Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2013, Vol. 23, No. 2, 291–307 DOI: 10.2478/amcs-2013-0022 A GENERAL TRANSFER FUNCTION REPRESENTATION FOR A CLASS OF HYPERBOLIC DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER SYSTEMS KRZYSZTOF BARTECKI Institute of Control and Computer Engineering Opole University of Technology, ul. Sosnkowskiego 31, 45-272 Opole, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Results of transfer function analysis for a class of distributed parameter systems described by dissipative hyperbolic partial differential equations defined on a one-dimensional spatial domain are presented. For the case of two boundary inputs, the closed-form expressions for the individual elements of the 2×2 transfer function matrix are derived both in the exponential and in the hyperbolic form, based on the decoupled canonical representation of the system. Some important properties of the transfer functions considered are pointed out based on the existing results of semigroup theory. The influence of the location of the boundary inputs on the transfer function representation is demonstrated. The pole-zero as well as frequency response analyses are also performed. The discussion is illustrated with a practical example of a shell and tube heat exchanger operating in parallel- and countercurrent-flow modes. Keywords: distributed parameter system, hyperbolic system, partial differential equation, transfer function, heat exchanger. 1. Introduction Distributed Parameter Systems (DPSs) represent a large class of dynamical systems in which process variables depend not only on time but also on the spatial variables, which express the geometry of the system. In practice, almost all industrial processes fall into this category, while the existence of the so-called Lumped Parameter Systems (LPSs) results mainly from the adoption of a simplified model of the reality, in which spatial effects are neglected or averaged. Typical examples of a DPS include heat transfer and fluid flow phenomena, as well as processes occurring in chemical reactors, semiconductor manufacturing, polymer processing, air pollution monitoring and many others (Friedly, 1972; Wu and Liou, 2001; Bounit, 2003; Bartecki, 2007; 2009; Zavala-Rio et al., 2009; Li and Qi 2010; Ucinski, 2012; Patan, 2012). Based on the phenomenological models of the processes, established usually on the basis of the mass or energy conservation balance laws, one obtains their mathematical description, mostly in the form of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) (Evans, 1998; Mattheij et al., 2005). Depending on the nature of the modeled phenomena, the equations can be of the parabolic type (which are typical for unsteady heat conduction and diffusion problems), hyperbolic type (representing convection, advection and wave propagation phenomena) or elliptic type (describing steady-state physical phenomena, e.g., electrostatic, magnetostatic or gravitational fields). Mathematical models of DPSs obtained on the basis of PDEs are described in an infinite-dimensional state space, usually in a Hilbert space, and their transfer functions have the form of irrational functions, as opposed to the rational ones describing the dynamic properties of LPSs (Callier and Winkin, 1993; Rabenstein, 1999; Grabowski and Callier, 2001a; Zwart, 2004; Curtain and Morris, 2009). Comparative analyses of rational and irrational transfer functions show many essential differences between them, and one of the most important concerns the number of their poles and zeros. In the case of rational transfer functions, the number of poles and zeros is finite and corresponds to the number of polynomial roots appearing in the numerator and the denominator of the transfer function, respectively. On the other hand, irrational transfer functions, due to the presence of functions which are periodic for the imaginary argument (as, e.g., exponential or hyperbolic ones), may have an infinite number of poles and/or zeros. However, some of them have neither poles nor zeros, as is in the case of the well-known transfer function of a time delay system,

A GENERAL TRANSFER FUNCTION REPRESENTATION FOR A …matwbn.icm.edu.pl/ksiazki/amc/amc23/amc2324.pdf · differential equations defined on a one-dimensional spatial domain are presented

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Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2013, Vol. 23, No. 2, 291–307DOI: 10.2478/amcs-2013-0022



Institute of Control and Computer EngineeringOpole University of Technology, ul. Sosnkowskiego 31, 45-272 Opole, Poland

e-mail: [email protected]

Results of transfer function analysis for a class of distributed parameter systems described by dissipative hyperbolic partialdifferential equations defined on a one-dimensional spatial domain are presented. For the case of two boundary inputs, theclosed-form expressions for the individual elements of the 2×2 transfer function matrix are derived both in the exponentialand in the hyperbolic form, based on the decoupled canonical representation of the system. Some important properties ofthe transfer functions considered are pointed out based on the existing results of semigroup theory. The influence of thelocation of the boundary inputs on the transfer function representation is demonstrated. The pole-zero as well as frequencyresponse analyses are also performed. The discussion is illustrated with a practical example of a shell and tube heatexchanger operating in parallel- and countercurrent-flow modes.

Keywords: distributed parameter system, hyperbolic system, partial differential equation, transfer function, heat exchanger.

1. Introduction

Distributed Parameter Systems (DPSs) represent a largeclass of dynamical systems in which process variablesdepend not only on time but also on the spatial variables,which express the geometry of the system. In practice,almost all industrial processes fall into this category,while the existence of the so-called Lumped ParameterSystems (LPSs) results mainly from the adoption of asimplified model of the reality, in which spatial effectsare neglected or averaged. Typical examples of aDPS include heat transfer and fluid flow phenomena,as well as processes occurring in chemical reactors,semiconductor manufacturing, polymer processing, airpollution monitoring and many others (Friedly, 1972; Wuand Liou, 2001; Bounit, 2003; Bartecki, 2007; 2009;Zavala-Rio et al., 2009; Li and Qi 2010; Ucinski, 2012;Patan, 2012).

Based on the phenomenological models of theprocesses, established usually on the basis of themass or energy conservation balance laws, one obtainstheir mathematical description, mostly in the form ofPartial Differential Equations (PDEs) (Evans, 1998;Mattheij et al., 2005). Depending on the nature ofthe modeled phenomena, the equations can be of theparabolic type (which are typical for unsteady heat

conduction and diffusion problems), hyperbolic type(representing convection, advection and wave propagationphenomena) or elliptic type (describing steady-statephysical phenomena, e.g., electrostatic, magnetostaticor gravitational fields). Mathematical models of DPSsobtained on the basis of PDEs are described in aninfinite-dimensional state space, usually in a Hilbertspace, and their transfer functions have the form ofirrational functions, as opposed to the rational onesdescribing the dynamic properties of LPSs (Callier andWinkin, 1993; Rabenstein, 1999; Grabowski and Callier,2001a; Zwart, 2004; Curtain and Morris, 2009).

Comparative analyses of rational and irrationaltransfer functions show many essential differencesbetween them, and one of the most important concernsthe number of their poles and zeros. In the case ofrational transfer functions, the number of poles and zerosis finite and corresponds to the number of polynomialroots appearing in the numerator and the denominatorof the transfer function, respectively. On the otherhand, irrational transfer functions, due to the presence offunctions which are periodic for the imaginary argument(as, e.g., exponential or hyperbolic ones), may have aninfinite number of poles and/or zeros. However, someof them have neither poles nor zeros, as is in the case ofthe well-known transfer function of a time delay system,

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G(s) = e−τs. Another striking difference concerns thebehavior of the transfer functions in the limit cases, e.g.,when the argument s tends to infinity. In the case of properrational functions the limit is zero, while for irrationalones the limits at the infinity may depend on the chosendirection on the complex plane. For example, in the caseof the above-mentioned transfer function G(s)=e−τs, thelimit at infinity calculated along the real axis equals zero,while calculated along the imaginary one does not existdue to the periodicity of the exponential function for theimaginary argument (Curtain and Morris, 2009).

The knowledge of transfer functions enables thedesign of control systems using frequency responsetechniques, and this statement refers both to the LPS andthe DPS (Jovanovic and Bamieh, 2006). However, dueto the mathematical complexity and the above-mentionedpeculiarities of irrational transfer functions, their analysisis more difficult, and possible applications more limitedthan in the case of finite-dimensional models. Therefore,in order to enable the implementation of the techniquesdeveloped over the years and still commonly used forthe synthesis of control systems, infinite-dimensional DPSmodels are usually replaced by their finite-dimensionalapproximations (Filbet and Shu, 2005; Contou-Carrereand Daoutidis, 2008; Ding et al., 2009; Jones andKerrigan, 2010). These approximations often require afurther reduction using, for example, techniques based onthe Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Park and Cho,1996; Li and Qi, 2010; Bartecki, 2011; 2012a; 2012b).However, regardless of the approximation method used,the starting point for the synthesis of a control systemshould be based on a possibly accurate description of theDPS, taking into account its infinite-dimensional nature,e.g., a model in the form of an irrational transfer function.

The paper presents the results of transfer functionanalysis for a certain class of DPSs in which the mass,heat and energy transport phenomena occur. This classof systems, among which one can mention, e.g., heatexchangers, transport pipelines, irrigation channels orelectrical transmission lines, is usually described by aPDE of the hyperbolic type and known under the commonname of the hyperbolic systems of conservation laws(Friedly, 1972; Delnero et al., 2004; Bounit, 2003;Kowalewski, 2009; Bartecki and Rojek, 2005; Bartecki,2007; 2009). Their dynamical properties have beenintensively studied in the literature in recent years. Forexample, Zwart et al. (2010) prove that hyperbolicboundary control systems are well-posed if and onlyif the state operator generates a strongly continuousone-parameter semigroup. Furthermore, they show thatthe corresponding transfer function is regular, i.e., has alimit for the argument s going to infinity. Litrico andFromion (2009a; 2009b) use a frequency domain methodfor the boundary control of hyperbolic conservation lawsand show that the resulting transfer functions belong to the

so-called Callier–Desoer algebra, for which the Nyquisttheorem provides necessary and sufficient conditions forthe input-output closed-loop stability. The problems ofrobust control of hyperbolic PDE systems have beenstudied extensively, e.g., by Christofides and Daoutidis(1998a; 1998b) or Litrico et al. (2007). Interesting resultson the stability and well-posedness analysis of the classof systems considered were presented recently, e.g., byXu and Sallet (2002), Bounit (2003), Coron et al. (2007),Dos Santos et al. (2008), Chentouf and Wang (2009),Diagne et al. (2012), as well as Jacob and Zwart (2012).

The structure of the article is as follows. AfterIntroduction, Section 2 reviews the mathematical modelof the discussed class of DPSs in the form of a set ofPDEs and formulates its hyperbolicity conditions. Next,the analysis is focused on the systems with two distributedstate variables and boundary-type control. Based onthe semigroup approach, some known theoretical resultsof well-posedness and stability for the given class ofdissipative hyperbolic systems are recalled. Section 3starts with a discussion of some known properties ofthe transfer functions of DPSs with boundary inputs.The closed-form expressions for the individual elementsof the 2×2 transfer function matrix are derived basedon the decoupled canonical system of two hyperbolicPDEs. In Section 4, a shell and tube heat exchangeroperating in parallel- and countercurrent-flow modes ispresented as a typical example of the hyperbolic DPSwith boundary inputs considered. Based on the derivedtransfer functions, selected frequency responses of theheat exchanger are also presented here. The articleconcludes with a summary of new results and directionsfor further research.

2. Hyperbolic systems

2.1. General case. Many of the above-mentionedDPSs can be described, after possible linearization in agiven operating point, by the following system of linearhomogeneous PDEs of the first order (see Christofidesand Daoutidis, 1998b; Evans, 1998; Strikwerda, 2004;Mattheij et al., 2005; Chentouf and Wang, 2009; Diagneet al., 2012):

E∂w (l, t)

∂t+ F

∂w (l, t)∂l

= Ww (l, t) , (1)

where w(l, t) : Q → Rn is a vector function representing

the spatio-temporal distribution of the n state variables

w(l, t) =[w1(l, t) w2(l, t) . . . wn(l, t)

]T, (2)

defined on a set Q = Ω×Θ, where Ω = [0, L] ⊂ R is thedomain of the spatial variable l, Θ = [0, +∞) ⊂ R is thedomain of the time variable t, and E, F, W ∈ R

n×n arematrices with constant entries.

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Assuming that for det(E) �= 0 and det(F ) �= 0 thereexists a non-singular transformation matrix S ∈ R


such that the following equation holds:

S−1FE−1S = Λ, (3)

where Λ is a diagonal matrix, pre-multiplying both thesides of (1) by S−1 and using the following identity

E−1SS−1E ≡ I, (4)

Eqn. (1) can be transformed into the form

S−1E∂w (l, t)

∂t+ S−1FE−1SS−1E

∂w (l, t)∂l

= S−1Ww (l, t) .


Then, taking into account (3) and (4) and introducing thetransformed state variable vector x(l, t) defined as

x(l, t) = S−1Ew(l, t), (6)

Eqn. (1) can be finally written as follows:

∂x (l, t)∂t

+ Λ∂x (l, t)

∂l= Kx (l, t) , (7)

whereK = S−1WE−1S. (8)

Remark 1. Owing to the diagonal form of the matrixΛ, each equation of the system (7) contains both temporaland spatial derivatives of the same state variable xi(l, t),for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Therefore, this system is commonlyreferred to as decoupled or weakly coupled, i.e., coupledonly through the terms that do not contain derivatives, asopposed to the original system (1) which in general can bestrongly coupled.

Definition 1. (Mattheij et al., 2005) The system (1) issaid to be hyperbolic if all the eigenvalues of the matrixFE−1 are real and different from zero. Additionally, ifall the eigenvalues are distinct, then Eqn. (1) is said to bestrictly hyperbolic.

Therefore, the strict hyperbolicity of the systemmeans that the matrix Λ in (7) takes the following form:

Λ = diag (λ1, . . . , λp, λp+1, . . . , λn) , (9)

where λi ∈ R \ {0} for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, represents theeigenvalues of the matrix FE−1 arranged in descendingorder,

λ1 > . . . > λp > 0 > λp+1 > . . . > λn, (10)

with p ≤ n representing the number of positiveeigenvalues.

The matrix S in (3) can be presented as follows:

S =[s1 . . . sp sp+1 . . . sn

], (11)

where si ∈ Rn for i = 1, 2, . . . , n denotes the

corresponding column eigenvectors of the matrix FE−1.

Remark 2. If the matrix FE−1 is symmetric, then thesystem (1) is hyperbolic. In the case of hyperbolic PDEsdescribing physical phenomena mentioned in Section 1,its eigenvalues usually represent the wave propagationvelocities (as for the electrical transmission line) or massand energy transport rates (as for the shell and tube heatexchanger).

2.2. Initial and boundary conditions. In order toobtain a unique solution of (7), one must specify theappropriate initial and boundary conditions. The initialconditions represent the initial (i.e., determined for t = 0)distribution of the values of all n state variables for thewhole set Ω,

x(l, 0) = x0(l), (12)

where x0(l) : Ω → Rn is a given vector function.

On the other hand, the boundary conditions representthe requirements to be met by the solution x(l, t) at theboundary points of Ω. In general, these conditions maytake the form of a linear combination of the Dirichlet andNeumann boundary conditions, as the so-called boundaryconditions of the third kind (Dooge and Napiorkowski,1987; Christofides and Daoutidis, 1997; Sutherland andKennedy, 2003; Ancona and Coclite, 2005). For theclass of hyperbolic systems considered, we assume theDirichlet boundary conditions, which can be written in thefollowing compact way (see Xu and Sallet, 2002; Diagneet al., 2012):

[x+(0, t)

x−(L, t)



[P00 P01

P10 P11

][x+(L, t)

x−(0, t)






u (t)


x+ =




⎥⎦ , x− =




⎥⎦ . (14)

The vector function u(t) ∈ L2([0, +∞); Rr) in (13)expresses the inhomogeneity of the boundary conditionswhich can be identified with r external inputs to thesystem, including control signals as well as externaldisturbances. The constant matrices P00 ∈ R

p×p, P01 ∈R

p×(n−p), P10 ∈ R(n−p)×n, P11 ∈ R


express boundary feedbacks and reflections, whereasR0 ∈ R

p×r and R1 ∈ R(n−p)×r represent the effect of the

external inputs u(t) on the boundary conditions x+(0, t)and x−(L, t), respectively.

2.3. Second-order systems. Among many differentkinds of DPSs, an important class is constituted bythe systems with two spatio-temporal state variableswhich can be described, after appropriate assumptions,by a second-order hyperbolic PDE. The following typical

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examples can be mentioned here (Górecki et al., 1989;Gvozdenac, 1990; Miano and Maffucci, 2001; Arbaouiet al., 2007; Dos Santos et al., 2008; Bartecki, 2009):

• the voltage u(l, t) and the current i(l, t) in theelectrical transmission line,

• the pressure p(l, t) and the flow q(l, t) of the mediumtransported through the pipeline,

• the temperatures ϑ1(l, t) and ϑ2(l, t) of the heatingand the heated fluid in the case of a shell and tubeheat exchanger.

In the case of the above-mentioned systems,Eqn. (7) takes, after possible previous linearization anddiagonalization, the form of the following two PDEs:

∂x1(l, t)∂t

+λ1∂x1(l, t)

∂l=k11x1(l, t)+k12x2(l, t) , (15)

∂x2(l, t)∂t

+λ2∂x2(l, t)

∂l=k21x1(l, t)+k22x2(l, t) , (16)

where k11, k12, k21, k22 are constant elements of thematrix K given by (8).

It is assumed here that the only external influenceon the state variables is given by the boundary conditions(13) and no boundary feedbacks nor reflections are presentin the system, i.e., P00, P01, P10, P11 in (13) are allzero matrices. The second important assumption is thatthe system is given directly by the two weekly coupledPDEs (15) and (16), or is considered in terms of thetransformed state variables (6). Two cases often occurringin practice are studied here: in the first one, both boundaryconditions are given for the same edge (l = 0) of Ω,and in the second the input function u(t) acts on the twodifferent edges, l = 0 and l = L, respectively. Such asituation occurs, e.g., in the case of shell and tube heatexchangers, for which two different flow configurationsare possible (Bartecki and Rojek, 2005; Bartecki, 2007;Delnero et al., 2004; Gvozdenac, 1990; Zavala-Río et al.,2009; Maidi et al., 2010). Therefore, two new definitionsare now introduced in order to discriminate between thetwo above-mentioned classes of boundary inputs.

Definition 2. The boundary inputs of the system (15)and (16) will be referred to as congruent for the followingparameter values of Eqn. (13): n = l = p = 2 and R0 =I2, which leads to the input vector of the form

u(t)=[u1 (t) u2 (t)

]T =[x1 (0, t) x2 (0, t)

]T. (17)

Definition 3. The boundary inputs to the system (15) and(16) will be referred to as incongruent for the followingparameter values of Eqn. (13): n = l = 2, p = 1, R0 =

[1 0] and R1 = [0 1], which leads to the input vector ofthe form

u(t)=[u1 (t) u2 (t)

]T =[x1 (0, t) x2 (L, t)

]T. (18)

Remark 3. Taking into account (10), it can be noticedthat the congruent boundary inputs should be imposed forλ1 > 0 and λ2 > 0, while the incongruent ones for λ1 > 0and λ2 < 0.

The above assumptions about the form of theboundary conditions representing the external influenceson the system have their practical reasons. For example,in the case of the above-mentioned shell and tube heatexchanger operating in the so-called parallel-flow mode,the temperatures of the heated and the heating fluid aregiven for the same geometric point of the exchanger. Onthe other hand, the temperatures of the fluids flowing intothe exchanger operating in the countercurrent-flow modeare specified for its two opposite sides.

2.4. State and output equations. Ignoring for themoment the boundary inputs, Eqn. (1) can be writtenin the following homogeneous abstract Cauchy form(Curtain and Zwart, 1995):


= Ax(t), x(0) = x0, (19)

with the state variable x(t) belonging to the Hilbert spaceX = L2(Ω, Rn) and the operator A : X ⊃ D(A) → Xwhich can be expressed based on (7) as

Ah = −Λdh

dl+ Kh. (20)

Considering the second-order system (15) and (16), thedomain D(A) is given for h = [h1, h2]T by

D(A)={h ∈ H1(Ω)×H1(Ω)

∣∣ h1(0)=h2(0)=0


(21)for λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0, and by

D(A)={h ∈ H1(Ω)×H1(Ω)

∣∣ h1(0)=h2(L)=0


(22)for λ1 > 0, λ2 < 0, with H1(Ω) the Hilbert–Sobolevspace of functions, whose distributional derivatives lie inL2(Ω).

Assumption 1. The matrix K in (7) is symmetric andnegative-semidefinite, i.e., it fulfills ξT Kξ ≤ 0 for anyξ ∈ R


Remark 4. Assumption 1, together with the properboundary conditions, ensures the so-called dissipativityof the operator A in (20) (Phillips, 1957; Lumer andPhillips, 1961; Xu and Sallet, 2002; Chentouf and Wang,2009; Tucsnak and Weiss, 2006). This means that theassociated physical model has no internal energy sources

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and the boundary conditions are such that no energy entersthe model through the boundaries. These conditionsare satisfied by many chemical engineering systems liketubular reactors and heat exchangers.

Theorem 1. (Rauch and Taylor, 1974; Lumer andPhillips, 1961) Let the assumptions on the hyperbolicitybe satisfied for the system (7). Then for each x0 ∈ X thesystem has a unique solution

x(·, t) ∈ C ([0, +∞) ; X) . (23)

Moreover, if the system is dissipative, the semigroup ofbounded linear operators T (t) from X into itself such thatx(·, t) = T (t)x0, generated by the operator A (20), iscontractive, i.e., it fulfills

‖T (t)‖L(X) ≤ 1 for all t ≥ 0. (24)

Considering the second-order system (15) and (16),the boundary inputs introduced in Definitions 2 and 3 canbe included as an inhomogeneity into (19), giving as aresult the following state equation (see Curtain and Weiss,2006):


= Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0, (25)

where u(t) ∈ L2([0, +∞); R2), and

Bu(t) =[λ1δ (0)u1 (t)λ2δ (0)u2 (t)



Bu(t) =[λ1δ (0)u1 (t)λ2δ (L)u2 (t)

], (27)

where B is the control operator for the case of thecongruent and incongruent boundary inputs, respectively.In the above formulation, the input points are modeled asa Delta distribution at the extremities l = 0 and l = L (seeTucsnak and Weiss, 2006; 2009; Maidi et al., 2010).

The state equation (25) can be completed by thefollowing output equation:

y(t) = Cx(t), (28)

where y is in the Hilbert space Y and C is a linear output(observation) operator. This operator can be taken asidentity, giving as a result a “distributed output”, i.e.,

y(t) = x(t), (29)

or as a pointwise output operator with

Cx(t) =




δ (L)x1 (ξ, t) dξ



δ (L)x2 (ξ, t) dξ

⎥⎥⎦ =

[x1 (L, t)x2 (L, t)



Cx(t) =




δ (L)x1 (ξ, t) dξ



δ (0)x2 (ξ, t) dξ

⎥⎥⎦ =

[x1 (L, t)x2 (0, t)

], (31)

which can be treated as “opposite boundary” counterpartsof the input operators (26) and (27), with y(t) ∈L2([0, +∞); R2).

Although the above formulation of input and outputoperators seems to be soundly justified by practicalconsiderations (e.g., inlet and outlet points of a shell andtube heat exchanger are usually located on its extremeopposite ends), it causes some mathematical difficultiessince B and C are unbounded, δ(0), δ(L) /∈ L2(Ω).However, as will be shown in the next section, thenotion of the transfer function can be preserved for someclass of distributed parameter systems with a certainunboundedness of the control and observation operators.

3. Transfer function description

3.1. Definition and properties.

Definition 4. (Curtain and Zwart, 1995) The trans-fer function G(s) of the linear system described bythe state and output equations (25) and (28), is theL(R2, R2)-valued function of a complex variable given by

y(s) = G(s)u(s) for Re(s) > α, (32)

where y(s) and u(s) are the Laplace transforms of y(t)and u(t), respectively, and α is a real parameter suchthat e−αu (·) ∈ L2

([0, +∞) ; R2

)produces e−αy (·) ∈

L2([0, +∞) ; R2

)for every u.

Assuming temporarily that both B and C arebounded linear operators: B ∈ L (R2, X

)and C ∈

L (X, R2), the transfer function G(s) of the system is

given by (Callier and Winkin, 1993; Curtain and Zwart,1995)

G(s) = C (sI − A)−1B for Re(s) > ω0, (33)

where (sI − A)−1 ∈ L (X, D (A)) is the resolvent ofA, i.e., the Laplace transform of the semigroup T (t)generated by A, and ω0 is the growth constant of thissemigroup.

The above definition of the transfer function canbe extended to a more general class of systems, wheresome unboundedness of the input and output operatorsis possible, as shown by Salamon (1987), Curtain et al.(1992), Callier and Winkin (1993), Grabowski and Callier(2001a; 2001b), or Cheng and Morris (2003). Suchgeneral systems are interesting since they allow, e.g.,the exact boundary control as well as the pointwise

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observation, as considered in Section 2.4. To this end,the notion of the so-called admissibility of the input andoutput operators has been introduced in the literature. Themild solution of (25) and (28) can be written, assumingt ≥ 0, in the following general form (Curtain andZwart, 1995):

x(t) = T (t)x0 +



T (t − τ)Bu(τ) dτ, (34)

y(t) = CT (t)x0 + C



T (t− τ)Bu(τ) dτ, (35)

where T (t) is the semigroup generated by A (20). Withoutgoing too far into details, it may be stated that the operatorB for which the integral term in (34) lies in X for everyu ∈ L2

([0, t1] , R2

)and some t1 > 0 is called an admis-

sible input operator. Similarly, the operator C for whichone can uniquely define a function y ∈ L2

([0, t1] , R2


for some t1 > 0 and all x0 ∈ X , is called an admis-sible output operator (Curtain et al., 1992; Weiss, 1994;Staffans and Weiss, 2000).

If both B and C are admissible operators, the system(34) and (35) is called a Pritchard–Salamon system(Pritchard and Salamon, 1984; Curtain et al., 1992). Sincethe admissibility of the studied unbounded operatorsB and C for the semigroup T (t) generated by A in(20) has been already proved (see, e.g., Tucsnak andWeiss, 2006) one may state that the dissipative hyperbolicsystems considered belong to the Pritchard–Salamonclass. Moreover, as proved by Curtain (1988), if Agenerates a C0-semigroup T (t), either μ-exponentialstabilizability or μ-exponential detectability of thissemigroup is sufficient for the given systems to belongto the Callier–Desoer class B(μ), for which the Nyquisttheorem provides necessary and sufficient conditions forinput-output closed-loop stability (Callier and Winkin,1993; Curtain and Zwart, 1995; Sasane, 2002). The abovestatement holds true even if B and C are unboundedoperators, which is the case considered here. The samehas been proved by Litrico and Fromion (2009a) for a veryparticular hyperbolic system of conservation laws, basedon the transfer function decomposition into an unstablefinite dimensional part and a stable infinite dimensionalpart.

From the semigroup analysis performed inSection 2.4 we have that the transfer functions ofthe hyperbolic systems considered are in H∞, i.e., theyare analytic and bounded in the open right half of thecomplex plane, Re(s) > 0. As shown by Callier andWinkin (1993) as well as Curtain and Zwart (1995),it is possible for a boundary control system to obtaina closed form expression for the transfer function bytaking the Laplace transforms of the original partial

differential equation and solving the resulting boundaryvalue problem. This approach will be applied here to theanalysed class of hyperbolic DPSs.

3.2. General transfer function matrix. After Laplacetransform Lt with respect to the variable t, the generalsystem (7) can be written as

∂x(l, s)∂l

= Λ−1 (K − sI)x(l, s) + Λ−1x(l, 0), (36)

where x(l, 0) represents the initial conditions (12).Introducing, for the sake of brevity, the matrix P (s) ofthe following form:

P (s) = Λ−1 (K − sI) , (37)

the general solution of (36) is given by

x(l, s)=Λ−1



eP (s)(l−ξ)x(ξ, 0) dξ + eP (s)lx(0, s),

(38)where the first term on the right-hand side represents theresponse to the initial conditions at t = 0 and the secondthe response to the boundary conditions at l = 0.

Equation (38) can be identified with the statetransition equation (34), except that the former is in theLaplace transform domain whereas the latter in the timedomain. Moreover, the role of the input function u(t)in (34) is played by the Laplace-transformed boundaryconditions x(0, s) in (38). Therefore, assuming the caseof the distributed output (29), the matrix eP (s)l in (38),which is the resolvent of the operator A,

R (s, A)=(sI−A)−1 = eP (s)l for Re (s)>0, (39)

can be referred to as a general n × n transfer functionmatrix G(l, s) of the system (7) with n boundary inputsimposed at l = 0 and the parameter l indicating the spatialposition for which the transfer function is to be evaluated.

In order to calculate the matrix exponential eP (s)l in(39), we assume that P (s) can be diagonalized as follows:

P (s) = Ψ(s)Φ(s)Ψ−1(s), (40)

where Φ(s) is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues ofP (s) and Ψ(s) consists of its (column) eigenvectors.Consequently, Eqn. (38) can be written in the followingform:

x(l, s)=Λ−1



G(l−ξ, s)x(ξ, 0) dξ +G(l, s)x(0, s),


G(l, s) = eP (s)l = Ψ(s)eΦ(s)lΨ−1(s). (42)

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3.3. Transfer function matrices of the second-order system. In the case of the second-order systemdescribed by (15) and (16), one can distinguish twolumped input signals represented by the boundaryconditions (17) or (18), and two output signalsrepresenting the distribution of the state variables x1(l, t)and x2(l, t) (see Eqn. (29)). For the purpose of furtheranalysis, the following two definitions are introduced,based on the well-known notion of the transfer functionas the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output signalto the Laplace transform of the input signal under theassumption that the other input signals as well as all initialconditions are equal to zero.

Definition 5. The transfer function matrix of the systemdescribed by Eqns. (15) and (16) is defined for the caseof the congruent boundary inputs (17) as the matrix of thefollowing form:

G(l, s) =

[G11(l, s) G12(l, s)

G21(l, s) G22(l, s)


, (43)


G11(l, s) =x1(l, s)x1(0, s)

, G21(l, s) =x2(l, s)x1(0, s)

, (44)

for x2(0, s) = 0, and

G12(l, s) =x1(l, s)x2(0, s)

, G22(l, s) =x2(l, s)x2(0, s)

, (45)

for x1(0, s) = 0, all for zero initial conditions, x1(l, 0) =x2(l, 0) = 0.

Definition 6. The transfer function matrix of the systemdescribed by Eqns. (15) and (16) is defined for the case ofthe incongruent boundary inputs (18) as the matrix of thefollowing form:

G(l, s) =

[G11(l, s) G12(l, s)

G21(l, s) G22(l, s)


, (46)


G11(l, s) =x1(l, s)x1(0, s)

, G21(l, s) =x2(l, s)x1(0, s)

, (47)

for x2(L, s) = 0, and

G12(l, s) =x1(l, s)x2(L, s)

, G22(l, s) =x2(l, s)x2(L, s)

, (48)

for x1(0, s) = 0, all for zero initial conditions, x1(l, 0) =x2(l, 0) = 0.

The vector of Laplace transforms of the statevariables

x(l, s) =[x1(l, s) x2(l, s)


Fig. 1. Block diagram of the transfer function model for thecongruent boundary inputs.

can therefore be determined for the congruent boundaryinputs, assuming zero initial conditions, based on thefollowing equation:

x(l, s) = G(l, s)u(s) (50)

for u(s) = [x1(0, s) x2(0, s)]T , which is obviously aparticular case of (41). A block diagram of the transferfunction model for the congruent boundary inputs ispresented in Fig. 1.

On the other hand, for the case of the incongruentboundary inputs (see Fig. 2), the formula for the vector ofthe state variables takes the following form:

x(l, s) = G(l, s)u(s) (51)

for u(s) = [x1(0, s) x2(L, s)]T . Referring to theanalysis presented in Section 3.2, the matrix P (s) in (37)takes for the case considered the following form:

P (s)=

[p11(s) p12

p21 p22(s)




k11 − s





k22 − s


⎥⎦ , (52)

and its eigendecomposition (40) results in the followingmatrix of eigenvalues:

Φ(s) = diag (φ1(s), φ2(s)) , (53)

withφ1,2(s) = α(s) ± β(s), (54)


α(s) =12

(p11(s) + p22(s)) (55)


β(s) =12

√(p11(s) − p22(s))

2 + 4p12p21. (56)

Assuming as an example k11 < 0, k22 < 0 andk12 = k21 = 0 in (15) and (16) for the case of the

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Fig. 2. Block diagram of the transfer function model for the in-congruent boundary inputs.

congruent boundary inputs (17), we immediately obtain,based on (52) and (42), the transfer function matrix G(l, s)in the diagonal form,

G(l, s) =

[κ1(l)e−sτ1(l) 0

0 κ2(l)e−sτ2(l)


, (57)


κ1(l) = ek11λ1

l, κ2(l) = e


l, (58)

τ1(l) =l

λ1, τ2(l) =


λ2. (59)

The above representation should beconsidered a particular case of the two separateproportional-time-delay systems. Furthermore, assumingalso k11 = k22 = 0, we obtain two pure time-delaysystems, G11(l, s) = e−sτ1(l) and G22(l, s) = e−sτ2(l).

In the next subsection the analytical closed formexpressions for the individual elements of the transferfunction matrices G(l, s) and G(l, s) are derived forthe general case of the non-zero parameters, takinginto account the two different forms of the boundaryconditions introduced in Section 2.3.

3.4. Analytical expressions for the transfer functions.

Proposition 1. The transfer functions included in thematrix G(l, s) in (43) take for the case of the congruentboundary inputs (17) the following form:

G11(l, s) =φ1(s) − p22(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)


− φ2(s) − p22(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)



G12(l, s) =p12

φ1(s) − φ2(s)

(eφ1(s)l − eφ2(s)l

), (61)

G21(l, s) =p21

φ1(s) − φ2(s)

(eφ1(s)l − eφ2(s)l

), (62)

G22(l, s) =φ1(s) − p11(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)


− φ2(s) − p11(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)



where p11(s), p12, p21 and p22(s) are elements of thematrix P (s) in (52) and φ1(s), φ2(s) are its eigenvaluesgiven by (53)–(56).

Proof. By applying the Laplace transform Lt to (15)and (16), one obtains, assuming zero initial conditionsx1(l, 0) = 0 and x2(l, 0) = 0, the following equations:

λ1∂x1 (l, s)

∂l=(k11−s)x1 (l, s) + k12x2 (l, s) , (64)

λ2∂x2 (l, s)

∂l=k21x1 (l, s) + (k22−s)x2 (l, s) . (65)

Taking the Laplace transform again, now with respect tothe spatial variable l,

x (q, s) = Ll

{x (l, s)


and taking into account that


{∂x(l, s)


}= qx(q, s) − x(0, s) (67)

transforms Eqns. (64) and (65) into the following form:

x1 (q, s) =q − k22−s


M(q, s)x1 (0, s) +


M(q, s)x2 (0, s) ,


x2 (q, s) =k21λ2

M(q, s)x1 (0, s) +

q − k11−sλ1

M(q, s)x2 (0, s) ,


where M(q, s) is the characteristic polynomial of thematrix P (s)

M(q, s) = det (qI − P (s)) == (q − φ1 (s)) (q − φ2 (s)) .


Finding the inverse Laplace transform of (68) and(69) with respect to q by taking advantage of the followingproperty (Friedly, 1972):




S(q)T (q)




(q − λj)





S(λj)dT (q)





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where S(q) and T (q) represent polynomials in q of degreeM and N > M , respectively, and λj is a single root ofT (q), yields the following form of the equations:

x1 (l, s)=G11(l, s) x1(0, s)+G12(l, s)x2(0, s) , (72)

x2 (l, s)=G21(l, s) x1(0, s)+G22(l, s)x2(0, s) , (73)

where the expressions on G11(l, s), G12(l, s), G21(l, s)and G22(l, s) are given by (60)–(63). �

Lemma 1. For any x, y, z ∈ C such that z �= 0 andz �= y, the following identity holds:

ex − y

ze−x =

z − y


(coshx +

z + y

z − ysinh x

). (74)

Proof. By using the well-known identities

sinh x =ex − e−x



cosh x =ex + e−x

2, (76)

the right-hand side of (74) can be transformed in thefollowing way:

z − y


(coshx +

z + y

z − ysinh x


=z − y


(ex + e−x +

z + y

z − y

(ex − e−x


=z − y



z − yex − 2y

z − ye−x


= ex − y



Proposition 2. The transfer functions (60)–(63) can beexpressed in the following equivalent form using the hy-perbolic functions:

G11(l, s) = eα(s)l(

cosh β(s)l

+α(s) − p22(s)

β(s)sinh β(s)l



G12(l, s) =p12

β(s)eα(s)l sinhβ(s)l, (79)

G21(l, s) =p21

β(s)eα(s)l sinhβ(s)l, (80)

G22(l, s) = eα(s)l(

cosh β(s)l

+α(s) − p11(s)

β(s)sinh β(s)l



where α(s) and β(s) are given by (55) and (56).

Proof. The transfer function G11(l, s) described by(60) can be transformed using (54) and Lemma 1 into thefollowing form:

G11(l, s)


φ1(s) − φ2(s)eα(s)leβ(s)l

− p22(s)φ1(s)−φ2(s)


− φ2(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)





φ1(s) − φ2(s)eα(s)l

(eβ(s)l − φ2(s)



− p22(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)

eα(s)l(eβ(s)l − e−β(s)l


= eα(s)l

(coshβ(s)l +

φ1(s) + φ2(s)φ1(s) − φ2(s)


− 2p22(s)

φ1(s) − φ2(s)eα(s)lsinhβ(s)l.


Then, by making the substitutions φ1(s) − φ2(s) =2β(s) and φ1(s) + φ2(s) = 2α(s), one obtains thehyperbolic form (78) of G11(l, s). Due to the obvioussymmetry, one can similarly obtain the hyperbolic version(81) of G22(l, s). On the other hand, for the transferfunction G12(l, s) we have

G12(l, s) =p12

φ1(s) − φ2(s)eα(s)l

(eβ(s)l − e−β(s)l


= 2p12

φ1(s) − φ2(s)eα(s)l sinhβ(s)l


β(s)eα(s)l sinh β(s)l,


and, in a similar fashion, we come to the hyperbolic form(80) of G21(l, s). �

Remark 5. By making in the transfer functions (60)–(63)the substitution l = 0, one obtains eφ1(s)l = eφ2(s)l = 1and finally G11(0, s) = 1, G12(0, s) = 0, G21(0, s) = 0,G22(0, s) = 1. This result means that for l = 0, a givenoutput variable xi(l, t) is identically equal to the relevantboundary input ui(t), without any cross-interactions fromthe second boundary input (see Fig. 1). Analogous resultscan be obtained based on the analysis of the hyperbolicform (78)–(81) of the transfer functions. In this case oneobtains, for l = 0, eα(s)l = 1, sinhβ(s)l = 0 andcoshβ(s)l = 1, which leads to the same values of thetransfer functions.

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Proposition 3. The transfer functions included in the ma-trix G(l, s) in (46) for the case of the incongruent bound-ary inputs (18) take the following form:

G11(l, s)

=eφ2(s)Leφ1(s)l (φ1(s) − p22(s))

eφ2(s)L(φ1(s) − p22(s)) − eφ1(s)L(φ2(s) − p22(s))

− eφ1(s)Leφ2(s)l (φ2(s) − p22(s))eφ2(s)L(φ1(s) − p22(s)) − eφ1(s)L(φ2(s) − p22(s))



G12(l, s)


(eφ2(s)l − eφ1(s)l


eφ2(s)L(φ2(s) − p11(s)) − eφ1(s)L(φ1(s) − p11(s)),


G21(l, s)


(eφ2(s)Leφ1(s)l − eφ1(s)Leφ2(s)l


eφ2(s)L(φ1(s) − p22(s)) − eφ1(s)L(φ2(s) − p22(s)),


G22(l, s)

=eφ2(s)l (φ2(s) − p11(s)) − eφ1(s)l (φ1(s) − p11(s))eφ2(s)L (φ2(s) − p11(s)) − eφ1(s)L (φ1(s) − p11(s))



where p11(s), p12, p21 and p22(s) are elements of thematrix P (s) in (52) and φ1(s), φ2(s) are its eigenvaluesgiven by (53)–(56).

Proof. The solution of the set of the differential equations(64) and (65), now with the incongruent boundaryconditions (see Definition 3), is given in the followingform:

x1 (l, s)=G11(l, s)x1(0, s)+G12(l, s)x2(L, s) , (88)

x2 (l, s)=G21(l, s)x1(0, s)+G22(l, s)x2(L, s) , (89)

where the expressions for G11(l, s), G12(l, s), G21(l, s)and G22(l, s) are given by (84)–(87). �

Proposition 4. The transfer functions (84)–(87) can beexpressed in the following equivalent form using the hy-perbolic functions:

G11(l, s)

=eα(s)lβ(s) cosh β(s)(l − L)

β(s) cosh β(s)L − (α(s) − p22(s)) sinh β(s)L

+eα(s)l (α(s) − p22(s)) sinhβ(s)(l − L)

β(s) cosh β(s)L − (α(s) − p22(s)) sinh β(s)L,


G12(l, s)

=p12eα(s)(l−L) sinh β(s)(l)

β(s) cosh β(s)L + (α(s) − p11(s)) sinh β(s)L,


G21(l, s)

=p21eα(s)l sinh β(s)(l − L)

β(s) cosh β(s)L − (α(s) − p22(s)) sinh β(s)L,


G22(l, s)

=eα(s)(l−L)β(s) cosh β(s)l

β(s) cosh β(s)L + (α(s) − p11(s)) sinh β(s)L

+eα(s)(l−L) (α(s) − p11(s)) sinh β(s)l

β(s) cosh β(s)L + (α(s) − p11(s)) sinh β(s)L.


Proof. The result is derived as in the case of the proof ofResult 2, i.e., using (54) and Lemma 1. �

Remark 6. In the case of the incongruent boundaryinputs one obtains G11(0, s) = 1, G12(0, s) = 0,G21(L, s) = 0 and G22(L, s) = 1 (see Fig. 2).

3.5. Pole-zero analysis. The pole-zero analysis can bestarted with the simplified form of the analysed transferfunctions, discussed at the end of Section 3.3, i.e., fork12 = k21 = 0. In this case we obtain φ1(s) = p11(s),φ2(s) = p22(s) and the transfer functions are given bythe matrix (57) with G12(l, s) = G21(l, s) = 0 andG11(l, s), G22(l, s) in the pure exponential form havingneither poles nor zeros. Similar results can be obtainedfor the case of the incongruent inputs.

Considering the more general case of the non-zeroparameters, one can suppose that the poles of the transferfunctions (60)–(63) and (84)–(87) occur when

φ1(s) = φ2(s) (94)


s1,2 =k22λ1 − k11λ2

λ1 − λ2± 2


λ1 − λ2. (95)

However, Eqn. (94) expresses also the condition for“zeroing” all transfer function numerators. Thus, sincethe poles and zeros are defined for the reduced form ofthe transfer function, we can state that all the transferfunctions considered have no poles. Furthermore, transferfunctions G11(l, s), G22(l, s) and their incongruentcounterparts have no zeros either. The above results canbe regarded as a generalization of the results obtained for

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the simplified form of the transfer functions considered inSection 3.3.

Slightly different is the case of the “crossover”channels G12(l, s) and G21(l, s), for which the conditionfor the occurrence of zeros is

eφ1(s)l = eφ2(s)l. (96)

Thus, due to the periodicity of the exponential functionalong the imaginary axis, this condition means that thetransfer functions considered have infinitely many zerosas stated in the following result.

Proposition 5. The transfer functions G12(l, s),G21(l, s) and G12(l, s) have infinitely many zeros of thefollowing form:

z(k)1,2 (l) =

k22λ1 − k11λ2

(λ1 − λ2)±

± 2√−λ2


2π2 − λ1λ2k12k21l2

(λ1 − λ2) l


for k ∈ N.

Proof. Based on (79), (80) and (91), one can observe thatthe zeros of these transfer functions are given as the rootsof the following equation:

sinh β (s) l = 0, (98)

which is satisfied for

β (s) l = kπi, k ∈ Z. (99)

Taking into account (56), Eqn. (99) can be transformed to

(p11(s) − p22(s))2 + 4p12p21 = −4k2π2

l2. (100)

Using the relationships in (52) and finding the solution of(100) in terms of s gives as a result the expression (97).

Remark 7. The zeros z(0)1,2(l) for k = 0 in (97) are

canceled by the poles s1,2 in (95), which is easy to showby inserting k = 0 into (97) and comparing to (95).

Result 1. Taking into account (92), the zeros of thetransfer function G21(l, s) should satisfy the conditionsinh β (s) (l − L) = 0. Thus, in order to determine theirvalues, one should replace in (97) the variable l with l−L.

3.6. Frequency responses. Based on the knowledgeof the transfer functions it is possible to determine thefrequency responses of the individual channels of thesystem under consideration. For this purpose, one shouldreplace in the relationships (60)–(63) and (84)–(87), orin their hyperbolic equivalents (78)–(81) and (90)–(93),

the operator variable s with the expression iω, whereω is the angular frequency. As a result, one obtainsthe corresponding frequency responses Gij (l, iω) of thechannel connecting the i-th output to the j-th input, i, j =1, 2.

The graphical representation of these responses cantake the form of three-dimensional graphs, taking intoaccount the dependence of the frequency response onboth the angular frequency ω and the spatial variable l.Another possibility is the representation in the form ofthe classical two-dimensional plots, determined for thefixed value of the spatial variable (Jovanovic and Bamieh,2006; Bartecki, 2007; 2009; Litrico and Fromion, 2009a).Considering as an example the Bode plot of the frequencyresponse, the expressions for the logarithmic gain andphase take the following form:

Lij (l, ω) = 20 log∣∣Gij (l, iω)

∣∣ (101)

andϕij (l, ω) = arg

[Gij (l, iω)

], (102)

where the expressions for the modulus and argument ofthe frequency response are as follows:








arg[Gij (l, iω)

]= atan

Im{Gij (l, iω)


Re{Gij (l, iω)

} . (104)

4. Examples

For a practical illustration of the above discussed issues,this section performs a transfer function analysis of ashell and tube heat exchanger, which can be considered atypical DPS whose mathematical description, after someassumptions, takes the form of Eqns. (15) and (16). Theanalysis is performed for both the exchanger operating inthe parallel-flow mode, for which the boundary conditionshave the form specified in Definition 2, and for thecountercurrent-flow mode, with boundary conditions ofthe form adopted in Definition 3. Having derived,based on Eqns. (60)–(63) and (84)–(87), the transferfunctions of the exchanger, the pole-zero analysis isperformed. Selected frequency responses for the paralleland countercurrent flow modes are also presented, bothin the form of three-dimensional graphs as well as theclassical two-dimensional Bode and Nyquist plots.

4.1. Parallel-flow heat exchanger. Under somesimplifying assumptions, the dynamic properties of ashell and tube heat exchanger can be described, based onthe thermal energy balance equations, by the followingPDE system (Bartecki and Rojek, 2005; Bartecki, 2007;

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Delnero et al., 2004; Gvozdenac, 1990; Zavala-Río et al.,2009; Maidi et al., 2010):





), (105)





), (106)

where the 1- and 2- sub-indexed figures representthe tube-side and shell-side fluid variables/coefficients,respectively; specifically, ϑ1(l, t) and ϑ2(l, t) are thetemperature variations, v1 and v2 are the velocities, α1

and α2 are the heat transfer coefficients.Referring Eqns. (105) and (106) to Eqn. (1), one

obtains the following vector of the state variables:

w(l, t) =[ϑ1(l, t) ϑ2(l, t)

]T, (107)

and the following matrices of constant coefficients:

E=[1 00 1

], F=

[v1 00 v2

], W=

[−α1 α1

α2 −α2



Since FE−1 is diagonal, Eqns. (105) and (106) aredecoupled in the differential part and the diagonalizationprocedure described by Eqns. (3)–(8) is not necessary.Assuming v1 = 1 m · s−1, v2 = 0.2 m · s−1, α1 = α2 =0.05 s−1 in (105) and (106), one obtains the followingmatrices of the system (7):

Λ = F =[1 00 0.2

], (109)

K = W =[−0.05 0.05

0.05 −0.05

], (110)

with λ1 = v1 = 1, λ2 = v2 = 0.2 being theeigenvalues of the system, and K symmetric and negativesemi-definite, which makes the system dissipative.

The fluid inlet temperatures ϑ1i, ϑ2i can be takenas the input signals, which in the given case ofthe parallel-flow corresponds the following congruentboundary conditions:

ϑ1 (0, t) = ϑ1i (t) , (111)

ϑ2 (0, t) = ϑ2i (t) . (112)

The transfer functions of the heat exchanger are givenby Eqns. (60)–(63) or, equivalently, by (78)–(81) andrepresent the ratio of the Laplace transform of the fluidtemperature along the spatial axis to the Laplace transformof the fluid temperature in the inlet section of theexchanger, i.e., for l = 0:

ϑ1(l, s) = G11(l, s)ϑ1(0, s) + G12(l, s)ϑ2(0, s), (113)

ϑ2(l, s) = G21(l, s)ϑ1(0, s) + G22(l, s)ϑ2(0, s), (114)

Fig. 3. Real part of the frequency response function G11(l, iω)for the parallel-flow heat exchanger.

Fig. 4. Imaginary part of the frequency response functionG11(l, iω) for the parallel-flow heat exchanger.

where ϑi(l, s) = Lt{ϑi(l, t)} is the Laplace transformof the function representing the distribution of thetemperature of the i-th fluid, i = 1, 2.

According to the results presented in Section 3.5, allthe transfer functions of the heat exchanger consideredhave no poles. Additionally, transfer functions G11(l, s)and G22(l, s) have no zeros either. On the other hand, forthe transfer functions G12(L, s), G21(L, s) and parametervalues (109)–(110) we obtain, based on Proposition 5,infinitely many pairs of zeros of the following form:

z(1)1,2 ≈ −0.0289± 0.3187i, (115)

z(2)1,2 ≈ −0.0289± 0.6306i, (116)

etc.Figures 3 and 4 show three-dimensional graphs of

the real and imaginary parts of the frequency responseG11(l, iω) of the exchanger operating in the parallel-flowmode, determined based on (60) for the assumed

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Fig. 5. Bode plot of the frequency response G12(L, iω) for theparallel-flow heat exchanger.

Fig. 6. Nyquist plot of the frequency response G12(L, iω) forthe parallel-flow heat exchanger.

parameter values (109) and (110). One can observecharacteristic oscillations caused by the aforementionedperiodicity of the exponential function for the imaginaryargument.

Next, Fig. 5 shows classical, two-dimensional Bodeplots of the heat exchanger frequency responses G12(l, s),determined for l = L based on Eqns. (61) and(101)–(104). The Nyquist plot for the same transferfunction channel is presented in Fig. 6. As seenfrom the Bode plot, the increase in the frequency ofthe sinusoidal input signal initially causes a decreasein the amplitude of the output signal, and then itgives rise to a local maximum. To a lesser extentit affects the phase characteristics. As the frequencyincreases, the phenomenon repeats itself, which can bealso observed as characteristic “loops” on the Nyquistplot. These oscillations are closely associated with thewave phenomena taking place inside the exchanger pipes(Friedly, 1972). On can notice a relationship between the

zeros of the transfer functions G12(l, s) and G21(l, s) andthe shape of the corresponding frequency responses. Forexample, the imaginary parts of the zeros z(k) = α + ωkicalculated for k = 1, 2 in (115) and (116) correspond tothe frequency values ωk for which the local minima occuron the amplitude plot in Fig. 5.

4.2. Countercurrent-flow heat exchanger. In thecountercurrent mode of operation, the fluids involvedin the heat exchange enter the exchanger from itsopposite ends. The PDEs describing the dynamics ofthe heat exchanger have the same form (105)–(106) asfor the parallel-flow mode, and the difference in themathematical description consists in the opposite signs offluid velocities (v1 > 0, v2 < 0) as well as in the differentboundary conditions

ϑ1 (0, t) = ϑ1i (t) , (117)

ϑ2 (L, t) = ϑ2i (t) . (118)

This situation represents the case of the incongruentboundary inputs (18). Assuming the parameter values(110) and the following values of fluid velocities: v1 =1 m · s−1, v2 = −0.2 m · s−1, one obtains, based on (97),the following values of the zeros of the transfer functionG12(L, s):

z(1)1,2 ≈ −0.0406± 0.2064i, (119)

z(2)1,2 ≈ −0.0406± 0.4174i, (120)

etc., and the same values for the zeros of the transferfunction G21(0, s).

Figures 7 and 8 show the three-dimensional graphsof the real and the imaginary parts of the frequencyresponse G21(l, iω) of the exchanger operating in thecountercurrent-flow mode. Unlike in the case of theparallel mode, due to the reversal of the flow direction forthe second fluid, the largest amplitude of the oscillationsoccurs now at l = 0. Figure 9 shows classical Bodeplots of the heat exchanger frequency responses G22(l, s),determined based on Eqns. (87) and (101)–(104) for theoutlet point of the the second fluid, i.e., for l = 0. TheNyquist plot of the same frequency response is shown inFig. 10.

An analysis of the frequency responses of the heatexchanger exhibits typical characteristics of systems withdistributed delay (Górecki et al., 1989). In particular,in the case of the “straightforward” transfer functionsG11(l, s), G22(l, s) and their incongruent counterparts,one can notice the dominant influence of the transportdelay in the fluid flow. The amplitude damping of thesinusoidal oscillations in the real and imaginary partsof the frequency response is relatively small, which isreflected in the circular-shaped Nyquist plot, similar tothe one of the pure delay system (see Figs. 9 and 10).

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Fig. 7. Real part of the frequency response function G21(l, iω)for the countercurrent-flow heat exchanger.

Fig. 8. Imaginary part of the frequency response functionG21(l, iω) for the countercurrent-flow heat exchanger.

On the other hand, in the case of the “crossover” transferfunctions G12(l, s) and G21(l, s), the damping of theinput signal with increasing frequency is much greater, asfor the “straight-forward” channels (see Figs. 5 and 6).

5. Conclusion

In the article, a general analytic form of the transferfunctions for a class of DPSs of hyperbolic typewith two boundary inputs and two distributed outputshas been derived and analyzed. As shown here,taking into account the spatio-temporal dynamics ofthese systems significantly affects their transfer functionrepresentation. Unlike in the case of lumped systems,the transfer functions derived for the DPS containirrational functions, e.g., exponential and/or hyperbolicones. The “non-standard” form of these transfer functionscauses some peculiarities which do not appear in therational-form case, such as an infinite number of poles

Fig. 9. Bode plot of the frequency response G22(0, iω) for thecountercurrent-flow heat exchanger.

Fig. 10. Nyquist plot of the frequency response G22(0, iω) forthe countercurrent-flow heat exchanger.

and/or zeros. Also the spatial location of the input signals,represented by the appropriate boundary conditions,significantly influences the form of the transfer functions.Two kinds of Dirichlet boundary conditions have beenexamined: congruent, where both inputs are given at thesame point of the spatial domain, and incongruent, whereeach input is located in a different point of the domain.

The results of the transfer function analysis havebeen illustrated on the example of a shell and tube heatexchanger operating in parallel- and countercurrent-flowmodes, considered to be a typical example of ahyperbolic DPS with congruent and incongruent boundaryinputs, respectively. Based on the transfer functionrepresentation, the zero-pole analysis has been performedand the selected frequency responses of the exchangerhave been shown. They have been presented both inthe form of three-dimensional graphs, taking into accountthe spatio-temporal specificity of the system, and as theclassical two-dimensional Bode and Nyquist plots derived

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A general transfer function representation for a class of hyperbolic distributed parameter systems 305

for a fixed value of the spatial variable. A specific featureof the obtained frequency responses are the oscillations,closely associated with the presence of the exponentialand hyperbolic functions which are periodic along theimaginary axis.

The transfer function representation discussed herehas been obtained based on the system of hyperbolicequations in the decoupled canonical form. Thus, the useof the word “general” in the paper title might appear tobe somewhat excessive. However, it can be shown thatthe transfer function matrix for the case of the stronglycoupled system can be obtained from its decoupledcounterpart via relatively simple transformations, givingas a result transfer functions formulated directly in theirphysical context. The problem will be addressed in one ofthe future articles together with some practical examplessuch as, e.g., electrical transmission line or transportpipeline.

The future works could also include, e.g.,consideration of the effects of the boundary feedbackand/or reflection on the transfer function description,as well as determination of a general form of thespatio-temporal responses for the individual transferfunction channels, both for the congruent and incongruentboundary inputs. Another issue to be thoroughlyexamined, which is very important from the controlsynthesis point of view, is selecting an appropriatemethod for the transfer functions and spatio-temporalresponses approximation using finite-dimensionalmodels. The analysis of the approximated models can bedifficult since the irrational transfer functions presentedhere are not nuclear in general, i.e., they do not have anuclear Hankel operator. It stems from the fact that thesemigroup T (t) considered is stable but not analytic, asshown, e.g., by Curtain and Sasane (2001). Therefore, notheoretical upper bound is known for the H∞ errors in therational approximants produced by truncated balancedrealizations and optimal Hankel-norm approximation(Sasane, 2002). In the non-linear case, the approximatedmodels could be based, e.g., on the approximationproperties of artificial neural networks (Bartecki, 2010;2012a).


The author gratefully acknowledges helpful commentsfrom the anonymous reviewers.

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Krzysztof Bartecki received his M.Sc. andPh.D. degrees in electrical engineering from theFaculty of Electrical Engineering, AutomaticControl and Computer Science, Opole Universityof Technology, in 1996 and 2004, respectively.He is an assistant professor at the Institute ofControl and Computer Engineering. He has au-thored or co-authored some 40 papers, concern-ing mainly the modeling of distributed parametersystems as well as application of artificial neural

networks in identification and control of dynamic objects.

Received: 25 April 2012Revised: 9 January 2013