317631280.doc Gamewell-FCI April 2007 Honeywell Fire Systems 12 Clintonville Road Northord! Conne"ti"#t 0$%72-1$&' (hone )20'* %+%-71$1 Fa, )20'* %+%-711+ e.site www/amewell-"i/"om Product Guide Specification Spe"iier Notes his prod#"t #ide spe"ii"ation is written a""ordin to the Constr#"tion Spe"ii"ations Instit#te )CSI* '-(art Format as des"ri.ed in The Project Resource Manual—CSI Manual of Practce.  he se"tion m#st .e "are#lly reviewed and edited .y the Ar"hite"t or 3nineer to meet the re4#irements o the pro5e"t and lo"al .#ildin "ode/ Coordinate this se"tion w ith other spe"ii"ation se"tions and the 6rawins/ 6elete all Spe"iier Notes8 w hen editin this se"tion/ Se"tion n#m.ers and titles are rom Master!or"at  199& 3dition! with n#m.ers and titles rom Master!or"at  200% 3dition in parentheses/ 6elete version not re4#ired/ SECTION 13850 (28 31 00) NETWO!E" #IE $%$& S'STE& Spe"iier Notes his se"tion "overs Gamewell-FCI 3' Series 3,panda.le 3meren"y 3va"#ation Fire  Alarm Sys tem/ Cons#lt Ga mewell-FCI or assistan "e in ed itin this se "tion or th e spe"i i" appli"at ion/ P$T 1 GENE$% 11 SECTION INC%"ES  A/ 3,panda .le emere n"y eva"# ation ire a larm system/ 12 E%$TE" SECTIONS Spe"iier Notes 3dit the ollowin list o related se"tions as re4#ired or the pro5e"t/ :ist other se"tions with wor; dire"tly related to this se"tion/  A/ Se"tion 1' +00 < =#ildin A#to mation and Control/ =/ Se"ti on 1'900 )21 00 00* < Fir e S#ppre ssi on/ 3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 1

9021 60187 E3 Series Spec Voice

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Gamewell-FCI April 2007Honeywell Fire Systems12 Clintonville RoadNorthord! Conne"ti"#t 0$%72-1$&'

(hone )20'* %+%-71$1

Fa, )20'* %+%-711+e.site www/amewell-"i/"om

Product Guide Specification

Spe"iier Notes his prod#"t #ide spe"ii"ation is written a""ordin to the Constr#"tion Spe"ii"ationsInstit#te )CSI* '-(art Format as des"ri.ed in The Project Resource Manual—CSI Manual of Practce. he se"tion m#st .e "are#lly reviewed and edited .y the Ar"hite"t or 3nineer to meet there4#irements o the pro5e"t and lo"al .#ildin "ode/ Coordinate this se"tion with other spe"ii"ationse"tions and the 6rawins/ 6elete all Spe"iier Notes8 when editin this se"tion/

Se"tion n#m.ers and titles are rom Master!or"at  199& 3dition! with n#m.ers and titles romMaster!or"at  200% 3dition in parentheses/ 6elete version not re4#ired/

SECTION 13850 (28 31 00)

NETWO!E" #IE $%$& S'STE&

Spe"iier Notes his se"tion "overs Gamewell-FCI 3' Series 3,panda.le 3meren"y 3va"#ation Fire

 Alarm System/ Cons#lt Gamewell-FCI or assistan"e in editin this se"tion or the spe"ii" appli"ation/

P$T 1 GENE$%


 A/ 3,panda.le emeren"y eva"#ation ire alarm system/


Spe"iier Notes 3dit the ollowin list o related se"tions as re4#ired or the pro5e"t/ :ist other se"tionswith wor; dire"tly related to this se"tion/

 A/ Se"tion 1'+00 < =#ildin A#tomation and Control/

=/ Se"tion 1'900 )21 00 00* < Fire S#ppression/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 1

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C/ Se"tion )27 1& 00* < )Comm#ni"ations Hori>ontal Ca.lin*/


Spe"iier Notes :ist standards reeren"ed in this se"tion! "omplete with desinations and titles/ his

arti"le does not re4#ire "omplian"e with standards! .#t is merely a listin o those #sed/

 A/ 3le"tri"al Ind#stries Asso"iation )3IA*

1/ 3IA-2'2-6 < Intera"e =etween 6ata erminal 34#ipment and 6ata Cir"#it-erminatin34#ipment 3mployin Serial =inary 6ata Inter"hane

2/ 3IA-%+& <

=/ National Fire (rote"tion Asso"iation )NF(A*1/ NF(A 12 < Standard on Car.on 6io,ide 3,tin#ishin Systems/2/ NF(A 1' < Installation o Sprin;ler Systems/'/ NF(A 1& < Standard or ater Spray Fi,ed Systems or Fire (rote"tion/%/ NF(A 1$ < Standard or the Installation o Foam-ater Sprin;ler and Foam-ater Spray

Systems/&/ NF(A 1$A < Standard or the Installation o Closed Head Foam-ater Sprin;ler Systems/$/ NF(A 70 < National 3le"tri"al Code )N3C*/7/ NF(A 72 < National Fire Alarm Code/+/ NF(A 90A < Standard or the Installation o Air Conditionin and ?entilatin Systems/9/ NF(A 101 < :ie Saety Code/10/ NF(A 7&0 < Standard on ater @ist Fire (rote"tion Systems/11/ NF(A &000 < =#ildin Constr#"tion and Saety Code/

C/ nderwriters :a.oratories ):*1/ : 2$+ < Standard or Smo;e 6ete"tors or Fire Alarm Sinalin Systems/2/ : +$% < Standard or Control nits and A""essories or Fire Alarm Systems/

'/ : 1971 < Standard or Sinalin 6evi"es or the Hearin Impaired/


 A/ A new intellient reportin! Style 7 networ;ed! #lly peer-to-peer! mi"ropro"essor-"ontrolled iredete"tion and emeren"y voi"e alarm "omm#ni"ation system shall .e installed in a""ordan"ewith the spe"ii"ations and as indi"ated on the 6rawins/

=/ 3a"h Sinalin :ine Cir"#it )S:C* and Notii"ation Applian"e Cir"#it )NAC* :imited to only +0per"ent o its total "apa"ity d#rin initial installation/

C/ =asi" (erorman"e

1/ Networ; Comm#ni"ations Cir"#it )NetSB:B* Servin Networ; Nodes ired #sin sinletwisted non-shielded 2-"ond#"tor "a.le or "onne"ted #sin approved i.er opti" "a.le.etween nodes in Class A "oni#ration )NF(A Style 7*/

2/ Sinalin :ine Cir"#its )S:C* Servin Addressa.le 6evi"es ired Style $ )Class A*/'/ Initiation 6evi"e Cir"#its )I6C* Servin Non-addressa.le 6evi"es Conne"ted to

 Addressa.le @onitor @od#les ired Class A )NF(A Style 6*/%/ Notii"ation Applian"e Cir"#its )NAC* Servin Stro.es and Spea;ers ired Class A

)NF(A Style */

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 2

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&/ Bn Style $ or 7 )Class A* Coni#rations Sinle ro#nd a#lt or open "ir"#it on Sinalin:ine Cir"#it shall not "a#se system mal#n"tion! loss o operatin power! or a.ility to reportalarm/

$/ Alarm Sinals Arrivin at INCC CB@@AN6 C3N3R Not .e lost ollowin primary power ail#re #ntil alarm sinal is pro"essed and re"orded/

7/ ransponders

a/ Bperate in peer-to-peer ashion with other panels and transponders in system/./ 3a"h transponder shall store "opy o a#dio eva"#ation messaes and tones/"/ Systems that #se "entrali>ed messae storae and "ontrol at main ire alarm "ontrol

panel shall not .e a""epta.le/+/ Networ; Node Comm#ni"ations! A#dio 3va"#ation Channels and Fire (hone

Comm#ni"ationsa/ Comm#ni"ated .etween panels and transponders on sinle pair o "opper wires or

i.er opti" "a.les/./ o enhan"e system s#rviva.ility! a.ility to operate on loss o INCC Command Center!

short or open o entire riser at INCC Command Center shall .e demonstrated at timeo system a""eptan"e testin/

"/ Systems that are not "apa.le o providin tr#e Style 7 perorman"e or ire ihterDs

phone "omm#ni"ations shall not .e a""epta.le/9/ Sinalin :ine Cir"#its )S:C*

a/ Reside in remote transponders with asso"iated a#dio >ones/./ S:C mod#les shall operate in peer-to-peer ashion with all other panels and

transponders in system/"/ Bn loss o INCC Command Center! ea"h transponder shall "ontin#e to "omm#ni"ate

with remainder o system! in"l#din all S:C #n"tions and a#dio messaes lo"ated inall transponders/

d/ Systems that provide a 6eraded8 mode o operation #pon loss o INCC CommandCenter or short in riser shall not .e a""epta.le/

10/ A#dio Ampliiers and one-Generatin 34#ipment 3le"tri"ally s#pervised or normal anda.normal "onditions/

11/ Ampliiers :o"ated in transponder "a.inets servin no more that ' loors per transponderto enhan"e system s#rviva.ility! red#"e re4#ired riser wirin! simpliy installation! andred#"e power losses in lenth o spea;er "ir"#its/

12/ Spea;er NAC Cir"#its Arraned s#"h that there is a minim#m o 1 spea;er "ir"#it per irealarm >one/

1'/ Notii"ation Applian"e Cir"#its )NAC*! Spea;er Cir"#its! and Control 34#ipment Arraneds#"h that loss o any 1 spea;er "ir"#it will not "a#se loss o any other spea;er "ir"#it insystem/

1%/ Spea;er Cir"#itsa/ 3le"tri"ally s#pervised or open and short "ir"#it "onditions/./ I short "ir"#it e,ists on spea;er "ir"#it! it shall not .e possi.le to a"tivate that "ir"#it/"/ Arraned or 2& ?R@S and shall .e power limited in a""ordan"e with N3C

d/ 20 per"ent spare "apa"ity or #t#re e,pansion or in"reased power o#tp#tre4#irements/

1&/ Spea;er Cir"#its and Control 34#ipmenta/ Arraned s#"h that loss o any 1 spea;er "ir"#it will not "a#se loss o any other

spea;er "ir"#it in system/./ Systems #tili>in .#l;8 a#dio "oni#rations shall not .e a""epta.le/

1$/ 2-ay elephone Comm#ni"ation Cir"#itsa/ S#pervised or open and short "ir"#it "onditions/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - '

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./ Short "ir"#it "ondition on 2-way telephone "omm#ni"ations "ir"#it shall res#lt intro#.le "ondition and not res#lt in "all-in "ondition/

17/ ?oi"e Comm#ni"ationa/ Conne"t telephone "ir"#its to spea;er "ir"#its to allow voi"e "omm#ni"ation over

spea;er "ir"#it rom telephone handset/./ Capa.le o remote phone-to-phone "onversations and party-line "omm#ni"ations as


6/ =asi" System F#n"tional Bperation hen ire alarm "ondition is dete"ted and reported .y 1 othe system alarm initiatin devi"es! the ollowin #n"tions shall immediately o""#r1/ System Alarm :36s Flash/2/ :o"al (ie>o-3le"tri" Sinal in Control (anel So#nd at a p#lse rate/'/ +0-Chara"ter :C6 6isplay Indi"ate all inormation asso"iated with ire alarm "ondition!

in"l#din type o alarm point and its lo"ation within prote"ted premises/%/ Histori"al :o Re"ord inormation asso"iated with ire alarm "ontrol panel "ondition!

alon with time and date o o""#rren"e/&/ System o#tp#t prorams assined via "ontrol-.y-event e4#ations to .e a"tivated .y

parti"#lar point in alarm shall .e e,e"#ted! and the asso"iated system o#tp#ts )alarm

notii"ation applian"es andEor relays* shall .e a"tivated/$/ A#dio (ortion o System So#nd ' ro#nds o slow whoop tone ollowed .y voi"e

eva"#ation messae and this s"enario repeatin or other messae as approved .y lo"ala#thority #ntil system is reset/

3/ Fire Alarm System F#n"tionality1/ (rovide "omplete! ele"tri"ally s#pervised distri.#ted! Style 7 networ;ed

analoEaddressa.le ire alarm and "ontrol system! with analo initiatin devi"es! interalm#ltiple-"hannel voi"e eva"#ation! and ire ihterDs phone system/

2/ Fire Alarm Systema/ Consist o m#ltiple-voi"e "hannels with no additional hardware re4#ired or total o %


./ In"orporate m#ltipro"essor-.ased "ontrol panels! in"l#din model 3' Seriesin"l#din Intellient Networ; INCC Command Center)s* )INCC*! Intellient :oopIntera"e )I:I-@=-3'*! Intellient Networ; ransponders )IN*! "omm#ni"atin overpeer-to-peer to;en rin networ; with "apa"ity o #p to $% nodes/

'/ 3a"h I:I-@=-3' Node In"orporate 2 Sinalin :ine Cir"#its )S:C*! with "apa"ity tos#pport #p to 99 analo addressa.le dete"tors and 9+ addressa.le mod#les per S:C/

%/ ?oi"e! 6ata! and Fire FihterDs (hone Riser ransmit over sinle pair o wires or i.eropti" "a.le/

&/ 3a"h Intellient Networ; ransponder Capa.le o providin 1$ distri.#ted voi"emessaes! ire ihter phones "onne"tions! S:C loop or a#dio "ontrol devi"es! andinteral networ; intera"e/

$/ 3a"h Networ; Node In"orporate =oolean "ontrol-.y-event prorammin! in"l#din as a

minim#m AN6! BR! NB! and imer #n"tions/7/ Control (anels Capa.ility to a""ept irmware #prades via "onne"tion with laptop

"omp#ter! witho#t re4#irement o repla"in mi"ro"hips/+/ Networ;

a/ =ased on peer-to-peer to;en rin te"hnoloy operatin at $2& .a#d! #sin Style 7"oni#ration/

./ Capa.ility o #sin twisted-pair wirin! pair o i.er opti" "a.le strands #p to 200mi"rons! or .oth! to ma,imi>e le,i.ility in system "oni#ration/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - %

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9/ 3a"h Networ; Nodea/ Capa.ility o .ein prorammed o-line #sin indows-.ased sotware s#pplied .y

ire alarm system man#a"t#rer/ Capa.ility o .ein downloaded .y "onne"tinlaptop "omp#ter into any other node in system/ Systems that re4#ire systemsotware to .e downloaded to ea"h transponder at ea"h transponder lo"ation shallnot .e a""epta.le/

./ Capa.ility o .ein ro#ped with any n#m.er o additional nodes to prod#"e aReion8! allowin that ro#p o nodes to a"t as 1! while retainin peer-to-peer#n"tionality/ Systems #tili>in @asterESlave8 "oni#rations shall not .e a""epta.le/

"/ Capa.ility o ann#n"iatin all events within its Reion8 or ann#n"iatin all eventsrom entire networ;! on ront panel :C6 witho#t additional e4#ipment/

10/ 3a"h S:C Networ; Node Capa.ility o havin interal 6AC )diital alarm "omm#ni"atortransmitter* that "an report events in either its reion! or entire networ; to sinle "entralstation monitorin a""o#nt/

11/ 3a"h Control (anel Capa.ility o storin its entire proram! and allow installer to a"tivateonly devi"es that are installed d#rin "onstr#"tion! witho#t #rther downloadin o system/

12/ (assword (rote"tion 3a"h system shall .e provided with % levels o password prote"tionwith #p to 1$ passwords/

15 S+&ITT$%S

Spe"iier Notes 3dit the S#.mittals arti"le as re4#ired or the pro5e"t/

 A/ Comply with Se"tion 01''0 )01 '' 00* < S#.mittal (ro"ed#res/

=/ In"l#de s#i"ient inormation! "learly presented! to determine "omplian"e with the spe"ii"ationsand the 6rawins/

C/ 34#ipment S#.mittals

1/ Cover (ae Indi"ate the ollowina/ (ro5e"t name and address/./ 3nineered systems distri.#torDs name and other "onta"t inormation/"/ Installin "ontra"torDs name and other "onta"t inormation/d/ 6ate o e4#ipment s#.mittals/ Indi"ate on revised s#.mittals the oriinal s#.mittal

date and revised s#.mittal date/2/ a.le o Contents :ists ea"h se"tion o e4#ipment s#.mittal/'/ S"ope o or; Narrative 6etail indented s"ope o wor;/%/ Se4#en"e o Bperations se matri, or written te,t ormat! detailin a"tivation o ea"h

type o devi"e and asso"iated res#ltin a"tivation o the ollowina/ Control panel/./ Ann#n"iator panels/

"/ Notii"ation applian"es/d/ =#ildin ire saety #n"tions! in"l#din elevator re"all! elevator power sh#tdown!door lo"; release! door holder release! H?AC #nit sh#tdown! smo;e eva"#ationsystem a"tivation! and stair press#ri>ation an a"tivation/

&/ =ill o @aterial Indi"ate or ea"h "omponent o system the ollowina/ #antity/./ @odel n#m.er/"/ 6es"ription/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - &

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$/ S:C Cir"#it S"hed#le 6etail address and asso"iated des"ription o ea"h addressa.ledevi"e/ Clearly provide inormation that indi"ates n#m.er o .oth a"tive and spareaddresses/

7/ =attery Cal"#lations Show load o ea"h o! and total o! "omponents o system alon withstand.y and alarm times that "al"#lations are .ased on/ Show "al"#lated spare "apa"ityand si>e o intended .attery/

6/ Shop 6rawins1/ Cover (ae Indi"ate the ollowin

a/ (ro5e"t name and address/./ 3nineered systems distri.#torDs name and other "onta"t inormation/"/ Installin "ontra"torDs name and other "onta"t inormation/d/ 6ate o e4#ipment s#.mittals/ Indi"ate on revised s#.mittals the oriinal s#.mittal

date and revised s#.mittal date/2/ Floor (lans

a/ (rovide separate loor plan or ea"h loor/./ I a loor plan m#st .e split #sin mat"h lines to it on the pae! provide mat"h lines

and mat"h line reeren"es that reer to sheet n#m.er that shows area on opposite

side o mat"h line/"/ (repare #sin A#toCA6/d/ (repare to s"ale 1E+ in"h 1D-08! #nless otherwise re4#ired .y the Ar"hite"t or

3nineer/e/ Show e4#ipment and devi"e lo"ations// Show wirin inormation in point-to-point ormat// Show "ond#it ro#tin! i re4#ired .y the AHJ/

'/ itle =lo"; (rovide on ea"h sheet and in"l#de! at a minim#m! the ollowina/ (ro5e"t name/./ (ro5e"t address/"/ Sheet name/d/ Sheet n#m.er/

e/ S"ale o drawin// 6ate o drawin// Revision dates! i appli"a.le/

%/ Control (anel (rovide sheet that details e,terior and interior views o "ontrol panel and"learly shows asso"iated wirin inormation/

&/ Ann#n"iator (anels (rovide sheet that details e,terior and interior views o ann#n"iatorpanels and "learly shows asso"iated wirin inormation/

3/ Certii"ation S#.mit with e4#ipment s#.mittals and shop drawins! letter o "ertii"ation romma5or e4#ipment man#a"t#rer! indi"atin proposed enineered system distri.#tor is ana#thori>ed representative o ma5or e4#ipment man#a"t#rer/

F/ (ro5e"t Re"ord 6rawins1/ S#.mit "omplete pro5e"t re"ord drawins within 1% "alendar days ater a""eptan"e test/2/ (ro5e"t re"ord drawins shall .e similar to shop drawins! .#t revised to rele"t "hanes

made d#rin "onstr#"tion/

G/ Bperation and @aintenan"e @an#als1/ S#.mit "omplete operation and maintenan"e man#als within 1% "alendar days ater

a""eptan"e test/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - $

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2/ Bperation and maintenan"e man#als shall .e similar to e4#ipment s#.mittals! .#t revisedto rele"t "hanes made d#rin "onstr#"tion/

'/ In"l#de a"toryDs standard installation and operatin instr#"tions/

1, -$%IT' $SS$NCE

 A/ Codes and Standards1/ NF(A System shall "omply with the ollowin NF(A "odes and standards

Spe"iier Notes 3dit the ollowin list o NF(A "odes and standards as re4#ired or the pro5e"t/

a/ NF(A 12/./ NF(A 1'/"/ NF(A 1&/d/ NF(A 1$/e/ NF(A 1$A// NF(A 70/

/ NF(A 72/h/ NF(A 90A/i/ NF(A 101/

 5/ NF(A 7&0/;/ NF(A &000/

2/ A6A System shall "onorm to Ameri"an with 6isa.ilities A"t )A6A*/

=/ o ens#re relia.ility and "omplete "ompati.ility! all items o ire alarm system! in"l#din "ontrolpanels! power s#pplies! initiatin devi"es! and notii"ation applian"es! shall .e listed .ynderwriters :a.oratories In"/ ):* and shall .ear :8 la.el/

C/ Fire Alarm Control (anel 34#ipment :-listed #nder : +$% Ninth 3dition/

6/ 34#ipment! (rorammin! and Installation S#pervision1/ (rovide servi"es o approved (latin#m :evel enineered systems distri.#tor o Gamewell-

FCI or e4#ipment! prorammin! and installation s#pervision/2/ (rovide proo o a"tory trainin within 1% "alendar days o award o the Contra"t/

3/ Sotware @odii"ations1/ (rovide servi"es o (latin#m :evel Gamewell-FCI a"tory-trained and a#thori>ed

te"hni"ian to perorm system sotware modii"ations! #prades! or "hanes/2/ (rovide #se o all hardware! sotware! prorammin tools! and do"#mentation ne"essary

to modiy ire alarm system sotware on-site/'/ @odii"ation in"l#des addition and deletion o devi"es! "ir"#its! >ones! and "hanes to

system operation and "#stom la.el "hanes or devi"es or >ones/%/ System str#"t#re and sotware shall pla"e no limit on type or e,tent o sotwaremodii"ations on-site/

&/ @odii"ation o sotware shall not re4#ire power-down o system or loss o system ireprote"tion while modii"ations are .ein made/

1. "E%I/E' STO$GE $N" $N"%ING

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 A/ 6elivery 6eliver materials to site in man#a"t#rerDs oriinal! #nopened "ontainers andpa";ain! with la.els "learly identiyin prod#"t name and man#a"t#rer/

=/ Storae Store materials in "lean! dry area indoors in a""ordan"e with man#a"t#rerDsinstr#"tions/

C/ Handlin (rote"t materials rom damae d#rin handlin and installation/


Spe"iier Notes 3dit the ollowin senten"e as re4#ired/

 A/ Coordinate the or; o this se"tion with the or; o other se"tions! in"l#din sprin;ler systemsas spe"iied in Se"tion KKKKKKKKKK! elevators as spe"iied in Se"tion KKKKKKKKKK! H?ACsystems as spe"iied in Se"tion KKKKKKKKKK! and se"#rityEdoor lo";in systems as spe"iied inSe"tion KKKKKKKKKK /

1 W$$NT'

 A/ arranty (eriod or System 34#ipment 1 year rom date o inal a""eptan"e/


21 &$N#$CTE

 A/ Gamewell-FCI! Honeywell Fire Systems! 12 Clintonville Road! Northord! Conne"ti"#t 0$%72/(hone )20'* %+%-71$1/ Fa, )20'* %+%-711+/ e.site www/amewell-"i/"om/

=/ Reeren"es to man#a"t#rerLs model n#m.ers and other inormation is intended to esta.lishminim#m standards o perorman"e! #n"tion! and 4#ality/ 34#ivalent e4#ipment romGamewell may .e s#.stit#ted or the spe"iied e4#ipment! as lon as minim#m standards aremet/ No other man#a"t#rers! other than Gamewell-FCI! FCI! and Gamewell will .e "onsideredor #se on this pro5e"t/

C/ S#.stit#te e4#ipment proposed as e4#al to e4#ipment spe"iied shall meet or e,"eedre4#irements o this se"tion/ For e4#ipment other than Gamewell-FCI 3' Series 3,panda.le3meren"y 3va"#ation Fire Alarm System! provide proo that s#"h s#.stit#te e4#ipment e4#alsor e,"eeds eat#res! #n"tions! perorman"e! and 4#ality o spe"iied e4#ipment/ his prooshall .e provided .y s#.mission o a "opy o spe"ii"ation with ea"h "opy o the s#.mittals thathas had ea"h pararaph mar;ed as either "ompliant or non-"ompliant alon with a letter rom

enineerin manaer or prod#"t manaer at a"tory that "ertiies inormation presented aseither "ompliant or non-"ompliant in"l#din a detailed e,planation o ea"h pararaph identiiedas non-"ompliant/ In order to ens#re that the Bwner is provided with a system that in"orporatesre4#ired s#rviva.ility eat#res! this letter shall also spe"ii"ally "ertiy that the system is "apa.leo "omplyin with the test re4#irements o this se"tion/

22 "ISTI+TE" NETWO!E" #IE $%$& S'STE&

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - +

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 A/ 6istri.#ted Networ;ed Fire Alarm System Gamewell-FCI 3' Series 3,panda.le 3meren"y3va"#ation Fire Alarm System/


 A/ Intellient Networ; INCC Command Center )INCC* S#pply #ser intera"e! in"l#din :C6 or

to#"h-s"reen 1E% ?GA display Intellient :oop Intera"e @od#les )I:I-@=-3'*! man#al swit"hin!phone! and mi"rophone inp#ts to the networ;/ INCC shall "onsist o the ollowin #nits and"omponents1/ System Ca.inet )=-! C-! or 6-Si>e Ca.inet* with asso"iated inner door/2/ (ower S#pply @od#le )(@-9* with .atteries/'/ Intellient Networ; Intera"e ?oi"e Gateway INCC Command Center )INI-?G*/%/ +0-Chara"ter :C6 6isplay ):C6-3'*/&/ Intellient :oop @ain =oard Intera"e )I:I-@=-3'*/$/ Bptional Intellient :oop S#pplemental Intera"e )I:I-S-3'*/7/ Bptional 6AC )6AC-3'*/+/ Bptional RS-%+& Repeater )R(-3'*/9/ Bptional 1E% ?GA to#"h-s"reen display )NGA*/

10/ Bptional A#,iliary Swit"h @od#le )AS@-1$*/11/ Bptional @i"rophone Assem.ly )INCC-@IC*/12/ Bptional elephone Assem.ly )INCC-3:*/

=/ System Ca.inet1/ S#ra"e or semi-l#sh mo#nted with te,t#re inish/2/ Consist o .a"; .o,! inner door! and door/'/ Availa.le in at least ' si>es to .est it pro5e"t "oni#ration/%/ Ho#ses 1 or more (@-9 (ower S#pply @od#les! INI-?G Intellient Networ; Intera"e

?oi"e Gateway! 1 or more I:I-@=-3' assem.lies! and other optional mod#les as spe"iied/&/ Constr#"tion 6ead-ront steel "onstr#"tion with inner door to "on"eal internal "ir"#itry

and wirin/

$/ irin G#tter Spa"e A minim#m o 1-in"h wirin #tter spa"e .ehind mo#ntin plate/7/ irin erminated on remova.le terminal .lo";s to allow ield servi"in o mod#les

witho#t disr#ptin system wirin/

C/ (ower S#pply @od#le )(@-9* se latest te"hnoloies to provide power to INCC andin"orporate the ollowin eat#res1/ (ower-savin swit"hin te"hnoloy #sin no step-down transormers/2/ 9-amp "ontin#o#s-rated o#tp#t to s#pply #p to all power ne"essary #nder normal and

emeren"y "onditions or INCC Command Center @od#les/'/ Interal .attery "harer with "apa"ity to "hare #p to && amp-ho#r .atteries while #nder

#ll load/

6/ =atteries

Spe"iier Notes In"l#de one o the ollowin to senten"es/

1/ S#i"ient "apa"ity to provide power or entire system #pon loss o normal AC power or aperiod o 2% ho#rs with 1& min#tes o alarm sinalin at end o this 2%-ho#r period! asre4#ired .y NF(A 72! :o"al Systems/

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2/ S#i"ient "apa"ity to provide power or entire system #pon loss o normal AC power or aperiod o $0 ho#rs with 1& min#tes o alarm sinalin at end o this $0-ho#r period! asre4#ired .y NF(A 72! A#,iliary Systems/

3/ Intellient Networ; Intera"e ?oi"e Gateway INCC Command Center )INI-?G* INI-?G shall .ea m#lti-#n"tion .oard inter"hanea.le in .oth INCC and IN/ F#n"tions o .oard shall have the

ollowin eat#res as a minim#m1/ @i"ropro"essor INI-?G shall have 6iital Sinal (ro"essor )6S(*/ @i"ropro"essor shall

monitor all system events and perorm all system prorams! or all "ontrol-.y-event )C=3*#n"tions/ System proram shall not .e lost #pon ail#re o .oth primary and se"ondarypower/ (rorammin shall s#pportin =oolean loi" in"l#din AN6! BR! NB! I@ING#n"tions or ma,im#m le,i.ility/

2/ Networ; Intera"e Bperate at $2& .a#d "oni#ra.le with any "om.ination o wireandEor i.er topoloies/ Intera"e shall "omm#ni"ate with #p to $% nodes in peer-to-peerashion/

'/ Fire Fihter (hone Riser INI-?G shall enerate lo"al phone riser or #se with AB@-3:phone mod#les or "onne"tion to ire ihter phone stations andEor or "onne"tion o lo"alphone when #sed as INCC Command Center! in"l#din phone "ir"#its/ INI-?G shall mi,

its lo"al phone riser to networ; in tr#e Style 7 ashion/ Systems not "apa.le o tr#e Style 7"omm#ni"ations or ire ihterDs phone risers shall not .e a""epta.le/

%/ Advan"ed (ro"essin INI-?G shall in"orporate latest in diital sinalin pro"essinte"hnoloy with s#pportin =oolean loi" in"l#din AN6! BR! NB! I@3 63:AM#n"tions/

&/ @i"rophone Inp#t Bn-.oard and allow or addition o lo"al mi"rophone when #sed asINCC Command Center! in"l#din spea;er "ir"#it "ontrol/

$/ Sinal (ro"essin INCC shall #se advan"ed 6iital Sinal (ro"essin )6S(* te"hnoloyto allow ma,im#m le,i.ility o diital a#dio and "ontrol "apa.ilities and operation/ Sinalsto and rom INCC shall .e transmitted over sinle pair o twisted #nshielded wire or i.eropti" pair/

7/ Field (roramma.le INCC shall .e "apa.le o .ein #lly prorammed or modiied .y

Field Coni#ration (roram )FC(*! to .e downloaded via porta.le "omp#ter rom anynode in system/

+/ Control-.y-3vent (rorammin )C=3* INCC shall .e "apa.le o prorammin #sin=oolean loi" in"l#din AN6! BR! NB! CBN! I@ING! and CA:3N6AR #n"tions toprovide "omplete prorammin le,i.ility/

9/ Remote INCC Command Center Bptions System shall have "apa.ility o addin remoteINCC Command Centers or re-lo"atin INCC Command Centers #tili>in only sinle pairo twisted #nshielded wire or i.er opti" pair or all #n"tions/

10/ RS-%+& Serial B#tp#t System shall in"orporate RS-%+& .#s via ri..on harness or"onne"tion o mod#les inside same "a.inet! and via %-wire 4#i"; "onne"tor or "onne"tiono mod#les #p to '!000 eet rom "a.inet/

11/ Riser irin All data! voi"e! and ire ihter phone riser shall transmit over sinle pair o

twisted #nshielded wire or i.er opti" pair or all #n"tions "oni#red in Style 7 ormat/ Anyshort or open in data! voi"e! or phone se"tions shall not ae"t transmission overremainder o networ;/

12/ Style 7 Networ; All "omm#ni"ation .etween "ontrol panels and transponders shall .ethro#h s#pervised Style 7 to;en passin networ;/ In event o sinle short! open! orro#nd! all system "omm#ni"ation shall operate as normal and report a#lt/ hisprote"tion shall in"orporate all data! voi"e! and ire ihter phone transmissions/ ponsinle short! open! or ro#nd o either system data! live voi"e! pre-re"orded "hannels! or

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phone risers! the #n"tion o ea"h o these items shall "ontin#e to operate/ 6erade8#n"tionality shall not .e a""epta.le/ his shall .e demonstrated at system a""eptan"e/

F/ :C6 6isplay @od#le ):C6-3'*1/ :C6 6isplay +0-"hara"ter RS-%+& .ased te,t#al ann#n"iator with "apa.ility o .ein

mo#nted lo"ally or remotely/ (rovides a#di.le and vis#al ann#n"iation o all alarms and

tro#.le sinals/ (rovide dedi"ated :36s ora/ AC (ower Bn Green/./ Alarm Red/"/ S#pervisory Mellow/d/ System ro#.le Mellow/e/ (ower Fa#lt Mellow// Gro#nd Fa#lt Mellow// System Silen"ed Mellow/

2/ +0-Chara"ter Alphan#meri" 6isplay (rovide stat#s o all analoEaddressa.le sensors!monitor and "ontrol mod#les/ 6isplay shall .e li4#id "rystal type ):C6*! "learly visi.le indar; and #nder all liht "onditions/

'/ (anel shall "ontain % #n"tional ;eys

a/ Alarm A";nowlede/./ ro#.le A";nowlede/"/ Sinal Silen"e/d/ System ResetE:amp est/

%/ (anel shall "ontain ' "oni#ration .#ttonsa/ @en#E=a";/./ =a"; Spa"eE3dit/"/ BE3nter/

&/ (anel shall have 12-;ey telephone-style ;eypad to permit sele"tion o #n"tions/

G/ Intellient :oop Intera"e )I:I-@=-3'* System shall .e o m#ltipro"essor desin to allowma,im#m le,i.ility o "apa.ilities and operation/ Intellient :oop Intera"e shall .e "apa.le o

mo#ntin in stand-alone en"los#re or interated with Intellient Networ; INCC CommandCenter )INCC* as spe"iied/1/ Field (roramma.le System shall .e "apa.le o .ein prorammed .y Field

Coni#ration (roram )FC(*! allowin prorammin to .e downloaded via porta.le"omp#ter rom any node on networ;/

2/ RS-2'2C Serial B#tp#t S#pervised RS-2'2C serial port shall .e provided to operateremote printers andEor video terminals! a""ept downloaded proram rom porta.le"omp#ter! or provide +0-"ol#mn reado#t o all alarms! tro#.les! lo"ation des"riptions! time!and date/ Comm#ni"ation shall .e standard ASCII "ode operatin rom 1!200 to 11&!200.a#d rate/

'/ RS-%+& Serial B#tp#t 3a"h I:I-@=-3' shall in"orporate RS-%+& .#s via ri..on harnessor "onne"tion o mod#les inside same "a.inet! and via %-wire 4#i"; "onne"tor or

"onne"tion o mod#les #p to '!000 eet rom "a.inet/ RS-%+& .#s shall s#pport #p to 1$ AS@-1$ a#,iliary swit"h mod#les! $ :C6-3' main ann#n"iators! and & :C6-7100ann#n"iators/

%/ (eer-to-(eer (anel Coni#ration All :oop Intera"e @od#les shall in"orporate ownprorammin! lo #n"tions! Central (ro"essor nit! and "ontrol-.y-event )C=3*prorammin/ I any loop .e"omes disa.led! ea"h remainin loop driver shall "ontin#e to"omm#ni"ate with remainder o networ; and maintain normal operation/ 6erade8"oni#rations #nder these "onditions shall not .e a""epta.le/

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&/ Control-.y-3vent )C=3* (roram I:I-@=-3' shall .e "apa.le o prorammin #sin=oolean loi" in"l#din AN6! BR! NB! and I@ING #n"tions to provide "ompleteprorammin le,i.ility/

$/ Alarm ?erii"ation Smo;e dete"tor alarm verii"ation shall .e standard option whileallowin other devi"es s#"h as man#al stations and sprin;ler low to "reate immediatealarm/ his eat#re shall .e sele"ta.le or smo;e sensors that are installed in

environments prone to n#isan"e or #nwanted alarms/7/ Alarm Sinals All alarm sinals shall .e a#tomati"ally lat"hed or lo";ed in8 at "ontrol

panel #ntil operated devi"e is ret#rned to normal and "ontrol panel is man#ally reset/hen #sed or sprin;ler low! SIGNA: SI:3NC38 swit"h may .e .ypassed! i re4#ired .y

 AHJ/+/ 3le"tri"ally S#pervised

a/ 3a"h S:C and NAC "ir"#it shall .e ele"tri"ally s#pervised or opens! shorts! andro#nd a#lts/ B""#rren"e o a#lt shall a"tivate system tro#.le "ir"#itry! .#t shall notinterere with proper operation o other "ir"#its/

./ Mellow SMS3@ RB=:38 :36s shall liht and system a#di.le so#nder shallsteadily so#nd when tro#.le is dete"ted in system/ Fail#re o power! open or short"ir"#its on S:C or NAC "ir"#its! disarranement in system wirin! ail#re o

mi"ropro"essor or any identii"ation mod#le! or system ro#nd a#lts shall a"tivatethis tro#.le "ir"#it/ ro#.le sinal shall .e a";nowleded .y operatin RB=:3

 ACNB:36G38 swit"h/ his shall silen"e so#nder/ I s#.se4#ent tro#.le"onditions o""#r! tro#.le "ir"#itry shall reso#nd/ 6#rin alarm! all tro#.le sinalsshall .e s#ppressed with e,"eption o lihtin yellow SMS3@ RB=:38 :36s/

9/ 6rit Compensation < Analo Smo;e Sensors System sotware shall a#tomati"ally ad5#stea"h analo smo;e sensor appro,imately on"e ea"h wee; or "hanes in sensitivity d#eto ee"ts o "omponent ain or environment! in"l#din d#st/ 3a"h sensor shall maintainits a"t#al sensitivity #nder adverse "onditions to respond to alarm "onditions whileinorin a"tors whi"h enerally "ontri.#te to n#isan"e alarms/ System tro#.le "ir"#itryshall a"tivate! display 6IRM 633CBR8 and ?3RM 6IRM 633CBR8 indi"ationsand identiy individ#al #nit that re4#ires maintenan"e/

10/ Analo Smo;e Sensor est System sotware shall a#tomati"ally test ea"h analo smo;esensor a minim#m o ' times daily/ est shall .e re"oni>ed #n"tional test o ea"hphoto"ell )analo photoele"tri" sensors* and ioni>ation "ham.er )analo ioni>ationsensors* as re4#ired ann#ally .y NF(A 72/ Fail#re o sensor shall a"tivate system tro#.le"ir"#itry! display est Failed8 indi"ation! and identiy individ#al devi"e that ailed/

11/ B-(remises Conne"tion

Spe"iier Notes In"l#de one o the ollowin t4ree pararaphs/

a/ Fire Alarm System Conne"t via leased telephone lines to "entral station or remotestation/

./ Fire Alarm System Conne"t to lo"al enery "ity master .o,/"/ Fire Alarm System Conne"t via 6iital Alarm Comm#ni"ator ransmitter )6AC*and telephone lines to "entral station or remote station/ (anel shall "ontaindis"onne"t swit"h to allow testin o system witho#t notiyin ire department/

Spe"iier Notes In"l#de one o the ollowin t4ree pararaphs/

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12/ Remote Station Bption Fire department shall .e "ons#lted reardin a#thori>ed remotestation servin m#ni"ipality/ Fire alarm system shall transmit alarm! s#pervisory! andtro#.le sinals with alarm havin priority over s#pervisory and tro#.le sinals/ Re4#iredphone lines shall .e provided and installed .etween in"omin telephone servi"e and irealarm system .y BwnerDs telephone "ontra"tor #nder separate "ontra"t/ Bwner will .eresponsi.le or phone "ompany "osts/

1'/ :o"al 3nery City @aster =o, Bption Fire alarm system shall .e "onne"ted to lo"alenery "ity master .o,/ City master .o, shall .e "oded and timed in a""ordan"e withre4#irements o ire department/ =o, shall .e s#ra"e or l#sh mo#nted and lo"ated asspe"iied .y .#ildin enineer and ire department/

1%/ Central Station Bption Fire alarm "ontrol panel shall provide interal 6iital AlarmComm#ni"ator ransmitter )6AC* or sinalin to "entral station/ 6AC shall "ontain6ialer-R#naway8 eat#re preventin #nne"essary transmissions as res#lt o intermittenta#lts in system and shall .e Carrier A""ess Code )CAC* "ompliant! a""eptin #p to 20-diit "entral station telephone n#m.ers/ Fire department shall .e "ons#lted as toa#thori>ed "entral station "ompanies servin m#ni"ipality/ Fire alarm system shalltransmit .oth alarm and tro#.le sinals! with alarm havin priority over tro#.le sinal/Contra"tor shall .e responsi.le or all installation "hares and Bwner will .e responsi.le

or line lease "hares/1&/ Networ; Ann#n"iator Bption 3a"h I:I-@=-3' and asso"iated display shall provide option

o .ein "oni#red as networ; ann#n"iator/ Bptions or ann#n"iation shall dea#lt asreional ann#n"iator with "apa.ility o sele"tin lo.al ann#n"iation to provide system-wide prote"tion and A";nowlede! Silen"e! and Reset "apa.ilities/

1$/ Red#ndant History :o 3a"h I:I-@=-3' shall "ontain #ll %100 event history los#pportin lo"al and networ; #n"tions/ I a main pro"essor or networ; node is lost theentire lo shall .e a""essi.le at any other :oop Intera"e .oard/ his shall .edemonstrated .y removin power rom INCC Command Center ollowed .y e,tra"tion ohistory lo rom any loop driver lo"ation! in"l#din INCC Command Center orransponder/

17/ :36s Indi"ator and B#tp#ts 3a"h I:I-@=-3' :oop Intera"e shall in"orporate as a

minim#m the ollowin dianosti" :36 indi"atorsa/ (ower Green/./ Alarm Red/"/ S#pervisory Mellow/d/ General ro#.le Mellow/e/ Gro#nd Fa#lt Mellow// ransmit Green// Re"eive Green/

1+/ A#,iliary (ower B#tp#ts 3a"h I:I-@=-3' :oop Intera"e shall provide the ollowins#pply o#tp#tsa/ 2% ?6C non-resetta.le! 1 amp/ ma,im#m! power limited/./ 2% ?6C resetta.le! 1 amp/ ma,im#m! power limited/

19/ @i"ropro"essor :oop intera"e shall in"orporate '2-.it RISC pro"essor/ Isolatedwat"hdo8 "ir"#it shall monitor mi"ropro"essor and #pon ail#re shall a"tivate systemtro#.le "ir"#its on display/ @i"ropro"essor shall a""ess system proram or all "ontrol-.y-event )C=3* #n"tions/ System proram shall not .e lost #pon ail#re o .oth primary andse"ondary power/ (rorammin shall s#pport =oolean loi" in"l#din AN6! BR! NB!I@3 63:AM #n"tions or ma,im#m le,i.ility/

20/ A#to (rorammin System shall provide or all S:C devi"es on any S:C loop to .e pre-prorammed into system/ pon a"tivation o a#to prorammin! only devi"es that are

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present shall a"tivate/ his allows or system to .e "ommissioned in phases witho#t needo additional downloads/

21/ 3nvironmental 6rit Compensation System shall provide or settin 3nvironmental 6ritCompensation .y devi"e/ hen dete"tor a""#m#lates d#st in "ham.er and rea"hes#na""epta.le level .#t yet still .elow allowed limit! "ontrol panel shall indi"atemaintenan"e alert warnin/ hen dete"tor a""#m#lates d#st in "ham.er a.ove allowed

limit! "ontrol panel shall indi"ate maintenan"e #rent warnin/22/ NBN-FIR3 Alarm @od#le Reportin Non-reportin type I6 shall .e availa.le or #se or

enery manaement or other non-ire sit#ations/ NBN-FIR3 point operation shall notae"t "ontrol panel operation nor shall it display messae at panel :6C/ A"tivation oNBN-FIR3 point shall a"tivate "ontrol .y event loi"! .#t shall not "a#se indi"ation on"ontrol panel/

2'/ 1-@an al; esta/ System shall provide .oth .asi" and advan"ed wal; test or testin entire ire alarm

system/ =asi" wal; test shall allow sinle operator to r#n a#di.le tests on panel/ Allloi" e4#ation a#tomation shall .e s#spended d#rin test and while ann#n"iators"an .e ena.led or test! all shall dea#lt to disa.led state/ 6#rin advan"ed wal;test! ield-s#pplied o#tp#t point prorammin shall rea"t to inp#t stim#li! s#"h as

C=3 and loi" e4#ations/ hen points are a"tivated in advan"ed test mode! ea"hinitiatin event shall lat"h inp#t/ Advan"ed test shall .e a#di.le and shall .e #sed or p#ll station verii"ation! manet a"tivated tests on inp#t devi"es! inp#t and o#tp#tdevi"e! and wirin operationEverii"ation/

./ est eat#re is intended to provide or "ertain random spot testin o system and isnot intended to "omply with re4#irements o testin ire alarm systems in a""ordan"ewith NF(A 72! as it is impossi.le to test all #n"tions and veriy items s#"h asann#n"iation with only 1 person/

2%/ Sinalin :ine Cir"#its 3a"h I:I-@=-3' mod#le shall provide "omm#ni"ation withanaloEaddressa.le )initiationE"ontrol* devi"es via 2 sinalin line "ir"#its/ 3a"h sinalinline "ir"#it shall .e "apa.le o .ein wired Class =! Style % or Class A! Style $/ Cir"#itsshall .e "apa.le o operatin in NF(A Style 7 "oni#ration when e4#ipped with isolator

mod#les .etween ea"h mod#le type devi"e and isolator sensor .ases/ 3a"h "ir"#it shall"omm#ni"ate with a ma,im#m o 99 analo sensors and 9+ addressa.le monitorE"ontroldevi"es/ ni4#e %0-"hara"ter identiier shall .e availa.le or ea"h devi"e/ 6evi"es shall.e o the ?elo"ity series with "apa.ility to poll 10 devi"es at a time with a ma,im#m pollintime o 2 se"onds when .oth S:Cs are #lly loaded/

2&/ Notii"ation Applian"e Cir"#its 2 independent NAC "ir"#its shall .e provided on I:I-@=!polari>ed and rated at 2 amperes 6C per "ir"#it! individ#ally over "#rrent prote"ted ands#pervised or opens! ro#nds! and short "ir"#its/ hey shall .e "apa.le o .ein wiredClass =! Style M or Class A! Style /

2$/ Alarm 6ry Conta"ts (rovide alarm dry "onta"ts )Form C* rated 2 amps at '0 ?6C)resistive* and transer whenever system alarm o""#rs/

27/ S#pervisory 6ry Conta"ts (rovide s#pervisory dry "onta"ts )Form C* rated 2 amps at '0

?6C )resistive* and transer whenever system s#pervisory "ondition o""#rs/2+/ ro#.le 6ry Conta"ts (rovide tro#.le dry "onta"ts )Form C* rated 2 amps at '0 ?6C

)resistive* and transer whenever system tro#.le o""#rs/

H/ A#,iliary Swit"h @od#le )AS@-1$*1/ 3a"h AS@-1$ has 1$ proramma.le p#sh-.#tton swit"hes/2/ 3a"h p#sh-.#tton swit"h has ' asso"iated stat#s :36s )red! yellow! and reen*!

"oni#ra.le to indi"ate any "om.ination o #n"tions/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 1%

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'/ Fle,i.le swit"h "oni#rations to allow le,i.le set-#p o phone! spea;er! and a#,iliary#n"tion "ir"#its/

%/ An inserta.le la.el to identiy #n"tion o ea"h swit"h and :36s "om.ination/&/ (rovide "apa.ility to "omm#ni"ate with #p to 1$ AS@-1$ mod#les lo"ally! #p to '!000 eet

rom INCC Command Center/$/ Spe"ialty mod#les that only perorm 1 tas; s#"h as spea;er! phone! or a#,iliary shall not

.e a""epta.le/

I/ elephone Assem.ly In"l#de the ollowin items1/ @o#ntin "a.inet whi"h o""#pies 2 mod#le lo"ations on inner door o INCC/2/ Standard phone operatin on pie>o ee"t with interal $-oot "ord/'/ Inter"onne"t "a.le or "onne"tion o phone to Command Center/

J/ @i"rophone Assem.ly In"l#de the ollowin items1/ @o#ntin "a.inet whi"h o""#pies 1 mod#le lo"ation on inner door o INCC/2/ Inter"onne"t "a.le or "onne"tion o mi"rophone to INI-?G/'/ 1 noise "an"elin mi"rophone with p#sh-to-tal; .#tton/

/ Networ; Repeater @od#le )R(-3'*1/ Intellient Networ; Intera"e shall provide inter"onne"tion and prote"tion o remote INCC

Command Centers and ransponders/ Repeater shall reenerate and "ondition to;enpassin! $2& .a#d sinal .etween #nits/ Repeater shall .e availa.le in wire! i.er! orwireEi.er "oni#rations as determined .y ield "onditions/

2/ Fi.er "oni#rations shall #se S8-type "onne"tors and .e a.le to operate with #p to 200-mi"ron m#lti-mode i.er! .#t optimi>e or $2/&E12&/ Intera"e shall have 5#mper to allowsele"tion o ro#nd dete"tion o wirin when #sed in wire mode/ Intera"e shall haveinteral :36s to display "#rrent stat#s o .oard/

:/ Networ; Graphi" Ann#n"iator )NGA* Networ; a.le! 1E% ?GA! to#"h-s"reen ann#n"iator withthe ollowin "hara"teristi"s

1/ C#stom Graphi"s (anel shall permit #ploadin o "#stom .it-mapped raphi" to displays"reen/ Graphi" shall display when all systems are normal/

2/ Int#itive F#n"tions In alarm or tro#.le "ondition! ann#n"iator shall display onlyinormation pertainin to event! in"l#din "ontrol swit"hes/a/ ro#.le Condition 6isplay shall indi"ate "a#se o tro#.le/ Bnly "ontrols availa.le to

operator shall .e A";nowlede and Reset #n"tions/./ Alarm Condition 6isplay shall indi"ate "a#se o alarm/ Bnly "ontrols availa.le to

operator shall .e A";nowlede! Silen"e! and Reset #n"tions/


 A/ System shall .e o m#ltipro"essor desin to allow ma,im#m le,i.ility o "apa.ilities and

operation/ IN shall re"eive! transmit! and reenerate voi"e! ire ihter phones! and data oversinle pair o wire or i.er opti" "a.le/

=/ IN shall provide #ll m#lti-"hannel distri.#ted voi"e messain! with interated swit"hinamplii"ation! and S:C and e,tended phone riser/ IN shall "omm#ni"ate with networ; systemin tr#e peer-to-peer ashion operatin at $2& .a#d over any "om.ination o i.er or wiremedia/ IN shall "onsist o the ollowin #nits and "omponents/

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C/ System Ca.inet System "a.inet shall .e s#ra"e or semi-l#sh mo#nted with te,t#re inish andshall "onsist o % parts! .a"; .o,! .a"; plate! inner door! and o#ter door/ System "a.inetho#ses INI-?G! (@-9 power s#pply! #p to % - A@&0! mi"rophone! and related "ir"#itry/

6/ Intellient Networ; Intera"e ?oi"e Gateway )INI-?G* INI-?G shall .e a m#lti-#n"tion .oardinter"hanea.le in .oth INCC and IN/ F#n"tions o .oard shall in"l#de the ollowin eat#res

as a minim#m1/ Networ; intera"e operatin at $2& .a#d "oni#ra.le with any "om.ination o wire

andEor i.er topoloies/ Intera"e shall "omm#ni"ate with #p to $% total INCC! IN! and7100 "ontrol panels in peer-to-peer ashion/

2/ Fire Fihter (hone Riser INI-?G shall enerate lo"al phone riser or #se with AB@-3:phone mod#les or "onne"tion to ire ihter phone/ INI-?G shall mi, its lo"al phone riserto networ; in tr#e Style 7 ashion/

'/ Sinalin :ine Cir"#it )S:C* INI-?G shall enerate lo"al S:C to "omm#ni"ate with and"ontrol #p to 1$ AB@-3: mod#les and '2 AB@-2S or AB@-@ "ir"#its or ire phoneintera"in and additional split-spea;er "ir"#its/

%/ RS-%+& (rovide "apa.ility to "omm#ni"ate with #p to 1$ AS@-1$ mod#les! when #sed inIN mode #p to '!000 eet/

&/ Advan"ed (ro"essin INI-?G shall in"orporate latest in diital sinalin pro"essinte"hnoloy with s#pportin =oolean loi" in"l#din AN6! BR! NB! I@3 63:AM#n"tions/

$/ ?oi"e Generation INI-?G shall in"orporate all pro"essin to allow or 1$ distin"t pre-re"orded messaes #sed in priority ashion with messae 1 as hihest priority/ otallenth or 1 to 1$ messaes shall .e #p to ' min#tes/

3/ (ower S#pply @od#le )(@-9* (@-9 power s#pply shall s#pply all power ne"essary #ndernormal and emeren"y "onditions/ (ower s#pply shall provide "apa"ity to "hare #p to &&amp-ho#r .atteries while #nder #ll load/ e"hnoloy #sed shall .e o power-savin swit"hin"oni#ration! eliminatin need o steppin transormer/

F/ A#dio Ampliier )A@-&0* In"l#de as a minim#m! the ollowin eat#res1/ &0-watt swit"hin a#dio ampliier! re4#irin no transormer when #sed in 2&-watt mode/2/ 2 individ#ally addressa.le spea;er "ir"#its! ea"h with "apa.ility o handlin part or all o

&0-watt s#pplied power/'/ (ower shall .e 2% ?6C s#pplied via terminal .lo"; rom lo"al (@-9 power s#pply/%/ A.ility to sele"t rom 1 o 1$ pre-prorammed messaes in INI-?G! and pain rom

lo"ally or rom INCC Command Center/&/ =a";-#p amplii"ation "oni#ra.le so 1 A@-&0 "an perorm .a";-#p or '! or perorm 1-to-

1 .a";-#p i "oni#red to do so in prorammin/$/ Stat#s :36s to indi"ate normal operation and tro#.le "ondition/


 A/ (rinters A#tomati" type! printin "ode! time! date! lo"ation! "ateory! and "ondition/1/ (rovide hard-"opy printo#t o all "hanes in stat#s o system and time-stamp s#"h

printo#ts with "#rrent time-o-day and date/2/ Standard "arriae with +0 "hara"ters per line/'/ se standard pin-eed paper/%/ 3n"lose in separate en"los#re s#ita.le or pla"ement on des;top or ta.le/&/ Comm#ni"ate with "ontrol #sin intera"e "omplyin with 3IA-2'2-6/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 1$

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$/ (ower 120 ?AC at $0 H>/


Spe"iier Notes Spe"iy @odel H(F2%S$ or H(F2%S+/

 A/ S#pplemental Notii"ation Applian"e Cir"#it )H(F2%* shall .e @odel H(F2%S$O H(F2%S+Ooerin #p to $/0 amps )%/0 amps "ontin#o#s*O +/0 amps )$/0 amps "ontin#o#s*O o re#lated2%-volt power/ H(F2% shall in"l#de the ollowin eat#res1/ Interal Charer Chare #p to 1+/0 amp-ho#r .atteries and s#pport $0-ho#r stand.y/2/ 2 Inp#t riers/ Inp#t trier shall .e Notii"ation Applian"e Cir"#it )rom ire alarm

"ontrol panel* or relay/'/ S#ra"e-mo#nt .a"; .o,/%/ A.ility to delay AC ail delay in a""ordan"e with appli"a.le NF(A re4#irements/&/ (ower limited "ir"#itry in a""ordan"e with appli"a.le : standards/$/ Bperates as syn" ollower or a syn" enerator/


 A/ Addressa.le 6evi"es < General1/ (rovide address-settin means #sin rotary-de"imal swit"hes/2/ se simple to install and maintain de"ade-type )n#m.ered 0 to 9* address swit"hes .y

#sin standard s"rewdriver to rotate 2 dials on devi"e to set address/ 6evi"es whi"h #se.inary address set via dipswit"h pa";aes! handheld devi"e prorammer! or other spe"ialtools or settin devi"e address shall not .e a""epta.le/

'/ 6ete"tors Analo and addressa.le/ Conne"t to ire alarm "ontrol panelLs Sinalin :ineCir"#its/

%/ Addressa.le hermal and Smo;e 6ete"tors (rovide 2 stat#s :36s/ =oth :36s shalllash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin dete"tor is operational and in re#lar

"omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel! and .oth :36s shall .e pla"ed into steady ill#mination.y "ontrol panel! indi"atin alarm "ondition has .een dete"ted/ I re4#ired! lashin modeoperation o dete"tor :36s "an .e prorammed o via ire "ontrol panel proram/

&/ Fire Alarm Control (anel (ermit dete"tor sensitivity ad5#stment thro#h ieldprorammin o system/ Sensitivity "an .e a#tomati"ally ad5#sted .y panel on time-o-day.asis/

$/ sin sotware in INCC Command Center! dete"tors shall a#tomati"ally "ompensate ord#st a""#m#lation and other slow environmental "hanes that may ae"t theirperorman"e/ 6ete"tors shall .e listed .y : as meetin "ali.rated sensitivity testre4#irements o NF(A 72! Chapter 7/

7/ 6ete"tors shall .e "eilin-mo#nted and shall in"l#de separate twist-lo"; .ase with tamper-proo eat#re/

+/ Followin .ases and a#,iliary #n"tions shall .e availa.lea/ Standard .ase with remote :36 o#tp#t/./ So#nder .ase rated at +& d=A minim#m/"/ Form-C relay .ase rated '0 ?6C! 2/0 A/d/ Isolator .ase/

9/ 6ete"tors shall provide test means where.y they will sim#late alarm "ondition and reportthat "ondition to "ontrol panel/ S#"h test shall .e initiated at dete"tor itsel .y a"tivatinmaneti" swit"h or initiated remotely on "ommand rom "ontrol panel/

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10/ 6ete"tors shall store internal identiyin type "ode that "ontrol panel shall #se to identiytype o devi"e )IBN! (HBB! H3R@A:*/

=/ Addressa.le @an#al Stations )@S-7AF*1/ @an#al Fire Alarm Stations Non-"ode! non-.rea; lass type! e4#ipped with ;ey lo"; so

they may .e tested witho#t operatin handle/

2/ Bperated Station ?is#ally apparent! as operated! at a minim#m distan"e o 100 eet )'0/&m* rom ront or side/

'/ Stations shall .e desined so ater a"t#al a"tivation! they "annot .e restored to normale,"ept .y ;ey reset/

%/ @an#al stations shall .e "onstr#"ted o :e,an with "learly visi.le operatin instr#"tionsprovided on "over/ he word FIR3 shall appear on ront o stations in raised letters! 1/7&in"hes )%% mm* or larer/

&/ Addressa.le man#al stations shall! on "ommand rom "ontrol panel! send data to panelrepresentin state o man#al swit"h and addressa.le "omm#ni"ation mod#le stat#s/

C/ Intellient hermal 6ete"tors )A6-R:2F* Intellient addressa.le devi"es rated at 1'& dereesF )&+ derees C* and have rate-o-rise element rated at 1& derees F )9/% derees C* per

min#te/ Conne"t via 2 wires to ire alarm "ontrol panel sinalin line "ir"#it/

6/ Intellient (hotoele"tri" Smo;e 6ete"tors )AS6-(:2F* se photoele"tri" )liht-s"atterin*prin"ipal to meas#re smo;e density and shall! on "ommand rom "ontrol panel! send data topanel representin analo level o smo;e density/

3/ Intellient Ioni>ation Smo;e 6ete"tors )AS6-I:2F* se d#al-"ham.er ioni>ation prin"ipal tomeas#re prod#"ts o "om.#stion and shall! on "ommand rom "ontrol panel! send data to panelrepresentin analo level o prod#"ts o "om.#stion/

F/ Intellient @#lti-Criteria A""limatin 6ete"tors )@CS-ACC:I@A32F*1/ Addressa.le devi"e desined to monitor a minim#m o photoele"tri" and thermal

te"hnoloies in sinle-sensin devi"e/ In"l#de a.ility to adapt to its environment .y#tili>in .#ilt-in mi"ropro"essor to determine its environment and "hoose appropriatesensin settins/ Allow wide sensitivity window! with no less than 1 to % per"ent per ooto.s"#ration/ tili>e advan"ed ele"troni"s that rea"t to slow smolderin ires and thermalproperties within sinle sensin devi"e/

2/ @i"ropro"essor Capa.le o sele"tin appropriate sensitivity levels .ased on environmenttype it is in! s#"h as oi"e! man#a"t#rin! or ;it"hen! and then have a.ility toa#tomati"ally "hane settin as environment "hanes! as when walls are moved or aso""#pan"y "hanes/

'/ Intellient m#lti-"riteria dete"tion devi"e shall in"l#de a.ility to "om.ine sinal o thermalsensor with sinal o photoele"tri" sinal to rea"t hastily in event o ire sit#ation/ In"l#deinherent a.ility to distin#ish .etween ire "ondition and alse alarm "ondition .y

e,aminin "hara"teristi"s o thermal and smo;e sensin "ham.ers and "omparin them todata.ase o a"t#al ire and de"eptive phenomena/

G/ Intellient :aser 6ete"tors )AS6-:S* Sensor devi"e desined to #se laser diode similar to wayphotoele"tri" sensor #ses :36s inside o sensin "ham.er/ 6ete"tor desin shall allow widesensitivity window! with no less than 0/2 to % per"ent per oot o.s"#ration/ 6ete"tor shall .e#sed as indi"ated in spe"ial appli"ation "lean-room-type environments only/

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H/ Intellient 6#"t Smo;e 6ete"tors )A6(F*1/ In-6#"t Smo;e 6ete"tor Ho#sin se on-.oard intellient photoele"tri" dete"tor! whi"h

provides "ontin#o#s analo monitorin and alarm verii"ation rom panel/2/ hen s#i"ient smo;e is sensed! alarm sinal is initiated! and appropriate a"tion ta;en to

sh#t down or "hane over air handlin systems to help prevent rapid distri.#tion o to,i"smo;e and ire ases thro#ho#t areas served .y d#"t system/

'/ 6#"t Smo;e 6ete"tors @o#nted A.ove Ceilin or Btherwise B.str#"ted rom Normal?iew (rovide with remote alarm indi"ator/

%/ 3a"h 6ete"tor Install in either s#pply side or ret#rn side d#"t in a""ordan"e with lo"alme"hani"al "ode/

I/ Addressa.le 6ry Conta"t @onitor @od#les )A@@-2F*1/ (rovide to "onne"t 1 s#pervised I6C >one o "onventional alarm initiatin devi"es )any

N/B/ dry "onta"t devi"e* to 1 o the ire alarm "ontrol panel S:Cs/2/ @o#nt in standard deep ele"tri"al .o,/'/ I6C one S#ita.le or Style = operation/

J/ Addressa.le 6ry Conta"t @onitor @od#les )A@@-%F*

1/ (rovide to "onne"t 1 s#pervised I6C >one o "onventional alarm initiatin devi"es )anyN/B/ dry "onta"t devi"e* to 1 o the ire alarm "ontrol panel S:Cs/

2/ @o#nt in %-in"h )102-mm* s4#are! 2-1E+-in"h )&%-mm* deep ele"tri"al .o,/'/ I6C one S#ita.le or Style 6 or Style = operation/%/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and in

re#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/

/ Addressa.le 6ry Conta"t @onitor @od#les )A@@-2IF*1/ (rovide to "onne"t 2 s#pervised I6C >ones o "onventional alarm initiatin devi"es )any

N/B/ dry "onta"t devi"e* to 1 o the ire alarm "ontrol panel S:Cs/2/ @o#nt in %-in"h )101/$-mm* s4#are! 2-1E+-in"h )&%-mm* deep ele"tri"al .o,/'/ I6C ones S#ita.le or Style = operation/

%/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and inre#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/

:/ Addressa.le 6ry Conta"t @onitor @od#les )@@I-10F*1/ (rovide to "onne"t 10 s#pervised Style = I6C >ones or & s#pervised Style 6 I6C >ones o 

"onventional alarm initiatin devi"es )any N/B/ dry "onta"t devi"e* to 1 o the ire alarm"ontrol panel S:Cs/

2/ @o#nt in a"tory-s#pplied @==-2 or @==-$ en"los#re/'/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and in

re#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/

@/ 2-ire 6ete"tor @onitor @od#les )A@@-%SF*

1/ (rovided to "onne"t 1 s#pervised I6C >one o "onventional 2-wire smo;e dete"tors oralarm initiatin devi"es )any N/B/ dry "onta"t devi"e*/

2/ @o#nt in %-in"h )101/$-mm* s4#are! 2-1E+-in"h )&%-mm* deep ele"tri"al .o, or to optionals#ra"e-mo#nted .a"; .o,/

'/ I6C one ired or Class A or = )Style 6 or Style =* operation/%/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and in

re#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/

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N/ 2-ire 6ete"tor @onitor @od#les )@@I-$SF*1/ (rovided to "onne"t $ s#pervised Class = I6C >ones o "onventional 2-wire smo;e

dete"tors or alarm initiatin devi"es )any N/B/ dry "onta"t devi"e*/2/ @o#nt in a"tory-s#pplied @==-2 or @==-$ en"los#re/'/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and in

re#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/

B/ Addressa.le Control @od#les )AB@-2SF*1/ (rovide to s#pervise and "ontrol operation o 1 "onventional NAC o "ompati.le! 2%-?6C

powered! polari>ed a#dioEvis#al notii"ation applian"es or :-listed polari>ed relays or ansh#tdown and other a#,iliary "ontrol #n"tions/

2/ @o#nt in standard %-in"h )101/$-mm* s4#are! 2-1E+-in"h )&%-mm* deep ele"tri"al .o, or tos#ra"e-mo#nted .a"; .o,/

'/ Control @od#le NAC ire or Style or Style M )Class AE=* with #p to 1 amp o ind#"tivesinal or 2 amps o resistive sinal operation/ Relay "oil shall .e maneti"ally lat"hed tored#"e wirin "onne"tion re4#irements and to ens#re 100 per"ent o all a#,iliary relay orNACs shall .e eneri>ed at same time on same pair o wires/

%/ A#dioE?is#al (ower (rovide .y separate s#pervised power "ir"#it rom main ire alarm

"ontrol panel or rom s#pervised! :-listed remote power s#pply/

(/ Addressa.le Control @od#les )@@B-$SF*1/ (rovide to s#pervise and "ontrol operation o 1 "onventional NAC o "ompati.le! 2%-?6C

powered! polari>ed a#dioEvis#al notii"ation applian"es or :-listed polari>ed relays or ansh#tdown and other a#,iliary "ontrol #n"tions/

2/ @o#nt in a"tory-s#pplied @==-2 or @==-$ en"los#re/'/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and in

re#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/%/ Control mod#le NAC ire or Style or Style M )Class AE=* with #p to 1 amp o ind#"tive

sinal or 2 amps o resistive sinal operation/ Relay "oil shall .e maneti"ally lat"hed tored#"e wirin "onne"tion re4#irements and to ens#re 100 per"ent o all a#,iliary relay or

NACs shall .e eneri>ed at same time on same pair o wires/&/ A#dioE?is#al (ower (rovide .y separate s#pervised power "ir"#it rom main ire alarm

"ontrol panel or rom s#pervised! :-listed remote power s#pply/

/ Addressa.le Relay @od#les )AB@-2RF*1/ Availa.le or H?AC "ontrol and other .#ildin #n"tions/ Relay shall have 2 Form C sets

o "onta"ts that operate in tandem and are rated or a minim#m o 2/0 amps resistive or1/0 amps ind#"tive/ Relay "oil shall .e maneti"ally lat"hed to red#"e wirin "onne"tionre4#irements and to ens#re 100 per"ent o all a#,iliary relay or NACs shall .e eneri>edat same time on same pair o wires/

2/ @o#nt in standard %-in"h )101/$-mm* s4#are! 2-1E+-in"h )&%-mm* deep ele"tri"al .o, or tos#ra"e-mo#nted .a"; .o,/

R/ Addressa.le Relay @od#les )@@B-$RF*1/ Availa.le or H?AC "ontrol and other .#ildin #n"tions/ Relay shall .e Form C and rated

or a minim#m o 2/0 amps resistive or 1/0 amps ind#"tive/ Relay "oil shall .emaneti"ally lat"hed to red#"e wirin "onne"tion re4#irements and to ens#re 100 per"ento all a#,iliary relay or NACs shall .e eneri>ed at same time on same pair o wires/

2/ @o#nt in a"tory-s#pplied @==-2 or @==-$ en"los#re/

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'/ :36s Flash #nder normal "onditions! indi"atin monitor mod#le is operational and inre#lar "omm#ni"ation with "ontrol panel/

S/ Isolator @od#les )@&00*1/ (rovide to a#tomati"ally isolate wire-to-wire short "ir"#its on S:C Class A or Class =

.ran"h/ Isolator mod#le shall limit n#m.er o mod#les or dete"tors that may .e rendered

inoperative .y short-"ir"#it a#lt on S:C loop sement or .ran"h/ At least 1 isolatormod#le shall .e provided or ea"h loor or prote"ted >one o .#ildin/ No more than 2&devi"es shall .e "onne"ted to 1 isolator mod#le/

2/ I wire-to-wire short o""#rs! isolator mod#le shall a#tomati"ally open-"ir"#it )dis"onne"t*S:C/ hen short-"ir"#it "ondition is "orre"ted! isolator mod#le shall a#tomati"allyre"onne"t isolated se"tion/

'/ 6oes not re4#ire address-settin! and its operations shall .e totally a#tomati"/ Notne"essary to repla"e or reset isolator mod#le ater normal operation/

%/ @o#nt in standard %-in"h )101/$-mm* deep ele"tri"al .o, or in s#ra"e-mo#nted .a"; .o,/&/ Sinle :36 Flash to indi"ate isolator is operational and ill#minate steadily to indi"ate

short-"ir"#it "ondition has .een dete"ted and isolated/

/ Conventional Heat 6ete"tors1/ Com.ination rate-o-rise and i,ed temperat#re rated at 1'& derees F )&7/2 derees C*

or areas where am.ient temperat#res does not e,"eed 100 derees F )'7/7 derees C*!and 200 derees F )9'/' derees C* or areas where temperat#re does not e,"eed 1&0derees F )$&/& derees C*/

2/ :ow proile! "eilin-mo#nt type with positive indi"ation o a"tivation/'/ Rate-o-Rise 3lement Air "ham.er! le,i.le metal diaphram! and a"tory-"ali.rated!

moist#re-proo! tro#.le-ree vent! and operate when rate o temperat#re rise e,"eeds 1&derees F )9/% derees C* per min#te/

%/ Fi,ed-emperat#re 3lement F#si.le-alloy retainer and a"t#ator shat/&/ Smooth Ceilin Ratin 2!&00 s4#are eet )7$2 m2*/

/ Conventional (hotoele"tri" Area Smo;e 6ete"tors1/ 2%-?6C! 2-wire! "eilin-mo#nted! liht-s"atterin type #sin :36s liht so#r"e/2/ 3a"h 6ete"tor Remote :36s o#tp#t and .#ilt-in test swit"h/'/ (rovide on twist-lo"; .ase/%/ (erorm "ali.rated sensitivity and perorman"e test on dete"tor witho#t need or

eneration o smo;e/ est method shall test all dete"tor "ir"#its/&/ ?is#al Indi"ation o Alarm (rovide .y d#al-lat"hin :36s on dete"tor! seen rom ro#nd

level over '$0 derees/ :36s shall lash every 10 se"onds! indi"atin power is applied todete"tor/

$/ 6ete"tor shall not o into alarm or tro#.le when e,posed to air velo"ities o #p to '!000eet )91%/% m* per min#te/

7/ 6ete"tor S"reen and Cover Assem.ly 3asily remova.le or ield "leanin o dete"tor

"ham.er/+/ Field-ire Conne"tions @ade to .ase thro#h #se o "lampin plate and s"rew/

?/ Conventional Ioni>ation-ype Smo;e 6ete"tors1/ 2-wire! 2%-?6C type #sin d#al #ni-polar "ham.er/2/ 3a"h 6ete"tor Remote :36s o#tp#t and .#ilt-in test swit"h/'/ (rovide on twist-lo"; .ase/

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%/ (erorm "ali.ration sensitivity and perorman"e test on dete"tor witho#t need oreneration o smo;e/

&/ ?is#al Indi"ation o Alarm (rovide .y d#al-lat"hin :36s over '$0 derees! on dete"tor!seen rom ro#nd level/ :36s shall lash every 10 se"onds! indi"atin power is applied todete"tor/

$/ 6ete"tor shall not alarm or tro#.le when e,posed to air velo"ities o #p to 1!200 eet

)'$&/7$ m* per min#te/7/ 6ete"tor S"reen and Cover Assem.ly 3asily remova.le or ield "leanin o dete"tor

"ham.er/+/ Field-ire Conne"tions @ade to .ase thro#h #se o "lampin plate and s"rew/

/ Addressa.le (ro5e"ted =eam 6ete"tors )A=6-2F*1/ Sinle-ended! rele"tive desin/2/ Si, #ser-sele"ta.le sensitivity levels/'/ Bperates in rane rom 1$ eet to '2+ eet/%/ emperat#re Rane o 6evi"e @in#s 22 derees F to 1'1 derees F/&/ =eam 6ete"tor A#tomati" ain "ontrol to "ompensate or rad#al sinal deterioration

rom dirt a""#m#lation on lenses/

7/ : :isted/+/ A.ility to .e tested #sin "ali.rated test ilters or manet-a"tivated remote test station/

/ Sprin;ler aterlow Swit"hes )provided and installed .y the sprin;ler "ontra"tor*1/ Interal! me"hani"al! non-"oded! non-a""#m#lative retard type/2/ Alarm transmission delay time "onveniently ad5#sta.le rom 0 to $0 se"onds/ Initial

settins shall .e '0 to %& se"onds/'/ Sinle man#a"t#rer and series/%/ here possi.le! lo"ate waterlow swit"hes a minim#m o 1 oot rom ittin whi"h "hanes

dire"tion o low and a minim#m o ' eet rom valve/&/ aterlow swit"hes shall .e provided and "onne"ted #nder this se"tion .#t installed .y the

me"hani"al "ontra"tor/

M/ Sprin;ler and Standpipe ?alve S#pervisory Swit"hes )provided and installed .y the sprin;ler"ontra"tor*1/ 3a"h sprin;ler system water s#pply "ontrol valve riser! >one "ontrol valve! and standpipe

system riser "ontrol valve shall .e e4#ipped with s#pervisory swit"h/ Standpipe hosevalves! test valves! and drain valves shall not .e e4#ipped with s#pervisory swit"hes/

2/ (I? )(ost Indi"ator ?alve* or @ain Gate ?alves 34#ip with s#pervisory swit"h/'/ @o#nt not to interere with normal operation o valve and ad5#st to operate within 2

revol#tions toward "losed position o valve "ontrol! or when stem has moved no more thanone-ith o distan"e rom normal position/

%/ Contain in weatherproo al#min#m ho#sin! whi"h shall provide 'E%-in"h )19-mm* "ond#itentran"e and in"orporate ne"essary a"ilities or atta"hment to valves/

&/ Swit"h Ho#sin Finish Red .a;ed enamel/$/ 3ntire Installed Assem.ly amper proo and arraned to "a#se swit"h operation i

ho#sin "over is removed or i #nit is removed rom mo#ntin/7/ ?alve s#pervisory swit"hes shall .e provided and "onne"ted #nder this se"tion and

installed .y me"hani"al "ontra"tor/

/ Graphi" Ann#n"iator )ses AN-%+ Serial 6river =oard*

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1/ Comm#ni"ate to ire alarm "ontrol panel via 3IA-%+& )m#lti-drop* 2-wire "omm#ni"ationsloop/ p to 1$ ann#n"iator drivers! ea"h "oni#red #p to %+ points! shall .e "onne"tedper I:I-@=-3' or INI-?G/

2/ 3IA-%+& Repeater Availa.le to e,tend 3IA-%+& wire distan"e in '!000-oot )91%/%-m*in"rements/

'/ AN-%+ (rovide intera"e to approved :-listed raphi"-style ann#n"iator and provide

ea"h o the eat#res spe"iied/

 AA/ :C6 6isplay Ann#n"iator1/ F#rnish and install as indi"ated on the 6rawins a remote serial ann#n"iator! @odel :C6-

7100/ Ann#n"iator shall provide +0-"hara"ter display! whi"h shall d#pli"ate all inormationon .asi" system display! in"l#din any networ; nodes its host panel is ann#n"iatin! withe,"eption o men#s/ Contain the ollowin #n"tion ;eysa/ Alarm A";nowlede/./ ro#.le A";nowlede/"/ Sinal Silen"e/d/ System ResetE:amp est/e/ System 6rill est/

2/ ey :o"; 3na.le swit"hes only when pla"ed in BN8 position! with e,"eption o ro#.le A";nowlede! whi"h is #sed to silen"e lo"al tro#.le a#di.le so#nder/ Ann#n"iator shall"ontain the ollowin :36sa/ Alarm/./ S#pervisory/"/ System ro#.le/d/ (ower Fa#lt/e/ System Silen"ed/

'/ @o#nt on standard '-an s#ra"e or l#sh ele"tri"al .o,/%/ 3a"h I:I-@=-3' A""ommodate #p to & remote :C6-7100 ann#n"iators whi"h shall .e

lo"ated #p to '!000 eet rom "ontrol panel/

==/ (orta.le 3meren"y elephone Handset Ja";s1/ Fl#sh mo#nt on stainless steel plates as indi"ated on the 6rawins/2/ Approved or emeren"y telephone system appli"ation/'/ Insertion o remote handset pl# into 5a"; shall send sinal to ire INCC Command Center

whi"h shall a#di.ly and vis#ally indi"ate on-line "ondition and so#nd a rin indi"ation inhandset/

%/ 2-ay 3meren"y elephone System S#pport a minim#m o ive )&* handsets on linewitho#t deradation o sinal

&/ Ca.inet (rovide in ire "ontrol room to ho#se 10 porta.le handsets/

CC/ Fi,ed 3meren"y elephone Handsets1/ elephone Ca.inets

a/ (aint red and "learly la.el emeren"y telephone/./ :o"ate as indi"ated on the 6rawins/"/ ey same as INCC Command Center! IN ransponders! and man#al stations/

2/ Handset Cradle Cam-operated mi"roswit"h "onne"tion s#"h that litin handset o "radlesends sinal to ire INCC Command Center whi"h shall a#di.ly and vis#ally indi"ate on-line )o-hoo;* "ondition/ Bpen .lade inder "onta"ts shall not .e a""epta.le/

'/ 2-ay 3meren"y elephone System S#pport a ma,im#m o ive & handsets on line )ohoo;* witho#t deradation o sinal/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 2'

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66/ Spea;ers1/ Bperate on 2& ?R@S or with ield-sele"ta.le o#tp#t taps rom 0/& to 2/0 watts/2/ Spea;ers in Corridors and (#.li" Spa"es (rod#"e nominal so#nd o#tp#t o +% d=A at 10

eet )' m*/'/ Fre4#en"y Response @inim#m o %00 H> to %!000 H>/

%/ =a"; o 3a"h Spea;er Sealed to prote"t spea;er "one rom damae and d#st/

33/ Stro.es1/ Complian"e A6A and : 1971/2/ @a,im#m (#lse 6#ration 0/2 se"ond/'/ Stro.e Intensity : 1971/%/ Flash Rate : 1971/&/ Stro.e Candela Ratin 6etermine .y positionin sele"tor swit"h on .a"; o devi"e/

FF/ Spea;erEStro.es1/ Bperate on 2& ?R@S or with ield-sele"ta.le o#tp#t taps rom 0/& to 2/0 watt2/ Spea;ers in Corridors and (#.li" Spa"es (rod#"e nominal so#nd o#tp#t o +% d=A at 10

eet )' m*/'/ Fre4#en"y Response @inim#m o %00 H> to %!000 H>/%/ =a"; o 3a"h Spea;er Sealed to prote"t spea;er "one rom damae and d#st/&/ A#di.ility NF(A 72/$/ @a,im#m (#lse 6#ration 0/2 se"ond/7/ Stro.e Intensity : 1971/+/ Flash Rate : 1971/9/ Stro.e Candela Ratin 6etermine .y positionin sele"tor swit"h on .a"; o devi"e/



 A/ 3,amine areas and s#ra"es to re"eive ire alarm system/1/ Notiy Ar"hite"t o "onditions that wo#ld adversely ae"t installation or s#.se4#ent #se/2/ 6o not .ein installation #ntil #na""epta.le "onditions are "orre"ted/


 A/ Install ire alarm system in a""ordan"e with NF(A 72! NF(A 70! state and lo"al "odes!man#a"t#rerDs instr#"tions! and as indi"ated on the 6rawins/

=/ Con"eal "ond#it! 5#n"tion .o,es! and "ond#it s#pports and haners in inished areas/ Con"eal

or e,pose "ond#it! 5#n"tion .o,es! and "ond#it s#pports and haners in #ninished areas/

C/ 6o not install smo;e dete"tors .eore system prorammin and test period/ I "onstr#"tion isonoin d#rin this period! ta;e meas#res to prote"t smo;e dete"tors rom "ontamination andphysi"al damae/

3' Series Fire Alarm System 1'+&0 )2+ '1 00* - 2%

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6/ Fl#sh-mo#nt ire dete"tion and alarm system devi"es! "ontrol panels! and remote ann#n"iatorsin inished areas/ Fl#sh-mo#nt or s#ra"e-mo#nt ire dete"tion and alarm system devi"es!"ontrol panels! and remote ann#n"iators in #ninished areas/

3/ 3ns#re man#al stations are s#ita.le or s#ra"e mo#ntin or semi-l#sh mo#ntin as indi"atedon the 6rawins/ Install not less than %2 in"hes! nor more than %+ in"hes! a.ove inished loor

meas#red to operatin handle/

33 #IE%" -$%IT' CONTO%

 A/ @an#a"t#rerDs Field Servi"es (rovide servi"e o "ompetent! a"tory-trained te"hni"iana#thori>ed .y man#a"t#rer to te"hni"ally s#pervise and parti"ipate d#rin pre-testin anda""eptan"e testin o system/

=/ estin1/ Cond#"t "omplete vis#al inspe"tion o "ontrol panel "onne"tions and test wirin or short

"ir"#its! ro#nd a#lts! "ontin#ity! and ins#lation .eore eneri>in "a.les and wires/2/ Close ea"h sprin;ler system "ontrol valve and veriy proper s#pervisory alarm at INCC

Command Center/'/ ?eriy a"tivation o low swit"hes/%/ Bpen initiatin devi"e "ir"#its and veriy that tro#.le sinal a"t#ates/&/ Bpen sinalin line "ir"#its and veriy that tro#.le sinal a"t#ates/$/ Bpen and short notii"ation applian"e "ir"#its and veriy that tro#.le sinal a"t#ates/7/ Gro#nd initiatin devi"e "ir"#its and veriy response o tro#.le sinals/+/ Gro#nd sinalin line "ir"#its and veriy response o tro#.le sinals/9/ Gro#nd notii"ation applian"e "ir"#its and veriy response o tro#.le sinals/10/ Che"; alert tone and prere"orded voi"e messae to alarm notii"ation devi"es/11/ Che"; installation! s#pervision! and operation o intellient smo;e dete"tors/12/ Introd#"e on system ea"h o the alarm "onditions that system is re4#ired to dete"t/ ?eriy

proper re"eipt and proper pro"essin o sinal at INCC Command Center and "orre"t

a"tivation o "ontrol points/1'/ Cons#lt man#a"t#rerDs man#al to determine proper testin pro"ed#res when system is

e4#ipped with optional eat#res/ his is intended to address s#"h items as veriyin"ontrols perormed .y individ#ally addressed or ro#ped devi"es! sensitivity monitorin!verii"ation #n"tionality! and similar/

C/ A""eptan"e estin1/ =eore installation shall .e "onsidered "ompleted and a""epta.le .y AHJ! a "omplete test

#sin as a minim#m! the ollowin s"enarios shall .e perormed and witnessed .yrepresentative approved .y 3nineer/ @onitorin "ompany andEor ire department shall .enotiied .eore inal test in a""ordan"e with lo"al re4#irements/

2/ Contra"torDs 5o. oreman! in presen"e o representative o man#a"t#rer! representative o

Bwner! and ire department shall operate every installed devi"e to veriy proper operationand "orre"t ann#n"iation at "ontrol panel/

'/ Bpen sinalin line "ir"#its and notii"ation applian"e "ir"#its in at least 2 lo"ations toveriy presen"e o s#pervision/

%/ Completely dis"onne"t INCC Command Center rom rest o networ;! in"l#din ?oi"e INCCCommand Center/ A"tivate initiatin devi"e rom transponder/ All spea;er "ir"#itsa"tivated rom ea"h transponder shall transmit the "orre"t eva"#ation or alert messae/

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hese messaes shall .e same messaes transmitted with INCC Command Centera"tivated/ 6ea#lt tones or messaes shall not .e a""epta.le/

&/ Completely dis"onne"t INCC Command Center rom rest o networ;/ A"tivate initiatindevi"e/ All "ontrol o#tp#ts s#pported .y transponder S:C "ir"#its shall operate #nderpro5e"t prorammin mode/ 6ea#lt or derade mode prorammin shall not .ea""epta.le/

$/ Fire ihter phone riser shall .e dire"tly shorted .etween INCC Command Center and irsttransponder! ollowed .y test o ire phones .etween INCC Command Center and arthesttransponder/ (hones shall operate in normal ashion/

7/ All a#dio risers shall .e dire"tly shorted .etween INCC Command Center and irst a#diotransponder! ollowed .y a"tivation o alarm initiatin devi"e/ Corre"t pre-re"ordedmessaes shall transmit rom all spea;ers! in"l#din eva"#ation and alert "hannels/6ea#lt or derade messaes shall not .e a""epta.le/

+/ hen testin has .een "ompleted to satisa"tion o .oth Contra"torDs 5o. oreman andrepresentatives o man#a"t#rer and Bwner! a notari>ed letter "o-sined .y ea"h attestinto satisa"tory "ompletion o said testin shall .e orwarded to Bwner and ire department/

9/ :eave ire alarm system in proper wor;in order and! witho#t additional e,pense to Bwner!repla"e dee"tive materials and e4#ipment provided within 1 year )'$& days* rom date o

inal a""eptan"e .y the owner/


 A/ (rovide instr#"tion as re4#ired or operatin ire alarm system/

=/ (rovide hands-on demonstrations o operation o ire alarm system "omponents and #n"tions/