A Christmas Message

A Christmas Message - Teagues Bridge Primary School€¦ · Christmas message from Mrs Abdulla We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward

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Page 2: A Christmas Message - Teagues Bridge Primary School€¦ · Christmas message from Mrs Abdulla We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward

Christmas message from Mrs Abdulla

We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward to a well-earned rest. The prospect of Christmas cheers us and lifts our spirits away from the cold, dark and snowy weather of the season.

How quickly the time does go. Another year has come to an end. A very busy term has come smoothly to a close, with happiness and success from all. The performances were amazing yet again. The children’s enthusiasm and joy at this time of year is what makes it all worthwhile. The joy and happiness shared at this time of year is overwhelming and it is the children who make this possible. They are the best gift you could ask for cherish them and be proud of them ALL.

My greatest thanks go to the children for their hard work, motivation and enthusiasm. They are all so very special and the behaviour and maturity of our children has been outstanding. I feel privileged and proud to be the headteacher at Teagues Bridge.

We have much to celebrate here at Teagues Bridge; especially our recent ofsted that secured us as being a good school. We are so proud and thrilled with the report. Ofsted were complimentary about the behaviour inside our classrooms and outside on the playground. They also recognised the outstanding practise; ensuring children are safe and well at all times. The implementation of Inspire maths is having a profound impact on the childrens’ progress and attainment in both KS1 and KS2.

Page 3: A Christmas Message - Teagues Bridge Primary School€¦ · Christmas message from Mrs Abdulla We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward

I would like to thank all the staff for their commitment and hard work in implementing this new intiative and providing an aspirational approach to maths.

I am sure that you would like to join with me in thanking all of the staff and governors at Teagues Bridge Primary School for their continued tremendous hard work and commitment to the children of the school during the year. I am lucky to work with such a hardworking team who are passionate about ensuring we offer the best for the children at Teagues Bridge. The children come first here at Teagues Bridge and this is why I have to inform you that 3 of our staff are leaving at the end of term. Miss Knowles has moved due to her partner buying a new farm, she now has to travel 3 hours a day. This is a major strain on anybody. Miss Deakin-Mundy is facing a great sadness at the moment due to her Mum being seriously ill and therefore resulting in her moving home. Our thoughts are with her at this difficult time. Finally Miss Thomas is also leaving, due to personal reasons. Sometimes life can be challenging for us all and change can be difficult but it can also be exciting and uplifting and we will always give 100% commitment and passion to the children and the school, working together to build a brighter future for our children. I have secured three excellent teachers, who start with us in January. Miss Bowler in base 2, Ms Garfield in base 3 and Mrs Waters in base 4. They are enthusiastic and committed to raising

Page 4: A Christmas Message - Teagues Bridge Primary School€¦ · Christmas message from Mrs Abdulla We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward

standards at Teagues Bridge. You have my word that it will be a smooth transition for the children. New staff have already been in school and know the routines, the children and the high standards we expect. Finally I would like to thank you, the parents and carers. Without your continued support we could not achieve the standards we set. The school operates best with your positivity and commitment to ensuring your children arrive on time and ready to learn. Many, Many thanks for your support. Also many thanks to those parents who have worked hard to improve the punctuality of their children. Teagues Bridge is a wonderful place to learn and grow. We all are working together to do the best for the children, they are always at the forefront of our decisions. Every child is a different kind of flower and together they make this garden beautiful. On behalf of everybody, we wish you, your family and the children a stress-free and peaceful Christmas and every blessing for the New Year. I hope the holidays are a happy time for all. Children remember to take care of your parents/carers and help them at this very busy time. Keep safe, keep love in your hearts, spread kindness not hatred and we will see you back in school on the 4th January 2018.

From Mrs S. Abdulla with heart felt wishes