DAILY REPORTER ∙ Tuesday, May 19, 2020 ∙ 9 MICHIGAN GOV. WHITMER: MANY LEGISLATORS INCITED CAPITOL PROTEST — THEN DIDN’T WANT TO BE THERE DETROIT — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told a national cable TV audience on Friday morning that Republicans in the state Legislature have helped fuel protests against her stay-at-home order at the state Capitol. Speaking to host John Berman on CNN’s “New Day,” Whitmer was asked why the state Capitol was closed during Thursday’s protests after be- ing swarmed by protesters, some of whom car- ried firearms, during an April 30 event. “The Legislature apparently didn’t want to be around for this activity that many of them in- cited, frankly,” she said. Republican leaders have also filed a lawsuit — with a hearing scheduled Friday in the state Court of Claims — challenging Whitmer’s au- thority to issue and extend orders to close busi- nesses and require people stay at home as a way to stop the spread of coronavirus. Those orders are set to remain in place at least until May 28. Whitmer has cited estimates that her orders may have helped prevent what could have been another 3,500 deaths from the virus in Michigan and that reopening the state too quickly could result in a second wave of new cases and deaths. Republican leaders, including state party Chairman Laura Cox, have maintained they are not associated with the protests while criti- cizing Whitmer for her many national TV ap- pearances, saying she is interested in being Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate in No- vember, a claim she has denied. — Detroit Free Press BRAZIL’S HEALTH CHIEF EXITS AFTER 29 DAYS AS VIRUS CASELOAD SOARS Brazil lost its second health minister in a month as President Jair Bolsonaro’s insistence on reopening the economy and the use of cer- tain controversial treatments clashes with sci- entific recommendations and the coronavirus pandemic death toll surges. Nelson Teich, who took over the post in April after Bolsonaro fired his predecessor amid a clash over social distancing measures, stepped down on Friday, the government said. The health ministry gave no details on who will re- place him in the post, saying a press conference will be held later today. Local media had reported Bolsonaro was pressuring Teich to recommend the widespread use of malaria drug chloroquine, which he has touted since the beginning of the crisis, to treat the pandemic. Teich had said treatments using the drug are an “uncertainty.” Though he avoided publicly clashing with the president on social distancing, Bolsonaro’s growing push to reopen the economy at all costs placed Teich in a bind. During a press confer- ence earlier this week, Teich was caught off guard when a reporter asked him about Bolso- naro’s latest edict adding gyms, beauty salons and barbershops to the list of essential busi- nesses that should immediately reopen. — Bloomberg News FIRST STORM OF HURRICANE SEASON LIKELY TO FORM SATURDAY FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The first storm of hurricane season is likely to form Saturday, bringing tropical-force gusts to South Florida, the National Hurricane Center said in a Friday morning advisory. The subtropical or tropical storm, which would be named Arthur, is expected to form around the Bahamas from a large patch of stormy weather moving through the Florida Straits. Although Florida is likely to avoid a direct hit, the broad cluster of storm clouds is expected to give the region a day or two of rough weather. Strong gusts, scattered power outages, flood- ing, powerful rip currents and high waves are expected Friday, the National Weather Service said. Gusts could reach 40 mph. A high surf warn- ing was issued for Broward and Palm Beach counties, indicating the possibility of breaking waves of six or seven feet. A gale warning was issued for the ocean off South Florida, indicat- ing the potential for sustained winds of at least 39 mph. — Sun Sentinel ILLINOIS SEN. TAMMY DUCKWORTH TO INTERVIEW SOON FOR BIDEN’S VP PICK, DURBIN SAYS CHICAGO — U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth is going to interview soon for the post of former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate, her fellow Illinois U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin said Fri- day. Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, has said he will select a woman as his running mate and announced a vice presidential search committee late last month. In recent days, speculation about Duckworth as a possibility has steadily increased as the senator has been more visible on television in recent weeks and participated in virtual events for the Biden campaign. Asked Friday morning in Chicago about whether he thought Duckworth was a realistic possibility as Biden’s VP pick, Durbin indicated she was under consideration. “I support Tammy Duckworth. She’s spectac- ular, a great colleague and I hope that she fares well in this interview, which I think is going to take place soon,” Durbin said outside Stroger Hospital after he visited a COVID-19 testing fa- cility. “And I’m totally in support of her.” Durbin did not elaborate on the nature of the interview. — Chicago Tribune LOOK FOR US ON Facebook! facebook.com/indydailyreporter (First published in the Independence Daily Reporter May 19, 2020) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KANSAS SITTING AT INDEPENDENCE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JOYCE SIMPSON aka MARI- LYN JOYCE SIMPSON aka JOYCE M. SIMPSON, Deceased No. 2020 PR-16 I NOTICE OF HEARING AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are notified that on May 12, 2020, a Petition was filed in this Court by Jeri L. Hammerschmidt, a devisee and legatee, and Executor named in the “Last Will and Testament of Joyce Simpson,” deceased, dated April 4, 2018, requesting that the in- strument attached thereto be admit- ted to probate and record as the Last Will and Testament of the decedent; and Letters Testamentary be issued to Executor to serve without bond. You are required to file your writ- ten defenses to the Petition on or before June 11, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. in the District Court, in Indepen- dence, Montgomery County, Kan- sas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to file your written defenses, judg- ment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of the first publica- tion of this notice, as provided by law, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertain- able, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus ex- hibited, they shall be forever barred. JERI L. HAMMERSCHMIDT Petitioner Jeffrey A. Chubb (#9915) EMERT CHUBB REYNOLDS, LLC 204 E. Laurel - P. O. Box 747 Independence, KS 67301 (620) 331-1800; (620) 331-1807-fax [email protected] Attorneys for Petitioner May 19, 26, June 2, 2020 ____________________________________ AA MEETINGS; 213 W. Oak; Independence; Noon daily except Tuesday and Thursday; Sunday at 6pm; Wednesday at 7pm. Alanon meetings; Tuesday at 7pm. TF LOWRY CONSTRUCTION, new construction, room additions, steel buildings, remodeling, roofing, insurance claims. Locally owned since 2001. We do it all, 620-330-1943. TF RINCK’S SEPTIC Cleaning, serving southeast Kansas for 30 years. Honest, reliable and reasonable. 620-205-9752. TF DRAIN CLEANING profes- sional service. New equip- ment. Call today – clean today. Plumb Crazy Plumb- ing, Indy cell 620-332-9010. TF O’SHIELDS SEPTIC Tank Cleaning. Installa- tion and repairs. For reli- able service and inspection call John, 620-289-4705. TF ALWAYS A great gift idea; automatic garage doors, In- dependence Overhead Doors, Inc., 115 W. Main, Inde- pendence, 620-331-2445. TF BENNETT BACKHOE- trench- ing, rock hauling and drive- way repair, 331-5149. TF TIM SACK Construction- addi- tions, garages, decks, privacy fences, painting, 40 years ex- perience. Call 620-779-1571. TF STAIR’S LAWN CARE- Call Jes- se at 620-779-3897 for a free estimate. TF OPTION ONE Plumbing - Same day service. Full Service Plumb- ing - Drain Cleanings, Water Heaters, Water Service, Gas Repairs. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 620-205-2788. TF TREE TRIMMING Ser- vices- Insured, free es- timates, 620-550-1499. MAY22 FURNISHED EFFICIEN- CY apartments, starting at $115 weekly. Cable, utili- ties paid. 620-205-7043. TF STORAGE BY Mary, 130 S. 25th, 620-330-0690, all metal, dry. TF CLIMATE CONTROL stor- age, available, Witwer Stor- age, 1691 CR 4325, Cof- feyville, 620-251-8542. TF DEVORE STORAGE, secured perimeter, reasonable rates, easy access, 216 Cement, 620-331-8407, 620-926- 0197. Various sizes available. TF KING APARTMENTS- large two bedroom, central heating/air, $495 month, 620-330-2791. TF 409 W. RAILROAD, cen- tral heat and air, all ap- pliances furnished, no pets, call 620-330-0295. TF FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, country place, electric, with car garage, 2 miles north of Independence, Kansas, 1-800-321-4523. MAY19 CLASSIFIED NEW DEADLINES Daily-11 a.m. Day Before Saturday- 3 p.m. Thursday Minimum Charge- 1 day, up to 15 words, $8.25 Call the office 620-331-3550 to place your ad. We accept Visa, MasterCard or Dis- cover cards, or you can pre-pay for your ad at our offices at 6th and Chestnut streets. The Reporter reserves the right to edit, classify or reject any ad submitted. The Independence Daily Reporter does not accept responsibility for the character of advertisers requesting its readers to make cash investments in business ventures. The Reporter does suggest you check thor- oughly with your Chamber of Commerce, credit bureau, or your local banks before you make investments with concerns you know little or nothing about. CLASSIFICATION INDEX 104 Notices Classifieds 151 Services 151 Services 182 Property For Rent 182 Property For Rent 200 Public Notices 200 Public Notices Assisted Living at Eagle Estates Where Your Family Is Our Family Enjoy home cooked meals, housekeeping, laundry, personal care and medication assistance. 24 Hour caring staff RN on call 24/7 Let your family be a part of our family at 1354 Taylor Road Independence 620-331-1662 (First published in the Independence Daily Reporter May 5, 2020) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Montgomery County, KANSAS CIVIL DEPARTMENT The Money Source Inc. Plaintiff, vs. Matthew T Lukens, et al. Defendants, Case No.20CV7-I-CM Court No. Title to Real Estate Involved Pursuant to K.S.A. §60 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Montgomery Coun- ty, Kansas, the undersigned Sheriff of Montgomery County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the lobby of the Montgom- ery County Judicial Center, Indepen- dence, Kansas, on May 28, 2020 at the time of 2:00 PM, the following real estate: LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9 AND THE NORTH 20 FEET OF LOT 10, BLOCK 32, FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF CANEY, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KANSAS., Parcel ID No. 063-251-12-0-30-01- 006.00-0. Commonly known as 507 N State St, Caney, KS 67333 (“the Property”) MS201488 to satisfy the judgment in the above- entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the ap- proval of the Court. ________________________ Montgomery County Sheriff MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC By: Chad R. Doornink, #23536cdoornink@msfirm.com 8900 Indian Creek Park- way, Suite 180 Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 339-9132 (913) 339-9045 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC AS AT- TORNEYS FOR The Money Source Inc. IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. May 5, 12, 19, 2020 ____________________________________ Seeking CNA with restorative experience Now interviewing those with a heart for serving precious elders. Apply on Indeed.com

9 assifiedsinddaireorerom ardaa -- aes · DAILY REPORTER ∙ Tuesday, May 19, 2020 ∙ 9 MICHIGAN GOV. WHITMER: MANY LEGISLATORS INCITED CAPITOL PROTEST — THEN DIDN’T WANT TO

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Page 1: 9 assifiedsinddaireorerom ardaa -- aes · DAILY REPORTER ∙ Tuesday, May 19, 2020 ∙ 9 MICHIGAN GOV. WHITMER: MANY LEGISLATORS INCITED CAPITOL PROTEST — THEN DIDN’T WANT TO

DAILY REPORTER ∙ Tuesday, May 19, 2020 ∙ 9


TO BE THEREDETROIT — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told a

national cable TV audience on Friday morning that Republicans in the state Legislature have helped fuel protests against her stay-at-home order at the state Capitol.

Speaking to host John Berman on CNN’s “New Day,” Whitmer was asked why the state Capitol was closed during Thursday’s protests after be-ing swarmed by protesters, some of whom car-ried firearms, during an April 30 event.

“The Legislature apparently didn’t want to be around for this activity that many of them in-cited, frankly,” she said.

Republican leaders have also filed a lawsuit — with a hearing scheduled Friday in the state Court of Claims — challenging Whitmer’s au-thority to issue and extend orders to close busi-nesses and require people stay at home as a way to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Those orders are set to remain in place at least until May 28. Whitmer has cited estimates that her orders may have helped prevent what could have been another 3,500 deaths from the virus in Michigan and that reopening the state too quickly could result in a second wave of new cases and deaths.

Republican leaders, including state party Chairman Laura Cox, have maintained they are not associated with the protests while criti-cizing Whitmer for her many national TV ap-pearances, saying she is interested in being Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate in No-vember, a claim she has denied.

— Detroit Free Press


Brazil lost its second health minister in a month as President Jair Bolsonaro’s insistence on reopening the economy and the use of cer-tain controversial treatments clashes with sci-entific recommendations and the coronavirus pandemic death toll surges.

Nelson Teich, who took over the post in April after Bolsonaro fired his predecessor amid a clash over social distancing measures, stepped down on Friday, the government said. The health ministry gave no details on who will re-place him in the post, saying a press conference will be held later today.

Local media had reported Bolsonaro was pressuring Teich to recommend the widespread use of malaria drug chloroquine, which he has touted since the beginning of the crisis, to treat the pandemic. Teich had said treatments using the drug are an “uncertainty.”

Though he avoided publicly clashing with the president on social distancing, Bolsonaro’s growing push to reopen the economy at all costs placed Teich in a bind. During a press confer-ence earlier this week, Teich was caught off guard when a reporter asked him about Bolso-naro’s latest edict adding gyms, beauty salons and barbershops to the list of essential busi-nesses that should immediately reopen.

— Bloomberg News


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The first storm of hurricane season is likely to form Saturday, bringing tropical-force gusts to South Florida, the National Hurricane Center said in a Friday morning advisory.

The subtropical or tropical storm, which would be named Arthur, is expected to form around the Bahamas from a large patch of stormy weather moving through the Florida Straits.

Although Florida is likely to avoid a direct hit, the broad cluster of storm clouds is expected to give the region a day or two of rough weather. Strong gusts, scattered power outages, flood-ing, powerful rip currents and high waves are expected Friday, the National Weather Service said.

Gusts could reach 40 mph. A high surf warn-ing was issued for Broward and Palm Beach counties, indicating the possibility of breaking waves of six or seven feet. A gale warning was issued for the ocean off South Florida, indicat-ing the potential for sustained winds of at least 39 mph.

— Sun Sentinel


CHICAGO — U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth is going to interview soon for the post of former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate, her fellow Illinois U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin said Fri-day.

Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, has said he will select a woman as his running mate and announced a vice presidential search committee late last month. In recent days, speculation about Duckworth as a possibility has steadily increased as the senator has been more visible on television in recent weeks and participated in virtual events for the Biden campaign.

Asked Friday morning in Chicago about whether he thought Duckworth was a realistic possibility as Biden’s VP pick, Durbin indicated she was under consideration.

“I support Tammy Duckworth. She’s spectac-ular, a great colleague and I hope that she fares well in this interview, which I think is going to take place soon,” Durbin said outside Stroger Hospital after he visited a COVID-19 testing fa-cility. “And I’m totally in support of her.”

Durbin did not elaborate on the nature of the interview.

— Chicago Tribune

LOOK FOR US ON Facebook!


(First published in the Independence Daily Reporter May 19, 2020)




THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED:You are notifi ed that on May 12, 2020, a Petition was fi led in this Court by Jeri L. Hammerschmidt, a devisee and legatee, and Executor named in the “Last Will and Testament of Joyce Simpson,” deceased, dated April 4, 2018, requesting that the in-strument attached thereto be admit-ted to probate and record as the Last Will and Testament of the decedent; and Letters Testamentary be issued to Executor to serve without bond.You are required to fi le your writ-ten defenses to the Petition on or before June 11, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. in the District Court, in Indepen-dence, Montgomery County, Kan-sas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to fi le your written defenses, judg-ment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition.All creditors are notifi ed to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of the fi rst publica-tion of this notice, as provided by law, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertain-able, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus ex-hibited, they shall be forever barred.


Jeffrey A. Chubb (#9915)EMERT CHUBB REYNOLDS, LLC204 E. Laurel - P. O. Box 747Independence, KS 67301(620) 331-1800; (620) [email protected] for Petitioner

May 19, 26, June 2, 2020____________________________________

AA MEETINGS; 213 W. Oak; Independence; Noon daily except Tuesday and Thursday; Sunday at 6pm; Wednesday at 7pm. Alanon meetings; Tuesday at 7pm. TF

LOWRY CONSTRUCTION, new construction, room additions, steel buildings, remodeling, roofing, insurance claims. Locally owned since 2001. We do it all, 620-330-1943. TFRINCK’S SEPTIC Cleaning, serving southeast Kansas for 30 years. Honest, reliable and reasonable. 620-205-9752. TF

DRAIN CLEANING profes-sional service. New equip-ment. Call today – clean today. Plumb Crazy Plumb-ing, Indy cell 620-332-9010. TFO’SHIELDS SEPTIC Tank Cleaning. Installa-tion and repairs. For reli-able service and inspection call John, 620-289-4705. TFALWAYS A great gift idea; automatic garage doors, In-dependence Overhead Doors, Inc., 115 W. Main, Inde-pendence, 620-331-2445. TFBENNETT BACKHOE- trench-ing, rock hauling and drive-way repair, 331-5149. TFTIM SACK Construction- addi-tions, garages, decks, privacy fences, painting, 40 years ex-perience. Call 620-779-1571. TFSTAIR’S LAWN CARE- Call Jes-se at 620-779-3897 for a free estimate. TFOPTION ONE Plumbing - Same day service. Full Service Plumb-ing - Drain Cleanings, Water Heaters, Water Service, Gas Repairs. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 620-205-2788. TFTREE TRIMMING Ser-vices- Insured, free es-timates, 620-550-1499. MAY22

FURNISHED EFFICIEN-CY apartments, starting at $115 weekly. Cable, utili-ties paid. 620-205-7043. TFSTORAGE BY Mary, 130 S. 25th, 620-330-0690, all metal, dry. TFCLIMATE CONTROL stor-age, available, Witwer Stor-age, 1691 CR 4325, Cof-feyville, 620-251-8542. TF DEVORE STORAGE, secured perimeter, reasonable rates, easy access, 216 Cement, 620-331-8407, 620-926-0197. Various sizes available. TFKING APARTMENTS- large two bedroom, central heating/air, $495 month, 620-330-2791. TF409 W. RAILROAD, cen-tral heat and air, all ap-pliances furnished, no pets, call 620-330-0295. TF

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, country place, electric, with car garage, 2 miles north of Independence, Kansas, 1-800-321-4523. MAY19


Daily-11 a.m. Day BeforeSaturday- 3 p.m. Thursday

Minimum Charge- 1 day, up to 15 words, $8.25

Call the office 620-331-3550 to place your ad. We accept Visa, MasterCard or Dis-cover cards, or you can pre-pay for your ad at our offices at 6th and Chestnut streets.The Reporter reserves the right to edit, classify or reject any ad submitted.The Independence Daily Reporter does not accept responsibility for the character of advertisers requesting its readers to make cash investments in business ventures. The Reporter does suggest you check thor-oughly with your Chamber of Commerce, credit bureau, or your local banks before you make investments with concerns you know little or nothing about.

CLASSIFICATION INDEXTopic NumberANNOUNCEMENTS (100)Food Specials .......................... 101Business Opportunities.............102Coming Attractions ...................103Notices .....................................104Lost & Found ...........................105Lodge Notices ...........................106EMPLOYMENT (120)Help Wanted .............................121Jobs Wanted .............................122MERCHANDISE (130)Auctions ...................................131Rummage Sales ........................132Farm Equip. & Supplies ............133Livestock & Equip.....................134Pets & Supplies ........................135Indoor Goods ............................136Outdoor Goods .........................137Merchandise for Rent ................138Free .........................................139Merchandise Wanted .................140SERVICE (150)Services....................................151Auctioneers...............................152VEHICLES, ACCESSORIES (160)Autos ................ 161Trucks .....................................162Motorcycles ..............................163Recreational Vehicles ................164Vehicle Accessories ...................165Vehicles Wanted .......................166PROPERTY (180)Real Estate for Sale .............. 181Property for Rent .................. 182Mobile Homes ....................... 183Property Wanted ................... 184Auctions ............................... 185PUBLIC NOTICES ................. 200

104 Notices

Saturday|May 16, 2020620-331-3550

[email protected] ClassifiedsClassifieds

151 Services

151 Services

182 Property For Rent

182 Property For Rent

200 Public Notices

200 Public Notices

Assisted Livingat

Eagle EstatesWhere Your Family

Is Our FamilyEnjoy home cooked meals,

housekeeping, laundry,personal care and

medication assistance.24 Hour caring staff

RN on call 24/7Let your family be a part

of our family at1354 Taylor Road


(First published in the Independence Daily Reporter May 5, 2020)


CIVIL DEPARTMENTThe Money Source Inc.Plaintiff,vs.Matthew T Lukens, et al.Defendants,

Case No.20CV7-I-CM Court No.

Title to Real Estate InvolvedPursuant to K.S.A. §60

NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Montgomery Coun-ty, Kansas, the undersigned Sheriff of Montgomery County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the lobby of the Montgom-ery County Judicial Center, Indepen-dence, Kansas, on May 28, 2020 at the time of 2:00 PM, the following real estate:LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9 AND THE NORTH 20 FEET OF LOT 10, BLOCK 32, FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF CANEY, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KANSAS., Parcel ID No. 063-251-12-0-30-01-006.00-0. Commonly known as 507 N State St, Caney, KS 67333 (“the Property”) MS201488 to satisfy the judgment in the above-entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the ap-proval of the Court. ________________________Montgomery County Sheriff

MILLSAP & SINGER, LLC By: Chad R. Doornink,

#23536cdoornink@msfi rm.com8900 Indian Creek Park-

way, Suite 180Overland Park, KS 66210

(913) 339-9132(913) 339-9045 (fax)


May 5, 12, 19, 2020____________________________________

Seeking CNA with restorative


Now interviewing those with a

heart for serving precious elders.

Apply on Indeed.com