A Brief H istory of Tea and other occurences N N

A Brief History

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A Brief History of Tea and other occurences. A short booklet looking at the history of The East of India Trading Company. A time line of events alongside another timeline of historic events in history, thoughout the time EoI was trading as a company. Covering their reign and influence over the British Empire and the monarchy.

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Page 1: A Brief History

A Brief


of Tea and other occurences



Page 2: A Brief History
Page 3: A Brief History

A short book looking at History , Tea and how it has affected society


mim van der waal

Page 4: A Brief History
Page 5: A Brief History


1558 A young 25 year old Elizabeth has become Queen of


She wishes only that all men, whatever their religious

views, obey her government.]

Mary Queen of Scots, cousin to the Queen to contest the throne

Mary Queen of Scots, who was Queen of France before

her husband died from a brain hemmorage is to contest Elizabeth as rightful queen of England.

The Dutch Trading company VOC are to send a fleet of boats out

to the indies to assume trading of spice and teas form this region

1603 Death of Elizabeth

1577 First Royal Charters lost at sea

Having heard about a drink enjoyed by the Chinese and other Asian

countries, Queen Elizabeth has charted out the first Royal boats to seek out the herb enjoyed by Asians and to return to England with the cargo .

Sadly only the Golden Hinde from Sir Francis Drake’s 3 ships has return , the others feared lost at sea. The Queen plans to send more boats out to the indies to establish further Trading routes.

1600 Second Royal Tea Charter to sail to the


On 31st December the Queen has granted permission for

a new collective of merchants to sail back out to the Indies. After the sad loss of the first Royal Charter several years ago.

1564 Death of William Shakespeare

1610 VOC – Dutch Trading company to send Boats to Japan in search

of Tea.



1558 1603

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James i

1608 Licences offered to other India Trading


King James has announced that since the East India Trading company

have been hugely successful, he will be extending trading licences to other companies to trade in the Asias, where a vast amount of tea has been imported, as well as other spices and asian goods.

Also agreed in the renewed Trading Liscence, the power to seize

and confiscate ships and goods from vessels and unauthorised Traders. Both in English waters and those where traders are not authorised to Trade

1604 Hateful to the nose, Harmful to the brain, and Dangerous to the lungs

1605 Treason Plot Discovered

Guy Fawkes and other adverseries have been dicovered planning

to blow up the houses of Parliament. Parliament was due to be opened on the 5th November. The cellars had been searched the previous night and Fawkes and several others were discovered loading barrels of explosives into a cellar.

1613 Globe Theatre Burns

The King had encouraged Scottish and English protestant

nationals to settle in Ulster , to the confiscated Irish Land. The last of the Irish aristocracy have fled the country and Derry has been handed over to The London Companies and is to be known as London Derry.

1609 London Derry


Sadly, during a performance of Henry Viii. The globe theatre caught fire

and burned to the ground. King James was a great supporter of the Arts and is said to be disheartened by the news.

1623 Massacre in Amboyne

Gabriel Towerson, the Chief Merchant for the East India

Trading Company in Amboyne has been beheaded. the Dutch Governor believed the English were attemptin to over throw their rule.

The New King is to set a Tax on tobacco . As he has claimed

that it is a harmful and repugnant habit of all that partake in its use.



1603 1625

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1625 King to Marry 14 year old Henrietta

1629 Parliament Dissolved

1642 First Civil War

1640 Parliament Recall

The would be child Queen was said to have burst into tears upon first

meeting the King. But they are to wed June 12th at Canterbury Cathedral

The King is in dispute with the Government and Parliament has

been dissolved whilst the disspute is still ongoing. The King issued parliament with a petition of rights

After losing the First Scottish War, King Charles the First has

recalled Parliament in the hope of gaining funds to embark upon a second war with Scotland, but it is known that Parliament has not agreed with the funding of a second war.

Civil war broke out between Charles I and parliament in 1642. Although

Cromwell lacked military experience, he created and led a superb force of cavalry, the ‘Ironsides’, and rose from the rank of captain to that of lieutenant-general in three years. He convinced parliament to establish a professional army - the New Model Army - which won the decisive victory over the king’s forces at Naseby

1649 Blood of a Stewart

On a cold January Charles i behaved with Dignaty and courage

throughout his trial having been defeated by Cromwell the King has been sentenced to death by hanging.

1649 Cromwell to Charter East Indian Trading as sole


Oliver Cromwell provided the merchants if the East India

Trading Company with a new charter after the Commonwealth established . They are to take responsibility of all import trade from the Indies




1625 1649

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Interregnum1649 England without a


England is now declared a Republic. Since the execution of Charles

i, there is currently no monarch, so it has been declared that England is, for the time being a Republic, until a monarch can be sourced.

Cromwell has also founded the Common Wealth of England

. The commonWalth being the countries which are ruled firstly by England. Them being England, Ireland and Scotland . England now being a crowned republic.

1650 Charles ii King of Scotland invades England.

Defeted by Cromwell

Cromwell’s military successes have forced Charles ii into exile, into

Scotland, where a deal has been done and Charles has been recognised as King of Scotland. King Charles and his Scottish army have tried to invade England, but were unsuccessful 1653 Cromwell Declines Throne

Although Cromwell has come into dispute several times during this

time of interregnum, Parliament has currently dissolved and Cromwell has become Lord Protector. He has since been offered the throne, but has declined this position. 1651 Navigations Acts1649 Uprising in Ireland

These Acts are a series of laws to restricted the use of foreign

shipping for trade between England and its colonies, to force colonial development into lines which favour England, and stop direct colonial trade with the Netherlands VOC, France and other European countries.

Cromwell’s New Model Army are to head to Ireland to crush

the uprising there. Under the ‘work of God’ He is to stop the Catholics from rising up against the Protestant land owners, Who gained their land from previous Monarchs. Cromwell is said to be informing Ireland that ‘any town refusing to surrender will be met with total slaughter


1649 1660

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1685Charles ii1660

1649 Military might of East India Trading

1662 Afternoon Tea with Cathrine of Braganza

The King has granted permissions for the East of India Trading Company

to take on military actions in the Asias

The king has passed legislation which will allow East of India

company autonomous territorial acquisitions, to mint money, to command fortresses and troops and form alliances, to make war and peace, and to exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction over the acquired areas.

Charles ii wife, Cathrine was brought up drinking tea, and

it has now become a tradition in palaces across England. This refreshing cup accompanied with small morsels to eat, such as the delightful crumpet smothered with butter, or a delicious sweet cake.

The Afternoon Tea tradition has become a firm favourite with

ladies of a certain class thanks to the Portugese Princess. Though now the delight of tea drinking is becomeing something not for the aristocracy alone, as more and more people begin to enjoy the delights of afternoon tea .

1660 Charles ii restored to the Throne and is much celebrated by the East India

Trading Co

Upon returning to his throne as the King of England, Charles the

ii has been much celebrated by East of India Trading. They have lavished the King with gifts, which include Tea.

1661 Cromwell’s body exhumed and posthumously decapitated

Despite the King’s declaration of Breda, where it was promised

there would be no retribution to those involved in his forced exile. The King has organised the exhuming of Oliver Cromwell’s body and ordered the decapitation.

The King had agreed before his return to the throne, there would be an amnesty and freedom of conscience.

1664 New York New York

Whilst England has been at war with The Netherlands, including

disputes ofver Trade in the East Indies.England has seized the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam and renamed it New York

1665 London: The GREAT Plague

London is in the grips of a terrible plague.

Thought to have started in the poverty stricken area of London called Giles in the Fields. 100,000 people are thought to have died. Official figures are yet to be released.

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1688James ii1685

England is to see a Catholic take up the throne again. James ii has

taken over the throne after his brother died. He was scandalised when he married a commoner Anne Hyde.He was in exile while Cromwell governed England, but returned when his brother Charles ii retook the throne. But whilst in Europe he converted to Catholisim.

1685 Catholic Sovereign to Reign England once again.

1685 Mass Execution of Monmoth Rebellion

James ,Duke of Monmoth, son of one of Charles ii’ mistresses, has

attempted an uprising against the new Catholic King. But this rebellion was doomed and has been defeated at Sedgemoor. The trial, which has become known as the Bloody Assize, has found some 350 of Monmoth’s rebels being tried, of which most have been sentenced to death by mass execution. To be hanged, disembowled and quarterd, and their quarters to be displayed in their local towns and villages as an example.

1687 Declaration of Indulgence

The declarations of Indulgence are applied to person of any

religion and even to peoples of no religion. The declarations, which were issued to Scotland first and then England, king James hoped this would promote and encourage religious freedom. It suspended penal laws in matters of religious conformity, so that people could pray in places other than churches, for instance at home. And most importantly ended the requirement for persons to take religious oath prior to advancement into civil or military office.

1688 Renewal of Charter for East India Trading Co.

Thomas Osborne, who is not known to be popular amongst

the people, is known to have taken bribes of 5000 guineas to secure a renewed Charter for the East of India. The House of Commons has proposed impeachment order against Osborne, who denies any wrong doing or knowledge of wrong doing

1688 Glorious Revolution

Several of the Bishops whom were prosecuted by King James ii, as

well as others, have signed a request for William of Orange and his wife Mary, who is thought to be the real heir to the thrown, to come to England with a Dutch army to over throw King James ii. Once William and his army arrive in England, the opposition is thought to have been minimal and fuel by anti catholic protests in many towns. King James’ religious tolerance policies have not proved popular with many in Parliament.

1687 Seven Bishops Refuse to uphold Indulgence

King James is prosecuting seven Bishops who have refused

to announce the Declaration of Indulgence, which the King has issued to all churches in England and Scotland.

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1702William & Mary1689

After the Success of the Glorious Revolution, King James ii has

abdicated and William of Orange, the dutch prince and his wife Mary Stewart have taken over as King and Queen of England

1689 James ii Abdicates from the Throne

The parliament have brought in new legislation called the Bill of Rights which will remove some of the powers of the sovereign from state issues, this will allow parliament to run smoothly with out being subject to the whim of the royals.

Also in the Bill it has been writen that no Catholic can succeed the English Throne from this day.

1689 Bill of Rights

The Ireish rebels and English army have agreed to call a truce to the seige of Limerick. The details have been negotiated with Patrick Sarsfield, who is thought to have distroyed William’s cannons whilst they ahd been en route to Limerick in 1690. Since then Limerick has been under seige.The civil agreements have been signed so that any Jacobites remaining in Ireland will be safe to do so, as long as they pledged allegience to King

1691 Treaty of Limerick

King William had been in negotiations with Scottish Clans. The leader of the Macdonalds clan was to sign the Oath, whilst on his journey to sign, orders were given to the Argyl Regiment,whom had been living with and recieving hospitality from the Macdonalds community for 11 days. The orders were to kill any men under the age of 70 . Sadly 38 were killed, including women and children.

1692 Glencoe Massacre

The government have set up The Bank of England, to deal with the financial affairs of the government and also to attempt to stableise the financial situation of the country. William Patterson has set up the cpmpany and it has recieved Royal Charter.

1694 Bank of England

William Patterson has created a new trading company.

This company will trade in Spain’s South American collonies. They will be trading on behalf of Scottish merchants, who will purchase shares.

1695 South Sea Company

1696 Pirate Attack Indian Fleet

The East of India Is in a catastrophic situation at present. The

ramifications of a pirate attack on an Indian Fleet in the Indian Ocean. Captain Henry Every, the captain of the Fancy a well known pirate ship and several other pirates have attacked one of the wealthiest Indian Fleets travelling across the Indian Ocean, the cargo was thought to have valued somewhere up to £600,000. Also abroad was a relative of the Grand Mughal, who has close connections to The governor of Bombay, also head of the East of India company. The Grand Mughal has ordered attacks on 4 of the East of India’s factories in retaliation to the pirates having treated the prisoners from the Indian Fleet in a very barbaric way. Relations between Bombay and the East of India and England are very strained. England has issued a very large bounty for the capture of the Fancy and her crew.

William, it is thought that some Jacobite fighters have joined the William Army.Also agreed that Catholics are allowed to practice their religion in Ireland .

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The English East of India Trading company has captured a South

Sea Trading Company’s ship that is thought to have strayed into an area that is exclusive trading area for the East of India Trading.

1704 East of India Company Capture a Scottish South Sea Company ship.

After King James ii had ruled both Scotland and England, there have

always been 2 parliaments, but Queen Anne has negotiated with Scotland and the Acts of union have been agreed and there will now be only one parliament, which will govern both countries under the rule of Queen Anne.

1707 Acts of Union

The two merhcant trading companies from london have

been merged by queen Anne. Lord Godolphin has negotiated its profits to be paid to Her Majesty

1708 English Trading companies merged by HMH

Queen Anne

1710 St Pauls Rebuilt after Fire of London

After the Tradgedy of the Great fire of London in 16 the Great Catherderal

St. Paul’s has been completed.

A new player in the trading companies has been established.

The Scottish Compnay has been funded by the people and is hoped to become a major player within the Trading Companies.

1711 South Sea Bubble company in Trouble

1711 Occassional Conformity Act

This Act is to prevent the non-conformists and Catholics

taking occassioanl communion in Church of England establishments.

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Although 50 or more Roman Catholics held closer blood

connections to Queen anne, The Act of Settlement meant that the heir was to be a non English speaking protestant from Hanover.

1714 Not a word of English

1724George i1714

After much opposition of the German heir to the throne,

The new King has presented a new law that will not allow 12 or more people to unlawfully assemble. Due to the Jacobite opposition to King George taking the English throne.

1715 The Riot Act

The Whig mininsters within parliament have become ever more powerful,

as they have to date supported the King, who now seems to have given them free reign over policy making, as he attend parliament less and less.

1717 King barely attends Parliament

As the King spens less and less time in Parliament , Robert

Walpole has been announced as the first Prime Minister for Government. Almost all duties for running government will be taken by Warpole for the foreseeable future.

1721 Walpole announced as Prime Minister

Though the warning was never heeded from Mr Walpole during the

debates in the commons. But the South Sea Trading Company has collapsed and the promise of fortune from the Americas has not materialised and all investors have lost their shares, which are now worthless. London prospectors have been causing a wirlwind of interest and investment, but now the whole business has collapsed. It is said that half of the Scottish national wealth had been invested into the company.

1720 South Sea Bubble Bursts

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The son of George I has become King of England. Both father and

son have had a difficult relationship. King George ii has held the title of the Prince of Wales whilst his father reigned. George I had sent the Prince of Wales was sent from St. James Palace and George ii’s children remained.

1727 New King for England


1733 Excise Tax

Walpole has brought in a new Bill, that will reduce the Tax for Land,

but move the revenue collection in land, and will now cover, tea, coffee, chocolate as well as many other items.

1745 A Stuart Throne

Jacobite Rising against King George iii . Scottish supporters of James

Stuart , who believe the throne should be back in the Stuart name.

1743 King Ride to Battle

The King has rode into battle, with his men, at Dettingen. the

British ruler, who is Hannoverian is at battle in germany.

French Indies Trading Company have gone into battle with The English

East of India Trading Compnay in Arcot India. The British won over Robert Clive, who led the French against the British.

1751 Battle of Arcot India

1751 King’s son Frederick Dies

The King’s only son has died. There is no other heir to the throne at this time.

1759 Quebec Taken

James Wolfe has caught the French commander by surprise by attacking

form a unsuspected direction. When they came across a French sentry, a French speaking highlander replied and his perfect French meant then continued on unchallenged. There was a long battle for several months, but in the end the city was won by the British.

Sadly Wolfe was injured during battle, but had continued on, until

he was shot in the chest and died on the battlefield. A great loss to England.





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1757 Battel at Plassey

The East of India Company have gain significant rule in South Asia

after a Battle in Plassey, where they fought the current ruling French for the area. Which is now in the hands of the British East of India Company.


1820George iii1760

1773 Boston Tea Party

The East of India is in financial difficulties as it has been paying

the British government a yearly sum of £400,000, this payment has maintained the companies exclusive rights of trade in the Indies. The Government has allowed the company to raise taxes on exports to countries other than Britain, The East of India has raised the tax on Tea imports and other imports significantly in America, to allow them to recoup some of their losses.

1772 East of India in financial Difficulties

Officials in Boston have refused to allow the 3 shiploads of Tea, to

return to England. They boarded the ships and threw the cargo into the bay. The act of protest is in retaliation, to the high taxes implemented by the East of India Company.

1763 Seven Years War

This was initially from strained relationships between French

the Hanoverian Ruler of Britain. Old time rivalries came with the German speaking King, when his father, who had fought with Prussia and Sweden, were refuelled by feuds in the Indies of trading interests. The wars have spilled over from the Indies back into Europe, where the fighting often took form of sieges and burning of towns, as well as open battles. William Pitt, a statesman who led Britain in the war, was renown for his single-minded determination to win victory over France.

1765 Stamp Act

England passed a new Act that taxed the colonies for every

piece of printed paper they used. Ships papers, legal documentation, licenses, publications, newspapers and even playing cards. The tax had not been approved by the colonies and was viewed as a direct attempt to merely raise money from the colonies, as oppose to regulate commerce.

1766 Food Riots

The food riots of Gloucester stand out as the most serious of the

food riots that have been sweeping the country. Mobs have been seizing grain, flour and food stuffs. Taking over markets and sweeping from one granary to another and preventing food transportation. The riots have been fuelled by the high prices that mills have been exporting their products at and manual workers have not been able to afford these prices.

1766 Death of James Stuart, the Old Pretender

1775 American Revolution

The establish Congress’ for each of the British ruled colonies of the

Americas have collectively rejected British rule. They have expelled all royal officials from the states. Britain has replied by sending over troops to re-establish direct rule.

1784 India Act

This is by far had a huge effect on the East of India Company. The

India Act has moved power back to the British government. The Board, which will now control decisions regarding civil, military and revenue for the Company. The board will be made up from 2 members of the cabinet and 4 members of the Privy Council.

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1830George iv1820

The King Visits Scotland. The first Monarch to visit Scotland since

1650. Since King Charles ii visited.

1822 King George iv visits Scotland

After the Act of Settlement was brought into place some years

ago, which will not allow a non-protestant heir to the throne. The King, who had a secret marriage to Maria Fitzherbert and also fathered 2 children by her. The marriage was not allowed due to her being a Catholic , and their children will not be considered heirs to the throne.

Kings Secret Marriage

1829 Catholic Relief Act

The Catholic Relief Act allows Catholics to sit in Parliament

in Westminster. It also raised the threshhold of Catholic voters.

1827 Tories back in Power

George Canning has become Prime Minister, and the Tory party

has returned to run westminster.

Queen Caroline of Brunswick has died. There have been claims

made that she could have been poisoned, but the King will not allow an investigation into her death. There have been many previous troubles and the King has tried to pass The Pains and Penalties Bill, which was an attempt to divorce the Queen by way of proving her adultery. But this bill was defeated before the Queen died. It has not laid the King in favour of the people, as he is viewed as treating the Queen with only contempt.

1821 Queen Caroline Dies

1822Brighton Pavillion commission

John Nash been commissioned by the King to Build Brighton Pavilion,

thought to be the most extravagant architecture and interior in England. It looks as though it takes a lot of influence from Indian architecture.




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1830 William King at 64

George iv was known for his heavy drinking and very indulgent

life style, he suffered greatly from gout; he died from a heart attack. His only daughter died as a child, so his brother William is next in line to the throne at the age of 64.

1831 Reform Act

Reform Act was written by King William to try and allow

more people to be able to vote, as currently only 430,000 men in the whole country can vote. The act also wanted to get representation of the northern cities: which were growing at a huge rate and seats in parliament were not representative of voters.

1832 Reform Act Defeated at Lords

House of Lord defeats the Bill and many riots break out over the

towns and cities. One of the worst being in Bristol. But afterwards the King threatened to create more Whig peers, so the lords edited the bill and passed it.

1833 Factory Act

the Factory Act is passed, which stops children under the age of 9

working in factories, and reducing the hours of women and older children.

1833 The Poor Law Act

The Poor Law Act where workhouses are built for the

poor to be housed and given work.

1833 Abolition of Slavery

The complete abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire.

1834 Fire Destroys Westminster




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1901victoria i1837

1837 Queen at 18

King William dies. Queen Victoria takes the Throne

at the age of just 18 years old.

1838 Oliver Twist is Published.

The SS Great Britain is launched, the first all metal ship.

1840 Victoria marries Albert.

1840 Penny Post introduced.

1843 All Metal Ship

Irish potato Famine and more than 1 million people die of starvation.

1849 1 Million Irish Die

Repeal of the Navigations Act. The Act has said that only ships with

licensed to carry good from British ruled Asia’s were allowed to import goods to England. Any good imported must arrive on English vessels, made in English ship yards. It is hoped that opening the British ports to foreign merchants will reduce the cost of food.

1849 Navigations Act Repealed

1857 India Rebellion

The rebellion began with a mutiny at Sepoys, against the East of India

Companies Army, soon spreading to the Upper plain and central India. British troops have been sent over to support the East of India Army and to crush the rebellion. One the British regain control of India, the East of India Company has been dissolved and responsibility and governance has been restored completely to the Crown.

1871 Trade unions legalised.

1876 Victoria becomes Empress to India.

To disassociate Victoria from previous rule of East of India, the

Queen has become The Empress of India and all British ruled parts of India are know known as British Raj.

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BibliographyUnited Kingdom Tea Council (2012) East India Tea Company, available from -www. http://www.tea.co.uk/east-india-company [accessed 16 jan 2012]The British Monarchy () James I available from - http://www.royal.gov.uk/HistoryoftheMonarchy/KingsandQueensoftheUnitedKingdom/TheStuarts/JamesI.aspx [accessed 21jan 2012]The Cutty Sark () The ship that made Britain available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/london/hi/people_and_places/history/newsid_8081000/8081873.stm [accessed 31 jan 2012]The timeline of British History (2010) Yadaz A 18th Century British Literature available at http://mason.gmu.edu/~ayadav/historical%20outline/overview.htm [accessed feb 2 2012]East of India Company () author various wiki available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company [accessed feb 10 2012]History of Monarchy () The British Monarchy available at http://www.royal.gov.uk/HistoryoftheMonarchy/KingsandQueensoftheUnitedKingdom/TheStuarts/Interregnum.aspx http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/J_EAST_INDIA_COMPANY.HTMBills of Morality - http://morbidanatomy.blogspot.co.uk/2008/06/bill-of-mortality-front-cover-london.htmlSteele H King Oliver () http://www.guernicus.com/academics/pdf/cromwell.pdfImage sourced from The online article “The Renaissance Obsession with Mutability and Morality” by Herman Asarnow Ph.D Proff English Chair department of English at the university of Portland, Oregan

BOOKSGriffiths P (1967) The History of the Indian Tea Company William Clowes and Sons Ltd: LondonBassett. D.K. (1960) Journal of Southeast Asia History vol.1 No.2 pp1-19 Cambridge Unicersity Press

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byMim Van der Waal
