A Checklist of the • American Bidessini (Coleoptera

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FRANK N. YOL A Checklist of the

• American Bidessini





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Frank N. Young A Checklist of the

American Bidessini(Coleoptera:Dytiscidae-Hydroporinae)





Young, Frank N. A Checklist of the American Bidessini (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae-Hydroporinae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 33:1-5. 1969.—A list ofthe American water beetles of tribe Bidessini (Dytiscidae-Hydroporinae). Type-species are listed for each genus with references to the original designations.

Contribution No. 809 from the Zoological Laboratories of Indiana University aidedby GB 2768 from the National Science Foundation

Official publication date is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recordedin the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OfficeWashington, D.C. 20402 - Price 20 cents (paper cover)

Frank N. Toung A Checkl is t of t he

American Bidessini(Coleoptera:Dytiscidae-Hydroporinae)

This checklist attempts to bring together all of thenames of water beetles of the family Dytiscidae, sub-family Hydroporinae, tribe Bidessini, which have beenproposed for species from the Americas and to assignthem as far as possible to currently accepted genera. Inlarge part, reliance has been placed upon the originaldescriptions of the species, but wherever possible speci-mens have been examined. The latter include materialin the British Museum (Natural History), UnitedStates National Museum, California Academy of Sci-ence, Museum of Comparative Zoology, University ofMichigan Museum of Zoology, American Museum ofNatural History, Zoologische Sammlung des Bayeri-schen Staates (Munich), and the collection of thewriter.

An asterisk (*) preceding a species name indicatesthat I have personally examined the type or authenticcotype or paratype material and confirmed the genericassignment or synonymy. Those preceded by a questionmark (?) are tentatively assigned pending furtherstudy. Those names considered to be synonyms, someof which probably represent geographical subspecies,are indicated by an "s-" preceding the name.

The arrangement adopted is that of the Leng Cata-logue (Leng, 1920; Leng and Mutchler, 1927, 1933;Blackwelder, 1939) and Blackwelder's Checklist ofColeopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, theWest Indies, and South America (1944-1957). The

Frank N. Young, Department of Zoology, Indiana University,Bloomington, Indiana 47401.

citations to the literature are in the abbreviated formof these works and refer to the bibliographies in themwith the exception of those followed by an exclamationmark (!), which are cited in full at the end of thepresent paper.

The references have been cross checked with theColeopterorum Catalogus (Zimmermann, 1920), Zoo-logical Record, and the original books or papers.

The shortcomings of such a list as this are evident,but some arrangement of the American species is nec-essary to provide a basis for further investigation.There are dozens, possibly hundreds of Bidessinesawaiting study, particularly from Mexico and SouthAmerica. This work has been seriously hampered bypremature publication of incomplete descriptions. Themale genitalia prove to be especially valuable in thediagnosis of species in many of the genera, and I urgethat all future descriptions of new species be accom-panied by figures of these structures.

Platydessus perforatus Guignot (55-4), described asa Bidessine, is not included because it was found to be aMacrovatellus (Vatellini) and was transferred to thatgenus by Spangler (66-57).

Amarodytes Regimbart 00-524

(Type-species Amarodytes percosioides Regimbart, 1900, sub-sequent designation of Guignot 39:53!)

boggianiiRegimbart00-526 (Paraguay)duponti (Aube) 38-568 (Brazil)guidiGuignot57-37! (Brazil)


o&erf/mri Regimbart00-526 (Brazil)percosioides Regimbart 00-525 (Brazil)plaumanni Gschwendtner 35-152 (Brazil)pulchellus Guignot 55-273! (Colombia)segrix Guignot 50-7! (Brazil)testaceo-pictusRegimbart 00-527 (Brazil)undulatus Gschwendtner 54-111! (Peru)

*peregrinus Balfour-Browne 47-444! (Panama)pulicarius (Aube) 38-494 (U.S.A.)*regimbarti Balfour-Browne 47-430! (Mexico)*sobrinus Balfour-Browne 47-445! (Panama)tibialis Regimbart 95-337 (Brazil)*truncatusBalfour-Browne 47^140! (Brazil)*vicinus Balfour-Browne 47-428! (British Honduras)

Anodocheilus Babington 41-15

(Type-species Anodocheilus maculatus Babington, 1841,monobasic)

exiguus (Aube) 38-490 (U.S.A.)germanus (Sharp) 82-20 (Guatemala)guatemalensis Zaitzev 10-223 (Guatemala)*maculatus Babington 41-16 (Brazil)silvestrii Regimbart 03^49 (Argentina)

Bidessodes Regimbart 00-528

(Type-species Bidessodes semistriatus Regimbart, 1900, pres-ent designation.)

*elongatus (Sharp) 82-25 (Guatemala)fragilis Regimbart 00-530 (Paraguay)knischi Zimmermann 21-198 (Brazil)obscuripennis Zimmermann 21-198 (Brazil)plicatus Zimmermann 21-198 (Brazil)semistriatus Regimbart 00-529 (Brazil)subsignatus Zimmermann 21-199 (Brazil)

Bidessonotus Regimbart 95-331

(Type-species Bidessonotus obtusatus Regimbart, 1895, subse-quent designation of J. Balfour-Browne 47—427! to replaceHydroporus adumbratus Clark, 1862, species incognitusdesignated Guignot 46-114!)

bicolor Guignot 57-36! (Brazil)*browneanus Balfour-Browne 47-441! (Jamaica)*caraibus (Chevrolat) 63-199 (Cuba)*championi Balfour-Browne 47-436! (Guatemala)*fallax Balfour-Browne 47-429! (Cuba)*inconspicuus (LeConte) 55-290! (Louisiana)*longovalis (Blatchley) 19-310! (Florida)melanocephalus Regimbart 95-332 (Brazil)mexicanus Regimbart 95-333 (Mexico)*mobilis Balfour-Browne 47-427! (Mexico)*morosus Balfour-Browne 47-446! (Mexico)*nepotinus Balfour-Browne 47-442! (Trinidad)obtusatus Regimbart 95-336 (Brazil, Paraguay)

Brachyvatus Zimmermann 19-134 (as subgenus ofBidessus)

(Type-species Hyphydrus acuminatus Steinheil, 1869, subse-quent designation of Young 54-58!)

acuminatus (Steinheil) 69-249! (Argentina)*apicatus (Clark) 62-184 (Mexico)

*hydrovatoides (Sharp) 82-20 (Guatemala)*seminulum (LeConte) 78-377 (Florida)

*borrei (Sharp) 82-346 (Brazil)

Hemibidessus Zimmermann 21-196 (as subgenus ofBidessus)

(Type-species Bidessus [Hemibidessus] conicus Zimmermann,1921, subsequent designation of Guignot 46-114!)

bifasciatus Zimmermann 21-197 (Brazil)celinoides Zimmermann 21-197 (Brazil)*conicus Zimmermann 21-196 (Brazil)plaumanni Gschwendtner 35-374; 36-19 (Brazil)

Hydrodessus J. Balfour-Browne 53-55!

(Type-species Hydrodessus siolii Balfour-Browne, 1953,monobasic.)

Brinkius Guignot 57-38!

(Type-species Brinkius biguttatus Guignot, 1957, originaldesignation.)

*amazonensisSpangler 66-380! (Peru)biguttatus (Guignot) 57-39! (Brazil)brasiliensis (Guignot) 57-40! (Brazil)*nanayensis Spangler 66-382! (Peru)octospilus (Guignot) 57-39! (Brazil)pereirai (Guignot) 57-41! (Brazil)* siolii Balfour-Browne 53-56! (Brazil)

Hypodessus Guignot 39-52, 54!

(Type-species Bidessus cruciaius Regimbart, 1903, originaldesignation.)


Brachybidessus Gschwendtner 54-111!

(Type-species Amarodytes [Brachybidessus] titschacki Gsch-wendtner, 1954, monobasic)

cruciatus (Regimbart) 03-50 (Argentina)cruciferGxxignot39-60! (Cayenne)cruvilineatus (Zimmermann) 21-195 (Brazil)dasythrix Guignot 54—40! (Cayenne)*frustrator Spangler 66-3 78! (Peru)titschacki (Gschwendtner) 54-112! (Peru)

Liodessus Guignot 39-53! (as subgenus of Bidesso-notus, sensu Guignot)

(Type-species Hydroporus affinis Say, 1823, original desig-nation. )

*abjectus (Sharp) 82-24 (Mexico)acollensis Guignot 55-272! (Peru)affinis (Say) 23-104 (North America)

*charlotti (Clark) 62-182 (Mexico)*emilianus (Clark) 62-183 (Mexico)s-erythrostomus (Mannerheim) 52-305 (Alaska)*macularis (LeConte) 52-206! (Colorado)nanus (Aube) 38-496 (U.S.A.)nigrinus (Casey) 84-80 (California)*obscurellus (LeConte) 52-206! (California)microreticulatus (Hatch) 28-219 (Washington)

andinus Guignot 58-3! (Peru)atomus Guignot 57-36! (Brazil)bogotensis Guignot 53-111! (Bolivia)bonariensis (Steinheil) 69-249! (Argentina)*cantralli (Young) 53-111! (Michigan)chilensis (Solier) 49-189 (Chili)*crassus (Sharp) 82-365 (Brazil)dilatatus (Regimbart) 95-330 (Brazil)delfini (Regimbart) 99-1 (Chili)emaciatus Guignot 53-112!(Brazil)flavofasciata (Steinheil) 69-249! (Argentina)*flavicollis (LeConte) 55-291 (New York)*fuscatus (Crotch) 73-391 (Lake Superior to Florida)*hobbsi (Young) 50-4! (Florida)involucer (Brinck) 48-4! (Tristan da Cunha)microscopicus (Zimmermann) 21-93 (Brazil)miersi (White) 47-33 (Brazil)

burrus (Guignot) 53-111 (Brazil)*nitidus (Babington 41-14 (Brazil)*obscurus (Babington) 41-14 (Brazil)

patagonicus (Zimmermann) 22-35 (Patagonia)

strobeli (Steinheil) 69-249! (Chili)lusculentus Guignot 48-164! (Argentina)

*uruguensis (Sharp) 82-365 (Uruguay)

Microdessus Young 67-79!

(Type-species Bidessus atomarius Sharp, 1882, originaldesignation)

* atomarius (Sharp) 82-366 (Brazil)

Neobidessus Young 67-79!

(Type-species Hydroporus pullus LeConte, 1855, originaldesignation)

alternatus (Regimbart) 89-384 (Venezuela)*pescheti (Zimmermann) 21-194 (Brazil)

brasiliensis (Regimbart) 95-238 (Brazil)Jcancellosus (Guignot) 57-34! (Peru)*corumbensis (Zimmermann) 21-195 (Brazil)curticornis (Regimbart) 03-54 (Argentina)*discoidalis (Sharp) 82-369 (Brazil)duplicatus (Guignot) 53-111! (Brazil)liliputanus (Aube) 38-591 (Brazil)*obtusus (Sharp) 82-24 (Mexico)persimilis (Regimbart) 95-329 (Mexico)* pullus (LeConte) 55-290 (Louisiana)

s-*floridanus (Fall) 17-168 (Florida)*shermani (Mutchler) 18-82 (Florida)

*subvittatus (Zimmermann) 21-193 (Brazil)surinamensis (Regimbart) 89-390 (Surname)trilineatus (Zimmermann) 25-255 (Brazil)*vittatipennis (Zimmermann) 21-194 (Brazil)*youngi (Leech) 48-392! (Lower California)

Neoclypeodytes Young 67-77, 78

(Type-species Hydroporus plicipennis Crotch, 1873, originaldesignation.)

americanus (Guignot) 36-144 (Mexico)*centralis (Sharp) 87-753 (Mexico)*cinctellus (LeConte) 52-206 (Arizona)*curtulus (Sharp) 87-753 (Mexico)*decoratus (Fall) 17-167 (Arizona)* disc e dens (Sharp) 82-19 (Mexico)*discretus (Sharp) 82-350 (Texas)*fryi (Clark) 62-421 (Mexico)*latifrons (Sharp) 82-22 (Guatemala)*leachi (Leech) 48-11! (California)luctuosus (Guignot) 49-43! (Central America)*lynceus (Sharp) 82-368 (Guatemala)


*obesus (Sharp) 82-349 (Texas)*ornatellus (Fall) 17-167 (Oregon)*pictodes (Sharp) 82-348 (North America)*plicipennis (Crotch) 73-388 (California)*quadrinotatus (Sharp) 82-21 (Mexico)*quadrisignatus (Sharp) 82-21 (Mexico, Guatemala)rugulosus (Guignot) 36-146 (Mexico)*substriatus (Sharp) 82-23 (Mexico)

Trogloguignotus Sanfilippo 58-160!

(Type-species Trogloguignotus concii Sanfilippo, 1958, mono-basic)

concii Sanfilippo 58—161! (Venezuela)

Uvarus Guignot 39-53! (as subgenus of Amarodytes)

(Type-species Hydroporus lacustris Say, 1823, originaldesignation)

?adumbratus (Clark) 62-183 (Mexico)*amandus (LeConte) 52-207! (Arizona)costaricensis (Guignot) 39-59! (CostaRica)*falli (Young) 40-30! (Florida)granarius (Aube) 38-501 (U.S.A.)*inflatus (Young) 50-1! (Florida)lacustris (Say) 23-103 (U.S.A.)*magensis (Clark) 62-182 (Mexico)?omichlodes (Guignot) 57-37! (Brazil)*rogersi (Young) 41-29! (Florida)*spretus (Sharp) 82-24 (Mexico)Jsubtilis (LeConte) 52-206 (California)*subornatus (Sharp) 82-23 (Mexico)?subplicatus (Hatch) 53-197! (Oregon)*suburbanus (Fall) 17-169 (New York, Pennsylvania)*texanus (Sharp) 82-366 (Texas)

Literature Cited

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