A GUIDE TO THE ABC OF ASTROLOGY The basic ingredients that make up a birth chart ¤ Introduction to Astrology ¤ The Planets, their Rulerships, Energies & Patterns ¤ The Zodiac Signs, their Elements & Qualities ¤ The Decans of Astrology ¤ The Horoscope, its Houses & Angles ¤ The Path of the Moon’s Nodes ¤ Forecasting with Astrology

A GUIDE TO THE ABC OF ASTROLOGY...The 12 sections from 0º to 360º of the Zodiac Band or Ecliptic have been named for the constellations, as follows: 0º to 30º of the Zodiac Band

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Page 1: A GUIDE TO THE ABC OF ASTROLOGY...The 12 sections from 0º to 360º of the Zodiac Band or Ecliptic have been named for the constellations, as follows: 0º to 30º of the Zodiac Band



The basic ingredients that

make up a birth chart

¤ Introduction to Astrology ¤ The Planets, their Rulerships, Energies & Patterns ¤ The Zodiac Signs, their Elements & Qualities ¤ The Decans of Astrology ¤ The Horoscope, its Houses & Angles ¤ The Path of the Moon’s Nodes ¤ Forecasting with Astrology

Page 2: A GUIDE TO THE ABC OF ASTROLOGY...The 12 sections from 0º to 360º of the Zodiac Band or Ecliptic have been named for the constellations, as follows: 0º to 30º of the Zodiac Band

©Pauline Gerosa DFAstrolS 2009-2019 - +44 7951 168857 - www.paulinegerosaastrology.com Page 2 of 42


Astrology’s way of seeing things is based on what appears to be happening in the Heavens, looking out from our position on Planet Earth. It seems to us that the sky and everything in it is moving around the Earth in a never ending dance of cycles and patterns. Astrology believes that these celestial cycles and patterns manifest themselves as individual life forms, in order to experience physical existence. The Zodiac Band is based on the star groups along the path of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. While it appears from our viewpoint on Earth that the Sun moves in a 360º circle around the sky, in reality it is the Earth that is taking about 360 days to complete one full orbit of the Sun. The Zodiac Band is a stylised version of the section of the sky along which the Sun appears to travel, known as the Ecliptic. It has been divided into 12 equal sections of 30 degrees each. The 12 sections have been allocated to twelve of the star groups (or constellations) that fall across the path of the Ecliptic. Twelve sections of 30º each add up to the 360º circle that represents what appears to us to be the Sun’s journey across the Heavens above Earth. The 12 sections from 0º to 360º of the Zodiac Band or Ecliptic have been named for the constellations, as follows:

0º to 30º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Aries 30º to 60º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Taurus 60º to 90º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Gemini 90º to 120º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Cancer 120º to 150º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Leo

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150º to 180º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Virgo 180º to 210º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Libra 210º to 240º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Scorpio 240º to 270º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Sagittarius 270º to 310º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Capricorn 310º to 330º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Aquarius 330º to 360º of the Zodiac Band is allocated to Pisces

The 12 Zodiac Star Groups, or Signs, have their own well defined characteristics. Although we can trace meanings of the Zodiac Signs back to Egyptian times and beyond, no one knows their true origins, many of which could be pre-historic.



¤ MERCURY 3 Earth months ¤ VENUS 7 Earth months ¤ EARTH 1 Earth year 365.25 days ¤ MARS almost 2 Earth years ¤ DWARF PLANET CERES just over 41/2 Earth years ¤ JUPITER almost 12 Earth years ¤ SATURN 291/2 Earth years ¤ ASTEROID CHIRON almost 51 Earth years ¤ URANUS 84 Earth years ¤ NEPTUNE 165 Earth years ¤ PLUTO 248 Earth years ¤ DWARF PLANET ERIS 558 Earth years

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Astronomy is the scientific side of our attempt to understand the workings of the skies above our home planet. Astronomy explains how the Sun, Moon, Planets and Constellations move, what they are made of, the distances of time and space between them. The goal of Astronomy is to make real time observations, take material measurements and draw logical conclusions. Astrology takes a philosophical view of the Heavens. It leads us beyond the confines of our physical existence in 3-D reality and turns us into multi-dimensional time travellers. Our birth charts are the maps we have brought along to guide us on our journey. Due of the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the wobble it creates, there is a continual shift in the way the heavens appear from Earth. The constellations seem to move position, so that our solar system planets are aligned to a slightly different backdrop of stars. This effect is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, and is a cycle that takes between 25 & 26 thousand years to complete. Astronomy tracks the planets according to the moving constellations whereas Astrology stays true to the ancient template of the original zodiac band. Astrology accounts for the Precession phenomenon by creating 12 great ages of around two thousand years each. Astrologers believe we are now in a transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. It’s important to realise that the Zodiac is not a logical concept, it is part of a symbolic language that has been used through the Ages to help us interpret Life’s mysteries. It’s difficult to prove Astrology “works” in scientific terms, because its nature is not pragmatic, it is philosophical.

"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you" Dane Rudhyar

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It is very time consuming to draw up an astrology chart by hand, although you can do a rough, back-of-the-envelope calculation from the planetary placements for each day, as listed in an Ephemeris. This gives the daily positions for the planets at noon or at midnight through the centuries – moving both backwards and forwards through time. There are several on-line sites that offer free Ephemerides which allow you to search for planetary placements on the date you are looking for. Here is an example of placements at noon Universal Time on 21 March 1983. The first row gives the name of the heavenly body and the 2nd row gives its position in degrees and minutes against the zodiac band:








03°Scorpio20' R

An ephemeris will not give you the angles and house cusps of the horoscope as these will need to be calculated according to the individual time, date and place of birth. You could use a basic blank horoscope template and insert the planets according to the zodiac positions. You will soon get used to guesstimating which signs will be Rising (or ascending), on the Midheaven (MC), Setting (descending) and on the Base (IC) of the chart. You can use the Horoscope Wheel section of this manual to help you understand how the zodiac band appears to rotate from east to west around the Earth. The easier and more accurate way to cover calculation is to purchase apps and programs that will compute horoscopes and birth charts for you. Some of them even have built-in interpretations, for example: Astro Gold Software https://www.astrogold.io/

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ARIES 1st Sign of the Zodiac

ARIES ENERGY IS Yang - Cardinal (goal-oriented) - Fire (energetic)

influenced by Planet Mars

ARIES ARE * Active * Ardent * Brave * Bouncy * Competitive * Direct * * Enthusiastic * Impatient * Impetuous * Impulsive * Independent * Lively

* Romantic *** WINNERS! ***

TAURUS 2nd Sign of the Zodiac

TAURUS ENERGY IS Yin - Fixed (controlled) - Earth (practical)

influenced by Planet Venus

TAUREANS ARE * Calming * Capable * Comfortable * Down-to-Earth * * Leisurely * Natural * Resourceful * Sensual * Steady * Stubborn *

* Talented *** TRANQUIL ***

GEMINI 3rd Sign of the Zodiac

GEMINI ENERGY IS Yang - Mutable (adaptable) - Air (rational)

influenced by Planet Mercury

GEMINIS ARE * Alert * Brainy * Bright * Chatty * Clever * * Communicative * Intelligent * Inquisitive * Interesting * Multi-taskers *

* Networkers *** QUICK LEARNERS ***

CANCER 4th Sign of the Zodiac

CANCER ENERGY IS Yin - Cardinal (goal-oriented) - Water (emotional)

influenced by The Moon

CANCERIANS ARE * Caring * Creative * Domestic * Instinctive * * Intuitive * Moody * Motherly * Nurturing * Protective * Productive *

* Self-defensive *** SHY ***

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LEO 5th Sign of the Zodiac

LEO ENERGY IS Yang - Fixed (controlled) - Fire (energetic)

influenced by The Sun

LEOS ARE * Assertive * Big personalities * Cheerful * Confident * * Generous * Magnificent * Open-hearted * Playful * Proud *

* Self-assured *** SUNNY ***

VIRGO 6th Sign of the Zodiac

VIRGO ENERGY IS Yin - Mutable (adaptable) - Earth (practical)

influenced by Planet Mercury

VIRGOS ARE * Able * Competent * Conscientious * Detailed * Diligent * Effective *

* Hard-working * Modest * Nervous * Obsessive * Quick-witted * *** VERSATILE ***


7th Sign of the Zodiac

LIBRA ENERGY IS Yang - Cardinal (goal-oriented) - Air (rational)

influenced by Planet Venus

LIBRANS ARE * Artistic * Agreeable * Analytical * Charming * Diplomatic * Fair * Impartial * Indecisive * Irresolute * Persuasive * Polite * Refined *

*** STYLISH ***

SCORPIO 8th Sign of the Zodiac

SCORPIO ENERGY IS Yin - Fixed (controlled) - Water (emotional)

influenced by Planet Pluto

SCORPIOS ARE * Aloof * Charismatic * Complex * Intense * Instinctive * * Loyal * Passionate * Powerful * Private * Restrained * Secretive *


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SAGITTARIUS 9th Sign of the Zodiac

SAGITTARIUS ENERGY IS Yang - Mutable (adaptable) - Fire (energetic)

influenced by Planet Jupiter

SAGITTARIANS ARE * Adventurous * Alert * Explorers * Intelligent * * Knowledgeable * Optimistic * Outdoorsy * Philosophical * Questing *

* Restless *** TRAVELLERS ***

CAPRICORN 10th Sign of the Zodiac

CAPRICORN ENERGY IS Yin - Cardinal (goal-oriented) - Earth (practical)

influenced by Planet Saturn

CAPRICORNS ARE * Ambitious * Aspirational * Classy * Disciplined * * Exacting * Mature * Obedient * Organised * Patient * Responsible *

* Status-conscious *** TRADITIONAL ***

AQUARIUS 11th Sign of the Zodiac

AQUARIUS ENERGY IS Yang - Fixed (controlled) - Air (rational)

influenced by Planet Uranus

AQUARIANS ARE * Democratic * Different * Freedom-loving * Friendly * * Futuristic * Inventive * Humanitarian * Original * Rebellious *

* Unconventional *** UNIQUE ***

PISCES 12th Sign of the Zodiac

PISCES ENERGY IS Yin - Mutable (adaptable) - Water (emotional)

influenced by Planet Neptune

PISCEANS ARE * Delicate * Dreamy * Expressive * Inspirational * Intuitive * Kindly *

* Naïve * Receptive * Sensitive * Sympathetic * Vague * *** VISIONARY ***

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ZODIAC SIGNS, THEIR ELEMENTS & QUALITIES The balance of elements in a birth chart influences the person’s character and the way they live their life. The balance of qualities in a birth chart influences the person’s energy and the way they express it.

ARIES Fire + Cardinal goal-oriented active energy Aries is lively & independent but can be impatient

LEO Fire + Fixed = controlled active energy Leo is focussed & confident but can be bossy

SAGITTARIUS Fire + Mutable = flexible active energy Sagittarius is adaptable & adventurous but can be restless

TAURUS Earth + Fixed = controlled practical energy Taurus is talented & resourceful but can be stubborn

VIRGO Earth + Mutable = flexible practical energy Virgo is versatile & efficient but can be nervous

CAPRICORN Earth + Cardinal = goal-oriented practical energy Capricorn is self-disciplined & ambitious but can be materialistic

GEMINI Air + Mutable = flexible mental energy Gemini is quick & clever but can be evasive

LIBRA Air + Cardinal = goal-oriented mental energy Libra is cultured & charming but can be indecisive

AQUARIUS Air + Fixed = controlled mental energy Aquarius is strong minded & original but can be eccentric

CANCER Water + Cardinal = goal-oriented emotional energy Cancer is caring & creative but can be moody

SCORPIO Water + Fixed = controlled emotional energy Scorpio is strong & intense but can be obsessive

PISCES Water + Mutable = flexible emotional energy Pisces is sensitive & visionary but can be unrealistic

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THE PLANETS AND THEIR ENERGIES In astrology, the Heavenly Bodies (Sun, Moon, Planets, Asteroids, etc.) are seen as the carriers and catalysts of consciousness.

THE SUN’S energy has an uplifting, enlivening effect but it can also be overpowering & all-consuming

THE MOON’S energy enhances emotions, instincts and intuition but it can also create moodiness & irritability

MERCURY’S energy aids communication & information exchange but it can also be dishonest & misleading

the energy of VENUS smiles on those who are fair, talented & resourceful but it can be comfort-loving, passive & submissive

the energy of MARS boosts bravery and physical prowess but it can also be aggressive & impatient

the energy of CERES favours fertility & productivity but it can also be wasteful & inefficient

JUPITER’S energy promotes positivity, optimism & exploration but it can also be careless, restless & reckless

SATURN’S energy offers order, ambition, structure & discipline but it can also be fearful, pessimistic & negative

CHIRON’S energy has a kind, helpful & healing quality but it can also be weak & self-pitying

THE ENERGY OF URANUS is evolutionary, unique and innovative but can also be rebellious, eccentric & obstinate

NEPTUNE’S energy is visionary, imaginative & inspirational but it can be unrealistic, vague & confusing

PLUTO’S energy has the potential to regenerate & transform but it can also be ruthless, abusive & destructive

the energy of ERIS is feisty & assertive but it can cause hostility & conflict.

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The Planets interact with each other via the patterns they create in the skies above Earth. They also work with the energies of the Zodiac Signs & Horoscope Houses as they pass through them. Rulership is another important channel through which the heavenly bodies express themselves.


The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are each linked to one or more of the 12 zodiac signs. They are said to rule, direct or influence the signs or signs they are associated with.


When the Sun rules or influences a planet or point in the birth chart, it has an enlivening effect. It brings warmth and self-assurance and provides a sense of playfulness, fun and joyful generosity. But it can also create energy that is demanding and domineering. The Sun is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Leo. This is because the strong, confident and charismatic qualities in both create a natural affinity between them.


When the Moon rules or controls a planet or point in the birth chart it has an emotional effect. It strengthens the unseen energies of instinct intuition and imagination and it underlines the influence of moods memories and impressions. While this increases natural creativity it also causes negative feelings and insecurities. The Moon is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Cancer. This is because the fertile, nurturing and protective qualities in both create a natural affinity between them.


When Mercury rules or influences a planet or point in the birth chart, it has an informative impact. It brings curiosity and cleverness, the ability to communicate, and a love of learning. But it also creates a tendency to skim across the surface of subjects and to spread rumours that may not be true. Mercury’s influence on placements in your birth chart makes the efficient and effective organisation of information especially important, but it can also create a tendency to worry too much about every tiny detail. Mercury is said to rule or to direct the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. Gemini has a natural affinity with Mercury because of the adaptable, agile, communicative qualities they share. The natural affinity between

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Mercury and Virgo is due to the quick, neat and efficient characteristics they share.


When Venus rules or influences a planet or point in the birth chart, it has a harmonising effect. It brings the capacity to co-operate and collaborate, an ability to apply natural talents and enjoy the comforts they bring, and a love of all things beautiful. But Venus can also create a tendency to avoid anything unpleasant, to follow the line of least resistance and choose the most comfortable or easiest options. Venus is said to rule or to direct the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. Taurus has an affinity with Venus because of its resourcefulness and love of natural beauty. The link between Venus and Libra is created by the love of harmony and appreciation of artistic beauty they share.


When Mars rules or influences a planet or point in the birth chart, it has an energising effect. It brings motivation, drive and enthusiasm, an ability to set and win goals and a love of competition. But it also creates impatience and aggression as well as a tendency to push too hard. Mars is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Aries. Aries has a natural affinity with Mars because of the active, independent & self-motivated qualities they share.


When Jupiter rules or influences a planet or point in the birth chart, it has a positive impact. It brings optimism and hope, an ability to move forward and a love of exploration and adventure. But it also creates a restless quality that can cause a tendency to take reckless risks. Jupiter is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Sagittarius which has a natural affinity with the great planet because of the positive, optimistic, expansive and philosophical qualities they share.


When Saturn rules or influences a planet or point in the birth chart, it has a maturing effect. It brings the capacity to commit to long term ambitions, an ability to plan ahead and a respect for hard work and effort. But it also creates doubts, fears and inhibitions as well as strong concerns about what other people think. Saturn is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Capricorn. The sign and the planet share qualities of ambition, patience, maturity and self-discipline.

When Uranus rules or influences a key planet or point in the birth chart, it has an unconventional, innovative impact. It brings the capacity to cope with unexpected change, an ability to invent new solutions to old problems and a love of liberty, fraternity and

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equality. But it also creates a tendency to rebel against routines, rules and restrictions. Uranus is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Aquarius because of their shared qualities of originality and inventiveness and their shared love of freedom, equality and friendship.


When Neptune rules or influences a key planet or point in the birth chart, it has an inspirational impact. It brings the capacity to dream, visualise and imagine, an ability to see beyond the material plane and a love of all things ethereal. But it also creates a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the harsh realities of life and a yearning to escape from them. Neptune is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Pisces. Pisces has a natural affinity with Neptune because they are both connected to the realms of imagination, dreams, and visions. They also share the quality of empathy and the ability to transcend physical boundaries.


When Pluto rules or influences a key planet or point in the birth chart, it has an empowering effect. It brings the capacity to cope with challenge, an ability to see beneath the surface of most situations and a respect for loyalty and integrity. But it also creates a tendency to be too intense, to dive too deep and to make life more complicated than it needs to be. Pluto is said to rule or to direct the zodiac sign of Scorpio because they share the quality of power and the potential for transformation.





DWARF PLANET CERES orbits between Mars and Jupiter and represents the human qualities of creativity, fertility and nurturing. This could be linked with the Moon and therefore Ceres may be considered as co-ruler of the creative sign of Cancer. However, because Ceres has a strong association with farming and harvesting, she could also be linked to the sign of Virgo. ASTEROID CHIRON orbits between Saturn and Uranus and represents the human qualities of healing and the urge to help others deal with their problems. This creates a natural link between Chiron and the zodiac sign Virgo, which likes to be of use to others and which often features in the horoscopes of healer. Chiron is named for the Greek healer and philosopher who was half man, half horse. Chiron (or Kheiron) was a wounded healer or one who healed by drawing on his own painful experiences. His philosophical quality

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and his ability to guide others from his own knowledge and experience as well as his centaur-like appearance links Chiron to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. ERIS AS CO-RULER OF ARIES & SCORPIO? Eris has not been officially assigned as ruler to any of the zodiac signs as yet but I would connect Eris to the feisty quality of Aries and also to the confrontational characteristics of Scorpio. Before the discovery of Pluto, Aries and Scorpio shared being ruled by Mars and the two signs have quite a lot in common. They both possess a strong fighting spirit and their inner Warriors live quite close to the surface of their personalities! For this reason, I would say these signs have a natural affinity with Eris.


Planets never move backwards in reality but they can appear to do so at times when their orbits interact with Earth’s in a certain way. Astrologers look at what appears to be happening in the sky from a symbolic point of view which is why traditional Astrology believes that when a planet appears to be moving in reverse, or against its normal direction, then its energies must be doing the same. But now we know that these retrograde “loops” cause beautiful, creative patterns of Cosmic Consciousness.

People born with Mercury Retrograde might appear slower than others at coping with fast-paced learning but they are excellent at digesting facts and re-introducing them in a more imaginative form. They process information retrospectively and they prefer to review and revise any data they’ve been given. There could be a strong element of right brain (creative, artistic, intuitive) influence on their thought patterns. Here are some famous examples of highly successful people born with Mercury Retrograde: entrepreneur and inventor Steve Jobs, first man in space and the first human to orbit the Earth Yuri Gagarin & first American astronaut to orbit the Earth John Glenn, singer songwriters Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Lady Gaga.

People born with Venus Retrograde might take longer to choose who to partner up with and what to do with their talents. It is likely that they will wish to be absolutely fair and just in their dealings with others and they’d rather agree than argue. If that’s not possible, they may choose to stay away from relationships, or at least to retreat from them until they feel ready to try again. They admire craftsmanship and they’ll prefer to put their abilities to use

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in ways that demonstrate loyalty and commitment to their art rather than display results they don’t value. For this reason, there could be an ebb and flow in their engagement with their own creativity. Talented names born with Venus retrograde include: Audrey Hepburn, Mariah Carey, Kate Moss, Jodie Foster, Ellen DeGeneres, Robert DeNiro, Julio Iglesias, Jack Nicholson

People born with Mars Retrograde should ignore any fatalistic warnings from old-fashioned astrology about how people with this placement in their birth charts are unlikely to get much done. World champion athletes Michael Jordan (basketball) and Billie Jean King (tennis) were born with Mars retrograde. And how about Mikhail Baryshnikov, the famous Russian ballet dancer who combined strength and grace in his spellbinding performances? These individuals did not shy away from the effort, persistence and determination it took to develop their personal strengths and to overcome any weaknesses that threatened to hold them back from gaining their goals.

People born with Jupiter Retrograde could doubt their ability to rise to the occasion or to make the most of any opportunities that come their way. They may not recognise that they have a knack for being in the right place at the right time with the right thing. There could be a tendency for them to lack faith in the protection and guidance that is theirs for the asking so that their life journey – however enthralling or exciting – seems lonely and unrequited in some way. Three famous names who were born with Jupiter Retrograde – Elton John, Steve Jobs and Donald Trump – have all had extremely interesting life stories. Each in his way has been a pioneer, treading his own path on his own terms. Yet there’s a sense of restless longing, of something yet to be discovered or accomplished. Standing still is never an option with this planetary placement.

People born with Saturn Retrograde have a tendency to prioritise their fears about life and doubt their ability to attain their goals. They might judge themselves quite harshly, withholding praise even when they richly deserve it. This lack of self-belief makes it more difficult to achieve their ambitions and the effort involved in overcoming this obstacle can seem impossibly hard. There’s an expectation that they will fail, so why bother to try? This is a good quotation for them to remember: “The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” Roy T. Bennett

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ELEMENTS OF ASTROLOGY Elements play an important role in defining characteristics &

energies. They also help to explain compatibility (or lack of it) between different personality types.


FIRE (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius) Fire signs are instinctive and enthusiastic

EARTH (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)

Earth signs are practical and reliable

AIR (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius) Air signs are logical and communicative

WATER (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)

Water signs are intuitive and emotional The balance of elements in your birth chart influences your

character and the way you live your life. If there is an emphasis of one element in your horoscope, you will be able to use it naturally, without any deliberate effort. You will take it for granted and use it without being aware that you are doing so. The lack of an element might make you try to compensate for its absence by over-stressing it in some way. You could also be attracted to people who express the characteristics of your missing element very strongly.

Element of Fire in your birth chart



The element of FIRE helps you to be courageous, enthusiastic and adventurous but it can also make you reckless, restless & impatient. Fire provides drive, positivity, and self-belief although its energy can sometimes come across as demanding, or arrogant. An emphasis on fire signs in your birth chart would make you naturally energetic. You have plenty of initiative, vitality and self-confidence. Self-promotion should come easily to you as it’s not difficult for you to put yourself forward or to ask for attention. Self-motivation shouldn’t be a problem unless your confidence levels are low, or your self-belief has been undermined in some way. A lack of personal planets in fire signs in your birth chart might make it difficult for you to act spontaneously or to take the initiative. It could be a push to promote yourself and you may need training in marketing techniques.

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Element of Earth in your birth chart



The element of EARTH helps you deal with real life situations but can make you materialistic and status conscious. Earth provides stability, common sense and practicality although its energy can also be dull, dutiful and unimaginative. An emphasis on earth signs in your birth chart would give a sensible streak and a down-to-earth attitude. You don’t doubt your ability to find functional solutions to most problems, especially when you’re dealing with practical issues. Your talents come in handy when there’s something that needs sorting out, or when material matters are in a mess. A lack of personal planets in earth signs in your birth chart could make it difficult for you to trust your ability to cope with ordinary, everyday or routine issues. As you are not a naturally pragmatic person, you might try to be super organised in an effort to stabilise yourself and stay in control.

Element of Air in your birth chart



The element of AIR helps you with the understanding, processing and communication of information but can make you dismissive of data from your emotions, imagination, instincts & intuition. Air provides clarity and perspective although its energy can be cold and unsympathetic. An emphasis on air signs in your birth chart would give you a natural aptitude for communication. Good at processing information, it’s easy for you to absorb data and to pass on what you’ve learned. You’re also able to make connections between thoughts, ideas and abstract concepts, which makes you a skilled networker, negotiator and innovator. A lack of personal planets in air signs in your birth chart might make it difficult for you to trust your academic or intellectual ability. You may struggle with conventional learning methods and you could doubt your ability to communicate ideas or get your viewpoint across. You might have a tendency to over-analyse information.

Element of Water in your birth chart



The element of WATER makes you imaginative and intuitive and helps you to express empathy for others. But it can also cause hyper-emotional reactions, moodiness and a tendency to be overwhelmed by feelings, impressions & memories. Water provides creativity although its energy can be chaotic and confusing. An emphasis on water signs would make you emotionally expressive. You experience the world through your imagination, instincts and intuition. It comes naturally to you to empathise with others as you find it easy to identify with their characters and circumstances. So long as your goals provide you with emotional satisfaction you’ll flow along, supported by your own feelings of fulfilment. A lack of personal planets in water signs in your birth chart could make it difficult for you to deal with strong emotions, which tend to overwhelm and confuse you. You may feel that academic

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knowledge is more valid than the information you receive from your imagination, instincts and intuition.


The elements of the 12 zodiac signs are used in assessing basic compatibility between the zodiac signs. They can help you understand: ¤ what you are looking for in a relationship ¤ who you are attracted to and why ¤ who tends to be attracted to you and why

Fire with Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius share an enthusiastic and optimistic approach to life, but there might be fierce competition amongst themselves for centre stage.

Fire with Earth: Fire Signs can create extremely productive relationships with Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn so long as their roles are clearly defined and properly rewarded.

Fire with Air: Fire Signs are naturally attracted to Air Signs Gemini, Libra & Aquarius as these elements complement each other very well. Timing is important, however as things can happen too fast & misunderstandings can occur.

Fire with Water: Fire Signs combined with Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces is quite a steamy mix! There’s loads of emotion and excitement although it can be draining and exhausting too.

Earth with Earth: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn share an interest in practical projects and tangible results, but they can encourage each other to get over-involved with material matters.

Earth with Air: Earth Signs with Air Signs Gemini, Libra & Aquarius can be a bit dry unless there are shared interests, ideals and activities to provide the passion.

Earth with Water: Earth Signs with Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces can be very satisfying on all levels: physical, mental and emotional. But it can get too exclusive, making others feel left out

Air with Air: Gemini, Libra & Aquarius share an interest in information and communication, but if everyone is speaking their own words or thinking their own thoughts, who’s listening?

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Air with Water: Air Signs can work well with Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces when there is a sharing of creative ideas. Air signs help the water signs to put their ideas into words, and water signs help air signs to express their imagination.

Water with Water: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces share a caring and imaginative view of the world, but things can get over-emotional and blown out of proportion.

QUALITIES OF ASTROLOGY Qualities define the nature of the driving forces behind the zodiac

signs. They modify the character of the four elements described above, dividing each element into three different qualities. They also play an important role in the way zodiac signs interact.


CARDINAL or GOAL-ORIENTED Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn Cardinal energy is dynamic but can be impatient

FIXED or CONTROLLED Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius

Fixed energy is loyal but can be stubborn

MUTABLE or FLEXIBLE Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces Mutable energy is adaptable but can be chaotic

The balance of qualities in your birth chart influences your energy

and the way you express it. If there is an emphasis of one quality in your birth chart, you will take it for granted and use it without being aware that you are doing so. You will be able to use it naturally, without any deliberate effort on your part. If you lack a quality or qualities, you may strive to compensate for their absence, or be drawn to people who display them very obviously.

The qualities of the 12 zodiac signs can help you to understand:

¤ what type of profession or vocation you might be best suited to ¤ what kind of lifestyle you tend to be most comfortable with ¤ how to work with your natural energy flow and direct it

effectively ¤ how ambitious, determined and adaptable you are

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CARDINAL (goal-oriented) energy helps you to stay active and goal-oriented and keeps you motivated. But it can also create impatience and a tendency to get disappointed if things don’t happen as quickly as you expect them to. A lack of personal planets in cardinal signs in your birth chart would make it hard for you to motivate yourself. The difficult bit for you would be the initial launching of your ideas or getting started on your projects. You may also struggle with identifying aims & objectives, and you might insist on pushing yourself to pursue goals even when you are not sure they are the right ones for you.



FIXED (controlled) energy helps you in situations that demand patience, persistence, loyalty and commitment. But it can also make you stubborn, inflexible and intolerant of situations you don’t identify with. A lack of personal planets in fixed signs in your birth chart would make it difficult for you to plan for the long term, or to stay committed to your causes. Your progress may be defined by short term objectives or temporary measures and you might struggle in situations that call for a slower pace. There could be a tendency to over-compensate for this missing quality by trying to control outcomes rather than having the patience to let them to unfold in their own time.



MUTABLE (flexible) Mutable energy helps you to adapt to changing circumstances and keep all your options open. But it can also cause lack of focus and a tendency to waste energy or spread it too thinly. A lack of personal planets in mutable signs in your birth chart would make it difficult for you to adapt to changing circumstances. You could tend not to make provision for unforeseen events so that they would take you by surprise and unsettle you. you may also struggle with seeing how to diversify from your current situation, lifestyle or methods of doing things. You might try to make up for this absence of flexibility by considering possible alternatives and planning potential modifications to your projects before you commit to them.


Traditional Astrology used to believe that it would be difficult for signs of the same Quality to get on with one another. This view was based on what was judged to be hard or challenging patterns between the signs. In the days when astrology took a more fatalistic and less free will approach, angles of 90 or 180 degrees between two signs were seen as very difficult. Actually they are perfectly capable of bringing out the best in one another. But relationships

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between them can test both partners, as disagreements can arise when their energies clash or turn confrontational.

Cardinal Sign Partnerships It’s a question of priorities. The four cardinal signs share an enthusiasm for setting goals and the potential for encouraging one another to achieve their aims. Difficulties would arise if the cardinal urge to compete cropped up, creating rivalry within the relationship about who should lead and who should follow. There’s also the problem about whose ambitions are more important, and there could be quite a lot of argument about whose turn it is to take precedence.

Fixed Signs Partnerships It’s a question of dignity. The four fixed signs share the same values when it came to loyalty and perseverance. Most difficulties within their relationships would be caused by stubborn pride and a reluctance to concede to one another’s point of view. But as both of them are interested in staying involved for the long term, they are prepared to invest time and energy in trying to reconcile their differences.

Mutable Sign Partnerships It’s a question of focus. The four mutable signs share the ability to adjust and adapt to changing circumstances, which ensures that life remains mobile and interesting. Difficulties would be caused by a lack of clarity, or an inability to be obvious about what both partners expected from the relationship. It’s possible that they could wander off in diverse directions without identifying when, where, how and why they were going to meet up again!


THE SUN in your birth chart

The Sun reveals the real you, your true identity and your true potential. The Sun is the hero or heroine of your Life’s story. It shows the influence important male role models have had on you and how they have helped to shape your character. Most people can relate to their Sun Sign qualities and characteristics which they are usually able to recognise and control.

THE MOON in your birth chart

The Moon reveals your secret self, your instincts, emotions, feelings and memories. The Moon describes your origins, your family, your early upbringing and its effect on you. It also explains how you have been influenced by important female role models. Most people are not aware of their Moon sign characteristics and therefore they are not so easy to recognise or control.

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PLANET MERCURY in your birth chart

Mercury tells you about your mind and the way it works, the way you absorb and process information and how you express your ideas. Mercury describes your early learning experience and childhood connections with siblings, school pals and local community. Mercury also points to the Wheeler-Dealer in you and how easy or difficult it is to market yourself and your ideas.

PLANET VENUS in your birth chart

Venus tells you about your attitude to relationships and the type of partners you tend to be attracted to. Venus also reveals your true talents and abilities – the natural resources that will help make your life more comfortable, enjoyable and creative. Venus tells you a lot about the most important relationship in your life – the one you have with Yourself. The position of Venus in your birth chart will show how well you value and esteem yourself and whether or not you think you deserve to receive the good things of life.

PLANET MARS in your birth chart

Mars describes how you identify your goals and set out to win them. Mars shows your emotional drive and your levels of physical stamina. The birth chart position of Mars describes the ebb and flow of your energy. It also reveals how independent, courageous and motivated you are and how determined you are to get what you want.


birth chart

Ceres is a large asteroid or dwarf planet orbiting between Mars & Jupiter. She was named after the Roman Goddess of fertility, farming & motherhood. The birth chart position of Ceres shows how fertile and productive you are. Ceres also reveals your ability to nurture and be nurtured and can describe your relationship with food. Ceres may also point to your potential as a green-fingered gardener.

PLANET JUPITER in your birth chart

Jupiter shows how you make the most of opportunity and good fortune. The birth chart position of Jupiter describes how optimistic and adventurous you are. It reveals how you explore the world around you and how you expand your knowledge through experience. It shows what you believe in and how your belief systems influence your progress through life.

PLANET SATURN in your birth chart

Saturn tells you about your ability to work with structure and discipline. It shows how ambitious and status-conscious you are and also describes your relationship with authority. The birth chart position of Saturn describes how you have had to cope with difficult circumstances. Saturn also shows where you will be tested until you learn to overcome what you fear most and therefore what restricts you most.

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THE OUTER (GENERATIONAL) PLANETS Because the outer Planets take so long to orbit the Sun, they are seen to influence your life via the Horoscope Houses, Planetary Patterns & Rulerships of your Birth Chart. Their placements in zodiac signs are interpreted for your generation rather than on a personal level.

ASTEROID CHIRON in your birth chart

Chiron is an asteroid rather than a planet but its astrological influence remains strong. Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer and it represents your capacity for healing yourself and for helping to heal others. The ability to heal extends to all life forms: mineral, plant, animal and human and includes the Planet itself. The birth chart position of Chiron shows where you may have been wounded in the past, or what kind of wounded-ness could have been inherited through your ancestral line.

PLANET URANUS in your birth chart

Uranus describes what it is about you that is unique and original and what makes you different from everyone else. The birth chart position of Uranus shows your ability to evolve and describes how you respond and adapt to sudden changes in your circumstances or environment. Uranus can also explain situations where you behave like a misfit, rebel or evolutionist. It points to the areas of your life where you feel the greatest need for freedom.

PLANET NEPTUNE in your birth chart

Neptune describes what inspires you and shows how your dreams and visions influence the choices you make. The birth chart position of Neptune shows how sympathetic you are, and how easy it is for you to empathise with others. It can also warn against a tendency to be too sensitive and easily influenced by other peoples’ energies.

PLANET PLUTO in your birth chart

Pluto shows the extent of your personal power and defines how comfortable you feel with it. The birth chart position of Pluto explains how you work with power in order to transform into a more potent and effective version of yourself as – like a snake – you outgrow and shed the skins of earlier stages in your Life. Pluto has a natural affinity with the Death Card in the Tarot. It symbolises tough but transformational experiences which may take you through the dark night of the soul but which enable you to rise triumphant, like a Phoenix from the ashes.

Astrologers are still gathering experience of working with Eris, the newly discovered dwarf planet of our solar system. Eris has been named for the Greek goddess of War, Strife & Disharmony. The birth chart position of Eris shows how capable you are of standing up for

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DWARF PLANET ERIS in your birth


yourself. She brings out the Warrior in you, even at the cost of creating war and strife in your life. Eris is great for helping you to battle the bits of yourself that are out of harmony with who you really want to be.


The horoscope is based on the earth’s daily turn on its axis and its yearly orbit around the sun. Although from our position on Earth, the sky appears to move around us in a clockwise direction once per day, in fact it is the Earth that is rotating in an anti-clockwise direction around a line drawn through the North and South Poles of the planet, known as an axis. One full turn of the Earth around its axis in relation to the position of the stars is called a Sidereal Day, which is 4 minutes short of 24 hours. One full turn of the Earth around its axis in relation to the position of the Sun is called a Solar Day, which is 24 hours. The Horoscope is a diagram illustrating the movement of the Earth. Each day, the Earth has moved further along its annual orbit around the Sun, and the sky looks a little different. And while the Earth is moving, so is the Moon and the other Planets of the Solar System. The Horoscope Wheel shows how they appear to be placed against the constellations of the Zodiac Band as the Earth revolves on its axis every 24 hours As the Earth turns on its axis during the course of a day, the appearance of the sky changes according to your geographical position. The sky, which is represented in astrology by the horoscope wheel, seems to turn in a clockwise direction. The whole sky and everything in it – Moon, Sun, Planets, Stars and Constellations – appears to rise in the East and set in the West.

Astrology divides the 24 hour period of one day into 4 main


1. from midnight to sunrise 2. from sunrise to midday 3. from midday to sunset 4. from sunset to midnight

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Each of the four sections is then divided into 3, giving 12 divisions in total. These divisions are called Horoscope Houses. As the Earth moves along its orbit during the course of a year, the Sun will appear to rise and set in different sections of the Zodiac Band.

¤ At March Equinox, Sun will appear to rise in Aries & set in Libra.

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¤ At June Solstice, Sun will appear to rise in Cancer & set in Capricorn.

¤ At September Equinox, Sun will appear to rise in Libra & set in Aries.

¤ At December Solstice, Sun will appear to rise in Capricorn & set in Cancer.


Each Horoscope house is allocated to a Zodiac Sign. This basic allocation of houses to signs never changes and forms an underlying template for birth chart interpretation. The signs on the horoscope houses will change, following on from the apparent position of the Sun against the Zodiac Band and the actual position of the Earth on its orbit around the Sun. But whatever signs are on the beginning (or cusp) of the 12 horoscope houses, we still refer back to the underlying template of the horoscope houses for interpretation purposes.

¤ 1ST HOUSE is allocated to Planet MARS, zodiac sign ARIES,

element FIRE, quality CARDINAL, energy YANG ¤ 2ND HOUSE is allocated to Planet VENUS, zodiac sign TAURUS,

element EARTH, quality FIXED, energy YIN ¤ 3RD HOUSE is allocated to Planet MERCURY, zodiac sign

GEMINI, element AIR, quality MUTABLE, energy YANG ¤ 4TH HOUSE is allocated to THE MOON, zodiac sign CANCER,

element WATER, quality CARDINAL, energy YIN ¤ 5TH HOUSE is allocated to THE SUN, zodiac sign LEO, element

FIRE, quality FIXED, energy YANG ¤ 6TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet MERCURY, zodiac sign VIRGO,

element EARTH, quality MUTABLE, energy YIN

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¤ 7TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet VENUS, zodiac sign LIBRA, element AIR, quality CARDINAL, energy YANG

¤ 8TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet PLUTO, zodiac sign SCORPIO, element WATER, quality FIXED, energy YIN

¤ 9TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet JUPITER, zodiac sign SAGITTARIUS, element AIR, quality MUTABLE, energy YANG

¤ 10TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet SATURN, zodiac sign CAPRICORN, element EARTH, quality CARDINAL, energy YIN

¤ 11TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet URANUS, zodiac sign AQUARIUS, element AIR, quality FIXED, energy YANG

¤ 12TH HOUSE is allocated to Planet NEPTUNE, zodiac sign PISCES, element WATER, quality MUTABLE, energy YIN


A horoscope becomes more detailed when it is drawn up for a particular time and place. The starting place is the Rising Sign or Ascendant, which represents the segment of sky rising in the East at the Time of Birth. The wheel is then divided into 12 segments or houses, to represent different areas of human life. Each of the houses starts and finishes with lines called cusps. Your personal horoscope is based on your time, date and place of birth. If you do not know your time of birth, your horoscope will be created without house cusps, using your date and place of birth. The 12 horoscope houses represent the areas of interest and activity in your life. If there are no Planets or Nodes working directly through a horoscope house, the area of activity that the house represents will not be a major focus for your energies during this lifetime.

1st House of

your Horoscope

This horoscope house describes your approach to life, the way you appear to others and the impact you have on your environment and what is going on around you. It affects how you project your personality and the impression you make on others. Planets in the 1st house are very obvious and strongly expressed and can point to situations and circumstances surrounding your physical birth.

2nd House of

your Horoscope

This horoscope house describes your physical and material resources ranging from possessions and finances, to personal assets such as talents and abilities. Planets in this house help to define what you value and can point to your natural ability to enrich your life by generating wealth and abundance for yourself.

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3rd House of

your Horoscope

This house is the early learning centre of the birth chart. It describes your childhood environment and links with siblings, cousins, playmates, school pals and teachers. It shows your ability to process & interpret information and your approach to making connections within your peer group, community, school and neighbourhood.

4th House of

your Horoscope

This house describes your domestic environment, family background and ancestral line. It gives insight into your roots, your heritage and your personal life. Planets in this house show how and where you’ll feel safe and at home.

5th House of

your Horoscope

This house is about creative self-expression. It defines your relationship with yourself and it describes how you play, have fun and fall in love. It is also the house of parenthood and planets in this house point to your style of interacting with children.

6th House of

your Horoscope

This house describes your attitude to health and wellbeing issues and how you manage your daily routine. Planets in this house define your approach to work, the skills and techniques you’ll use to carry out your work and your aptitude for getting the job done. The 6th house also shows the role of animals and pets in your life.

7th House of

your Horoscope

This house defines your approach to relationships, both personal and professional. It describes the type of individual you attract and are attracted to. It indicates the ideal marriage or life partner for you. Planets in the 7th house are not clearly expressed, or easy to recognise and their energies tend to be reflected in the behaviour of the people that you are drawn to.

8th House of

your Horoscope

This house describes how you cope with managing resources, and how generous you are in sharing them with others. Planets in this house could show an ability to invest, attract and/or inherit wealth. They also point to strong instincts and intuition (sometimes known as 6th sense or 2nd sight) as well as your likely behaviour within influential or intimate relationships.

9th House of

your Horoscope

This house describes your approach to gaining knowledge and experience. Planets in the 9th house show an interest in adventure, exploration, travel, philosophy, higher education and self-development. They point to your potential to interact with languages, cultures and belief systems foreign to your own.

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10th House of

your Horoscope

This house reveals your ambitions and describes how you would like to be seen by the world. Planets in the 10th house point to your professional potential and explain your attitude to authority figures. They can also show an aptitude for strategic planning and an ability to cope with corporate protocols.

11th House of

your Horoscope

This house describes your attitude to friendship, to group activities and to fellow humans generally. It also reveals your hopes and dreams for the future. Planets in this house point to your potential in team settings as well as the role that kindred spirits play in your life.

12th House of

your Horoscope

This house reveals information about your inner self. Planets in the 12th house describe how you are influenced by unseen energies through your connection to spiritual or metaphysical dimensions. They also illustrate the nature of the intelligence that flows through your imagination and which communicates with you via your dreams and visions.








Also known as your Ascendant and Descendant, these signs are the sections of the zodiac which were rising in the east and setting in the west at the time of your birth, in the place of your birth. They play an important role in the way you project your personality and the manner in which you approach your relationships with others.



Also known as your MC and IC, these signs are the sections of the zodiac which were directly overhead the place of your birth and directly overhead on the opposite side of the world at the time of your birth. They play an important role in your choice of professional and personal goals.

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The planetary patterns, contacts or "aspects" in your birth chart create energy that can work for or against you. Your life mission is to master these energies in order to free yourself from their negative aspects so that they serve you in positive ways. The symbols for major aspects (planetary patterns) in astrology

Conjunct – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed close together, within 10 degrees of the zodiac band. This aspect can bring strengths and weaknesses, depending on whether the individual energies involved are compatible with each other or not.

Opposing – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed about 180 degrees apart on opposite sides of the zodiac band, often in signs of the same quality. This aspect creates a polarity, giving a sense of having to choose one side or the other.

Trine – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed about 120 degrees apart along the zodiac band, often in signs of the same element. This is helpful energy creating talents & abilities that come naturally, although its easy flow can be taken for granted.

Square – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed about 90 degrees apart along the zodiac band, often in signs of the same quality. This pattern creates conflicting energy which can be challenging.

Sextile – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed about 60 degrees apart along the zodiac band, often in signs of sympathetic elements. This pattern creates co-operative energy which can be very constructive.

Quincunx or Inconjunct – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed about 150 degrees apart along the zodiac band. There’s a sense of awkward, incompatible energy which can feel stressful.

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Quintile – two or more planetary or horoscope factors placed about 72 degrees apart along the zodiac band. This pattern brings very special talents that can go undetected.




Planetary patterns are the most exciting and dynamic features within a birth chart. They add focus but also complexity, as they create layers of energy that can either enhance or inhibit the fundamental characteristics of the planets, signs, elements and qualities involved in the patterns.

STELLIUM is when there are several planets grouped together in one sign of the Zodiac or one area of the horoscope. This shows a concentration of energy that will have a marked influence within the birth chart. There’s an investment in specific characteristics, concerns or interests that could well dominate over any other factors.

GRAND CROSS is when four factors in the birth chart create a formation of 4 x 90-degree angles and 2 x 180-degree angles. This is a very dynamic pattern which brings challenge, drive and a certain amount of drama, as the person feels compelled to fulfil goals in competing areas of their life. They may also be motivated by the need to impress – themselves more than anyone! Things may not come easily to them but they develop willpower, resourcefulness, resilience and determination as they continue to confront and overcome obstacles and pass tests.

GRAND TRINE is when three factors in the birth chart create a triangle made up of 3 x 120-degree angles. This pattern brings a sense of unforced flow, where things happen naturally. Grand trines are thought to show in-born talent and ability but they can also create the impression that everything comes so easily there’s no point in pushing yourself or climbing out of your comfort zone.

T-SQUARE is when three or more factors in the birth chart create a triangle made up of 2 x 90-degree angles & 1 x 180-degree angle. This is a dynamic pattern which brings challenge, as there’s a sense of being pulled in 3 different directions. But there’s a willingness to

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compromise, even though it can be difficult to weigh up which direction to prioritise and where energy should be focussed first. This formation is similar to a Grand Cross but it doesn’t feel quite so boxed in. There is still effort involved but there’s also more room for movement and life’s obstacles don’t need quite so much willpower to overcome.

YOD is when three factors in the birth chart create a triangle made up of 2 x 150-degree angles plus 1 x 60-degree angle. This formation seems to bring awkwardness and stress due to a sense of incompatibility between different aspects of the person’s character that can’t be made to co-operate with each other. This pattern is a lesson in making energies work together, in spite of their differences.

KITE is when four factors in the birth chart create 1 triangle made up of 3 x 120-degree angles plus 2 x 60-degree angles and 1 x 180-degree angle. This formation is more dynamic and creative than the Grand Trine. People with this pattern in their birth chart tend to be high flyers but they are motivated by the sheer enjoyment that comes from working with their talents and abilities to achieve the level they aspire to. They are looking to inspire rather than to impress others.

MYSTIC RECTANGLE is when four factors in the birth chart create a formation of 2 x 60-degree angles, 2 x 120-degree angles and 2 x 180-degree angles. This pattern suggests the person is working with their talents and using their abilities with a view to create harmony and balance both for themselves and for others.

“It is good to have an end to journey

toward but it is the journey that

matters, in the end” Ursula Le Guin


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The Moon’s Nodes in your birth chart represent your Life Path and describe your evolutionary journey here on Planet Earth. You are travelling from the South Node towards the North Node. The South Node could be seen as a place that you have already visited. You have acquired skills, experience, lessons, memories and impressions while being there that will stay with you forever. They have become part of who you now are. You are ready for your next learning curve, which will take you along the unfamiliar path that leads to your North Node. As this next step of your journey unfolds you will undergo new experiences that will encourage you to develop facets that are as yet undiscovered. Because these unknown parts of yourself are just beginning to emerge, you won’t feel sure of them. The tendency will be to fall back on what you do know and what you can do. But life will keep reminding you that you don’t wish to stay in the South Node. You want to progress to the North Node, picking up all the experiences that will be offered to you along the way.



In traditional astrology, the Moon’s Nodes are referred to as the Head & Tail of the Dragon. There were some fairly gruesome interpretations given for the placements of the mythical creature’s extremities within birth charts in ancient times. But these days we’re less bound by fatalistic warnings and more interested in how to take a pro-active approach to developing our individual potential. The Dragon is a wonderful symbol for personal evolution. It describes the journey from the inborn knowing-ness contained in the Dragon’s Tail (the South Node) to the fully-conscious awareness of the Dragon’s Head (the North Node). We’ve learned to trust the accumulated knowledge & experience stored in our Dragon’s Tail which may have been gained over a series of past lives or existences and we’re extending and evolving it to the next level of wisdom.

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As there is a 180 degree angle between your North and South Nodes, they will be placed in opposite signs of the Zodiac. For example, a birth chart with South Node in Aries will have North Node in the opposite sign of Libra. Astronomy Note: The Nodes are the points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the Ecliptic (the Sun’s apparent path around the Earth). The North node is where the Moon crosses from South to North of the Ecliptic. The Nodes take around 181/2 years to travel through the 12 Zodiac Signs.




Nodes, will reveal in which area of life you already have plenty of experience and the direction towards which you now need to channel your energies. There will probably be a tendency to fall back on what has gone before, because the ground feels so familiar. But it is important to your personal growth that you push forward into territory that is not so well known to you, so that you can continue to progress, develop and evolve.

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The Planets follow elegant, precise, predictable rhythms and cycles. This allows us to match past events (whether natural or man-made) with present & upcoming planetary patterns and positions, giving us the ability to identify possible future trends in our lives. As the Planets of the Solar System continue to travel on through time and space, they trigger factors within your Birth Chart. Your reading includes information about which planetary movements (called Transits) are currently activating your Birth Chart. This information is used to forecast future trends, which can be used to help you create opportunity and avoid problems. You could think of transits as milestones along your Life Path. They do not need to threaten or delay your progress, even if they bring difficulties or challenges. You are always in charge of how you meet those challenges however scary they seem at the time. Get to know the Planets – they are your allies, not your enemies. An astrology forecast is not the same as fortune telling. It’s more like a weather report, alerting you to the fair and/or adverse conditions ahead of you. Astrology forecasting helps you to prepare for sunshine or rain depending on what’s coming. Life experiences can then be used to develop coping strategies and creative solutions.


Due to the greater orbit and slower movement of the planets from Jupiter outwards, their influence as they trigger your birth chart is believed to be potent and enduring.


Planet of Opportunity

Every 12 years, Jupiter returns to the same place in the solar system it occupied on your Birth Date. Each Jupiter return marks the beginning of a new 12 year adventure or experience in your life. When Jupiter triggers your Birth Chart it always brings the opportunity to grow and develop beyond your current

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circumstances. Jupiter increases confidence levels, giving you the courage to face new experiences with faith and enthusiasm. The larger-than-life planet can make you make you restless, careless or over-confident about your ability to handle certain situations, but so long as you keep your feet on the ground you should be able to make the most of Jolly Jupiter’s encouraging influence.


Planet of Structure, Discipline &


Saturn returns to the same place in the solar system it occupied on your Birth Date about every 28-30 years. Saturn brings structure and form into your life. When Saturn triggers your Birth Chart it usually brings experiences that will make you wiser and more mature. Saturn asks you to become more committed to your life, and more responsible for the decisions and choices you make. Saturn transits can feel rather difficult – as if you are trying to pass an advanced exam so you can move on to the next level of your life. They are not much fun at the time but if you use them wisely, they can help you develop your potential and manifest your goals.


The Healer

Chiron is an asteroid rather than a planet but its astrological influence remains strong. Life on Planet Earth is a risky business and most humans bear war wounds and battle scars from their experiences. Wounds and scars are part of the adventure. They are a way of reminding us that we have been brave enough to face the challenges that life brings. When Chiron triggers your Birth Chart it creates situations which help you to heal old wounds. You may also be involved in situations which allow you to help other people to heal their wounds.


Planet of Change & Evolution

As many of us do not make it to the ripe old age of 84, we may not live to see the return of Uranus to the same place in the solar system it occupied in our Birth Charts. More of us will be still be around when, in our early 40s, Uranus opposes its birth chart position. The 42-year trigger of Uranus often coincides with the famous “midlife crisis” when people want to shrug off existing routine and responsibility and go off in an entirely new direction. When Uranus triggers your Birth Chart, it tends to bring radical change into your life. The best way to deal with Uranus is not to resist it but to embrace its call to evolve.


Planet of Vision & Inspiration

Neptune is not so much a cycle as an influence that ebbs and flows throughout your life. When Neptune triggers your Birth Chart it usually activates your imagination in some way. This can be helpful by opening you up to inspirational ideas and experiences, but you need to be aware that it can also confuse or deceive you. So long as you the difference between fantasy and reality, you can use

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Neptune to help make your world more loving, beautiful, artistic and imaginative.


Planet of Power &


When Pluto triggers your Birth Chart it usually brings powerful experiences that transform you or the way you live your life. Pluto transits tend to push you well out of your comfort zone, but once you’ve completed them you’ll feel like a new person. Pluto brings you the potential to empower yourself in all the important aspects of your life so that you will never play the role of victim again.


The Assertive

Astrologers are still gathering experience of working with Eris, the newly discovered dwarf planet of our solar system. Eris moves very slowly (taking over 550 years to orbit the Sun) and may never trigger your Birth Chart directly. If it does, it will probably create situations which encourage you to assert yourself, your ideals and values. Eris brings out the Warrior in you, even at the cost of creating confrontation and disharmony in your life.

The North & South Nodes

Although the Nodes do not have an actual physical existence they are seen as energy points moving around the zodiac band. The North Node is taken to represent the future and the South Node the past. When the North Node triggers your birth chart it can feel like a call to Destiny, with a sense of being pulled forward along your Life Path. When your birth chart is triggered by the South Node there may be a strong sense of déjà vu or of history repeating itself.




Because they only last for a short time, these influences are used when forecasting for a specific date or event. They become more important when we look at them as PROGRESSED PLANETS. Progressions are a reflection of your inner urge to develop and evolve. Astrological progressions are hard to describe in practical terms because the energy involved is metaphysical – it goes beyond what you are conscious of in your material life. As you progress through your life, the Progressed Moon & Planets prompt you to accept new challenges and life lessons so that you may increase the

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knowledge and experience of your higher consciousness, or “Eternal Self”.

Your Progressed Planets will not allow you to do anything until you are ready, but they will definitely prompt you to try certain experiences when the time is right. When they trigger your Birth Chart, it is a sign that you are preparing to attract a certain type of experience which will help you progress along your life path.

¤ When a Progressed Planet changes zodiac sign it’s an indication of a change of energy in you on a deep personal level.

¤ When a Progressed Planet changes horoscope house your interest will shift from one area of your life to another

¤ Progressed Planets (other than the Sun & Moon) travel backwards as well as forwards, to reflect any periods of retrograde movement that occur during your life time.

The Moon

symbol of Soul & Inner Wisdom

The moving Moon triggers your birth chart on a monthly basis, giving you the chance to connect to the inner wisdom of your Soul via your moods, instincts, imagination and intuition. Key days for you will be when the moving Moon is in the same sign as your birth chart Moon or Sun.

Your Progressed Moon travels around your Birth Chart, passing through your horoscope and changing signs about every two and a half years. When it moves into a zodiac sign or horoscope house, it will give guidance and information about what your Wise Self would like you to focus on next!

The Sun

Bringer of Light

As the Earth travels along its orbit each year, the Sun appears to move around your horoscope, shedding light on your birth chart planets and energising their characteristics. Your Progressed Sun moves at a rate of 1 degree per year. Someone born with their birth chart Sun in the first degree of a zodiac sign would not experience the Progressed Sun changing signs until they were about 30 years old. Whereas someone born later in their zodiac sign would experience a Progressed Sun sign change much earlier in their life. When it does move from one zodiac sign or horoscope house to another, your Progressed Sun will be giving an indication of where your level of consciousness is and whereabouts you are on your journey along your Life Path.

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Mercury Planet of


Moving Mercury circles your birth chart in under a year. When it triggers your planets or horoscope houses, it boosts your ability to absorb, remember, understand and communicate information. It can also activate links between you and your siblings, childhood friends and members of your local community.

Your Progressed Mercury moves at a rate of between 1-3 degrees per year. When it changes house or sign, it will give an indication of where your level of understanding, your ability to process information and your mentality are now. Progressed Mercury moving retrograde suggests that your Wise Self wishes to revise or review something in order to learn more about it.

Venus Planet of

Values, Resources & Relationships

As she travels around your birth chart, Venus enhances your social skills and helps you to value and express the talents and abilities you were born with. She may also introduce partnerships into your life, bringing you the chance to collaborate or co-operate with others. Your Progressed Venus moves at a rate of between 1-2 degrees per year. When it changes house or sign, it will give an indication of where you are now in regard to your relationships with others. Progressed Venus will also tell you more about the current state of your relationship with yourself and whether you value and esteem your own resources, talents and abilities. Progressed Venus moving retrograde suggests that your Wise Self wishes to revisit a situation – either to understand it more fully or to take it to the next level.

Mars Planet of

Action & Energy

Mars takes about 2 years to travel around your Birth Chart, increasing your levels of energy, vitality and strength and making you more competitive. You can use Mars energy to activate your willingness to win and to help you identify goals to aim at. But Mars does have a tendency to cause impatience, which can make you accident prone. Your Progressed Mars moves at a rate of about half a degree per year. When it changes house or sign, it will give an indication of where you are now in regard to setting and achieving your goals in life. Progressed Mars will also tell you more about how motivated and dynamic you feel at the moment. Progressed Mars moving retrograde suggests that your Wise Self wishes to revise or review the ways in which you apply your energy in order to get things done.

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the Nurturer

Dwarf planet Ceres triggers your birth chart in ways which help you to nurture and be nurtured. It also makes you more fertile – not just physically but also mentally. Whether you are planning to start a family or trying to write a book, you can count on Ceres to give you a boost! Your Progressed Ceres moves at a rate of about quarter of a degree per year. When it changes house or sign, it will give an indication of where you are now in regard to your productive processes and projects. It will also reveal more about how nurtured you feel at the moment. Progressed Ceres moving retrograde suggests that your Wise Self wishes to have another go at creating something and seeing it through from seed stage to fruition.


OUTER PLANETS We would be looking at the progressed positions of the slower moving planets JUPITER, SATURN, ASTEROID CHIRON, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, DWARF PLANET ERIS in more detailed work or to explain and understand a specific situation. These movements are given weight or taken into consideration when they have a very acute or intense influence. This is because they tend to be supporting, underlining and emphasising themes that have already been highlighted in more obvious and direct ways.


This way of progressing the birth chart moves everything (the Moon, the Planets, the Angles and Nodes) forward at the rate of one degree for one year of life, more or less following the rate of the Progressed Sun’s movement along the Zodiac Band. By this method, the planetary patterns stay more or less the same as in the original birth chart.



There are several other techniques and ways of forecasting with astrology that are beyond the scope of this introduction. But one that is often used to look at the theme or flavour of the coming year in a person’s life is the SOLAR RETURN CHART. It is a sort of birthday horoscope, drawn up for the exact time when the Sun returns to its place in the zodiac that it occupied on the day the person was actually born. A LUNAR RETURN CHART (the exact time when the Moon returns to its place in the birth chart) would highlight major themes issues that are likely to dominate the current month. RETURN CHARTS can be drawn up for all the planets other than Neptune, Pluto & Eris which move too slowly to return to their birth chart placement within a human lifetime.

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PAULINE GEROSA DFASTROLS Faculty of Astrological Studies

Diploma Holder since 1992