NOVOTEL LONDON WEST • LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM • 2-4 APRIL 2019 A Global First: Running a Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) Completions Tubing String in Stands of Three Pipes (triples) Using Dope-free Technology in a Deep Water Field in Angola Lucio G. Bertoldi, Michele Piemontese, Fred J. Sita, Osvaldo C. Joao, Eni Angola; Ezenna .V. Okolie, Sandvik; Emiliano Actis-Goretta, Tenaris

A Global First: Running a Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA ...€¦ · SAF 2507® (25%Cr) are generally run in single joints. •To optimize the tripping time in a subsea field development,

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    A Global First: Running a Corrosion Resistant Alloy

    (CRA) Completions Tubing String in Stands of Three

    Pipes (triples) Using Dope-free Technology in a

    Deep Water Field in AngolaLucio G. Bertoldi, Michele Piemontese, Fred J. Sita, Osvaldo C.

    Joao, Eni Angola; Ezenna .V. Okolie, Sandvik;

    Emiliano Actis-Goretta, Tenaris

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C2


    • Threaded connections on Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) pipes are more susceptible to galling, requiring delicate make-up, as compared to carbon steels. As a result, CRA pipes such as Sandvik SAF 2507® (25%Cr) are generally run in single joints.

    • To optimize the tripping time in a subsea field development, an Operator’s Angola WOP team planned to run their CRA tubing (5 1/2” 17# SAF2507® 80ksi TenarisHydril Blue® Dopeless®) in stands of 3 pipes (triples), putting in place a dedicated make-up / handling equipment configuration.

    • The CRA completion was run with excellent results, making the operator the first ever to successfully run CRA completion tubing in triples with Dope-free technology.

    • The lessons learnt, experience acquired and results achieved are shared in this presentation

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C3


    • Project Details:o Oilfield development, Deepwater, Angola.

    o WD ~ 1,500m. TVD 3,000m (3500 m MD).

    o BHP (bar) = 145 - 308, BHT(oC) = 49 - 120,

    o xCO2 (%mol) = 2.7 – 2.85 , pH2S (@bubble point) = 0.0156 – 0.0212,

    o NaCl (g/l) = 37.7

    • CRA Tubular Running:

    o 5 ½” 17ppf Sandvik SAF2507® 80ksi TenarisHydril Blue® Dopeless®

    installed in singles in field (October 2016).

    o 1st successful field trial of triples of same CRA pipes (June 2017),

    o Subsequent wells were completed by running the CRA tubing with Dope-free technology entirely in triples.

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C4

    Running in Stands CRA Pipes. Risks and Enablers

    • The risks involved with running OCTG connections made from CRAs are far greater than with standard carbon material since the material has a greater tendency to gall and cause problems when making-up the connections. Running pipes in stands increases the weight on the threads being made-up and as such increasing the risk of connection damage.

    • The result of galling (pin and box threads/seal weld due to high friction) on connections can range from slower running rate & high number of rejections and lay down to more serious effects, like leaking connections.


    • The handling equipment configuration is a key success factor for running CRA tubing in stands. Dedicated equipment such as special thread protectors for racking-back, weight compensator during running and special gripping systems are required.

    • Dopeless® Technology is the enabler from the CRA tubular side to provide additional robustness to the connections in order to be run in stands, minimizing galling risk.


  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C5

    Handling Equipment: Special Thread Protectors

    • Special protectors were used to sustain the weight of the stand while racked-back.

    • These protectors:o have higher axial resistance than standard thread protectors,

    o Avoid connection damage when racked-back.

    • Standard thread protectors were replaced on unused pipes.

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C6

    Handling Equipment: Weight Compensator System

    • Weight compensator system:

    • Avoids landing the full weight of the stand on the connections

    • Make–up with the neutral point at the pin,

    • Minimizes stresses on threads and metal seal of the connections.

    • Reduces the chance of connection damage during run-in-hole

    • Relevant for connections being pulled out of hole.

    Weight Compensator Layout

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C7

    Handling Equipment: Fluid Grip or non-marking dies power tong

    • Stands handling performed entirely with zero-marking equipment

    • Hydra-racker and spiders with non-marking slips

    • Fluid grip power tong

    o 360o contact area for the gripping section

    o Die penetration marks are completely eliminated

    o No work-hardening of material

    Fluid Grip Tong.png

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C8

    Rig Floor Layout

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C9

    Rig Floor Layout

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C10

    Dopeless® Technology (Dope-free)

    Dry, multifunctional coating applied to premium connections in the mill thatadheres to the steel substrate, avoiding hot spots of non-lubricated zones wheregalling begins when using liquid or greasy lubricants.

    With this “Dope-free” technology the storage and running thread compoundsbecame obsolete, resulting in more robust connections (solid lubricant appliedin a controlled industrial environment vs greasy lubricants applied manually atthe rig).

    Allows multiple Make & Breaks, and are fully compatible and interchangeablewith standard doped connections.

    Developed in 2003 due to strict environmental regulations in the North Sea,resulting later in additional benefits: CRA in stands enabler, reduction offormation damage, sandscreen/downhole equipment performance, HSE, etc .

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C11

    Running Time Savings


    • A reduction of the 5 ½” 17ppf Sandvik SAF2507® 80ksi TSH Blue Dopeless® completion running timewas achieved by running the tubulars in triples when comparing to singles run.

    • 2 different methods were used to calculate the related running time optimization.

    Method 1 selected randomly segments of time & pipes during the string running in singles and instands. Then, the average running time (stands/hour and joints/hour) were calculated for each wellcomparing the results for single and stands performances.

    Method 2 adopted the methodology described on the OTC-26726-MS paper where the time analysisstudy is based on information gathered from the field make-up charts records and eliminating allNPT not related to connections from the running time. Rejected (lay down) and re-Made upconnections were also analyzed.

    • 20 to 24 hours saved per string (8 hours saving for each 1000 m string RIH).

    • Rig time savings directly translated into economic savings by considering drillship daily costs.

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C12

    Running Time Savings – Method 1

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C

    Running Time Savings – Method 2

    Well Pipe RIHAverage(jts/h)


    5.1/2” 17ppf SAF 2507 80ksi TSH BLUE Dopeless®

    253 Singles



    5.1/2” 17ppf SAF 2507 80ksi TSH BLUE Dopeless®




    Singles Triples

    OTC-26726-MS paper methodology

    • Information analyzed from the torque vs turn charts.

    • All NPT not related to the connection were removed.

    • Net running time was obtained.

    • Allowed to compare “apples to apples”

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C

    Running Time Savings - Rejects and Remakes


    Well Pipe RIH

    Related to connection

    Not related to connection

    Rejects reMU Rejects reMU

    REF. WELL 5.1/2” 17ppf SAF 2507 80ksi TSH BLUE-DOPELESS 253 Singles 0 1 0 3

    REF. WELL 5.1/2” 17ppf SAF 2507 80ksi TSH BLUE-DOPELESS 14 triples 0 0 0 0

    TRIAL WELL #1 5.1/2” 17ppf SAF 2507 80ksi TSH BLUE-DOPELESS 67 triples 0 0 0 2

    • 0 rejects related to connections when running in singles and triples.

    • 1 remakes (0.3%) related to connection out of 334 make-ups

    • 5 remakes (1.5%) related to equipment/operation out of 334 make-ups

    Reduction of rejects and Remakes saves rig time.

    • Each reject takes about 40 mins

    • Each remake takes about 15 mins

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C15

    Other Benefits


    • Environmental:

    o Saving of water typically used to clean standard (non Dope-free) connections

    o Thread protectors not hazardous waste since they were not contaminated with thread compound.

    • Health and Safety:

    o Elimination and simplification of tasks related to the use of thread compounds and pipemovements. According OHSAS 18001: 2007, the elimination of the task is the first action, in thehierarchy level, in order to reduce and control the risk.

    • Improved Well Productivity:

    o No thread compound discharged inside wells.

    Lett: Pipe dope particles in suspension in injection water.Right: pipe dope particle seen through the microscope

    Lett: Standard Thread Protector contaminated with pipe dopeRight: Dopeless® Thread Protector

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C16


    • First succesful run of CRA completion (Cr>13%) in triples with Dope-free connections, a global first.

    • Running of CRA completion tubing in stands proved to be a viable improvement to normal practice.

    • Essential to have special handling and running equipment.

    • Dopeless® technology is the enabler for CRA tubulars to be run in stands.

    • Reduction of connection rejects (laid down) and remake-ups, and additional benefits due to the use of Dope-free connections.

    • Running speed efficiency was increased from 6 joints/hour (singles) to 11.5 joints/hour (triples).

    • Time saving of about 24 hours per string (8 hours/1000 m of completion string length) with associated economic savings.

    • Results were aligned with drilling efficiency and cost optimization initiatives

  • © M C E D e e p w a t e r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G u l f Q u e s t L L C17


    • Authors would like to thank ENI S.A., Sandvik and Tenaris, for their consent to share and publish this experience.