September 2, 2010 • www.OlympiaMediaGroup.com Join The Zone!! The rowdiest student section on campus & receive a FREE T-shirt! Friday, September 10th v.s. Youngstown St. 7:30pm Cliff Keen Arena It's About That Time Again, 5 Top 5 Tips For Sorority Rush, 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan Photo Credit: Danielle Toll


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September 2, 2010 • www.OlympiaMediaGroup.com

Join The Zone!! The rowdiest student section on campus & receive a FREE T-shirt!

Friday, September 10thv.s. Youngstown St.

7:30pm Cliff Keen Arena

It's About That Time Again, 5Top 5 Tips For Sorority Rush, 7

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Photo Credit: Danielle Toll

Page 2: 9.2.10

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Welcometo the

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We Say: Welcome to Your OdysseyAs summer slips into memory and the dawn

of Fall approaches, we fi nd ourselves back on campus here at the University of Michigan. Much has changed over the summer. Our perspective due to traveling abroad, our knowledge due to taking internships or classes, and our spirit due to reuniting with old friends—we can look forward to a new school year full of the traditions of our university and our houses. We have many football Saturdays to look forward to, many chapter meetings and date parties, and many freshmen joining us. However, there will be something new on campus this year besides freshmen, "The Odyssey."

If you have not heard by now from your friends, our emails, or our Facebook page (check it out if you haven’t yet), "The Odyssey" is the largest nationwide publication for the Greek community. It is a voice and an

invaluable communication tool for Greek students for the campuses on which it already has a presence, and our mission is to make it this for all Greek students at the University of Michigan.

"The Odyssey" will not be a rumor-fi lled tabloid, or a censored publication sponsored directly by the school. It will be a platform for Greek students to write and share their interests with each other, and to improve communication throughout the Greek community. Our goal is not to be biased by supporting only the views of a minority, but to be a balanced voice for all of Greek life.

There are many different views about what Greek life is. What we are can’t be defi ned in simple terms, as those who aren't in the Greek community may try to do. Yes we are social, but we also value hard work and determination

(as many pledges will tell you). Yes, we may indulge ourselves at times, but we give so much back to our community with various philanthropy events and charities.

This publication will be able to hopefully defog any misunderstandings that people have about what Greek life is. It will hopefully bring us together as a Greek community, instead of just a bunch of Fraternities and Sororities at the University of Michigan.

I hope you enjoy our fi rst issue of The Odyssey at the University of Michigan, and Go Blue!

Casey is a sophomore majoring in Business and Chemical Engineering. You may reach him at [email protected].

Vol. 1, No. 1 Alex Perlman, Phi Kappa Psi • Matthew Goldstein, Phi Kappa Psi

Leann Arcori, Alpha Phi


Phi Kappa PsiPublisher

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Welcome Week MustsAfter months of anticipation, the

hormonal hustle and bustle of welcome week has fi nally come knocking at our doors. As Michigan students, we have been granted a seven-day grace period to say goodbye to summer fun and reunite with the faces of friends we have missed for far too long. Although most people see the end of August as the beginning of responsibility, we march proudly on into September as though we are fi ghting for survival. During this time when hearts throb and livers grow weaker, it is nearly impossible to stay seated for more than a second after move in. There are three welcome week musts that every returning student in Greek Life should abide by.

Hail to Saturday Mornings!

On September 4th, the Wolverines will kick off the Michigan football season against the University of Connecticut Huskies. Coming hand in hand with

this long awaited game comes the campus’s fi rst Saturday morning of the year, a tradition that defi nes our college experience. It is mandatory to dance around to the foghorns, cowbells, and blasting stereos that these limited Saturdays are famed for. So get out early

and fl aunt your maize and blue while you can! Make sure to endure the celebration and make it to the game, as promising new players and a fresh school year offer hope for a successful season.

The Hunt for Housing

Attending a University with over 40,000 students means survival of the fi ttest when it comes to off-campus housing. Some of us have had the unfortunate experience of shacking up with close friends in Ann Arbor homes that are run down and unfi t for living. For this reason, it is essential to begin looking for next year’s housing upon immediate arrival. Let’s face it- as the snow begins to fall, and the Michigan winds pick up, we all wish we were even a foot closer to our classes. Scout out

some good locations and get to a realtor before someone else snatches up your ideal home.

Heartless Hookups

We all know that welcome week is a wild mess of relationship births and deaths. What we also know is that it is a time to test the waters and feel regret free about people we choose to pursue. Everyone has their, “I can’t believe I did that, but it happened during welcome week so it doesn’t count” moment, so let yours shine too. There are only seven days on the welcome week calendar, so be safe and make

every moment one to remember.

Erica Salmirs is a Junior studying Economics and Environmental Studies. You may contact her at [email protected].

"Attending a University with over 40,000 students means survival of the fi ttest when it comes to off-campus housing." ERICA SALMIRS


Page 4: 9.2.10


Rush Advice Is it really that

time again already? Although UM gives us a lovely four month long summer, it just really seems to fl y by. I’m not very excited to trade in my tanning lotion for text books, but I am looking forward to two things - football season and of course rush season! As a sophomore, I’m defi nitely curious to see the fl ip side of everything. Now I can sit back and relax a little – no more sprinting from house to house or losing that little schedule! Don’t get me wrong! I’m not trying to complain or bash rushing. It’s defi nitely an unforgettable experience and I am so happy and grateful I stuck

with it to the end. I just wish as a freshman somebody had given me a little advice beforehand so I had known what to expect. Therefore, I’ve thrown together some pointers that can help out any girl who is considering rushing. My advice to those of you not yet involved in Greek Life but considering it – just rush! You just might fi nd your future friends and home.

My fi rst piece of advice is to wear comfortable shoes. Who knew there was so much walking involved in rushing? Well, it is called rushing and you’re sure to be doing a lot of just that; rushing from house to house is a must.

You’ll have back to back parties with just a short break in between. Sometimes the houses are just a few blocks from each other and you’ll have time to safely teeter in those heels. However, sometimes

you’ll have to make the mad dash down Washtenaw. Trust me; a bloody knee doesn’t look good with any outfi t!

Next, avoid garlicky foods. Nobody told me that rushing would be so up-

close and personal. There are a lot of girls in just a couple rooms at one time so needless to say there isn’t a lot of extra space. Bring along a couple aspirin as well if you get headaches easily (it gets

pretty loud)! Extra-strength deodorant anyone? Like I said before, there are a lot of girls in one house at one time – think 100+ people. Add the hot September sun and a lack of air conditioning and what do you get? You get sweaty! No need to be embarrassed. Just think of rushing as a daily work out! I hope these few points will help out any curious rushers and brought back some great memories to those of us who have already been through it. Let’s all come together for a fun and fair 2010 rush season!

Olivia Quinn is a sophomore studying English. You may contact her at [email protected].

"My fi rst piece of advice is to wear comfortable shoes. Who knew there was so much walking involved in rushing?"


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Page 5: 9.2.10



It’s About That Time Again...By the looks of everyone’s Facebook

statuses, we’re all more than anxious to dip our feet back into the Ann Arbor pool of something we like to call...Welcome Week. Year one was built upon nerves, confusion, and probably partying a little too hard (Wait, is that possible?). As a soon-to-be Sophomore myself, I’ve decided to shelve those two eventful, yet scary semesters. Don’t get me wrong, my Freshman year wasn’t some terrible experience, I just have this overly confi dent feeling that nothing will be able to top round two.

I vividly recall my fi rst night of Welcome Week last year; I’m pretty sure I spent more time asking people on the street where I could fi nd PIKE and SAMMY than I actually did attending the festivities. Never have I ever felt more self-conscious than when the guys at the door of some fraternity analyzed whether or not my girlfriends and I would add to their unfortunately uneven girl-to-boy ratio.

However, once we navigated our way through this seemingly huge campus and were let in, I realized the world of college was going to be very different than high

school - basement party upgrade, whoa.

The seven or so days before Labor Day provide us with the one and only reason to throw quite possibly the biggest party on this campus before classes begin and the

homework piles up. On the other hand, Welcome Week isn’t solely about night life; rush chants will be echoing down South University and Hill Street by day. For most of us, this is the fi rst time we get the inside scoop of how the process of recruitment goes down. Now, instead of looking up at the colossal houses wide-eyed and curious we will be on the hunt for as many pro-Greek Freshmen we can fi nd. Now, we hold on our shoulders, the duty of illustrating what each of our houses represent. And now, we can relax a little because we already know where

exactly we belong at U of M. I think I can speak for the entire Greek community when I say it’s good to be back.

Dear class of 2013, we’re not at the bottom of the totem pole anymore. No longer will we be clueless about what we are supposed to do for fun around campus. We’ve made some friends, we’re comfortable in our own skin, and we’ve found our niche in the Greek world at the University of Michigan. So who’s ready for a themed mixer? I know I am.

Kendall Szczerba is a Sophomore studying Pre-Medicine and Spanish. You may contact her at [email protected]

"The seven or so days before Labor Day provide us with the one and only reason to throw quite possibly the biggest party on this campus before classes begin and the homework piles up."


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Page 6: 9.2.10


Back Where I BelongRoughly four months ago I ended my freshman year, left Ann Arbor, and began a summer with a lot of work and some play. Aside from caddying for the majority of that time, I was fortunate enough to travel to Israel on a Michigan Hillel Birthright trip, attend the United States Golf Open at Pebble Beach, and take a leisurely family vacation to Colorado. It has now been four and a half days since I moved into the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity house on State Street, and these last 108 hours have been the wildest of the summer.

Now moving into an old house without air conditioning in August is not the most e n j o y a b l e thing to do. My move-in process did not hold a candle to climbing Massada in time to watch the sun rise over the Mediterranean Sea, it was not as intriguing as Graeme

McDowell's Sunday round to win the U.S. Open, and it was nowhere near as much fun as white water rafting down the Arkansas river. On paper the days have been long and exhausting, and while I

party at night the following days continue to exhaust me as this move-in process has taken much longer than I originally expected.

What has made these last couple days so

phenomenal is that I am back in the place I love, I am home, I am in Ann Arbor. While I was able to do some pretty extraordinary things this summer they all lacked a certain entity, that being my true home with my closest friends.

If these last four days are any indication of things to come my guess is I'll go bankrupt, fail out of school, and wake up in plenty of places not being my bed. For my sake and my parents' sake let's pray that doesn't happen. Damn am I glad to be back again and able to cheer, "Go Blue!"

Benjamin Kurland is a Sophomore majoring in Political Science.

Ben KurlandPhi Kappa Psi

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This past summer I had the awesome opportunity of being a counselor at a Camp in Maine and getting paid at the same time. You might be thinking, what’s this guy talking about? The thing about camp is, that sometimes it really is too much fun to handle.

I entered Camp Modin (a Jewish, summer sleep away camp) nervously excited. Nervous because I had been a camper there for 7 years, and was well aware of the long hours that the staff had to work. Upon arrival, I soon learned that this would be one of the most enjoyable and eye-opening summers of my life.

The staff came from all around the world to work at Camp Modin. There are the Kiwis (New Zealanders), the Aussies (Australians), the English(wo)men, the Irish, and of course, the Modinites (American former campers). For the fi rst couple hours or so there is a divide amongst the staff; but by the time the ice has been broken, it doesn’t really matter anymore. The language barrier is strong in the fi rst week but after a while, elements of dialect become common to us all like the phrases: “heaps” which just means a lot, “sweet as” which just means sweet or cool, and “keen” which means that

you’re down to do whatever.

On the 3rd day of pre-camp you are paired up with 7 other counselors with

whom you will be co-counselors for your age group. On the 7th day, the kids arrive. By this time, it feels like you have been there an entire month. What a joy it is to see your kids get off the bus, and try to carry bags to the bunk that are two times the size of them.

From then on, its magic. You bond, you listen, you encounter, you learn. Simply put; camp is the perfect place to make friends because the environment allows for friendship to grow and prosper. It allows for memories to be made and for adventures to be had. I shared a bunk with a 6”4 man, who we referred to as Big Al because of his stature. He was born in Israel, moved to South Africa when he was three, and then to England at the age of 9. Needless to say, I learned a lot from the guy.

Being a counselor comes with great responsibilities. Sometimes you have to look after 30 or more screaming 9-year-

olds, but in the end it is all worth it. Earning the respect of your campers and of your co-counselors is also something that you will take with you as you move on from camp.

Camp has so much to offer and while it is not reality, in many ways it is the purest place in the world. Free from the worries of life; it gives you the time and place you need to be yourself. I even earned my own nickname, Seido, which sticks with me wherever I go. Some campers and counselors say they live 10 months for 2- those 2 being camp.

Ben is a sophomore interested in Global Change. You may contact him at [email protected].

The Camp Experience


Alpha Epsilon Pi

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rTop Five Tips For Sorority Rush:

1. Just Do It: Whether you think you want to go Greek or not, recruitment is a great way to meet new girls. As a freshman, it is important to get involved on campus. You may be convinced that you don’t fi t the “sorority girl” stereotype, but you might meet girls during rush who change that. If you don’t rush freshman year, it is much more diffi cult to do it later, and you can always drop out if you feel that it isn’t a fi t.

2. Have an Open Mind: Instead of listening to friends or other people, go into recruitment with an open mind. Michigan

is home to sixteen different Panhellenic organizations, and each one has their own personality. The large number of houses means every girl can fi nd her place, whether you think you are a sorority girl or not.

3. Be Flexible: Your fi rst day in recruitment you may fall in love with some houses and feel like you don’t fi t in at all at others. But be fl exible because as much as you might love a house doesn’t mean that it is a fi t. Remember that recruitment is a mutual selection process. Don’t worry that one house you liked didn’t ask you back because there is bound to be another house that

loves you and that you will love too!

4. Look Around: In the later rounds, look at the other girls in line with you. See what type of girls that sorority is attracting

and gauge if you think that you will fi t in with them. This is especially important during preference round. Many of these

girls will be in your pledge class, and they are the ones you will spend most of your time bonding with during your college experience.

5. Be Yourself: This is the most important tip. Keep in mind that the girls you are meeting during rush are the girls you will be spending the next 4 years with. You don’t want to create an image of yourself that you think your “top” house wants to see. You want to be able to be comfortable with the girls in the house.

Recruitment may seem overwhelming and confusing, but consider it two weeks well spent in fi nding a place to create bonds that last far beyond the next four years. Keep in mind that you need to be open, honest, and realistic in order to fi nd the perfect house to spend your next four years!

Laura Raines is a sophomore studying Communications. You may contact her at [email protected].

"Be fl exible because as much as you might love a house doesn’t mean that it is a fi t. Remember that recruitment is a mutual selection process."


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rRush Hour

Let’s face it: the thought of Rush as an incoming freshman girl is intimidating. The idea of trekking from sorority house to sorority house in your dangerously short skirt and uncomfortable new fl ats in the heat, while trying to make an awesome fi rst impression on everyone you meet even scares me as a junior who has already been through the process. The night before Fall Recruitment began, my roommate’s and my dorm room looked like a tornado had swept through our closets and sent a whirlwind of clothes fl ying across chairs, beds, and dressers. We hoped for good weather because our outfi ts, hair, and makeup had to look perfect; and our luck held out for most of the afternoon. But soon, tragedy struck in the form of one huge, single plop of rain that landed square in the face of a friend I had made in my rush group. Before we had time to react, the heavens opened and, within seconds, we all looked more like sopping wet dogs than potential “sorority girls.” In just

moments, the unnatural amount of time we had all spent in order to transform our everyday appearances had gone to waste. I can’t even begin to describe the utterly

crushed look on some of the girls’ faces as their perfectly polished hair frizzed and makeup began to drip down their faces. Rejection seemed imminent…

Not necessarily. Sure, everybody likes to look their best on fi rst meeting, but that shouldn’t be what matters most. Here is where I get up on my soap box and preach some good advice to all of you potential new sorority members: First, worry less about your smudged mascara or your fl y-aways and more about the connections you make with the girls you meet in each sorority. Rush is all about fi nding a place where you feel at home for the next four years. It’s about meeting the girls who will become your sisters for your college years and beyond. Second, take the sorority stereotypes that fl oat around campus with a grain of salt. Remember that these

generalizations are really not a fair representation of the girls themselves. Lastly, present yourself in the most genuine light possible. Doing this will ensure that you end up in a sorority where you truly fi t in. If I were you, I’d even pray for a little rain come Recruitment—it might help you focus on what really matters.

Samantha Scharmett is a junior studying

Communications and French. You may contact her at [email protected].

"Rush is all about fi nding a place where you feel at home for the next four years. It’s about meeting the girls who will become your sisters for your college years and beyond."



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10 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.comFITNESSFITNESSFITNESSHealth &

Worried About Weight Gain During Welcome Week?How excited

are you to be back at school? I’m guessing pretty damn excited. I bet some of you even had a cheesey facebook status countdown of the days until welcome week. Yeah, I am talking to you. Your back with your sorority sisters/fraternity brothers, you have spent enough time catching up with old friends, and you are ready to party hard and start boozing again. Needless to say, you must have planned ahead for all the weight you are about to put on during these weeks of complete inebriation…right?

I know tons of people who spend their summers getting in shape so when they return to school they can

A. Become drunk quicker because they now hold less fat on their bodies so alcohol is more quickly absorbed, and

B. Not look as huge when they do start putting on pounds and pounds of fat from all the beer and jungle juice that’s practically raining from the sky.

If you did not spend your summers trying to get in at least a little better shape… its too late now. Do you want to know what my personal advice on the kind of mindset you should have when thinking about

your weight during welcome week? Its easy, let loose.

The fi rst few weeks of fall are the most fun time of the year at the University

Of Michigan. There is welcome week, football games, catching up with friends, and meeting tons of new people who are just as excited as you to be at school. Most people will only have the opportunity to

experience welcome week four times in their lives so there is no point in trying to sacrifi ce fun during the best weeks of your year over a few extra pounds. I will write future pieces on tips for losing weight during the school year but for now, let loose, have fun, worry about your health

at a different time, and go all out.

Losing fat is an all out battle. Its not something you can half ass and hope to achieve. If you are trying to eat healthier and drink more water while pounding down shots seven nights a week, you are not going to see much fat loss at all. Save the intense diet and exercise for another time of year. Most people choose sometime in winter before spring break to get back into shape, or during the summer when there is not as much to do. Either way, enjoy your welcome week and procrastinate on the healthy stuff.

Sean Yang is a sophomore studying Finance. You may reach him at: [email protected]

" If you did not spend your summers trying to get in at least a little better shape… its too late now."

SEAN YANGSigma Alpha Epsilon

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Something to

While You Were OutAnn Arbor. For most Michigan students,

it’s hard to imagine a better place to spend four incredible years both living and learning in today’s age. The streets are bustling, spirits are high, the bars come in numbers, and the food’s not bad either. But if you fi nd yourself spending a summer here, you might notice a bit of a change while you’re posted up somewhere off State Street. For all the times you’ve wandered Ann Arbor, you’ve probably seen the likes of your friends, classmates, and professors, too. As you wave at familiar faces, you’ve probably glanced at the homeless guy sitting on the ground next to you. Maybe you’ve even tossed him a quarter. But outside of that, interaction remains relatively to a minimum, and you’ll go on your way. Summertime, however, provides a different atmosphere. With fewer people to cloud your vision, Ann Arbor’s most interesting locals become much easier to see while the sun is high and the classrooms are sparsely populated.

“Spare some change?” A frazzled older woman asked as I passed by quickly. Her hair was matted to her head, clothes ripped and stained with mud and God knows what else. The smell of stale human odor berated my nose as a slight breeze kicked up. “Sorry, I only carry cards,” was my reply, spoken quickly over my shoulder as I pivoted forward to continue my trek. “YEAH, WELL I’VE GOTTA PLACE FOR YOU TO SWIPE THAT CARD,” the woman shouted in return, leaving me feeling rather annoyed. Yeah, I’m defi nitely going to want to bankroll your next fi x (for whatever that might be) now, lady. Public embarrassment really gets me jacked up for charity. Almost as disturbing are the two men who sit outside of Silvio’s on North University, who will also heckle you for not tossing them some change as you walk by. Mighty bold for two dudes who are too lazy to even change up their asking routine and location. I give minor creativity points to the honest ones with signs that read, “Why lie? Money for

beer?” Frank as they may be, I’d rather give a few dollars towards a new shirt rather than a double can of Red Dog.

Perhaps even more interesting than the overly c o n f i d e n t h o m e l e s s population is the understated presence of wandering crazies. Just outside of the Baptist Church on Washington Street, an old man stands every day. Clad in a short-sleeved button down shirt, high rise pants, and an old trucker hat; he stands and asks for change with a tip of his hat to passerby. You’ll never catch him

complaining if you have nothing to spare. But if you turn back and look, you probably will witness him resuming conversation with an invisible crowd, excitedly waving his hands about in front of him and seemingly explaining himself to the air. If you’re really lucky, you might even run into the man who claims he’s the last prophet of Allah. After explaining to you the depths of hell and the promise of a new world to come, he might feel free to ask you to buy him some soda- A Pepsi for his thoughts.

So next time you’re walking through downtown Ann Arbor, take the time to see passed the faces you know and pick out the ones you

may have missed. You might be in for an interesting exchange.

Kylie Kagen is a sophomore studying Communications. You may contact her at [email protected].


Page 12: 9.2.10

12 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.comOUT LOUDOUT LOUDOUT LOUD

Laugh 12 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.com

ReminiscingAs a senior here at the University of Michigan I feel it’s my duty to hand out cliché and overwhelmingly p a t r o n i z i n g pieces of advice. Sitting on my fl ight from LAX – DTW I reminisce on what I didn’t know going into my freshman year: My roommate in Lloyd who I had never met would turn out to be my best friend. I would make terrible dating decisions that would haunt me and amuse everyone else I knew. I learned it was completely acceptable to steal trays from the dining hall and go sledding, and yet completely

inappropriate to date two boys in the same fraternity (oops). Most of all I learned that the memories I would make would last me a lifetime (and take up at least 57 facebook albums. Invest in an external hard drive).

Over the next couple months I will share stories and memories that will hopefully help you from making some of my mistakes. In honor of Welcome Week…

A Love Story

Welcome Week, freshman year. It was a humid summer evening. My new roommate called me crying, lost at some ambiguous fraternity. She panicked, I put

down the Nintendo 64 controller (everyone knows you make the best guy friends via video games) and set out to retrieve her. I walked down to the front of Lloyd and that's when I met him... Bill.

Or as we dubbed him that evening, Amazing Blue Bill.

Bill and I have been going on three years this Welcome Week. We've had our ups and we've had our downs - but he's been there for me when everyone else was either MIA or passed out. I can remember frantically calling Bill when I was locked out of a boy's room Junior year, all alone in yet another ambiguous frat house. Or when my heels hurt too much to make the torturous walk from Skeeps to Zaragon. Or when I needed needed a quick getaway from North Campus year... Bill was always there.

I've known my cab driver Bill longer than some of my close friends. He's seen me at my worst, and looking my best (Skeeps Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays...) And yet he'll never judge me (which probably has everything to do with three years as a regular and legitimate tips). So freshman, while you' re

looking out for that special someone this Welcome Week keep your other eye open for a loyal, relatively uncreepy cab driver. Chances are he'll have your back when your friends are too busy hooking up, throwing up, or putting in hours at the Ref Room ("The Silent Skeeps").

Ellie Schiff is a senior studying Political Science & English. You may contact her at [email protected]



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www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 13ENTERTAINMENT

Our Generations’ Woodstock: LollapaloozaAs summer is

sadly coming to an end, it is impossible not to reminisce on all the crazy events that took place this season. For me and many other students at University of Michigan, Lollapalooza Music Festival in Chicago was defi nitely one of the h i g h l i g h t s . What could be better than a giant music festival set in Grant Park, right in the middle of the fabulous windy city? People traveled from all over the country to the three-day event that took place August fi fth through seventh. Lollapalooza featured big name headliners such as Lady Gaga,

Green Day, and Arcade Fire in addition to giving rising stars such as Dan Black, Matt and Kim, Neon Trees a chance to show off their talent to the Midwest. In my personal opinion, stars such as these were not overshadowed by the big names performances. Lollapalooza gave off a new-generation Woodstock feeling. WIth the eight different stages, enormous masses of congregated people partying day and night, plethora of different talented performers, and a completely carefree atmosphere.

Tickets for the event were not exactly a steal, going for about $215 for a three-day pass and $90 for an individual day. But the tickets were without a doubt worth every penny spent. I was sad to fi nd out later after the event, that there were in fact early bird discounted prices. So, if you are in fact interested

in attending the 2011 event, I would look into this. The three-day pass was only $175 with the discount!

Aside from the incredible musical talents, there were also many talented DJs

spinning day and night at the Perry’s stage. I have to admit, I spent a good portion of my time at Lollapalooza at this stage. The atmosphere was euphoric. People were dancing, drinking, and having a good time all the way from the eleven am beginning through the ten pm closing. Though I did not personally stay at this stage for that long, there was never a dull or empty moment. Well-known DJs such as 2ManyDJs and Kaskade were featured at this stage. But, my personal favorite of the weekend was Rusko. Rusko’s mix of electric beats and smooth rhythm is an unbeatable combination. It is the type of music that makes you want to get up and dance, but could also be enjoyable from the sidelines. Rusko, in fact, just had a show in Detroit at the Majestic Theater on August twenty-fi rst.

The growing popularity of musical festivals around the country has created not only a following of people that travel around the nation to see their favorite artists, but also a futuristic-inspired style of dress. Both boys and girls were decked out in vibrant neon shades, modernized

tie-dye apparel, and funky sunglasses. There was even a little bit of a throwback to the carefree days of the 60s with the hippie-inspired body paint station in the middle of the park. Here, people had a chance to get in touch with their “artistic side”. The eighty-degree and sunny gorgeous weather the weekend provided allowed for people to really get into their summer concert outfi ts. Some outfi ts were clearly a sight to see, but there were also many people dressed in regular clothes (no need to stress about your outfi t if your thinking about attending a music festival)! Lollapalooza was not only an unforgettable experience, but also my fi rst music festival experience. I would defi nitely recommend checking out a music festival, even if you only attend to get a glimpse of our generations’ new take on the concert experience.

Dana Narens is a sophomore studying Communications and English. You may reach her at: [email protected].

Our Generations’ Woodstock: LollapaloozaOur Generations’ Woodstock: Lollapalooza


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ENTERTAINMENTSounds Like Teen Spirit

We all have guilty pleasures; some small things we enjoy but aren’t proud enough to announce to the world. Mine unfortunately was Miley Ray Cyrus. For some strange reason, I really don’t mind the cut-out minx. I’m not going to rush off to a Miley concert and scream her name next to the Justin Bieber fan club. But in all honesty every now and then when the time is right, "Party in the USA" will fi nd its way onto my iPod and I don’t mind. It wasn’t always this easy coming to grips with that realisation. As a person who prides himself on having an appreciation for good music, being able to deal with (let alone enjoy) Disney’s latest bubblegum pop sensation was a hard pill to swallow. What is worse is that I know for a fact that I was not alone.

So how did it happen? Did Disney themselves enlist the help of Leo and pull an "Inception" stunt on us all? Was there some subliminal message in Miley’s melodies that rendered our music taste

senseless? The answer was simpler than all of that, the reason so many others and I could a p p r e c i a t e m i s s Cyrus was because of a psychological

phenomenon known simply as Positive Party Music Conditioning or PPMC.

How PPMC worked in Miley’s case was that during the best times of last year at Michigan, she could be heard in the background. "Party in the USA" was

the pre-party anthem and could be heard on any given Ann Arbor front yard, on any given Saturday. Soon enough just hearing her brought back all the feel good emotions of many a football Saturday, mixer, or day party. Known as Dance fl oor Hypnosis in some circles of the psychology world, PPMC is one of the greatest phenomenons of the human mind. Forget the trivial mysteries of the brain like: what are emotions ,or how is time represented in the brain. PPMC is the most important phenomenon of the mind because it means that even artists as irritating, generic, and talentless as Justin Bieber, can produce music that

when played at the right time can infect our minds.

But then again it’s quite an amazing feat to be able to prompt all the great feelings and memories of yesterday just by playing a song. It means that no matter where one is, recollections of the best-of-times are only an earshot away. One can only wonder what the anthem of Fall 2010 will be. My money is on Tiao Cruz’s Dynamite, which is fi ne as long as it is not Lady Gaga- we have to draw the line somewhere.

Wandile Ziggy Mtoba is a sophomore studying Aerospace Engineering. You may contact him at [email protected].


"it's quite an amazing feat to be able to prompt all the great feelings and memories of yesterday just by playing a song."

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