8e Daft Chapter 10

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  • 8/8/2019 8e Daft Chapter 10


    Designing Adaptive OrganizationsDesigning Adaptive Organizations


  • 8/8/2019 8e Daft Chapter 10


    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.2

    Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

    Discuss the fundamental characteristics of organizing,

    including such concepts as work specialization, chain of

    command, span of management, and centralization

    versus decentralization.

    Describe functional and divisional approaches tostructure.

    Explain the matrix approach to structure and its

    application to both domestic and international


    Describe the contemporary team and virtual networkstructures and why they are being adopted by


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.3

    Learning Objectives (contd.)Learning Objectives (contd.)

    Explain why organizations need coordinationacross departments and hierarchical levels, anddescribe mechanisms for achieving

    coordination. Identify how structure can be used to achieve

    an organizations strategic goals.

    Illustrate how organization structure can bedesigned to fit environmental uncertainty.

    Define production technology (manufacturing,service, and digital) and explain how itinfluences organizational structure.

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.4


    Organization is the deployment of resources to

    achieve strategic goals.

    It is reflected in Division of labor into specific departments & jobs

    Formal lines of authority

    Mechanisms for coordinating diverse organizational


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.5

    Organization StructureOrganization Structure

    Defines how tasks are divided, resourcesare deployed, and departments arecoordinated

    Set of formal tasks assignedFormal reporting relationships

    The design of systems to ensure effectivecoordination of employees acrossdepartments

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.6

    The Organization ChartThe Organization Chart

    Visual representation

    Set of formal tasks

    Formal reporting relationships

    Framework for vertical control

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.7

    Work SpecializationWork Specialization

    Tasks are subdivided into individual

    jobs Employees perform only the tasks

    relevant to their specialized function

    Jobs tend to be small, but they can be

    performed efficiently

    Division of labor concept

    Degree to which

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.8

    Chain of CommandChain of Command

    Unbroken line of authority that links

    all persons in an organization

    Shows who reports to whom

    Associated with two underlying


    Unity of Command Scalar Principle

    Unbroken line of authority that links

    all persons in an organization

    Shows who reports to whom

    Associated with two underlying


    Unity of Command Scalar Principle

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.9


    Formal and legitimate right of a manager tomake decisions and issue orders

    Allocate resources to achieve organizationallydesired outcomes

    Authority is distinguished by threecharacteristics Authority is vested in organizational positions, not


    Authority is accepted by subordinates Authority flows down the vertical hierarchy

    Formal and legitimate right of a manager tomake decisions and issue orders

    Allocate resources to achieve organizationallydesired outcomes

    Authority is distinguished by threecharacteristics Authority is vested in organizational positions, not


    Authority is accepted by subordinates Authority flows down the vertical hierarchy

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.10


    The duty to perform the task or

    activity an employee has been


    Managers are assigned authority

    commensurate with responsibility

    Flip side of the authority coin

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    Mechanism through which authority

    and responsibility are brought into


    People are subject to reporting and

    justifying task outcomes to those

    above them in the chain of command

    Can be built into the organization


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    Process managers use to transfer

    authority and responsibility

    Organizations encouragemanagers to delegate authority to

    lowest possible level

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.13

    Line and Staff AuthorityLine and Staff Authority

    Line Authority = individuals in

    management positions have the formal

    power to direct and control immediate


    Staff Authority = granted to staff

    specialists in their area of expertise

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.14

    Span of Management/Span of Control

    Span of Management/Span of Control

    Number of employees who report to asupervisor Traditional view = seven subordinates per manager

    Lean organizations today = 30+ subordinates

    Supervisor Involvement must be closely involved with subordinates, the

    span should be small

    need little involvement with subordinates, it can belarge

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.15

    Factors Associated With Less SupervisorInvolvement

    Factors Associated With Less SupervisorInvolvement

    Work is stable and routine

    Subordinates perform similar work tasks

    Subordinates are concentrated in a single location

    Subordinates are highly trained Rules and procedure defining task activities are


    Support systems and personnel are available for the


    Little time is required in nonsupervisory activities

    Managers preferences and styles favor a large span

    Work is stable and routine

    Subordinates perform similar work tasks

    Subordinates are concentrated in a single location

    Subordinates are highly trained Rules and procedure defining task activities are


    Support systems and personnel are available for the


    Little time is required in nonsupervisory activities

    Managers preferences and styles favor a large span

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.16

    Tall versus Flat StructureTall versus Flat Structure

    Span of Control used in an organization

    determines whether the structure is tall or flat

    Tall structure has a narrow span and more

    hierarchical levels

    Flat structure has a wide span, is horizontally

    dispersed and fewer hierarchical levels

    The trend has been toward wider spans ofcontrol

  • 8/8/2019 8e Daft Chapter 10


    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.17

    Centralization versus DecentralizationCentralization versus Decentralization

    Centralization means that decision

    authority is located near the top of the

    organization. Decentralization means decision

    authority is pushed downward to lower

    organizational levels.

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.18

    DepartmentalizationThe basis on which individuals are grouped into departments

    DepartmentalizationThe basis on which individuals are grouped into departments

    Vertical functional structure. People aregrouped together in departments by commonskills.

    Divisional structure. Grouped together basedon a common product, program, orgeographical region.

    Matrix structure. Functional and divisionalchains of command. Some employees reportto two bosses.

    Team-based structure. Created toaccomplish specific tasks.

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.19

    Virtual Network StructureVirtual Network Structure

    An organizational structure that

    disaggregates major functions to

    separate companies that are brokeredby a small headquarters organization.

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.20

    Five Approaches to Structural DesignFive Approaches to Structural Design

    Exhibit 10.3

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.21

    Five Approaches to Structural DesignSlide 2

    Five Approaches to Structural DesignSlide 2

    daft ch10 insert1.CLP

    Exhibit 10.3

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.22

    Vertical Functional ApproachVertical Functional Approach

    Grouping of positions into departmentsbased on similar skills, expertise, andresource use Information flows up and down

    Chain of command converges at the top

    Managers and employees are compatiblebecause of similar training and expertise

    Rules and procedures governing duties and


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.23

    Divisional Structure AdvantagesDivisional Structure Advantages

    Efficient use of resources

    Skill specialization development

    Top management control

    Excellent coordination

    Quality technical problem solving

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.24

    Divisional Structure DisadvantagesDivisional Structure Disadvantages

    Poor communications

    Slow response to external changes

    Decisions concentrated at top

    Pin pointing responsibility is difficult

    Limited view of organizational goals by


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.25

    Matrix Advantages

    More efficient use of resources than

    single hierarchy

    Adaptable to changing environment

    Development of both general and

    specialists management skills

    Expertise available to all divisions

    Enlarged tasks for employees

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.26

    Dual Authority Structure in a Matrix OrganizationDual Authority Structure in a Matrix Organization

    Exhibit 10.6

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.27

    Matrix Disadvantages

    Dual chain of command

    High conflict between two sides of


    Many meetings to coordinate


    Need for human relations training

    Power domination by one side of


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.28

    Team Advantages

    Same advantages as functional


    Reduced barriers among


    Quicker response time

    Better morale

    Reduced administrative


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.29

    Team Disadvantages

    Dual loyalties and conflict

    Time and resources spent on


    Unplanned decentralization

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.30

    Virtual Network Approach Advantages

    Can draw on expertise worldwide

    Work force flexibility

    Reduced administrativeoverhead

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.31

    Network Approach Disadvantages

    Lack of control, weak boundaries

    Greater demands on managers

    Employee loyalty weakened

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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.32

    Task Forces, Teams, Project ManagementTask Forces, Teams, Project Management

    Task Force = temporary team/committee

    designed to solve a short-term problem

    involving several departments

    Project Manager= responsible for

    coordinating activities of several

    departments on a full-time basis for the

    completion of a specific project

  • 8/8/2019 8e Daft Chapter 10


    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.33


    Radical redesign of business processes

    to achieve dramatic improvements in

    cost, quality, service, and speed

    Process = organized group of relatedtasks and activities that work together to

    transform inputs into outputs and create


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    Copyright 2008 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.34

    Factors Shaping StructureFactors Shaping Structure

    Exhibit 10.13