A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON METHOD IN TEACHING SPEAKING AT THE EIGHTH YEAR OF SMP Hj. ISRIATI SEMARANG IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/ 2011) THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Degree of Bachelor of Education In English Language Education By: Sugiyartono 053411316 TARBIYAH FACULTY WALISONGO STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES SEMARANG 2011

A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON METHOD IN TEACHING …library.walisongo.ac.id/digilib/files/disk1/103/jtptiain-gdl... · conducting the research in their school, and the students of first

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the Degree of Bachelor of Education

In English Language Education














Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus II Ngaliyan Telp.7601295 Semarang 50185


Name : Sugiyartono

Student number : 053411316

Title : A Descriptive Study on Method in Teaching Speaking at the

Eighth Year of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang in the Academic

Year of 2010/1011.

Had been ratified by the team of thesis examiner of education faculty of Walisongo

state institute for Islamic studies Semarang on:

Day : Thursday

Date : June 30th 2011



Surely, Allah would not with draw a favor that He can conferred upon a people until

they change their own attitude toward Him. 1

1 Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, the Qur’an, (London: Curzon press, 1981), p. 232



I certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for

the content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinions or findings included in the thesis are

quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, June 28th 2011

The Writer





بسم اهللا الرحمن الرحیم

السالم علیكم ورحمة اهللا وبركاتھPraise be to Allah who has give blessing and mercies so that the writer can

finish in creating this thesis.

Shalawat and salam may be granted to our noble prophet Muhammad Saw

and his family, his friends, and his followers who has brought Islam until this present.

As a ordinary human who has the weakness and limitedness, the writer realize

that the thesis by the title “The Analysis Study of Teachers’ Scaffolding Talks at the

First Grade of Bilingual Class of SMP 01 Tayu in the Academic Year Of 2009/2010”

can not be finished without any support, guidance, and help from the other people and

another side. For that, by the honor of this, the writers want to say thanks very much

to the honorable:

1. Dr. Suja’i, M.Ag as the Dean of faculty of Tarbiyah.

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. As the Head of English Department.

3. Andi Fadlan, M.Pd. As guardian who has big role in giving guidance to the

researcher during study in IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

4. Mrs. Tarwiyah, M.Hum. as the first advisor and Mr. Dr. Fatah Syukur, M.Ag as

the second advisor for their patience in providing careful guidance, helpful

corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during the


5. Lectures in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable knowledge,

guidance, and advices during the years of my study.

6. Library official who always give good service related with the references in this

thesis so that the writer could done this thesis well.

7. Dra Sri Tantowiyah, M.Pd as the headmaster of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang who

had allowed the writer to carry out the research in his school. Mr. Syi’arudin as

English teacher of eighth grade of SMP Hj. Isriati who had helped the writer in


conducting the research in their school, and the students of first grade of bilingual

class, thanks for the cooperation, and also the school administration staff.

8. My beloved father, mother, brothers, and sisters who always give me motivation.

9. My entire classmate in English Education 05.

10. And all side who cannot mentioned one by one by the writer who have helped in

finishing in this thesis.

By expecting pray, may the goodness be charity and get the reward from

Allah SWT.

The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from completeness. So that, the

writer so expect constructive suggestion and criticism from all side for the advantages

of this thesis.

Finally, the writer expect may this thesis useful, especially for the writer and

generally for the reader.

والسالم علیكم ورحمة اهللا وبركاتھ

Semarang, June 28th 2011


Student Number: 053411316


ABSTRACT Sugiyartono (Students Number: 3105316). A Descriptive Study of Method in

Teaching Speaking at the Eighth Year of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang in the Academic

Year of 2010/ 2011).Thesis, Semarang: Bachelor Program of English Languge

Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies, 2011.

Keywords: Teaching Speaking Methods, Assessment, Speaking

Assessment, SMP Hj. Isriati. Teaching English as a foreign language is something challenging. Teachers of

foreign language should have good language skills of the second language they teach because they provide the main language input for the students who may have limited exposure outside of classroom. A good teaching and learning process does not only put the qualified teachers as a single main source but also involves the students in that process. In teaching speaking, the teachers must help students in learning process. They must be able to choose an appropriate speaking ability and methods. They should have solution, how to get the good students’ activity to practice on topic the material. The teachers should have a good knowledge in delivering material to the students and the teacher also should know the most appropriate way to assess their students.

The objective of this study is to describe the methods used in teaching learning speaking and the kinds of assessment that the teachers use to asses students’ speaking skill at eighth grade of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang.

This research is descriptive qualitative. It was conducted at eighth grade of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang. The number of this subject is the English Teacher of eighth grade of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang. The data were collected through classroom observation and interview. The data from interview were transcribed and interpreted. The data from observation were analyzed to know what methods used to teach speaking and to know how the teacher assesses his students’ speaking skill.

Based on the data obtained, it is reported that the teachers used some methods in speaking class. Those methods were Direct Method, Communicative approach and community language learning. These methods were used by the teacher to facilitate students’ learning. The result of the study also shows that the language assessments that were used by the teachers were formal assessment and for another assessment the teachers use performance assessment, informal assessment and peer assessment.



Page of Title .......................................................................................................... i

Page of Advisor Approval .................................................................................... ii

Page of Ratification ............................................................................................... iv

Page of Thesis Statement ....................................................................................... v

Page of Abstract .................................................................................................... iv

Page of Motto ......................................................................................................... v

Acknowledgment .................................................................................................. vi

Table of Content .................................................................................................... viii

List of Appendixes ................................................................................................ x


A. Background of the study ................................................................. 1

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ...................................................... 5

C. Questions of the Study .................................................................... 6

D. Objectives of the Study ................................................................... 6

E. Pedagogical Significance ................................................................ 6


A. Theoretical Review .......................................................................... 8

1. Teaching Teenagers .................................................................. 8

2. Teaching Speaking .................................................................... 9

3. Essentials of Speaking .............................................................. 11

4. Elements of Speaking ................................................................ 11

5. Method in Teaching Speaking ................................................... 13

6. Speaking Activity ...................................................................... 14

7. Language Assessment ................................................................ 23

8. Speaking Assessment ................................................................. 33

B. Previous Research ........................................................................... 35


A. Source of data ................................................................................... 37

B. Data Collection ................................................................................ 38

C. Method of Data Analysis ................................................................ 39

D. Research Procedure ......................................................................... 40


A. Finding ............................................................................................. 41

1. Method in teaching speaking .................................................. 41

2. Assessment in speaking class ................................................... 45

B. Discussion ........................................................................................ 50

1. Analysis of method in teaching speaking ................................ 50

2. Analysis of assessment in speaking class ............................... 53


A. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 56

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 57




List of Appendixes

Appendix1. Observation checklist

Appendix2. Interview guide line

Appendix3. Transcript of interview

Appendix4. Transcript of learning process


Curriculum Vitae




A. Background of The Study

Language as a mean communication plays an important role in human

being in communicating to each other, both in oral and written form. English

is a language which is used neither by many people nor only in English

speaking countries but also around the world. Due to the fact English is an

international language, its plays an important role in the world of trade,

politics, and educational world.

English has become one of international languages. Because of this

reason most of countries in the world try to maser English the well by building

up their educational policy. Many people learn English and make it into their

second language. All around the world, students of all ages learn to speak

English with different reasons and purposes. Some students, of course, only

learn English because it is on the curriculum at primary or secondary school,

but for others, studying the language some ways for international

communication and travel. Communication is happened because of language.

In every human activity, language is needed as unseparatable part of society.

Charles W. Kreidler says that a language is as a complex system of symbol or

sign that are share by members of a community. The symbols may be spoken,

written, or signed hands.1Here, English become a bridge for international


English has bag impact for information exchange and development of

technology around the world, included Indonesia. English influence is not

entirely a recent phenomenon. Since English has crucial role in the global era,

English become a compulsory subject in Indonesians’ school. James Sneddon

states that although English become a compulsory subject, this plays little part

in its success in Indonesia. Until 1980s, most teachers have limited English

proficiency and teaching tends to be the same uninspiring grammar, based 1 Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantic, (London:Routledge, 1998), p.20



instruction use in teaching Indonesian. With the consequence that few people

acquire anything but minimal English skill at school.2

Realizing that English plays an important role in international

communication, the Indonesian government includes English as a compulsory

subject in its education systems from the junior high school to the university.

Even recently in our news education policy, English should also be taught to

the student from the elementary school although it is not as compulsory

subject. From this reason a teaching learning process in junior high school

must be variety. A teacher of English should improve his or her knowledge

about the teaching methods on order to help the students study their lesson


In the teaching and learning process, teachers’ significant role is

inevitable. Having qualified teachers would be so fruitful. Consequently,

teachers of foreign language should have good language skills of the second

language or foreign language they teach because they provide the main

language input for the students who may have limited exposure outside the

classroom. They also need good interactions skills in order to use kinds of

activities based and interactive method, which is suitable for the learners. A

good teaching and learning process does not only put the qualified teachers as

a single main source but also involves the students in that process. The

involvement of the students is a paramount thing in every teaching and

learning process as there will be an excellent interaction among the teachers

and the students.

In Islamic perspective, a good interaction is found in Surah An-Nahl:

125 as follow;

2 James sneddon, The Indonesian Language: Its History and Role in Modern Society, (Sydney:University of New South Wales Press, 2003), p.175


“Call men to the path of your Lord with wisdom and mild exhortation.

Reason with them in the most courteous manner, your Lord best knows

those who stay from His path and best knows those who are rightly


Abudin Nata said that based on that statement we must speak in a fair

way. Someone who wants to make dialog it is must be done in a fair way. He

also explains that there are some similarities between religious proselytizing

and education. Religious proselytizing is done by knowledge, good way and

mujadalah and on education beside use those way also use more variety. It is

like lecture, discussion, problem solving and etc.4

To make students easy in learning process, the teacher should think

creatively how to make the subject can be learnt well and make students enjoy

to learn. According to the Hadis:

اخرجه (روا وبشر وا وال تنفرواستع يسِّروا والَ: عن انس بن ملك عن النىب صلى اهللا عليه وسلم قال 5)البخارى

From Anas Bin Malik, the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah by upon for him) said: Make it easy and don’t make it difficult to them, and give them happy thing and don’t make them run away.6

The hadis said that we should make easy to someone who studies. It

shows us that when we teach the lesson to students, we should give a new

thing or we should use the variatif strategies in teaching. One of the strategies

that can be used by teacher is using media to support teaching and learning

process. There are some teaching media available now, so the researcher used

3 Wahbah Zuhaili, dkk, Ensiklopedia Al-Qur’an, (Jakarta : Gema Insani Press, 2007),

p.287 4 Nata Abuddin, Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002),

p.187-188 5Abi Hasan Nuruddin Muhammad bin Abdul Hadi, Shohih Bukhari, (Beirut: Darul Kutub

al Alamiyah, Jilid 1, 1971) P.42 6 Ahmadie Thaha,, Terjemahan Shohih Bukhari, (Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, Jilid 1,

1986) p.89


song lyrics as media to improve students’ understanding on present perfect


Method in teaching learning is used to stimulate the purose of the

study. Dr sayyid Ibrahim al jabbar said the purpose of learning is give

stimulate to improve individual competence to solve the problem.7 Purpose of

the learning can be goel with appropriate method in learning process.

Based on the statement above, it invites us to clarify the truth and also

denied the opinion of others with the right ways. In relation with good

interaction this statement means that we may use the variation way to convey

messages. Because when one way is not successful there are many ways we

can take to convey messages. But, these must be in right ways. Because Islam

is the religion that have perspective Rohmatal Lil Alamin from one to others,

means Islam always teaches us to love and care to others in all situation.

Further, it will be useful if it can be applied in teaching and learning process.

This is related to teachers-students interaction during teaching and learning


Speaking is productive skill consist of verbal utterance production

which derives attention both in first and second language, the purpose is to

share idea or meaning, speaking also requires some skills like pronunciation,

word order, intonation, stress and structure. In order to understand speaker’s

meaning. Speaking requires both knowledge and skill.8 It means that not only

knowing how to assemble phrases or sentences with particular formula, but

also how to produce and adapt them in here and now situation. This means to

make decision rapidly, implementing them smoothly and adjusting speech as

unexpected problems might appear.

In teaching speaking, the teacher must help students in learning

process. She or he must be able to choice an appropriate speaking ability

because. They need an opportunity to practice. They should have solution,

7 Ismail, S.M, Strategi Pembelajaran Agama Islam Berbasis Paikem, (Semarang: Rasail Group, 2008). p.18

8 Sumardiyani and Zulfa Sakhiyyah, Speaking for Instructional Purpose a Handbook (Semarang: IKIP PGRI Press, 2007), P.10.


how to get the students’ activity to practice on topic the material. In order to

make an interesting class in teaching speaking the teacher can implemented

several techniques such as through discussion, telling story, make a role play,

playing game and make some discussion. By using these techniques the

students more interesting in learning and can understand the lesson easily.

Assessment is concerned with pupil’s learning or performance, and

thus provides one type of information that might be use in evaluation. Testing

is a particular form of assessment that is concerned with measuring learning

through performance.9 The process of assessment and evaluation can be

viewed as progressive: first, assessment, then, evaluation.10 Assessment, on

the other hand, is an on going process that encompasses a much wider domain.

Whenever a student responds to question, offers a comment, or tries out a new

word or structure, the teacher subconsciously makes an assessment of the

student’s performance. And, tests, are a subset of assessment, they are

certainly not the only form of assessment that the teacher can make.

B. Reason for the Choosing Topic

This study is related to the teaching process among the teacher and the

students on how actually the method that is used by the teachers in teaching

speaking and how do the teachers asses their students. The reason is the

method of teaching speaking is very important in teaching speaking and it can

affected the student acquisition. I wish to know and observe what kind of

method is usually used. Therefore, method has a great contribution in teaching

learning process.

SMP Hj Isriati Semarang is an interesting setting to be investigated. It

is one of the school that be used variation method to teach speaking, so the

communication strategy is very interesting o be investigated. The writer

9 Lynne Cameron, Teaching Languages to Young Learners, (Cambridge: University Press:2000), p. 222. 10 Echevarria, Marry E.V, Deborah J. Short, Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners, (A Pearson Education Company:2000), p. 154


choose the eighth grade, because in this level student have be populated with

their competence.

C. Research Questions

Based on the explanation above, the research question will be about;

1. What methods are used in teaching learning speaking process at the eighth

year of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011?

2. What kinds of assessment does the teachers’ of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang

in the academic year of 2010/2011 usually use to assess students speaking


D. Objectives of Study

In line with research question, this study has purposes as follows:

a. To describe the methods are used in teaching learning speaking at the

eighth year of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang in the academic year of


b. To describe what are the kinds of assessment that the teachers use to asses

student speaking skill of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang in the academic year of


E. Pedagogical Significance

It is very important for us to know the significance of the study. It can

contribute some benefits as follows:

1. Theoretical significance

a. This study will enrich the material and theory to teach speaking.

b. This research will give some knowledge about evaluation.

2. Practical significance

a. For the students

This study will help the students develop their speaking



b. For the teacher

The result of the study is expected to be useful for English

teacher. The researcher hopes that this research help English teacher

to use the correct method in speaking and evaluate the teaching

learning speaking in junior high school.

c. For the reader

By reading this study, the reader will get more information

and experience about teaching speaking.




A. Theoretical Review

1. Teaching teenagers

Teenager is defined as a person who is between 13 and 19 years

old.11 Teenager is age of transition between child and adult, confusion,

self consciousness, growing, and changing bodies and minds.12

Teaching teenager is different from teaching young learners. Some

people belief that teenagers are unmotivated, surly, and uncooperative it is

the reason they make poor language learners. There are some

characteristics of teenagers:13

a. Teenagers’ intellectual capacity are abstractly adds. There are possible

of increasing sophisticated intellectual.

b. Teenagers can solve complex problems with logical thinking. It is the

impact of linguistic metalanguage.

c. They need more attention spans is a result of intellectual maturation.

d. Varieties of sensory input are still important, but again, increasing

capacities for abstraction lessen the essential nature of appealing to all

five senses.

e. Factor surrounding ago, self-image, and self-esteem are taking a

crucial role.

f. Secondary school students are of course becoming increasingly adult

in their ability to thinking. But as teaching adults, care must be taken

not to insult them with stilted language or to bore them with


Teens are so sensitive to how others perceive their changing

physical and emotional selves along their mental capability. One of the 11 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, op. cit., p.1335 12 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles : An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy 2nd Ed, (New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.,2001), p.92 13 Ibid



most important concerns of secondary school teacher is to keep self-

esteem high by:

a. Avoiding embarrassment of students

b. Affirming each person’s talents and strengths

c. Allowing mistakes and other errors to be accepted

d. De-emphasizing competition betthe writeren classmates

e. Encouraging small-group work where risks can be taken more easily

by teen

Teenagers’ if they are engaged, have a great capacity to learn, a

great potential for creativity, and a passionate commitment to things which

interest them. The teachers’ job is must be provoke student engagement

which is relevant and involving. As Jeremy Harmer from Herbert Puchta

and Michael Schratz states that problem with teenagers as resulting, in part

from the teachers’ failure to build bridges between what they want and

they have got and their students’ worlds of thought and experience.14

Teens are capable learning issues directly in why those young

learners might not. The writer is able to discuss abstract issues with them.

Indeed the teacher job is to provoke intellectual activity by helping them to

be aware of contrasting ideas and concepts which they can resolve or

themselves with our guidance.

2. Teaching Speaking

Speaking is productive skill consist of verbal utterance production

which derives attention both in first and second language, the purpose is to

share idea or meaning, speaking also requires some skills like

pronunciation, word order, intonation, stress and structure. In order to

understand speaker’s meaning.

14 Jeremy Harmer., the Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Longman, 2001),). 3rd Ed., p39


Speaking requires both knowledge and skill.15 It means that not

only knowing how to assemble phrases or sentences with particular

formula, but also how to produce and adapt them in here and now

situation. This means to make decision rapidly, implementing them

smoothly and adjusting speech as unexpected problems might appear.

Speaking means the art or of person who speaks which is spoken.

There are two aspects of speaking: 16

a. Making a practice of speaking or conversation.

It means that speaking is talk with the others about anything to

take and give information or knowledge by one to others.

b. Having relationship on conversation as in greeting

It means that greeting as opening conversation and bringing a

conversation to end to get a communication relationship. Speaking

skill could be a talent, whereas a good skill needs practice and

knowledge, people often performs the way and shape of their cloth.

Nonetheless they forgot to main their utterances to be well performed.

Speaking has meanings, Bygate says that speaking is a skill

deserves attention every bit as much as literary skills, in both first and

second language. There two basic ways in which speaking can be seen as a

skill, they are:17

a. Motor perceptive skills, including articulating, perceiving, recalling in

the correct order sounds and structure of the language.

b. Interaction skill, which cover making decision about communication,

such as what to say, how to say it and whether to develop it, in

accordance with one’s intentions, while maintaining the desired

relation with other.

15 Sumardiyani and Zulfa Sakhiyyah, Speaking for Instructional Purpose a Handbook

(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Press, 2007), P.10. 16 Noah Webster, Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary of English Language,

(America: William, Inc. 1980), P. 1741. 17 Martin Bygate, Speaking, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), p.5.


Based on the meaning above, the writer concludes that someone

who wants to speak a foreign language has to know the rules of that

language, like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and word order, and to

use them properly in communication.

3. Essential of Speaking

Speaking is a part of integral from overall of person of personality,

expressing the speaker environment, strata of social and their additional

background. Speaking is the ability to speak to express articulator sound or

words to expressing also submit minds, ideals and feeling. According to

Tarigan, speaking has three common intentions. They are:18

a. To inform

Speaking is used to convey ideas, minds or to inform anything to

the listener.

b. To entertain

Speaking is used to make the listener happy.

c. To persuade

Speaking is used to persuade the listener in order to follow

speaker’s ideas or minds.

4. Elements of speaking

The ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of

language feature, but also the ability to process information and language.

a. Language features

1) Connected speech

Effective speaker of English need to be able not only to

produce the individual phonemes of English but also to use fluent

connected speech, in connected speech sounds are modified,

omitted, added or weakened.

18 Sulistio, the Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 1 Kersana

Brebe; Semarang, Language and Arts Education Faculty, (Semarang: IKIP PGRI, 2008), P. 19-20.


2) Expressive devices

Native speaker of English change the pitch and stress of

particular part of utterance, vary volume and speed, and show by

other physical and non- verbal means how they are feeling the use

of these devices contributes to ability to convey meaning

3) Lexis and grammar

Spontaneous speech is marked by the use of a number of

common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain

language function.

4) Negotiation language

Effective speaking benefits from the negotiator language we

use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are


5) Social processing

a) Language processing

Effective speaker needs to able to process language in

their own heads and put into coherent order so that it comes

out in forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey

the meanings that are intended.

b) Interacting with others

Most speaking involves interaction with one more

participants. This means that effective speaking also involves a

good deal or listening, an understanding of how the other

participants are feeling, and knowledge of how linguistically to

take turns or allow others to do so.

c) Information processing

Quote apart from our response to others’ feelings, we

also need to be able to process the information they tell us the

moment we get it.19

19 Jeremy Harmer, the Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Longman,

2001),). 3rd Ed, p. 269-271.


From some elements above, they are important to spoken production

and not only to ability fluently process but also to ability involve the

knowledge of language skill.

5. Method in Teaching Speaking

There are some methods that are in used today. Some of these

methods have been around for a long time. There are eight methods or way

to teach but in teaching speaking not all of the method can be used. The

method in teaching speaking are, Direct method, the audio-lingual method,

the silent way, suggestopedia, community language learning (CLL), the

total physical response (TPR), and communicative approach. The grammar

translation method is not used in speaking, because it is more concern with

translation and not use the target language in the process, so it is not

appropriate with speaking.

a. Direct method

This method developed as a revolution against the Grammar-

Translation Method at the end of nineteenth century. It was based some

extent on the new sciences of the nineteenth century, especially linguistics

and psychology.

The direct method receives it is name from the fact that meaning is to

be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of

demonstration and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native


Languages are seen as system of communication, primarily oral, in

which word are used together in sentences, a sentences are used discourse.

Languages are believed to be learned best in a natural way, by haring

words and sentences in context and imitating what you hear. The learners

should be avoided at all costs and meaning should be conveyed through

20 Diane Larsen and Freeman, Techniques and Principles In Language Teaching, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 23.


showing, drawing, miming or demonstrating things. Asking and answering

question is considered one of the best forms of practice, with the learners

speaking as much as possible. The teachers need to be active,

demonstrating the language, organizing practice, and correcting the

learners. The learner roles are to listen carefully, imitate, and participate as

much as possible in the oral practice of the language.

In practice it stood for the following principles and procedures:

1. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target


2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.

3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded

progression organized around question and answer exchanges between

teachers and students in small, intensive classes.

4. Grammar was taught inductively.

5. New teaching points were introduced orally.

6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and

pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.

7. Both speech and listening were taught.

8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.21

From explanation above, we can conclude that teachers who use the

Direct Method intend that students learn how to communicate in the target

language. In order to do this successfully, students should learn to think in

the target language.

b. The Audio-lingual Method

This approach is also referred to as “The Army Methods," because it

was developed through a U.S Army called ASTP , standing for " Army

Specialized Training Program. In this method , oral interaction was

emphasized in pattern drills , and conversation practices .it derives from

the intensive training language which resulted in a high degree of listening

21 Ibid ,. p. 12.


and speaking skills with an emphasis on every day conversation and

particular attention being paid to natural pronunciation and patterns of

dialogue and every day situation .The audio –lingual method is based on

the following principles :

1. Speaking and listening competence proceeded reading and writing


2. The development of language skills is a matter of habit formulation

3. Students practice particular patterns of language through structured

dialogue and drill until response is automatic.

4. Only every day vocabulary and sentence are taught . Concrete

vocabulary is taught through demonstration objects and pictures and

abstract vocabulary is taught through associated ideas.

5. Language skills are learned more affectively if they are presented

orally first.

c. The Silent Way

In silent way, the teacher uses gestures, charts and manipulative in

order to elicit and shape student responses and so must be both facile and

creative as a pantomimist and puppeteers. A silent way lesson typically

follows a standard format. The first part of the lesson focuses on

pronunciation. At the beginning stage, the teachers will the appropriate

sound after pointing to a symbol on the chart. Later, the teacher will

silently point to individual symbols and combinations of symbols and

monitor student utterance. After practice with the sound of the language,

sentence patterns, structure and vocabulary are practiced. The teacher

models an utterance while creating realization of it with the colored rods.

After a structure is introduced and understood, the teacher will create

situation in which the student can practiced the structure through the

manipulation of the rods.

d. Suggestopedia


Suggestopedia is a specific set of learning recommendations derive

from Suggestology. The most conspicuous characteristics of suggestopedia

are the decoration, furniture and arrangement of the classroom, the use of

music and authoritative behavior of the teacher. Suggestopedia ain to

deliver advanced conversational proficiency quickly. The main aim of

teaching is nor memorization but the understanding and creative solution

of problems. Materials consist of direct support materials, primary text and

tape, and indirect support materials, including classroom fixtures and


e. Community Language Learning (CLL)

Communicative Language Learning (CLL) is the name of a method

developed by Charles A. Curran which was given to a set of belief which

included not only a re-examination of what aspects of language to teach ,

but also a shift in emphasis in how to teach.22

In Communicative Language Learning, a learner presents a message

in L1 to the knower. The message is translated into L2 by the knower. The

learner then repeats the message in L2, addressing it to another learner

with whom he or she wishes to communicate. Communicative Language

Learning learners are encouraged to attend to the overhears they

experience between other learners and their knowledge. The result of the

overhear is that every member of the group can understand what any given

learner is trying to communicate.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that Communicative

Language Learning places unusual demand on language teachers. They

must be highly proficient and sensitive to nuance in both L1 and L2. The

teacher must operate without conventional material, depending on student

topics to shape and motivate the class. Special training on Communicative

Language Learning techniques is usually required

f. The communicative approach

22 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Person Educational Ltd, 2001), 3rd Ed. p. 84.


Growing dissatisfaction with both Grammar Translation and Audio

Lingual methods and growing distaste for the language laboratory ,

coupled with an ever growing demand for foreign language learning , both

in schools and permanent education lead , during the 70s and 80s , to

rethinking of how to teach language and consequently the foundation of

Communicative Method which considers the language is a tool of

communication and employs the class activities to communicate by the

target language out the class . So in this method the writer should pay

attention to:

1. Focuses on language as a medium of communication. Recognizes that

all communication has a social purpose-learner has something to say

or to find out.

2. Communication embraces a whole spectrum of function (e.g. seeking

information /apologizing /expressing likes and dislikes, etc) and

notions (e.g. apologizing for being late /asking where the nearest post

office is).

3. New syllabuses based on communicative method offered some

communicative ability from early stage.

4. Classroom activities maximize opportunities for learners to use target

language in communicative way for meaningful activities. Emphasis

on meaning rather than form as in first language acquisition.

5. Accent is on functional/ usable language. learners should be able to go

to foreign country , prepared for reality they encounter there . Need to

be able to cope /survive in a variety of every day situation.

6. Class should provide opportunities for rehearsal of real – life

situations and provide opportunity for real communication. Emphasis

on creative role-plays/simulations / surveys / projects /play lets – all

produce spontaneity and improvisation – not just repetition and drills.

7. Communicative approach seeks to personalize and localize language

and adapt it to interests of pupils. Meaningful language is always more

easily retained by learners.


8. Grammar can still be taught, but less systematically, the

communicative approach, then doesn’t reject grammar, but sees it as

being only one element amongst others in social use of language.

Communicative method is considered as the most developed method

till these days, but no one can consider it as the last one because in every

next day the writer may find that this method doesn’t satisfy the process of

teaching ,and then the writer will find another approaches to achieve that .

g. The Total physical Response (TPR)

Total Physical Response method was developed by James Asher.

Total Physical Response consists basically of obeying commands given by

the instructor that involve an overt physical response.23

This method is suitable for beginners’ course only, and later needs to

be supplemented by activities and techniques from other methods. It aims

to develop listening comprehension before production, to associate

language with action, and to reduce stress in language learning. In these

ways, it tries to replicate typical features of L1 acquisition. Most other

methods demands instant speaking from the learner rather than providing

them with extensive listening practice first. Most other methods also

connect language with language (for example, model and repetition,

question and answer) rather than with action, and often create a lot of

tension in the learners. TPR connect language with action by getting the

learners to do what the teacher tells them to.

6. Activity in Teaching Speaking

Speaking activity that can be implemented in the classroom are24

a. Drilling and chants

Drilling is imitating and repeating words, phrases, and even whole

utterances in fact be a useful noticing technique, since it draws attention to

material that learners might not otherwise have registered. Thus, after 23 Stephen D. Kranshen, Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition, (New York: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. 1987), p. 140. 24 . Scott Thonbury, How to Teach Speaking (New York: longman:2001), p. 63


learners have listened to a taped dialogue, and studied the transcript, the

teacher can isolate specific phrases or utterances and ask learners to repeat

them. The effect of repeating them is bound to make them more salient.

However, if all the dialogue were drilled, this benefit would be lost.

Drilling can be doing by play a recording of an interaction, in which

are embedded a number of useful chunk-type items, such as formulaic

ways of expressing specific speech acts. After working on their

understanding of the dialogue, they are given the transcript. The recording

is played again, but the teacher pauses it at strategic points, and the

learners repeat the immediately preceding utterance in unison, and then

individually. Only key phrases are repeated, not the whole dialogue.

Chant is a more playful form of practice that replicates the repeating

and chunking nature of drilling is the use of chants. And, because they are

contextualized, the chunks in chants may in fact be more memorable than

in standard drills. After all, many learners are familiar with catchphrases

and idiomatic one-liners from having picked them up listening to pop

songs or playing computer games. To work best, the chants should

incorporate repeated examples of short, multi-word sequences, and should

have a consistent rhythm. It helps if the chants have been prerecorded.

Here, for example, is a chant that embeds a number of narrating


b. Writing tasks25

It may seem strange to have a section on writing in a book that is

about speaking. But writing has a useful role to play as an initial stage in

the appropriation of newly encountered language for speaking. It can act as

the way of easing the transition from learning to using. Inevitably, because

of the constraints placed on mental processing by the demands of real time

speaking learners tend to rely on a very narrow repertoire of memorized

expression in face to face interaction. So, an important function of

classroom speaking activities is to help learners extend their range of such 25 Scott Thonbury, How to Teach Speaking, p. 106


features. To do this sometimes help to reduce the processing demands

placed on them in order to give them time to consciously access

alternatives to their habitual repertoire. One way of slowing down'

processing is to turn the speaking task into a writing one.

c. Reading aloud

Reading is just as writing acts as a useful tool for the appropriation of

spoken language, so too does reading aloud. In fact, reading aloud is the

natural 'next step' between writing and speaking. It is analogous to the way

actors read their lines before committing the text of a play to memory. It

also has the advantage of providing a secure framework within which

learners can focus on lower level features of talk, such as pronunciation,

without the added pressure of always having to plan the next utterance. In

this way, reading aloud is a form of scaffolding, but like all scaffolding, it

should gradually be dismantled so that learners are finally having to cope

on their own without the security of the written text.

d. Assisted Performance and scaffolding

A more formalized way of assisting performance is by means of a

technique that derives from a teaching method called Community

Language Learning (CLL). Instead of addressing the teacher directly, the

learners sit in a circle and address each other, building up a conversation

which, utterance by utterance, is recorded on tape. The teacher's role is to

act as a kind of language consultant, providing the language the learners

need to express their intended meanings. At beginners' level, this will

involve the teacher translating the learners' meanings. At higher levels, it

may simply be a question of reformulating what the learner wants to say.

Once each utterance has been 'tidied up' in this way, it is committed to


e. Dialogues 26

26 Marianne Celce Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 3rd Ed, American: Heinle and Heinle, 2001, p.103


Practising dialogues has a long history in language teaching not

surprisingly, since language is essentially dialogic in its use, and any

grammar structure or lexical area can be worked into a dialogue with a

little ingenuity. Dialogue practice also provides a useful change of focus

from teacher-led classroom interaction. Evenin large classes with fixed

furniture, setting up pairwork is not an insurmountable management


Dialogue can be done by student pairwork . Student pairwork can

take two forms: open or cloned. Open pairwork is when two students

perform a dialogue while the rest of the class observes. This is a useful

transition phase from the teacher and student stage to the next stage, the

closed pairs stage. Closed pairwork is when adjacent students perform the

dialngyttlt all pairs working at the same time. The teacher's role at this

stage is to move around the class, checking to see that students are 'on

task', and offering any guidance or correction, as appropriate. When pairs

finish their dialogue, they can be asked to switch roles and do it again, or

to change key elements in the dialogue, or to attempt to do the dialogue

from memory.

f. Communicative tasks

One way to distract attention from a dependence on declarative

knowledge is to increase the processing demands of the task, such as

reducing the time available, as we will see on page 84 in the discussion on

task repetition. Another way is to set a task that requires attention to be

directed at achieving some extra linguistic goal, such as buying a bus

ticket or winning an argument. We saw this at work in the milling

activities, described earlier.

Communicative activities are characterized by the following


1) the motivation of the activity is to achieve some outcome, using

language; 27 Ibid, p. 79


2) the activity takes place in real time;

3) achieving the outcome requires the participants to interact, i.e. to

listen as well as speak;

4) because of the spontaneous and jointly constructed nature of the

interaction, the outcome is not 100% predictable;

5) there is no restriction on the language used.

A classic communicative task type is the information gap activity. More

elaborate information gap activities, involving several participants, are sometimes

called jigsaw activities.

g. Task repetition

The caracteristic of task repetition is bellow:

1) giving learners unlimited time when performing a task ineruua9 tboir

accuracy, but at the expense of their fluency;

2) allowing time for pre-task planning enhances fluency, and thin is

manifested in a faster speech rate and fewer silent pauses;

3) likewise, pre-task planning has a positive effect on the complexity of

the language that is produced, as manifested by more complex

syntax and lexis - about ten minutes' planning time seems to be


4) however, the effects on accuracy of pre-task planning are less

convincing - it seems to depend on the grammar area in question, as

well as the kind of task, and the disposition of the learner;

5) moreover, planning time does not seem to increase the amount of

formulaic (chunk) language learners use; individual planning shows

better outcomes than teacher-led planning, or group planning;

6) interactive tasks produce more accuracy and complexity, but

monologic tasks produce greater fluency;

7) if the task outcome requires learners to make justifications, more

complex language will result;

8) repeating a task shows gains in accuracy (including pronunciation),

fluency, and complexity, but these gains don't necessarily transfer to


other, similar tasks.

In teaching speaking, the teachers must help students in learning

process. They must be able to choose an appropriate speaking ability and

methods. They should have solution, how to get the good students’ activity

to practice on topic the material. The teachers should have a good

knowledge in delivering material to the students and the teacher also

should know the most appropriate way to assess their students..

7. Language Assessments

Usually we got some confusion when distinguish between

assessment, testing and evaluation. Evaluation means, refer to a broader

notion than assessment. Evaluation concern a whole range of issues in and

beyond language education: lessons, programs, and skills can be evaluated.

Assessment is concerned with pupil’s learning or performance, and thus

provides one type of information that might be use in evaluation. Testing

is a particular form of assessment that is concerned with measuring

learning through performance.28

In another word, assessment is defined as, the gathering and

synthesizing of information concerning students’ learning, while,

evaluation is defined as, making judgments about students’ learning. The

process of assessment and evaluation can be viewed as progressive: first,

assessment, then, evaluation.29 Assessment, on the other hand, is an on

going process that encompasses a much wider domain. Whenever a

student responds to question, offers a comment, or tries out a new word or

structure, the teacher subconsciously makes an assessment of the student’s

performance. And, tests, are a subset of assessment, they are certainly not

the only form of assessment that the teacher can make. Tests are only one

28 Lynne Cameron, Teaching Languages to Young Learners, (Cambridge: University Press:2000), p. 222. 29 Echevarria, Marry E.V, Deborah J. Short, Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners, (A Pearson Education Company:2000), p. 154


among many procedure and task that the teachers can ultimately use to

assess students.30

But, before we assess, we should know the concepts of assessment

as follows:

a. An assessment is not only purposed to the real objective of education,

but also the hiding educational objective, including the effect of


b. An assessment is not only to measure the student’s attitude, but also

the educational components.

c. An assessment is not only to know the successful of the objective, but

also, to know, is the objective important to the students and how to

reach it.

d. Considering the wider of the objectives of an assessment, the

instrument that may be used is divers, not only definite on the test, but

also non test.31

Those concepts require when the teacher assesses their students, to

pay attention, to the hiding object, such as, the student’s psychology after

the assessment process, does it make them afraid or more enjoyable to

continue their learning process.

a. Technique of Assessments

1) Traditional Assessment

Traditional assessment is known as Formal assessment, and

usually is called summative evaluation. And test is an instrument or

procedure designed to elicit students’ language performance with the

purpose to measure the students’ ability or knowledge.32 Summative

or formal assessment is aimed to assess learning at the end of unit,

30 H. Douglass Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2004), p. 4. 31 Nana Sudjana, Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009), p. 1. 32 Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, loc cit, p. 401.


term, year, or course, and doesn’t feedback into the next round of

teaching.33 The key feature of this assessment is that assessment is

outside of or after instruction.

The advantage of this model, it is cost efficient in term of the

time allocated to implement assessment. The disadvantages are, it

lead to fragmented views of a discipline and surface approaches to

learning. Specifically, surface approaches rely primarily on efforts to

memorize course materials as though the various topics and facts are

unrelated. The last is this assessment provides little opportunity for

reteaching.34 This is a kind of traditional assessment, but this

assessment is still popular that the teacher usually use. This

assessment is paper base assessment although this assessment model

is less from direct feedback to the student’s progress but this

assessment can’t be separated from the assessment technique’s which

is usually used in our educational program. This assessment could be

implemented on assessing young learners for every skill’s, and the

implementation is on every last meeting or semester with clear

questions and instructions.

2) Alternative assessment

Alternative assessment has been described as an alternative to

standardized testing and all of the problems found with such

testing.35 Alternative assessment is also known under various other

terms, including: Authentic Assessment, Holistic Assessment,

Assessment For Learning, and Formative Assessment.36 The most

important are, that alternative assessment provides alternatives to

33 Lynne Cameron, op cit, p. 222. 34 Margaret E. Gredler, Classroom Assessment and Learning, (New York: Addison Wesley Longman. Inc, 1999), p. 60. 35 Jack. C. Richard, Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching an Anthology of Current Practice, (Cambridge University Press),p. 339. 36 See at Tom, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_assessment, 06, Feb, 2010


traditional testing in that, it does not intrude on regular classroom

activities, reflects the curriculum that is actually being implemented

in the classroom, provides information on the strength and

weaknesses of each individual student. 37The writer can conclude

that alternative assessment is an alternative which can be used by the

teacher to assess their students’ beside the traditional assessment that

commonly used. To use all of the alternative assessment the teacher

should aware on the skill focus that the teacher’s teach and the

advantages and the disadvantages of each assessment

implementation. Although all the assessments techniques are good

but the teacher also should pay attention on the deepest factors of

each assessment. Before we define the various item of alternative

assessment, all alternative assessment should meet the four basic

requirements. They are:

Requirement for Alternative Assessments

Requirement Rational

Measure complex


Multiple choice items are proxies or surrogates for

important capabilities

Focus on teachable


Tasks are not items of content nor do they depend

on insight for their solution

Inform teachers about


Strength and


An important function of instruction of assessment

is to inform instruction

Require products or


that are valued in their

own right

Tasks do not focus on trivial or trite performances,

a hands on task is not necessarily a performance


37 Jack. C. Richard, op cit, p. 339. 38 Margaret E. Gredler, op cit, p. 136.


Here, the writter will define one by one the kinds of

alternative assessment:

a) Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment is to describe the multiple forms of

assessments that reflect student learning, achievement,

motivation, and attitudes on instructionally-relevant classroom

activities.39 Authentic assessment is characterized by its

application to real life, where students are engaged in meaningful

tasks that take in real life context.40 The example of authentic

assessment include, performance assessment, portfolios, and

student self - assessment.41 This assessment has some

advantages, by this assessment the students are enable to

construct information rather than simply choose response

alternatives, and challenge students to use their language to

communicate their understandings and application of

knowledge.42 This assessment mean’s that authentic tasks from

the students that will be assessed. This assessment is a

meaningful task of assessment so it will be useful to assess young

learners competencies in language learning, because they were

involve in the assessment process and young learners are active

learners that will be enthusiastic in learning by doing. The

example of authentic assessment will be defined one by one as


1. Performance Assessment

Performance assessment is an assessment that including a

focus on children’s abilities in real-world tasks.43 Performance

39 J. Michael O’Malley, Lorraine VP, Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners Practical Approaches for Teacher, (United States: World Language Division, 1996), p. 4. 40 Echevarria, Marry E.V, Deborah J. Short, op cit., p. 155 41 J. Michael O’Malley, Lorraine VP. op. cit, p. 4. 42 Ibid, p. 31. 43 Veronica Listyani, et. al. E book, Becoming a Creative English Teacher. A Manual for Teavhing English to Indonesia Elementary Students, (UI Jakarta), p. 111.


assessment may be described as a type of testing that calls for

demonstration of understanding and skill in applied and

sometimes referred to as direct measures of cognitive abilities.44

This assessment consists of any form of assessment in which the

student construct a response orally or in writing. The example

are, oral reports, writing samples, individual and group projects,

exhibitions, and demonstration.45 The characteristic of this

assessment, are, First, students make a constructed response,

Second, they engage in higher – order thinking, with open

minded task, Third, tasks are meaningful, engaging, and

authentic, Next, tasks call for integration of language skills, and

then, both process and product are assessed, Finally, depth of

student’s mastery is emphasized over breadth.46

This assessment also have some advantages and the

disadvantages, the advantages are, engages students in active

learning and can promote student creativity. And the

disadvantages are, rating can be more subjective, and must be

carefully designed if used to document obtained of student

learning outcomes.47 Here the students are have to develop their

confidence to perform their ability. This assessment is strongly

recommended for young learners because they were perform

their abilities and the teacher will get the information of student’s

progress directly. The example of this assessment is like TPR

(Total Physical Response), the students are asked to request or

command. The request can be simple, or more complex, depends

on the grade what is going be assessed.

2. Portfolios

44 Margaret. E. Gredler, op. cit., p. 135 45 Michael. O’Malley, op. cit., p. 4 46 H. Douglas Brown, op. cit., p. 255. 47 See at Paul, www.uta.edu/irp/unit_effectiveness_plans/assets/AssessMethods.pdf. 05 April 2010


Portfolio assessment, is, a purposeful collection of

students’ work that demonstrates to students and others their

efforts, progress, and achievement in given areas. The example

are, essays, compositions, poetry, book reports, art work, video,

or audiotape recording of students oral production, journal, etc.48

The purposes of portfolio itself are:

a. Appreciate the students’ performance

b. Pay attention to the best student’s performance

c. Documenting student’s teaching learning process directly

d. Reflect a risk and do an experiment

e. Build and accelerate self student’s concept

f. An open and objective view of the students compared with a

traditional test, because the students are involved to assess

their own works.49

Like some assessments, this assessment also has the

advantages and the disadvantages, the advantages are the

identification of a wide range of student’s strengths and

weaknesses and enabling teachers to see students as individuals.

The disadvantages are time consuming and challenging to

evaluate students may fail to remember to collect items.50 By this

assessment the student’s responsible in their task could be

encourage. This assessment, again need students perform in real

tasks, but this assessment can’t be done in very young learners or

children of first till forth grade, because it was a collection of

samples of student’s work collected over a period of time. If the

tasks didn’t manage carefully the work collection may lost.

3. Student Self- assessment and Peer Assessment

48 H. Douglas Brown, op. cit., P. 418. 49 Martinis Yamin, Profesionalisasi Guru dan Implementasi KTSP. (Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press, 2008), p. 189 50 Margaret. E. Gredler, op. cit., p. 164.


Self assessment is a process through which students must

be led. Self assessment is not forms or checklist.51 The teacher

must pay attention in using this assessment, because this

assessment is concerns on the reliability of self assessment for

certification purposes, fearing that students will, inevitably, be

too lenient on themselves. But this assessment involves students

engaging in critical self reflection, focusing on obtaining a

clearer idea of the features of effective learning and thereby

increasing their understanding of the subject matter being

studied.52 The teacher feedback is needed here, without the

teacher’s help they will lost their ways for example the student

asked to read some sentences or maybe describe some pictures

then they asked to check did on their reading or describing any

mistakes or less or even no mistake, with the advantages of self

critical this assessment can’t be done for very young learners and

young learners of first till forth, because their information of any

language are less and they will too confident with their answer.

And Peer assessment is, where the pupils become involved in

monitoring others progress. It can be useful type of formative

assessment for older children, ten years old and over. This may

depend on how many years they have been studying English and

what their usual experience is of assessment in other part of

curriculum. The teacher will have to explain to the class that the

point of doing this kind of activity is to support their peers and

not humiliate and bully them.53 So the teacher should aware on

the assessment that they involve, see the advantages and the

disadvantages of each kind of assessment.

51 J. Michael O’Malley, Lorraine VP. op. cit., p. 39. 52See at “Students self Assessment, Maria” in, http://www.ukcle.ac.uk/resources/assessment/group.html, 05 nevember 2010 53 Veronica Lystiyani, Et al, op. cit., p. 115.


The implementation of this assessment is like a kind of

group works where the students are asked to interact and use

language to a complete task. Oral information gap tasks assess

students’ abilities to give explicit and complete information to

their partners, to monitor information they hear, and to use

questions to clarify or gain further information. Students can

work with the teacher or with a peer. The implementation of this

assessment is so much but its all depends on the skill which is


b) Holistic Assessment

Is score based on an over-all impression as opposed to

conventional test scoring which counts up performance on parts

to make a total score.54 This assessment will be useful if the

assessment is a minor one, such as a brief homework assignment,

it may be sufficient to apply a holistic judgment (e.g., check, or

no-check) to quickly review student work. But holistic rubrics

can also be employed for more substantial assignments. This

assessment may not be useful on some tasks; it is not easy to

evaluate performance on one criterion independently of

performance on a different criterion.55 This assessment is like a

teacher’s rubric about their student’s improvement in teaching

learning process. It will be meaningful for young learners,

because with their characteristics as active learners and only

could pay attention on certain time and activities their progress is

will be turn and down in every teaching learning process. All

depends on the methods and the instruction that the teacher use.

c) Assessment for Learning

Assessment for learning involves using assessment in the

classroom to raise pupils’ achievement. It is based on the idea 54 See at Aurbach, http://www.aurbach.com/alt_assess.html, 13 Jan 2010 55See at Jonathan Mueller, http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/rubrics.htm, 05 April 2010


that pupils will improve most if they understand the aim of their

learning. 56 Example of this assessment are, oral reports, writing

samples, individual and group projects, exhibitions, and

demonstration.57 This assessment are providing feedback that

helps pupils to identify how to improve and both the teacher and

pupils reviewing, and reflecting on pupils' performance and

progress.58 But, when use this assessment, Teachers should be

aware of the impact that comments, marks and grades can have

on learners' confidence and enthusiasm and should be as

constructive as possible in the feedback that they give.59

This is direct assessment during teaching learning

process, did they get the teacher explanation or they get nothing

on it. It is classroom based assessment where the students are

assessed and gave feedback directly. The example of the

implementation of this assessment is when the students asks to

naming things on the classroom or picture then the teacher will

give feedback directly, does it wrong or right. This assessment

could be done on very young learners or young learners in every

grade, but the teacher should aware on their feedback, because

English is first experience for them so the feedback is not a kind

of student’s judgment.

d) Formative or Informal Assessment

Informal assessment is assessment which is incidental and

unplanned. It is involved evaluative coaching and feedback on

task designed which shows students’ language performance. It is

not for recording result and making judgment about students’

56 See at Eric, http://www.qcda.gov.uk/4334.aspx, 13 Jan 2010 57 J. Michael O’Malley, Lorraine VP. op. cit., p. 4. 58 Eric, op. cit., 13 Jan 2010 59 See at Eric, http://www.qcda.gov.uk/4336.aspx, 14 Jan 2010


language competence.60 Informal assessment usually is called

formative evaluation; For example, when the students’ respond to

the teacher’s question, offers comment, tries out new words or

structure, the teacher can make assessment by giving feedback or


The advantages and the disadvantages of this assessment

are, the disadvantages, it requires extensive investment in test

development. And, the delay in beginning instruction on a new

unit while the nonmastery students are retaught missed concepts.

The last, this model tends to narrow the focus of instruction to

minimal competencies. The advantages are, reduced the anxiety

associated with one shot- testing, expand the role of assessment

to include assisting students to learn. Encouraging understanding

and the application of key concepts and principles fosters deep

learning as opposed to surface memorization.62

8. Speaking assessment

The activities designed to test speaking are generally the same as

the kinds of activities designed to practise speaking, there need be no

disruption to classroom practice. The challenge is more in deciding and

applying satisfactory assessment criteria.

These are the most commonly used spoken test types are these:

a. Interviews

Interview is relatively easy to set up, especially if there is a room

apart from the classroom where learner can be interviewed. The class

can be set some writing or reading task while individuals are called out,

one by one, for their interview. Such interviews are not without their

problem, though. The rather formal nature of interview means that the

60 Douglas Brown, op. cit., p. 402. 61 Ibid., 62 Margaret E. Gredler, op. cit., p. 62.


situation is hardly conductive to testing more informal, conversational

speaking styles.

b. Live monologues

The Student prepare and present a short talk on a pre-selected

topic. This eliminates the interviewer effect and provides evidence of the

candidates' ability to handle an extended turn, which is not always

possible in interviews. If other students take the role of the audience, a

question-and-answer stage can be included, which will provide some

evidence of the speaker's ability to speak interactively and


c. Recorded monologues

Recorded monologues perhaps less stressful than a more public

performance and for informal testing, they are also more practicable in a

way that live monologues are not. Learners can take turns to record

themselves talking about a favorite sport or pastime, for example, in a

room side by side to the classroom, with minimal disruption to the


d. Role-plays

Most students will be used to doing at least simple roleplays in

class, so the same format can be used for testing. The other role can be

played either by the tester or another student, but again, the influence

from other student is hard to control. The role-play should not require

experienced performance skills or a lot of imagination. Situations

grounded in everyday reality are best. They might involve using data that

has been provided in advance. For example, students could use the

information in a traveling plan to make a booking at a travel agency.

This kind of test is particularly valid if it closely matches the learners'


e. Collaborative tasks and discussions


Collaborative tasks and discussions are similar to role-plays

except that the learners are not required to assume a role but simply to be

themselves. For example, two candidates might be set the task of

choosing between a selection of job applicants on the basis of their CVs.

Or the learners simply respond with their own opinions to a set of

statements relevant to a theme. Of course, as with role-plays, the

performance of one candidate is likely to affect that of the others, but at

least the learners interactive skills can be observed in circumstances that

closely approximate real-life language use.

Assessments in speaking mostly use alternative assessment.

Teacher more improves student speaking skill in this assessment. The

teacher will be easy to give variety in assessment in alternative

assessment. This is more enjoyable to student than use traditional

assessment that is more monotony.

B. Previous Research

Some researches those have been done until now related with this

topic are: A research is written by Nafiatul Ulfa (2006) student number

063411021 from Tarbiyah Faculty of Walisongo State Institute for Islamic

Studies Semarang. She whose study entitled “Language Assessment for

Young Learners (A Descriptive Study Of Language Assessment At Third

Grade Of An-Nissa Bilingual Elementary School Semarang In The Academic

Year 2009-2010).

From her observation, she described kind of assesment in English

classroom. She also explained about What difficulties does the English

teachers’ of An Nissa Bilingual elementary school have in assessment

process. In the writer research describe what kind of speaking assessment


63 Nafiatul Ulfa Language Assessment for Young Learners (A Descriptive Study Of Language Assessment At Third Grade Of An-Nissa Bilingual Elementary School Semarang In The Academic Year 2009-2010), Thesis of IAIN (Semarang, Library of Tarbiyah Faculty, 2010), unpublished.


A research is written by Chaida Nursanti (2008) student number

2201404315 from English Department Language and Art, Semarang State

University.The title is “Aِ Descriptive Study of English Teaching and

Learning Methods in the Classroom Eighth Year of SMP N 7 Brebes in the

Academic Year of 2008/ 2009”64. In her observation she described about

what method that is used in teaching learning process in the classroom. She

also matched the teaching process with the lesson plan.

The similarities between the previous research and the writer’s are on

the participant that she observed teaching learning method in the teaching and

learning process. The differences are on the research question, the previous

researcher wanted to know is the activity consistent with the lesson plan and

the writer observes only in method in teaching of speaking.

64 Chaida Nursanti, A Descriptive Study of English Teaching and Learning Methods in the Classroom Eighth Year of SMP N 7 Brebes in the Academic Year of 2008/ 2009, Thesis of UNNES, (Semarang: Library of UNNES, 2008), unpublished




The goal of this study is to get clear description of teacher’s methods

which is used in teaching learning process in the eighth year of SMP Hj. Isriati

Semarang in the academic year of 2009/ 2010. It is natural process to apply the

method even if need the improvement. So the writer decided to use qualitative

approach to the study. Qualitative methods concerned with the understanding of

human behavior from the actor’s own frame of reference, exploratory, descriptive

and process-oriented.

There are five kinds of research method. Histories method, descriptive

method, correlation method, experiment method and queasy experiment

method.65 In this research I use descriptive method. The ideas of descriptive

qualitative which strength the approach are:66

1. Qualitative research is concerned with the description and explanation of

phenomena as they occur in routine, ordinary natural environment.

2. The researcher can approach the data in different frame and mind.

3. It is emphasized ins rich descriptive and subjective character of data

which is produced by using qualitative techniques.

A. Source of the Data / Participants and Setting

This research will be conducted at the eight year of SMP Hj. Isriati.

It is located at Abdurrahman Saleh Street. All the English teachers at the

eight year will be the participants of this study. The writer will observe the

teaching and learning process and interviewing the teacher as the

participants of this research.

65 http://www.litbangkabtsm.org 66Graham Hitchcock and David Hughes, Research and the Teacher, a Quantitative Introduction to school-Based Research, (New York, Routledge, 1995), p. 296



B. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data the writer uses two instruments, observation and


1. Observation

Observation is the activity giving total concern to research

object using five senses67. An observation was used to know the

process of the implementation of jigsaw technique on narrative

text. It used to know the condition of class and the obstacles

appeared during teaching learning process. It also used to saw

student difficulties, problems and understanding about material


2. Interview

Another technique that is used in this research is interview.

A number of interviews the writerre conducted to collect the data

about important features of teaching method, especially regarding

the classroom activity and teaching style. The subjects of

interviethe writere will be the English teacher at the first grade of

SMP Hj. Isriati. The questions will be asked in the interview are

about the methods which are used and recognized, and the

problems which are found by the teacher in implementation those


3. Documentation

The researcher need, another data to help his run the

research, in this research, data is collected through documentation

of the students previous examination score from the school. It is

used to validate the sample.

67 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1998) P. 149


C. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Prasetya Irawan, data analysis of qualitative research

is analysis data toward non numeral data.68 Such as; interview result,

notes or report from books, articles, included photograph, pictures, or

films. 69

“ Analysis involves discovering and deriving patterns in the data,

looking for the general orientations in the data and, in short, trying to short

out what the data are about, why and what kinds of things might be said

about them “ 70

The analysis of qualitative data can be done trough some stages.

The researcher can begin with collecting and comparing the data, coding

the data then begins to organize ideas which emerge from the data. For the

next stage, the researcher moves from description of what is the case to an

explanation of why is the case, is the case.71

After collecting the data, the next step is the writer analyzed the

whole data obtained. This data analysis is actually the instruments that

make a reality without changing or breaking any instrument. In this

research, the data analysis is meant to know the method that was used by

year seven years teacher of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang in the academic

years 2009/2010 and to know how teacher give evaluation to students.

After selecting the data, the writer describes the data to make the

analyzing process easier. Finally I analyzed how teacher give evaluation in

teaching learning process.

With those techniques of data analysis, the researcher wants to

present a clear description of the methods teaching in the classroom which

take place in the English classroom. This would be useful to improving

our understanding of the teaching learning process.

68 Irawan Prasetya, Logika dan Prosedur Penelitian, ( Jakarta: STA-LAN Press, 1999) p. 99 69 Ibid., 70 Graham Hitchcock, David Hughes, op.cit. , p. 295 71 ibid. , p.297


D. Research Procedure

This research will be conducted on the third week of October until

the second the week of March at the first grade of SMP Hj Isriati



Task description Time schedule in week

I II III IV V Asking permission to the head

master to do research and getting

familiar with the school situation

Enrollment the participants

Doing observation

Analyzing observation data

Interviewing the participants

Analyzing data from interview

Combining data from interview

and observation

Making data conclusion

Writing report of research




In this chapter, the researcher is going to describe English language

teaching learning at SMP Hj Isriati Semarang in terms of Speaking method and

speaking assessments. Then, the description is going to be analyzed by the

principle of English language teaching learning of speaking for Teenager, the

assessment process, techniques, and teacher’s difficulties during assessment.

A. Finding

1. Method in Teaching Speaking

Teacher likes to have fun in class, but he doesn't want to have fun if

students don't learn at the same time. Unfortunately, the teacher used

games, dialogue, discussion and role play in language classrooms do not

require students to use the target language. Teacher said that students learn

to speak in the second language by "interacting". Communicative language

teaching and collaborative learning serve best for this aim.

Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situations that

require communication. By using this method in ESL classes, students will

have the opportunity of communicating with each other in the target

language. In brief, the teachers should create a classroom environment

where students have real-life communication, authentic activities, and

meaningful tasks that promote oral language. This can occur when

students collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task.

The finding of the research includes kind of the method strategies,

and assessment that is used in teaching speaking. The data was collected

through three day observation in SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang class of VIII.

a. Direct Method and Communicative Approach

When the observation was been conducting, the topic of each

meeting was different. Topic of the learning in VIII class in the first day



observation was about the Talking about What did he say?. Teacher gives

example how to read dialogue. The first teacher read the dialogue strongly.

Teacher repeats these second times. Student read this dialog together.

Students are divided into two groups, ladies and gent. Student understand

this dialogue, what did he or she talking about.

Teacher ask two student to come forward. They practice the dialogue

in front of class. Teacher ask the other student to play the dialogue in front

of the class too. After some student finish this season teacher give some

minutes to understand this dialogue. Student must talk about what is the

dialogue talking about? . Student give explanation what the main of this

dialogue By group.

b. Communicative approach and Community language learning

Topic of the lesson in second day observation was about the “fame

and fortune”. Technique which was used by the teacher in this meeting

used quiz game and discussion. Student must asking and giving agreement

and then responding to statement.

The Teacher divided the class into four groups. Teacher take each

row as one team, then ask questions. The question is bellow:

You went to school yesterday, didn’t you?

You were at home last night, weren’t you?

You don’t go to school on foot, do you?

Students get extra points for answering with giving agreement.

Student who giving true agreement get 10 point. The winner is student

who get high score. Students often make mistakes when answer questions.

it's not a problem the teacher turn their mistakes and show students how to

do it better.

This method is also use pictures as a media. There are two kinds of

using pictures in teaching speaking, the first is picture narrative and the

second is picture descriptive. Teacher in SMP Hj. Isriati using pictures and

describe this pictures.


Teacher show students one picture and having them describe what it

is in the picture. The first teacher give examples how to describe this

pictures. Teacher showed Muhammad Hatta picture to the student.

Teacher explain when Mohammad Hatta was born?, What was done

Muhammad hatta for Indonesia. And the other. Teacher used English and

Indonesia language to describe about this picture. And the last teacher ask

the student to repeat what did teacher say about Muhammad hatta.

The next season teacher give student the picture about Kartini,

sukarno and seto mulyadi. Teacher ask the student to describe about kartini

like was he done before. For this activity students divide for 3 groups and

each group is given a one picture. Students discuss the picture with their

groups, then a spokesperson for each group describes the picture to the

whole class. This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the

learners as well as their public speaking skills.

c. Communicative approach and Direct Method

The third type is the type that few students will ever experience

directly themselves, but it is easy to play because the teachers have

such vast indirect experience of them. The television journalist is a

good example of this type and it is very useful kind of role taken from real

life. The last type is fantasy roles, which are fictitious, imaginary, and

possible even absurd.

This type involves interpreting either the textbook dialogue or

reading text in the form of speech. The main function of the text after all is

to convey the meaning of language items in a memorably way.

For more details, this is an material of role play dialogue, the process


Tania : Good morning. I want to send a letter to Singapore.

Riki : Yes, do you want to send it by air mail or ordinary mail?


Tania : I think I’ll send it air mail. I want it to get there quickly.

How much does it cost?

Riki : To Singapore? That will be 30 pence, pleas.

Tania : (give the clerk 50 pence) Here you are.

Riki : Here’s your stamp, and here’s 20 pence change.

Tania : Thank you. Where is the post box?

Riki : You want the air mail box. It’s over there, by the door.

To demonstrate a role play activity based on the dialogue, the

explanation as follows:

1) First, the teacher guides the role play by writing these

prompts: (where? / air mail / how much? / post box? / thanks).

Talk as you write to show what the prompts mean.

2) If necessary, go through the prompts one by one, and get students

to give sentences or question for each one.

3) Call two students to the front: one play the role as Tania

and the other one is the post office Riki. They should

improvise the conversation using the prompts to help them. Point

out that the conversation should be similar to the one in the

textbook, but not exactly the same; the conversation can be

shorter than the presentation dialogue. It should just cover the

main points indicated by the prompts.

4) Call out a few other pairs of students in turn, and ask them

to have other conversation based on the prompts.

5) Based on these procedures, the writer views that the ways

of organizing this dialogue can be carried out into pairs of

students who would improvise a conversation in front of class, in

turns. The teacher also ask the students to practice the

conversation privately with their partners before they act it out

in front of the class.


2. The Technique of Learning Assessment which implemented

There are some techniques of assessments that could be

implemented, traditional assessment, alternative assessments and

feedback. Traditional assessment is formal or summative assessment,

alternative assessment are, informal, authentic, holistic, and

assessment for learning. Authentic assessment is divided into

performance based assessment, portfolios, and students self

assessment. Speaking assessment can use one of all technique of

assessment but in speaking more focus on some points in speaking such

as Grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Speaking Assessment which is implemented by the teacher of

SMP Hj. Isriati at eight grade are informal assessment. The

assessment that the teacher usually use is oral technique, when every

chapter is done, or usually in the first meeting the teacher assess the

students orally, the aim is to memorize the vocabularies on the next

chapter. For portfolio, in this grade the teacher is not use it, because

for eight grade it was too difficult when use this kind of assessment

with reason that eight grade is still confuse to apply this assessment,

they can’t manage their portfolio it was afraid they will loss it. And

the teacher also not implement students self assessment, because

when they assess themselves they will be confident that their own

work is true. For performance assessment usually the teacher asks them

to come forward, or oral assessment. The teacher’s techniques of

assessments are as follows:

1) Informal Assessment Technique

For informal assessment the teacher techniques are: asking the

students some vocabularies, using question, asking students to come

forward to answer the questions, and dictation.

a) Asking the Students Some Vocabularies


This assessment is done by the teacher before the teaching

learning process is started it was used to remind the students

about the material or vocabulary that they have learned in

previous meeting. In conducted Informal assessment the

teachers’ asked the students some vocabularies, for examples,

open, what does it means? Then the students answer it, then

teacher ask again, how to say “Tutup, dorong, membawa,

menangis, membaca, menulis, menonton, mendengarkan,

berjalan”, in English, etc. when they answer the teacher is

correct it directly when they have some mistakes in their

pronounce. After the students reminded about some vocabulary,

the teacher asked the students to change some words, into

Verb “Ing” because the teachers’ did teach the students about

past continuous tense, this assessment is done directly during

the classroom without any teacher’s record in a form of score

it was just the teachers’ problems solving dealing with the

important of assessment to make the students remember some

vocabularies and verb ing.

b) Using Question

This assessment is done also to remind the student’s

knowledge about any materials that have taught before. First time

the teacher give the students some materials about past

continuous tense, the teacher’s method is PPP or Presentation,

Production, and Practice. This assessment is done in the middle

of teaching learning process. The teachers assess the students’ by

some questions, such as “How to speak listen?” then they answer.

T: “Rudi Listen to the Musik, How to Speak it?”

SS’: “Rudi Listen to the musik”….

T: “ How to speak Listen Lia”?

Lia’: “ Listen”

T: “No, lisen” ayo bersama-sama!


SS’:” lisen”

T: “Good. Ulangi lia?”

Lia: “ Lisen”

T: “Good, Hafiz how to speak Musik”

Hafiz: “Myusik”

T: Good, ulangi bersama-sama!

SS’: “Myusik”

Because In this semester the material is past continuous

tense, so the teachers’ in some weeks teach about past

continuous tense in order to make the students not only

remember the pattern but also can use it in a real contex

because learning English is not only to know much but also

can use it in meaningful ways moreover grammar for student it

was the teacher’s obligatory to give the students much

assessments in order they remind and be usual to use it. After

some explanation about past continuous that have been taught

before, the teachers’ asks, “How many to be we have learned?”

then they mentioned one by one, with the pronoun of each

others. The teacher also asked them randomly to change the

sentence into past continuous tense, example, “Aku telah sedang

berjalan ke perpustakaan” then the certain students is answer,

when there is mistake, the teacher asked it to another students.

This assessment is done in every meeting during a week, in

order they will memorize the pattern of past continuous, and

sometime the teacher mix between present continuous tense and

past continuous tense, because simple present is taught in the first

semester. When there is mistake the teachers’ correct it directly.

c) Dictation

Before the dictation is held the teachers’ again give the

students apperception about past continuous tense then in order to


make the students not too bored with present past continuous

tense the teachers’ assess the student’s speaking and listening.

The teachers use a dictation to assess the student’s speaking

and listening. For those skills, the teacher read some paragraph then

the students read it after the teacher, when there is mistake on their

pronunciations the teacher will correct it directly and repeat the

certain vocabularies many times.

The paragraph is:

It is a sunny day, Bob is playing football in the park, and

he plays with his friends, Tommy. Sarah is cycling around the

park. Long after, an ice cream man comes. All the kids on the park

gather around him to get an ice cream.

Vocabularies which the teachers always repeat are: ice

cream, plays, and an ice cream. This assessment is done together

in a whole a class, the students read same passage then the

teachers’ correct the student’s mispronounce.

2) Performance Assessment

Performance assessment consists of any form of assessment in

which the student construct a response orally or in writing. The

example are, oral reports, writing samples, individual and group

projects, exhibitions, and demonstration. Again dealing with the

material of this semester about past continuous tense, so the

researcher met again in which the teachers’ remind the students

about present continuous tense, here the teacher give the students

assessment but this is kind of Performance assessment where the

students asked to come forward to demonstrate the student’s

speaking competencies. They ask to come forward randomly to

read short sentence from the teacher.

The questions are:

1. One night, it was raining very hard.


2. My brothers was feeding our chicken

3. Calvin and Agna were sleeping, when their father came.

4. They were watching football match

Sometimes the teachers also give them a question like, “Calvin

and Agna, was or were”, when there is mistake the teacher will

correct it together with the students until no one can’t answer then

teacher will tell them the correct answer.


SS: They were watching football match” [futball]

T: “Is it right..?”

SS: “Wrong…”

T: “where is the mistake?”

SS: “Football”

T: “then what is the correct one?”

S: “they are watching football match” [futbæ:l]

Those are the teacher’s and student’s conversation when there

is mistake the teacher involve the students to correct.

3) Peer Assessment Using Collaborative task and discussion

Learning and assessment can be more fun when it is done with

friends. Peer assessment can positively influence the classroom

atmosphere because children learn to respect and accept each other

through assessing each others. Peer assessment fosters the feeling

that the classroom is a community working towards the same goal.

This assessment is done by the teacher, divides the

students into two groups, they asked to read a conversation of

give and answer some questions in a book, then if the teacher

meets some mistakes on their reading or their pronunciation the

teacher will correct it directly. The questions are as follows:

Group 1: “What are you doing, Tomy?”

Group 2: “I am playing tennis”

Group 1: “What is she doing?”


Group 2: “She is joking”

That was done by switch the group one be group two so that

they saw what are the mistakes of each groups.

B. Discussion

1. Analysis of Method in Teaching Speaking at Eight grade of SMP Hj.


To make teaching learning speaking more successful, the

stakeholders of SMP Hj Isriati school have to pay attention with the

objective, the materials, textbook, and the medium of instruction. The

objectives of English for learners, according to the education minister roles

in system of national education are, to develop the competence of

oral communication definitely in school context action, and to realize

the important of English to improve the children capacity in global

competition72. As the teacher said, that the objective of English is to

prepare the students in higher school. The researcher can conclude that

English for learners, psychologically is to prepare the children absorb

many information about English since Now. So, the teacher should

aware with the learners teaching learning process. The teachers should

motivate the students to learn English by choosing an interesting methods

and materials. To make them stay on the school, the school also give a

freedom for the students to come to the principle office, as long as, not in

the time of teaching learning73.

The method in teaching must appropriate to the purpose of the

studying.74 Teacher choice not only good method but also compatible with

learner. Teaching speaking have some method, acting, dialogue, game,

discussion, prepared talk, questionnaire and role play. Some of speaking

activity can be used by teacher in speaking class, but teacher must

72 Interview with the teacher may 6th 2011 73 ibid 74 Ismail SM, Strategi Pembelajaran Agama Islam Berbasis PAIKEM, (Semarang: Rasail Media Group, 2009), p. 17


adapting with the learner. The good learning will be doing by choice the

compatible method.

The teacher at SMP Hj. Isriati used some method in speaking class.

The researcher observe some method as the follow:

a. Communicative approach

Communicative Method which considers the language is a

tool of communication and employs the class activities to

communicate by the target language out the class. Dialoge is used

to doing this method. Dialogue in speaking is to practice student

speaking in front of the class. The material from this activity like

dialogue. By giving student to practice the dialogue will ensure

that acting out is both a learning and a language activity. 75 So

student try to communicate with some vocabulary that be used in

daily activities. The purpose is to give student fluently in dialogue

activity. The weakness of this method is not appropriate to teach

literature material like story or descriptive material.

b. Direct Method

This Method is used by using Pictures as a media. Students

are asked to tell the story taking place in the sequential pictures

by paying attention to the criteria provided by the teacher as a

rubric. Rubrics can include the vocabulary or structures they need

to use while narrating.76 Students could telling or describe about

picture and got some vocabulary. The teacher said that if student

interesting with the picture they will find out something about it

by fun and enjoy.77

From observation above, we can conclude that teachers who

use the Direct Method intend that students learn how to

75 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Malaysia: Longman, 2002), p.271 76 www.blogspot/kayi/teaching speaking.html 77 Interview with teacher on Friday, may 20th 2011


communicate in the target language. In order to do this

successfully, students should learn to think in the target language.

The Weakness of this method is teacher must good

knowledge with L1 and L2 as a target language. This method is

also not appropriate to the beginner, because the teaching learning

Process is mostly using target language.

c. Community language learning

This method is used by Role play activity. From role play

students got motivation and mentality to practice English. Many

students derive great benefit from role play. Student simulate a

real life encounter as if they were doing so in the real world.

Every student gets some different view about the topic or

the conversation. What the outcome should be and a consensus

has to be reached. That way there is a dynamic movement as the

role play progresses, with people clearly motivated to say as

much or as little as they need to achieve their aim.78

Communicative Language Learning is a learner presents a

message in L1 to the knower. The message is translated into L2

by the knower. The learner then repeats the message in L2,

addressing it to another learner with whom he or she wishes to

communicate. Communicative Language Learning learners are

encouraged to attend to the overhear they experience between

other learners and their knowledge. The result of the overhear is

that every member of the group can understand what any given

learner is trying to communicate.

Teacher must organize students group to work together. If

student group not work together so only little student will learn in

teaching process.

It is right that there is no effective method and strategies in English

language teaching. By giving the teacher some resources about the 78 Jeremy Harmer, op.cit, p. 275


methods of English teaching, then the teacher is asked modify the method

based on the class situation and students characteristics,so transferring of

knowledge can be reached.

Teaching speaking is not only how to teach student to speak English

well, but also grow mentality of student to speak with the other in

English.79 In speaking class we give student motivation to learn and we

make class fun and happiness.

2. Analysis of Speaking Assessment at Eight grade of SMP Hj. Isriati


Assessment is a tool which has the potential to help pupils make

progress in their learning35. There are some purposes of assessment.

First,Assessment is to describe the proficiency of student’s learning, in

order toknow the successful of teaching learning. Second, it is to know the

teaching learning goals which are achieved. Third, it is to repair the

teaching learning if the assessment is failed. And the forth, is to give a

further information to the stakeholder of the school36. SMP Hj Isriati

teacher uses some assessments to assess the students like formal and

informal assessment. In Speaking Class The teacher used informal

assessment only.

a. Analysis of learning assessment techniques

1) Informal assessment

Informal assessment is an assessment which is implemented in

every chapter to know the successful of teaching learning. The

orientation of this assessment is on the process of teaching learning it

self37. This is an incidental, unplanned comments and responses along

with coaching and other impromptu feedback to thestudents38. The

function of this assessment is to provide feedback to teachers and

students ideally about student misunderstanding39. The technique

which is used by the teacher on this assessment is by using question, 79 Interview with teacher on Wednesday, may 18th 2011


asking some vocabularies, dictation, asking the students to work in

group, and asking the students to come forward40. Those assessments

are simple assessment which the teachers usually use in others

classroom assessment. Those assessments are suitable with student in

junior High school , because the teachers’ uses a clear questions and

instructions and the assessment that have done are met the principle in

assessing junior high school because the teacher’s instruction is clear

and the teachers’ also translate it into Indonesia when the students

didn’t understand with the teacher’s mean.

2) The Technique of Performance Assessment

Performance assessment is an assessment that consists of any

form of assessment in which the student construct a response orally or

in writing. The example are, oral reports, writing samples, individual

and group projects, exhibitions, and demonstration45 the assessment

which is done by the teacher is a writing samples of performance

assessment. The students are dictated by the teacher, and then the

teacher asked the students to speak up in front of the class, that was the

simple performance assessment that can be done in the classroom

speaking assessment process46. When we see the teacher’s

implementation of this assessment we will said that it was kind of

formal assessment because it was a paper base assessment but the

teacher also asked the students to come forward and demonstrate their

writing, it was the point of this performance assessment.

3) The Technique of Peer Assessment

Peer Group assessment is where the pupils become involved in

monitoring others progress. This assessment helps students to become

more autonomous, responsible and involved. But, Students may lack the

ability to evaluate each other. On applied this assessment, the teachers

divided the students into two group and asked them to read a passage

and answer and give some questions from the passage, but whose

correct their mistakes is the teacher, this assessment is appropriate


assessment for learners because by this assessments the students are

directly corrected by the teacher and then they will see, where is their

mistakes and it will enjoyable because it’s done together with their


b. Analysis teachers’ assessment implementation

The successful of teaching learning process is depends on how do

the teacher’s conduct the material and the teachers’ assess the students.

Techniques of assessment that the teachers’ had implemented are

suitable assessment for the students. With the clear instruction, easier to

conduct and not too wasting time is some reason that reasonable for the

teacher why do the teachers’ implement those assessments. More over

those assessments are common assessments that usually used by some

Indonesian educational system. The assessment implementations are

Focus on pronunciation and Grammar, because according to the teacher

language is to communicate. Communication needs to speak and

motivation .The point is focus on how to speak well and using true

grammatical. Vocabulary and the other ca be learned in other language

skill like writing and reading. Basically these assessments give the

student motivation and mentality to speak with the other.




A. This Study can be concluded as follows: 1. Method in teaching speaking

The method in teaching must appropriate to the purpose of the

studying. Teacher must choice not only good method but also compatible

with learner. Teaching speaking have some activity like acting, dialogue,

game, discussion, prepared talk, questionnaire and role play. Some of

speaking activity can be used by teacher in speaking class, but teacher

must adapt with the learner. The good learning will be doing by choice the

compatible method.

The teacher at SMP Hj. Isriati used some method in speaking class.

The researcher observe some method as the follow:

d. Direct method

e. Communicative Approach

f. Community Language Learning

g. Suggestopedia

2. The Technique of Speaking Assessment which implemented

Assessment is a tool which has the potential to help pupils make

progress in their learning. There are some purposes of assessment.

First, Assessment is to describe the proficiency of student’s learning,

in order to know the successful of teaching learning. Second, it is to

know the teaching learning goals which are achieved. Third, it is to

repair the teaching learning if the assessment is failed. And the forth,

is to give a further information to the stakeholder of the school. SMP

Hj Isriati teacher uses some assessments to assess the students like

formal and informal assessment.

Some kind of assessment is focus on comprehention,Grammar,

Pronunciation, fluency and vocabulary. Speaking is how to

communicate with other so teacher at SMP Hj. Isriati only focus on



comprehension, grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary, because

those is significant elements to speak. The other factor is as

complement in speaking because in real condition conversation is how

other people can understand with our mine. Although we wrong in

fluency other people get the meaning what we say.

B. Suggestion Recommendations that can be given by the researcher of this study are


1. Teacher should be aware of errors in speaking, especially spoken

errors, which are occurred in students learning process. Teacher

should views those errors as a sign that a learning process is

taking places, and that the students are trying to produce a

language, taking risk in learning, experimenting with language,

attempting to communicate, and making progress.

2. Teachers of foreign language, especially English teachers should

more improve student speaking skill with other method, so all of

student confidence can be showing. Every student have different

motivating on the learning process, so teacher must be good

advisor and trainer.

3. On correcting the students’ errors, teacher should not make the

students under pressured. Each teacher should realize that making

mistakes is a part of the learning process, and that to err is

human.. Teacher should let students be free to make errors. There

are also some points that are needed to be considered by teacher

while they are giving treatment to the students’ error. The points


There are some suggestions that should be done by the next researcher. The

suggestions are:


1. The next researcher, who is interested in the topic of speaking method in EFL

classroom, should make a good and complete preparation for his or her study, in

order to make the study better.

2. It is better for the next researcher to be more careful to collect the more detailed


3. The instrument that will be used in the next research should be more complete and

can record the data which are micro data, such as all students’ utterance should be


C. Closing

That is the discussion of this thesis. The researcher realizes that this thesis

still needs many corrections to be better in future. She expects that this thesis can

be not only a useful reference for the next study in the related field but also a

consideration base for English teacher of various education level in working with

some method in teaching speaking.



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Name : Sugiyartono

Date of Birth : Grobogan, 03 Juni 1987

Address : Ds. Pulorejo, RT 04 / RW 02 Purwodadi Grobogan

E-mail address : [email protected]

Phone number : 085 225 134 766

Academic Background :

1. SDN 02 Pulorejo Purwodadi Grobogan graduated in 1999

2. MTsN Jeketro Gubug, Grobogan, graduated in 2002

3. MA Futuhiyyah, Gubug, Grobogan, graduated in 2005

4. Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Walisongo Semarang



Observation Guide line

May 18th 2011

No Aspects of the observation Result

1 The material delivered Stories

2 Method used to teach Direct Method and CLL

Dialogue and reading aloud

“Teacher shows one picture to

student, after that teacher describe

about this picture.

Teacher divides class into two

groups. Teacher give one group one

picture. Every group must write

down about picture and then read it

in front of the class.

3 Media used to teach Picture

4 Kinds of assessment Perform based assessment and Peer

Assessment using Discussion

Student give evaluation when the

other student read in front of the

class. Student write what wrong

with their friend say.

Teacher also write the correction

about student performance.

5 Learning aim Students are able to use past

sentence and telling one of the



6 Number of assessment used Once during the lesson

7 Point of Assessment Pronunciation and Grammar


Observation Guide line

May 20th 2011

No Aspects of the observation Result

1 The material delivered What did he/ she say?

2 Method used to teach Communicative Approach and

Direct Method

Teacher read the dialog about two

people on the hand book. Teacher

ask student read this dialogue

together. Then teacher ask women

student as yuni in dialogue and man

student as roy in dialogue. Students

practice this dialogue between man

and women student in dialogue.

In the end student talking about

their daily activity with her friend.

3 Media used to teach -

4 Kinds of assessment Perform based assessment using

role play

5 Learning aim Students are able to dialogue about

some activity and able to

understand what the other mean.

6 Number of assessment used Twice during the lesson

The first teacher ask the student

how to say Music and ball and etc

before student practice the dialogue

from the handbook.


The second teacher give correction

in student dialogue about their


7 Point of Assessment Grammar andPronunciation


Observation Guide line

Aprlil 24th 2011

No Aspects of the observation Result

1 The material delivered Retelling A Story

2 Method used to teach CLL And Communicative


“ The teacher assigns roles to

the students and divides them

into three groups. Then, the

teacher explains their roles, the A

situation that the students have to

do in the role play and the goal or

outcome that they have to get. The

teacher also must not forget to

clarify the cues and gives the

example/model of the roles that the

students play. Finally, the teacher

sets the time limit and encourages

students to be creative and use their

own language resources.

3 Media used to teach Picture

4 Kinds of assessment Perform based assessment

5 Learning aim Student able to use past sentence

and telling one of the story, and

give opinion about story.

6 Number of assessment used Once during the lesson


“when student practice the dialogue

and play it infront of the class.

7 Point of Assessment Pronunciation, grammar and





1. How many times does the teacher teach English in a week at SMP Hj.

Isriati Semarang?

2. What methods are used in speaking teaching for the eighth grade

students at SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang?

3. Why are those methods used in teaching speaking for the eighth grade

students of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang?

4. What materials are delivered in teaching speaking for the eighth grade

students of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang?

5. Does the teacher use certain media in teaching learning process?

6. Does the teacher assess the students in every teaching learning process

of speaking?

7. What kinds of assessment which the teachers usually use to

assess the students speaking skill?

8. Why does the teacher implement those assessments?

9. Does the teacher meet certain difficulties during assessment process?

10. What does the teacher do when he or she meets certain

difficulties during assessment process?

11. What elements of speaking does the teacher concern to assess?

12. What is the standard of students’ speaking success?




Question (Q) / Interviewer : Sugiyartono

Answer (A) / Interviewee : Mr. Syi’aruddin

Date : Saturday, May 30th 2011

Place : SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang

Time : 09.30

1. How many times does the teacher teach English in a week at SMP

Hj. Isriati Semarang?

Kalau Bahasa inggris di kelas 8 diajarakan 2 kali dalam

seminggu yaitu hari Rabu dan Jum’at. Untuk hari Rabu itu jam

pertama dan kedua, jam ke- 5 dan 6 dan jam ke-7 dan 8. Untuk hari

Jum’at kita berurutan mulai jam pertama sampai jam ke-6. Disamping

itu ada juga jam tambahan setelah selesai sekolah tapi jadwalnya


2. What methods are used in speaking teaching for the eighth grade

students at SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang?

Dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris khususnya speaking ya, saya

bisayanya menggunakan berbagai kombinasi metode seperti CLL,

direct method dan sebagainya. Semua itu saya aplikasikan dengan

diskusi, ada role play dan lainya. Ya saya campur-campur sesuai

dengan materi dan keadaan siswanya juga sih mas. Tapi lebih sering

saya menggunakan dialogu biar mereka terbiasa dalam berdialog.

Karena yang terpenting untuk speaking menurut saya untuk

berkomunikasi dengan oran lain yaitu dialog.

3. Why are those methods used in teaching speaking for the eighth

grade students of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang?


Yang pertama tentunya sebagai sarana unuk menyampaiakan

materi speaking itu lebih enak yang activitasnya mengutamakan

komunikasi seperti CLL Communicative approach dan direct.

Kemudian juga biar siswa lebih tertarik untuk belajar. Untuk anak

SMP disini mas masih suka bermain-main oleh karenanya saya

memancing dengan game gambar dan lainya agar mereka tertarik dulu

setelah itukan mereka termotivasi. Jika mereka sudah termotivasi

minat untuk belajarkan tinggi jadi mereka akan focus dan enjoy dalam


4. What materials are delivered in teaching speaking for the eighth

grade students of SMP Hj. Isriati Semarang?

Ya banyak mas, bisa anda lihat di handbook kelas 8. Tapi

disamping itu saya juga mencari-cari di internet biar kalau ada berita

apa yang lagi ramai kita juga buat materi juga bisa. Akan tetapi tidak

semuanya kita tetap memilih mana yang baik untuk siswa. Secara garis

besarnya ada simple past, ada what did he say past continues

description abaout some one , dialog tentang kegiatan dan banyak lagi

mas, lihat saja di handbooknya.

5. Does the teacher use certain media in teaching learning process?

Penggunaan media bagi saya saya sangat mendukung untuk

kelancaran sebuah metode pembelajaran, ya biasanya saya

menggunakan gambar, game quis televise ya yang bisa saya gunakan

saya gunakan semaksimal mungkin lah mas.

6. What difficulties are faced by teacher and students in speaking

teaching learning process at the eighth grade students of SMP Hj.

Isriati Semarang?

Ya mungkin untuk kesulitan saya malah menumbuhkan ketertarikan

siswa dulu mas. Ya kayak motor sebelum jalan harus manasi dulu. Dan


juga membuat siswa untuk berani berbicara itu juga kadang jadi

kendala. Tapi nanti kalau sudah ada yang mau yang lainya juga berani

mas. Disamping masalah speakingnya, seperti pronunciation ya masih

perlu di perbaiki.

7. Does the teacher assess the students in every teaching learning

process of speaking?

Ya, tapi karena di smp kan masih global bahasa inggrisnya ya

saya conditional. Tapi alaupiun Cuma sedikit-sedikit saya mesti

mengevaluasi ataupun hanya mengecek pemahaman siswa.

8. What kinds of assessment which the teachers usually use to

assess the students speaking skill?

Kalau untuk speaking saya mungkin lebih membenarkan

prunciation yang salah dan grammarnya dalam mereka berdialog,

membaca dan dalam role play biasayana. Tapi juga lihat keadaanya,

menurut saya dalam speaking yang terpenting siswa berani berbicara

dengan prunciation yang benar dulu, setelah itu baru grammarnya adan

aspek-aspek lainya tapi yang terpenting saya 2 aspek tersebut.

9. Why does the teacher implement those assessments?

Ya karena untuk speaking itu lebih cocok dan praktis juga yam

mas. Saya gak usah susah-suah buat soal dan bisa sewaktu-waktu saya

bisa melakukanaya.

10. Does the teacher meet certain difficulties during assessment process?

Ya kalau kesulitan mungkin pengucapan siswa yang kurang

jelas. Dan juga siswa sering lupa tentang pengucapan suatu kata.

11. What does the teacher do when he or she meets certain

difficulties during assessment process?


Saya menyuruh mereka mengulangi dengan keras dan saya terus

membenahi jika ada kesalahan dalam pengucapan.

12. What elements of speaking does the teacher concern to assess?

Saya lebih konsen ke pronunciation dan grammarnya untuk

yang lainya bersifat sebagai pendukung sih mas.

13. What is the standard of students’ speaking success?

Tentunya jika mengacu pada speaking yang baik harus tuntas

dari pronunciationnya grammarnya, fluncynya dan lainya. Namun

khusus untuk kelas 8 ini saya lebih mengacu pada

comprehension,pengucapan dan grammarnya jika dua aspek itu sudah

bagus maka saya sudah mengatakan dia berhasil dan sukses. Tentunya

itu standar yang saya buat sendiri.



Transcript ion Date : May, 18th, 2011 Teacher : Mr. Syi’arudin

No Teacher activities Students activity

Teacher tells the students about what they are going learn or to do on that day such as following: Today we are going to practice our speaking by using role play activities. The title of our role play is “consequences role play”

Teacher asks the students to prepare a piece of paper. On this paper, the teacher asks them to write the following things:

a. The name of a celebrity or an idol (movie star, singer, model, or public figure) that they don’t like most with the same gender to themselves.

b. The name of their favorite celebrity or their idol but the opposite gender to themselves.

c. A number between 1 to 9. d. The names of fruits, the

same number as mentioned in the number above.

e. A job they donít like. f. Their favorite job that

they would like to do. g. A description of their dream

house, for example is by the sea side, in the mountain, or near by the river, etc.

h. Finally, they describe

Students listen carefully to the teacher and ask if there is something they don.t understand such as following: .What is role play Miss? And why does it call consequences role play?

Students prepare a piece of paper and write eight points that the teacher has told them.


what country they would really like to live in.

Teacher ask the students to change character to the person they have described on the piece of paper. Here are the points above mean:

a. This is their name. b. This is their husband ís or

wife’s first name. c. This indicates the number of

children they have. d. This indicates the

children’s names. e. This is their job. f. This is their husband’s or

wife’s job. g. This describes the family

house and tells the listener where it located.

h. This last point tells what country they come from.

The teacher divides the class into three groups. Then, the teacher tells them to read through the points and asks them to act as if they were in a party where they are meeting famous people. In the party they have to introduce themselves to several people as this person. They have to practice it when the role play has started.

Teacher tells the students the goal of this role play, which is to get as much as information about the people in the party. All these activities are done in each group. The students need to share theconversation and be interactive

The students change character to the person they have described on the piece of paper and try to remember it.

Students separated into three groups. Each group has 10 pupils. They read through the text and listen to the teacher.s explanations about what they have to do with their character.

Students listen carefully and take notes about the goal of the role play.

Students take notes about the cues, study and memorize it.


to reach the goal. Therefore,the teacher gives them cues bygiving them vocabulary,grammar, idiomatic expressions and sentences that might beused in the conversation

The teacher demonstrates how the conversation might occur such as following: .Hello, allow me to introduce my self.I.m Paris Hilton, how do you do?

The teacher gives the students some time to prepare and let them work individually to outline their ideas and the language they will need to express. The teacher sets the time limit for the role play. For this role play the teacher limits the time 20 to 30 minutes. The teacher reminds the students to use their own English language resources and try to act as natural as possible Before the role play begins, the teacher asks the students whether they understand clearly or not about what they have to do in the role play activity

Teacher goes around the class coming to each group checking and giving help as the students needed.

While checking the students, the teacher only gives help to the

Students pay attention to the teacher.

Students work individually to prepare themselves in the role play.

Students take notes the time limit and remember it.

Students prepare themselves to use their own English language resources and also prepare their mental to act as natural as possible in the role play.

Students answer the teacher’s question whether they understand or not and ask to the teacher if they don’t understand.

Students begin the role play as the teacher has explained before.

Students do the role play by themselves and only ask for help to the teacher if they really need it.

Students help each other in each group if one of them is having


students if it really necessary or when the students ask for it.

Teacher does not correct the students. error in grammar or pronunciation if the others can still understand what they mean Teacher lets the students do the role play without her interfere

Teacher asks one of them to represent his/her own group to report all information that he/she gets from the role play.

Teacher giving feedback on grammar or pronunciation problems that she herds during the role play.

trouble in speaking.

Students do their best in the role play by using their own language resources.

Each group sent their representation to report the information or the goal that he/she gets from the role play

Students pay attention, listen carefully, and take notes to the teacher’s explanations


Transcript ion Date : May, 20th, 2011 Teacher : Mr. Syi’arudin

No Teacher activities Students activity

Teacher give student warming up

with this dalogue

How many students absent?

Today we are going to discuss

expressing like and dislike.

Do you like reading a newspaper?

(Pausing) expressing like and

dislike is used to express

something we like it or not.

Yeah, for example: Do you like

playing football Amir?

Good. Yes I like it.

Teacher give to other sudent some


Uhm…… What do you like


Who want to answer it?

Ok. Yusuf, speak up please!

Next, how to say

“Apakah Anita suka membaca


No sir


Students pay attention, listen

carefully, and take notes to the

teacher’s explanations

Yes I like it

Badminton sir

Do Anita like reading Comic

Does anita lika reading comic


Anyone want to answer?

Arvin please! (Point Arvin).

Uhm…..Do Anita like reading

comic? Is it true? (Raising


Yeah. Dinda, please make it true!

(Point Dinda)

Excellent! (Sticking fingers)

“Ya Anita suka membaca komik.”

How to say it in English?

Tata, come on! (Standing beside

Tata and touch Tata’s shoulder)


Then, How to answer it if Anita

doesn’t like reading comic?

Excellent! (Signaling Ok)

We can say I really enjoy….. or

I’m very fond of….. to express


For example, I really enjoy


Then, we also use I really hate…..,

I can’t bear…… or I can’t

stand…., to show dislike

Anita like reading comis?

No, she likes reading comic

Bahwa dia tidak boleh makan

hawan laut karena dia alergi

dengan hewan laut.

Students separated into three

groups. Each group has 10 pupils.

They read through the text and

listen to the teacher.s explanations

about what they have to do with

their character



Ehm…. Attention please!

I can’t stand with seafood, I’m


What does it mean by that


Who wants to answer?

Good! Excel.

Yeah….. Excel is Excellent.

(Signaling OK)

Now, make group of two and then

ask your friends about what is she

or he likes and dislike.

Don’t forget to study at home and

do the best for your homework