A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,

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Page 1: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Page 2: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Our hope in providing this devotional is that you will reflect more deeply about the truths shared during this sermon series in order to deepen your spiritual growth. As you will see, there is a consistent format that provides a guide for daily Bible reading, reflection, life application, and prayer. One of our values at Grace is:We refuse to settle for “spiritually good enough.” Come as you are, but don’t stay that way.

God will meet you where you are and reveal what you need to move forward in your relationship with Him. Your goal is to be open to His teaching and identify what is keeping you from going deeper. Each week there are five days of study. There may be days where the content is challenging for you to understand. Consider reading additional verses around the scripture presented, or look up terms where you need clarification. We are doing this together as a church, so you are not alone. Reaching out to someone you’ve connected with at church may be just what you need to keep you moving forward. In fact, we find that growing spiritually usually happens best when you’re involved in community. The goal is to keep seeking the Truth of God’s Word, and identifying and overcoming the obstacles that are holding you back from going deeper with God.


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Page 3: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Welcome to week 1 of “Deeper.” Do you remember what the first “sin” was? Most people say it was eating the forbidden fruit. While that’s not technically wrong, the sin beneath the action is the sin of pride. Before Adam and Eve were ever created there was an angel who declared he was above God. This angel, Lucifer, would go on to tempt and instill pride and arrogance in anyone he could influence. It’s pride that keeps us from turning to and depending on Jesus. It’s pride that keeps us from asking for help. It’s pride that manages our image and pretends we’re OK, while inside we struggle.

Humility is the opposite of pride and it is expressed best through being a learner. Being teachable is the key to everything. If we will adopt a posture of learning and seeking to grow, we will go deeper with God than we’ve ever imagined. In this week’s devotionals we will explore what causes us to grow and what can hinder us. We will learn the source of true wisdom and how to overcome the fear of the unknown ahead of us. As you begin, reflect on your own journey with pride and fear, and anticipate what God has for you as you grow deeper with Him.


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Page 4: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


No matter what age you are, there is always something more to learn. For some, reading a verse of scripture is like placing a piece in a jigsaw puzzle; it adds more to a larger picture. For others, reading a verse is trying to imagine what the larger picture is while only holding one small puzzle piece. Our God is infinite, so we will always have more to learn about our Creator and more pieces to discover and to connect. What’s great is He invites us into a lifelong process of learning with Him. All we must do is be open to His teaching.

The fancy theological word for this is“sanctification.” It describes the lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus. Whether you’ve attended church your whole life or have never picked up a Bible, there is always something more God is working to teach you. There is always a way to go deeper whether it be a better understanding of who God is, or discerning the plans He has for your life.

Fortunately, God is always inviting us into deeper understanding and relationship with Him. Jesus spoke in Revelation 3:20 saying “If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come into their house and eat with them, and they will eat with me.” It is up to you to choose what you want in relationship with Him. It is easy to say we want


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Page 5: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

Proverbs 9:9

a deeper relationship with God, and that we want to be more like Jesus, but there are common obstacles that keep us from opening the door. In order to move deeper, we must identify what has been holding us back.

Two of the biggest obstacles of going deeper in our relationship and understanding with God are opposite sides of the same coin - pride and fear. These feelings often keep us from being teachable. On one side, pride keeps us from believing there is more we need to learn. On the other side, fear, keeps us believing we are not enough, and do not have what it takes to go forward. In the end, both obstacles can keep us from growing.

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Read Proverbs 9:9

Reflect on this scripture verse and write down some of your thoughts...

• What does it mean to be a wise person?

• What does it mean to be a righteous person?

• What causes a person to be teachable?

Make It Personal

• What most often gets in the way of going deeper in your faith?

• Think about a time in your life where you felt your relationship with God deepened significantly. Why do you think you were able to relate to God in a deeper way during this time?

Day 1

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• What would a deeper relationship with God look like in your life today? Consider what it would look like to invite God into a “regular” day.

PRAYThank God for His desire to have a deeper connection with you.

Tell God what you see as obstacles to a deeper relationship with Him.

Ask God to give you an open heart towards Him in the coming weeks.

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The Bible brings up many conflicting emotions in us. Sometimes the words are confusing, and at other times they are clear. Sometimes the truths are subtle, and at others times they are very blunt. It can make us feel a range of emotions from unsure to confident, or defensive to encouraged. Rarely does it get so clear or blunt as to say, “That’s stupid.” But, in Proverbs, the author says exactly that. If we aren’t open to feedback, that’s stupid. Ouch!

When we think we don’t need to learn anything more, that is pride putting up a wall. Proverbs 12:1 is ultimately saying “Pride is stupid.” Have you, or do you know someone who has refused criticism? It is like saying, “I know enough, I’m good.” This often leads to defensiveness instead of openness to something better.

This type of pride is one of the greatest obstacles to going deeper because it robs us of our motivation and curiosity for learning. Unfortunately, it is very common in people who have grown up in the church. After years of sermons and small groups we can start to feel like we have this church thing figured out. Those who haven’t grown up in the church can also have the belief that they have no need for more as life seems to be fine so far. People can start to compare their faith to others saying, “At least I’m doing better than them” or “That is not


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Page 9: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

Proverbs 12:1

how it is done.” This leads to rationalizing why we do not need to do anything to further our learning and understanding.

If we settle for what we already know and ignore the invitation to go deeper, we are giving up on the greater peace, purpose, and joy that a relationship with Jesus brings. We miss out on what God wants for us so we can go on pretending we are all good. Humility is the antidote to pride. The best way to ensure we aren’t stuck on pride (aka being stupid) is to take a posture of humility. Today’s questions and prayer prompts are designed to help you identify areas where pride is showing up in your life.

Page 10: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Read Proverbs 12:1

Reflect on this scripture verse and write down some of your thoughts...

• What does it mean to love discipline?

• Why do you think the verse equates discipline with knowledge?

• Reproof is another word for correction. What’s the difference between reproof and scolding?

Make It Personal

• Does the idea of learning more about God sound exciting or exhausting? Why do you think that’s so?

Day 2

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• When someone, or a circumstance, challenges my understanding of God how do I usually respond?

• In what ways do I compare my faith with others?

PRAYThank God for loving us even when we’re stubborn or proud.

Ask God to show you “hard spots” in your heart where you might be unwilling to grow.

Be still and listen. Pay attention to anything the Holy Spirit brings to mind.

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There was a young girl who was asked why we go to church. She replied, “To know less about God.” Laughingly she is corrected, “Don’t you mean to know more about God?” She paused, then replied, “When we go to church we learn about how big God is. The bigger He is, the more I realize I don’t know. I know less than I thought I did.”

As mentioned in day 1, God is infinite. We can never fully understand all there is to know about God. This young girl realized that the more she learned, the more there was to learn. This can make us feel uneasy or overwhelmed, but it is good news! Not fully understanding God means there’s more to Him than we can possibly comprehend. Our God is bigger and “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

The disciples walked with Jesus for years and were still confused by His teachings. The Israelites saw miraculous signs and wonders and still doubted. Faith is not the absence of doubt, but rather it’s commitment to a belief even when that belief is challenged. To grow in our faith is to keep asking questions, continue to be open to learning more, and seeking God in it all.


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For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

1 Corinthians 13:12

Every spiritual practice, from studying scripture to attending church, is based on the idea that we don’t fully get it yet and we need to keep going deeper. While that may seem overwhelming, it is a gift to draw us into deeper dependence and a growing intimate relationship with Jesus. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us as students who learn about God daily. There will never be a day in your life where you can’t learn to know God in a deeper way. Remember, pride says, “I’ve got this!” Humility says, “There is so much more I get to learn!”

Page 14: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


Read 1 Corinthians 13:12

Reflect on this scripture verse and write down some of your thoughts...

• How do you usually react when you do not fully understand something, or it’s confusing to you?

• What’s something about God that you don’t understand, or is troubling to you?

• What do you think Paul (the author) means when he says, “even as I have been fully known”?

Make It Personal

• What is something I used to believe about God, but now understand to be incorrect based on what the Bible has to say about Him?

Day 3

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• What is something about God that I want to learn more about? (Something that confuses me)

• Does it feel frustrating or exciting to know I can’t fully understand God in this lifetime?

PRAYThank God for not expecting you to have everything figured out.

Tell God what you admire about His nature or character.

Ask God to help you learn something new about Him this week.

Be still and listen for the Holy Spirit. Write down what He brings to mind.

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Earlier in the week we looked at how pride can get in the way of going deeper into relationship with God. When we look more closely, we often see that pride is driven by insecurity (“I must be the best or I don’t have value.”) Insecurity can also drive fear, the other side of that coin we talked about earlier this week.

If pride is insecurity plus arrogance, then fear is insecurity plus imagination.

We are great at imagining all the reasons something might not go well. By itself, that’s not a bad skill. It can help immensely in planning and decision making. The difference between risk-assessment and fear is insecurity. When we are secure, we say, “This might happen, and we will deal with it.” If we are fearful, we say, “If this happens it will be too much to handle.”

Our fear of going deeper with God stems from the same insecurity. If you’ve learned to keep people at a distance, you might be afraid that God won’t like what he finds if you’re open with Him (in spite of the fact that He already knows everything about you). If you’ve learned to keep peace through pretending (to already know or be able to do something you don’t), you might be afraid of what happens when you’re honest.


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Page 17: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with

punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

1 John 4:18

If you’re insecure, you might be afraid that going deeper with God will change your life too much, and the things you use for comfort will no longer provide the false security you’ve been holding onto.

Fear interrupts faith before it has a chance to develop. It objects to a deeper relationship with God before we consider the great gains we might experience. Consciously we might say, “Yes, I want to go deeper.” But, when we discover that depth involves praying out loud with others, and being honest about our failures, we stop where we are. We can’t see that on the other side of that awkwardness and vulnerability is the incredible freedom and peace we’ve been seeking.

When we begin to trust God’s love, it chips away at our fears. We learn that opening up to God does not result in punishment and pain, but in greater life! We no longer need to pretend, but to live as God created us.

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Read 1 John 4:18

Reflect on this scripture verse and write down some of your thoughts...

• What do you think “perfect love” involves or looks like?

• How would this kind of love erase fear?

• Does this verse mean followers of Jesus don’t need to be afraid of punishment?

Make It Personal

• What is the most free, non-judgmental, accepting relationship you’ve ever experienced?

Day 4

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• What are you afraid God is angry about in your life?

• How would your life look if you were 100% certain God loved you?

PRAYThank God for the ways He shows love instead of punishment.

Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight areas in your life where you operate out of fear.

If you can identify something you are fearful about in your relationship with God, admit it to Him. Be open with God about your fears.

Set a timer for at least 90 seconds and be still. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind what He desires and enjoy His presence.

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It is notable that one of the most common greetings of God and heavenly creatures is some form of “Fear not.” (i.e. Isaiah 43:1, Matthew 14:27, Luke 1:30.) God says it many times, Jesus says it while walking on water, and angels say it when they show up. The only reason one would need to say, “Fear not,” is if people were afraid. Throughout the Bible, people responded to God’s presence with fear.

While we do not have heavenly beings, or God, greeting us as our biblical counterparts did, we respond the same way they did − in fear. That fear stems from a belief that God wants something from us. God sent His only Son to walk with His people in human form, be crucified, be resurrected, ascend back to heaven, and give us the gift of the Holy Spirit in His absence. This means we are able to witness God showing up in our lives every day. Instead of drawing closer to Him as a result, we often pull back in fear. We fear we don’t know enough about the Bible or don’t take enough time for God. We fear we don’t pray enough or the right way. We fear what He calls us to do, and we don’t obey. Deep down we are afraid that we are not enough.

We forget that God is complete. He is perfect. He lacks nothing. God does not want or need anything from us because He is enough in Himself. He wants something for us. When we open our minds and hearts to His Truth, when we spend


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...you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners,

saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”;

fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;

I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:9-10

time in His Word, worship Him and gather with other Christians we can learn why He has created us. What is also true is God does not become any less God if we refuse to go deeper in relationship with Him, but we will become less than what we were created for when we choose fear over connection with God.

God says, over and over, “Do not be afraid.” After sending Jesus as a sacrifice for us, what more could God do to prove His love for us? God does not use fear or shame to get what He wants; those are our internal feelings interrupting what God wants for us. He patiently waits for us to let go of our pride and fear in order to step closer to Him so our hearts can change through His teaching.

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Read Isaiah 41:9-10

Reflect on this scripture verse and write down some of your thoughts...

• Why would there be a reason to fear?

• Read the scripture with your name in place of “you.” What does God say He will do for you?

• What do you think God wants to strengthen you for and help you with in your life?

Make It Personal

• What are you most afraid about when it comes to God?

Day 5

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• If your fears don’t come from God, where do they originate?

• What are you afraid might happen if you open up and go deeper with God?

PRAYTell God some of the aspects of His character for which you are grateful.

Express any fears you’ve identified.

Ask God to help you overcome a fear in your life.

Thank God that He wants an even better life for us than the one we have now.

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How do you approach God? How do you respond when God approaches you? Our posture with God and others makes a huge difference. When Jesus called His disciples, I’m sure many of them had a hard time accepting that this rabbi had believed in them and was calling them to something more. They were humbled to be asked and followed Him as students of this faith. A disciple is a learner, a student, and one in a posture of humility around the teacher. Each of the disciples’ stories were different, but each met and interacted with Jesus as He met them where they were. There were moments of awe, moments of terror, and moments of true confusion. But they continued to follow because that’s what disciples do.

As you think about your own journey with Jesus, reflect on your posture with Him. Are you open? Do you anticipate His movement in your life and the lives of others? Are you authentic and real, or do you try to make God believe you’re something you’re not? Does your faith impact the way you see others? What about people outside of faith? This week let’s engage with Jesus as He invites His disciples forward and invites you and me to listen closely and follow Him where He leads.


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1The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly why Jesus chose certain people as His disciples. There wasn’t a job description, application process, or job interview. Jesus just showed up and said, “Follow me,” and they did. When we consider the context and culture of the time, the disciples’ experiences as they were called by Jesus can teach us a lot about what it means to follow Him.

At that time, only the best and the brightest were allowed to stay in religious schooling. These first disciples were most likely dropouts. They were working the family business, which means at some point a religious leader had told them they didn’t have what it takes. In essence, they were told, “You are not enough” or “You have nothing to offer.” Jesus surely took some joy in saying, “Not only do you have something worthwhile to offer, but you can’t even comprehend what God is going to do through you.”

His invitation to those first disciples still resonates with us today. In one way or another, Jesus continues to show up in lives with a simple invitation to follow Him. Some of us may feel like spiritual dropouts with nothing to offer. This is not what Jesus sees in us. The beauty of Jesus is how he reaches past what we believe about ourselves and works in us more than we can imagine.

And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking .

Luke 5:5-6

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Read Luke 5:1-11

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• This is the first time Jesus picks people to follow him. What do you notice about the story?

• Did you notice Jesus didn’t actually ask Simon Peter if he wanted to be a disciple? He essentially stated that he was a disciple now.” Why do you think He spoke with Peter in that way?

• Peter, James, and John left everything immediately to follow Jesus at this point. What did they know about Him from their one and only interaction with Him?

Day 1

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Make It Personal

• When you think of the type of person you believe God “wants,” what traits come to mind?

• What are some things people believe disqualify them from being picked by Jesus?

• The Bible is clear that God uses the “unqualified,” so where does our idea of who God can and can’t use come from?

PRAYThank God for his desire to work in your life.

Ask Him to reveal the unique abilities you have.

Pray for an opportunity to use your gifts in a new way.

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2 We’re going to switch it up a bit today. You will get the opportunity to dig into several scripture passages to see what you can learn about being a follower of Jesus. Yesterday we read about Jesus inviting Peter to follow him. Today we’re going to fast-forward to see what came of that invitation and the personal journey Peter went on with Jesus.

Read: Matthew 14:28-33Matthew 26:65-75John 21:3-19Acts 4:6-12

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter answered him, “Command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.”

And climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus.

Matthew 14:28-29

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Peter had quite the journey, didn’t he? Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts, considering what we can learn from Peter’s life.

• What do you learn about Peter’s character from these stories? What are maybe some of his strengths or struggles?

• What do you notice about Jesus first calling Peter, and Jesus talking with Peter after he’d denied him?

• What do you notice about Peter denying Jesus, and then Peter speaking to the High Council about Jesus?

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Day 2

• What heart changes do you think Peter went through?

• Why do you think Peter could walk on water one day, and deny he knew Jesus another? What does that contrast teach us about following Jesus?

Make It Personal

• Which Peter story do you think best describes your current relationship with Jesus?

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PRAYThank God that He works through us even when we’re inconsistent.

Confess to God any “denial moments” where you know you pursued your own interests instead of what God wants.

Ask God to restore you and reaffirm you.

If you’re willing, commit to being more bold/open about your faith, and ask for an opportunity to talk with someone this week.

• What heart changes have you been through or are currently going through?

• Peter jumped out of the boat to get to Jesus. What would that kind of reckless pursuit look like in your life? What’s keeping you “in the boat”?

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3 One of the key traits of a disciple, perhaps even more important than ability or passion, is availability. It is likely that many talented women and men have missed out on a God adventure solely because they were not available. Their own worldly focus kept them too busy. Being available requires us to be open to allowing God to speak to us and anticipating His movement in our lives.

In 1 Samuel 3, Samuel has his first encounter with God speaking to him and he turns to Eli. Like Samuel, we often run to a human explanation instead of a spiritual one for understanding of the callings in our lives. Unlike Samuel, we may not have an Eli in our life to tell us we’re missing the point or focusing our attention on the wrong goal. Samuel was fortunate to have an older and wiser believer to point out he was misunderstanding God’s voice. Disciples often need a mentor to help them discern what God is stirring in their heart.

Samuel and Eli represent people on far sides of the discipleship spectrum. Samuel was very young and “did not yet know the LORD”, while Eli had served God his entire adult life. Nevertheless, it was Samuel, not Eli, whom God chose to give His message. Age or experience are not

Page 33: A FOUR WEEK GUIDE FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH...face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Every spiritual practice,


And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and

said, “Here I am, for you called me.” Then Eli perceived that the LORD was calling

the boy. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant hears.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.

1 Samuel 3:8-9

determining factors to God for who He will use for His purposes. Openness and anticipation play a key role. The church is healthiest with a mix of young and old, and new and experienced disciples of varied backgrounds. People of every age and life experience are invited to be a part of what God is doing.

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Read 1 Samuel 3:1-17

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• Why do you think Samuel didn’t recognize God’s voice?

• Even though Samuel heard directly from God, he was hesitant to repeat what he heard. Why do you think he was hesitant?

• What do you think of Eli’s response to the message God gave Samuel?

Make It Personal

• Who in your life could tell you if you’re missing God’s voice?

Day 3

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• We often think of hearing from God as a positive thing, but the message Samuel received was a difficult one. How often do you think we ignore what we hear from God because we don’t want to hear it?

PRAYBe still. What comes to mind? Is it possible God is speaking to you

through what comes into your mind?

Ask God for confirmation of some kind (through another person, through scripture, etc.) of what you feel the Spirit is saying to you.

Thank God for how He uses people in every life stage and from every life experience.

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4 To be a disciple, simply put, is to be a follower. This means we must be picky about who or what we follow. Bad leaders (often called “false teachers” in the Bible) have always existed. Sometimes they are intentionally misleading, other times just ignorant. All you need to do is go on the Internet or turn on your TV to find examples of this. As disciples, it is important that we test what we are told.

Discipleship is a fragile balance between teaching that challenges us in a healthy way, and teaching that challenges our understanding of God’s character. It is good to follow someone who expands your thinking about God, but if we begin to rely too heavily on a certain teacher, then we may drift from what the Bible tells us about God. We must regularly test what we are learning against the Truth of God’s Word, and ask where the teaching came from.

Most Christians don’t take the time to test the teaching. We accept what’s said in a sermon, we sing worship songs without thinking through them, or we pray absent-minded prayers at meal times. Discipleship is an active role that requires us to think critically and constantly about the spiritual direction we’re being led, so we may keep our eyes on Jesus.

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Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets

have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1

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Read : 1 John 4:11 Thessalonians 5:20-21Matthew 7:21-23

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• What do these verses teach us about spiritual teachers?

• How are we to test if a teaching is from God?

• When Jesus says, “I never knew you,” what do you think that means?

Make It Personal

• Where are you most likely to come across false teaching today?

Day 4

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• How do you examine what is being taught to you? How should we handle it when we disagree?

• If left untested, what damage can be done by false teaching?

• What is an example of false teaching you see prevalent among Christians?

• How do we disagree about teaching in love instead of creating division?

PRAYPray for the spiritual leaders in your life (pastors, small group leaders, authors, worship leaders, etc.) that they would be led by The Spirit.

Ask God to reveal any beliefs you hold that are in tension with Him.

Pray for wisdom in the coming week, so that you can notice anything leading you in an unhealthy direction.

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5 The disciples’ lifestyle involved change and experimentation. In the beginning of their journey with Jesus, His disciples followed Him around and listened to His teaching. In today’s scripture, Jesus was sending them out with authority. This was a new stage and a new way of following Jesus. They probably didn’t feel ready. To observe is one thing, to actively engage is another.

On this, their first mission, Jesus told them to cast out evil spirits and heal the sick. The things we would probably assume are reserved for “super-duper” disciples instead are assigned to this raggedy group of beginners. They were given the opportunity to fulfill the needs of others, not with physical means, but spiritual authority. Jesus wasn’t concerned with things being done perfectly; He was after people who would serve faithfully.

Jesus knew the disciples needed to be in a situation that would force them to change and adapt. The quickest way to grow is through hands-on experience. “Ok, that didn’t work, what about this?” They went through trial and error guided by the Spirit. Too often we are so afraid we’ll do something wrong that we do nothing instead. We don’t grow because we don’t step into the workshop of discipleship. Then, we feel stuck because we refuse to leave the comfort of what’s familiar. We won’t move forward until we step out in faith and obedience.

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And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.

He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in their belts.

Mark 6:7-8

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Read Mark 6: 7-13

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• Why do you think Jesus told His disciples not to bring anything?

• Why do you think Jesus told the disciples to “shake off the dust that is on your feet” to any place that would not receive them?

• Why do you think the disciples were sent out in pairs?

Make It Personal

• Can you imagine what it would be like if the first week of a new small group the plan was to heal the sick and cast out demons? Why do you think something Jesus saw as “Intro To Discipleship” now seems so outlandish?

Day 5

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• Why do people choose “perfectly stuck” over “imperfectly following” Jesus?

• The disciples were sent out to teach and heal, and told to bring nothing with them. If that’s the benchmark, what’s a step in your faith journey you can take in the next week? What faith experiment will you engage in so you can grow and change?

PRAYThank God that He invites us to be a part of His work.

Ask God to show you areas where you’re faithfully following Him. (We need to recognize and celebrate faithfulness in our lives.)

If you’re willing, because this can be a challenging prayer, ask God to give you growth opportunities. Ask Him for an experience where you

are stretched so you can grow.

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Relationships have a unique power to shape who we are and who we become. Think about what has made you who you are today. Most people will mention the relationship with a parent, a coach, a good friend, or a teacher. Experiences are meaningful; content can inform, but relationships shape our identity in powerful ways. True and lasting spiritual growth happens in the context of relationships. It starts with our relationship with God, then with other believers, and then our faith extends out to relationships with people outside of faith and in the world. Some of us struggle to see God relationally. It’s often hard because He is a Spirit and also because many of us grew up learning about God as a subject to study, not a person to know. Yet, you and I are created in His image, meaning the aspects of being human are present in God as well as in us.

This week we’ll be invited to know God more closely, to see His emotions and experience His love. We’ll wrestle with the differences between approaching God as a system versus a person. Connect personally and relationally with God this week, and discover how knowing Him can shape who we are and who we become.


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1A common phrase for becoming a Christian is “starting a relationship with Jesus.” The emphasis in this phrase is on the relational nature of God. Being in relationship is more than just following a list of rules, or trying to earn gold stars for behavior. Yet, the concept of relationship with a supernatural being is tricky, and we often default back to a less relational, more religious or systematic way of interacting with God. It becomes more of a list of tasks to complete than a relationship to develop.

In John 15, Jesus lays out the conditions for being His friend. In effect He is saying, “The people I spend time with live like this. This is how we do life and relate in community.” His love is unconditional, and He gives us guidelines for friendship with Him out of that love. Being a friend of Jesus is more than saying we follow Him, it is about living and loving others as He did.

The guidelines He provides extend beyond just how we connect with Jesus. They also affect how we relate with others, whether they are believers (the Church) or not (the World). A real relationship with Jesus will also change our relationship with others. Jesus laid down His life for us. When we truly believe and receive this grace, our hearts will be changed. How we respond and engage with those around us will become a reflection of that heart change. Our relationship with Jesus necessitates changes in our relationship with God, the Church, and the World.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my

friends if you do what I command you. John 13:14

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Read John 15:9-15

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• Jesus points to His own life as an example. What are the things He does that He is commanding his followers to also do?

• Jesus says to love others as He loves us. What are some traits of that kind of love?

• Jesus makes a point of calling His followers friends. What is the significance of that?

Make It Personal

• How does following Jesus change how you interact with other believers? How about with people who don’t follow Jesus?

Day 1

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• Is it possible to fully follow Jesus and keep it to yourself? What should others see in you as a sign that you are friends with Jesus?

• How does a relationship with Jesus strengthen your relationship with others, and vice-versa?

PRAYPray like you’re talking to a friend. Maybe you’ve never done this before. There is no need for special language. Talk with God as

though you are calling a friend. Tell Him about your day, how you’re feeling, what’s been going on, and what worries you.

A conversation involves listening as well as talking. Take some time to be quiet and listen to what God is saying to you.

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2 Today we’re going to focus on God’s emotions, and you will dig into God’s Word to discover them. It can be easy to think of God’s unchanging nature as robotic. We mistake stability for stoicism and forget that God has intellect, will, and emotion.

Throughout scripture we see a God with many dimensions. God’s nature interacts with what is happening in our lives. He will laugh, cry, get angry, sing for joy, and much more based on what’s happening in the world. He is moved by us, and He emotionally responds to us. Sometimes God’s emotions can feel confusing to us. Thankfully, His character does not change. We can feel safe with the truth that whatever ups and downs we go through, He is a steady presence by our side.

We like the idea of a loving and compassionate God much more than an angry or hurt God. Perhaps this is why sometimes we avoid considering that God has feelings. It’s uncomfortable to wrestle with difficult or unpleasant emotions. Like any other friendship, ignoring emotions, specifically unpleasant emotions of others, results in a breakdown or road block to deeper relationship. God shared his capacity for relationship with us so we can use it as a gauge to enable us to connect with Him in a unique and authentic way.

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The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will

exult over you with loud singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

Emotions alone are a poor guide for what God wants or what we should do, but they are a powerful device for assessing our relationship with Him. In our closest relationships, we have an emotional response with our interactions. It brings life to our relationships. We find joy in their presence, longing for them when they’re absent for too long, and feeling sadness with them in their struggles. There should be emotional activity when we pray, worship, or connect with scripture or other believers. If not, that is a sign of a lifeless or robotic relationship.

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Read :Judges 2:18Jeremiah 31:3Exodus 20:5Romans 1:18Genesis 6:6John 3:16Zephaniah 3:17

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• What emotions do you notice in these verses that God expresses?

Make It Personal

• When is the last time you remember experiencing emotion in a spiritual context?

Day 2

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• When you think of God, what emotion is dominant? What feeling do you imagine God having most often?

• How might emotions lead us in a bad direction?

• How might emotions help grow and strengthen our relationship with Jesus?

PRAYThank God for the gift of emotion (even the difficult ones).

Ask God to grow your emotional sensitivity towards Him.

Ask God to help you examine the role of emotion in your own life. Do you tend to express too much, or too little emotion?

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3 Yesterday we discussed how we can avoid becoming emotionally involved in our relationship with God, which keeps us from developing a deeper relationship with Him. One of the problems with this approach is that we place a higher value on what we do instead of why we do it. It becomes a list of tasks to check off or expectations to meet to keep in good standing, instead of a person to understand and engage with experientially. Jesus taught that relationship is about interacting together.

The religious leaders in Matthew 12 see God as the compiler of a great list of rules. In their minds, all God wants is for everyone to follow all the rules. Out of fear, they obsess over tiny details. In their obsession for a strict obedience, they make following God extremely difficult.

Compare them to Jesus, who says He wants to lighten the burden. Jesus says, “Are you tired of trying to be good enough? That’s ok, that’s not what I’m looking for.” We don’t get to Jesus by pushing through the weight of our sin and trying harder to meet the requirements of rules. We encounter Jesus when we recognize the weight is too heavy for us to carry, or we have collapsed under it, and we find Jesus is right there to help us.

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Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For

my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

The Message translation of the Bible says it like this, “Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.” Jesus replaces the strict rules of religion with rhythms of relationship. These rhythms allow us to dance where we used to stumble, and to experience peace where there was fear and anxiety. Rhythms are the way we interact and engage with our Lord. By focusing on the rhythms instead of the rules we move closer to the heart of God.

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Read Matthew 11:25 - 12:8

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• What do you think the phrase “hidden these things from the wise” in verse 11:25 means?

• Jesus says His burden is light. What do you think that means? Is that how you feel?

• What do you think is the motivation for the Pharisees (religious leaders) to scold Jesus about the disciples picking grain for a snack?

• What differences do you notice in their view of God between Jesus and the Pharisees in this interaction?

Day 3

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Make It Personal

• In verse 11:30 Jesus says, “my burden is light.” What do you think this means regarding our own actions and responsibilities?

• Do you think you focus more on rhythms or rules when you think about God?

• How might a follower of Jesus living in rhythms differ from one focused on rules?

• Can you identify a relational rhythm (with God, the Church, or the World) that you would like to focus on in the next few weeks? What are some specific ways you can think of to develop that rhythm?

PRAYThank God for wanting to lighten the burden for us.

Ask God to reveal His “unforced rhythms of grace” to you - specifically the rhythms you need to develop.

If necessary, confess the ways you’ve made faith about rules instead of rhythms of relationship.

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4 Before Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection on earth the followers of God used a system of sacrifices to deal with their sin and open a way for a relationship with God. Over time, they came to worship the system more than God. They would follow the letter of the Law, but violate the heart behind it. In essence, they measured faith by how well individuals followed the law instead of how well individuals understood and were connected to the heart of the God who gave the law.

The Old Testament has many prophets, like Hosea, who were sent by God to remind people that God wanted a relationship, not a well-followed system of rules. Jesus was the ultimate prophet. He not only demonstrated the relationship God wants with us, but through His death and resurrection He made void the old system to cover our sin in the eyes of God. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to forgive all of our sins, once and for all time, so we can be in a relationship with God without the need for a system of sacrifices and ritual cleansing.

Human nature often tries to re-establish a system to follow and measure our faith. We use things like church attendance, or giving, or serving others as proof of our connection with God. We like having a concrete way to prove our faithfulness. The only problem is that it is still possible to do all those things and still not have a relationship with Jesus.

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Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn;he will come to us as the showers,

as the spring rains that water the earth

Hosea 6:3

Think of how you show your love to a spouse or best friend. Do you think of all the things you have done for them, or the positive words you use to describe them? While these are nice and good, they do not fully quantify a relationship. These things do not fully capture the real essence of your connection. Similarly, we can have examples in our life of what we do for God and ways we praise Him, but those things don’t fully encapsulate our whole relationship.

God says, through Hosea and many other prophets, that what He really wants is our heart. That is hard to quantify, but like any other relationship, you know when it is going well or when you are disconnected. Being a disciple is not just about what you do or how you feel, but how your love for and understanding of God motivates how you live.

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Read Matthew 12:1-8, Hosea 6

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• The Matthew passage is the same as yesterday where Jesus quotes from Hosea 6. How does reading the Hosea passage help you understand what Jesus says in Matthew?

• How would you rephrase Hosea 6:6? Put it in your own words.

• What do these verses tell us about Jesus’ heart? What does God really desire?

Make It Personal

• What would it look like for someone to “do Christianity” without really connecting with God?

Day 4

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• As relationships are hard to measure, what do you think are some gauges for your spiritual health in your relationship with God?

• If you took away the things you do (go to church, small group, etc.), what would be left as an indication of your relationship with Jesus?

PRAYOpen your prayer like you would a conversation with an old friend.

Spend some time “catching up” with God.

Ask God to show you anything in your life that is more about rules than your relationship with Him.

Ask the Holy Spirit to grow your desire to align your life with God’s heart toward you.

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5 There is a paradox in many Christians’ lives. We want the sense of peace and rest that comes from a relationship with Jesus, but we try to achieve that rest through works or striving. We beat ourselves up by saying things such as, “I don’t pray enough” or “I don’t read the Bible enough” as though these are the only ways to find rest in our God. Do we even know how much would be “enough?”

You can’t work hard and rest well at the same time. True rest comes when we focus on being instead of doing. The biblical idea of sabbath is a command to stop, to rest from works, to calm down, and be restored before continuing in our endeavors. Genesis 2:3 states, “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” If we never stop, we never give God a chance to provide true rest and blessing for us.

That’s not to say we shouldn’t work hard, but as God did, we need to take time to rest from it all. In the Hebrew Bible, only one day in seven is set aside for rest. There is tremendous value in praying, reading the Bible, and engaging others in spiritual conversation, but that value is lost if we don’t also enter in to God’s rest, stop the striving, and just enjoy being in His presence.

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So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:9&10

God’s rest, sabbath, is about remembering that the world doesn’t stop if we do. It’s about letting go of the illusion that we control everything. Instead, we can trust God is working through everything. This humbling exercise frees us from the lies that we aren’t doing enough. It isn’t about doing enough - it never was. It is about trusting that God is enough. Setting aside time to connect with our Creator will produce more than all our tireless hours of work ever could.

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Read Hebrews 3:12 - 4:13

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• What do you think it means to “not harden your hearts”?

• In your own words, what is the “rest” the author is talking about?

• What reason can you think of that God would prevent people from entering His rest?

Make It Personal

• When is the last time you set aside an extended period of time for worship and rest?

Day 5

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• Is it a sin to ignore rest?

• What would your life look like if you regularly stopped activity and focused on being instead of doing?

• How can we encourage each other to practice sabbath as a part of our regular routine?

PRAYThank God that He invites us to rest.

Share with God the things that are exhausting you.

Ask God to show you how to introduce sabbath rest into your week.

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Is there any difference between being in a relationship with a Christian and a non-Christian? Should there be? In this week’s devotionals we’ll explore the uniquenesses of relationships with other believers. We’ll be called to love one another, pray for one another, and even confront one another at times. One of the greatest gifts God has given us is other Christians. Yes, they can annoy us, grate against us and frustrate us, but it’s in and through these relationships that we grow. God uses His people to encourage, to believe in and offer us hope when our hope is gone. There is something that the Church today is missing, and it’s biblical relationships.

The great news is we are in this together and we are all in process. There are things I can learn from you, and things you can learn from me regardless of where we are in our spiritual growth. God has also gifted us each differently, and the church works best when we’re all engaged in leveraging who we are and what we’re good at for God’s glory and the accomplishment of God’s mission. Find the joy in relationships, and create the kinds of communities that sharpen and support one another!


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1Every member of the church is vital and important. As 1 Corinthians 12 shares, there are many different roles and all are indispensable. Healthy churches are full of disciples who understand their active role in the body. For some their role is teaching or hospitality, for others it may be prayer or caring for needs. Some serve behind-the-scenes in hands-on roles that are practical.

Everyone matters. Everyone is useful. Everyone is invited to use their gifts. This is the message of scripture and the design of the church. When we think, “others can do that, but not me” we limit God’s ability to work in our lives. We also limit the church’s ability to carry out its mission. God has created each of us with gifts and talents to fulfill the plan He has for us and His church.

We are one body. Our actions affect those around us. When one suffers, we all suffer, just as we all rejoice when one is honored (1 Corinthians 12:26). If we neglect our God-given role, the church also lacks the member it needs to be whole. We are all invited to be part of the beautiful and intricate collaboration that is the body of Christ. It’s our choice whether we participate or not. What will you choose?

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many are

one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body–Jews or Greeks, slaves or

free–and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:12-13

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Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• What is the main point of the body metaphor being used here?

• In the metaphor, some parts of the body feel they are less important. In the church, what roles or people might this represent?

• This passage talks of body parts that are weaker but indispensable. What is an example of this? What people or roles in the church might this represent?

• How does understanding this motivate us to care for each other

(verse 25)?

Day 1

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Make It Personal

• What are roles in the church that are often noticed? What are roles that often go unnoticed?

• What would the church look like if 100% of its members were fulfilling their role?

• What holds people back from carrying out their role in the body?

• If you had to pick a part of the body that represents your role in the Church, what would it be? If you don’t have a role yet, what might be a good fit?

PRAYThink of some people you know at church serving a role that isn’t

very visible. Thank God for those people and ask God to bless them in their effort.

Ask God to either confirm the role you have, or lead you toward a role where you are uniquely gifted to serve in the church.

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2 We’re all in this together. Many of the letters written to the first churches (Hebrews, Romans, or Ephesians to name a few) make this point over and over again. We need each other. We are better when we work together. Our actions affect each other. When biblical faith community works, it is beautiful. When it is not working, it can get ugly real fast.

One of satan’s primary tactics is division. He wants to use anything he can to drive a wedge between believers. Conflict between believers pulls their focus off God. The Church is most effective when it is working in unity. When we allow our anger, frustration, or discontent to become our primary focus, it slows down, stops, and sometimes even damages the work of the Church.

The resolve to be kind and tenderhearted instead of bitter or angry is more than just choosing to be nice or play well with others. It is essential to a healthy church and key to growing as a follower of Jesus. A sure sign of a mature disciple is the ability to release the things that upset us and choose to respond in love instead. Doing this brings God joy. Failing to do so keeps us from the peace and joy Jesus longs to give us (John14:27).

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Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor,

for we are members one of another.

Ephesians 4:25

Isaiah tells us that Jesus had a gentle and kind spirit. That does not mean he was a pushover. In fact, he faced down the most powerful leaders of the day with a shocking boldness. He was direct and unwavering. He publicly tore down those who were blocking the truth. Yet, He did so to unite instead of divide. He wanted everyone to experience the fulfilling life God offers. It is possible to have disagreement without division.

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Read Ephesians 4:25-32, Isaiah 42:1-4

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• Why does anger give an opportunity to the devil?

• What can we learn to do for thieves (vs 28)? How can we apply this concept to all who wrong us, or relationships where we are experiencing conflict?

• The passage in Isaiah is a prophecy about Jesus. What character traits

do you see?

Make It Personal

• What are some issues you notice that cause division in the church? Why is division such a successful tactic for disruption?

Day 2

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• How do we know when we’re being kind versus avoiding conflict? What may the different results be if it is one or the other?

• What is a topic, or an area in your life, where you might be contributing to division?

• Consider the rhythms that were introduced last week. Which rhythm(s) could we engage in to protect us against the wedges meant to push us apart?

PRAYThank God for His kind spirit.

Ask God to reveal areas where you may be holding onto anger in your life.

Discuss with Him how that anger might work against you, or against others.

Ask God for strength to respond in love when you are offended or frustrated.

Be still and pay attention to what God brings to mind.

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3 We have discussed how the Church is designed to be a body with all its parts working together and the importance of not allowing opportunities for division. Today, let’s go deeper into how we confront others with love.

Paul and Peter are two titans of the early church. For one to confront the other would be a big deal. Public confrontation could risk division in the church, yet Paul does just that. He wasn’t trying to make himself look better, and may have risked his reputation in the process, but he knew it was necessary for the welfare of the Church. Peter’s actions were creating a spiritual barrier that could have made it harder for some people to trust Jesus.

If you see someone living in a way that hinders their relationship with God, do you confront it or ignore it? If someone lovingly confronts your actions, do you respond with fearful defensiveness or an open posture of teachability? How little we must care for others if we are unwilling to speak into their lives. How small is the trust in our relationships if we are unwilling to hear criticism? The Church must be a place of loving confrontation. We must care enough to say hard things.

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Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should

restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one

another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:1-2

Many ugly and hurtful things have been done by Christians, and it still happens today. This is no surprise, as we are all human. What is a surprise to many is why these things are not confronted by other believers. We mistake cowardice for tolerance, and often shirk our responsibility to lovingly confront a brother or sister because we are afraid.

Thankfully, love casts out fear. The secret to being able to say hard things is establishing a pattern of love. When we are known for our love, our difficult conversations are perceived in a caring light. If you are known to be critical and confrontational, you lose credibility and openness from the receiver. If you are known for love, your words are respected and even desired. Loving confrontation can bring freedom.

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Read:Matthew 18:15-17Galatians 6:1-2Galatians 2:11-14

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• Why do you think Jesus (in Matthew) explains the steps for confronting another believer the way that He does?

• What is the difference between how we should respond to a repentant Christian versus an unrepentant one?

• What can we learn from the way Paul confronts Peter (Galatians 2)?

Make It Personal

• Think of someone in your life who perhaps needs to be confronted about an action or attitude. How have you loved this person well?

Day 3

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• Is there an area in your life where you are fearful someone may confront you?

• How could someone confront you in a way that feels loving?

• Why do we shy away from confrontation? Who do you believe is responsible for confronting believers in the Church?

• Love is the foundation of trusting and honest relationships. How can we strengthen that foundation so that confrontation can bring us to greater spiritual growth and deeper relationships?

PRAYThank God that He wants what’s best for us instead of what’s easiest.

Confess areas in your life that you are hoping go unnoticed. If you’re daring enough, pray God will send someone to help you confront

those areas.

If there is someone in your life you feel the need to confront, ask God for wisdom and courage to do so in love.

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4 Unity is an often-misunderstood concept. To have unity is to have oneness, harmony, or accord. Nevertheless, unity rarely means 100% agreement about everything. Instead, it usually means agreement about the most important things. For instance, you and a friend might agree about where you’re going, but differ on which path to take. Or, you and your spouse might agree to pay down your debt, but disagree on what to pay off first. In order to protect the greater goal, you might need to compromise your individual desires or ideas. As a result, we find unity requires humility.

Jesus is the perfect model of humility. Instead of claiming His rightful place of honor, or using His incredible power to remove his enemies, He stooped down to our level in order to bring unity. In His humility He was able to reconnect and reunify us with our Creator. Unity means holding our personal privileges loosely to pursue a greater purpose.

When conflict happens, we can choose unity or division. Division comes in the form of wanting our own way, or insisting our approach is the best. Unity comes from keeping the larger goal in mind and being willing to surrender what we want in order to help move everyone closer to that goal.

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Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition

or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Philippians 2:2-3

At its core, unity comes from agreeing about what is most important. If love is valued over comfort, we are willing to help others even when it is inconvenient. If truth is more important than fear, we are willing to have a difficult conversation. If health is more important than status quo, we are willing to have our lives disrupted. This type of community is incredibly rare, which is why it is irresistible when it is working.

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Read: Philippians 2:2-11Acts 2:42-47Ephesians 4:2-6

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• Why is unity important in the church?

• What role does humility play in producing unity?

• List all the traits of the church you notice in Acts 2. How many of those traits do we often see now? Which ones are not seen very often today?

Make It Personal

• What is the number one priority in your life? What are you willing to put up with as long as that priority is being achieved?

Day 4

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• How do we know it is time to let go of our preferences in order to achieve our priorities?

• If everyone at church was focused on serving one another, how might that change the Church?

• Consider the rhythms that help develop relationships in the Church. Which rhythms do you see yourself doing well ? Which one could use more practice in your life?

PRAYExpress thanks for Jesus’ humility.

Consider areas in your life where you might insist on things that are unimportant and confess them to God.

Ask God to grow your servant heart.

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5 The central theme of the verses we’re going to look at today is, “Keep hoping, and keep going.” Much of the Bible could be summed up the same way. It is a collection of stories about God reaching to meet us in the hardship of life. It is a picture of a disciple’s side-by-side resolve to be closer to God. In this message series we’ve explored what a mature disciple looks like, and the incredible things that happen when we interact with God, the Church, and the World with a disciple’s perspective.

One of the odd things about Christianity is that doing it right doesn’t necessarily mean a happy outcome. Nearly all of Jesus’ first disciples were killed for their beliefs. Before that, they were often beaten, destitute, and suffering. Still, they had a great joy. That joy compelled them to continue spreading the good news of Jesus and about the fulfilling life of following Him. Even though following Jesus didn’t look anything like the world’s picture of success, those who did wanted nothing else.

To be a follower is a daily practice. Being a disciple means choosing, every day, to consider the example of the One we’ve chosen to follow. If we don’t, we stop following. We go our own way and we’re no longer a disciple of Jesus. Much of the challenge comes from this need to daily decide to keep going. This is why we need each other.

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Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let

us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as

you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:23-25

We need each other to spur one another on toward good living. To encourage each other in difficult circumstances. To advise one another when we aren’t sure what to do. To correct each other when we’re getting it wrong. To invite each other into using our gifts. Without each of us in the church personally investing in our relationships and actively doing the work of the church, we just become a social club or a hyped-up self-help seminar. The work of the Church is realized only through the spiritual fruit of its members. The original design for the Church was, and continues to be, fellow believers following Jesus together.

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Read: Hebrews 10:23-39

Reflect on these scripture verses and write down some of your thoughts...

• How does one “hold fast” to hope?

• This verse talks about continuing in deliberate sin. What is an example of deliberate sin? What about unintentional sin?

• Why do you think people continue to sin deliberately after hearing the truth about Jesus?

Make It Personal

• This passage talks about enduring in hard circumstances. What inspires you to endure in a challenging experience?

• When was a time another believer inspired you to change something about your life or faith?

Day 5

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• Following Jesus is a day by day (sometimes hour by hour) conscious decision. Consider the rhythms that you desire to incorporate or need to practice from yesterday. How can they help you to “have faith and preserve” your soul (vs 39)?

• What most often distracts or disrupts your focus on following Jesus?

• Do we, as a church, do enough to encourage each other to keep going? Do we do enough to challenge deliberate sin?

• As we end this series, has your image of a mature disciple changed? How so?

• What do you hope this year brings for you in your spiritual life? What will you do differently to follow Jesus?

PRAYThank God that He wants to produce hope instead of fear or judgement.

Ask God to show you ways to encourage your brothers and sisters at church. Be still and pay attention to what the Holy Spirit brings to mind.

Consider what it means to be a disciple and pray for strength to pursue that type of life.

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