@999 (75% off) Learn Advance Selenium Online Video Course # Life time access with new Updates. # Basic to Advance level Course # Total Sessions : 65 Videoes / Total Duration : 138 Hrs # www.stqatools.com # Buy Course from below link and get video access on your Google drive https://www.instamojo.com/tutorialsninja/selenium-training-videos-beginners-to- advanc/?affiliate=Stqatools *** Any Query *** Mail : [email protected] 1. Introduction to Selenium Selenium Prerequisites What is Manual Testing ? What is Automation Testing ? What is Regression Testing ? Why Automation ? Role of Java in Selenium Automation Basics What is Selenium ? Different automations tools Selenium Automation Tools Selenium Automation capabilities Is Selenium commercial ? Programming languages support Operating Systems support Different Browsers support What is Selenium IDE ? What is Selenium RC ? What is Selenium WebDriver ? What is Selenium Grid ? History of Selenium Different versions of Selenium

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1. Introduction to Selenium

Selenium Prerequisites What

is Manual Testing ? What is

Automation Testing ? What

is Regression Testing ? Why

Automation ? Role of Java in


Automation Basics

What is Selenium ?

Different automations tools

Selenium Automation Tools

Selenium Automation capabilities

Is Selenium commercial ?

Programming languages support

Operating Systems support

Different Browsers support

What is Selenium IDE ?

What is Selenium RC ?

What is Selenium WebDriver ?

What is Selenium Grid ?

History of Selenium

Different versions of Selenium

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2. Firebug, HTML and Selenium IDE

Firefox Browser Installation About FireBug Manually Create Test Cases using IDE

FireBug Add-on Installation FireBug options Highlight the elements using IDE

Launching FireBug Add-on Inspecting Elements using FireBug Saving Selenium IDE Test Cases

HTML Basics Selenium IDE Installation Executing IDE Test Cases as Test Suite

Structure of HTML Launching Selenium IDE

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HTML Examples Record & Playback using Selenium IDE

3. Selenium IDE Part – Two

Selenium IDE Advantages Auto Complete Feature Edit Menu options

Selenium IDE Disadvantages Selenium IDE Components Actions Menu options

Selenium IDE Features File Menu options

4. Selenium IDE Part – Three

Options Menu

Selenium IDE options

Setting default timeout value

Selenium core extensions

Remembering base URL

Automatically recording assert title

Recording on opening Selenium

IDE Recording Absolute URL

Enabling experimental features

Default HTML format Resetting


Formats Tab

Plug-ins Tab

File Logging Example Plugin

Clipboard Format options

Clear History options

Resetting IDE window

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5. Selenium IDE Part-4, HTML Part-2, Locators and other pre-requisites

Help Menu options of Selenium IDE

Base URL bar

Tool Bar options

Test Case pane

Introduction to Locators

Pre-requisites Internal CSS

Different types of Locators External CSS

Other HTML concepts XML for Selenium

CSS for Selenium XPATH for Selenium

Inline CSS JavaScript for Selenium

6. DOM and Selenium IDE Part – Five

Document Object Model Locating elements using DOM Assert versus Verify commands

Purpose of DOM Selenium IDE Editor Pane Selenium IDE Selenese Commands

Accessing DOM using JavaScript Table Tab Handling Popups using IDE

DOM functions Command Dropdown field Handling AJAX Applications using IDE

7. Selenium IDE Part – 6

Other Selenium IDE Selenese commands TestNG Results plug-in Advantages of Selenium IDE

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Highlight elements plug-in Categorizing Selenese commands Disadvantages of Selenium IDE

Locator Builders tab Right Click options

8. Locators Part-2

Locators in detailed identifier locator xpath expressions

Different types of Locators link locator Types of xpath

id locator class locator Absolute xpath

name locator xpath locator

Relative/Direct xpath

Advantages of Relative xpath

Locating elements using Relative xpath

xpath functions

text() xpath function

9. Locators Part-3

contains() xpath function xpath Syntax

starts-with() xpath function xpath operators

last() xpath function xpath optimization

position() xpath function Generating xpath using Firepath

xpath AXES

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10. Locators Part-4

CSS Locators CSS Selectors optimization Locating elements using DOM

Absolute CSS Selectors Generating CSS Selectors using Firepath Absolute DOM

Relative CSS Selectors DOM Locators Relative DOM

Locating elements using CSS Selectors DOM and JavaScript

11. Concluding Locators and Introducing Java

Locators Priority Chrome Developer Tools Non-Object Oriented Languages

Categorizing Locators IE Developer Tools Class

Attribute based Locators Locators and Selenium WebDriver Object

Structure Dependent Locators Introduction to Java Importance of Java in Selenium

Developer Tools Demonstrating Sample Java Program Difference between JDK, JRE and JVM

Firefox Developer Tools Object Oriented Programming Language Java Versions

12. Java Part-2

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Downloading Java JDK Java Path Setting Eclipse IDE

Downloading Java JRE Editors for Java Code Development Downloading Eclipse IDE

Installing Java JDK TextPad Launching Eclipse IDE

Verifying Java JDK Installation Downloading TextPad Creating Java Projects in Eclipse IDE

Compiling and Running Java Program Installing TextPad Compiling and Running Java Program

using Command Prompt Compiling and Running Java Program

using Eclipse IDE

Configuring Java JDK on windows using TextPad editor


13. Java Part-3

Java Project project Navigating to Java Project Workspace

TextPad versus Eclipse IDE Benefits of Eclipse IDE JRE System Library

Java Project Folder Structure Other IDE Editors in the market Eclipse IDE Auto Compiling Feature

Java Project Naming Convention Understanding a Simple Java Program Running Java Programs in Eclipse IDE

src folder Create a Class Viewing Output in Eclipse IDE

setting folder Creating main method Print Statements in Java

classpath Other details on Eclipse IDE Comments in Java

14. Java Part-4

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Storing Data using Java Local Variables Storing boolean values

Variables Instance Variables Storing text

Data Types Storing integer values Type mismatch

Literals Storing decimal values Auto Type conversion

Types of Variables Storing character values

15. Java Part-5

Arrays Literals String Literals

Primitive Data Types Boolean Literals Numeric Literals

Non-Primitive Data Types Character Literals Escape Characters

16. Java Part-6

Operators Increment Operator Less Than Or Equal to Operator

Categorizing the Operators Decrement Operator Logical Operators

Arithmetic Operators Relational Operator Logical AND Operator

Addition Operator Equal to Operator Logical OR Operator

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Subtraction Operator Not Equal to Operator Logical NOT Operator

Multiplication Operator Greater Than Operator Assignment Operators

Division Operator Less Than Operator Simple Assignment Operator

Modulus Operator Greater Than Or Equal to Operator

17. Java Part-7

Compound Assignment Operators Other Operators Operators and Print Statements

Add AND Assignment Operator Conditional Operator Decision Making Structures

Subtract AND Assignment Operator Operator Precedence if statements

Multiply AND Assignment Operator Bitwise Operators if …. else statements

Dividing AND Assignment Operator Bitwise Compound Assignment Operator nested if statements

Modulus AND Assignment Operator instanceof Operator switch statements

18. Java Part-8

Flow Control Statements do while loop Using break statements in switch case

Different Flow Control Statements for loop Using break statements in loops

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Selection Statements for-each loop Using break statements in labeled blocks

Iterative Statements Transfer Statements continue statements

while loop break statements Using continue statements in loops

19. Java Part-9

Methods Parameters Array Declaration

main() method Return Type Array Creation

Creating user defined methods Class Array Initialization

Naming convention of methods Object Shortcut Representation of Array

Parameterized methods Arrays ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Arguments Single Dimension Arrays

20. Java Part-10

Two Dimensional Array 3D Array Declaration Disadvantages of Arrays

2D Array Declaration 3d Array Creation Variables

2D Array Creation 3D Array Initialization Local Variables

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2D Array Initialization Accessing 3D Array Elements Instance Variables

Accessing 2D Array Elements 3D Arrays and length predefined variables static Variables

2D Arrays and length predefined variable 3D Arrays and for loops Primitive type variables

2D Arrays and for loops Shortcut representation of 3D Array Class type variables

Shortcut representation of 2D Array Arrays and Data Types Array type variables

Three Dimensional Array Arrays and Object Class

21. Java Part-11

static modifier Constructors this keyword and Constructors

static methods Constructors and Object Creation Method overloading

non-static methods this keyword Constructor overloading

Dealing Multiple Classes this keyword and Methods

22. Java Part-12

packages Hierarchy of Packages Method Overriding

Advantages of Packages Inheritance super keyword

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Default Packages extends keyword super keyword and methods

Package Creation Inheritance Rules super keyword and constructors

23. Java Part-13

Objects Returning Objects Instance blocks

Assigning Objects Passing Objects to Constructors static blocks

Dynamic Method Dispatch Nameless Objects

Passing Objects as Arguments Classes

24. Java Part-14

Modifiers Using public with Variables and Methods Using final with Variables

Using Access Modifiers with Classes Using private with Variables and Methods Using final with Classes

Using public with Classes Using default with Variables and Methods Using final with methods

Using private with Classes Using protected with Variables and Using abstract with methods

Using default with Classes Methods

Using abstract with Classes

Non-Access Modifiers

Using Access Modifiers with Variables

and Methods static Non-Access Modifier

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25. Java Part-15

Interfaces Using implements keywords Interfaces and Object creation

Interface Syntax Interfaces versus abstract classes Working with Interfaces

Interface Creation Instance variables in Interfaces

26. Java Part-16

Exceptional Handling Exception Checked Exceptions

try catch blocks Throwable Unchecked Exceptions

Exceptions Hierarchy Multiple Catch Blocks finally

Arithmetic Exception Printing Exception Details

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Using throw

27. Java Part-17

Strings Converting integer to String Creating a file

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String Class methods Handling Files Reading from Files

Converting String to integer File Class

28. Java Part-18

Wrapper Classes UnBoxing List Interface

Primitive Data Types AutoBoxing ArrayList

Wrapping AutoUnBoxing Map Interface

Purpose of Wrapping Collection Framework HashMap

Different types of Wrapper Classes Collections Calling the methods using String text

Boxing Hierarchy of Collections Framework

Classes and Interfaces

29. Selenium WebDriver Part-1

Selenium Components Selenium WebDriver versus Selenium RC JAR files

Selenium IDE Selenium 1 Purpose of JAR files

Selenium RC Selenium 2 Creating a JAR files in Eclipse IDE

Drawbacks of RC Downloading Selenium 2

Selenium WebDriver Configuring Selenium 2

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30. Selenium WebDriver Part-2

Working with different browsers Working with Chrome browser Better way to create driver Object

Working with Firefox browser Working with Internet Explorer browser

31. Selenium WebDriver Part-3

Selenium and Browser Compatibility Internet Explorer compatibility with Selenium WebDriver API Commands

Firefox browser compatibility with

Selenium 2 version get() command

Selenium 2 version Selenium API manage().window().maximize()

Chrome browser compatibility with


Selenium 2 version

32. Selenium WebDriver Part-4

By Class linkText() method of By Class WebDriver interface

Predefined methods of By Class partialLinkText() method of By Class WebElement interface

id() method of By Class cssSelector() method of By Class

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name() method of By Class xpath() method of By Class

className() method of By Class tagName() method of By Class

Predefined methods of WebDriver

and WebElement interfaces

findElement() method of

WebDriver interface

click() method of WebElement

interface Using click() with a link

Using click() with a button

Using click() with a checkbox option

Using click() with a radio option

33. Selenium WebDriver Part-5

Using click() with a text box field

Using click() with a text area field

sendKeys() method of

WebElement interface

Using sendKeys() with text box field

Using sendKeys() with password field

Using sendKeys() with text area field

Using sendKeys() with dropdown field

clear() method of WebElement

interface Using clear() with text box

field Using clear() with text area field

getText() method of WebElement interface

getTitle() method of WebDriver interface

getCurrentURL() method of

WebDriver interface

close() method of WebDriver interface

34. Selenium WebDriver Part-6

getAttribute() method of WebElement Retrieving all the links in a section

interface Clicking all the links in a section one after

findElements() method of WebDriver the another



findElements() method of WebElement


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quit() method of WebDriver interface

findElements() method of

WebDriver interface

findElements() method of

WebElement interface


Retrieving all the links on a page

Retrieving all the links on a page

Retrieving all the text boxes on a page

35. Selenium WebDriver Part-7

Retrieving all the textboxes on a page

Retrieving all the links in a section

Retrieving all the links in a section

and clicking one after the other


Reasons behind StaleElementReferenceException

Two Ways to avoid


Best way to avoid


36. Selenium WebDriver Part-8

findElements() of WebDriver interface Improvising the best way Using findElements() with radio options

Best way to resolve the findElements() of WebElement interface Using findElements() with checkbox

StaleElementReferenceException options

37. Selenium WebDriver Part-9

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isDisplayed() method of

WebElement interface

Purpose of isDisplayed() method

isEnabled() method of

WebElement interface

Purpose of isEnabled() method

isSelected() method of

WebElement interface

Using isSelected() with radio options Using navigate() to refresh the page

Using isSelected() with checkbox options getPageSource() method of WebDriver

navigate() method of WebDriver interface interface

Purpose of getPageSource() Using navigate() to navigate backward

Using navigate() to navigate forward

Handling Multiple Windows

Iterator interface

hasNext() of Iterator interface

next() of Iterator interface

38. Selenium WebDriver Part-10

iterator() method of Collection interface

Set interface

HashSet class

add() method of HashSet

39. Selenium WebDriver Part-11

Difference between ArrayList and

HashSet classes

getWindowHandles() of

WebDriver interface

switchTo() of WebDriver interface

Handling Alerts Retrieving all the table headings Retrieving the data in third column of the


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Alert interface

getText() method of Alert

interface accept() method of Alert

interface Switching back to main

window Handling Web Tables

Usage of Xpath in handling Web Tables

Waiting Mechanism



Implicit Wait

Explicit Wait

Wait interface

Retrieving table data without

table headings

Retrieving rows in a table

Retrieving the data in first column of

the table

Retrieving the data in second column

of the table

40. Selenium WebDriver Part-12

WebDriverWait Class

FluentWait Class


until() method of Wait interface



elementToBeClickable(locator) method

41. Selenium WebDriver Part-13

Retrieving headings in first row of

the table

Retrieving data in second row of the table

Retrieving data in fourth row of the table

Retrieving data in a cell based on the

value of another cell in the same row



Selenium WebDriver timeout

Default Timeout of Selenium WebDriver

pageLoadTimeOut() method


Select Class deselectByVisibleText() method getAllSelectedOptions() method

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Predefined methods of Select Class deselectByIndex() method getFirstSelectedOption() method

selectByVisibleText() method deselectByValue() method isMultiple() method

selectByIndex() method deselectAll() method

selectByValue() method getOptions() method

42. Selenium WebDriver Part-14

Handling Mouse Actions dragAncDropBy() dragAndDrop()

Actions Class clickAndHold() Handling Keyboard Actions

Predefined methods of Actions Class release() sendKeys()

moveToElement() contextClick() chord()

click() doubleClick()

43. Selenium WebDriver Part-15 and AutoIt

Uploading a file Downloading AutoIt tool Variables in AutoIt tool

Using sendKeys() for uploading a file Installing AutoIt tool Invoking AutoIt code from Java program

AutoIt tool Pre-defined methods in AutoIt tool Using AutoIt for uploading a file

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44. Selenium WebDriver Part-16

Handling Frames Parent Frames and Child frames Possibilities where switching between

Frames Switching between Parent and Child frames in not allowed

Using switchTo() for handling frames frames

Possibilities where switching between

frames is allowed

45. Selenium WebDriver Part-17

Handling Cookies Cookie class in Selenium Using predefined methods of Cookie class

What are Cookies Retrieving Cookies

Purpose of Cookies Performing operations on Cookies

46. Selenium WebDriver Part-18 and few Java Concepts

Handling Random Activities Calendar Class Parse() method

Random Class getInstance() method Handling Calendar table in Selenium

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nextInt() method get() method Handling ‘Submit’ button in forms

Using Random Class and nextInt() in setTime() method submit() method

Selenium SimpleDateFormat Class

Handling Calendar

47. Selenium WebDriver Part-19

Handling Firefox Profiles ProfilesIni Class setPreference() method

Multiple Profiling getProfile() method Modifying Firefox preferences

Browsers and Multiple Profiling Downloading Files using Selenium

Opening a specific Profile FirefoxProfile Class

48. Selenium WebDriver Part-20

Enabling Native Events FirefoxProfile Class setAcceptUntrustedCertificates() method

Native Events setEnableNativeEvents() method Handling Untrusted Certificate Errors

Synthetic Events

Handling Untrusted Certificate Errors

using Desired Capabilities

setCapability() method

Enabling Native Events in Firefox

SSL Certificate

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49. Selenium WebDriver Part-21

Executing JavaScript using Selenium JavaScriptExecutor interface Using varargs in executeScript() method

Why JavaScript is the final solution executeScript() method

Using JavaScript and DOM together varargs in Java

50. Selenium WebDriver Part-22

Event Listener in Selenium afterNavigateForward() method afterChangeValueOf() method

EventFiringWebDriver Class beforeNavigateRefresh() method beforeScript() method

WebDriverEventLIstener interface afterNavigateRefresh() method afterScript() method

beforeNavigateTo() method beforeFindBy() method onException() method

afterNavigateTo() method afterFindBy() method Implementing EventFiringWebDriver

beforeNavigateBack() method beforeClickOn() method


register() method afterNavigateBack() method afterClickOn() method

unregister() method

beforeNavigateForward() method beforeChangeValueOf() method

51. Selenium WebDriver Part-23

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Handling Lightbox getScreenshotAs() method Base64 Class

Taking Screenshots Password Encryption encodeBase64() method

TakeScreenshot interface Password Decryption decodeBased64() method

52. Framework Concepts – Properties Files

Properties Files Implementing Properties files in Java Retrieving the Project data from the

Purpose of Properties Files Purpose of Properties Files in Selenium Properties Files

Automation Frameworks

53. Framework Concepts – POI API

POI API XSSF implementation

Official Website Purpose of POI API

Downloading POI API Reading data from Excel Files

HSSF implementation Writing data into Excel Files

Implementing POI API in

Automation Framework

Creating user defined methods using


54. Framework Concepts – Log4j API

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Log4j API Debugging using SOP statements Downloading Log4j

Purpose of Log4j API Disadvantages of SOP statements in Implementing Log4j in Selenium

Debugging logging Automation Frameworks

Advantages of Log4j API in logging

55. Framework Concepts – TestNG

TestNG Skipping the tests Hard Assertions

TestNG installation Failing the tests Soft Assertions

TestNG annotations Parameterizing the tests Executing Multiple Test Suites from a

Executing Java files in batch using TestNG TestNG Assertions

Single Master testng xml file

56. Framework Concepts – ANT

ANT Configuring ANT Executing tests using batch file

Downloading ANT build.xml file XSLT Reports

57. Framework Concepts – Maven

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Maven Creating Maven Project Maven Life Cycle Phases

Maven versus ANT Running the tests using pom.xml

Installing Maven Eclipse IDE Plug-in Combination of testng and pom.xml

58. Data Driven Framework and Selenium Grid

Data Driven Framework Execute tests in a serial way

Demo Project Execute tests in a parallel way

Creating Maven Project Selenium Grid

Source Folders Configuring Hub and Node Machines

Grid Console

Configuring ANT

Generating XSLT Reports

Execute the tests using Bat file

59. Keyword Driven Framework and Hybrid Framework

Hybrid Framework Source Folders Configuring ANT

Combination of Keyword Driven Generic Keywords Executing tests using BAT file

Framework and Data Driven Framework App Keywords

Demo Project

Extent Reports

Creating Maven Project

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60. Jenkins, Git and GitHub

Working on a project in group Installing Git Creating Jenkins Project

GitHub Jenkins Invoking ANT from Jenkins

Creating a GitHub account Downloading Jenkins Install TestNG results Plugin in Jenkins

Creating a GitHub Repository Installing Jenkins View TestNG results in Jenkins

Git Configuring GitHub to work with Jenkins

61. Page Object Model, Page Factory and Selenium 3

Page Object Model Design pattern Page Factory initElements()

Design Patterns Advantages of Page Factory Selenium 3

Advantages of Page Object Model @FindBy Geckodriver

62. Extent Reports

ExtentReports Class Reports folder Adding System Info

ExtentTest Class ReportsConfig.xml

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Configuring required Jars Naming reports with current time stamp Displaying logs and screenshots in the


63. Build Data Driven Frameworks from scratch

Data Driven Testing Providing required dependencies Properties files

Data Driven Framework Creating sub packages Creating Test Classes

Demo Application Configuring POI API Developing Framework from scratch

Creating Maven Project Configuring Extent Reports Download Developed Framework

Creating Source folders Utility and reusable methods

64. Build Page Object Model & Page Factory implemented Framework from scratch

Page Object Model Design pattern Configuring POI API Page Factory

Advantages of Page Object Model Configuring Extent Reports Advantages of Page Factory

Creating Maven Project Utility and reusable methods @FindBy

Creating source folders Constants initElements()

Providing required dependencies Creating Pages Classes Developing Framework from scratch

Creating sub packages Creating Test Classes Download Developed Framework

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65. Cucumber and BDD

Cucumber Create Maven Project Creating Step Definitions

Behavior Driven Development Configure dependencies Creating Test Runner Class

Advantages of BDD Install Eclipse IDE Plugins Download Cucumber & BDD Project

Feature Files and Gherkin Creating Feature Files