A few realities about the demise of Imperialist America…!!

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  • 8/8/2019 A few realities about the demise of Imperialist America!!


    A few realities about the demise of ImperialistAmerica!!

    On 4 of December 2010, Obama arrived at Bagram Airbase for two and half hours and after consulting the invading

    NATO and American commander (Petraeus), Karl Eikenberry and other senior officials, went to a newly built hospital

    inside the airbase which treats mentally ill soldiers who have succumbed to emotional and physiological problems due

    to the intensity of the Afghan war and met some of those soldiers who were under treatment.

    Obama also met those unstable soldiers, whose hands and feet were tied with chains and used to curse everyone

    who came in contact with them! Obama was also abused by these nutcases!! They warmly welcomed him with a great

    cussing fanfare!!! Seeing Obama bewildered by the state of his soldiers, Petraeus quickly took him out of the hospital

    and stood him on the podium where 4000 soldiers had been bundled up to listen to his 2010 end of year speech

    Obama declared in his speech:

    I know its not easy for all of you to be away from homes, especially during the holidays! And I know it s hard on yourfamilies that you are thousands of miles away and in a difficult situation!! I am here to raise your determination and totell you that the Taliban momentum has been broken!! Today we can be proud that there are fewer areas under theircontrol! Suddenly his eyes fill with tears.. And says with a quivery voice: You nee d to take out the Talibanleadership!! I dont need to tell you this is a tough fight but we all are depending on you and I know that you arefacing a very cunning enemy!!

    Yes! It is a reality that American is facing the most sensitive period of its history. It is burning in the fire it lit with itsown hands which has made its politicians, intellectuals and administration very nervous, stressed and jittery!! And itssoldiers have become so tired of fighting that every new soldier arrives with a crushed spirit. And that, only after manyincentives, enticements, promises, assurances and a big paycheck! Yet they still look for a ways and lies to avoidcoming to Afghanistan!

    In 2009, when 35 thousand additional troops were approved for Afghanistan, 55 percent refused to go under falsepretexts and excuses! And why shouldnt they decline, especially after being witnesses to te the hundreds of deadsoldiers arriving at airports in coffins every day!!

    There have been many facts and figures exposed by the Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and English media which I would like toshare right here:

    From the year 2001 until March of 2009, 7874 American soldiers, 184 commandoes (special force), 1686 marines and260 air-force personnel have been killed which gives a grand total of 9496.

    In 2010, 877 American soldiers have been killed in Helmand alone. This figure is taken from the dead soldiers whosecorpses have been put in prettycoffins and taken back to American airports where they are received with salutesand respects which have become a norm. So how could those American soldiers go to Afghanistan who are witnessingthese scenes?!

    In light of these reports, from 16 of February to 15 March 2010, 1391 American corpses reached their homes making itthe bloodiest period for the invaders in Afghanistan! This report indicated that the most astonishing fact during this 31day period was the economic damage caused by Taliban attacks which targeted 210 armored vehicles, 60 tanks, 30fuel tankers, 5 spy planes and 12 apache helicopters.

    The number of wounded and mentally ill in the past 9 years has not even been mentioned. The report did howevermention that most of the soldiers returning back to their homes from Afghanistan have turned insane due to the

    psychological harm from the mission! And many others brains have been rendered useless and paralyzed.

    Yes! The forces of the worlds super powerare resorting to drugs as a healing method!! The American governmenthas so far used 950 billion dollars to treat these soldiers, which has been futile so far!! They have used all technology,science and experiments at its disposal to deal with this disease, but it has failed to control or improve their physicalor mental state. In fact, 35 percent of soldiers are abusing drugs. Doctors have concluded that the reason for rampantdrug abuse is coming in contact with powerful blasts and depressing!

    To validate this, reputable sources say: 22 thousand soldiers, who have returned from Afghanistan, are suffering fromanxiety. Of the returnee from the year 2007, 121 have been successful in committing suicide while 2100 have eitherfailed or were stopped in their attempt. Another illness has also arisen in the ranks of American soldiers which hasPentagon very nervous, desertion. A lot of American soldiers take leave to go home but then fail to return to theirunits! And some soldiers inside units encourage their comrades to rebel against their commanders!!

    This is the state of the most professional, well trained army which has earned the wrath of Allah SWT. This is theresult of curse of those innocent Muslims who have been and are being abused by these criminals in Abu Ghuraib,Guantanamo and Bagram prisons! Now that we see America head deep in another quagmire!! Our conviction in Allahis made even firmer:


    And they thought that their fortresses would defend them f rom Allah! But Allah's (Torment) reached them from aplace whereof they expected it not, and He cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their own dwellingswith their own hands and the hands of the believers. Then take admonition, O you with eyes (to see).) Surah Hashr,Verse 2.

    A British colonel (Mark Charlton Smith) has also confirmed these accounts by saying that allied forces can neverachieve any major victory in Afghanistan. His words indicate that victory is not in their fate

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  • 8/8/2019 A few realities about the demise of Imperialist America!!


    Similarly, on 13 December 2010 (USA Today) through Pentagon said that there have been 17000 attacks on coalitionforces this year, which is a two fold increase from last year a t a time when there are still 17 days left in the currentyear.

    These spectacular failures compelled Obama to visit Afghanistan on 04 December in the cover of darkness in order toboost his troops morale but the opposite effect took place and he left for Washington, overwhelmed and defeated!!


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