02 AFS 321 Active steering deactivated! Active steering deactivated. Steering behaviour altered. Steering wheel may be at an angle.Possible to continue the journey. Steer with care. 03 AHM 4 Trailer, parking light, left! Check 04 AHM 5 Trailer, side light, right! Check 05 AHM 6 Trailer, direction indicator light, left! Check 06 AHM 7 Trailer, direction indicator light, right! Check 07 AHM 8 Trailer, brake lights! Check 08 AHM 9 Trailer, fog light! Check 09 AHM 75 Trailer electrics failed! Trailer electrics failed. Trailer lights affected. Have the problem checked by the nearest BMW Service. 10 AHM 90 Trailer reversing light! 11 CAS 14 Door open! No. Control unit ID code Fixed indicator lamp Variable indicator lamp Check Control message Message in Central Information Display

A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

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Page 1: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

23E90 Driver Information Systems

A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear from pages 24-51.

02 AFS 321 Active steeringdeactivated!

Active steeringdeactivated.Steering behaviouraltered. Steering wheelmay be at anangle.Possible tocontinue the journey.Steer with care.

03 AHM 4 Trailer, parkinglight, left! Check

04 AHM 5 Trailer, side light,right! Check

05 AHM 6 Trailer, directionindicator light,left! Check

06 AHM 7 Trailer, directionindicator light,right! Check

07 AHM 8 Trailer, brakelights! Check

08 AHM 9 Trailer, fog light!Check

09 AHM 75 Trailer electricsfailed!

Trailer electrics failed.Trailer lights affected.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

10 AHM 90 Trailer reversinglight!

11 CAS 14 Door open!

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 2: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

24E90 Driver Information Systems

12 CAS 15 Door open!

13 CAS 16 Door open!

14 CAS 17 Door open!

15 CAS 18 Bonnet open!Stop carefully

Bonnet open.Bonnet is not locked. Riskof accident!Stop and close bonnet.

16 CAS 21 Ignitionproblems!

The engine may only bestarted with the brakepedal depressed.Contact the nearest BMWService.

17 CAS 22 Starter motor!Do not stopengine

Starter defective!Engine cannot berestarted. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

18 CAS 38 Wrong remotecontrol!

The remote control useddoes not match thevehicle.Please check.

19 CAS 40 Press brake tostart engine

20 CAS 65 Charge key/remote controlbattery!

Battery is automaticallyrecharged in ignition overa longer journey.

21 CAS 66 Remote control!Engine will notstart.

Remote control notpresent or faulty. Enginecannot be started.Refer to Owner'sHandbook.

No. Controlunit




Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 3: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

25E90 Driver Information Systems

22 CAS 67 Remote controlbatterydischarged.

Batteries of remotecontrol with integratedkey run down. Replacebatteries, see Owner'sHandbook.

23 CAS 68 Batteries ofremote controlfor stationaryfunctions!

Batteries of remotecontrol for stationaryfunctions run down.Replace batteries, seeOwner's Handbook.

24 CAS 186 ELV!Do not turn offengine

Electric steering lock(ELV) faulty.ELV is no longer releasedafter turning off engine.Engine cannot be started.Do not turn off if engine isrunning.

25 CAS 187 ELV blocked!Move steeringwheel

The "electric steeringlock" ELV blocks theengine start function.Move steering wheel sothat engine can bestarted.

26 CAS 205 Remote control!Do not turn offengine

Remote control not inignition. It may bepossible that the enginecannot be restarted,therefore do not turn off.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

27 CAS 206Next time buttonis pressed:starts engine!

Attention engine start!Keep clear of movingparts in enginecompartment.Risk of injury!

28 CAS 208Comfort accessdeactivated!

Comfort accessdeactivated.

29 CAS 209 Remote controlinside vehicle!

Remote control insidevehicle. Locking/securingthe vehicle from outside isnot possible. Remove theremote control from thevehicle.

No. Controlunit




Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 4: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

26E90 Driver Information Systems

30 CAS 217 No remotecontrol!

Remote control not inproximity of vehicle.Locking/securing notpossible. Please carry theremote control on yourperson.

31 CAS 303 Press clutch tostart engine

32 CAS 335 Ignition switchedon

33 CAS 347 Position R, N, Dmay not be notpossible

MalfunctionPositionR, N, D may not bepossible!Activate emergencyrelease for selector lever ifnecessary. Refer toOwner's Handbook. Havethe problem checked bythe nearest BMWService.

34 CAS 348 Engage positionP before leavingvehicle

Engage stage P beforeleaving vehicle.Possible malfunction inignition or transmission/selector lever.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

35 CAS 349 Ignitioncan only beturned off inposition P!


19 Boot open!

37 DME1_DDE1

25 Preheating!Please wait

38 DME1_DDE1

26 Cruise controldefective

Cruise control failed.Possible to continuejourney. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 5: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

27E90 Driver Information Systems

39 DME1_DDE1

27 Engine oil level!Top up engine oil

Engine oil at minimumlevel.At the next opportunitytop up with 1 litre engineoil, see Owner'sHandbook.

40 DME1_DDE1

28 Engine oil level!Top up engine oil Engine oil below

minimum level.At the next opportunitytop up with 1 litre engineoil, see Owner'sHandbook.

41 DME1_DDE1

29 Engine problem!Loss of power

Engine problemFull engine power nolonger available.Drive carefully. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

42 DME1_DDE1

30 Engine!Stop carefully

Engine problem.Continuing driving cancause engine damage.Stop and turn off engine.Contact nearest BMWService.

43 DME1_DDE1

31 Increasedemissions!

Engine probleminfluencing exhaustemissions.Have checked by yourBMW Service as soon aspossible.

44 DME1_DDE1

32 Fuel filler capopen!

Fuel filler cap.Fuel or fuel vapours mayescape.Check whether fuel fillercap is closed and lockedproperly.

45 DME1_DDE1

33 Engine problem!Drive carefully

Engine problem.Increased engine load candamage catalyticconverter. Drive at lowengine load.Have checked by nearestBMW Service.

46 DME1_DDE1


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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 6: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

28E90 Driver Information Systems

47 DME1_DDE1

39 Engineoverheating!Stop carefully

Engine overheating.Turn off engine and allowto cool down. Do notopen bonnet, danger ofscalding.Risk of scalding!Contact the nearest BMWService.

48 DME1_DDE1

49 Particle filterfault!

Particle filter malfunction.Possible to continuejourney.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

49 DME1_DDE1

148 Brake lightcontrol failed! Brake light failed. Have

the problem checked bythe nearest BMWService.

50 DME1_DDE1

182 Oil level sensormalfunction!

Oil level sensormalfunction! Have theproblem checked byBMW Service as soon aspossible.

51 DME1_DDE1

212 Engine oilpressure!Stop carefully

Engine oil pressure toolow.Engine damage possible.Turn off engine.Not possible to continuejourney.Contact the nearest BMWService.

52 DME1_DDE1

213 Battery notcharged!

Alternator malfunction.Battery is no longercharged. Switch offunnecessary electricloads.Have checked by nearestBMW Service.

53 DME1_DDE1

220 Increased batterydischarge!

High rate of batterydischarge with enginestationary. It may not bepossible to restart engine.Switch off unnecessaryelectric loads. Have theproblem checked byBMW Service.

54 DME1_DDE1

229 Battery chargevery low!

Battery charge very low.Recharge by driving orusing external charger.Automatic electric loadwill soon shut down!

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 7: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

29E90 Driver Information Systems

55 DME1_DDE1

247 Batterymonitoringfailed!

Automatic monitoring ofbattery charge statusfailed.Have the problemchecked by BMWService.

56 DME1_DDE1

257 Engine too hot!Drive carefully

Engine temperature toohighDrive with moderation toallow the engine to cooldown. If problem recurs,contact BMW Service.

57 DME1_DDE1

304 Battery! Check Battery aged.Have checked by yourBMW Service.

58 DME1_DDE1

305 Batteryterminals!Check

Battery not securelyconnected. Electricalpower supplyendangered. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

59 DME1_DDE1

306 Batterycharge very low!

Battery charge very low.Electric conveniencefunctions switched off torelieve load on battery.These functions will beavailable again afterrecharging the battery.

60 DSCmodule

24 DSC failed!Drive carefully

DBC failure.nNo additional DBCassistance whileemergency braking. Drivemoderately.

Have the problemchecked by BMW Serviceas soon as possible.

61 DSCmodule

35 DSC failed!Drive carefully

DSC failed.Restricted driving stabilitywhen accelerating andcornering. Drive carefully.

Have the problemchecked by BMW Serviceas soon as possible.

62 DSCmodule

36 DSCdeactivated!

You have switched offDSC. Reduced drivingstability when corneringand accelerating.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 8: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

30E90 Driver Information Systems

63 DSCmodule

71 Brake pads!Replace

The brake pads are worn.Have replaced by nearestBMW Service.

64 DSCmodule

74 Brake fluid!Stop carefully

Insufficient brake fluid.Braking effect reduced.Stop carefully Contact thenearest BMW Service.

65 DSCmodule

184 DTC activated,DSC restricted!

DTC activated.Dynamic traction controlDTC increases forwardpropulsion on looseground, reduces drivingstability.

66 DSCmodule


67 DSCmodule

236 Control systems!Drive carefully

Brake and driving controlsystems failure. Reducedbraking and drivingstability. Avoid brakingabruptly if possible.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

68 DSCmodule

237 Drive controlsystem!Drive carefully!

Driving stabilityDriving control systemfailed. Reduced drivingstability when cornering.Drive carefully. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

69 DSCmodule

330 HDC currentlynot available!

HDC not available.Automatic brakeintervention deactivatedfor safety reasons asbrakes are overheated.Shift down gear and drivecarefully to reducetemperature.

70 DSCmodule

331 HDC active!

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 9: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

31E90 Driver Information Systems

71 DSCmodule

332 HDCdeactivated!

HDC deactivated.Hill Descent Control HDCis deactivated at speedabove 60 km/h (37 mph).Reactivation possible atspeed below 35 km/h(22 mph).

72 DSCmodule

333 No HDC control!Drive slower

HDC not possible!Control range ends at35 km/h (22 mph).Reduce speedcorrespondingly in orderto use HDC.

73 DSCmodule

334 End of assemblyline:Standardize RPA

End of assembly linemode:Tyre failure indicator mustbe standardized! Refer toOwner's Handbook.

74 DSCmodule


75 DSCmodule

352 Brakes too hot!Allow to cooldown

Brakes too hotCritical temperature asthe result of highpermanent load. Dangerof reduced braking effect!Allow brakes to cooldown. Stop if necessary.

76 DSCmodule

353 Brakesoverheated!Allow to cooldown

Brakes overheated.Critical temperatureexceeded. Braking effectno longer guaranteed.Stop at the nextopportunity and allowbrakes to cool downsignificantly.

77 DSCmodule

354 Start-offassistanceinactive!

Start-off assistanceinactiveCaution, vehicle may rollback! Have checked byyour BMW Service at thenext opportunity.

78 DSCmodule(EBV/CBC)

42 Control systems!Drive carefully

Brake and driving controlsystems failure. Drive withmoderation and avoidhard braking. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 10: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

32E90 Driver Information Systems

79 DSCmodule(RPA)

50 Tyre failureindicatorfailed!

Tyre failureindicator failed.Tyre failure is notdetected. Have theproblem checked byBMW Service as soon aspossible.

80 DSCmodule(RPA)

63 Tyre failure! Tyre failure.Stop carefully. Refer toOwner's Handbook forwheel change procedure.Runflat tyres:Possible to continuedriving at max. speed of80 km/h for limiteddistance, see Owner'sHandbook. Have tyreschecked by the nearestBMW Service .

81 DXC 350 4x4 systemdefective!Drive carefully

4x4 system defectiveDriving stability restricted.Drive with moderation.Have the problemchecked by BMW Serviceas soon as possible.

82 DXC 351 4x4 system andDSC failed!

4x4 system and DSCfailed!. Driving stabilityrestricted. Drive withmoderation. Have theproblem checked byBMW Service as soon aspossible.

83 DXC 369 4x4 system, DSCand ABS failed!

4x4 system, DSC andABS failed. Drivingstability restricted. Drivewith moderation. Havethe problem checked byBMW Service as soon aspossible.

84 DXC 370 4x4 system,DSC, ABS andEMERGENCYEBV failed!

4x4 system, DSC, ABSand EMERGENCY EBVfailed! Driving stabilityrestricted. Drive withmoderation. Havechecked immediately byyour BMW Service.


104 Gearboxtemperature!Drive carefully

Risk of gearboxoverheating.Gearshift program withrestricted driving active.Avoid high engine load.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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33E90 Driver Information Systems


105 Gearboxtemperature!Stop carefully

Transmissionoverheated.Stop vehicle and engagePark.After gearbox has cooleddown, continue drivingwith moderation.If gearbox overheatsagain, have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.


171 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Emergency programactive.P, R, N, D possible(forwards only in 3rd and5th gear).Gear may be engagedwithout braking. Drivewith moderation. Havethe problem checked bythe nearest BMWService.


172 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Emergency programactive. It may not bepossible to engagereverse gear. Reducedacceleration.Drive carefully!Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.


178 Transmission inposition N!

Vehicle not protectedagainst rolling away.Engage gear or applyparking brake.


248 Gear can beengaged withoutbrake.

Brake signal malfunction.Gear can be engagedwithout brake. Pressbrake before engaginggear. Turn off enginebefore leaving vehicle.Have the problemchecked by BMW Serviceas soon as possible.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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34E90 Driver Information Systems


254 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Emergency programactive.Acceleration may bereduced.

Drive carefully. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.


287 Clutchoverheated!

Clutch overheated.If possible, stop vehicle ordrive off at speed.


288 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Emergency programactivated.Only R, N and 1st to 3rdgear available.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.


289 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Emergency programactivated.Only R, N and 1st to 3rdgear available.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.


290 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Possible to continuejourney at moderatespeed. Journey can nolonger be continued afterstopping. Contact thenearest BMW Service.


291 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Emergency programactivated. Only D, N and Ravailable. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 13: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

35E90 Driver Information Systems


292 Transmission!Re-engage gear

Transmissionmalfunction!Position N is engagedautomatically whenvehicle is stationary. Havethe problem checked bythe nearest BMWService.


293 Start:select pos. N andpress brake

Before starting the enginepress the brake and shiftselector lever to positionN.


302 Transmissionposition P notengaged!

Transmission position P isnot engaged!Vehicle may roll away!


307 Transmissionmalfunction!Drive carefully

Transmissionmalfunction.Several functions may befaulty. It is possible toengage gear withoutapplying the brake. Drivewith moderation. Havethe problem checked bythe nearest BMWService!


322 Transmission!Teach-in active


323 Clutch!Teach-in active


325 Transmission inposition N!


368 Transm. failsafe! Transm. failsafe! Possibleto continue journey. Havethe problem checked bythe nearest BMWService!

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 14: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

36E90 Driver Information Systems

105 EHC 45 Level controlsystem failure!

Level control systemfailure!Ground clearance anddriving comfort reduced.Avoid high speedcornering. Have faultchecked by BMW Serviceas soon as possible.

106 EHC 245 Level controlSystemmalfunction!

Level control Systemmalfunction.Possible reduction indriving comfort. Have theproblem checked byBMW Service.

107 EKP 216 Fuel pump fault!Drive moderately

Fuel pump.Fuel pump fault.Engine may stall. Possiblereduction in enginepowerDrive moderately!Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

108 EKP 309 Fuel pump! Fuel pump malfunction.Possible to continuejourney.Have the problemchecked by\nthe nearestBMW Service

109 EPS 73 EPS inoperative

110 FRM 87 Rear light, right,failure!

Rear light, right, failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

111 FRM 88 Dipped beam,left, failure!

Dipped beam, left, failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

112 FRM 89 Dipped beam,right, failure!

Dipped beam, right,failure. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

113 FRM 111 Left licence platelight failed!

Left licence plate light,failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 15: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

37E90 Driver Information Systems

114 FRM 113 Side lightswitched on!

115 FRM 114 Left rear fog lightdefective!

Fog light, rear left, failureHave the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

116 FRM 115 Reversing light,right, failure!

Right reversing lightfailed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

117 FRM 116 Turn indicator,rear left, failure!

Turn indicator, rear left,failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

118 FRM 117 Reversing light,left, failure!

Reversing light, left,failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

119 FRM 118 Rear light, right,failure!

Rear light, right, failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

120 FRM 119 Front rightdirectionindicator failed!

Turn indicator, front right,failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

121 FRM 120 Dipped beam,left, failure!

Dipped beam, left, failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

122 FRM 121 Dipped beam,right, failure!

Dipped beam, right,failure. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

123 FRM 122 Front leftdirectionindicator failed!

Turn indicator, front left,failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

124 FRM 123 Right tail lightfailed!

Rear light, left, failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 16: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

38E90 Driver Information Systems

125 FRM 124 Right directionindicatorrepeater failed!

Right direction indicatorrepeater failed .Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

126 FRM 125 Turn indicator,rear right, failure!

Turn indicator, rear right,failure.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

127 FRM 126 Right fog lightdefective!

Right fog light failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

128 FRM 127 Side turnindicator, left,failure!

Left direction indicatorrepeater failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

129 FRM 128 Left high beamheadlight failed!

Left high beam headlightfailed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

130 FRM 129 Right rear foglight defective!

Fog light, rear right,failure.Have the problemchecked by BMWService.

131 FRM 130 Right high beamheadlight failed!

Right high beamheadlight failed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

132 FRM 131 Parking light frontleft, failure!

Front left side light failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

133 FRM 132 Front right sidelight failed!

Front right side lightfailed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

134 FRM 133 Right tail lightfailed!

Left tail light failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

Page 17: A comprehensive listing of check control messages appear ... · 39 Engine overheating! Stop carefully ... Automatic brake ... indicator failed. Tyre failure is not detected. Have

39E90 Driver Information Systems

135 FRM 134 Right brake lightfailed!

Right brake light failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

136 FRM 135 Third brake lightfailed!

Third brake light failed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

137 FRM 136 Left brake lightfailed!

Left brake light failed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

138 FRM 137 Right licenceplate light failed!

Right licence plate lightfailed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

139 FRM 138 Left fog lightdefective!

Left fog light failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

140 FRM 196 Front rightdirectionindicator failed!

Front right directionindicator failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

141 FRM 197 Front leftdirectionindicator failed!

Front left directionindicator failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

142 FRM 231 Light system!Stop carefully

Light system.Indicator lights andpossibly directionindicators, fog light, highbeam headlight andheadlight flasherinoperative. Stop vehicle,check and continuejourney cautiously. Havethe problem checked bythe nearest BMWService.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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40E90 Driver Information Systems

143 FRM 256 Headlight verticalaim control!

Headlight vertical aimcontrol malfunction!Optimum illumination ofroad not possibleheadlights may dazzleoncoming traffic.Have the problemchecked by BMW Serviceas soon as possible.

144 FRM 259 Power windowsanti-trappingfunction!

Power windows.Anti-trapping functiondeactivated.

145 FRM 261 Power windowsanti-trappingfunction!

Power windows.Anti-trapping functionfailed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

146 FRM 345 Right brake/taillight!

Right brake/tail lightfailed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

147 FRM 346 Left brake/taillight!

Left brake/tail lightfailed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

148 FRM 371 Licence platelight failed!

Licence plate light failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

149 FRM 372 Left brake forcelight defective

Left brake force lightfailed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

150 FRM 373 Right brake forcelight defective

Right brake force lightfailed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.


295 Cornering lightsfailure! !

Adaptive Cornering lightsfailure! ! nPossible tocontinue journey withcaution. Have theproblem checked byBMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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41E90 Driver Information Systems

152 JB 164 Washer fluid leveltoo low!

Not enough fluid inwasher-fluid reservoir.Top up the washer fluid atthe earliest opportunity,see Owner's Handbook.

153 JB 166 Coolant level toolow!

Engine coolant level toolow. Risk of enginedamage.At next opportunity, topup coolant, see Owner'sHandbook. Caution: Riskof scalding!

154 JB(instrumentcluster)

207 Electronicsmalfunction!Stop vehiclecarefully

Central electronics failure.It is not possible tocontinue your journey.Contact the nearest BMWService.

155 Instrument cluster

0 Reports no faults

156 Instrument cluster

13 Remote controlkey!

157 Instrument cluster

37 Trigger

158 Instrument cluster

41 Service due! Service due.Unable to inform yourBMW Serviceautomatically. Contactyour BMW Service.

159 Instrument cluster

55 Release parkingbrake

160 Instrument cluster

60 Speedometerdisplay fault!

Speedometer displaymalfunction. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

161 Instrument cluster

62 Speed limitexceeded

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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42E90 Driver Information Systems

162 Instrument cluster

78 Speed limitexceeded!

163 Instrument cluster

79 Outsidetemperature %s

164 Instrument cluster


165 Instrument cluster

165 Outsidetemperature %s

166 Instrument cluster

167 Set time anddate

Battery wasdisconnected, time anddate displays are nolonger correct.Reset, see Owner'sHandbook.

167 Instrument cluster


168 Instrument cluster

275 Fuel reserve!

169 Instrument cluster

279 Driver's seatback notengaged!

Driver's seat back notengaged! Increased riskof injury in event ofcollision, seat beltineffective! Engage seatback.

170 Instrument cluster

280 Frontpassenger's seatback notengaged!

Front passenger's seatback not engaged.Increased risk of injury inevent of collision, beltineffective! Engage seatback.

171 Instrument cluster

281 Service due!

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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43E90 Driver Information Systems

172 Instrument cluster


173 Instrument cluster


174 Instrument cluster

284 Service overdue!

175 Instrument cluster

285 No service due

176 Instrument cluster

286 Range %s

177 Instrument cluster

301 Seat backrestmonitoringdefective!

Seat backrest monitoringfailed. Lock backrest.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

178 Instrument cluster


179 LDM 1 ACC inactive!Drive moderately

Active cruise control.ACC inactive due toslippery conditions. Keepyour distance and drivemoderately! Activate ACCas required underappropriate drivingconditions.

180 LDM 2 ACC inactive!Keep yourdistance

Active cruise control.ACC inactive ActiveCruise Control (ACC) notavailable.Keep your distance!Wipe the sensor clean atthe next opportunity, seeOwner's Handbook.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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44E90 Driver Information Systems

181 LDM 3 ACC failure!Keep yourdistance

Active cruise control.ACC deactivated . Keepyour distance! Have theproblem checked byBMW Service.

182 LDM 59 ACC deactivated! Parking brake

Active Cruise ControlACC deactivated due tooperation of parkingbrake. Reactivate ACC ifdesired.

183 LDM 69 ACC inactive!Keep yourdistance

Active Cruise Control(ACC) is inactive belowapproximately 20 mph (30km/h). Keep yourdistance! Reactivate ACCif required.

184 LDM 85 ACC inactive!Excessivebraking

Active cruise control(ACC) inactive due to longhill descent. Keep yourdistance! Reactivate ACCif required.

185 LDM 176 ACC fault! Keepyour distance

Sensor of Active CruiseControl ACC possiblydirty. Detection ofpreceding vehiclesrestricted (see Owner'sHandbook).\Keep your distance!

186 LDM 276 Engine speed!Select highergear

Engine speed too high.Select a higher gear ifdriving situation permits.

187 LDM 277 ACC inactive!Keep yourdistance

Active cruise controldeactivated: Selectedgear inappropriate fordriving situation. Changegear and activate ACC asrequired.

188 LDM 278 Engine speed!Shift down

Engine speed too low.Select lower gear if drivingsituation permits.

189 LDM 337 DCC failed! Dynamic cruise controlDCC failed. Have theproblem checked byBMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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45E90 Driver Information Systems

190 LDM 338 DCCdeactivated!Parking brake

Dynamic cruise controlDCC deactivated due toapplied parking brakes.Reactivate DCC ifrequired.

191 LDM 339 DCCdeactivated!Excessivebraking

Dynamic cruise controlDCC deactivated due tolong hill descent.Reactivate DCC ifrequired.

192 LDM 340 DCCdeactivated!Drive withmoderation.

Dynamic cruise controlDCC deactivated due toslippery conditions. Drivewith moderation. ActivateDCC as required underappropriate drivingconditions.

193 LDM 341 DCCdeactivated!

Dynamic cruise controlDCC deactivated.Selected gearinappropriate for drivingsituation. Change gearand activate DCC asrequired.

194 LDM 342 DCCdeactivated!

Dynamic cruise controlDCC is inactive below30 km/h (20 mph).Reactivate DCC ifrequired.

195 MDS 260 Sunroof anti-trappingfunction!

Sliding sunroof anti-trapping function inactive.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

196 MDS 262 Sunroof anti-trappingfunction!

Sliding sunroof anti-trapping function failed.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

197 MRS 46 Fasten seat belt

198 MRS 76

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Message in CentralInformation Display

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46E90 Driver Information Systems

199 MRS 77

200 MRS 91 Fasten seat belt

201 MRS 92 Front passengerrestraint systemfaulty!

Passenger seat belt.Seat belt pretensioner orseat belt force limitermalfunction. Ensure yourseat belt is fasteneddespite the fault! Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

202 MRS 93 Driver restraintsystem faulty!

Driver's seat belt.Seat belt pretensioner orseat belt force limitermalfunction. Ensure yourseat belt is fasteneddespite the fault! Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

203 MRS 94 Restraintsystem,rear left, faulty!

Left seat belt in rearcompartment.Seat belt pretensionermalfunction.Ensure your seat belt isfastened despite the fault!Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

204 MRS 95 Restraintsystem,rear right, faulty!

Right seat belt in rearcompartment.Seat belt pretensionermalfunction.Ensure your seat belt isfastened despite the fault!Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

205 MRS 97 Restraintsystemsmalfunction!

Restraint systems.Function of airbags, seatbelt pretensioner and beltforce limiter faulty. Ensureyour seat belt is fasteneddespite the fault!Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

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Message in CentralInformation Display

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47E90 Driver Information Systems

206 MRS 106 Rear left sideairbag faulty!

Left rear compartmentairbag.Side airbag faulty.Do not use left rear seat ifpossible. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

207 MRS 107 Side airbag, rearright faulty!

Right rear compartmentairbag.Side airbag faulty.Do not use right rear seatif possible. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

208 MRS 108 Driver airbagsfaulty!

Driver airbags.Airbag malfunction.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

209 MRS 109 Front passengerairbags faulty!

Passenger airbags.Airbag malfunction.If possible leave frontpassenger seatunoccupied. Have theproblem checked by thenearest BMW Service.

210 MRS 181

211 PDC 195 PDC failure! Park distance controlPDC failed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service as soon aspossible.

212 RDC 139 Front lefttyre failure!

Tyre failure.Stop carefully and changewheel, see Owner'sHandbook.Runflat tyres (RSC): possible to continuejourney at max. speed of80 km/h. Restricteddistance, see Owner'sHandbook.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display

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213 RDC 140 Rear righttyre failure!

Tyre failure.Stop carefully and changewheel, see Owner'sHandbook.Runflat tyres (RSC): possible to continuejourney at max. speed of80 km/h. Restricteddistance, see Owner'sHandbook.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

214 RDC 141 Rear lefttyre failure!

Tyre failure.Stop carefully and changewheel, see Owner'sHandbook.Runflat tyres (RSC): possible to continuejourney at max. speed of80 km/h. Restricteddistance, see Owner'sHandbook.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

215 RDC 142 Tyre pressure!Check

Tyre pressure too low ortoo high.Check and correct, seeOwner's Handbook orinflation pressure sticker.

216 RDC 143 Front righttyre failure!

Tyre failure.Stop carefully and changewheel, see Owner'sHandbook.Runflat tyres (RSC): possible to continuejourney at max. speed of80 km/h.Restricted distance, seeOwner's Handbook.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

217 RDC 144 Tyre pressurecontrol failure!

Temporary operating faultin RDC tyre pressurecontrol (due to externalcause or additional RDCwheels in vehicle).Possible to continuejourney.

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Message in CentralInformation Display

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218 RDC 145 Tyre pressurecontroldeactivated!

Tyre pressure controlRDC not available aswheel without sensor ismounted.Possible to continue thejourney.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

219 RDC 147 Tyre puncture! Tyre failure.Stop carefully and changewheel, see Owner'sHandbook.Runflat tyres (RSC): possible to continuejourney at max. speed of80 km/h.Restricted distance, seeOwner's Handbook.Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

220 RDC 149 Tyre pressurecontrol failure!

Tyre pressure controlRDC not available. Tyrefailure and pressure losscannot be detected. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

221 RDC 192 RDC initialisingduring journey!

RDC is initialized.RDC not available forapprox. 15 to 30 minutes.Tyre failure cantemporarily not bedetected. Initializationwhile driving.

222 RDC 265 Tyre pressure!Check again

Tyre pressure.Right/left pressuredifference too high.Recheck tyre pressures,see Owner's Handbook orinflation pressure label.

223 RDC 327 RDC initialisingduring journey!

RDC is initialized.RDC not available for upto 3 minutes.Tyre failure cantemporarily not bedetected. Initializationwhile driving.

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Message in CentralInformation Display

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224 TCU 296 No SOS calls!Mobile phone?

SOS calls not possible.Insert mobile phone andswitch on.

225 TCU 297 Assistemergency callnot enabled!

BMW Assist emergencycall not possible as notenabled. Refer to BMWAssist agreement andcheck settings.

226 TCU 298 Assistemergency callnot available!

BMW Assist emergencycall.BMW Assist emergencycall not possible in thiscountry. Consultconditions for BMWAssist roaming.

227 TCU 299 SOS call systemfault!

SOS call system fault.SOS call systemfunctions restricted orfailed. Have the problemchecked by the nearestBMW Service.

228 TCU 300 Assistemergency callnot available!SIM?

BMW Assist emergencycall not available. SIM cardnot inserted or unusable.

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Check Controlmessage

Message in CentralInformation Display