A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools November 2014 CRITERION PLANNERS CR R I E T N O I

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A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools




A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools


The World of Rating Tools

Tool Families

Family Heritage

Primary Topics


Launch Timeline

Tool Dimensions

Continuum of Use Cases

User Orientation of Select North American Tools

Tools Survey

International Standards
















A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools 1

urban sustainability rating tool

The built environment beyond individual buildings, from neighborhood increments

up to entire cities, and their principal components.

Delivering wholistic or incremental well-being within the biosphere’s capacity to sustain it for generations.

An assessment that includes a quantitative element.

A stand-alone procedure offered publicly to national or international markets, now or

by 2015.


2 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

GRI Const & Real Estate


Aqua for Neighborhoods


Green Star Communities

South Africa

Pearl Community for Estidama

United Arab Emirates

Green Townships


GSAS for Parks

GSAS for Districts


GSAS for Railways

IS Rating Tool

Green Star Communities


Neighborhood Sustainability Framework

New Zealand

MOHURD Eco-Garden City

MEP Eco-City


BERDE for Clustered Development


GBI Townships


CASBEE for Heat Islands

CASBEE for Cities

CASBEE for Urban Area + Bldgs


CASBEE for Urban Development

Green Mark for Infrastructure

Green Mark for Districts

Green Mark for Parks



NDRC Low-Carbon City

BEAM Plus Neighborhood Dev. (HK)

HQE for Urban Planning & Dev


BREEAM Communities

Austria, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden


BREEAM Communities

One Planet Communities

United Kingdom

Cities Planned Neighborhoods Existing Neighborhoods All Neighborhoods

Transportation & InfrastructureLandscapes & Parks Special Purposes

Tool Families

BREEAM Communities


DGNB for Business Districts

DGNB for Industrial Locations

DGNB for Urban Districts

LEED for Neighborhood Dev


2030 Districts

TOD Standard



Living Community Challenge

Livability Index


Local Energy Scoring Tool



BRT Standard


Density-VMT Calculator

H+T A�ordability Index


Cooperative Sanctuary

Coastal Resilience Index

Comp Plans for Sustaining Places

Enterprise Communities

Green Land Development

STAR Community

Climate Positive Development

Sustainable Communities

LEED for Neighborhood Dev


TBL Tool

United States



BE ST in Highways

The World of Rating Tools

22 countries and 59 tools

3A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

0 5 10 15 20 25

Special Purposes

Transportation & Infrastructure

Landscapes & Parks

All Neighborhoods

Existing Neighborhoods

Planned Neighborhoods



Tool Families

Based on geographic scale and topical focus

4 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Urban SustainabilityRating Tools

Family Heritage





5A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Frequency of rating category titles in 59 surveyed tools.

Primary Topics

6 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools


Government Agencies 24%

Green Building Organizations 26%

Educational Institutions 4%

Housing/Environmental Groups 12%

Urban Planning Groups 10%

Organizations Dedicated to Specific Tools


Civil Engineering Groups 8%

7A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

CEEQUALChina EcoCity

China EcoGardenEnterprise

Green Neigh.




Green TwnshpGreenroads




2030 DistBRT Std






Launch Timeline

Also: Cooperative Sanctuary, 1991; Signature, 1993

8 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tool Dimensions

Scope & Scale• Topical scope• Physical scale• Minimum elements

Usefulness• Value proposition• Efficiency: effort vs. benefit

Standards Conformity• Tool development• Rating criteria• Tool maintenance

Maturity & Impact• Years operating• Ratings performed• Tool versions• National or intl. market• Market uptake• Empirical results

Costs to Use• Time• Fees• Documentation• Process

Tool Administration• Business model• Tool delivery method• Staffing/support infrastructure• Languages• Ancillary services (training,


Rating Procedure• Responsible party• Transparency• Verification• Local adaptability• Monitoring/re-certification

Rating Criteria• Creation process• Technical rigor• Scoring & weighting• Trade-off reconciliation• Mandatory vs. optional• Prescriptive vs. performance• Criteria maintenance

Users• Households• Businesses• Neighborhood organizations• Designers• Developers• Local government• Disadvantaged groups

9A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Continuum of Use Cases

Walk Score EcoDistricts Green Townships LEED-ND Green Star One Planete.g.

Online, simple score, no record,

no cost

Downloadable framework for

local adaptation, self-assessment,

no cost

Single transaction plans review, simple rating

system with fee

Single transaction plans review,

complex rating system with fee

Multiple transaction

plans review and periodic re-exam

with fees

Multi-year immersion,

complex rating system, ongoing


10 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

User Orientation of Select North American Tools































l G




Walk Score • • • • • •EDA TBL Tool • • • • •EcoDistricts • • • • •Enterprise • • • • •AARP Livability Index • • • • •H+T Affordability Index • • • •LEED-ND • • •SITES • • •Envision • • •Living Community Challenge • • •

11A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Cities

CASBEE for Cities Institute for Bldg Environment & Energy Conservation, Japan


Nature conservation, local environmental quality, resource recycling, carbon dioxide absorption, living environment, social services, social vitality, industrial vitality, financial vitality, carbon dioxide trading

Comprehensive Plans for Sustaining Places

American Planning Assn, US https://www.planning.org/sustainingplaces/compplanstandards/

Livable built environment, harmony with nature, resilient economy, interwoven equity, healthy community, responsible regionalism

Eco-City Ministry of Environmental Protection, China

N/A Construction plan, independent environmental agencies, energy savings, environmental quality, ecological construction

Eco-Garden City Ministry of Housing & Urban-Rural Development, China

N/A Comprehensiveness, green space, cultural and natural landscapes, urban living environment, community participation, exemplary policy implementation

Low-Carbon City National Development & Reform Commission, China

N/A Integration of climate protection, green development, industrial GHG emissions, GHG emission database, low-carbon lifestyles

STAR Community STAR Communities, US http://www.starcommunities.org/

Built environment, climate & energy, economy & jobs, education arts & community, equity & empowerment, health & safety, natural systems, innovation & process

Sustainable Communities

Audubon International, US (available internationally, and for Existing Neighborhoods)


Agriculture, economic development & tourism, education, environment, governance, housing, open space & land-use, planning zoning building & development, population, public safety & emergency management, recreation, resource use, volunteerism & civic engagement, transportation

Tools Survey

12 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Planned Neighborhoods

Aqua for Neighborhoods Vanzolini Foundation, Brazil (with Certivea/France - HQE)


Territory and local context, density, mobility and accessibility, heritage, landscape and identity, adaptability and evolutionary potential, water, energy and climate, supplies and equipment urban, residues, ecosystems and biodiversity, natural and technological risks, health, economy, functions and plurality, environments and public spaces, insertion and training, attractiveness, economic dynamics and structures of local training

BEAM Plus Neighborhood

Hong Kong Green Building Council (China)(tentative launch 2015)


Community, site, material, energy aspects, water, outdoor environmental quality, innovations

BERDE for Clustered Residential Development

Philippine Green Bldg Council


Management, land-use and ecology, water, energy, transportation, indoor environmental quality, materials, emissions, waste, heritage conservation, innovation

BREEAM Communities BRE Trust, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom


Governance, social & economic, well-being, resources & energy, land-use & ecology, transport & movement, innovation

CASBEE for Urban Area + Bldgs

Institute for Bldg Environment & Energy Conservation, Japan


Natural environment, area service functions, contribution to community, microclimate impact, social infrastructure, environmental management

CASBEE for Urban Development

Institute for Bldg Environment & Energy Conservation, Japan


Natural environment, area service functions, contribution to community, microclimate impact, social infrastructure, environmental management

Tools Survey

13A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Planned Neighborhoods

Climate Positive Development

C40 Cities, US http://www.c40.org/networks/climate_positive_development

Thermal & electrical energy use, waste, transportation

DGNB for Business Districts

German Sustainable Building Council


Only available in German

DGNB for Industrial Locations

German Sustainable Building Council


Only available in German

DGNB for Urban Districts

German Sustainable Building Council


Land-use, life-cycle-costs, social & commercial infrastructure, quality of public-transport infrastructure, participation

Enterprise Green Communities

Enterprise Green Communities


Integrative design, location & neighborhood fabric, site improvements, water conservation, energy efficiency, materials beneficial to the environment, healthy living environment, operations & maintenance

EnviroDevelopment Urban Development Institute of Australia


Ecosystems, waste, energy, materials, water, community

14 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Survey

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Planned Neighborhoods

HQE for Urban Planning & Development

HQE Association, France(Cerway outside France)


Territory and local context, density, mobility and accessibility, heritage landscape and identity, adaptability and evolutionary potential, water, energy and climate, supplies and equipment urban, residues, ecosystems and biodiversity, natural and technological risks, health, economy, funtions and plurality, environments and public spaces, insertion and training, attractiveness, economic dynamics and structures of local training

GBI Township Tool Green Bldg Index, Malaysia http://.greenbuildingindex.org/Resources/GBI%20Tools/GBI%20Township%20Tool%20V1.0%20Pilot%20Final.pdf

Climate, energy, water, environment &ecology, community planning & development,transportation & development, buildings & resources, business & innovation

Global Sustainability Assessment System for Districts

Gulf Organization for Research & Dev, Qatar

Districts criteria are proprietary; general guidance at http://www.gord.qa/uploads/pdf/GSAS%20Technical%20Guide%20V2.1.pdf

Urban connectivity, site, energy, water, materials, outdoor environment, cultural and economic value, management and operations

Green Land Development

Home Innovation Research Labs, US


Site design and development, lot selection, project team and mission, innovative practices

15A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Planned Neighborhoods

Green Mark for Districts

Bldg & Construction Authority, Singapore


Energy efficiency, water management, materials & waste management, environmental planning, green buildings & transport, community & innovation

Green Star Communities Green Bldg Council of Australia (also South Africa GBC)


Livability, economic prosperity, environment, design, governance, innovation

Green Townships Indian GBC, India http://igbc.in/site/igbc/testigbc.jsp?desc=267002&event=267001

Site selection & planning, land-use planning, transportation planning, infrastructure resource management, innovation in design & technology

LEED for Neighborhood Development

US Green Bldg Council, US (available internationally)


Smart location & linkage, neighborhood pattern & design, green infrastructure & buildings, innovation & design process

LEED for Neighborhood Development - Canada

Canada Green Bldg Council http://www.cagbc.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=8789

Smart location & linkage, neighborhood pattern & design, green infrastructure & buildings, innovation & design process

16 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Planned Neighborhoods

One Planet Communities BioRegional, UK (also Canada)


Zero carbon, zero waste, sustainable transport, sustainable materials, local & sustainable food, sustainable water, land-use & wildlife, culture & heritage, equity & local economy, health & happiness

Pearl Community for Estidama

Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council, United Arab Emirates


Integrated design process, natural systems, livable communities, precious water, resourceful energy, stewarding materials, innovating practice

Signature Audubon International, US (available internationally)


Siting, planning & design, construction, long-term management

Tools for Existing Neighborhoods

2030 Districts Architecture 2030, US http://www.2030districts.org/

Energy, water, transportation, emissions

Livability Index American Assn of Retired Persons, US


Housing, environment, neighborhood, transportation, health, civic engagement, equity & opportunity, recreation & culture

Tools Survey

17A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for All Neighborhoods

Neighborhood Sustainability Framework

Beacon Pathway, NZ http://www.beaconpathway.co.nz/neighbourhoods/article/the_neighbourhood_sustainability_framework

Neighborhood satisfaction, minimized costs, maximized biophysical health, appropriate resource use & climate protection, effective governance & civic life, functional flexibility

Living Community Challenge

International Living Future Institute, US

http://living-future.org/lcc Limits to growth, urban agriculture, habitat exchange, human powered living, net positive water, net positive energy, civilized environment, healthy neighborhood design, biophilic environment, resilient community connections, living materials plan, embodied carbon footprint, net positive waste, human scale + humane places, universal access to nature & place, universal access to community services, equitable investment, just organizations, beauty + spirit, inspiration + education

Tools for Landscapes & Parks

Cooperative Sanctuary Audubon International, US (available internationally)


Outreach & education, resource management, water quality and conservation, wildlife & habitat management

Global Sustainability Assessment System for Parks

Gulf Organization for Research & Dev, Qatar

http://www.gord.qa/uploads/pdf/GSAS%20Technical%20Guide%20V2.1.pdf (general guidance)


18 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Landscapes & Parks

Green Mark for Existing Parks; for New Parks

Bldg & Construction Authority, Singapore

http://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/others/GM_NewParks_v1.pdf ; http://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/others/GM_ExistingParks_v1.pdf

Waste & material minimization, water efficiency, energy efficiency, park management, conservation & heritage, innovation

SITES (Sustainable SITES Initiative)

Univ of Texas at Austin/US Botanic Garden/ASLA, US


Site selection, pre-design assessment & planning, site design - water, site design - soil & vegetation, site design - materials selection, site design - human health & well-being, construction, operations & maintenance,

Tools for Transportation & Infrastructure

BE2ST-in-Highways University of Wisconsin, US http://rmrc.wisc.edu/be2st-in-highways/

Life cycle cost, energy, recycling, hazardous waste, water, noise, social carbon cost

BRT Standard Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, US


Service planning, infrastructure, stations, communications, access and integration

CEEQUAL Institution of Civil Engineers, UK (available internationally)


Contract strategy & management, people & communities, land-use & landscape, historic environment, ecology & biodiversity, water, physical resource use & management, transportation, effects on neighbors, relations with local community & stakeholders

Density-VMT Calculator ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, US


Building density, vehicle miles traveled

Tools Survey

19A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Transportation & Infrastructure

Envision Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, US


Project pathway contribution, project strategy and management, communities and efficiencies, land-use and restoration, landscapes, ecology and biodiversity, water resources and environment, energy and carbon, resource management, transportation

Global Sustainability Assessment System for Railways

Gulf Organization for Research & Dev, Qatar

http://www.gord.qa/uploads/pdf/GSAS%20Technical%20Guide%20V2.1.pdf (general guidance)


Green Mark for Infrastructure

Bldg & Construction Authority, Singapore


Landscape ecology & land efficiency, energy, renewable energy, water, project management, waste management & environmental protection, innovation

Greenroads Greenroads Foundation, US https://www.greenroads.org/

Project requirements, environment & water, access & equity, construction activities, materials & resources, pavement technologies

INVEST U.S. Dept of Transportation, Federal Hwy Administration, US


Integrated planning, economic development and land-use, linking asset management and planning, stormwater, recycle materials, construction waste management, pavement management system, road weather management program

IS Rating Tool Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia


Transport, water, communications, energy

PEER Perfect Power Institute, US http://perfectpowerinstitute.org/apply-peer

Enabling customer action; operational efficiency; reliability, power quality, and safety; energy efficiency & environment

20 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Transportation & Infrastructure

TOD Standard Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, US

https://go.itdp.org/display/live/ About+the+TOD+Standard

Walk, cycle, connect, transit, mix, densify, compact, shift

Walk Score Walk Score, US http://www.walkscore.com/

Walk, bike, transit

Tools for Special Purposes

CASBEE for Heat Islands

Institute for Bldg Environment & Energy Conservation, Japan


Only available in Japanese

Coastal Resilience Index Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program, NOAA, and Sea Grant, US


Critical infrastructure & facilities, transportation, community plans, mitigations, business plans, social systems

Global Reporting Initiative - Construction & Real Estate Sector

Global Reporting Initiative, international (The Netherlands)


Economy, environment, labor practices, human rights, society, product responsibility

H+T Affordability Index Center for Neighborhood Technology, US

http://htaindex.cnt.org/ Housing costs, transportation costs

Tools Survey

21A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Tools Providers Websites Rating Categories

Tools for Special Purposes

Local Energy Efficiency Self-Scoring Tool

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, US


Local government operations, community-wide initiatives, building policies, energy & water utilities, transportation

SEED Design Corps, US http:///www.seednetwork.org/certification

Social, economic, environmental

STARS - Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Rating System

Assn for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, US

https://stars.aashe.org/ Academics, engagement, operations, planning and administration, innovation

Triple Bottom Line Tool US Economic Development Administration

http://www.tbltool.org/ Quality jobs, sound investment, industry eco-efficiency, green design & construction, green operations, place-making & accessibility, environmental health, governance

22 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Standards Administrators Websites Scope

Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response

The Sphere Project http://www.sphereproject.org/ Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion, food security, nutrition and aid, shelter, settlement and non-food items, health services

International Standard 17065 - Requirements for Bodies Certifying Products, Processes & Services

International Standards Organization


General, structural, resource, process, management

International Standard 37120 - Sustainable Dev of Communities - Indicators for City Services & Quality of Life (also see 37101, 37150)

International Standards Organization


Economy, education, energy, environment recreation, safety, shelter, solid waste, telecommunications, innovation, finance, fire, emergency response, governance, health, transportation, urban planning, wastewater, water, sanitation

Sustainability Assessment & Measurement Principles (Bellagio STAMP)

International Institute for Sustainable Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development


Guiding vision, essential considerations, adequate scope, framework and indicators, transparency, effective communication, broad participation, continuity and capacity

International Standards

International standards relevant to the rating of urban sustainability

23A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

American Institute of Architects, Quantifying Sustainability: A Study of Three Sustainable Building Rating Systems, AIA, May 2008.

Aranoff, Miriam, et al, LEED for Neighborhood Development: Does it Capture Livability? Berkeley Planning Journal, Vol 26, 2013.

Berardi, U., Sustainability Assessment of Urban Communities Through Rating Systems, Environment, Development & Sustainability, 2013.

Black, Elissa, Green Neighborhood Standards from a Planning Perspective: LEED-ND, Focus: Journal of City & Regional Planning, Cal Poly, 2008.

Blair, John, et al, Affordability and Sustainability Outcomes: a Triple Bottom Line Assessment of Traditional Development and Master Planned Communities, Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute, June 2004.

Blair, John, et al, Affordability and Sustainability of Greenfield Suburban Development and Master Planned Communities – a Case Study Approach to Triple Bottom Line Assessment, Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute, May 2003.

Cable, Faith, Sustainable Neighborhood Rating Systems: An International Comparison, Berlin Technical University, July 2008.

Campbell, Scott, Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Journal of the American Planning Assn, 1996.

Dalai-Clayton, Barry, and Sadler, Barry, Sustainability Appraisal: a Sourcebook and Reference Guide to International Experience, Routledge, May 2014.

Ewing, Reid, et al, Prediction of Transportation Outcomes for LEED-ND Pilot Projects, Journal of Planning Education & Research, April 2013.

Fitzgerald, Joan, District-Scale Sustainability Scan, Northeastern University, 2014.

Frame, B, and Vale, R, Increasing Uptake of Low Impact Urban Design & Development: the Role of Sustainability Assessment Systems, Journal of Local Environment, June 2006.

Garde, Ajay, Sustainable by Design? Insights from U.S. LEED-ND Pilot Projects, Journal of the American Planning Assn, 2009.

Gasparatos, A., and Scolobig, A., Choosing the Most Appropriate Sustainability Assessment Tool, Journal of Ecological Economics, June 2012.

Gil, J and Duarte, J, Tools for Evaluating the Sustainability of Urban Design: a Review, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 2011.

Haapio, Appu, Towards Sustainable Urban Communities, Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment Review, September 2011.

Hammer, Janet, Development That Adds Up: Accounting for the Social Bottom Line of Triple Bottom Line Investment, Portland State University, 2009.

Harrell, Rodney, et al, Is This a Good Place to Live? Measuring Community Quality of Life for All Ages, AARP, Washington DC, April 2014.


24 A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools


HDR Inc, Sustainable Rating Systems Overview, HDR Inc, undated.

Horner, M. et al, editors, Book of Abstracts, International Conferences on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and Its Assessment, SUE-MOT, June 2007 and April 2009.

Hurley, Joe, and Horne, Ralph, Review and Analysis of Tools for the Implementation and Assessment of Sustainable Urban Development, Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand, 2006.

Hurley, Joe, et al, Ecological Footprint as an Assessment Tool for Urban Development, RMIT University, 2007.

ICLEI, A Comparative Analysis of Sustainable Community Frameworks, ICLEI, September 2008.

Joss, Simon, and Tomozeiu, Daniel, Eco-City Frameworks – A Global Overview, University of Westminster, December 2013.

Joss, Simon, ed, Tomorrow’s City Today – Eco-City Indicators, Standards and Frameworks, Bellagio Conference Report, University of Westminster, December 2012.

Karol, Elizabeth, Tools for Measuring Progress Towards Sustainable Neighborhood Environments, Journal of Sustainability, 2009.

King, Ruthie, LEED for Neighborhood Development: Programming Urban Sustainability, Columbia University, April 2011.

Kyrkou, D., and Karthaus, R., Urban Sustainability Standards: Predetermined Checklists or Adaptable Frameworks? Procedia Engineering, 2011.

McCreadie, Martin, Assessment of Sustainability Tools, Building Research Establishment, July 2004.

Moos, Markus, et al, Does Design Matter? The Ecological Footprint as a Planning Tool at the Local Level, Journal of Urban Design, June 2006.

Murakami, Shuzo, et al, CASBEE: A Decade of Development & Application of an Environmental Assesment System for the Built Environment, Institute for Building Environment & Energy Conservation, April 2014.

Novitski, B., It Isn’t Easy Grading Green, Green Source, May 2010.

Pinter, Laszlo, et al, Bellagio STAMP: Principles for Sustainability Assessment & Measurement, Journal of Ecological Indicators, 2012.

Reed, Richard, et al, A Comparison of International Sustainable Building Tools – An Update, Pacific Rim Real Estate Society, January 2011.

Retzlaff, Rebecca, Green Building Assessment Systems: A Framework & Comparison for Planners, Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol 4, No 4, 2008.

Rinchumpoo, Damrongsak, Rating for Sustainable Subdivision Neighborhood Design, Queensland University of Technology, 2013.

25A Global Survey of Urban Sustainability Rating Tools

Roos, Phillip, et al, Guide to Sustainability Rating Tools for Buildings & Infrastructure, Sinclair-Knight-Merz, undated.

Sharifi, Ayyoob, and Murayama, Akito, Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment in Action: Cross-Evaluation of Three Assessment Systems, Building & Environment, 2013.

Sharifi, Ayyoob, and Murayama, Akito, A Critical Review of Seven Selected Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools, Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment Review, June 2012.

Sharifi, Ayyoob, et al, The Potential of CASBEE-Urban Development for Delivering Sustainable Communities, Journal of International City Planning, 2012.

Singh, Rajesh, et al, An Overview of Sustainability Assessment Methodologies, Journal of Ecological Indicators, 2008.Srinivasan, Ravi, et al, Sustainability Assessment Frameworks, Evaluation Tools and Metrics for Buildings and Environment – A Review, International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2011.

Sullivan, Lewis, et al, Neighborhood Sustainability Frameworks – A Literature Review, University College London, May 2014.

Talen, Emily, Allen, Eliot, et al, LEED-ND as an Urban Metric, Journal of Landscape & Urban Planning, July 2013.

Teriman, Suharto, et al, Sustainable Urban Development: A Quadruple Bottom Line Assessment Framework, Queensland University, 2009.

Therivel, Riki, Sustainable Urban Environment – Metrics, Models and Toolkits: Analysis of Sustainability/Social Tools, Levett-Therivel, June 2004.

U.S. Green Building Council, Technical Guidance Manual for Sustainable Neighborhoods: How to Use LEED-ND to Evaluate and Amend Local Plans and Codes, USGBC, 2013.

Waldron, David, et al, Regenerative Neighborhoods – Scaling Up From Net Positive Buildings, Canada Green Building Council, June 2013.

Waldron, David, and Miller, Devon, Regenerative Sustainability at the Neighborhood Scale, University of British Columbia, February 2013.

Zhou, N, et al, China’s Development of Low-Carbon Eco-Cities and Associated Indicator Systems, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, July 2012.

Zhou, N, et al, A Low Carbon Development Guide for Local Government Actions in China, Carbon Management, June 2011.





Portland, Oregon