :uid drivirijr.—A p p ly Giggins ikod Co., 38. S i. Leonar<!»'id.j BexhillcOiirSeoJ

—o20bj.W A N T E D , a mod B R E A D B A K E R , to ^ k T i^ T n a ^

merit of bakehouse; one iitYod to smavli?; reliable man..—.W, J . Clout and Sons, 241, P iiory-rd Mastin^s. i3|'



CARTER -ira-ated, witdi Buy preferred: pw d crtta&Md gurd-en.—Apply \V. R ons, Cri«s-in-Hand._____ ol9#l ‘

COWMAN w’-.anted for 8 cows; single or m arried^Apply HiiMeil, Wbydown, _Bcxhilh_____________ —o3ftb •

CARTER waated; married man with boy; aWe jtailk preferred: good octuge.—Apply “,3 a s a *Express *' OtUoe. l.b'kfleUl.___________ - ’tceF

CARTERS.—Wanted, good Carter lincligible) at o iie« good cottace; main road.—Writo, statiiis w ^es, ^ElllerbeQlL London Bar^ Farm; Htust Grceu,_ Snseex. ■ o l^ ]

CARTER wautod: good pkmghmun.; cottage and den OH the furm.—Apply Hatclitf, Pebahaca, -

COWMAN wanted; good (•onago. and gyrdeaL.^CC. wagea for' reliable m an; miwt b© an early riwr-—Ap] Wm. Turaer. Wains Farm, Fairlight, near H asting '''T'

F A R M L A B O U R E R roquried; one who hae of 6tock proicrred.—Richm ond, SUvorhir. Hcmee, ,Leonardo.___________________________________ ____________________ •—p3 i

R E Q U IR E D i M IL K M A N for enriy w ork: cot^are ^ gar^len clo^e; state L . Dallaway, CaeUammlF.'»rm. Sedioerombe, neat __________________________ o 2 6 6 J.

som ew hat large ou tlay fo r i^ d itio n a j equip- who will be p rep toed to send to any p a r t o f m ent. Now beds and bedding m ust be pax)-

GBOCBCRS’ CO -O PERA TIO N .—A m eeting f ia g tin g s , St. L eonards o r B oxhill for auv vided. as m ost of the beds a t th e p resen tof th e local groeers and provision m erchan ts , r.uan titj- (from seven pounds in ■weight up to H ospital were th e p roperty of th e Commu-is sum m oned fo r n ex t W ednesday a t th e ■* a m o u n t n ity , and had been mo^srt.kindl.y len t for thoTown H a ll, a t 6.30, to discuss a scheme of co- ■ ^ use of th e wounded. To m eet th is expense.lo w n n a i l , ai o.ou, a iscuss a Hijnexu.- oi oo- i ~ . . .oneration w ith a view to relea.sing men for ! O uteido th is a rea ca rn a g e paid on 28 lbs. an ea rn es t appeal le m ade fo r help to the

*1. _t . . A _ - -3___Jlutne . nxiwnrfia- i m onv aTWl avrnTWki'.llliSArc r\f 4-Kaactive service. An advertisem en t gives f u r - ; a a tt upw aros. tb e r deteOa. '

I inanv friends and sym path isers of th e Itetaiffi.- Tflie. No. H i . j mesiL W ill each et^ lect £& fo r it bed, t o be

H A ST IN G S’ OLD D E R E L IC T HARBOUR.S m ,—I see by a City London Pressagram

cab le news exhibited here on F rid ay , Octo­ber 5th, 1917, th a t the G ovem nient are re­ported as being about to take on the ul tim a te com pletion of th e above old h arbou r works so long lying jdl© and d o rm an t and a t a g rea t lose to liastingB —J2150.000 good money sunk and lost, o r perhaps more.

T h is renew ed ac tiv ity is to be in th e iiitor- ests of na tional safety. I took a g rea t in te r­est (from I.om ten) in th e o rig inal scheme, 1890—1903, and I pointed o u t then as now the v ita l e rro r and a fa ta l one to its success was bu ild ing th e H arbour a t tlie old B ast End of th e town. Like Dover’s New A dm ira lty Ha.Tbour i t is a t the w rong end or side o f th e tow n, w ith th e fa ta l re su lt th a t tho tides s ilt up large q u an titie s of sand and gravej, w hich w ill cost thousamde of pounds a y ear to dredge out.

I f th e H arb o u r had been b u il t a t first a t the YVest E nd of th e town th is silting up danger would no t arise o r exist. Tt woiild also have been very convooiently n ear to and for Bex­h ill and E astbou rne; besides i t Vtuld liave been b u ilt to a b u tt upon close to th e e.xisting m ain lines of ra ilw ay , L.B. and S.E. Rail- wa.ys to and from London and Dover and Folkestone.

Even if th e old H arb o u r were completed to-m orrow i t would be drylocked and handi­capped for w an t of railw ay connections w ith Ore 00- A-shfoed Ju nc tion . ‘Phis railw ay con­necting up would have to be m ade a t once— before th e H arbou r could be of any ea rth ly use.


31, High-row, R ichm ond,Y orkshire.

W A N T E D , C O W M A N ; optiaxo and pu.rdeu on mxi town.—G . C o llins, *26y, lio a^ n -:road, I'lofM' to the

St. .Leonard*. —G2t‘J Sa j ’.

W A N T E D , a M arried Man as C A R T E R ;aad p irden cloae.—Apply W . G over,H elliB tfly .___________________________________________ ____________________- W A G d O N E R w antw l; acood wat^ee an^ wi'l

to tiCTlmps. A lso good all-roundgaid >D.—tlunlpy', Lm w y Grov<'>, Uawirimrat,-. ’ • • . o2d ■

W A N T E D , a troud all-round A grioultm al W osk for TlifvtFJnBff, Sraokictr, Bowjikj', e re .; .a ?ood cotta,^. on thf' farm .—Apply C . Bri»*endpn, W adhurst. o5t«ft

W A N T E D . M IL K M A N .S tO C K M A N ; im v t be c i l _ to take cliarge branch farm .—A p ply G,- Sarge.Bt, l^echi Farm , li it t le Comnxm.

W A N T E D , ineCi;riblo M A N , book after 8maU~plao»;1 eight farm w ork; nnist mhdvrrtaJid care lioreet and carL;! poex! referonre ette^uitial: a week andA n sw ers Mfptxuu. R prjys, Wcst-ticld. —o3l 1


M a s t iD g t C o t t a g e I m p r o T e a e n t S o c ie t y , L td . ,


laier«0i ^ W 4 per ottht-^aid bMf yearly. FREE OF INCOBffi TAX.

Abeolute Beearity. No DepTWiatJco.No Loot of Capital.

Bepa3Rible in p»r4 or whole ae required.W z^ HENRY COUSINS. Sooiviw 9L

A L IG H T IN G EN IG M A .SiK,—I t is a b it o f an enagma th a t w hen

a ll c iv ilians a re requ ired to sh u t o u t th e ir lig h ts a f te r d ark , th e m ilita ry in ou r m id ^ can do as they please ab o u t i t ! And as we c iv ilians do it to p ro tec t n s from th e enemy being, ab le to bcunb our homes, and as th e m ilita ry fight fo r u s to p ro tec t and defi’ver u s from th e enem y, o u ^ t they n o t eq u a lly so to do by d arken ing th e ir w indows a s oiwilians do ? I am a t th e sam e tim e glad to know th a t some -of th e la t te r a lready o b ^ thsit com m and. -

M. W A O D IN G TO N .

Servenl le tb a n u a o w i

W A N T E D , firtTeral Men and L mIr , a/»cust0n4i0d __horses preferred; good wagos.—A p ply Doozesi CottacMbl

Wood. Muyfield, or 41. Newto^i-rd.. .F a re x a b u ii Can psvo prices tor ca rtia ? . 3

SITU A TIO N S VACANT—FEM A LE.A U A i L Y G i K L wtmu-d ;or houaawofk.—A B ’atv

M orris, 163, Q u een V rd ., H a s t in g '^30 -A Y O U N G G I R L wanted for "d a ily w oit.-^ A M flr &

Albert-rd„ B ex liill. ■_A Y O U N G W O M A N as General 6e m s f t r : fa B n ly V w w

no ba.;ement, no waahine'; boy kept.—H a n o n Y t ic a t a S^A Y O U N G L A D Y wanted for F n i it e n m

CToeeia; e tn )e n «n ^ .-A p i> tT M , G ie o M and C ix i’ 3 t Le<giftr<ii»-*d., BexhiU-c»>-8<a.________ ■ • . • - '

A G06p~old-«stabliAhed R E G IS T R Y locr- s o o ^ took-sSB«r«]A, honsemeida. coiM ralt, booob-pailoB^

bstwcen-xHaids, klteii«zmuu«k v ao ie d . — „Be(d«tT7 , S7, Rob«rtsoB-0(. (opposite P huadier'aL H i »

B A R N E T T ’S A G E N C Y .—Good djayyiaopiL ra id Sootii Gvato, TunbiKiee WoUo, lff74r^^___________ - . ' •_____ ' cS’-

B D O K B IM O IN C .—Beepeetable Y o n n e W uobgwi n m u b ^ a s IinpxoTec.—A p p ly U m e a t , * 'Observer** O f f io e T a Z lan iiu

“ I D E P A f f T M J E I IT J ^ Y o iS iLad y Apprentice iraated.’ -A pp ;^ to iC K t u i L _ 8 ,_ 9 . and W, B rseds-pU RastiTHA. '

B E T W i ^ N ^ A i b ytskxAedps 1s t N ^ fikaber Lj^ w ra oniy. M ia . b v an sto n ,' 77, r r iTTwisT in l L e o e .

---------------------- ----------------- ■ —€gaH A N D S waotod, A riU i ActiiMknts' in d o o T w

pjrtdooT; (Fpodwtt«es; com loitable bc«so .^ A p piy M s d a u T^w po, 17, Croaw eU -pi., So«tli Kenehietoni, Tm airm ,S.W^_____________________ ^


COOK-CEW’gRAL ; l^nisn iTeflfi>|Tirt|ii|t 'si


C C w ttn in # #n f>mfA4.j

t l



Page 8: A HINT. Botftfta RIDGE LAUNDRY - media.thekeep.infomedia.thekeep.info/gb179/HASTINGS OBSERVER_19171020.pdf · _____A great Phrt«vpUy in 5 parts, foeturinc *EHEL CLAYTON and CARLYLE


i■< I


:W. I:

A S m a l l A d v e r t i s e m e n t i n t h i s P a p e r w i l l b r i n g y o u e O O D R E S U L T S . ^ For ! Rates tee ?ag e^

I N V I T A T I O N .Whep your eyes begin io cause trouble

doubt arises as to the well-being ofj sight, you are Invited to avail j

yourself of my Sight-Testing Service.

E V E R Y B O D Y ’ S S I G H T S H O U L D [b e t e s t e d

In a scientific manner. ! You cannot otherwise obtain satisfai^tory results.

. R E A L h e l p h e r e .I test eyesight with the aid of the most scientific equipment and

every person has the full; benefit of my wide experience.G L A S S E S A R B N E V E R A D V IS E D U N L E S S N E C E S S A R Y . ''

.C.y (Successor toA. G. FOORD)

Qualified Sight Testing Optician,1 4 , ^O E E M ’S RO A R, H A S T IN G S .

rnT'rTiiiiiiriiiiw f f t '

SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE.l a d y , hriifljt. anti cltevrluT, Aoekti as

^W^OornTwaafiOi’; Pii*erj«m'.e; pooa C’lair,Obserrcr " Office, Hastirrstn. otM

Y O U N G L A O Y ' noelr«> post. Ju n io t, bank at otilc^: w ilbn i; lean>; atiNiil vulary.—S in itli, “ Sackvillo C ro it ," F.whurat. Hawkhnrtst. o20

Y O U N G L A O Y da^TCA position. IV p is t Aad peuieml cRioo work.—C .A ., 5W, “ ObsPrY^r ” O fico ,

. -^d20Y O U N G G I R L , 80. requires r ie ilr ciQplo.Tmewt: rfijld-

ren or lioiisoirark.—N .A ., "Op^teiTer” Office, B exh ill.- o 20b

APARTMENTS WANTED.F U R N IS H E D A P A R T M E N T S teo nariis)j~ 3 bed

and 1 sitibiii^-rooni; repaired by two ladiet^; inoia^Ye lerm s 1 guauea weekly.—M .E ., 610. “ O b aem r "H a s t i ly - __________ —o36

O U IC K L Y ^ ,—Tw o ~tu3^WTuA?d R O O M S ; St.LeonardB.—N ., o.o. Mr«. K in^ i Wilseridil D airy , S t. Ijfoo-arda.____________________ . ____________ _ —u3

W A N T E D , 'uafunsiftheii RO O M , ceatral, roitabl© for Gtorage; moderate rental.—W rite , I I . , 501, “ Obi^rYf*r ” Office, H aW'iJ^s. o‘20

J . W A T S O N ,

S I T U A T I O H ' J V A C A N T — F E M A L E .

[ C o n t in u e d f r o m P a g e 7 . ]

C O O K -C ’E K e Ma l aad H o i:« .-y a ilo u r ; two m fiuji.)-. * i l o l / VKMrti't . tlfWoon. _____________ __ -

C O S T U M E S i u l O O W K S.-P li.liH ;ife ' Lotv; lunilK-.v ti.t ttkli. Mcs.i-. ' r.-ud a}*'"ei- tvit j k ’Ap^ ’.y _ _ _ _ _ _ , _______

tO b'K 're-iiiirv^ f '-or yV^air u-?-.W. M-io ooittUkrtabltf Lom e tor—Fe ru lcy H o te l, AsbfoMl.



C O O k -G E K E F t .A L w anw ci; lo ur in lu in ily ; nntfe uudhLUr-o-paTloiuioaisi Kept.—Mxs>. 36, Efcrbuclf.-pl.,S t. Lev'uards.

S I T U A T I O N S V A C A N T — F E M A L E .

" C O O k - G E N E B A L wantrJ.; a fe 35 to 30: am tilerxuiid kept-—Ap ply Mrs. iiltlor Inveteek, 18, Caru*^ id .. B ex liill. —

C O O k - O E N E f lA L S , U(>u!wvparlju.nnaids.General S<‘rTai:t,t, Kitcheuiiui^ds-. niid G ir ls lo train wended; a ll suited in?c,—T iie tiiu^cxnear B n g n tcm _____________________ _____________________________?*% __

C O O k - d E K E R A L , NoTein>>r li^:: amall Iroime,Sucton ; two in fa u iily ; i2G--.£28: liou«?-i><irltninnaidkept; pond le le rf i ii’es.—W rite or app'y, M rs. Gutnric,p . Carlylf-sqgaje. Che!i=o3. _ _ _ _ _____o2fie

C O L L E C T O R , '.ady or ucutlouicvn, requ’rixJ for gethio Disp^nsiary; cojum l'wion; rel'oreucfeAptiUoiitions bj' letter, uLifaus quayflciitione, to B .. ^/o,^ rliid l'^ Id-Td ., St. Lr<mar4s. _ _ _______________

O R E S S M A k lM G .—A r P R E N T I C E S wanted.—Apply toM aatia B to>»« 7-8-^10. B reedV pl.. H&atinxB^_________ tcS8**D T E S T A S 3 P E R wonted: iC l week aad b<»m^—

K in e Broa. am i P o tts , S t. LoonaiA s._________” b R V R E R Y . —Y o u n ? X a ^ wanted for fancy counUw.—A p p / j G . E . Sliorter. XM , Q d eenV rd .. H a s t in g .____o3p"“ o h A P £ tt Y A J* P r tE N T * C E wauted lor r«ii,oy D epL— Apply to M aellii Brce-. andC aa il»«t.. uasfSufTs^________ _ 77^ ^

O R E S 'S M A k iH C .—Good AJtomtion. HKndV[^ re q a ir^ for Dresses, al*<c for Coate; perm anency.—W ic k h a i^ '^nunt Plofls.'tjw-, W ol'le. — n3

W A N T E D , I'.'llFtSti-CCM illpANiaN, knowlwite of•. !• : irviilid ialy.—.■Vii-iui.-.. o20, " Olks<>rYeT". i L ’3-;:5>v .

V fA N Tl£ D , li'TfC afJ.cra <»::►< n u w k , Yi'nii^r tsaAly |0 1;’.k V liLPO. U>> '■''i Ki.';. —A;>iiir bci.'r'rt* 10 <n ;v t*'r 0 •• ( . M s. tkui*:-r. i i . (.'ajaV’iti,'' kr-rtL. liH.'aiill. ' O'iO'o

’'^AM TKD, U idy :o Iieip with l^ook#; pn.vioiM• i-r' r-Tr.'il: h'-.i y to <1 ami oc’. o’ck» k^ujiunl.iyi?. -- it . .

’W AMTE'Dj'rcrq^.-TitbV.’ G I H L 10. {isaih a-odtiKuse-r's shop.--Aig>tj Dowuliaia, K :*n i-b m ld it^ .,

llarEa;:?w,___________________________ _________ _________ —<‘k0W A N T E D f liiiT , a n.viv\o^bJo yc-iTT«r

20. g e n e r a l S E R V A N T : two in la :;u !y .-A p p ly U , C lydo-rii., S t. L**f.iKuds. o20

W A N T E D ,% ’Oid C O O K ^ E N E R A 'l , :a p ;*v iio iiun ily ir. BftrthiH; iur«’ .lad 30: X 26 ; jiu rsn i^cberci.ti” irKurq>?m»;4bl»-. —Apply by Icrtf-r to M .W ., 1118,'■ ObseiVvjr " <>Qir< ._tb»voudarfc-Td.,_ PrO.tlxih.__________ c^Ub

W A N T E D now. in 5f>irU'. priWiMe fcwnily. pxwl C O O K - G E N E R A L : siujrl«.'4jtuiad: ,:«'’-'d: watfSfl; -e'.p ;yTen ; ear?/ aI I ih w t : no botiy iita i.—Apply a lt ^ 3. M.W. B .. 122,^M jdL.j-id.. St. Iiw oiud .*.___________________________________7tc20^

W A N T E D , G E N E R A L : two lad ies; oioiudoual. h«p .—A p p ly_u it« r _15,_Rotheillt^ld^v.« lie sh ill ._______" w a n t e d im m odiately.'Gcw tilew r.'^ Oa N U F ^ E ;

sole eiiinvQ baby 2 years; quiet <x»uiifery bocne.—St^ito -ikir>' mui fullest puticiil'iiTs, “ T h e Rtw ary,” .Suury.

Cantc rbury. ___________________________________________ ____________ o£0” W A N T E b , jjood plain C O O K in gentleman’® asii? l fam ily ; te'iueavpjuloufiimid Wopt: goixi chAracTcr iudi.v IK*£wabIc.—Miv. HeaLacoiti, The CoLU i^ , W'aunock, P ‘^ijate. _ ______________________ ________

W A N T E D , C O O K - G E N E R A L or Houae-Farlourmuid for Mnyii Iwntee in coualrT ; three in fam ily : pood wa;?es and ou tiifis.—Andrews, Buttons Fa rm , CroBvia-Hand.

o lle

^ R A P E R Y . - W a ?tW . jm A ^ I S T A N T , se rf* tbroush ; m ediuju trade.—J . Pelhum , 32, London-rd., S t. Le o n a rd .—o20

D R E S S M A K IN C .—WaTited, Apprm H cea M d t o - B o re n ) ; trade Utorongbly —H ies S k iu jicr, 45,^ jihorat-rd .. B e x l i i l l . _____________________________________

D R A P E R Y .—W iE te d for Uudem '.cthins and F.-uicr DeixirtTneut. Yenu^ Ladie**, 5 or u y«?ar..’ expiTionce; m nst he eaie^’woinan and Biockkeeper: live out.—The^uey Bjouae Slaop, 47, Rot<&rt^m‘<rt., HugtiPgE. —1>3 ~ 'E X C E L L E 'N f ” v 'A C A N C IE S " o f ’t iif WndiR always openfw jjood PiiYut© Fa m ilie s , SchotHs, Inetitntio iie, and firat* alao} H o te ls ; Brighton. South Coart. and Country.— Sussex Soutliern Ccninties Regw try. 1, PoobTSlley, E a st^ - . Corner, B r is iton. E stab . 19W. T e l. 1871. Nouonne^lon w it i N e. 7. ___________________

G E N E R A L S E R V A N T wanted; anotlior kept; fourIp M ib . Lo id , C h m r.h Houyc, NoTtlnajp;___ o l8f

G I R L * wantod, morninc*. ,8 t i l l 12; serrant kept.— A p rly _9 j_ Jaaaeaon-Jd., Dexhi?L_ _________ (»i0b

^ G B^ H ERA L 'nant^T^respeetaW o g ir l; good hom e; no htts^ n en t.-S ire . W alter, 18, \Vellia€toa>*<l-. Hagtiitys.—o20

G O O D . C O O K - G E N E R A L : prirato fouxily.—Ap ply or W qrrior-fiq., 8 t. Le o u arw .___ ________________ rt5-.i__

• ^ ^ IR L r , aartst honsewotk and take baby o n t; two in fiRnUv;* good hofue, wages, outings.—39, Towawal.-tit.,

• »OT«t._________________________________ ___________________________ —<>•'0.G E N E R A L required, end Ootobeff. S t. Leouardfi; no

ha&csient: two lad ies; wages J625.—Mr.s. P m 3, Alcester*viUaa. S lm ftesbm y. D orsett.__________________________________ ® .

G E N E R A L S E R V A N T ; alp»*p ijj. or o u t: tkree in f u a ily .—A p p ly H i l l House, BolAslow-r<L, Hartinga.

. r ^20C I R L . ' ajrea lS , iw ru ired : aeother t e i i t ; fwc> fs m ilT :

■ood horse prospecte.—10, B o CQiiMnri<L, S t. Lioonorus.—o20

“ " ^ 0 0 IB O N E R S w anted; run of board;" be^ p i ^ ^pork p rice s; WAT bonne; O eleadsir'H ands and liCaruers. ^ A le x a n d ra Lau n dry , B exhiU . —o27b

G E N E R A L S E R V A ' N T w anted; throe ip fam ily ; m nst keen out - Iwfore.—M rs. Jesraings, 35, Lowor Park-rd.,Haatinas-;. . _____________________________________

G O O D G E N E R A L wruited, fo r one lad y; p^ain cook- i i « . _ W n t e , or call between 18-12, 5-8, M rs. H e w le t t ,^ ,liDwer Park-rd.,. H astings.___________ ;_______________________*-<>20

G E N E R A L experienced, w anted: doctors house; Iwy k e p t; «ood Irom e--A p p ly *Anderson, 9, Caetle-hiU, M aidenhead. n2e

H O U S E M A ID WdK'ted; two in f a m i l y w r r a n t a . ^ Caw ley, Yor^ Grairge, Fastbournew.^ n2e

H M S E . ^ R L O U R M A I D waaliedM d e t lj lt je2<-£28.—Brook’s, W MEelle.:. .

11.for fam ily two

V ale-id ., Toabridge —o20

two perOffice. & S t c i9k /

W A N T E D , two nnfdrnished R O O M S w ith modorate stteadtnee for quiet couple; pennarteuey.—Apply A .Z .,

B exhB l. _ _ _-r^20bW A N T E D irnm eAatoV . large RO O M , fnmtehcd"or nni-

fnrniebod, for C lasse*; S t. Loonarda.—S., 543. “ ObeertoT” Offioe, H a s t in g —o20

W A N T E D , two nnfnm isbw l R O O M S in S t. I/eonarda, Willi or w ithout attendance, for’ one lady; sunny aapect; ptimianent.—AVrite, Nero, 507, “ OU>uror ” Office, Ha»»' tings. o20

C O U N T R Y A P A R T M E N T S T O L E T .

B A T T L E .—Furuiidied A P A R T M E N T S ;k two bedrooirw;, emiUp-^rcxan; mn<l«rate tc im s; w m ’er luonths.—A .. 12, ILtroid-ter.. Battle. o20

F A R M H O U S E A P a " R T ME Nt ^ r ;terms mo«leiate; »t*Ii reirtw«ixi©;;d<'d ; iiidocT• so-niwtioii.— ttoecli lio o se , RakK'rt.sbrNig'o. —o2i

A P A R T M E N T S T O L E T .

A P A R T M E N T S , n;rjLi4*l;<*Ml; b>*r: f,i(ai\.g ro.>in, va*\ .01 Lf:,i«L.ri4*k.*vrd.. i l ibiing*. <-.;i>

A P A R T M E N T S ; ajwi i.euroMiu; ,s il* UmI y orR y ; >,: r

A S U P E R IO R U''K-<Tjmb».bed *au<l Bo/iroVuTB.-.wtia;: (.♦I'-eu, &i. K .^cii a rxi.- 1 ’.. 4^i,

O i j j . . ilo-sfittcN. o*j0


B O A R D - R E ilO B M O C : m p d crote .-A 6dj«6» X . •' Obnerv*-'! *’ B exhUl._

-o20h_~ v W N i T ' L A O Y ;T : 5 v “wHU ®4g4™™of«ci^aiH pay ISb. lo r o o m io ita il* lrom<>. K it» . » ._,q7<r ’* Office. U«9tin«^* ^


A I R H A ID SI-^ Lerg e, nwssive bu ilt ^ o t» e lu bniT, w ith T<ux * o97m ediate i«Ue.—

caopectaon T i lla b le rayo n lm y. x .z a . r Aghfgrd, K e n l.



S E A .

‘ f « F n rn li*e d u id

s t e v e n s a n d ^ s o i ^

L i . t , Ma d , M d G n id . FfN i.

FLATS WANTED.W A N T E D , « u a ll fnraW icd F L A T lo r i f o

m ost bp ebnap, w inter inoothe.—F la t , ad*, ObsorretOltt.w, _____________-

w A N T E b V F L A T or U r iw r Fftrt of K o iu » !>' f*- Leoiiarde; eell-contairw^; !!▼« or »5ix rx)in», includ ing kif^’hon or diutnc-rciom t itc lie n ; TUCTiernt*} inclusiTe rent (p crm an en tl.-H ., 17. “ Ot.serrer " _O filrc . ilasbJngB.^^

l i-c e n s e d h o u s e s t o l e t , SALE, AND w a n t e d .


bni :i:•' Olw

W A N T E D , feni'Ciior G E N E R A L ; m ust huvf g t ^ reTwcuLV* .md urxW stand w ork; htHp gttr4V\: wag&» :£26-

; country.—Mis- H arold Stit-atfeild, Squerryes Cinirt,W ^ e rh a tu , ___________________ __________ _____________

W A N T E D , iatel-igcut youiH,’ l®dy for Tohiaccunist, to learn the rrado: m urt be highly roepocLble and ftrst-

req n ir*^ —Apply iienjoBulJy, L . Lion> 3,S t. _I>xuAtiq9-rtl., BoxhiU.________ _____________________

W A -l^ E D ill c ’.orsTmon'a fam ily c f threo,G E N E R A L S E R V A N T to do entire work of sm all hou^e with every couTonienco; good chaaw'ter o«*>ential.—ApplyMrs. B ic liar^ ,_^ ' .Shliton.” Cucktlrtd. finsa»-’X . _____ ol9e

W A N T E D , a Superior peison (youne) ^ und^^take the w or^nv i>f a smaill bcuae: good C'CfoWiiK I'ssential; thr^e in fa m ily ; wage.. £33 ; rofoienc's required.—Apply Box No. 1134, “ Obaorwir ” Ofihv, B ex liill. * —o20b‘ W A N T E O “ for CheBbixr., a C O O K - H O U S E K E E P E R ,

sing’jp-lraadeid, for lady onJy a t home for ineole; m ust la* strong and harie poed ref^ratues.—A p p ly between 11 kiwi 12, 1, ^xwre-manaivne. Grand-parade, t t. Lcorvw'ls.

- o 20W A N T E H T ^ U S E 'F U L H E L P or Cook-Genera!: rtmall

bon5e : three in fam ily ; nm>e ke p t: no olw ning of windows. Rilrer, p late, or braas; might, irnit eoldier’a wife.—Apply M i s . M auudiell, Braeside, B art Cowe*!, Isleof W i g h t . _________________________________ nc2

YO*UNG'” LA D rY waited, to aeR»t in bouse and «hop.— H.ammond, 20, Nt nntin.-rd.. 8t. Leemards." 'Y O U N G H O U S E M A 'iD wanted. Novfiuber 8th . by two ladiee.—App-y H2, Loaicii-r« l., S t. I^jeonoids, after 5.__ ___ __________ __________________________ —o20

Y O U N G G I R L w airted~n.?.neral; out-—.Applyaftor 10 o ’clock, Mre:. Steel, 11, HugheudeoMd.. H oaHji^b,

_____ _________________________________________—r/JOYO'u T^G G I R L waiiled, Uviri’ig pobool suitiibl*^. to

afftip: hou*»ekPo>f'r; live in <w.daily.—Kldridge, 13, Pmo- pci't-pl., IlnsTiogs. o20

..unjiy i\*cnos;iuoc.erate, w iu te i.—M ackett, 9, BeTonKhirtr-te:., He&tLu:;4.—_________ ______________________________ _ ____ —♦38

B E O .S lT T IN G - R O O M to ’**r: Mu:jiy. t."«uir r>>5ni.— \N_e5ti.or,_ St. Lo-.na.'is. —o2»j

llki. a-.-akij..—Mr*.. A n k inj. 21. W ni., IL-.^ixogv.------------------------------ -------------------------

B E D R O O M Htxi Sit.Mlfc-rbufiii c : H-vl-Siiiiui-n>Mr •pexuaneLcy or «'then»i6c.'-V2, V>araj.’»‘ rd..

B E D R O O M or . Bcxinuotit and ~uoderntote n w for winter mun.ths or i>emittiieQ4jy.—13. SouUj-t'»'T________ - ;

B C D R O D M ulul .'iitung'-moui • • *>1 ai3 ~iwo niPiKvl R w u i i ; 7*ontral B cx h ili.—Apply M .. U29. ‘ uh- eetTer Ofiloe, B ex h ili. —o20b

C O M F O R T A B L E IV d-Sittjno i'oon i; su it hiniinew ladv. —74, Morum ,^Su Leauur<lrt. —n3

C O M F O R T A B L E ' B E D -S IT T IN G riid 'O M to let “ iW ternie for penuaneucy; or fu rn ish ed .-8. Miiwujd-<ir»’«., HartLs^u. —u3

C O M F O R T A iL E F W ^ f r “ S iT t lN G .' i i i6 o'M ^oy mora bodrooju*; good eooking *m i atta»dan««.—M ia. F n w y ^ j n . _ L l n d ^ r<L, B exhlj!. tch

C D M F O R T A ^ E , w cIl-farafoN ij A P A R T M E N T S :hea.thy f i t ^ t io u ; goed co»;k1 ;tg; terriki luad**!®!.-* and um lusite.—MrA. Moore, 129, Miiwnrd-rd.. Hostiuvv.______________________. . . _____________ ____ ______________ -0:0

C O M F O R T A B L E , quiet A P A R T M E N T S ; centT:d; near eoa; good ci.<cklD4? and a'4on<Jiam"** • nice uictno* very modoratc.—Y .O ., 603, •• O boaTei " QBhv, Ha^^tiiiw._________ _______ _ _ _ —oW

C O M F O R T A B L E jS ltT IN C .R O 'O M ond T ^ 'B S d W « n i to h « t ; Ittth (h. aad e .) ; tSvo jcman front Sittjng- r^ m and Bedrooia over; « i t on« lady or rentJeman.—

_________________________________ teWF U R N IS H E D B^l-Sittiiisr-T<*r.in; i»cnaan«ney oF^ofli^-

w isd ; ^central.—6, Brayfrwcokp-ler., H astings. o20. a pa rtm en ts "for"thfl w ftterr«m -lortable and hoiue-likc: good cooking.—A p p 'r 3, Amlrerat- rd., BexhUl.__________________ *

F l i R N IS H E D B E D - S I T T ^ g Vr 0 0 M T ^ ^ t jT V p c V t “ terme for permanency.—E .C . , 5ff2, “ ObrerT»r "

Om re. H astincs.F U R H iS H E D lfP " A lR fM E N T S 7 ~ h a : watCT“ an-l

w.e. on sam e: no attendance; uee of kitchen : goedgoP atove.-4 . ^urth-ter.. Hn>uin4,w. _____________________—c.2t)

F U R N IS H E D R O O M S to Let for the w in le r; pleasant poKitiou; w ith or without attendance; separate kitchen. —37, P ark-rd., B e x h ii;.____ ______________________ ____________

F U R N IS H E D Bed-Sitting-room or B^droma ivnd S it t in g : comfortable, cleanlineHe:, and good cockinr.— E .C . , 95. Bftttle-rd., S t. l^eotiorchi. <>20

C A M B m b d E R O A O .furuUlKKl House 6o le t : oiO;ara, Betuteit, Green w f r n in s '' f u r m i S h e d H O U S E ; two rw'cptiou,

bn^h a iS o o M . bnslu i.W vre« : nem S fa t io r^ ^ dS . - 1 7 . S i : & vnnlr'«-Kl,,. S t. , U.>uraxU._,. -----' r i i R N i ^ H E D h 6 U S E ; 5 b'Vl, 3 reception^ M tu ,

sn L “ " ” l i l ” and W a tte . 26, H a re lo ^ ^ l..

H uaI ingfi. ' ' tt" * ” iF U R N IS H E D H O U S E on P.nrade; 2 ' r e

rooias? bath iG cyrer,: »-®ll furoinbed “ >1 relet f iS fra ic to r m om be: 2!i H . n i i ’KsTiew of Dyer and G aliairay . J8, IU v o l« k -rd .. Ha.nii.Ks.

F U R S IS K K’lT a D d '^ D iru ru U h e .land B ca id in i H o«w « in S t. andb R le .ntak and pricon .-A ppSr toAnetio :i«er.. iS, Ste.rina, S t. frMlaiilj. a'uo » i!l b« baPPT to fo i-a rd i.lB stia ied ' I™by POOL: etiiry asef^uuw ir ra ^ . _ _ ...........“ G A R T H " h o u s e , Li.dJow'. Shioivhirp — cr^ fort- uU«. reaped h<jnift; b.ith, meido sa ii.m i.o u ; lar ruwhb; no '■Ma**' biKirdcvR. ............. , ■ T'G rrO C E R Y cud’ P R O V IS IO N S .—Old- .sr.\l'l>a!:v«l hr.:»i-

P. -s in • y ; tumply • :trn.l.-. .................... . ..k l iU-'k - i : nii-'-u:r ebom J i- t l. !u->iw 17, Iv .rtcJey.ld .. 3T,i)bM.lo. ’A e .l: .

6 r a N O P A R A D E ^ St. teonaida, Bo . 'JL-l-o et-n vTi I.-* rw■ n'fii W#./T».... — .»___ -


B A R '^ T R A D C P U B L f C ; rere buplrira* cen ttu ; free trcaii: aid rakte; a ll £'2V). Varirraa oftheaw worth atten­t io n ; ploa«e w rit* reqaireaneuts or oal) by apiK>iutme,pt.

F . \Vjrk**iid<sn, 16, Chuioh-rd .._A «M o jd , Kfent. o20 G O O D countty P U B L I C , near Lew ea; pera ino trade;

nnder good brew eis.—A pply P ercy Hltig , V a lu er, Lewes.ol9e

L IC E N S E D H O U S E S .—A ll' seekin,g fbr” 6r'w i« h isg to dkpeae of H olela. Hotal Public*. Cm m try K o u * « , wr Licani^ed IIouaoR of any ctoicription, write or oousuil

Dyer and G a llu w aj, Hotel B ickera , 38, HaTe»*(;k-rd., Hnaticg^. ____ ________________________ ;________________

S I L V E R H I L L T A V E R H for under prom inentbrcwcra: a weM-known Beerhoo.'to on m ain tram prcient tenancy 13 year*; ingoing cheap.—Apply to B ;P *. a t above addions. ~o20

M E S S R S . D Y E R A N D C A L L A W A Y ’ S S T O C K A N D S H A R E L I S T .

M ESS 'R S . D Y E R o n d 'C A L L A W A Y have tor eaie atthe : — ( TIfrf?ti;u?s 04t<»*?e lii\pr«.)V«!urnitbhares bidu, 35 H asting* Gai»»ty T h ea ire a t Av, U/ I 'le i SLarea bute wanted, lk> Royal V’lfltofia llot»*i O rninaiy at .V«. 6:1.. 50 Pln.nm^r Rcoriia Ordinary .it 16*. Buyer*

liaaiin ica ( ia i S trx ks and Q iioeuk Hotel Sliare+i.— O ffiew : Have lock-rd., HartinCis. _______________

F A R M P R O D U C E , P O U L T R Y ; E G G S ,

M I L K , F R U I T , E T C .

M I L K .—\Vnuted. from ^ io 23 gniJojis’d a i ly ; .Brighton Statiou .—Gearing and Son, 32, Spring-st., Brighton._____ ____ ________ ___ __________________

NO Aioro Brokau hlgg«t.—B O X E S io h o l ^ i ^ s . , 1 <k>*., 18. or 9 do*. e«g«; no pa«king requ ired ; hre«kage abeo iutety im poeaibio; pnee* M ., lUl., Is ., an d 1*. 3d. eaeh, or petit free lOd.. 1*. Id ., M ., Is . Kd.—ObtainaoiO of F . J . Paraoue, l>td., 14, OJaiamoat, H M tik c* . to " IC A R S W b o O P O U L T R Y S P I C E COfts’ only one farthing daily for ever.v tlozm fowls, yet iBercaaen egg preduetion wondorfull.v.—D raper and Oo., SedleBoombo-rd. South. Bt. _^ o nards. __________________________ —o27___

K A R S W O O D S P I C E . containing siL'nnd.’ lUHec^e. largely iiK'reas^-w egg outjm t. IM., 6d., I s .—H enley and Co., 'J'heM ill^ .^Udii/iore;__________________________________________________ o29r' P U L L E T S , finest w inter Liyore, 5*. each, fiOs. doxeu; list- 30 breeds free.--H um m eli, Stratford. E a se s . o26e

P O U L T R Y A P P L I A N C E S ' f w sale'; Netiin'g, Hmisos, ete .; cOrcap.—Jarv is , Qpist-ftad l-'ann, TJekfleid. n26»

P O U L T R Y K C E P 'e R S bhonld w rite to Joseph Tborley, Ltd ., K in g ’s Crosa, Lo iulon, who are the manufactarerH of Ovum , Thorley’s Fo u ltrv Sp:ce, lo r Tboxloy’a Poultry Xeepors’ Ai-couut lic.ok, a. KO b4>ok giving useful liintete INmltry K cmii,t .«.__B < i t h _ t r e ^ _ - J ____ ___________

R H 0 'D E * 'i.'5 L A N b R C O ' CrK-kcrela (A 'p rilj: aim,iocom b; 280 cc.*g « tm iu : sr lcn d id dark co lo ur; 10s. 6*1.— Norris, J.ittle Com ;noi\ B e s lii l l . _ , _ “ 2o

U C K F I E L D Poultry-KeeTK'iP My—I t ’s Karpwood Spice tJmtf ■makf’s tb ’ m lay . Thounandi- daily laid . P ackets 2d., 6d.. I ? .—Obtainable from Cornwo!!, Seodsiaan, High-^t.,L o k fipid._________________ ___ ______________ _________________ol9e

X T R A - V IM l^ouUry I*ow<ii?-i ; ntanoiluu* vitalu-ing and fegg-prodiicing for>d-adJunct: splendid with housepcraps. raiddlinps, **tc.; Cd. carton l-iats 20 h e r* a fort- niirh* .—Obtain tr»-<}riy from G . ■ T u tt. Corn M erchant, Wftj-tpTn-rd., B cx liill. ____ _____ o27

5 L E G H O R N - W Y A N O O T T E pu llets-la id C30 ci.'gs from NoT''Tub''r to A p ril n ftcr having' Karpwood Spice, ron- t.iiu io ;: gicuird ins-irct.-:. 2d., 6d., Is .—Barin.i«ter, Cro<y»i-, Nutlp.y. ol9e

F I N A N C I A L , E T C . G A R D E N , E T C .

TKKulwe-roail: .-jireNlo for I-»i»TM r. 'fr':e, lb. .“ L_MrbicBT<1 «-:i!.. St. Tx-cnaids^“ K E N W A l T -'T iJ t-i -y-.i, tttKry rwunrn- H O U S E , -'.f o*)k .tA.)-. m i..* , .. . ---- ---- — ‘ ;,u<)

T W E DirPcl-oa» of tne .r>Ui;«.iVibgdoircty are preparcxl to rootsirn M O N E Y on a t ipw c«at. per aas ip m t.ax p«i<L liti*yrrtt- paid

- Apply I'lia ik aiiwai^nuiih, ikLonagsr, 17, B.*ve-*c.rU-r*,J.. _Haa'.lUg«. _________ ____________

*13 L E N T for 1*. per nwwith i>u a ll ki/*dii ot Jerreliery, WsiT-hcv, o i> e : ami r!a«e<i Goede, iJud every dee^riptic-c at valuahlb pre-peny.— uiid .lifttee, Faw nbroters, 4C, Lgudou-itL, S t LcoUHKie. te l l

M U S I C A L I N S T R U M E N T S . E T C .

pri* uc-f. -L -t .. I'b.-

i-U'**. ;»‘ ry Gn,.’iyl f J j ”

C A B B A G E P L A N T S , 6.'.. 1,000, cu;Tiage p a id : Sutton'* E v ilv tfiiijcet, 1 -ower of S o rin r . Jinr-ciia'*, and W heeipr’a lu iVJrtiii.—(...•(.rs’-f Daun an^i Souti. Gotwayd F a n u ,IS«‘d!*.t•o'^Ui^e, i-iinjK-x. —o20

C A B B A G E P L A N T S , J t f y and AngiisV sown. Flower of Spring-. I la i lv Oflenham , F.ar!y R au iham , Enfie ld M-'i-rkf” , p r 1 ,000: utiy qiiaiuiM '; *7»»iTlage i^ id ; ciiaIi with O’ d 'T ." ?»!. A . (ir-'rt.TfiPlfi l ’'rl,e ThOe. l/reenfickJ),K b^jt’k Fa - :;i. t,’l.i-ilini;T.oa._ PuJl»or<^ ______"■ g a b 's A G £ “;uid L C T T t J C E P L A N T S to f^ ' ;iTvg : fine, vlfta.;:, sturay. ji.rtd »d rhe very florwt ea.rly an d matrexop .'-•ard-'n L . lUO, l.OOD; ca rn ig e pl cn w*.,TO,- lc?f» 'pLi-.tUi^v- rrtd 6«'. f-'.r fiirriage; iir,*iu‘d ia lefh'-L’ r ' r y . - . - r e i ' l So?».. .U«:.Tvtij*ds I I «*rrt*». s2Itce ~r= o ' i r ' s A l 'C " I ■ "i i7i‘iji w]' ' \ W l i i ' w^r I h u : s.“ H nii, uerlfcr'i-M ?.vr, rdcu'..: 'ruub:uhr‘.' ^Vells^

____ o27_w;*aite<L—

C H E A P P IA N OTM- ' Otth i, Havdir.fii. _

>iriuoi*d ;,i .'onTnotin^i'!i. b * ; r iN E - T O N E P Upr.-vb? Gt.ir*!, b .n r ’,r-.jl.iur _______ _ _ _ ________________b»v‘' and 2 • low 1 .^Lv. :u ii r4-ii:.>a,M O m , ^*1':* . ' ! C R E E V H O U S E T .*

A j.p ly r.asLu :a?' airt_<'.'.. J b;-T ’ .____ -1 b ._l xbn;j:u_br*!.. j;b vr._V .v i< -._ lIan ir .g .o _ o»0_ ; fsr.T.U' ,uto, ..-i>i;i;C;rk’;i, .^U'\ n iM - lo M .. (k-.vV.iui. Wrpt-." K S t ir D A L . \V«i:ini>Tia;id.--To* b- ,iritnrr:.‘-t»e«i * r ~PSAHO ' -ante*.’.. about or G i.u v i ul'OUt j2c .— B .L ., [ H. —oHfin->ar ly fni'nidi'M. ». r l- .'.tiy H O U S E : ci''?*.' biatu<»n ; ‘ Cbdl/*•. _________________________jU 'j (t.nnd^n?: in lar--e vr.a.aM ^jT 12 i i u » W * of*‘higli-rla** tU«‘>rb*ikSL'V*!u-rh, a.:d I -r€‘''':5*.ijnT'K<iT'.= . r.ad u -iu j . P S A N O S , hF, rewAatly u k e e in exchAitrd a i W / Vow.Tu-l lu-ihf'T lavr'IfUfUL;** c ?]Ay lo ) .A .* i’w r ' j H en n iu iR * »’.>dK-<i.ate An-^nte. Dovor. ................................... .

A T R I A i e o U O IT E D . E ltah Jf^ M s '


W K .^ R IN g A P P A B E l.* o r STMTL K B - r- O F F W K

drroct to f^ d o n V illa , StOrdmu by io « t prom ptir attendS^^te

OOject. "iwtanft* -

T B S T f l

O F F I C E R S ’

A HIMT.’> * s i-ecoi

JM »i.d M l, O U E E N -a R O A D .T H A S T m o iM otto: " L 'lir ijb t d M lifli to


itatfy yon.”

e m tw , Co»t«, fcooran. « ^ O d d iu^ t^ Poy.' and « j r l i ’ O o i i i J l « ^ i « O o th in e ererytloae G o a P , e j j T l ^ 1wothia^, Br>otA, Show . Leffuini?» ^ '■m a :^ H o in ^ o ld I.iiip.r. aTtrTtoia* p jankeuf’ r&I*'* ■g«xl Lai, rrein,:V aluer,. Peraoaal pcatoard w ill bang n |. OmOid aiftabb.


X69, Q U E E N ’S R O A D . H A SITIN G S r C A S H ___r . r ^ ______ _____ r_, c a s h ,—G ood prices given

Parcola .a lae d and

W ill oa>: on rre b ijt of PoJtoarA

M I S C E L L A N E O L f S A R T I C L E S - W A N T E B .

W A R D R O B E S wauTtfAl.—I ara pavTr^ p7iyos. -tlurr.v^ W e li , , _ 2». Station-rd..*^iltforu!-

W A N T E D , B a i lo r and Lo B o iiu Co'nni.~p~r-'^ W rite B o i a. ■■ S u . ,o i K i r r e ^ ,-r W A N T E D , P i f .P R O P s T a ij- qM irire— tOTind pood: from 2ft. Bin. long bv 3in. diaino’tor t h - ' orre. re Bit. b r 5! di:„w..rcr and d l i i r a t d j . - B ^ U t ”*!? K lugK -rd ., S t Loonarua. i i[ W A N T E D to parcr:rivj«, any g^antifT~n^f— ^ A F E R , old nSTTsp'ipei*, aceount booths

*< sim « 9 : n e t t pn*e<i g iven ; Recife »opDliM if 1P . J . P.'vrs(7n#i. Lim ited . H . Glaiemorsti IW A N ( E O , H iO N soui M 1

t t ty 9ureluw »d; eOiraiiu»«oa to aa y th ird u a iir LJ15*- to na th e t ia a t ia c f le n .-G . R , Jackaon. iMptai Mf'Tohwat*. r.»n-VeTbmry Tel**- l i t -

r- B .& W B E N N E TT ;

J a»d_W end 9t). S L \uecn<itiUi-tA., Bex h I lL ___ItorpiiiD* : f Istooad-hand p ( a « O S

S H O O T S N C .

C A R E T A K E R S .

c a u E 'i A K E R -wante<i lo r uxOces, tiavedoek-ruod, Has- tinga; R jiu ih lo for pensioner and ir u e ; rooiu/t rent irou lor servicete rentieied.—W rite A .B ., ly , " ObuervA'r ' Office, Hastings. • oW


"H O U S B -^ b A R L O tlR and Betereen^xnaid vnuited; su it good vnigea and oafciegs.—Madam , 17, Croiu-

V^ l-pL,-So m to K e n a m g t ^ ____________ ____________________ ,V*_H O U tB M A |D :~ C 3 u zrch : i5 to 18 years: private house;

pwmmfl.1 character.—A ., 600, “ Observer "

H O U S E M A ID m ight ; G irls 'Boarding S ^ o o ) : good wages to mutable g iii.: easy tim e ta holidaya.—A p p ly B ich w & o u , Liiu tu m H ouse-, H os- tin*»-rd.« B e ih il l . _________~ H O U S E - P A R L O U R M A ID w anted; sm all house; tvro la ^ e s ; two m aid* kept.—A p p’.v. stating wacm rennired and *11 p a r t ic u ^ s , to M r*. Davidton. W ritt le House,Crose-in-Kaudt S u s s e x . ______ _____________________ ol9e

H O U S E - F A R L Q U R M A iD vmnted for sm all, pnvate ftu nily ; iib basem ent; oook-geacral ke.pt; um st have good letfprence.—M ie. M-, 27, St-. M atthew’s-sdne., S t. L<v>n-arde. ________________________ _________________________—o20

I R O N E D wanted: best piece p iirea ; 6d. day nddi-ffionfll, bemus.—Dorset L a uiHiry. _ H astings._____________ oJT^n fR O N M O N G E R ’Y .—Yottcsr Lad y required as Salee-

wom an, w ith eoma aip®rien^« if -poef^ible.-Apply per- •D nullr to P . H o d ^ u so u , Irom aontur and Fu rn isher,B e r h ik , . , ,_____________________________________

K IT C H E N U A t O wuated; E a s t Sussex Hoepitel, Hae- B in e s ; acgUerymald kept.—A pply M atron. a3* ^ r r C H e N M A I O wai>trf, not under o f age^—A p p ly , *ti>tiiig experience, i f any, to M rs. Lloyd,Ih x te r , Nortm am , _Sus»ex.__________________________________ _* L A D Y ^ ^ u irea strong, active G C N E R A L , 22-28: wspeneoeed, good, p la in cook; wapeR £ 2 2 —Apply M iss€ o ld sra itIi, 6, Provoet-rd.. Ha-roywlead, N.W.3.______~ U A D Y C d O K - H O U S E K E E P E R w.intod inunediately; ♦wo in fa m ily ; ivo ch iidron: liberal outiagw; f?innll eolary •n d strict i^erenoes required ; su it lady for ch.onse of ^ r .—M rs. C uu lifle . 5, iUig'-esoa-aianeions, S u Leonards.

—o 20M ID D L E - A G E U p e r s o n or ^ id i^ 'ra W ife wantid

Jhr daily work, tram 7.30 until i o'clock.—4, Qiieen'f-rd., • . —o20

M I L L IN E R Y S H O W R O O M .—Young Lfwly Appreniitse witnted.—Ap ply to M artin Bto*., Br«ed*-pU end C tttls- f t . . R<»etinSH._ _ . ... . . . . . . .' M IL t - IH E R 'w anted im m ediately: teke and exsonJe

Cfwn orders; t'^rve thr»»-.i-'.;h Ladiofi' and Obildr^n s D^'part- jnente.—A pp:y J . Booker, High-et., llctberU cld , rearTun-arid^ W elle. _ ......... ..........olJe~ M R S . B U R L E I G H C O L V I L L a -f--d juiddlt*-eged General Servant, -with knowh-dge of p'.ain oocrkiiic; aui.jt is;iiaatioQ; two in fam ily.—46, Mount Pleaeaut-jd-,

A P R O F E S S O R O F F f l E N C H .—M i*s M . A . P u jto n , C .£ .'r .D ., Teachtrs' U iploitt*, O rt if ie w fd , . Private Le*- rtUK, te .; ciHMes arciaced . Schools visited. ExeiOMvi-aon*. TrMMiiaUon^—13, CaaBtthridyc-kdus.,__H stisg * . tehO

E X P ^ T e N C E D H igh School Jitistrea* desirw pa*t- tiuie en^eigmneat at half-term ; Hteungn or rreighiKnir- hcod.—Adffi^b6. Mted tiimiuonfi, H i^h School, lU tford._____________________________________ _____________________ ___________—o27

l a d y fieoks p'^eition, NoiBcry GovernesB; m usic a 8pfc*iUiiity.—3ti, Iklmdie-bt., H astings. _ u3

L A D Y T E A C H E R , A .C .P .. doairw daily P u p iU ; ad vancad Engli&h, nmthetnauca, bTench, m asic.—9a,Queen's-rd., Ha^tinga.________________________________________

L E S S O N S , Fren ch , par ihdy;. progrte rap .;^ grain., convera., coiicspon.—A cres, B u r Jo u rn a l, B .A ., 576, **Oi>-tervLT " Ottlce, Haistiug8. _ _____________ .

L A D Y wiahCB »ficrnoooi poet O O V E R N E S S , child­ren, or Com panion; F re u i^ , excellent m usic.—A .M .,59ti. "O b se rve r*’ Oflice’, H artin gw.___________________ —o20

expenenced. couch, prepares for exam ination. —Apply MisB M. K aren , 11.A.. L £>t Murgaret’a-ler., fit.L e o n a rd * ._____________________________ o27

R E Q U IR E D , young N U R S E R Y G O V E R N E S S in Home richool; clu ldien 7-9.—Apply by letter first toPnucipoJ, Bouhuuifl, Fe Y fa scy-xd.. bt. Leonardo. —o20__

R ^ .~ £ N G A G E M EN T vraiiU’d by experieuc^ (J^eriiebs, noiwe><itleat or otherwise; children undor 12 ; histli'iy Tecouimviided; usual subject*, nature etudy, etc.—M axtm, The C(,rTtgj;'d, Croirhojyr, B a t t ___________ u3

H A S T IN G S .—Bwlroom aad Sitt-inp-room, cx»king, 18 6d . : l»»nn;itveT>cy; n«?ar »eu.—2. Iiinton-enn. o3fl

floor,: sm all kitchen, yab cocker; terms________________ ~ o 20 ’

L A D Y wruiid let co iy Bed^ittiiir*TOOTn; a n v ~ • finest popition Hasting* Fron t.—N .T ., 278, ‘‘Otwerver ”Office, I l t f f in g e ._________ —o20

L A D Y wishes fo lot very com fortabiirR^^ittt^^ with attendance, for w inter; terme ruoderwo.—12, Kart- porude, Harrings. o23

^ A D O C R N , wclbJurnishC'J C O T T A G E ur U u n .- r . <» ........ ....... _ ______to frm t liiu"*. !*t ivorr L i .N-’ v-Mi'-bp-; • »itlii;5 *--w>a's. j higU-*laffl ruakeri a t low p.'Iete T h e lorptet *e.ectt>» 4' h V ’iv-jdf:. uud - Apply c.-"'. AoumK ?iu l | South of 3. Hensutage and Soru*.■-on iV - ' -M r i y ____________H©baateoa-*t., HM Ungs, aed 36 a m 33, rtt, Leo itaid i-rA'- ------ ---- --------------------------- " Kaxhilu. te'Jn

M O R A N T A N D C O . , ,

f , S E A R O A D . B E X H I L L . 'And irt C R O Y D O N .

F O R i l l th« B«it A T t l ' i iK , F o r ii i i i iM «»d C r f r i i iut:ije.i H O U S E S . T«^,iT»JUl: M om ut. BeXfUll. Te)».53f>. LcH.'*'5l fftepr«w>ntetive*i. TIom<«flwd^_.__________‘a; ft“ O lT irF A s K lO N '^ D FuTni*hnd H'.-U's* to Ir t ; fn llv ctihiatcd Tlonine Pa-f k, Bridifo, C an terh m y; *vittirg-UKfius. 4 liedr-mns. large garden,9a. Men-ery-lnne. Cante rbury. . . i. } M -

S IX -R O O M E D H O U S E to > tt IW . Sr.Ix<»narA': rent. 7a. fd.—Enqu ire cn pr^R i?««. —oib

S M A L L Ifjck-np S H O P , w .tli flU in vs, eujtabte f<r jrAvolteTs, in Norman-rtl.—Ai>p;y A fL a w and J u r i s t ,S t. Le n n a r^ .______________________________ _____________________.■■s'wTA LL' frvnlsffird H O U S E in and anoliu-r inWinchelKCft to le t n t very low rcinr. for w inter m a n tis .—IteAve and F in n , Tiand Aqaute, R t c . ________ _ o20r

S T A I N E S A N D C O . ,

7, S T . L E O N A R D S R O A D ,B E X H I L L O N - S E A

A G E N T S for a ll a v a lk b l* Fu nu aked aud TJntnrniahed H O U S E S to b* L e t o: So id ; Bpv*u«l map and su?dteraua. Te l«cra in *: “ k*xop«rty, BexhWu'' Telephone No. » 9 .

TO L E T , NTeli-rurai.-ihed l2-roouit'<i H O U S E tor p a r t ; ; facins' sccL,—13, Peitewu-erw., Hustiug^. .

T O L E T , a nioilern, six-roemod H O U S E in Id e a ; bealthy ’i>..;futjnn; l^rve ffiirdtu:, .<nl;;c a.ud pi^rtyc; rent

. 6d. if.T week, inoiiwive.—Gibson, Oreiiarcb. P'«y<if u.—ol9.;

U N F U R N IS H E D .—t o let. 2, De Chnm-avciirm‘: non- boaemeut llo u eo ; 5 bedroom*. b.ath, and 3 rei.'fpiifn- roouks; near .rHin*.—T.ocal Agt'nta or Adam * and Jxrre ft, Norman-rd , S t. l.eoiiurds. —<j20

W E L L - F U R N IS H C O ,* *ix-roo3iea H O U S E : ataitra in*; i hour M arina S te v m t; 24 m ile* B e ^ i l l ; 35 *hiU4D«6.—Miaa Tate , 94, J3ulv*rhyth^f-rd., S t. Leonard*.

_j ___ ____________________________ -^20_W E O T H E R E (3 m iles Canterim ry).—Com fortably fur-

DfcFhed EMHdeu''e; W bedwxwAS, 5 bathrooma. and 3 reception-r'XniM: good grounds, garden, nnd r»teblmg:10 euincae weekly. A b o w itU n 3 lailAf Cuoterbnry, 12 b*!d«. 3 reception, and 2 Iw th s;, pMxleu, gamse., tirxi M’jb lin t;: open to Oiler, .‘teverai Bmaller.—Tru sco lt and Co., Canterbury. o27

S-R O O M EO C O T T A G E : Cem panya wntCT; large mr- dca,—R . K em p. Burwu*h W enld, Su»*>x._

S P E R C E N T , luveftttient.—Loos' Icnreiioild double dwelling H n ite , Folkestone, for p a ir ; X39 ro u L price JE370;- £250 t*an reoioin.—CfTwau. Ashford. T ^3

S H O O T IilO •f- .rM Jt--A.-.:V'}"idcO; «>• mi; ISiOIii-.'lu-'ji., ' !l-n.t wire tJa.Liln; ;:o

t!.’h <.;*j i ’.'i > * ; • » / , ;i‘>'i'‘ :r-jjt- V- Is-t -Ai.'U, ni?=L.-i:, If.■b.vtsbr.f .M?


K E T i R E O Certllicatetl Ucadmaistcr .veks en;,'ageuieat a* PriV iik i 'liitor To boys c r g j^ requirtw; t-omc tm tio n ; oTperieuced in tjaiue; ^ rta m o n i^ , re lo ro n ces.-A . Barker,2^ ._i^ adcin-jd ., St._Lecm«ird/;. _ _ ______ _ —o20

'S H O R T H A N D a n d ' T Y P E W ^ R IT IN G S C H O O l T morning <uid evening; classes.—Miaa E th e l Monk, P .C .T .,207, LondourTd., St. L e ju w d s ._________ _ _____ o27

T O F I L L im cxp^-eid vaauicy a gentle child would Ire received in a 4;oc<<i hoine sch<K>l; 12e. Gd. weekly; country.—School, 12, '^Observer ” Office, Hastiitgs._ o20

Y O U N G N umery Goverufw rcquirci! at once; rosidenf or d a ily ; private fam i-y. — 2, Blomfleld-rd., St. L»y>n-aidn. ____________________ ___________ _____ ____ r^ '20__

Y O U N G L A D Y wantfcl to fn ll^ v ii^ outdoor games ouoe a week.— iVrite, RichardBon, Lin du m Uoueo. Has-

_______________ o20_” n”U R S E wanted for three «-hildren; Sood ro fcrece v .—

M re. Henley. L imo* Grore, Hawkhur^t^______________■ n u r s e s ,” P arlouraiaid8, Housem aids, Betweenmaids,

Cooka, G eaoia ls, - K ite b e n iu a id i: Hotel and P riv a te ;H x^ wac-Yi.—Barber’.* Rwrietry. C aut^ bu ry ._________ o ^ _

N U R S E requirod im inedi.nely; t arn b-y, twoB attle .ari<l H o llin rto n ; two nniec.rios rlcan'-O;

waited upon; good salnry, outings: fure paid. inTorvn-a- —Address or call, “ K .i^ c a ,” Cuuden Drive. Coodeu. ^ndof tram l i n e . _____ ________ ___________ ___________________" R E Q U lR E O i C O O K ,'lle u -scm a id , Va^’l' ’in o v id ; good ^;i^T.g._Aj)p:y M rs. Harwood. W arren, Ayleabury. _o2tio “"r e 'l Ta E sTe ” C O O K - G E N E R A L required for coiufort- febia Rmall Eastliournc houiiC; early riser.—C .M .lv ., “ Sms- j ■ex Ex iir«*v .“ T- wetu _______________________________ I

____________________ _______ o20bW A N T E D at onri’ , y«.njic Nurb'’ry GCfVexnees; plrte, 6

a a l 4 yctirs; Tveotltewoujan; acc-URt'Omert to ch ild ro u ; gerjitlewcraiiLD o«w%ntmI: first k»eone; suite ug\>. AaUiJT,aDifT oxiitTience.— ‘ M*;w,’’ ” Oljeervcr “ Olfloe, Be^hill.


M U S I C A L , E T C .

E L V E Y C O P E , A .R .C .6 ., ■ Lo<^ R e ^ a Moteuve,T .U .L ., piano, organ, auLflac, tknory troon 16*. Cd. term : i«ttQrkaule exam inatioB suecewte: epieadfd tertUBominlt; )tAS/iiil Ti.>iirAd —17. W «ltlaciofi-*q., iUMrtme*. te n

M IS S J E F F S . A .L .C .M . (M.xialia*). tei-eivan, visit* >nipii«< for P iauo, Th-xiry, r.xain*. prepared;

iani«t for dancofl arut *otx>rupanyiiig: ;;t>o<l sight reader.—40._ ATbo!srn,n-iv^. Clive. _V ;ilo ._IIfertine5. _________ ii3

t e 'n o e r s nni *anr*id for an. Or.’b-w^a: trio orlar-'.*r.—The. Mnuaser, K-inema Falaev, St. lAionordr;.________________ _______________________________ _______ ______________

V IO L IN , G u irar, J.landoliue Lessfios.—.Mr. A .Ta.;::£art. 6, H ./L-gt-. riijslin gs._________________________ <>20

V IO L IN , Th eo rj. Sinu'ln?: L w o n * . iu f^hoo! or private- '— W nte. F . . 251. “ Ob-erTf-r “ Office, Halting*. o27

L A R G E B E D -$ .JT T IN G te 'at ; south; use «vf \ it c b m ; 8s. a week: no uttendauce.—Mre. Bkieach, 35, W i^t-hill,S t. Leonards<in-Sea. _ __ ________________________________

L A R Q E ' '~ 0 ^ - S lt T IN G - R O ‘OM to > t, w ith iiltea- daLnct ; plrosnnt o u ilo ck ; c!otiO kco and Mntion; izcyA |ne;g?iboutlu>nd.—.Apply 4, liliutoo-iroft., IFajitint.’s. — u3

NO R A ID S .—Apartjuenta, fuToiahed; Uatli ih. uud C.}; terms m o ^ ratc.—Noihum, Greon-iaoe, Ciowborough.

—o20-N EO IO fA -RO .-CoBLfonab te furnished A P A R T M E N T S

to be l« t; eve/r home oomfort; pood *ad quiet ueigh- beurbood; combined roov: or bed and nttlng-TOom: permaneney or o th e rw ise e lo te m * . stauoii, and tram *; ,enue m oderai*.—Apply M rs. Reed, 10, Neleon-iA, Ha«-

■•imps. _________________________________ t«O N E irr two unfurnished. RO O M S to let.—A p ply S6,

QueenV-rd., HasTjne6. _ _ _ -^o20S T . L E O N A R D S . B i a s e m c n t to lct7~ 4 good

rooju>i:_8K, w w kly .—Mr»^Ncnlo, jl3, W nm or-sg. --«i20 S T . L E O N A R D S (bert iwiTt.); well frrn ich 'X l; >*nt'i ill.

and r.,. garden; every ccaofrrt arvl attention.—10, I.^werM aze-hill.____________ ________________ ________ _ _

S T . ■ L E O N A R D ^ .—Wen-fnrnu:hod Anurtu ients lor winter n ioqth*; good cooking and attcn<huioc.—15, St. Matthow‘s-<irivc. —o20

W A N T E D .

' ^ ^ “E R n ^ T H r e u l d be g la<roTaay'ki;u i‘ of N E E D L E I------------- i , , w M o c e v ,," 7r“ reV,;M 1 W O R K , e rh e r Repairing or M akiifk, * t home or ladies'

R E Q U i r iE O , rouu,, Woman ^ N U ^ f jr „ cni.d- residance.—K .F .S . , “ Obeesver ’’ Office. Hastings.le c , 9 months old ; .iKr.irt-anee givou.—App.y Mrfl. Brown, 1« S , C a t h ^ -hi ll,_jjishyare,^ ------ | p . S M IT H , ilttn o i OosWse. i lM t i iw u d . . Bex-

S T . L E O N A R D S .—Furoishvvl Bed-Stf-fting rcoan. atten- Ijfcnnc: cxfjvj tedroorv if itwiinvwl; nvnrt. jw^iemto for

perm?LDei>cy.—A pp^- 101. Ux>pfi<UM<I.____________________ —n3TW O rnnuloiteble RO O M S to le t ; 15*., wiirfer

u io n t^ --45. A lm a-ter-. St. I/coiMtrdt» —r2hT O L E T , two unfuiaiehed R O O M S ; quiet house:' rent

m oderate.-A pply IS, Nelten-rd., Hairtiacs. te

S E R V A N T S , *h i h iJ .—Competeut Dpkolstross# perffeot ftftin f Wo m c*ver*;w rite Oi ca ll, M rs. R.eeder * Lm ploym cnt Bui'tea, ^-L.» | cnrim u*, caiz*te, eto .; ozM-Urat referenee*;

-t>— . moffeinw- r.vrffwi: r. triiU «ohrnAd, - to bButteu Row , Lewes. . . . _ . , ______^■ 0 f^ 'F n 'O R ~ £ E N E R A L o'l'u-clu l L'ldy HeU) to under­take work of smaH, c ■uvini'-nt bim;:;ib.w; lu-lp piveu ; two In d i^ ; c'-infortablf, qnieT, 0 -111,try Lom*'.— VVr:f<', ■ivinc fiiVl p irH iJa r? , to M:,-. Po^atin^, B iao ’uCnbroiiu'h,H indhcad , Aurrey. ____________________”" T E M P O R A R Y S E R V A N T w-vnted”fn r'a m onth ; fk iin and capable; good wub'ea.—x I'D y 9, Jamc-son-r-d., Bex-1^ 1.__________ • ___________________ ________ - 0 ' ^^

U S E F U L M A ID for Mulda Va'.c-; flai l oiw lady.— ll^ S31. “ OhKervAr “ Office, Hnrting.^. — o20

f A N T E L , us*- id llfA -kr'y F^Akt twice weekly.—Dun- ■n:rb; S-^h^d, liOudoii-nl.. S t. Lconftr<lD. —o‘A>

S I T U A T I O N S W A N T E D — M A L E .

U S E F U L H E L P or W oikiiig Houcekecpei rvqn jicd ; j •tra iitry ‘ larm houfe, near Hustinuv; roraformblv. home ; : ■ood wages.—Mra. p e n n -tt. 13, G<x,r?e-.-t.. Croydon. ‘:'20_ 1 J;” ’;

G IS C H A R G E O S O L D IE R , age 43. m a rr i^ . life Sion, g'Hxl charaoter, seeks h;cht siiuation near the —Apply Mr. J . Ni«iioU^, P cL Green, W adhuret, Sue-


TO L E T , one Sittirig, one Bedroom, f'W one lad y ; no attoiwianco; part ui^ *>f ectiUcry.—W n f , F . , I i2 ( . "Gb-poivfT ’’ Office, Bf'xbj j l . ________________ ____ *_^--o20h

TW O well-farnuUied RO O M S to h a ; '-.t -ikuu:. atten­dance: H ilvcrhili d ifitrirt; 3ls. w ^ k ly .—W ard, 492, “ Ob-fttrrver ” _Offlrc, Hastings. _ ______ c 2 0

T U N B R ID G E ' W E L L S .—iSiTnifOired TApartm ente or Boaid-Rf'uidnnce: cen tra l; near Grove and' Comnuvjj; ternifi moderate.—Mrs. F lem ing, W cet C ro ft, Grove ll i l l-roaii.____________ __ ______ _____________—o20

TW O BEDR^OM ^^d~BHtrng^rooui or Btwrd-lW i^-DC*. n Clive V a le ; new tram route.—M .S., 138. “ Obserrer ”

Oflioe, H a-yUng*.______________________ _____ ___ ___________U F 1 *E R P A R T erf Honse, n nfn n ii« lK d ; 6 rooms, one

a kitchen.—9, P6tham-ere*., lia s t in g i^ ._______________—u3 _U N F U R N IS H E D RO O M S“ tb 'lo t ; teeing aea.—Apply

A .C .. “ Q l i* e r» e fO f f ic e . B ex b ill. u3b

F S H M O N G E R S and P O U L T E R E R S .—W anted, posi-» > d w acea—Mra. D'»nn-tt. 13, G'X,rge-.-t.. Groynon. o-iu 1 M a u se r , Buyer, or balcam au; well u p - in a ll

^ -V-.- ’ T - ,-- — •-------br.a c1k*& o i-rh c ;ra<ie; e::ptrt. winuow. drei .sor.—W ire orU S E F U l . M A ID iC;-ujf-h), cxpemmcecl in plain cook- . Bx;:gia-*r., Lover. o20

4» g ■ amall hou'^e; S t. Uor.nrdt^: in fuin.ly : g o o d --------------- --------------------------------------------- —wage*; no ba-'^emcitt; N';VPinbcr 1-t.—Mrs. Foster,Gxoombridgft V jeiruge, Tuubii<h.e Well*-. o19p _ __ ---- . . .................. . _ , ___‘ w A N T £ D ~ T o r '~ i.io ^ H o te l." Pe.!nbr<rke: bxpeitencid • ^ A V A L P E N S IO N E R . age,47.-Emp;«iyTO»Dt wanted;0 ;? r a b ' : .™ “i i n d _ W _ . : r r « 3 , - A A ^ t l y 9 “ 0^ "

geccnt, S t. Leoaarca. ^ \ work; gooa commercial exverianoe.—A b d It T .C ., Box,

, G E N T L E M A N , excelleut knowledge o lBw work: 35 ’ I ^ri»|^_ref*'rom c ,—20, Atexaudra-rd., St. L^jonard*. o27

W A N T E D , G I R L for light housework, from 11 a.rn.to 1 p.m.—o,_R<.)bertoon-B:., U;ist.m;gv. _________ —o20" " W A N T E D , G I R L or’ W oman for daily w otk; pkua■ooking.—Apply -ita, Devorue^hiro-rd., B fx ia il ,____ —o2i)b^ W A N T E D lo r C h i’.dren’s Couvah cut llcn ie , H O U S E* Hus M A ID - wages iC24.—Writ^, M iss T iden, HueU-more.

' ■ •____________________ o2_tlo ;" W A N t ¥^D7 " CO O K ~ and Hnu-^e-Farlounnaid at once, j

^"Appiy Lady N ixo.j, Th e bluiiur Huusc, bcd.cscoiiihc.

wofi ; good commerciai experianoe.—Apply T • <)U»c.'vi.f " Oftvo. Bexhill."P Q

niwi'utiale.—W riteinge,

c 20e

fiDcrally; comlortabli^ home-.-arct'ij*-. 67. T.nidon-fd.. S :.

W A N T E D , WfHunu for doi.y werk, to i-lcuii Show- gorijus aod Shop.—IjOD;iley Bros., D<vonrtxiiC-rd.. B rx-Jlill;________________________________________________________________

W A N T E D , a idspcH’t.nbie G I R L to aartst in hou’-ewurk■ ‘ • ■“ ...... Apply periionally, Mrs. C.

nai^H _____ —o20W A N T E D , " I r O N E R : day w^rk; pofvl wa^ro;

koiira 8.30-7 p.m-—IM co b Laundry, 'I'be Ridge, rit.E c leu '« , H astings. _ ____ _____ _ .""w a n t e d , a superior vjutl? G E N E R A L nr Mother's - H elp .—F u ll pai-Ucu’.ars to The Bungalow, Brerlc, Su:i- i•ex . __________ _____ ___________________________________"^ W ^ N T ED , C O O K - G E N E R A L , age 30 to 40, undertake work of bouse for two ladies.—Apply Aahburton, J^t. ‘ B e le n ’s P art-rd .,_H |W ti^ ^ .

S IT IO N acught for g»vnt,k*nanly Youth (16i): icelienr- bc.h{.>o''Alp^ja,” 617,

tebu n

good addrese; f'xcelienr bc.h{>oi' reports and i>T3Tate “ Otwerrer " Offin.-,


S I T U A T I O N S W A N T E D — F E M A L E .

—o27’ w a n t e d , a'’coTni>etent Lady Help to ru-eist in hotmc- .

-^ rk .—A p p ly to M rs. Kem p, O aklm irt, S t. Helen’s, Hue- |Slrtgs.

, A S W rrking H O U S E K E E P E R ; mirid’.o a c e : maid!|kept—Mre. (Jlenieut, 46, Torbay-rd., Brondaebury, NAS'.6.

___________ ________ ______ ____________T H O R E S v ref-umjuo.aios ynuug” Iufly S H O R T H A M iJ S T ; exi‘4?.laut oonfiaential eeciew iy, tiiorough and .o ru y . AuthoreHTi' anxious to find her aiutabl» iiid w iJ an'<wer auy cnqiurie*.—T .B ., 373, "O teer-Office, Hasiing^;________________________ —o27) K * G E N E R A L neeiie situation, w3wae hou^tfuid

good referoncas.—S ia rr . Uughendoii, B irciuneb.n_____ _ ____ . - _ . __________o2»

kVN S R O A D ,—Ncwil^work at bom'-; mrxlciateib; or dnily help. w,antcd by widow.—I L . 537 I rv c ij ' Office, llartiugR. —o20I L Y P O S T requirerl ; P iunirt7 'J'ypht;'’ Compauiou- ;T.—“ V en iaB ,” 54, Southwater-rd., S t. L>-on«rdR.

________ _ ~o20P E R IE N C E D Lodv ShcrTtharid-Typidt Hoeka re-e incnt: London rofcruiioc; hi^h sixjeds.— Write

5ih) 'O hytiTor " Offi/-*-. JTareruicK. ri20L A jU V , y<>uug, weekto poet. Unnijuniren (>r~5.oa^iTecp7r7

ceniitiiurteblo hom e; inaid k*?iTt: uouiiiual salary.—Beta. 474’ <n»*iervAr '' Officft. Ha&tiikeR. ,o20

or L^sefnl■ Crbi^ervoi " Office. Ha*ting8.“ l a d y requije* post. H O U S E K E E P E R .. ________

HeipJ where help ie gi’r ^ occaujonally; rcfercnce«s.—T .;

"^ W A N T E D , clean, trn^'Tworthv G I R L A s U seful H e lp : cood refeiences required.—41, Dovonahiro-id., Bexhi4J-on-

________________________________“ w X i' IT E O , good plain C O O K , uleo Ronve-Parlounnaid ;

« i : iH fiu u ily ; 'iw> bswmcaiU—W rite or apply, 24, Mark-Wivk-ter., S t. Leonards. ________ ___ . .... —o20 . ..' W A N T E D , C O O K - O E N E R A L , for N-orember; three, in ! ^ Uuf^andBa-rd., H artin ^ . _ ©20

l& m iiy; no b a^ W n t-; .wagcb £1S to X20.—Apply 24, | ' l a D Y rcooiumendR a* U « lu i CoraiguuoiiA'.buny-rd., 9 t. L e o n a r d s ._________________________________1"^®^ 1 keeper : Hastings or S t. Iveonnids;' i.uf»ing exiH»iieu*‘CB:

Xv a NTE"D two D O R M IT O R Y -M A IO S , apn 20-25; . rcforcjncws.-W rite, Compauion, 17, Ol»«rver ” Office-Mlfiry £20 £28- urtral duties; good holMlays and outings. J HartibgB-_______ _ _ _ o20— Sid ;. Bryant. ChartPrtioiaAe. Godalm ug.. , n2e ' L A T E S C H C M L P R IN G IP A L , rniridJMtjed Lk It , ro- ~ » 'A N T E O , G E N E R A L S E R V A N T (riaily or o t jie r-; (iniir« m om ins’ (.r afternoon nwray^ment: Correapen^ni'y, v iT -i ■ some (o o k in s : three in fam ily .—Appty C9. : Heudin;,-, Teaoliin*..G-IS, Beaai<te-rd.. S t. Leonat.!..En.'ft’o t i.T i, B o i l i i l X __________ ________ __________ i i . - _________________________________ _______________ ________________■ "W ANTEB— C 0 O1C .N O U S E iC E E P E R for cotintry: 3 ! L A D Y lefltiitee rerensagraaent ax M A N A G E R E S S iu

far fmrd’y Sroesemaid kept.—W rite . M rs. Home, Ifteld, high qla»a B»«ian«:rt to m e m bouM*; eipetieneo coa-nSe ; to o t iw ; nwwt M iarttolory rofoteneea; » b « a ln e ..-A iip ly

W A N T C O e C O O K 'G Is N E R A L and House-Parlourmaid ; I■M.'ill W.e-O.O. S m ith ’s' L ib ra ry , BeikbaiQp«teAd. 1 s iiua tio n ; 6 yeaie expenoiur

• * n2e I bought and «v>(d lodgers, day books, and diissect ing.—G .C■"w A l^ f t C ' T ^ g e ^ ^ y o m v r o a ^ to w i& L e ^ t e , ^ F b r o o k e - t e r . . H a s t in ^ ^ o27•hiJdOTO ^ h o S S S S ^ ««>4ba m aid k e p t.-A p p ly 15. • _ U A pY 6 r e u ^ C O K ^ A N IP H - H E L P v.

■ W A N T E D , i eood C E N E M L . S E R V A N T : tTO intoin ily .—A p jly Tb e HoHieB, ElphiB*toBe-rd.. H aatuee.

s3W A N T E D , a yonng tW aa O E W E R A L in' p iod elaw

A vartm en i H o g ae.-M . Waanorepdaia., 8t . Lecaaarfc^^

’ ^ A lf V B iS T '^ S r r S U a M . coos t « M « E . P ^ l . W R .■ A I D : tm> in taraS*,; tiro w ai fa t no baaoniearL—A ^ y■ ra. CrgwfgrA. B a iJ t o d . 9 » t o A . ____________--tOt■"Wa n t e d , ear expeSm oeS P A JU .D W R M A ID . a im

mxirt have ggod scHcqi‘ . h w m s ^


N A V A L O ffiiw ’* Widow seeks or b*lf-^ iy Rjn-ploymeati; Inwdid or any light duttee.—G .V .L . , 546. “ ObBervcrl” Office. H aeC pgs._________ ________________ - ki20

P R A C T ftO A L working M A N /C O E R E S a seeks port in Btean I lATindry in H astings or Bt. Leonarde; long experi ence good refereaee.—Apply H .A ., 391, “ Oheerver 'O a c* .| F a a fa w g iik ___________________________ _______ _ —o27

m aim da ily w o rL -A x ^ ii i ,gia. B tgb nt.__________ —o20b



S E N D T H E M T O H A R T ’S.

S A T I S F A P T I O M................................................ ............................ .................. \




C A R R I A G E S . C A R T S , B A T H C H A I R S , E T C . . F O R S A L E A N U W A N T E D .

A GO O D B R O U G H A M , tjuiteble lor r t » :u a wniiT^toioiioup.—D'lvifci. Ov>a«-i:hui!dei, iJ .tT lr.______ __ f'.O

B A K E R 'S t o v e r V H A N D T R U C K ,* TX' t'llcut, «TU''l,f<rr aule-—i)uv%\ Curriygi* B u iidv.^ I lu ils j ’.jwu._______

IF O U N -W H E E L E D varnualuyi Hog Lk in lu i a iie . I'h^up.—J a rv is, U u»t«.Hui L c k f ie lu . ______________________

F O R S A L E , P E R A M B U L A r O R , ulvo P iiru \jF.it; ^*'U after 5 p .iii.—5, Amherbt-td., BexhilJ. . —f-29u

F O R S A L E , go‘d Brougfia-n by ■i'i’ajubp .rubi>^ tyie*. 4-T,hfc*i Ui> C u t : ^ - i * t udinon.—A^bisntfoa, :iL*p-ecrouA._^A\*^_ Siiw-gx- __

F 6 A ' S A L E , ' C t : k r r M A I L ' c a r t , nitii hooil *»uh1 •'Ovttrs: tyrera giAxl; IS.s.—l l l j i i i , 18, d i. Lefuard s-u l.,B exh ill. _ _ _ _____________ : ,_.«r2Sb

L I G H T V A N - ra:iva-'' to p ; ♦xcel.cnt ••ondi»iou; :E12 1(L ..-N if. lb . CuiverW-v'.../.A>.ibrmgt> WVl:.-. , .

L A N D A U : rni>bi r- ly rw l: in kOjd rt^HlUion; by'■ C!iap:iian.'' A l*o K a lli Cf*rf, iO KUlt IJ or 14 .'lanJ cob.—.SruiTh, ,^>bniaHtej’, _ B ^ h i] l . _ _ _" N E V ; 'un<i‘ Sf'crr.jJbaud G O V *E R N E S S C A’R S

sooo/j'Uiisnd -i-wbiW Itatli for ' ob • jib ’l i.‘TeiliaiiIc»l.— n il.u rv . Mount Kp lua iiu . Tiuibrirlgo VVcIId. o20" W A N T E D , P R A M : in u a b-? in S-titd oonJii:'.-:: and rd

gfn^l quaiiJy ; prn-e, colour, e ic .—P J . , 5i>B. " Ob-t^rviiT “ Office, HitfJinga. —c>20

S T A B L I N G , . W O R K S H O P S , W A R E ­H O U S E S , E T C . , T O L E T A N D W A N T E D .

C o m m o d i o u s . p n E k .n s E S , zT. ^m k-iftrvet, Ha»- tingn; ocBtxHl povitiLUi; cxeeptioBAi apportunily fo r-a Laum lxy or ovhar buaisMU reqa in iig iPpate; recently used ter the ontpat ex 1.509 -inda per week.—A p ply to Garateker on the piemi«o<: or u> U r . Tree, 15, St. M a rr« 'r tV rd ., rtt. I.»eo»Krdt«., w46

s t o r a g e or W O R K S H O P ; ~7a. Connrulli& -rt.: 3flw TS; ^can3uo*Uo4u« autl tlry tm rxk .rate rf>m.—H . ffielHud-

-li, Ki»T.*k >-k-s*c.. Tt\

M O T O R C A R S , B I C Y C L E S , E T C .

F A R M S T O L E T , F O R S A L E A N D W A N T E D .

F A R M w-Ti’^ncl: rcr.k ’ ; ••:*'m! 30 te> 50 :U‘r«».hi'-rl;-’ du i’ '": i.reie'r^'d-— Barry’s Krtnu,

Bov n-,i:, Surr-‘>. oK'c

D O M E S T I C P E T S A N D C A G E B I R D S .

"^C n OSS'-B R E b " B IT C H~for“ ^ r T 12' p’>T.r.hT'o!'d ':“eh><iapl u j.. . . .-.ud fond of rhildreu.—i . LialQU-'.'T-»«.,

HRsfiC'.e. C'20H O M E \r;Tr,f«-<l lor a fr.-od youiwr Cat and hr-r

K ’r te a ; a g i.t .—RtMy. iiaorhuTKi, Ha-i'iiigion, St. L«‘on-a r J r - . _ ____ _ _______________________ ~ o 20

R O Y A L V IC T O R J A ’ DO G f in < rB in o " 'B U R E A U V K :. I.*r« ’:urdfi,—W.'nt^'d, I'n yp iw , Cauariee, GoWfinrhen,B u!!fl:;clu '6, f^trrote. B iu lge;irarf, Puhets. Rabbits, All^e.

c 20' ‘V O U R G m ..v C O C K A T O O ? with cage., barjrain. ^2 11-.— Al'f. 7. Kfk ' :>-irJV.b*. llnttiisTK. —oSQ

L O S T A N D F O U N D .

■~LOST.~nt !'■ i--f-':dr~rt:'TVr'“ biscj^^^^.'R.N. AVilJ. rta/’er p'caae return aameAI'*x.irili:i- I'clrfittlii.

B A D G Eto 29,

_ _ __ ______ _____________________________^-^19eL O S T , 0.'t''ytrr at Htt<*‘ ii)'.,v. R a i ’wuy Stntion,

M riitc Crcv;.;f‘i C A C , containinff Vratrh. TreasuryN ’'-r«‘v. P<»;uriijHg to MirJs T.ann-»T, NoathgTOvc,IlrtwW'i’i r t . T-- I ryH'fjT.' Tftwci’ d. Ci20

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

JO H N m. F O R S T E R , U ie ooilecter <»»d M*«**or,mnuei'^idre* »ppMkt for laduetioA of rate* * m I for tlM exc^uptiun Gi ar«t«i:i*cU oi umozd* tex. — Offiee: 4,Neb-on-td. - fls /iriugs.____________ __________________ t*W

R E N T S C O L L E C T E D , Eetates Managed.—ApplyHM old G . K m g , 72a,_U ig!b>rt.,_lLbvtin^,____________ —o20

W A N T E D , Carting Ooctxactore for clearing P i t Prop^ from woockt to TicaliiitBC Road or M ayfield Suxtion; pricM .—Apply 41, Nev.'ton-id., FnverLham . o20

A C C U M U L A T O R S C H A R G E D corcluily * iu l prompl- fy ; ajiy nutka or eue .—F . J . PureufiA L u L , ** O b^rver " O ffice, Hitftiiiga..____ ____________________________________ ________ | * _

A L A N O A U L E T T E , to em t fotrr in&ide, m o u iit^ on a F o rd A n rtcr aL-m etel ic ie e u ; dome wiiig«;faJwe lin iug fitted; in eniendid coudittou. A\eo a 11..M.C. 13-32 5-*eat®r O oi, p io p jrty of lady with no ui-d for i i .—Sbtu_a^ Cumpbejl'e. ItetUaUigs ____________________ e2C

F O R S A L E . Do'.auiiuy B eliev ille Lan d u n let; 28 ho ii* . power, 6 cyim dern; in good couJiUon.—Adax^^oa,

M I S C E L L A N E O U S A R T I C L E S F O R S A L E .

Aurtford. Staplecrort. E a s t fclui eex.

A P A R T M E N T S T O L E T .

W E L L .F U R N I S H E b A f A R T M E N T S ; batbroom; highiy P ricry*rd ., W est B if i , Hnrting*.

o29W E L L - F U R N IS H E D R O O M S in S t. Leonardo, for

Indio* o n ly : priv»:e house; xcodorate tena*.—K .B . . 19,‘O b s e r v e r j i^ e c , Hart^nfP.___________________________W A R r i ib b S Q U A R E .—ContRDJrnt Bf*<FSiitiB^rQOin;

'lody',: fl«iT; no attondanF.o.—B .G ., 567, “ Ob»<wvvr ’ Office,H a r t in ^ ______ ___________ ___________________________________77®?®

W E S t ' ’S T . L E O N A R D S .—Dm wiwc. dining, bedroome, attendance; sea fron t; a ll orerloukiu?: f»a.—146. M arina.

—u3W iT N T ^ b 7 *Xa<Ty'T»'P^ientleninu. a ll ^ y , te hW io

#cm-!il'. HouBft with lady B ring alone; ten immitee from >Tpniorial; 8s. 6d. weekly.—H ., 509, “ O bserver" Office, liaAtlncF. o20

B O A R D A N D R E S I D E N C E .

A W X S r ’froTn''A.7r"Ra^ a beautiful part o f Smusex.—W ould any la»'ly, wnia.ll incane. uotiyc ;nid fond of txnimry life, abare domestic duties w ith farm erV wife, cjuitrihuto eigliteo.T ejii'ilingft weekly tovr. Tdi4 board and laundjry: Tcferoncoe exohaugod.—Mrs. Barnc.s, WimlBuds,l^yKOte.,_^Horsbatn.___ ____ o l^

C O M F O R T A B L E B O A R O - R ^ ' lD E N C E ; long orehort atay.—80, Weet-hnU. S t. Leonnsds. ___ __ —o27

C O M F O R T A B L E H O M E olZc^d lady. Lancoahife pTfricTifd; sbero siiting-rooin, sm ajl charge. l«o<br>Qin; Aoulierat^road.—A ppiy M .M ., " Ob-icrrer ” Ofbeo, BexhiU.

_______ _ _____ —o20bB O 'A R b .R E S ID E N C E ; ootnfcrtaWo, quiet ’ hccne;

south avpeot; high ground; ideal for sherT. reetful ho’i- d u y; near tram . P ark . Church .—30, Springfield-rd,, St.Ue^ar<te._________________________ ___________________®^_

C E i f T lF IO A T E D M atefBity N U R S E reeetTM in her own houM. cifuat* in a quiet and pheasant locality: reference if de*ire<l.—A p ply K n n e , 8.M<mnt Piewiiit-OTai-. H astiog **.___________________________^"l a d y or married eouple offered homo in w*l%ftirnifil)«d

privoie hcvruc; near sca,^Churoh., fttation.—B ., “ Obeer-TfaT “ Offleu. BexhiU j_______________________________________ —o28b

F A Y t 'N O G U E S T rcoaived in the banae of * guts' family in p le ****t uaic^boaxho^ * ( raodfirste te rn au - Ad4farM Guset. e.o. 8, Mount PloHoant-sras.. Hosttn** t*

h o u s e s a n d b u s i n e s s e s t o L E T a n d f o r S A L E .

19. M A R K W IC K T E R R A G E .—T o > t . ju st vacant, nxunsj per a n n u a l; could be dividisd.—A p ply ^pliarler»-rd.. ftt-. Jj^onards. ©iS)

5j S W A IN S P A S S A G E .—Large living room, 2 good bOL^rorm^ R<5ij>k»r3'. witti copper; sunny position: rent 5s. 6d. inolu&ive.—K*^y nt 4. ritrongiK-poeeage, H wfbtngi .

-o30#>750 w ill pnrqjiaw a swee .N- pretty littlf* Country

C O T T A G E , f'loee to T e n tw d e n ; 4 bed. trtib, and 2 ^^irption^fooiha; a'r.hltng .and weJI stocked gnrde.ofl; Comi>c*iiy‘H water.—D caycr and Rum bali, Tunbridge W ells.

->20B 6St.—St. Helen'* d is tric t ; p r ^ y cteteohed tre»

bold R E S I D E N C E with plcason-t jcaitten and snmiuer hOTiee: 3 refy>pt}<7n. i bedrocuus, hattrooB}, a«Ml offieca — Apply Dyer and Gallawuy, Ertato A^fcnto, 3B, Hnyeioek- Td.. HartingB.

H O U S E S . A N D B U S I N E S S E S W A N T E D .

A M H E R S T R 0 A 0 .---TV>’Candliuxlii. Wantefl. a H c n ^ Chrie;tiu»M half .jiiorter or iL i . :c h .- .F .M ., ’• 01is< rver “Om*H, B rxhiJl.__________ - ..j,3h

O E X H I L L .—Wontecli ter perjusueiury. B U N G A L O W or r ln t (wniurnished) for tem ily of th ree ; mu»tt include two bedrooms and bathroom.—N ., “ O bserver" OfficeBeihill._____ _______________ vb

F U R N IS H E D C O T T A G E err F la t, for rif»”r‘inbcr rind Jnm iary at ic a r t ; two h.idrooiw.; mart.- ix» rcwsciniabk'.- Wret^ toraw. etc., to fi., 617, ' OhiKH-rot " Hno-

___ ______ _ _____ —O30R E Q U IR E D , STiril! un1 nruiRl>'d H O U S E or

Ortta;:c .— b... y69._^ Oty»tv^r " Offi- c. Ha^tinoi. --<'20 W A N -T E0 , urifiim iAhot, cmnll H O U S E (.r citnind-

flonr apailm ont {9£. rju.tr.—F .Iv ., o2!i, " Olx^ei rer " Office. IlaatnitTA _ _

W A N T E D , in lb'\l,’iiTr~r~sji]wl: H O U S ^ o r ' Fra1~fTn ground floor, wiah gurdeii.—F .S ., 55, S t. M 'lry’s - t c o Ita a -

___________________________________ ____________ _ ___ -—<>20W A N T E D ' to iSirc.luuw, a Boinrdin;:’ or .Apaitniejrt

H oum©, in good itosilioii in the tow n; oesh aritilab'e, about ^300.—Apply Dyer and Oail>way, 38. Hu¥elo.^k-rd.. Hoatiiigs. tt;4

G E N T ’S B IC Y C L E , in eplomdud running order.brakc^—U oile . Stoncfialil-pl., lia«t-iaga. _______ —c2u

T R A D E S M A N ’S C a ir ie r B I C Y C L E ; o ^ a p ; ' strong.— H ollo, G rooer, 1, Stoaefield-pl., H astings. —o30

M A X W E L L , 18-83 k.p. Fomr^Beatef, ioi e n : iMsr U a j i 19U: otsee fitted w ith fir* liefaahable «h«ela; 38 m.p.g.— Wordley’*. S t. I.eoaard*.

D C L A G B , U .8 h .p .; 1913 m ad ti: Sweater iH th 4e«bl* d ieky i epirtiididly fitted ; f<a<Ki iy ra a ; atmad tn a sh a rfa t order.—Wogrdley’s. S t. Leonaida.

A.Cv S O C IA B L E , in feed ocOar thxoicboate hood.wiadseraBii lamps* £/o«t w hoB bteketb ete.—Wocdloy.8t . Leoeaxdo.

TL18 h.p. D A R R A C O r front exlo and whmlo. stesdng rsor, radiator, and a few Tesoaining sundries for m U .— -W ordlerV, Fu ^ u e ers. St. Leonards.

14-11 k.p. 19U O A R R A C O Touring C ar , fu lly oquipped. —W oniley’a, Bnennters, d t. Leonards. to

C H A T E R L E A - M IN E R V A Motor Cycle. 3) h.p..Bosh h L^ M tc , B . and B . CarbiKetiter. Lam p s, new Belt ta d Kood Tyres, entirely re-flBameUod and plated; d£lf Ite -^ o rd lo y , S i. Leonards.

. ' r a o 1915 Chaesis, w ith magnifioent Laadacrlet Body, upholstered Bedford Cord, A jtster W indacieert. Dome W ia ^ . 5 detachable W heels, good Tyres, a l l in first-elaes oondition-. ^220.—W ordlcy’a, S t. Leonokte*.

R O V E R two-seatar, in very ^>d, condition, w i'l be et on h ire : en it a doctor.—W oidley's, S t. Leonards.

R .M .C . 1913 Model Tonring C A R , in fine eoaditiou uad fu lly equippe<l.—WoTdley's, S L Leonardo, i

IN D IA N M O TO R C Y C L E , 1914 m odel; splendid con dition throughout; riddaa by te encineer; dC55.— Wordley'e. $ t. Leonardo. tc

W O R D L E Y S or© well ©quipped for complete M echani­cal Ovorhaulrf, Reptiii’e., Tu n ing U p , M aintcnauco. 'Phone 902.—.13, Norman-rd.,- St- TjeoDard<».

S IX Cylinder. 1914 S T U O E B A K E R C A R , only run 5,000 lo iies. in perfect order and lo lly equipped; H .T . m a^ ete . lighring aod etarting net, spare wheel,, r t e . : make Riigh-^claee v a n ; tKirgain piric©.— W oidley’s, St. I>con«rdi.

R E G E N T 4 cylinder C H A S S IS , 14-18 h.p .. sound con­dition : bargnin. J£35.—W ordley’e, St. LeopiirdF.

P E R R Y , 1914, 2 rr iin d er model, overhauled and re­painted; evorytlnng sound OTid good; fitted h<<od, wind- *«r'e«n, 5 d©iaclu)ble wheels and good tyros, speedometer, horn. 4 lam ps, 45 m .p .h .; price J6125.—W oitiiey’s, St. I.,eonHr<is. j tu

1016 FO .R D C AR," o swotOT; huod, spar© wheel, 5 lamp*, tools, e tc .: pra.rti<villy as new ; £120 or offer.—W all, UO, High-st., Dover, K e n t. t u3

L I V E S T O C K , . C A T T L E , E T C . , F O R S A L E .

C O B , black, 15 haxtd, s o u ^ aisd f:ood worker, w ith Haruer© nnd V an .—A p ply R . HoKaud^, C-orn Detib'r,Goniw<d'4s-st., ___________________________________ — o2Q__

C O M P L E T E D C O N T R A C T .—Two heavy C a rt H otocs, su it farmetu <t tim ber m orehants; quiet, p-xd workers ill a ll gears. Two atrun;.; \ ’jL0Jiers and one M arc, sliutoil and briieved in foc,I; iio m £25.—K e n u in iio n A^pliaU Co., 51a, Koniungtuu Oval, lyondou (near Tube Station).

_______ ______________________ n2^F O R S A L iE , three H O R S E S uQl o l kiu3""worL—Olivet

atwl Morrie, L*d.^ T uubfidg W e lle .___________________ —o20F O R S A L E , a heavy C art HorKc.—Can b« seen at bh©

HiisMngvi C-oiporattL’u'e Dopot, Waterworks-rd., Haetinge. Off<un to Town C lerk . Hastiny;*. o20

F o r s a l e , two"<‘T t iir^ OHefuI H O RSESiT I.S .a f\i”d 16 haistlB.—Apply Milcts. Brit^uny Mew*, S t. JUtonarfjR.

- o i«

F L A T S 7 0 L E T .

.A F U R N IS H E D F L A T . b*atitifulj7 fm nisb ldT~ 2 mttirOg, 3 bed. bfUh. ever>‘ modern ocmreeueucc.; for winter.—l^nttyD House A cent, S i. Loona jd a - -oSO

A F L A T to irt.; 2 «ittiok> 3 bed, lia th ; oi*u^i i n a : rent £4 5 .~ T an to a House .ikgciKt, i«, Grand-pumd©. St. Leotui.Tde, —<<2U

A S ^ R T M E N T .—Friar rrxrm^d F]<^, w m llerr, one llcoK wif-contaiuod. 7». ineiuoiv©; 111b, Manor rt«<L H aatin™ - 1* nMuulee Mensnffia.I.-'Ste'Phen Fry e r, 28, Elphliu^ton©- m ., itaotniya. Another, fts. ~.-n3

b O r iV E N IE N T I^onuAbed F L A T te bn I©t; 2 isrge h^roouMi. Kitiing-room. and kitchM i; verv ftomfortni.iy fnruiabed; 25s. per week for li incmths' h^t.-Apply M i. WOL^er f itf le i,_ .5i,_ItOTcIork-nl., Harting*. —r,2„ p l a t s to Iwt.; ; At, PanI'e-rocwl.—A p ply Mrs.Coetper. 11, St. Matthryv's-Arive. Sl . —n1__^'V;AT ta lirt. i4ntiu«ieh'^” r‘ira O s .” w»^eir.--irinirFi^^

_________ - o2of l a t te tet, B^f-contairyed; four rotoufl:'e3~flri. 'ii>-

ohw ve.— Bri*tl»vr<L, J i t . Lecuri/dr- _ u 3I^ LA T , furnished or tuifTirnifUod; 5 rorrm.i.' kitchpu,

use of both.—Adam* and) W att’e, 26,’ Have'enk rtL.tingw. __ — 20

F A C IH O S E A .—T o let, Apk«-6ci*fsUTA,"’wTrh k it rh ^ '^ r beo-sittiDg-TOom: suit- bueinoes people; mo<ierate •—14Petham-CToe., Haatmgs. J o 2D ’

f l a t to let. fiuTHflhod, Coravralll?-,7ardf!T»a; largo dimnc-room .and on©, two, or three bKlrcs;in*, l«,throom sm all kitehon: torimi m<vi©mte; three inum tos pamd^ And ©tation.—W .W ., 542, " ObserTpr ’ Office, Hartiugs._______________________________________ -026

F U R N IS H E D F L A T ; eontaanA fwo"^edr<<>oja,~ sitting- room. kitchen, •cuRory; aelf-contninrd: J21 per week — Apply Mrs. A rth u r Cock, 69, St. Tbom as’-rd., Weet H i l lE a t in g s .____________ ___________ ____________ ( 29

H A S T IN G S .—Superior F L A T , ftiru id i^ ^ 5~~fo^mii w Uiroom , cooker; 25©.—“ Garden," 40D, "O b se rv e r'’ Offlee, Haatingg._______________________

R E D H I L L .—P A Y IN G Q U E S T S , 3S*.. 40s.; e ro qutt; aonr CoriBaou.—M kaaa Sm ith. V»l© View . B t ^ p. t c i8

U P P E R *8T . L E O N A R D S , n ^ r tram *.—tiwiv wiVh^ to T«r#»Wc liid r < r two t'rirri< H as P a y in r Ougste; young Rorioty.—Rc-p'.y C .B ., 523, " O b e b rre r ’ ’ Office, Hastings.

—©20W IF E of O l^ e r ©erring uhroad, wrtbout eiiiidten,

wiahos to hoar nf Paying G tm rt; hc<^tliy rttu a iio n ; rlrw* U> inwurt; refereffWM oichnopod.—Apply Mr*. H ^ U I K . AeUbrnnham-rd., Howttngs. —o30

B O A R D A N D R E S I D E N C E W A N T E D .

B O A R D and R E S ID E N C E reqniittd for two lathes; 2 be<l, 1 8itti'ii:-room ; u"ighb<mrhood Church or Mqi»I«> q R oiidfi preferred.— Rep-y X . , 471, “ Obsei-v©r ” Office., llae-t in ijs ._____________________ ________ . ............................ o'TO

B U S IN E S S young lady req>iir«w B O A R D > R E S ID E N C E in private fam ily, near W arrior Squar©.—F . , S71, " Ob-^rver " Office. Hastii^s^___________________ _______________ T’i ^

L A D Y 'ro q u irc f* Home no qnierf teoSty. wbcff© a n i ^ n e e could b© i;iv«o: near aea.—Htmoe, c-o. Dniten'sV i© to r ia _L lb r^ , _S t . Leouards. ________________ _____ —

l A P Y r^ n ire a hevue iu B exh ill n« portnaDeitf Paying Guest.—Writ©, sta tin ? tcTTW, to X . , c.o. V a le ’s Xdhmry.Deyonshirojid., B^xhilLcmji^Sea^____________________________

T W O B e lto n I/adi©3 require verr reeHto^bi© L O D G IN G S : sittiUB-Toora, bedroom, 3 l>©ds, bathroom preferred, w ith attendance; or sm all P lat.; «t S t, Lecn-

I, Y O U N G L A D Y dasiras to leant Motor D riv inc.— I axd« or Hc^ijuriou, ou .o r aoon after 33rd O etobw —^ 171, O b e e m r ’* Offic«, H astiags. —©20 j ** M artte ,” 4 L Bchem te-rA, S i. L c o iw d s , o27

7 h A S T IN G S .—Grourdi t'ioor funiisii©J F L A T " To~Jrt 8ittin«r-room, l»«droom. box-room. fcj<cben, ,<’n!lciy ©oc*©r, good yard ; torms mtderat©.—!2, Pelham-cros

-(■20S m Ia L L , weh-furnVfbed F L A T (SilverhU; dirtHctJ*" IBs

W. weekly.—E ., 492, Observer " Hxivlaitii.-. o20 ’S M A L L furuiohed F U A T to i©t f«r ehrrt period

A p ply by letter, I la ire y , 37, V T iito Rock, Hastiugs._______________________________________________ __________ ,-o 2 0

S E L F - C O N T A IN E D , r/wjvemeiit Upper F L A T - , rooms and b>ihro<Jra fh. and c.).—Goodman, 40. Monnt Ph»aflaJrt-rd., H artm es._______ 20

to Irt,.-T O P f l a t ; 3 row w . 4a.- Id. week,Ottarry-oraa.. H artingi . ____ ___________~ ^ O P F L X t to 1©T fe, Milwovd-rood. — EnCTnim w itliia . or JJfi. Braytetok©-!^.. o27

W E L L - F U R N IS M E D F L A T • thre© lafp©; lo fty 'tooiVib. fcitrljen, pus.—9, War*Tor-ed7ia.. St. Locnnrde. —

W E L L v F U B N IS H E O F L A T ; 3 or 4 bnrfh. sitfiug-rooua. Mid kitchen, piano: o»n4ral —F. n 18. •'O bacrvrr*’ Offir<i. Hast^ne*. f.og '

43, C H U R C H R O A D .—Grouml P*ocr FIflt7~fwo"'oxce’ le.’.t Torma, kitehen. and w .c .; snwK garden; f r r on© or two lad ies only.—Apply Mr. Benbow, 26, Grand•pa”a/»rSt. Leonardf*. o20

M, C A S T L E H I L L R O A D .—StoMI T*tei emund floor; two go(d rfXjnis. kitcbcm. e tc .: 7e. 6.1. inclnsTTe

-IT. nirkiHrtkam,. 32. Havetork-rd.. Uwn-MpA.

F L A T S W A N T E D .

F O R S A L E , R A B B IT S ; 4 Si Iptjr Grey Doee: one, 18 montbs, 10*.; threo, 5 niuiwtbK, 7e. 6d. each ; or 276. 6d. the !(»..—Apply befo e 1 o ’cU.<.k or after 6 o’clock. 176, Boh»-mia-rd., St. Leo.nar^V- —cCjO

A D U C K 6 v £ N , in ©xcelleoit ooudirioc, with kccj-'/iotJ?.*; ooel over 50a.; oJUy £1 .—AiJpl^- 8, r.i^r<aooa,frp i., —o20 *

a T M O L D 6 w A Y *S C O R N E R / ’ 2u3, (.laoen't-rbad, Uasiuitfk.—d<.«ou<i!bau4:. 3ft. So lid Aoh Bedrocuu. Suite in ii«w eouditiun, vouiprioinc worurob©, dzeoain^ cabA, and jUKible top waohatand; a bargain ; £ 7 lOa. 6d.

A T “ H O L D O W A Y ’S C O R N E R .” —8eooo4lhuad: 4ft. UauUaouse Oak -Bockeo^©, fitted s Ib m doore, epocions eupbiairds and drawers, only £ i 19s. 3 lt. 6uiu x 6tt. 6ia. B uU aid D iiiiu a Titelo, in pood eoid itiou . 10 gulnoas. Lart;© qtuaitity of itedrteods and Bedding a t low prieeo.

A T ” H U L D O W A Y ’S C O R N E R .”—Soul© very fine daMyni of LiutdeuoM and h'ioorcioth© at compatitiT© piicea. Bnidetfud Carpets. «hoa«o co lo u rin g . S ta ir Carpets, opectni, la . H id . yard. L a rc e eonaienmeat of R us« , te. U d . up. tc79

B R Y A N T & S O N S , the well-knowu New and Secoud- haiid Coi^pieto liO ’.o:c Fuuu.sheca, 44. 45. 86, S7-, Qaeen c~ rd., iiobviuc^.—W o have m Ri-tx'k three flrrt-^lHJs W icker ila lh Cluura, two Kmall rtx© and one one, £ 3 5e.,X 3 19©. 6d.. and £ 4 lUs. T ry arte for a week. A l l iu©pi©*did inoditiuu

B K .T A M T & SO N S.—S^jeoudhaDd: A Tro lly zuR?uifl- cent In n il id A djustable Hcv,.in in? Botli C haiz by Cartera, of Loudon, beautitu lly nphcltit-«7red iu soit carriapu cloth, oacy apriuK scat and 1^ rert, w ith adjuet- Ablo bock; in. pi'WKi oonditioa: cost 50 fuiinoas and hard ly eoilod; only £10 outdi, in c iu d iu . w iu tcr hood nud ap ro n : a ’WCjrtdi.'rful barpuih and. gxoi.'d opportunity.

B R Y A N T A SO N S.— We have a lonfte quauiity of effeebi retuxuod from hire (the eeasou btiiu? now ever), isclud iug 6 p x id a€f4©«. P ram , M ail Cort-t, Bed- ateadii and B^-din.^, Diuiup: Tablen, Ciaipeta. Wasdirtands, Drortoiaff Ohert* , Warrln-»bt*, C»tpb(ards and hundreiJs of o^her th iusa . Conie in and look ro u n < l._________o 2 ^

C O A L B O X wan-ted; outdoor; state ein© and price.— 3. StcpolMtl^rd , Hartin^s. —o20

F U R S , £10 lO s.: B lack 3et fartricmablo whole tikin Tarifet) Stole and lafeet Bound M uff: new tliia y4.>ar; accpl»t £2 10s.: approral wrWin^j.y.—3, Aubert-park,Hipitbury. London.^ u3

G O O D fr-foot. B I L L I A R D T A B L E , B.alls, Qn©8, and Markinfr Board, for X3 .—Bceney, 375, London-rd., S t.

______________________________________________________ c20“ GO O D B A G A T E L L E , 6tt. by 3ft. Sina., balls, cues, and m arkin? board; b ar^ in , £Z. G to d H anBouium , 9 rtopc, £ i Ms. AU»o FreiHjh H arm onium , £Z lOs.; real bar;r;un»*. Call and oee.—S . Bocuey, 375, Lcmden.-rd., St,Leonwidf _________________________________________________________ —o27

H O R S E S H O E S oud Ho/e© N «Us; 109 tone aeaorted in stock.—Fow ler. Iron Mexebant, Tncfcridge W ella. —u94

fine fer paths•, A d ies

: S C U L P T O R S & M flS 0 m ;E s t a b U a h o d o v e r a C » n t u r ^ %

T h e S cu lp to rs & Masons o f th e S o u th C oast

C H U r LC X 3A L O F F I C E :—


A N D A T O R E , B E ItH IU ,,^ B R IO H T O S H O V E . T O J i B R I D G E W E l L s . »to! CHI- C U E i iT E R . I

B B T n iA T E S F K B X . !

<^lM)la « u H ,d on » t a a , ttma by a ^ ln V a u s t . {

Births, Marriages, and Derths.D IU T H S . M A J^ R IA G K S , D E A T H S . IN h iEM O & lA E

N O T IC E S or© ahargvd 9a. fid. for foar Uo m of Im and fid. for each additional line. |

A U inoertioiM nnder thia h©adin< maot ba | prepaid, g a bootdhx foe of fid. wfU be c h ^ e d . I

A ll A n o o u n eem ^ tt nodor thie beodine rau it M OofittMl w ith iho nam e and addreos of A d re ^ ao r.

T ie latmat designs in B irth Ai m eats smd Wedding Csrda obtaiaed a t F. J. Parsons, Ltd.[ 14,

Claremont, Hastings.

B IE T H S .S W A IN S « N .- O n ,Oatob<T SUi, 1917,

H oom% 3&, Nororn-squuro, K m suortbo, 8.W .. of Sefood-Liect&n.'int Cv G . Swaiaasoa, 10th

a* tha Nuniof

Kftnt Regim ent, ” Th© Bctfd a iwnT O R D I F F E .—On 17th Octol»r, a t Sgerford, the

Bew>>l of lAimtocan.t -F ra n c e M . Tr-rdiflc,Canadian Exp ed itianary Fc»rc©—of boroj.

a daucl

the wife^ttaliot

wife laei


at SV th© Roe, ^attdioiL.

t tbim

post* paid 12 powderi<, 1Kiai^'a CrOvS, Londun.

C O O D C A O H O R S E luod three CarriHi;e»> olldreti; end of Beoson.—H u ll, Bedford ?4 cwh. Mount Sion, Tunbiid»raW el’J i.________________________________ ______________________ ~ ~ S ^ ^

H O R S E S of ©very' ^ a e n p iio n for S a l* or~ 11:3©'—3kinn*<re. Wgrterg-rd., 8t._Jjo<'nard«._______ tn31

f lO R S E S .—Twr> light Vann«r»<; quiot in^ny~harur<w ; ©nd of _ricisrv^.- Sm ith. Jolmia*t©r,_]Etexhill. —oMb

P IG S aio often troubled with 'W O R M S ; Th o ricy ’i W orm Powdera w ill cleor asme. Sold in varton© con- tainiLff 6 powd«re> 5d., by A^uuU in a ll t«irtA, or by

rlere, l.s. Id ., from JcHcph Tborlcy, L td .,ndmi. ___ tc32-

S M A R T C O B , 1-3.2 : quiet with a ll traffl-’ ; r t iit ' triuleB-^ n . —.Siuilh, .1 ubmtfcstei, B o x h t l!.____________________ 7*p29b

F I G K E E P E R S who wieh tlio ir pies to pay ahoiiid iifi© a* a Ooadiment Thorley’s Food ic r C a ttle ; keep© pigs th rifty .—S< Ui in oasc© containing 5S packets, 5is. M . Icomplct© <wc), bj" Agents in a ll paxta. t<’33

T H R E E lar:i*e S 6V /S uath pi«M by eidc, 5 a'oeks old.— A p ply r . J . Lue:«d. M arket Gardener. W estfield, Sue-sex._^______________________________________________ - o 20

Y O U want to innoaec your Kgg Basket. Y o n can do •o by au outlay of a few pence. Bui* eorac O V U M , ThorSey's P< iu l;ir Sp k’O, nml m ix in th« m orningV aoft fiKd. and the extra pence spent w ill bo more than lo- plaeod^hy the hfwltUr oouditioa c f yim. PouH ry and tho Ahujidanoe of Kfi^rs Produced.—G et some from T id y and St»n, Corn M erchants, Nowick. ' \ t<-e

U S E F U L C a H M A R E fur solo, oat ef~baid~~wo5^

L I V E S T O C K C A T T L E , E T C . , W A N T E D .c__ _

“ A W V q M B r it y F E R W T S ' bonijht: 4. . «i«'h paid.Goate and fnll-prown tam e Rabbiio bought.—W . W<x)l. wough. W-hitohill, Cro-wlMirough. niSe

F E R R E T S .—A n y , nutiibte of clean. h©alrhr.“ o!d~aiid tmiJ-growB. young Forrote wanted; pleiute state prises; Arg^i^t-jOnd eldest esiabi»hed basteei<« in these inlands.— rhija. D.- vey« Ferret Fa rm , Derabam. Norfolk. —nl$e

K E E P wanted fo- wet-Uer tegs an d ~ lam b rT iil~ A ^ d Crum p, w^'rtfield, Battle. ozi)

W A N T E D , K E E P for 100 hvmbs or low.—Chns. E .B ales, Bev.kley, S im w x .____________________________ o20r

W IL D R A B B IT 5 .—E ig h t doien wanted w e ^ y .—G . T u in ill . 39, Loudon-id., Dover. o20

G K A V E L . — Croydon and e tl^ r k in d s , ______•o d drives: Stone or F lin ts , Goa Hoooe C M u k e rt ,_______amt O iinksra saized. C oan e and fine 8X03ite for rood and path-raak inf; Pea, Bean, Coarse, and Conexete Beoeh, fine and coarse Oorapo Sea Sand, Straw (eUblei. Peat. M o m , a rd Cow M oaure. Spea i G as L im e . Gontan Peat and Ijoam : a ll kinds of Hpaoe. Steam , B aker’s a id A atX m cita Smbkelowi Oool. Goa Coke and O ^ o Breete. etc., supplied by the truckload to nay rarlw ar etotsoo at iewoet ratoB.—Joraes Hoper and Son. Cantroetors. S5, Lan«downe-rd., .E a st Croydon. 'Phene 953 P .O . Croydon. Telecrom s: “ Attention.'^’ Croydon. teSle"" H A S T IN G S S E C O N D H A N D F U R N IS H IN ^ C O " ,7 ” Bfi and 87. Qu©en’8-ro«d.—Moauvo Oak D in ing Tab ic witti four e xU a leave*, a bixrguin, only 5 srnineas. M arble top W aRhrtaiKi. in good roivirtfo.n, only 2*2s. 6d. Malic-cany C liin a Oabinerf, KU. Sci'.tionAl Bookoace, in fin© con­dition, onlv 30.*. Note, tb© rtgn : “ Pleas*' st«p inside."

H A S T IN G S S E C O N D H A N D F U R N IS H IN G C O .. 86 and 87, Q iw n V -ro a ii.—Cane kpM aw l b?u'k O a ririu p Cba-iv. Mflirl;;i C lja ir for invalids, a bar;m.in, only 4 cuii:oa.«. Maho<r;iny Bookevs-e. only £$ lOs. W alm it Mantel G Iass w ith bevoUod edge inirrore. a barm iii. JE4 10s. ■‘ Maljcgauy Wardrobe with bevelled rdee m irror door.., in ii?Tfect rrtrdition, ou'.y 7 guineas. Notjy. the si.cu : " PlecHp t*tep iusido." *;

H A S T IN G S S E C O N D H A N D F U R N IS H IN G CO ., 86 a3<i 87, Ouoen.^rood.—D in itic Room Suit© in. lixither. coni;iii»4in<; couuh, 3 e-,i«y and 4 chair«. iu ;:ooil«'(?!ulitir»’j. only X 8 10*. Mahogany Ronnrl Table , (vnly o.V*. Solid M.ahcguny C ’wwt of Drawer.'*, in perfert <on- dttiiJD, only £ \ lOs. W alnut Bedr<x.»m Sifite, in porfert order. Only 18 gnincae. N<)te tbo e lgu ; " Pleae«' stepinside.)* _ ____ _ —^20_

IR O N S A F E , fire nad lK)iDb i»Toof. 3fT-. x 2ft.~x 3ft. lO in .; two drawers.—Hodgococt. W arner and C o ., Dover.

____ _ 0x6S P E G IA i . O F F E R , —/-eta Henvy and l.krh t l-ubrK'ntinc

O il; 40 CJl. csiakrt at 3c\ f»d. iv.-j gallon : * and 16 drome at 3a. 9?1. per s a l : quantify.Atooricon Tu rps. 5*. 6d. Bodied, 5 . $d. Ixinaeod 5s fid.

c allon.-- A gent. 63. St. Ma«Ty'.*-V-’-r.._ HartAags. - ''20 t T < if~ ld A R N E S S , "rJVlt©b>" fo? 12~'iiau<hr“t*>” J2“2

p<my; ro Ja r open at ten for d ru ik ^ ; hand seiwu throvurh- ouT ; l>reo.'hic<r dmiWe; oxcoTv^iomU r iiiy 7rtu .u itr ; only T>»d ft few tim es: price £ 5 .—A p ply H . M iles, Brittriaty M^wp, S t. Txe»vnar«wi. —olO

t b n B O A L ’ M E R C H A N T S ,‘'GioceTW, ©t*\—Bund'© F ire - woo*l. wholoeale.—F o r fu ll partioulara w rite, A . J . K in g ,I L St. D nnstan’a-at.. Cautetbury, _K © n t._______________ n3

V A L U E f o r ' M O N E Y .—Tody's Sroiradhaiid B in g , *5 fin© w hite Aiomond*. fn ll o f flro, 49 roineflo. Lend ^40 any (im e.—Rose and Bnrteft, Fa-wnbrokees, 4$, London-rd.,.St Lronord*". P ium ends houeM . :____ tcfi.T~ W IN E C A S K S for iw te—l^ r eapae-Uy aw l prtee apply £ l l is . Sou, and V id le r, Pelhum-aroude. H.art.jng». o20 " Y 0 U R " E Y E “ S T R A IN .- T h o ' ' littl© tim e ' “au“ ' E ye Exam inatio n tak«*«, th© little trmiblo it entails, the sinaU expense is rttcht eompared w ith th© benefit; y .u Tvr.l re v iv e frvrm a r is it to Fe lton 's, OphihaltnioOptirianv, 16. I^ndon-rd., S t. Leonards. __ ________ te45

84in. (vae Cnlnn-der rrul E n r in e ; a bar­gain ; suit- Kmall laundry.--379, Bexhiti rd., S t. Lcon ard i,

— oSO

M A B R IA G E S ,S U T C H E R $ - D U N K .- O r Octobar Gtb, 1917,

P eter’s Cn>urnh, S t. Ler/£^rd»><m-S©a, by Stiunw -Jonra, A lbert Butobem. 39th iC a n a d ia n df to ' Mabuo F x udouchOer nf M r. niul M rs. D unk. H I , Bcht^ lH ood, .Si. T#«)tttrda-ott-8ea. B y lii'ence. !

RY I^ A N D S—E W B A N K S M IT H ^ -O n 17th October. M O h rirt Church , ' S t. T^eoenrAs Eri«' C . jRylaTid^ LieutA io iU , R .P .C .. to G reta FlorenL*©. only of M r. esid Mrii. E w b o ck Sm ith , of Ncnnsn-rcod, S i LdonordfromSeo.

D E A T H S .A N D E R S O N - B E R R Y .—C aptain D a rid Donslos Alcdmok^

The R o ya l Soots (Regi^aj: Army)’, only non and euitiP chiLil of Itav id Ajidereoo-Bccry, M.D.,1 F .R A .

I'Edtn.l, F .S .A . iScoL), oed Gortruda, h is vriift. boa 7th Ju ly , ISflO, fe ll oa the m orning of S?ptcmii^u 96tl 1917. ** w hilst guliantly loadmg h u men te ri<ribry ’’ la FloDders. |

B R Y A N T .—In karing in e o w T of our t-wo brethort, killsfi i! i octiod^: H aro ld B rya n t cn A n g u rt 3rd, 1 17, a o i ' Chartes, October 5th, 1917.

W© littlo thongiu ibear tkn a was A o r i Wh©n they oo furkragh oani©:

W lieo to th© F ro n t o fa in they went, jNever to return asnun. 1

Th©ro is a ssure in h'ranc"That- our eyes would like fo ©»», \

>Vherc Ij© our dour brothers |W ho died ‘to v t iw froft. ,

Tboir <^cery ways and ficuihng faooa I*A re plersMc:*. to re c a ll;

Tber©‘s pothiug le ft to ane-wer Hut their piuTt<v» on th© w.ail. I

Inserted bv th e u Invinc Cct<5ber ttth , IM IJ.P IE R S O N .—K ilio d in artiem oa tho Ifitb <

Chrirtophor F ra n k K irsh aw Pivawon, becond-Ljei JR.P.C., (Pikjrf), denrij^loewi >-ouugert: men of th^ R e a Klisb aiw fl'. Pi«v<»n orwl ita=». Pierson, Th e Gwu^piazd, 11, Pt. n e le a ’s Park-road, Hastings. Aged

B E V IS. I N M E M Q R T A M .

over lovimg memory of

F O R W IN T E R .—'VVarv'ed. Furmsheif} F la t (.St axxM; not lev* than 3 bedroom©; rtata berm'i and occom- m odataon.-C .D ., 539, “ Obeerrer ” Offle©, HastiuCT

L A IF Y requarew sm alL se lf-eontaiR^ , fonuslied F V A T ~ bathroom eesenttal; W arrira Square or neighborhood — P artteob rs to Mdv. J .8 . , S7, Gra^l^sarade, S t. Leonards.


F A R M P R O D U C E . P O U L T R Y , E G G S . M I L K . F R U I T , E T C .

A B O U T 10 tons qf Go-;dea M A N G O LD for sate, nut on ra il.—A uply Kent. MaJUng-st., Lewoe. —ol9e

C L O C K V / O R K L A Y E R S have not yet been invent-^" The aext hert thing is a hen which pci.n Karswood Spice daily.—Udwiu Sw©£rtmon> “ The Stores,” Dailington.

____________________ ol9©C X P C R IC N C E O P o ^ r y K«ep<^ kiKm' th© valne^of

O V U M , Tlx>rJoy'8 P oultry Spice, for their poultry- •choir fowU are fOway© healthy and produce an abujidacco of ©gSi.—T o b© obtained from flkixtners, 18, SVeetero-rd. St. I.eonardH, and 70. V id . , Kcrtinfre. * 27 ’

F O R S A L E , Seed Cc»rfi. V ictor Whit© W h ^ t a t 105a. qr., and ^ r l y P ro lific B lack Wia-ter O ats at 8(te. or • seed direct from GartonV last year.—M r. F . Pick' BruvmingK M apor, B ’,ne.kbfjr!». oSt<© *

F R O M Norember lo Maruh last Vraf one poulTrF- keeper averaged f(»ur ecc:.< •weekly from ©arh of h is nia© piUicts thjou«b using Karewood Spice.—E ln h ick and Son, L id ., C o in StoTCK. Cliffs) _ oil©

F O R S A L E , two Chicken Hons«s tint©niiivei,~8ft "x 4ft. fiin. X 4ft. S in .; inside itrrt bcx 'n, etc • exce’lenft cnm tiliOT; priew £ 5 eaoh.-A pp lj- Tl).) GsreJra C<rtlav:cL ower Doraet-T<i., B ex h ill._____________________________ —o30b

F A R M iM P L E M E N T S .—CaanbrWfte R in g Rolfer" *>0 inch, £ l 0 ; Irf>n Hoi:*© H w i. ZOu : Clioin Harrow ■ Hr-j>© R ake. .-62 l» ! . ; wide-wbroJ Mriinaro C art (iron’axtai’ £ 2 lOs : Trac© H arow e. Z0». -, O n le r U orseM , £ 2 10a cam itve paid.—O iU f i i Cr^irt. Pr:lfg.u<.. ol9e" ’

18 O V U M , T h i^ e y ’s Poultry Spice, different te other poultry fpiee©? Y e s . i t is . boraru.© it eontain© all that IS necearary ox doeirabl© for koemag P o n ltrr healthy and obtaining abundano© of ©zpa. Ovrou is arid by Aconts in. all parts in coees eontaining 72 packets. Seven Shining* ;c«^piete ©©«•}. Cart.on8. Is . M . and 8d. each, alao brtgo. cwt. £ 1 16s.. 561hs, 18s. Bd., 2S:i>s. 9t. 6d. Do not forget te use Ovum for your P oultry. teS2

'• ifvCoTwr*W.

-----V..... — ^ deoJl so*Edwuid; A lfrod F ra n k vTcddyii lort.-diki lit© on SJM.flL “ K aw krs” OctobfT 15th, 1914. Horn© uddress, 25, ICrof^ road.—P « r Y loved and s id ly mi»=cd. M om , I DaA Si«t©i»; und Rrofeh r. j

B R O W N .—I u h'vinsr Tnemorv of dear hur^hacd, lanc^ Gonxvfll E . J'. Brown, k illed in action OcteJ>e\'| 13tk 1916.— Gono, but not foigotten.” Frcnaa h « rttroo^ tog 'wif©' ji.Cii rb ildn'ii, 4. PnrLlaad-terrrm-©. B n rw i^ .

C R O U C H .—lu ev.'v lovinc Tenn^D>hr.wice of Johnl tM «cpond;«on of M r. an<l Mr.<- A . tt. Crounh, 146. Monafi ‘ Pieosaut-’ Ofld, who 'rs t Jii« life cm“ Unv^A," ou Oc'lobCT 15th, 1S14. Age 19 years.—‘'osfMf fo jg o U in .’ j

H A R L O T T ,—In. loving hieTrtory of ray son, privnta i H nrlohs Ir t Ooid^t.rrvun Guardr*, vnv- killed in .Tiitic* LSth of 0 <wob«'r. Iffia. in tho Bo4t]o tiM r. an<l Miw. Hcrlot-t, 58, Bardwtuke-ro.wl, lUltOft H r site j^. !

off Uko gr;:©8 jn rt iu h is Knnra. t>H is umrntag « in down at nrx-»n: !\Voej> not. deaj- fitends, i'*.5t jo y ln l 5©,Ar<l that C h rirt h.ns r-rt htiii fr<’©.

H O A D L E Y .—In loving .nunnorj* of Lan<vyCo;W'ilhanij J .fw is llo a d W . only eon nf M r. nad Mv-

•TI'Aidiey. 65. MilvC’ijrd-ioad, wl.'o d iM of ■winmdp, Orirter 19th. 191. .—riT-cr'.y mirssrtl by M irn ;vad Dad. J

M I T C H E L L . - I ii lovinc uwmory of ray dear hneHaod* ly>omirtl I Jiuues M itchvll, 'who pa^^xl <?way. Drtcber 5WL 1915. '

Tw o yeif^ bfwo parked, a'war,B -ii tiiA'' b ritv» no ;

1 tnuvj liim iiH>ro dsp-.W ith aa/lrior. <h>opor {rrief;

The flowors! 1 l:».y up< n hU ersT©1 May viitbcr aad fad^ jfwav. jiB ut hi.«- raomory is »’.s drar t'.vdny |! j\4t in tho hour ho poc-sctl away. j

F H IL P O T T .- - in rver loving and po-md mevnoer of P rivate lle n ry <Vorp^ Phil»iot-t. tbo P ovu l SrujeeX 'R.^-cim^ni, killed in. .v-tiun Ootol-»cr 21st, 1916. Age! 9 . -•Hv-i d ’.itv nobly done, h « i ately jni&srd by h is Fa tb

other. hSirter- . BrotJi-.ve.h i).;on e knows hoiv m uch we inies h im ,

Nbn«* but ai'hing honrts <an ta ll ;H© ifelJ njiou tho fi^W; <»i b^ittl©:

Tbuiik G*.icl >/i dul Id s duty ■wc-i-1. W IL K IN S O N *.—T.n Icrim r hsernn^' <.f m v dear h n sh iiA

Udward Wilkiiii*t>n. of sh ear B arn Fa rm , Fa irliflltl who pawsnd army Ooteher 17th. 1919.—“ Never ?or;rotfe|t*

„ , , , .......................... ■■

M I S C E L L A N E O U S A R T I C L E S — W A N T E D .

A N Y T H IN ^ O F V A L U E .- H o iis e . of Fu rn itu re "or p art; any surplus pnr(‘Jiaw?wl for ^tUsh; bert pri<^giveJi Ibr aiiyrhing ot m arket vnin©.—Reeves nad 5ton. 43, th ‘' olUvrt-evitabliAliod rtrot, iire in the pc* i-tion \o give tlw? host in the d istrict. C a ll or write,lleevL-fl and 3on. 4.3,_ Uartftigj.. _ tr29

B b o t S , S H O E S , KUppere, Coloaheti, L e ^ n ^ s T ^ K'Yts. waid-ed-— c.-t iu 9< c.**-rd., Ha*tiTV8«. tc56

/•VK.’ .4- ...'1 ' C * - T.. .C O P Y cd Chiidrnn’s Entyo.opaoiUa w anteil; juu.-ti rerttmable-—i ’.R .. 485, “ Observer *’ Office, H astings___________________________ _________________________________ __________ c »

GO O D SecoudlnDd Furaitur© , P iau M . etc., bc*a«ht fbv oaeh.—Hedeecoek, W arner, mad Oo., Dover, Prom ptatt^ riO B .__________________ __________________________ ______________o27

H O U S E of F U R N I T U R E or p art w anted; h ig S ^ t price piven by th©|nWU«t estahUsbod H im ; prom pt ca«ib settlement.—Ilecvee aud Son, 43, High^rt., H artiups

tc ^O L D L A W N M O W E R S waoted ter c a r t n ^ a S ^ i lT ’ it;

PnoTy-««t., - ^^07 ’H O U S E S oi Goua b©c<>XMi-haad F U R N I T U R E w a n t^

” , ‘ 'SF** 1'^**’*? P«rohM*d. W e ,r « bnrere of in y th in * iiileaiile.—Brjrant u d Son,. F ttn u tn ie D e a ^ a , 44.45Qaven’R-rd., IlM tiitav. ^^4

H O O d E S O F F .U B N IT U K E or Burpiui letB duT ^ u m toi o w L ; «ooo B n c*» .,iT e ji lo r «Bti()iu fm o im ro ,??■***- ahooMoith^ 0, . . M . , i i jn d n , H u U p , , ; or 78 to d 78,?t»rmaD-ra., Bt. Leooarda._ ________________ tefi

c a s h .—G ood prices piven f^r ^Hare~ V iid Rabbit. S k in e : orders prom ptly attended to.—T . S ra itli. Coal, Coke, and Wood Dealer, 199. Uarold-id ., C live Vata.H astHHft*.____________ pi-f

H E A D Y M O N E Y given tes U id Gold, Jeweilwiy, i« M y : larfa or im oU q iio n titiaa . o lio for paox>,diamoxKu. aud other preoions ato»e«.—Itoee aod Kataa,15, liOnden-rd., ht. Leonards. ___ tcl5' M O L E S F O N S ' -WAcrt<d: .nny q aao tity ; also C ^ ld n s and

PoxvkiUA; higheec m arket prin©«. Beware of t i l i n g with d istant •nnrc.’pnted advcTV>inp firm s.—C harlie H ill , IS. Oraybiooko-ter., Huaringu. ( ,W iio id M iirket on Tue> day^l________________________________^ _______________ 03/

M IL K .—Wonted, D airies rich , well Bflwnrd^. Devopshire D.-viry. B rx h ill.

cooled M ilk .- -o37h

M R S . F E R G U S D N (tin n few Puilete- Whit©Wyandotte. L ip h f ?-w»ex, and Buff O rpinpton; rp;endid winter Joyinc stra j’ ie; A p ril hataited; from Ift*. M . enrh. 1916 birds, thrtraph from 7e. W. Ccctrcrek, 15a.tipwanta; a ll hird-n p»\n4 on airarnral. Vocarscy for pupil. —Mapocer, B u ztad Poultry F v m , Buxted, Soeeex.

* ifiB

M R S. G O D D A R D , H einprteod-etxeet, A rtxtord. K en t. W ard ro b es . w a n te d ; h ig h e st va lu e ; p ro m p t s e it le m e a tt .__________________ i _____________________________________________ ______ nM

FP.1N T 8, BO O K S, o r an y tliin ^ re le tic ? t e M o n ro e w an ted : aJl rep lies answ ered .—P a rk , 15, “ O b eerv er”Oflh’L*. H oetiogs. n 3

S T R A IG H T O EA LTN C .—M t*. M ed h u is t, 35. Lon>- pert-. C an te ib n ry . buye L ad ies ', G o n t’e, an d ChildTen.'*W ardrobe s , top va-.xie; oarriogre forward._______ . oX?

T E E T H , O ld Jow allory , C o rio n tU n , oxtd W ardrobe* b o u g h t; reliab le p r ic e s : value ee u t P .O . by re tu rn of post.—Looock, 309 gjKl 201, Q uaea 'q .td ., lU i t i a g i . t c l fi

TO P P R IC E S P A ID ,—W anted . Offleera* O u tflta , GenV* vMuites, Boote, aud U nd erw ear: a lso Ladies* an d O bildran 'i C om plete W ardrobes. T ee th , O ld Jew ellery , CoiiM CTyolc*. Hoiu«shold L inen . B U nkets , O u ^ i n e . Tronica Bags. G ram ophones. Sevrins B fschluss. J^ra« tical V am en . UMpoeers or purohaeera e a n n o t d o b e ite r . E very s tte n -

i CREM ATION. ROSEWOOD CEM ETERY.T h s Modern Preessv r t Moderate Rates

F o r perffiCUinr* and ticeeasary form s apply tf> TH' S O U T H M E T R O P O L IT A N C E M E T E R Y CO., “Tsiupl© GHainb<*r». London E^C. iTel. C ity 73751.

J . j V I N E & S O N , Ungertakert & Wonumental Watonl

46&94, HIGH ST., HASTINGS, fPnvatei Mortuary. Tele. No. 73 sj

W .j E H I N K L E y HC i H r E N T F R . D E C O ^ W lT O ^ ^ . . |

U l ' n < | > I - S T K R E R , B L I K D i f A K E R . B t» :

pNDERTAKER,5 2 , M o u h t P l e a s a n t R o a d . H a s t i n g s

W O RK S—RMMANTJEL ROAD.T E L E P t l i i N E : N o . 617 . |

t io s KiTMi. C ,l! o r p.«. v il l b r in e m .—Looock, MO u id M l. , Q i i « n ' i ^ . . ^ H 8« tia to . O lr^E oU bU tond . U 7 .

W A N T E D , Jam ,’ i> ic k k ; 3«»ce B O T tU S » .-F U n l . iW. W ^ Im L , S .E.S. ,K e

H . B U R T O N . F u r n i s h i n g Undertaker

StonejField Road, Queen’s Road,T e le p h o n e 4 7 9 Hastings


B R Y A N T & S O N S ,, E N U E B T A K E H S. i

4 5 ,! Q U E E N ’S R O A D , a n d

9 9 , E D Iv iU N D R O | |D , C L IV E V A L E' H A STIN G S. Tele. Illy .

-------- ----------------------------------1

' A ' I >

No. 3132

W h e n c o r n( (

P u b l ic

G - A I E T Y T H E A - x d

3aana5-;r: M R . IT. W , K O W L ijRo^idreut Men

ffO -D A Y ;S A T V E D A V / , O C T O I 7.45:— ^ ■

J j K '• P ’^rrorman'.-^ M E S S TW O O D W A R D 'S CO M PATT

CoiH'.'fly by C y r il |

“ W a n t e d , A

f iO N D A Y , O C T O B E R 20th; — A L T E R A T IO H O F T H E T l j

e j X N IG H T .S a t 7.15, ac<i T W O , 5 A Y and S .^ T U K D A Y , at *-3*l

Sp:^('ial Keturn 'V^

J J B . W .A L T E R U O W A I’.D 'jj G l

" S e v e n D a y s ’ ,

K s r i f * t'j ua;Vu-iiy a t-IfLioiwlon,

IS J l . N O T E T lM E S . - D f >tT. O n

P ricre re. 10 M . T r I . ,317.

D a S T I N G S

0 « araa ; .C®

S O - B A Y Y A T T T P .L 'A Y ). at 3 L .t t ;T T W O P E R F O B

T he A ristc

M O N D A Y . N O V E M B E R 5 th ;— |

Opc'uiii?- of

U U k l C l P A L . W IN T E R O R d

A itc ru ix n Tv-> a n d R efrrflhm dBox B u ll A J-'ys. D iv in ;. |

D i n e m a D ^H A S T IN fi^

T O -D A Y ( .S .V T U rD .'.Y ), Laa t

o i tJi- -\ru’-7 ’■ : —M A JO R T R E N T 'S

J tO N D .A Y . IT T E b D A Y '. »nd W E^

3Sth, 36i.h. and 3U-t: —Samn*‘lson pn

“ I V l l L E S T C

E f AnK-M IV a n e tt and Ed^ar:^r o y a l t y t h e a t r e

ICOO Periornian

T B IT R E D A Y , F R I D A Y , and. SA 'I

“ P e a r l o f t h e IS o . 7, “ F O B T H E S T A R S *

P Eer" Torpedoed Lo re " ("Epii^ de No. T - o f tiio G re

•■BOY s c o u t s : b e

' A N D F E L L “ S T A R ’

CoBtin-acua 2.30 to 10.30.

T t o n e 003.

D e n t r a l P i c t u r i( T H E H O D S E O P :

h a s t i n o s

M O N IIA y . 2901 O C T O B E R . %

I “ T h e P i r G '] |A P o irprin l D ram a .in . 4 .

I F L O R E N G ^ I A' Y .- t h e p u r p l e

SlBiisiAe: « ot tto G r * V V A N D P U L L S T A B P%

ConUuuoio* Perforroaace. . T H U R S D A Y -

A G<4d R rsa te r P A f■__________ ___________ ‘ ---

, ! m e m o r i a l , :

* "Telepton o : Haatins^

S O - D A Y (S .\T U R D A Y 1 : —


Trianglo Dram a in I

ja O If D A Y , O C T O B E R 29 lh ;—

“ ^ T O R M A N D S *A i^-'Wfrfiil Dram a in 5 p a|

D O R O T H Y P H I L I jIP S and

T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 s t:— !

“ T h e M e n s h e

elercit, Drani'i in 5 paxt5, featti

A N D F U L L P R O G R 4

T h e K i n e M a

H O R M A N K O ^ j „ I’ Tti^'phon'i Haat'.r.pft |

M O N D -W ^ ::otii O C TO B ER , r .t t h : |

, ' “ A . M B R O S H

A B lu^ B ird MAsV’rT»ir«”< in. 5 | y r . i A H A L l., th*' 'w<-ndcrfnt

Al»o th*' G ir a t ia« T H E S E C R E T O F T H E ^ S l

I 'ca tiir in .: J U A N IT AIT R 3 T P .P IS p D t

S E U E 3 D A Y . I r t N O V E M B E R , f o r | The G rc;it SuDer-Pic

T he CoB^T tOB. ta i« ;P :ay by

f5ivu’> Hi>ri;u!i

btenoA Fijr-dyk© Xi'jip ‘i-:! 55vail A Po.iciiu-rDc’kiri..6 aB ir G- jr 'C

Irm a Briah

A Je o :—.


' P E A R L O F T H E AI|Episotk' 6. ’ ]M7\JOIt TRENT,

P A T H E 3 ; A N IM A T E D H IS T O R Y - W A R , No. 6.

P O R E I G N M i S1 ______ '

K e v . F r e d e r i c k

■ P .P ..G .S .{Tl;irr.*-Dn-' yvai\< in

- S o m re r ot “ D m l-.e . ..OnjCTl' “ ClUH ilD Oulf.T R* I*|

B U N D A V .i It .O r-C E N T R A L W E S L EE l'N i'.- v v , 1 ii-riv—C--\L.VEi’ r m e m o? tON D V . 7:30—C.A i- V E R T M EM C . ^ i l 'xD W . 7 .3 0 -svt:s l e v . b o u r 3 W Ell'N E-'? iiA V . 7.3C—C E N T R A L \\T*

T O U E S D A Y , ,S .J O - IIO L L IN C T O N

V IS IT O R S C O R D E A J.l v w I

GoUertir^ne for \N’t«l».ytui. F o re a

S u s s e x S o l d i e r s ’

AND C o m f o r t sliifftituted October, W

-{Rec- War Charities Act,!

fl3trrtCE3. K C C K S , and otherthe varioliij Battalions of the Royal r

B o t .a : and S u ^ -x -Mf'uO.ily tnote ou acav©

2 > ‘2 5 5 . 4 i

T V tO M II .L IO N -\N D A | G A R E T T E S A L R E A D Y f

{ O V E RC

E?3sa* i07ta, ijismretters, and other •GifJ aoM-teTB and Sailore meat sraterill-l^


U , E V E R S F I E L D P L A C E . ,S |

C a s t l e U o itS fSLLIH G TO N S Q U A R E , h ]

F a m i l y a n d c o ie f f f T F F - R O O M S. W R IT IN G R O O l

. B I L L I A R D A N D S ye : j c u t x f n t s t a b l i n g a n t

C f i ia ^ IA G E S A N D T R A IN S .


P r ia to d aitd PuhllolMKi wto-^tto.,^ ---------O telr P iin tiiiK Work*. C la re iaoa t, in th« P ariah ' i

every S ata idsy M cis'.a(

H oly T riu icy . lifU riace, i s Lbe Oomuty of dar . ^ P ocoou , U d .

C .4 S T L E H O T E L • A S S E M B L Y

^ X S U t B 'S O T H D A I L Y , b .

a a r s s s a S K S E E W S i ^ ^