A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14' 11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Mumbai 400001 2. Listing Department National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor Plot No. C/1, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 (Fax: 022-2723719/22722037/ 22722061 / 22722041/ 22722039/ 22658121) (Fax: 022-26598237/26598238) Subject: C ompli ance Repor t on Co rp or ate Governance fo r the qu ar te r/h alf vea r en ded 30'" Se pte mb er. 2019 Dear Sir/ Ma ·am, Pursuant to Regulation 27(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed the Compliance Report on Corporate Governance of the Company for the quarter/ half year ended 30' 11 September, 2019. Regards, Yours truly, For Fede ral-Mog ul Goe tze (India) L imited r_ / Dr. Khalid {gbal Khan Di rector- Legal & Comp any Secretary Encl: As above CC: 1. National Securities Depository Limited Trade Word, 4' 11 Floor Kamala Mills Compound Senapati Bapat Marg Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013 2. Central Depository Services [India] Limited Marathon Futurex, A-Wing 25' 11 Floor, NM Jos hi Marg, Lower Pare!, Mumbai- 400 013 Federa l- Mogu l Goetze (india) Li mi ted Corporate Identity Number: L74899D L1954PLC002452 Regd. Off ic e : DLF Pri me Towers, 10 Ground Fl oor, F 79 & 80, Okhla Phase - I, New Delh i 110 0 20 Tel. : (91-11 ) 49057 597 • Fax : ( 91 -11) 49057597 Corporate Off i ce : Paras Twin Towers, 10th Floor, Tower 8, Secto r 54, Golf Co ur se Road, G urgaon- 122 002 Tel. : (91-124) 4784530 Fax : (91-124) 4292840 • www. federalm ogu lgoetze i nd ia.com

A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE

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Page 1: A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE


Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019

1. Listing Department

BSE Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers

Dalal Street, Mumbai 400001

2. Listing Department

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor

Plot No. C/1, G Block,

Bandra-Kurla Complex

Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051

(Fax: 022-2723719/22722037/

22722061 / 22722041/



(Fax: 022-26598237/26598238)

Sub ject: Compliance Report on Corpor ate Governance for the quar ter/half vear ended 30'" September . 2019

Dear Sir/ Ma ·am,

Pursuant to Regulation 27(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 , please find enclosed the Compliance Report on Corporate Governance of the Company for the quarter/ half year ended 30'11 September, 2019.


Yours truly,

For F ederal-Mogul Goetze (India) L imited

r_ / Dr. Khalid {gbal Khan

~Whole-time Director- Legal & Company Secretary

Encl: As above

CC: 1. National Securities Depository Limited Trade Word, 4'11 Floor Kamala Mills Compound Senapati Bapat Marg Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013

2. Central Depository Services [India] Limited Marathon Futurex, A-Wing 25'11 Floor, NM Joshi Marg, Lower Pare!, Mumbai- 400 013

Federa l-Mogul Goetze (india) Limited • Corporate Identity Number: L74899DL1954PLC002452 Regd. Office : DLF Prime Towers, 10 Ground Floor, F 79 & 80, Okhla Phase - I, New Delhi 110 020 Tel. : (91-11) 49057597 • Fax : (91 -11) 49057597

Corporate Office : Paras Twin Towers, 10th Floor, Tower 8, Sector 54, Golf Course Road, Gurgaon- 122 002 Tel. : (91-124) 4784530 • Fax : (91-124) 4292840 • www.federalmogulgoetze india.com

Page 2: A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE






1. N arne of Listed Entitv : Federai-Mo!!UI Goetze (India) Limited 2. Scrip Code/Name of Scrip/Class of Security : BSE-505744, NSE- FMGOETZE, Equity

Shares .., .). Share Holding Pattern Filed under : Reg. :31 E l ~EaV Reg. 31 ( 1 )(b) .'0

,.., • .., 11


4. Declaration:

Particulars Yes* No"' I Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up No

shares? II Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible No

Securities or Warrants? ...

Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which No 111

depository receipts are issued? IV Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? No v Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or No

otherwise encumbered? Vl Whether company has equity shares ·with differential voting No


5. The tabular format for disclosure of holding of specified securities is as follows: -

Page 3: A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE


I. Tille (Mr./ Ms)


Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

M r. Mr.

Mr. Ms.

M s.

I. 2.

Name of Listed Entity Quarter ending


Format to be submitted by listed entity on quarterly basis

- Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) Limited -30-09-2019

Composition of Board of Directors Nam e of the Director· IJIN PAN Cate~;ory Init ial Uatc of Oatc of Rc- llatc of Tenure

(C hairperson Appointment appoin t- cessation (year s) /Executive/No mcnt n- Executive/ I ndcpcndcnt/

No minee)

Kri shnnmurtl1y 00041843 AAOPSI668N C, NED, ID 30/04/2009 13/02/20 15 - 05 Years

Naga Subrmnaniam Khal id Iqbal Khan 05253556 AAZPK8805E ED 22/05/2015 22/05/2018 -

Vinod Kumar Hans 03328309 AACPl-178101-1 ED 0 I /0 1/20 16 01 /01/2019 -

Rajcsh Sinhn 07358567 AGQPS7086J ED 01 /0 I /2016 0 I /01/2019 -

Manish Chadlw 07195652 ADWPC4746J ED 05/02/20 16 05/02/20 19 -

M<1hendra Kumar 026056 16 AGO PG3298E NED, ID 13/08/20 14 13/08/2019 - 03 Years

Goyal Mukul Gupta 00254597 ACG PG4953L NED, ID 12/05/2006 13/02/20 15 - OS Years

KC Sundarcshan 06846949 A KDPP6769L NED, ID 16/ 12/20 16 - - 03 Years Pillai Sun il Kapur 03435 11 0 AEYPK8728 H NED 08/0512012 - -Janice Ruskcy 06847230 ZZZZZ9999Z NED 13/08/20 14 - -Maidcn121

Nalini Jo lly 085201 32 AAKPJ3969K NED,ID 13/08/20 19 - - 03 Years



(I) The membership includes the chairmanship held in Audit and Stakeholders' Relationship Comm ittee. (2) Ms. Jani ce Ruskey Ma iden is a Foreign Director and does not hold any Permanent Accoun t Number (PAN).

J I'

llatc of No of No of No or In- No of post Birth Directorship memberships dependent of Chair-

in listed in Audit/ J>ircctor- 11erson in entities Stakeholder ship in Audit /

inchrding this Com rnittee(s) listed Stake-listed entit y including this entities holder

listed entify1 1l including Committee this listed held in

en lily listed '

entities I

I including this listed entity

I 4 I I

I 2 0 0 I 6 0 2 I 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 I 8 I 4

2 I 2 I I 2 I 0

I 2 0 0 I 0 0 0

I 0 I 0

Page 4: A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE

II. Composition of Committees

Audit Committee

S. No. Name of the Members Category C hairJJerson/ Member Date of Appointment Date of Cessation I. Mr. Mukul Gupta NED, 10 C hairpe rson 08-05-20 12 -2. Mr. KrishnamurthyNaga Subramaniam C, NED, 10 Member 08-05-20 12 -3. Mr. Sunit Kapur NED Member 08-05-201 2 -

4. Mr. K.C. Sunclareshan Pillai NED, lD Me mber 16-1 2-201 6 -

Stakeholders' Relationship Committee

S. No. Name of the l\'lembers C ategory C hairperson/ Membet· Date of Appointment Date of Cessation I. Mr. Kri shnamurthv NaJ!a Subramaniam C, NED, lD Chairperson 08-05-20 12 -

2. Dr. Khalicllqbal Khan ED Member 22-05-20 15 -

3. Mr. Vinocl Kumar Hans ED Member 01-0 1-20 16 -4. Mr. K.C. Sunclareshan Pil lai NED, ID Member 16- 12-2016 -5. Mr. Sunil Kapur NED Member 08-05-2012 -

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

S. No. Name of the Members Category Chairperson/ Member Date of Appointment Date of Cessation I. Mr. K.C. Sundareshan Pi llai NED, lD Chairperson 16-12-20 16 -

2. Mr. Krishnamurthy Naga Subramaniam C, NED, 10 Member 08-05-20 12 -

3. Mr. Sun it Kapur NED Member 08-05-20 12 -

4. Mr. Mukul Gupta NED, 10 Member 08-05-2012 ---------- ---

Risk Management Committee

S.No. Name of the Members Categor·y C hairperson/ Member Date of Appointment Date of Cessation I. M r. Vi noel Kumar Hans ED Chairpe rson 01-01-2016 -

2. Dr. Khalic11qba l Khan ED Member 22-05-2015 -

3. Mr. Manish Chadha ED Member 05-02-20 16 -- -- --- ----

III. Meeting of Board of Directors

Date(s) of Meeting (if Date(s) of Meeting (if Whether requirement Number of Directors Number of Maximum gap between any any) in the previous any) in the relevant of Quorum met present* Independent two consecutive (in number of quar·ter quarter Director present* days)

28111 May, 20 19 13111 August, 2019 Yes 9 4 76 (Not more than 120 clays)



Page 5: A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE


IV. Meeting of Committees

Date(s) of meeting of Whether Numbe•· of Numbe1· of Date(s) of meeting of the committee in the •·elcvant requirement of Quorum Directors present* Independent the quarter met (detai ls) Director present* committee in the

previous quarter

Audit Committee Audi t Committee

13'h August, 20 19 Yes 3 (Three) 2 (Two) 28'h May, 20 19

Stakeholders' RelationshiQ Stakeholders' Committee Relationship

Committee 13'h August, 20 19 Yes 4 (Four) I (One)

281h May, 201 9

-- - - · ----

V. Related Party Transactions

Subject Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) Whether prior approval of audit committee obtained Yes Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPT N .!\.

Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval Yes have been reviewed by Audit Committee


VI. Affirmations

I. The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing obligations and di sclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. -Yes

2. The composition of the fo llowing Commiltees is in terms of SEBI (Lis ting obligations and disclosure requireme nts) Regulations, 20 15 a. Audit Committee- Yes b. Nominatio n & re muneration committee - Yes c. Stakeholders relat ionship committee - Yes d. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 500 listed entities)- Yes

3. The Comm ittee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibiliti es as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and di sc losure requireme nts) Regu lati ons, 20 15. - Yes

J (

Maximum gap between any two consecutive meetings in number of days



Page 6: A FECERAL·MOGUL POWERTRAINfederalmogulgoetzeindia.net/web/CorporateGovernance... · 2019-10-14 · A FECERAL·MOGUL ~ POWERTRAIN Dt.: 14'11 October, 2019 1. Listing Department BSE

4. The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 201 5.- Yes

5. a. This report and/or the report submitted in the previous quarter has been placed before Board of Directors.- Yes b. Any comments/observati ons/ad vice of Board o f Directors may be mentioned here:

The C or·porate Governance Repor·t for the <Jum·ter· ended 30111 June, 2019 was placed in the Bom·d Meeting held on 1311'

August, 2019. Further, the Corporate Governance Report for the quarter ended 30111 September, 2019, shall be placed in the next Board meeting.

VII. Disclosures at the end of 6 months after end of financial year along with second quarter report of next financial year

S.No. Broad heading Reg. No. C ompliance s tatus

I. C opy of the Annual rer)ort including Balance sheet, Profit & Loss account, Directors 46(2) Yes report, Corporate Governance Report, Business Responsibility Report displayed on website.

2. Presence of Chairperson of Audit committee at the Annual General Meeting 18(l)(d) Yes

3. Presence of Chairperson of Nomination and Remuneration committee at the Annual 19(3) Yes Genua! Meeting

4. Presence of Chairperson of the Stakeholder Relationship Committee at the Annual 20(3) Yes General Meeting

5. Whether " Corporate Governance Report" disclosed in Annual Report 34(3) read Yes with para C of Schedule v

For Federal- gul Goetze (India) Limited

(Dr. Khalid Iqbal Khan) ~ Whole-time Director-Legal & Company Secretary

If status is " No" , state reason -



