813 ESL Handout

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  • 7/31/2019 813 ESL Handout



    E X T R E M E


    Your Very First Day

    Youve been newly hired by the Multnomah

    Country Library (MCL) (Wow! Unbelievable, your

    luck!) to work at the Holgate branch. This branch

    caters to all four target languages, and has a

    very diverse population. You are still a little

    intimidated by the idea of helping English as a

    Second Language (ESL) patrons, but youve

    been trained to be professional, and you are now

    thinking back and remembering all the things

    you were taught in library school classrooms and

    MCL staff training:

    SmileMake Eye Contact

    Contact a Bilingual Staff

    Member - if needed*

    Use the Language Line*

    Introduce the MCL

    Webpage - Target Languages

    All your hard work pays off! The patron is happy

    with your thoroughness and kindness.

    Remembering Issues

    MCL staff training taught you about the issues in

    dealing with an ESL patron. One, they may have

    come from a culture that didnt have public

    libraries, so they are entering a very unfamiliar

    situation. Two, they may see library staff as

    authority figures, which in their country, may

    have meant oppressors. Three, many times it is

    the children of ESL patrons who are the reason

    for the library visit. By having bilingual staff on

    hand, we are in a much better position to explain

    the amazing resources the library makes

    available to them as ESL immigrants.

    Library Resources

    After Engl ish, the most frequently spoken

    language by Multnomah County residents are

    Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

    You know that the MCL website offers access in






    all four of these languages, available through

    their Target Language webpage. Several

    videos instruct patrons on how to use the

    library, in easy step-by-step directions; from

    getting a library card to finding and checking

    out materials. The site also lists the branches

    offering bilingual staff, collections, events &

    programs, storytimes, and other resources.

  • 7/31/2019 813 ESL Handout
