A Compromisingly Short Essay on Compromise A compromise is a settlement of differences by mutual concessions. It is the situation most beneficial considering the impossibility of either of the two parties to abandon their conviction. Even though it is a crucial part in resolving conflicts, some may argue that it is not wise to make a lifestyle out of it. First of all, compromising can be considered to be an adaptation to the conditions that would otherwise stand against the accomplishment of certain goals. Thus, it is part of evolution. It is a given fact that the world is constantly prone to changes, and survival depends on the ability to come to terms with them, however without straying from the initial purpose. On the other side, it may only be a way of cutting corners instead of going the full length of fighting for the side one has taken. It can also be viewed as an early renunciation of the cause one is fighting for. It is true that compromise can take a destructive form. It can lead to a slow decay of moral values. With every compromise one makes, one gives up a minimum of advantages or in some case principle one had prior to the situation at hand. Giving up principles for temporary advantages is one of the destructive kinds of compromise because the more one agrees bend the rules, the thinner the moral boundaries appear. One may then not know where to stop giving in. A very pertinent example would be vices and drugs. Desiring the immediate effect, one may overlook the long term implications. Also, indulging in one recurrent vice may lead to the acceptance of others. Of course, the negative impact compromise has on one’s lifestyle can be prevented not by adopting an immovable, uncompromising attitude, but by simply judging whether a certain compromise is the optimal decision one can make. Considering the outcome abusing compromise can have, it is still not enough to rule it out. The conclusion would be that although it can have a bad effect if not judged correctly, compromise is a vital part

A Compromisingly Short Essay on Compromise

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A Compromisingly Short Essay on Compromise

A compromise is a settlement of differences by mutual concessions. It is the situation most beneficial considering the impossibility of either of the two parties to abandon their conviction. Even though it is a crucial part in resolving conflicts, some may argue that it is not wise to make a lifestyle out of it.

First of all, compromising can be considered to be an adaptation to the conditions that would otherwise stand against the accomplishment of certain goals. Thus, it is part of evolution. It is a given fact that the world is constantly prone to changes, and survival depends on the ability to come to terms with them, however without straying from the initial purpose. On the other side, it may only be a way of cutting corners instead of going the full length of fighting for the side one has taken. It can also be viewed as an early renunciation of the cause one is fighting for.

It is true that compromise can take a destructive form. It can lead to a slow decay of moral values. With every compromise one makes, one gives up a minimum of advantages or in some case principle one had prior to the situation at hand. Giving up principles for temporary advantages is one of the destructive kinds of compromise because the more one agrees bend the rules, the thinner the moral boundaries appear. One may then not know where to stop giving in. A very pertinent example would be vices and drugs. Desiring the immediate effect, one may overlook the long term implications. Also, indulging in one recurrent vice may lead to the acceptance of others. Of course, the negative impact compromise has on one’s lifestyle can be prevented not by adopting an immovable, uncompromising attitude, but by simply judging whether a certain compromise is the optimal decision one can make.

Considering the outcome abusing compromise can have, it is still not enough to rule it out. The conclusion would be that although it can have a bad effect if not judged correctly, compromise is a vital part of a functional society and one has to be able to compromise without losing oneself to moral decay, but rather in a diplomatic fashion that adjusts and balances social interaction.