+ This will be the final newsletter for this term and indeed 2020. What a strange year we have all had and I am sure we are all looking forward to a New Year. Christmas has definitely arrived this week in school, as first the Senior House girls then Early Years, Forms I and II prepared for then performed their individual Christmas Celebrations. These class performances have been full of marvellous singing and music making, clear speaking voices and enormous fun. It turned out to be surprisingly easy for them to be professionally recorded and most important was the obvious enjoyment on everyone’s faces. I hope you will all enjoy them when you watch them at home. The socially distanced Silly Science workshops have been full of awe and wonder today. Entitled “Kaboom!” the girls were treated to a very stimulating and enjoyable demonstration and explanation of what makes fire combust and how air pressure can be used to launch rockets, balance a variety of balls in mid-air and create a 6 foot high fountain of cola! Enormous fun and very stimulating. Next week there will be some normal lessons and a sprinkling of Christmas themed activities – Monday afternoon’s Christmas crafts; Mufti day on Wednesday, the virtual Christmas pantomime and P.O.S.H. raffle draw to name but a few. Don’t forget to bring in money for raffle tickets as the prizes are excellent. At this time of year, we look forward to time with our families and friends. Christmas can also be a time of reflection as we look back at the year that has passed. In our assemblies, we have talked a lot about feelings and being kind to ourselves and others. This year, I think we can all look back and be proud of what we have learned and how resilient we have been in the face of change and uncertainty. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Mrs Wilson and Mrs McGreevy Deputy Headteachers A Christmas Well Enjoyed by Hannah FVI The candy canes are strung The baubles on the tree The stockings are dangling ready to fill with all things tasty and sweet. The cookies on the table The milk is freshly poured We have to write a thank you note for all Santa can afford. When all the food’s been eaten and the wrapping paper destroyed, we’ll still have all the memories of a Christmas well enjoyed.

A Christmas Well Enjoyed by Hannah FVI

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This will be the final newsletter for this term and indeed 2020. What a

strange year we have all had and I am sure we are all looking forward to a

New Year.

Christmas has definitely arrived this week in school, as first the Senior House girls then Early

Years, Forms I and II prepared for then performed their individual Christmas Celebrations.

These class performances have been full of marvellous singing and music making, clear speaking voices

and enormous fun. It turned out to be surprisingly easy for them to be professionally recorded and

most important was the obvious enjoyment on everyone’s faces. I hope you will all enjoy them when

you watch them at home.

The socially distanced Silly Science workshops have been full of awe and wonder today. Entitled

“Kaboom!” the girls were treated to a very stimulating and enjoyable demonstration and explanation of

what makes fire combust and how air pressure can be used to launch rockets, balance a variety of balls

in mid-air and create a 6 foot high fountain of cola! Enormous fun and very stimulating.

Next week there will be some normal lessons and a sprinkling of Christmas themed activities – Monday

afternoon’s Christmas crafts; Mufti day on Wednesday, the virtual Christmas pantomime and P.O.S.H.

raffle draw to name but a few. Don’t forget to bring in money for raffle tickets as the prizes are


At this time of year, we look forward to time with our families and friends. Christmas can also be a time

of reflection as we look back at the year that has passed. In our assemblies, we have talked a lot about

feelings and being kind to ourselves and others. This year, I think we can all look back and be proud of

what we have learned and how resilient we have been in the face of change and


We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New


Mrs Wilson and Mrs McGreevy

Deputy Headteachers

A Christmas Well Enjoyed by Hannah FVI

The candy canes are strung

The baubles on the tree

The stockings are dangling ready to fill with all things tasty and sweet.

The cookies on the table

The milk is freshly poured

We have to write a thank you note for all Santa can afford.

When all the food’s been eaten and the wrapping paper destroyed, we’ll still have all the memories of a Christmas

well enjoyed.

Headteacher Awards

Nursery – Kyra for trying her best in all activities.

Reception – Amelia for an outstanding performance in the Christmas Nativity.

Form I –Zahra A for her neat handwriting and fantastic artwork. Zahra always listens carefully and

works so hard in every lesson.

Form II – Yiyuan for her growing confidence and for displaying such maturity by taking on another

child’s lines so expertly during the Christmas performance.

Form III – Emma and Jessica for working together so well as joint Form Captains this term. It is the first

time that this role has been shared and I have been so impressed with how they have shared the

responsibility. They have done a fantastic job and have set a wonderful example to the rest of Form III.

Form IV – Mila for demonstrating a hard-working ethos, good behaviour and having good values.

Form V – Grace for always smiling and being positive

Form VI – Georgina for her excellent creative 'Curve Stitching' ideas in Maths this week.

Well done and keep up the good work

Well done to the following FVI girls who have made it through to the Bonus round of the Primary Maths

Challenge which will take place on Wednesday 3rd February. Sahar, Sienna, Emily, Sandhya and Delara


Well done to…..

Miriam F.V passed Flute ABRSM Grade 5 theory with Merit.

Katy F.IV has achieved a merit in her ABRSM Grade 5 practical piano exam.

Kitty F.III was awarded an Outstanding Performance certificate and second place for her cello

performance in the Age 7 and under strings class at the Sutton Music festival.

Aimee F.II received her piano grade

exam certificate. She passed Piano

Grade 2 with Merit.


The girls in Reception have had a

super week and worked really hard.

Their performance on Wednesday

was fantastic and we are all very

proud of them for remembering

their lines and all the songs. They

have also been very busy making a

variety of Christmas decorations,

including festive pine cones, glittery

angels and salt dough tree

decorations. They are all very much

looking forward to the Christmas

Party, Christmas Craft Day and the

pantomime next week.

This week Form II have been

finishing off their space topic and

had a class discussion on whether

animals should have been sent into

space. We had a great discussion

with lots of interesting ideas. We

also looked at a Christmas story

and used the iPad to bring the

stories to life using a VR app.

The Nursery children went on a

local walk and posted their

Christmas letters.

Form III loved having a visit from Silly Billy, the silly scientist today. He made us laugh and wowed

us with some amazing (and very silly) science. We learned that fire needs heat, air and fuel, and

that a rocket can be fired by energy from Harriet's breakfast! There are more photos from other

workshops later in this newsletter.

Georgina FVI created this

wonderful picture using cling film

and gold edging on the background

and Victorian figures appearing in

silhouette. Fantiastic!

Seaton House was alive with singing and dancing this week, as every year group performed their

Christmas productions. Each performance was filmed by David and Mandy from Surrey Video.

Parents will receive a link to their child’s performance as soon as the films are ready.

We continue to receive complaints from parents and residents regarding our parents who are parking

illegally and dangerously.

Once again, we ask you to please park on the correct side of the road in a safe position. Please do not

park on the grass verges or over residents’ driveways.

The car above was parked on the wrong side of the road, up on the verge and on a corner.

Music Lessons

Message from Mrs Brisley

Welcome back any pupils who ceased lessons in March and would

now like to restart. I would also like to welcome new pupils who

would like to start lessons. If your daughter would like to try Piano, I

will be doing free taster sessions at the beginning of next term.

Anyone who is interested can email me at the following address:

[email protected]

We received

some lovely


recently of Mrs

Simpson with

her son Peter.

Once again,



Happy birthday to:

Nursery. Idris, Amaia, Nivaan. FI. Sophia B, Reema, Ayla. FII. Taraka. FIII.

Jemimah. FV. Shrikala. FVI. Georgina, Anya.

And a special Happy Birthday to Aimee whose birthday is on Christmas Day

• Make sure you have your waterproofs for P.E.

• Please take care when parking, do not park over driveways, the

wrong side of the road and never drive down the lane to the LRC

when dropping-off or collecting children, as this is very dangerous.

Monday 14th December – Christmas Craft Afternoon

Monday 14th December – Nursery and Reception Christmas Parties

Tuesday 15th December – Forms I & II Christmas Parties

Wednesday 16th December – Virtual Christmas Pantomime

Wednesday 16th December – Mufti Day – Children can wear Christmas / Sparkly Jumper in

return for a donation to NSPCC.

Wednesday 16th December – Christmas Raffle drawn

Wednesday 16th December – Last day of term – School finishes at lunchtime – please see

timings and exit locations on Mrs McGreevy’s letter dated 27th November.