A brief history of religions

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  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions



    agi bvgName ofReligion

    ceZKi bvgName ofFounder

    Drcw KvjDevelopmentPeriod

    Drcw jArea ofOrigin

    agMi bvgName of Holy Books

    agv^jxi msLvNumber ofAdherents

    weeZbi gavivEvolution

    mv`kSimilaritieswith others


    mwKZvi msLvNumber ofCreator

    mwKZvi bvgName ofCreator

    agxq Drme/cv_Major ReligiousFestival

    Zv_&fv_m~[Tattvartha Sutra]

    cvq 4 wgwjqb[Adherentsaround 4 (four)millions]



    yBwU vi(Awinv Geswm) APbvKi|

    Awinv Geswm

    [BothArihants andSiddhas7 areconsideredGods of Jainreligion]

    gvnvexii g~wZcy[Idol worship foMahavir]

    Mi g~j fvlvLanguage

    msLvMwi vbLocations A.A






    gnvivRv gnvexiRbt 599 _K

    527 Lxc~ev,fviZ|[Load Mahavir,around 599 to527 BC inIndia.]

    527 Lxc~ev[527 BCapproximately]




    bcvj BZvw`|[India,America,Nepal etc.]

    wn yag>> Rbag

    [Hinduism >>Jainism]

    e ag[Buddhism]

    Awnsmv-B cig agGes Rxe RxeKnZv Kiv bv| Rb Kvb Ckiwekvm Ki bv hw`I Rxeb Pjvi c_bvbvb `e-`eZvi Avivabv Ki_vK|Jainism's core belief is ahimsa, or

    noninjury to all living things.Jainism has no belief in a creator god, thoughthere are a number of lesser deities for variousaspects of life.

    Gvbvjm&[Analects,Written in 470 BC bylun yu, vol-12]

    cvq 600,000[Six hundredthousandapproximate]

    Cki wekvmxbq[Atheistic]

    DjL bvB[Nomentioned]

    DjL bvB[Nomentioned]

    Mi g~j fvlvLanguage

    msLvMwi vbLocations A.A


    Kb&wdDk&vm& Gi wc ewj[Animal Sacrifithe founder-Confucius]







    Kb&wdDk&vm&RxebKvjt 551-479 Lxc~ev,

    Pxb|[Confucius or

    Kung Fu-tzu,Life:551?-479?BC]

    479 Lxc~e[479BC] Pxb[China]


    b_AvgwiKv(26000), Pxb.Kvwiqv, Rvcvb,

    BZvw`|[North-America,China, Korea,Japan etc]

    UqvRg >> eag >>Kb&dzwmqvwmRg&[Taoism >>Buddha >>Confucianism]

    UqvRg, eag[Taoism,Buddhism]

    Cki wekvmx bq eis gvbweKZv GesciwnZ mvab B agi g~j K_v|

    The core idea is ren("humaneness," "benevolence"),signifying excellent character inaccord with li (ritual norms),

    zhong (loyalty to one's true nature), shu(reciprocity), and xiao (filial piety). Togetherthese constitute de (virtue).

  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


  • 7/30/2019 A brief history of religions


    m~ /References:1. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 20042. Hand Book of Todays Religions by Josh McDowell, Don Stewart.3. Max Meller, ed. Secret Books of the east, Oxford, Krislena Press, 1897-1910, 23:190,229,2754. Sacred Liturgy and Gaths/Hymans of Zarathusthra5. Sacred Books of the east, American Edition, 1898, Translated by L.H. Mills

    6. This Believing World, By Browne, Lewis, New York, Macmillan Company, 1926.7. The great religions, by Cavendish, Richard, New York, Arco Publishing Company, 19808. http://www.religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Zoro1.html9. http://www.avesta.org10. http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html11. Contributed By: Alan Wilson Watts, 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.12. http://www.ishwar.com13. http://www.en.wikipedia.org

    UxKv/Appendices:0.mywi m~Pbv jM0 [At the beginning of the creation of the Universe] = Gi evLv wbb `Iqv nj[The explanation is given below.)1. Allah = Al the definite article and Llah the being who is worshipped

    2. Lxc~e= Lxi Rbi c~e3. Sabbath = Jewish holiday celebrating the day Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, Feast of Weeks (alternate spelling for Shabuoth)

    4. Lxc~ev = Lxc~e+ A > Lx + c~e+ A > Lx hxi) + c~e(Rbi c~ei) + A (eQi ev mvj)5. BC = Before Christ6. Locations A.A= Location According Adherents

    7. Sidda=Load Mahavirs Soul kwon as Sidha8.A.D. (anno domini) = Latin phrase which designates the years since the reputed date of the birth of Christ9. pbuh = peace be upon him10. Nasor = Follower of Prophet Noah (honest person)

    11. GK-IgKvi = GKRb mZ Cki12. In i = mekwgvb Cki13. ek-omkara = the one true God14. wahe Guru = the almighty

    RRR eee sss eee aaa rrr ccc hhh eee ddd BBB yyy

    M d . M o s t a f i j u r R a h m a n , B a n g l a d e s h .P h o n e : 0 0 8 8 0 1 1 9 9 0 8 0 1 6 6 , E - m a i l : m o s t a f i j u r r a h m a n _ 2 0 0 5 @ y a h o o . c o m , W e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . o n e a l l a h . o r g(jLKi AbygwZ Qvov eBwUi Kvbic Kwc Kiv AvBbZ `bxq Aciva)