14 Heat pumps es/o1 974 BIphick, A. Tronda In European refrtgoratlon Air Co& Refrig. News, Sep. 199+ (4). 6-7. Reports that Europe. is now in agreement over a tunetable of CFC phase- out, but each country has its own views on preferred alternative rcffrigerants. 98/01975 Use of metallk tolls as ndlatlon barriers to reduce heat loaaea from buildings Harris, D. J. Applied Energy, 1995,52, (4), 331-339. Reducing heating costs is an important conccmt for householders, but man r conventional methods of cutting down heating costs, such as insulat- ing ofts and cavity waIIs and fitting double dazing, involve considerable capital outlay. An effective way of reducing heat loses with a minimum of capital outlay is to fit n5ecting metal foil behind the central heating radia- tors, but litde has been done to measure the-amount of energy saved in this way. Similarly, a foil layer can be used to reduce. heat losses from beneath suspended floors, but little data are avaiable on its effectiveness. Work is reported in the paper on experiments carried out in an environmental cham- ber to measure the effect on heat losses of metal foils behind radiators and beneath suspended floors. EE;76 Weather data and hratlng-degrrr days for Saudi El-Shaarawi, M. A and AI-Masri, N. Energy, Jan. 1996.21, (l), 39-44. Presents monthly-average maximum, minimum and mean temperatures and the medians of extreme temperatures for 24 weather stations in Saudi Arabia. Heating-degree days arc also given for these locations. Q6/01977 Wholeaalera and diatrlbutora eurvey Stanford, A. and Bridges, M. Air Co&f. Refrg. News, Oct. 1995,12, (l), 26-46. Discusses the changes in the air conditioning distribution industry in the UK in recent years. 14 HEAT PUMPS 96/OlQ78 Commrrclal/lnrtltutlonal ground-source heat pump englnrrrlng manual ASHRAE, USA, 1995. The manual is intended to increase the design community’s awareness and knowledge of the benefits, design and installation requirements of com- mcrciaI/institutionaI buildings, ground-source. heat pumps. %I01 979 Dynamic almulatlon of an adeorptlon heat pump Cacciola, 0. er a& Temrorechica, Sep. 1995, (9 69-75. (In Italian) Describes the development of a mathematical m 02cl of an adsorption heat pump using two isothermal reactors with internal heat recovery. IIIustrates the heat pump schematically and describes its thermodynamic principles. A comparison is made of the theoretical predictions with the experimental behaviour of a laboratory plant using a zeolite-water pair. 96/01 QeO Heat pump development trends In Japan Bouwma, J. IEA Heat Pump Centre Newsletrer, Sep. 1995,13, (3), 38-40. Reports on planned and actual heat pump developments in Japan. ss/OlQgl Wet corn pu$[;eaworklng wlt R reaalon versus dry compreaalon In heat pure refrlgeranta or non-azeotroplc Itard, L. C. Jnr. J. Refri The paper discussesa stu PIB Se . 1995, 18, (7), 495-504. y to etermine under which conditions wet com- pression in heat pumps is effectively attractive and in which casesnot. The paper is in two parts - (1) Deals with pure refrigerant heat pumps; (2) Bxamines non-axeotmpic mixtures. WOI Q02 The world’s beat aelllng heat pump. What maker the Japanese room heat pump ao successful? Itoh, H. LE.4 Heat 3 Points out that during 1 Centre Newsletter, Sep. 1995, 13, (3), 31-34. 4 sales of heat pumps reached 6M units in Japan alone. The Japanese room heat pumps far exceed sales of any other heat pump type in the world, since its was introduced in the 1970s. Describes the development of rcom heat pumps in Japan and the features of today’s units that make them so successful. 15 ENVIRONMENT Pollution, Health Protection, Safety se/O1 Qa3 Ah condltlonlng In health care bulldlnga Squiuaxi, F. et al., C/r&X Vent. Condit., Oct. 1995, (lo), 51-82. (In French) The issue contains eight short articles dealing with air conditioning in health care buildings in France. wolf Analyala of toxic and radloactlva componenta In eedlment-type alr partlculatea by INAA and XRF Rausch, H. et al., J. Radioanal. NucL Chem., 1995, l%, (I), 25-33. The chemical composition of brown coal fuels and several sediment-type atmospheric particulate pollutants of industrial origin e. . fly-ash, bottom- iii ash, dust particulates from foundary-halls and casting- s) was studied ill relation to their toxic and natural radioactive contents. 98/OlQSS Apportionment of alr pollution sources by receptor models In Hong Kong Fung. Y. S. and Won& L. W. Atmos. Environ., 1995,29, (16). 2041-2048. Describes the application of a receptor mcdelhng method for the appor- tionment of air pollution sources in a highly urbanized area which has been investigated using trace metals as market elements in air partiadates sam- pled at five statrons in New Territories in Hong Kong. The elemental profile of the coaI used for burning, the 5y ash obtained after tbc elcctro- static precipitator and the ambient particulates collected at the five sam- pling sites were determined. Q6101Q86 Asaeaament of radlatlon doses to aquatk organ- Ism’a In the Chernobyl contaminated area ~;;II I. I. and Saxykina, T. G. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995,28, (l), The fields of ionizing radiation on the Chernobyl-contaminated site are characterized by constderable nonuniformity in their temporal and spatial distribution. The paper presents some results from the assessment of ex sure of aquatic organisms within the areas which differ markedly in rar to- active contamination levels, namely the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant cooling pond, the Dnieper watershed rivers and the Dnieper cascade reservoirs. %/Ol Qg7 Atmospheric chemlatry of alternate fuela and refor- mulated gaaollne componentr Bo;gr F. M. and Seinfeld, J. H. Prog. Energy Comfwst., 1995,21, (5). Recent ab quality regulations have mandated the use.of reformulated gasc- line and alternate fuels in motor vehicles. Reformulated fuels are intended to reduce both ozone-forming volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and air toxic emissions from vehicles. A method that allows the determina- tion of the individual contributions of a single VOC to the ozone formation in a complex VOUNO, mixture is outlined and applied to eight potential reformulated fuel components. In calculations using a current comprehen- sive atmospheric chemical reaction mechanism a wide variety of organics are shown to be responsible for ozone production. gslOlQsS Balanced bellowa valves - A thlng of the past? Emerson, G. Offshore Engineer, Nov. 1995, 39, 41. Discusses how there has been an extraordinary increase in the number of reported premature bellows faihtres in balanced beIhnvs ure relief valves applications in offshore environments over the past ew years. The p”” author argues the case for a cost effective, safer solution to this potentially hazardous problem. %I01 QgQ Becomlng proactlve about envlronmental rlaka. t&g;yry reform and rlak management In the US elactrlclty Andrews, C. J. and Govil, S. Energy Policy, Oct. 1995,23, (lo), 885892. Future environmental requirements are an important component of invest- ment risk for long-lived facilities such as electric power plants. Yet the industrv’s current rexulatorv comuact discouranes oroactive environmentaI investments, and thui encoiuagebsuboptimal I&rg&rm compliance strate- f ‘es. The paper develo y analysmg a typo id s an indicative estimate of the resulting inefficiency US power system. it argues that market-oriented regulatory reform can encourage enviromnentat risk management by utdities. WOI QQO Blogeochemlcal Impacts of CO, storage In the ocean Stegen, G. et al., Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995. 36, (6), 497-500. The impact of CO, storage in the dee ocean is a function of the CO concentration and local carbonate equili !I. num conditions. The discharge o I stored CO into the deep ocean in the Northwestern Atlantic near New York and he Northeastern Pacific near San Francisco. Strong currents in the AUantic simulation resulted in more extensive dispersum of Co,. Lower concentrations of CO2 and a higher initial pH and calcite saturation state resulted in a lower envuonmental impact in the Atlantic. Most nota- bly, in the Pacific simulation stored CO, lowered the calcite saturation state to nearly undersaturated conditions. WOI QQI Blol. nltrogen removal proceu for treating coking wastewater Jiang, 2. Shanghai Huanjing Kexue, 1995, 14, (4). 34-35. (In Chinese) Describes the operational experience in nitrification-denit treat- ment of coking wastewater with >90 treatment efficiency at a gas plant in Shanghai, China. 134 Fuel and Energy Abstracts March 1996

96/01988 Balanced bellows valves — A thing of the past?

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14 Heat pumps

es/o1 974 BIphick, A.

Tronda In European refrtgoratlon Air Co& Refrig. News, Sep. 199+ (4). 6-7.

Reports that Europe. is now in agreement over a tunetable of CFC phase- out, but each country has its own views on preferred alternative rcffrigerants.

98/01975 Use of metallk tolls as ndlatlon barriers to reduce heat loaaea from buildings Harris, D. J. Applied Energy, 1995,52, (4), 331-339. Reducing heating costs is an important conccmt for householders, but man

r conventional methods of cutting down heating costs, such as insulat-

ing ofts and cavity waIIs and fitting double dazing, involve considerable capital outlay. An effective way of reducing heat loses with a minimum of capital outlay is to fit n5ecting metal foil behind the central heating radia- tors, but litde has been done to measure the- amount of energy saved in this way. Similarly, a foil layer can be used to reduce. heat losses from beneath suspended floors, but little data are avaiable on its effectiveness. Work is reported in the paper on experiments carried out in an environmental cham- ber to measure the effect on heat losses of metal foils behind radiators and beneath suspended floors.

EE;76 Weather data and hratlng-degrrr days for Saudi

El-Shaarawi, M. A and AI-Masri, N. Energy, Jan. 1996.21, (l), 39-44. Presents monthly-average maximum, minimum and mean temperatures and the medians of extreme temperatures for 24 weather stations in Saudi Arabia. Heating-degree days arc also given for these locations.

Q6/01977 Wholeaalera and diatrlbutora eurvey Stanford, A. and Bridges, M. Air Co&f. Refrg. News, Oct. 1995,12, (l), 26-46. Discusses the changes in the air conditioning distribution industry in the UK in recent years.

14 HEAT PUMPS 96/OlQ78 Commrrclal/lnrtltutlonal ground-source heat pump englnrrrlng manual ASHRAE, USA, 1995.

The manual is intended to increase the design community’s awareness and knowledge of the benefits, design and installation requirements of com- mcrciaI/institutionaI buildings, ground-source. heat pumps.

%I01 979 Dynamic almulatlon of an adeorptlon heat pump Cacciola, 0. er a& Temrorechica, Sep. 1995, (9 69-75. (In Italian) Describes the development of a mathematical m 02 cl of an adsorption heat pump using two isothermal reactors with internal heat recovery. IIIustrates the heat pump schematically and describes its thermodynamic principles. A comparison is made of the theoretical predictions with the experimental behaviour of a laboratory plant using a zeolite-water pair.

96/01 QeO Heat pump development trends In Japan Bouwma, J. IEA Heat Pump Centre Newsletrer, Sep. 1995,13, (3), 38-40. Reports on planned and actual heat pump developments in Japan.

ss/OlQgl Wet corn pu$[;eaworklng wlt R

reaalon versus dry compreaalon In heat pure refrlgeranta or non-azeotroplc

Itard, L. C. Jnr. J. Refri The paper discusses a stu PIB

Se . 1995, 18, (7), 495-504. y to etermine under which conditions wet com-

pression in heat pumps is effectively attractive and in which cases not. The paper is in two parts - (1) Deals with pure refrigerant heat pumps; (2) Bxamines non-axeotmpic mixtures.

WOI Q02 The world’s beat aelllng heat pump. What maker the Japanese room heat pump ao successful? Itoh, H. LE.4 Heat

3 Points out that during 1 Centre Newsletter, Sep. 1995, 13, (3), 31-34.

4 sales of heat pumps reached 6M units in Japan alone. The Japanese room heat pumps far exceed sales of any other heat pump type in the world, since its was introduced in the 1970s. Describes the development of rcom heat pumps in Japan and the features of today’s units that make them so successful.


Pollution, Health Protection, Safety

se/O1 Qa3 Ah condltlonlng In health care bulldlnga Squiuaxi, F. et al., C/r&X Vent. Condit., Oct. 1995, (lo), 51-82. (In French) The issue contains eight short articles dealing with air conditioning in health care buildings in France.

wolf Analyala of toxic and radloactlva componenta In eedlment-type alr partlculatea by INAA and XRF Rausch, H. et al., J. Radioanal. NucL Chem., 1995, l%, (I), 25-33. The chemical composition of brown coal fuels and several sediment-type atmospheric particulate pollutants of industrial origin e. . fly-ash, bottom-

iii ash, dust particulates from foundary-halls and casting- s) was studied ill relation to their toxic and natural radioactive contents.

98/OlQSS Apportionment of alr pollution sources by receptor models In Hong Kong Fung. Y. S. and Won& L. W. Atmos. Environ., 1995,29, (16). 2041-2048. Describes the application of a receptor mcdelhng method for the appor- tionment of air pollution sources in a highly urbanized area which has been investigated using trace metals as market elements in air partiadates sam- pled at five statrons in New Territories in Hong Kong. The elemental profile of the coaI used for burning, the 5y ash obtained after tbc elcctro- static precipitator and the ambient particulates collected at the five sam- pling sites were determined.

Q6101 Q86 Asaeaament of radlatlon doses to aquatk organ- Ism’a In the Chernobyl contaminated area ~;;II I. I. and Saxykina, T. G. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995,28, (l),

The fields of ionizing radiation on the Chernobyl-contaminated site are characterized by constderable nonuniformity in their temporal and spatial distribution. The paper presents some results from the assessment of ex sure of aquatic organisms within the areas which differ markedly in ra r to- active contamination levels, namely the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant cooling pond, the Dnieper watershed rivers and the Dnieper cascade reservoirs.

%/Ol Qg7 Atmospheric chemlatry of alternate fuela and refor- mulated gaaollne componentr Bo;gr F. M. and Seinfeld, J. H. Prog. Energy Comfwst., 1995,21, (5).

Recent ab quality regulations have mandated the use. of reformulated gasc- line and alternate fuels in motor vehicles. Reformulated fuels are intended to reduce both ozone-forming volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and air toxic emissions from vehicles. A method that allows the determina- tion of the individual contributions of a single VOC to the ozone formation in a complex VOUNO, mixture is outlined and applied to eight potential reformulated fuel components. In calculations using a current comprehen- sive atmospheric chemical reaction mechanism a wide variety of organics are shown to be responsible for ozone production.

gslOlQsS Balanced bellowa valves - A thlng of the past? Emerson, G. Offshore Engineer, Nov. 1995, 39, 41. Discusses how there has been an extraordinary increase in the number of reported premature bellows faihtres in balanced beIhnvs ure relief valves applications in offshore environments over the past ew years. The p”” author argues the case for a cost effective, safer solution to this potentially hazardous problem.

%I01 QgQ Becomlng proactlve about envlronmental rlaka. t&g;yry reform and rlak management In the US elactrlclty

Andrews, C. J. and Govil, S. Energy Policy, Oct. 1995,23, (lo), 885892. Future environmental requirements are an important component of invest- ment risk for long-lived facilities such as electric power plants. Yet the industrv’s current rexulatorv comuact discouranes oroactive environmentaI investments, and thui encoiuagebsuboptimal I&rg&rm compliance strate-

f ‘es. The paper develo y analysmg a typo id

s an indicative estimate of the resulting inefficiency US power system. it argues that market-oriented

regulatory reform can encourage enviromnentat risk management by utdities.

WOI QQO Blogeochemlcal Impacts of CO, storage In the ocean Stegen, G. et al., Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995. 36, (6), 497-500. The impact of CO, storage in the dee ocean is a function of the CO concentration and local carbonate equili !I. num conditions. The discharge o I stored CO into the deep ocean in the Northwestern Atlantic near New York and he Northeastern Pacific near San Francisco. Strong currents in the AUantic simulation resulted in more extensive dispersum of Co,. Lower concentrations of CO2 and a higher initial pH and calcite saturation state resulted in a lower envuonmental impact in the Atlantic. Most nota- bly, in the Pacific simulation stored CO, lowered the calcite saturation state to nearly undersaturated conditions.

WOI QQI Blol. nltrogen removal proceu for treating coking wastewater Jiang, 2. Shanghai Huanjing Kexue, 1995, 14, (4). 34-35. (In Chinese) Describes the operational experience in nitrification-denit treat- ment of coking wastewater with >90 treatment efficiency at a gas plant in Shanghai, China.

134 Fuel and Energy Abstracts March 1996