9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts http://www.WhatIsListening.com http://www.DragonTortise.com Daily inspirations from blog at http://www.WhatIsListening.com/blog/

9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

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A sandbag workout is not your typical exercise or gym routine. This training can provide a lot of benefits and advantages that you will not likely see and get from the usual stuff you achieve in gym exercise equipment.

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Page 1: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts



Daily inspirations from blog at http://www.WhatIsListening.com/blog/

Page 2: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

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Page 3: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

A sandbag wor kout i s not your t ypi cal exer ci se or gym r out i ne Thi s t r ai ni ng .

can pr ovi de a l ot of benef i t s and advant ages t hat you wi l l not l i kel y see and

get f r om t he usual st uf f you achi eve i n gym exer ci se equi pment I f . you can

obser ve a l ot of t hose peopl e who go t o t he gym ar e abl e t o mast er what t hey,

do wi t h what ever wor kout equi pment t hey use Thi s i s because al l of t hese.

t hi ngs ar e desi gned f or pr eci si on wor kout s For i nst ance one machi ne i s . ,

i nt ended t o st r engt hen t he abs and st omach whi l e t he ot her i s speci f i cal l y

desi gned t o pr ovi de st r onger ar ms and f eet .

But wi t h sandbag wor kout s you cannot pr edi ct or det er mi ne what speci f i c ar ea ,

of your body i s devel oped – and t hat s t he beaut y of i t Thi s ent ai l s t hat you ’ .

ar e l i kel y t o ut i l i ze mor e muscl es whi l e per f or mi ng i t compar ed t o any ot her

gym r out i nes I n or der t o under st and t he advant ages of sandbag wor kout s l et us . ,

see a pr evi ew on some of i t s benef i t s .

I tI tI tI t al l owsal l owsal l owsal l ows i mpr ovementi mpr ovementi mpr ovementi mpr ovement i ni ni ni n youryouryouryour t r unkt r unkt r unkt r unk andandandand cor ecor ecor ecor e st r engt hst r engt hst r engt hst r engt h – because a sandbag

does not have a def i ni t e shape or si ze your muscl es and t he ent i r e body ,

cannot i nst ant aneousl y adj ust t o i t I t means t hat bot h have t o put i n ext r a .

ef f or t j ust t o accommodat e a ver y uncomf or t abl e l oad As a r esul t your t r unk . ,

and cor e st r eng t h ar e si gni f i cant l y devel oped because of t he need of st abi l i t y

and bal ance whi l e wor ki ng out .

I tI tI tI t i si si si s aaaa newnewnewnew andandandand i nnovat i vei nnovat i vei nnovat i vei nnovat i ve ver si onver si onver si onver si on ofofofof f i t nessf i t nessf i t nessf i t ness t r ai ni ngt r ai ni ngt r ai ni ngt r ai ni ng – t her e ar e i nst ances

when we become so t i r ed and f ed up usi ng t he same equi pment f or ei t her st ayi ng

f i t o r devel opi ng muscl es I n or der t o make t he wor kout mor e f un and exci t i ng . ,

opt i ng f or t he sandbag wor kout i s t he best possi bl e i dea .

AAAA ver yver yver yver y cheapcheapcheapcheap meansmeansmeansmeans ofofofof doi ngdoi ngdoi ngdoi ng wor kout swor kout swor kout swor kout s – gym f ees ar e al ways unj ust and

expensi ve especi al l y when you want t o access t he best, f aci l i t i es t her e i s But .

wi t h sandbag wor kout s you have t he chance t o devel op st r engt h and muscl e ,

wi t hout havi ng t o pay gym i nst r uct or s or per haps havi ng t o buy ver y pr i cey

equi pment You can ei t her get one f r om st or es or even make your own wi t hout.

spendi ng t hat much i nvest ment t o i t .

Gr i pGr i pGr i pGr i p st r engt hst r engt hst r engt hst r engt h – sandbag wor kout s ar e ver y i deal f or wr est l er s and MMA

f i ght er s si nce t hey ar e t r ai ned t o have st r ong gr i ppi ng and gr abbi ng st r engt h .

Thi s t ype of wor kout cer t ai nl y pr ovi des a good st ar t .

For cesFor cesFor cesFor ces youyouyouyou t ot ot ot o adaptadaptadaptadapt – anot her good benef i t of sandbag wor kout s i s t hat you

ar e obl i ged t o adapt i n t he var yi ng condi t i ons of t he r out i ne Ther e ar e no .

Page 4: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

speci f i c measur es wei ght s or ar eas of concent r at i on so you wi l l never f i nd , ,

out whi ch ar ea of your body i s devel oped and st r engt hened.

Sever alSever alSever alSever al t ypest ypest ypest ypes ofofofof wor kout swor kout swor kout swor kout s ever yever yever yever y t i met i met i met i me – t he unbal ance and unpr edi ct abi l i t y of

sandbag wor kout s pr ovi de you wi t h a wi de var i et y of r out i nes I t i sn t l i ke a . ’

t r eadmi l l or a bar bel l t hat each t i me you use i t you al r eady know wher e you ,

ar e goi ng .

BestBestBestBest f orf orf orf or peopl epeopl epeopl epeopl e whowhowhowho ar ear ear ear e easi l yeasi l yeasi l yeasi l y bor edbor edbor edbor ed wi t hwi t hwi t hwi t h t het het het he samesamesamesame r out i nesr out i nesr out i nesr out i nes – sandbag

wor kout s can hel p devel op and shape up your abs hi ps bi ceps l ower back and , , , ,

ot her s But what makes i t so amazi ng i s t hat you ar e f east ed wi t h sur pr i ses.

whenever you use i t .

Mor eMor eMor eMor e cal orcal orcal orcal or i esi esi esi es ar ear ear ear e bur nedbur nedbur nedbur ned – si nce t he obj ect i t sel f does not have an exact

shape f r ame and wei ght you may need t o ut i l i ze mor e muscl es t o l i f t and, , ,

car r y i t When mor e muscl es ar e used mor e cal or i es ar e bur ned . , .

Pr ovi desPr ovi desPr ovi desPr ovi des f l exi bi l i t yf l exi bi l i t yf l exi bi l i t yf l exi bi l i t y – a sandbag wor kout i s mor e l i ke a mundane way of

l i f t i ng and car r yi ng r andom heavy st uf f You wi l l never get used t o i t Because . .

of t hi s you become f l exi bl e and much mor e pr ot ect ed f r om sever al i nj ur i es ,

t hat i nvol ve t he muscl es .

Page 5: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

Pocket Fitness and Gym Work iphone app from

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Cool Resources!

Pocket Fitness and Gym Work iphone app from http://www.DragonTortise.com

daily workouts are written in our Whiteboard, which you can see in this app. Everyday our workouts are different, FUN and innovative! You CAN

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Whiteboard, which you can see in this N and innovative! You CAN

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Whenever you want to

workout, any time, any where, simply fire up this app, choose your exercises


Page 6: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

App for Meditation and Relaxation from http://www.WhatIsListening.com

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Page 7: 9 Benefits of Sandbag Workouts

Awesome MuMu - Fun, Cute Game from http://www.AwesomeMuMu.com

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MuMu owns a magical wand and grabs colorful gems and treasures in the sky for

Yingying. Each of the treasures represents a “life gift” which you can hang up on

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