1 Resurrection Lutheran Church, 2215 North Llano Street, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 www.resurrectionfbg.org (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 May 2020 Beloved in the Lord, No doubt, you have seen that we are resuming in-person worship earlier than we had anticipated, and yet things are not quite back to normal. We may gather but there will be extra precautions in place and it’s uncertain how things will progress from here. There are some who will say that this whole pandemic will just blow over and everything will be back to the way it was before, while the majority are owning up to the very real possibility that nothing will be the same again. Some are eager to open everything up again while others are more cautious. On both sides there are extremes and we would do well to find some balance and some solid ground to stand on. Whether you believe that things will go back to the way they were, or we just have to prepare for the “new normal” we as Christians ought to understand that this is just par for the course. We live in an ever- changing world, yet some things remain the same. We still live in a world that is plagued by sin and unbelief. We turn on the news and we see the old adage of “if it bleeds, it leads” lived out on our TV screens. We are both told to live in fear and yet stand up for our rights. Wherever you look there are conflicting messages all around us. It’s hard to know who to trust. Experts disagree and we’re left scratching our heads. Where can we turn for relief? This world is fallen and sinful. As Christians we understand that our hope is not in this world. Our hope is in the Lord. Psalm 121 says: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” I quoted the full psalm because it really encapsulates that message of hope that we ought to have in the Lord. During this time of pandemic and isolation hopefully you have begun a habit of abiding in God’s Word in your personal piety. Now that we are slowly moving back to having things open again, we need to remain in God’s Word. I recommend the book of Psalms. Find a psalm that resonates with you and work toward committing it to memory. I recommend Psalms 91, 27, or 13 as good places to start. The book of Psalms shows us the way to pray. If you commit psalms to memory you will enrich your life of prayer and you will have the language of prayer that has been handed down to us from the saints of old. Though it will be different, God be praised that we are gathering together again. Yet continue to abide in God’s Word and pray for a swift end to this pandemic. Pray for those who are at-risk and unable to gather with the body of Christ. Your prayers and your abiding in God’s Word are of paramount importance right now and I will continue to do all that I can to aid you in this endeavor. God’s peace be with you! In Christ, Pastor Buvinghausen 1 Corinthians 2:1-2

(830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 ... · 5/1/2020  · The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines

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Page 1: (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 ... · 5/1/2020  · The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines


Resurrection Lutheran Church, 2215 North Llano Street, Fredericksburg, TX 78624

www.resurrectionfbg.org (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 May 2020

Beloved in the Lord, No doubt, you have seen that we are resuming in-person worship earlier than we had anticipated, and yet things are not quite back to normal. We may gather but there will be extra precautions in place and it’s uncertain how things will progress from here. There are some who will say that this whole pandemic will just blow over and everything will be back to the way it was before, while the majority are owning up to the very real possibility that nothing will be the same again. Some are eager to open everything up again while others are more cautious. On both sides there are extremes and we would do well to find some balance and some solid ground to stand on. Whether you believe that things will go back to the way they were, or we just have to prepare for the “new normal” we as Christians ought to understand that this is just par for the course. We live in an ever-changing world, yet some things remain the same. We still live in a world that is plagued by sin and unbelief. We turn on the news and we see the old adage of “if it bleeds, it leads” lived out on our TV screens. We are both told to live in fear and yet stand up for our rights. Wherever you look there are conflicting messages all around us. It’s hard to know who to trust. Experts disagree and we’re left scratching our heads. Where can we turn for relief? This world is fallen and sinful. As Christians we understand that our hope is not in this world. Our hope is in the Lord. Psalm 121 says: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” I quoted the full psalm because it really encapsulates that message of hope that we ought to have in the Lord. During this time of pandemic and isolation hopefully you have begun a habit of abiding in God’s Word in your personal piety. Now that we are slowly moving back to having things open again, we need to remain in God’s Word. I recommend the book of Psalms. Find a psalm that resonates with you and work toward committing it to memory. I recommend Psalms 91, 27, or 13 as good places to start. The book of Psalms shows us the way to pray. If you commit psalms to memory you will enrich your life of prayer and you will have the language of prayer that has been handed down to us from the saints of old. Though it will be different, God be praised that we are gathering together again. Yet continue to abide in God’s Word and pray for a swift end to this pandemic. Pray for those who are at-risk and unable to gather with the body of Christ. Your prayers and your abiding in God’s Word are of paramount importance right now and I will continue to do all that I can to aid you in this endeavor. God’s peace be with you! In Christ, Pastor Buvinghausen 1 Corinthians 2:1-2

Page 2: (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 ... · 5/1/2020  · The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines



Download the app: www.lutheranpublicradio.org Listen to Issues, Etc. 3pm – 5pm weekdays or on demand Listen to sacred music 24/7. We are working on getting a new website (www.resurrectionfbg.org) up and running for the church that will enable members to have the option of giving online.

Giving your offerings is a good and acceptable service in God’s sight. Because of your offerings, the Church can continue

on in the work of proclaiming the Gospel to God’s people and to the world. We give thanks to God for everyone who can still make a faithful financial offering. Yet whether you can or can’t give financially at this time Pastor would still appreciate your prayers and petitions to God that He would show mercy in the midst of this pandemic and continue to uplift us with the knowledge of salvation through the blood of Christ shed for the forgiveness of sins. Address is 2215 N. Llano Hwy, Fbg, TX 7862.

We need LYSOL SPRAY for

the sanctuary. When we resume worship service in the sanctuary, one of the things we will need to disinfect is chairs. IF you are shopping and see Lysol, could you please purchase two cans, keep your receipt and the church will reimburse you. Stores seemed to have it on the shelves around 8 am.


CLASS has resumed. Pastor is posting the Bible study online. Attend in person or

participate remotely. You can find a link to it on Facebook or the church website


-- Evelyn Snyder –

This is the time of the church year I love. There are so many "festivals"! We start with Easter and only Christmas Eve/Day can equal it for majesty and splendor. Then we have Good Shepherd Sunday which isn't a "festival" as such but a Sunday I so enjoy. Then on to Ascension which is technically a Thursday (40 days after Easter), but we usually celebrate on Sunday following. Then we celebrate Pentecost and the Holy Spirit bringing us to faith. Finally, Trinity Sunday verifies so strongly what we confess in the Augsburg, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds and what our religion is based on: that God is a Triune God - Father who created us, Son who died to save us, and Holy Spirit who brings us to faith. How many times and how loudly can we proclaim Alleluia!

It will be so good to be able to come together to say and sing “Alleluia! “ and worship our Lord and Savior. But don't forget your gloves and masks. Ladies (and gents, too); here's our chance to wear gloves to church without people staring at us! My dress white gloves and costume gloves have been getting quite a work out! Let's try to make sure the Surgeon General's forecast (that the virus will increase in June because restrictions are lightened) doesn't happen by continuing to be extremely careful, even with family and friends. I love you all and can't wait to see you again (from a safe distance).

Page 3: (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 ... · 5/1/2020  · The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines


Here are the protocols we will observe for resuming worship services.

Most of you received this information via email. Here is an abbreviated version. The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines laid out by the state of Texas, and Pastor joined in on a conference call with Attorney General Ken Paxton to be sure what the state’s position on reopening is. The long and short of it is that we will be holding regular Divine Service beginning on Sunday May 10th at 10:30am. There will be no Sunday Bible Study or any other activities outside of regular worship. This does not mean that everything will be as it was before. We have put into place a good number of precautions in accordance with the guidelines laid out by the state.

o We encourage the at-risk population who is not comfortable attending to watch or

participate in the service remotely. The at-risk population are those 65 or older, especially

those with underlying health issues. However, if you are in the at-risk category and are

comfortable attending please feel free to wear whatever protective gear you feel

necessary (such as gloves, and a face mask).

o If anyone is sick, please stay home and watch online.

o Arrive only with enough time to get your bulletin and take your seat (10-15 minutes).

o The communion distribution will be different, with added precautions for distancing.

o We have removed the hymnals from the sanctuary, using printed bulletins for the service.

o The ushers, Elders, and Pastor will be wearing masks and gloves during different portions

of the service.

o We have obtained hand sanitizer for your use.

o We have also closed the kitchen and suspended fellowship time. We will simply come to

church, worship and go home.

o After the service there will be thorough cleaning of the sanctuary and the communion


All of you are eager to return to worship, and that there may be some who are still not comfortable with the idea of us opening our doors for regular service. Please be assured that we are taking every precaution to maintain a clean environment. If you are still uncomfortable attending that is perfectly understandable, and you are more than welcome to watch the service on YouTube after we have recorded it and posted it for viewing. If you do decide to attend Sunday worship, please arrive 10-15 minutes before service starts at 10:30am so that we can get you seated with a bulletin before the service starts. Once the service is over you will be ushered out. We ask that you refrain from visiting and socializing at this time, and instead head straight for your vehicle. It may seem harsh but we need to try and limit the amount of time we are all in an enclosed space.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call, email, or even text Pastor.

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The Lutheran Women Missionary League focuses on among the people of the world. For over 60 years the LWML has been encouraging and equipping affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ to enable her to be in ministry women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to financially support global mission



With a heavy heart the Executive Committee (EC) of LWML Texas District has had to cancel physically gathering together in Corpus Christi for the 2020 convention. The virus that causes COVID-19 has required an executive order from Governor Abbott that outlines minimum standard health protocols. Based on those, we felt it was not safe or feasible for the convention to be held as planned. The EC thanks the Host Committee for working diligently to prepare for the convention. All of your efforts were to glorify God and nothing is wasted.

Treasurer Kelly Bernhardt and Registrar Beth Franke will be expediting full refunds to all registrants. All reservations of hotel rooms at the Omni will be cancelled. You should receive an email from the Omni to confirm the cancellation.

The EC will continue working to restructure our plans to conduct business and possibly offer a virtual convention experience. Our business, including elections, will be conducted through electronic means (computer, smart phone or tablet). Our society delegate for online voting is Barbara Mauldin.


During this unconventional and fearful time of disrupted lives, many are missing their LWML group or zone activities. It is important for us to remember there are still mite goals to be met. LWML is depending on our monthly 25% to continue funding the national mission goal. The LWML Texas District mission grants have been funded for 2018-20, but there will be new ones adopted this summer. With this uncertainty, our hope remains in Christ our anchor. One certainty is our work must continue – there is no shelter in place for the command go and tell given us by Jesus. Societies and groups are encouraged to seek means of continuing to gather and submit mites monthly. Not all members utilize the mite box.

For those who prefer giving a lump sum dollar amount at a meeting, please continue the habit. Grab a mug, place it in an obvious spot and fill it with those lump sum funds! Mailing your offerings to your church? Mail a check to your society treasurer at the same time. Unconventional times call for unconventional actions. Who knows – the unconventional may work so well it becomes conventional? Until such time as this pandemic no longer rules our lifestyles, the district is providing an additional temporary means of submitting mites. The Financial Secretary will now accept checks (no cash please) from individual society members. Please make checks payable to LWML Texas District. These checks can be mailed directly to her at the address below. Please include a note with your name, church and city, society name, your phone number and email address (if applicable). The offering will be credited to your society just as if it had flowed through the society’s treasury. The contact information is necessary should there be a question regarding your offering. This method will cease once the so call “normal” returns. Don’t forget – the Joyful Response® program is also available. Through this method, you can authorize a bank withdrawal either monthly, quarterly or yearly through Lutheran Church Extension Fund. These contributions are also included in your society’s biennium mite offering totals. The form is available from the financial secretary. The information remains with the Financial Secretary’s files until you choose to cease the contributions. After the appropriate time, these files are destroyed as required by federal standards. Financial Secretary information: Frances Molitor Financial Secretary, LWML Texas District PO Box 820 Anderson, TX 77830 Remember – the checks are to made payable to “LWML Texas District” and include information as to your church, church city, and society name.

Page 5: (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 ... · 5/1/2020  · The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines



“You will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you.” Jer. 29:12 PRAY FORPRAY FORPRAY FORPRAY FOR

All people battling coronavirus throughout the world.All people battling coronavirus throughout the world.All people battling coronavirus throughout the world.All people battling coronavirus throughout the world.

JJJJim im im im CCCCrist rist rist rist – hip surgery

Lourilea WenzelLourilea WenzelLourilea WenzelLourilea Wenzel (Dolph & Carolyn’s daughter-in-law) – brain tumor.

Carolyn Wenzel Carolyn Wenzel Carolyn Wenzel Carolyn Wenzel – battling lung fibrosis

Kay Kay Kay Kay Klaus Klaus Klaus Klaus –––– health concerns

Wayne Mikeska Wayne Mikeska Wayne Mikeska Wayne Mikeska –––– health concerns

Candice DominguezCandice DominguezCandice DominguezCandice Dominguez -- (Tillie’s niece) breast cancer

Seth NordmeyerSeth NordmeyerSeth NordmeyerSeth Nordmeyer – Kristine (Robert’s) husband; MS Pray for our congregation &Pray for our congregation &Pray for our congregation &Pray for our congregation & the work of the Gospel here in Fredericksburg & the surrounding area.the work of the Gospel here in Fredericksburg & the surrounding area.the work of the Gospel here in Fredericksburg & the surrounding area.the work of the Gospel here in Fredericksburg & the surrounding area.

Note from your newsletter editor: PLEASE tell us about updates on the people you place on the prayer list. If someone is doing well and can be removed, let us know. We try to keep the information fresh, and we depend on your help to do so.



During the quarantine Pastor and I have been keeping

ourselves fairly well occupied. Pastor keeps busy with writing

sermons, filming services, and recording podcasts as well as

calling people. I have kept busy with our dog Greta, cooking,

planning for Baby B, and dealing with my slowly dwindling

wardrobe options (every week it seems less and less still fits

haha). Collectively we’ve both been catching up on our reading,

going for long walks, watching British TV shows, and listening

to podcasts. We miss everyone, and can’t wait till we’re able to be together again!


Fighting boredom! We have been on every country road

within 30 miles of Fredericksburg, on some that we did

not know existed.

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…Resting, working and worshipping

Sometimes we work, too!

IHS Studios





Page 7: (830) 997-9408 Volume16 Issue 5 ... · 5/1/2020  · The Elders and the pastor have decided to resume regular in-person worship here at Resurrection. We have taken a look at the guidelines


This is information for you

regarding our church loan.


1/2/20 $406.11 $120.70 $285.41 30 $41,098.87 2/1/20 $406.11 $119.87 $286.24 30 $40,812.64

3/2/20 $406.11 $119.04 $287.07 30 $40,525.56 4/2/20 $406.11 $118.20 $287.91 30 $40,237.65

5/1/20 $406.11 $117.36 $288.75 30 $39,948.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,948.90

TOTALS $2,030.55 $595.17 $1,435.38 Current Interest Rate 3.5%.


PAYMENT $406.11

New Payment $406.11 as of

June 10, 2019 until June 2022.

The old interest rate was 3.00%

The New interest rate is 3.50%.

RLCMS paying $406.11

per Oct 2019 Voter's Meeting