Page 8 .. r \ -GRAND OPENING JAN. 2 TO JAN.17 JERRY BRANDT'S HOT-AIR BAllOON on January 17 ( Up, up, and awaa a .. \a \ to hGppy-malcing \ \ savings at • • • "" Thursday, January 10, 11174 •• I- First Federal Savings & Loan Beltway Plaza Sh_oppln1. Center • Greenbelt, Md. · · Phone:. 47 4-6004 - · .. FREE PRIZES FOR EVERYQNE Association of Annapolis Savings Insured to $'20,000 Save by Mail We pay Postage Both Ways II II IHI HEI <§reenhelt tWS ltuiew TilE 01 FIIAICIII I .. PLIIT.IEIOVITIOIS. Ctty_ of GreeDbelt laryliml •:r AI stobdk ·Regular Meeting of FIRST FEDERAL'S : · Greenbelt Inc. has received discouraging news ' City Council GRAND' 0PEN1NG ' tlon accomJ11.1111nc the pemdtllllt lll'ding prospects ithat ita mortgagee could help finance a Iont· Mondy, January 21 ;1974 Jerry Bnt.ndt and hJ.I hot. a1r Nnge program fot heating plant renovations. Government Na- 8:00 p.m. hllllOOD will be on lwld to· eea.: 11111ea aud unW the ill tio.Dai Mortgage (GNMA)- in a, letter dated Dteember ·I. ORGANIZA1!0N brats the open1q of the Flrlt Fed-. atlafted tbat the dl tire Sl advised in that it has no programs in ita orga:oization -for 1 Call to Order eral S&vlnp .tr Loan Auocla.UOn'a plant iDaY be 1:4· 6c- taaa,.;., .. these CQIJta. . · 2 Roll Call newt!£ branch on Thlll'l., Jan. 1'1, corilanCe With tbe : ....... ,. and G . DoDna marlly thOBe ·near the end ot .tbe 3 A1lePDee to !::s .rt.er hioeDt- = -::; ll:atecl the only type steam linea to consult- the F1ag ly competlnr In the National Cllaa- r.olutlon wu .to ,_.... tfle OOil• could COII8kler would be for lni eJIIIneer W. Norman Myer, in- Minutes of Recuiar J1eet... · IJiODiblp Bot Air BaDooa ltaeel In ltructloG Of the p1uat. l't period tucb< u 1 year. She sulatlnr the crawl spaces aud cloe- lng of December 17, 1878 Iowa, will Offer riAielln hfl 4-lbob b1lt Wftll JiO Oolllmft'' •t ftoaal llleo threw cold waller on a mora- Inc them otf from outatde &lr, · Klnutes of Meet- _,; SC to operate the pJUt 1ialll a tllll- , um on tbe exilt1ng mortpge would, with a tultable vapor bar- -lng of Jauuaey '1, U'l' F'liiJt Federal Sa.vlnp .t: Loan A.- 1ng periOd proved use lhe sa4d such action would rler, provide the greatest dollar . 5 Additions to Agenda by IIOCiatlon of Annapolla orJcbaally cordiqly.· WSSO 1t11te1J - acWIJ ulre the ·approval of each JUem- retlll'IUI for capital lnveilted. Councilmen aud llaua&er opened over a year aao In a tem- enter Into tin qreemillit· -.lth · of GBI. . . U. COMMUNICATIONS porary traller while Ita. bulldlilf ·at Gree11brlar . A.llodateil flo tett the ' Sh I' dl ted. . •'-·t G ..... ro Fuel Keep RlsinJ Petltlollll __ .. 1910 Cherrywood Ln. - Willi uncleJ' •--£ .._ ............. In _ .... f!aai I e n ca ..... ........ mlght In .the meantime, Breaahean re- " - •..,.. ..... CODBtructl p ..... --- · .. i eoaaider appro,·mg secondary ftn- ported that fuel on ·prices kt!ep rl- 7 Admlnlltratlve Reporta 'U··- on.Rl. .. _ _.. _._ .. , _.., the. outlicJe for period befOre oc- . acing Of a•"''-' 'im 8 Committee Reports . ......,.ur """"' _.-...,.,. w ... pre- CU"",v;., .. -___ ___ -'1 ., ...... _ provement Bing, The p.rlce quoted GHI f r ...--, V& - -flmds, - -- - ml 11a to be Jauuary for #• on Is 27.23c, com- Ordinan eral's reaioaal 111UU18ger, Robert J. .. . . ve .IUPJlOrted by the per- pared 'With 26.20c In December. #2 . 9. ce tQ Reduce the SUtor, at Thul'llday's open!q ce1e- V1ewJa111* . . aonal guarantee of the corporation oil roee .from 32.Mc to 35.98c. These Admlsalollll and Amu.e!- bratlon. - WRA o.t8clalll aw the r-lutlon * not u .a the pro- prices are exclusive of •'if> sales tal¢. ment Tax for Coin Opera-- --- u au attempt W8BC to .quallff Jlrty. . · IJ:I other JUatten, .the board ap- ted Machines - Second ita acceptance of the ptnaJt . ...S to She alllo 'thouglit that perhapl proved Into a servicing Reading · · Je.!..C. . avoid ftiiiiOIIIIbiUQ', a prooe4ure· l'lftnanclng of the entire project agreement with the Federal Credit 10 Ora!nanoe · to Amend Sec- T' .,_..__ they foun4 to be unacceptallle. Ju>... Cllluld be arranaed with an investor Union of tlie Prince Georges .Conn- tion S... 'Tax Credit tor JOBeph :MartJn .......... 11, ll&e 1 1, of oordiDc to _ WRA, their ltd. bu . . tllat would be willing to Include the Q' Teacher'• A.asoclatlon for the pur- Certa!Ji Bomeowner11 by 2-B .Plateau PL, 4led ll'rldq, Jan- !lpellt 1everal JMn. abJdilq ·11114 .m of .CNiltalima>rOvezileutl. poee of in&IIJDr available ftnail'citnc ReuOn of Ap and In- UIU7, 11, m•. after an extea.decl reaeueldlli the .............. In th .. _ . be the red come" ot Article I, Chap-ter mn-. JCIIIepb. Willi a ·lltudent at ·"th _..._ ... _ ... _ the ---- e mean...... e, to mem n of lr c It union .. , _.,._ -v-• -- Lawren B .. oft! h wish to rc1i GHI h 8 of the Greenbelt aey st. Hugh's and would have been. a try ancl.uplorlnc alt8rnatlvea. '1'be7 h ce OI8D oe 8Dil0Uilced w o . pu ue a ome. Code to Provtde Talc Cre- sixth grader had he been: able to ... _. . - e wu Putsulng the matter Breuheara reported that the cost _ .. _ ..... c•--- ........... J-h feel COD9inced .._ the.crlferla aet ,., .... 1 1 d · dlt to Certain Homeowners ... ..., ..... - ..... -- -... ,_ _, ..... _.,. ..... .,. weer, nc u iJig setting up a to the cOrporation of defending It- bad been a member Of Cub Scout down "' the pe.--t .CUI ..., --. - with and Urban self against the suit ftled by Mrs. Who Receive Beneftta ae.a Troop 202. 8Dd had reoentl¥ lllleD do not unttentaad WBSC'• -reluo- Comn and nine other GHI mem- honored with .j'Cmtof to move..... ,_ ve. also been pursutnr wlth Oon- bera came to $1,181i. . .. by the "'"'--belt' · WSSC did= bOt .Volee ltl·eoneel'll_. I nal · bWty Under Anv Retire- ..... .... _.. Y"'" ,_ th b1Jc h--'- _., .,_,.. fP'IIIII o l'eJII'II!IentatlWIII the poe.. Aocordfn.r to the couney lnterpre- ' Fire Departllleut. JOiePh'a trqlc at e pu ........ •• ._ - on llbUity of eftectlng leilsJatlon that tatlon of Governor Mandel's lower- ment or Pension Prolram IUnea tilrPred a heartwarmlq , the plant In November. 'WOUld Provide for 108111 to llnance lng of the tax e.sse.ment from 60% Provided by a Government tlood f patby l'OIIfty - d wben Proceu!Dr the- permit, tlae :ll!aei'CY-conaerv!nr Prorrama on a to 110% of fair market value,. GBI Within the United State. - 0 sym · ' pne ' an ftrwt of ita kind under the Natlaaa1 ·basis at loW Interest will not benefit since Ita property Second Reading activley 011 the part of countleu Pollutant Dlli:Jwp Ell..,n•UoR · ratee. . 11 Greenbriar Greenbelt .lndlvlduall and orpnl- 8 ,_.._ · WBSC .._. blicame· - was last reuaMSeid 1n 19'11. · Tlie 2 A 1 1&11101111 tll!eltlq to comfort JORph 1 .... ,... - u- . At the Jan. 10 GHI boa.rd . meet- formula Is reported to be aa fol- 1 anT C::::e: Boards ; durinc hla Jut c1a.,ya and eue the. euy. At the "''qm 111M 111411tiq. Ills. manager Roy Breuhean an- Iowa: no reduction for properties burden 011 b'- f•-Uv. 1 of January 0, Dr. Alfred KMbll, a. Advlaory Planning .. - J "'--tor f Ope-••-· --.a .,._ -.ntced that Plans and apecJAca· rea.eued In .19'11, 9% reduction for Board JOBeph Is by hil parentl, ..,...,. 0 · ._ .... - ·...,.... · 'Wo1111 have been prepared on three properties rt'&sseased In 1972, and b. Park and Recreation Richard T and Ann Patricia Ro- ai!U'cll W8Dted the foUowlnc .a.ur- tapltal lmJli'C)VeDie!lt projeots. In· 16'-!.% reduclilon for propertlee re- Advbory Board land, hll brothers, Richard, Jr. and ancea from the developer: (1) Tbt vba.tlons wm out to con- &ISiellled In 1973. , c. Youth Advisory Board Charlea, and hla slater, SUIIUI, all dellgn ol_ the plant wiU meet. tbe tacton next week. These pl'Ojecta GBI hu decided to set up a com- d Cable 'l'elcvlalon Com-- of the Plateau Place add,_, hla propoled and are <U Jlaltallatlan of . variable mlttee co111111tlns of directors Don aliter Catherine ·of Vlrglnla, hll (2) A COIUiultant wiU ·be &ftilUie tlmperl&ure COIItroll for the ma- Volk, Ted 'ByN!y; tempeia· Mm to 1'1!\l'tl!w--mc-u-reen r sew- Cltl&ena Committee belt and Slater Ann Patricia Ro- --oe let up at the plant for contlnu- tare controls on the beating plants qe treatment plant sltue.tlon with 13 Greenbelt CARES Budget I land, of San Franclaco, and ous monltorlq (4) Two plant op- el the GOO apartments;· and (3) a view to work!""' out a. common hi• ... --dmother yon Y"ary D rrntors would be -.lgned to a.ch · ...... ··• 19'1M75 and Authorblatlon ··-· • - · .... · hlft ( ) The develo - 111 - conversion of the 12 Ridge policy with the cley. Conley, also of Greenbelt 8 5 per ..... pay ec>"rt beatlrng plant trom steam to to File Grant Appll!Ultion - Simon Prlltoop for the COIIt. of teltlq and accept bot w.ter. reepolllllblllty If probll!lllll occur. Chairman Buch O'Donnell of the DAV MEETS · T H 1 F • . Theae and other provlalona lnclud- Piann!ng, Englneeriq, aad Main- p or Political Training Workshop the trucking of _.,. to the tellance Committee that DAThVepPianrlnlcea Sen·•or c.· .. ·.zens 'Women In Politics" will be held plant durlq the teltlfl&' period are )IIana alllo be plllbed for llllllfatlnr -.;; "Rt .. Jan. 19, In the Greenbelt Ll- expected to be Included In an. q- the · aW01, -.m plPfll and e.pec- lnr at the IUdp Road Recreation brary Meetlq Room The PI'OINDI reement between WSSC and the' de- laDy the crawl of aome Center on Wed., Jan. 23 at 8 p,m, Free help 'In preparlllJ Income will beltn at 10 a.m. and continue ''!!Ioper of Greenbriar, Alan Kay, fi'UIIIe h0111e1 'serviced b)• the four twcause of the paollne ahortaae. tax returns Ia available to Prine(' untn 4 p,m. with reclltrat!on at who renerall)' agreed to the pro- l.rre heating plants In the North the membership plans to meet in Georges' County senior cltllena 9:80 a.m. There Is no fee for the vlalona. . · • lind. These hOIJD• would be prt- Greenbelt Instead of Beltlvllle. throughout the county's DIY!alon of workshop. The purpose of thll po- Dr. Machla alllo ltlpul&tl!d that Servlcea and Programs for the AI- lltlal training worklbop Ia to en- If the teet1n1 period wu Ing, ' courap women to participate ae- tory, te1t1na woUld be extended GHI Fuel Oil Box Score l'ollowing Is a month-to-month record of GHI purchases of fuel oil to heat the brick and frame homes. The December ill73 fuel bill was more than twice as great as that of a year tfO, though ltA oil waa purchased. As a result of the rising ·Mt ot oil - from 13.07c per gallon In December 1972 to t0.48c per 1allon in December 19t3, GHI overspent its fuel oil budget•for 1973 by more than $60,000. Dee. 1972 J ... ; 1973 ,..,, 1973 Mar. 1973 Api. 19'73 May 1973 .tun. 1973 Jul. 1973 Auc. 1973 Stp. 1973 oet. 1973 Nov. 1973 . Dte. 1973 'llotAJ., l8T3 . GaUonl Average coat purchued· per gallon 297,443 13.07c 310,075 13.08 315,816 1U7 273,498 14.15 1811;544 14.16 107,828 14.15 102,313 22.67 U,581 22.65 11,2011. , 2Uii 38,888 23.85 1211,143 23.71 231,6113 27.82 2'18,113 39.48 2,01'1,711 Amount spent $38,833 40,1146 44,782. 38,700 26,27. 15,2211 23,197 11,232 2,828 8,723 29,8111 . 64,713 84,388 $3110,2111 Amount budgeted $3U,Otl Volunteer Ienior citizens trained lllvely In the political proceu. durlq the ftnt staa"e of occupan- ln handllnr tax fol'llll will be help- Amonr the peat allUen and pan- cy - 110 apartment umta a month. lnr their peen Mondqe 11 &.IlL - elltta are· The Honorable Thomu '1be objective; aecordlq to Dr. Ka- 3 p.m. from '_Jan. 21 throuch April A. Del4!Pte Ann R. chll, 11 to perfect the operation 12 at the Greenbelt Youth Center. Hull, Sch0pl Board member Kau- whUe the number of occupied ap.- Anyone wishing to WJe the service reen Stelni'Cke, and the Honorable artlnenta rem.aillll and, If must make an appointment by cal- Marjorie Holt. Contact Peny Pav- neeCied, the reeyeUq capacity of ling SIIG-14114, Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m. - lett, 34&-eell2 for more lnfol'III&UOn. the plant can be eftectlvely llled. 2 p.JU. The Ienior cltl1en must a1lo al'l'&ll(l! for a tax Information form, which mlllt be tilled out before he ·com• for the. tax hllp. Federal tax , Ullltance by telephone II avllilable from the Internal Revenue Service on 4riS-IlOO, and for Maryland tax- ee by calllllf Tea- 8080, G&a·M44, or .... lilT. WHAT GOES ON Sat., Jaa. ... 1:10 a.m. -• p.m. ' "Women In Polltlcl" Work- liMp - Greenbelt Llbrvy Moa. JM. 11, 8 p.m. Cltt Council Meetlq _- Municipal Bulldln1 Wed.. Jan. II, 8 p,aa. Public Hearlnr on SprlnlhW Lake Recr.tlon Center ·- SHL Com- munitY HOUle I'lum., It, 7:411 p.m. GHl Board :Ueettq -_,Ballllltoa. Pt Notice of Pub6c. Hearing The City Council Will hold a Public Hearing on WEDNESDAY, JANUAIY "' 1974 AT llOO P.M. atthe Springhill Lab Community House. At the_ Public Heariq Council wiD receive corrimenta and recommendations on the IEVIB PIRIMINAIY PLAN FOI ntl · SPIINGHIL1·lAKIIICIIA110N CENIB The:- preliminary plan calla tor a teen ;am. room and Jounce and ' a multipurpose room. Gudnm H. MWs, City Clerk l., ........................................................................................ ...................................... ______________ :__ ------

8 tWS ltuiew · 2014-08-04 · Page 8 .. r \ -GRAND OPENING JAN. 2 TO JAN.17 JERRY BRANDT'S HOT-AIR BAllOON on January 17 Up, up, and awaa a .. \a \ to hGppy-malcing \ \ savings at

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Page 1: 8 tWS ltuiew · 2014-08-04 · Page 8 .. r \ -GRAND OPENING JAN. 2 TO JAN.17 JERRY BRANDT'S HOT-AIR BAllOON on January 17 Up, up, and awaa a .. \a \ to hGppy-malcing \ \ savings at

Page 8


r \




Up, up, and awaa a .. \a \ to hGppy-malcing \ \ savings at • • • ""

Thursday, January 10, 11174



First Federal Savings & Loan Beltway Plaza Sh_oppln1. Center • Greenbelt, Md.

· · Phone:. 47 4-6004 - ·


Association of Annapolis Savings Insured to $'20,000

Save by Mail We pay Postage Both Ways




Ctty_ of GreeDbelt laryliml _A~DA·

•:r AI stobdk ·Regular Meeting of FIRST FEDERAL'S : · the~==::=.-Greenbelt Inc. has received discouraging news ~ ' City Council GRAND' 0PEN1NG ' tlon accomJ11.1111nc the pemdtllllt

lll'ding prospects ithat ita mortgagee could help finance a Iont· Mondy, January 21 ;1974 Jerry Bnt.ndt and hJ.I hot. a1r !ecll~:: ~~~!:::!: Nnge program fot heating plant renovations. Government Na- 8:00 p.m. hllllOOD will be on lwld to· eea.: 11111ea aud unW the ~...., ill tio.Dai Mortgage ~ation (GNMA)- in a, letter dated Dteember ·I. ORGANIZA1!0N brats the open1q of the Flrlt Fed-. atlafted tbat the ~· dl tire Sl advised in eft~ that it has no programs in ita orga:oization -for 1 Call to Order eral S&vlnp .tr Loan Auocla.UOn'a plant iDaY be ~ 1:4· 6c-taaa,.;., .. these CQIJta. . · 2 Roll Call newt!£ branch on Thlll'l., Jan. 1'1, corilanCe With tbe :.......,. and

G ·~ rip~ . DoDna marlly thOBe ·near the end ot .tbe 3 :~:~0~ A1lePDee to ~t.8..:! !::s .rt.er hioeDt- :::::-~ ~ = -::;

ll:atecl ~ the only type steam linea Accor~ to consult- the F1ag ly competlnr In the National Cllaa- r.olutlon wu .to ,_.... tfle OOil• could COII8kler would be for lni eJIIIneer W. Norman Myer, in- • Minutes of Recuiar J1eet... · IJiODiblp Bot Air BaDooa ltaeel In ltructloG Of the ~ p1uat.

l't period tucb< u 1 year. She sulatlnr the crawl spaces aud cloe- lng of December 17, 1878 Iowa, will Offer riAielln hfl 4-lbob b1lt Wftll JiO Oolllmft'' •t ftoaal ~ llleo threw cold waller on a mora- Inc them otf from outatde &lr, · Klnutes of Reru~ Meet- dlanl~~ _,; SC to operate the pJUt 1ialll a tllll-

, um on tbe exilt1ng mortpge would, with a tultable vapor bar- -lng of Jauuaey '1, U'l' F'liiJt Federal Sa.vlnp .t: Loan A.- 1ng periOd proved ~-M-use lhe sa4d such action would rler, provide the greatest dollar . 5 Additions to Agenda by IIOCiatlon of Annapolla orJcbaally cordiqly.· WSSO 1t11te1J - acWIJ

ulre the ·approval of each JUem- retlll'IUI for capital lnveilted. Councilmen aud llaua&er opened over a year aao In a tem- enter Into tin qreemillit· -.lth · of GBI. . . U. COMMUNICATIONS porary traller while Ita. bulldlilf ·at Gree11brlar . A.llodateil flo tett the ' Sh I' dl ted. . •'-·t G ..... ro Fuel ~ Keep RlsinJ • Petltlollll __ .. D-u~- 1910 Cherrywood Ln. -Willi uncleJ' •--£ .._ ............. In _.... f!aai I e n ca ..... • ........ mlght In .the meantime, Breaahean re- " - • ..,.. ..... CODBtructl p ..... ue~ ~- ---

· ..

i eoaaider appro,·mg secondary ftn- ported that fuel on ·prices kt!ep rl- 7 Admlnlltratlve Reporta 'U··- on.Rl. ~ .. _ _.. _._ .. , _.., the. outlicJe for • period befOre oc-. acing Of a•"''-' 'im 8 Committee Reports . ......,.ur """"' _.-...,.,. w ... pre- CU"",v;., ~the·-· .. -___ Lt:II-__..~~~~'..J·.Jie~r:~:__ ___ -'1 .,......_ provement Bing, The p.rlce quoted GHI f r ...--, V& -~- -

-flmds, bue---&ueh-111Wi.Cmt~woiM - -- - ml 11a to be Jauuary for #• on Is 27.23c, com- Ordinan eral's reaioaal 111UU18ger, Robert J. .. . .

ve .IUPJlOrted by the per- pared 'With 26.20c In December. #2 . 9. ce tQ Reduce the SUtor, at Thul'llday's open!q ce1e- ~· V1ewJa111* . . aonal guarantee of the corporation oil roee .from 32.Mc to 35.98c. These Admlsalollll and Amu.e!- bratlon. - WRA o.t8clalll aw the r-lutlon * not u .a 11~~~'~ ap.~nat the pro- prices are exclusive of •'if> sales tal¢. ment Tax for Coin Opera-- --- u au attempt ~~y W8BC to .quallff Jlrty. . · IJ:I other JUatten, .the board ap- ted Machines - Second ita acceptance of the ptnaJt . ...S to

She alllo 'thouglit that perhapl proved en~rlng Into a servicing Reading · · Ae4~..1.L Je.!..C. . avoid ftiiiiOIIIIbiUQ', a prooe4ure· l'lftnanclng of the entire project agreement with the Federal Credit 10 Ora!nanoe · to Amend Sec- T' ~ .,_..__ they foun4 to be unacceptallle. Ju>... Cllluld be arranaed with an investor Union of tlie Prince Georges .Conn- tion S... 'Tax Credit tor JOBeph :MartJn .......... 11, ll&e 11, of oordiDc to _ WRA, their ltd. bu .

. tllat would be willing to Include the Q' Teacher'• A.asoclatlon for the pur- Certa!Ji Bomeowner11 by 2-B .Plateau PL, 4led ll'rldq, Jan- !lpellt 1everal JMn. abJdilq ·11114 .m of .CNiltalima>rOvezileutl. poee of in&IIJDr available ftnail'citnc ReuOn of Ap and In- UIU7, 11, m•. after an extea.decl reaeueldlli the ~ ..............

In th .. _ . be the red come" ot Article I, Chap-ter mn-. JCIIIepb. Willi a ·lltudent at ·"th _..._ ... _ ... _ the ----e mean ...... e, ~ to mem n of lr c It union .. , _.,._ -v-• --Lawren B .. oft! h wish to rc1i GHI h 8 of the Greenbelt aey st. Hugh's and would have been. a try ancl.uplorlnc alt8rnatlvea. '1'be7 -· h ce OI8D oe 8Dil0Uilced w o . pu ue a ome. Code to Provtde Talc Cre- sixth grader had he been: able to ... _. . - e wu Putsulng the matter Breuheara reported that the cost _ .. _ ..... c•--- ........... ~--. J-h feel COD9inced .._ the.crlferla aet ,.,.... 1 1 d · dlt to Certain Homeowners ... ...,..... - ..... -- -... ,_ _, ..... _.,. ..... • .,. weer, nc u iJig setting up a to the cOrporation of defending It- bad been a member Of Cub Scout down "' the pe.--t .CUI ..., --. -~tlng with Bo~ and Urban self against the suit ftled by Mrs. Who Receive Beneftta ae.a Troop 202. 8Dd had reoentl¥ lllleD do not unttentaad WBSC'• -reluo-~opment .offici~~~ Comn and nine other GHI mem- ~~d~~ honored with .j'Cmtof ~·~tao'!.~ to move.....,_

ve. also been pursutnr wlth Oon- bera came to $1,181i. . .. ~ by the "'"'--belt' .;..._.un•~r · WSSC did= bOt .Volee ltl·eoneel'll_. I nal · bWty Under Anv Retire- ..... ...._.. Y"'" ,_ th b1Jc h--'- _., .,_, ..

fP'IIIII o l'eJII'II!IentatlWIII the poe.. Aocordfn.r to the couney lnterpre- ' Fire Departllleut. JOiePh'a trqlc at e pu ........ •• ._ - on llbUity of eftectlng leilsJatlon that tatlon of Governor Mandel's lower- ment or Pension Prolram IUnea tilrPred a heartwarmlq , the plant In November. A~. 'WOUld Provide for 108111 to llnance lng of the tax e.sse.ment from 60% Provided by a Government tlood f patby l'OIIfty - d wben Proceu!Dr the- permit, tlae :ll!aei'CY-conaerv!nr Prorrama on a to 110% of fair market value,. GBI Within the United State. - 0 sym · ' pne ' an ftrwt of ita kind under the Natlaaa1 ~rm ·basis at loW Interest will not benefit since Ita property Second Reading activley 011 the part of countleu Pollutant Dlli:Jwp Ell..,n•UoR · ratee. . 11 Greenbriar Greenbelt .lndlvlduall and orpnl-

8,_.._ · WBSC .._. blicame· -

• was last reuaMSeid 1n 19'11. · Tlie 2 A 1 1&11101111 tll!eltlq to comfort JORph 1 ....,... - ~ u-. At the Jan. 10 GHI boa.rd . meet- formula Is reported to be aa fol-

1 anT C::::e: Boards ; durinc hla Jut c1a.,ya and eue the. euy. At the "''qm 111M 111411tiq.

Ills. manager Roy Breuhean an- Iowa: no reduction for properties burden 011 b'- f•-Uv. 1 of January 0, Dr. Alfred KMbll, a. Advlaory Planning .. - J "'--tor f Ope-••-· --.a .,._ -.ntced that Plans and apecJAca· rea.eued In .19'11, 9% reduction for Board JOBeph Is I!Urvlv~ by hil parentl, ..,...,. 0 · ._.... - ·...,.... ·

'Wo1111 have been prepared on three properties rt'&sseased In 1972, and b. Park and Recreation Richard T and Ann Patricia Ro- ai!U'cll W8Dted the foUowlnc .a.ur-tapltal lmJli'C)VeDie!lt projeots. In· 16'-!.% reduclilon for propertlee re- Advbory Board land, hll brothers, Richard, Jr. and ancea from the developer: (1) Tbt vba.tlons wm ~ ~ out to con- &ISiellled In 1973. , c. Youth Advisory Board Charlea, and hla slater, SUIIUI, all dellgn ol_ the plant wiU meet. tbe tacton next week. These pl'Ojecta GBI hu decided to set up a com- d Cable 'l'elcvlalon Com-- of the Plateau Place add,_, hla propoled and ~ulred ~. are <U Jlaltallatlan of . variable mlttee co111111tlns of directors Don aliter Catherine ·of Vlrglnla, hll (2) A COIUiultant wiU ·be &ftilUie tlmperl&ure COIItroll for the ma- Volk, Ted 'ByN!y; and~RO~be~rt:_0N~_ e~l-:::___:'l----....__0ml1110ttee1B811--eir-GGVelrnaleftts+-m*~e~p-lb"IIIJstneei'I,--1Uta-~ot..Oreen- to~. _,.<a.,__>~A~la!lo~ratog~'!L-'!l!!!!!!..-------l -~-~...bomear-U>---w..ia\tle tempeia· Mm to 1'1!\l'tl!w--mc-u-reen r sew- Cltl&ena Committee belt and Slater Ann Patricia Ro- --oe let up at the plant for contlnu-tare controls on the beating plants qe treatment plant sltue.tlon with 13 Greenbelt CARES Budget I land, C.S.C~ of San Franclaco, and ous monltorlq (4) Two plant op-el the GOO apartments;· and (3) a view to work!""' out a. common hi• ... --dmother yon Y"ary D rrntors would be -.lgned to a.ch · ...... ··• 19'1M75 and Authorblatlon ~ ··-· • - · .... · hlft ( ) The develo - 111 - conversion of the 12 Ridge policy with the cley. Conley, also of Greenbelt 8 5 per ..... pay ec>"rt beatlrng plant trom steam to to File Grant Appll!Ultion - Simon Prlltoop for the COIIt. of teltlq and accept bot w.ter. reepolllllblllty If probll!lllll occur.

Chairman Buch O'Donnell of the DAV MEETS · T H 1 F • . Theae and other provlalona lnclud-Piann!ng, Englneeriq, aad Main- a~ • p or Political Training Workshop ~,II&' the trucking of _.,. to the

tellance Committee u~ that DAThVepPianrlnlcea ~~~.~tlaopntermeet#2f_· Sen·•or c.· .. ·.zens 'Women In Politics" will be held plant durlq the teltlfl&' period are )IIana alllo be plllbed for llllllfatlnr ·~·•- -.;; "Rt .. Jan. 19, In the Greenbelt Ll- expected to be Included In an. q-the · aW01, -.m plPfll and e.pec- lnr at the IUdp Road Recreation brary Meetlq Room The PI'OINDI reement between WSSC and the' de-laDy the crawl ~p&ce~ of aome Center on Wed., Jan. 23 at 8 p,m, Free help 'In preparlllJ Income will beltn at 10 a.m. and continue ''!!Ioper of Greenbriar, Alan Kay, fi'UIIIe h0111e1 'serviced b)• the four twcause of the paollne ahortaae. tax returns Ia available to Prine(' untn 4 p,m. with reclltrat!on at who renerall)' agreed to the pro­l.rre heating plants In the North the membership plans to meet in Georges' County senior cltllena 9:80 a.m. There Is no fee for the vlalona. . · • lind. These hOIJD• would be prt- Greenbelt Instead of Beltlvllle. throughout the county's DIY!alon of workshop. The purpose of thll po- Dr. Machla alllo ltlpul&tl!d that

Servlcea and Programs for the AI- lltlal training worklbop Ia to en- If the teet1n1 period wu ~ac­Ing, ' courap women to participate ae- tory, te1t1na woUld be extended

GHI Fuel Oil Box Score l'ollowing Is a month-to-month record of GHI purchases of fuel oil to heat the brick and frame homes. The December ill73 fuel bill was more than twice as great as that of a year tfO, though ltA oil waa purchased. As a result of the rising ·Mt ot oil - from 13.07c per gallon In December 1972 to t0.48c per 1allon in December 19t3, GHI overspent its fuel oil budget•for 1973 by more than $60,000.

Dee. 1972 J ... ; 1973 ,..,, 1973

Mar. 1973 Api. 19'73 May 1973 .tun. 1973 Jul. 1973 Auc. 1973 Stp. 1973 oet. 1973 Nov. 1973

. Dte. 1973

'llotAJ., l8T3 .

GaUonl Average coat purchued· per gallon

297,443 13.07c 310,075 13.08 315,816 1U7 273,498 14.15 1811;544 14.16 107,828 14.15 102,313 22.67 U,581 22.65 11,2011. , 2Uii 38,888 23.85

1211,143 23.71 231,6113 27.82 2'18,113 39.48


Amount spent

$38,833 40,1146 44,782. 38,700 26,27. 15,2211 23,197 11,232 2,828 8,723

29,8111 . 64,713



Amount budgeted


Volunteer Ienior citizens trained lllvely In the political proceu. durlq the ftnt staa"e of occupan­ln handllnr tax fol'llll will be help- Amonr the peat allUen and pan- cy - 110 apartment umta a month. lnr their peen Mondqe 11 &.IlL - elltta are· The Honorable Thomu '1be objective; aecordlq to Dr. Ka-3 p.m. from '_Jan. 21 throuch April A. Farrln~ton, Del4!Pte Ann R. chll, 11 to perfect the operation 12 at the Greenbelt Youth Center. Hull, Sch0pl Board member Kau- whUe the number of occupied ap.­

Anyone wishing to WJe the service reen Stelni'Cke, and the Honorable artlnenta rem.aillll 1111&1~ and, If must make an appointment by cal- Marjorie Holt. Contact Peny Pav- neeCied, the reeyeUq capacity of ling SIIG-14114, Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m. - lett, 34&-eell2 for more lnfol'III&UOn. the plant can be eftectlvely llled. 2 p.JU. The Ienior cltl1en must a1lo al'l'&ll(l! for a tax Information form, which mlllt be tilled out before he · com• for the. tax hllp. Federal tax , Ullltance by telephone II avllilable from the Internal Revenue Service on 4riS-IlOO, and for Maryland tax­ee by calllllf Tea- 8080, G&a·M44, or .... lilT.

WHAT GOES ON Sat., Jaa. ... 1:10 a.m. - • p.m. ' "Women In Polltlcl" Work­liMp - Greenbelt Llbrvy

Moa. JM. 11, 8 p.m. Cltt Council Meetlq _- Municipal Bulldln1

Wed.. Jan. II, 8 p,aa. Public Hearlnr on SprlnlhW Lake Recr.tlon Center ·- SHL Com­munitY HOUle

I'lum., ~- It, 7:411 p.m. GHl Board :Ueettq -_,Ballllltoa. Pt

Notice of Pub6c. Hearing The City Council Will hold a Public Hearing on

WEDNESDAY, JANUAIY "' 1974 AT llOO P.M. atthe

Springhill Lab Community House. At the_ Public Heariq Council wiD

receive corrimenta and recommendations on the


SPIINGHIL1·lAKIIICIIA110N CENIB The:-preliminary plan calla tor

• ~· a teen ;am. room and Jounce and ' a multipurpose room.

Gudnm H. MWs, City Clerk l.,

~=-~~----~~·=-~T~--~----~----~----~------........................................................................................ ~ ...................................... ______________ ~------------~--:__ ------

Page 2: 8 tWS ltuiew · 2014-08-04 · Page 8 .. r \ -GRAND OPENING JAN. 2 TO JAN.17 JERRY BRANDT'S HOT-AIR BAllOON on January 17 Up, up, and awaa a .. \a \ to hGppy-malcing \ \ savings at

~-~------------------.~r---~~----.. ,. ...... ~ ............ ~ .. ~llllllllllllll~llllllllllllr-----~ .... ~ .. ~~~.,~~~~.'~-·~~~~~~~ .. -~,~~~~~~,~~------------------~----------~--------~----~----~~~----~--

P' ~- ,_,.



1-:dltorr MarT Le• Willi .... ., 4'l'­Aa,.ot"68leo J:oAlitor• l!laa.,.. Har.u 414-UlO

!11'A""' Alexander: •llarnc•, Sandra Barnes, Virginia Beaudla.mp, Linda BraUD, ~~lna.ln ( !'tndnuo~, llar~r~t Gtanfagne, Judy Goldstein, Bea1 Halperin. ! .... rntn•. ha:-:tn~r, .Jot"! h.a~tner, Sid Kastner, Martha Kaufman, Barbara I :tn•·, :-.•:· l.an:.:.•, 11olnthy l .. uubt"r, Haa·bara Llkowski, Jane Main, Paula \la~k. I!() h. )f_,•(;ef": Ho~(>Ha :\IC'Namara . .Jim O'Hullivan, Pauline Prnzker, Al Skolnik, l·.Ia11w Skolntli, I>or·othy Such<'r, Otillie Van A11on Bu•lnf"'l• MaaaJ(~rs Adele Mund, SpriaJ(•In Latkt> CIHalattoaa Barbara Claw~·m . .a;-t--.j:\41, f'l~ul•tloa xa-l('e'rt Virginia Niland, :J.&.'i-192!'L Publl•lled enry Tllund•;J>.Lt~~be~\.=,~ve PultUalala~~: .&ua~ l•e.

Pre• .. "" Skolnik: Vice Pre•., Jim O'Sullivan: Aeey., Barbara Llkowekt· Trea:-:.., Sandra Rarnes, Sid Kutner. · ' MAil. RUBSCRIPTIONN: $6.50 per year. Advertl81ng and news articles may

be mall•d (llox 68. Gr<'<'nb•lt); deposited in our box at the Twin Pines <)fflr•: or d•liwr•d to th• editorial office in the basement or 15 P&rkway (414-41:11), op•n after 8 p.m. Tuesday, Deadline Is 10 p.m. on Tuesday.

Volume 37, Number 9 Thursday, January 17, 1974

Free Adult Ed~cation

Thursday, January 17. 197-1

An introductory talk on Trans­e~ndcntnl Meditation w:ll be held at th~ Co--op hospitality room at 7:30 p.m. The talk is free nnd all are invited to find out more about this natural method tor gaining In­creased physical energy and mental alertness. For more Information call 384--1221.

· Course at. Parkdale An innovative humanities course.

"AdvPnturPs in th~ Intuitive", will be offt•red at Parkdale High School beginning Jan. 31. The course is op­<'n to all 16 years of age or older and will meet on Tuesdays and Thul'II­Determined to Fight

To th.. t;ditor: The Prince Grorges County School days from 7-9 p.m. In Room 4. Ewry man is entitl~d .to his own System is having registration for There is no charge. Registration

opinion a.• to the merits and out- free adult education classes on Jan. may be made by mail prior to Jan. romP of a lawsuit. However, when 21. 7-9 p.m. at Hyattsville Jr. High 25 or at the school on Jan. 29 at a :Sews Ire\·lew reporter injects his School. ClasSes meet Tuesdays and 7:30 p.m. own personal bias into what should Thursdays 7-9 p.m. The subjects For further information call '1'73-br a stroight news story and d()('S offered are basic r<"'lding. inter-- 7333 or 927-4783. not bother to contact the other side mediate education. GED prepara- J ~ k or their lawyer, he is :~erving nei- tion (high school equivalency) and . aycee . ee ther the reputation of his weekly English for foreign born. For ad-nor being fair to his fellow GHI Hitional information call 627•4800 :Mayor Richard Pilski proclaimed members, all of whom grant him ext 248. Jan. 20-26 as Jaycee Week In !U• n<'wspaper office space. Other classes. requiring tuition Greenbelt and asked iocaJ organi-

"GHI Board Vindicated" reads include arts and crafts, , business zations to cooperate in 9Je observ­the second sentence of the head- education. data processing,' home ance. line in last week's front page story. economlas, industrial arts and phy- Th., p_urpose of the week is to Why no witter's name, as is usual? sica! education. ·For details about focus attention on young men and :Mr .. Skolnik told me on the tele- schedules. time and ltcatl~d the work __ th_ey IM'e doing, and em-- . phone that th~sc words were the the 35 centers throughout the phasiz<' that the Greenbelt Jaycees "personal opinion" of the writer. Co ty t leph 627,-4800 have done an outstanding job In How many times has -be b<>en told un, - e one ···l · the fields of Voter Ro>ttistration. as publisher, by dif'lerent groups ?Nt4. Sd.4 8'/et,. Ecology, Drug Abulle, Oandlclatel in Green~t, that pe~nal opinions Mrs. Selma Blew. former Green- Night. 'Youth Pibgnuns. and .finan-

------?f th~. wnters_ belo~g m t~ editoL:_-belter, _ died-on-hnuary 13, 1974, in-_ cial aid to needy causes ll.lld persons raJ column and not m a ne~s _story? Warrenton, Fla. :MI'l\. Blew was one ln the Greeiilielt are~. Tlie Jaycees-

As one of the ten plamt1f'ls in of the first residents of Greenbelt, also completed ProJect ID which the class suit of Eunice E. Coxon mO\•ing her~ from Washingto D provided local org~nlzations free et a1 versus Greenbelt Homes, Inc. C. In 1937. She was active ,:· th~ use of engraving guns, to allow cit­Board of Directors In .a case which Community Church. :Mr. Blew pas~ izens of Grt>enbelt to mark ·valuable asked no monetary damages but a sed away In 1949 pos8e88ions that might be stolen by simple determination of the riJhtS :Mrs. Blew mo~ d to W t thieves .. of the me~bers under their Bylaws, Fla. three y~ars eago, ma:~:n ~;~ Prior to Jaycee Week observance I would hke _to answer thr. anony~ home with her daughter :Mrs. Rl-- here. the U. S. Jaycees will rec­mous writer as follows. chard Harris. She Ia • survived ornlze America's lQ outstanding . We received _an unra~orable riJI-. by a 8on, Carl William Blew. a men of 1973 In Tulsa. Oklahoma. mg !rom one JUdge of the Circuit granddaughter and two great- All young men over 18 are urged Court on three very well taken le- grandchildren · to join the Greenbelt Jaycees by gal points, as far as we and several G -L"- · president Bob Hardie and members other lawyers. including our own, . reenueh Synagogue to of the board of. directors. For fur-were concernPd. As the publisher · La . ther Information call Patrick of thf' lliPWll R.-vlew must remem- Host orel Children Cramblett, 737-4171: ext. 297 or 577-

ber from his own experienr<'. as Th!' ath graders of the Sunday 9309. the defendant. In a libel suit bv a School of Congregation :Mishkan --------·--------well-known developer against . his Torah IJCCI will host the corres­paper, higher courts in :Maryland · pending class of Congregation Oseh have bern known to re\'PrsP th,, Shalom of Laurel over the Sab-­d!'clsi9ns of the low!'r Cireuit Court. bath which begins at sundown Fri­As I recall, you took your case to day the 18th and Pnda 24 hours the -SUpreme Court. I would like later. · to see someone develop figures or 'Rabbi Chalm Litsfiefd of New statG~cs on the total number of York wtll officiate at the services, civil cases from our couniy In thl' on Fri., Jan. 18, at 8:30 p.m and last two years that were appealed Sal at 9:30 a.m. to the Court of Appe•lis or the Court of Special Appeals, and the Co•onity Church News total, reversed. About two yMrs ago, Rev. Ralph E. Weisser baa ac-

-- -l.belleve Countv Councilman R"f'd-- el'pted a call to continue as pastor ~>r, or one of the newspapers, herP · of Greenbelt Community Church on reported that approximately 50'11- of a part-time ba'sis through Easter the -zoning cases In this countv sun., April a. were reversed by the higher court At 7:45 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 20, the In th" lo~~rrs' favor. A ball park church will hold Its annual con­figure for remanding our suit to 'the gregational meeting, at which the Court of AnpPais would be probab- future of the church is determined ly around $1,000, ns a start. b., vote of thP mPmbera

Holy Cross Luther~~/ Churcti

81011 Greenbelt Rd.

Wonhlp !iOforvle.,.

Sunday Srhooiii:M 1\.M.

Weekday Nuner:v School

11:00 .. 11:80 A.M.

Phone !143-J\111 r;dward H. Hlrner, Pastor

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (~Jowatt :\temorlal} -W IDd~te Road.· Greenbelt, :\teL TPiephone 41'-8-IUI

It<·~. Clifton ll. Cunnht2'hatn, P:u~tor -Tel. 4U-SS8l

Sennon: "Christian Duty ancl +uny• Wonhlp Service 11:00 i\.11\.

(:\'unoery thi'OUI'h tOndergarten. a& ~:00 A.l\1.)

('burch School (Nunery through adu!W 9:80A.M.

GREENBELT· COMMUNITY CHURCH <United Church of Christl Hillside &: Cnscent Rds.

Sunday Worship Service and Church Sclnol, 'u a.m. Rev Biilph E. WeiMer

ANNUAL :MEETING, Sunday, Jan 20, at 7:45 p.tn. To receive the minister's report; act on the annual reports of mlderator, treasurer, stewardship chairman. the chairman of each bcliu-d. the plannlnc and pastoral coinml~tee. and Ute budget committee: adopt lin annual budget; eled officers; pbn the year's prograin; and transact other nreessary business. Under the eonstittltion of Grll!nbelt Community Church. '"Ee,ch ml'mber shall have one vote, which may be cast only

in person." '

GREENBELT BAPTIST CHURCH Creseent Ill OremhDI Rdll. Ttltephoil&: t'J4-4td

Suaclay SehGDl 9:415 a.m. CHrob TNIDblr 1: .. P~

~v. J- 0. DuiiClllD

1\l;rnblc w.·· onlllp U:tl a.m. EwDiac Wanlalp 1:00 p.l!l. \

Ride ow ~ te 8allda7 8choGI 1M Monlllll WOIIIdp . . For - lllfonlullloll Clll1 Ule llh1lrah ollult, ,,._.... .

- ·omee·lilcaun: l:st. 1:11 M..-, • Frld8r

Join Your Oredit Union --nlta ... Where You Belong






1 year

6% Interest Paid Annually

$2,00t' O~~tnomination 2 yean

7% Intl'rest Paid Annually




GREENBELT, MD. 20'T70l e PHONEi 474-5900

liOURS: Daily: u:j.. Saturday: 9--1

Evenlngs~on .• Wed., Fri.: 7-9

Thank you all very much for your sincere expressions of regret on ... losing our iong,drawn out, more­than-a-year leg11l cont..st and your

_very hard work in helping fin~nce the high costs of a lawsuit for pro-­pie o1- modest means.

We shall have mor" to say, when we haVE' r<'rdvrd the 'papers filed by the rorporn.tion attorn~>y. No vembrr 29. on Count Two '

Etmloo E. CJoxon CARPET SALE

Editor's Note: Mrs. Coxon w111 advi8ed by Mr. Skolnik that the write-up of the GHI law auit involved the reporter's interpretation of the court de­clsion and not "perso114l opin-



Misllkaa Torah Sisterhood The Mllbkan Torah Slaterhood

. will feature Mm. Esther Nichols, speaJdnr on ":More Food For The Money" at Its n~t meetlnr on Tllelday, January 22 at 8:30 p.m. She ill representing -t~ Agrlcultu ral. Extenalon Service

Young Adult: Film A ftllll for YCI!Iq Adulta w1U w

allow• In the meeting room ol the Gl'l!ellbelt Ubrary at 7:80 p.in. on Jan. 23. The fllm, Go Alii Allee, Ml a chronlcal of a teeMge · girl'• downward IJ)Iral Into drug addic­tion an4 ber palllful ltruQtle to 1!11-

c-.. tM pull ollltbe dNa woncL






15 Lakeside Drive 47~369 474-3148


'PROCLAMATION C L A S S I F I.E D fJ~~~e · Sl.l!O for a 10-word minimum, 10c tor each li!fditional word. Submit Elaine Skolnik - n4-4080 ada. In writing, accompapled by By a half point :Madeline Green cash payment, either to the News and :Margaret Clymer were the Review office at 15 Parkway .before winners at last Friday's dupllcat& lO p.m. of the 'l;ueaday precedlnc bridge sellllion. Runners up were publication, or to the Twin Plnea Claire .Jacobs and :Marian Retten­&vlngs and Loan ·ofBce. house. Next game: Friday, January There is no charge for advertising 25, at lhe C<Hlp Hospitality Room. Items that are found. . Greenbelters were saddened by <MARIE'S ~OODLE GR{)()KING> the"death of eleven year old Joseph , make your appointments today. Call Roland. .Our cdeepest sympathy I~ · 474-3219. Pxtended to his parents, ':Mr. and\.

WHEREAS, th~ civic bodies and serVIce !)rpnlzatlona of our

community and the departments of the local go'\rerlimenta rt!COIIII&e

the p-eat ~~ervlce rendered to this commllnity by the :Maryland Jaycees

and· Greenbelt ·Jaycees, and

CHILl> CARE: :Mothe_r will C!lre :Mrs. Richard Roland and family. tor your children _ my home _ · · :Marine--Private First Class Wii-­Greenbelt. 5-e days a week, all liam L. Allsbrook, son of :Mr. and bours, reasoRable. Call 3e-11887. Mrs. William A. Allsbrook, 9186

Springhill Lane, graduated ·from CALDWELL'S WASHER SERV- basic training at the :Marine Corps ICE. All nuikea ·expertly repaired. ReCruit Depot in Parris Island, Authorized Whirlpool dealer. GR •· South Carolltia. · lllllG. Happy first birthday to Scott Alan PiANO TUNING AND REPAIR. :Mowry, .SHL'Ii first baby of 1972. J!lXJ"BliUlilNCED. . RELIABLE. The Important day was 'Jan. 8. · 47._..... Leonard C8aallno of Greenbelt ·

has taken on the job of assistant state's attorney for Prince Geol'gejl County.

At the Nov. meeting of the SHL Webelos, under the lea.derahip of Jerry Garfinkle and Herb Nip, Scientist Activity awards were giv­en to Steve. Wetzel, Steve Lipscomb, Taka Fugalrs, Scott Flax, Jim Cain

antenna man Will new/repair anteD-

· and George IJe&lt. Geol'(l!- also r&­

celved the Craftsman and Enrtneer Activity awards. Freddie Ellis was awarded the Bobilat Patch ancl Jim­my Crase the Wolf Arrow. The pre­sentation of the Cub· Scout's htgh­cst award - The Arrow of Light/·-

'l'AX RETURNS PREPARED. In your home/mine. Fifth year serv­ing Greenbelt Call :Mr. Ginsberg. a.7182 .

ClBINi!ft' 8TEkto WITH Ail­FM radio, $GO High chair, $5., play­pen $2. 3411--174tl after 4.

DISHWASHER FOR SALE, under the co11nter type, as Is - $10.00 • -174-5lj80,

SALE: HEAVY DU'fY kENMORE <Whirlpool> washer/dryer set Re-­cently overhauled, excellent condi­tion. $250. 474-11974. Between 10 am - 2 pm, weekdays. Anytime weekends.

MOTHER WISHES TO CARE for child In my home. weekdays an.d Sat. Reaaonable. 474-4936.


-~ · G.-nbelt

SHOE REPAIR o-bel& SlaeppiDc c...

28 YmARS' EXPERil!IMCE IN li:XPERT SHOE REPAIRING Moa &bru Hat. TeL: 8:00 - 6;00 t14-'nM

RIDE WANTED: VICINITY 17th and K Streets, N.W., Washington. D.C. Working hours: 9 am -- 6:30 pm. Will sharp expenses. 474-5246.

RIDE WANTED TO VICINITY of 2nd &: L N.E. Working hours 7:00 am - 3:30 pm. Phone 474-5246.

FOR SALE: TR!PLE DRESSER, double box spring & mattress, and a secretary desk - call 474-4156 .after 5:00 pm or weekends.

PiiNO AND ORGAN lessons by experienced teacher. Reasonabl~ ratee. 3411--7178.

WALL TO WALL CARPET inlltal­·lecJ. Free estimates. Phone 474-00&8 or 341-119116. 1 FOR. SALE; Boy'11 figure skates,

. size 4. $4. 47 4-38811

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Full-time Cultodlan poeltlon avaJI­ab!e a~ elementary school In Green-­bell 'For further detalle, call 474-4822.

FOR ·RENT T-ypewriters

Adding Machines t:lleeVIC! - Muual



3 BIG DAYS Thursday, Jan. 17. Friday,· Jan. 18 Saturday, Jan. 19


Balloon Ride in 1st Federal's Hot-Air aGIIoon


Greenbelt Rd.

~· State Farm Insurance

Ron Bargwardt

474-8400 I

Auto - Ufe - Homeownen 10111 BaltlmON Blvd.

Ool1ep Park, Md. ll'rtl <on U.S. 1 at the BeltwiQ')

FOUND: PAIR OF NEW Keds, children'• •lze 12, In a discarded bag of old ·toys. 47 4-13G3.

REGIS'ffiATION FOR SPRING SE:MESTEft. February 1 openlnra for nuraery and klnclerprten, full and ';1, day. Accrecllted schoOl de­greed teachers· In early childttood education. Call Greenbelt Town and Country School, •74-112112. TINY TOY POODLE - AlW regis­tered. Reasonable. 47~219.

·HIGH SCHOOL 8ENioR - For counter work. evening hours &: Sat. $1.76/hr. Beltway Plaza - Call :Mr. David-~-

TAX RETURNS COMPLETED -Your home or mine. J. :Mousley. 474-6045.

WHEREAS, the United States Jaycees and Its · af!Uiated state

and local organizations havet set aside· the week of January 20 -- 26,

1974 to observp the 'founding of the Jaycee~ and to commemorate such founding by the selection of an ·outstanding young man In this community as tHe recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, and

• WHEREAS. this organization of young men has contributed mater­Ially to the betterment oTllilliconilllunliy throughOut the year,.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard R.. Pillkl, :t(ayor of the City of

Greenbelt;-Msryland;--by-atltherity -vested ·In me- by the .. citizens and Council of the City of Greenbelt, do hereby proclil!m the week of January 20 - 26, 1974 'as .

JAYCEE WEEK and urge all citizens of our community til give full regard · to the past services of tlie Greenbelt J ayceea.



hereunto set my band th1a 15th day ol January, 1974 and

have caused the oalclal Hal ol the City of Greenbelt to be

allxed. .Richard R. Pllakl :Mayor

Gudrun H. Mills, City Clerk

GreeniJelt Carry-out . ENERGY CRIStS SALE

YeterCIIII Cut-Rate u...-. 11620 BALTIMORE BLVD. (Reute 1)


917·1110 9174022



6900 Greenbelt Road

Come for an. evening of fun.

Fabulous prizes.


Up tto $18110. Dilllount on "'S modell

9 To Ch- From


Wit-. You Get A Goot n.l Phil- A Ow4 n.l 11 ..


ON U.S. 1111W11NMT.iWiii&HYAniVILLI 164-4147

USB ..... HOMES FOR SAL' ' . We are Dne 6e Pill Office. iB " ~ ........ 24 Hoar Prof.uo.l

'Senice I Call 34S:.215l rrs MAGIC ancl the Jll8llc -....1 ill BUY - a bedroomt. C/A, ww c:arpetlnc. more~ w..-. cozy home In Riverdale 121.000·

If ALJADIN hacl rubbed bla lamp apJn · and wlllbe4., for a C08'I ~ In lmlllaeulate t;MID­dltlon with eat-in ldtcben. pri­vate rear. yard for t'UDIJy ·.actiYI­tll!ll, nicely landlc:aped and ,bue­ment tor putteriq, be cou14 have· been given thla eharlllerl In Riverdale area $28,1100.

345·2151 LOT ON lAKESIDE ·~ SALE! Nlee for llalll1lq ,._ owa.U,oubave.,.......,.. of Jut& llDw you want y_. ..._ to 1oo11, a. make yoai drelliJl a

()(l()ULTT There II notblnl .... cret or IIIJiteriolla aboUt tb11 nice 2 bedroom. muonry 1aome In Greenbelt with BeParate diJl.. Inc room remodeled ldtcbllll witJa dla~al. ranee hoocl and other extras. Near Center. Let one ol Kuh Realtors . salesmen tlhow you this ene today. $21,900.

It's not SUPERNATURAL .to want a nice home for younelf and loved ones. This home Ia a NATURAL to 98tisfy that wish. 4 bedrooms, 2 ¥.! baths, family room, arid lot more of just what you aiwaya wanted. In Laurel area. low 1lxtie1.

No SUPERSTITION about It, owning your own home has"rnore advantages than meets the eye. Let us c~vlnce you of this when we show you this nice starter home In Greenbelt. 2 bedrooml, stove, refrlg .. dishwasher, wuh­er, dry~!~'. more, ready to ltart LIVING right. Easy financlJII. $13,838. A MUST TO SEt;.

We are ro~tTUNE TELUNO you when we tell you about thll fine home for your family in our beautiful Greenbelt. s bedroom~, 2 l'l!frireraton, dlahwuber, washer, dryer, ltorm doon, win­dow A/C. close to center, an4 help with financing. $14,1100 .


~ ., ~ ...



I f I· ,. -" "


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f j i ' l j

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. '

Page 3: 8 tWS ltuiew · 2014-08-04 · Page 8 .. r \ -GRAND OPENING JAN. 2 TO JAN.17 JERRY BRANDT'S HOT-AIR BAllOON on January 17 Up, up, and awaa a .. \a \ to hGppy-malcing \ \ savings at

---Page 4

Recreation Review lla..a Dance

., I v

Thunsda.)it, January 17, .. 1974

The Police Blotter There will be a Kan Duce Corporal Brumley and PFC Smith

Sat. Jan. 19 from a _ u p.a. assisted the oounty police In appre­?- th Youth Center gym, with mu- • bending two male lll18peCtl wbo ::C ; the "Looney Tunes• ud ad- robbed the Holiday Inn on Route_,l 11118ston at the door. All Greenbelt and 495 on January 10 at t:27 a.m.

tesiS are invited. All of lhc s:(J(,-c stulcn was recover- I Sal:_ * Rentals * Repairs Olucks 'and 1-'ea t- ...

The Youth Center and 9prlncbiD Ul.C rt''•!cr.~. nn;;ry that someone Howard's TypeWriter Co. Lake Recreation Center wiD begin haU parked In his space, kicked out their winter s'essions on Sit., Jan. the headllahts of the olfendinc ve- . ll Ave. & Annapolle Rd. m-ass 19 from 9 - 11 a.m. Wcle. The owner of the car had the Ami and CraftS man &l'l'ellted. In a B1m11ar altU&-

At Springhill Lake aec-tlon tion, a man was charged with u­Ceater the program ~s Sat., sault and battery after a Iicht over Jan.. 19 from 9 - 10:30 a.m. for first a parking space. · thru sixth grades. At the Youth Center arts and crafts will begin Mon., Jan. 21 from 4:30- 5:80p.m. - llqndays, first and second grades; Wednesdays, third and fourth crad­e~~; Fridays, fifth and elxth grades. ReDs- Skating

Roller skating is beld · in the Youth Center gym ·from 4-11:80 p.m. b- the thlrd and fourth graders m lloridays, fifth and llixth gradens ma Wednesdays and Fridays,· the fiNt and second graders. There 18 a minimal admission fee and skate rental For further Information call .fH..M78 or 47t-115M.

, Youth Programs at limy

Greeabelt Homes, IDe. Hamilta" Place


We have available 'to rent: 4 br. 2% bath, brick hom~ for immediate occupancy; $325.00 per month Includes all except elec. 1% year lease - lmm. ooc.

3 br. corner masonry home -~-00 per mo. Includes all

. except elec. - 1 year leaae -imm. oc'c.

2 br. brick home - range/refrg/ washer & dryer Included; lmm. occ. on a 1 year lcaae - Ren-

. tal $2{0.00 per mo. + elec.

The Children's Departmeat of the Greenbelt Library wiD present eeveral programs during Jan. and Feb. Registration for stor:Y prog-rams for ages 3-5 years wiD take On the market for sale • . . . place on Tues.. Jan. 15. Unreglater­ed story programs for 3-5 year olds

' wiD be on Thurs. afternoons at 2 p.m., Jan. 24 through Feb. 38.

be on Thuadays, 4:111 to 5 p.m. Jan. 17 through Feb. 21 for chUdren acea ~9 years old.

2 br. brick home In central location - imm. occ;; aelllng price of $18,500.00; financl~ avallable.

comer location; near shopping centler. Nice improvements; lmm. occ.

11!1\fD 1M Onltlerwa)' MI.B t74-6'NI

2 BR Frame, excellent condition $12,500.

3 BR Frame <mdl beautiful, many extras. a must to see $16,000

3 BR Frame (end) completely renovated ready for Immediate occupancy $16,500

2 BR MaBonry, Immediate OCC)l-·

pancy near center, many extras and reasonably priced. at $20,{()()

2 BR Masonry, tip-top shape J!1&IIY improvements,. ready !or l~edlate occupancy $24,500

3 BR Kasonry (end) Remodeled throughout. S'eautlful · large lot $26,500

3 SR Brick close to. shopping and school. Excelient price


· .. 5th Aftllue Paat;r a-

! II'· ... Bee- IOo pr.

Steel FUe 8ufll

I pr. 'lie.

o.eek Pile $UI J'lle Box $1.88

Porta-File $2.68

BoJS t $o 7 No-Ina. Slaeka $U9

!4!' X 'JO" IDdOIII'rOatdOOl' Rue Rum- $U8

f, ·Roll Pack AD OecMI011 Gift . Wrap ·a~a pkg.

Wine Bilek . $Uit

I All'- Table A-na. Glauware I for 99e

Self Stacklnc Plaetle Shoe Boxea I for 8llc

Ben Franklia 6remllelt I!IIMpplq Ollllter 0,..... --Sat.

PORTER'S UQUORS ueo Balto. mvcL . t'M-II'D (llext to McDonald'• Ill Ollllep

\ Parki

We have: the larpet lleleetilo et wm. fi'OIIl around the WOI'I4L 8pecJal p~ on cue P~

()n1er Early


Wah Inn Restauran ·Delightful Cldnese Cuisine Bllnllll

lll8l lr.ltlmonllloiMnr4 OPEN llVERY D&Y - (].AIWY 01lT·SIIIBva:-.

Will's ·l-lardware · BELTSVILLE HARDWARE



' 'Yolume 37, Number 10 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, Jap.uary 24, 1D74

.County Council Tackles Green•riar Zoning Issue Tuesday, As State · Agency Approves Treatment Plant

by Elaine 8kubdk Herbert Sachs' Director ot the

:.U,.iand Water 13Psourcea Admln­lltntlon <WRA>, announced last week that WRA has .tlgned the 4lacharge permit for the on:-Cte Greenbriar sewer treatmat peiomlt, aum clea~ the W8¥ for approval fl1 the State Department of Health aad Mental HY&Iiene of a plant con­muctlon permit.

The WRA approval followed an ccbange of letters between Its le­a-l ofllcee and thoee of the Wash­lqt.on Sul)urban Sault:ary <:lommJ... Ilion (WSSC) which apparently darlfted the IIC!>pe and meanlq of

by Ai Skolnik The Prince Georges county council will attempt to', cope with

the controversial Greenbriar apartment project on Tuesday, Jan­uary 29, in Upper Marlboro at 10 a,m. when it co~ders .a re­vised site plan for the 1,1D3·unit project on the SDUtiJ·Ewing tract. Construction on the parcel containing the proipoiied on-site sewage treatment plant has been at a standstill since October 30 'When the County Department of Licenses and Permits suspended the building permit on the grounds that the site plan accompany. ing the approved "bedroom-count" special exception m .1971 did not show the treatment plant (work on the other two parcels has continued). The subsequ!'!nt inclusion of the plant on the third parcel, according to the County Office of Law, reduced ~~ amount ot green space on that parcel to less than the 70 pereen~ required

---MARY~L' RA~ta lloo1: Roo.~~~· VNIVE . R~ LIIuwu. C..LLI«lEP WQQ_l( .

Couacil ApH1 RIA Few lte•s Besides 8ree1bri1r. ·

. Q: AISkaiDik . AJide from Greenbriar matters (iee ~~ ~).

the city council at lts iloadai, Jan'*' 21, meetiDI ~ tine ' ordinances, conaiderecl a budget for G~ C,\RES, ,.,...., a

report of bikeways', and made· several appOintmeDta • to bollil6l and ClOIDDli\teee.

The ftl'lt ordlllanoe enacted ~ OleeUel$ C&111B vlded for a reduction In ~-......., Tbe OOUDcll autliorfsetl'llle · ... ment tax on com-operated ma- mtltal _!!f. .u_ $8l,212. ........... _.fk chines from 10 percent to 2- Jll!l"-- orl!eliw CAlUII8 YoUell ......_ cent, foll9wlng an action ~ re- BureaU to the acwer--a ea.mtit­cently by the county ClOUJicll for IIOD on U... JllDforcemeDt 1114 a. llonlncorpor&ted areaa; ~ AdmbiJitratlon ~ Jllltlee. '1'be eJtr• ~ . tlvea of the coin vend!Dg lluiiDel8 share of the COlt Of thla ,..._ pointed out that unlike other .... - would be $Uft or~. CIQr.-­usements they could not tully ager Jim Glet~e cauUcmecJ tbat·lt tbe change the com lllots to add on the Governor'a 0.•1....... 1114 DOt tax, eo It w~ a burden 1lpme en- authorla the fuD ~ the ett;r tlrely by the bUiins& P--.e waa 1fould have to pick up the 4Urer­unaniJIIolll, though Oouucllman ence or poalbly ahandoD the pro­Charlell Schwan and GJl Weldm- ject. Gftllabelt CARmS baa bMQca- , feld prefen:ed a '" percent tu. ted that It oouJil not r.u.t~caDy

The second ordinance revleecl the Jiare ita coa ·~·the $Bl,212.. ' quallftcatlon for tax c~~ · for ....:___ bomeowners ·who are ·dllabled eo -that perso111 ncelvlng dllablllty beueft~ as Federal employeea would qualify, Prevt()QIIy onb' peNOJIS re­ceiving eoclal leCurity or raiJroacl retirement dilabWty· beDeftta qual-· lfted.

The thlrd ordinance pMYidecJ for the Issue of a tax antlclpatjcm DOte In the amount of $80,000 to oover the COlts of the Center Mall bD-

. CouncU received Report 1-7· from the Park and Recreation Advllory Board outlfnlng a baalo traD 11J1tem for bikeway~ wlthtD tbe ciQr. The Prorx-1 bail would be &pp1Qld­

lllatel7 '" to a mUea In lenctb and Include a bike ~ ewer the Beltway, at a coet In the area o1 $1211,000 C$211,000 .· tor the · overpua>. Thll would pnmde . or ODD-

Wide. '1be Cl9erpall ... ap-: np.rding Its operation of the treat- The 'proposed resolution provides PI'OidDuat.ely 10 feet Wltla ila a foot •ent plant. ·That resoluUon stated for a revised site plan showing the D~r· :Q Cott:ngton· ~It 18 hoped that'l'edeNI'

PORTLAND CEMiliNTS tilat WSSC shall n~ accept the re- on-:-alte treatment plant and limit- v 110 . fl and State moaey could help . fiiDCl 00-.- _ -L~.....a Sl!IRVICE _ HOIIID, OFFICJQ, & Aln'O IPODiibUlty for the operation of the lng the conaructlon of Bulldlnr No. the PI'Oirl'IIID. . Slapsijck COmedy Films wiD be held ori Monday&, Jan. 14 throup Feb. 25 at 7;30 p.m. for agee ~12 Ye8l8 old. ·

2 and 3 bedroom frame homes in exceUent :locations; many have 'like-new' · appliaDcee;

years old will be on Tu-'ays be­~ • 81ld $ p.m. in tbe Program Room during Jan. DlU&tr$tor Suaan FOR INFORMATION CALL Je1fera, who adapted and Wuatta- THE SALES OFFICE - WE

3 BR Brick convenient to school and a steal· at $20,500

3 BR Masonry home In A-1 con­dition, new equipment. ·Just move In as Is, an excellent value at $23,700


Scree. &: Screen Patio Doors Repairecl

.......... .., ....._.. .. .g HOUR S1iiR'YBII Jllant unt:ll such time as ·WSSC 11 17 ao -. to meet the 70 percent re- U d B c •t PRAB A.._,___ T_,_

I..OCII:SIUIPADUm AJm INSTALLmD -:K. liatl8l!ed that the plant lB capable qulrement (see papal2 ~othr tat). nonore .• Y. l Y. liOn~;; :a:: ~htPhone-9:~7~-6~1~2~2~.!1~1t------~-----I~----J·ol~o~pe~m~tin~g~p~ursu~an~t~to~th~e~co~n~~~-~Oo~uEney~c;oun~~~~~p;ro~v~o~~e~ft8-~~~·~==~======-:~~~~!;~~=:~~~~~~~:=:;~~~~~=r~~~------~

healtated approving the toratlon of the build!~ permit. Cit- by Sandra Dames 8pringi!W lAke. for. tid· froaa PfO-

"'"'-'t, rdi ttorn ben comments must be llllbmitted Next Th da J 31 the 'ty ill honor one of 'ts ~·. recreatloa center to ~ .-.... acco ~ to lt3 a ey . . . urs y, anuary . ' Cl C ! will be. ed 1. 11&81; (2) the ltate, for bib lliOISiq Warien K. Rich, because pf Its In- by January 28. long-time emp~oyees, Doris Cottington. ouee serv m over the ~ Ul4 .._. all

terpl'ECatlon of the State law that the. Council ChamberS at the Munlclpal Bldg., at 3:30 p.m., and·· ramp to llcbt at er-.nt.lftd Km-ted Tllree Jovial H~ recent- ARE OPEN MONDAY 17 publlshed by Bradbury Pre., will THROUGH SUNDAY TO AS-be ~t during the book dlac:1»- SIST YOU IN SELECTING .8lon program on Tues., Jan. 111, be- YOUR NEW HOME. TRY nreen t and t:30 p.m. GREENBELT .... THE

AdmiBBion Is free. For further UNIQUE, QUIET Vl.LI..AGE Information call .the Children's De- ATMOSPHERE NEAR THE putment at M5-li800. GATEWAY TO WASHING-

CITY No .. l$ TON & BALTIMORE AREAS. II CALL 47t-4161 or t7~

Above homes are provided with all services except electricity

Montgomery County-Hlllandale Hts. 4 BR Split Foyer, 2 carport­Rec. Room, *' acre lot, CA, many extras, · an outstanding home and a must to see. Middle 60's

Gpen SUndays 1~1 937-4141

Twi1 Pi1ea Savi~p & Lean An1.

Work in the shop 1ut week in- In Shoppbla- Center

eluded repair of the concrete ben- 'MARY E. DIXON Next to Mobil Gu S&atlon 47" .&ftAa chea which were placed In the Oiln- BROKER Greenbelt Shopping Eenlw ..-u?VW

ter Mall In early tall and sulJee.. U--.1-.1 q11e11tly broken. They had been pla- · Greenbelt, n-71811U

eed at the end of the Jlall near City of Greenbelt, Maryland INs· URE'D u.. statute 80 that people h~ a NO'~'~""' OF soucrr· ''DON OF

~--~~~-to~alt~whl=le~w=ork~-~~=~~~--~~~~~~-~--~· ~mmftmM~~~--tf~-----~ · ' ·

SAVINGS CNwt were a1eo bUlly Wtll'klnc on

tbe wirinc and instAIUatfim of the - Center Mall lights. I.a week the parka crew. con­

tlaaed to take out the chipper to work on Cbrlltmaa t.-. The chlp­per Ww be taken out aa lone aa u.. are placed out by reeidents. OIAPI are belnc lipread around Jlilnround equipment In tbo) \'&ri­a. clt,y Planrounda.

Lait week'• paper pickup wu '" toni; the rainy ~ hid a no­ticeable effect on the amount col­llclled.

Ai.o, "11,430 1111 of clau were taken to Baltimore for recycllnc. Walden H • Book Di8cullion

W.W. D by B. F. SldDIIer, will lie the topic of a book dlaclllllon 'l'llel. eveolq, Jan. 22, at 7:10 p.m. ld tile GI'Milbelt Library. To 1'1!1'· ..._. aaU Ua-acJO or lip up In per­lOll.

....._ D Ja a ftctloaal IOOOUnt of & Utopia bued on bebavfor IIIOCI­..... ~ are lnvltecl. A--.aon Ill ,_

PSYCHIC L&CTUR& ;_. .,.,.oJale leoWre .... "'I.&P.

E t'MIIIIp t.o llu Ud hll Wmll.elllftMiltedbJ'Iar-­

.. ol tile IAner' ~Woe , ........ at the (b--op HOIIIIalfQ< ..... J'ri., Jan. 2a, at T p.aa. A ..... 4Laation II -.ked ud It II ......... public.

1!:.. p.,. ~t ... ... I~ Alld bllulce

' ~ la tbe nplciiT ~ .. crf ~ 118 le a put, and ..._ aa. ,.... f!lllllatiMtt7 lcmt ::a.. vital ~e of -.,-:",


The City of Greenbelt, Maryland Is seeking proposals for the furnishing of engineering services to the City for the design and preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of four tennis courts to be located to the northwest of and adja· cent to the four existing tennis courts located at Braden Field in Greenbelt.

The City is also seeking proposals for the furnishing of engineering services for the review of plans and inspection of conatrucUon work performed under City Permits to Construct within the Public: Rights-of-Way Numbers 1119, 160 and 161. These pennits relate to the construction of streets and sidewalks adjacent to the Greenbriar development, Ben. Dyer and Asso­ciates, design enctneen. These streets are located within estab· lished riehts·of-wiy havinJ e&tabliJhed and approved grades and have beeR brought to rough grade. Engineering services to be pertonnecl for the City include review of ftnal plans and spedftcations and inaped.ion of construction work in order td verify compliance with City ordinances. ·

The proposal shall state the buls 'for detennination and payment of tee. for MrYices performed, information concerning the engineer( a) ·to perform. this work and the Uperience and qUAliflcations of the enctneer or ftrm to perfOflll this work.

Ulapectional services shall be reprded u • IIP&rate payment Item and the Qlty re~ervee.the rilht to'perfonn its own inspec­tion of the codtracbw wort If lt 10 Chooua.

t SelectiOft ol .n eDifneer Ol' ~ to perform this work will 1» made by the City CCKUtcU alter reeelvilll the rtcommenda· Uona of the City MWter hued UPOn the Council's judgmeflt u. to w.hich prdpoal wUl Mrve the requirements ·of the City best. Consideration will be liven to the quawlcatlolls, experience and reputatiOft ot the eDJineers or tlrma aubmittlng proposals as well u to the fees wldeb are to be ebarpd. ·

PropoAt. ahall be aubmitted In wrltina t.o the City Mana­aer, Clty Offtces, 25 Crescent Road, ~reenbelt, Macyla~d, by no 'later than W~day, February 1'3, ID74, at II:~ P.M. · ..

Maryland Savings • Share IMurance Corporatlen (M88I{l)

1act1 Member· Account IMUred to


I 71/L Salilp Certicates 7fl $2{000 Mlntnnnn

, __ .Y•Detallt_.

7.5% Sariap· f.ertiicates 4,000 Mlnimutn • 4 ,_.

DEPOSIT 81 The 20th . EARN From The tat

MON. 'IHIU MI. 9tol


WI!ISC cannot unilaterally ·qualify Broner ·ReQu.e-!* ~"~ · .. _- ,_.........__. to ..u-.a ...._ ...... ' · .• til' lllnlt Its re&poJII!bWflea tor the The actio~ was petitioned by Oe-- . &n10Jte' wildliftg :to otrer·his·or-...,.,~a .. ..., ,.. u•v•l<:Q • ... ..,. ..... .. ~w=~o~onfoil'the-:!a."::

plant regardleu of ·whether "at!&- orce A., Bruner, attorney for the For 30 ye&l'l Doril Cottlngton attltudea of people over the YetU'I. o1 Northway and 8!oq Norttn..,y Ged". or not. However, both Rich Greenbriar developer, who argued and her husband, Robert, have lived '~18 used to be a clean -City," she extended to tile duaap; (t) :NASA, aad .lohn B. Kenkel, General Coun- U..t fallure to Include the lle'Wage In Greenbelt - and 'for 20 of thoae mllllel, "but now people will just for ._ of their overpaaa to -lei for WSSC, apparently &Creed plant on the approved site plan was years Dorta has worked tor the city throw their trash on the llldewalk the B-W Parkway. Allo Boud ol that a JlOSt-constructlon ''breaking- "purely a matter of mistake or In- of Greenbelt. . . . when a receptacle might be only EdQC&tlon property mlaht be In-Ill" test period would be dflllllrable. advertence." ' In 19113, when her husband faced two feet away." But she stiD be- vo1vec1. .. Kenkel laid that the WSSC ftiOiu- lives that Greenbelt 18 a parttcu-tion only lntlended that 1uch a test ''Thill conclusion " Brugcer · laid a JlOilllllble lay-olr at the Bureau ot larly coo.c1 place to live - t!IJieClaJJ,y The clty'w Aclvilory Plannlnc period Would be required In order In bls petition, "II' buttreued by a ' standard4, Doris wpnt to .work for for famWeL Her awn three chUd- Board, in coaunentinc upon the to determine whether the permit · review of the transcript ot the spe-- the pollee department which, at that ren have been 1'aleed in the eom- PRAB report, IRIIIWIIed that aar- ,

. requlrementa • would be met, and cial exception hear!~ where it II time, consisted of ftve or lix pollee munlty; one dauahter. DOW ..._ in 'VeJ1I be made to determine com­that there was no intent for WSSC clear that the councll-e.pproved eon- o1ftcers. There waa no atal! mem- Connecticut, one In Gaithenburg, miDllQr need.l. and preference~ and to erect Its own Individual test of dltlon of construction In accordance ber on duty durin&' the early mom- and a eon, who baa worked at the IIOIIlble 10urcee of ,fundlna', that l&tltaction. On thla basis, WRA with the lllbmltted alte. plans was lq hours and Doris remember& , Youth Center, Ia a recent eraduate criteria be developed for route lflned the permit on J&nuary 18. ~ Intended to Insure that the develop- one time when •be was summoned of the University of Maryland with Placeaent, and that diiCIIIIIOIII be

The City ot Greenbelt baa pend- ment as constructed would be as out of bed at 3 a.m. to 110 down a decree in recreation, lives at had with other agencle1 a request for WRA · to reoon- lwmrious and to the pollee station, then located

of dleeharce for the plant NASA Plpelble

Ill another development, the Uni­ted States Environmental Protec­tion Agency <EPA) on Jan. 8- not!.:. lied the Nat16nal Aeronautl~ and Space Agency <NASA) that alnce the WRA-approved dllcharre per­mit will meet the requirement. ot the 1972 amendments to the Federal Water PolluUon Control Act, EPA wiD now beg.ln p~q the per­taft. It Ia expected that a public hearing will be rt>qnlrf'd. EPA Nld

' tllat th1! iiRIUe of granUng a piping -ment acroea NASA property tor the diiCharp of the e111uent II leP&r&te fi'OID that of the dlloharae permit and must be decided by

.. NASA Itself ..

at.v DlsMtta At Monday nlcht'• meeting. the

city colincll, with Mayor Richard Plllkl di-ntinr voted to lldvin NASA of the position thf' city took with l't'lpect to the r~ewage plant before thf' WRA hearillll' of NOYI!III­ber 21 at Greenbelt. This poaltlon -tlall:v was that tho council wa1 not llltllfted that a C&le h~ . been mact. for utilization of an on-sttt­-ace plant prior to the avslla­bUtty of -a public lleW'I'r ll)'ftem an­ticipated In early 1875.

The Greenbrfar dewloper, Alan X.,, toJd council that· It would be atf1 tor the proJect to &-'t ex­~~theWeltemBranchand book-up w)th that l)'ltem. He aid tllllt a :vear'• delay would push hll · Grwlnbriar CIODitrucUon C08tl up by .... mllllon 4ue to lnftatlon, where­u u. ...... treatment plant ~ OftiJ COlt hundr.dl of thQu­.._oftiiiiM, . .

,..,~, .. --~·-·-·------·-···

was clearly not ~Poled for the pui'J)OR of pre-determiftlnc the pre­else placement of every !)uildlng and aldewalk. ~ the project."

In 1968 Doris went to work for Wlnfteld McCamy, who served the dual role of city clerk and secre­

Ail for the Wftle plant uirui-plng tary to city 111&11apr Charlet Me-required rreen IIJ)ace, Brurpr no- Donald. The city o1llces were above ted tbat the developer lut Karch the Ben P'ranklln ltore where they qreed aa a condition for Jolaryiand • tm~alned until 18M when the Mu­Natlonal Capital Park and Plannlq nlclpal Bulldlna' wu erected with Comml•lon approval of the build- part of the fund.l derfved from the lng perm!t to delay construction of lll&le of Centsr Bcbool to the Board Buildlq 17 durinc the life of the . of mducatlon. In tHO,, the jobl of tlemporvy tre&t1nent plant or until elty clerk and 11eoretary were di­the rreen space quelltlon had been vlded and Doris became KcDon­r8101ved. ald'a III!Cretary. When Jaml!s Gleec

Reaction of county replaced McDonald In 1962, she conUnue<i ber role for the new city mana,er,

Doris mane!~ at the way in which the city baa II'OWII over the PUt 80 yea"- When ehe lint came here there were no subdlvlelont, no Youth Center, no tra11lc problema. B1111e1 left the Center every half hour and she and her farnlly oftllll boarded one to Mt. Rainier where they tranafP.rred to a street car to take them Into the District of Co­lumbia. Her hlllband can h'inf!lllber

City Manager Giese l1 not eapr to see the retirement of the only eecretary he has b~ In hll eleven · >-rs here. "She knows a lot about the city and the city organization .•. and It wW be ~mcult for IJOIIIe­

one elle to acquire that ame know­ledce." he stated. ''But abe wants to retire- and I couldn't, talk her out ot lt."

Dorll and her husband look for­ward to hPr retirement, aeein&' It u an opportunity to be free to tra­vel, particularly In Europe, and tti lee some of the thlnp there nevrr aeemed to be enouch time for -like lewlnr. So, on January at Dorta Cottlnaton will end her ~ ye&l'l of dedicated Bervice to the community of Greenbelt.



Tbe council · m~e the followlnc appointments: J8mes O'SuU.van, . SHL, and Ronald G. Clark to the APB; Sure Mocbreleweld, Boxwood, to PRAB; and VIncent Palactno, CbarJeetowne VII., J. S. Kenn.­dy, Boxwood, Oarol Ann Breyer, Lakt!llide, Mary Lou Raynee, Hill­aide M and Tom Greer, SHL to the Cable Televlllon Committee. It al80 reapPointed for three-~ . terma Darwin Beck, AI Cou.tln, and Katherine K~ to the CoalmlUIIty Relatlont Advilory Board. A11o ap­IIOintled was Jeffrey H. Davia to the . Human Reaoul't'8 Committee of the Coun~ of Governments.

WHAT GOES ON ThUI'I., .Jan. !t, BtU p.m. PRAB

meeUnc, Conference Room, Youth Center 1180 p.m. GHI Board Meetl111 --. HamUton Pl.

, Cans liiiiJtlllr

c•n• ••••• Prean• Thurs., .Jan. 81, Idle p.m. CoftH

for Doria Cottlncton, Munici­

Upon receipt of Brui&'t'r'a re­quest, the County Omce of Law adviled that the county council alttlq • the diltrlct council could correct the ~peelal exception If 1 t could ftnd that on the date lt rran­ted the apeclal exception It knPw that lt was the Intention of the ck>-­veloper to b)llld hl1 package sew aae treatment plant on that parcf>l. "Such a ftn~q," the county at-­tomey l&ld "would permit the dll-­trlct eouncll to Rr<!ept thP sltP plan in accordane.. with condl.llona six and 8evt'n ·or the l!l('(!lal exception." Th- conditions Involve II l't'qUire-­ment that conltruction be In oon­formiQ< with Ute alte plan at the ftnal approVal leVel.

lleelq deer In the wooded al't'a '-' ----------

:!tie~el8 ~~~nn~orth AvPnu(' SchOol, Calendar Changes pal Bldc.

Dr. Jams W. Preecott of th~ National lllltltute of Cblld ae.lth and }{uman Development will •how allclee and a lllm and lead a dii­CU811on on child ab111e 'WI'd., Jan. SO from 7 to 8:80 p.m. In the eoclal room of Community Church.

See GREENBRIAR, a-P to coL 1 ~

The coun~ waa adviled that NASA expects to publlllh In a week or 110 Its environmental Impact .tat.Dent. There wUI, be sixty da)'l after that In which pel'IOIUI or or­llil&atlonl can make comment.

~ectlnr over the past 20 )'1!&1'1,

Dorll eeea boer Job • one of per­formlq a public aervlce. She baa onjoyed rett1nr to know a lot of people and helplnr a number of them with thelr proble~~~~. Some ProbleDII however, l'elll&ln peren­nial - the oomplalnts about av­bap pickup and dop runn1111 l<iose.

Prince Georre~ County public llchooll will be open on Jan. at and Feb. 1, ortrfnally ICheduled aa "Pro­r-tonal l>e.)tl'', and M. ,1a, Gt!o,_.

Tbe PI'Otrl'anl II lpon.Qred by Gry~enbelt CARES and there AI no adalsaion charre, thoueh· donation. wW be ~reclated.

. Doris sees some

Washlnrton'l birthday. ThNe three The reruJar Wed. eventq coun­dayl wW provide the n~ry aellng period wW be from a:ao to minimum of 180 pupil days as re- ., 9:80 that nlaht, but all cllenta •lilt qulred by state law. Sehoole will re-- attend the earlier Procr&m In order tum to their P~iltmas .ICbed- to participate In the OOIIDiellng ·

·• ule of a lix and on~half hour day For more lhformaUon please llhon~ chance In the on Mar. 11 openlnc 1!. hour earlit'r. ~-


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