9. Penerapan Audit TI

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  • 7/30/2019 9. Penerapan Audit TI


    The Role of IT Audit

    At Cornell University

    Presented by:

    Craig Adams, CISA, CISM

    Clayton Dow, CPA, CISA, CIA

    Geoffrey Yearwood, CISA

  • 7/30/2019 9. Penerapan Audit TI


    February 14, 2007 2



    Auditing in General

    University Audit Office

    Information Technology Audit

    IT Policies

    The Changing Face of IT Audit

    IT Controls

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    February 14, 2007 3


    Board of Directors

    Audit Committee

    Senior Management

    External Audit

    Internal Audit

    Audit Clients

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    February 14, 2007 5

    Definition of Internal Audit

    Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Standard

    effective January 2002

    Internal auditing is an independent, objective

    assurance and consulting activity designed to addvalue and improve an organizations operations. Ithelps an organization accomplish its objectives bybringing a systematic, disciplined approach to

    evaluate and improve the effectiveness ofriskmanagement, control, and governance processes.

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    February 14, 2007 6

    University Audit Office

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    February 14, 2007 7

    University Audit Office CharterThe University Audit Office exists to assist university management and the Audit Committee

    of the Board of Trustees in the effective discharge of their responsibilities. The University

    Audit Office is responsible for examining and evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of

    (1) the systems of internal control and their related accounting, financial, computer, and

    operational policies and (2) the procedures for financial and compliance monitoring and

    reporting and to make recommendations for the improvement thereof.

    The scope of the University Audit Office's responsibilities includes examining and evaluating

    the policies, procedures, and systems which are in place to ensure:

    reliability and integrity of information;

    compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulations;

    safeguarding of assets; and

    economical and efficient use of resources.

    The University Audit Office shall have direct access to all university books and records

    necessary for the effective discharge of its responsibilities. The reporting relationships

    duties, and responsibilities of the University Auditor (Audit Director) are contained in the

    University Bylaws Article XI.

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    February 14, 2007 8

    University Audit Office Mission

    The Audit Office supports the mission of the

    university by helping protect its assets and

    reputation. We provide objective assurance and advice

    on behalf of the Board of Trustees and

    Cornell University.

    We review operations and controls, provide

    relevant analyses, recommend

    improvements, and promote ethical behavior

    and compliance with policies andregulations.

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    February 14, 2007 9

    University Audit Office Responsibilities

    The scope of the University Audit Offices responsibilitiesincludes examining and evaluating the policies,procedures, and systems to ensure:

    Reliability and integrity of information;

    Compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws,and regulations;

    Safeguarding of assets; and

    Economical and efficient use of resources.

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    February 14, 2007 10

    Cornell University Audit Office

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    February 14, 2007 12

    Information Technology

    Risk Ranking Results


    1 WMC-EPIC System 394.6 17 System, User and Production Documentation 320.4

    2 Access Security Authentication/Authorization 391.3 18 Veterinary Medicine 320.33 WMC-Office of Academic Computing 384.9 19 Data Marts 316.0

    4 Sponsored Programs 375.1 20 Computer Science 312.0

    5 Systems Development Methodology 368.1 21 Network and Server Environment 310.6

    6 OIT-Business Information Systems 364.5 22 Network Operations Center 308.1

    7 OIT-Network and Communications Services 359.1 23 Johnson School of Management-Parker Center 304.3

    8 Wireless Network 353.2 24 University Library 304.1

    9 PeopleSoft Application and Security 347.8 25 Cornell Nanoscale Facility 293.110 Program, Data, & Transaction Security 343.8 26 Software Piracy 288.4

    11 OIT-Distributed Learning Services and ATA 338.1 27 Mainframe Security 281.8

    12 Computing & Info Science 336.0 28 Gannett Health Center 277.0

    13 Change Control & Change Management 333.4 29 Adabas Database 277.014 OIT-Systems and Operations 333.2 30 OIT-Customer Service and Marketing 269.4

    15 OIT-Integration and Delivery 328.9 31 CU Police 229.9

    16 Oracle Database 322.7 32 Geneva Agricultural Experiment Station 226.4

    Legend: Bold = Business Process

    Blue = Institutional ConcernsRed = Senior Staff Concerns

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    February 14, 2007 13

    Information Technology Audit

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    February 14, 2007 14

    IT Audit Role

    Advising the Audit Committee and senior

    management on IT internal control issues

    Performing IT Risk Assessments


    Institutional Risk Area Audits

    General Controls Audits

    Application Controls Audits

    Technical IT Controls Audits

    Internal Controls advisors during systemsdevelopment and analysis activities.

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    February 14, 2007 16

    IT General Controls

    IT ControlsIT ControlsIT Controls




    IT Concerns and Issues

    Disaster Recovery

    Business Resumption Plans

    BRP Testing Alternate Processing

    Physical Security

    Physical Access


    Fire Protection UPS

    Backup/Contingency Planning

    Data Backups

    Restore Procedures Offsite Storage

    Change Management

    Program Change Controls

    Tracking Change Approvals

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    February 14, 2007 17

    IT Application Controls

    IT ControlsIT ControlsIT Controls




    IT Concerns and Issues

    Output Controls




    Processing Controls

    Audit Trails

    Interface Controls

    Control Totals

    Access Controls


    Data Security Network Security

    Security Administration

    Access Authorization




    Input Controls

    Data Entry Controls System Edits

    Segregation of Duties

    Transaction Authorization

  • 7/30/2019 9. Penerapan Audit TI


    February 14, 2007 18

    IT Policies

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    February 14, 2007 19

    Cornell University IT Policies Interim Policies:

    Authentication of IT Resources

    Privacy of the Network

    Established Policies: In the University Library of Policies, information

    technologies occupies Volume 5. Abuse of Computers and Network Systems, June 1990

    Policy 5.1 Responsible Use of Electronic Communications, October 1995

    Policy 5.2 Mass Electronic Mailing, January 2003

    Policy 5.3 Use of Escrowed Encryption Keys, January 2003

    Policy 5.4.1 Security of Information Technology Resources, June 2004

    Policy 5.4.2 Reporting Electronic Security Incidents, June 2004

    Policy 5.5 Stewardship and Custodianship of Electronic Mail, Feb. 2005

    Policy 5.6 Recording and Registration of Domain Names, April 2004

    Policy 5.7 Network Registry, June 2004 Related Policy:

    Policy 4.12 Data Stewardship and Custodianship, May 2003

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    February 14, 2007 20

    The Changing Faceof IT Audit

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    February 14, 2007 22

    Emerging & Prevalent IT Audit Issues

    Inadequate or Lack of Management Oversight

    Poor Segregation of Duties

    Inadequate or Lack of Supporting DocumentationNo Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Plan

    Change Management

    Data SecurityData Loss Incidents

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    February 14, 2007 23

    What you can do to prepare

    for an IT Audit?Read all relevant University IT Policies

    Perform a risk assessment

    Know your IT vulnerabilities

    Identify the internal controls that wouldmitigate inherent risk

    Document your business processes, systems,policies and procedures

    Keep Current on the Laws and Regulations

    Call the Audit Office for advice

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    February 14, 2007 24

    IT Controls

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    February 14, 2007 25

    Understanding IT Controls

    A top-down approach -

    used when considering

    IT controls.

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    February 14, 2007 26

    IT control is a process thatprovides assurance for

    information and information

    services, and help to mitigate

    risks associated with use of


    Understanding IT Controls

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    February 14, 2007 27

    Importance of IT Controls Needs for IT controls, such as

    controlling cost

    protecting information assets

    complying with laws and


    Implementing effective IT

    controls will improve efficiency,reliability, and flexibility.

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    February 14, 2007 28

    Roles and Responsibilities Board of Directors /Governing


    Management define, approve,

    implement IT controls


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    February 14, 2007 29

    Based On Risk

    Analyzing Risk Identify and prioritize risks

    Consider risk indetermining the adequacyof IT controls

    Define risk mitigation

    strategy accept/mitigate/share

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    February 14, 2007 30


    Monitoring IT Controls

    Ongoing monitoring/specialreview/automated

    continuous auditing

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    February 14, 2007 31


    Assessing IT controls is an

    ongoing process

    Technology continues to


    New vulnerabilities emerge

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    February 14, 2007 32

    How can I determine if the Internal

    Controls in my area are adequate?The central theme of internal control is (1) to identifyrisks to the achievement of the organizations

    objectives, and (2) to do what is necessary to managethese risks.

    1. Identify the business objectives of your area.

    2. Identify the risks that could prevent your department

    from achieving these objectives.3. Identify the controls that will manage the risks

    identified above.

    4. Implement the controls that were identified which

    minimize risk in a cost effective manner.5. Periodic review of objectives and controls to determine

    if they still apply

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    February 14, 2007 33

    A car has brakesto allow it to go faster

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    February 14, 2007 34

    University Audit Office

    Contact Information

    Phone: 255-9300

    email: [email protected]

    Web Page: http://audit.cornell.edu/