85-86 PACIFIC DEPLOYMENT I - history.navy.mil Reading... · caq> maintenance), MID, disbursing, food services, barber shop, and carrp OPl'ARS. 'l'1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding

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3000 SEr S3 901 1 8 JUl 1986

Fran Comanding Officer os Naval Mobile Oonstructioo Battalioo POOR To COmlander Naval COnstructioo Battalions US Pacific Pleet


Ref (a) CXMBPACtlMBCANTINS 3121 l (b) CXMBPAC Ql(JU)ER 2-85

Qlcl (l) Executive SllllllllCY ( 2) Unit IDcatioo Sllmlary (3) Historical SllmlaCY (4) Mninistratioo Sunmary (5) Training Simnary (6) Operations Sunmary (7) Supply and LOgistica SUnnary (8) Equipnent Sunmary (9) ~Maintenance saxmary

(10) Special OperationsOtbei SUmary

l Enclosures (1) through (10) aie forwarded in accordance with reference (11) bull

2 tn accordance with reference (b) us Naval Mobile Oonstructioo Battalioo FOOR deployed to~ Covingtoo QJam MI as a Pacific Alet Battalioo during the period 31 July 1985 to 01 April 1986 Details were depllt7fld to subic Bay Rlplblic of Philippines lltDSLO 1-bnbasa Jlenya and CXMBPAC SUPPort Detail Pearl Barbor ElawaH A Pride and Professiooallsn Detail reaained in CXHJS and was deployed to Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo ca North Island Naval Air Statioo COlonado ca1 and Miiamar Naval Air Statioo 5an Diego ca In additioo M8 FOUR prOlfided Civic Actioo Team 0423 to ~ ~ of CXMBPAC CAT Det GIJall for depkyennent to the Republic of Palau

3 Ihis Pacific Deployment lolaS extremely successful foe the Battalioo in all respects tKB FOUR met or exceeded all its goals in such aieas as Training Readiness Retentioo Oonstructioo and CESE availability OW acxxirplislmnts were highlighted by receipt of the S AHE Peltier Award for being the best Constructioo Battalioo in the to the Navy E foe being the best Constructioo Battalioo in the Pacific and Silvei Anchor Award for Retentioo excellence The deployment is now but a collectioo of food memories Its

=~ bull Mbull plt1y fOltW ~ -1im

CtJfi to QI) (OP-44G) CDCPNFLT

Copy to (CXNgt T) CllCIAllFLr CINOJSNAVflJR OMlfIU)PAC CCMNAIF~ (CXXIE 06) CCMBPfpound PJgtCNAVPJICmXXM 00 CEC POln WDIEME agtbull CB QJLFPORT 0) tClt POR1 tlmNampIE ro CIC GJalORI 0) CtUgtS CpoundSO CEC roRl LilJENEIE CCM31SmR co-t20lINR CCMBfM1 DEl EIJR)PE ()) ~EL lORl tIOEWIE agt tMa 1))1pound

co ~ TIREE Q) NtgtCa FIVE co ~ SElffl 00 WCB FORlY CO NMB SIXlY-00 00 NCB 51-VWN-FOOR CO ~ OOE lllREa lliREE CO CSIO THREt ZERJ M)







EXi011IVE ~

lNIT ItXArl~ ~ bull bullbullbull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull

RISTCIUCAL ~ bullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull bull bullbullbull

Al]INJ~ su+IARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbull TRAINilli 51foMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

()p~Q-S ~- bull bull bull

DEIAIL SOBIC BAY I REPUBLIC CF 11iE PtILIPPINES DErAI L PRIDE ANO PRJEESSI(lgtJALISM I USA bullbull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull


SIJPPLY ANO uxrsrrcs SUMARY bullbullbullbull bull bull

~ ~ CAP MlINIENANE ~Y bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

SPEXIAL OPERATIltl-5 SCJoMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull






5- 1



6-C- l





10- 1



l Achlnistratioo The Administrative DepartJ11ent (S-ll provided reampponsive servioe to the mainbody at Cai(gt COYingtoo Guam foe all personnel administratioo related matters SUppoct provided by the S-1 Department included educatiooal services postal secvices and personnel record services Other services including legal special services medical dental religious program services and career counseling were provided in an outstanding manner by the respective special assistants

2 Traln1l The Training oeparbnent (S-2) provided a ltXJl)lete range of military yslcal fitness irt-rate and cross-rate training classes this deplOjllC1t Classes were regularly scheduled oo saturdays in platoon size units or smaller fcx all G-fl military readiness and OJT courses curing October the battalioo ocmpletecl a highly suocessful Kennel Bear ll10Ullt-out exercise which included an AIR OET fly-away to the Island of Tinian MI with the Table of Allowance (TOA) of COnstructioo Engineering Support Equipnent (CESEl and supplies and live firing of all IOI weapons The 100Ulltshyout ooncluded with a ooe day war using Guam Marine Barracks personnel as advisades and lolOCk oo several civic action cautcuction projects TWo major CXMlPAC inspectioos were extreirely successful for the Training Department The Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) conducted by ltXMmgtAC inspectocs resulted in CUDbendatory CU1111e11ts fcx the department Likewise the Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) of the AcmOry and ccmrinicatioo Shop resulted in overall grades of bullexcellent AS stated by the au inspector bullaie of the best Training Departments ever seen in the PPOO bull

3 Operations The battalion was tasked with a total of 27 610 mandays on 53 construcdoo projects at the Guam mainbody site and the five detail sites in Subic Bay R P Manbase Kenya NllVSTA Mare Island Vallejo CA N1S North Island COronado CA and NlS Miramar san Diego CA The rnnber and soope of tasked projects was SUfficiently varied to pr011ide excellent training in all facets of oonstructicn planning and executicn Despite the heavy tropical rains encountered lKB EOJR ltXJl)leted UO percent of the primary mandays tasked plus 825 mandays expended oo 40 carmarxiing OfUcer Discretionary projects and Civic Jctioo projects foe a total of 33 074 direct labor mardays 11lis represents a direct labor rate of 28 percent Fourty-four tasked projects were OOTIPleted and turned over to the rota and the remaihdec were CQlpleted to or beycnI tneir designated turnover points

4 SuagtlY and togistics The Supply Deparbnent (S-4) was responsible foe manaqesrent of all stores (CTR CSR Autonotive repair parts greens issue and caqgt maintenance) MID disbursing food services barber shop and carrp OPlARS l1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding support to all custanecs during the deployment l1le CDCBPAC supply Inspection Team was en board in Guara and SUbic Bay in January 1986 perfonniD] deployment supply Management rnspecticns (Ml) The 1MB rotJR supply Depar bnent earned high marks in all areas and an overall grade o f exccllentbull and was authorized to display the urofficial blue Supply E


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment






3000 SEr S3 901 1 8 JUl 1986

Fran Comanding Officer os Naval Mobile Oonstructioo Battalioo POOR To COmlander Naval COnstructioo Battalions US Pacific Pleet


Ref (a) CXMBPACtlMBCANTINS 3121 l (b) CXMBPAC Ql(JU)ER 2-85

Qlcl (l) Executive SllllllllCY ( 2) Unit IDcatioo Sllmlary (3) Historical SllmlaCY (4) Mninistratioo Sunmary (5) Training Simnary (6) Operations Sunmary (7) Supply and LOgistica SUnnary (8) Equipnent Sunmary (9) ~Maintenance saxmary

(10) Special OperationsOtbei SUmary

l Enclosures (1) through (10) aie forwarded in accordance with reference (11) bull

2 tn accordance with reference (b) us Naval Mobile Oonstructioo Battalioo FOOR deployed to~ Covingtoo QJam MI as a Pacific Alet Battalioo during the period 31 July 1985 to 01 April 1986 Details were depllt7fld to subic Bay Rlplblic of Philippines lltDSLO 1-bnbasa Jlenya and CXMBPAC SUPPort Detail Pearl Barbor ElawaH A Pride and Professiooallsn Detail reaained in CXHJS and was deployed to Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo ca North Island Naval Air Statioo COlonado ca1 and Miiamar Naval Air Statioo 5an Diego ca In additioo M8 FOUR prOlfided Civic Actioo Team 0423 to ~ ~ of CXMBPAC CAT Det GIJall for depkyennent to the Republic of Palau

3 Ihis Pacific Deployment lolaS extremely successful foe the Battalioo in all respects tKB FOUR met or exceeded all its goals in such aieas as Training Readiness Retentioo Oonstructioo and CESE availability OW acxxirplislmnts were highlighted by receipt of the S AHE Peltier Award for being the best Constructioo Battalioo in the to the Navy E foe being the best Constructioo Battalioo in the Pacific and Silvei Anchor Award for Retentioo excellence The deployment is now but a collectioo of food memories Its

=~ bull Mbull plt1y fOltW ~ -1im

CtJfi to QI) (OP-44G) CDCPNFLT

Copy to (CXNgt T) CllCIAllFLr CINOJSNAVflJR OMlfIU)PAC CCMNAIF~ (CXXIE 06) CCMBPfpound PJgtCNAVPJICmXXM 00 CEC POln WDIEME agtbull CB QJLFPORT 0) tClt POR1 tlmNampIE ro CIC GJalORI 0) CtUgtS CpoundSO CEC roRl LilJENEIE CCM31SmR co-t20lINR CCMBfM1 DEl EIJR)PE ()) ~EL lORl tIOEWIE agt tMa 1))1pound

co ~ TIREE Q) NtgtCa FIVE co ~ SElffl 00 WCB FORlY CO NMB SIXlY-00 00 NCB 51-VWN-FOOR CO ~ OOE lllREa lliREE CO CSIO THREt ZERJ M)







EXi011IVE ~

lNIT ItXArl~ ~ bull bullbullbull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull

RISTCIUCAL ~ bullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull bull bullbullbull

Al]INJ~ su+IARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbull TRAINilli 51foMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

()p~Q-S ~- bull bull bull

DEIAIL SOBIC BAY I REPUBLIC CF 11iE PtILIPPINES DErAI L PRIDE ANO PRJEESSI(lgtJALISM I USA bullbull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull


SIJPPLY ANO uxrsrrcs SUMARY bullbullbullbull bull bull

~ ~ CAP MlINIENANE ~Y bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

SPEXIAL OPERATIltl-5 SCJoMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull






5- 1



6-C- l





10- 1



l Achlnistratioo The Administrative DepartJ11ent (S-ll provided reampponsive servioe to the mainbody at Cai(gt COYingtoo Guam foe all personnel administratioo related matters SUppoct provided by the S-1 Department included educatiooal services postal secvices and personnel record services Other services including legal special services medical dental religious program services and career counseling were provided in an outstanding manner by the respective special assistants

2 Traln1l The Training oeparbnent (S-2) provided a ltXJl)lete range of military yslcal fitness irt-rate and cross-rate training classes this deplOjllC1t Classes were regularly scheduled oo saturdays in platoon size units or smaller fcx all G-fl military readiness and OJT courses curing October the battalioo ocmpletecl a highly suocessful Kennel Bear ll10Ullt-out exercise which included an AIR OET fly-away to the Island of Tinian MI with the Table of Allowance (TOA) of COnstructioo Engineering Support Equipnent (CESEl and supplies and live firing of all IOI weapons The 100Ulltshyout ooncluded with a ooe day war using Guam Marine Barracks personnel as advisades and lolOCk oo several civic action cautcuction projects TWo major CXMlPAC inspectioos were extreirely successful for the Training Department The Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) conducted by ltXMmgtAC inspectocs resulted in CUDbendatory CU1111e11ts fcx the department Likewise the Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) of the AcmOry and ccmrinicatioo Shop resulted in overall grades of bullexcellent AS stated by the au inspector bullaie of the best Training Departments ever seen in the PPOO bull

3 Operations The battalion was tasked with a total of 27 610 mandays on 53 construcdoo projects at the Guam mainbody site and the five detail sites in Subic Bay R P Manbase Kenya NllVSTA Mare Island Vallejo CA N1S North Island COronado CA and NlS Miramar san Diego CA The rnnber and soope of tasked projects was SUfficiently varied to pr011ide excellent training in all facets of oonstructicn planning and executicn Despite the heavy tropical rains encountered lKB EOJR ltXJl)leted UO percent of the primary mandays tasked plus 825 mandays expended oo 40 carmarxiing OfUcer Discretionary projects and Civic Jctioo projects foe a total of 33 074 direct labor mardays 11lis represents a direct labor rate of 28 percent Fourty-four tasked projects were OOTIPleted and turned over to the rota and the remaihdec were CQlpleted to or beycnI tneir designated turnover points

4 SuagtlY and togistics The Supply Deparbnent (S-4) was responsible foe manaqesrent of all stores (CTR CSR Autonotive repair parts greens issue and caqgt maintenance) MID disbursing food services barber shop and carrp OPlARS l1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding support to all custanecs during the deployment l1le CDCBPAC supply Inspection Team was en board in Guara and SUbic Bay in January 1986 perfonniD] deployment supply Management rnspecticns (Ml) The 1MB rotJR supply Depar bnent earned high marks in all areas and an overall grade o f exccllentbull and was authorized to display the urofficial blue Supply E


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


Copy to (CXNgt T) CllCIAllFLr CINOJSNAVflJR OMlfIU)PAC CCMNAIF~ (CXXIE 06) CCMBPfpound PJgtCNAVPJICmXXM 00 CEC POln WDIEME agtbull CB QJLFPORT 0) tClt POR1 tlmNampIE ro CIC GJalORI 0) CtUgtS CpoundSO CEC roRl LilJENEIE CCM31SmR co-t20lINR CCMBfM1 DEl EIJR)PE ()) ~EL lORl tIOEWIE agt tMa 1))1pound

co ~ TIREE Q) NtgtCa FIVE co ~ SElffl 00 WCB FORlY CO NMB SIXlY-00 00 NCB 51-VWN-FOOR CO ~ OOE lllREa lliREE CO CSIO THREt ZERJ M)







EXi011IVE ~

lNIT ItXArl~ ~ bull bullbullbull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull

RISTCIUCAL ~ bullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull bull bullbullbull

Al]INJ~ su+IARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbull TRAINilli 51foMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

()p~Q-S ~- bull bull bull

DEIAIL SOBIC BAY I REPUBLIC CF 11iE PtILIPPINES DErAI L PRIDE ANO PRJEESSI(lgtJALISM I USA bullbull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull


SIJPPLY ANO uxrsrrcs SUMARY bullbullbullbull bull bull

~ ~ CAP MlINIENANE ~Y bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

SPEXIAL OPERATIltl-5 SCJoMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull






5- 1



6-C- l





10- 1



l Achlnistratioo The Administrative DepartJ11ent (S-ll provided reampponsive servioe to the mainbody at Cai(gt COYingtoo Guam foe all personnel administratioo related matters SUppoct provided by the S-1 Department included educatiooal services postal secvices and personnel record services Other services including legal special services medical dental religious program services and career counseling were provided in an outstanding manner by the respective special assistants

2 Traln1l The Training oeparbnent (S-2) provided a ltXJl)lete range of military yslcal fitness irt-rate and cross-rate training classes this deplOjllC1t Classes were regularly scheduled oo saturdays in platoon size units or smaller fcx all G-fl military readiness and OJT courses curing October the battalioo ocmpletecl a highly suocessful Kennel Bear ll10Ullt-out exercise which included an AIR OET fly-away to the Island of Tinian MI with the Table of Allowance (TOA) of COnstructioo Engineering Support Equipnent (CESEl and supplies and live firing of all IOI weapons The 100Ulltshyout ooncluded with a ooe day war using Guam Marine Barracks personnel as advisades and lolOCk oo several civic action cautcuction projects TWo major CXMlPAC inspectioos were extreirely successful for the Training Department The Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) conducted by ltXMmgtAC inspectocs resulted in CUDbendatory CU1111e11ts fcx the department Likewise the Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) of the AcmOry and ccmrinicatioo Shop resulted in overall grades of bullexcellent AS stated by the au inspector bullaie of the best Training Departments ever seen in the PPOO bull

3 Operations The battalion was tasked with a total of 27 610 mandays on 53 construcdoo projects at the Guam mainbody site and the five detail sites in Subic Bay R P Manbase Kenya NllVSTA Mare Island Vallejo CA N1S North Island COronado CA and NlS Miramar san Diego CA The rnnber and soope of tasked projects was SUfficiently varied to pr011ide excellent training in all facets of oonstructicn planning and executicn Despite the heavy tropical rains encountered lKB EOJR ltXJl)leted UO percent of the primary mandays tasked plus 825 mandays expended oo 40 carmarxiing OfUcer Discretionary projects and Civic Jctioo projects foe a total of 33 074 direct labor mardays 11lis represents a direct labor rate of 28 percent Fourty-four tasked projects were OOTIPleted and turned over to the rota and the remaihdec were CQlpleted to or beycnI tneir designated turnover points

4 SuagtlY and togistics The Supply Deparbnent (S-4) was responsible foe manaqesrent of all stores (CTR CSR Autonotive repair parts greens issue and caqgt maintenance) MID disbursing food services barber shop and carrp OPlARS l1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding support to all custanecs during the deployment l1le CDCBPAC supply Inspection Team was en board in Guara and SUbic Bay in January 1986 perfonniD] deployment supply Management rnspecticns (Ml) The 1MB rotJR supply Depar bnent earned high marks in all areas and an overall grade o f exccllentbull and was authorized to display the urofficial blue Supply E


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment





EXi011IVE ~

lNIT ItXArl~ ~ bull bullbullbull bull bullbull bull bull bull bull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bullbull bull

RISTCIUCAL ~ bullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbull bull bullbullbull

Al]INJ~ su+IARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbull TRAINilli 51foMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

()p~Q-S ~- bull bull bull

DEIAIL SOBIC BAY I REPUBLIC CF 11iE PtILIPPINES DErAI L PRIDE ANO PRJEESSI(lgtJALISM I USA bullbull bull bullbull bull bull bullbull bull bull


SIJPPLY ANO uxrsrrcs SUMARY bullbullbullbull bull bull

~ ~ CAP MlINIENANE ~Y bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

SPEXIAL OPERATIltl-5 SCJoMARY bullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbull






5- 1



6-C- l





10- 1



l Achlnistratioo The Administrative DepartJ11ent (S-ll provided reampponsive servioe to the mainbody at Cai(gt COYingtoo Guam foe all personnel administratioo related matters SUppoct provided by the S-1 Department included educatiooal services postal secvices and personnel record services Other services including legal special services medical dental religious program services and career counseling were provided in an outstanding manner by the respective special assistants

2 Traln1l The Training oeparbnent (S-2) provided a ltXJl)lete range of military yslcal fitness irt-rate and cross-rate training classes this deplOjllC1t Classes were regularly scheduled oo saturdays in platoon size units or smaller fcx all G-fl military readiness and OJT courses curing October the battalioo ocmpletecl a highly suocessful Kennel Bear ll10Ullt-out exercise which included an AIR OET fly-away to the Island of Tinian MI with the Table of Allowance (TOA) of COnstructioo Engineering Support Equipnent (CESEl and supplies and live firing of all IOI weapons The 100Ulltshyout ooncluded with a ooe day war using Guam Marine Barracks personnel as advisades and lolOCk oo several civic action cautcuction projects TWo major CXMlPAC inspectioos were extreirely successful for the Training Department The Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) conducted by ltXMmgtAC inspectocs resulted in CUDbendatory CU1111e11ts fcx the department Likewise the Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) of the AcmOry and ccmrinicatioo Shop resulted in overall grades of bullexcellent AS stated by the au inspector bullaie of the best Training Departments ever seen in the PPOO bull

3 Operations The battalion was tasked with a total of 27 610 mandays on 53 construcdoo projects at the Guam mainbody site and the five detail sites in Subic Bay R P Manbase Kenya NllVSTA Mare Island Vallejo CA N1S North Island COronado CA and NlS Miramar san Diego CA The rnnber and soope of tasked projects was SUfficiently varied to pr011ide excellent training in all facets of oonstructicn planning and executicn Despite the heavy tropical rains encountered lKB EOJR ltXJl)leted UO percent of the primary mandays tasked plus 825 mandays expended oo 40 carmarxiing OfUcer Discretionary projects and Civic Jctioo projects foe a total of 33 074 direct labor mardays 11lis represents a direct labor rate of 28 percent Fourty-four tasked projects were OOTIPleted and turned over to the rota and the remaihdec were CQlpleted to or beycnI tneir designated turnover points

4 SuagtlY and togistics The Supply Deparbnent (S-4) was responsible foe manaqesrent of all stores (CTR CSR Autonotive repair parts greens issue and caqgt maintenance) MID disbursing food services barber shop and carrp OPlARS l1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding support to all custanecs during the deployment l1le CDCBPAC supply Inspection Team was en board in Guara and SUbic Bay in January 1986 perfonniD] deployment supply Management rnspecticns (Ml) The 1MB rotJR supply Depar bnent earned high marks in all areas and an overall grade o f exccllentbull and was authorized to display the urofficial blue Supply E


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment




l Achlnistratioo The Administrative DepartJ11ent (S-ll provided reampponsive servioe to the mainbody at Cai(gt COYingtoo Guam foe all personnel administratioo related matters SUppoct provided by the S-1 Department included educatiooal services postal secvices and personnel record services Other services including legal special services medical dental religious program services and career counseling were provided in an outstanding manner by the respective special assistants

2 Traln1l The Training oeparbnent (S-2) provided a ltXJl)lete range of military yslcal fitness irt-rate and cross-rate training classes this deplOjllC1t Classes were regularly scheduled oo saturdays in platoon size units or smaller fcx all G-fl military readiness and OJT courses curing October the battalioo ocmpletecl a highly suocessful Kennel Bear ll10Ullt-out exercise which included an AIR OET fly-away to the Island of Tinian MI with the Table of Allowance (TOA) of COnstructioo Engineering Support Equipnent (CESEl and supplies and live firing of all IOI weapons The 100Ulltshyout ooncluded with a ooe day war using Guam Marine Barracks personnel as advisades and lolOCk oo several civic action cautcuction projects TWo major CXMlPAC inspectioos were extreirely successful for the Training Department The Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) conducted by ltXMmgtAC inspectocs resulted in CUDbendatory CU1111e11ts fcx the department Likewise the Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) of the AcmOry and ccmrinicatioo Shop resulted in overall grades of bullexcellent AS stated by the au inspector bullaie of the best Training Departments ever seen in the PPOO bull

3 Operations The battalion was tasked with a total of 27 610 mandays on 53 construcdoo projects at the Guam mainbody site and the five detail sites in Subic Bay R P Manbase Kenya NllVSTA Mare Island Vallejo CA N1S North Island COronado CA and NlS Miramar san Diego CA The rnnber and soope of tasked projects was SUfficiently varied to pr011ide excellent training in all facets of oonstructicn planning and executicn Despite the heavy tropical rains encountered lKB EOJR ltXJl)leted UO percent of the primary mandays tasked plus 825 mandays expended oo 40 carmarxiing OfUcer Discretionary projects and Civic Jctioo projects foe a total of 33 074 direct labor mardays 11lis represents a direct labor rate of 28 percent Fourty-four tasked projects were OOTIPleted and turned over to the rota and the remaihdec were CQlpleted to or beycnI tneir designated turnover points

4 SuagtlY and togistics The Supply Deparbnent (S-4) was responsible foe manaqesrent of all stores (CTR CSR Autonotive repair parts greens issue and caqgt maintenance) MID disbursing food services barber shop and carrp OPlARS l1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding support to all custanecs during the deployment l1le CDCBPAC supply Inspection Team was en board in Guara and SUbic Bay in January 1986 perfonniD] deployment supply Management rnspecticns (Ml) The 1MB rotJR supply Depar bnent earned high marks in all areas and an overall grade o f exccllentbull and was authorized to display the urofficial blue Supply E


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


l Achlnistratioo The Administrative DepartJ11ent (S-ll provided reampponsive servioe to the mainbody at Cai(gt COYingtoo Guam foe all personnel administratioo related matters SUppoct provided by the S-1 Department included educatiooal services postal secvices and personnel record services Other services including legal special services medical dental religious program services and career counseling were provided in an outstanding manner by the respective special assistants

2 Traln1l The Training oeparbnent (S-2) provided a ltXJl)lete range of military yslcal fitness irt-rate and cross-rate training classes this deplOjllC1t Classes were regularly scheduled oo saturdays in platoon size units or smaller fcx all G-fl military readiness and OJT courses curing October the battalioo ocmpletecl a highly suocessful Kennel Bear ll10Ullt-out exercise which included an AIR OET fly-away to the Island of Tinian MI with the Table of Allowance (TOA) of COnstructioo Engineering Support Equipnent (CESEl and supplies and live firing of all IOI weapons The 100Ulltshyout ooncluded with a ooe day war using Guam Marine Barracks personnel as advisades and lolOCk oo several civic action cautcuction projects TWo major CXMlPAC inspectioos were extreirely successful for the Training Department The Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) conducted by ltXMmgtAC inspectocs resulted in CUDbendatory CU1111e11ts fcx the department Likewise the Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) of the AcmOry and ccmrinicatioo Shop resulted in overall grades of bullexcellent AS stated by the au inspector bullaie of the best Training Departments ever seen in the PPOO bull

3 Operations The battalion was tasked with a total of 27 610 mandays on 53 construcdoo projects at the Guam mainbody site and the five detail sites in Subic Bay R P Manbase Kenya NllVSTA Mare Island Vallejo CA N1S North Island COronado CA and NlS Miramar san Diego CA The rnnber and soope of tasked projects was SUfficiently varied to pr011ide excellent training in all facets of oonstructicn planning and executicn Despite the heavy tropical rains encountered lKB EOJR ltXJl)leted UO percent of the primary mandays tasked plus 825 mandays expended oo 40 carmarxiing OfUcer Discretionary projects and Civic Jctioo projects foe a total of 33 074 direct labor mardays 11lis represents a direct labor rate of 28 percent Fourty-four tasked projects were OOTIPleted and turned over to the rota and the remaihdec were CQlpleted to or beycnI tneir designated turnover points

4 SuagtlY and togistics The Supply Deparbnent (S-4) was responsible foe manaqesrent of all stores (CTR CSR Autonotive repair parts greens issue and caqgt maintenance) MID disbursing food services barber shop and carrp OPlARS l1le supply Department pt011ided outstanding support to all custanecs during the deployment l1le CDCBPAC supply Inspection Team was en board in Guara and SUbic Bay in January 1986 perfonniD] deployment supply Management rnspecticns (Ml) The 1MB rotJR supply Depar bnent earned high marks in all areas and an overall grade o f exccllentbull and was authorized to display the urofficial blue Supply E


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


s BrflleJt Alpha Clalipany did an oitstanding Job of bullwarting bllttal ion equ1pnmt recJJireients during the entice depJOrIEllt The -intenance ocqanhotion steaiily increaaed fleet availability frou an average ot nt foe the flcst llltlllth of the deplOzlleflt to ooer 90 foe the final four mcnths 1tle Paint Shop aoocqgtlished the painting of Oler 90 vehicles including the entlre oonplC11lCnt of cranes In addition Alpha C01pany actively supported all transportation requirementa and construction tasking ~ construction tasking included one majOI damolltion pcojeot one major roadway Jl)VinltJ job (our lar9e earthmoving projects over 500 tons of SBST and OBST and cNer 1700 tons or asphalt Nlilerous electriCll safety discrepancies were identified at the orote Point Mineral Products Facility during ~ turnover ~ich resulted in the facility being dcadlintd until corrective action could br CIWUl(gtlisbed The facility was totally UPJraded manically and electrically Md received many 0011oc1dable rmarkft d11rlng th Operational Readiness Inspection

6 cap Maintenance At 3000 lllMdayu camp Maintenance liDll the largest tasked project of the Guam OeplOzlllellt Bravo Coupany CXJtgtleted 128 of its tasking with majoc 11nprovenenta including Caitgt Sallfield Liqhting middot ArnDcy Security Floodliqhting llatardous Storage tockecs at Brevo ~ and Medicampl and o amp-Ration StDcoqe Facility AP(lcoximately 40 of expended inanclays were dedicated to emergencyservice wock and preventive maintenanoe Ccnp CoYington was turned over to ~ 74 in excellent operating oondition with over 500 mandays of projct material co-site bull

bull middot

1- 3





bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment






bullbullO hllbulltbullbull t t Offtcbullbull



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment



tMl lQlR mrr rLCATICtf ampJKRY




DEl PampP 017 MARE ISUND VALLpoundJO CA 3MJL85090CT86

017 OORll ISANO CXlOWX) CA locxr85l4FE886



CM 0423 112 REroiLlC OF PALAU 29JUL852~86


2- 2






14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment







14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment





14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment



14 JUN 85

20 JUN 85

15 JUL 85

30 JUL 85

12 Alli 85

lllSlUUCAL ampMARX (QliM - 8586)

Six membecs of Oet Kuslo arrive MQnbasa Kenya

Remaining six members of net Kuslo arrive Mallbasa Kenya

rMB FOUR Advanced Party departs Pt Mugu Ca for Cantgt Covington Guam for tucnover with tMB FIVE

Mainbody Departs NAS eoint Mugu Ca foe Guam

CM Graquo15 depacts for a 4 day visit to oet SUbic eay

18-24 Alli 85 - cacputer assistance visit

27 AlXi 85

08 SEP 85

AAa-t JCNES ltDlNAVFACflGD-1 visits battalion and project sites

CDR oimS departs foe a l2 day visit to Oet Kuslo

10-13 SEP 85 - lKB SEVFNIY-FClJR predeployment visit

18-21 SEP 85 - Safety Teehnical Assistance visit

19-21 SEP 85 - 45 oay ReView of Opecatioos Construction TaskIng

23 SEP 85

25 SEP 85

01 OCT 85

- CDR QoiENS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet SUbic Bay

- Rm FORT CXMBPAC and CAPT GALLEN CSO visits battalion and project sites

- CllR OIJNS departs foe a 4 day visit to Det SUbic Bay

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and CgtrugAloohol Abuse Program Assistance Visit

16 OCT 85 - lK8 EWR informed of selectlon for IT-85 Pacific tMB Best of TypeBattle E award

18-30 OCT 85 - tMB FClJR oonclucted exercise Kennel Bear Included in the exercise was the 1blllt-OUt of the Air Oetachrent to Tlnian Island with a modified TOA live fire of all TOA weapons and a one day war with rwlne Barracks Guam

01 ocr 85 CDR oeis departs foe a 4 day visit IXgt oet Subic say

01-04 OCT 85 - Public Affairs and DrugAloohol Abuse Progcan Assisitance Visit

30 OCT es ltDR QENS departs for a 4 day visit to Oet Subic Bay

04-08 tcI 85 - Planslraining Management Inspection


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


04--08 lOI 85 - MedicalDental Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - rdllinistcationPersonnel Management Inspection

04-08 tOJ 85 - Religious Pcogcams Managesrent Inspection

05-08 lOI 85 - egtpecational Readiness Inspection by CXlltBPAC

09-18 ~ 85 - S2 departs for aaneport Training conference at 31SI CR coc Port B~ Ca

16-24 tOJ 85 - CDR GIENS departs for CCmnanding OCEicer bulls Confecenoe Pearl Harbor Hawaii

18-21 tOJ 85 - Management Inspection of CM Palau (0423) bull

03 00 85 - Awacded FY-85 Paci fie lllCB Best of Type Battle E Award during visit tJj AADM roRr CXlCBPAC

04-06 00 85 - camp Maintenance Depactmental Management Inspection of ltaltgt CoY 1 ngtoo by aMBPAC

09-14 DfI 85 - ~ fWR cooducted militacy training week including live fire o f weapons 11)allUVers and a one day FEX at Orote POint WVfrA Guan

16 00 85 - ClgtR OoQIS departs foe a 3 day visit to oet Subic Bay

30 oa 85 CR CllDIS departs Coe a 2 day visit to or 0423 at Palau

13-15 JAN 86 - Supply ~nt Inspectiion Of ttol8 tOOR (Mainbody)

17 J1N 86 OlR OENS departs for a four day visit to oet Subic Bay

17-18 JAN 86 - Supply Managerrent Inspection of tMB fWR (Det Subic)

21 JAN 86

29 JM 86

10 FEB 86

19 wR 86

20 MAR 86

31 MAR 86

01 APR 86

ReOeived notification of Winning Peltier Award foe PY85

Awarded CBPJIC Silvel Anchor Award for PY85 by RAD LEWIS~vuxPAC

CDR o1mS depacts foe a thcee day visit to Oet Subic Bay

deg3 SEVENn rolIR Advance Party aer i ves at Cimtgt CltN lngton Guam

ttCB FOUR Advance Party depacts Guam International Airport for Point Mugu ca

IMB SEVENN-fWR mainbody Acdves at~ CltNington Guam

IMB EtxJR Mainbody departs Guam International Airport foe Point Mugu ca




l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment



l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


l 2

Lessons Learned Narrative bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a Mrninistrati ve Div isioo b lersonnelEdueatlonal services Division bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a lrlEJt Of fioo d COmnand career Counseloc bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull e f

Legal ~ troon t Special 5erv ices bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull

g Public Affair s Office bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull h omnand Jleligious Program bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull i j k L m n

Librarybull bull bull e e e e bull bull bull e e O bull e e 0 bull bull I e e e e 0 bull e

DrugAloobol Program Advi90C bullbullbullbullbull i-Edical bullbullbullbullbull bull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ntal var iatlons in Unit Manntng bullbullbullbullbullbullbull Personnel Stability bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull


4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4

4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-ll 4-12

bull -

--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


--1 LesSQlB Learned

a ProblenVten Obtainiri supplies and repair iartsservice for IBM series III Model 30 Cop Machine

Discussion Mia-way through the deployment the Aclnin Office copier was replaced With a l1lJCh moce capable copier an IBM Series m This new machine is llIXe efficient and capable in handliri the heavy oJ1PJ warklald than it s predecessoc hoiever supplies foe lt such as toner are not carried in the Navy supply System ard are not readily available ocmnercially ard have to be ocdered fran ClH5 The sate CJOS for sane repair parts

Correcti11e Action Taken As mentioned above supplies and repai rs parts are not readily available We were able to bonor several toner cartridges frltJll local oarmercial Cirms while ours was on ocder fran IBM in Los Angeles Mle toner is quite expensive approximately $8000 per cartrige The only cocrective action to this situation until ampggtlies are middotreadtly available locally is to ocder ample supplies of toner more frequently so pi dont run out As foe as repalr iarts we were at tbe mercy of the vendor ard his iarts supply system IC Mnins copier does go hard down and has to await parts there is a copier in the Personnel Office and ooe in the Operations Office

b ProblenVItem Travel lrrangements for TAD Travel

Discussion Makiri arrangements for flights for TAO travel both cairnerciaI and MAC out of Guam proved to be a major evolution and at times required the direct intervention of Admin supervisocs to get what we needed Flights were often not available on the dates required The local NIWPlO by regulation is required to try ard arrange a 111C flight first ard Lf MlC is not available then arrarie a ccmnercial flight via the SATO office This took so long that when NAVPro was ready to give up on a fC flight the oarmercial flights were fully booked The local SATO office who makes ccmnercial flight arcariements has a oontract with only one of the two ccmnercial airlines serviri Guan NIWPro at times failed to return ocnfionation sheets telling us that they had in fact made the travel arrangements we recpested Also the OCJlllUte that prints the tickets for NIWProSAro was subject fu frequent breakdown

Cocrectlve Action Be flexible Travelers had to be able to go Ole day en el tiler side ot the date reqiested We maintained a constant liaison with NlVPro ard did not rely on them to just do their job It would help if NlVPrO would make a ccmnercial reservation wben the r~est is received This can be easily cancelled if MAC is available or used to insure timely travel when l9C canrot be arraried Making travel arrangements for the CD ard other staff officers Det site visits was ooe of the CD s Yeanan primary dtles


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


2 Narrative

a Mninistrative Di1Tisicn Office eqiiDlt was adequate ard consisted of three IBM OCR capable typewriters one Xerox 860 weed processoc dedicated ~usively for Mnin use and one m Series Ill CXJpJ machine Repair service for the eqiipiient was often same day service The only proble11 encountered with service was repair parts foe the copier as 1111ltioned earlier

All personnel in the office becane qualified al the 860 Qd processar ard also proper care and minor PMS of the oopier

The Security PrCX]ran tighteninJ which COiilEUCed in bcmeport was continued with a systm develqgted to trak who in the carman3 has or is granted security clearances and given access to classified material Administraticn received a grade of satisfatocy cbring the ltXMmgtAC au corducted in NcJorem)er 1985

The Administrative Office established a duty XNPN watch whidl provided administrative service message pick-up and delivery pceparaticn of regular and emergency leave authorizations and related travel arrangements during llOlr -iorking hours

b Persoonelxational Services Divisions

(1) Persainel Divisicn The Personnel Divisicn occupiedoperated in a spacious office (shared t7j the Fducational Services Divisicn) The office staff oonsisted of one Ptc (assigned as the Persainel Office SupervisorAssistant PersonflgtJ Officer) one PNl (assigned as the Educational Services Office Supervisor) three PN3s (l PN3 assigned to the Subic Bay Detail) and one PNSN The Personnel Office maintained in excess of 450 enlisted service reoords and was cesponsible foe all Teipgtracy Duty (TEMXJ) orders for SepacatiorvlransfersjReceiptsReenlistnEntsLeave AocountingTAD orders and Travel Arrangementsand personnel Aocounting The Personnel Divisial received a grade of satisfactory al the 31st NCR s Readines to Deploy Inspection ard on CBPAC s Operational Readiness Inspection

The Personnel Division was able txgt accanplish the following during the deployment updated all Dependency ApplicatiavReoord of Emergency Data (Page 2s) recorded awards (Sea Service Deployment Ribbon and Navy E Ribbon for PlCNCF Best of Type for FY85) in members service records opdate8verified the camiard s EOOR (including correctiai of all erroneous Projected Rotatioo Dates (PRO) and requested adjusbnent of PRO extensiatS to oanplete deplotment for a86-87) subnitteclforwacded OCR docJnents to NMlC ard D-mS to EPMlC in a timely manner purgedverified service records and canpleted the preparation of enlisted perfocmance evaluatiai reports (including appropriate service tecord entries) on time

A good working relatiatShip was quickly established and maintaired with the Personnel Support Activity Detachment Guam in particular its Transportation Department for support in the preparation of FC5 travel arrangElEnts and TAD travel arrangenEnts to and fran various detail sites





(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment




(2) Fdlcational Services Oivisioo The Edlcational Services Divisioo provided the following services in banepoct and deployment ocoored huOOieds of Rate lraimg Manuals that were instrunental foe the 172 battalioo perscnnel who participated in the March 1985 Cycle 107 Navy-wide examinations Of eight discrepancies five cardidates finally became eelectees foe advancement This was due txgt the unselfish effocts of the ~ who subnitted correctlons to the Naval Eduoatioo ard Training Program Development Center Pensacola Florida Coordinated with Navy Canpus for Achievement in PSD Port Huenere in certifying Tuition Assistance forms for battalioo personnel enrolled at Oxnard Catmunity College and Laverne College AB a result several personnel also conpleted tooO weeks funtional ard refresher oowses in reading english ard mathmatics with IOA in Poet Hueneme With regard to the Septeltler 1985 Cycle 110 l~vyshywide examinatiCXIS there were 140 examinees participating in the exams with zero discrepancies Again this deployment ~ served as the link for battalion pecsainel in obtaining educational assistance such as GEO SAT fCJ and CLEP through NCEA on Naval Station Guan

c Po6t Office An indeperoent unit which operates financially ooly while on deplOjlllent The positioo of Postal Officer a collateral duty was filled by a 004 The POBt Office was manned by boo Postal Clerks one Cl and one PC2 Mail was received and dispatched thrOUgh the Civil Post Office US Naval Statioo Guam MI Tbe average transit of priority mail fran am to the mainbody frCJll ONli was 3-5 days which is considered normal service to Guam Tbe Battalions Pest Office sold 110leY crders 1bday throJgh Friday ard woe king Saturdays and statps and parcel mailing Monday through Raturday The lirpxtant OCJtgtarison between last deployment and this is that the expanled financial operatioo hours have enhanced service to the custaners The Battalionbull s Post Office eolcl l10re than 3 700 ironey ocders for a total value of $49298700 and $20000 00 in stamp sales on a fixed credit of $800000 The POStal Service windows were open during the deployment frOTI 1200 to 1800 lbnday through Friday and Saturday frOTI 0900 to 1200 Mail was ooJ lected Eran mail receptacles once a day Monday through Saturday Parcel mailing and letters were dispatched twice a day except Saturdays to meet the 1800 flight schedule of the oontracted airlines The Battalioo s Post Office reoeived a grade of satisfactocy fcan the WCSPAC Operationai Readiness Inspectocs in Noventler 1985 with zero diecrepancies

d Carmand Career Counselor The highly rroutlvated hard charging Retention Team met or exceeded all aMBPAC retention goals ))n overall retention gain of 15 led to NCB FOOR selectioo of the FY-86 Silver Anchor Award for retention exoellance During the Guam Oeployment ~ Cormand Career Counselor visited detailers in Washiogtxgtn DC and Detachment Sites at Subic Bay RP and CAT Team in Palau all resulting in reenlistements

The Camlard Career CcJunseloc met monthly with all Career Counselocs on Guam fa informatioo sharing sessions There were no real problellls encountered

e Legal ~rtment The Battalions Legal Officer biUet was filled by a Lieutenant (00) bull Although normal Battalion Legal functions were handled by the ocmnand ie Captains Mast SCM s Appeals Jag Investigations POwer of Attorneys eb Naval Legal services Office Guan provided valuable assistance io the pcooesslrq of SPCM s and ADinistrative Discharge BoaLds


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


during ~ deploylrent Oveiall the suppoct of NISO Guam was outstanding TM cleric~ support in the Legal Office was provided by a llNl (2516) ard a YN2 (0000) foe the deployment


Month AUG SEP ocr tOI EC JAN Fll8 1-VR

NJp 21 5 8 3 6 5 2 8

CXXJRl-WRlIAL 0 0 4 l 0 0 2 4

Major charge(s) foe each tmgt~IAL

roo Articles 86 91 92 134 VARICDS (DruJ OllER Alcohol related offenses)

bull Offenses 224 20 51 50 ll2 24

f Special Services The Recreational Servlces Program provided an outlet for the battalion The staff operated the gym theatei concession stard arrl several special events n addition they ~so provided ~ FOOR logo items for sale ard sponsored a lOK run

n canjuction with the USO ard Naval Station the battalion was able to participate in boonie stanps and the District One intramuial sports progran

The success of several fund raising events ensured an outstanding overshythe-hurnp party canplete with sailing water siding and wind surfing Continued CCJllllClrrl engthasis oo the Recreational Services Progran can ooly prove beneficial for the battalion

g Public Affairs Office The PAO staff coosisted of a oollateral duty Public Affairs Officer one journalist one photografiler ard a seaman apprentice In additioo to the strong suppoct shown by the Cormarding Officer Executive Officer and other elements of the entire chain-of--carmam assistance was provided by designated CorplnyDetailDepartmental Public Affairs Representatives During this ampgtployment PAO supported the Operations Department Sitieps ard operational needs of the Battalioo in addition to prepaiing llEolS releases on projects per60nnel ard other newsworthy events and activities

The Battalions Public Affairs Office vigorously pursued an CICJCJressive Pleet Hane Town News Program with the forwarding of individJal news releases on Battalioo ~rs arxauplisl-nents and master stories on various ocmnand events Seven iSSllB of the camiand s Famil~ram FCOS ~ FCXJR were printed and distributeJ to parents spouses and frierds of Battalion ITfbgtrs utilizing a carpiterized mailing list generated and maintained ~ this office additional copies were distributed to malnbody personnel ard details The production and distribution of the seven family-



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment



grams was greatly facilitated by using 01e of the Cantgt s three Xerox 81)0 Word Processors Additionally a cruise book was prepared by a Battalion Crulselxgtok Cormi ttee in time to be mailed bo the printer prior to deplolrent s em lbe corrnittee ~rs met this deadline by devoting many of their offshyduty hours in bcinging the endeavor to a successful oonclusion

Awroximately 10000 black and white negatives and 4000 ooloc slides were processed in support of Battalion Operations ard Public Affairs reeds The Photo Lab at Camp Covington is set up to hamle basic photographic processes Occasional use of the Pacific Fleet AucUo-ViSUll ComlanJ s Photo Lab at ~ Agana by the Battalions lH3 was required to provide sane of the lPre technical photographic services that were mt possible in the Cantgt Lab This was clJe to laclt of 1lOdem pmto darkrocm equipnent Mutual cooperation between the PlCFLT Aviatioo Comlard and Battalion personnel further enhanced tbe cpality and efficiency of the Battalion s Public Affairs Progran

The following sunrnarizes publications by PAO ltllring the Guan deployment

~ RBtDSES Local lililtaryCivilian Papers Service-Wide Relroses FH1C 1ndiviwal Releases FHltC Master Stxgtries Fanily-gcans Printed Family-gran Mailing Distribution


186 6 7


h COmlancl Religious P~arn The N-03 FltXIR Comlan Religious Program successfUlly realized its g by providing foe the religious OPeds of all mentiers of the battalion General Protestant Services were conducted by the chaplain in the Cal) CovilXJloo chapel at 0830 on Sunday Transportatioo was provided for the Catholic ccmnunity by Alpha COnpany to the Naval Station Chapel where Mass was celebrated Transportation was also avallahle for Feast Day celebrations Many persoonel attemed local churches of various faith dencJlli nations

Special services conducted at the ~ Covington Chapel included Thanksgiving Chrisbnas Eve camlelight Christmas Day Ash Wtxlnesday Maunday Thursday Good Friday an1 Easter

Confirmation instructioo was pCOYided bo the catholic Calmunity in the chapel by the Naval Station priest on Tuesday evenings A general bible study foe all hands was conducted on Wednesday evenings offering a devereified approach toward religious education Various methods of instruction included religious films topical discussiCX1S prayer meetings singing am studies of a biblical nature Lay leadership was very evident during Wednesday bible studies

The chaplain hanUed all Red Cross messages in an efficient am confidential manner maintaini1yenJ a good working relationship with the Guan Family Service Center ard Navy Relief Society


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


~ consiously practicing a ministly of presence the chaplain was able to provide many opportunities foe pastocal care ard informal counseling sessions Family crises ocxuring in Poct Hueneme CA were quickly given attention by the Q3C Chaplain s Office Family Service Center and Navy Relief Scxiety The helpirg professionals at Poet Hueneme arrl the chaplain of tMB FOOR worked as a team to help alleviate disruptive family problems

The Religious Program Specialist attended formal training sessioos at the Naval Station Chapel as _u as training oppurtunities offered by the chaplain of ~ roJR and the S-1 department The chaplain attenJed lClnthly training sessions sponsoced by the chaplain of Camlander Naval Foroes lolarianas

The Oiief of Oiaplains IJade a formal visit to Guam in late De~ The Camlanling Officer ard chaplain of NCB FCXJR were in110lved in various programs offered by AAtrade McNamara

i Librpoundi1 The Camp Covington Library FlCilities are mgtre than odequate toe the Bat on Fiction non-fiction and reference materials as well as paperbacks were available ShipDeOts of new books were received frail Naval Regional tibrary Hawaii The servicenen had a~ opportunity to pursue there readi~ needs at the library in the Cai1lgt Covington Chapel ltX at the library located mainsid- on NAVSTA Guan The library facility was painted rluring the deplojment

j DrugAloobol Prcxrram ldviS()[ tMB FCXJRs strong su~t foe the Navys Drug and iiliXlh01 Abuse Program was reflected during the deployment to Can) Covington Guam M I Preventive education regarding substance abuse was scheduled as part of General Military Training Liaisoo was iJimediately established with a local Navy AlcoholDrug Safety Action Program (NMSAP) Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC) Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (ARS) ard Naval Hospital These resouroes were utilized for the1r professional servioes in evaluation educatioo and treatment of referred battalion per9alnel The foUOOng breakdown describes tMB PWR s involvement with tVse local resources as of 17 January 1986


(Level I) (Lelel Il) (Level III)


38 21 19 4

7 7 0

7 6 7 0

l 0 0


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


Extensive Mocale Welfare amp Recreatioo (KiR) activities were sponsoced through Special services as alteroatiws to drugs and aloollol NlQ FCXlR drugalcohol related inciOents showed significant declines Oller the pcicx deployment

k Medical The ~ FOOR Medica1 Department while oo Guam MI was eottgtrised of one Medical Officer and eight Roamppital Ccxpampme11 One UOSpital CorpsmID was assigned to the Sublc Detail ard angtther to the Civic Action Team oo Palau A total of 3800 outpatient services were perfonned approximately 956 laboratory tests conducted an 1731 pharmacy units were dispensed during the deployment TWenty-five personnel gtWere admitted fa hospitalization two of oitlCJll required roedical evacuation to Tripler Arnrf Medical Center Pearl Harbor BI due to the extent of their injuries The above statistics do rot include Subic Bay or Palau

l Dental During the Guam Deployment the Dental Department Staff consisted of one general pcactice Dental Officer and two Dental Tectmicians Canprehensive dental care was pcovlded by the staff fer the mainbody with selected specialty suppoct provided by Naval Dental Clinic Naval Rospital ard Arderson AFB Dental Clinic (Orthodontics) bull Dental laboratory support was provided by Naval Dental Clinic and the USS Proteus Dental Department Duling the period l lugust 1985 to 8 March 1986 U 256 dental pcooeduces were performed during 1465 patient visits

The dental facilities consisted of a dental trailer ard a storercxm shared with medical The dental trailer contained tltoO operatories a darkroan and a small waiting area The dental TltJI ard supplies were stored in the storeroom which is in close pcoximity to the denta1 trailer All facilities and supplies were deemed adeqJate I~ovements were acco1p1ished on an as needed basis

Noteworthly acoaoplisll11ents durirwi this deployment include

Canpletioo of the Operational Readiness Inspection without aey major or minor discrepancies The department received camiendatory remarks oo the ORI Team s report

I Dental Department organizatialal manual was written ard approved where none existed befO(e

Through egtecellent battalion support dental readiness reached a deployment high of 98 2bull an averaged 95 7 for the deployment

A OENrCAPbull was plamed and executed during 28 January - 5 Febr uary inclusive to the Republic of Palau Durirri this program 164 patients were seen fron the village of Aimeliik l108t of wbam were students fran the village s elenentary scbool During the 6 days of patient treatment time 688 dental procedures were performed ln after actioo report was filed appropr lately

In cooperation with the tMll FCXlR Sngineedrri Department blueprints for a peonanent dental facility were canpleted




AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment



AlGJST 350 163 29 40 88 177 2058

SpoundPlVlBER 386 154 21 21 928 188 1876

ltXIUltR 396 172 13 2 974 200 1924

NWll1BER 430 159 9 2 982 189 1466

DrxEMBER 454 167 ll 4 976 174 1263

JAIJNri 455 157 17 3 968 120 8P9

fpoundBflJARY 465 160 l5 2 973 346 2300

IWOI 468 l58 14 2 975 71 500

IX11AL 3404 l290 U9 76 957 1465 12256


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


~ VARlMIalS IN mrl Mlllfiillaquogt


ro Oi BJ ~ ur CE FA SK YN lN HM MS 01ltm lt71JL

E8 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 7

E7 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 0 l l l 0 2 22

E6 14 7 14 5 5 7 3 1 2 2 2 4 8 74

ES 20 18 42 ll ll 15 4 4 2 0 2 6 5 140

E4 19 17 35 19 15 13 2 6 3 l l 3 5 139

amp3 llEL(lV 50 34 70 ll 25 30 5 4 3 2 0 6 10 250

TOrAL 107 79 169 49 57 67 15 15 ll 6 6 20 31 632


ED 0gt1 BU Stlt or CE FA SK iN PN HM MS Oltlm TOrAL

E8 l 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l 6

E7 3 3 5 2 1 1 l l 1 l l 0 3 23

E6 9 6 16 6 2 7 2 2 2 l 2 5 10 70

ES 22 23 43 9 16 16 6 4 2 l 2 6 4 154

E4 35 20 49 20 15 17 4 8 4 2 3 7 9 193

E3 BEIai 32 24 55 17 24 23 2 5 3 l 0 2 8 196

lUlAL 102 77 170 54 58 64 15 20 12 6 8 21 35 _642

E9 OJ oc

FIRST MY 2 0 0 IlClIDampS MILITARY ~ (Gisn)

IAST OM 2 1 0


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment


~ APR MY Jal JIJL NT SEP ltCr fOI 18 JAN PE8 MMt 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86

CFlICER LOSS 0 0 0 l 3 0 0 0 l 2 l 0 0

OWICER GAfN l 0 0 2 3 0 l 0 0 2 l 0 2

CPO LOSS 3 ) 0 5 0 l 0 3 0 0 l 1 l

CPO QJN l l 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 bull 0

E6poundS LOSS 17 7 9 8 16 5 9 8 6 6 6 5

E6E5 GAfN s 4 3 3 3 l 2 2 1 1 3 4 4

E4Bll(W LOSS 12 8 16 12 27 12 6 9 6 8 10 6 8

E4BllClI GAIN 16 10 ll 11 ll 13 17 21 10 8 10 l4 18

TOrM loSSampS 32 18 25 26 46 18 lS 20 13 16 l7 13 14

TOrAL GAINS 23 15 14 16 l7 15 15 24 u 11 14 18 24

JIOJE Chart shom ia foe the year prior tD oanpletion o[ deployment
