Copyright 1998 by the Genetics Society of America A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori, Covering All Chromosomes Based on 1018 Molecular Markers Yuji Yasukochi National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science (NISES), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634, Japan Manuscript received May 4, 1998 Accepted for publication August 27, 1998 ABSTRACT A dense linkage map was constructed for the silkworm, Bombyx mori, containing 1018 genetic markers on all 27 autosomes and the Z chromosome. Most of the markers, covering z2000 cM, were randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs amplified with primer-pairs in combinations of 140 commercially available decanucleotides. In addition, eight known genes and five visible mutations were mapped. Bombyx homo- logues of engrailed and invected genes were found to be closely linked, as in Drosophila melanogaster. The average interval between markers was z2 cM, equal to z500 kb. The correspondence of seven linkage groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a large number of chromosomes (n 5 28) that covers all chromosomes without any gaps. G ENOME research is being conducted on an in- map-based cloning in B. mori. Establishment of a high- density linkage map is the first milestone for this pur- creasing number of organisms, but insufficient attention has been paid to insects, which account for the pose. Recent progress in polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- majority of animal species. Only the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has been exhaustively studied genetically based markers such as randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD; Williams et al. 1990) and simple sequence and is a subject of a genome research project as a model organism (FlyBase Consortium 1998). The malaria repeats (SSR; Beckmann and Soller 1990) has greatly facilitated the construction of linkage maps for relatively vector mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti, also have been extensively analyzed (Severson et al. small body-size organisms. Linkage maps have been con- structed for the honey bee, A. mellifera, based on RAPDs 1993; Dimopoulos et al. 1996; Zheng et al. 1996). In addition, molecular linkage maps for a few Diptera and (Hunt and Page 1995), the human malaria vector, A. gambiae, based on SSR (Zheng et al. 1996), and a wasp, B. Hymenoptera species are available [i.e., honeybee, Apis mellifera (Hunt and Page 1995); wasp, Bracon hebetor hebetor (Antolin et al. 1996) and a mosquito, A. albopictus (Mutebi et al. 1997), based on RAPD-SSCP (single (Antolin et al. 1996); and mosquito, A. albopictus (Sev- erson et al. 1995; Mutebi et al. 1997)]. However, the strand conformation polymorphism). Mapping with molecular markers has also been applied to the silk- vast majority of insects, including economically and eco- logically important pests, natural enemies, or producers, worm (Promboon et al. 1995; Shi et al. 1995), but the large number of chromosomes in the haploid genome do not even have a complete genetic map that covers all chromosomes (for review, see Heckel 1993). (n 5 28), typical of Lepidoptera, made it difficult to construct maps without missing any chromosomes. Cyto- Bombyx mori, the domesticated silkworm, is one of the most genetically studied insects, apart from D. melanogas- genetic mapping has also been difficult because of the small, numerous, and fairly indistinguishable chromo- ter. More than 200 mutations have been placed on link- age maps covering 900.2 cM and maintained as genetic somes (Heckel 1993; Goldsmith 1995). In this article, I present a dense linkage map of the resources (Doira 1992). B. mori itself has considerable importance as a producer of silk and, in recent years, silkworm mainly based on RAPDs using double primer recombinant proteins (Maeda 1989). Moreover, it be- pairs (Kurata et al. 1994). The map contains around longs to the insect order Lepidoptera, which includes 1018 genetic markers and covers z2000 cM including many serious agricultural pests. Therefore, advances in all 27 autosomes and the Z chromosome. I also map a silkworm genomics will have a great impact not only on number of known genes and mutant loci and show the basic and applied research in the silkworm but also relationship between some of the newly established and on comparative biology and applications such as pest conventional linkage groups. control. I intend to establish a firm base that will enable MATERIALS AND METHODS Address for correspondence: National Institute of Sericultural and Ento- Silkworm strains and isolation of DNA: Silkworm strains mological Science (NISES), Owashi 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] C108 and p50 were identical to those used in the previous Genetics 150: 1513–1525 (December 1998)

A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

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Page 1: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

Copyright 1998 by the Genetics Society of America

A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori, Covering AllChromosomes Based on 1018 Molecular Markers

Yuji Yasukochi

National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science (NISES), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634, Japan

Manuscript received May 4, 1998Accepted for publication August 27, 1998

ABSTRACTA dense linkage map was constructed for the silkworm, Bombyx mori, containing 1018 genetic markers

on all 27 autosomes and the Z chromosome. Most of the markers, covering z2000 cM, were randomlyamplified polymorphic DNAs amplified with primer-pairs in combinations of 140 commercially availabledecanucleotides. In addition, eight known genes and five visible mutations were mapped. Bombyx homo-logues of engrailed and invected genes were found to be closely linked, as in Drosophila melanogaster. Theaverage interval between markers was z2 cM, equal to z500 kb. The correspondence of seven linkagegroups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkagemap in insects having a large number of chromosomes (n 5 28) that covers all chromosomes withoutany gaps.

GENOME research is being conducted on an in- map-based cloning in B. mori. Establishment of a high-density linkage map is the first milestone for this pur-creasing number of organisms, but insufficient

attention has been paid to insects, which account for the pose.Recent progress in polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-majority of animal species. Only the fruit fly, Drosophila

melanogaster, has been exhaustively studied genetically based markers such as randomly amplified polymorphicDNA (RAPD; Williams et al. 1990) and simple sequenceand is a subject of a genome research project as a model

organism (FlyBase Consortium 1998). The malaria repeats (SSR; Beckmann and Soller 1990) has greatlyfacilitated the construction of linkage maps for relativelyvector mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti,

also have been extensively analyzed (Severson et al. small body-size organisms. Linkage maps have been con-structed for the honey bee, A. mellifera, based on RAPDs1993; Dimopoulos et al. 1996; Zheng et al. 1996). In

addition, molecular linkage maps for a few Diptera and (Hunt and Page 1995), the human malaria vector, A.gambiae, based on SSR (Zheng et al. 1996), and a wasp, B.Hymenoptera species are available [i.e., honeybee, Apis

mellifera (Hunt and Page 1995); wasp, Bracon hebetor hebetor (Antolin et al. 1996) and a mosquito, A. albopictus(Mutebi et al. 1997), based on RAPD-SSCP (single(Antolin et al. 1996); and mosquito, A. albopictus (Sev-

erson et al. 1995; Mutebi et al. 1997)]. However, the strand conformation polymorphism). Mapping withmolecular markers has also been applied to the silk-vast majority of insects, including economically and eco-

logically important pests, natural enemies, or producers, worm (Promboon et al. 1995; Shi et al. 1995), but thelarge number of chromosomes in the haploid genomedo not even have a complete genetic map that covers

all chromosomes (for review, see Heckel 1993). (n 5 28), typical of Lepidoptera, made it difficult toconstruct maps without missing any chromosomes. Cyto-Bombyx mori, the domesticated silkworm, is one of the

most genetically studied insects, apart from D. melanogas- genetic mapping has also been difficult because of thesmall, numerous, and fairly indistinguishable chromo-ter. More than 200 mutations have been placed on link-

age maps covering 900.2 cM and maintained as genetic somes (Heckel 1993; Goldsmith 1995).In this article, I present a dense linkage map of theresources (Doira 1992). B. mori itself has considerable

importance as a producer of silk and, in recent years, silkworm mainly based on RAPDs using double primerrecombinant proteins (Maeda 1989). Moreover, it be- pairs (Kurata et al. 1994). The map contains aroundlongs to the insect order Lepidoptera, which includes 1018 genetic markers and covers z2000 cM includingmany serious agricultural pests. Therefore, advances in all 27 autosomes and the Z chromosome. I also map asilkworm genomics will have a great impact not only on number of known genes and mutant loci and show thebasic and applied research in the silkworm but also relationship between some of the newly established andon comparative biology and applications such as pest conventional linkage groups.control. I intend to establish a firm base that will enable

MATERIALS AND METHODSAddress for correspondence: National Institute of Sericultural and Ento-

Silkworm strains and isolation of DNA: Silkworm strainsmological Science (NISES), Owashi 1-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634,Japan. E-mail: [email protected] C108 and p50 were identical to those used in the previous

Genetics 150: 1513–1525 (December 1998)

Page 2: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

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work (Promboon et al. 1995). An F2 intercross was performed from both parental strains and loading buffer (0.25% bromo-phenol blue, 0.25% xylene cyanol, 30% glycerol in H2O) wereusing F1 sibs from a single pair mating of a C108 female by a

p50 male. F2 progeny were scored for sex and the p locus mixed and denatured at 958 for 5 min. Then a 15-min hybrid-ization was performed at 558 and cooled to 48 and the reaction(plain; Doira 1992), and finally I used 169 male (p:39,1p:130)

and 186 female (p:44,1p:142) larvae for DNA isolation. Geno- was loaded onto an agarose gel [3% Metaphor XR (FMC,Rockland, ME) in 0.53 TBE, 1 m urea] in an ice-cold chamber.mic DNA was prepared from individual final instar larvae.

A pair of whole silk glands was ground with a mechanicalhomogenizer within a microcentrifuge tube and suspendedin DNA extraction buffer (50 mm Tris, pH 8.0, 100 mm NaCl, RESULTS20 mm EDTA) containing 150 mg/ml proteinase K. After diges-

Detection of RAPDs with double primer pairs: Totion with proteinase K at 508 overnight, phenol extraction wascarried out and DNA was recovered by isopropanol precipita- obtain markers for linkage analysis, RAPD polymor-tion. DNA concentration was measured with a spectrophotom- phisms between two parental strains (C108 and p50)eter (Beckman, Fullerton, CA), and 166 F2 samples of higher were screened using 140 10-mer commercially availableDNA yield were selected for construction of a linkage map.

primers. A total of 7757 primer combinations wereAdditional matings were carried out to identify correspon-tested and 1001 of them were selected for further analy-dence between molecular and established linkage groups

(ELGs). Two recessive mutant strains, NISES 912 (pe-re, ch) sis (Figure 1A). Small-scale linkage analysis was per-and 920 (lem, oc), were used for this purpose (Sorita 1991). formed with 22 F2 progeny, and I found 757 primerF2 populations between a C108 mother and mutant father were combinations generating segregating banding patternsreared and genomic DNA was isolated as described above.

(Figure 1B). More detailed mapping was carried outRAPD analysis: Oligonucleotide primers were purchasedwith an additional 144 F2 progeny from the same singlefrom Operon Technologies (Alameda, CA; kits A, D, H, I, T,

R, and Y). The reaction was performed in a total reaction pair mating, and 1388 polymorphic bands generatedmixture of 15 ml consisting of 25 ng template DNA, 0.5 mm from 719 primer pairs were finally used for map con-primers, 1 unit of Taq polymerase (Takara, Kyoto, Japan), 0.1 struction after eliminating unclear markers (data notmm for each of the dNTPs (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ), 50

shown; the list of RAPD markers used in this experimentmm KCl, 10 mm Tris-HCl (pH 9.0), 0.1% Triton X-100, andwill be available on http://ss.nises.affrc.go.jp/).2.5 mm MgCl2. The amplification was carried out with a

Mapping of known genes: I also tried to map cloned3-min denaturation at 948, followed by 45 cycles with a 1-mindenaturation at 948, a 2-min hybridization at 368, and a 3-min silkworm genes. ESTs were designed for more than 30elongation at 728, ending with a 5-min final extension at 728. known sequences, and four of them showed clear poly-The completed reaction (8 ml) was loaded on a binary gel [a morphisms between C108 and p50 (Table 1). Monomor-mixture of 0.7% agarose (Takara) and 0.7% Synergel (Diversi-

phic PCR products were probed for RFLPs by digestionfied Biotech, Boston) in 0.53 TBE buffer] and separated bywith a variety of restriction enzymes. As a result, I foundelectrophoresis. Gels were stained with ethidium bromide and

photographed under UV light with Polaroid 667 film or a RFLPs for three ESTs (Table 1). In addition, I used aCCD-imaging processor (ATTO, Tokyo). previously reported intron length polymorphism of the

Establishment of expressed sequence tags (ESTs): Se- prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) gene (Shimadaquences of cloned silkworm genes were obtained from theet al. 1994). These eight markers were used to analyzeGSDB, DDBJ, EMBL, and NCBI nucleotide sequence data-166 F2 individuals from the cross between C108 and p50.bases. Primers listed in Table 1 were designed with a program

Oligo ver. 4.0 (National Biosciences, Plymouth, MN). PCR Identification of linkage groups: A total of 1388reactions were performed in the same buffer as described RAPDs and eight ESTs were then grouped into linkageabove except that the MgCl2 concentration was 1.5 mm. The groups using MAPMAKER/Exp ver. 3.0. Sorting ofamplification was performed with a 3-min denaturation at 948,

markers revealed that there were 28 linkage groups thatfollowed by 45 cycles with a 1-min denaturation at 948, a 2-mincoincided with the haploid chromosome number of B.hybridization at 558, and a 3-min elongation at 728, followed bymori. However, there still remained the possibility thata 5-min final extension at 728. Products were digested with

eight restriction enzymes, AfaI, AluI, DraI, HaeIII, HhaI, Hinf I, large gaps between markers might falsely assign markersHpaI, and MboI, to screen restriction fragment length polymor- on the same chromosomes to different linkage groups.phisms (RFLPs) and to confirm whether expected fragments Achiasmatic oogenesis makes it possible to testwere amplified (Table 1).

whether linkage groups are really independent or not.Linkage analysis: The presence or absence of each polymor-As shown in Figure 2A, any F2 individual cannot bephic marker was scored for all 166 F2 individuals. These data

were processed to sort markers into linkage groups with the homozygous for both maternal and paternal dominantprogram MAPMAKER/Exp ver. 3.0 (Lander et al. 1987) with markers on the same autosome (Promboon et al. 1995;a statistical threshold LOD score of 3.0. Markers belonging Shi et al. 1995), since most of the markers used in thisto the same group were ordered by use of the “compare”

analysis were dominant (i.e., RAPDs) and it was impossi-command of MAPMAKER, and potentially false signals wereble to distinguish homozygotes from heterozygoteschecked by additional PCR amplifications. Because MAP-

MAKER/Exp ver. 3.0 cannot account for achiasmatic meioses, when markers were present. The only distinguishableI could not use it to calculate genetic distances between loci. homozygotes were scored as nulls. Consequently, theInstead, F2 intercross data were converted to BC1 backcross absence of a maternal marker in a certain F2 progenydata using the hypothesis described in results, and genetic

meant that the nonrecombinant autosome of the prog-distances between markers were then calculated using MAP-eny was paternal, and vice versa (Figure 2A). This en-MAKER.

Heteroduplex formation: Equal amounts of PCR products abled us to type each F2 individual for each linkage

Page 3: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

1515A Dense Genetic Map of Bombyx mori

1:1 ratio because of haploidy and all paternal ones wereexpected to be present in F2 males without fail (Figure2B). One of the linkage groups fulfilled these require-ments (Figure 3; Group 1).

Typing was determined when more than two nullscores of C108- or p50-dominant markers were con-firmed for each putative linkage group. If paternal andmaternal markers of the same linkage group were foundto coexist in the same F2 individual, another PCR ampli-fication was repeated until clear results were obtained.Even when linked markers on the same chromosomeare separated by long gaps they cannot show inconsis-tent chromosome prints, and all 28 putative linkage groupswere revealed to be independent from each other.Therefore, I concluded that the 28 linkage groups as-sembled by MAPMAKER covered all 27 autosomes andthe Z chromosome.

Mapping of ESTs and visible markers: Segregationpatterns of visible markers, sex, and the p locus, revealedthat 2 of the 28 linkage groups corresponded to ELG1 and 2. Early chorion gene A4, previously identifiedon ELG 2 (Goldsmith and Clermont-Rattner 1979),was found to be linked with the visible p locus, as ex-pected. Analysis of sequences corresponding to egg spe-cific protein and PTTH also showed the correspon-dences between 2 linkage groups and ELG 19 and 22(Figure 4). The P25 and invected genes were newly identi-fied to be located in ELG2 (Figure 4). In addition, thelarval serum protein and vitellogenin genes belongedto linkage groups whose relationship between ELGs hadnot been previously identified (Figure 4).

Intriguingly, Bombyx homologues of engrailed(en) andinvected(inv) genes (Hui et al. 1992) were found to beclosely linked on ELG 2. Recombination occurred inonly 1 of 166 F2 progeny. The en and inv genes werepreviously reported to be closely located in D. melanogas-ter (Coleman et al. 1987). These results might suggestthat the genome structure of this region is conserved,Figure 1.—(A) An example of RAPD analysis between pa-at least regionally, between the silkworm and the fruitrental strains C108 and p50, using single or double primers.

(B) Typical RAPD banding patterns of linkage analysis using fly.parental strains (C108 and p50) and 14 F2 progeny. Primers Map construction: Achiasmatic oogenesis also facili-OPA05 and OPD19 were used. C108- and p50-specific frag- tated evaluation of the reliability of the RAPD markers.ments (arrowheads) belonged to the same linkage group. (C)

False-negative signals could be detected, for example,A putative heteroduplex was newly generated between C108-when a maternal marker was absent in the progenyand p50-specific fragments. Electrophoresis of PCR products

using the same primers as in B was carried out in a gel con- whose nonrecombinant chromosome was maternal. Ex-taining 1 m urea. M, 100-bp ladder (GIBCO BRL, Gaithers- clusion of unreliable markers revealed by frequentlyburg, MD); lane 1, C108; lane 2, p50; lanes 3 and 4, mixture generating false-negative signals greatly improved theof products from C108 and p50, not treated (lane 3) or heat

accuracy of the linkage analysis. Out of 1388 RAPDs,denatured and annealed (lane 4); lanes 5–8, F2 progeny. Notethat the 600-bp “spike” band of the 100-bp ladder was split 1010 were finally utilized for map construction.presumably because it was composed of two fragments whose C108-dominant and p50-dominant markers were sep-sequences were different. arately ordered within each linkage group (Promboon

et al. 1995). As a result, marker orders of 56 putativelinkage groups were determined (Figure 4). Since MAP-group as to whether its nonrecombinant chromosomeMAKER could not be adjusted for achiasmatic oogen-was paternal or maternal, yielding a so-called chromosomeesis, I could not calculate genetic distances betweenprint (Figure 3). To identify the Z chromosome, mater-

nal dominant markers were expected to segregate in a neighboring markers directly. Therefore, I converted

Page 4: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

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ESTs used in this analysis


Name Primer sequences C108 p50

Larval serum protein F TCAAAGACAAAGACATAGCC ca. 900 bp ca. 1200 bp(D12523, D01179) R CAGCAGAATCAGAGAAACAG

Bm engrailed F TGGTCTCTTCTTTTTCTGTA ca. 630 bp ca. 770 bp(M64335) R AGTTTATCTGTTTGGTTATG

Bm invected F TAGAGATGAAGGCGAGAGAA AluI susceptible AluI resistant(M64336) R CGACTGTTATGAAGACTGCT

Silk protein P25 F TCATACCTTTTTCCCTGTCC MboI resistant MboI susceptible(D12521) R AATACTCGCTTCACCGTTCC

Yolk protein F ATGCTATTGTTTCGCTTTTC DraI susceptible DraI resistant(X04223) R CTCTATTAGTGTCTGTTTGG

Early chorion A4 F ACAAATACAAATGATGAAAA ca. 700 bp Not amplified(X58447) R AATACCGCACTATACTCTAA

Vitellogenin F GAAACTAACTCAAAATGGTA Not amplified ca. 950 bp(D30733) R TAAGAACAAAGACAAAACAG

PTTHa F GACTCCTGCGATTTAGTTTC ca. 350 bp ca. 490 bpProthoracicotropic hormone R CAAAGAAAGTTTATACAGTG

Accession numbers are indicated in parentheses.a Synthesized according to Shimada et al. (1994).

F2 intercross data to backcross (BC) 1 data with the erated new heteroduplex bands were utilized as linkingmarkers (Table 2).criteria described below.

An individual having a C108-derived nonrecombinant Other candidates for map integration were markersshowing a segregation ratio of 1:1. Many of them werechromosome is not informative for calculating recombi-

nation values between C108-dominant markers because on the Z chromosome of the maternal strain (Figure2B). In this case, segregation behavior of paternal domi-it must show positive signals regardless of the crossing

over in the other chromosome (Figure 2A). Therefore, I nant markers in F2 females could easily be integratedinto those of maternal markers (Figure 2B).used only individuals confirmed as having a p50-derived

nonrecombinant chromosome to calculate genetic dis- On the other hand, heterozygosity in parental strainsalso leads to similar results. If a heterozygous dominanttances between C108-dominant markers, and vice versa.

The presence or absence of markers in such individuals marker succeeds to an F1 female, the segregation behav-ior in F2 individuals would reveal the marker composi-could be interpreted as BC1 data (Figure 2A; for exam-

ples, see behavior of markers A, D, and E in type B tion of the nonrecombinant chromosome, which wouldbe reflected in chromosome print (Figure 2A; markers Bprogeny and markers F, G, and J in type A progeny).

On average, 61.7 individuals were informative for C108- and H). Only one marker, R121124, was classified inthis category since its behavior completely agreed withdominant markers and 62.0 individuals were informa-

tive for p50-dominant markers. chromosome print of Linkage Group O (Figure 3).If an F1 male inherits a locus that was heterozygousConnecting the C108- and p50-dominant linkage

groups: Map construction as described above inevitably in the parental strains, its segregation pattern is informa-tive for linkage analysis in both types of F2 individuals,generated two linkage groups for each chromosome

(Figure 4). Integration of the two groups required con- and is useful for connecting the two linkage groups(Figure 2A; markers C and I). I found several markers ofnecting markers between them. One candidate was co-

dominant markers. The ESTs listed in Table 1 were this type (Table 2). Interestingly, some of these markersseemed to be clustered, suggesting that these chromo-useful for this purpose. In addition, I found a number

of RAPDs that behaved like codominant markers. C108- some regions of the parental strains remained heterozy-gous (Table 2). It may be a clue to the presence ofand p50-dominant bands of such markers not only were

of similar size but also generated putative heteroduplex recessive lethals.The correspondence of molecular linkage groups toproducts in heterozygotes (Figure 1B) as reported in

previous work in the honeybee (Hunt and Page 1995). the conventional linkage groups: For utilization of thegenetic resources of the silkworm mutants for molecularI tested whether these bands were codominant or not

by heteroduplex formation (Figure 1C); bands that gen- analysis, it is desirable to map conventional mutations

Page 5: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

1517A Dense Genetic Map of Bombyx mori

Figure 2.—Schematic representation ofbehavior of dominant markers on au-tosomes (A) and the Z chromosome (B) inan F2 intercross. Note that type B progenyand F2 males must be positive for paternalmarkers, and maternal markers are alwaysheterozygous in these progeny. See the textfor the case of heterozygous markers of pa-rental strains (markers B, C, H, and I).

on the molecular linkage maps newly developed in this 13 (Figure 5). Moreover, pe, re, and oc loci belonged tothe same linkage group, as expected (Figure 5).analysis. As a first step, I tried to find the correspondence

of some of these molecular linkage groups with theconventional counterparts.

DISCUSSIONAs described above, I could already find such relation-

ships for ELG 1, 2, 19, and 22 (Figure 4). In addition, RAPD analysis is superior to other methods for link-age analysis in many respects. It requires a small amountmatings of C108 with two recessive mutant strains,

NISES 912 (pe-re, ch) and 920 (lem, oc), were performed. of DNA and no special apparatus, expensive reagents,or complicated procedures. Therefore, it is suitable forpe(pink eye)-re(red eye) and oc (C translucent) loci belong

to ELG 5, lem (lemon) to ELG 3, and ch (chocolate) to large-scale analysis at low cost. Because it does not de-pend on knowing any specific sequences, such as SSR,ELG 13, respectively (Doira 1992). F2 linkage analysis

revealed the molecular counterparts of ELG 3, 5, and restriction sites, repetitive elements, or expressed se-

Page 6: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

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Figure 2.—(continued)

quences, there are no major limitations for improving of primer pairs using a limited number of primers (e.g.,Brickener et al. 1996). Screening of 10,000 single prim-map resolution.

In spite of these advantages, RAPD analysis has been ers is far from feasible, if not impossible, but 10,000primer pair combinations can be tested using only 143treated as an uncertain method for mapping because

of its so-called lower reproducibility. I improved repro- primers.The two main problems for utilization of double prim-ducibility by screening a great number of primer pairs

rather than single primers. It seems unusual that single ers will be whether new information is obtained, andwhether the banding patterns generated by this methodprimers are specifically utilized in RAPD analysis

whereas double primers are commonly used in PCR for are reproducible. As shown in Figure 1, the bandingpatterns generated with double primers were oftenalmost all other purposes. Using double primers has a

great advantage, especially for constructing a dense quite different from those of each single primer, andmany of them were amplified more consistently com-map, due to the exponential increase of combinations

Page 7: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

1519A Dense Genetic Map of Bombyx mori

pared to using a single primer. For the 719 primer pairsthat I used a result of prescreening nearly 8000 pairs,there was no evidence that the use of double primersreduced reproducibility. I concluded that doubleprimer RAPD analysis was a cost-effective tool for large-scale linkage analysis of small organisms. Anyone caneasily utilize my map just by purchasing seven kits ofcommercially available primers.

Estimation of the fraction of the genome covered bythe mapped region is difficult because autosomes havetwo parallel series of linkage groups in these experi-ments (Figure 4), and the extent of overlap should beconfirmed by linking markers. Linkage groups of C108-dominant markers covered 2300.8 cM, whereas thoseof p50-dominant markers covered 2359.9 cM. However,my mapping strategy overestimated genetic distanceswhen precise behavior of the nonrecombinant chromo-some was not identified and untyped F2 progeny (indi-cated as a dash in Figure 3) were excluded for calcu-lation. Except for Linkage Group O, all autosomesretained this ambiguity (Figure 3). The sizes of LinkageGroup O were 73.4 cM for C108-dominant markers and116.4 cM for p50-dominant markers. If the calculationis performed just as for other groups, namely ignoringinformation obtained from R121124A, these sizes are93.4 cM and 133.9 cM, respectively. In this case, theextent of overestimate varied from 15.0 to 27.2%. Usingthis value, the actual sizes of linkage groups were esti-mated as 1841.2–2020.5 cM for C108-dominant markersand 1894.2–2075.8 cM for p50-dominant markers. Themean intervals between markers were 3.54–3.89 cM forC108-dominant and 3.67–4.02 cM for p50-dominantmarkers. This resolution is sufficient for fine dissectionof quantitative trait loci (QTL) or complex traits gov-erned by multiple genes.

Considering potentially overlapping regions of thetwo series of linkage groups, the complete recombina-tion length of B. mori was estimated to be z2000 cM.Linkage maps previously reported cover 413 cM basedon RFLPs (Shi et al. 1995; 60 markers), 897.4 cM basedon RAPDs (Promboon et al. 1995; 169 markers), and900.2 cM based on phenotypic markers (Doira 1992;207 markers). My estimate is twofold greater in size thanprevious reports. However, the value seems not to betoo large since the other maps have many gaps, un-mapped loci, and linkage groups whose length is uncer-tain or very short in part due to the small number ofmarkers. The physical genome size of B. mori is reportedas 495 Mb (Gage 1974). Therefore, the average interval

Figure 3.—Chromosome print presents typing of nonrecombi-nant chromosomes for each F2 individual (in column) andlinkage group (in row). C, nonrecombinant chromosome de-rived from C108; D, nonrecombinant chromosome derivedfrom p50 (Daizo); a dash indicates that origin of nonrecombi-nant chromosome was not identified.

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of markers is z500 kb and the relationship between that crossing-over rates are inversely correlated withchromosome size, because average chromosome sizesphysical and genetic distances is z250 kb/cM. This

value is intermediate between the honey bee (52 kb/ are 11.1 Mb for the honey bee, 17.1 Mb for the silkworm,and 47 Mb for the fruit fly (Hunt and Page 1995).cM; Hunt and Page 1995) and the fruit fly (575 kb/

cM; Merriam et al. 1991), agreeing well with the idea Integration of linkage groups of C108- and p50-domi-

Page 9: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

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Figure 4.—(continued)

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Page 12: A Dense Genetic Map of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori ......groups to counterparts of the conventional linkage map was determined. This map is the first linkage map in insects having a

1524 Y. Yasukochi

Figure 5.—The corre-spondence between molec-ular and phenotypic mark-ers. The left bars showlinkage groups of C108-dominant markers derivedfrom mating with p50. Themiddle and right bars pre-sent those derived frommatings with recessive mu-tants. Marker intervals seemto be larger in matings withmutants probably becausethe numbers of markersscored and F2 individualswere much smaller.

nant markers is one of the remaining problems. It is ers were previously reported (Antolin et al. 1996;critical to establish cost- and labor-saving methods to Mutebi et al. 1997). Alternatively, heteroduplex forma-map codominant markers that connect both groups. tion, used in this report for confirmation of codominantPCR-based methods, such as SSCP (Hayashi 1991), may markers (Figure 1C), might also become an effectivebe useful for this purpose. SSCP analyses of RAPD mark- tool. I have succeeded in finding polymorphisms of

several sequence tagged sites using this method (Y.Yasukochi, unpublished results).

TABLE 2 The map reported here is the first molecular linkageLinking markers between C108- and map of insects having a large number of chromosomes

p50-dominant markers (n 5 28) with a one-to-one correspondence betweenlinkage groups and chromosomes. The mapping strat-

Markers C108 (bp) p50 (bp) Linkage groups egy used in this experiment can be easily applied toother organisms having achiasmatic meioses found inCodominant markersheterozygous wild populations. The overall average dis-R115139B/X 500 480 B

R4371A/X 350 370 B tance of my map approaches nearly 2 cM/marker toR1081A/X 1050 1150 C date, and there are no fundamental limitations to im-R0443A/Y 780 950 E proving it. We are now constructing a bacterial artificialR04354A/X 700 660 E

chromosome (BAC; Shizuya et al. 1992) library. Com-R0794B/Y 600 740 Fbining the dense linkage map, the BAC library, and theR2878B/Y 1100 1200 Imutant genetic resources of the silkworm, map-basedR6291A/X 360 290 J

R25105A/X 300 360 22 cloning will be feasible within a few years, and light willMarkers segregated at a 1:1 ratio be thrown on molecular mechanisms that cause various

R0424B 800 — H mutant phenotypes.R4255A 540 — H

I particularly thank Dr. M. R. Goldsmith for critical discussion of theR4263A 300 — Hmanuscript. I am also grateful to Dr. T. Shimada for kindly providingR4584C 460 — Hsilkworm strains, Dr. T. Tamura, Dr. T. Kanda, Ms. Y. Takasu, andR42111A 280 — OMr. N. Komoto for useful suggestions and support, and Mr. N. Yone-R0273A 420 — 19mura for setting up MAPMAKER. This work was partly supported byR5376B 580 — 19Enhancement of Center of Excellence, Special Coordination Funds

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