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AFour Eight One Designs


Rather Radical and Vril Vibrations

By Ryan Fletcher

“Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.”

― Nikola Tesla

In a time where “Whiteness” is characterised as a repository for all the worlds ills, and the progenitors of said “Whiteness” are selected for slaughter in order to build a “generous, diverse, fair, sustainable, caring and creative world”, one must hark some inconvenient truths to set the record straight.

No finer people have sought a society of generosity, care, sustainability, creativity and a diversity of aptitudes and inclinations than the White race. In fact one would be hard pressed to find another people that have succeeded more in these pursuits than White people.

If “Whiteness” were to be wiped out, the world would inevitably descend into a desolate demi-realm, where the virtues of civilisation fade into an aeonian mist. Its energies and insights chart the course and command the breaking of new ground.


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The race into outer-space, conceived and consecrated upon one White society passionately pursuing triumph over another, epitomises the Aryan urge to transcend the earthly to explore the stars. Yet this advance into the heavens has been derided by spurious “wypipologists” as another manifestation of racism, bigotry, misogyny, and fascism.

One may rightly argue though that these “wypipologists” present White people with the opportunity to double our efforts and prove such anti-White elements as being an anathema to civilisation.

In the words of Henry Ford “Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.”

“Anti-Semitism”, which is posited by Jews as “upholding White Supremacy”, could be characterised as a principled objection to Jewishness and admiration for Whiteness.

In the words of Nahum Goldmann, the founder and long-time president of the World Jewish Congress “I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.”

The modern kosher certified world which “doth protest too much” about Whiteness, going so far as to say it needs to be “wiped out”, “abolished” and “exterminated”, characterises the crux of the age of decadence that is the Kali Yuga.

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Jewishness, which takes credit for Kabbalistic Satanism, the trans-BIPOC raised fist, the faux-peace movement, and the a-ok kosher certified alt-lite, are responsible for a number of corrupting externalities. Such externalities include alcohol and substance abuse, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sleep disorders, psychosis, adverse physical health, a genuine consideration of suicide and a pervasive systemic identity crisis.

Whiteness is the solution to these ills.

In short, Whiteness must be upheld at all costs, lest these externalities of Jewishness consume us!

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Humour has been an all too common tactic which I have great affinity for, and as someone with an inner and outward personality that aligns with Jung’s Jester archetype, such affinity makes sense.

One particular publisher, familiar with a piece of self-analysis I’d penned some time ago, characterised me as being a “rather radical” individual, light-heartedly savouring the polarising extremes of the modern world. An editor, whom I greatly respect, has described me as being “enigmatic”.

From drunkenly munching on cooked dog paws in the mountainous rainforest of the Sierra Madre with Maoists, to cutting into a porterhouse steak whilst toasting “God, Queen and Country” at a “far-right” meeting, I’ve gained the ire of some notable pearl clutching anarchist bloggers living in the upper class suburb of Brighton, as well as a mad doctor of philosophy who fire-bombed a Maoist bookshop back in the 70s.


A Ryan Reflection

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I’ve also jokingly told former Australian Prime-Minister John Howard that we share the same birthday, and that it’s the same day attributed to a Cuban vanguard revolutionary organization that later morphed into a political party led by Fidel Castro (The 26th of July Movement).

However, resorting to writing, painting, drawing, and composing to sooth the spirit and mind from the more mundane aspects of daily living, acts as a means by which to manifest my second sight into the realm of reality.

These euphoric addictions of creativity enable me to capture both the sensational and monotonous, whilst surfing the proverbial waves of auratic nature that plunges my person into a neurological intermission. Whether such intervals be crashing the family car into a brick house or coming off my bike in the middle of a set of traffic lights in a state of grand mal seizures.

Navigating the collective consciousness with an individualised compass of numerology, premonition and influence from elemental entities, I musingly make mantras of alliteration against the Mishnah Mumbo-Jumbo that has entranced the adherents of “Blackness”.

Blackness, the void of light and negation of knowledge, is foundationally a slave serpent worship, where the Jew is positioned as the serpent archetype seeking to incite suppression via possession from the material world (i.e. consumerism presented fallaciously as “a great awakening”).

Whiteness, the illumination of light and embrace of knowledge, fuels my connection with the Aryan minds, hearts, and souls

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working together for the Cause for revitalization of the cultural ethos of the European people.

Having secured my final resting place in a thriving Buddhist community, I face life with an unburdened heart and mind, knowing there is an undeniable hostile environment being enforced by the kosher certified Zionist system.

In a time when “weaponised irony” is grounds for persecution and prosecution by the kosher pig system, those of us who identify with the frenzied fool are to be targeted for severe punishment for proverbially poking the eye of the murderous government goading “goyim” death.

Humour is the psychic stone which is to be slung at the ganef Goliath government, which wages global wars with standing armies, private military firms, and “shock troops” (such as Mark Bray’s black bloc associates), to decimate and enslave entire populations against treif Jokers.

Humour lightens the heart and repels demoralisation, hence treif wit destroys the kosher dream of total dominion of the planet.

In the words of Carl Jung “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

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People crave the spiritual as an allegorical gateway to understanding gnosis. To esoterically map the matrix of the mundane, escape the cycle of rinse and repeat existence, and transgress against the tyrannical trap, so as to transcend the trance of slavery for the reality of true will.

Ostensibly, spirituality is the connection of the inner consciousness with the menacing supremacy of uncharted existence that shocks the sheepish into staying on the approved pious plantation.

Divination through the world of dreams and their corresponding systems of symbology, threaten the stability of the collective planning prescribed for the non-abstract players stuck in daily reality. For example, those who work an average job for a fortnightly wage more readily place importance on the fiat currency in their pocket in order to coexist within the system’s cults of convenience.


Summation of Spirituality

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Those who forge cults of difficulty tend to draw the ire of oligarchs and technocrats, who seek more subdued populaces that can be easily herded into their approved empires of greatness and grotesqueness.

The system strategically picks its inevitable nemesis, so as to incrementally domesticate adversarial manifestations over the aeons. Where once it’s enemy was a noble wolf it is now reduced to a playful pug.

Thusly, it is the ultimate goal of oligarchs and tyrants to not merely suppress the body but disconnect the mind from the possibilities presented by spirituality in totality.

Part of this strategy is accomplished by saturating the market with faux fortune telling, pulp palmistry and right-hand path submission that seek to misdirect the mind into conformed realms of psychic serfdom. No better is this fact illustrated than seeing so-called Astrology columns in Newspapers which disseminate propaganda as to the next financial, political, social, religious or resource based war we “must” fight.

If one can create conceptual understanding that influences matter, energy, space and time, one can summon forces that threaten these mental monopolies, which construct illusions of nihilism based upon “randomness” and ideas of grandeur and simplicity built upon notions of “Fate”.

Fires of fallacy, from time to time, will reduce these empires of greatness and grotesqueness to smoldering cinders. However, as precedent shows us, these empires remerge out of the ashes of time as weed like seedlings that spawn through the cracks of ignorance.

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This speaks to Thomas Gray’s turn of phrase “ignorance is bliss” and Mark Twain’s observation that “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”

If one defines “success” as acknowledgement for accomplishing the purposes of these paradigms put up by the trillioniare shadow governments and their billionaire disciples, one must assume that the “success” one seeks is devoid of spiritual importance.

With naturalness considered a virtue and artificiality the epitome of wickedness, much of what the public considers spiritual is absent from their environments of daily living. Where forests fall metal metropolises ascend with walls and floors of concrete. Faux-meat is printed via the same technology that produces anything from prosthetic limbs to gun parts.

Sensationalist semantics coupled with images of invocation, have become the primary tools by which the lonely, depressed, disenfranchised and socially inept memetic sorcerers conjure up the ‘underdog mentality’ within the noosphere of the online ecosystem, all from the comfort of their bedrooms.

The online world, which is daily being sanitized of such sorcery by oligarchs and technocrats, is rampantly becoming a hive of pretentiously petty snitches who virtue signal for concepts that enrich the trillioniare shadow governments all encompassing power.

The spiritual, therapeutically speaking, is the electroconvulsive therapy that breaks you out of the psyop simulations in internet-land as well as the physical/economic servitude to the trillioniare table of tyranny.

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Thus the truly spiritual are likely to either have a prison cell as their monastery or the outposts of brutal nature as their universe.

The demons of criticism, suspicion, feelings of impotence and loss of control are no match for those in tune with the spiritual. Whilst the system acquires it’s five eyes clairvoyance and telepathy from the likes of leaked diaries, dossiers, and social media feeds, its impulse to mock-up threat, security, enemy, emergency action, force and violence reveals how spiritually dead they are.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is not so much a hallmark of insanity but the principle upon which idiocracy is brought into being.

The adage of ‘a method to one’s madness’ speaks to the strategies to which the spiritual safeguard sanity, by advancing excellence and understanding about the qualities of practical experience in the areas of diverse ways of living.

Yet “inner peace” from the psychic attacks of guilt and disillusionment by the system is a pipedream. One has to reconcile the fact that the inner universe is in a constant state of war, and peace is only truly understood by the dead.

A sense of spiritual mission to confront counter-intentional views and actions, in order to overcome principles that sabotage survival, is what the spiritual struggles with on a day to day basis.

With the system cradling certain harsh and brutal everyday realities into traps of weak ineffectual states, people become hardwired to crave comforting vice over virtuous struggle.

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Thus struggle is both the most sublime and supreme form of spirituality.

In the words of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell “The purpose of life is to struggle as hard as you can for what you believe in, and enjoy the struggle.”

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Growing up I gathered little from school curriculums as to what a Jew is. There was much schooling about the evils of Nazi Germany and how children from that era were inculcated to hate Jews, but little if anything was articulated as to who is this ‘Jew’ and why does it receive such hatred?

Why is it that Adolf Hitler remains such a figure of fascination that his name continues to feature in films, books, television and radio shows, magazines, podcasts and blogs? Why, according to organised Jewry (i.e. Chabad-Lubavitch, Anti-Defamation League, World Jewish Congress, B’nai Brith, Southern Poverty Law Center, ect), does “anti-Semitism” constantly seem to be rising around the world?

Most of the politically correct answers to these questions are what justify turning classrooms into cultic indoctrination sessions that emphasize an implicit religious devotion to Jews, lest those who


Kosher Communication

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don’t be targeted with destruction by the system.

This system, which is often referred to as the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), is broadly better defined as a ‘Parasitocracy’ in which transnational Talmudic Judaism imposes its supranational ethno-religious “chosenness” to key positions of institutional power to extract resources from gentiles (aka ‘goyim’).

Of course it is not so much that Jews are “chosen” but rather chooses to inflict itself upon functioning gentile society, so as to introduce an economic and cultural malware that destroys ‘goyim’ group cohesion in which the Jew exploits to build his kosher kingdom.

In the words of Mike Peinovich “What they’ve done, through a system of centuries long creation of this alternative culture, they’ve created a group of people that are amoral and vindictive. They’ve basically created a group of people that are literally trained to get the better of you in any situation, trained not to feel bad about it, trained not to have empathy for you because you’re the outsider, and actually trained to lie to you.”

A primary way in which this process is accomplished is through the system of communication.

For example, the apoplectic gestures of kosher kinesics in visual media, like a schizophrenic attempting to wave his hand as a Jedi invoking force mind-control, is intended to emphasize the urgency of abolishing Whiteness.

Hyperbolic headlines about “racism”, “sexism”, “ableism”, “homophobia”, “transphobia”, “xenophobia”, “fascism”, “bigotry”

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and of course “Nazism” and “anti-Semitism” have become all too common features of Jewish media fixation.

In more recent years the grassroots feedback in response to such headlines, by way of independent online alternative media, have both vehemently voiced opposition to these kosher narratives as well as revealing dramatic demographic gentile willingness to fight back in defiance.

This has led to some recalibration of Semitic cybernetics, so as to gauge the incrementalism by which they can mitigate gentiles getting ‘woke’ to their destructive tactics. By compartmentalising the transitivity by which gentiles begin to know what’s happening to them, the Jew hopes to carry out a proverbial Talmudic Titanic scenario by which the non-kosher societal vessel sinks (taking as many gentiles as possible with it).

This is not only observed via gentile interpretations of history, such as Henry Ford’s four volume publication The International Jew, but can also be observed in the rabbinical records of The Jewish Encyclopaedia. Of course the later requires some critical reading skills to ascertain this analysis.

Esoteric dialogue amongst Jews has led to broad transnational propagation of their exoteric programme, such as censorship and ‘deplatforming’ being necessary tools to ‘break the backs’ of gentiles (namely pro-White advocates) being able to form their own systems of esoteric dialoguing.

Whilst there has been significant manoeuvres made in accomplishing this goal, gentiles have circumvented such incursions by forging

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communication lines via encrypted programs and apps.

This leads to amplification of Jewish neurosis widening the deictic scope of the phrase ‘axis of evil’ to fluidly frame any and all gentiles of the crime of “anti-Semitism”. This is more concretely realised when gentiles understand that in many Jewish circles there is a fervent belief that gentiles are genetically predisposed to being “anti-Semites”.

One may well suggest that their Noahide narcotization is typified by the inauguration of Joe Biden’s Presidency, which has required more troops in Washington D.C. (26,000) than ALL troops currently serving in Afghanistan (4,500 personnel), Iraq (2,500 personnel) and Syria (500 personnel) combined.

The fate of the Jews kosher kingdom, no matter how much chutzpah they muster to keep it afloat, will inevitably result in collapse. A kingdom constructed of slaves from their out-group is doomed to fail. This is even illustrated in their own allegorical story of Pharaoh and Moses, whereby the supposed Hebrew slaves eventually did a mass exodus out of Egypt.

The only thing that keeps their conviction alive is their mantra of “chosenness”. When that mantra is made meaningless triumph over transnational Talmudic Judaism is achieved.

In the words of Charles Manson “What they’re doing is, they’re only persecuting a reflection of themselves. They’re persecuting what they can’t stand to look at in themselves, the truth.”

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For nearly a decade now I’ve worked as a Personal Care Worker in aged care, assisting the elderly with all matters of daily living. Over the course of the last three years at the facility in which I presently work I’ve personally attended to over twenty deaths.

It’s a somewhat desensitizing experience to see the varying transitional period which one goes from being relatively independent to a palliative care phase of existence. This is not to say that all will reach the palliative care phase, as many die from a sudden unforeseen heart-attack, stroke, or fatal fall.

My occupation however is far-less confronting than some other occupations that deal with more extreme levels of death. Paramedics and police can be called to deal with an overdose, stabbing, beating, gunshot wound, or car accident where a mangled body awaits them.

In an age where there is rampant strife reverberating from drug


Life and Death

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epidemics, lack of access to psychiatric facilities, and economic and social disparities amplifying aggression in the home and the streets, it’s not beyond the pale to hear of some horrific death on the television or in the newspapers.

A well known axiom regarding such syndication and publishing is that “If it bleeds it leads”.

With so many bombarded with the media milieu of death we find ourselves regularly becoming mindful of our own mortality. We cling to life desperately because we know that in the broad scheme of things it is relatively short. Death is not only dauntingly final but also wrought with undertones of pain and anguish if one were to linger on the way out.

Thus to invest too much time dwelling on this inevitable process is to become possessed by neurosis. This is why self-realization has become a canonized concept for achieving radical glorification of ‘True Will’ (aka as a person’s grand destiny).

This causes some to become fixated upon things like diet and exercise, as well as approach various allopathic and alternative therapies and treatments to address perceived physical and mental short-comings. Such a view suggests that by improving the mind, body and spirit we in turn improve our capacity to both survive and achieve goals.

However as we’ve seen this doesn’t always translate into people striving to be the Nietzschean Übermensch. Many have found themselves dedicated to slothish devotion, such as the fetish phenomena of “feeder” and “feedee”, whose coexistence ostensibly

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results in one partner killing the other by way of gluttony.

Others find purposes through body modification, psychonautics, gym-work, art, music, writing or pastimes like gaming. The difference between life and death is that in death concepts of virtue and disorder cease to be an issue for the dead, probably why so many who can’t reconcile the two resort to suicide.

Life, which is often characterized in different New Age philosophies as a ‘game’ of sorts, is ostensibly interpreted in the three act structure of a screenplay whereby a setup, confrontation and resolution take place.

This structure might be best conveyed as gauging who you are and what your calling is (setup), identifying the hurdles which inhibit you achieving said calling (confrontation) and overcoming said hurdles to accomplish your life’s ultimate purpose (resolution).

In these confrontational times, whereby the kosher certified Zionist war-mongering system seeks to manufacture the collective calling as being “total opposition to Whiteness and White Supremacy”, it’s bemusing to see how few are truly empowered by such a pretentious Purim purpose.

If anything, the overarching transparency of Talmudic tyranny to suppress Whites biologically, culturally, socially, politically and spiritually has setup the framing of Whites as the underdog, and the Jews as the hurdle to global harmony.

Thus it is the opinion of this writer that the resolution of life is a revolution against the Sicarii knife.

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For more than a decade, whilst growing up in a small rural town, I applied myself in the martial-art of Taekwondo.

Taekwondo had become an Olympic sport around the time the Kukkiwon had afforded me my First Dan black belt. Over the years I had won three medals (two bronze, one gold) in state-wide tournaments.

Mastery of Taekwondo required understanding in physical techniques pertaining to patterns, armbars, wrist-rolls, sparring and board breaking demonstrations, as well as having an understanding of Korean terminology corresponding with kicks, strikes, punches and blocks.

Taekwondo, whilst heavily emphasising individual development, revolved around a club atmosphere, which is a similar trait of many other sports in Australia (i.e. cricket, basketball, football, and



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A sign of a healthy club relates to an atmosphere that positively charges the mind-body connection. This is to say that if the members are the organs of the club, they need conditioning to be biologically optimum in their functioning so the club (as a proverbial body) too is optimum.

Reinforcing the spirit of striving to “do your best” and “try harder”, sporting clubs are an integral part of promoting physical and mental fitness to the broader publics of many communities. As a rudimentary example of the group dynamic, which enables outward expansion from the dynamics of family life, the individual evolves as a person and gains greater skills in pursuit of broader dynamics.

A common variable that negatively affects these dynamics is the injection of vices like gambling, alcohol and drugs, which detrimentally injects negative feeds into the mind-body connection. This can lead to certain proverbial organs of a club being cut out if inventions fail to rejuvenate the course of the individual/s in question.

In some cases this can be quite a traumatic phase for the club and may lead to various externalities arising, particularly if the individual/s in question harbour bitterness towards the club for the required actions taken.

However, empathy that is based upon a set of ethical rules laid out in a club constitution is by no means a source of weakness. Any organisation or group, who have a clearly defined set of aims and goals, as well as strategies to accomplish it, are more likely to

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succeed than those without such direction.

Applied to the space of politics, whereby much could be said as to how the present kosher certified system seeks to “eliminate” Whiteness, there are a number of things that groups have been able to achieve.

For example, establishing political parties has been a regular feature of liberal democracies in conveying the concerns and aspirations of people wanting to affect power. Whilst certain parties gain a degree of importance on the parliamentary stage, it is undoubtedly the case that many liberal democracies cater to two dominant political cartels (which is by design).

In the United States you have Democrat and Republican, in the United Kingdom you have Labour and the Conservatives, and here in Australia you have Labor and Liberal.

Some of the times these parties rely on coalitions with minor parties when there is no clear electoral majority, however the minor party will usually be seen as the subordinate partner in the group alliance.

Given the nature of how liberal democracies function in relation to the group dynamics of powerful corporate media entities, parties deemed to be “radical” or “extremist” are usually targeted for diminishment or termination by groups of plutocratic powerbrokers.

Proscribing parties as “terrorist organisations”, putting party leaders in prison, or even outright assassinations have not been beyond the pale of these particular groups of people.

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Hence why elected policy makers are often accused of being totally out of touch with the citizenry’s concerns, as they’re not representative of the average punter but rather the mitzvah mafia injecting money into their campaigns for office.

Even group attempts by pro-White activists to engage in entryism with established political parties and running for positions of office in said parties has resulted in failure time and time again. Apparently the purveyors of pro-White politics are worse than a drug addict or a criminal (as we’ve even seen drug addicts and criminals be retained by various established parties).

Such brings us to the dimensions of how a pro-White political group operates when the dynamics of the system ostensibly are moving in an exterminationist manner against Whites more broadly.

Increasingly, over the last couple of years, we’ve begun seeing certain pro-White activists consider the path of guerrilla warfare, in which a practical understanding of propaganda, weapon handling, group tactics, communications, first aid, disguise and camouflage, explosive manufacture and handling becomes necessary.

This has caused the corporate media to start pumping out system propaganda that hysterically howls about neo-werwolf guerrilla “terrorists” being the greatest threat facing the world.

Such propaganda of course is the product of one of the most successful groups operating in the world today: international organised Jewry. Jews, as an ethnic group, constitute a micro-minority of the world population, yet overwhelmingly constitute a disproportionate percentage of positions of power and influence around the world.

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The absolute primary issue for international organised Jewry, apart from assuming greater levels of power and affluence, is devising group strategies by which their gentile competitors are denied the ability to operate in the same manner.

Hence the winning group strategy posited by international organised Jewry is one of demoralisation, which is introduced to the opposing group like the previously mentioned negative affects surrounding sporting clubs (i.e. gambling, alcohol and drugs).

Demoralisation not only enables the perpetrator of said demoralisation to take advantage of opportunities to assume power roles, but also enable the perpetrator to blame the victim of said demoralisation.

In recent history this has been the case of conflicts like the War in Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, drone strikes in Pakistan, intervention in Libya to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, interventions in Syria against Bashar al-Assad, and a concerted effort to instigate a physical war with anti-Zionist Iran.

The consequence of White gentiles using their group dynamics to fight these Zionist conflicts, reaps devastation for participating soldiers and their families, blame for the collective nation more broadly, and creates a pathway by which Israel’s “security threats” magically become certified “refugees” securing asylum in the occident.

There’s also the aspect of corrupting cultural production, where normalisation of sexual perversion to younger and younger age groups via ‘drag queen story hour’ or the innocuous sounding ‘safe

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schools’ queer gender theory program, is raging havoc upon the development of healthy societal cohesion.

Then there’s the case of affluent entities like the Jewish Sackler family (the founding owners of Purdue Pharma) who were directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of opioid deaths in America. According to former Purdue President Richard Sackler the influence of OxyContin would be “deep, dense and white.”

Here in Australia the pharmaceutical company Mundipharma, which is owned by Purdue Pharma, oversees the manufacture of Targin (Oxycodone/naloxone) which was released in 2006. In 2019 Mundipharma was fined a measly $302,400 by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for a series of advertisements it distributed to doctors and other health professionals in relation to Targin.

According to a consultation paper produced by the Therapeutic Goods Administration relating to opioid use and misuse in Australia:

“The National Coronial Information Service (NCIS) fact sheet Opioid related deaths in Australia (2007-2011) stated that for this five-year period there were 4102 deaths involving opioid drugs, although in three-quarters of cases opioids were one of multiple drugs detected. Heroin was implicated in 1127 of the deaths, while pharmaceutical opioids were implicated in 2975 deaths (or 73% of the total). The majority of deaths involving opioids were deemed unintentional (71.2%), while almost one-sixth were due to an act of intentional self-harm (15.8%).”

There are so many examples of affluent Jews using their positions of power to cull the “bewildered herd” of ‘goyim’ (gentiles), that it would take an encyclopaedic volume of published works to articulate fully how the kosher certified Parasitocracy exploits

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‘goyim’ groups.

The way White group dynamics fight back is by being vigilant against the poisonous demoralisation tactics of organised Jewish groups, even if that means violently opposing the system. Because when the system is actively seeking you harm submission to it is suicide.

In the words of Ernst Zundel “Once you are a victim of a bombing, you enter a risk group to which they will not sell insurance.”

Hence antifragility, a concept developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is a cornerstone to the evolutionary strategy of Whites and Whiteness going forward.

The organised Jewish sickness of intravenous poison, hate speech censorship, predatory finance (i.e. usury, fractional reserve lending, shorting markets, central banking), human sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and general commoditisation of cultural cancers are the barriers in which Whites have to overcome in order to survive.

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The foundational basis to the world in which we live is a cyclical interplay of creation and destruction. In the Hindu faith the deity Vishnu personifies the urge to preserve and protect the universe from the urge of destruction, which is personified by the deity Shiva.

In physical reality the urge of preservation is personified by the Aryan race, whereas the urge of destruction is personified by The Jews, as observed by Maurice Samuel amongst others:

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” - Chapter 9 of You Gentiles (Published 1924)


Valence of Vishnu

Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increases I send myself forth.For the protection of the good and for the destruction of evil,and for the establishment of righteousness,I come into being age after age.

— Bhagavad Gita 4.7–8

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Valence, as defined by L. Ron Hubbard in his book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (DMSMH), is ‘the personality of one of the dramatic personnel in an engram’ (an engram being defined in DMSMH as the source of ‘aberrations’ and psychosomatic ills, caused by a moment of “unconsciousness” containing physical pain or painful emotion and all perceptions).

Hence the intention of this essay is to convey a communication from the personality of Vishnu (Aryans) in regards to the engramic onslaught inflicted by the personality of Shiva (The Jews).

Savitri Devi, the esoteric National Socialist prophetess, postulated the idea that Adolf Hitler was the Aryan avatar of Vishnu who’d eradicate the influence of the Jews in order to rejuvenate the world back to a Satya Yuga (Golden Age) out of the decadence of a Kali Yuga (Evil Age).

Such a notion would be considered heresy in the curriculums disseminated at the behest of certain rootless reptilian globalists in the current year.

Their view is that the Third Reich was the archetypal manifestation of evil, and that Hitler was a drug-addict, a coprophile and a lunatic. As Jennie Cohen from the History channel speculates “Adolf Hitler may have had Jewish and African ancestors”. Hence Hitler, according to the devotees of Jewishness, may have been anything from a self-loathing Jew to a high time preference black.

But consider the foundations of the world sought by these Judeo-Shiva devotees. A world which kowtows to the radical unnaturalness of feminism, transgenderism, porn, usury, bribery, media

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manipulation, hate crime legislation, suicidal foreign policies, communism, abortion, importing hostile third world invaders and collapsing currencies.

Is it not reasonable to discern that the personality of Vishnu (the protector of good, destroyer of evil and establisher of righteousness) would sever the globalist Goliath’s head after nailing it between the eyes with the rock of truth?

Perhaps this explains the memetic psychopolitics which is producing a generation of youth who zealously embrace the avatar of Hitler in the war against this insidious neo-liberal Purim plutocracy (aka Parasitocracy).

Perhaps this is why the strategy of the rootless reptilian globalists has been to “shut it down” before it can be widely seen. For they fear that if such compelling comments are readily consumed, their “radical falsification of all nature, all naturalness, all reality” (in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche) will result in another manifestation of Vishnu coming forth to crush them.

Unless the rootless reptilians repent and relinquish their rapacious impulse to ravage mankind with sickness and inversion of ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ ‘true’ and ‘false’, they will find themselves once more inducing their own purge.

The shande of Shiva, disseminated by these Judeo rootless reptilian globalists, is a forever ending tale of victimhood at the hands of a supposedly viscous Vishnu.

However, despite what kosher certified White liberals would have

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you believe, “White Supremacy” doesn’t determine the current state of institutional power that oversees the broader occident. Thanks to the kabbalistic controllers of the Mishnah matrix, such as unit 8200, Kroll Inc., Black cube, Black Rock, Blackwater (now called ‘Academi’) and the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish supremacism is squarely rooted in the corridors of power.

So much for the personality of Vishnu oppressing poor old Shiva.

Though the Jews constitute a micro-minority of the global population, they make up a significantly disproportionate percentage of positions of power, such as those relating to academia, politics, media and finance. With this power they oversee the “cancel culture” that seeks to relegate White people to the status of a nonperson.

So acutely aware are these Shiva devotees of gentile out-groups becoming aware of this fact (and in turn rebelling) that specific state, national and international laws have to be passed in relation to “anti-Semitism”.

The “working definition of anti-Semitism” developed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which forms the basis of most of these laws, defines said “anti-Semitism” in the following ways:

• Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion. • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not

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exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions. • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews. • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust). • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust. • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations. • Denying the Jewish people their right to self- determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation. • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis. • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

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In short “anti-Semitism” is any critique of Jews by gentiles (namely persons of White European ancestry), who articulate how Jews utilize demonstrably fallacious blood libels to garner greater levels of power through goyim guilt.

Thus the foundation of the Judeo Shiva Empire of lies and destruction relies heavily upon an implication of blame and mislaid empathy towards the “eternal victims” of Vishnu.

Similarly to how international organized Jewry ascribed “anti-Semitism” to the Islamic faith when constructing a pretext for the modern Western crusade against the Muslim world, so called “White Supremacy” is now the Leviticus tier scapegoat for the Judeo Shiva kosher kingdom. Whilst there is regular kvetching amongst Jews as to what constitutes “discrediting” content by the tribe, the gentile awakening to the Jewish question has become a hard thing for Jews to circumvent.

This begs the question as to how many times a people need face expulsion from a country before they learn their Jewish Jenga strategy for societal collapse is not welcome. Ironically enough the game Jenga is currently marketed by Hasbro, Inc. which is a multination conglomerate founded by three Jewish brothers. An example of Jews literally selling you an overpriced board game that revolves around collapsing a tower of blocks.

Never say Jews don’t have chutzpah. But like the brain of the circumcised infant which is permanently changed by this questionable surgery, Jewish audacity can be pathologically traumatic for a functioning society.

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Nothing is more indicative of this than when we see the wavers of the LGBTQP+ rainbow flag dictating the dynamics as to where we reside on the rainbow ‘terrorist threat level’ chart. Terrorists, or rebels countering the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), are defined in the Mishnah matrix as anybody international organized Jewry doesn’t like.

Of course when atomization, attrition and subsidizing sloth are rampant throughout the kosher certified Shiva system, its not hard to understand why many revile such a system that seeks out wars with so called “rogue states” who refuse to be shaken-down for resources.

Hence rebels with an oppositional defiance disorder (anti-Semitism) towards Talmudic tyranny are not the cause of the world’s problems, but rather inconvenient variables for those “destroyers” whom claim this world for themselves.

In the words of Carl Oglesby “It isn’t the rebels who cause the troubles of the world, it’s the troubles that cause the rebels.” The personality of Vishnu, as a rebel, seeks to repel the troubles created by Shiva, and rebuild a society founded upon workable axioms that protect good, destroy evil and uphold righteousness.

The rebellion is foundationally one that restores equilibrium to the mind-body connection whilst revitalising the urge to pursue the spiritual against the shuckling Shande of Shiva. The Aryan is the manifestation of creativity, restoring order and justice to the world.

Due to the times in which we reside, that of the aeon of decadence and defilement (Kali Yuga), the Aryan warrior, adventurer, and

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scholar are zealously applying their skills to revive their people’s place in the universe.

Spiritually speaking this requires a sustained period of detoxification from the bread and circuses of Judeo-Shiva Parasitocracy, bread being more aptly defined in present times as an overdose of fructose, carbohydrates, and saturated fats. As for Circuses there’s no shortage of things like Netflix, Porn and video-games to keep us in a subdued state.

The path, whilst not easy, begins with mastering the health and vitality of the body and mind. A strong body and an informed mind make for a formidable opponent against those who would have you as slaves.

Whilst the mind and body are temporal variables, they enable the spirit to manifest powerful psychic impressions in the world which can be permeated throughout the aeons.

Religion, despite all its schisms, prohibitions, proscribing of groups and individuals, reveal to us that rituals transcend personal mortality and that out of one aeon of decadence ascends an aeon of pioneers.

This is why the importance of rearing Aryan progeny is as sacred to the Aryan as plants requiring sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. David Lane’s fourteen words mantra of “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” forms the foundation upon which Aryanism is created, replicated and protected.

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April the 19th holds great astrological psychic significance.

It marks the births of figures like Russian Imperial statesman, historian, philosopher, and ethnographer Vasily Tatishchev (1686), German psychiatrist, geneticist, eugenicist and fervent National Socialist Ernst Rüdin (1874), Reich Minister of Justice Otto Georg Thierack (1889), and German fighter pilot during World War II and the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare Erich Alfred Hartmann (1922)

It also marks the death of English naturalist, geologist and biologist Charles Darwin (1882).

On a personal level April 19th is the day of my Christian baptism, but historically speaking it signifies an alignment of historical events pertaining to radical White identity.


Ode to April 19th

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On April 19th, 1770 Captain James Cook, whilst still holding the rank of lieutenant, sighted the eastern coast of what is now Australia. This of course signifies the awakening of the age of pioneers by the Anglo adventurer upon the great Southern sunburnt land, which until that time was terra nullius (Latin for “nobody’s land”).

With the current year devotees of political correctness postulating that Australia’s founding was an “invasion” and that “Australia is a crime scene” where the “traditional owners” are posited as “victims”, it is bemusing to see prominent Zionists in Australia compare Aboriginals to Israelis.

Such a concept might well explain their bestial like nature to outsiders.

On April 19th, 1861 the peace Democrats (aka “Copperheads”) along with Southern/Confederate sympathisers, instigated the Baltimore riots against members of the Massachusetts and Pennsylvania state militia regiments, whom were being called for federal Union service.

This event was significant as it marked the shedding of first notable blood in a conflict between the North and the South that led to full-scale war.

It is conventional knowledge that the Confederacy represented White identity, whereas the Pinkerton protected Abraham Lincoln was an overt ally of the Jewish minority (whom at the time constituted one-half of one percent of the American population).

On April 19th, 1903 pogroms were initiated in Kishinev against

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the Jews, whom had inflicted death upon the White gentiles that hosted them in their country. Aversion towards Jews had existed for centuries prior throughout Europe, however the date of the Kishinev pogroms would later come to align with strategic operations carried out by National Socialist Germany in relation to the Jewish Question.

On April 19th, 1942 the Majdan-Tatarski ghetto was established, situated between the Lublin Ghetto and a Majdanek sub-camp. A year later on April 19th, 1943 the so-called “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” began when German troops entered the Warsaw Ghetto to round up remaining Jews.

This “uprising”, which has been greatly embellished in the studios of Hollywood, has come to form a contemporary mythology by Jews against Aryan advocacy in the aeon of decadence and defilement (Kali Yuga).

On April 19th, 1971 Charles Manson was sentenced to death, however was later commuted to life imprisonment, for conspiracy in the so-called “Tate-LaBianca murders”. Manson, who never actually killed anyone in relation to the case, was incessantly pursued by prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi because of Manson’s affinity for Adolf Hitler.

Manson, who came to be the representational archetype for the Aryan adventurer navigating the Kali Yuga, presented as a revolutionary Rorschach test teasing out what Whites would do to survive the Parasitocracy of the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG).

Manson, with the help of revolutionary National Socialist James Mason, founded the organisation Universal Order, whose

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propaganda continues to influence various National Socialist actions in the current year.

On April 19th, 1985 Two hundred agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) lay siege to the lakeside Zarephath-Horeb community centre of the pro-White Christian identity survivalist group The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA) in Arkansas.

CSA, like many Christian Identity survivalist groups, promoted an exodus from the urban centres of racial chaos caused by the nefarious plagues of encroaching mass immigration, increasing non-White birth rates, rising crime, and forced school busing. CSA sought to create communities by which Whites could master self-sufficiency and autonomy more broadly.

This assault by ZOG against the CSA occurred seven years and four months before the notorious slaughter of Randy Weaver’s family members at Ruby Ridge in Boundary County, Idaho.

On April 19th, 1993 the 51-day FBI siege of the Branch Davidian community Church and home in Waco, Texas, USA, ended when a fire broke out thanks to conditions created by the military, which had ripped holes throughout the external walls of the building (pumping in tonnes of CS gas). Seventy-six Davidians, including eighteen children under the age of ten, died in the fire.

Two years later on April 19th, 1995 Timothy McVeigh exacted vengeance against the centralised ZOG system by parking a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma

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City, USA, killing one hundred and sixty eight people including nineteen children under the age of six.

The Oklahoma City bombing has ostensibly become the contemporary tale which kosher certified Whiteness abolitionists attack Whites organising for their own interests. As Whites exerting their own ethnic-interests is an affront to the Parasitocracy of Zionists whom seeks global war.

Timothy McVeigh’s actions symbolise the symptoms not the cause of the problem. The problem, as most genuine White advocates will attest, is that pertaining to the Jewish question.

As April 19th marks the eve of the Birthday of Adolf Hitler, whom is symbolically represented as The Emperor in the White man’s deck of Tarot, one can well say that April 19th represents the universal energy that culminates in the rebirth of the Hitlerian archetype re-emerging from the ether of time.

It is the belief of Jews that Hitler was a manifestation of the fictional character Haman, a political advisor to King Ahasuerus who harnessed astrology to eliminate the Jewish problem.

Thusly the identity of Jewishness draws upon fiction to justify its continued replication throughout the aeons, whereas Whiteness is forged in the unyielding wisdom of reality.

April 19th is symbolic of the genuine Whiteness of pioneers discovering, conquerors conquering, businessmen engaging in productive commerce, the constructors of affluence and enlightening minds of intelligence.

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To illustrate this with a revamped poem from the film V for Vendetta:

Remember, rememberThe Nineteenth of April,Where Whites were the targets of S.W.A.T.;I know of no reasonWhy the Zionist treasonShould ever be forgot!As the Aryans alignAgainst Occidental declineThe Jews will conspireTo destroy with fireThe homes of our kinWho reject ZOG sinAnd lock us awayAs they plunder and slayTo enrich the chosen few.But a time soon will comeWhen their kosher kingdomWill be reduced to rubbleAnd then they’ll be in troubleFor the Aryan will ariseTo conquer the skiesAnd take back their respectFrom that murderous sectAnd on that day, gentiles will say:“Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!”

Ryan Fletcher is an Australian White Nationalist writer, cartoonist, graphic designer, aged care worker and former Federal Senate candidate.

Ryan Fletcher is an Australian White Nationalist writer, cartoonist, graphic designer, aged care worker and former Federal Senate candidate.

Rather Radical and Vril Vibrations is a booklet of collected writings addressing an array of holistic topics pertaining to Whiteness as a quality rather than a “defect”. It’s a concise guide to navigating the vicious and seditious landscape of the kosher certified anti-White world.

Rather Radical and Vril Vibrations is a booklet of collected writings addressing an array of holistic topics pertaining to Whiteness as a quality rather than a “defect”. It’s a concise guide to navigating the vicious and seditious landscape of the kosher certified anti-White world.